HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400551_More Information (Received)_20200812DUKE 526 South Church St Mail Code EC13K �. ENERGY,, Charlotte, NC 28202 CAROLINAS August 12, 2020 Mr. Michael Rogers N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources, UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Subject: Underground Injection Permit —Additional Information Request UIC Permit No. WI0400551 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Belews Creek Steam Station Stokes County, NC Mr. Michael Rogers, Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy) is submitting additional information pertaining to UIC Permit No. WI0400551 that was requested by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) in a letter dated July 13, 2020. This information supports the initial application package, which was submitted on June 19, 2020, to obtain a permit to install and operate up to 74 clean water infiltration wells at the Belews Creek Steam Station (BCSS), located in Stokes County, North Carolina. The items listed in the above -referenced NCDEQ letter are included below in bold/italic font, following by Duke Energy's response. More detail is needed on how contaminants of interest (COIs) and unrelated contaminants that may be present in surface water (e.g., PFAS/PFOAs) will be monitored (including frequency) and reduced to prevent injection into the subsurface that may result in exceedances of groundwater standards per 15A NCAC 02L .0202. Surface water proposed for clean water infiltration will be collected from a fire water force main at the facility. Water in this force main originates from Belews Lake (see Figure D-2 of the UIC Permit Application) and is pumped into the facility near the Belews Creek Steam Station. Once in the facility, the water passes through strainers prior to being sent to the fire water system. Samples are collected at least monthly from the fire water source main and analyzed for select constituents, including site COls. To facilitate design of the clean water infiltration treatment system, additional samples were collected from the fire water force main in May and June 2020 and analyzed for: alkalinity, nitrate, inorganic anions, mercury, metals, and other unrelated constituents including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and geochemical parameters. Results from these samples and a recent monthly fire water force main sampling event (April 2020) are included as Attachment A of this supplemental information request. As noted in the attachment, no constituents were present at concentrations above their respective 02L groundwater standard. Additional BUILDING A SMARTER ENERGY FUTURE"" August 12, 2020 Page 2 surface water sampling will be performed prior to initiation of pilot testing to verify that potential constituents of interest are below applicable groundwater standards. Additional sampling will include an evaluation of PFAS compounds (perfluorooctanoic acid [PFOA], perfluorooctanesulfonic acid [PFOS], and perfluorobutanesulfonic [PFBS]). Table 1 summarizes the surface water sampling analysis and frequency. Duke Energy emphasizes that PFAS, VOC, SVOC, and PCB compounds are unrelated to Duke Energy and the operations and activities at the BCSS. A sampling program will be conducted for the infiltration water during the course of system operation in order to verify the continued compliance of constituents with the applicable groundwater standards. An initial sample of all analytes listed above will be collected from the fire water force main prior to the pilot system startup. During the first six months of pilot and full system operation, a monthly sample of infiltration water will be collected and analyzed for a reduced list of base compounds, including total alkalinity, nitrate, inorganic ions, mercury (total and dissolved), dissolved metals, total metals, geochemical parameters, and coliform. Unrelated site constituents, including PFAS, will be monitored at NCDEQ's request; however, these constituents are unrelated to Duke Energy and the operations and activities at the BCSS. Additional analysis of non -site related compounds, including PFAS, VOCs, SVOCs, and PCBs, will be performed quarterly during the first six months of pilot operation (Table 1). If analytical results show consistent water quality below the applicable groundwater standards, a reduced sampling program may be implemented for future operations. 2. More detail is needed on how injection pressures will be managed to avoid creating preferential pathways. Infiltration water will be applied at low pressures (estimated 5 to 50 psi) and pressure at each well will be monitored at two locations: the infiltration manifold (located within four system enclosures) and at the infiltration well. The infiltration manifold will include a pressure transmitter that monitors the infiltration pressure at the manifold and will shut a control valve if the pressure setpoint (user adjustable) is exceeded. Infiltration pressure will also be monitored within the well using a down -well transducer. The down -well transducer will primarily be used to monitor groundwater level within each infiltration well but will also have the ability to close the manifold control valve if the pressure or groundwater level setpoint (user adjustable) is exceeded. Along with these two automated controls, the system manifold includes a diaphragm hand valve and a pre-set Dole flow regulating valve to control the pressure and flow to each well. Table C-1 of the UIC Permit Application has been updated to reflect the design maximum well head pressure at each well and included as Attachment B of this supplemental information request. Based on the anticipated relatively low infiltration pressures, the formation of preferential pathways due to water infiltration is not anticipated. 3. There appears to be a discrepancy in the total number of injections proposed to be installed — 74 wells in narrative, and 91 on Table listing the wells. Please confirm the total number of wells. If any corrections are needed, please provide corrected pages to replace in Application. Infiltration and extraction well IDs are the result of multiple remediation well layout drafts. Well IDs were not changed during the drafting process, resulting in non -sequential well IDs forthe final design. Although there is an infiltration well IW-91, only 74 infiltration wells are proposed for full- scale installation. Note that the infiltration well construction schematic (originally submitted as August 12, 2020 Page 3 Attachment B of the UIC Permit Application) has been updated to reflect recent design changes and is included as Attachment C of this supplemental information request. 4. Please provide well schematic for extraction wells. The extraction well schematic is attached as Attachment D of this document. 5. Please provide an interim report discussing results of Phase 1 for review prior to implementation of full-scale Phase 2 injection. Duke Energy will submit a pilot test (Phase 1) report after startup (detailing pilot test installation, system startup, and preliminary system data) as originally proposed in the Pilot Test Work Plan submitted to NCDEQ on June 23, 2020. A copy of this report will be provided to the NCDEQ Division of Water Resources, UIC Program for review prior to implementation of full-scale remediation (Phase 2). 6. Variances are needed for the extraction wells and the infiltration wells as the wells will be screened across three water bearing zones. Attached you will find variance request forms to complete and submit electronically. For the attachments section of the request forms, you may reference figures in the UIC permit application, if applicable. A Variance Application for Well Construction Standards - Underground Injection Control Well [UIC] Under 15A NCAC O2C.0200 is included for the all proposed infiltration wells as Attachment E of this supplemental information request. Note that Figure D-3 of the UIC Permit Application has been updated with the modeled boron plume to meet the requirements outlined in the variance application and included as Figure E-1 of this supplemental information request. A Variance Application for Well Construction Standards - Wells Other Than Water Supply Under 15A NCAC 02C .0108 is included for the proposed pilot test (Phase 1) extraction wells as Attachment F of this supplemental information request. Figure F-1 includes the locations of pilot test extraction wells to meet the requirements outlined in the variance application. A separate variance application will be submitted for full-scale (Phase 2) extraction wells prior to installation. August 12, 2020 Page 4 Referenced attachments are provided for your review and approval. We appreciate the NCDEQ's timely review of this submittal package as we proactively implement the groundwater remediation strategy for this Site. Please contact Mr. Andrew Shull (919.546.2104) or Mr. Scott Davies (980.373.6563) with any questions or concerns regarding this application. Sincerely, Scott E. Davies, P.G. Project Director cc: Rick Bolich, NCDEQ Steve Lanter, NCDEQ Eric Smith, NCDEQ deq.coalash@ncdenr.gov Ed Sullivan, Duke Energy John Toepfer, Duke Energy Andrew Shull, Duke Energy Melonie Martin, Duke Energy Matthew Allen, AECOM Bob Wyrick, AECOM Attachments Table 1 — Clean Water Infiltration Source Monitoring Plan Attachment A —Summary of Infiltration Water Source (Belews Lake) Analytical Results Attachment B —Infiltration System Design Parameters (Updated Table C-1 of the UIC Permit Application) Attachment C —Infiltration Well Construction Specifications (Updated Attachment B of the UIC Permit Application) Attachment D —Extraction Well Construction Specifications Attachment E —Variance Application for Well Construction Standards: Underground Injection Control Well (UIC) Under 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Figure E-1 — Clean Water Infiltration Well Area (Updated Figure D-3 of the UIC Permit Application) Attachment F —Variance Application for Well Construction Standards: Wells Other Than Water Supply Under 15A NCAC 02C .0108 Figure F-1 — Pilot Test Extraction Well Locations Table Clean Water Infiltration Source Monitoring Plan Table 1 Clean Water Infiltration Source Monitoring Plan Pilot Test Monitoring Plan Duke Energy - Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina SampleConstituent Pre -Startup Total (—April - December) Monthly • Alkalinity, Bicarbonate x x Alkalinity, Carbonate x x Total Alkalinity as CaCO3 Nitrate •A 353.2, x EPA x Nitrite + Nitrate Colorimetric . x x Total Phosphorus (Colorimetric) Inorganic•A x 00.0 x Chloride x x Fluoride x x Sulfate x x Sulfide Site COls [Dissolved and Total Lithium x Metals (by ICP EPA x x 200.7)] x Cobalt x x Manganese x x Thallium x x Beryllium x x Strontium I x I x CAP Excluded COls [Dissolved and Antimony Total Metals (by ICP x EPA 200.7)] x Barium x x Chromium and Hexavalent Chromium 3500Cr B-2011 x x Molybdenum x x Vanadium Dissolved and .. x x Aluminum x x Calcium x x Iron x x Magnesium x x Potassium x x Sodium Mercury I x • • 245.1) x Mercury Geochernical x Parameters x H x x Oxidation -Reduction Potential x x Dissolved Oxygen (DO) x x Specific Conductivity x x Total Dissolved Solids x x Total Suspended Solids x x Total Organic Carbon x x Biological Oxygen Demand x x Total Hardness x x Ferrous Iron x x Ferric Iron I x I x Bacterial Counts (biofouling) I x I x Page 1 of 2 Table 1 Clean Water Infiltration Source Monitoring Plan Pilot Test Monitoring Plan Duke Energy - Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina Constituent 2021 Sample 2021 A. December) Unrelated Site ConstituentSb Total PCBs (EPA 8082) x x Pesticides EPA 8081 x x Lead and Silver (200.7/245.1) x x VOCs EPA 8260 x x SVOCs (EPA 8270) x x PFAS EPA 537.1 aqueous) x x Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid PFOS x x Perfluoro-n-octanoic acid PFOA x x Perfluoro-1-butanesulfonic acid (PFBS) x x Notes: a If analytical results show consistent water quality below the applicable groundwater standards, a reduced sampling program may be implemented for future operations. b Unrelated site constituents will be monitored, including select PFAS compounds, at NCDEQ's request. These constituents are unrelated to Duke Energy and the operations and activities at the Belews Creek Steam Station. PFAS = per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl SVOC = semi -volatile organic compound VOC = volatile organic compound Page 2 of 2 Attachment A Summary of Infiltration Water Source (Belews Lake) Analytical Results Attachment A Summary of Infiltration Water Source (Belews Lake) Analytical Results Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina Constituent Analysis Method Units Sample Date 2L Standard Results Nitrite + Nitrate (Colorimetric) EPA 353.2 mg-N/L 4/14/2020 -- 0.32 Chloride EPA 300.0 mg/L 4/14/2020 250 5.73 Bromide EPA 300.0 mg/L 4/14/2020 -- < 0.1 Boron (B) EPA 200.7 mg/L 4/14/2020 0.7 0.069 Zinc (Zn) EPA 200.8 Ng/L 4/14/2020 1,000 12.5 Selenium (Se) EPA 200.8 Ng/L 4/14/2020 20 < 1 Nickel (Ni) EPA 200.8 Ng/L 4/14/2020 100 < 1 Copper (Cu) EPA 200.8 Ng/L 4/14/2020 1000 1.14 Chromium (Cr) EPA 200.8 Ng/L 4/14/2020 10 < 1 Cadmium Cd EPA 200.8 /L 4/14/2020 2 < 1 Arsenic (As) EPA 200.8 Ng/L 4/14/2020 10 < 1 Mercury (Hg) BAL-SOP ng/L 4/14/2020 1,000 1.23 4-Nitroaniline EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 3.1 Bromoform EPA 8260D Ng/L 5/28/2020 4 < 0.62 Radium-228 EPA 904.0 pCi/L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.857 Endrin EPA 8081 B /L 5/28/2020 2 < 0.0089 L1 Benzene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 1 < 0.15 Radium-226 EPA 903.1 Ci/L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.911 PCB-1254 Aroclor 1254 EPA 8082A /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.24 Endrin ketone EPA 8081 B /L 5/28/2020 2 < 0.0062 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.34 Di-n-but I phthalate EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.6 2-Hexanone EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.57 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.44 1,3-Dichloro ro ane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.16 2,4-Dichloro henol EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.5 Eth (benzene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 600 < 0.26 33-Dichlorobenzidine EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 2.7 Bromobenzene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.22 1,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 200 < 0.22 Iron, Ferrous SM 3500-Fe B-2011 m /L 5/28/2020 0.3 < 0.084 N-Nitrosodi hen famine EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.4 1,1-Dichloroethene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.24 Hexachloroethane EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.3 2-Methyl naphthalene EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 30 < 1.4 2,2-Dichloro ro ane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.27 Phenol EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 30 2.8 J beta-BHC EPA 8081 B /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.014 P rene EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 200 < 1.5 o-X lene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 500 < 0.22 Aniline EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.6 Dimethyl phthalate EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.4 PCB-1242 Aroclor 1242 EPA 8082A /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.44 1,1,2-Trichloroethane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.24 trans-1,3-Dichloro ro ene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 0.4 < 0.31 Chloromethane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 3 < 0.39 Pentachloro henol EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 0.3 < 2.8 2-Chlorona hthalene EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.4 Dieth I hthalate EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 6,000 < 1.6 1,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 6 < 0.26 Styrene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 70 < 0.27 Fluoranthene EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 300 < 1.6 Chlordane Technical EPA 8081 B /L 5/28/2020 0.1 < 0.14 Attachment A Summary of Infiltration Water Source (Belews Lake) Analytical Results Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina Constituent Analysis Method Units Sample Date 2L Standard Results 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 8260D Ng/L 5/28/2020 20 < 0.29 m&p-Xylene EPA 8260D Ng/L 5/28/2020 500 < 0.41 1,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 6 < 1.5 Butylbenzylphthalate EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 1,000 < 1.9 2,4-Dinitrotoluene EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.7 Benzyl alcohol EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 2.6 Benzo(k)fluoranthene EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 0.5 < 1.5 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 4.5 Dibenzofuran EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.3 al ha-BHC EPA 8081 B /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.019 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene EPA 8260D Ng/L 5/28/2020 0.4 < 0.30 1-Methyl naphthalene EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.4 Iron, Ferric SM 3500-Fe D#4 m /L 5/28/2020 0.3 < 0.25 gamma-BHC (Lindane) EPA 8081 B Ng/L 5/28/2020 0.03 < 0.012 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.4 2,4,5-Trichloro henol EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.5 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 70 < 0.22 Di-n-oct I phthalate EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 100 < 2.2 1,2-Dibromoethane EDB EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.26 Toluene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 600 < 0.24 bis 2-Chloroeth I ether EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 0.03 < 1.7 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 70 < 1.6 PCB-1016 Aroclor 1016 EPA 8082A /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.22 1,2,3-Trichloro ro ane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 0.005 < 0.35 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 3 2.6 J Dibenzo a,h anthracene EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 0.005 < 1.6 Anthracene EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 2,000 < 1.6 Meth I-tert-but I ether EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 20 < 0.28 Indeno 1,2,3-cd rene EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 0.05 < 1.7 bis 2-Chloroethox methane EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.3 BOD, 5 day SM 5210B-2011 m /L 5/28/2020 -- < 2.0 Hexachlorobenzene EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 0.02 < 1.3 2,4-Dinitrophenol EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 7.3 Chloroethane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 3,000 < 0.49 Benzoic Acid EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 30,000 < 19.5 Acetone EPA 8260D Ng/L 5/28/2020 6,000 < 6.2 Dibromochloromethane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 0.4 < 0.41 Trichlorofluoromethane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 2,000 < 0.31 Chlorobenzene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 50 < 0.23 3&4-Methyl henol m& Cresol EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 400/40 < 1.2 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 0.2 < 0.22 Chloroform EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 70 < 2.3 Hexachlorobenzene EPA 8081 B /L 5/28/2020 0.02 < 0.030 Aldrin EPA 8081 B /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.022 Heptachlor epoxide EPA 8081 B /L 5/28/2020 0.004 < 0.0097 Vinyl chloride EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 0.03 < 0.24 4,4'-DDD EPA 8081 B /L 5/28/2020 0.1 < 0.0069 2-Butanone MEK EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 4,000 < 3.3 Bromomethane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.62 1,3-Dichlorobenzene EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 200 < 1.4 Endrin aldehyde EPA 8081 B /L 5/28/2020 2 < 0.013 Endosulfan I EPA 8081 B I pg/L 5/28/2020 40 < 0.0094 Dibromomethane EPA 8260D I pg/L 5/28/2020 -- I < 0.46 Attachment A Summary of Infiltration Water Source (Belews Lake) Analytical Results Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina Constituent Analysis Method Units Sample Date 2L Standard Results p-Isopropyltoluene EPA 8260D Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.21 Acenaphthene EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 80 < 1.4 4,4'-DDE EPA 8081 B Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.0064 Vinyl acetate EPA 8260D Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.4 3-Nitroaniline EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 2.8 Mirex EPA 8081 B Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.024 1,1-Dichloropropene EPA 8260D Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.21 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) EPA 8260D Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 4.5 Phenanthrene EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 200 < 1.4 4-Chloroaniline EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 2.8 Benzo(b)fluoranthene EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 0.05 < 1.7 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 200 < 1.6 Endosulfan 11 EPA 8081 B /L 5/28/2020 40 < 0.0065 Heptachlor EPA 8081 B Ng/L 5/28/2020 0.008 < 0.016 2-Chlorophenol EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 0.4 < 1.4 Benzo a anthracene EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 0.05 < 1.5 2,2'-Ox bis 1-chloro ro ane EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.3 Total Radium Total Radium Calculation Ci/L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.77 X Iene Total EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 500 < 0.63 4-Chlorotoluene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.20 Trichloroethene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 3 < 0.22 Methylene Chloride EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 5 < 3.7 1,2-Dichloro ro ane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 0.6 < 0.19 N-Nitroso-di-n- ro (amine EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.3 Benzo a rene EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 0.005 < 1.8 Chr sene EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 5 < 1.4 4,4'-DDT EPA 8081 B /L 5/28/2020 0.1 < 0.018 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 100 < 0.25 Iso horone EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 40 < 1.3 Fluorene EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 300 < 1.4 4-Nitrophenol EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 9.4 4-Chloro-3-meth I phenol EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 2.8 Dieldrin EPA 8081 B /L 5/28/2020 0.002 < 0.0073 Bromochloromethane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.34 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 2.4 PCB-1260 Aroclor 1260 EPA 8082A /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.30 PCB-1221 Aroclor 1221 EPA 8082A /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.32 Bromodichloromethane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 0.6 < 0.26 1,1-Dichloroethane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 6 < 0.27 1,1,1-Trichloroethane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 200 < 0.18 Naphthalene EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 6 < 0.35 2,4-Dimethyl phenol EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 100 < 1.5 Endosulfan sulfate EPA 8081 B /L 5/28/2020 40 < 0.0091 Carbon tetrachloride EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 0.3 < 0.22 2-Nitroaniline EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 3.0 PCB-1232 Aroclor 1232 EPA 8082A /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.21 1,2-Dichloroethane EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 0.4 < 0.34 Chromium, Hexavalent EPA 218.7 Rev 1.0 2011 Ng/L 5/28/2020 10 0.044 2-Nitrophenol EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.7 Diisopropyl ether EPA 8260D /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.22 2-Meth I henol o-Cresol EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.2 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene EPA 8270E I pg/L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.6 2,6-Dinitrotoluene EPA 8270E I pg/L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.7 Attachment A Summary of Infiltration Water Source (Belews Lake) Analytical Results Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina Constituent Analysis Method Units Sample Date 2L Standard Results delta-BHC EPA 8081 B Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.020 Toxaphene EPA 8081 B Ng/L 5/28/2020 0.03 < 0.19 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane EPA 8260D Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.34 1,2-Dichlorobenzene EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 20 < 1.4 Dichlorodifluoromethane EPA 8260D Ng/L 5/28/2020 1,000 < 0.23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane EPA 8260D Ng/L 5/28/2020 0.04 < 0.26 Acenaphthylene EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 200 < 1.5 4-Bromophenylphenyl ether EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene EPA 8260D Ng/L 5/28/2020 70 < 0.29 Nitrobenzene EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.5 PCB-1248 (Aroclor 1248) EPA 8082A Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.34 Tetrachloroethene EPA 8260D Ng/L 5/28/2020 0.7 < 0.16 Naphthalene EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 6 < 1.6 2-Chlorotoluene EPA 8260D Ng/L 5/28/2020 100 < 0.20 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether EPA 8270E Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- < 1.5 N-Nitrosodimeth famine EPA 8270E /L 5/28/2020 0.0007 < 1.8 Methox chlor EPA 8081 B /L 5/28/2020 40 < 0.033 Total Alkalinity as CaCO3 SM 2320B-2011 mg/L 5/28/2020 -- 23.1 Alkalinity, Carbonate SM 2320B-2011 m /L 5/28/2020 -- < 5 Alkalinity, Bicarbonate SM 2320B-2011 mg/L 5/28/2020 -- 23.1 Total Phosphorus (Colorimetric) EPA 365.1 mg-P/L 5/28/2020 -- 0.01 Sulfate EPA 300.0 mg/L 5/28/2020 250 5.8 Fluoride EPA 300.0 m /L 5/28/2020 2 < 0.1 Total Hardness (Ca and Mg) EPA 200.7 mg/L (CaCO3) 5/28/2020 -- 24.2 Strontium (Sr) EPA 200.7 mg/L 5/28/2020 -- 0.053 Sodium (Na) EPA 200.7 mg/L 5/28/2020 -- 5 Potassium (K) EPA 200.7 mg/L 5/28/2020 -- 2.88 Manganese (Mn) EPA 200.7 mg/L 5/28/2020 0.05 0.009 Magnesium (Mg) EPA 200.7 mg/L 5/28/2020 -- 2.62 Lithium Li EPA 200.7 m /L 5/28/2020 -- < 0.005 Iron (Fe) EPA 200.7 mg/L 5/28/2020 0.3 0.171 Calcium (Ca) EPA 200.7 mg/L 5/28/2020 -- 5.35 Barium (Ba) EPA 200.7 mg/L 5/28/2020 0.7 0.018 Aluminum (Al) EPA 200.7 mg/L 5/28/2020 -- 0.174 Vanadium (V) Low Level EPA 200.8 Ng/L 5/28/2020 -- 0.645 Silver A Low Level EPA 200.8 /L 5/28/2020 20 < 0.3 Molybdenum Mo EPA 200.8 /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1 Lead Pb Low Level EPA 200.8 /L 5/28/2020 15 < 0.2 Cobalt Co EPA 200.8 /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1 Beryllium Be EPA 200.8 /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1 Antimony Sb EPA 200.8 /L 5/28/2020 -- < 1 TDS SM2540C mg/L 5/28/2020 -- 72.0 TOC SM5310C/EPA9060A mg/L 5/28/2020 -- 2.8 Notes: pg/L = Micrograms per liter mg/L = Milligrams per liter pCi/L = Picocuries per liter J = Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the reporting limit Bold = compound detected 2L Standard = 15A NCAC 2L .0202 Groundwater Standard (2013) -- = No applicable 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Groundwater Standard Attachment B Infiltration System Design Parameters (Updated Table C-1 of the UIC Permit Application) Table C-1 Infiltration System Design Parameters Belews Creek Steam Station Belews Creek, North Carolina Estimated Flow Estimated Flow Design Pressure at Maximum Pressure at Injection Temperature, Injection Temperature, Well ID (gpm) (gpd) Well Head (psi)' Well Head (psi)' January (°F)2 July (°F)2 Individual Infiltration Wells 1.5 - 2.5 2,160 - 3,600 5 50 58 82 Phase 1 36.8 52,992 5 50 58 82 Pilot -Scale System) Phase 2 120.5 173,520 5 50 58 82 Full -Scale System) Notes and Abbreviations 1. The design well head pressure to achieve the modeled clean water infiltration flow rate at each well (between 1.5 and 2.5 gpm) is approximately 5 psi. However, higher well head pressures may be necessary to achieve the modeled flow rates. Well head pressures are not anticipated to exceed 50 psi or create preferential pathways. 2. Infiltration temperatures based off the Water Temperature Table of the Southern Atlantic Coast (Wilmington, NC) provided by the National Centers for Environmental Information, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. -- = Not applicable °F = Degrees Fahrenheit gpd = gallons per day gpm = Gallons per minute psi = pounds per square inch Attachment C Infiltration Well Construction Specifications (Updated Attachment B of the UIC Permit Application) rd 2 0. a ►= U a� lwk ri CU E c aD E W rn cU c cU U aD 'o a 0 ry w n W J Q w 0 z O U D ry W z O U J J w z O Q ry J LL z z w ry ry D U W w J w ry 00 N0 � U ow 0� N - 00 N -0O U ow aQ (Uw J i ry �o 0w N z 1` 0 0 C14z 00 N 6� �ry zQ Om �co Qw m c/) � U (D �E aD J L.L O NATIVE SOIL 1 IN HDPE DROP PIPE - 6 IN CASING 10 IN BOREHOLE BENTONITE GROUT BENTONITE SEAL FILTER PACK SILICA SAND (20/30) 1 IN HDPE TRANSITION FITTING 1 IN SPRING LOADED CHECK VALVE PRESSURE TRANSDUCER (DEPTH VARIES) 6 IN 304L SS WIRE -WRAPPED SCREEN (0.010 IN SLOT) THREADED ONTO CASING FOR RISER FLAT BOTTOM SS THREADED PLUG AT BOTTOM OF SCREEN 0 C ® .I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �F� PITLESS ADAPTOR REMOVAL TOOL (TEMPORARY INSTALL DURING PUMP MAINTENANCE EVENTS) ALUMINUM SANITARY WELL CAP WITH SEAL, TYP 1.5 IN STILLING WELL STONE GRAVEL PAD (#57 STONE) 1 IN 304L SS PITLESS ADAPTOR 1 IN 304L SS UNION 1 IN HDPE TRANSITION FITTING U NATIVE SOIL TYPICAL INFILTRATION WELL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE U_ w 0 NOTES: 1. ALL DEPTHS ARE APPROXIMATED AND MAY CHANGE DEPENDING ON SITE CONDITIONS. 2. FLOWRATES ARE AVERAGE FLOWRATES FROM SIMULATIONS AND APPROXIMATE AND MAY CHANGE DEPENDING ON SITE CONDITIONS. 3. OPERATIONAL WATER LEVELS ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY CHANGE DEPENDING ON SITE CONDITIONS. 4. IN - INCH 5. FT - FEET 6. FT BGS - FEET BELOW GROUND SURFACE 7. GPM - GALLONS PER MINUTE 8. NA - NOT APPLICABLE 9. TYP - TYPICAL 10. EASTING AND NORTHING PROJECTED IN NAD 83 - NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983 11. ELEVATIONS IN NAVD 88 - NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 12. WELL CASING SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PVC (FOR WELLS LESS THAN 130 FT BGS), SCHEDULE 80 PVC (FOR WELLS GREATER THAN 130 FT BGS), CARBON STEEL OR STAINLESS STEEL. 13. A BENTONITE SEAL SHALL BE INSTALLED ABOVE THE TOP OF THE FILTER PACK AND CONSIST OF AT LEAST 3 FT OF BENTONITE PELLETS, CHIPS OR ENGINEER APPROVED SLURRY. 14. A BOREHOLE ANNULUS BETWEEN THE BENTONITE SEAL AND THE GROUND SURFACE SHALL BE FILLED WITH A BENTONITE-CEMENT SLURRY MIXED IN THE FOLLOWING RATIO: 50 LBS PORTLAND CEMENT, 2.5 LBS POWDERED BENTONITE AND NO MORE THAN 5 GALLONS OF WATER. Vertical Infiltration Wells Well ID Fasting (NAD 83) Northing (NAD 83) Approximate Ground Surface Elevation Before Grading (feet, NAVD 88) Well Depth before Grading (ft BGS) Final Ground Surface Elevation After Grading (feet, NAVD 88) Well Depth after Grading (ft BGS) Pressure at Well Head (ft of Head Above Ground Surface) Screen Bottom (ft BGS) Screen Top (ft BGS) Screen Length (ft) Filter Pack Top (ft BGS) Drop Pipe Depth (ft BGS) Well Construction Details Targeted Flow Zones Approximate Simulated Flow (gpm) A (in) B (ft) C (ft) D (ft) E (ft) F (in) G (ft) IW-28 1681265.12 928476.59 760 170 758 168 10 168 148 20 35 163 6 20 133 3 32 18 168 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-30 1681271.50 928490.30 760 170 758 168 10 168 148 20 35 163 6 20 133 3 32 18 168 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-31 1681283.10 928508.33 756 165 757 167 10 167 147 20 31 162 6 20 136 3 28 18 167 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-33 1681294.40 928524.50 749 160 757 169 10 169 149 20 24 164 6 20 145 3 21 18 169 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-35 1681302.14 928537.95 748 160 757 169 10 169 149 20 23 164 6 20 146 3 20 18 169 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-38 1681312.20 928552.20 751 160 757 165 10 165 145 20 26 160 6 20 139 3 23 18 165 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-39 1681319.07 928565.45 754 165 756 168 10 168 148 20 29 163 6 20 139 3 26 18 168 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-44 1681333.90 928582.40 756 165 756 165 10 165 145 20 31 160 6 20 134 3 28 18 165 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-45 1681336.10 928636.60 757 170 754 168 10 168 148 20 32 163 6 20 136 3 29 18 168 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-48 1681345.52 928602.48 761 170 756 165 10 165 145 20 36 160 6 20 129 3 33 18 165 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-51 1681356.10 928618.30 761 170 756 164 10 164 144 20 36 159 6 20 128 3 33 18 164 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-53 1681357.10 928676.20 759 170 759 170 10 170 150 20 24 165 6 20 146 3 21 18 170 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-54 1681365.61 928634.21 761 170 755 164 10 164 144 20 24 159 6 20 140 3 21 18 164 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-59 1681375.10 928649.00 765 175 755 166 10 166 146 20 24 161 6 20 142 3 21 18 166 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-62 1681386.77 928662.77 765 175 755 165 10 165 145 20 24 160 6 20 141 3 21 18 165 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-63 1681399.50 928683.90 766 175 755 165 10 165 145 20 24 160 6 20 141 3 21 18 165 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-65 1681411.10 928700.86 766 175 756 165 10 165 145 20 24 160 6 20 141 3 21 18 165 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-67 1681426.97 928729.42 764 175 755 167 10 167 147 20 24 162 6 20 143 3 21 18 167 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-68 1681439.32 928749.31 763 175 755 166 10 166 146 20 24 161 6 20 142 3 21 18 166 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-69 1681446.01 928763.27 759 175 754 170 10 170 150 20 24 165 6 20 146 3 21 18 170 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-70 1681457.82 928775.31 759 175 754 170 10 170 150 20 24 165 6 20 146 3 21 18 170 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-71 1681469.52 928791.21 761 175 754 168 10 168 148 20 24 163 6 20 144 3 21 18 168 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-72 1681480.42 928810.51 757 175 755 173 10 173 153 20 24 168 6 20 149 3 21 18 173 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-3 1680930.33 928284.42 753 25 753 25 10 25 15 10 TBD 20 6 10 TBD 3 TBD 18 25 Saprolite 2.5 IW-4 1680995.14 927999.99 746 30 746 30 10 30 10 20 TBD 25 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 30 Saprolite 2.5 IW-6 1681017.70 928681.20 751 170 751 170 10 170 150 20 TBD 165 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 170 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-7 1681040.04 928170.39 763 35 763 35 10 35 15 20 TBD 30 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 35 Saprolite 2.5 IW-9 1681072.10 928760.60 743 165 743 165 10 165 145 20 TBD 160 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 165 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-10 1681103.80 928554.50 768 180 768 180 10 180 160 20 TBD 175 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 180 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-12 1681133.40 928867.30 723 145 723 145 10 145 125 20 TBD 140 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 145 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-13 1681148.70 928636.70 757 170 757 170 10 170 150 20 TBD 165 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 170 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-14 1681178.57 928369.95 773 185 773 185 10 185 165 20 TBD 180 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 185 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-15 1681181.10 928930.80 730 155 730 155 10 155 135 20 TBD 150 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 155 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-16 1681183.00 928698.00 744 160 744 160 10 160 140 20 TBD 155 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 160 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-17 1681184.98 928476.64 769 180 755 166 10 166 146 20 TBD 161 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 166 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-19 1681212.28 928517.54 764 175 754 166 10 166 146 20 TBD 161 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 166 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-20 1681214.40 928735.40 734 150 734 150 10 150 130 20 TBD 145 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 150 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-21 1681218.56 928561.06 753 165 753 165 10 165 145 20 TBD 160 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 165 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-22 1681234.42 928434.29 767 70 758 61 10 61 41 20 TBD 56 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 61 Saprolite/Transition Zone 1.6 IW-23 1681242.30 928992.10 717 145 717 145 10 145 125 20 TBD 140 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 145 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-24 1681242.60 928502.40 760 170 760 170 10 170 150 20 TBD 165 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 1701 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-25 1681243.36 928592.06 745 155 753 163 10 163 143 20 TBD 158 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 1631 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-26 1681247.10 928452.30 766 175 758 167 10 167 147 20 TBD 162 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 167 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-27 1681248.80 928777.20 737 155 737 155 10 155 135 20 TBD 150 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 155 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-29 1681269.45 928630.59 745 160 752 167 10 167 147 20 TBD 162 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 167 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-32 1681288.05 928670.39 749 160 751 162 10 162 142 20 TBD 157 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 162 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-34 1681295.10 928851.90 735 155 735 155 10 155 135 20 TBD 150 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 155 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-36 1681305.45 928705.09 748 160 751 162 10 162 142 20 TBD 157 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 162 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-37 1681306.40 928629.80 751 165 754 167 10 167 147 20 TBD 162 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 167 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-40 1681319.80 928776.00 749 165 750 166 10 166 146 20 TBD 161 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 166 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-42 1681328.00 928674.40 755 165 753 163 10 163 143 20 TBD 158 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 1631 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-43 1681330.78 928841.65 741 160 747 166 10 166 146 20 TBD 161 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 166 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-46 1681336.10 928737.50 751 165 751 165 10 165 145 20 TBD 160 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 165 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-47 1681336.70 928818.10 745 160 745 160 10 160 140 20 TBD 155 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 160 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-50 1681347.20 928707.10 757 170 752 165 10 165 145 20 TBD 160 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 165 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-52 1681356.40 928805.30 747 165 750 167 10 167 147 20 TBD 162 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 167 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-55 1681366.10 928902.40 733 155 733 155 10 155 135 20 TBD 150 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 155 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-56 1681367.00 928779.50 754 170 751 167 10 167 147 20 TBD 162 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 167 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-57 1681369.63 928834.97 744 160 749 164 10 164 144 20 TBD 159 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 164 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-58 1681371.30 928741.20 758 170 753 165 10 165 145 20 TBD 160 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 165 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-60 1681381.90 928797.20 749 165 751 166 10 166 146 20 TBD 161 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 166 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-61 1681384.80 928774.60 754 170 752 168 10 168 148 20 TBD 163 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 168 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-64 1681404.50 928934.70 741 165 741 165 10 165 145 20 TBD 160 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 165 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-66 1681419.50 928882.70 739 160 739 160 10 160 140 20 TBD 155 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 160 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-74 1681490.44 928834.14 752 170 755 173 10 173 153 20 TBD 168 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 173 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-75 1681509.16 928852.84 753 175 756 178 10 178 158 20 TBD 173 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 178 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-76 1681531.70 928898.67 756 180 757 181 10 181 161 20 TBD 176 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 181 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-85 1681489.72 928822.21 752 170 755 173 10 173 153 20 TBD 168 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 173 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.6 IW-86 1682570.94 929305.72 675 130 675 130 10 130 110 20 TBD 125 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 130 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.5 IW-87 1682699.22 929370.95 758 225 758 225 10 225 205 20 TBD 220 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 225 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.5 IW-88 1682843.79 929462.26 716 200 716 200 10 200 180 20 TBD 195 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 200 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.5 IW-89 1682875.32 929474.21 660 145 660 145 10 145 125 20 TBD 140 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 145 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.5 IW-90 1682899.23 929482.91 647 135 647 135 10 135 115 1 20 TBD 130 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 135 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.5 IW-91 1682928.58 929481.82 638 130 638 130 10 130 110 1 20 TBD 125 6 20 TBD 3 TBD 18 130 Saprolite/Transition Zone/Bedrock 1.5 NOTES: 1. UNSHADED WELLS WILL BE INSTALLED DURING PHASE 1. 2. 3. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SHOWN ABOVE ARE APPROXIMATED AND WILL BE DETERMINED BASED ON FIELD DATA COLLECTED AT A LATER DATE. 4. REFER TO FIGURE 4-2 FOR WELL LOCATIONS. 5. ALL ELEVATIONS IN FEET, NAVD 88 - NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 6. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SHOWN ABOVE ARE APPROXIMATED AND WILL BE DETERMINED BASED ON FIELD DATA COLLECTED AT A LATER DATE. 7. NA - NOT AVAILABLE 8. TBD - TO BE DETERMINED DURING PHASE 2 DESIGN. 9. GRADING REQUIREMENTS FOR PHASE 2 INJECTION WELL INSTALLATION HAVE NOT BEEN DETERMINED. NOT TO SCALE DWG SIZE: ANSI D 22.0" X 34.0" A=COM PROJECT UIC PERMIT APPLICATION BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION 3195 Pine Hall Road Belews Creek, North Carolina 27009 PREPARED FOR DUKE ENERGY (OWNER) 3195 Pine Hall Road Belews Creek, North Carolina 27009 PREPARED BY AECOM 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 919.461.1100 tel 919.461.1415 fax www.aecom.com REGISTRATION ISSUE / REVISION 2 2020-07-17 UPDATED WELL DESIGN 1 2020-06-04 ISSUE AS DRAFT 0 2020-05-07 UIC PERMIT APPLICATION I/R DATE DESRIPTION DATE 2020-07-17 PROJECT NUMBER 60442330 SHEET TITLE ATTACHMENT B WELL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SHEET NUMBER Attachment D Extraction Well Construction Specifications ra CD 2 CL CL El WE a U a� LO, m 75 L U) 0 cD 0 ry w n J_ Q w r) z O U D ry H z O U J J >w z O U Q ry x w z w ry ry D U w J w m ry N 0 � U Ow O cy N r) 75 N 0 O LU Q (Uw J > ry �o Ow N z ti0 O �z OO N ry �ry zQ Om �co Q�ry Qw m c/) � U mE u� M N c6 J LL L=com PROJECT UIC PERMIT APPLICATION BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION 3195 Pine Hall Road Belews Creek, North Carolina 27009 PREPARED FOR DUKE ENERGY (OWNER) 3195 Pine Hall Road Belews Creek, North Carolina 27009 PREPARED BY AECOM 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 919.461.1100 tel 919.461.1415 fax www.aecom.com REGISTRATION ISSUE / REVISION 2 2020-07-17 UPDATED WELL DESIGN 1 2020-07-10 ISSUE AS DRAFT 30% DESIGN 0 2020-07-02 FOR INTERNAL REVIEW I/R DATE DESRI PTION DATE 2020-07-17 PROJECT NUMBER 60442330 SHEET TITLE EXTRACTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SHEET NUMBER Attachment E Variance Application for Well Construction Standards: Underground Injection Control Well (UIC) Under 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Figure E-1 — Clean Water Infiltration Well Area (Updated Figure D-3 of the UIC Permit Application) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) — Division of Water Resources (DWR) VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS: Underground Injection Control Well (UIC) Under 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Print clearly or type information. Illegible submittals will be returned as incomplete. DATE: August 10 , 2020 Permit No. WI (to be completed by DWR if New Permit) Existing Permit No. (if applicable) WI0400551 (Permit Application Number) Issued Date: A. WELL OWNER(S) — For single family residences, list all persons appearing on property deed. For all others, list name of the business/government agency and person and title with delegated signature authority: James Wells, Vice President EHS Mailing Address: 526 South Church Street, Mail Code EC13K City: Charlotte Day Tele No.: 980-373-6800 State: NC Zip Code: 28202 County: Mecklenbu EMAIL Address: james.wells@duke-energy.com B. PHYSICAL LOCATION OF WELL SITE Cell No.: Fax No.: (1) Parcel Identification Number (PIN) of well site: 6982642715, 6982185694 County: Stokes (2) Physical Address (if different than mailing address): Belews Creek Steam Station 3195 Pine Hall Road City: Belews Creek County: Stokes Zip Code: 27009 C. WELL DRILLER INFORMATION (if known) Well Drilling Contractor's Name: Geologic Exploration (GEX) NC Well Drilling Contractor Certification No.: Company Name: GEX Contact Person: Steve Taylor City: Statesville State: NC Zip Code: 28625 County: Iredell Day Tele No. 704-872-7686 Cell No.: EMAIL Address: staylor(a,gexnc.com Fax No.: UIC Variance Request 5-29-2020 Page 1 D. REASON FOR VARIANCE REQUEST — Include type of well(s) to be constructed; rule for which the variance is being requested; description of how the alternate construction/injection plan will not endanger human health and welfare and the environment; and reason why construction and/or operation in accordance with the standards is not technically feasible and/or provides equal or better protection of the groundwater (references to attached documents is acceptable). Based on the distribution of COI and the vertical hydraulic connection through the saprolite, transition, and bedrock zones, Duke Energy is proposing to install the infiltration wells with well screen and/or sand pack material across all three hydrostrstratigraphic zones. Given the interconnectivity of the hydrostratigraphic zones, Duke Energy is requesting a variance from 15A NCAC 02C .0225 North Carolina Well Construction Standards in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0241 based on the following: • Construction of the infiltration wells with screens across the three water -bearing units will allow for more effective remediation of groundwater. • Site -related COI are present in groundwater in all three zones. • Corrective action to address these COI in groundwater is also proposed in all three zones. • Extraction of groundwater provides the necessary hydraulic connection between the COI- affected groundwater zones and the proposed clean water infiltration. • The proposed well construction is not expected to generate a potential risk to human health or groundwater. • Water supply wells are not located within 500 feet of the proposed extraction wells. E. ATTACHMENTS — Provide the following information as attachments to this application, where applicable: (1) A map showing general location of the property (including road names, NC State Route Number, distances, any key landmarks, etc.) sufficient for finding the well location. Reference Figures D-1 and D-2 of UIC Permit Application No. WI0400551. (2) Detailed site map with scale showing contamination plume and location of proposed well(s) relevant to any receptors including other wells, building foundations, property lines, water bodies, potential sources of contamination, etc. Figure D-3 of UIC Permit Application No. WI0400551 has been updated with the modeled boron plume and included with this submittal (Figure E-1) (2) Any other information relevant to the variance request such as a well construction diagram showing proposed well liner or atypical construction materials/methods. Attachment B of UIC Permit Application No. WI0400551 updated to include minor design changes and included with this submittal (Attachment C). F. SIGNATURE(S) qhova�i Signature of Well Owner/Applicant James Wells, Vice President EHS Programs and Environmental Sciences Print or Type Name of Well Owner/Applicant and TITLE Signature of Property Owner (if the property is not owned by the permit applicant) Print or Type Name of Property Owner and TITLE (if the property is not owned by the permit applicant) UIC Variance Request 5-29-2020 Page 2 Per 15A NCAC 02C .0241, the Secretary through the Director of the Division of Water Resources, in order to ensure compliance with G.S. 87-84, may require submittal of additional information to make a decision on the variance, may impose conditions as part of the decision, and shall respond in writing to the request within 30 days of receipt of the variance request. A variance applicant who is dissatisfied with the decision of the Director may commence a contested case by filing a petition as described in G.S. 150E-23 within 60 days after receipt of the decision. F. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS Submit one hard copies of the completed application package with an electronic version in CD or USB Flash Drive to: DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES — UIC PROGRAM 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1636 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 707-9000 UIC Variance Request 5-29-2020 Page 3 0 J 0 Q Q a 76 a� U a) L U Y a� 2) U) a) 0 i6 'E a� W 0) CZ C co U as 'o a A n T i re i U N i n n T �i 0 n w co Y T CD '^ O I - NU ow N ) (D � o a 0-D JZ w (DU r 0 o� oCD Z 04 N O U Y Z Zm OO U) Z� m 0U) �U (D cu E Cn cU N (D J LL �\ 1I 11 II11 �� 11 CCR-13BR CCR-13S \\ CCR-13D O O ♦ �� . O O O / O I W-23 A 11 •. \ I � I I I I I � GWA-30D QD GWA-30S I � I � I � Q O O O � IW-15 A O A IW-64 O GWA-21 D GWA-11 S GWA-11 D O I W-55 j% V IW-12 A GWA-21 S A IW-66 IW-76 / / O I W-34 p I W-43 O A I W-75 O O A pIW-570 pIW-74 ♦ 2 A I W-85 CCR-4D GO CCR-4S I W-47 I W-52 /IW-60 p IW-72 / 0 0 p04 IW-70 / IW-56 QO p IW-71 O O I W-27 A I W-40 p � 2 1 W-61 \A I W-69 / IW-9 A 0 0 0 / IW-46A A IW-58 A IW-68 IW-20 p 0 O EXOB-1 1 I W-36 I W-50 O 0 I W-67 0 --A � IW-65\A / IW-16 A 0 ❑ EX-01 I I W-6 p I W-42 O 0 0 I W-63 I W-32 �p O / 1 p I W-53 p A I W-62 / O 1 O IW-13 A 1W-29 045�/, ' 0 P �O \ I W-59 X / / \ O 0 W54 OIW-25 p IW-37 \ GWA-20D ❑ EX-02 0 0 I W-44 p�01 W-481 IW-21 A / GWA-20S IW-10 A IW-38 0OIW-39 GWA-20SA 0 I W-33 O p— I W-35 IW-19 p O O / ❑ EX-03 GWA-20BR A I W-31 / I W-24 A O A IW-30 IW-17 A O A IW-28 GWA-27BR / ❑ EX-04 I W-26 p / • I W-22 A GWA-27D / ❑ EX-05 /' GWA-27 S \ O IW-14 p \.� 0 IW-3 p O O 0 �\ GWA-19D GWA-19SA 0 \� O O\\ 0 GWA-19BR p IW-7 GWA-19S O 0 O O I W-4 A GWA-10S 0 GWA-10D' PO GWA-1 ODA / OQ O EXOB-2 / ❑ EX-06 ❑ EX-07 ❑ EX-08 ❑ EX-09 / ❑ EX-10 / CCR-2D CCR-2S 00 ♦ I GWA-1 BR 1 GWA-1SP I J GWA-1 D C 00000' /- o 09 O O IW-87 A O I W-86 A O CCR-5S 8 CCR-5D AB-1 S AB-1 D AB-1 BR O AB-1 BRD / / LEGEND Duke Energy Carolinas Belews NOTES 1. Based on the Corrective Action Plan Update (dated Creek Plant Site Boundary December 31, 2019) prepared by Synterra Corporation, / / Stream Wetland (AMEC NRTR) there are no property boundaries, potential receptors, water supply wells, septic systems, or other sources of contamination located within 250 feet of the proposed GWA-18S �GWA-18SA GWA-18D ❑ O p O Existing Extraction Well Monitoring Well Proposed Clean Water Infiltration Well Proposed Extraction Well clean water infiltration wells. Multiple monitoring wells and surface water bodies are located within 250 feet of the proposed clean water infiltration wells. 2. The distribution of boron concentrations greater than the NCAC 02L boron groundwater standard of / / 250-foot Radius around Proposed Clean Water Infiltration Wells 700 tag/L represents the maximum horizontal and vertical extent of NCAC 02L groundwater exceedances Boron Concentration NCAC 02L outside of ash basin geographic limitation and is / Exceedances Contour (>700 tag/L) therefore used as a visual representation of the maximum extents of NCAC 02L exceedances. ASH BASIN O O O O I W-90 O IW-89p A IW-91 I W-88 A O O O 0 u BC-150 WET WELL .al 1 1 �W-200D I M O MW-200BR 1 MW-200S dp CCR-6D CD CCR-6S MW-102D (D MW--102S MW-101 D (Q MW-101 S AB-2D DAM AB-2BR/BRD O O AB-2SA AB-2S SOURCE NOTES 1. The aerial photograph was taken from Google Earth, dated 2020-02-03. 2. The locations of all boundaries and monitoring wells were provided by Synterra Corporation and originally documented in the Corrective Action Plan Update (December 2019). 3. The locations of all remediation wells were provided by Synterra Corporation and should be considered approximate. 4. The locations of streams and wetlands were originally documented in the 2015 AMEC Natural Resources Technical Reports. 100 0 100 200 SCALE IN FEET: 1" = 100' CCR-7S CCR-7D P"=COM PROJECT BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION UIC PERMIT APPLICATION BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION 3195 Pine Hall Road Belews Creek, North Carolina 27009 PREPARED FOR DUKE ENERGY (OWNER) 3195 Pine Hall Road Belews Creek, North Carolina 27009 PREPARED BY AECOM 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 919.461.1100 tel 919.461.1415 fax www.aecom.com REGISTRATION ISSUE / REVISION 3 2020-07-16 ISSUED AS DRAFT 2 2020-06-18 ISSUED AS DRAFT 1 2020-05-22 ISSUED AS DRAFT 0 2020-05-21 FOR INTERNAL REVIEW I/R DATE DESRIPTION DATE 2020-07-16 PROJECT NUMBER 60629990 SHEET TITLE FIGURE E-1 CLEAN WATER INFILTRATION WELL AREA SHEET NUMBER Attachment F Variance Application for Well Construction Standards: Wells Other Than Water Supply Under 15A NCAC 02C .0108 Figure F-1 — Pilot Test Extraction Well Locations North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) — Division of Water Resources (DWR) VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS: WATER SUPPLY WELLS UNDER 15A NCAC 02C .0107 All water supply wells not considered `Private Drinking Water Wells " and including irrigation, industrial, and commercial wells. WELLS OTHER THAN WATER SUPPLY UNDER 15A NCAC 02C .0108 Including monitoring and recovery wells. PRIVATE DRINKING WATER WELLS UNDER 15A NCAC 02C .0300 Print clearly or type information. Illegible submittals will be returned as incomplete. DATE: August 10 , 2020 Existing permit number (if applicable) WI Issued Date: Exp. Date: Permit No. for new projects (to be completed by DWR/DPH): WI0400551 (Permit Application Number) A. WELL OWNER(S) — For single family residences, list all persons appearing on property deed. For all others, list name of the business/government agency and person and title with delegated signature authority: James Wells, Vice President EHS Mailing Address: 526 South Church Street, Mail Code EC13K City: Charlotte State: NC Zip Code: 28202 County: Mecklenburg Day Tele No.. EMAIL Address: 980-373-6800 jamcs.wclls@dukc-cncrgy.com Cell No.: Fax No.: B. PHYSICAL LOCATION OF WELL SITE (1) Parcel Identification Number (PIN) of well site: 6982642715, 6982185694 County: Stokes (2) Physical Address (if different than mailing address): Belews Creek Steam Station 3195 Pine Hall Road City: Belews Creek County: Stokes Zip Code: 27009 C. WELL DRILLER INFORMATION (if known) Well Drilling Contractor's Name: Geologic Exploration (GEX) NC Well Drilling Contractor Certification No.: Company Name: GEX Contact Person: Steve Taylor City: Statesville State: NC Zip Code: 28625 Day Tele No. 704-872-7686 County: Iredell Cell No.: EMAIL Address: staylor(a,gexnc.com Fax No.: GW-22V Variance Request Form Rev. 7-13-2020 Page 1 D. REASON FOR VARIANCE REQUEST — Include type of well(s) to be constructed; rule for which the variance is being requested; description of how the alternate construction will not endanger human health and welfare and the environment; and reason why construction and/or operation in accordance with the standards is not technically feasible and/or provides equal or better protection of the groundwater (refences to attached documents are acceptable). Based on the distribution of COI and the vertical hydraulic connection through the saprolite, transition, and bedrock zones, Duke Energy is proposing to install the extraction wells with well screen and/or sand pack material across all three zones. Given the interconnectivity of the hydrostratigraphic zones, Duke Energy is requesting a variance from 15A NCAC 02C .0225 North Carolina Well Construction Standards in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0241 based on the following: • Construction of the extraction wells with screens across the three water -bearing units will allow for more effective remediation of groundwater. • Site -related COI are present in groundwater in all three zones. • Corrective action to address these COI in groundwater is also proposed in all three zones. • Extraction of groundwater provides the necessary hydraulic connection between the COI- affected groundwater zones and the proposed clean water infiltration. • The proposed well construction is not expected to generate a potential risk to human health or groundwater. • Water supply wells are not located within 500 feet of the proposed extraction wells. E. ATTACHMENTS — Provide the following information as attachments to this application: (1) A map showing general location of the property (including road names, NC State Route Number, distances, any key landmarks, etc.) sufficient for finding the well location. Reference Figures D-1 and D-2 of UIC Permit Application No. WI0400551. (2) Detailed site map with scale showing location of proposed well relevant to septic system(s), building foundations, property lines, water bodies, potential sources of contamination, other wells, etc. See Figure F-1. There are no septic systems, building foundations, property lines, water bodies or potential sources of contamination within 250-feet of the proposed extraction wells. Existing monitoring wells are shown on the figure. (3) Submit a copy of the local well permit application and site evaluation map (if applicable). Not Applicable (4) Any other information relevant to the variance request such as a well construction diagram showing proposed well liner or atypical construction materials/methods. See Attachment D qgwva�! F. SIGNATURE(S) Signature(s) of Well/Property Owner(s) James Wells, Vice President EHS Programs and Environmental Sciences Print or Type Well/Property Owner(s) Signature of Person Responsible for Well Construction (Typically, the well driller) GW-22V Variance Request Form Rev. 7-13-2020 Page 2 Steve Taylor, Geologic Exploration Print or Type Name of Person Responsible for Well Construction (Typically, the well driller) N/A Signature of County Environmental Health Specialist (for Private Water Wells) N/A Print or Type Full Name and Title of County Environmental Health Specialist (for Private Water Wells) Per I5A NCAC 02C.0118 the Secretary of the Division of Water Resources or the Division of Public Health may require submittal of information deemed necessary to make a decision on the variance, may impose conditions as part of the decision, and shall respond in writing to the request within 30 days of receipt of the variance request. A variance applicant who is dissatisfied with the decision of the Director may commence a contested case by filing a petition as described in G.S. I50B-23 within 60 days after receipt of the decision. G. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS (1) For the following types of water supply wells only: (a) Private Drinking Water Wells under 15A NCAC 02C .0300 (b) Irrigation Wells underl5A NCAC .02C .0107 with a designed capacity of less than 100,000 gallons per day and located on the same property as an on -site wastewater system permitted by a local health department. Prior to submittal of the variance for these types of wells, please contact your regional environmental health specialist by visiting: http://ehs.ncpublichealth.com/contacts.htm Submit one copy of the completed variance application to: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health — Environmental Health Section On -Site Water Protection Branch 1632 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1632 (2) For the following types of wells only: (a) All Water Supply Wells under 15A NCAC 02C .0107 other than the ones listed under (1) above (b) Wells Other than Water Supply under 15A NCAC 02C .0108. If these wells are to be constructed on property not owned by the well owner or applicant, please also attach and submit a completed Application to Construct a Monitoring or Recovery Well System (GW-22MR) found on our website at: http://deg.nc. gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-resources-permits/wastewater-brancli/ground-water- protection/ground-water-aplications Submit one copy of the completed variance application to the Division of Water Resources Regional Office serving the area in which the well will be located: Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Telephone: (828) 296-4500 Fan: (828) 299-7043 Raleigh Regional Office 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Telephone: (919) 791-4200 Fax: (919) 571-4718 Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Telephone: (910) 796-7215 Fax: (910) 350-2004 GW-22V Variance Request Form Rev. 7-13-2020 Page 3 O Y U) a� a� a� D 7 n N a) N (6 1 c 1 \ GWA-19D GWA-19SA • GWA-19S GWA-19BR GWA-21 D GWA-11 D /, '/ GWA-11 S _ 0I / i / CCR-4D CCR-4S EX-37 EX-47 EX-46 / EX-35 � / EX-40 i EX-43 i EXOB-1 EX-41 EX-44 i • EX-32 EX-39 i EX-28 EX-34 EX-26 c EX-25 EX-30 � EX-22 �� i EX-21 EX-29 ❑ EX-01 EX-45 / EX-02 ❑ EX-38 GWA-20D GWA-20S GWA-20BR GWA-20SA i ❑ EX-03 i' i ❑ EX-04 GWA-27S GWA-27BR � % GWA-27D � / ❑ EX-05 XOB-2 / � LEGEND ❑ EX-06 MONITORING WELL PILOT TEST EXTRACTION WELL / i' ❑ EX-07 ❑ EXISTING EXTRACTION WELL / ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY / ASH BASIN GEOGRAPHIC j ❑ EX-08 —"—"� LIMITATION i NOTES THE WATERS OFTHE HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED BY THE US ARMY CORPS OF BASE CONTOUR 2 FEET ENGINEERS ATTHE TI MEME THE MAP CREATION SE THIS M APISNOTTO BE USED FOP DETERMINATION PURPOSES. THE WETLANDS AND STREAMS i SWERE BOUNDARIES BOENEATRUC WERE INC NAT RALRESOURCEFROM AMEC TE WHEELER TECHNICAL STPUCTUPIOND NATURAL RESOURCE TECHNICAL REPORT FOR BELEWS BASE CONTOUR 20 FEET /• EX-O9 � CREEK CREEK STEAM STATION DATED JULV 2, 2015. �� •� ALL BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS PROPERTY ENEP°°°AP°DIVAS �.. �. PROPERTY BOUNDARY OBTAPROVIDED HOBOUNDARY FROMP AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROM NC One Map. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE UNPAVED ROADS SYSTEM FIRS 3200 (NAD83). / � DUKE GRAPHIC SCALE o eo goo FIGURE F-1 ElEX-10 PILOT TEST EXTRACTION CCR-2D ENERGY., Feet WELL LOCATIONS -�CCR-2S ---. /, DRAWN BY: T. EISCH EN REVISED BY DATE: 05/05/2020 DATE BELEWS CREEK STEAM STATION J.APPROVED COM BY: . APPROVED BY DATE DATE: : BELEWS CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA I PROJECT MANAGER DATE: