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HomeMy WebLinkAbout8332 Stephenson RoadAmpo�� A WDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor May 7,,2014 Scott Lawrence ApartmentAl Garner, NC 27529 John E..Skvarla, III Secretary Subject: Surface Water Determination Letter- NBRRO# 14 -13;1 Wake County Determination Type. 1 Buffer Call Isolated?or'EIP Call ®, Neuse (15A NCAC 26'.0233)' Start@ ❑Tar- Pamlico,(15A NCAC 2B 0259)' El Ephemeral /Intermittent/Perennial Determination USGS ❑ ;Isolated Wetland' Determination ❑ Jord'an (1;5A NCAC,2B 0267) to Buffers Project,Name:, 8332 Stephenson Road, Apex Location/Directions: Subject property is,a privately owned tract located at project address; proposed.for a minor subdivision Subject.Stream:- UT to Middle Creek Determination'Date: 5/6i2614 Staff: Sara Knies, Stream E/"* Not Subject Subject to Start@ Stop@ Soil USGS to Buffers Buffers _ _ :,S'urve To o A E X .X, B Not X X Present *E /I /P =,Eb ehie'rdl/Inte mittent /Perennial `Explanation: The feature(s) listed above;has or have been located on the'Soil'Survey of Wake, County, North Carolina or the most,recent,copy of the USGS Topographic map at a 1:24,' OO,scale. Each feature }that is,checked "Not Subject "'has.been.determinedmotm be a,stream or'is not present,on theaproperty,: Features thatare checked "Subj'ect" have been located' on the property and "possess. characteristics that qualify it to be a stream. There.may be other streams located on your property;that do not show'up on the maps referenced',above but, still may be considered jurisdictional,according to,,the US ArmyCorps of Engirieers and/or'to the.Division of Water Resources, (D�)• This on -site determination shall expire five (5)�years from the date of this letter: Landowners or affected,parties that dispute a determination maderby t_tie-DWR or.Delegated from-, may reque "st a_d'etermination by °the Director. An appeal request must be made withinsiity1(60),days of `this letter or from the date the affeeted IVo a Carolina - - _ �tura!!r� North,Carolina Division of Water Resources 1628 Mad Service Center Raleigh,, NC 27699 4628 Pfione (919) 791 -4200 Internet -Owww ncwaterguabty orq Location 38001Barrett.Dnve Raleigh, NC 27609 Fax, (9,19)'788 -7159 An,Equal "OpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer- 50% Recycled /100/6 °Post Consumer Paper 8332'Stephenson -'Road Wake ,County ,5/7/2014 .Page -2-'of 2, ,party, (including',downstream and /or, adjacent� owners) is�notified of;this letter.- A requestIfo"rAdeterinination'by the Director'shall be ?referred to the Director,in writing, c/o Karen Higgins;_ DWR eBSCaPe Unit, 1650,Mail,Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699: - 'This determination is-'final and biindingiuinless „as,d`etailed,above; you,ask form, earing,or appeal within,sixty,(60) days. The owner /future,owners should notify the'Division of Water Resou'rces,(hicluding,any other Local,, State „,and Federal'Agencies) of this decision concerning any future correspondeinces , regardinWthe subject property (stated above). This project_may xequire a Section 40,0401_ Perinit`for the proposed,acfivity. Any inquiries should be directed toithe Division of Water Resources (Central Office) at (919,)-'807-6300, and the US Army,Corp, of Engineers (RaleighAegulatory Field Office) at;(919)75544884. Ifyou, have �questions regarding ;this determination, please feel,free,to contact<Sara Knies -at (9.19) 791 -4258: Sincerely,; Danny° S ith Supervis r, Water�Quality Regional Operations Center ,cc: RRO DWR,File.Cbpy rc2 C }�� A B ° En82 •. i - � � f (Joins sheet 66) C 62 .• ' • •-� x ' i o f.f32 agc2 N( $ P L DAPS g WmE HrB2.. A B'2 Q � • / � P¢O � 62 fie, C A C2, AsB2 AsB2 e� C AgC B q�p AS AgC2 A$C2 2 $Z AsC2 a * w � • � r B2 CgB2 Cn � AsB2 T AgB2 PSG P : Cn • ��` `• G'L AgC2 • � G '� _,__,�` 4 '� r , ACgB2 eDrn A$C2 B2 e ryf`, , AsB2 $E a As AsB2 c CeD.. CgB2 G \ CeB2 �.. g�C2..,.r: PSG t � A, pg, ,,• `� n 2 W .A$ A$62 n ApB2 �f s�" AsC2 4RE AsC .. _ �. CeD•- � •. x, . `;m, ;. x� ; �. ApB2 � /. qg6 AgC2. � � - � ==. �, � ,�� � 2 WyCt�° e C p y. ski "3 AgC2 \ Cn _1t gB2� 1 A C2 AgB' C p Cn 4 AgB2 ' it 5:` f A032 we , / wY t Me. CgB2 � Cn i << AAC2 A$B2t AgC2 g c:, i Cn Wy 10 +A g82 r '' — IVY Age ACZ — A w Cn \ L J A' Wy t #.0 AgB y r Cn Q- r ; kgC2 •ti c w C8 s A8f3, o o GAG CgB2 _' • ApB2 C A '5F B Du SC2 dt' :� AgB CgC2 C$82 agL ;r : N99 w. Cn A `' • VC, =: :� vaC2 r AgB2 PC w ' AgC Cn AgB CgC2- A p ��► ,,may •}'. ,. � Ag62 r ° \ Agcz Q CeD j Cg62 Cn AgB2 Q ,d0 QC2 i w O P CgB2 CgB2 B ` CgB2 - � � �_ $4� CJ I AgB V�G� cgC7 AgC2 Cn PG R U ! AgC2 9 Ag A ,