HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160742 Ver 3_WRC Comments_20200824Strickland, Bev
From: Leslie, Andrea J
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2020 3:30 PM
To: Mularski, Eric; Brown, David W SAW; Homewood, Sue
Subject: RE: [External] Cedar Cliff Spillway Upgrade Permit Modification 3 - SAW-2015-02543
NCWRC doesn't have any concerns about these modifications.
Andrea Leslie
Mountain Habitat Conservation Coordinator
NC Wildlife Resources Commission
645 Fish Hatchery Rd., Building B
Marion, NC 28752
828-803-6054 (office)
828-400-4223 (cell)
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From: Mularski, Eric <Eric.Mularski@hdrinc.com>
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 4:21 PM
To: 'david.w.brown@usace.army.miI' <david.w.brown@usace.army.mil>; Homewood, Sue
<sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov>; Mitchell, Robert K <kevin.mitchell@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Wise, Jon <Jon.Wise@duke-energy.com>; Banta, Tim <Tim.Banta@hdrinc.com>; 'John. Eddy@duke-energy.com'
<John.Eddy@duke-energy.com>; Karably, Ken <Ken.Kara bly@duke-energy.com>; Little, Michael
<Michael.Little@hdrinc.com>; Leslie, Andrea J <andrea.leslie@ncwildlife.org>
Subject: [External] Cedar Cliff Spillway Upgrade Permit Modification 3 - SAW-2015-02543
Importance: High
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Mr. Brown and Ms. Homewood,
Duke Energy is requesting to amend the previously approved to Section 404 (Action ID 2015-02543) and Section 401
Individual Permit for the Cedar Cliff Auxiliary Spillway Upgrade Project (Project). Duke Energy is proposing to increase
the limits of disturbance near the existing North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission's Cedar Cliff Access Area to
allow for access road maintenance including driveway improvements and a construction turnaround area as well as an
additional excavation area to remove excess sediment that has deposited into the reservoir. The proposed limits of
disturbance below the 2,300 ft mean sea level full pond elevations is proposed to increase from 1.41 acres to 3.79 acres.
The excavation area is proposed to increase from 0.49 acres to 0.63 acres. Lastly, approximately 306 square feet (0.007
acres) of rip rap apron is proposed to be installed below the existing pipe from Shook Cove Road to connect to the rip
rap lined ditch to prevent scouring in the lake bottom during storm events (SHEET CCL-0104-021). Please review the
attached plans. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or require additional information to authorize these
proposed impacts.
Eric Mularski, Pws
Environmental and Regulatory Team Lead
440 S. Church Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
D 704-973-6878 M 704-806-1521