HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0009772_Permit (Issuance)_198806024 ci, STATE State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street 0 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Mr. Bob DeGabrielle, President Monterey Shores, Inc. Suite 8, Duck Village Shops Kitty Hawk, N.C. 27949 Dear Mr. DeGabrielle: R. Paul %Ylilms June 2, 1988 Director SUBJECT: Permit No. 16225 Monterey Shores, Inc. Ships Watch, Inc. Monteray Shores Development, Phase I Rotary Distributor. Currituck County In accordance with your application received January 19, 1988, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. 16225, dated June 2, 1988, to Monteray Shores, • Inc. and Ships WKGh, Inc. for the construction and operation of the subject wasLnwaCor collacklo", trenLomont and disposal Facilittes. This permit shall bo effective from the date of issuance on&I May 31, 1999, end shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable to yon, you have the right to request nn adjudinntnry hearing upon written .request. within 30 days following receipt of this permit.. This request must be in the form of o written petition, conforming to Chaptor 150B of North Carolina General Statntes, and Filed with the Office of Admiaistrntivp Hearings, Post Office Drawer 11666, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. One (1) set of approved plans and specifications is being forwarded to you. If you need additional information concerning this mnUnu, please contact Mr. Randy Jones, telephone No. 919/733-5083. P', L, 1 w.i 1 ols cc: Currituck County Health Department Wnshington Regional Supervisor John Campbell. Dennis R. Ramsey Bissail. Associates Groundwater. Sec Lion Ships Watch, Inc. Pollution Prevention Pars P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employ- • NORTH CAROW NA ENMONMEN1'AT, MANAGENENT COMM.F SS J ON DEPAR'1'1`IE:NC OF NATURAL REESOURCE.$ AND COMMUNITY Dl`. lJ.) 'NF;NT RALRITCH urilo>•MIMM For Lhe di.schrlr.ge of Sewnge, Indl:str. i-a.l Wastes, or Other Wnstes In raccorciance w.i.t:l1 the, provi.si_ons of Ar.ti.cIe 21. of Chapter .1.43, General SLat.:tcs of North Carolina ns amended, and otller applic.nble Laws, Rules, and Regu.3.at:ions PERMISSION IS 11EREliy GRAN EI) TO Monteray Shores, Inc, and Ships Watch, Inc. Cnr.ri.tnck County corlsLl:lICti.on and oPcl:at:i.on of a .A80,000 GPI) ast:e+v(tt.er aCroenL' fnc.AA-Ly con.si.=.ing of n 4i,000 'v0l.oli l.tlf.ilient surgo, Lank, d!1a1. 90,000 gal.'..nn ne-ration Lranks., :llnl. 20,196 gallon r.l.ari%in1:s n 26,92S gallon slid 4: 1loldi.i!g t-'ink, a .1.5O CFN blower and talree 410 {;F1"t hlow•r.•.rs, a trnv(?ling hr.i.dg? f:i.1r..c•.r +ill jt l�-kicl, lids an effe(A-.i.ve to r.i.19 rile of 1 GI'i't p(,r- ScErt_are foot., dual, 3I'25 }al,loll (Jil.o-iiie, t:nnks wT th _gns (111o.1.i.flnt.7C?li, .foill. 00 f�,�t rl.ir.lfr'l('I" ]'O"i.a.i:j' !4t:Y1.hUf:01's, and; ,all. other appl.Ir.L(17?::::es to serve-Mont!�rny ShoI"es De'vel.opill('.tlt:, Pll.-se ! CJ.i.t.h no cil!=Olar'gn to Ll!E: s1.1I'.fal.�-; w8':.F3>•5 of I.,tIo. StaLf' T)ltr.suant L..c) the r7ppli.c. it:.ic,1 rI�c'eiv(ul .)actuary 19, 1988, 3n i.n collformity with UIC., tll:oj('.rt: 1).11l"I, sl%eci C1.00Li011s, cIIACi 0L11elr SIJj)1)ort.i.11g It,a subsegrtent1y f.iled and npproved by the Depnr.tment: of Natnrnl. Resources and Comml]::--U-v Development and r,onsi.dercd n pns L of this perlri.t. This permit: shall. he effective from the data of i.ssuance lent" i.l. Nny 31, 1.9931, and sft_al l he subject t:o the fol Towing specif. i.ecl conditi.orls wid l:i.nl.i.tnt:i.ons: 1.. This permit: shall become vo.ic.lnb.le unless the facs.liti.es are const:r.uct:ecl• hl accordance wit -Ai the Approved pI nns , spec,ii.c,nt:i.ons nild oL.hn.t. supporting data. 2. This permit. i.s ef:ff.rt:ix(' only wi.t:h 1:esllec:t: to Lhe natllun and voluillo of wncres described i.11 tAlr apT).lJC'3Li.on and other supporting dnL.r1. 3. The fac.i_l..i.L. i es shall. ho propnl:.l y mrn.int:n i.nc.cl .-inn o1!r;rrll cd nt. ill ti.nles. . 4. Tll.i.s Permit" is not. transferable. 5. 1'he Oper.at.i.ona l Agr(,("ment het.we-l) 1:11r. Pernri t:l;re Ind the F:nv i r.onment:a.l. Manngeme:7t Commission :is i n(orl�or,at:rd hnr(� i rr by ro fr;; �%rlC;c' ']lift i s; 'l c•.ond.0- .otl of t:lli.s Per:mi.L". Noncompl i.anr-e w:itfi L.hc! terms of !'Iii! tlt;r r.att ionrli. AgrremenL shnl l s:ubject: tllc Pnr:mlt.tc,e to rill .snii(A-ions rlrnv.Wod ls: [1. S. 1J:3-,115.6 for: v.i.oln"J.orl of or. fr9l,llll:(' LLn 1cL l.n 7r(rir'd<,31::", lJ'r.1i i:ilE i.F?':11.'; lltlii C:%]ll't1L!(Jrl} (;f 1"17,1..5 P(rl-n 6. Upon the availability of a municipal or regionat sewerngn collecLion system, the • subject wastewater treatment ficilitles shall he nbnndonnd and all wastewnLer discharged into the municipal or regional sewerage system. 7. This permit shall become voidAhle in the event of failurn of the soil to adequately absorb the wastes and may he rescinded unless the Facilities are installed, maiMnined, and operated in a manner which will protect GO assigned water quality standards of the surface waters rand ground waters. S. Tn the event thnL the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permitten shall take such immediate corrective action as may be required by this Division, including the construction of additional or replacement wastewater treatment or disposal facilities. 9. Thu Washington Regional Office, phone no. 919/946-6481 shall he notified at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of operation of the installed facilities sn that an in -place inspection can be made. Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. an Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays. 10. Any monitoring deemed necessary by the Division of Environmenbal MnFagement to insure surface and ground water protection will be established and all acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall he foilowed . 11. The sludge generated from these treatment facilities must be disposed Q in accordance with General Statute 143-215.1 and in a manner npprovnhly by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. 12. Diversion on hypnssing of the untrented wastewaLet from the trenNan; facilities is prohibited. 33, The PermiLten, at least six (6) months ptior to the expirpKan of this permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and Q wnrianted, will. extend the Permit for such period of time and under such cord iLions and limitations as it may deem appropriate, 14. The Permittee shall employ a cqrtified wastewater treatment plant operator to he in responsible charge of the wastewater treatment EnciliLies. Ach operator must hold a certificate of the grade at least eqnivnlnnt to the KnFs1ficntion assigned to the wastewater trentment facilities by the Commission. 15. The issuance of this permit sholl not relieve the PnYmAM" of thQ responsibility for damages to surface or gronndwnvers MSUILing fro:: the operation of this facility, 16. The fnctlkies shall be effectively maintained and operated as a nor -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wnsLewMer resulting from the opernkion of this Encility. 0 I\'o Wnsti-Water shall be trUmitary to thc tutat-Illont faci.jity 1111t il. the parmic, O holder Secilyes a DJ.vi.si.on of Ellkr.ixoiml�lltnl Management approved method of sludge disposa 1. 8 , A siiitnh 1e nji (I q([ e(It I It a I y .j "g r e ell n r on" slia.1 1. be, mq in Ll i ne d at this site. 19. Prior: to bo'gililling wn-,t(- dis posn 1, opernt, (.ons , Foilu (4) stionJ o one e hn(-kground groundwater. qualit-y 111011J.T.Or we1.l and three (3) downgrAdip-iit-. nioiii.Uor. welts Innst he installed to assess tlle impact of the, PhaSt?, .1 ).Ot,117Y di.St.Z.Jh11UOt-S on g I.-Coildw"i t e T- (111,11 1 Ly. The lOC,1LJ.0ll Mid (.01l5LV11(,Lioll d(A'01.5 for Ll-,ilse, weLl's Must be approved by the. Wqsh.i.ligton Regional Office" from Which a W0,11 ron-,Urii(-t:i.on permit nii;-,t be obtained. 20. The mon.itor. wells Must be S,11111)1ed 1,11itialty niter Construction (111d Prior Lo waste disposal. operation-,) and therRafter. every Apri.l., July, September and \Llovenihei.- for the, folJowing parameters: Nitrate PH Total Ammonia TOC TDS C111.0rida Water. Levels* Total Coliforills, TOX (J.nj.Liall.y ni-tri in November The, mensuremejit of water ](,.v(?.l inusL be inado. prior to simpting for thQ reillnilling pa r a M (,- t e. - • r0. .1,1,11.0j.cal ln(:Lllods llsod for TOX Ww"gi, be capable of (Aet.r�CtJllg the Lotal of all organic compounds present at. a of 5.0 parV.s per hi t 1. ]'.o ll ( p p I n t. g r t: o Y- In Hil?, evelit that �l TOX concell1r,11--i-on of -5 .0 Pph or an ol.gnnic -.it :i (,(%Ti C,(,. I I tr,,.tio I I -) L or above tire. ilio.Lhod detect i.oii .1 iii):i L (MD I t be idr-ilt,-i F i.e 6 i,)nd FPA mpLliods 601., 602, 604 nett 6J1- ,LT'll(I 1:0,11111ts, of the sampling and ana).ysis shall be sort: to tfi(� N.C. D.ivisi,on of 1-1'nvireslinf-oital. Hnnag (--ment on Form GW-59 [Complinnce Moni.toring Ropol:L Forml by the 'Inst ,I,,Iy of: tho Month following tiro Months .01 whi.ch snPlpJJnp is reqn.i.red. 21- Aiiy ndcli.t.i.oiml. groundwater quil-ity monitoring -i q , , d(,r,,iii(,d necessary by the Department, sh,911 be pro%,idfid- 22. Tll(roLar.y dist:)-ihutor disposal. s.itc mast be ffl.led to Hie, HA IFL. -.l(,-vnLi.()il nt Hl« llortili anti south ends and to the 13.0 ft. elevation in the central portion as J,iidJ.c,9L(,A on Uhp Sit.n. P1,111 of MolltRrny Silol:e.-,, Wf1t:t.ewM--(,r Tron'-ment Filc.ilitins aiid DJ,sposil- Are.,q (Sheet. 2 of j3 l7(--VJ.Snd l'k-trCh, 1988 pr0Pg1ed 1) Y B I.S S e. 1 .1 Associntr.s. 23. Upon completion of niii-I prior: to Opni-n(J.011 of this facil,ity, n Imist be from a proFossi.orll c.crLifying thaL the p(�rmitt-o'd 11,1-, bo-nn .installed in acCord, 1(, , 91. �a with t'.11v approve.d Phills, nild M,11.1 t-Alc to th", Ppt:mits and Engilieering Unit, F.O. Box 27687, RnJ(,Jvh, N.G. 27611. 24. A copy of the approved plans and specificaCions shall be maintained on fAle by Lhe permictee for five years from the date of issuanc.e. 0 Permit issupd this the 2nd day of June, 1988. NORTH CAROI.INA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION R. Paul Wilms, Director / Division of Environmental. Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. 16225 Engineer's Certification as a duly registered. Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, hereby certify that construction of these permitted facilities has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. Signature Registration Number. Date.