HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0034102_Monitoring - 07-2020_20200826L V Permit No.: WQ0034102 Facility Name: Fremont WWTP Sprayfield Flow Measuring Point: Dinfluent _]Efff-jent to flow generated - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t. 24-hr MIUM m� 07,00 2 07:00 Average, Daily Maximum):'� M Daily Minimu Sampling Type-i Mofw nthly Avg. Limi 611111 -------------- I ........ . I Um omm ------ . ......... WIN 0,34 .a J irrigation 4xyear 4xyear County. Wayne Month: . .............. July Year: 2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0062 70300 <0.200 ..... . . . . . ............ it 154.00 4.73 ............ ....... ------- FORM: NDM R 07-13 MOIM411TORING REPORT (NDMR) Page of SamPling Person(s) Certified Laboratories Narne: K-enneth Stanley Nam, e: Microbar, Fayetteville Divison. Cent #1 11 Does ali Wion-9toriling daftz and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A oprZCornpfiat 'Non --Cara leant If the faCillity is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance, Provide in your explanation the date(s) ofthe non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary, Operator in Responsible Charge IORC) C',,,s�tificatrlon, Pc-rrrftltec� Cte-dification C ORC,- Kenneth Stanley ....... - - - - - Permittee: Town of Fremont Certification Nn.,: 99-70451 .3- gtr�jng ("Iffficial: Barbara Aycock Grade: S1 Phone NUMber: 919-738-2982 Signing Official's Title: Town Administrator Ha-s the ORC changed since t-he previous NDNAR? C'/ Yes EjNo P h c, n4e IN u m b e4 919-242-515rynit Expiration: 8/31/2021 L J, lam' M j `yF'rs �;. 3 Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I cenfrfy, tinder penalty of law, that this document ancf all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualffied personnei property gathered and evaluated the information subillitted. Based on MY inquiry of the person or persons Mio manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the ifformation, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, anid complete, I am aware that there are significant penalties for subm.4ting false information, including the possibility of fines and irnprisonment for knovWng violations. -d arid Two Co les, to: P Division Of Walker Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1-6617 Year: Permit Kko,,- WQ0034102 �' County: Wayne onth: July 2020 Facility Name: Fremont W%N I P Sprayfield dip.Ov, Field Name: 4,11 w � Did 'Irrigation occur �g M7 Op: a t Cover Cr SIM wal R wly Rate I MI Ho6 D,1Y E S El, NO Annual Rate 0,* M. P. min 0.010 K2 0 KIN . . . . . . . 0.00 rl OM VMS F ON 0 0 0.00 IS n., 00 0.00 0,0 01 M a 011,11,141 wk-Iffl, � 1" 1 VII, 1113 ,EM OM ---------- pg .............. ............ ...... .......... . . . . . . . . . . . ....... M ......... ----- 1,11.1 Am, .......... "ITj '14 0 0 '0 EMI Ow MY sm MOM I "S, l�PI�� .... � ,.. ,. w...., - rA.' -1,111 SCSI V It ME UO Wing: Monbly Lo IIIIARK&IMF =I FORA1: -1 -1 NON -DISCHARGE PPLTREPORT i -1 Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? rnpfiant '1_1 No-comi€rat Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sftes c vegetativer maintained on all sites as specified in your rmit ` Were all setbacksfisted our permit maintained for every application to each permitted site.? n. , Compliant r freeboards maintained in accordancewith specified freeboard heights in your permit If the facility is on—compii n , please explain in the space below the reasons the facility was riot in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date o the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) r FORC: XKenneth Stanley r ittee: t Town, of Fremont Certification No.: 997045 si° i t ill . Barbara Aycock cock F Grade: S1 Phone Number: 919-738-2982 Signing Ocieff' °dale: 1`Administrator j Has, the ORC changedsince the previous m � ` es f No Phone Number.- 9 :P - 4 2 - 5 15 1 Permit pq-. / / ` ... is t Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this repoii is accurrate and ccnapiete to ffia best of rny.knowledge, I r;�r�if, �rnd�r ��I� �f ta:�r ��� ter€ p , s docum-ent and all attachments were prepared Linder my direction or supervision in accordance with a system resigned to assure that at, qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluatod the infoln-nation submitted, Based en y inquiry of the person or persons h manage the system, Or ftse persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, acturate, and complete. i am aware that there are Sign eMiti s fef submitting false information, includirig the Possibil ty of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations, Mail al and Twotoe i In Of Water Resources h"IFO-ME12tion Processingnit 1617 Pifitl Servfice Center Raleigh, North Carolina 769 - g 7 FORK NDAR-1 08-11 NON-DiSCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page �� of ___ FORM.- NDAR-1 08-41.1 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page - of Did the application rates exceed the limits 'in Attachment B of your permit .7 EnCompliant FINan-Compliant Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent pond'ng in or ru noff from the sites? Ocomptiant nNon-Cornpiiant Was a suita le vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? 0-/ compiliant []Non -Compliant Were WH setbacks listed 'in your permit maintained for every application to each permifted site.? 0,/ Cornmant E] Non-Com pliant U 7 Were aflPi frecoboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights 'in your permgu 2compliant 17- Non-Cornpliart If the facility is non -compliant, please explain, in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non- cornpliana e and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessaRr, ftm_ Operato., in Respcnsible Charge MRC) (Z"ardfication Permittee Certification ORC: Kenneth Stanley Permittee: Town of Fremont CerWication No.: 997045 Sigi-iing Ofifficiail: Barbara Aycock Grade: S1 P hone F4, u rn be r: 9 1. 9 -7 3 8 - 2 9 8 9 S!,aning Official's Title: Town Administrator Has the ORC changed sirice the prevdous NDAR-11? []Yes Na Phone. Number: 9119-242-5151 Permit Exp.: 8/31 /21 r 2D Signature to Signature Date By "his sOiature, I cer1ify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penafty of law, that this d=fment and afl attactirnents were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best Gf rry knowiedge and belief, true, accuratia, and complets. I am aware 'hat there are significant penalties for submitting false inCyr a tion., including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies ta- DNIsion of Water Resources Iffe,rmation Processing Unit 1617 Ulail Service Center Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1617 V, FORM- NDAR-1 08-1 'NON-0,111SC.HARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-i) f Permit No.: 3Q0034102 Facility Name: Fremont WVVTP Spray ield OR AIM INN Dow, W a o n o c c r - I I "' I SI � P Bermuda at thIS TaCUBOXY Au i "Ae MMU IN [21YES [-]NO MIMI MIS, ? Flaid Irrigated. F eboard I New oil AM - Gt 6,463 6,446 NON ri 6,790 7 0.00 0,00 111 MN a, ZIA . . . . . . . . . . • N M E - E WI d UNIT, 0.00 I - MR WE- , MIMN-0 On xp w gg imqBN Za . ..... .-.11MUM weal WE Wa, umo 5 075 Monthly LP,✓ding: S". - Ez-a'2 -12 Month Floating To FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page — of Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? W/ 0 Z4 [:,/ lCompliant EjNon-compiiant Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding 'in or runoff from the sites,",-�e� 0compliant []Non-compiiant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permo, Q Complont [jNon-Compliann$ Alerts LaU setbacks listed 'in your permit maintained for every application to eacfh). p,��-_-wnibl'ftedu 12]C.ornpliant EINon-compliant Were ail freeboards Arnaintained In accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit'? Ej_Cornp1( I [ant ENon-Cornpliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compiiance- Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compHance and describe the- corrective action(s) taken, Attach additional sheets if necessaRl, Operator �n Responsible Charge (ORC) Cedeiflicafion Peri-nittee Certification ORC. Kenngqath Stanley Peribtee, Town of Fren-iont Certification No.: 99 7 4,75 Signing Official: Barbara Aycock Grade.x S1 Phone Number: 919-738-2982 Signing, Ofifficial's Title: Town Administrator Hasthe ORC changed since the prejious NDAR-1? Y e, s E�qo Phone Naumber: 919-242-5151 Perryk Exp,,: 8/31/21 fim w, =J§A� Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that tfiis report is accurrale end compfete to the best of my knowledge, I certify, under penalty of la%% that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or super -vision in accordance L with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted- Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the nformation submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete,, 1 am aware that there are signifiGant penalties for submitting false information, including the possiblifty of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and TCopies to: Division of VVWer Resotirces Informabon Processing Unit 1617 Mail Set ­vice Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 yFacility Name: Fremont WINTP Sprayfield 1-1 Did irrigafiruon occur °h v eflity?tv ' u,. w ,:.e... .. at 1 1 ' .r _ 3t':, c. v q Bermuday k3rzas��f •C a IYES []NO • ,•F C t -W Irrigat `ie , T ,} ..: . .:. Y .: fJ , •• w. ._. �� 4 { W9 va; d 7 „ y.. • `k Y ac , e , _ .. , � M �'�}„ ,. R�'uv, .. �} �.�e. i, ,fit, - .�4•. �t � � - E, � OR I a, LIM A ry i i f moms t� - - i lov iC 1� A P ` if Nw. I , - , tt i .00 - t now. _ : a 7 Y CNC s,- 4: } 4 � - � i , .a x� tr4 .,, r Monthly L aDOY i 1 � =tv� } 4 ` o y y+.G 12 Page 'i *wx "'I wag' 11 ww�, , _ N `' ' d t1`Y' k nt . w N ^9 4u Y. Y 0. e -0Ac , v r v xfi ss` i! y'#• 6966 `0 MUM its , ,r $'N` rk 13864 ` ,► 15540 "' . ;3 sly5 ". _...._ _.., .... ...... i ...................... v •y x' FORM: NDAR-1 08-11 NION— DISCHAR GE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page of Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? Elcornpliant ONon-Compfiant Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? Mcomptiant EJ No-Comirpfia nt Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? E/Icompliant E]Non-Compliant Were all setbacks listedin your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? L73/compliant EINon-Compliant Were afl re-eboards rnagn n a." fed in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit'-D-' Dcompliant DNon­Coniplilant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-cornpliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessarv, Operaftor in ResponsUe Charge (ORC) Gertji"'ication PaF'rnKtae Certffkicat�nn li ORC- Kenneth Stanley Pe rm ittee Town of Frennont Certification No.-. 19197045 Signing Off �cizi!.- BarbaraAycock Grade: 0`1 Phone N=ber: 919-738-2982 ES, igm i ng Off icimrs TWe.- 'Tmun Administrator Has the, O.R(-",- changed since the previous iUAR-1? 1_7 Phone fqfijmber- 9 -1 C-4-242-5151 Permit Exp.: ]NO 88/311/2, 1 I a�lt'Q r" .r . s w �} 4 1 p ? Kra'. Signature Daie Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge, I certify, under penalty of tam, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted, Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowiedge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I armn aware that there are Significant submitting false infortnation. including the -ossibility of fines and imprisonment for knomfing violations. penalties fof p Mail Original and Two Copiesea: Division of VIVater Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 W-40 Service ,,,enter Ralevigh, North Carolina 27699-1617