HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181245 Ver 2_Report of Hand Auger Boring Exploration_20200911KESSEL ENGINEERING GROUP 582 HENDERSONVILLE ROAD SUITE ONE | ASHEVILLE NC 28803 | P:[828] 277-6351 F:[828] 277-6355 WWW.THEKESSELGROUP.COM September 11, 2020 Mr. W. Alec Stillwell, P.E. Stillwell Engineering, P.A. P.O. Box 838 Sylva, NC 28779 Report of Hand Auger Boring Exploration Sylva Tractor Supply – Proposed Bioretention Area Sylva, North Carolina KEG Project No. JA20-4003-04 Mr. Stillwell: Kessel Engineering Group, PLLC (KEG) is pleased to present this report of hand auger boring exploration for the proposed bioretention area at the Sylva Tractor Supply project in Sylva, North Carolina. The purpose of this exploration was to determine general subsurface conditions in the area of the proposed bioretention area and provide geotechnical design and site preparation recommendations. PROJECT INFORMATION AND SITE CONDITIONS Project information was provided by Mr. W. Alec Stillwell, P.E. during recent telephone conversations and email correspondence with our Ms. Courtney King, P.E. We have also been provided with Grading and Stormwater Plan, Sheet SWP.1, prepared by Stillwell Engineering, P.A. and dated September 9, 2020. Project plans are to construct a bioretention area on the northwest portion of the site with a bottom of pond elevation of 2147.00. Additional site and subsurface information was gathered during our on- going performance of construction materials testing services at the site (reference KEG Project No. JA20- 4003-01). The proposed bioretention area will be constructed in the area of an existing pond that will be abandoned and filled with earthwork fill to raise site grades. The existing pond reportedly has a bottom of pond elevation of approximately 2139 and an estimated 8 feet of fill is planned. For the purpose of this exploration, we have assumed that the bioretention area will be constructed with off-site borrow materials similar to those currently being imported to the site for use as engineered fill. At the time of our field exploration, the proposed bioretention area consisted mainly of standing water associated with the existing pond. A small portion of the proposed bioretention area, on its east and south periphery, consisted of approximately 1 to 3 feet of newly placed fill associated with the grading currently taking place at the site. LABORATORY TESTING Our construction materials testing services at the site have included performing laboratory testing of three representative bulk samples of the off-site borrow materials being used as engineered fill at the site. Laboratory testing of bulk samples has included natural moisture content, percent fines (percent passing the No. 200 sieve), particle size distribution and maximum dry density testing. The bulk samples were non-plastic and Atterberg limits testing was not performed. Laboratory test results are included as attachments to this report. Report of Hand Auger Boring Exploration September 11, 2020 Sylva Tractor Supply – Proposed Bioretention Area KEG Project No. JA20-4003-04 Sylva, North Carolina 2 FIELD EXPLORATION The site was explored by performing 3 hand auger borings (HAB-1, HAB-2 and HAB-3) at the approximate locations as indicated on the attached Field Exploration Plan. The hand auger borings locations were selected by our Ms. Courtney King, P.E. by refencing field stakes (established by others) and were positioned in areas with no standing water so that our field exploration by hand auger could be performed. The project surveyor subsequently documented the location and ground surface elevation of HAB-1 and HAB-2. The location and ground surface elevation of HAB-3 was not documented by the surveyor as the borehole was subsequently disturbed by grading activities. The location and ground surface elevation of HAB-3 presented herein were estimated by our Ms. Courtney King, P.E. by referencing the provided site plan and survey data. The materials encountered by the hand auger borings were identified in the field from cuttings brought to the surface by the auger bucket. Representative samples of the encountered materials were collected and transported to the laboratory. In the laboratory, the samples were examined by a geotechnical engineer and visually classified. At select locations the soil consistency of the encountered materials was measured with a dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP). The conical point was first seated to penetrate any loose cuttings and then was driven increments of 1¾ inches with blows from a 15-pound hammer falling 20 inches. The number of blows required to achieve this penetration was recorded. The penetration resistance, once properly evaluated, is an index to the soil strength. In conjunction with our field work, hand auger borings were inspected for groundwater and measurements of the depth to groundwater were taken. Measurements of the depth to groundwater were taken again after a stabilization period of approximately 24 hours. Soil descriptions, test data, and groundwater levels are tabulated on the hand auger boring logs attached to this report. SITE GEOLOGY The project site is located in the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. The bedrock in this region is a complex crystalline formation that has been faulted and contorted by past tectonic movements. The rock has weathered to residual soils which form the mantle for the hillsides and hilltops. The typical residual soil profile in areas not disturbed by erosion or grading consists of clayey soils near the surface where weathering is more advanced, underlain by sandy silts and silty sands. The boundary between soil and rock is not sharply defined and there is often a transitional zone, termed “partially weathered rock” overlying the parent bedrock. Partially weathered rock (PWR) is defined, for engineering purposes, as residual material with a standard penetration resistance in excess of 100 blows per foot. Weathering is facilitated by fractures, joints, and the presence of less resistant rock types. Consequently, the profile of the partially weathered rock is irregular even over short horizontal distances. Also, it is not unusual to find lenses and boulders of hard rock and/or zones of partially weathered rock within the soil mantle, well above the general bedrock level. Quite often, the upper soils along drainage features and in flood plain areas are water-deposited (alluvial) materials that have been eroded and washed down from adjacent higher ground. These alluvial soils are usually soft and compressible, having never been consolidated by pressures in excess of their present overburden. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Hand auger borings HAB-1 and HAB-2 encountered fill underlain by residuum and possible residuum to their refusal depths of 2’-8” and 1’-7” below the existing ground surface. Hand auger boring HAB-3 Report of Hand Auger Boring Exploration September 11, 2020 Sylva Tractor Supply – Proposed Bioretention Area KEG Project No. JA20-4003-04 Sylva, North Carolina 3 encountered fill from the ground surface to its termination depth of 3’-2” below the existing ground surface. The fill consisted of very loose to loose silty sands and soft sandy silts. The fill also contained trace organics and gravel. The residuum consisted of firm silty sands and refusal materials. Refusal materials are those materials which are sufficiently hard to prevent the vertical advancement of the auger equipment. Refusal in may result from very dense soils, partially weathered rock, boulders, lenses, ledges, or layers of relatively hard rock underlain by partially weathered rock or residual soil; refusal may also represent the surface of relatively continuous bedrock. Power drilling procedures are required to penetrate refusal materials and to determine their character and continuity. Power drilling was beyond the scope of this exploration. At the time of our field exploration, HAB-1, HAB-2 and HAB-3 encountered groundwater at depths of 2’-6”, 1’-2”, and 3’-2”, respectively. After a stabilization period of approximately 24 hours, HAB-1 and HAB-2 encountered groundwater at depths of 2’-2” and 1’-3”, respectively. Groundwater levels may fluctuate several feet with season and rainfall variations. Normally, the highest groundwater levels occur in late winter and spring and the levels occur in late summer and fall. The above descriptions provide a summary of the subsurface conditions encountered by the hand auger borings. The attached logs contain information recorded at each hand auger boring location. The lines designating the interfaces between various strata represent approximate boundaries and the transition between strata may be gradual. Subsurface conditions may vary between hand auger boring locations. ANALYSIS AND DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS Infiltration Rate Based on the subsurface information gathered from our field exploration and our experience with similar borrow materials, we estimate silty sands placed as engineered fill will have an infiltration rate on the order of 0.45 inches/hour. This estimate assumes the bioretention area will be constructed according to the recommendations presented in the following Site Preparation and Construction Recommendations section of this report. As mentioned previously, we have also assumed that the bioretention area will be constructed with off-site borrow materials similar to those used for engineered fill at the site thus far. SITE PREPARATION AND CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS Undercutting - Existing Fill The hand auger borings performed for this exploration encountered very loose and soft fill soils along the periphery of the proposed bioretention area. Very loose and soft fill will not provide suitable subgrade support for the additional earthwork fills planned for construction of the bioretention area. We recommend that very loose and soft fill be undercut to the underlying firm residual soils prior to placement of earthwork fills. The bottom of the undercut should be observed and approved by our geotechnical engineer prior to commencement of backfilling. Undercutting - Alluvium The hand auger borings performed for this exploration did not encounter alluvial soils. However, it is likely that alluvial soils are present in the area of the exiting pond. Alluvial soils often contain layers and/or pockets of clay or clayey soils which could adversely affect infiltration of the bioretention area. Additionally, alluvial soils are usually soft and compressible, having never been consolidated by pressures in excess of their present overburden. As such, alluvial soils will generally not provide suitable subgrade support for the earthwork fills planned for construction of the bioretention area. We recommend that alluvial soils, if encountered, be undercut to firm residual soils prior to placement of earthwork fills. Report of Hand Auger Boring Exploration September 11, 2020 Sylva Tractor Supply – Proposed Bioretention Area KEG Project No. JA20-4003-04 Sylva, North Carolina 4 The bottom of the undercut should be observed and approved by our geotechnical engineer prior to commencement of backfilling. De-watering Standing water and shallow groundwater are present within the proposed construction area. De-watering of the proposed construction area will be required prior to the start of construction. Standing water should be drained. Additionally, we recommend that groundwater be lowered to an elevation of at least two feet below the bottom of the exposed ground surface and/or at least two feet below the bottom of the required undercutting (as described above in the Undercutting – Existing Fill and Undercutting – Alluvium sections of this report). De-watering has been done effectively by means of gravity ditches and pumping from filtered sumps. The contractor should also be prepared to promptly remove rainwater from the construction area. Clearing and Grubbing Topsoil, vegetation, and surface soils containing organic matter or other deleterious materials should be removed from the area of the proposed construction. Topsoil may be stockpiled for later use in areas to be landscaped. Deleterious materials should be disposed of offsite or in areas of the site that will not be developed. Further construction in areas containing organics or deleterious materials will first require that these materials be removed. Engineered Fill Engineered fill used for raising site grades should be uniformly compacted in thin (6-inch to 12-inch loose measure) horizontal lifts to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D- 698) and within 3 percent of optimum moisture. Fill slope surfaces should be protected from erosion by grassing or some other means. Borrow materials used for fill should consist of silty sands and should be approved by the geotechnical engineer prior to fill placement. Before filling operations begin, representative samples of each proposed fill material should be collected and tested to determine the compaction and classification characteristics. The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content should be determined. Once compaction begins, a sufficient number of density tests should be performed by an engineering technician working under the direction of the geotechnical engineer to measure the degree of compaction being obtained. Engineered fill should be free of organic and other deleterious materials. The surface of engineered fill can deteriorate and lose its support capabilities when exposed to environmental changes or construction activity. Deterioration can occur from, but is not limited to, the effects of freezing temperatures, the formation of erosion gullies, exposure to extreme wetting/drying conditions, long term exposure to natural elements, and rutting/pumping caused by construction traffic. We recommend that surfaces of the engineered fill that have deteriorated or softened be recompacted immediately prior to construction of additional engineered fill. Slopes Confined excavations such as for underdrain installation should conform to OSHA regulations. For slopes that are not confined, our experience suggests that temporary excavation side slopes through the existing soil overburden (i.e. cut slopes) at the site should be laid back at a 1.5H:1V (Horizontal to Vertical) slope, or flatter. Permanent fill slopes placed on a suitable foundation bench should be constructed at 2H:1V, or flatter. Shallower fill slope inclinations may be required for dam embankments to satisfy slope stability requirements. Fill slopes should consist of compacted engineered fill. Slope surfaces should be protected from erosion by grassing or by other means. Permanent slopes of 3H:1V or flatter may be desirable for mowing. Report of Hand Auger Boring Exploration Sylva Tractor Supply — Proposed Bioretention Area Sylva, North Carolina September 11, 2020 KEG Project No. JA20-4003-04 We appreciate the opportunity to offer our professional geotechnical engineering services on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, KESSEL ENGI EE31Q,(NC Firm License No. P-0420) a�6, SEAL �3838 Cou n ti •°••.'F��` nson, i , •�s��i•<„GIiVC�Senior Engi� ggaeef BAUo Senior Engineer '%� % j�� - ®�:'' Re iste Registered, North Carolina 3'3 ,, - " g red, Attachments: Field Exploration Plan Hand Auger Boring Logs (HAB-1, HAB-2 and HAB-3) Key to Soil Classifications and Consistency Descriptions Compaction Test Report Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Particle Size Distribution Report Nos. 1, 2 and 3 P. � Carolina 39637 Distribution: W. Alec Stillwell, P.E.; Stillwell Engineering, P.A.; w.stillwell@stillwellengineering.net 5 PROJECT i ! h C'1 J. PROJECT NO. J�2 �' 4y O —a�f PAGE OF K E B S E L DATE 1 It I 20 {` CLIENT E N G I N E E R I N G - G R ® u P _ .._...__.._... rox,rd�t �ii j tw4ry RIP SEE DETAIL .. ■t•■ - _ ____ ------- -----------E`� �. �RttrQ----- --- ---_ _ 7' 4 2140 --- ` NORMAL WATEP LEVEL SET IN r — 0 TCB 13 4PcPEE-0 o. 21 .5 ............: ::::: ......... ;:: :.:.:.:.....: /', 74--INCH A S N12 WT HDP ;: = ;=. 59.5 9.50 OPOSED 6—INCH DIA. UNDERDRAIN W/ CLEANOUTSi:. r PRO OSED BIORETEN )N AREA S DETAIL ° PROPOSED 6-INCH GRAVITY SEWER SERVICE SEE SHEET C.4 �. OtiCFb �S9 Sp - 1500 �,9 �00 18. INCH 'ADS N12 WT HDPE 65.29' 2 �9 CB-3 .1:..•s j•, KESSEL ENGINEERING GROUP 582 HENDERSONVILLE ROAD SUITE ONE I ASHEVILLE NC 28803 I P: 18281 277-6351 I F: 18281 2-77-6355 WWW.THEKESSELGROUP.COM Very Loose, Reddish Brown, Micaceous, Silty SAND (Fill) Firm, Red and Reddish Brown, Micaceous, Silty SAND (Residuum) Hand auger refusal encountered at 2.7 feet. Groundwater encountered at 2.5 feet at time of boring and 2.2 feet 24 hours after boring. n = 4 n = 18 n = 21 n = 25/1.75 4 4 5 9 18 19 21 20 23 25/1.75 2 4 6 8 10 12 CLIENT:Stillwell Engineering, PA PROJECT:Sylva Tractor Supply - Bioretention LOCATION:See Figure 1 LOGGED BY:C. King ELEVATION:2144 (feet) PROJECT NO.:JA20-4003-04 ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 2142 2140 2138 2136 2134 2132 END:9-3-20 AFTER 24 HOURS: 2.2 ft CAVING>DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: 2.5 ft DATE START:9-3-20 DESCRIPTION HAND AUGER BORING NO. HAB-1 HAND AUGER BORING NO. HAB-1 Sheet 1 of 1SAMPLESSOIL TYPE DRILLING EQUIPMENT:Hand Auger PERFORMED BY:KEG Representatives HAND AUGER BORING 4003-04 TRACTOR SUPPLY BIORETENTION.GPJ KESSEL GROUP.GDT 9/11/20DYNAMIC CONE PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/1-3/4 inches 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 Loose, Reddish Brown, Micaceous, Silty SAND with Trace Gravel and Trace Organic Debris (Fill) Firm, Reddish Brown, Micaceous, Silty SAND (Possible Residuum) Hand auger refusal encountered at 1.6 feet. Groundwater encountered at 1.2 feet at time of boring and 1.25 feet 24 hours after boring. n = 5 n = 19 n = 25/.5 4 6 5 14 18 21 21 25/.52 4 6 8 10 12 CLIENT:Stillwell Engineering, PA PROJECT:Sylva Tractor Supply - Bioretention LOCATION:See Figure 1 LOGGED BY:C. King ELEVATION:2143 (feet) PROJECT NO.:JA20-4003-04 ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 2142 2140 2138 2136 2134 2132 2130 END:9-3-20 AFTER 24 HOURS: 1.25 ft CAVING>DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: 1.2 ft DATE START:9-3-20 DESCRIPTION HAND AUGER BORING NO. HAB-2 HAND AUGER BORING NO. HAB-2 Sheet 1 of 1SAMPLESSOIL TYPE DRILLING EQUIPMENT:Hand Auger PERFORMED BY:KEG Representatives HAND AUGER BORING 4003-04 TRACTOR SUPPLY BIORETENTION.GPJ KESSEL GROUP.GDT 9/11/20DYNAMIC CONE PENETRATION RESULTS BLOWS/1-3/4 inches 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 Very Loose, Reddish Brown, Micaceous, Silty SAND (Fill) Soft, Reddish Brown, Wet, Micaceous, Silty SAND (Fill) Soft, Red, Wet, Micaceous, Sandy SILT with Trace Grass and with Trace Fingerling Roots (Fill) Hand auger boring terminated at 3.2 feet. Groundwater encountered at 3.2 feet at time of boring. 2 4 6 8 10 12 CLIENT:Stillwell Engineering, PA PROJECT:Sylva Tractor Supply - Bioretention LOCATION:See Figure 1 LOGGED BY:C. King ELEVATION:2145 (feet) PROJECT NO.:JA20-4003-04 ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 2144 2142 2140 2138 2136 2134 2132 END:9-3-20 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING>DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: 3.2 ft DATE START:9-3-20 DESCRIPTION HAND AUGER BORING NO. HAB-3 HAND AUGER BORING NO. HAB-3 Sheet 1 of 1SAMPLESSOIL TYPE DRILLING EQUIPMENT:Hand Auger PERFORMED BY:KEG Representatives HAND AUGER BORING 4003-04 TRACTOR SUPPLY BIORETENTION.GPJ KESSEL GROUP.GDT 9/11/20 Silty Sand SM Topsoil TOPSOIL Bedrock BEDROCK Concrete AS Silt ML Sandy Clay CLS Split Spoon Sample Cone Penetrometer Resistance Av erage blows over 3-1/2 in. increment 1 to 4 5 to 9 10 to 29 over 30 Sof t Firm Stiff Very Stiff Boulder: Greater than 300 mm Cobble: 75 to 300 mm Gravel: Coarse - 19 to 75 mm Fine - 4.75 to 19 mm Sand: Coarse - 2 to 75 mm Medium - 0.425 to 2 mm Fine - 0.075 to 0.425 mm Silts & Clay: Less than 0.075 mm Very Loose Loose Firm Very Firm 1 to 4 5 to 15 16 to 29 over 30 Relative Density SILTS and CLAYS Consistency KEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS KEY TO DRILLING SYMBOLS KEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS AND CONSISTENCY DESCRIPTIONS Silty Clay CL-ML Grab Sample Cone Penetrometer Resistance Av erage blows over 3-1/2 in. increment Groundwater Table 24 Hours after Completion of Drilling Groundwater Table at Time of Drilling Particle Size Identification SANDS Clayey Silt MH Sandy Silt MLS Sand SW Clayey Sand SC High Plasticity Clay CH Well-graded Gravel GW Poorly-graded Gravel GP Partially Weathered Rock BLDRCBBL Low Plasticity Clay CL Undisturbed Sample Tested By: NR/LB Checked By: MG COMPACTION TEST REPORT Dry density, pcf85 90 95 100 105 110 Water content, % 5101520253035 19.5%, 103.3 pcf ZAV for Sp.G. = 2.75 Test specification:ASTM D 698-12 Method B Standard - SM - 25.2 - - - 21.3 35.1 Reddish Brown, Rocky, Micaceous, Silty SAND JA20-4003-01 Wayne Smith Standard Manual Rammer 4/1/20 #1 Elev/ Classification Nat.Sp.G. LL PI % > % < Depth USCS AASHTO Moist. 3/8 in. No.200 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project No. Client:Remarks: Project: Date: Source of Sample: Offsite Sample Number: 1 Kessel Engineering Group Asheville, NC Figure Maximum dry density = 103.3 pcf Optimum moisture = 19.5 % Tractor Supply - Sylva Tested By: HR/LB Checked By: MG COMPACTION TEST REPORT Dry density, pcf70 75 80 85 90 95 Water content, % 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 26.5%, 89.3 pcf ZAV for Sp.G. = 2.75 Test specification:ASTM D 698-12 Method A Standard - SM - 34.5 - - - 0.2 33.5 Tan, Silty SAND JA20-4003-01 Wayne Smith Standard Manual Rammer 7/15/20 #2 Elev/ Classification Nat.Sp.G. LL PI % > % < Depth USCS AASHTO Moist. #4 No.200 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project No. Client:Remarks: Project: Date: Source of Sample: Offsite Sample Number: 2 Kessel Engineering Group Asheville, NC Figure Maximum dry density = 89.3 pcf Optimum moisture = 26.5 % Tractor Supply - Sylva Tested By: JV/LB Checked By: MG COMPACTION TEST REPORT Dry density, pcf80 85 90 95 100 105 Water content, % 5101520253035 18.2%, 98.6 pcf ZAV for Sp.G. = 2.75 Test specification:ASTM D 698-12 Method A Standard - SM - 19.3 - - - 0.4 30.8 Brown, Silty SAND JA20-4003-01 Wayne Smith Standard Manual Rammer 8/6/2020 #3 Elev/ Classification Nat.Sp.G. LL PI % > % < Depth USCS AASHTO Moist. #4 No.200 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project No. Client:Remarks: Project: Date: Source of Sample: Offsite Sample Number: 3 Kessel Engineering Group Asheville, NC Figure Maximum dry density = 98.6 pcf Optimum moisture = 18.2 % Tractor Supply - Sylva Tested By: NR/LB Checked By: MG Kessel Engineering Group Asheville, NC 4/1/20 #1 (no specification provided) PL= LL= PI= D90=D85=D60= D50=D30=D15= D10=Cu=Cc= USCS= AASHTO= * Reddish Brown, Rocky, Micaceous, Silty SAND 1" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #40 #100 #200 100.0 84.6 78.7 74.4 70.2 57.2 43.6 35.1 -- 21.3820 19.2334 0.5426 0.2429 SM - Wayne Smith Tractor Supply - Sylva JA20-4003-01 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: Offsite Depth: -Sample Number: 1 Date: Client: Project: Project No: Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC. *PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 15.4 10.2 4.2 13.0 22.1 35.16 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: HR/LB Checked By: MG Kessel Engineering Group Asheville, NC 7/15/20 #2 (no specification provided) PL= LL= PI= D90=D85=D60= D50=D30=D15= D10=Cu=Cc= USCS= AASHTO= * Tan, Silty SAND 3/8" #4 #10 #40 #100 #200 100.0 99.8 97.8 77.3 47.7 33.5 -- 0.8240 0.6061 0.2329 0.1643 SM - Wayne Smith Tractor Supply - Sylva JA20-4003-01 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: Offsite Depth: -Sample Number: 2 Date: Client: Project: Project No: Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC. *PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.2 2.0 20.5 43.8 33.56 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Tested By: JV/LB Checked By: MG Kessel Engineering Group Asheville, NC 8/6/2020 #3 (no specification provided) PL= LL= PI= D90=D85=D60= D50=D30=D15= D10=Cu=Cc= USCS= AASHTO= * Brown, Silty SAND 3/8" #4 #10 #40 #100 #200 100.0 99.6 98.7 81.9 50.7 30.8 -- 0.6447 0.4878 0.2012 0.1466 SM - Wayne Smith Tractor Supply - Sylva JA20-4003-01 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: Offsite Depth: -Sample Number: 3 Date: Client: Project: Project No: Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC. *PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.9 16.8 51.1 30.86 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report