HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190752 Ver 4_More Info Received_20200921Strickland, Bev From: Christopher Shores <CShores@Geosyntec.com> Sent: Monday, September 21, 2020 5:13 PM To: Greer, Emily C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA); Wojoski, Paul A Cc: Eggering, Luke; Compton, Christel E; Garon, Kevin P; Postaski, Lindsey; Bahr, Sebastian Subject: [External] RE: SAW-2019-00206 Chemours Pilot Study IP-Request for additional information Attachments: 2020-09-21 Revised Seep C Permit Drawings.pdf External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov Good afternoon Emily, as we discussed by phone Luke is on vacation, so I've prepared the following responses with help from his team. Also see attached revised drawings referenced below in responses. Thank you very much for your attention on this. 1. Please provide further information on the process of replacing GAC media. Enough detail should be provided so the Corps can determine if ongoing disturbances to wetlands and/or waters are required. The permanent impacts as shown include the construction of a maintenance platform on the northeast side of the concrete flow -through cell structure. The platform will be constructed to support the equipment that will remove spent GAC and replace it with new GAC. It is anticipated that the removal will be performed with a vacuum truck (a fully self-contained, pneumatic system with mechanical blowers onboard the truck), and that emplacement will be performed with a forklift boom and supersacks of GAC. Replacing GAC media will not require ongoing disturbances to wetlands or waters. 2. The WOTUS report mentions a pump station. Please clarify if this terminology is loosely referencing the proposed structure or if there are associated upland structures that have not been presented in the application. The WOTUS report was originally prepared for the Old Outfall 002 remediation pumping system, which was permitted on October 29, 2019 (SAW-2019-00206). The application for the interim remediation system for Seep C leveraged this previous work and inadvertently referenced the pumping station locations discussed for the Old Outfall 002. To clarify, the interim remediation system for Seep C does not involve any mechanical pumping, and relies solely on the hydraulic head from the impoundment to passively remediate the impacted seep baseflow. 3. On drawing C-02, please clearly show the entire stream and the overall impact area and discern between impact types (direct fill vs impoundment, wetland vs stream, temporary vs permanent). Using different colors is recommended. Please also provide the impact length and acreage and break impacts out in the some manner. To show the entire stream, and to respond to Comment 4 below regarding the cross -sections, Drawing C-02 has been divided into three drawings (C-02A, C-0213, and C-02C): • Drawing C-02A, at a larger scale, shows the entire stream, including unimpacted reaches upgradient of the culvert. The two types of impacts to wetlands (direct fill and impoundment) are contrasted with dark red and light red hatching, respectively. The two types of impacts to streams (direct fill and impoundment) are contrasted with dark blue and light blue lines, respectively. • Drawing C-0213, at a smaller scale, shows finer details of the impoundment grading plan. • Drawing C-02C shows the cross -sections formerly on Drawing C-02. As discussed in Comment 6 below, all impacts are being noted as permanent, including the area between the downstream riprap and the silt fence (2,500 SF wetlands and 35 LF stream). This small area would not be practical to restore post -construction, and will be beneficial to retain as a construction area for potential maintenance work in the future. The impact lengths and areas have been revised accordingly, and are now shown on C-02A. 4. Please provide a separate page for the cross -sections provided on drawing C-02. Also, ensure all drawings are scaled and no larger than 11x17" format and provide a revision date where applicable. Drawing C-02C has been developed to show the cross -sections on a separate page. C-02A, C-0213, and C-02C are marked as a Revision set and resized to 11x17. 5. Please clarify that the entire length of the stream and/or acreage of upstream wetlands, if present, that will be affected by impoundment have been correctly quantified and depicted. The quantification must include any discernable rise in water depths that will occur as a result of impoundment. The reviewer is unable to determine if the area above the culvert is included in the impact area. This comment should be noted when responding to #3 above. The August 13, 2020 application delineated the impoundment as the normal pool, where the elevation is equal to the inlet weir (39.85 ft msl). During high stormflow conditions, the impoundment may increase up to the point of the elevation of the filter bed perimeter walls and maintenance platform (42.35 ft msl). This is a temporary condition that will revert back to 39.85 ft msl once the stormflow subsides. However, as noted in the comment "the quantification must include any discernable rise in water depths that will occur as a result of impoundment," Drawings C-02A/B has been revised to show the impoundment as the worst -case condition (42.35 ft msl). The calculated quantity of impacts, now shown in C-02A, has been revised accordingly. 6. The location of the LOD and silt fencing downstream of the structure alludes to the need for temporary impacts; however, no temporary impacts were included in the application. Please clarify if temporary impacts are required, update the drawing(s) accordingly, and provide a restoration plan. If no temporary impacts are needed, the location of silt fencing needs to be corrected on the drawing(s) to align with the project footprint. As discussed in Comment 3 above, as a simplification, all impacts are being noted as permanent, including the small area between the downstream riprap and the silt fence (2,500 SF wetland and 35 LF stream), which would not be practical to restore post -construction and will be beneficial to retain as a construction maintenance area for potential future work. 7. Please provide information regarding either the lack thereof or the potential for downstream effects on hydrology as a result of impounding waters. Although groundwater is not being directly impacted, the Corps is concerned that the interception of contributing upstream surface flows may have a measurable, adverse effect on downstream aquatic resources. If the applicant determines that effects will occur, the impacts need to be included in project totals and affected areas identified on corresponding drawings according to the directions above and labeled as secondary hydrology impacts. If the applicant is unsure of downstream effects, please provide a simple monitoring plan that will capture or disprove whether impacts are occurring. This data will be used to ascertain impacts for the permit modification project. Please note that previous comments by the applicant indicate the entire wetland area has not been delineated. A delineation of the entire reach of Seep C may be required. The flow -through cells will not have an adverse effect on downstream aquatic resources, but rather will improve water quality through the reduction of PFAS concentration. Water is not diverted away from the seep channel, but is released after completing treatment within the cell. Chemours recently submitted an Interim Seep Remediation System Plan on August 31, 2020 as required by the Consent Order Addendum. This document required the development of a Sampling and Effectiveness Plan, which effectively fulfills the downstream monitoring requirements discussed in this comment. A copy of the Interim Seep Remediation System plan that was submitted to NCDEQ can be provided to USACE upon request. As detailed in this Sampling and Effectiveness Plan, autosamplers will collect routine composites of influent and effluent samples. The specified frequency, required by Consent Order Addendum Paragraph 2(a)(iii), is 14-day composites, twice per month. In addition to analytical sampling for PFAS reduction efficiency, composite samples will be analyzed by the laboratory for total suspended solids, and measured in the field with calibrated water quality meters for turbidity, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, and temperature. The flow -through cells will not have an adverse effect on any of these parameters: • Turbidity and suspended solids: seep baseflow will filter through several layers of #5 stone, geotextile, and GAC media, which will reduce, not increase, ambient loads of these constituents. Geotextile layers on top of the GAC media will be considered sacrificial and routinely replaced. • Dissolved oxygen: the treatment mechanism is adsorption, not biological, and the flow through cell is open to the atmosphere; the flow through cells will not appreciably impact DO levels. • pH: the treatment mechanism is adsorption, not chemical; the flow -through cells will not impact pH. • Temperature: the median residence time of water flowing through the cells is approximately two hours; this will not appreciably increase ambient temperature. Regarding delineation, the area around Seep C has been fully delineated. Applicant comments about incomplete delineation were likely referring to other areas of the Site with associated proposed remedies like Seeps A, B, and D. Please note that a comprehensive wetland mapping event was recently completed by Geosyntec on September 14-17, 2020 to support that upcoming work. B. Please provide a mitigation credit reservation letter from a service area mitigation bank that reflects ratios for the currently proposed impacts at 2:1 for direct fill of wetlands and perennial stream length, 1:1 for conversion of wetlands and waters by the impoundment, and 1:1 for the secondary effect of loss of function related to #7 above, if applicable. Per Emily Greer's recommendation, Parsons reviewed the Regulatory In -lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System (RIBITS) for available mitigation credits at the following: Barra Farms II Mitigation Bank, a private/commercial mitigation bank, is located in Cumberland County. Per RIBITS, the bank has 53.32 non -riparian wetland credits available. Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Bank (Sneeden & White Springs Tracts), a private/commercial mitigation bank, is located in Brunswick and New Hanover Counties. Per RIBITS, the bank has 42.576 non - riparian and 49.9 riparian/riverine wetland credits available in addition to 4,154 stream credits. Parsons will reach out to the appropriate mitigation bank(s) to initiate coordination. It is proposed that Parsons will acquire a mitigation credit reservation letter once all impacts have been finalized, as the most efficient path forward given the sequential nature of work required by the Consent Order Addendum. 9. It appears the applicant may have began coordination with NCSHPO. If so, please provide SHPO's response or state the contrary. SHPOs typically requires Section 106 consultation to be conducted by the federal agency, which in this case, would be USACE. Similar to the Old Outfall 002 permitting process from 2019, for this Seep C submittal, Parsons provided a coordination letter with NC SHPO for USACE transmittal. Parsons will contact USACE directly to inquire if additional assistance can be offered. 10. For your knowledge, no public comments were received. USFWS provided a not likely to affect response letter. Acknowledged. From: Greer, Emily C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Emily.C.Greer@usace.army.mil> Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 12:36 PM To: Eggering, Luke <Luke.Eggering@parsons.com>; Compton, Christel E <CHRISTEL.E.COMPTON@chemours.com> Cc: Wojoski, Paul A <Paul.Woioski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: ?SAW-2019-00206 Chemours Pilot Study IP-Request for additional information External email. Confirm links and attachments before opening. This request is related to the above referenced project. The following information is needed to complete the review process. Please respond in direct reply to this correspondence no later than close of business Monday, September 21, 2020. You must communicate with the Corps and state PMs prior to this date if you cannot meet this deadline. 11. Please provide further information on the process of replacing GAC media. Enough detail should be provided so the Corps can determine if ongoing disturbances to wetlands and/or waters are required. 12. The WOTUS report mentions a pump station. Please clarify if this terminology is loosely referencing the proposed structure or if there are associated upland structures that have not been presented in the application. 13. On drawing C-02, please clearly show the entire stream and the overall impact area and discern between impact types (direct fill vs impoundment, wetland vs stream, temporary vs permanent). Using different colors is recommended. Please also provide the impact length and acreage and break impacts out in the same manner. 14. Please provide a separate page for the cross -sections provided on drawing C-02. Also, ensure all drawings are scaled and no larger than 11x17" format and provide a revision date where applicable. 15. Please clarify that the entire length of the stream and/or acreage of upstream wetlands, if present, that will be affected by impoundment have been correctly quantified and depicted. The quantification must include any discernable rise in water depths that will occur as a result of impoundment. The reviewer is unable to determine if the area above the culvert is included in the impact area. This comment should be noted when responding to #3 above. 16. The location of the LOD and silt fencing downstream of the structure alludes to the need for temporary impacts; however, no temporary impacts were included in the application. Please clarify if temporary impacts are required, update the drawing(s) accordingly, and provide a restoration plan. If no temporary impacts are needed, the location of silt fencing needs to be corrected on the drawing(s) to align with the project footprint. 17. Please provide information regarding either the lack thereof or the potential for downstream effects on hydrology as a result of impounding waters. Although groundwater is not being directly impacted, the Corps is concerned that the interception of contributing upstream surface flows may have a measurable, adverse effect on downstream aquatic resources. If the applicant determines that effects will occur, the impacts need to be included in project totals and affected areas identified on corresponding drawings according to the directions above and labeled as secondary hydrology impacts. If the applicant is unsure of downstream effects, please provide a simple monitoring plan that will capture or disprove whether impacts are occurring. This data will be used to ascertain impacts for the permit modification project. Please note that previous comments by the applicant indicate the entire wetland area has not been delineated. A delineation of the entire reach of Seep C may be required. 18. Please provide a mitigation credit reservation letter from a service area mitigation bank that reflects ratios for the currently proposed impacts at 2:1 for direct fill of wetlands and perennial stream length, 1:1 for conversion of wetlands and waters by the impoundment, and 1:1 for the secondary effect of loss of function related to #7 above, if applicable. 19. It appears the applicant may have began coordination with NC SHPO. If so, please provide SHPO's response or state the contrary. 20. For your knowledge, no public comments were received. USFWS provided a not likely to affect response letter. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Emily Greer, Regulatory Specialist Wilmington District - Wilmington Regulatory Field Office 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, NC 28403 910.251.4567 (o) <_1111 style=M'> This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this e-mail, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this e-mail from your system. Unless explicitly and conspicuously designated as "E-Contract Intended", this e- mail does not constitute a contract offer, a contract amendment, or an acceptance of a contract offer. This e-mail does not constitute a consent to the use of sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties. https://www.chemours.com/en/email-disclaimer DRAFT - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION o LO N v v v v v v 1p LO + + + �N 4 + r NN v v v- v v- v- I I W In v- o N LUv- 1 N 396750 N 396500 N 396250 v v- v v- v- v- 11 v- v- v- v- v- v- v- v J v- v- v- v- v- v- v- v v- v- v v- v- + + + v-+ + v + + + ` + EXISTING v- v- v- v- v- CLEARED AREA + + + +� \ �� WETLANDS ✓ v- v- (NOTE 7) v v- v- v- �o 1 w w w w w v v �. \\ v v- v- v- v \ + + v- v- v- v- \ � + IVIVIV� v- v- \ \ FILTER BED OVERTOPPING \ EL 42.35 v- v- v- 1y W W W W v- v- +v- � v- ++ +v- 1 W W 00 w \`v w ° a ASSUMED CULVERT v v I 0o0 DIAMETER, MATERIAL, g o° AND INVERTS UNKNOWN y.-i o o°O� 0 oao 0 I °a • I 0, FILTER BED OVERTOPPING 80 0 EL 42.35 ° \ °°` Qo °a _1 TOTAL TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT = 0 AC DIRECT FILL IMPACT (DARK RED) = 0 AC IMPOUNDMENT IMPACTS (LIGHT RED) = 0 AC TOTAL PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT = 0.23 AC DIRECT FILL IMPACT (DARK RED) = 0.16 AC IMPOUNDMENT IMPACTS (LIGHT RED) = 0.07 AC TOTAL TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT = 0 LF DIRECT FILL IMPACT (DARK BLUE) = 0 LF IMPOUNDMENT IMPACTS (LIGHT BLUE) = 0 LF TOTAL PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT = 455 LF DIRECT FILL IMPACT (DARK BLUE) = 110 LF IMPOUNDMENT IMPACTS (LIGHT BLUE) = 345 LF AO I m 95-FT WIDE GRAVEL ROADWAY A \ v I LIMIT OF I DISTURBANCE I� 1 uo BEGIN BYPASS I U, °a l ° EL 41.35 o S °a IEQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL ° °Oa 0. STAGING AREA s°°S° FILTER BED IMPOUNDMENT °oSgo °a�O ° EL 40.85 aooo°� °°a0° .oaO 0000�a°a ao. °°Oo0° °oa W v o _ J FILTER BED AND SPILLvOa° o° QQ II `Il1\ \ .I \ I \ o v-ol v 30% DESIGN DRAWINGS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NOTES: LEGEND 4C EXISTING CONTOUR 40 FINISHED GRADE CONTOUR — — — — — — — — EXISTING CLEARED AREA PROPERTY LINE EXISTING ROAD SEEP CHANNEL / RIVER v v v- v- �:'] WETLANDS + + 1. GRID COORDINATE SYSTEM CORRESPONDS TO NAD83, NORTH CAROLINA. 2. ELEVATIONS PRESENTED ARE IN FEET, NAVD 88. 3. TOPOGRAPHIC, ROADS, BUILDINGS, AND PROPERTY LINE INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM FREELAND-CLINK SCALES & ASSOCIATES, INC. OF NC. SURVEY OF THE CHEMOURS FAYETTEVILLE WORKS SITE DATE 7 JANUARY 2019. 4. BYPASS SPILLWAY AND SLOPES SHALL BE ARMORED WITH 12-INCH THINK (MIN) LAYER OF RIPRAP AND UNDERLAIN WITH AGEOTEXTILE SEPARATOR. 5. MAINTENANCE PLATFORM SHALL BE SURFACED WITH A 6-INCH (MIN) LAYER OF AGGREGATE AND UNDERLAIN WITH A GEOTEXTILE SEPARATOR. 6. DISTURBED AREAS NOT SURFACED WITH AGGREGATE OR CONCRETE WILL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED. 7. APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF IMPACTED WETLANDS DELINEATED BY PARSONS (AUGUST 2020 WOTUS REPORT, CHEMOURS FAYETTEVILLE WORKS, FLOW THROUGH CELLS, SEEP C PILOT STUDY). APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF UNIMPACTED WETLANDS IN UPLAND LOCATIONS DELINEATED BY GEOSYNTEC, SEPTEMBER 2020 (WOTUS REPORT PENDING FOR SEEPS A, B, AND D PERMIT MODIFICATION). 0 80 160 SCALE IN FEET MC ■r ■r ■r B 09.21.20 REVISED PERMIT SUBMITTAL JFH CAS A 08.12.20 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL JFH CAS REV DATE DESCRIPTION DRN APP Geosyntec ® Geosyntec Consultants of NC, P.C. ATRIUM AT BLUE RIDGE 2501 BLUE RIDGE ROAD, SUITE 430 F NC License No.: C-3500 and C-295 RALEIGH, NC 27607 consultants 919.870.0576 TITLE: SEEP C INTERIM REMEDIATION SYSTEM WETLAND AND STREAM IMPACTS PROJECT: THE CHEMOURS COMPANY SEEP C INTERIM REMEDIATION SYSTEM SITE: FAYETTEVILLE WORKS SITE DESIGN BY: CMDS DATE: SEPTEMBER 2020 F DRAWN BY: JFH PROJECT NO.: TR0795 CHECKED BY: JWE FILE: TR0795-CO2A.DWG REVIEWED BY: JJD DRAWING NO.: APPROVED BY: CAS I C-02A WETLANDS ' (NOTE 7) INLET WEIR o EL 40.85 \ ° A RIPRAP ARMORED C.° o SLOPE 01 N FILTER BED PERIMETER WALL EL 42.35 (TYP) BYPASS SPILLWAY (NOTE 4) EL 41.35 - B C-02B o� 5' WIDE CONCRETE FLUME WITH WEIR (RECTANGULAR LTER BED l 1, 10'X10' F(TYP o OF ) DRAFT - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION W W W W 0 'Y Y N 0 W X W LU W W W �� W FILTER BED OVERTOPPING r �o w w +w v w, w w w ° o °° a w w w w w o v v .v• I ° + ()-'.0 \v v v v vs ° 0 \ \ FILTER BED OVERTOPPING EL 42.35 BEGIN BYPASS .• EL 41.35 FILTER BED IMPOUNDMENT EL 40.85 o� •DO o 0 0 396 0 1 4 a °o o / o g° ° �o o a8c v / °oo° oSo ° o, 7 , o101.Q pap 000a a oSoQ 000 o' °o o, v v A '&000a°a oa, 0000° °O°° w C-02 � ° °a o ° EL 42.35 � �I I ASSUMED CULVERT T DIAMETER, MATERIAL, AND INVERTS UNKNOWN 1 o LIMIT OF • DISTURBANCE \ �' SILT FENCE � LL N r1 01 I 0 o0ao° �\ °00 �° l 0o a o°Q op\ aooaao \ °80 o' 0 Q oa° \ oO°o \ 80' °aon �10 o r a °°0 LO �°o° N po00' —1 LU °o oa�a oQ °0 0 o° I 0 0 0' �1080 0000 oa°o$ \ o a° 0 80'o r ooa °a' 0 ° °' O ° oa Q°°o \ Po.0o \ '000a° °000$ \ `ro as 00. a o ° 0o °0 EXISTING / CLEARED AREA 00080 °oP00a / f p oa 0 ' r So'o8 0 °oO 00 8 &0000 °o °og \ 15-FTWIDE o10 a o \ GRAVEL ROADWAY LEGEND 4C EXISTING CONTOUR 40 FINISHED GRADE CONTOUR 1/ — — — — — — — — EXISTING CLEARED AREA EXISTING ROAD SEEP CHANNEL / RIVER WETLANDS � \NOTES: 1. GRID COORDINATE SYSTEM CORRESPONDS TO NAD83, NORTH CAROLINA. 2. ELEVATIONS PRESENTED ARE IN FEET, NAVD 88. 3. TOPOGRAPHIC, ROADS, BUILDINGS, AND PROPERTY LINE INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM FREELAND-CLINK SCALES & ASSOCIATES, INC. OF NC. SURVEY OF THE CHEMOURS I FAYETTEVILLE WORKS SITE DATE 7 JANUARY 2019. I 4, BYPASS SPILLWAYAND SLOPES SHALL BE ARMORED WITH 12-INCH THINK (MIN) LAYER OF RIPRAP AND UNDERLAIN WITH A GEOTEXTILE SEPARATOR. 5. MAINTENANCE PLATFORM SHALL BE SURFACED WITH A 6-INCH (MIN) LAYER OF AGGREGATE / ANn IINnFRI AIN 1A/ITH A CF()TFXTII F SFPARAT()R EQUIPMENT AND ■r. MATERIAL ' 6. DISTURBED AREAS NOT SURFACED WITH AGGREGATE OR CONCRETE WILL BE SEEDED AND STAGING AREA I MULCHED. I 7. APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF DELINEATED WETLANDS. (WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TECHNICAL REPORT, THE CHEMOURS COMPANY FAYETTEVILLE WORKS PROJECT: 0 oa o ° °Q oa 0 9 ono"ap o �a \\ FLOW -THROUGH CELLS, SEEP C PILOT STUDY, AND REVISED SEEP A. PARSONS, AUGUST 2020) \ °°°` _ + oo I° °o ° ' MODULAR BLOCK WALL o° °o° (OR SHEET PILE) ° o ` W W. , v v v 26.67' F + +4p � 14 w w OUTLET PIPE INV. EL = 34.79 °o 00000 \ 0 40 80 °oQoSo 0000usoa000"o°oval So 00000 ° °ao a o a°o°$0'00° a.0S O °o a °O OON pa B °oa °o°ova Pao°Qo8° °o°°oo�oao°o \\ I SCALE IN FEET 02 °o° ° ° ' Q o ° o°°a °' o °o �0 ° o "ova ° o a oa, MAINTENANCE PLATFORM' ° \ B 09.21.20 REVISED PERMIT SUBMITTAL JFH CAS ° ° NOTE 5 ° ) i o A 08.12.20 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL JFH CAS ° EL 42.35 ��� REV DATE DESCRIPTION DRN APP ooao0 0 ° °pO°o°Q000 o.0 \ (> ATRIUM AT BLUE RIDGE EXISTING CHANNEL °o GeosV L tec GeosyntecConsultants ofNC, P.C. 2501 BLUE RIDGE ROAD, SUITE 430 FLOW LINE — J J NC License No.: C-3500 and C-295 RALEIGH, NC 27607 l EL 35.17 - �� — — — — consultants 919.870.0576 TITLE : SEEP C INTERIM REMEDIATION SYSTEM RIPRAP ARMORED FLOWLINE OF SEEP C PLAN SLOPE _ W --�� w A * w 40 ROCK CHECK DAI = + + W FILTER BED DRAIN LINES v .... — + O 1 30% DESIGN DRAWINGS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT : THE CHEMOURS COMPANY SEEP C INTERIM REMEDIATION SYSTEM SITE : FAYETTEVILLE WORKS SITE DESIGN BY: CMDS DATE: SEPTEMBER 2020 DRAWN BY: JFH I PROJECT NO. : TR0795 CHECKED BY: JWE FILE: TR0795-CO2B.DWG REVIEWED BY: JJD DRAWING NO. : C-02B APPROVED BY: CAS DRAFT - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 60 60 TOP OF FILTER BED INLET WEIR PERIMETER WALL j50 E L= 40.85 EL 42.35 50 W W W RIPRAPARMORED 26.67' EXISTING W W SLOPE RIPRAP ARMORED GROUND z0 SLOPE z0 40 40 3 � E Q— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — W 8.1 7' 7.5' W 30 30 W W BOTTOM OF SLAB TOP OF SLAB OUTLET PIPE INVERT EL=34.18 EL=34.85 EL=34.79 20 20 0+00 1+00 1+59 10'X10' FILTER BED (TYP OF 2) DISTANCE (FEET) A SECTION C-02B SEEP C REMEDIATION SCALE: 1" = 20' 60 MAINTENANCE PLATFORM _ TOP OF FILTER BED 60 EL = 42.35 PERIMETER WALL EL = 42.35 EXISTING MODULAR BLOCK WALL (OR GROUND W50 8 17 W SHEET PILE) BYPASS SPILLWAY 50 E 16' EL=42.10 — LL — Z — — Z O 40 --------' 40 O --- 0 20 40 ~ Q FINISHED GRADE BYPASS SPILLWAY H Q > IN FRONT OF WALL FLOW MEASUREME114T FLUME > w 30 EL = 41.35 30 J SCALE IN FEET W W FILTER BED B 09.21.20 REVISED PERMIT SUBMITTAL JFH CAS PERIMETER WALL BOTTOM OF SLAB A 08.12.20 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL JFH CAS 20 1 EL = 34.18 20 REV DATE DESCRIPTION DRN APP 0+00 INLET WEIR 1+00 1+40 pp pp(> ATRIUM AT BUE D GE Geosyntec = EL = 40.85 DISTANCE (FEET) GeosyntecConsultants ofNC, P.C. 2501 BLUE RIDGE ROADLSUITE 30 E NC License No.: C-3500 and C-295 RALEIGH, NC 27607 consultants B SECTION 919.870.0576 TITLE: SEEP C INTERIM REMEDIATION SYSTEM C-02B SEEP C REMEDIATION SCALE: 1" = 20' SECTIONS PROJECT: THE CHEMOURS COMPANY SEEP C INTERIM REMEDIATION SYSTEM SITE: FAYETTEVILLE WORKS SITE DESIGN BY: CMDS DATE: SEPTEMBER 2020 F DRAWN BY: JFH PROJECT NO.: TR0795 CHECKED BY: JWE FILE: TR0795-CO2C.DWG 30% DESIGN DRAWINGS REVIEWED BY: JJD DRAWING NO.: C-02C NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION APPROVED BY: CAS