HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00333_FY 2019-20 Report_20200817Leland
2019- 2020 Sysem Performance Annual Report
Collection System
The Town of Leland is pleased to present the Annual Wastewater Collection System Import for fiscal year
2019 -2020, As a requirement of the Collection System Permit issued by the Stateof Norm Carolina, the
Town of Leland Public Utilities Department is required to repast the system performance to all of its
customers on am annual Ends. This report provides information about the perfomance of wastewater
catechist system forme period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. All ofthe iefammtan contained in
this report is accurate and complete. This report is required under the provisions of the Clean Water Act of
1999, House Bull 1160 ratified on July 20, 1999.
I. General Intervention
Facility Name:
Leland Collection System
Responsible Entity:
Town of Leland
Person in Charge:
Brandon Fiircloth, Operator In Responsible Charge
Contact Information:
Applicable Parent
U. System Description
The network of pipes Her constitutes the wastewater collection system includes over 70 miles of gravity
pipeline and 12 miles of pressure pipeline ranging In size from 4"to 16" diameter. The gravity pipelines
receive flow from over 6,500 connections and tanspmt it to one of thirty (30) pump stations. The
wastewater is then pumped via the pump stations and pressure pipelines to the Northeast W WTP which Is
caned and operated by Brunswick County, where it is tented prior to being returned to the Cape Fear
River. This network of pipelines and pump stations collects and transports over 946,000 gallons of
wastewater every day firm homes and businesses in the Town of Leland,
Our wastewater activation system is operated and mainmined under systemwide Wastewater Collection
System Permit (AWQCS00333) issued by the Some of Brain Carolina Division of Water Resources.
Combination of the system is accomplisbed through individual non- discharge permits issued by the Slate
for each new extension Ent ORC of the system is Brandon Tallulah, Public Utilities Superintendent, phone
number 910- 332- 5008.
M. Performance
The Town of Leland is routinely working to maintain and improve the efficiency of our Collection System
by increasing mode maintenance of lines and lift stations and participating in an ongoing education
program in which citizens use insirmted in the importance of proper disposal of household waste, including
fats, ails, and slowing. The Town is encouraging its citizens and system users to recycle used cooking oil
and avoid the use of Tremble' wipe.
Saniessm Sewer Overflows (SS0G: Sanirmy sewer overflows may result from a variety of causes: inflow
and infiltration due to high water levels; blocked pipes from rags, roots, and grease accumulation; broken
lines Pram corrosion or consnuction activity; power failures at pump and lift stations within the system.
The Town of Island Collection System had one reportable sewer SSO duringthis report period. Thelown
was in compliance with all order conditions of the permit. The SSO was reported In accordance with
Store regulations to the NC Division of Water Resources. There were no environmental impacts
noted as a result of the sewer overflow. A stommary of reportable smtitary sewer overflow for this
report period:
I pump Station a[Magnolia Greens
E ui men[Fvlure
How we Prated The system
We'd like 0 reduce system overflows to zero m we work had to protect our system. The following is an
overview of ways we try to protect our system and prevent overflows:
D I Investigations, Implication/ Inflow (V I) Is exvemous water that gets into the wastewater collection
systm—any water other than sewage. We have an caressive program that includes smoke testing, closed-
circuit W inspection and flow monitoring m assist us in identifying areas of exrranmus Sow. Once we
have located problem areas, we take steps to remediate the problem.
Routine Pipe Clothing. Each year we routinely have at least 10% of the activation system cleared, an
average of more than 45,000 linem feet of sewer pipe, with special high-pressure equipment designed m
remove grease and other debris from the system aM inspected manholes. This routine clearing and
Inspection program fiWrer cultures the potential for system blockages and overflows.
Priority Cleaning. Portions of the wastewater collection system are considered to be high priority over
others and require more frequart clearing. Thee p coons of the system are cleaned a minimum of once
annually to prevent blockages end/ or overflows.
Fats, Oils and Grams (FOG) Program. Residual fats, oils and grease ere a by -Product of food service
establishments and Individual homes. Commercial customers that serve food or process meat, etc, are
required to have g{ese interceptors. Them grease removal revives are designed to remove animal fats and
vegetable oils, leading causes of mover line blockages. Commercial customers that service or wash
motorized vehicles are also required to have armchair interceptors. These devices help protect the wastewater
collection system by removing .sediments, oil, process and light petroleum products from the wastewater
Education. We have an educational campaign involving newsletters designed to inform the public on ways
they can help us protect the worry sewn system.
Help Prevent Overflows
Essentially, a wastewater collection system is like a transportation highway. A series of pumps and pipes
transport wastewater from our customers to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. We have to do all we can to
make sure "trafiC' isn't allowed to back up. On the highway it would be called a traffic jam. in am case,
when "ItaRic" backs up, it causes an overflow. Overflows are bad for Me environment and can result in
stiff penalties from some regulators. Most overflows occur when a blockage preve e; the normal flow of
wastewmer. This causes abuild-up in the pipe Nat am eventually spill out of the tap of manhole orclean
out. Hismrically, the majority of blockages on our system me from the homeowners sewer service ranging
from me house to the town s sewer main. Often this is caused as a result of improper disposal of grease,
❑ushable wipes, and other debris. Some overflows One caused by excessive inflow and infiltration or leaks
into Me sewer system. In addition, some problems are caused by One roots, pipe failure or pipes damaged
by private oughts contractors. If you experiencing a blockage in your line STOP using any womr,, this
will help prevent any spills from meaning in your home, and before you hill a plumber call me Town of
Inland Utilities Department. Dial 910-332-5000 or 91 F540.2600 and we will come out and we If the
blockage is on the residential side or the Towns side.
Cease the Grease
Grease isareal "pain in Me drain' because itcan clog sewer lines, which can lead to sewer spills. The Town
of Leland does everything it cog to prevent sewer spills, but we cant do It alone. We need your help!
The best way you can "cease the grease" is to never pour grease (things like oil, butter, margarine,
shoneninlb pan drippings and shows) dawn the drain. Inured, let it spot down, collect it in a enormous —
like a used soup can or maywmaiee jar —and throw it away in the men
And don' I believe me following sayings: (1) Ifs okay to pour grease down the drain as long as you tan
Me water at the sane time, of (2) if a partially fine to dump grease if you use your garbage disposal to
break it up. These are myths, it's never okay to pour any type of grease down the drain. Here are some more
ways to help prevent sewer spills:
Wipe or scrape your dishes before washing them.
• Removeexcess oil from pots and pans with a papertowel and throw away the towel in a trash can.
• Use stainers in sirde drains to collect food scraps and throw away the scraps in the hash.
Thanks foryour help, and please spread the word abouthow important it ism "cease the grease" Together
we can protect our sewer system and the environment.
Fluahable Items and Your Wastewater System
Human waste and toilet paper should bathe only thing going down Me miles. Unforturotdy, over the years,
me people have turned the toilet into a trash can From medications and sanitary products to decreased per
fish and cigarette butts, if it fits, people Bush it Flushing these types ofimms down the toilet unneressanIt
wastes water (up to five gallons of water with every flush), causes blockages in home plumbing and the
public wasmwmer system and most importantly can result in huge impacts on our sewers, the environment
and the water we arrive to protect. Below is a list of items that people commonly flush that should NOT be
going down the bile[:
Sanitary Products
Pape Towels
• Baby Wipes
• Facial Tissues
Dental Floss
• PrescriptioN Over-thcCowter Medications
All of these are made of materials Nat don't prank down and must be physically removed by wesmwater
personnel as they are collected throughout the system. They can also those blockages cod over -flows. The
fresh is fie proper place for the disposal of these items.
IV. Notification
This report is published on the Town of Lelwd's webette at blip flivere, toovimflelanel In addition,
copies are available for review at the Town Hall offices nt 102 Town Hall Drive, in Leland.
V. Certification
I certify under penalty of law that Nis report is complete and accurate to the best ofmy knowledge.I
Potther certify that this report has been made available to the users or insiders of the caned system and
that Museusershavebeen'felt of its availability.
�• / /
Brandon Faircloth
Operator in Responsible Charge
Town of Leland