HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200941 Ver 1_20200941 Ver 1_SAW-2018-00566 Notice of Incomplete PCN_20200810_20200810Strickland, Bev From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Importance: Mr. Howell, Roden Reynolds, Bryan K CIV (US) < Bryan.K.RodenReynolds@usace.army.mil > Monday, August 3, 2020 8:10 AM Nathan Howell SAW-2018-00566_Albemarle Corporate Center (Notice of Incomplete Pre - Construction Notificaiton) ORM_Upload_Sheet_Consolidated_NWPR_20200626.xlsm High On July 22, 2020, we received the request for jurisdictional determination you submitted on behalf of the City of Albemarle on a property located in Stanly County, North Carolina. I have completed my initial review of the report and I have determined that it is incomplete. The following information is necessary before I will issue a determination: a. Complete the ORM Aquatic Resources Upload Spreadsheet (see attached excel spreadsheet) for all aquatic resources located within the project area. b. The stream restoration plan presented in the PCN lacks specific detail and is insufficient to analyze under Nationwide Permit 27. Therefore, a more formal stream restoration plan is needed and should include but not limited to: - Restoration goals; - Success criteria; - pre/post longitudinal cross -sectional drawings; - channel stabilization structure schematics (may also include some general plan to address unstable areas); - grading plan; - planting plan; - monitoring plan; - long-term protection methodology for restored reach (e.g., easement, deed restriction); - etc. c. There may be some merit in letting the stream find its own path once the ponds are drained and impounding structures are removed; however, The Corps believes that pulling the structures and walking away from the site to let nature take its course is completely reasonable. d. These ponds likely have accreted sediment and the PCN lacks any information about this potential. Therefore, a plan needs to be presented as to how sediment in the ponds will be dealt with. Please provide the information requested above in ONE consolidated response within 30-days of the date of this correspondence. If you do not respond within 30-days, the request will be administratively canceled. Please contact me via telephone or e-mail if you have any questions. Thanks, Bryan Roden -Reynolds, PWS Regulatory Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District 1 Charlotte Regulatory Field Office 8430 University Executive Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Office: (704)510-1440 iW -0 fil ji t8 OM IL Regulatory Module (ORM) Project Upload Template Version Date: 26-Jun-2020 The zip archive of upirr&auld template documents must first be downloaded and saved yov, local disk. The template file(s) must then be extracted from the zip archive and also saved to y (local disk before using them. if the template file is not first saved to your local disk, the data validation macros wi (not function. Please be aware: if older versions of Microsoft Office or Excel are utilized with this templc user may experience issues with the functionality and features of this template. Reminder: when using copy/paste to transfer data from one template to another, you use the regular paste functionality. This will cause formatting issues. Instead, use the values" functionality. Change Log. 26=Jun=2020 Current Version • Initial NWPR version 1) Version worksheet a) updated dates and change log 2) AqResources worksheet a) added the column NWPR Determine Code b) made the Cowardin Code column conditionally required c) resized column widths to make them consistent across templates 3) Rapanos JD worksheet a) renamed the worksheet to NWPR JD b) made the Waters Name column conditionally required 4) Rules worksheet a) inserted line items 13-15 b) updated line item 20 c) standardized section headings to VALIDATIONS (plural) d) removed extraneous subheading "VALIDATIONS" that occured in some sections e) changed the section heading from Rapanos JD VALIDATIONS to NWPR JD VALIDATIONS f) added cell borders to each section mug „pay 5) Ref Help worksheet a) updated the list of Waters Type codes and their associated descriptions 6) Format worksheet a) updated the list of Waters Type codes b) added the NWPR Determine Code column c) added the NWPR AJD column d) added the NWPR PJD column e) added the NWPR NOJD column f) added the NWPR DELINEATE column g) added the Upland Waters column PROJECT UPLOAD REQUEST DETAILS E:)A # Sc, that the ORM team may accurately understand the requirements for this project upload, please provide the details of how the included data is to be loaded_ Specify clearly which data needs to be uploaded to ORM, and which is to be finalized. Provide Required Additional Information as described in the explanation below. 1 cl.aci 1 1 Aquatic Resources Loaded at Ois trict? Impacts Perm it Action /O? Mitigation-Permittee Responsible Permit Action /o? Mitigation Bank / ILF Permit Action /O? NWP JO /O? Reasons for Oe/ay? NWPR JE) RG P / PG P JO /O? Reasons for Oe/ay? Locpded cit District? For ARs, please indicate whether the data has been already loaded by the [District Administrators_ Permit Action /O? When Impact and/or Mitigation are provided, but not loading a Permit, you must provide the ACTION 11D of one unfinalized Permit to which the data is to be tied_ JO /O? For NWP or RGP/PGP= if the permit is to be tied to a J[D, but the J[D information is not included for upload, please provide the 11D of the J[D to which the uploaded permits should be associated_ (The id can be viewed by hovering over the specific J[D in the J[D lists_) Also consider including the Begin and End dates for the J[D_ Reasons For Oe/cpy? For NWP or RC--P/PC--P, if the Permit End [Date is more than 00 days past the [Date Received, then please specifiy the [Delay Reason information_ (Multiple [Delay Reasons may be provided_) SHAPEFILE UPLOAD REQUEST DETAILS -- Specify the Filenames that contain geometry data for the ARs and/or Project Location to be loaded into ORM. Filenames) Notes Aquatic Resources Project Boundary - The zip archive of upload template documents must first be downloaded and saved to your local disk. The template file(s) must then be extracted from the zip archive and also saved to your local disk before using them. Please be aware that the .shp, .shx, .dbf, and .prj files at a minimum must be received in order to be a complete submission. For Aquatic Resources, ORM must receive both an AR worksheet and a shapefile in the submission- - In the Shapefile, each geometry must include an attribute for WatersName and each WatersName MUST be unique within and across all files- - Furthermore, there must be a one to one relationship between the WaterName in the AR Worksheet and the WatersName in the Shapefile. - When uploading Aquatic Resources via shapefile, the Latitude / Longitude in the AgResources worksheet is not required.