HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0057401_wasteload allocation_19861205I NPOES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION Engineer —Date Rec I.t� 7Pea q Z � Date Permit rb .: IJ C- O 01 -7 Vol Pipe No .: a o / County: zn / Design //��C,,app,acity MGD) ; v' Industrial (% of Flow) : —Domestic (% of Flow) : Receiving St�r�eam: a-- ��- �'� �'' � Class: �S `r e-Y,6 Sub -Basin: d 3 o Reference USGS Quad: (Please attach) Requestor• L,5`- TRegional Office f/W (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) Design Tenp.: Facility Name: is . Wqq .. - . Avg, Streamf low (cfs) : ~ X10 (cfs) Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) Location of D.O. minimum (miles below outfall): Slope (fpm) Velocity (fps): K1 (base e, per day): K2 (base e, rker day): Drainage Area (mi2): a - i, Characteristics %TA. 1I Monthly —I Av- ?g • - MI 13M MAM MM ' Effluent 'ontnly Characteristics tverage Comments • ' on • �/ I, / // 1 k ic in 0 PA o / /, / � DIVISION OF ENVIRO NMENTAL MANAGEMEMT September 18, 1986 MEMORANDUM TO: Arthur Mouberry FROM: Ronald L. McMillan`"l l'�A THROUGH: Rex Gleason �b"� PREPARED BY: Michael L. Parker SUBJECT: NPDES Permit Modification The Hideways NPDES Permit No. NCO057401 Mecklenburg County This Office is in receipt of an NPDES Permit application from Mr. Charles Gallant concerning a modification to the Permit. Mr. Gallant is requesting an increase in flow from the originally permitted flow of 0.002MGD to 0.200MGD. This increase in flow will come from the proposed construction of approximately 400 condominiums on nearby property. The existing WWTP serving the Hideways will be abandoned once the proposed project has begun. Mr. Gallant indicates that the 0.200MGD WWTP will be constructed in stages until maximum flow has been attained. A rotor disk type WWTP, similar to the one currently in opera- tion at the Hideways, is planned for the project. This facility could be expected to meet secondary limitations if the revised WLA indicates such would continue to be applicable. This Office has evaluated this proposal and recommends approval provided the DHR concurs. It should be noted that a second and third discharge is proposed for this section of the lake just above the point where the existing Hideways WWTP discharges. These two (2) proposed discharges (Summitview - NC0067202 and Langston Drive - NCO064441) will, if approved, generate an additional 0.400MGD into this section of the lake. Because of the nature of the development proposed for this area, the possible creation of nuisance conditions and the volume of WW discharged, it is recommended that the discharge line for the proposed Hideways WWTP be piped an additional 150 feet into the main river channel. This recommendation will also be made for Summitview and Langston Drive prior to issuance of an A to C. Locations of these proposed discharges can be found on the attached map. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please advise. �A. SEP 24 198b FF; S Lr4GIvEERNG Facility Name Type of Waste Staxus Aeceiving Stream Stream Class Subbasin CountV Aegional Office Peques�or Date of Pequest Quad Pequest No. WASTEC)AD Al I FOAM --------------------- THE HIDEAWAYS DOMESTJC EXISTIN� LAKE WYLIE, WS-III,B 030g@4 ME(:,'KLENBUR� MAC) LISA SAL.EH 11/T/86 �14SE lDrainage Area (sq mi> O. Summer 7Q:1.0 <cfs0. Wintep 7Q1� (cfs) � Average Flow 30[\Z2 ------------------------- AECOMMENDED EFF�'UENT LIM1TS ............................ .... .... .... ............ .... ...... .... .... .... -... ... --- WastefJ.ow <mgd>0.2 5-[DaV BOD (mQ/l30 Ammonia Nitpogen (mg/l>� DissoO.ved OxVgen (mg/l5 TSS (mQ/l) 30 Fecal ColiforIII (#/100ml200 pH (SU6-9 ---------------------------------- COMMENTS ---------------------------------- THESE LIMITS APE APPLICABLE ONLY IF THE DISCHAACE IS PIPED OUT TO THEK MAIN PART OF THE I AKE. THE MODEL DOES NOT ADDAESS THE PAIMAAY PAODUCTIVITY OF THE LAK4�0 �,?,) 0,(, X4ZZ;e foob VWD('Z,) elAt,- lle�wofeo Alo Aecommended by Date _ Aeviewed by: Tech. Support Supervisor IDate negional Superv�sor Date ��� { ' Permits & ��ngineering _1���� ______ Da�e , . Aequest No3475 .... ... .... ... ................ ... ................ .... ........ .... ... .... ........ WASTELOAD At LOCIATION APPPOVAL FOAM ............ ........... ............ ........... ........ ... ........... ... ........ FacilJ.ty Name Type of Waste StMA, us Aeceiving Stream Stream Class Subbas�n County AeQional Office Pequestor Date of Aequest Quad � THE HIDEAWAYS � DOMESTIC � EXISTIN� � LAKE WYL�E � WS-III,B . 03O834 � K G � nxu'U � LI5A SALEH � 11/7/86 � C1ZISE v���-- °~~-- =wAGE111170 1*.)raJ.naCpe Area Summer 7Q10 Winter 7Q10 Average Flow (sq mi0. (cfsO. ------------------------- RECOMMEM�ED �FFLUENT LIMITS -------------- Waste -Plow Ong(j) 0.2 5-Da4 BOD (frig /l 30 Ammonia Nitrogen <mQ/l>� Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l 5 TSS (mg/l 30 Fecal Coliform (#/1O0ml) 200 pH (SU) 6-9 ........... ........... ....... -.... .... .... .... .... ... ------.... .... .... .... .......................... ........ C[MMEENTS ---------------------------------- THESE LIMITS AAE APPLICABLE ONLY IF THE DISCHAAgF* IS PIPED OUT TO THE MAIN PAPIT OF TwE L.AKE THE uk4 el Aecommenueu by Daxe Aeviewed by: Tech. Support SupervJ.sor F*qegional Supervisor Permits & EnQineerinQ _ Date f A �1 . Date E �I T� c EWAT[ I FLO WS[ ATER 'LOW - - BO- WAITE M 7 AL ELOCI7Y 7 0 E- ON ARE E[ l E EL ISFFK�� K1 " - 3 D T UUTFAL : , AT O TFALL = . HE HIDE-W.Y. LAKE -IE aY 1.100 FEET | 0-55 FEE 3 i 8EfV6 C B -2 EET 20.00 CFE ^ O 60 � '50O MG^ . O K OTS 1600^00 ^F` | O -3 I � , c ~~T^/D0 39 PER / ~4 »[ D� 8 4 - 7 s 2 3 18 G. , .505 3538621 '1 . [.E Mr MST E c0 ' DRE4V , ".1 3 � -�^35 0,^5 ` 76 00'�.78 -0-5 O`'» M LEP3 T D. 3 E v]C DQ^T RE PC ,O 3^18 0.05 3.11 ,45 3.1C 0.15 O.20 2F� ^28 0.25 2,S5 ,2u 3,30 n,35 . 7 O 'O 0.4 2,6, � ME A8:E0 D L. TO: FOR T'E 1 4 0` 9 1� �3dS3� rq �� !�Oar 75 S F-(f, '5U So goo 0o, Oo 0-� A2,-, OC,►Gc",,Cie -A) 66= k-t u�4 u i eU) j�� & A-u r�V'L -PU4 iA0rtJ j 0074," (-b 11 11W o c�s w-j�a��4alvu o ao VA-P (4 C-1) (`d53- A- OJ,nd (aL� V-5 5 W6 'A C- i3oD C3GXI.v Sri q ,bvv�U E - IDEA AME AM. L A, E 2 Y Ll il i 10 Q F E` FR 3 HTER !PFLO 1 8 .'Q U A -E .'E- -LO 1 Oo6. ol: u BOD F WASTJ 33%L mAx 0 .'MCI t TROS.— OTIO ..E 1 16iJ iQ 1.39 "ER 0: :7,021 MG/ H 1 L E P U-411 jPST-Z M 80 D* "'J .0; —0 41' :0 0 fl) 1 D F Hi RE E w ASTEA T R F L. UL ROD DF MM ,AX TI VELD 1: MES-.� 10' WE KV!MwE L. ME HT =a Qf-. 500 160M E PEP 1a OE 00 17 n K 00" so 00 C M 6 0 m 1 7 SQ.-' Qq: .31 1 E A % pEq 30D YVA. !M708288 MG/ D.O. AT n T-6 L ?.5 ""1538til Wt. WF � NT olLEPOINT 0 e C 1 0 Do ONE TM. 0 1. 1. 3, 0: 4 2, 2 55 2 2 2 r. E DO -STANn ?0 7,-.--- 3 I-P 2 Li E AS EL: D A.&UTION FQR T E 1, Z 4A,l jS 13! ..