HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040289 Ver 1_More Info Received_19990922--r- ~+ . NORTH, CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH US 70 WIDENING AND PARTIAL RELOCATION FROM SR 2318 (FANJOY ROAD) EAST OF STATESVILLE TO US 601 IN SALISBURY IREDELL AND ROWAN COUNTIES TIP PROJECT R-2911 Project Development Engineer: Beverly G. Robinson (919) 733-7844 extension 231 September 22, 1999 Purpose and Agenda for Today's Meeting The purpose of this meeting is to resolve some questions received during the comment period for the Environmental Assessment. Early in the planning process several meetings were held with resource agencies to get concurrence on the preferred alternative for the proposed project. With the turnover of personnel within the resource agencies however, it is necessary to update everyone on the proposed improvements for the subject project. Alternates 1, 2 and 3/3a for Section A will be discussed. The purpose of this meeting is also to obtain concurrence on the proposed project since this project did not follow the 404 Merger Process. The agenda for this meeting is as follows: Project Purpose and Need II. Project Description III. Studied Alternatives A. Summary of Impacts -Section A IV. Alternative Evaluation V. Public Involvement Comments VI. Questions and Comments VII. Summary of Meeting I. Purpose and Need The purpose of the proposed project is to increase the traffic carrying capacity and improve the safety of US 70. This project along with an adjacent highway project to the west will provide a continuous multi-lane facility between Statesville and Salisbury. This project is in conformance with the Thoroughfare Plans for Statesville and Salisbury. II. Project Description The North Carolina Department of Transportation's 2000-2006 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) proposes to widen and partially relocate US 70 from (SR 2318) Fanjoy Road east of Statesville to US 601 in Salisbury. This project has been divided into five sections (Sections A through E) for scheduling and funding purposes. See Figure 1 for section breaks. III. Studied Alternatives Section A is the only part of the project with multiple alternatives. Sections B, C, D, and E will involve widening US 70 on its existing location. Alternate 1 Alternate 1 involves widening the existing US 70 to a five-lane curb and gutter section. Alternate 1 begins at Fanjoy Road (SR 2318) and ends at the Iredell/Rowan County line. This alternative would require an at-grade crossing of rail spur tracks servicing five businesses in the vicinity of the project. Early in the planning process it was determined that Alternate 1 had problems associated with it and therefore was eliminated from the project study. Some of the problems associated with Alternate 1 include delays caused by spur tracks, safety, and the random nature of train deliveries. After some discussion from a representative from Norfolk Southern Railroad and discussion ofgrade-separating the spur tracks, there was a consensus that Alternate 1 is not a feasible and reasonable Alternative. Delay information and additional train data is listed below: t Train Delay Information: Two spur tracks cross US 70 servicing five businesses. Four businesses are serviced by one track and one business the other. These businesses include Furst- McNess Company, Purina Chow Company, M.A. Resin Company, Liberty Homes Company and Southern States Company. Trains are causing delays as they enter and leave these pants. Train delays are discussed below: Furst-McNess Company Trains/Cars XMax. Delay *XSwitches Total Delay 2 to 3 trains per week 15 to 20 minutes 2 per train 6 crossings per week 1 to 2 cars per train 15 to 20 minutes each Purina Chow Company Trains/cars *Max. Delay *XSwitches Total Delay 1 train per day 10 minutes 2 per train 10 crossings/week S to 11 cars per train 10 minutes each M.A. Resin Company Trains/cars XMax. Delays *XSwitches Total Delay 3 trains per week 5 minutes 0 3 crossings/week 1 car per train 5 minutes each Liberty Homes Trains/cars ~ *Max. Delays **Switches Total Delay One train per month 5 minutes 0 l crossing per month 5 minutes each Southern States Company Trains/cars *Max. Delay **Switches Total Delay 1 train per day 30 to 35 minutes 2 per train 10 crossings per week 2 cars per train 30 to 35 minutes each * Max. Delays On average delays may be less, this shows worst case scenarios **Switches Crossings per train . Because of the train delays, which would continue to be experienced, Alternate 1 is not considered reasonable. Alternate 1 would not effectively serve the project purpose and need. Alternate 2 Alternate 2 involves relocating US 70 south of the existing US 70 from Fanjoy Road (SR 2318) tying into existing US 70 east of Hezekiah Lane (SR 2488) ending at the county line. This alternate would construct a four lane 30-foot median divided facility with dual structures over the rail spur tracks. To avoid excessive relocation of residences, Alternate 2 would transition to a four-lane 18-foot median divided facility with curb and gutter east of Hezekiah Lane. (a) Because curb and gutter would be used on the outside of the travel lanes of the 18-foot median section, only a 45-mph speed limit could be allowed for this section. The posted speed will be lower on the curb and gutter sections than on the shoulder sections. Alternate 2 was eliminated due to opposition from citizens in the proposed project area, discontinuity of the typical section and proposed low speed limits along the new highway. - Alternate 3 Alternate 3, an extension of Alternate 2, was developed at the request of citizens. Alternate 3 will relocate US 70 south of the existing US 70 at the Iredell/Rowan County line. Alternate 3 would improve US 70 to a four lane 30-foot median facility with dual structures over the rail spur tracks. The 30-foot median would be maintained for the entire length of Section A; therefore, Alternate 3 provides better continuity in typical section than Alternate 2. In addition, grass shoulders would be provided along the entire length of Alternate 3 (rather than curb and gutter). This will allow a higher posted speed (55-mph) than Alternate 2. Alternate 3 provides a continuous typical section facility from the new location portion of the project to the Town of Cleveland. Alternate 3 will begin with afive-lane curb and gutter section on existing US 70 transitioning to a four- lane shoulder section with a 30-foot median, which will be maintained to the Town of Cleveland. The speed limit on Alternate 3 will remain constant. Alternate 3a Alternate 3a was developed as a result of a joint NCDOT/Corps of Engineers meeting held May 1998. Portions of Alternate 3 were shifted to minimize impacts to high quality wetland areas. IV. Alternative Evaluation At a September 4, 1998 meeting, it was decided additional information was needed to compare the wetland and stream impacts for Alternates 2 and 3. t Wetlands were delineated during the week of December 14-18, 1998. A comparison of impacts for the studied alternates are listed below: A. Summary of Impacts -Section A* Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Streams Impacts (feet) Wetland Impacts (acres) 183.7 0.1 1304 Relocations Businesses Residences Trailers 1.47 16 o~_ 14 Q ~ du~,na~s 0 Non-Profit 1 0 V. Public Involvement Comments Alternate 3\3a 2171.8\2112 2.1\1.52 3\3 12\10 9\9 0\0 Citizen's Informational Workshops were held on July 9, 1997 and February 25, 1998. Approximately 224 persons attended these meetings (total including both meetings). Most of the comments concerned impacts to individual properties and alternate alignments. At the first workshop, Alternates 1 and 2 were the only alignment alternatives being considered for Section A. Citizens requested we extend Alternate 2 to the county line. Alternate 3 was then developed at the request of citizens. The second workshop was held to make citizens aware of Alternate 3 and update them on the status of the project. Citizen's comments are summarized below: Citizens favoring Alternate 2: 1 comment sheet Citizens favoring Alternate 3: VI. Comments and Questions VII. Summary of Meeting 8 comment sheets, 3 letters, 1 petition (35 signatures) u ~ f l . u ~_~ '~ ~ u ~ r„ .. r rn m 0 D r ~ ~ ~ r r ~ --i -~ Z rrl f~'I D ~ ~ m y, D w -i r~i -i rr~ ~ N ~'' a D ~~ ~r (D CY ~f (D ~.. n 0 ~,. n 0 ~n d ~D m -s N [L d 6" ,..., d r_ cD r+• d rf _; d N J O O ~~ ~~ ^W^ ll ~t m m ~, ~ H - r ~ 3 ~ N ~~~ ~ ~ W~ -- w .17 N - ~ ••_ -Y h1 ~ m 3 m a ni cn N ~ - ~ r r7' ~ ~ _? ~ ro ~ ~ z -i o soon O O p ~ C~Z~~ "~ r~ri ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i~ir h ~ ~ O "~ ~~ZD O ~ ~ fly Q~ ]J G (A ~ 1~ N ~ niv,u~i~ -~+ z ~ ~ ~ ~ rn o I-" H ~ ~ Q ~r nn W m ~ -, -< ` CO~~ ~ ~~N,, y O[I r+~ G~ ~-.~ z ~ --I m ~ d (p {J ~)'~ (Tl ~~ r to ~•~ ~ ~ r~ a ~" ~ a ~~~ ~ O c cD to ~ ~ - N f ~~~ ~ .-. C1.-~ t) CS ~ n t~ r ~ ~ .D r--~ _~ r~~ =Z7 _~ _~ r~~ ~- -~ ~ - ~. ~... ,.- - o ,_, r- m - ^' rn cn -~ ~~ - w ~J r~- U7 .~ V J f~l ----I ---~ O :b 1~ ~~ rYl n -~ /-H^~ `J z W m z ll I --i :I: ___~ I-rl r r~ s