HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180542 Ver 2_DB00452 Reforest and Wetland SPs_20191121 DB00452 54 BEAUFORT Install temporary silt fence around the perimeter of the enclosure in accordance with the details and as directed if structure is not located in an area where existing erosion and sedimentation control devices are capable to containing any loss of sediment. Post a sign with the words "Concrete Washout" in close proximity of the concrete washout area, so it is clearly visible to site personnel. The construction details for the above grade and below grade concrete washout structures can be found on the following web page link: http://www.ncdot.gov/doh/operations/dp_chief eng/roadside/soil water/details/ Alternate details for accommodating concrete washout may be submitted for review and approval. The alternate details shall include the method used to retain and dispose of the concrete waste water within the project limits and in accordance with the minimum setback requirements. (5 feet above groundwater, 50 feet from top of bank of perennial stream, other surface water body, or wetland.) Maintenance and Removal Maintain the concrete washout structure(s) to provide adequate holding capacity plus a minimum freeboard of 12 inches. Remove and dispose of hardened concrete and return the structure to a functional condition after reaching 75% capacity. Inspect concrete washout structures for damage and maintain for effectiveness. Remove the concrete washout structures and sign upon project completion. Grade the earth material to match the existing contours and permanently seed and mulch area. Measurement and Payment Concrete Washout Structure will be paid for per each enclosure installed in accordance with the details. If alternate details are approved then those details will also be paid for per each approved and installed device. Temporary Silt Fence will be measured and paid for in accordance with Article 1605-5 of the Standard Specifications. No measurement will be made for other items or for over excavation or stockpiling. STREAMBANK REFORESTATION: Description DB00452 55 BEAUFORT Streambank Reforestation will be planted in areas designated on the plans and as directed. See the Streambank Reforestation Detail Sheets. The entire Streambank Reforestation operation shall comply with the requirements of Section 1670 of the Standard Specifications. Materials Item Section Coir Fiber Mat 1060-14 Live Stakes: Type I Streambank Reforestation shall be live stakes, planted along both streambanks. Live stakes shall be 1/2"- 2" in diameter. Stakes shall also be 2 ft. - 3 ft. in length. Live staking plant material shall consist of a random mix made up of 50% Black Willow (Salix nigra) and 50% Silky Dogwood (Cornus arnomurn). Other species may be substituted upon approval of the Engineer. All plant material shall be harvested locally (within the same physiographic ecoregion and plant hardiness zone) or purchased from a local nursery, with the approval of the Engineer. All live stakes shall be dormant at time of acquisition and planting. Staples, stakes, or reinforcement bars shall be used as anchors and shall meet the following requirements: Wooden Stakes: Provide hardwood stakes 12"- 24" long with a 2" x 2" nominal square cross section. One end of the stake must be sharpened or beveled to facilitate driving through the coir fiber mat and down into the underlying soil. The other end of the stake needs to have a 1"- 2" long head at the top with a 1"- 2" notch following to catch and secure the coir fiber mat. Steel Reinforcement Bars: Provide uncoated#10 steel reinforcement bars 24" nominal length. The bars shall have a 4" diameter bend at one end with a 4" straight section at the tip to catch and secure the coir fiber mat. Staples: Provide staples made of 0.125" diameter new steel wire formed into a u shape not less than 12" in length with a throat of 1" in width. Bare Root Seedlings: Type II Streambank Reforestation shall be bare root seedlings 12"-18" tall. DB00452 56 BEAUFORT Construction Methods Coir fiber matting shall be installed on the streambanks where live staking is to be planted as shown on the Streambank Reforestation Detail Sheets and in locations as directed. Work includes providing all materials, excavating and backfilling, and placing and securing coir fiber mat. Provide a smooth soil surface free from stones, clods, or debris that will prevent the contact of the matting with the soil. Place the matting immediately upon final grading and permanent seeding. Take care to preserve the required line, grade, and cross section of the area covered. Unroll the matting and apply without stretching such that it will lie smoothly but loosely on the soil surface. Bury the top slope end of each piece of matting in a narrow trench at least 6" deep and tamp firmly. Where one roll of matting ends and a second roll begins, overlap the end of the upper roll over the buried end of the second roll so there is a 6" overlap. Construct check trenches at least 12" deep every 50 ft. longitudinally along the edges of the matting, or as directed. Fold over and bury matting to the full depth of the trench, close and tamp firmly. Overlap matting at least 6" where 2 or more widths of matting are installed side by side. Wooden stakes, reinforcement bars, or staples may be used as anchors in accordance with the Streambank Reforestation Detail Sheets and as directed. Place anchors across the matting at ends,junctions, and check trenches approximately 1 ft. apart. Place anchors down the center of each strip of matting 3 ft. apart. Place anchors along all lapped edges 1 ft. apart. Refer to the Streambank Reforestation Detail Sheets for anchoring pattern. The Engineer may require adjustments in the trenching or anchoring requirements to fit individual site conditions. During preparation of the live stakes, the basal ends shall be cleanly cut at an angle to facilitate easy insertion into the soil, while the tops shall be cut square or blunt for tamping. All limbs shall be removed from the sides of the live cutting prior to installation. Live stakes shall be installed within 48 hours of cutting. Outside storage locations should be continually shaded and protected from wind and direct sunlight. Live cut plant material shall remain moist at all times before planting. Stakes shall be spaced approximately 4 ft. on center. Live stakes shall be installed according to the configuration presented on the Streambank Reforestation Detail Sheets. Tamp live stakes perpendicularly into the finished bank slope with a dead blow hammer, with buds oriented in an upward direction. Stakes should be tamped until approximately 3/4 of the stake length is within the ground. The area around each live stake shall be compacted by foot after the live stake has been installed. 1"- 2" shall be cut cleanly off of the top of each live stake with loppers at an angle of approximately 15 degrees following installation. Any stakes that are split or damaged during installation shall be removed and replaced. DB00452 57 BEAUFORT The bare root seedlings shall be planted as soon as practical following permanent Seeding and Mulching. The seedlings shall be planted from top of bank out, along both sides of the stream, as designated on the plans. Root dip: The roots of reforestation seedlings shall be coated with a slurry of water, and either a fine clay (kaolin) or a superabsorbent that is designated as a bare root dip. The type, mixture ratio, method of application, and the time of application shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. With the approval of the Engineer, seedlings may be coated before delivery to the job or at the time of planting, but at no time shall the roots of the seedlings be allowed to dry out. The roots shall be moistened immediately prior to planting. Seasonal Limitations: Streambank reforestation shall be planted from November 15 through March 15. Measurement and Payment Streambank Reforestation will be measured and paid for as the actual number of acres of land measured along the surface of the ground, which has been acceptably planted in accordance with this section. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit Streambank Reforestation Acre WETLAND GRASS SEEDING: Description Wetland Grass Seeding will be planted in areas as directed. Materials Seed shall be provided by the Department to meet the following requirements at an application rate of 25 pounds per acre: Species Common Name Percent Pounds Elymus riparius Riverbank wild rye 20 5 Panicum rigidulum Redtop Panicgrass 8 2 Panicum dichotomiflorum Smooth Panicgrass 14 3.5 Carex vulpinoidea Fox sedge 12 3 Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 23 5.75 DB00452 58 BEAUFORT Dichanthelium clandestinum Deer tongue 8 2 Bidens aristosa Showy Tickseed Sunflower 7 1.75 Juncus effusus,NC Ecotype Soft rush 4 1 Polygonum pensylvanicum PA Smartweed 2 .5 Sparganium amricanum Eastern bur reed 2 .5 In addition, provide Creeping Red Fescue at a rate of 12 pounds per acre and German or Browntop Millet at a rate of 25 pounds per acre. Approved Creeping Red Fescue Cultivars: Aberdeen Boreal Epic Cindy Lou Construction Methods The Contractor shall be responsible for taking sufficient soil samples for testing by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Agronomic Division, Soil Testing Section, to determine the soil pH and nutrient content. Samples shall be taken in the presence of the Engineer. Results shall be received by the Engineer directly from the North Carolina Depaitiiient of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The Contractor shall be responsible for the addition of fertilizer and/or other soil amendments as needed to ensure livability of the wetland grass seeding. Seed and mulch the area in accordance with Section 1660 of the Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall supply and install a slow release, coated fertilizer (14-14-14) topdressing at the rate of 500 pounds per acre prior to project acceptance as directed. Another fertilizer analysis may be substituted,upon written approval of the Engineer. Seasonal limitations: Wetland Grass Seeding shall be completed between April 15 and June 1. No seeding shall be done when the temperature is below 32 degrees F or when the soil is frozen. Measurement and Payment Wetland Grass Seeding will be measured and paid for as the actual number of acres of land, measured along of the surface of ground, which has been acceptably planted with grasses in accordance with these specifications. Such payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and applying seed, fertilizer and or other soil amendments, mulch and fertilizer topdressing. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit Wetland Grass Seeding Acre