HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotification of Work in Trout Watersheds Form Champion HillsWater Resources
Environmental Quality
State of North Carolina
Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Water Resources
15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(4) Water Quality Certification,
Notification of Work in Trout Watersheds
FORM: TroutWS 11-2017
Notification of Work in Trout Watersheds Form
A. Applicant Information
1. Processing
1a. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 13 or General Permit (GP) number
1 b. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps?
® Yes
❑ No
1c. Does the project meet all the Conditions of the applicable Water Quality ® Yes ❑ No
Please note that your project may be subject to the Sediment and Erosion Control Program and/or Trout Buffers
implemented by the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources. Find more info at:
2. Project Information
2a. Name of project: Bank Stabilization at Champion Hills Club
2b. County: Henderson
2c. Nearest municipality / town: Hendersonville
3. Owner Information
3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: Champion Hills Club, Inc.
3b. Responsible Party (for LLC if
3c. Street address:
1 Hagen Drive
3d. City, state, zip:
Hendersonville, NC 28739
3e. Telephone no.:
828-696-1962, ext. 1306
3f. Email address:
4. Agent/Consultant Information (if applicable)
4a. Name:
4b. Business name
(if applicable):
4c. Telephone no.:
4d. Email address:
B. Project Information
1. Property Identification
la. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID):
1 b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees):
Latitude: 35.287135 Longitude:
2. Project Description
2a. Explain the purpose of the proposed project (continue on back):
The purpose of the project is to stabilize the bed and banks of an unnamed tributary to Big Willow Creek that flows through
the Champion Hills golf course. Erosion is threatening the stability of a pond dam and the intake to the pond, and excess
fine sediment from eroding banks is causing aggradation of sediment in downstream reaches.
Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used:
The project will include work in two areas. The first work area includes two boulder structures that will set tl IV uau
elevations and center the stream flow, as well as bioengineering treatment on the left bank/pond embankment where
erosion is most pronounced. Planting of native grasses, sedges and shrubs will take place during the appropriate season.
The existing intake pipe from the stream to the pond will be replaced and a precast concrete headwall and head gate will be
installed at the upstream end of the pipe. At the second work area, a boulder structure that is currently causing backwater
conditions and sedimentation will be lowered several inches in order to eliminate the damming effects.
The contractor will be required to divert flow around the work areas using a pump -around. The contractor will also be
required to stage his work such that no more stream bank is disturbed than can be stabilized by the end of each workday.
Equipment, including small track -mounted excavators and skid -steer type loaders, will operate from the top of bank as much
as is practical.
C. Stream Impacts: Please list all proposed impacts to the stream
1 a. Stream Name:
1 b. Average stream
Type of impact width (linear feet)
® Bank Stabilization - Sloping and Revegetating 20
❑ Bank Stabilization - Sloping and Riprap/Armoring
❑ Bank Stabilization - Gabion Baskets / Retaining Wall
❑ Culvert Installation Culvert Diameter:
❑ Temporary Impacts for required dewatering activities
❑ Other (describe):
1c. Comments:
Impact length
(linear feet)
Dana Schultz
Owner/Agent's Printed Name Ow er/Agent's Signature Da(e
(Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the owner is