HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0023580_Monitoring - 05-2020_20200708FORM: NDMR 05-16* NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page _ of A 7— Permit No.: W00023580 Facility Name: Cove Key Townhomes on Lake Norman WWTPI, County; Iredek Month: May year: 2020 PPI: 1001 P?r?,reter Code —o It 0 0 ..0 ­! .1 1 I 24-hr 4 I hrs I ! 14.00 1 —0.5 5 G 13:30+02�5 12:00 0.5 08.0 - .0 J. — 05 18 211 13:00 221 08.00 231 Flow Measuring Point 00310 0 W 7 'Influent Eff!ue,t r_1 No flow generated Fftrarnetei Monitoring Point: Ir-❑ 1rflue7 W� rt QFE]Groundwater Lowenng Surface Water J U-061 0 00620 00400 5 it-7 0053.1-1 _7 T E ea 0 E 24 25 GraL 'Ff�b. Grab 26 27 14:30 0.5 28 _29-F-1-6:00 30 314 Average: Daily Maximum. Daily Minimum: Sampling Type Monthly Limit:::::: 4 Daily Limit: 15 2 Sample Frequency LL 4 X Year 4, X Year T' 2_ x 4 4 F z �l� -i 4_1 7.80 2.40 -1-- Grab Grab 5 12 Grab 10 weekly X 1-z;, 4 X Year 4 X Year FW FORM: ND!UR 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR1 Page of Aamp':ing Perscri(s) Name- Brandon Lane Certified La orato ies ftiarno; ?ace Ana!ytica - r Punt-sv !!e Name: ji Name. Does y- all _'!,t ;?;�R`l;??1 tea± a r%l'v . , ;, y j .a- q f_ P y r Comp!ia,. i NUn tom inii: } _� Stiff p.t Pr r�; f.i •'�' v esic.:i i.�.. ?ila Clt�r..Y.i1<a tJi �Evu. �t�ffYt ltt^ I.! P If the facility is non-coinoliant, p!ease explain in the space be!nw the reason(s) the facility %vas not in compliance. Pr0:riric in Your explaroGon the ri_-te(s) of the r . compliance and describe t"e Of-.dciive actions) taker. Attach additional sheets if ,,ecessary Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification I, Permittee Certification ORC: Srandon Long I�rermittee: Cove Key Association, Inc. ~� Ceriifiwcion No.: 1,4 VV 1000 66 Grade: VVW2 Phone Number: 704-776-4443 Has :he ORG' changed since the previous ivOMR % L_j 'Yes J No .12 Signature this =ignaWro, ! certify,'hsl ilus report is arctrrate and _umolste'^ the hes of my Knnw!::dge. Signing Official: Tim Bannister Signing official's Title: Owner, T CWWastewater Mgmt., Inc. Phone Number: 704-'/7b-4443 Permit Expiration: 11/30/2023 Signature Date cedidy, penalty of Ia:v, that tnis .ic; . metit --d ail aflachmens were prepared under my uirectucn cr saperv!skm i:� accnrdance with a system designed to assure that all qualified pwsonne! pioparly gathered and evaluated the :rfon ,abcn obmittcu Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly r ponsib .o nor gathering the nfcrmation the information submnl to the best of my knowledge and ce !ef, true, acc r to and .a t i am aware that h«re are si ,ndicant pe .att'ec foi su. mm ng r3isc information nduuing tiw pcaeib0ity of .us and it e :for knowing violations. -�- - - - Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division sf .:Pater Resource,4 !nforrnation Processing Unk 1617 Mail Service tCenter Raleigh, North Carolina 27689-;S.i7 F1.ORM: NDAR-1 d5-16 NON -DISCHARGE APPLiC,ATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page __ of Permit No.: WQ0023580 Facii;ty Name: Cove Key Townhomes on Lake Norn-.an JVJdTP County: Iredeil Month: May Year: 2020 F(eli Field Name: I � , Did irrigation Oi:Cai � � - _ a------- Field Name:! A ea a its Area (acres): --" at this Tacility? _ Area (acres): I Caves : _ Cover Crop -I Cover Crop: YE5 ;dui w ^,f tf a,, Hourly Rate (in): —�-- ❑ :.1 ( _ 1 Hourly Rate (in):' G '' Annual Rate (in): 1 '_ � = i� Annual Rate (in): Weather Freeboard ° meld irngata €-f° jj Field Irrigated? ❑YES ❑ NG�j'; a n E L I _ {� Field Irrigated? L , r_5 '4 << "' A ��I� ;i E°' ' sc�c#` T 3ea�i m.2 06 G ro : � >Q I ? iJii _ ro! i ? a F ti7' I o ( Cc = o °F in a rk tr, I,� _il gal ) mrn I �in�in ' _ ; mite in� in i 2 C- • ki 3 C I E �' 0 � ;f 4 CL- 5 CL —� '0 --- 6 PC ---- --- E __ 7 C 63 , 0 5 10 25 f 10 G J 11 C54_0 �0 2.5 I -- - f 13 L-%- _ 14 C Ct- 15 C 81 0.25 10 2.5 ]16 c i0° 17 C _ - - 3E— 21 R 63 4 - 0 2.5 22 CL 52 0 10 -`- _ 23 -C I _ — -- - - d _ 24 C� -- - - -- 25 CL - - - 27 R 68 1.5 10 2 28 C O - 29 R 80 1.5 10 2- - - -_ 31 CL L _ w Molitt�ly Loading 1' �t.� u.0 �p ��- f. - �•` - ----� _ 0 12 Month Floating Total (In) C.00 `! ._._—_,--__ J.4., - v. ,.. '� .-.. F�": �%i .c'�-..',i�"b''.,5 ".s'`.... r ',�, t�*:;�°z".: .f�,• 3t. cnRM: NDAR-1 05-16 iNOWDISCHAR03E f;PPLICAT!O4N iR EDORT !INEDAR-1) Page --- of Did the Application rates exceed the Yrnits in Attach- 'tent B C` you;- fi i rn,:,? E]Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant =bye `p c uatte (??easures alkAm "r c nt �.i:i e+i iC�€:3nding E.. iinoff Cara the siteb .. _. a� L tO �-.e,fc. rc CJ Compliant ❑ i3on-Compiiant V- as a suitable vegetative cover t?iasi?:aie ied oil all site- �.pe ed %,i -s r p f .: v� �.�9 Fi`.0 ire j€3tii in'r-g, l�.. ��/ !' 4 � � t J Corf�spliant ❑Non -Compliant Y--'.;ee all !';,?tbdckss listed i- %—Iir �errr*i! i�iGii;t";.ie?+F!; �% -vr- f 8. liCaii!:�i E '- 3ch 1perinitteu 6slte- ,-- +�� i `]� -,.)mpliant UNon-Compiiant 10,11cre all f eEi'.'.oaldis -.ri?i••taineli iiE s ii,`Iti: he Specitic-1 irE oboard heights in your permit. ;�JCompliant ❑NonCornptiant !f thc fa ility is nort-conip!iar,t, p!easra exp!ain in, the -'lace belccn• reason"s) the faciiity vvas ?lot to compliance. Prcvide in your cxp! naiicn the =e(s) of the nor -compliance and describe thw corrective actien(s} taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. F Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification? ORC: Braondon Long Certiri�ation No.: SI 991385 Grade: SI Phone Number: 704-776-4443 Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-9? Yes n, No A Signature Permittee Certification Permittee: Cove Key Association, Inc. Signing Official: Tim Bannister Signing Official's Title: Owner, TCW Wastewater Mgrrlt., Inc. Phone N�um_be_�r:74443 'rrrtit-Exp.: 11/30/23 lX Signature 6., t.^. s sgra'ure, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the beet of rry gnu:•aednc. II i ca�lf; under pe^a!ty of Sat., that ittis c ucu;nent and ail attachments vrere prepared tinder my direction or super:;sicn !n acccrdance ijwfth s system designed to assure that art•. cua!ified p ersnnnef prope.",y gatnered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my iaquiri of the person or persons who manage the system, or tlfose persons directly responsible for galheting the information, the ! information submitted is, tc the best of my knowledge nrd hate` true accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant Penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fires and imprisonment for knordng violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 (Wail Service Center Raleigh, Nora,", Carolina 27630-107