HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC203843_ESC Approval Submitted_20200915ROY COOPER
Interim Director
Fork Township Sanitary District
Attn: Mr. Henry Braswell, Chairman
P.O. Box 1515
Goldsboro, NC 27533
Environmental Quality
October 17, 2019
Z-,--2-c> 0
RE: Project Name: 2019 Water System Improvements (CN. 245 & CN, 246)
Project ID: Wayne-2020-004
County: Wayne Acres Approved: 5.0
Address: NCSR 1009 & 1226 City: Goldsboro
River Basin: Neuse
Date Received by LQS: September 26, 2019
Submitted By: McDavid Associates, Inc.
Plan Type: New
Dear Sir,
This office has reviewed the subject erosion and sedimentation control plan. We find the plan to
be acceptable and hereby issue this Letter of Approval. The enclosed Certificate of Approval must
be posted at the job site. This plan approval shall expire three (3) years following the date of
approval, if no land -disturbing activity has been undertaken, as is required by Title 15A NCAC
413 .0129.
As of April 1, 2019, all new construction activities are required to complete and submit an
electronic Notice of Intent (NOI) form requesting a Certificate of Coverage (COC) under the
NCGOI 0000 Construction Stormwater General Permit. This form MUST be submitted prior to the
commencement of any land disturbing activity on the above named project. The NOI form may be
accessed at deq.nc.gov/NCGOI. Please direct questions about the NOI form to Annette Lucas at
Annette.lucas @Pncdenr.gov or Paul Clark at Paul.clark 0a litedenngov. After you submit a complete
and correct NOI Form, a COC will be emailed to you within three business days. Initially, DEMLR
will not charge a fee for coverage tinder the NCGO I permit. However, on or after May 1, 2019, a
$100 fee will be charged annually. This fee is to be sent to the DEMLR Stormwater Central Office
staff in Raleigh.
Title 15A NCAC 413,01 18(a) and the NCGO1 permit require that the following documentation be
kept on file at the job site:
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
E Washington Regional Office 1 943 Washington Square Mail I Washington, North Carolina 27889
1. The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation.
2. The NCGO I permit and the COC, once it is received.
3. Records of inspections made during the previous 30 days.
Also, this letter gives the notice required by G.S. I I 3A-6 1. 1 (a) of our right of periodic inspection
to ensure compliance with the approved plan.
North Carolina's Sedimentation Pollution Control Act is performance -oriented, requiring
protection of existing natural resources and adjoining properties. If, following the commencement
of this project, the erosion and sedimentation control plan is inadequate to meet the requirements
of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (North Carolina General Statute 113A-51
through 66), this office may require revisions to the plan and implementation of the revisions to
insure compliance with the Act.
Acceptance and approval of this plan is conditioned upon your compliance with Federal and State
water quality laws, regulations, and rules. In addition, local city or county ordinances or rules may
also apply to this land -disturbing activity. This approval does not supersede any other permit or
Please note that this approval is based in part on the accuracy of the information provided in the
Financial Responsibility Form, which you provided. You are requested to file an amended form
if there is any change in the information included on the form. In addition, it would be helpful if
you notify this office of the proposed starting date for this project. Please notify us if you plan to
have a preconstruction conference.
Please be advised that a rule to protect and maintain existing buffers along watercourses in the
Neuse River Basin became effective on July 22, 1997. The Neuse River Riparian Area Protection
and Maintenance Rule (I 5A NCAC 2B.0233) applies to the 50-foot wide zone directly adjacent to
surface waters (intermittent streams, perennial streams, lakes, ponds, and estuaries) in the Neuse
River Basin. For more information about this riparian area rule, please contact the Division of
Water Resources Wetland/401 Unit at 919-807-6300, or DWR in our regional office at 252-946-
Sarnir Durnpor, P.E.
Regional Engineer
cc w/o enc: Henry Braswell, Fork Township Sanitary District (email)
Glenn Kennedy, Fork Township Sanitary District (email)
David E. Gurley, 111, PE, McDavid Associates, Inc. (email)
WaRO Division of Water Resources
1. The developer is responsible for the control of sediment on -site. If the approved erosion
and sedimentation control measures prove insufficient, the developer must take those
additional steps necessary to stop sediment from leaving this site (NCGS 113A-57(3)).
Each sediment storage device must be inspected after each storm event (NCGS 113A-
54. 1 (e)). Maintenance and/or clean out is necessary anytime the device is at 50% capacity.
All sediment storage measures will remain on site and functional until all grading and final
landscaping of the project is complete (I 5A NCAC 04B .0113).
2. The developer is responsible for obtaining all permits and approvals necessary for the
development of this project prior to the commencement of this land disturbing activity.
This could include our agency's Stormwater regulations and the Division of Water
Resources' enforcement requirements within Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers' jurisdiction of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the Division
of Coastal Management's CAMA requirements, the Division of Solid Waste
Management's landfill regulations, the Environmental Protection Agency and/or The U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers jurisdiction of the Clean Water Act, local County or
Municipalities' ordinances, or others that may be required. This approval cannot supersede
any other permit or approval.
3. Adequate and appropriate measures must be properly installed downstream, within
the limits of disturbance, of any land disturbing activity to prevent sediment from
leaving the limits of disturbance, entering existing drainage systems, impacting an on -
site natural watercourse or adjoining property. (NCGS 113A-57)
October 17, 2019
Fork Township Sanitary District
2019 Water System Improvements (CN. 24S & CN. 246)
Wayne NO.: Wayne-2020-004
I us
ATTN: James Edwards
Fact Sheet on the New NCGO1 Permit
April 2019
The NC Construction General Permit (also known as"NCGOV) was renewed onApril 1, 2019.Theuodatedpennit
does not significantly change the measures that are required to be implemented on construction sites. However,
there are some organizational and technical updates to the permit as described below. Most notably, there is a new
process in which construction sites will obtain official coverage under an N[G01 permit through an electronic
process. DEMLR worked with a broad team of stakeholders to make all of these updates. ifyou have questions,
contact Annette Lucas at or(919)707-3639.
The new permit:
Repeats state requirements for E&SC
Plans and organizes them with federal
construction activity requirements;
|sclearly organized bytopic; and
Has less text and more tables.
Technical Updates
The new permit:
• Requires that the E&SCPlan meet
SVVPPPrequirements (p. 2);
» Provides elist ofitems that must be
included inthe SVVPPP,such osthe
construction sequence, plans,
calculations, etc. (p.2-4);z
* Has updated language onbypasses and
upsets that is tailored to construction
• Puts all timeframesfor inspections,
record -keeping and reporting in
"calendar days" for clarity and
consistency /p.11-14\;2
• Changes the inspection frequency
(during business hours) tnetleast
once per 7calendar days and after
every storm > 1.0 inch (pnevious\yO.5
inch);' and
� Excludes weekends, state and federal
holidays from normal business hours
unless construction activities take
place (p.2]).
` This list isbased onvvebokeguidance
bvthe DEMLRSediment Program.
z The number ofcalendar days was
selected tobeaoequivalent as
possible with the previous permit.
s The intent isto provide predictability
to the inspection schedule
COC: Certificate nfCoverage, proof ofcoverage under anNCG0lpermit
DIEK8LR: NCDivision ofEnergy, Mineral, and Land Resources
E&SC: Erosion & Sedimentation Control
e-N0i: Notice ofIntent, application form for the NCG81permit
e-NOT: Notice ofTermination, form for closing out the NCG0lpermit
GVVPPP:Sto/mvvaterPollution Prevention Plan, required bythe NC8O1
The NCGO1 Process
The new NCGO1 applies to permits approved on or after April 1, 2019.
Pennitteeswill nolonger receive acopy ofthe NCGOlpermit inthe mail
with their E&SCPlan approvals and beconsidered oscovered under the
permit. Federal rules require that DEMLRreceive anN0\oneach
construction project and issue each construction project its own COC.
Under the new NCGO1process, construction sites will continue to
receive approval for E&SCPlans from either DEMLKorthe delegated
local E&SCpnoBram just like before. After receiving E&5[Plan approval,
permitteeswill officially obtain coverage under the NCGOlby
completing ane-NO)(available at ). The e'NO|will
only take about Z8minutes tofill out and submit on-Une.
Initially, there will benocharge associated with applying for enNCGO1
permit but onoraround June 1,2O19\DEMLRwill begin charging aS1OO
annual general permit fee asrequired per §143-215.3D.
DEMLRisworking oncreating msingle application form that will allow an
applicant tosimultaneously apply for anE&SCpermit and anNCG0l
COC.That effort ispart ofalarger Permit Transformation project at
Why doconstruction sites have todothis extra application step?
DEMUR isrequired bvthe EPA toissue aspecific COCtoevery construction
site that disturbs one acre ormore. DEK8LRisworking tocreate aform
that combines the E&SCplan approval and e-NO!processes, but that will
take more time. For now, DEMLR has created an efficient e-NOI process.
#anE&S[Plan isapproved before April 1,which permit applies?
Projects with already approved E&SCPlans will automatically follow the
new NCGU1permit, but will not need tofill out ane-N0orpay anannual
permit fee. However, the permi11eesshould print the new permit and the
two standard detail sheets and have them onsite.
Will DEK8LRoffer tools tuhelp pennitteescomply with the new WCGD1?
Yes DEK4LKwill provide two sample plan sheets at deg.nc.govZNCGO1 that
can beplaced into the E&SCplan set. The first covers the site stabilization
and materials handling portions ofthe permit. The second sheet covers
the inspection, record -keeping and reporting portions ofthe permit.
How will the new e-NO4submittal and COCprocess work?
Penmittaeswill apply for E&SCPlan approvals from UEMURorthe local
E&SCprogram like before. The EK'SCapproval letter will instruct the
pernmitteetovisit deg.nc.gov NCGO1 tosubmit ane-NO|form tuDEMLR.
The permittee may begin the construction activity after receipt of the COC
(within three days*).The permitteemust print and retain acopy ofthe
permit and the C0Consite. Initially, the COCwill beissued for free but on
oraround June 1,2019,a$1D0annual general permit fee will becharged.
Who Lsallowed bmsubmit ane-WOIform?
Submittal must be by a responsible corporate officer that owns or
operates the activity, such esopresident, secretary, treasurer, orvice
president o/amanager that isauthorized inaccordance with |V.B.6ofthe
NC6O1permit. Additional signatory options are set forth in|V.B.6ofthe
permit. |tispossible for consultant toprepare the e-NO!,save itasadroft,
and email ittothe responsible entity for signature &submittal.
What happens tmthe CO[when the construction activity is complete?
When aproject iscomplete, the pennitteeswill contact DEK8LRorthe local
delegated program toclose out the E&5CPlan. After DEMLKorthe |oca|
E&SCprogram inform the permitteeofthe project close out via inspection
report, the parnoitteewill visit deg.nc.govZNCGO1 tosubmit ane'NOT.
Will there be a grace period for adherence tothe new
DEMLRdoes not have the authority togrant agrace period from e
federally mandated permit. Pernmitteeswill beinformed ofthe new
process via web site, E&5CPlan approval letters and list servs. If
construction activity disturbs one acre or more (or is part of common p an
ofdevelopment that disturbs one acre ormore) fails tosubmit ane'NO|
after approval ofits E&SCPlan, this isaviolation offederal permitting
requirements and the permitteecould besubject toapenalty assessment.
low does the new NCGO1 affect the
ldesa1edlocal EMSCPrograms?
uoa|programs will continue toreview
/ndapprove E&SCplans. However,
:hey will nolonger send copies ofthe
qCGO1with EO'SCPlan approvals.
}EMLRwill provide sample language to
iseinlocal E&SCPlan approvals to
3dv(sepernniUeesthat they must
Local programs are not required to
check ifpenmitteeshave submitted e'
to dothis voluntarily, there will be a
tool available on DEK4LR'sweb site for
them tuview alist ofconstruction
projects that have submitted e-NOls.
When local programs close out anE&3C
Plan, the close-out letter will advise
pernoitteeothat they must submit an e-
NOT. DEMLRvvi|| provide sample
Local programs may approve E&6C
plans that meet state sediment laws
and rules even ifthose plans are not
compliant with all ofthe NOB0l
requirements. However, their
perm|tteeswill berequired tnadd two
plan sheets (which will beprovided bv
DEMLR)totheir E&SCPlans toensure
that they fully comply with the ground
stabilization, materials handling, and
inspection, record -keeping and
reporting portion ofthe NCG01permit.
�O/24business hours for oproject
approved under the D8NLRExpress