HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191132 Ver 1_Draft Plan Comments_20200806Strickland, Bev From: Kichefski, Steven L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil> Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2020 7:58 AM To: Jake McLean; Andrea Eckardt Cc: Leslie, Andrea J; Wilson, Travis W.; Davis, Erin B; Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Kim Browning; Haywood, Casey M CIV USARMY CESAW (USA); Bowers, Todd; Byron Hamstead (byron_hamstead@fws.gov); Jones, M Scott (Scott) CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Subject: [External] SAW-2019-01296 Little Tennessee UMB - East Buffalo Site Draft Plan Comments Attachments: SAW-2019-01296 LittleTennesseeUMB-EastBuffaloSite DraftPlanComments 6Aug2020.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov Jake/Andrea, Attached are the Little Tennessee UMB - East Buffalo Site (SAW-2019-01296) Draft Mitigation Plan IRT comments. You may proceed with developing the final mitigation plan for the East Buffalo Site provided you adequately address all comments/concerns in the enclosed memo. Please ensure that each member of the IRT is provided a copy of the comment response and Final Mitigation Plan. In addition, please submit your Nationwide Permit 27 application with the submittal of the final plan, for review and approval prior to discharging fill material into waters of the United States. Feel free to contact me with questions as you preparing the final plan submittal. This electronic copy is your official Department of the Army Notification; no paper copy will be mailed, unless specifically requested. Regards, Steve Kichefski Regulatory Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Asheville Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Suite 208 Asheville, NC 28801 (828)-271-7980 Ext. 4234 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our website at http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm apex/f?p=136:4:0 to complete the survey online. Regards, Steve Kichefski Regulatory Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District, Asheville Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Suite 208 Asheville, NC 28801 (828)-271-7980 Ext. 4234 (828)-933-8032 cell The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our website at http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm apex/f?p=136:4:0 to complete the survey online. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 151 PATTON AVENUE ROOM 208 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801-5006 CESAW-RG/Kichefski August 6, 2020 h\I�1�[�7:7�\r•I�/lT���77C�DCK�' � Action ID No. SAW-2019-01296 SUBJECT: Draft Plan Comment Memo for Little Tennessee Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument —East Buffalo Mitigation Site Mac Haunt & Erin Davis — NCDWR (June 5, 2020): 1. Page 7, Section 3.3.2 — Was NCSAM performed for the preservation reaches to demonstrate existing high -quality conditions? 2. Page 31 — This section notes that favor will be given to reseeding streams with existing streambed material. DWR appreciates this statement and highly supports efforts to salvage existing instream habitat and organisms. 3. Page 36, Section 7.7.4 — This section mentions sloping of stream banks and constructing a left bank flood bench. Do these activities correspond to the 50-ft area of grading shown on Sheet 2.1.4? 4. Page 39, Section 7.8 — a. The 2016 IRT Guidance specifies planting before March 15th. If planting cannot be completed by March 151h, an extension request should be submitted to USACE/IRT. Please note that planting after April 301h may result in a delay of the fast monitoring year until the subsequent growing season. b. Please identify a reference wetland and proposed target wetland community type(s). c. In areas where priority 2 restoration is proposed, stream benches are constructed and wetland caps are excavated, please include a discussion of soil assessment and/or reuse of site topsoil/planting medium. 5. Page 40, Section 7.9 - Please indicate if fescue will be treated prior to or during site construction. DWR recommends early treatment based on observations of fescue impeding planted vegetation establishment and vigor. 6. Pages 40-42 — DWR appreciates the level of detail included in the Project Constraints and Risk and Uncertainties Sections. 7. Page 43, Table 23 — a. On the original concept map UTl was proposed as enhancement II at 4:1. Since no channel work is proposed and only supplemental planting will be completed (without applying a vegetative performance criteria), DWR thinks that 4:1 is a more appropriate ratio. b. It appears the new UT6 was added after the IRT site walk (and the old UT6 became UT7). Since UT6 is isolated from the rest of the project site reaches, is less than 200 linear feet, has not been seen by the IRT and no assessment data has been provided to demonstrate it as a high quality/functioning stream, DWR does not support it as credit reach. 8. Page 49, Section 12 — DWR requests the inclusion of red -line drawings in the baseline monitoring report comparing record drawings to final mitigation plan design sheets. 9. Page 49, Table 26 — Please remove the phrase "based on the soil type". The proposed 12% hydroperiod applies to all wetland restoration areas as stated in Section 11.3. 10. Page 50, Table 26 —Please note the vigor performance standard. 11. Page 51, Table 27— a. Table 1 states that 20.6 acres will be planted, which would mean a minimum of 17 veg plots (100 m2), unless supplemental planting areas are being counted. Currently 10 veg plots are proposed; DWR requests a minimum of 2 additional veg plots: 1 veg plot located within the wetland enhancement areas and 1 veg plot located within the wetland reestablishment area. b. DWR requires visual monitoring be performed at all road crossings proposed for removal along preservation reaches to verify that areas remain stable through the monitoring period. 12. Figure 11 — DWR appreciates that non-credit existing wetlands are shown, but please confirm that wetlands A, B and C included. 13. Sheet 0.3 — a. Are there any specific trees proposed to be saved (icon not shown on plan views)? b. Is any fencing proposed? 14. Sheet 2.3.1 — Can a callout please be added to specify where the UT2-2 creditable reach begins. 15. Sheet 2.4.2 — Should the "proposed floodplain roughing" pattern icon be added to the areas with associated callouts? 16. Sheet 2.4.3 — Please confirm the culvert shown south of station 4008+30 will be removed along with the road naturalization. 17. Sheet 2.4.4 — No work/structures are proposed at the UT3 and UT4A confluence near the easement boundary. Are there any concerns about long-term stability for this area? 18. Sheet 3.0 — Please removed red maple from the wetland planting list. For future planting plans, it is helpful for our review to have the wetland indicator status included in the tables. 19. Sheet 6.7 — The bare root planting detail includes a nice description of the installation procedure. Could additional information please be added to the live stake detail (e.g. installation depth, typically planted dormant, etc.). 20. Sheet 6 (Details) — a. Please provide a detail for the proposed vernal pool. Please note that the approximate max. pool depth and that it will be designed to be seasonally dry. b. Please provide detail(s) for relic channel backfill/partial backfrll and/or plugs. 21. Sheet 6.1 — The cascading riffle detail icon shown appears to correspond with the Sheet 0.3 legend icon for proposed pipe outlet protection. Please confirm. 22. Sheet 6.3 — Will the vegetated stone toe protection be live staked or solely seeded with Juncus? 23. Design Sheets — It would help our review to see the existing channel areas proposed to be filled as a shaded feature on the plan view sheets. Andrea Leslie — NCWRC (May 29, 2020): 1. Capturing the headwaters of many of these streams has great value for both aquatic and terrestrial habitat connectivity and adds value to the heavier restoration work downstream. We are supportive of the road decommissioning and stream crossing rehabilitation in the preservation areas. Once complete, will there be any roads and/or culverts left in the preservation section of the project? 2. In addition, capturing the entire bottomland area in easement is valuable for protection of the restoration and in providing a broader habitat corridor. As such, the planting plan is especially important. 3. Please provide a wetland reference and target community for the wetland re-establishment, rehabilitation, and enhancement areas. The vegetation plan should be based on references/target communities. For the current list, we recommend diversifying the planting list as appropriate and (1) eliminating red maple, as that is a pioneer species and should come in on its own, (2) reducing the percentage of sycamore from 20% to 10-15% at most, and (3) eliminating river birch, as this typically is only associated with large river floodplains in the Blue Ridge. We also ask for a wetland herbaceous plant list. 4. Likewise, for the riparian area planting list, reduce sycamore from 20% to 10-15% at most and eliminate river birch. Supplement the list with additional species, including understory species. 5. 817 It of East Buffalo Creek Reach 2 and 976 ft of UT3 Reach 2 will be newly constructed channel. The plan notes that substrate will be harvested from existing channels in the wet. Please explain how this work will be staged, addressing both turbidity issues while harvesting material in the wet and harvesting of stream biota. Please note that it is necessary for the designer to rescue/move aquatic animals that are abandoned in the old channels. This can also aid in jumpstarting the biological community within the new channel segments. 6. Wild trout reproduction should not be impacted by project activities and a trout moratorium is not needed. Todd Bowers — USEPA (May 29, 2020): The EPA Region 4 Ocean, Wetlands and Stream Protection Branch offers the following site - specific comments as they pertain to the East Buffalo Draft Mitigation Plan dated March 25, 2020: 1. Section 1/Page 1: a. Very first sentence is confusing. Since when do UMBs include towns? This is alluding to service area, so a rewording is recommended. Perhaps "serve the towns of'? b. Excellent consideration and inclusion of several complete watersheds flowing into East Buffalo Creek (UT 2, 3, 4 and 7) as preservation components of a comprehensive restoration plan. 2. Section 3.3.2/Pages 12-13: Recommend adding "proposed for preservation" to the UT 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 descriptions similar to UTS, UT4a and UT4b1. 3. Section 4.1/Page 13: Field visit date is erroneous, and an error carried forward from the Wilmington District correspondence sent last year. See page 203 of the pdf document to confirm. Proposed Wildlands Little Tennessee Umbrella Mitigation Bank (UMB) Comment Response (SAW-2019-01296)] 4. Section 7.7.1/Page 33-35: a. Commendation to the sponsor for considering and obtaining a conservation easement that includes the watersheds of many of the UT components of the project. The very wide buffers from the boundaries, protection of seeps and upland habitat, decommissioning of access roads and capturing entire watersheds is an excellent approach to preservation. b. I understand and concur with the Enhancement approach for UT2 Reach 2 even as it appears to be closer to restoration work. This conclusion is based on field notes and discussions with other IRT members. Section 7.7.2/Page 35: "Enhancement II is proposed for East Buffalo Creek Reach 2" should be "East Buffalo Creek Reach 1" 6. Section 7.7.12/Page 37: a. Excellent proposal to remove/decommission the soils roads and crossings within the areas proposed for preservation. I would add caution that language such as "This work will improve water quality by reducing sedimentation to the streams across the site from road erosion and will restore stream habitat and aquatic species passage" may be misconstrued to allude that the project will improve water quality without any data to prove it. Without data or other demonstrable evidence, the best the sponsor can provide is "This work may improve water quality..." and I recommend that the edit is made. b. Per the included diagram, Sheet 5.0, the access points to the soil roads will be blocked off from East Buffalo Creek Road. I recommend this same approach applied to the road entering and leaving the Exclusion Area 2 to prevent internal access if the property is developed. c. Additionally, I recommend that the sponsor include some sort of monitoring (visual/photos) to ensure that the stream crossings are stabilized, the site access has been effectively blocked to motor vehicles, and that the vegetation (10 trees per 300 feet) is surviving to some extent. Preservation credits should be withheld until this minor success criterion is demonstrated for at least two monitoring periods (years). 7. Sections 7.8/Page 39: Recommend removing Red maple (Ater rubrum) from the planting plan for the wetland planting zone and it is a vigorous volunteer species. Excellent consideration of a mix of trees/shrubs for the overstory and sub canopy portions of the Riparian and Wetland Planting zones. 8. Section 9.0/Page 43: I concur with the sponsors approach to mitigation ratios based on this section and with discussions with IRT members. 9. Table 23/Page 44: UT4b1 is not included in the project component list (501f of no credit/preservation). 10. Section 10/Table 24/Page 45: Recommend that preservation credits based on the 7:1 ratio be withheld until the forest road decommissioning/stabilization is demonstrated to be successful for a minimum of two monitoring periods to ensure the site is indeed stable. Release of 10:1 Preservation credits should be released upon site establishment. 11. Section 10.1/Page 46: Recommend that only UT 5, 6 and 7 credits be released under the initial allocation of released credits. 12. Section 11.2/Page 47: Please provide clearer language pertaining to fixed/permanent and random/mobile vegetation plots. As I read it, the permanent plots are also randomly located so using the word "random" may not be the best choice here. See note 5 of Table 29, which demonstrates clearer distinction. 13. Table 26/Page 49: Under the "Improve instream habitat" goal there should at least be some sort of visual confirmation of performance of installed/constructed habitat features to minimize the occurrence of piping or other instabilities. Here is where a measurement/metric pertaining to large woody debris may be useful to demonstrate uplift of habitat function. 14. Figure 4/Watershed Map: a. The East Buffalo Drainage (600 acres) seems to include East Buffalo Creek (600 acres) along with UT 5 (47 acres), UT 1 (52 acres) and UT 2 (51 acres) which totals 750 acres. b. The UT 3 Drainage (156 acres) seems to include UT 3 (156 acres), UT 4 (78 acres) and UT 4a (6 acres). The estimate for UT3 appears erroneous and should be about (72 acres). Steve Kichefski — USACE: 1. Section 2 (page 2), Figure 2/3 & UMBI: Please clarify if the intent is to utilize all 3 HUC's combined as one service area as the report seems to suggest or whether each site within the UMB will be tracked and have a service area of its particular HUC as the UMBI seems to suggest? 2. Table 4 (page 6): Seems like the geomorphic location of the wetlands classified as seeps are within a floodplain or crenulation and more likely to be relic bottomland hardwood forest or headwater forest fragments, or so modified that it would be non -tidal freshwater marsh? 3. Section 3.2 (page 5): Describe existing community types of preservation areas. 4. Section 5.4 (page 18): Please provide the archeological survey report that was submitted to the SHPO in February 2020. 5. Section 7.6.3 (page 32), Section 11.3 (page 48), Figure 11, Table 27 & Plan page 0.2.2: Please add two additional wetland ground water gages, the first in Wetland E and the second in Wetland D north of the proposed powerline relocation. Also, based on the LSS study and supplemental attachment/revised plan page, the boundaries of the groundwater wells in the proposed establishment wetland have changed slightly and the groundwater wells may need to be relocated to ensure they stay with the proposed wetland boundary. 6. Section 7.7.12 (page 37) & Section 10/11/12: I like the plan for forest road decommissioning to help ensure long term function of the preservation reaches, however there needs to be additional monitoring/performance objectives for the crossing removal/road decommissioning areas to ensure their success. Also, a portion of preservation credits should be withheld until those areas have demonstrated a trend towards stability. For example, perhaps 15% of preservation credit is held and released incrementally with the remaining stream credit as monitoring milestones are achieved or after the bankfull criteria has been achieved. Is there a plan for accessing decommissioned areas if repairs are needed? 7. Section 7.8 (page 39): Describe target communities for planting areas (both wetland and upland), so appropriate species can be correlated. Remove red maple from the planting list since it is so prone to becoming a volunteer. 8. Section 7.9 (page 40): Will treatment of such dense invasive areas need a modification of veg approach such as a delay in planting or a clear need for supplemental planting while the invasive are eradicated? Were any of the preservation areas assessed for invasive species beyond treatments shown in the Invasives Treatment Plan sheet 3.4? 9. Section 7.1 (page 41): This section (and plans) seems to imply the utility line (including relocated sections) can be accessed without any need for crossing the CE area streams or additional encroachment of the CE outside of the ROW, but please confirm. 10. Please update the UMBI to the most recent 2020 version and include Erin Davis as the NCDWR contact. 11. Section 10 (page 44): Add 404 approval to the requirements prior to credit release. That line seems to duplicate information in Section 10.1 and 10.2? 12. Section 14.2 Table 31 (page 55): Verify that all boundaries will be marked and by what method, including remote boundaries away from typical access points. 13. Section 15 Table 33 (page 58): A construction/supplemental planting and invasive contingency of at least 8-10% is requested in the financial assurances. 14. Much of the design plan for UT3 Reach 2B (or the riffle details) does not show any type of step or vane grade control structure anchoring in the downstream end of riffles despite steep slopes. Please describe why there is not a concern for instability with this approach or a design characteristic I may have missed that ensures the riffles remain stable. 15. Add additional vegetation monitoring plots in wetland enhancement and rehabilitation areas for better performance assessment. <d- G & Steve Kichefski Regulatory Project Manager Asheville Regulatory Field Office