HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180413 Ver 1_LCU_ramp_addition_2012_20200916Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Southport, NC Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Contract: N62473-06-D-3029 Inspection Date: 07/26/2011 Contractor: Halcrow 22 Cortlandt St, 31 st Floor New York, New York 10007 Facility: LSU Ramp iNFADS: NFAUNK04 SPIDERS ID: UNK04 Location: 34.00042,-77.95458 Estimated Repair Cost*: $ 400,140 *Panair—t inrlurlac r)acinn dlln—nrac Cnntrartnr nilorhaarl R Prnfit and Inflatinn All--nrac Condition Index 60 Max Water 1 kn (CI) Current Engineering Assessment Fair Water Clarity 1ft Rating Operational C l Tide 4.1ft Rating Variation 5 Year Projected 60 Max Water loft " - J- CI Depth 10 Year Projected 45 Seasonal 62 F CI Water Temp 4 Year Previously Seasonal Inspected N/A Ambient 70°F Temp Facility Usage Description: LSU Ramp is a small craft launching facility. Summary of Repair Recommendations: The repairs are itemized below by UniFormat II Level III Code: H1010 Substructure • There are no recommendations for the substructure at this time. H1020 Superstructure • Connect the newer generation superstructure elements directly to the pile foundations. H1030 Deck Components • Replace damaged deck planks. H1050 Appurtenances • Install larger pile rollers in pile guides to prevent racking of floating dock. • Repair top connection and broken toe plate on access gangway. H3020 Slope Protection • Install an engineered stone riprap revetment to prevent further scour of the ramp and nearby shoreline. 391 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point INSPECTION CYCLE • Re -inspect in three years. Halcrow Operational Restrictions: There are no operational restrictions at LSU Ramp at this time. Photo 3.4-1: Overall Looking Offshore 392 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow H1010 - Substructure Cl: 75 H1010.01 -Pile Foundations Cl: 75 UFII Component H1010.01.01 Piles Asset Type(s): P8 & P9 Findings The ten (10) timber plumb piles (Photo 3.4-2) are in Fair condition overall with minor checking and shell peeling and one pile with moderate deterioration due to rot (Photo 3.4-3). The four (4) concrete guide piles are in Good condition with no noted defects (Photos 3.4-4 and 3.4-5). Recommendations There are no recommendations for the piles at this time. Supporting Photos Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: 1­11010.01.01_P8 Alms Photo 3.4-2: Timber Pile 393 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1010.01.01_P9 Photo 3.4-3: 14" Scl Concrete Pile Photo Type: Defect UFII/Asset Type: H1010.01.01_P8 Photo 3.4-4: Timber Pile Rot 394 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow Photo Type: Defect UFII/Asset Type: H1010.01.01_P9 I Photo 3.4-5: Concrete Pile Underwater 395 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point H1010 - Substructure H1010.01 -Pile Foundations Halcrow Cl: 75 Cl: 75 UFII Component H1010.01.02 Sheet Piles Asset Type(s): LSP Findings The plastic sheet piles beneath the north side of the LSU Pier are in Good condition overall with no noted defects (Photo 3.4-6). Recommendations There are no recommendations for the sheet piles at this time. Supporting Photos Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1010.01.02_LSP Photo 3.4-6: Plastic Sheet Piles 396 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point H1010 - Substructure H1010.07 - Boat Ramps Halcrow CI: 75 CI: 75 UFII Component H1010.07 Boat Ramps Asset Type(s): LMR Findings The articulated concrete mat ramp (Photo 3.4-7) is in Satisfactory condition with moderate settlement along the north face (Photo 3.4-8). Recommendations There is no recommendation for the articulated concrete mat ramp at this time. Supporting Photos Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1010.07_LMR Photo 3.4-7: Articulated Concrete Mat Ramp 397 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow Photo Type: Defect UFII/Asset Type: H1010.07_LMR ryr Fall j i 3 Photo 3.4-8: Minor Settlement 398 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point H1020 - Superstructure Repair Cost $113,537 Halcrow CI: 60 H1020.01 -Beams and Repair Cost $113,537 CI: 60 Girders UFII Component H1020.01 Beams and Girders Asset Type(s): LDB, LE, LPC, & LS Findings The timber superstructure is in Poor condition overall (Photos 3.4-9 through 3.4-12). Following a modernization effort, a newer generation deck superstructure is bearing on an older generation superstructure without a direct load path to the timber pile foundations. The older generation superstructure is in poor condition due to severe rot of several bracing elements and advanced corrosion of fastening hardware. Recommendations It is recommended to connect the newer generation superstructure elements directly to the pile foundations. The estimated cost for these repairs is $113,500. Supporting Photos Photo Type: Typical r UFII/Asset Type: H1020.01_LDB Photo 3.4-9: Diagonal Braces 399 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1020.01_LE Photo 3.4-10: North Edge Beam Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1020.01_LPC Photo 3.4-11: Bent Caps 400 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1020.01_LS Photo 3.4-12: Stringers 401 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow H1020 - Superstructure Repair Cost $113,537 CI: 60 H1020.04 - Other Superstructure Components CI: 75 UFII Component H1020.04 Other Superstructure Components Asset Type(s): LW Findings The timber wale that supports the plastic sheet pile wall is in Poor condition due to a 15 ft long section of broken and deteriorated material (Photo 3.4-13). Recommendations There are no recommendations for the decking at this time. Supporting Photos Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1020.04_LW Photo 3.4-13: Sheet Pile Wale 402 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point H1030 - Deck Components Repair Cost $9,646 H1030.01 -Deck Repair Cost $9,646 Halcrow CI: 75 CI: 75 UFII Component H1030.01 Deck Asset Type(s): LID Findings The timber decking is in Satisfactory condition overall (Photo 3.4-14) with minor weathering throughout and one area of vehicle impact damage (Photo 3.4-15). Recommendations The broken deck planks should be replaced. The estimated cost for this repair is $9,600. Supporting Photos Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1030.01_LD Photo 3.4-14: Deck Planks 403 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow Photo Type: Defect UFII/Asset Type: H1030.01_LD Photo 3.4-15: Impact Damage on Planks 404 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow H1030 - Deck Components Repair Cost $9,646 CI: 75 H1030.04 - Curbs & Bullrails CI: 75 UFII Component H1030.04 Curbs & Bullrails Asset Type(s): LRC Findings The concrete curb is in Fair condition overall with several cracked and broken sections (Photo 3.4-16). The western 5 ft of the curb is broken (Photo 3.4-17). Recommendations Due to the non -essential nature of this element, there are no recommendations for the curb at this time. Supporting Photos Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1030.04_LRC Q Photo 3.4-16: Ramp Curb, South Side 405 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow Photo Type: Defect UFII/Asset Type: H1030.04_LRC Photo 3.4-17: Broken Curb 406 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point H1040 - Mooring & Berthing Systems H1040.01 -Primary Fender System Halcrow CI: 90 CI: 90 UFII Component H1040.01.03 Extruded Fenders Asset Type(s): LF Findings The extruded fenders along the northern face of the floating dock are in Good condition overall with no noted defects (Photo 3.4-18). Recommendations There are no recommendations for the extruded fenders at this time. Supporting Photos Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1040.01.03_LF Photo 3.4-18: Float Fender Panels 407 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point H1040 - Mooring & Berthing Systems H1040.05 - Mooring Hardware Halcrow CI: 90 CI: 90 UFII Component H1040.05.03 Cleats Asset Type(s): LC1 & LC2 Findings The mooring hardware is in Good condition overall with no noted defects (Photos 3.4-19 and 3.4-20). Recommendations There are no recommendations for the mooring hardware at this time. Supporting Photos Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1040.05.03_LC1 Photo 3.4-19: Small Craft Cleats 408 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1040.05.03_LC2 Photo 3.4-20: Small Craft Cleats 409 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow H1050 -Appurtenances Repair Cost $18,069 CI: 60 H1050.02 - Brows Repair Cost $2,068 CI: 60 UFII Component H1050.02 Brows Asset Type(s): LG Findings The access gangway leading from the pier to the floating dock is in fair condition (Photo 3.4-21). At the top piano key joint of the gangway, there is a broken weld on the northernmost "key" (Photo 3.4-22). Also, the toe plate of the gangway is completely unattached and set aside (Photo 3.4-23). Recommendations The top joint connection and the toe plate of the gangway should be repaired. The estimated cost for these repairs is $2,000. Supporting Photos Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1050.02_LG Photo 3.4-21: Gangway 410 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow Photo Type: Defect UFII/Asset Type: H1050.02_LG Photo 3.4-22: Broken Weld Photo Type: Defect UFII/Asset Type: H1050.02_LG Photo 3.4-23: Broken Toe Plate 411 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow H1050 -Appurtenances Repair Cost $18,069 CI: 60 H1050.02 - Brows Repair Cost $2,068 CI: 60 UFII Component H1050.02.05 Gangway Roller Asset Type(s): LGR Findings The gangway rollers are in Good condition overall with no noted defects (Photo 3.4-24). Recommendations There are no recommendations for the gangway rollers at this time. Supporting Photos Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1050.02.05_LGR Photo 3.4-24: Gangway Rollers 412 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow H1050 -Appurtenances Repair Cost $18,069 Cl: 60 H1050.04 - Floats Repair Cost $16,001 Cl: 75 UFII Component H1050.04 Floats Asset Type(s): LFD Findings The concrete floats (Photo 3.4-25) are in Satisfactory condition with minor cracking in the top faces (Photo 3.4-26). Recommendations There are no recommendations for the concrete floats at this time. Supporting Photos Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1050.04_LFD Photo 3.4-25: Concrete Floating Docks 413 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow Photo Type: Defect UFII/Asset Type: H1050.04_LFD Photo 3.4-26: Crack in Float 414 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow H1050 -Appurtenances Repair Cost $18,069 Cl: 60 H1050.04 - Floats Repair Cost $16,001 Cl: 75 UFII Component H1050.04.06 Guide Pile Assemblies Asset Type(s): LPG Findings The pile guide assemblies (Photo 3.4-27) are in fair condition due to several pile guide rollers with abrasion damage. Additionally, the pile guides have several inches of play between the rollers and the piles, allowing the concrete floats to rack significantly in this relatively unprotected position on the river. Recommendations It is recommended to install larger pile rollers in pile guides to prevent the racking of the floating dock. The estimated cost for this repair is $16, 000. Supporting Photos Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H1050.04.06_LPG Photo 3.4-27: Float Pile Guides 415 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point H3020 - Slope Protection Repair Cost $258,888 H3020.01 - Rock Revetments Repair Cost $258,888 Halcrow CI: 45 CI: 45 UFII Component H3020.01 Rock Revetments Asset Type(s): LRR Findings A non -engineered stone revetment borders the ramp on the north side and is in fair condition with slope and particle loss (Photo 3.4-28). Recommendations An engineered stone riprap revetment should be installed to prevent further scour of the ramp and nearby shoreline. The estimated cost for this repair is $259,000. Supporting Photos Photo Type: Typical UFII/Asset Type: H3020.01_LRR Photo 3.4-28: Non -engineered Riprap 416 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow Mooring Hardware Condition Asset Type: LC1 Condition: Fitting ID: C3-P u — Type: 15 in. Cleat Fitting: 1 Design Capacity: 0.5 tons Rating Capacity: 0.5 tons 417 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow Asset Type: LC1 Condition: Fitting ID: C4-P Type: 15 in. Cleat Fitting: 1 Design Capacity: 0.5 tons Rating Capacity: 0.5 tons Asset Type: LC2 Condition: Fitting ID: C5-D Type: 11 in. Cleat Fitting:1 Base:1 Design Capacity: 0.5 tons Rating Capacity: 0.5 tons Asset Type: LC2 Condition: Fitting ID: C&D - Type: 11 in. Cleat Fitting:1 Base:1 Design Capacity: 0.5 tons Rating Capacity: 0.5 tons Asset Type: LC2 Condition: =— Fitting ID: C7-D Type: 11 in. Cleat Fitting:1 Base:1 Design Capacity: 0.5 tons .+= Rating Capacity: 0.5 tons 418 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Mooring Condition Rating Key: 1 (Green) Good Condition © (Blue) Minor Deterioration 419 Halcrow 3 (Yellow) Moderate Deterioration - (Red) Severe Deterioration Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 0 NOTE: 1. CLEAT LOCATIONS AND RATINGS ARE PROVIDED ON THE DEFECTS PLAN. Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow 105.5' RAMP O O O M� O O 0 0 0 0 58.0' 420 RIPRAP O wO O O O 0 WIG O 10 GANGWAY 9 .0 24.5' 0 Cd APPROXIMATE SHORELINE OVERALL FAIR CONDITION INDEX CI-60 OPERATIONAL C-3 CAPABILITY FACILITY RATING OPERATIONAL GRAPHIC SCALE NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING SERVICE CENTER GATE walc row EAST COAST DETACHMENT 0 10 20 FT. L ■`! / I/ WASHINCTON D.C. FL6RUARY 2012 MUrARYGCFMI TETtlM SMYPCINT SGUWMT. NC RG. NO - Contract Number LSU RAMP 3�-1 N62473-06-D-3426 FACILITY PLAN Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 NOTE: 1. CLEAT LOCATIONS AND RATINGS ARE PROVIDED ON THE DEFECTS PLAN. Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow 10I RAMP RIPRAP VC - CURB -CLEAT ())?.) O IMO O O O Mu O P1 - PLUMB PILE (TYP.) 58.0' C ME5 4391 GANGWAY 0 m 24.5' lAPPROXIMATE SHORELINE GRAPHIC SCALE NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING SERVICE CENTER �j' DATE �����0�/ EAST COAST DETACHMENT WASHD.0 &' 0 10 20 FT. L i Ii MLITNtY OCEAN 1ER�IiItAL.'UVNT PONTPgNT SOl1THPORi, NC F�W_Np �� ��_1 FE6RUAitY 2012 1 0� LS(J NT ;-R� N62�473�OBND-3-3022 RY PLANIMP ASSET NVEumber 421 Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 NOTE: 1. CLEAT LOCATIONS AND RATINGS ARE PROVIDED ON THE DEFECTS PLAN. Waterfront Facilities Inspections & Assessments at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point Halcrow 105.5, RAMP RIPRAP 0 0 0� 0 0 �o o jo 0 0 0 0 0 0 016 I'll Io 58.0' 422 C A P E F E A R R I V E R FLOM EBB GANGWAY 0 24.5' APPROXIMATE SHORELINE GRAP C SCALE NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING SERVICE CENTER GATE Falcrow EAST COAST DETACHMENT NT 0 1 10 20 FT. WASHINCTaN D.C. FL6RUARY 2012 MUttRYOCEM TERMM SMYPCINT SWWMT. NC F"EG. N0. Contract Number LSU RAMP 3A-3 N62473-06—D-3026 DEFECTS PLAN Section 3.4 - LSU Ramp Report Generated On: 02/17/2012 • I r • r'•w: -vff4L= y • y { .. ry or lip NORTH WHARF 1 I r r / -- �� CENTER WHARF I I I r • I LSU RAMP Ae SOUTH WHARF .' rc J , 74 Y II y NAVFAC 11013/7 (1-78) Cost Estimate Date Prepared: November 2011 Page 1 of 1 ACTIVITY AND LOCATION US MILITARY OCEAN TERMINAL, SUNNY POINT, SOUTHPORT, NC CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ESTIMATED BY CATEGORY CODE NUMBER PROJECT TITLE WATERFRONT FACILITY INSPECTION - LSU RAMP STATUS OF DESIGN X PED _ 35 % _ 65 % _ 100 % FINAL JOB ORDER NUMBER UNIFORMAT II CODE ASSET TYPE ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY MATERIAL COST LABOR COST ENGINEERING ESTIMATE No. UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL UNIT COST I TOTAL I UNIT COST I TOTAL H1020 Superstructure $53,796 H1020.01 LPC Affix Timber Pier Superstructure to Substructure 120 SF $14 $1,695 $434 $52,101 $448 $53,796 H1030 Deck Components $4,570 H1030.01 LID Replace Deck Boards 10 EA $283 $2,834 $174 $1,737 $457 $4,570 H1050 Appurtenances $8,561 H1050.02 H1050.02.05 LG LPG Repair Toe Plate of Gangway and Weld at Top Replace Guide Pile Rollers 1 LS 32 EA $633 $633 $63 $2,024 $347 $174 $347 $5,557 $980 $237 $980 $7,581 H3020 Slope Protection $122,667 H5010.01 LRR Install Engineered Rip -Rap Revetment 222.2 CY $92 $20,381 $460 $102,273 $552 Subtotal $122,667 $189,595 Z10 Design Allowance Z1010 Z1020 Z1030 Z1040 Z1050 Z1060 Contingency Engineering Studies Engineering Design Engineering PCAS SIGH Title 20% 5% 6% 5% 8% 10% Subtotal $37,919 $14,220 $17,064 $14,220 $22,751 $28,439 $324,207 Z20 Overhead and Profit Z2010 Z2020 Overhead Profit 15% 10% Subtotal $34,127 $22,751 $381,085 Z30 Inflation Allowance Z3010 Inflation Allowance 5% $19,054 Estimated Budget Amount $400,140 1. Maintenance and minor repairs shall be completed by facility public works department and therefore no design allowances would be justified. 2. Inflation allowance assumes 2012 construction start at 5% increase annually. 3. The individual line items comprising estimated cost are accurate in context of the magnitude of the total project cost; it should be anticipated that individual item costs taken separately, may be greater. 1. COMPONENT FY11 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 2. DATE (YYYYMMDD) 211612012 REPORT CONTROL SYMBOL 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION MOT Sunny Point, Southport, NC 4. PROJECT TITLE Waterfront Facility Inspection - LSU Ramp 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT NUMBER 8. PROJECT COST (SOOO) $ 400.1 9. COST ESTIMATES ITEM U/M QUANTITY UNIT COST COST' ($000) Z1010 Contingency (20%) EA 1.00 $ 37,919 $ 37.92 Z1020 Engineering Studies (5%) EA 1.00 $ 14,220 $ 14.22 Z1030 Engineering Design (6%) EA 1.00 $ 17,064 $ 17.06 Z1040 PCAS (5%) EA 1.00 $ 14,220 $ 14.22 Z1050 SIOH (8%) EA 1.00 $ 22,751 $ 22.75 Z1060 Title 11(10%) EA 1.00 $ 28,439 $ 28.44 Z2010 lContractor Overhead and Profit (25%) EA 1.00 $ 56,878 $ 56.88 Z3010 Inflation (5%) EA 1.00 $ 19,054 $ 19.05 H1020.01 _PC Affix Timber Pier Superstructure to Substructure SF 120.00 $ 448 $ 53.80 H1030.01 LD Replace Deck Boards EA 10.00 $ 457 $ 4.57 H1050.02 LG Repair Toe Plate of Gangway and Weld at Top LS 1.00 $ 980 $ 0.98 H1050.02.05 LPG Replace Guide Pile Rollers EA 32.00 $ 237 $ 7.58 H5010.01 LRR Install Engineered Rip -Rap Revetment CY 222.22 $ 552 $ 122.67 10. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The following structural and non-structural action descriptions are recommended to improve the overall condition assessment and increate the waterfront operational rating of the facility. The conceptual repair recommendations contained herein are preliminary and are to be used for general costing purposes. The actual repair must be left to the discretion of the Engineer of Record. Task 1: Affix Timber Pier Superstructure to Substructure Bypass the deteriorated portion of superstructure by affixing the new superstructure directly to the supporting foundation. Task 2: Replace Deck Boards Replace the damaged deck boards near the inshore end of the pier. 10 2x8 6 ft long boards. Task 3: Repair Toe Plate of Gangway and Weld at Top Repair the broken connections of the toe plate gangway and repair a broken 3 in. weld at top piano key joint of gangway. Task 4: Install Engineered Riprap Revetment Install 20 LF of revetment north of ramp to prevent more scour of the ramp. ** Estimate of Cost is not provided for recommended additional analysis and/or investigations DD Form 1391, JUL 1999 PREVIOUS EDITION IS OBSOLETE PAGE NO. 1