HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3190806_Add Info_20200319ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director Brian Rossi, PE 301 McCullough Drive, Suite 109 Charlotte, NC 28262 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality March 19, 2020 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Permit No. SWA000022 Courtyards at Emerald Lake Union County Dear Mr. Rossi: The Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR), received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on February 19, 2020. A review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. The following comments were originally mentioned in the November 6t'', 2019 request for additional information and have not been provided/addressed. To ensure all comments are addressed during the next submission, please provide a point -by -point response to the comments with the next submittal. Please correct the following issues with the Final Permit Submittal Checklist and supporting documents: a. Item I — Application Form SWU 101: i. Section VI — Please initial these required items indicating that they have been included in the application. You must initial (with a pen) these items. Your initials indicate that you have included these items with the Application. ii. Section VI, 2 — Please provide the original, notarized, deed restriction document. Please provide the deed restrictions that limit the amount of BUA per lot that were placed on these subdivided lots. iii. Section VI,11 — Please provide documents showing that Mr. Kardos is affiliated with Epcon Marvin, LLC. It is noted that the Applicant organization has been changed to "EPCON Lawyers Road, LLC". Please provided documentation form the NC Secretary of State indicating Mr. Kardos' affiliation with the Applicant organization. b. Item 2 — Supplement EZ Form: i. Drainage Areas Sheet: 1. Please fill out the "Entire Site" column. The entire site column is not necessarily just a summation of the two separate drainage areas. It is an D EQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 NORTH CAROLINA _ o.PaWnamofEnvironmental Quality /� 919.707.9200 accounting of the BUA that is located within the property area. As such, there are no off -site components (Lines 8 & 9) or design requirements (Lines 17 — 19). Also, it is noted that the amount of BUA for the entire site (On original design plan sheet C 3.1 is listed as 19.06 acres which is significantly larger than the 465,144 sf (10.68 ac) reported. Please either revise or describe this discrepancy. 2. Line 19 — Design volume should be the WQ volume, not the total volume that can be stored above the permanent pool. Since this project is located in the Goose Creek Watershed (15A NCAC 02B .0600), the WQ volume needed for these SCMs is the difference between the pre -development and post -development runoff from the 1-year storm. Please update the calculations and forms as needed. ii. Wet Pond Sheet: 1. Line 2 & 35 — Design volume should be the WQ volume, not the total volume that can be stored above the permanent pool. See prior clarification for the WQ volume. 2. Line 19 — The stage storage tables have only been provided for the temporary storage areas and the forebay of BMP 3. Please provide As - built stage storage table for the main pools and the forebay of BMP 1 & 2. Stage -storage tables must be provided for the main pool, and forebay to ensure that they are adequately designed/sized per Wet Pond MDCs 1, 2, & 5. 3. Line 27 — This value should be the volume of the permanent pool that is not located in the forebay. Providing the stage -storage tables (As noted above) will allow us to verify these values. Also, please provide the main permanent pool volume for the drainage area 1 column. 4. Line 34 — Lines 20 & 21 indicate that the cleanout depth is 12 inches and this line indicates that it is 6 inches. Please revise for consistency. Since having initially issued this comment, I have received clarification that the cleanout depth is the distance from the permanent pool elevation to the top of the sediment storage ("Maximum Sediment Storage" on the as- builts). 5. Line 42 — Berms and baffles do not appear to be provided. Berms and baffles are additional design elements that are added to a wet pond that increase the length of the flow path. It does not appear that either of these design elements are included in the design. c. Item 7.c — Wet Pond Planting Plan: i. Please provide a planting plan for the wet ponds. As -built sheet C 5.7 does not include a planting plan, please revise. d. Item 8 — Recorded Documents: i. 8.b —Please provide the original, notarized deed restriction document. Please provide the deed restrictions that limit the amount of BUA per lot that were placed on these subdivided lots. e. Item 9 — As -Built Designer MDC Certification: i. Wet Pond I (Sheet C5.6) 1. As -Built Designer's Certification for General MDC a. Treatment Requirements i. 2) — Project does not meet Runoff Volume Match. The project was never designed to meet Runoff Volume Match. This item should be "N/A" instead of "N". b. Stormwater Outlets i. Provide riprap sizing calculations to verify this. Provide these calculations to ensure that the riprap is sized correctly. ii. Wet Pond 2 (Sheet C5.7) 1. As -Built Designer's Certification for General MDC a. Treatment Requirements i. 2) — Project does not meet Runoff Volume Match. The project was never designed to meet Runoff Volume Match. This item should be "N/A" instead of "N". ii. 7) — The following MDCs are not met: 10. Wet Pond MDC 10 refers to the vegetated shelf planting plan (See prior comment). b. Stormwater Outlet i. Provide riprap sizing calculations to verify this. Provide these calculations to ensure that the riprap is sized correctly. f. Item 10 — As -Built Permittee Certification Please provide anew As -built Permittee Certification with the below changes made. i. Deed Restrictions/BUA Records 1. Provide deed restriction information. Please provide the deed restrictions that limit the amount of BUA per lot that were placed on these subdivided lots. ii. Single Family Residential Lots 1. SCMs are not located on individual lots. These should all be "NIA ". Self-explanatory. iii. O&M Agreement 1. 1) Final recorded plat should reference the O&M Agreement. It does not matter that the O&M Agreement was signed before the plat was recorded. Self-explanatory. 2. 2) Provide documentation of this. Please provided documentation showing that the O&M Agreement is recorded with the register of deeds and is in the title chain. 2. Please provide original signatures on all updated forms. For example, the as -built forms provided with the prior submittal were photocopies. 3. Please correct the following issues (In addition to any previously mentioned comments) with the Supplement-EZ Form: a. Drainage Areas Sheet: i. Line 6 — This item should be an accounting of all of the BUA that is located within subdivided lots, within the entire site or drainage areas. The entire site column value for this item should match the sum of BUA shown on the deed restriction document. ii. Line 7 — This item is an accounting of all of the BUA that is located outside of the subdivided lots in public or shared places (Such as roadways, clubhouse areas, etc.), within the entire site or drainage areas. For this project, the total BUA (Line 5) should equal the sum of Lines 6 & 7. iii. Line 10 — These items are an accounting of all of the BUA that is located outside of the subdivided lots in public or shared places, broken down by type, within the entire site or drainage areas. For this project, Line 7 should equal the sum of the items of Line 10. iv. Entire Site Column, Line 16 — This item and Section IV, 8 should correspond revise one or the other for consistency. v. Drainage Area Columns, Line 17 — Since this project is located within the Goose Creek Watershed, please revise the design storm so it is consistent with the applicable rules. vi. Drainage Area Columns, Line 19 — The design volume is calculated using the Simple Method or the Discrete NRCS Curve Number Method. Please refer to Part B of the Manual for more information on these methods. b. Wet Pond Sheet: i. Line 55 — Please clarify the situation regarding the trash racks (Line 51 and an MDC) for the wet ponds. 4. Please correct the following issues (In addition to any previously mentioned comments) with the As -Built Designer's Certification Forms: a. Check off the "Check here if this is part of a Fast -Track As -Built Package Submittal" box. 5. The width of the vegetated shelf as shown on as -built C 5.6 is significantly less than the minimum 6 feet wide (Wet Pond MDC 6) and less than the 10 feet wide as shown on the Supplement-EZ Form (There are sections of the vegetated shelf that are approximately 3 feet wide). 6. As -built sheet C 5.6 — Cross-section C-C shows the maximum sediment storage elevation as 627 ft while the bottom of the pond is shown as 628 ft. Please revise. NOTE: Per Division policy, the next review of this application will be the final review. Failure to provide the requested information will result in the project being returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. 8. Provide pdfs of all revisions, 2 hardcopies of revised plan sheets, and 1 hardcopy of other documents. Pdfs must be uploaded using the form at: hgps://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/SW Project Submittal Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to April 20, 2019, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. Please reference the State assigned project number SWA000022 on all correspondence. If you need additional time to submit the information, please submit your request for a time extension to the Division at the contact below. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to contact me at Jim.Farkas@ncdenr.gov or (919) 707-3646. Sincerely, Jim Farkas Environmental Engineer Stormwater Program cc: Mooresville Regional Office