HomeMy WebLinkAbout20001045_Complete File_20000929NWENR I yr: ,fir. A JAMES B. HUNT JRyyx GOVERNOR s,D T - r WAYNE: MCDEVITT SECRETARY 1?" 1 F r is DONNA D. MOFFITT DIRECTOR . NORTH CAROLINA DE ARTM N OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIYISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Mr. David Timpy, Project Manager Regulatory Division US Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 January 7, 2000 SUBJECT: Public Notice, Action ID No. 199603836, Department of the Army permit application from the NC Department of Transportation to place dredged or fill material into waters of the United States to construct a portion of the Smith Creek Parkway from 23rd street to 3rd street, Wilmington, New Hanover County, NC, TIP No. U-92AB, State Project No. 8.2250101. Dear Mr. Timpy: The Division of Coastal Management (DCM) has reviewed the above referenced Public Notice dated October 7, 1999 pursuant to 15 CFR 930 Subpart D, Consistency for Activities requiring a Federal License and NC Executive Order 15, Consistency for State Activities. The NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to construct a 4-lane divided highway on new location that will extend from 23rd street to 3rd street in Wilmington, New Hanover County, NC. The proposed access-controlled facility will be constructed in two sections U-92A and U-92B. The purpose of the proposed project is to provide a controlled access facility that will eventually extend from US Highway 17 (Market Street) and Eastwood Road to downtown Wilmington. The proposed project will impact 11 individual wetland sites that are located primarily on small stream or channelized creek crossings. These areas are dominated by both hardwood and softwood species including red maple (Acer rubrum), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciJlua), black gum (Nyssa sylvatica), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipfera), and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda). The total project wetland impacts are 6.4 acres and 360 feet of perennial stream. Section U-92A will impact 1.6 acres of jurisdictional wetlands and 360 feet of perennial stream. Section U-9213 will impact 4.9 acres of wetlands and will not impact any streams. In order to compensate for the unavoidable 6.4 acres of wetland impacts associated with this project, NCDOT submitted a mitigation proposal that consists of four mitigation sites. These include the Smith Creek, McRae Street, Third Street and North Kerr Avenue mitigation sites. NCDOT has not completed the final design plans at this time. 1638 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NC 27699-1638 2728 CAPITAL BLVD., RALEIGH, NC 27604 PHONE 919-733-2293 FAX 919-733-1495 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST-CONSUMER PAPER a A determination of consistency with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program will not be made until a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) permit application for the full project is received and reviewed by this office. When final action is taken on the CAMA permit application, the CAMA action will serve as the state's consistency determination. However, in order to identify any concerns as early in the planning process as possible, DCM sent the Army Corps of Engineers' public notice to the appropriate state agency reviewers for comment on the proposal's consistency with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. A list of the agency responses that were received is provided below, along with a brief synopsis of their comments. Please contact me if you would like copies of any of the agency responses. Reviewing agency comments will be taken into consideration before final action is taken on any CAMA permit application for this project. Therefore, any concerns identified by reviewing agencies will need to be resolved by NCDOT before the proposed project can be determined to be consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Comments received from state reviewing agencies: 1. Division of Coastal Management • A CAMA permit will be required prior to the letting of the construction contract. • DCM has not received a copy of the mitigation plan for this project to review. A mitigation plan will need to be approved by DCM and the NC Division of Water Quality in consultation with the NC Wildlife Resources Commission before final action is taken on any future CAMA permit applications received for this project. • At this time the proposed project is consistent with the Wilmington-New Hanover 1997- 2010 Comprehensive Plan if it meets all local, state and federal regulations. The Wilmington Urban Area Transportation Plan Update was recently completed and should be consulted for consistency. In addition, discussion with the local government in regards to this project is strongly encouraged. The Comprehensive Plan and Transportation Plan were both recently adopted, so many of the implementation actions are scheduled for action in the upcoming few years. Changes in local regulations may affect determination of consistency with the local land use plan. • A 401 Water Quality Certification will be required from the NC Division of Water Quality prior to the onset of construction. 2. NC Wildlife Resources Commission. "At this time we find the project as proposed consistent with our Policies and Guidelines for conservation of wetlands and aquatic habitats officially adopted by the Wildlife Resources Commission". 3. Division of Land Resources. "The NCDOT project must be conducted in compliance with all provisions of the NC Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and the Memorandum of Agreement between the NCDOT and the Division of Land Resources". 4. Division of Marine Fisheries. "This office supports the project proposal". 5. Division of Hi hg ways. "This office supports the project proposal". 6. Shellfish Sanitation Unit. "The applicant should contact Ken Sholar with mosquito control in New Hanover County". 7. Division of Community Assistance. "This office supports the project proposal". If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at (919) 733-2293 x 238 or via e-mail at Cathy.Brittingham@ncmaiI.net. Thank you for your consideration of the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Sincerely, Q Cathy Br' ngham Transportation Project Coordinator cc: William Gilmore, Department of Transportation Donna Moffitt, Division of Coastal Management Charles Jones, Division of Coastal Management $ob Stroud, Division of Coastal Management Caron Whitaker, Division of Coastal Management David Cox, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Dan Sams, Division of Land Resources Patti Fowler, Shellfish Sanitation Unit John Hennessy, Division of Water Quality 1? 1 May 18, 2000 MEMORANDUM TO: Attendees FROM: Sue Brady Project Development and Environmental Analysis SUBJECT: New Hanover County, Smith Creek Parkway (Sections A and B), TIP No. U-92AB, State Project No. 8.2250102, COE Action ID No. 199603836 An agency meeting was held on May 12, 2000 in Wilmington to discuss the mitigation plan and designs for the subject project. Comments and issues raised during the meeting are listed below, and a list of attendees is attached. 1. After a brief introduction by Dave Schiller (NCDOT-PDEA), Marc Clifford (NCDOT-Roadway) gave an overview of the sites and how they are to be incorporated into the road design. Each mitigation site was then addressed individually. Third Street Site: Ron Sechler (NMFS) asked about the current and planned vegetation on this site. Dave Schiller, Sue Brady (NCDOT-PDEA) and Marc Clifford described the site and the proposed work. Later in the meeting, John Hennessy (DWQ) brought up using a reference site to monitor the hydrology, but it was decided that due to the small site size this was not necessary. McRae Street Site: Marc Clifford described the site and proposed work. Wanda James (NCDOT- Construction) asked about the "soil rehabilitation" work. David Cox (NCWRC) suggested that we err on the "deep side" when excavating the existing roadway fill, and backfill with suitable soil if necessary. Smith Creek Site: Marc Clifford discussed that this site will be constructed similarly to the Bridge Maintenance Site (grading to the toe of the roadway fill slope), and how some of the solid waste disposal for this site may be done prior to letting Section A of the Parkway. Dave Timpy (USACE) asked about the scheduling of the work on the site, and Marc Clifford and Joe Blair (NCDOT-Div. 3) explained that the site will be built with Section A of the Parkway, with construction beginning early in the contract. Access to the site was discussed, as we are unable to enter through the south end of the Corbett property. Using matting or a haul road across the wetland area within the site in order to carry excavated materials off-site to the east was discussed. The possibility of also using this haul road during bridge construction was brought up, but concerns about impacts to the wetland were raised. Dave Timpy requested that we look at this area during the field visits this afternoon. Wanda James brought up the design of the swales in the large section of the site. She suggested taking the swale all the way across the site and tying it to the creek on both sides. An elevation of the existing mudflats at the ends and a maximum of 2.5' in the center were suggested, with finger swales extending out into the site. Ron Sechler suggested meandering the swale. Wanda, Pat Kerr (NCDOT-Construction), and Randy Turner (NCDOT-Div. 3 Environmental Officer) emphasized the importance of flexibility during construction of these sites, in order to adapt to on-site situations. Dave Timpy and John Hennessy (DWQ) agreed, in this case, because of Wanda and Pat's experience in mitigation construction. Marc Clifford asked about putting swales in the smaller area of this site. Pat Kerr said a swale would be placed starting at the elevation of the existing mudflat, and tied to the existing pond or proposed roadside ditch. David Cox suggested not taking the swale all the way to the proposed ditch, since extensive erosion may occur. Wanda James suggested that 5-6 feet of filter fabric and riprap be used on all slopes adjacent to wetland areas to protect them from erosion. Bridge Maintenance Site: Marc Clifford gave a description of the work planned for Phase Il of this site. Phase I is already constructed. Waste Treatment Site and County Property Site: Marc Clifford gave a description of the work planned for these sites, and mentioned that Section B of the Parkway is still in the preliminary design phase. 2. John Hennessy said that there may be problems with the acres of impact vs. the acres of mitigation for the project, and he will get together with Sue Brady, Dave Schiller, and Dave Timpy to discuss. 3. Dave Timpy said that it is hard to reference the permit drawings to the plans. He would like half-size plans showing the areas of impact and the mitigation sites so that it is easier to follow. He also mentioned that a Microstation file might be useful. Ron Sechler agreed and requested that this type of plans be sent to the other agencies as well. 4. Sue Brady gave a description of the stream impact sites. Marc Clifford said that the area where relocation was proposed is probably not feasible, as there is rock present. Sue will re-evaluate the stream mitigation plan and revise. 5. The proposed addition to U-92A (deck rehabilitation on the west end of the NE Cape Fear River Bridge) was described by Lonnie Brooks (NCDOT-Structure Design). All work will be on the bridge deck, and no in-water work will be involved. Ron Sechler stated this wouldn't affect anadromous fish. Based on comments made, no permit or permit modification is needed for this work. 6. Potential use of jetting piles was discussed. Scott McLendon (USACE) said that if we don't know beforehand that this will be used, a permit mod would be necessary. Scott and Dave Timpy said that if we do need to use jetting, we should explain why in the permit application, and provide the locations, quantity of spoil, and how the spoil will be removed. 7. John Hennessy asked about the mitigation site dispensation, and Dave Schiller responded that NCDOT will retain the sites or deed them to an appropriate agency, as appropriate. NCDOT has established a procedure to ensure that mitigation properties retained by NCDOT are identified by a special number, so that they are not mistakenly impacted in the future. Dave will provide John with information on this issue. f? List of Attendees: David Schiller NCDOT-PDEA (919) 733-1205 Tom McCartney USFWS (919) 856-4520 x. 32 John Hennessy NCDWQ (919) 733-5694 Sue Brady NCDOT-PDEA (919) 733-1143 Dave Timpy USACE (910)251-4634 Randy Turner NCDOT Div. 3 Environmental Officer (910) 251-5724 David Cox NCWRC (919) 528-9886 Jimmy Norris NCDOT-Roadway (919) 250-4016 Marc Clifford NCDOT-Roadway (919) 250-4016 Hugh Thompson NCDOT Div.3 Right of Way (910) 251-5733 Pat Kerr NCDOT Div.3 Construction (910) 259-2119 Katie McKeithan NCDOT- Roadside Environmental (919) 733-2920 Randy Wise NCDOT- Roadside Environmental (919) 733-2920 Joe Blair NCDOT Div.3 (910) 251-5724 Byron Moore NCDOT- Roadside Environmental (919) 733-2920 Ron Sechler NMFS, HCD (252) 728-5090 Andrew Nottingham NCDOT- Hydraulics (919) 250-4100 K.T. Cross NCDOT Div.3 Construction (910) 259-2119 Greg Smith NCDOT- Geotechnical (919) 250-4088 Wanda James NCDOT Div.3 Construction (910) 259-2119 John Anderson NCDOT-Right of Way (910) 251-5733 Scott McLendon USACE (910) 251-4725 Chuck McDonald NCDOT-Locations and Surveys (910) 251-2668 Kathy Matthews USEPA (404) 562-9373 Lonnie Brooks NCDOT-Structure Design (919) 250-4051 Seth Denney NCDOT-Structure Design (919) 250-4051 aPP??e-NTOp Ty?/ United States Department of the Interior o`` Zm FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 '9CH `Ib Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 November 18, 1999 Mr. David Timpy U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Office Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Dear Mr. Timpy: of,1° . This is the report of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) on Public Notice (PN) ID #199603836, dated October 7, 1999. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has applied for a Department of the Army (DOA) permit to place dredged or fill material into waters of the United States to construct a portion of the Smith Creek Parkway from 23rd Street to Third Street in the City of Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina (TIP No. U-92AB). This report is submitted in accordance with the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d), and Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543). It is to be used in your determination of compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b)(1) Guidelines (40 CFR 230) and in your public interest review (33 CFR 320.4) as they relate to protection of fish and wildlife resources. The NCDOT proposes to construct a 4-lane highway on new location that will extend from 23rd Street to Third Street in Wilmington. The proposed access-controlled facility will be constructed in two sections, U-92A and U-92B. Section U-92A will connect with the recently completed section U-92C that extends from NC 132 to 23rd Street and will terminate at McRae Street. Section U-92B will connect with section U-92A at McRae Street and will terminate at Third Street in downtown Wilmington. The NCDOT has completed a mitigation proposal for the proposed project but has not completed the final design plans at this time. The proposed project will impact 11 individual wetland sites that are located primarily on small stream or channelized creek crossings. The total project-related wetland impacts are 6.4 acres and 360 feet of perennial stream, with U-92A impacting 1.6 acres of jurisdictional wetlands and 360 feet of perennial stream and U-92B impacting 4.9 acres of wetlands and no streams. In order to compensate for the unavoidable loss of 6.4 acres of wetland associated with this project, the NCDOT submitted a mitigation proposal that consists of four mitigation sites. These are the Smith Creek, McRae Street, Third Street, and North Kerr Avenue sites. The Smith Creek site was originally proposed for mitigation for U-92C, with the mitigation site to be completed no later than the construction of U-92C. Due to delays caused by a problem with obtaining access to the site, and concerns about potential hazardous wastes at the site that caused the contractor to withdraw from the contract, the site was not constructed for the intended project section. Subsequently U-92C was completed and the NCDOT was granted a permit modification to allow the construction of the Bridge Maintenance site as mitigation for U-92C in lieu of the Smith Creek site. At this time the access and contaminant problems have been addressed and completion of the Smith Creek site is now being proposed to take place concurrently with the construction of U- 92A & B. Construction of the McRae Street site will take place concurrently with the construction of sections U-92A and U-92B. Completion of the Third Avenue site will take place after completion of all road and bridge construction at this site, under Section U-92A. The Kerr Avenue site is privately owned at this time. Because there have been significant delays in constructing the Smith Creek mitigation site, and one segment (U-92C) of the project has been completed without mitigation in place, the Service prefers that (1) a Smith Creek Site mitigation plan be completed and approved prior to commencing construction of project segments U-92A and B, and (2) mitigation sites are to be completed before project construction is completed. In summary, based on information contained in our files, the Public Notice, and previous correspondence on this project, the Service recommends that a Department of the Army (DOA) permit not be issued for this project unless this application is accompanied by a completed and approved mitigation constuction plan for the Smith Creek site, and that all mitigation sites will be completed prior to completion of construction of the project. The Service appreciates the opportunity to comment on this public notice. Please advise us of any action taken by the Corps of Engineers on this permit application. If you have any questions regarding our recommendations, you may contact Tom McCartney at 919-856-4520, ext. 32. Sincerely, 114U Thomas P. A s ur e p g Acting Ecological Services Supervisor 2 cc: COE, District Engineer, Wilmington, NC WRC, Creedmore, NC (David Cox) DWQ, Raleigh, NC (John Hennessy) FHWA, Raleigh, NC (Nicholas Grao EPA, Atlanta, GA (Ted Bisterfield) FWS/R4:TMcCartney:TM:11/16/99:919/856-4520 extension 32:\id199603.836 3