HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0001817_Revised Monitoring - 07-2020_20200831Monitoring Report Submittal ............................................................................................................................................ Permit Number #* WQ0001817 Name of Facility:* Month:* July Report Information Albemarle Utility Company Type * Revised - NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Revised - GW-59 Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter:* Signature:* Date of submittal: Year:* 2020 Upload Document* July MR's resent.pdf 928.12KB FDF Only Monitor wells July's 1.19MB Report.pdf FDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-7, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). danny.perry@albemarleplantation.com Danny Shelton Perry 8/31 /2020 This will be filled in autormticaly Initial Review Reviewer: Williams, Kendall Is the project number correct?* WQ0001817 Is the monitoring report f• Yes r NO accepted?* Regional Office* Washington Accepted Date: 8/31/2020 FOR Nt?i; rZ 03.12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NMM) Page J. of "2, Permit,No.: WQ0001817 Facility Name: Alber lcar;e Utility Company County: Pefq dif'rans month: JUIV� Year: 2-i02u FP]' 001 Flow Measuring Point: 0 inflwnt n Effluent ❑ No goo rgerpra£ed Parameter Monitoring Polnt• .. ❑ iri€iuent EJj E€slur�nt Lnwarirq ❑ Surfa:w V,18ar Parameter Code P 50D50.:. 00310 00940: 50060 31616. D061D Li0625. 00620 Oa600 00400 {1a865 70300 0000 c U: Q ::.. ::tsr:::: crijo w . :.,�; �a Fri! of w. r!C tC LJ.::..: LJ a0C?. C]CL ::: ................ 24-hr lirs GJP.D. m fL g mglL :.: ! mg L #1100 mgfL <:;rngfL:::.:: mgfL L..:. su rr�gfL .... 1 07:00 10 207:00 10 3 07:00 4 6 Of€ ;.' 9 [] 0.34 9,06 4 T.. 53 .00 _ 5 53 6€]O. G . 7: fl 00 e 1 ; 63 5€]Lt - l 7 0 ,f10 9 56LtO'. _ 8 1 [TOO a 8 1 300:: 9 f3T: fl 0 10 64 50Lt : ........... _ 10 07:00 8 6];4Lti3.':; � 0.21 8.11 11 U. %61 406 1 13 07:00 0 :64 (M : : 14 OTOD 8 15 07:00 9 .45;!do.. �_ W 0.83 7 A3 16 07:00 9 59;300..:: 17 07:00 8 57,109.. ....... 18 2 700. . 19 57;600 20 07:00 9 63:40 21 07:00 3 451600: w w_ 22 07;00 8 53.800 23 07ZO 8 86 0R 24 07:00 8 51900 ........... . 25 5.3,160. 26 51 600 27 [37:00 8 5.[1;800 88 07:00 8 611000. : 35 187 . 0.58 a1 MPN 4.6 9.5 C0,02 9:5 7.1 2.82 615 144 89 07:00 8 .48,600 M 30 J.H�d.._ 07:00 8 53,800. 31 07:00 8 5€];.100. 1,7 7.86 _. ..,....... Average: 58:274 .: 35.00 187.0.0 0,86 �. #IREFi � #REFi . .:9150 0.00 9.50 . . .2,82 615.00 14.80 Daily Maximum: 86,400 35.00 187,00 1.70 #REF! . #fREF? 9;50 0,02 9:50 9.06 2.82 615.00 14.80 Daily Minimum,. 451.00 35.00 187.00 0.34 #REF!. #kREF? .0.50. 0,02 9.50. 7.10 2,82 815.00 14:80 Sampling Type: Recorder Grab Grab Grab Grab. Grain Grab Grab Grab Grab Gratz Grab Grab MonthlyRrg, Llrnit: 102,264 Hilly Limit: _ 250 mg1L 1.a Ertr�FL #0 rnglL 1.5 mg/L s,.5-8.5 su 500 1r;;;,L S�zriiple F-egt�.ency: Contlnuuus Monthly 3 X Year ',M: ;y Monthly PAeMt31y Ytonthly MoMNY Monthly I WeeMy Monthly 3 X:'yea! Monthly F 0 RrA: NDri:12 03-12 W( N-D€' C:HARGE AriONITORING REPORT (WWR) samp,h)q person(s) Certified Laboratories Name: Jay Baker r4ame: Environmental Chemists Waive: Danny S Ferry ORC [urns: Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meout the requirements in Aftachment A of your permit? E] If the facility m ron-compliYnt, please explain 0 the space beinva the reason -,) the FaciNy was not in cnmpiianm, Piwide inc your explanation the date(s) of the r oar-w Fnptia and desvibe thre corrective amim(s) taken. Attach additional sheets it necessary. Ct,:er2ur In Respvrtsitrie Charre �t]Fi :'] L:c�rYift�u4t�n � � i:'rarrrslttao Certi#s=~atiwn ORC: � Danny Shelton Gerry t��rrr:=ttne: .#a=yew Sirtrloi' �w - cleti te:atior, mos '. 1005111 Signit3'4 Official. a`s'ayrie Byr;.ti-t Gvede: SI Phurte Nlwber: 1-252-426-1007 Signing Carr€cl�Ws Titta% Corp. Secret=, ry Has tFe ORC chanpd slw* tote pravio", NDNIR7 F.% v.s Fl3krsn Ntarrtlmr: 1 2521!6-1 i28 Porml'•_ EnMratiaw 513112,026 u:t n f!rre Daie &gnatare gate ay :Pots sirna;u:e, s rye Q t;.aat Ibis rtro is acc:E€t-aao and u:rnp[t>te to t"a t; f.t of r7q F:rrrl rr. I c .rW. , order g:-gWly 4 Env, Mat this decun€erg ar-d a€€ aitanmenls •: rse pfi rn -erd unu er my ar ir, aicc rdance w b a ", em designed fn asst.-'-Q that a€I qua4t d p:::;Grn.: r reperj gMM -d gnu evaluiWJ t!,e Infer,n4rA sit :,tilted. 1 F5ed cn any ingL'F }y of i7:e pecs�an ur p,; sans x`ta manage! t"r±s sysletr€. ar lfto:�e tacr! c"!ns direct;, fix >U.-th:rtray Vtx, of orrxaticn, Tee iOoFrnalion'Wt riutd is, to'J€a hest of my and heriO, true, and comp etc. I am are il=af iatEra vre Sl 0k"8st. pen, ;t:cs [nr suh ,,7l.trleg false in.`arTe:lui, the df f rtcs oral Irnprisomne7t ter knsomnq NIW! 06.0inal and Two Copir � to: Division of Water KesQuruvi i,iformagon Freces.s ti;_ Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolitna ur of5-1617 Albemarle Utility Date of Report: Aug 13, 2020 862 Holiday Island Road Customer PO #: Hertford NC 27944 Customer ID: 09110024 Attention: Danny Perry Report #: 2020-12529 Project ID: Wastewater -Monthly (WQG0018171 Lah ID Sample lid. Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 20-31650 Site: Effluent 712812020 9:45 AM Water Jay Baker Test Method Results Elate Analyzed Ammonia Nitrogen EPA zM0•1 4.6 mg1L 07129/2020 Chlorine Hach 6167 ti,58ti rrrg1L 07128/2020 Fecal Coliiorm tdexxcdllert-Is <1 MPNt1G0m1 07/2812020 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) SM 2540 C 615 mg1L 07/28/2020 Residue Suspended (TSS) SM 2540 n 14.8 mg1L 07128=20 emperature sus 2550 s 29.2 C 07/28/2020 Chloride SM4500 C€ E 137 mg1L 08/12/2020 pH SM 4500 H s 7.1 units 07/2812020 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 2.82 mg1 GV31i2024 SOD 35 mg1L 0712_812020 Nitrate !Nitrogen (ale) Nitrite Nitrogen EPA 353.2 < 0.02 mg/L 0712912020 Nitrate+Nitnte-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 < 0.02 mg1 08/0512020 Nitrate Nitrogen subtraction Method <4.42 mg1L 08/10/2020 Total Nitrogen (Cale) Total Kieldahl Nitrogen (TKN) EPA 35t 2 9.5 mg/L 0713'I12020 T otal Nitrogen Total Nitrogen 9.5 mg/L 08/101204t3 Comment; Reviewed fey: Wastewater Operation Log Qq Month Plant Date IINT Hrs ORC WC Temp Rain Effluent flow Spray flow spray time pH Freeboard 1 2 4 S 7 8 10 .! 1 17. 12 13 14 IYA 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2& 27 2s 291. 3a Amm TSS N+N Amm TSS ROD P TN SOD P Nitrate Fecal TKN !Nitrate Fecal chlorides TDS TOC Chlorides TDS FORM'. NDAIR-1 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE APPUC A ROM REPOI":I" (NDAR- i) r FP>r''miit No.: W0.00018 € ! Facility Name, Albemarle lit€!ity - -alpa n'y County: Perquim ans Month, July ye a�- 20-ZOy 0.eltl l+Eairies ::..:.:::.:.:::A .:::.>':...... Field i[i Gi.;�3 w: B Fiel f.ldarrFe .::.:..::::. .::G::.`.:.:....:.:.:; Field ;erne: .I"I' end ou .............. .` -.:::......... ..................... >:::::;:: Aria ac;�s : 7.36 ;::Area. acres : "::`'';;;:.::::9:?$-`:::::..`: �4.�a Beres : [ � 7.33 '86 facility'? Gover;Gra P Fescue.:::.:::s:<:. Cro : PP Fescue,.C.ro .; :'•:.;:::Fscsie:;:.::::;`:::: Carer Cer�: Fescue . ,:.:: :.`:;':: b--tov", rl Rate in : Y [ i _rly..... 5:;::;"`;``::; J, i. _ <::<0V1Ou..Hourly Y jig): ,qF.';;: - En Awtwl Rate 'in . 12,66 Annuai:Ra�B:ffin .:;::::;;<-';•;€2:6�:;;;::::::: Annual Rate in : '2.63 Area€her Froaboard :' : ; .Ield lrr aced? :;:; J ::r10.:: Field lrri ated7 Yg5 f' r:n ;: F.:.l�ld Jrn ated?. r. :' ;;':;;:. ;N -::::; Field Irrigated? no a a Q ati ;: v cs s y a::: ::: � �cs 'rs cs a a~s rs v° �- m m ...,:>::::;:: _<:. c .;<.:; :::.:.. ;•ts::: m is >:::;:;�:: ^-::::::: s:; W i:-::q.::G•:::':::;:1-:�:. ,.: ,::;L7-,; .- i] d-^ Q q ':�q::':£7:."::,:: `.t".;'C::�-t ::-:.:L7::::q;:::;:.-: :: .•q:: qCLtu M£? a1 i� CL tC1 r o F it � � ;;:;:::gala::::::: ;Y�l:n ;;''In'.::':::::-::iii::';;;:;. 9a€ iilin l 9 s in �;�`:`�1:�:» ';:..g........:. �����:�fr11n�.'::�: .:.................... :�:;��:�::::Ill�:.?€:�':::':..... F s�. >•l7ln 1 C? 89 &8 ._ _�_ C 9 4 r C 95 _ R C 91 7 G 9l} tl 2 2 5 8 F C 85} .7 W �� 9 P 86 G. 1 l;! CL 91 M C 92 _ __ _ww f2 G 93 _ 13 C 90 G 1 1�i C Y9i _ _ 'f 3 R 8 9 16 G 88 W 1.? C 18 C 95 19 C 96 20 C 97 2 C 97 _ 22 _. 2 3 C 96 ,2 24 PC 87 26 CL 92 26 C 94 27 C 96 28 C =35 t 2 2.6 29 CC 88 .�•.- _ i0i - .W._- 3.8 CL 94 � K Qnt6:1y_lrsad6ng: 0 O.OQ 0 }.OLa o 3 "" . ".0_0 x.. . _ 12 Month Floating Totai ;!n): � .. FORK i•!%�1.ARA 05-16 Nt7WDISCHARGE APPLICATiPON REPORT �NDAR-1' � Par€ It uo,: VVQ000181 f Facility Name: Albemarle utility Compwy T County: Perquimans Month- year: 20 0 .� iePd'Naine :..:.':: .. :::. Fie€d -NName. F Field':Hain@: :.'.::...::.::G::.::i;::`:..:.. F'r�P� Pfume: Did irrigation �. ............ � ......:.....: e� >: Ar'e a' acr s :::A 1'1:.::::; Area (acres), 6.74 Area: acres}: ':::::'.:::;.:: 6; ' :::.;::'::::..; Are- � Acros}:1 .�a r this C, .tea S� ....:.:.......:..:...............:...... r Crop: Cover p Fesce; ;:::::'::Gov `.`Gro er :::::::::;Fescu�`'i<. �+ LCiir "� e� Crop' : �6'aCEiw f YES NO ; riy tiate.(rn�. D i, �'iy Rzte ["s): �__ 0.1 Ho�r1y date ern): D 15 ` Hoor{y R�#a iirjj: 40-15 1.r � ..................... r Annual Rate (rrr}: 12.65 ::: Anua.:>Rath,�j.,:::-::::::::::-:>:.::.::.;:.:::::.:::.:.:::.;:.::::. € n : Annual Rats i 18 _.._... Weather Freeboard :,..:..:Field:lrrigatest7 :;; J _'.. -,:,'. �;.Y��<-;I�:N�::-•- Fie€d l=riatrrl? YES ❑ � i€e1ti:€ri1 aTed7$..::'-.-.:: �...::...:....:.:..:::Q:�I..:.......;:...: Y "> J ' 1y4:''`? Field €rri almd? 9 rFS J Pift ^1y O w >W o 'TC F:l M rw m '::...y� fSl .A : ':'C). '. :: ::�:.Ci.: ':......: ��: ... ":C:'::::::;'�' C €w $f .�+ L 7 .... 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FOWMV NDA€''•-# 06-16 NON-DIISCHARGE A€ PLICAM REPORT (NDAR-1) P 3xnif Fiv.: iFlfQ00 1817 Faeilify Name, A'berriarEe l#iiEii� Company County: FBCgfJinlarlS Month: lull Year, 3 ti Field He e :.:.::::::::.::7>:::;::::;::::::::: Field Tarr e: 8 Fief i:fVaine .:'.::.:::::::9:.;':':::.:::::: Field Name. 10 Cr 9 T Area. acres 3 + 7 Area (acres): 2# Area acres : 8.12 . A a �a acres): at . . , , . I.aaljf ctje;::.;::;:::: Coves' crop: '.. .. Fescue :...:.:::::::.::::::..:::.Cc�e.r:.G..ra .:.::.::::.::':` ;Fesca�e::::::;'.;::>: Cover Crap: Fcscue .. . Y 5 Pdp klv,UsI Ffafe:(in), . ' , €5 Hm;rly gate (€►�j_ �_ 0. #� Haurly Fta$e {it1] � 1 � .; Hourly Rate (�l7�: _ �, �� .......... . Annual Rate (in), s8 ............................-..................................... Annual Rate [€rs): 18 r Freeboard :.:.:-.:<Fteld 1r d?.: x�5;::;:::s;:. r'::►�iq:::_ Fse€si .rrrrEaf..d? � 3e5 J. ,gyp .Field lrrtled7.':.:;;[�;Y�S.;:;:<:::�;iVt7;.'; Field Irrigated? � YFs jJ :'a�3 a+ n m ::::':: m>'a7:,:;,;:; ;;::..::-:::.;' .:: ;:'.: i:.::....:. ssr ss Gt U LL a :. I C8 m 47 sv Ci.:::. pt :::::':: 1 'r sv.:: - t]:.:.Q:::.::; '.:: - ''.' Cz r7 i- 'w Cf v v i3 r+ T ¢, ::::;::: C:':`:[7 .:..:<.:::i7::': ..: s7 :::.:::: ;. Q Q ... :;: ..; :. .;:n;; . rs t7L ro . m H- tx W _ Q F irk ft "if :::::: 8€':'::'::::>; ;::::;ltittl::::.:::::::; rE:':..-.:: ,-:..::,.: tl::::::, p8€ .n.,::•..[i..:...... � in 1S 7i 88M �_ -- 3 C 94 4 G 9 5 _. .. G 89 _ �... S C 31 7 G 90 G 8 PC 85 07 9 PC 8677 L3 M 46 C L 9# y I C 92 12 C 93 _ 13 C 3 0 G 1 _ #4 C 9# 2:58 # 5 E� 89 1E C 88 77 C 93 18 C 95 7 3 G 9 & 20 C 97 C 97 2.6 2 2 C 9E _ 23 _ C 9 E 3 2 24 PC 87 25 CL 92 26 C 94_. 27 C: 95 28 C 95 0-2 2.6 29 C L 88 30 C 93 Monthly Loading:: [7 .. ti.00 €i O.QQ [7 [7.QQ C 0M ..� ;. 12 Month Floating Totai {in):� -„� p� FORM: 'NDAR-I 6-16 NON—DIECHA GE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-'I) 'age � _ of Did the application rates exceed the, limits in Attac tnent B of your permit? Were adequate wens€tres taken to prevent effluent pondi g in or runoff frorn the sites? Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in ourpermit'? Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted Site Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freaboard heights in your permit? E; L]parr L Cam�lant � Nor •C�n=;�€;ar j. Co��Ep'siant +� >t3nEa::enEE.:J::i; JCS i'.iJi:Fpif.3:3: � is.°i3•:.pE` ,;:i�nF, Corr -pliant [] Nop-cor:plont if the farilt^.y ,ton -corr,pgant, please expi«in in the sp ace below the reasons} the fa: lity was got in conzpIiance. Provide: in your explanation the dates) of the n on -corn pil Ct n ce and descrfba the ccrrectNe action(s) faker. Rttsch addifional site ets if nemssary. Opemfor in Res-ponsible CharCe (ORC) C*tlfficaftn Permittee Cewii€ization a �� ORCs Danny 81jelton merry r:xrm;ttea: James Sint10it Certification Nr!C.: 1005111 Signing Of -Mel. Shayne Byfum Grads": si phgne Nulnhor. 1-252-426-1007 Corp. Sec:reW y Has the 3RC ch r,,ew shricriho previous ieii3kR-I? gas �� Phone tv=.r:r:bvr: i-252-426-1128 F'er Iit �{3�i2C Signature Date Sic+aaiura data y ihi5 s:arw:r+..a, [ rci i'Y ihai This r Pr rs is scexz rE�l3 a 3a rArnpl t^ tp : t� ^est ws nr{ 4 ,��Ire s ge. € rr Yi , ::3 ; 'a: GCr, 3::z aT nr, 3s: Shi; da �3m i c�: ai€ atka rr.Gn :v r pieNured uc 5er, 7 dl eci's n of Et,-pe ris:nr) in a=P,,darre Vo a s; Oeri {=si7rod to nrsuse 11,. A ajJ quali3 id pe * nnO prop My end e:•aiva?ed the informa€la:. submit, .. E-resod ors my i` '-'i€y V Om pF?rSCcrnanagd ;3aG syareE t, t)r th9Se Pe MI; directly reapans;b€e for gathe" if e ='nrormat �r , :hf,. i infarm::ticrr sichmit[ed is, to the b nt aY my €; (hdOr Ige and i:elief, true, ax:rr;s. Inc; compieta. 1 am z-riare Ehat th •=e era �€gnircarE'_ p+Esniiic3 for 5EsE3na; rxr 3alse irETflrraBa;e, I Jud![s ih assit sEiiy of sr*s w d 3 ;spr stir.•me€+€ for kno'v%("Iq viola=.ions. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of V3l ,.ter Res-turcos 1617 Mali Service Center