HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0013676_Monitoring - 02-2020_20200817Non -Discharge Monitoring Report (NDMR) 114 Permit No.: W00013676 Facility Name: Beacons Reach County: Carteret Month: February Year: 2020 PPI: 001 Flow Measuring Point: Effluent Parameter Monitoring Point: Effluent Parameter Code 50050 00400 00310 00610 00530 1 31616 00620 00625 00630 00600 00940 70295 50060 00076 665 m �am Ui m 0° LL o E 4 a o ) E O U Z 2 Yz Z o0 z _ v o 0 (n o yo oy° �o :5n 2E vo c °E h ODaY a 24-hr hrs GPD I su m L m /L m /L #/100 ml m /L m /L m L m /L m IL m /L 1 8:15 1 0.2 18000 0.13 2 9:09 0.2 21500 0.11 3 9:47 0.4 17900 8.20 3.70 0.10 4 10:20 0.4 12900 8.18 2.00 0.04 2.50 2.00 6.06 1.07 6.08 7.15 3.80 0.08 1.74 5 9:48 0.5 21100 8.22 3.30 0.10 6 9:53 075-7 18600 8.14 1.40 0.08 7 9:13 0.5 17400 8.17 2.50 0.15 8 11:20 0.3 21600 0.14 9 7:59 0.3 23400 0.08 10 10:29 0.4 19800 8.12 4.40 0.07 11 8:19 0.4 16000 8.04 4.50 0.08 12 9:17 0.5 15500 8.11 4.20 0.08 13 9:46 0.5 0 8.08 2.00 0.05 2.50 1.00 1.70 0.61 1.72 2.33 5.00 0.06 2.17 14 9:10 0.5 19000 8.40 2.48 0.11 15 8:38 0.2 5000 0.10 16 9:58 0.2 27000 0.10 17 8:46 0.5 16100 8.26 2.10 0.10 18 9:52 0.5 16100 8.15 2.50 0.08 19 9:37 0.5 11300 8.21 2.90 0.10 -_ 20 8:59 0.5 16300 8.19 2.40 0.09 21 10:50 0.5 23800 8.20 3.00 0.17 22 8:38 0.2 6400 0.14 23 9:01 0.2 1950 0.16 24 9:31 0.5 12000 8.20 1 2.30 0.17 25 10:26 0.5 15000 8.18 2.50 0.18 26 9:02 0.4 15200 8.14 4.10 0.12 27 9:11 0.5 19600 8.11 3.20 0.10 28 8:50 0.5 10900 8.14 2.00 0.08 29 9:17 0.2 1 1 0.08 30 31 Average: 15702 8.17 2.00 0.05 2.50 1.50 3.88 0.84 3.90 4.74 3.11 0.11 1.96 Daily Maximum: 21500 8.22 2.00 0.04 2.50 2.00 6.06 1.07 6.08 7.15 0.00 0.00 3.80 0.13 1.74 0.00 0 Daily Minimum: 0 8.04 2.00 0.04 2.50 1.00 1.70 0.61 1.72 2.33 0.00 0.00 1.40 0.06 1.74 0.00 0 Sampling Type: Monthly Limit: 135000 10 4 5 14 10 Daily Limit: Sample Frequency: FOM NDIIR MI t MONITORING REPORT (NDMq Plhge ;Z Of 4 Sarnpting Persons) Name: Kaffie 0mara Name: Emi ownerd 1, Inc. Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? 0 aompimrn O Macw0st ff ft fara"Ny is rmt-oMPlr K please explain in the space below the reasons) the bMy was rlol in caltplianoe. Provide in "W w lavwdan the dales) of ft non -comport a and describe the corrective haven. Pose, sommorm speew a necessary. Operator in Responsible QmW (ORC) Cam PerrrlltRee Cer6'a1cadon ORC: Donald Ornara A-sbO C_ coon No.: 7904 Signing official: G r -d� GJ . Grade: 3 Phone Number. 252-725-2129 Signing otiiciars Titles:•'` ties the ORC changed once Idw previous NDRW ❑ Yes 0 No Phone Number: �S2 �-7- y 0►`1 PemritExpiration; 5-- ZZ 2,1 zoo L';I� Signature Dale Signature Date By fts -,1 ceri *wd Ws Report is a0=*8 and Complete to the best of my 1 Certify, enderpera ft of low. Hrad qts doamert and al attedmafs wire preprsad under my dfrec8ar or srQervision in a=rdnroe Mb a system desOwd to assess that et quaf el perhawW pmwV ga§xwW and evahsated Hie a%miedion wtartdHad t}ased on my kwF*y ar the pewon or pereaw who menW the syalem, or t osa persons d recMy nmpmoNe for geHrarY18 the biormadian, His IeFormeUorr subn*M fe. tD Hw heel or my rmowiedp and belied. UW aCCUr e. and Comprele. l am aware Heat Hreme are perre1tasfer abna ft lAw bhfomtft irol�rdr� the possWlgr of tiles and Impdeorvrwit for Tm %" vwdone. Mall OrigNltll and Two Copies to: Division of Wafter Quality Irltonsm-1 I Processing Unit 1617 MaN Service Center Ralsiah. North CW0IM 2709-1617 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT SPRAY IRRIGATION SITE(S) THERE ARE TWO APPLICATION FIELDS PER PAGE. USE ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NEEDED. Page 3 Of y PERMITNUMBER: LJQ' c7o13(e-7(e MONTH: Fx_b,,x_ YEAR: .iOZD FACILITY NAME: be"" COUNTY: C-ark!A).— Formulas: Daily Loading (inches) _ (Volume Applied (gallons) x 0 1336 (cvodc feeYganon) a 12 (inches1lool)) I lArea Sprayed (acres) a e3.560 (square leellacreQR Volume Applied (gallons) I (Area Sprayed (acres) a 27.152 (gaaontyacre4nch)I Maximum Hourly Loading (inches) -Daily Loading (incnes) / r7ime Irrigated (minvles) I60 (rrwnuleslhou!n Monthly Loading (inches) -Sum of Daily Loadings (inches) 12 Month Floating Total (inches) v Sum of this month's Monthly Loading (inches) end previous 11 nwmM*s Monthly Loadings (inches) Averaoe weexly Loaamo nnenesi . lMonlrov Did Irrigation Occur t This Facility: Yes: � No: ❑ LosOino linrhes/monml I altarger a wvs In tree moms roeramwmna ...o......�,. Did irrigation Occur On This Field: Yes: ❑I No: ❑ Did Irrigation Occur On This Field: Yes: ❑ No: ❑ FIELD NUMBER: I 1 FIELD NUMBER: AREA SPRAYED facres):1 I q AREA SPRAYED acres COVER CROPA COVER CROP: PERMITTED HOURLY RATE finches►: PERMITTED HOURLY RATE finches): D A T E WEATHER CONDITIONS Umperatun Storage Code" at P/ecIP11a• 'too" Code" aeplicaliion lion lFre*41warilied PERMITTED YEARLY RATE (inches): PERMITTED YEARLY RATE inches Vo►ume Time Irrigated Daily LoadingLoadingApplied Maximum Hourly Volume Time Iry sled Daily Loadin Maximum Hourly Loading rF) inehes feet gallons minutes inches Inches gallons minutes inches inches 1 $ � 3 f L SS 4 L 5 O s 430 3C> . ass . 3 I— s CI S .1 O O m 7 C\ A•as O O to C 38 O g C_ 52ao to C. L4 O 11 C. 6 _1 O O 12 C IL S6 13 C 1 7 -Is 14 C` #4V n CD is y D O O 1s 'iED 1a 19 lit O 20 X 6b 21 C_ 1 31.43u . "I zr ►.K • O O 23 C. O 14 14, . S Atc- L4 y I 30 31 Total Gallons/Monthly Loading (inches) 1, 12 Month Floating Total (inches) V Average Weekly Loading (inches) 3 'Weather Codes: C-clear, PC -partly cloudy, CI -cloudy, R-rain, 5n•snow, slsteel Spray Irrigation Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC):�j, Er Phone: ORC Certification Number: %q t)`-k Check Box it ORC Has Changed: ❑ Mail ORIGINAL and TWO COPIES to: ATTN: Non -Discharge Compliance Unit DENR ✓`otiCiC.�, Ll� / LX.CJe-a. �E]r Division of Water Quality (SIGNATUR&tF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) 1617 Mail Service Center BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT Paoe 4 of SPRAY IRRIGATION SITE(S) Facili_ tv Status: Please indicate ( by inserting Y(es) or N(o) in the appropriate box ) whether the facility has beeE2MLQllant with the following permit requirements: (Vote: if a requirement does not apply to your facility put (JA) in the compliant box. ) 1. The application rate(s) did not exceed the limit(s) specified in the permit. Co h�) 2. Adequate measures were taken to prevent wastewater runoff from the site(s). 4 3. A suitable vegetative cover was maintained on the site(s) in accordance with the permit. 4. All buffer zones as specified in the permit were maintained during each application. 5. The freeboard in the treatment and/or storage lagoon(s) was not less than the limit(s) specified in the permit. If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance with its permit. Provide in:your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signaturfe oft1Permittee)' Date (Permittee-Please print or type) (Permittee Address) Crnc.cs, Lo - f, r (Name of S gning Official -Please print or type) t2a�— (Position or Title) ;k57'2-211j174+0 iv—) S- 27-- (Phone Number) (Permit Exp. Date) 'If signed by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the state per 1SA NCAC 28.0506 (b)(2)(D).