HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0034102_Monitoring - 07-2020_20200826 (2)'31AITILIAN!, 46� bn ;17 .mac„?^, Enter date monitoring results were due. Will thi's mon-ftorling report 9,,WV-69 and OW-69A) Tvj�s be submitted after the established due da", 7 r Was i any requored infor mn iss atwiming on tille 6(3w-59 repwrt foms? YES NO 12 IF tshe answer to question I or 2 is "'YES"', fisi in the space, provided below the we idaintification nu mrber(s) and explain the pnoul)lems encountered in obtaniing the required information. J 'MISSEng 's Ing CaP5. YES 0 Aire any of the monitor wellshn need of repair or maintenanve (damaged casing, unlocIs iced or M" I'de"adification, plate, area overgrown, etc.) 9o'the answer is "Yes apg contact the Regional 0)' rice ' guldance. F4 Are any monitored con stituonts oqual to above the established standards? uzs (NO -4-y the ansmoler ho quesifor 4 is "NO" sk1p to section 6. If the ans%qper to qun;sfion 41s, "'YES" list the affiected wells individually with constituent(s) and concentration(s) exceadling standards in jlw sjoeice p`wirjfed below: the constituents 'Identified 'in question 4 abover ave, standard, s been exceeded previously for thet S NCO same constituent(s) in the same is In the I st two ye, rsl _J If the answer to question 5 is "NO�' skip to seciion 8. If the answer to question 5 IS '11 �`FSVI fist in the space provided below, ea&, well with constituens s) e!wceed,i1n,g standards, concentration(s) repoeted, and sample collection date for each occurrence (for the last two yearz,�). Are the rsonitoring wells listed In section 5 'located at or beyond the revie-vurbawridary? R�,T ff the answer is j"YES" 0 a groundwater qualiby problem may be occurring. CONTACT THE REGIONAL It OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR GUIDANCE. ff the answer is 'r"NO "- manitoring wells may be impropeitv Sr located; contact the Regional Offlex-,1. 7 Is the pennittee Implementing prevelous�y approved a,4,Alonst requirad,11 by the D'Elvislon �1,nvolvinglithls YES N01 I groundwater quality problem? If the answel, to qu 7 is "'YES" describe those actions in the splace. pro-vided belmlv. If the answer to question 7 R9 coatect hg,�R�eldnal Office within 90 aqg.Vr ,#d,to,,.determ1n.jffihe ifflegct the, waite. WW_Oseal sY,.stem.!.S,-,kazLng,.RL,LtLP EMISW and S9—m-P—l-1aa b o u n 42.64.s I Nq 0 &e4k6.,hAd1.ur0- Lo A 10. LUR X -19AISC. t the Re-M&M-22-00 0 —N.O.-t—kO -W.- 4fi - gena Lln e. aj, andlor Ps The person -completing th' portion (OW-59A) of the monitoring report she,,,inigm hekaw and submit this form with GW-59 for for required wells to the address provided at the fl of 7he current Gifif-59 form. I hereby acknowledge that the above Iff ormatilon was evaluated and the informaitfora subnallitted In thhe zoport fComplian.ce Report QW-69A) lis true and complete to the best of my knowledge-w. Waft Slgrbature. of Permittee (or A thorized Microbac Laboratories, �mc. - 1---ayetteville, CERTIRICAT, E OF ANALY'fie_ IS KOG0111 19 Analyficali Testing Parameters Client Sample 11D. MW 1, grab Sam, pf�e Matrix: Moni"Coring Well Coflected By: Poythress Lab Sample iD- KOGO 119-01 Collection Date: 07108/2020 9:40 Field Parameters R e s Lt RL Units Dilution Note Prepared Anai!yzed Ana1'yst NA Depth 20.0 0.0830 ft i 07/08120 0940 imp Depth to Water Surface 8.00 ft i 07/08/20 0940 imp Sly 2550 B-2010 Temperature, Field 23 0.1 °c 1 07/08120 0940 imp Sid 4500-H+ B-2011 pl-1, Field Test 6.9 1.0 S.U. 1 07/08/20 0940 imp M- icroblology Result RL Units Dilution Note Prepared Analyzed Analyst SM 9222 D-2006 Coliform, Fecal <1.0 1.0 per 1 00mIL 1 07/08/20 1610 07/09/20 1626 MT Inorganics Total Result RL Units Dilution N to Prepared Analyzed Analyst EPA 300.0, Rv. 2.1 (1993) Chloride as CL 10.8 1.00 mg/L 1 07108/20 1142 JDW Nitrate as N 1.37 0.200 mg/L 1 07/08/20 1142 JDW Sly 2540 C-2011 Total Dissolved Solids <100 100 mg/L 2 07113/20 1615 KAIT SM 4500-NH3 G-2011 Ammonia as N <0.200 0.200 mg/L 1 07109/20 1540 JDW SM 4500-P F-2011 Phosphorus, Total <0.20 0.20 mg/L 1 07,116120 1012 JDW Analyses Subcontracted to: Microbac Laboratories Inc., - Marietta, OH Inorg ganics Total Result RL Units Dilution Note Prepared Ana �'Iyzed Art Shil 5310 C-2011 1 1.00 mg/L 1 07/14120 165" lotal Organic Carbon - TOC 2.46 1 07/15/20 1109 DIH Wflucrobac Laboratorie,S, hne, 2592 Hope V1.4fl'is Rd Fayetteville, NC 28306 1910.864.1920 p I �t�miw.microbac.com Paw 3 of 12 Microbac Laboratories, Inc. - Fayetteville CERT�RCATE- OF ANAI SIS KOG0119 Client Sample ID: MW 2, grab Sample Matrix: Monitoring Well Collected By: Poythress Lab Sample ID- KOGO 119-02 Coll�cflon Date- 07108/2020 10.55 Field Parameters Resullit RL Units Dilution Note Prepared Analyzed Analyst NA Depth 20.0 0.0830 ft 1 07/08/20 1055 imp Depth to Water Surface 9.00 ft 1 07/08/20 1055 imp SM 2550 B-2010 Temperature, Field 22 0e 107108120 0C 1055 imp Sh"I 4500-1 -2011 pH, Field Test 6.4 1.0 S.U. 1 07/08/20 1055 imp Microbio1ogy Result R Units Dilution Note Prepared Analyzed Analyst Sly 9222 D-2006 Coliform, Fecal <1 sO 1.0 per 100ml- 1 07/08/20 1610 07/09120 1526 MT inorganics Total Result RL Units Dilution Note Prepared Analyzed AinkMyst EPA 300.0, Rv. 2.1 (1993) Chloride as CL 18.2 1.00 MQI,L- 1 07/08120 1142 JDW Nitrate as N <0.200 0.200 Mg/L 1 07/08/20 1142 JDW SM 2540 C-2011 Total Dissolved Solids 102 100 mg/L 2 07/13/20 1615 MT SM 4500-NN3 G-2011 Ammonia as N 9.51 1.00 mg/L 07/09/20 1540 JDW Sly 4500-P F-2011 Phosphorus, Total <0.20 0.20 mg/L 1 07116120 1012 JDW Analyses Subcontracted to: Microbac Laboratories Inc., - Marietta, OH Inorganics Total Result �R Units Dilution N ote Prepared Analyzed Analyst S[Vi 5310 C-2011 T 1 �00 mg/L 1 07/14120 1651 lotal Organic Carbon - TOC 4.50 07/15120 1131 DIH Microbac Laboratories, lirm, 21592 Hope Mills Rd I Fayetteville, NC 28306 'W.864.1920 p � vrvoiti.rnicrobacxom Page 4 of 12 Inorganics Total SM 5310 C-2011 Total Organi*,-. Carbon - TOC RnPAC Microbac Laboratories, Inc, - Fayetteville KOG01 19 Client Sample ID: MW 3, grab Sample Matrix: Monitoring Well Collected By: Poythrests. Lab SaynplelD: KOGO 119-03 Collection Date: 07/08/2020 10:30 Field Parameters Result RL Units Dilution to Prepared Analyzed Analyst N A Depth 15.0 0.0830 ft 1 07/08120 1030 imp Depth to Water Surface 7�,00 ft 07/08/20 1030 imp SM 2550 B-2010 Temperature, Field 21 0.1 Oc 07/08/20 1030 1 M, P SM 4500-H+ B-2011 p1d, Field Test 6.2 1.0 S.U. 07/08/20 1030 jhAp Result RL Units D i I udon Note Prepared Anaiyzed Analyst SM 9222 D-200,6 Coliform, Fecal <1.0 1.0 per 1OOrnL 1 07/08/20 1610 07/09/20 1526 MT Inorganics Total Resu'LI RL Units Dilundon Note Prepared Analyzed Analyst EPA 300.0, Rv. 2.1 (1993) Chloride as CL 10.6 1.00 mg/L 1 07/08/20 1142 JDW Nitrate as N <0.200 0.200 mg/L 11, 07/08/20 114-2 JDW Ski 2540 C-2011 Total Dissolved Solids 1,08 100 mg/L 2 07/13/20 1615 MT SM 4500-NH3 011 Ammonia as KI <0.200 0.200 mg/L i 07/09/20 1540 JDW SM 4500-P F-2011 Phosphorus, 'Total 0.90 0.20 mg/L 1 07/16/20 10412 JDW Analyses SUbcontracted to: Microbac Laboratories Inc., - Marietta, OH Result R L Units Dilution Note Prepared Analyzed Analyst 2.47 1.00 mg/L 1 07/14/20 1651 07/15/20 1153 DIH ,�,bac Laboratories, Inc. 2592 Hope llfflfis Rd I Fayettevipffle, MC 28306 � OUIO.864�1920 p i Page ,5 of "P, M iff gy Miarobau- Laboratories, 1mc-1,, - Fayett-eviHe KOG01 19 Client Sample ID- IOW 4, grab Sample Matrix- Monitoring Well Collected By� Poythress Lab Sample 10- KOG01 19-04 Collection Date,: 07/08/2020 10: 10 Field Parameters Result RL Units Dilution Note Prepared Analyzed Analyst NA Depth 18.0 O.0830 ft 1 07/08/20 111010 imp Depth to Water Surface 8.00 f 11 07/08/20 1010 11 1\4 P 3-1kii 2550 B-2010 Ternperpture, Field 23 0.1 0C 07/08120 1010 imp SM 4500.H+ B-2011 pH, Field Test 6.7 1.0 'S. U 07/08/20 1010 imp Microbiology Result RL Units Dilution Note Prepared Analyzed Analyst SPI 9222 D-2006 Coliform., Fecal <1.0 1.0 per 100mL 1 07/08/20 1610 07/09/20 1526 MT �norqanlcs 'Total Result RL Units Dilution Note Prepared Analyzed Analyst EPA 300.0, Rv. 2.1 (1993) Chloride as CL 22.6 1.00 mg/L 11 07108/20 1142 JDW Nitrate as N <0.200 0.200 mg/L 1 07/08/20 1142 JDW SM 2540 C-2011 Total Dissolved Solids 124 100 mg/L 2 07/13/220 1615 MT SM 4500-NH3 G-2011 Ammonia as N <0,200 0.200 mg!L I Al2 07109r20 1540 JDW SM 4500-P F-2011 Phosphorus, Total <0.20 0.20 mg/L I 07/16120 1012 JDW Analyses Subcontracted to: Microbac Laboratories Inc., - MariettCan, OH Inorganics Total Result RL. Units Dilution Note Prepared Analyzed Anallyst Sly 5310 C-2011 Total Organic Carbon - T0C -11.00 mglL 1 07/14120 1651 07115/20 1214 DIH V, 1 .1 .w1'cr,oh-,ac Labworator'eS, Irp 21%'1592"! Hope jkliffls Rd I Fayettevifle, NC 28306 1910.864�1920 p 1 Page 6 of 12 1 1 e Microbac Laboratories Inc. - Faye'tevi CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS KOG01 19 I 4IIIIIIIIpIIIIIII ��111 IIIII III III I� 1, 71 41� I pill 111111, 1 lE M7 N I I milli ol Spike Source %REC RPD Microbiology Result RL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch KGO0907 - Wet Chem Aqueous - SM 9222 D-2006 Blank (KGO0907-BLKI) Prepared: 07/08/2020 Analyzed: 07/09/2020 Coliform, Fecal < 1.0 1.10 per I OOmL LCS (KG00907-BS1) Prepared: 07/08/2020 Analyzed: 07/09/2020 Colliform, Fecal 31000 1.0 per 0-200 1 OOmL Spike Source %REC RPD Inorganics Total Result RL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch KGO0804 - Wet Chem Aqueous - EPA 300.0, Rv. 2.1 (1993) Duplicate (KGO0804-DUPI) Source: KOG0113-01 Prepared &Analyzed, 07/08/2020 Chloride as CL 553 21.2 mg/L 557 0.8 10 Nitrate as N 5.36 4.25 mg/L 5.52 3 10 Duplicate (KGO0804-DUP2) Source: KOG0128-01 Prepared &Analyzed: 07108/2020 Chloride as CL 14.0 1.00 mg/L 14.0 0.4 10 Nitrate as N 9.32 0.200 mg1L 9.28 03 10 Matrix Spike (KGO0804-MSI) Source: KOG0113-01 Prepared &Analyzed: 07/08/2020 Chloride as CL 550 21.2 mgYL 10.0 557 N R 90-110 Nitrate as N 7.31 4.25 mg/L 2.26 5.52 79 90-110 Matrix Spike (KG008D4-MS2) Source: KOG0128-01 Prepared &Analyzed: 07/08/2020 Chloride as CL 53.6 1.00 mg/L 40.0 14.0 99 90-110 Nitrate as N 17.3 0.400 mg/L 9.04 9.28 88 90-110 Matrix Spike (KGO0905-MS1) Source: 1KOG0119-04 Prepared &Analyzed: 07/09/2020 Ammonia as N 0.729 0.200 mg/L 1.00 ND 73 80-120 Matrix Spike Dup (KGO0905-MSD1) Source: KOG0119-04 Prepared &Analyzed: 07109/2020 Ammonia as N 0.938 0.200 mg/L 1.00 ND 94 80-120 25 20 71111!111liii 11 iq�111111 1��I� !III Blank (KG01 021- L1K1) Prepared &Analyzed: 07/13/2020 Total Dissolved Solids <100 100 mg/L LCS (KGO1021-BS1)1 Prepared &Analyzed: 07/113/2020 Total Dissolved Solids 760 100 mg/L 746 '102 90-110 Duplicate (KGO1021-DUPl) Source: KOG0116-01 Prepared &Analyzed: 07113/2020 Total Dissolved Solids 162 100 mg/L 154 5 10 LCS (KGO1434-BS1) Prepared &Analyzed: 07/16/2020 Phosphorus, Total 0.50 0,20 mg/L 0.50 99 90-110 N41crobi Laboratories, inc. 2592 Hope Mills Rd I Fayetteville, NC 28306 1910.864,1920 p I www.microbac.com P�age7of 12 ------------ MIC Microbac Laboratories, Inc. - Fayetteville CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS KOGO 119 -Spike Source %REC R P D, Inorganics Total Result RL Units Level Result %REC Limits P Limit "Jotes Batch KGO1434 - Wet Chem Aqueous - Sly 4500-P F-2011 Matrix Spike (KGO1434-MSI) Source: KOGOOSI-01 Prepared &Analyzed: 07116/2020 Phosphorus, Total 3.2 0.20 mg/L 2.5 0.63 102 90-110 Matrix Spike (KGO1434-MS2) Source: KOG0128-03 Prepared &Analyzed: 07116/2020 Phosphorus, Total 0.82 0.20 mg/L 2.5 ND 33 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (KGO1434-MSD1) Source: KOG0081-01 Prepared &Analyzed: 07/16/2020 Phosphorus, Total 3.2 0.20 mg/L 2.5 0.63 104 90-110 1 200 Matrix Spike Dup (KGO1434-MSD2) Source: KOG0128-03 Prepared &Analyzed: 07/16/2020 Phosphorus, Total 1.1 0.20 mg/L 2.5 ND 43 90-110 26 200 Batch Quality Control Summary.- Microbac Laboratories Inc., - Marietta, OH Spike Source %REC RPD Inorganics Total Result MDL RL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPO Limit Notes Batch B0G071 0 - Wet Clem -Default Prep - Slid 5310 C-2011 Blank (BOG0710-BLKI) Prepared: 07/1412020 Analyzed: 07/1512020 Total Organic Carbon - TOC <0.500 0.500 1.00 mg/L LCS (BOG0710-BSI) Prepared: 07/14/2020 Analyzed: 07/15/2020 Total Organic Carbon - TOC 25.1 0.500 1.00 mg/L 25.0 100 85-115 LCS Dup (BOG0710-BSOI) Prepared, 07/14/2020 Analyzed: 07/15/2020 Total Organic Carbon - TOC 25.2 0.500 1.00 mg/L 25.0 101 85-115 0.495 15 Duplicate (BOG0710-DUPl) Source: MOG0938-01 Prepared: 07/14/2020 Analyzed: 0711512020 Total Organic Carbon - TOC 2.32 0.500 1.00 mg/L 2.23 4.22 15 Matrix Spike (BOG0710-MSI) Source: MOG0938-01 Prepared: 07/14/2020 Analyzed: 07/15/2020 Total Organic Carbon - TOC 12.0 0.500 1.00 mg/L 10.0 2.23 97.5 85-115 Matrix Spike Dup (BOG0710-MSD1) Source: MOG0938-01 Prepared: 07/14/2020 Analyzed: 07/15/2020 Total Organic Carbon - TOC 11.7 0.500 1.00 mg/L 10.0 2.23 94.9 85-115 2,27 15 Definitions 0c: Degrees Celsius All 2: MS/MSD fail recovery, but the LCS passes criteria. ft: Feet MDL: Minimum Detection Limit mg/L: Milligrams per Liter RL: Reporting Limit RPDs Relative Percent Difference S.U.: Standard Units Cooler ReGelpt Log Cooler ID- Default Cooler Temp, 3.4 " C Laborafork'.,s, Inc. 2592 Hope Mills Rd I Fayetteville, NC 28306 1910-864.1920 p I mnvw.m1crobac.com Page 8 of 12 Microbac Laboratories, ,'Inc,, - Fayetteviiie CERTIFICAJE OF ANALY SIS ==W Ice Present or not required? Yes Shipping containers sealed or not required? Yes Custody seals intact or not required? Yes Chain of Custody (COC) Present? Yes COC includes customer information? Yes Relinquished and received signature on COC? Yes Sample collector identified on COC? Yes Sample type identified on COC? Yes Correct type of Containers Received Yes Correct number of containers listed on COC? Yes Containers Intact? Yes COC includes requested analyses? Yes Enough sample volume for indicated tests received? Yes Sample labels match CDC (Name, Date & Time?) Yes Samples arrived within hold time? Yes Correct preservatives on COC or not required? Yes Chemical preservations checked or not required? Yes Preservation checks meet method requirements? Yes VOA vials have zero headspace, or not recd.? Yes Project Requested Certification(s) Microbac Laboratories Inc., - Marietta, OH 583 NC Dept. of the Environment and Natural Resources Microbac Laboratories, Inc, - Fayetteville North Carolina DENR NPDES M Reviewed and Approved By: Samples were received in proper condition and the reported results conform to applicable accreditation standard unless otherwise noted. The data and information on this, and other accompanying documents, represents only the sample(s) analyzed. This report is incomplete unless all pages indicated in the footnote are Brittany Smith present and at) authorized signature is included. The services were provided under and Administration subject to Microbac's standard terms and conditions which can be located and Reported: 07/17/2020 17:34 reviewed at <https.11wwwmicrobac.comlstat7dard-terms-cot7d!tions>. 44 Met; fir � -it A'1116ass 8 , , C - & m F Cy a r Typ e Facility Name: Permit Name Facilit Addres 14- Glt'111 rlulcl h I Aver jp. County (CRY) Slato Contact Persow? le ii T-7 Telephone #. 7V Well Location/ Site Name: No. of Wells to be Sampled: Well Identification Number (from Permit) V For Groundwater Tmatment Systems Well Depth% 26 ft. Well ill titer: Screened Interval: ft. to Check One: influent (98) V 0; Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level- —ft. below measuring pol"n'. - - -- M Measuring Point (M.P.) Is%. �-6� ft. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation In ft.: DEPARTMENT UF P.NVIKUNML-N 1 44 WA I UH44-16 =-Z'kVUnL,[4;a WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER FIALEIGH. NC ?,.7699-1636 Phone,,, (9191 NQM Values should reflect dissolved and colloldal concentrations, Gallons of water pumped/balled before sampling: G Date sample collected: .1-3 -zaroe> Date sample anal yzedt.� Field analysis-, pH —.- 6--'? ' Specific Conductance uMhos Laboratory Name: Temp. Odor ilo')9! Appearance -.L& " Certification No. PARAM91 (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered --YES - --—NO and flold acidffled COD mo Nitrite (NO2) as N Mg/l C011form: MF Fecal /1 00ml Nitrate (NO:3) as N Mg/l Coliform: MF Totai ---/l 0071-11 PIVGSE-*�51 (Note: Use MPN method for hIghly tUrbld Samples) Dissolved Solids: Total eC* 10 0 MgA pH (when analyzed) Lin TOC MgA Chloride. MgA Arsenic Mg/1 Grease and Oils Mg/1 Phenol Mg/l Sulfate Mg/l Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia Mg/1 TKN as N — Mg/l Orthophosphate mg/l Al - Aluminum mg/l Ba - Barium Mg/1 Ca - Calcium Mg/l Cd - Cadmium Mg/l Ch rom 1 u m: Total mg/1 Cu - Copper Mg/l Fe - Mg/l Mercury Mg/l K - Potassium Mg/l Mg - Magnesium Mg/l Mn - Manganese mg/l YES NO) Ni - Nickel a-Ag/1 Pb - mg/1 Zn ^ In Mg/1 Ammonia Nitrogen Mg/1 Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) CORGANICS-M (GC,GC /M8,HPLC) (Specify test and math ad Ob. Aftach lob FirampoOL) HapaVt,Okirwched? Yes--�("O No, voc method#= method#= Pt,armfuee (or Awhod-zed Agent) Name and Tifle - Please print or type GW-59 Signature of Permittee (or Authpuffted Agani) (Dale) Rava 013112000 q P9 fA, T( - - ON Ll S 'AM, 01 COMM; � ANU_M'__ REPOR Ct F 0 H MA j, Coun ty ;L T 9 1 a P h o n a # —_ 2541_'L_J_� 1i "' 'L I No. of Wells to be Sampled:i.—.,__,_,, Well Identification Number (from Permit): w(___ For Groundwater Treatment Syatoms Well Depth: ft. Well Diameter: Check One: 13 Influent (98) Screened Interval: ft. to fi. 0 Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level: I _ft. below measuring po'nt. Measuring Point (M.P.) is: A- ft. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation In ft,,.* Gallons of water pumped/b, filed before sampling: 6 - Date sample collected: 7 40-1 ID Field analysis: pH t, . . , Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. 2-f�'- — "C, Odor, - to 0#1 e - Appearance 0 le#4r- PERMIT #'Q' EXPIRATION DATEr- Non-Discharge..- NPDES RMI OPERATION BONG MONITOIRIED Lagoon ftmadlatlon,v Infiftraflon Gallery Spq-ay Field F, DMIJ Distributor Land Applicat on of Sludge R Other: NQ]a Values should ref dh6solved and colloidal Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: Certification No. PARANIFTFFIR Mamnlar. fn metals wt%ra enlianted unfiltered YES NO and field acidified -YES CO1l Nitrite as Mg/lg Coliform, MF Fecal 00MI Nitrate (NO:3) as N Mg/1 Coliform: MF Total /1 00M I Phosphorus: Total as P Mg/1 (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total—- 1 rng/1 pH (when ana zed) units Chloride- -4). a- / I Arsenic mg/i Grease and 011s rngil Phenol MCIA Uff Sulf ate Mg/1 Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia 0 MC4 T NasN �-__AMIQA Al - Aluminum a 11.51 mg/l Ba - Barium Mg/l Ca - Calcium mg/l Gd, Cadmium.- Mg/l Chromium: Total mg/l Cu - Copper Mg/1 Fe - IrQn mQ/1 Hg - Mercury MC-1/1 K - Potassium—__- mg/l Mg - Magnesium Mg1l Mn - Manclanese mg/l A Ni - IMPI Pb - Lead� M Zn - Zinc nniqA Ammonia Nitrogen M (---41 Other (Specify Compoundeo and Concentrallon UnIts) URGANICS: (GCjGC/Nl8,HPLC) (Specify test and method #. Attach lab report.) report-)-"-, ReportAttached? Yes___1,1), No..-.(O voc method method _M01 Permitlee or Authorized Agent) Name and Title - Please print or type GW-59 TDate) , F A orIzed Agent) Rev. 03,12000 Please Print Clearly 7W& FacIlIty Name. - Permit Name if different)-, Facilit Address*. yiny^ _1614 g T 7 nnt t Persow............4 h Count Telephone #: ZJ Well Location/ Site Name No. of Wells to be Sampled, Well Identification Number (from Permit): /5' For Groundwater Treatment Systems Well Dep1h: --ft. Well Diam"eter: In. Check One: 13 Influent (98) Screened Interval: ft- to - ft. �_3 Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level: 7 —ft. below measuring point. Measuring Point (M.P.) is: r-' 2"t , tit. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation In ft. Gallons of water pumped/balled before sampling; - Date sample collected: I - 9 -�zozo Field analysis: pH._.L#2 ' Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. '20.9..'OC, Odor, jJOAC Appearance !a I eAr DEPARTMENT OF ENVIKU14MM41 4 AJAI UVIA4 roGZZAJUn%4r_a WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER F00-TION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE: I 11C Non-Dischargel 'NPDES nu QEP—EBMIrEED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon Ramadlation-, Infliftration Gallenj Spray Field Ratary Distributor Land AppfloaHort of Sludge 01hen N -� Ve m I jould reflect dissoived agnd K1,1E V flu m sh caHoIdM concentrations. Data sarnpie anad�yzod: Laboratory Name: Certification No. =no P-AB (Samples for metals were collected unfiltereV9:Q d - - ­_ a &M%g —NO and field acidif led COD mg/l Nitrite (NO2) as N ring/l Coliform: MF Fecal ._J1 00ml Nitrate (NO*,) as N mg/l Coliform: MF Total /1 00ml Phosohorus: Total as R M-0 (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) ­q Dissolved Solids.- T1 - potal 102) PH (when analyzed) S TOC "OIL mgil Chloride, mg/1 Arsenic Mg/1 Grease, nd 01)I'ss Mg/1 Phenol Mg/1 Sulfate... �sxmmcaa«-- ...esum..---..�.,�w„ .� x�v, .,.,..-:.s:...ts� Mg/1 Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia ew 0 ■■® mg/i TKN as N Mg/1 WirthophoSphate Mg/1 Al - Aluminum Mg/l Ba - Barium mg/l Ca - Calcium Mg/l Cd - Cadmium Mg/l Chromium: III' Cu - Copper Mg/1 Fe - fro.n Mg/l Hg - Mercury Mg/l K - Potasslu Mg/1 Mg - Magneslum M9/1 Mn - Manganese— Mg/l �YE S NO) N1 - Nickel- mq/1 F-lb - LeacL. M g II wc< t__.�a_Zn - Zi*nc 10 mg,", Ammonia Nitrogen )l1rigli Oth ce, r (Specify Compounds and ConceniraLion Units) M8,MPLC) lad b r offt 1,"3p&.-A10,q iost and nah r�.ad§h Aflac-h ep �4,7kspo,axrl At' chadia6`1 Ys,3--_(1) Nou (0) vo omethod method 01 ParMflea (or Authonized Agant) Nam a and 'ridle - Please print or type GW-59 Signature of Peaniflee (nx 4�kuthofolzzad A gent) Rev. 031=00 I IV GROUNDWATER OUALITY MONITORING, COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM .-A-GILLTY lNFQHKAjj!QFJ Please Print Clearly or Type Facility Name: } iF F f�F r : y, T. 1 fiji Permit Name FacH& Addre S: County ate) RIP) Contact Person.- Telephone r. Telephone Well Location/ Site Name-, � ��' �.� l�io® of Wells to be Sampled: Well Identification Number (from Permit): Check I For Groundwater Treatment Systems Well Depth: --.ft. Well Dismater:_ in. Check0ne:13 Influent (98) Screened Intervals....- —ft. to ft �in noint 0 Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level:_,,- ft. below measuring point. Measuring Point (M.P.) is: ft. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation In ft.: Gallons of water pumped/balled before sampling: Y Date sample collected:, Field analysis,-, pH .--, 7 0 . Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. *C, Odor AM-4 C Appearance 4-Z026 In red MIDI -1 1.01MV EXPIRATION DATE:, Noa n-DischrgeZ . 4 1 LI- u i c NPDES r; QE PERMITM-1 ERATION BEING MONIMRED Lagoon Remediallon: Infiltration 0 pm lery pray Field Hemedlatlon: Rotary Distributor Land Application of Sludge Other: NQM Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name,,, Cerfification ® PABAMETERS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered, -.YES --,NO and field acid1fled COD I Nitrite (NO2) as N M911 46 0 Coliform-, MF Fecal /1 00ml Nitrate (NOoa) as N -",Z � mg/1 Coliforml: MF Total "I kc)" M C I JI 00MI Phowhorus: Total as P __ (Note: Use MP N method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total mv pH (when analyzed) units TOC Mg/1 Chloride.,I­.-, mg/1 Arsenic It Mg/1 Grease and Oils Mg/1 Phenol M9/1 Sulfate Mg/1 Specific Conductance _..Whos Total Ammonia 4 Mg/l TKN as N Mg/l Orthophosphate mg/1 Al - Aluminum mg/l Ba - Barium mg/l Ca - Calcium Mg/l Cd - Cadmium Mg/l Chromium-, Total Mg/l Qi - Copper Mg/l Fs-e - IrQn mgA Hg - Mercury mgA K - Potassium mq/1 Kg - Magnesium mg/l Mn - Manganese mg/l -YES NO) N1 - Nickel,-.. Mg/1 Pb Zn - Zinc Mg/1 Ammonia Nitrogen.- Mq Other (Spedity Compounds and Con-centfallon untflisa) 0,RG-MNICS.-, �GCMCAMS,HPLC) (SpacKy toot and misthod #,, AtUchu labumpartj Hepof,�Affschedad`l Ye os-- v rneihod # c method # rnmathod#= PermlHas (or Aulhonized Agent) Name and Tills - Please print or type GW-69 Signaluve of Panittes of Authmized Aganf) Rev. 0312000 Al M I C R 0 B A C' o MIcrobac Laboratories, ha - FayettevN'�ie CERTIRCVIF E 0 F A N A L"YS 'I S KOG0116 Analytical Testing Parameters Client Sample ID: WA, Lagoon, Grab Sample Matrix: Aque�ou Collected By-, S t a r.111 e y Sample ID: K 0 G 0,1116 - 0 1 Collection Date: WiO812020 10110, DEFAULT GENERAL ilflETHOD Rest-ilt RL Units DiiluVon Note Prepared Analyzed Analyst SM 2540 0-20111 Total Suspended Solids 25.5 12.5 mg)'L IZ 07/08120 1616 TBM S M 5210 B-2011 BOD 14. 0 2.00 MgIL G6 071'08/20 2030 07/13/20 1530 MT Held Parameters ResuK ILL Units i i ut 1 G n Note Prepared An, alyZed Ai,.iatyst NA Chlorine, Total .70 mg/L 07/08/20 1010 ELT MicroWok)qy Result KI L Unfts Diluflon VII 0 te Prepaned AnMyzed kiialyst SM 9222 0-2006 Coliform, Fecal 6.6 1.0 per IOOrnL 1 07108120 1610 07/09/20 1526 MT �norganics ToW Result RL Units Dkfflon Xlate Prepared Ana�yzed An.,Myst Calculation Total Nitrogen 4.73 1.00 nia/L 1 071114/20 0921 TBM EPA 3 0 0. 0, R v. 2. 1, 9fer) Chloride as CL 11.8 1,00 mg/L 1 07/08/20 1142 JDW Nitrate as N <0.200 0.200 mg/L 07/08120 1142 JDW Nitrite as N <0.200 0.200 mg/I 07108/20 1142 JDW SM 2540 C-2011 Total Dissolved Solids 154 100 mg/L 2 07/13/20 1615 MT SM 4500-NH3 G-2011 Ammonia as N 0.261 0.200 mg/L 1 07/09/20 1540 JDW SVVI 4500-Norp j C-201 I Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 4.73 1.00 nag 1 07/14/20 0921 TBM SM 4500-P F-2011 Phosphorus, Total <0.20 0.20 mg/L 1 07/16/20 1012 JDW rg C a.c bru r, o r �e!os U, ! i 2592 Hope Nho'His RFd Fayetteville, NC 28306 [1910.864.1920 p www.microbac.com Iof 7 Page 3 A Microbac Laboratorijes-, Inc. - Fayetteville CERT�FCAT_E OF ANAL),,"S�,,S KOGO 116 Batch Quality Control Summary: Microbac Laboratories, Inc. - Fayefievfllfle Spike Source %REC RPD DEFAULT GENERAL Result ILL U n i t's Lpavel ResWt %REC LlmKs RP1D L'qmflt METHOD *** Batch KGO0815 -'met Chem Aqueous - SM 2540 D-2011 Blank (KGO0815-BLKI) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/08/2020 Total Suspended Solids <2.50 2.50 mg/L Biank (KG0081 5-BLK2) Prepared &Analyzed: 07/08/2020 Total Suspended Solids <2.50 2.50 mg/L Mink (KGO08i 5-BL1 ) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/08/2020 Total Suspended Solids <M 2.50 rng/L LC S (KGO681 5-13SI) Prepared & Analyzed: 07JO8/2020 Total Suspended Solids 35.3 2.50 mg/L 37.5 94 94.5-105.4 Duplicate (KG00815-Dup1) Source: KOG0058-Gi Prepared &Analyzed. 07/08/2020 Total Suspended Solids 53.9 17.7 mg/L 44.7 19 10 Duplicate (KGO0815-DUP2) Source. 'KOG0086-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 07/08/2020 Total Suspended Solids 384 1 CJD mg/L 348 10 10 Duplicate (KG00F6,"'L!5-0UP3) Source- KOG0124-01 Prepared &Analyzed: 07/08/2020 Total Suspended Solids 50.0 25.0 mg/L 37.0 30 10 Batch KGO1016 - Wet Chem Aqueous - Sly 5210 B-2011 Blank (KG01016-BLK1) Prepared: 07/08/2020 Analyzed: 07/13/2020 BOO <2.00 2.00 mg/L LCS (KG0,10i6-BS1) Prepared: 07/08/2020 Analyzed: 07113/2020 BOD 171 mg/L 198 86 .59596-115.4 Duplicate M60IM-DUP1) Source: KOG0125-01 Prepared: 07/08/2020 Analyzed: 07/13/2020 BCD 341 MO mg/1- 348 2 10 SpHke S 0 u Lr C re %REC RPD 111flicrobiology Result RL Units Level ResWt %REC Limits RPD Lirdift Notes Batch KG00907 - Wet Chem Aqueous - SIVi 9222 0-2006 Blank (KGO0907-BLKI) Prepared: 07/08/2020 Analyzed: 07/09/2020 Coliform, Fecal <1.0 1.0 per 1 OOmL LCS (1 0907-BSI) Prepared: 07/08/2020 Analyzed: 07/09/2020 Coliform, Fecal 31000 1.0 per 0-200 100mL Spike Source %REC RPD 1Diorganics Tatefl, Result R, L Units Leve' Resuft %REC Limits RPD Lirnift Notes Batch KG00804 - Wet Chem Aqueous - EPA 300.0, Rv. 2.1 (1993) Duplicate (KGO0804-DUPI) Source: K000113-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 07/08/2020 Chloride as CL 553 21,2 mg/L 557 0.8 10 Nitrate as N 5.36 4.25 mg/L 5.52 3 10 Micrabac. Labora1olrias, 2592 Htofpe-�� to Rd I Fayetteville, NC 28306 1910-864.1920 p I www.microbac.com Page 4 of 7 'e--* A, P, U.7jcrobac Laboratories, IInc. - Fayetteville CERTPCiV�-E OF ANAUY&S KOG0116 5- P, rJ ke Source % R E CC R, P D Inorganics Total Result RL Units LeVW Result %REC Li its RPM L-ImIft Notes Batch KGO0804 - Wet Chem Aqueous ® EPA 300.0, Rv. 2.1 (1993) Duplicate (KGO0804-DUPI) Source: KOG0113-Ci Prepared &Analyzed: 07/08/2020 Nitrite as N <4.25 4.25 mg/L N D 10 Duplicate IKGO0804-DUP2) I Source: KOGGiH-01 Prepared & Analyzed.- 07/08/2020 Chloride as CL 14,0 1.00 mg/L 14.0 0.4 10 Nitrate as N 0.32 0.200 mg/L 9.28 0.3 10 Nitrite as N < 0. 221 0 0 0.200 m g /L N D 10 W"iatdx Spike (KGO0804-M, Si) Sowrce: KOG0113-01 Prepared &Analyzed: 07/08/2022-0 Chloride as CIL 550 21.2 mg/L 10.0 557 NR 90-110 Nitrate as N 7.31 4.25 5 � 0 rng/L 2.26 5.52 1 9 90-110 Nitrite as N <4.25 4.25 mg/L 3.04 ND 129 90-110 Matrix Spike (KG00804-RqS2) 1-jource: KOG0129-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 07/08/2020 Chloride as CL 53.6 1.00 mg/L 40-0 14.0 99 90-110 Nitrate as N 17. k`33 0.400 mg, I 9.04 9.28 88 90-110 Nitrite as N 12.1 0.200 mg/L 12.2 ND 99 90-110 Batch KGO0905 - Wet Chem Aqueous ® SM 4500-NH3 G-2011 Matrix Spike (KGO0905-MSI) Source: KOG0119-04 Prepared &Analyzed- 07/09/2020 Ammonia as N 0.729 0.200 mg/L 1.00 ND 73 80-120 Matrix Spike Dup (KGO0905-MSDI) Source- KDG01100-04 Prepared &Analyzed: 07/09/2020 Ammonia as N 0.938 0.200 mg/L 1.00 ND 94 80-120 25 20 Batch KGO1021 -filet Chem Aqueous - SM 2540 C-2011 Man k (KGO1021-BLKI) Prepared &. Analyzed. 07/1312020 Total Dissolved Solids <100 100 mg/L LGS (KG01021-BISI) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/13/2020 Total Dissolved Solids 760 100 mg/L 746 102 90-110 Duplicate (KGO1 021 -DUPI) Source: KOG0116-01 Prepared &Analyzed: 07/13/2020 Total Dissolved Solids 162 100 mg/L 154 5 10 Batch KGO1406 - We Chem Aqueous - SM 4500-Norg C-2011 Blank (KGO1406-BLKI) Prepared &Analyzed: 071", 4/2020 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen <1.00 1,00 mg/L LCS (KG01406-B31) Prepared & Analyzed- 07/1412020 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 27.7 1.00 mgiL 30.0 92 80-120 Matrix Spike (KGO1406-MSI) Source: KOG0116-01 Prepared &Analyzed. 07/14/2020 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 13.7 1.00 1 Mg/I L- 10.0 4.73 90 80-120 Matrix Spike Dup (KG014D6-fh,',iSD,) Source: KOG0116-01 Prepared &. Analyzed: 07/14/2020 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 14.0 1-00. mg/L 10.0 4.73 93 80-120 2 20 Batch KGO1434 ® Wet Chem Aqueous - SM 4500-P F-2011 LC"S (KG01434-6S1) Prepared &Analyzed: 07/16/2020 2592 Hope Nfilift, Rd 1� Fay( Hcav�lffle, NI 28306 910.864.1920 p I www.hydrcrobac.corno ��, of 7 L Micmoo bac Laboratodes, tLhn�c. - Fayet'ev,'He CERTIFi�,CPV'f E OF ANALSS KOG01,91 16 Spilike Source %REG RPD Inorganics Tip ResuK RL Units Lavell Result %REC Limits RP D Lrtflt Notes Batch KGO1434 - Wet Chem Aqueous - SM 4500-P F-2011 LC S (KGO1434-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 07/16/2020 Phosphorus, Total 0.50 0.20 mg/L 0.50 99 90-110 iv'latrix Spike (KG01434-MS1) Source: KOGOOBI-01 Prepared &Analyzed: 07/16/2020 Phosphorus, Total 3.2 O,20 mg/L 2.5 0.63 102 90-110 Matrix Spike (KGO1434-MS2) Source: KOG0128-0-3p Prepared &Analyzed: 07/16/2020 Phosphorus, Total 0,82 0.20 mg/L 2.5 ND 33 90-110 Matrix Spike Dup (KGO1434-MSD1). Source: KOG008,1-01 Prepared &Analyzed.- 07/16/2020 Phosphorus, Total 3.2 0 . 2- 0 mg/L 2.5 0.63 104 90-110 1 200 Matrix Spike Dup (KGO143441ASE12) source- P(D G 0 12 8 - 035, Prepared & Analyzed: 07/16/2020 Phosphorus, Total 1.1 0.20 mg/L 2.6 N D 43 90-110 26 200 Ders flnition G 6 - The calculated seed corection exeeded the range of 0.6 to 1.0 mg/L. mg/L- Milligrams per Liter RL: Reporting Limit RPD: Relative Percent Difference Cooler Receipt Log Cooler ID: Default Cooler Temp: 29.1 OC Cooler Inspection Checkfist ice Present or not required? Yes Shipping containers seated or not required? YeS, Custody seals intact or not required? Yes Chain of Custody (COC) Present? Ye 'S COC includes customer information? Yes Relinquished and received signature on COC? Yes Sample collector identified on COC? Yes-3ample J­. type identified on COC? Yes Correct type of Containers Received yes Correct number of containers listed on COC? Yes Containers Intact? Ye S COC includes requested analyses? Yes Enough sample volume, for indicated tests received? Yes Sample labels match COC (Name, Date & Time?) Yes Samples arrived within hold time? Yes Correct preservatives on COC or not required? Yes Chemical preservations checked or not required? Yens Preservation checks meet method requirements? Yes VOA vials have zero headspace, or not recd.? Yes Project Requested Certification (s) Microbac Laboratories, Inc. - Fayetteville 11 North Carolina DENR NPDES Reviewed and Approved _By: Samples were received in proper condition and the reported results conform to applicable accreditation standard unless otherwise noted. The data and information on this, and other accompanying documents, represents only the sample(s) analyzed. This report is incomplete unless all pages indicated in the Too note are Brittany Srnith present and an authorized signature is included. The senfices were provid4_- d Unr Jer and Administr2tion subject to Mcrobac's standard terms and condifians vif-oWch Gan ilje located amof reviewed at R,_�,ported: 07/17/2020 18-10 2592 Hope MIUs Rd Fayettevifle, NC 28306 910,864.1920 p, wVM,,1.MiCr0bar..com 11 Page 6 oli,'�: 7