HomeMy WebLinkAboutWSMU_GRAN_WSWP Other Info_20200911 (6)ARTICLE V
Section 501. Use Districts. For the purpose of this ordinance, the Town of Granite Falls
is hereby divided into use districts designated as follows:
Residential Single -Family District
Residential Medium -High Density District
Residential High -Density District
Residential Mobile Home Park District
Office and Institutional District
Neighborhood Business District
Central Business District
Highway Business District
General Manufacturing District
Residential Low -Density District
Residential Medium Density District
Traditional Neighborhood Design District
Residential Single -Family District
Residential Single -Family District
M-1 PD
Industrial Planned Development District
Section 502. District Boundaries Shown on Zoning Map. The boundaries of the districts
are shown on the map accompanying this ordinance and made a part thereof entitled
"Official Zoning Map, Granite Falls, North Carolina." The zoning map and all the
notations, references and amendments thereto, and other information shown thereon are
hereby made a part of this ordinance the same as if such information set forth on the map
were all fully described as set forth herein. The zoning map properly attested is posted at
the Granite Falls Town Hall and is available for inspection by the public.
Section 503. Due Consideration Given to District Boundaries. In the creation by this
ordinance of the respective districts, careful consideration is given to the particular
suitability of each and every district for the particular uses and regulations applied
thereto, and the necessary and proper grouping and arrangement of various uses and
densities of population in accordance with a well -considered comprehensive plan for the
physical development of the Town.
Section 504. Rules Governing Boundaries. Where uncertainty exists as to the
boundaries of any aforesaid districts as shown on the zoning map, the following rules
shall apply. (Such uncertainty shall be determined by the Board of Adjustment):
504.1 Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately following the centerline
of streets or highways, street lines or railroad right-of-way lines or such lines
extended, such centerlines, street lines, or railroad right-of-way lines shall be
construed to be such boundaries.
504.2 Where district boundaries are so indicated that they approximately follow lot
lines, such lot lines shall be construed to be such boundaries.
504.3 Where district boundaries are so indicated that they are approximately parallel to
the centerlines of streets, highways, or railroads, or rights -of -way of same, such
district boundaries shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distance
therefrom as indicated on the zoning map. If no distance is given, such dimension
shall be determined by use of the scale shown on said zoning map.
504.4 Where a district boundary line divides a lot in single ownership, the district
requirements for the least restrictive portion of such lot shall be deemed to apply
to the whole thereof, provided that such extensions shall not include any part of
such a lot more than thirty-five (35) feet beyond the district boundary line. The
term "least restricted" shall refer to zoning restrictions, not lot or tract size.
Within the districts indicated on the zoning map, no building or land shall be used, and no
building shall be erected or altered which is intended or designed to be used in whole or
in part, for any use other than those listed as permitted for that district in this Article.
Section 601. RSF-15 Residential Single -Family District. The RSF-15 Residential
Single -Family District is established as a district in which the principal use of the land is
for low density, single-family residential purposes, and to provide and protect low density
residential areas for those desiring that type of environment. These districts are intended
to insure that residential development having access to public water supplies and
dependent upon septic tanks for sewage disposal will occur at a sufficiently low density
to provide a healthful environment. The regulations of this district are intended to
discourage any use which, because of its character, would substantially interfere with the
development of single-family residences and be detrimental to the quiet residential nature
of the areas included within this district.
601.1 The following uses are permitted:
• Single family dwelling units, excluding manufactured homes (Class B & C).
• Accessory buildings to residential uses, provided that no accessory building shall be
rented or occupied for gain. Furthermore, in no instance shall an accessory building
be placed upon a parcel which is absent of a principal use. Customary accessory uses
and structures may include: carports, detached canopies, garages, non-commercial
structures, greenhouses, swimming pools and tennis courts, with the latter two only
being permitted in the rear yard. No more than three (3) accessory buildings shall be
permitted per lot, other than those exceptions noted for lots of one (1) acre and larger
in Section 707. Dimensional standards for accessory buildings can be found in
Section 601.3 and Section 707.
• Governmentally owned public works facilities such as transformer stations, pumping
stations, water towers, and telephone exchanges, provided:
(a) such facilities are essential to the service of the immediate area and no
vehicles or materials shall be stored on the premises;
(b) all buildings and apparatus as specified in district regulations shall be set
back from all property lines and shall be designed, buffered and
landscaped in such a way as to blend in with the surrounding area, as in
(c) such facilities as water towers, pumping stations, and other dangerous
apparatus, shall be surrounded by a chain link fence at least six (6) feet in
• Small day care homes.
• Adult day care homes.
• Adult day health homes.
• Family care homes as defined in General Statutes 168.21 (A family care home shall
not be located within one-half mile, as measured by straight line, of another family
care home.
• Educational and philanthropic uses, excluding correctional or penal institutions.
• Home occupations as defined in Article VII, Section 712 of this ordinance.
• Municipal, county, state or federal use including parks and playgrounds, but
excluding landfills, storage yards, and mechanical workshops.
• Golf courses and clubhouses when approved as an accessory to a larger residential
• Parks, playgrounds, and community centers operated on a non-profit or non-
commercial basis for recreational purposes only.
• Temporary Health Care Structures as defined in NCGS 160A-383.5 (per the
requirements of Section 706.5)
601.2 Conditional Uses. The following conditional uses are permitted when authorized
by the Granite Falls Board of Adjustment after said Board holds a public hearing. Each
request shall be reviewed by the Planning Board for their comments and recommendation
prior to submission to the Board of Adjustment. A conditional use must be proven to not
materially endanger public health and safety, to not substantially injure adjoining
property values and be in general harmony with the surrounding area.
Any residential accessory structure exceeding the size requirements of Article
VII, Section 707 and meeting the following criteria:
o The property is larger than one (1) acre in size and contains a single-
family dwelling.
o The property may not be subdivided to the extent that the principal
structure and accessory structures remain on a parcel of land less than one
(1) acre in size.
o The structure may exceed the allowable square footage set forth in Section
707 by a maximum of 35%.
o The structure may not be used for commercial purposes.
o The structure is located as near to the center of the property as possible.
This shall be demonstrated by the presentation of a sketch plan showing
the proposed location of the structure(s).
o The structure must be located in the rear yard.
• Accessory Family Quarters (AFQ), provided:
1. No more than one accessory family quarter per principal structure.
2. Must be for single-family residential use only (example: family, friends, but
cannot be used as a rental unit).
3. Must share driveway access with the principal structure.
4. Cannot exceed 50% of the square footage of the principal structure.
5. Manufactured homes shall not be considered as accessory family quarters.
6. Must be clearly incidental and subordinate to the principal structure.
7. The AFQ must be located either within the principal structure or as an
accessory use to an accessory structure (example: above a detached garage).
8. Must meet all setbacks set forth for the principal structure and must be located
behind the front building line of the existing principal structure.
9. In no instance may an AFQ be rented out for gain or be allowed separate
utility meters.
• Schools (public, private and religious)
1. Parking and landscaping standards must be met per Article IX.
2. Additional landscaping and buffering maybe required when adjacent to
residential properties.
• Religious institutions, located not less than thirty (30) feet from any lot in any
residential district.
1. Parking and landscaping standards must be met per Article IX.
2. Additional landscaping and buffering maybe required when adjacent to
residential properties.
• Planned Developments (per the requirements of Section 804)
• Privately owned utility facilities such as transformer stations, pumping stations, water
towers and telephone exchanges with a disturbed area greater than or equal to one
half ('/2) acre (21,780 W) and/or any structures fifteen (15) feet or greater in height
1. All buildings shall be designed, buffered and landscaped in such a way as to
blend in with surrounding area.
2. All dangerous apparatus shall be enclosed by a chain link fence at least six (6)
feet in height.
3. If a mature vegetative canopy exists, the facility shall preserve as much of said
canopy as possible to serve as a buffer. Additional buffering may also be
• Commercial and Municipal cemeteries, provided:
1. No burial site is located closer than ten (ten) feet from any right-of-way or
property line.
2. All structures meet all dimensional requirements of this district.
3. No crematory operations are conducted on the premises.
Bed and breakfast inns with the following conditions:
- No more than four bedrooms shall be dedicated to accommodation of
- All eating and sleeping facilities shall be located within the main dwelling
- While persons residing off -premise may be employed with a bed and
breakfast inn, the operator of the inn shall reside within the main
- In addition to the two (2) off-street parking spaces required for the main
residential dwelling, additional off-street parking shall be provided at the
ratio of one parking space for each room available for rent. All required
off-street parking shall be located in the side or rear yards and outside of
required yards.
- Guests shall not be permitted to rent rooms for more than seven (7)
consecutive days.
- The serving of meals to guests shall be limited to breakfast only.
- Signs shall be limited to one non -illuminated sign of not more than four
(4) square feet.
- The operator of the bed and breakfast shall keep a current guest register
including names, addresses and dates of occupancy of all guests. The
register shall be available at all reasonable hours for the town's inspection.
- The operator shall comply with all business license and revenue collection
laws of the town, county and state.
- Upon change of ownership of property, the new property owner must
reapply for a conditional use permit to continue the bed and breakfast inn.
- No existing structure shall be enlarged or expanded for the purpose of
providing additional rooms for guests.
- No food preparation or cooking for guests shall be conducted within any
bedroom nor other individual rooms, except for the kitchen and/or pantry.
Meals may be provided only to residents or guests.
- No more than one (1) bed and breakfast inn can be located within a one
thousand (1000) foot radius (determined by a straight line and not street
distance from the front entrance door of the inn) from any other bed and
breakfast inn.
- Located on a lot which complies with the required minimum lot area for
existing uses as specified in that district.
- If the operator of the bed and breakfast inn lets the privilege license lapse,
the operator must reapply for a conditional use permit.
- The bed and breakfast inn shall comply with all federal, state, county and
town health requirements.
• Temporary Sales Trailers — Purpose-built modular office units for temporary sales
of residential lots and/or homes within a residential subdivision.
o Only permitted in conjunction with a residential subdivision of at least 20
lots or at least 20 acres.
o Must be located on a buildable lot and situated in a manner that would
minimize impact on the surrounding residential neighborhood.
o Must be connected to public water and sewer.
o Shall not be occupied as a dwelling unit.
o The driveway must be surfaced in concrete or asphalt and designed in such
a manner that a single family home could utilize it in the future.
o Must meet all applicable building codes.
o Signage on the premises shall be limited to one freestanding or one wall
sign for purposes of identification. Sign shall be no larger than six (6ft2)
square feet and a maximum height of five (5') feet.
o Landscaping and design features similar to that of surrounding properties
must be installed and maintained.
o Shall be removed within five (5) years or when 75% of the lots are sold,
whichever is less. An extension may be granted for a period of up to five
(5) additional years as an amendment to the previously approved
Conditional Use.
601.3 Dimensional Requirements. Within the RSF-15 Residential Single -Family
District(s) as shown on the zoning map, the following dimensional requirements shall be
complied with:
- Minimum lot size with water and sewer:
- Minimum lot size without water and/or sewer:
Minimum mean lot width, 100 feet.
Minimum front yard, thirty-five (35) feet.
15,000 sq. ft. (excluding road right
of way)
20,000 sq. ft. (excluding road
right of way)
Minimum required side yards for the principal building shall be at least fifteen (15) feet.
Minimum side yard on a street side shall be twenty (20) feet. (New subdivisions require
thirty (30) feet for street side setbacks). Amended January 18, 1999 as per ordinance
number 173.
Minimum required rear yard shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
Maximum permissible lot coverage by all impervious surfaces including the principal
building, pavement/concrete and all accessory buildings shall be determined by the
Watershed Protection Ordinance.
Height of buildings shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet unless the depth of the front and
total width of the side yards required herein shall be increased by one foot for each two
feet, or fraction thereof, of building height in excess of 35 height.
Accessory buildings shall not be permitted beyond the front building line of the existing
principal structure, excepting the following:
1. Detached garages that match the exterior finish and architectural design of the
principal structure shall be allowed beyond the front building line of the existing
principal structure so long as it does not extend beyond the average front building
line of adjacent properties.
2. Detached canopies may encroach into the front yard a maximum of ten (10') feet,
measured from the front facade of the principal structure, but may not encroach
into the street right-of-way.
3. For properties under 10,000ff in size a detached canopy may be located in the
front yard, without the above limitation, but subject to the following:
a. No more than one (1) canopy per lot.
b. The canopy must not be enclosed on any side.
c. The canopy must be located to serve an existing driveway.
d. The size should not exceed the standard size for parking two passenger
e. The canopy cannot be used for open storage of any materials.
Accessory buildings, other than those detailed above, shall not be erected in any front
yard or within 20 feet of any street or highway line. An accessory building or use may be
located in a side or rear yard provided it meets the following setbacks: Five (5) feet for
buildings 144W or smaller, Ten (10) feet for buildings larger than 144W. An accessory
building may not be located in a side yard which is adjacent to a street.
Off-street parking shall be provided as required in Article IX of this ordinance.
Section 602. R-8 Residential Medium -High Density District. The purpose of the R-8
Residential Medium High Density District is to provide relatively medium density living
areas restricted to immobile single-family, two-family and multi -family dwellings. The
regulations are intended to prohibit any use which, because of its character, would
interfere with the residential nature of this district. It is expected that municipal water
and sewerage facilities will be available to each lot in such districts, or a reasonable
expectation of such service in the near future.
602.1 The following uses are permitted:
• All uses permitted in the RSF-15 Single -Family Residential District.
• Cemeteries.
• Multi -family dwellings and row houses for any number of families.
• Hospitals, convalescent homes, orphanages, nursing homes, and charitable
institutions not used primarily for the treatment of contagious diseases, alcoholics
or drug addicts.
602.2 Conditional Uses. The following conditional uses are permitted when authorized
by the Granite Falls Board of Adjustment after said Board holds a public hearing. Each
request shall be reviewed by the Planning Board for their comments prior to submission
to the Board of Adjustment. A conditional use must be proven to not materially endanger
public health and safety, to not substantially injure adjoining property values and be in
general harmony with the surrounding area.
• Planned Developments (per the requirements of Section 804)
602.3 Dimensional Requirements. Within the R-8 Residential District(s) as shown on
the zoning map, the following dimensional requirements shall be complied with:
- Minimum lot size with water and sewer: 8,000 sq. ft. (excluding road right of way)
- Minimum lot size without water and/or sewer: 20,000 sq. ft. (excluding road right of
Minimum lot size for multi -family with water and sewer: 8,000 sq. ft. for the first unit
and 3,000 sq. ft. for each additional
- Minimum lot size for multi -family without water and sewer: 20,000 sq. ft. for the
first unit and 10,000 sq. ft. for each
additional unit.
Eighty (80) feet minimum mean lot width.
Thirty (30) feet minimum front yard.
Minimum required side yards for a 1 1/2 story building shall be 8 feet; for a 2 or 2 1/2
story building, 12 feet; for a split-level residence, 8 feet on one-story side, 12 feet on the
two-story side.
Combined width of both side yards - for a 1 or 1 1/2 story building, 25% lot width; for a
split-level residence, 30% lot width; and for a 2 to 2 1/2 story building, 35% lot width.
Minimum required rear yard shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
Buffer Requirement for Multi -Family Uses (excluding duplexes): Upon any side or rear
lot line which abuts a residential district or residential use there shall be a densely planted
and maintained buffer strip. No such buffer shall, however, extend nearer to a street
right-of-way than the established building line of the adjoining residential lots and no
buffer shall be required upon any yard which abuts a public street.
Maximum permissible lot coverage by all impervious surfaces including the principal
building, pavement/concrete and all accessory buildings shall be determined by the
Watershed Protection Ordinance.
Maximum permissible height by principal building is 35 feet unless the depth of the front
and total width of the side yard required herein shall be increased by one foot for each
two feet, or fraction thereof, of building height in excess of 35 feet.
Accessory buildings shall not be permitted beyond the front building line of the existing
principal structure, excepting the following:
1. Detached garages that match the exterior finish and architectural design of the
principal structure shall be allowed beyond the front building line of the existing
principal structure so long as it does not extend beyond the average front building
line of adjacent properties.
2. Detached canopies may encroach into the front yard a maximum of ten (10') feet,
measured from the front facade of the principal structure, but may not encroach
into the street right-of-way.
3. For properties under 20,OOOft' in size and no more than 100 feet in width at the
street a detached canopy may be located in the front yard, without the above
limitation, but subject to the following:
a. No more than one (1) canopy per lot.
b. The canopy must not be enclosed on any side.
c. The canopy must be located to serve an existing driveway.
d. The size should not exceed the standard size for parking two passenger
e. The canopy cannot be used for open storage of any materials.
Accessory buildings, other than those detailed above, shall not be erected in any front
yard or within 20 feet of any street or highway line. An accessory building or use may be
located in a side or rear yard provided it meets the following setbacks: Five (5) feet for
buildings 144fV or smaller, Ten (10) feet for buildings larger than 144fC. An accessory
building may not be located in a side yard which is adjacent to a street.
Off-street parking shall be provided as required in Article IX of this ordinance.
Section 603. R-8A Residential High Density District. The purpose of the R-8A District
is to provide a relatively high density living area consisting of single-family detached and
attached dwellings and multi -family dwellings. Housing types include both immobile
and mobile dwellings, subject to the applicable housing provisions of this ordinance. The
regulations are intended to prohibit any use which, because of its character, would
interfere with the residential nature of this district. It is expected that municipal water
and sewerage facilities will be available to each lot in such districts, or a reasonable
expectation of service in the near future.
603.1 The following uses are permitted:
• All uses permitted in the R-8 Residential Medium Density District.
• Manufactured homes subject to regulations in Section 709.
603.2 Conditional Uses: Same as R-8
603.3 Dimensional Requirements: Same as R-8
Section 604. R-MH Residential Manufactured Home District. The R-MH Residential
Manufactured Home District permits high -density residential development. It is expected
that municipal water and sewerage facilities will be available to each lot in this district.
The regulations of this district are intended to provide the Granite Falls community with
areas of relatively high -density neighborhoods for compact living with planned
604.1 The following uses are permitted:
Mobile home parks, subject to Article VII, Section 710, of this ordinance.
Manufactured homes shall be allowed subject to appearance criteria set forth in
Section 709.
604.2 Conditional Uses. The following conditional uses are permitted when authorized
by the Granite Falls Board of Adjustment after said Board holds a public hearing. Each
request shall be reviewed by the Planning Board for their comments prior to submission
to the Board of Adjustment. A conditional use must be proven to not materially endanger
public health and safety, to not substantially injure adjoining property values and be in
general harmony with the surrounding area.
• None
604.3 Dimensional Requirements.
All dimensional standards as required by Article VII, Section 710 governing mobile
home parks shall be applicable in the R-MH District.
Section 605. O-I Office & Institutional District. The O-I Office and Institutional
District is established to reserve areas for the development of office and institutional uses
where the scale is compatible with that of the adjacent uses and where infrastructure is
adequate to serve those uses. A mixture of office and residential uses is permitted in the
O-I District. This District may serve to provide for a mixture of uses along thoroughfares
where the predominant use is commercial or may serve as a transition between residential
and commercial areas. Due to the location of this district near residential areas, uses in
this district shall conduct most of their activities during daylight hours.
605.1 Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted, provided such uses do not
exceed twenty-five hundred (2500fF) square feet of gross floor area:
• Single family dwellings, excluding manufactured homes
• Arboretums
• Governmental recreational uses
• Adult day care home
• Adult day health home
• Child day care home
• Child day care center, small
• Child day care center, medium
• Church/Religious institution
• Library
• Advertising agency
• Detective Agencies
• Financial Institutions/Banks
• Interior Designers
• Barber shops/salons
• Health, spa and fitness facilities
• Medical/Dental Clinic
• Medical/Dental Lab
• Music Studio
• Office, Accounting
• Office, Architect
• Office, Auditor/Bookkeeper
• Office, Contractor
• Office, Engineer
• Office, Insurance agency
• Office, Legal services
• Office, Mail order
• Office, Management
• Office, medical, dental, psychiatric
• Office, Professional
• Office, Real estate
• Office, Surveyor
• Personnel services
• Public relations firm
• Radio/TV studios
• Studios, galleries and workshops for artists, craftspeople, designers, photographers
• Travel agency
605.2 Conditional Uses. The following uses are permitted when authorized by the
Granite Falls Board of Adjustment after said board holds a public hearing. Each request
shall be reviewed by the Planning Board prior to submission to the Board of Adjustment.
A conditional use must be proven to not materially endanger public health and safety, to
not substantially injure adjoining property values and be in general harmony with the
surrounding area.
Uses not otherwise named herein which come within the spirit or intent of the Office
& Institutional District or which have a gross floor area in excess of twenty-five
hundred (2500fF) square feet.
Bed and breakfast inns with the following conditions:
1. No more than four bedrooms shall be designated for accommodation of guests.
2. All eating and sleeping facilities shall be located within the main dwelling unit.
3. While persons residing off -premise may be employed with a bed and breakfast
inn, the operator of the inn shall reside within the main residence.
4. In addition to the two (2) off-street parking spaces required for the main
residential dwelling, additional off-street parking shall be provided at the ratio of
one parking space for each room available for rent. All required off-street parking
shall be located in the side or rear yards and outside of required yards.
5. Guests shall not be permitted to rent rooms for more than seven (7) consecutive
6. The serving of meals to guests shall be limited to breakfast only.
7. Signs shall be limited to one non -illuminated sign of not more than four (4) square
8. The operator of the bed and breakfast shall keep a current guest register including
names, addresses and dates of occupancy of all guests. The register shall be
available at all reasonable hours for the town's inspection.
9. The operator shall comply with all business license and revenue collection laws of
the town, county and state.
10. Upon change of ownership of property, the new property owner must reapply for
a conditional use permit to continue the bed and breakfast inn.
11. No existing structure shall be enlarged or expanded for the purpose of providing
additional rooms for guests.
12. No food preparation or cooking for guests shall be conducted within any bedroom
nor other individual rooms, except for the kitchen and/or pantry. Meals may be
provided only to residents or guests.
13. No more than one (1) bed and breakfast inn can be located within a one thousand
(1000) foot radius (determined by a straight line and not street distance from the
front entrance door of the inn) from any other bed and breakfast inn.
14. Located on a lot which complies with the required minimum lot area for existing
uses as specified in that district.
15. If the operator of the bed and breakfast inn lets the privilege license lapse, the
operator must reapply for a conditional use permit.
16. The bed and breakfast inn shall comply with all federal, state, county and town
health requirements.
Customary accessory uses and structures when located on the same lot as the main
structure, excluding open storage. Additional screening may be required.
• Mixed uses, that is, buildings erected for both dwelling and business purposes,
provided such buildings shall be furnished with side yards on each side of the
building measuring not less than 8 feet in width, provided, however, that this
regulation shall not apply to the street side of a corner lot.
• Planned Developments (per the requirements of Section 804)
605.3 Dimensional Requirements.
No minimum mean lot width required, except that where a lot abuts any residential
district there shall be a side yard or a rear yard clearance of at least 15 feet; a side yard of
20 feet is required on the street side of a corner lot.
Upon any side or rear lot line which abuts a residential district there shall be a densely
planted and maintained buffer strip. No such buffer shall, however, extend nearer to a
street right-of-way than the building setback line of the adjoining residential lots, and no
buffer shall be required upon any yard which abuts a public street.
Minimum front yard setback of thirty-five (35) feet.
No building shall exceed 50 feet in height unless the depth of the front and total width of
the side yards required herein shall be increased by one foot for each two feet, or fraction
thereof, of building height in excess of 50 feet. In no case shall a building exceed
seventy-five (75) feet in height.
Off street parking shall be provided as required in Article IX of this ordinance.
Section 606. N-B Neighborhood Business District. The Neighborhood Business District
is established to reserve areas for low intensity business centers which are accessible to
pedestrians from the surrounding residential neighborhood. The intent of the district is to
provide for the daily convenience and personal service needs of the surrounding
residential neighborhood while minimizing conflicts between residential and commercial
uses. This district is designed to be located within or adjacent to residential
neighborhoods where large commercial operations are inappropriate, but where small
neighborhood oriented businesses are useful and desirable.
606.1 The following uses are permitted: Provided such uses do not exceed twenty-five
hundred (2500W) square feet of gross floor area.
• Antique Shops
• Banks and other financial institutions.
• Barbershops and beauty shops.
• Bakeries, retail.
• Boarding houses and tourist homes.
• Delicatessens
• Drug stores
• Dry cleaning or laundry pickup stations
• Dry goods stores.
• Florists and gift shops.
• Furniture and household appliance stores.
• Hardware stores.
• Laundromats and similar automatic laundries.
• Grocery, food, produce and meat stores.
• Greenhouse or horticultural nurseries.
• Electrical repair shops and electronic products.
• Jewelry repair shops and opticians.
• Libraries, museums and art galleries.
• Medical and dental clinics and laboratories.
• Medium child day care centers.
• Small day care centers.
• Newspaper offices.
• Offices, business, professional and public.
• Office supplies and equipment, sales and services.
• Photographic studios and camera supply stores.
• Religious institutions
• Shoe repair and shine shops.
• Tailor and dressmaking shops.
• Telephone and telegraphic offices.
606.2 Conditional Uses: The following uses are permitted when authorized by the
Granite Falls Board of Adjustment after said Board holds a public hearing. Each request
shall be reviewed by the Planning Board for their comments prior to submission to the
Board of Adjustment. A conditional use must be proven to not materially endanger public
health and safety, to not substantially injure adjoining property values and be in general
harmony with the surrounding area.
• Uses not otherwise named herein which come within the spirit or intent of this
ordinance or which have a gross floor area in excess of twenty-five hundred (2500ff)
square feet.
• Eating establishments/restaurants (as defined in Article IV)
• Civic clubs (as defined in Article IV)
• Private clubs (as defined in Article IV)
• Planned Developments (per the requirements of Section 804)
• Mixed uses, that is, buildings erected for both dwelling and business purposes,
provided such buildings shall be furnished with side yards on each side of the
building measuring not less than 8 feet in width, provided, however, that this
regulation shall not apply to the side street of a corner lot.
• Service stations and convenience stores with gas pumps, provided that all gasoline
pumps and other stationary equipment shall be located at least 12 feet behind the
property line; provided further that on all sides where such stations abut residential
districts, a six (6) foot high fence and suitable landscaping and buffering shall be
• Animal hospitals or veterinary clinics, provided there is a minimum lot size of one (1)
acre and adequate screening for adjacent residential properties.
Customary accessory uses and structures when located on the same lot as the main
structure, excluding open storage. Additional screening may be required.
606.3. Dimensional Requirements. Within the N-B District as shown on the Granite
Falls zoning map, the following dimensional requirements shall be complied with:
No minimum mean lot width required, except that where a lot abuts any residential
district there shall be a side yard or a rear yard clearance of at least 15 feet; a side yard of
20 feet is required on the street side of a corner lot. Furthermore, upon any side or rear
lot line which abuts a residential district there shall be a densely planted and maintained
buffer strip. No such buffer shall, however, extend nearer to a street right-of-way than
the building setback line of the adjoining residential lots, and no buffer shall be required
upon any yard which abuts a public street.
Thirty five (35) feet minimum front yard setback.
Height regulations for buildings and structures in the Neighborhood Business District
hereafter erected or structurally altered to exceed 50 feet in height shall be set back from
the lot line on the ratio of one foot for each two feet rise above said 50 feet. In no case
shall a building exceed seventy-five (75) feet in height.
Accessory buildings within the N-B Neighborhood Business District shall conform to the
dimensional requirements set forth for principal structures.
Off-street parking shall be provided as required in Article IX of this ordinance.
Section 607. C-B Central Business District. The Central Business District is established
as the centrally located trade and commercial service area of Granite Falls. The
regulations of this district are designed to encourage the continued use of land for
community trade and commercial service uses, and to permit a concentrated development
of permitted uses while maintaining a substantial relationship between the intensity of
land uses and the capacity of utilities and streets.
607.1. The following uses are permitted:
• All uses permitted in the Office and Institutional District (O-I) and Neighborhood
Business District (N-B), except kindergartens and day nurseries, rest and
convalescent homes, religious institutions, animal hospitals or veterinary clinics,
and greenhouses or horticultural nurseries.
• Alcoholic beverage control stores.
• Automobile parts and supplies, excluding auto repair, open storage of tires and
storage of wrecked and/or inoperable vehicles
• Automobile parking lots and structures.
• Automotive car wash/detail shop.
• Business colleges, barber and beauty colleges, art schools, music and dance
studios and similar uses.
• Dairy bars and ice cream manufacturing for retail sales on the premises only.
• Eating establishments/restaurants
• Feed and seed stores.
• Locksmiths and gunsmiths.
• Outdoor displays including merchandise and all others (excluding newspaper
stands and vending machines). Must be located on the sidewalk within the side
property boundary lines and within the first three (3) feet of the storefront or four
(4) feet from the curb face, whichever is less from the storefront. Also no
merchandise shall be allowed on the sidewalk between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and
8:00 a.m. (Amended March 20, 2000)
• Retail establishments such as department, clothing, fabric, variety, floor covering,
paint, antique, art supplies, gift, music, toy, sporting goods, books and stationary,
magazine, candy, tobacco, pet and hobby and craft stores, but not excluding
similar retail outlets.
• Taxicab stands.
• Theaters, indoor.
• Customary accessory uses and structures, when located on the same block as the
principal structures, excluding open storage.
607.2. Conditional Uses. The following conditional uses are permitted when authorized
by the Board of Adjustment after said Board holds a public hearing. Each request shall
be reviewed by the Planning Board for its comments prior to submission to the Board of
Adjustment. A conditional use must be proven to not materially endanger public health
and safety, to not substantially injure adjoining property values and be in general
harmony with the surrounding area.
Mixed Uses combining residential dwellings and commercial uses, provided that
no residential use may be allowed on the primary floor of the structure (street
o Residential unit must be a minimum of eight hundred (800fe) square feet
in size and meet all applicable Building and Fire Code standards.
o Each residential unit must make provision for one (1) off-street, non-
public parking space.
o Conditions for rooftop decks or balconies over a public sidewalk shall be
as follows:
I. In no instance shall a balcony extend farther than one (1) foot from the
front facade of the building or wider than one (1) foot on either side of
an inward swinging door.
2. Rooftop decks and balconies must be approved and sealed by an
engineer and designed to meet all Building Code requirements for
3. Commercial signage shall not be attached to a rooftop deck or balcony
that is an accessory to a residential use.
Planned Developments (per the requirements of Section 804)
Recreation and amusement facility
1. Parking and landscaping standards must be met per Article IX.
2. Additional landscaping and buffering maybe required when adjacent to
residential properties.
Wine Shop/Wine Bar - An establishment that offers various wines for sale by the
glass, for on premise consumption and by the bottle, for off premise consumption.
Craft Beer Bottle Shop/Taproom - An establishment that offers various craft beers
for sale by the glass, for on premise consumption and by the bottle, for off
premise consumption.
1. Sales of mixed beverages for on premise consumption prohibited.
2. Hours of operation for on premise consumption of wine/craft beer limited to
the following:
a. Monday through Thursday 1 lam- llpm
b. Friday and Saturday llam- 12 Midnight
c. Sundays 1pm-10pm
d. Extended Hours for Special Events: Closing time extended to lain for
a maximum of twelve (12) special events per calendar year.
Establishment shall provide advance notice of special events.
Examples of Special Events can include holidays, private parties and
fund raisers for non -profits.
3. On premise consumption prohibited outside the building, with the exception
of outdoor seating areas located on the same property as the business. Outdoor
seating areas shall be clearly defined and physically separated from adjacent
properties, public spaces and parking areas.
4. Small scale brewing (nano -brewery: max. batch size of 3 barrels) allowed as
accessory use.
5. Must comply with all other Local, State and Federal laws.
607.3. Dimensional Requirements. Within the C-B Central Business District as shown
on the Granite Falls zoning map, the following dimensional requirements shall be
complied with:
No minimum lot width required, except that where lot abuts a residential district there
shall be a side yard or a rear yard clearance of at least 15 feet; a side yard of 20 feet is
required on the street side of a corner lot. In addition, upon any side or rear lot line
which abuts a residential district there shall be a densely planted and maintained buffer
strip. No such buffer shall, however, extend nearer to a street right-of-way line than the
established building line of the adjoining residential lots, and no buffer shall be required
upon any yard which abuts a public street.
No minimum front yard setback required.
Height regulations for buildings and structures in the C-B Central Business District
hereafter erected or structurally altered to exceed 80 feet in height shall be set back from
the front line on the ratio of one foot for each two foot rise above said 80 feet.
Off-street parking and loading shall be provided as required in Article IX of this
Section 608. H-B Highway Business District. The H-B Highway Business Districts are
located on major thoroughfares and collector streets in the Granite Falls planning area.
They are intended to provide for offices, personal services and the retailing of durable
and convenience goods for the community. Because these commercial uses are subject to
public view and are important to the economy of the community, they should have ample
parking, controlled traffic movement and suitable landscaping.
608.1 The following uses are permitted:
• All uses permitted in the O-I District, C-B District and N-B District, excluding
multi -family and two-family dwelling, except for mixed use where the
commercial use is the primary use of the property.
• Animal hospitals or veterinary clinics, provided there is a minimum lot size of one
(1) acre and no outdoor boarding of animals. Outdoor recreation yards must
maintain a twenty (20') buffer strip when adjacent to residential property.
• Animal lodging or boarding facilities or commercial kennels, provided there is a
minimum lot size of one (1) acre and no outdoor boarding of animals. Outdoor
recreation yards must maintain a twenty (20') buffer strip when adjacent to
residential property.
• Assembly halls, coliseums, gymnasiums and similar structures.
• Automobile parts and supplies, repair garages, excluding open storage of wrecked
vehicles and tires.
• Automobile, recreational vehicle and manufactured home sales lots
• Automotive car wash/detail shops
• Bakeries and other establishments manufacturing prepared foods and
miscellaneous food products.
• Boat works and sales.
• Breweries, Distilleries and Wineries.
• Building supply and equipment sales.
• Club, civic
• Club, private
• Customary accessory uses and structures when located on the same lot as the
main structure, excluding open storage.
• Trucking terminals/distribution centers.
• Cold storage and freezer lockers.
• Fabricating shops, for example, wood products, textiles including furniture and
metal products.
• Greenhouses or horticultural nurseries.
• Funeral homes or mortuaries.
• Large child care centers.
• Medium child day care center.
• Small day care center.
• Small day care homes.
• Adult day care facilities.
• Adult day care centers.
• Adult day care home.
• Adult day health home.
• Parking lots and parking garages
• Plumbing shops but excluding open storage.
• Printing, publishing and reproducing establishments.
• Recreation and amusement facility
• Rest and convalescent homes.
• Sexually oriented businesses as defined in Chapter 17 of the Town Code.
Provided however:
a) No more than one (1) sexually oriented business can be located within a
two thousand (2,000) foot radius (determined by a straight line and not
street distance from the front entrance door of the sexually oriented
business) from any other sexually oriented business.
b) No sexually oriented business can be located within a one thousand five
hundred (1,500) foot radius (determined by a straight line and not street
distance) of the closest boundary line of any residential district within the
Town's zoning jurisdiction, and any church, school, day care, public park
or playground within or without the Town's zoning jurisdiction.
c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Zoning Ordinance a
sexually oriented business is permitted only in the H-B Highway Business
Sign painting and fabricating shops.
Tailor, dressmaking and millinery shops.
Wholesale and warehouse establishments except for the storage of uncured hides,
explosives, oil products, gas storage, etc.
608.2 Conditional uses: The following uses are permitted when authorized by the
Granite Falls Board of Adjustment after said board holds a public hearing. Each request
shall be reviewed by the Planning Board prior to submission to the Board of Adjustment.
A conditional use must be proven to not materially endanger public health and safety, to
not substantially injure adjoining property values and be in general harmony with the
surrounding area.
• Uses not otherwise named herein which come within the spirit or intent of this
• Cellular towers (per the requirements of Section 803).
• Electronic Gaming/Internet Sweepstakes, subject to the following:
1. Minimum of one thousand five hundred (1,500') feet of separation from any
residential zoning district, measured as a straight line distance from the
nearest limit of the residential zoning district to the nearest exterior wall of the
2. Minimum of one thousand five hundred (1,500') feet of separation between
electronic gaming/internet sweepstakes establishments, measured as a straight
line distance between the nearest exterior walls of the businesses.
3. Minimum of one thousand five hundred (1,500') feet of separation from
religious institutions, schools, child care centers, recreation centers or parks,
measured as a straight line distance to the nearest exterior wall of the business.
4. Hours of operation limited to 8am-2am Monday through Friday, 8am-12
Midnight on Saturday and Closed on Sunday.
5. Machines must be compliant with State and Federal Law.
6. No one under 18 years of age permitted to use the machines. Age must be
verified for all customers who use the machines.
7. Electronic gaming/internet sweepstakes machines may be allowed as
accessory uses to otherwise lawful businesses, and therefore would only be
subject to standards 4, 5 and 6 noted above, when two (2) or fewer machines
are located on the premises. Three (3) or more machines on the same premises
will be treated as a primary use and will be subject to all of the above
standards for approval, including issuance of a Conditional Use Permit prior
to operation.
• Live music venues
1. Parking, buffering, screening and landscaping standards must be met per
Article IX.
2. Minimum of one hundred fifty (150') feet of separation from any
residential zoning district, measured as a straight line distance from the
nearest limit of the residential zoning district to the nearest exterior wall of
the business.
3. Additional measures to reduce or minimize noise levels may be required
to protect nearby residential properties.
Package stores
1. Parking and landscaping standards must be met per Article IX.
2. Additional landscaping and buffering maybe required when adjacent to
residential properties.
Planned Developments (per the requirements of Section 804)
Theatres, drive-in, subject to the following:
(a) No part of the theatre screen, projection booth, or other building shall be
located closer than 500 feet to any residential district nor closer than 50
feet of any property line or public right-of-way; and no parking space shall
be located closer than 100 feet to any residential district;
(b) The theatre screen shall not face a major street or highway; and reservoir
parking space off the street shall be provided for patrons awaiting
admission in an amount of not less than thirty percent (30%) of the
vehicular capacity of the theatre.
• Wholesale storage of gasoline and oil products, including bottled gas and oxygen,
provided the permit is obtained from the Bureau of Fire Prevention as required by
the Fire Prevention Code.
• Mixed uses, that is, buildings erected for both dwelling and business purposes,
provided such buildings shall be furnished with side yards on each side of the
building measuring not less than 8 feet in width, provided, however, that this
regulation shall not apply to the street side of a corner lot.
608.3 Dimensional requirements: Within the H-B District, as shown on the Granite Falls
zoning map, the following dimensional requirements shall be complied with:
No minimum mean lot width required, except that where a lot abuts any
residential district there shall be a side yard or rear yard clearance of at least 15
feet; a side yard of 20 feet is required in the street side of a corner lot.
Furthermore, buildings used for residential purposes shall comply with the
dimensional requirements of the R-8 Residential District; buildings used wholly
or in part for permitted nonresidential uses shall meet the dimensional
requirements for the district in which they are located. Furthermore, upon any
side or rear lot line which abuts a residential district there shall be a densely
planted and maintained buffer strip. No such buffer shall, however, extend nearer
to a street right-of-way than the established building line of the adjoining
residential lots and no buffer shall be required upon any yard which abuts a public
Thirty-five feet minimum front yard setback required.
No building shall exceed 50 feet in height unless the depth of the front and total width of
the side yards required herein shall be increased by one foot for each two feet, or fraction
thereof, of building height in excess of 50 feet.
Maximum permissible lot coverage by all impervious surfaces including the principal
building, pavement/concrete and all accessory buildings shall be determined by the
Watershed Protection Ordinance.
Off-street parking and loading shall be provided as required in Article IX of this
Section 609. M-1 General Industrial District. This district provides a place for the
location of industrial and other uses which would be incompatible with general business
areas. It is intended to permit in this district any use which is not inherently obnoxious to
urban areas because of noise, odor, smoke, light, dust or the use of dangerous materials.
609.1. The following uses are permitted:
• Any use permitted in the H-B District.
• Any lawful retail, repair, or wholesaling use, not specifically referred to in this
• Gasoline, oil or fuel storage above ground, provided permit is obtained from the
Bureau of Fire Prevention as required by the Fire Prevention Code.
• Tire recapping and retreading shops
• Hatcheries.
• Manufacture, processing or fabrication of the following products:
- Animal feeds
- Bedding, carpets, and pillows
- Clothing, including hosiery
- Electrical and electronic products
- Foods and food products, including abattoirs
- Glass
- Household appliances
- Leather goods, not including processing or storage of raw hides
- Machine tools
- Metals and metal products
- Paints
- Paper products, not including the manufacturing or processing of paper
- Plastics
- Pottery, porcelain and vitreous china
- Rubber products, not to include the processing or manufacture of rubber
- Soap, detergent and washing compounds
- Textiles
- Wood and wood products, including furniture
609.2. Conditional Uses. The following conditional uses are permitted when authorized
by the Granite Falls Board of Adjustment after said board holds a public hearing. Each
request shall be reviewed by the Planning Board for their comments and
recommendations prior to the submission to the Board of Adjustment. A conditional use
must be proven to not materially endanger public health and safety, to not substantially
injure adjoining property values and be in general harmony with the surrounding area.
• Manufacturing uses not otherwise named herein which come within the spirit and
intent of this Zoning Ordinance.
• Cellular towers (see Section 803 Height Limitations).
• Stone cutting and polishing, but not including, crushing, mining or quarrying.
• Planned Developments (per the requirements of Section 804)
• Metal Recycling Facility, where scrap metal materials are collected from the
general public and stored temporarily prior to shipment to a processing facility,
including expansion of existing facilities, subject to the following:
1. Minimum lot size often (10) acres.
2. Must be located two thousand (2,000') feet from another metal recycling
facility, measured as a straight-line distance between property lines.
3. The site must have direct access to a public road.
4. Minimum setback of two hundred (200') feet from the property line of any
adjacent parcel that is either zoned residential or used for residential.
5. Within the above described setback, a vegetative buffer of at least eight
(8') feet in height at time of planting is required. Existing vegetation may
be allowed to fulfill this requirement if it is of sufficient height and
6. Minimum setback of two hundred (200') feet from any perennial stream,
river or lake. This area must be kept in a naturally vegetated and
undisturbed state.
7. The entire facility must be surrounded by an opaque fence (or similarly
opaque structure or vegetation), at least eight (8') feet in height to screen
the property from public roads and other non-residential properties.
8. Additional landscaping may be required outside of the fence for the
portion that faces the public road.
9. Hours of operation limited to 7am-7pm Monday through Friday, 8am-3pm
on Saturday and Closed on Sunday.
10. Scrap metal, auto parts or any other salvaged material may not be offered
for sale on site.
11. No portion of the operation may be located within a designated flood zone
as shown on most recent Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS).
12. The entire operational area of the facility shall not exceed five (5) acres in
609.3. Dimensional Requirements. Within the M-1 General Industrial District(s) as
shown on the zoning map, the following dimensional requirements shall be complied
The minimum lot area for the M-1 General Industrial District shall be one (1) acre.
The minimum mean lot width shall be 200 feet (200').
Minimum front yard setback shall be 50 feet.
Minimum of 15 feet for side yard on each side of every principal building. When adjacent
property is also in the M-1 District, the side yard setback shall be 5 feet.
Minimum of 20 feet required for rear setback. When adjoining property is also in the M-1
District, the rear yard setback shall be 5 feet.
Maximum permissible lot coverage by all impervious surfaces including the principal
building, pavement/concrete and all accessory buildings shall be determined by the
Watershed Protection Ordinance.
No building shall exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height unless the depth of the front and
total width of the side yards herein specified shall be increased by one foot for each two
feet or fraction thereof of building height in excess of sixty-five (65) feet.
Off-street parking as required by this ordinance may be permitted in required yards but
shall be no closer than ten (10) feet from the front property line or any dedicated street or
railroad right-of-way line.
Screening requirements. Whenever any M-1 district rear and/or side property line abuts
upon a residential district or site of institutional use with no intervening street or highway
or natural buffer, any buildings or parking area used for industrial purposes shall maintain
a buffer strip of twenty (20) feet and within a portion of the buffer strip there shall be
planted a contiguous screen of evergreen plants with an initial height of at least six (6)
Off-street parking and loading shall be provided as required in Article IX of this
Section 610. R-20 Residential Low Density District. The R-20 Residential District is
established as a district in which the principal use of the land is for low density residential
and agricultural purposes, and to provide and protect low density residential areas for
those desiring that type of environment. These districts are intended to insure that
residential development not having access to public water supplies and dependent upon
septic tanks for sewage disposal will occur at a sufficiently low density to provide a
healthful environment.
610.1. The following uses are permitted:
• Any use allowed in the RSF-15 District.
• Religious institutions, located not less than thirty (30) feet from any lot in any
residential district.
• Cemeteries.
610.2. Conditional Uses. The following conditional uses are permitted when authorized
by the Granite Falls Board of Adjustment after said Board holds a public hearing. Each
request shall be reviewed by the Planning Board for their comments prior to submission
to the Board of Adjustment. A conditional use must be proven to not materially endanger
public health and safety, to not substantially injure adjoining property values and be in
general harmony with the surrounding area.
Accessory Family Quarters (AFQ), provided:
1. No more than one accessory family quarter per principal structure.
2. Must be for single-family residential use only (example: family, friends, but
cannot be used as a rental unit).
3. Must share driveway access with the principal structure.
4. Cannot exceed 50% of the square footage of the principal structure.
5. Manufactured homes shall not be considered as accessory family quarters.
6. Must be clearly incidental and subordinate to the principal structure.
7. The AFQ must be located either within the principal structure or as an
accessory use to an accessory structure (example: above a detached garage).
8. Must meet all setbacks set forth for the principal structure and must be located
behind the front building line of the existing principal structure.
9. In no instance may an AFQ be rented out for gain or be allowed separate
utility meters.
Any residential accessory structure exceeding the size requirements of Article VII,
Section 707 and meeting the following criteria:
o The property is larger than ten (10) acres in size and contains a single-
family dwelling.
o The property may not be subdivided to the extent that the principal
structure and accessory structures remain on a parcel of land less than ten
(10) acres in size.
o The structure is not used for commercial purposes.
o The structure is located as near to the center of the property as possible.
This shall be demonstrated by the presentation of a sketch plan showing
the proposed location of the structure(s).
Planned developments (per the requirements of Section 804)
610.3. Dimensional requirements.
Minimum lot size with water and sewer: 15,000 sq. ft. (excluding road right of way)
Minimum lot size with water and/or sewer: 20,000 sq. ft. (excluding road right of way)
Maximum permissible lot coverage by all impervious surfaces including the principal
building, pavement/concrete and all accessory buildings shall be determined by the
Watershed Protection Ordinance.
Minimum required mean lot width: 100 feet.
Forty (40) feet minimum required front yard setback.
Minimum required side: The minimum required side yard on each side of every
principal building shall be at least fifteen (15) feet, except that any side yard abutting a
street shall be not less than thirty (30) feet.
Minimum required rear: 25 feet.
Maximum permissible lot coverage by all impervious surfaces including the principal
building, pavement/concrete and all accessory buildings shall be determined by the
Watershed Protection Ordinance.
Location of accessory buildings: Accessory buildings shall not be permitted beyond the
front building line of the existing principal structure, excepting the following:
1. Detached garages that match the exterior finish and architectural design of the
principal structure shall be allowed beyond the front building line of the existing
principal structure so long as it does not extend beyond the average front building
line of adjacent properties.
2. Detached canopies may encroach into the front yard a maximum of ten (10') feet,
measured from the front facade of the principal structure, but may not encroach
into the street right-of-way.
3. For properties under 10,000ff in size a detached canopy may be located in the
front yard, without the above limitation, but subject to the following:
a. No more than one (1) canopy per lot.
b. The canopy must not be enclosed on any side.
c. The canopy must be located to serve an existing driveway.
d. The size should not exceed the standard size for parking two passenger
e. The canopy cannot be used for open storage of any materials.
Accessory buildings, other than those detailed above, shall not be erected in any front
yard or within 20 feet of any street or highway line. An accessory building or use may be
located in a side or rear yard provided it meets the following setbacks: Five (5) feet for
buildings 144fV or smaller, Ten (10) feet for buildings larger than 144fV. An accessory
building may not be located in a side yard which is adjacent to a street.
Height of buildings: No building shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.
Corner visibility: On a corner lot, within the area formed by the center lines of the
intersecting streets and a line joining points of such center lines at a distance of eighty
(80) feet from their intersection, there shall be no obstruction to vision between a height
of two (2) feet and height of ten (10) feet above the average center line grade of each
Off-street parking requirements: Off-street parking shall be provided as required in
Article IX of this ordinance.
Section 611. R-20A Residential Medium Density District. This district is composed of
medium density residential development and of open areas which are used as farmland
and woodland. The regulations of this district are intended (1) to insure that residential
development not having access to public water supplies and dependent upon septic tanks
for sewage disposal will occur at sufficiently medium densities to insure a healthful
environment and (2) to protect agricultural and residential areas from an influx of
incompatible uses which would render such areas undesirable for farms and future
611.1 The following uses are permitted:
• Any use allowed in R-20 Residential District.
• Two-family dwelling units.
• Public and private elementary and secondary schools having curricula
approximately the same as ordinarily given in public schools.
1. Parking and landscaping standards must be met per Article IX.
2. Additional landscaping and buffering maybe required when adjacent to
residential properties.
611.2 Conditional Uses. The following conditional uses are permitted when authorized
by the Granite Falls Board of Adjustment after said Board holds a public hearing. Each
request shall be reviewed by the Planning Board for their comments prior to submission
to the Board of Adjustment. A conditional use must be proven to not materially endanger
public health and safety, to not substantially injure adjoining property values and be in
general harmony with the surrounding area.
Any residential accessory structure exceeding the size requirements of Article
VII, Section 707 and meeting the following criteria:
o The property is larger than ten (10) acres in size and contains a single-
family dwelling.
o The property may not be subdivided to the extent that the principal
structure and accessory structures remain on a parcel of land less than ten
(10) acres in size.
o The structure is not used for commercial purposes.
o The structure is located as near to the center of the property as possible.
This shall be demonstrated by the presentation of a sketch plan showing
the proposed location of the structure(s).
Planned Developments (per the requirements of Section 804)
• Hotels, inns and motels.
1. Parking and landscaping standards must be met per Article IX.
2. Additional landscaping and buffering maybe required when adjacent to
residential properties.
3. Additional parking and access points may be required.
• Large child care centers.
• Manufactured homes (individual or multi -sectional)
1. Must meet the requirements of Section 709.
2. Additional buffering or screening may be required.
• Multi family dwelling units.
1. Parking and landscaping standards must be met per Article IX.
2. Additional landscaping and buffering maybe required when adjacent to
residential properties.
3. Additional parking and access points may be required.
• Medium child day care centers.
• Small day care center.
• Adult day care center.
• Cultural Community Centers which are designed to promote cultural preservation
and advancement through educational, social or other cultural activities (provided
that such facilities are not operated for profit).
1. Parking and landscaping standards must be met per Article IX.
2. Minimum lot size of three (3) acres.
3. Additional landscaping and buffering may be required when adjacent to
residential properties.
4. Additional measures may be required in order to ensure compatibility with
adjacent properties (i.e. hours of operation, parking, etc.).
611.3 Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum lot size with water and sewer: 15,000 sq. ft. (excluding road right of way)
Minimum lot size with water and/or sewer: 20,000 sq. ft. (excluding road right of way)
Minimum lot size for multi family with water and sewer: 15,000 sq. ft. for the first unit
plus 5,000 sq. ft. for each additional unit.
Minimum lot size for multi family without water and sewer: 20,000 sq. ft. for the first
unit plus 10,000 sq. ft. for each additional unit.
One hundred (100) feet minimum required mean lot width per dwelling unit.
Forty (40) feet minimum required front yard setback.
Minimum required side yards setback for the principal building shall be at least fifteen
(15) feet, except that any side yard abutting a street shall be not less than thirty (30) feet.
Minimum required rear yard shall twenty five (25) feet.
Buffer Requirement for Multi -Family Uses (excluding duplexes): Upon any side or rear
lot line which abuts a residential district or residential use there shall be a densely planted
and maintained buffer strip. No such buffer shall, however, extend nearer to a street
right-of-way than the established building line of the adjoining residential lots and no
buffer shall be required upon any yard which abuts a public street.
Maximum permissible lot coverage by all impervious surfaces including the principal
building, pavement/concrete and all accessory buildings shall be determined by the
Watershed Protection Ordinance.
Location of accessory buildings. Accessory buildings shall not be permitted beyond the
front building line of the existing principal structure, excepting the following:
1. Detached garages that match the exterior finish and architectural design of the
principal structure shall be allowed beyond the front building line of the existing
principal structure so long as it does not extend beyond the average front building
line of adjacent properties.
2. Detached canopies may encroach into the front yard a maximum of ten (10') feet,
measured from the front facade of the principal structure, but may not encroach
into the street right-of-way.
3. For properties under 10,000W in size a detached canopy may be located in the
front yard, without the above limitation, but subject to the following:
a. No more than one (1) canopy per lot.
b. The canopy must not be enclosed on any side.
c. The canopy must be located to serve an existing driveway.
d. The size should not exceed the standard size for parking two passenger
e. The canopy cannot be used for open storage of any materials.
Accessory buildings, other than those detailed above, shall not be erected in any front
yard or within 20 feet of any street or highway line. An accessory building or use may be
located in a side or rear yard provided it meets the following setbacks: Five (5) feet for
buildings 144fV or smaller, Ten (10) feet for buildings larger than 144ff. An accessory
building may not be located in a side yard which is adjacent to a street.
Height of buildings. No building shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.
Corner visibility. On a corner lot, within the area formed by the center lines of the
intersecting streets and a line joining points of such center lines at a distance of eighty
(80) feet from their intersection, there shall be no obstruction to vision between a height
of two (2) feet and a height of ten (10) feet above the average center line grade of each
Off-street parking requirements. Off-street parking shall be provided as required in
Article IX of this ordinance.
Section 612. Traditional Neighborhood Design District
Sec.612.1 Purpose
The purposes of these regulations are to lessen congestion in the streets, to secure safety from fire, panic
and other dangers, to promote health and the general welfare, to provide adequate light and air, to prevent
the overcrowding of land, and to avoid undue concentration of population, to facilitate the adequate and
economic provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements, to
conserve the value of buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the town, in
accordance with the 1998 Comprehensive Land Use Plan "Granite Falls Horizons."
Sec. 612.2 Approval Process
All new developments using the Traditional Design option shall be currently zoned Traditional
M Neighborhood Development (TND).
The review and approval process for a development using the Traditional Design option is the same as a
standard residential subdivision process as outlined in the Granite Falls Subdivision Ordinance. Plans shall
include a separate plat, labeled "Proposed Use Districts", illustrating how each property or section thereof
is to be used within the project. The use districts are outlined in "Subsection D" of this ordinance.
Sec. 612.3 General Requirements
1) Frontage of at least 35 feet on a public street is required for all lots. See 86. S.a
2) Project Size shall be a minimum of five (5) acres.
3) Development Intensity in the Traditional Neighborhood Development district shall meet the
following standards:
• single house lots, non-residential lots outside of planned open space developments,
and lots in exempt subdivisions require a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet and a
minimum lot width 100 feet; no open space requirement.
• The number of housing units which may be built in a major or minor subdivision using
the Traditional Design option varies according to the utilities provided and location within a
municipal water supply watershed. The base density for projects utilizing the Traditional
Design option is calculated across the entire project, and requires the preservation of at least
15% of the gross area of the tract as open space. Dwellings are expected to be clustered; v,
projects may include a mixture of the building and lot types as permitted in this section.
• The following example chart is based on a 100 acre tract; PA is Protected Area and CA is
Critical Area within a water supply watershed:
Project Area
in DU/A
Lot Size
Lot Width
WS-PA w/water & sewer
WS-PA w/o sewer
WS-CA w/water & sewer
WS-CA w/o sewer
• individual lots of less than 20,000 square feet and/or 100' width, existing prior to the effective
date of this ordinance, are construed to be conforming.
4) Open Space is defined as any area which is not divided into private or civic building lots, streets,
rights -of -way, parking, or easements established for purposes other than open space conservation,
grass waterways, or floodplains. Urban Open Space shall assume one or more of the forms
55 See 86.4.1.d.1
detailed in Subsection F(e) Urban Open Space, and may contain recreation equipment and
amenities as indicated. Rural Open Space is site specific in its designation. Golf courses and
other neighborhood and outdoor recreational uses which are designed and sited to preserve rural
appearance, will be classified, in whole or in part, as rural open space.
5) Determination of rural open space(s) to be preserved will be based on a site specific analysis to
identify scenic vistas and features of the natural and built landscape of Granite Falls and its
environs. These are considered rural heritage features, examples of which are:
groves of mature trees hedgerows rock outcroppings
0C cultivated fields ponds woods
v, pastures bridges fence lines
rolling hills farm buildings curves in rural roads
In the Traditional Design option, at least 75% of the open space counted toward the basic open
space requirement shall be set aside to maintain public views of rural heritage features. Up to 25%
of the open space may be placed within the project and detailed as urban open space (Subsection
F(e)). At a minimum, urban open space should be located within a 1/4 mile walk of each
residential building in a major subdivision, as measured along public streets rights -of -way.
6) Open space preservation shall be irrevocable. A metes and bounds description of the space to
M, be preserved and limits on use shall be recorded on the subdivision plat, in homeowner covenants,
a and on individual deeds when open space lands are not held entirely in common. Alternative
means of permanent open space preservation may include acceptance by a land conservation trust
0C or a unit of government. Private management alternatives which ensure the open space
preservation required by this section will also be permitted. Restrictive covenants shall limit uses
to the continuation of certain agricultural activities (pasture land, crop cultivation) or recreation
uses that preserve the view from public streets of rural heritage features to be preserved. Upon
verification by the town that restriction of development has been established by a permanent and
'^ irrevocable instrument, a letter so noting shall be simultaneously issued to the property owner(s)
and to the Caldwell County Tax Administrator.
x • Open space shall be deemed usable space for the neighborhood, as certified by the Town,
prior to preliminary plat approval. In extreme cases, due to topographical constraints, relief or
`, a variance from this requirement may be granted on the recommendation by the Planning
Board and approval by Town Council.
,z� • Open space shall be dedicated to a legally created homeowners association with formal
arrangements established and approved by the Town Attorney for the levy of dues for upkeep,
maintenance and taxes prior to final approval by the Town Planning Board. If dedication of
open space and common facilities is not to be immediate, the legal arrangements shall assure
that such dedication will be accomplished within thirty (30) days following completion of the
7) Setbacks are controlled by allowable building and lot types within the district.
a) On existing streets, new buildings shall respect the general spacing of structures, building
mass and scale, and street frontage relationships of existing buildings.
• New buildings which adhere to the scale, massing, volume, spacing, and setback of
existing buildings along fronting streets exhibit demonstrable compatibility.
• New buildings, which exceed the scale and volume of existing buildings, may
v� demonstrate compatibility by varying the massing of buildings to reduce perceived scale
and volume. The definition of massing in Article 4 illustrates the application of design
techniques to reduce the visual perception of size and integrate larger buildings with pre-
existing smaller buildings.
b) New streets, allowable building and lot types will establish the development pattern. All
N development projects defined as major subdivisions using the Traditional Design option
-6 require an approved subdivision sketch plan, according to the requirements of the Granite
Falls Subdivision Ordinance. Sketch Plan submittals shall provide sufficient information to
determine rural heritage features on the site. Therefore, submittal should include a
topographic survey, as well as information regarding the location of existing buildings,
fences, hedgerows, rock outcroppings, tree lines, creeks and other bodies of water.
8) Utilities shall be installed underground throughout the entire development. This shall include
water, sewer, electricity, gas, telephone, cable, and etc.
Sec. 612.4 Use Districts
1) Open Space District (OS):
Intent: It is the intent of this district to preserve open space due to its relationship of floodplain, drainage,
natural features, steep slopes and recreation. These lands shall also consist of un-buildable sites, other sites
that are environmentally sensitive, significant, scenic, or possess unusual attributes that cause them to stand
(a) Permitted uses:
Uses permitted by right:
• Undisturbed natural open space
Uses permitted with conditions:
• Essential services 1 and 2
• Government buildings up to 5,000 square feet of gross floor area
• Neighborhood and outdoor recreation
(b) Permitted building and lot types:
• Civic building
(c) Permitted accessory uses:
• Accessory uses permitted in all districts
2) Neighborhood Residential District (NR):
Intent: This district is provided to encourage residential development in compact neighborhoods and rural
compounds that set aside significant natural vistas and landscape features for permanent conservation.
Streets shall be interconnected and a range of lot sizes is encouraged. The Neighborhood Residential
District is to permit the completion and conformity of residential subdivisions.
(a) Permitted uses:
Uses permitted by right
• Single-family homes
Uses permitted with conditions
• Bed and breakfast inns (Section 601.2)
• Civic, fraternal, cultural, community, or club facilities
Essential services 1 and 2
Government buildings up to 6,000 square feet of gross floor area
• Neighborhood and outdoor recreation,
• Parks
• Schools
• Row houses, town houses or duplexes
(b) Permitted building and lot types:
• Detached house
• Attached house
• Civic building
(c) Permitted accessory uses:
• Day care home (small) (Section 402)
• Home occupations (Section 712)
• Accessory uses permitted in all districts
Sec 612.5.a Lot Tvues / Detached House
Building Placement/Parking/Vehicle Access
Permitted Height/Uses
TYRE •A" Typical Condition
All Residential
Locabon �I
Vanes u
15' him
taow -- -- - - -
Special Gase: >Z5' Sidewalk
1. Buildings shall be placed on the lot within
zone represented by the hatched area.
• Along new streets, the build -to -line is fifteen (15) feet
behind the street right-of-way. Special site conditions
such as topography or lot widths permit a larger
• Along existing streets, front build -to -lines shall be
equal to the average setbacks for buildings on the
same side of the street within three hundred (300) feet.
Only in the most exceptional circumstances having to
do with extreme topography or very special design
composition may such placement be varied.
2. Garages may be detached (entered from front
or rear), or attached to the main dwelling.
Front loaded garages, if provided, shall meet
the standards of Section 612.6.4.3
3. A detached garage may be located only in the
rear yard.
ca Res.
g - -- -
Special Conditions:
1. The intention of buildings in all locations must be
to relate the principal fagade to the sidewalk and
public space of the street.
2. Comers: Setback at street comers will generally
replicate frontage conditions. However, side setbacks
on a minor street may be less than the front dimension.
3. Within the limits described, these regulations
apply to all houses built on public streets.
For detached homes on large lots accessed
by a private drive in Rural Neighborhoods,
building placement and site planning will be
dictated by landscape features and landscape
4. Points of permitted front or rear access to
parking indicated by arrows.
5. Main pedestrian access to the building is
from the street. Secondary access may be from
parking areas.
6. Decks must be constructed only in rear yard
area and are permitted to encroach into the rear
setback up to twelve (12) feet.
Sec 612.5.b Lot Type / Attached House
Building Placement/Parking/Vehicle Access
Permitted Height/Uses
Detached Attached
Garage Garage
5' Min. � (i
20'-25' ---- ,j 35' Min.
10' MinJ 20' Min.
0' Min. Special Case Sidewalk
1. Buildings shall be placed on the lot
within zone represented by the
hatched area.
2. Along new streets, the build -to -line
will range from fifteen (15) to
twenty-five (25) feet behind the
street right-of-way. Special site
conditions such as topography or lot
widths permit a larger setback.
• Along existing streets, front build -to -lines shall
typically be equal to the average setbacks for
buildings on the same side of the street within three
hundred (300) feet.
3. Building facades shall be generally
parallel to front property lines or
dedicated green space but shall have
frontage on a public street.
4. Front loaded garages, if provided,
shall meet the standards of section
x ca Res.
Encroachments/Pedestrian Access:
1. Main pedestrian access to the building is from the
street. Secondary access may be from parking areas.
2. Decks must be constructed only in rear yard areas and
permitted to encroach into the rear setback up to fifty
(50) percent of required.
Special Conditions:
�1. The intention of buildings in all
locations must be to relate the principal fagade to the
sidewalk and public space of the street.
2. Comers: Setback at the street comers
will generally replicate frontage conditions. However,
side setbacks on a minor street may be less than the
front dimension.
3. Front and side setbacks may vary
depending upon site conditions. Setbacks should be
used in a manner which encourages pedestrian
5. Points of permitted access to
parking indicated by arrows. Front
access to parking at rear of Type `A'
is permitted to duplexes only.
6. Side setbacks shall be eight (8) feet
from all exterior lot lines and ten
(10) feet on the street side.
The attached house is a rowhouse, a townhouse,
or a duplex. Traditional southern homes in Savannah and
Charleston provide the historic model. Dilworth Crescent
in Charlotte provides a good contemporary example.
Generally, building plans will have narrow frontages with
the plan depth being Rreater than its width.
Sec. 612.5.c Lot Type / Civic Buildin
Building Placement/Parking/Vehicle Access I Encroachment/Pedestrian Access
1. Buildings shall be placed on the lot within zone
represented by the hatched area. In most cases, the
build -to -line will range from ten (10) feet to twenty-
five (25) feet behind street right-of-way. Special site
conditions such as topography, lot width, or provision
of a green or plaza will permit a larger building
2. Parking shall be located to the rear of the building;
sideyard parking shall occupy no more than twenty-
five (25) percent of the primary frontage line and shall
not be placed in any sideyard abutting an intersecting
street. Where dimensions of existing lots restrict
placement of parking behind buildings, the limitations
on sideyard parking may be modified.
3. A planting strip or defined plaza should be provided to
Encroachment/Pedestrian Access:
1. For buildings set back from sidewalk, balconies,
stoops, stairs, open porches, bay windows, and
awnings are permitted to encroach into front setback
area up to eight (8) feet.
2. Main pedestrian access to the building is from the
street. Secondary access may be from parking areas.
A civic building is a building used for purposes that are
public in nature (e.g. schools, libraries, community buildings,
clubhouses, government buildings, and churches). These
buildings must be designed to take their appropriate place
within neighborhoods as integral parts of the community. It
is expected that the scale and architectural sophistication of
relate the building to the street.
4. Generally, building and street facades must extend
parallel to frontage property lines.
5. Points of permitted access to the parking indicated by
6. Hedges, garden walls, or fences may be built on
property lines or as the continuation of building walls.
A garden wall, fence, or hedge (minimum three (3)
feet in height) shall be installed along any street
frontage adjacent to parking areas.
7. Parking areas on adjacent lots should be connected.
8. Trash containers shall be located in the parking area
(see parking regulations).
9. Mechanical equipment at ground level should be
placed on the parking lot side of building and away
from buildings on adjacent sites.
these buildings will match their civic importance. Where
possible, civic structures shall be designed to terminate vistas
or serve as key focal points in the neighborhood. The
intention of buildings in all locations must be to relate the
principal fagade to the sidewalk and public space of the
street. Civic buildings shall not be set back on the lot behind
a standard parking lot.
Sec. 612.5.c Building Type / Civic Building
Permitted Height and Uses
Architectural Standards
1. To perpetuate the unique building character of the town
and its environs, and to re-establish its local identity,
development shall generally employ building types that
are sympathetic to the historic architectural vocabulary
of the area in their massing and external treatment.
2. Building elevations fronting or visible from public streets
shall be clad with masonry, wood, vinyl siding, stucco,
or similar material. Metal paneling may not comprise a
street fronting building face.
3. The front elevations facing the street, and the overall
massing shall communicate an emphasis on the human
scale and the pedestrian environment.
4. Each building should be designed to form part of a larger
composition of the area in which it is situated. Adjacent
buildings should thus be of similar scale, height, and
5. Trailers (mobile units shall not be used as permanent
civic buildings.
1. Building height shall be measured as the vertical
distance from the highest finished grade relative to
the street frontage, up to the eaves or the highest level
of a flat roof.
2. The height of parapet walls may vary depending
upon the need to screen mechanical equipment.
3. Maximum height of occupiable building shall be 45
feet. Uninhabitable portions of buildings with foot
print area 500 square feet or less may exceed 45 feet
(example: spire, cupola).
Sec.612.6 Traditional Neighborhood Elements and Design
612.6.1) Streets.
6. Schools, churches, and government buildings shall be
built so that they terminate a street vista whenever
possible, and should be of sufficient design quality to
create visual anchors for the community.
7. At a minimum, the Americans with Disabilities Act
standards for accessibility shall be met.
8. Street level windows shall be untinted. Mirrored glass is
not permitted in any location.
9. Flat roof lines are allowed.
10. Classical columns, if provided, should have appropriate
proportions and moldings according to true historic
11. Windows should be set to the inside of the building face
12. All rooftop equipment shall be enclosed in building
material that matches the structure or is visually
compatible with the structure.
13. Windows should be of square or vertical proportion.
Special windows may be circular or regular polygons.
612.6.1.a) Streets should be designed to suit their functions.
Many streets, especially local ones, have purposed other than
vehicular traffic. As an alternative to current N. C.
Department of Transportation road standards, the following
street designs are provided for non -state maintained streets
within the municipal limits of Granite Falls and for streets
within the Extraterritorial Zoning Jurisdiction which will be
maintained by the town upon annexation. Streets built to the
standards of this section are eligible for town maintenance.
612.6.1.b) Streets in Granite Falls are to be inviting public
space and integral components of community design. A
hierarchical street network should have a rich variety of
types, including bicycle, pedestrian, and transit routes. All
streets should connect to help create a comprehensive
network of public areas to allow free movement of
automobiles, bicyclists and pedestrians. In order for this
street network to be safe for motorists and pedestrians, all
design elements must consistently be applied to calm
automobile traffic.
612.6.1.c) In summary, streets shall:
1. Interconnect within a development and with
adjoining development. Cul-de-sacs shall be
allowed only where topographical and/or lot line
configurations offer no practical alternatives for
connections. Street stubs shall be provided within
development adjacent to open land to provide for
future connections. Consultation with the town
planner is recommended to locate potential
connections in new neighborhoods.
2. Be designed as the most prevalent public space of
the town and, thus, scaled to the pedestrian.
3. Private streets are permitted within a new
development, but shall meet the standards of a
public street. Alleys will be classified as either
public or private depending upon function
according to the street acceptance policy.
4. Be the focus of buildings. Generally, all buildings
will front on a public street.
612.6.1.d) The Town Planning Board may also require the
following elements to be added before preliminary plat
approval (See 612.8.3):
1. Be bordered by sidewalks on one or both sides,
v with the exception of rural roads, lanes, alleys,
and the undeveloped edge of neighborhood
2. Be lined with street trees on both sides, with the
exception of rural roads, lanes, alleys and the
undeveloped edge of neighborhood parkways.
612.6.1.e Intersections
Long segments of straight streets should be interrupted by
intersections designed to:
a. Disperse traffic flow and reduce speeds, thereby
eliminating the creation of de facto collector
streets with high speed, high volume traffic; and
b. Terminate vistas with a significant natural feature,
a building, a small park, or other public space.
Other traffic calming measures such as neck -downs,
chicanes, mid -block diverters, intersection diverters, curb
bulbs, serial hill crests, and related devices will be
considered on a case by case basis, based on safety and
appropriateness in the proposed location.
612.6.1.f Blocks
Street blocks defined by public streets are the fundamental
design elements of traditional neighborhoods. Under most
conditions, any dimension of a block may range from 250
to 500 linear feet between cross streets. Where a longer
block will reduce the number of railroad crossings, major
stream crossings, and when such longer blocks will still
result in an arrangement of street connections, lots and
public space consistent with this Article, the Town
Planning Board may authorize greater block lengths at the
time of subdivision preliminary plan review and approval.
Acceptance of Streets
Streets shall be accepted in accordance with the Street
Acceptance Policy Adopted by the Town Council and on
file in the office of the Town Manager.
612.6.2) Defining Public Space.
As the most prevalent public spaces in Granite Falls, streets space should be defined by buildings. Proper
alignment and delineation of the public street space occurs when the facades of adjacent buildings are aligned
much like the walls forming a room. Buildings that make up the street edges are aligned in a disciplined manner.
The defined space observes a certain ratio of height to width.
Building articulation must take place primarily in the vertical plane of the fagade. Appendages such as porches,
balconies, and bay windows are encouraged to promote the transition between the public street and the private
For good definition, the ratio of one increment of height to six of width is the absolute maximum, with one to three
being a good effective minimum. As a general rule, the tighter the ratio, the stronger the sense of place. Very tight
relationships of one to one can create special pedestrian places.
In the absence of spatial definition by facades, disciplined tree planting is an alternative. Trees aligned for spatial
enclosure are necessary on streets with deep building setbacks.
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612.6.3) Street Specifications.
The Town Planning Board may require one or more of the following specifications for street design be
integrated with the proposed development before preliminary plat approval. The Planning Board will
review street design to ensure comfortable use of the street by motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists and
promote the defining of streets as public space. Pavement widths, design speeds, and the number of motor
travel lanes should be minimized to enhance safety for motorists and non -motorists alike. The specific
design of any given street must consider the building types which have frontage and the relationship of the
street to the overall town street network. The following specifications apply to street design:
Street trees and sidewalks shall be required on both sides of streets with exception of
rural roads, lanes, alleys, and the undeveloped edge of neighborhood parkways or designated open
space. Planting area for street trees should be a minimum of 5' in width and shall be planted at a
spacing not to exceed 40 feet on center. Sidewalks shall be a minimum of 5' in width. If the two
following criteria apply, the Planning Board may reduce the sidewalk requirement in specific portions
of the development from two sides of the street to one side of the street, or in very rare instances allow
for the elimination of sidewalks:
• Topography is extremely rugged and hilly.
• Eighty (80%) percent or more of the development is within a Critical Area
water supply watershed.
2. On -street parking is recommended where building type and use will generate regular use.
Occasional on -street parking can be accommodated without additional pavement width. For streets
which serve workplace and storefront buildings, on -street parking lanes are required and should be
marked as such. An on -street parking lane on at least one side of the street is recommended on streets
serving apartments, attached houses, and detached houses with lots 60' or less in width. On -street
parking should also be provided on one side of any street adjacent to a square, park or other Urban
Open Space. Parallel on -street parking width is 7' to 8'. On -street parking should be parallel; angled
parking is only permitted along the main streets of a retail center in a planned mixed -use development.
3. Design speeds should not exceed 30 miles per hour on any neighborhood street. Only arterials and
boulevards may exceed this design speed.
4. Streets and alleys shall, wherever practicable, terminate at other streets within the neighborhood and
connect to existing and projected streets outside the development. Cul-de-sacs shall not exceed two
hundred fifty (250) feet in length, must be accessed from a street providing internal or external
connectivity, shall be permanently terminated by a vehicular turnaround, and are permitted where
topography makes a street connection impracticable. In most instances, a "close" or "eyebrow" is
preferred to a cul-de-sac. Vehicular turnarounds of various configurations are acceptable so long as
emergency access is adequately provided.
5. The average perimeter of all blocks should not exceed one thousand three hundred fifty (1,350)
feet. No block face should have a length greater than eight hundred (800) feet without a dedicated
alley or pathway providing through access.
6. Streets shall be organized according to a hierarchy based on function, size, capacity, and design
speed; streets and rights -of -way are therefore expected to differ in dimension. The proposed hierarchy
of streets shall be indicated on the submitted sketch plan. Each street type shall be separately detailed.
Street types illustrated in the subdivision ordinance and TND street design guidelines represent the
array of elements that are combined to meet the purposes of neighborhood streets: building placement
line, optional utility allocation, sidewalk, planting strip, curb and gutter, optional parallel parking, and
travel lane(s). Alternative methods of assembling the required street elements will be considered to
allow neighborhood street designs that are most appropriate to setting and use.
7. To prevent the buildup of vehicular speed, disperse traffic flow, and create a sense of visual enclosure,
long uninterrupted segments of straight streets should be avoided. Methods: (1) a street can be
interrupted by intersections designed to calm the speed and disperse the flow of traffic and terminate
vistas with a significant feature (building, park, natural feature); (2) a street can be terminated with a
public monument, specifically designed building fagade, or a gateway to the ensuing space; (3)
perceived street length can be reduced by a noticeable street curve and deflect the view; (4) other
traffic calming configurations are acceptable so long as emergency access is adequately provided.
8. Street construction standards shall conform to the standards in the Granite Falls Subdivision
612.6.4) Special District Conditions.
Accessory uses and structures that are clearly related to and incidental to the permitted
principal use or structure on the lot.
Fences and walls.
(a) In a residential district a fence or wall in the established front yard or a building shall be a
minimum of two (2) feet in height and a maximum of five (5) feet in height. Decorative
caps or spires which extend above the highest horizontal member of the fence shall not be
included in the measurement of height. Chain link or similar fencing materials, if used,
shall be placed on the interior side of a masonry wall or solid wood fence and shall be
planted with a semi -opaque vegetative screen between wall or fence and the public street.
(b) In a residential district a fence or wall in an established rear or side yard which abuts a
street or alley may not exceed six (6) feet in height unless placed fifteen (15) feet or more
inside property boundary. Within the first fifteen (15) feet, fences of chain link or similar
material are permitted only if screened on the exterior side by evergreen shrubs planted
no farther apart that six (6) feet on center, minimum height two and one-half (2 1/2) feet
at installation, or if obscured form view by other screening method(s) which perform at
the same or a higher level.
(c) In a residential district a fence or wall in an established rear or side yard which does not
abut a street or alley may not exceed eight (8) feet in height.
Standards for residential garages and parking
(a) On lots greater than seventy-five (75) feet in width, front loading garages
shall be recessed at least ten (10) feet behind the primary plane of the front fagade of the
• Exception for single-family detached dwellings with one thousand
four hundred (1,400) square feet or less of heated space: single bay front loading
garages may be built flush with, but may not project in front of, the primary plane of
the front fagade of the structure; double bay front loading garages shall be recessed
at least ten (10) feet behind the primary plane of the front fagade of the structure.
(b) When the arrangement of permanent structural elements of a dwelling
unit provides side view screening of a single bay front loading garage, the structural
screening of the garage may be substituted by the homebuilder for the applicable standard
above. An example of a permanent structural element which provides such screening
would be an elevated porch or stoop with steps to ground level.
(c) In no case shall on -site residential parking extend into the public right-of-
way, or into an easement for a public sidewalk on private property.
(d) On street parking at lot front, when specifically provided, may be counted
toward all or part of the parking requirement of a dwelling unit.
(e) Vehicles used primarily for commercial purposes and with more than two
(2) axles are prohibited from parking on streets, in driveways, or on private property in
residential districts. This shall not be construed as preventing the temporary parking of
delivery trucks, moving vans, and similar vehicles which deliver goods or services.
4. Home Occupation: A home occupation is permitted accessory to any dwelling unit (except
manufactured housing) in accordance with the following requirements:
(a) The home occupation must be clearly incidental to the residential use of the dwelling and
must not change the essential residential character of the dwelling.
(b) The use shall employ no more than one (1) person who is not a resident of the dwelling.
(c) A home occupation housed within the dwelling shall occupy no more than twenty-five
(25) percent of the total floor area of the dwelling.
(d) There shall be no visible outside display of stock in trade which is sold on the premises.
(e) There shall be no outdoor storage or visible evidence of equipment or materials used in
the home occupation, excepting equipment or materials of a type and quantity that could
reasonably be associated with the principal residential use.
(f) Operation of the home occupation shall not be visible from any dwelling on an adjacent
lot, nor from a street.
(g) Only vehicles used primarily as passenger vehicles will be permitted in connection with
the conduct of the home occupation.
(h) The home occupation shall not utilize mechanical, electrical, or other equipment which
produces noise, electrical or magnetic interference, vibration, heat, glare, or other
nuisances outside the dwelling or accessory structure housing the home occupation.
(i) Home occupations shall be limited to those uses which do not draw clients to the
dwelling on a regular basis.
(j) Outdoor kilns used for the firing of pottery shall be provided with a semi -opaque screen
to obstruct the view from the street and from adjacent properties located in residential
districts, shall have a secured work area, and shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet from
abutting property lines.
(k) No business identification or advertising signs are permitted.
(1) Must also follow all provisions of section 712, home occupations.
Standards for construction; Developer responsibility
(a) Where standards responsibility for infrastructure construction, including but not limited
to streets, sidewalks, and landscaping, are specified in this document or in the subdivision
regulations of the Town of Granite Falls, town standards shall control.
(b) Each owner, developer or primary builder (permit holder) shall be responsible for
damage and undue service caused due to their activity. Further, it shall be the
responsibility of all developers to make contractors and suppliers aware of the
requirements and it shall be the responsibility of the permittee to recover costs from their
service providers.
(c) The town shall charge permittees for costs incurred in correcting or addressing any such
matters. Costs will be billed to the permittee whenever reasonable attempts have not
been made to correct conditions following notification by the town and/ or discovery of a
situation requiring immediate attention. Charges for work include labor, equipment and
material costs by town and /or private contractors hired by the town to correct the
613.6.5) Urban Open Space.
(a) Design standards:
(1) Open space defined Open space is defined as all areas not divided into private
or civic building lots, streets, rights -of -way, parking or easements.
• Urban open space shall be planned and improved, accessible and usable by persons
living nearby. Improved shall mean cleared of underbrush and debris and may
contain one (1) or more of the following improvements: landscaping, walls, fences,
walks, statues, fountains, ball fields, and/or playground equipment. Walls and fences
shall be made of brick, stone, wrought iron, or wood and shall not exceed three and
one-half (3.5) feet in height. (Exceptions: fences used in conjunction with ball
(2) Location of open space to be provided. In new developments, urban open space is
expected to be integrated into the design of the site. It is expected that such open space
will be within one-fourth (1/4) mile of each residential building.
(3) Open space as key public space. Urban open space features should provide focal points
for the neighborhood. A central square or green, for example, may comprise a majority
of the open space. There should be a hierarchy of open space within new neighborhoods
to serve the needs of all residents.
(4) Conservation areas. Significant stands of trees, stream bed areas, and other valuable
topographic features should be preserved within the required open space areas.
(b) Urban open space types:
Squares are areas for
passive recreational j......... i
use. Squares shall be ®® ;®I® ®� j-. ®®�®
bounded by streets
on a minimum of
three sides or 75% of ® (• �
their perimeter. p
Minimum size: 500 sq.
t. —
® T ® ®®®®L
Maximum size: i acre ...... ... i ......... L.......1...
Squares may be
entirely paved in crushed gravel, brick paver, or similar
material, or partially paved with other areas of soft land -
Squares are encouraged to be planted parallel to all
street ROW's with one tree species planted a minimum of
10 ft. on center and at a maximum of 30 ft. on center.
Geometrical tree planting layouts for internal plantings
are encouraged.
(2) Parks.
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Parks may be designed for passive and/or active recre-
ational use. Parks shall be bounded by streets on a mini-
mum of 50% of their perimeter, and are encouraged to
be enclosed by streets on all sides.
m size: 1 acre
im size: 3 acres
(!mum park size may exceed 3 acres if through design
park creates a central open space which services an
ire neighborhood or group of neighborhoods; or
>rporates physical features which are an asset to the
nmunity (i.e. lake, high ground, significant stands of
r orecourts.
o o�
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Forecourts are open space areas which act as buffers
between residential buildings and non-residential build-
ings or streets. Forecourts are entirely bounded by
streets. It is recommended that forecourts be planted
parallel to all street POW's with one tree species. Such
plantings shall be a minimum of 10 ft. on center and a
maximum of 30 ft. on center.
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Parkways are open spaces designed to incorporate natural settings
such as creeds and significant stands of trees within a neighborhood.
Parkways are to be entirely bounded by streets or pedestrian rights -
of -way within developed areas_ Parkways differ from parks and
squares in that their detailing is natural (i_e_ informally planted).
Parkways are used for walking, jogging, or bicycling. In addition,
small scale recreational features such as a playground area or soccer
field are appropriate in parkways. Streets bordering the parkway
shall match the parkway street standards in the land plan street
A plaza is an open area M = =j=f MW WA:
.I adjacent to a civic or ..... l...l...J.....I...
commercial building. -- I•• ---.
Plazas function as gather-
ing places and may -incor-
porate a variety of non
permanent activities, such - -------
as vendors and display
stands. Limited parking is
also permitted. Plazas are
always paved in brick or...:..
another type of paver, or
crushed stone. Plazas
shall be level, stepped, or
gently sloping Qess than 5% grade).
The following sizes are recommended but may be smaller
or larger depending on the building or facility design. At
no time shall a plaza's horizontal length or width be
greater than 3 times the height of surrounding buildings.
Minimum size: 2000 sq. ft.
Maximum size: 30,000 sq. ft.
Plazas may be left unplanted. If planted, trees should
form the geometric frame of the plaza space or for the
structure the plaza services. Spacing shall be a minimum
of 10 ft. on center and a maximum of 30 ft. on center.
(6) Greenbelts.
Greenbelts run along %. ,
the perimeter of a CD
neighborhood or
town and serve to 0
buffer a
neighborhood from
surrounding non -
compatible uses such
as a highway
corridor, industrial
district, or a town
from agricultural
areas or adjacent
Section 613. RSF-15A Residential Single -Family District. The RSF-15A Residential
Single -Family District is established as a district in which the principal use of the land is
for low density, single-family residential purposes, and to provide and protect low density
residential areas for those desiring that type of environment. These districts are intended
to insure that residential development having access to public water supplies and
dependent upon septic tanks for sewage disposal will occur at a sufficiently low density
to provide a healthful environment.
613.1 The following uses are permitted:
• All uses permitted in the RSF-15 Residential Single -Family Density District.
• Class B, Manufactured Home. A manufactured home that meets or exceeds the
construction standards established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development that were in effect at the time of construction and is a multi -section
unit. The home must also meet Granite Falls appearance criteria for the zoning
district in which it is located, as determined by the Granite Falls Zoning
Enforcement Officer or designee.
613.2 Conditional uses: Same as RSF-15.
613.3 Dimensional requirements: Same as RSF-15
Section 614. R-8SF Residential Single Family Medium Density District. The purpose of
the R-8SF Residential Single Family Medium Density District is to provide relatively
medium density living areas restricted to single-family dwellings. The regulations are
intended to prohibit any use which, because of its character, would interfere with the
residential nature of this district. It is required that municipal water and sewerage
facilities will be available to each lot in such districts, or a reasonable expectation of such
service in the near future.
614.1 The following uses are permitted:
Single family dwelling units, excluding manufactured homes (Class B & Q.
Accessory buildings to residential uses, provided that no accessory building shall be
rented or occupied for gain. Furthermore, in no instance shall an accessory building
be placed upon a parcel which is absent of a principal use. Customary accessory uses
and structures may include: carports, detached canopies, garages, non-commercial
structures, greenhouses, swimming pools and tennis courts, with the latter two only
being permitted in the rear yard. No more than three (3) accessory buildings shall be
permitted per lot. Dimensional standards for accessory buildings can be found in
Section 614.3 and Section 707.
Governmentally owned public works facilities such as transformer stations, pumping
stations, water towers, and telephone exchanges, provided:
(a) such facilities are essential to the service of the immediate area and no
vehicles or materials shall be stored on the premises;
(b) all buildings and apparatus as specified in district regulations shall be set
back from all property lines and shall be designed, buffered and
landscaped in such a way as to blend in with the surrounding area, as in
(c) such facilities as water towers, pumping stations, and other dangerous
apparatus, shall be surrounded by a chain link fence at least six (6) feet in
• Family care homes as defined in General Statutes 168.21 (A family care home shall
not be located within one-half mile, as measured by straight line, of another family
care home.
• Home occupations as defined in Article VII, Section 712 of this ordinance.
• Municipal, county, state or federal use including parks and playgrounds, but
excluding landfills, storage yards, and mechanical workshops.
• Golf courses.
• Parks, playgrounds, and community centers operated on a non-profit or non-
commercial basis for recreational purposes only.
614.2 Conditional Uses. The following conditional uses are permitted when authorized
by the Granite Falls Board of Adjustment after said Board holds a public hearing. Each
request shall be reviewed by the Planning Board for their comments prior to submission
to the Board of Adjustment. A conditional use must be proven to not materially endanger
public health and safety, to not substantially injure adjoining property values and be in
general harmony with the surrounding area.
• Planned Developments (per the requirements of Section 804)
• Religious institutions, located not less than thirty (30) feet from any lot in any
residential district.
3. Parking and landscaping standards must be met per Article IX.
4. Additional landscaping and buffering maybe required when adjacent to
residential properties.
• Educational and philanthropic uses, excluding correctional or penal institutions.
1. Parking and landscaping standards must be met per Article IX.
2. Additional landscaping and buffering maybe required when adjacent to
residential properties.
• Small day care homes.
• Adult day care homes.
• Adult day health homes.
614.3 Dimensional Requirements. Within the R-8SF Residential District(s) as shown on
the zoning map, the following dimensional requirements shall be complied with:
Minimum lot size with water and sewer: 8,000 sq. ft. (excluding road right of way)
Eighty (80) feet minimum mean lot width.
Twenty-five (25') feet minimum front yard setback.
Minimum required side yard shall be twelve (12') feet. Minimum side yard on a street
side shall be twenty (20') feet.
Minimum required rear yard shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
Maximum permissible lot coverage by all impervious surfaces including the principal
building, pavement/concrete and all accessory buildings shall be determined by the
Watershed Protection Ordinance.
Maximum permissible height by principal building is 35 feet unless the depth of the front
and total width of the side yard required herein shall be increased by one foot for each
two feet, or fraction thereof, of building height in excess of 35 feet.
Accessory buildings shall not be permitted beyond the front building line of the existing
principal structure, excepting the following:
1. Detached garages that match the exterior finish and architectural design of the
principal structure shall be allowed beyond the front building line of the existing
principal structure so long as it does not extend beyond the average front building
line of adjacent properties.
2. Detached canopies may encroach into the front yard a maximum of ten (10') feet,
measured from the front facade of the principal structure, but may not encroach
into the street right-of-way.
3. For properties under 10,000fF in size a detached canopy may be located in the
front yard, without the above limitation, but subject to the following:
a. No more than one (1) canopy per lot.
b. The canopy must not be enclosed on any side.
c. The canopy must be located to serve an existing driveway.
d. The size should not exceed the standard size for parking two passenger
e. The canopy cannot be used for open storage of any materials.
Accessory buildings, other than those detailed above, shall not be erected in any front
yard or within 20 feet of any street or highway line. An accessory building or use may be
located in a side or rear yard provided it meets the following setbacks: Five (5) feet for
buildings 144fV or smaller, Ten (10) feet for buildings larger than 144fC. An accessory
building may not be located in a side yard which is adjacent to a street.
Off-street parking shall be provided as required in Article IX of this ordinance.
Section 615. M-1 PD Industrial Planned Development District. The purpose of this
district is to provide for the possibility of well -planned and tightly controlled industrial
development in areas that are suitable for such development but that are not deemed
appropriate for M-1 zoning because of the less restricted development options available
in that district. It is intended to permit in this district any use which is not inherently
obnoxious to urban areas because of noise, odor, smoke, light, dust or the use of
dangerous materials.
615.1. Permitted Uses:
• Industrial Planned Developments (per Section 804) including all uses listed as
permitted uses within the M-1 Zoning District or any other manufacturing or
industrial uses not otherwise named herein which would be consistent with the
spirit and intent of this District.
615.2. Conditional Uses:
• None.
615.3. Dimensional Requirements. Within the M-1 PD, Industrial Planned Development
District(s) as shown on the zoning map, the following dimensional requirements shall be
complied with:
The minimum lot size for designation as M-1 PD shall be ten (10) acres.
Maximum permissible lot coverage by all impervious surfaces including the principal
building, pavement/concrete and all accessory buildings shall be determined by the
Watershed Protection Ordinance.
All other dimensional standards shall be determined through the Planned Development
(Pages 76 Through 80 Are Reserved For Future Use)