HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190752 Ver 4_Chemours Stream Flow-through Cell Project NC SHPO Packet 08-12-2020_20200813Sensitive North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office Section 106 Project Review Project Name Chemours- Stream Flow -through Cell Project, Chemours Fayetteville Works, Bladen County, North Carolina Project Address The Chemours Company Fayetteville Works, 22828 NC-87, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28306. The project will be constructed within a previously undeveloped portion of the property (approximately 55 acres) located between the Chemours Company Fayetteville Works and the Cape Fear River. Project Contact Information On behalf of Chemours Company FC, LLC: Susan L. Bupp Parsons 2102 Wilson Boulevard Suite 900 Arlington, VA 22201 571 842-6368 (office) 703 598-8492 (cell) Susan.bupp@parsons.com Project Description On February 25, 2019, the North Carolina Superior Court for Bladen County entered a Consent Order (CO) among The Chemours Company FC, LLC (Chemours) and the State of NC and Cape Fear River Watch to address discharges of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at the Chemours Fayetteville Works (the Site). Among other things, the CO required Chemours to develop a remedial plan for reducing PFAS loading from Chemours Fayetteville Work Facility to the Cape Fear River. Chemours is developing four flow -through cell instream treatment facilities to treat the water prior to discharge into the Cape Fear River. A preconstruction notification (PCN) for Nationwide Permit 38 (Cleanup of Hazardous and Toxic Waste) is being prepared to comply with Section 404/401 of the Clean Water Act. Since a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permit under Section 404 of the Clean Waters Act will be obtained, Section 106 consultation is required. Release of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from the Chemours Company FC, LLC Fayetteville Works Facility to the Cape Fear River are derived from impacted groundwater discharging to surface water as seeps. Four groundwater seeps, identified as Seeps A, B, C and D, are located above the Cape Fear River water level on the bluff face from the facility and discharge into the Cape Fear River. Sensitive The treatment flow -through cells will involve the installation of an in -stream system to remove PFAS contaminants from the surface water at the seeps. Chemours is developing four (4) flow - through cell in -stream treatment facilities to treat the water prior to discharge, beginning with a pilot study at Seep C. The proposed Consent Order Addendum currently in negotiation requires the Seep C pilot to be operational (construction complete) by November 16, 2020. To meet this schedule, mobilization for construction is intended no later than October 5, 2020. The remaining three seep flow -through cells will be constructed from February through April 2021. Chemours intends to submit optimized designs for the remaining seeps (A, B, D) by December 31, 2020 after approximately one month of pilot operation. Chemours will construct four instream flow - through cell structures in four unnamed tributaries east of the Fayetteville Works Facility in the Cape Fear River floodplain. Release of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from the Chemours Company FC, LLC Fayetteville Works Facility to the Cape Fear River are derived from impacted groundwater discharging to surface water as seeps. The proposed interim remedy for the seeps (flow -through cells) will construct in -stream filter beds to remove PFAS from the seeps prior to discharge to the river. An earthen dam will impound water (approximately 6 feet in total height) to provide hydraulic head to allow for treatment with granular activated carbon (GAC) filter beds. Impounded water will flow through an inlet weir into a series of concrete basins to hydraulically control surface flow over vertically oriented GAC beds. Water will flow via gravity drainage through the GAC beds and PFAS compounds will sorb to the media. Effluent water will collect in a stilling basin, where it will then discharge back into the existing seep channel. The in -stream structures will be placed generally about 200 feet upland from the confluence with the River. Influent and effluent samples will be collected to monitor the PFAS removal efficiency. GAC media will be periodically replaced. The flow -through cell at Seep C is being designed and constructed as a pilot study, and results from its operation will inform the design, optimization, and installation of flow -through cells at the remaining seeps. Design of the flow -through cells at Seeps A, B, and D, are anticipated to be completed by the end of 2020. It is anticipated that the flow -through cells will operate for approximately two to three years, at which point a long-term remedy for seeps and groundwater will be constructed. This long-term remedy is anticipated to withdraw sufficient groundwater via pumping wells such that the seep baseflow to the four flow -through cells is reduced, and the flow - through cells can be taken out of service. The proposed project area is about 55 acres Previous Investigations No cultural resources investigations have been conducted on the Chemours Fayetteville Works property in Bladen County, North Carolina. A Phase I archaeological survey and an architectural study were conducted on several federally owned parcels associated with the Cape Fear locks and dams, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) recreational area (William O. Huske Lock and Dam) located east of the central portion of the Chemours Fayetteville Works boundary along Glengerry Road (Reed and Botwick 2002; Reed et al. 2003). The Phase I archaeological survey consisted of systematic shovel testing on a 11.7 acre area characterized as upland bluff and river terrace Iandforms. A low density prehistoric archaeological site (31 BL149) was identified on the upland bluff south of the lock keeper's residence (Reed and Botwick 2002). The site contained 33 artifacts; none were temporally diagnostic. As a result of previous construction and ground disturbance, a low artifact count, and lack of temporal diagnostics, the site was recommended as not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and no further work was recommended (Reed and Botwick 2002: 44). Sensitive The William O. Huske Lock and Dam (Cape Fear Lock and Dam 3) was constructed between 1934 and 1935. The lock and dam are made of concrete (Reed et al. 2003). Associated buildings and structures, also constructed in 1935, include the lockmaster residence, the pump house, tool house, hydrant house, garage, tide gage, and tower pedestals (Reed et al. 2003). Modern structures include a 1960s comfort station, picnic shelter, pre -fabricated hazardous materials building, a fuel storage tank, and a corrugated metal storage building. The William O. Huske Lock and Dam was recommended as eligible for listing on the NRHP under Criteria A and C (Reed et al. 2003). The North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) concurred with this recommendation on May 22, 2003 and further stated that the vista of the Cape Fear River from the lock and dam is a vital component of the site setting. Prehistoric Site Probability The proposed project area is located on the lower bluff slopes and floodplain of the Cape Fear River with elevations ranging from 30 feet to 50 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) on the floodplain and 50 feet to 100 feet AMSL on the bluff slopes where numerous groundwater seeps surface from the underlying perched water tables. Limited archaeological investigations have been conducted in Bladen and southern Cumberland counties (Environmental Resources Management [ERM] 2018; Knick 1990). Prehistoric archaeological sites recorded during these two investigations include small lithic and ceramic scatters associated with Archaic (Knick 1990) and Early, Middle, and Late Woodland (ERM 2018; Knick 1990) period occupations. These sites are located on several different types of landforms including along the bluff edges of the Cape Fear River (e.g., sites 31 CD2093 and 31 CD2096: ERM 2018), near drainage divides (e.g., sites 31 CD2097, 31 CD2098, and 31 CD2119: ERM 2018) and upland areas which may or may not be associated with Carolina Bays (e.g., sites 31 CD2094, 31 CD2104 and 31 CD2105: ERM 2018; site 31 BL117: Knick 1990). Most of these sites represent limited occupations with little research potential (only sites 31 CD2093 and 31 CD2094 require additional evaluation); none have been determined to be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) (ERM 2018; Knick 1990). To date, no prehistoric archaeological sites have been identified on the floodplain or lower bluff slopes along the Cape Fear River. Archaeological site probability is expected to be low as the proposed project area is located on the Cape Fear River floodplain and lower bluff slopes. This area has undergone extensive flooding and erosional episodes and any archaeological sites are expected to be heavily disturbed. The probability for intact prehistoric archaeological sites with research potential to address NRHP eligibility criteria in the proposed project area is considered low. Historic Site Probability Review of historic cartographic maps and archival research was conducted to identify previous land use and ground disturbance, and provide an assessment of the types of historic archaeological sites that may be anticipated in the proposed project area. In 1938, five occupied residences, one vacant residence, and a business were located along Highway 87; no buildings or structures were identified between the residences along Highway 87 and the Cape Fear River with the exception of the U.S. Lock No. 3 at Tolar Landing (North Carolina State Highway and Public Works Commission 1938). In the 1951 aerial photograph, the floodplain and bluff edges along the Cape Fear River are covered in vegetation; several small farm roads leading from the bluff edge to the floodplain are present (Nationwide Environmental Title Research [NETR] 1951). Sensitive The 1961 United States Geological Survey (USGS) Duart quadrangle depicts occupied residences along Highway 87 with a two -track unimproved farm road trending east/northeast toward the Cape Fear River bluff edge and terminating at a small pond (USGS 1961). Dupont purchased the property parcels from several families in 1970 and the first manufacturing area was constructed in the early 1970s. The 1993, 1999, 2010, and 2011 aerial photographs continue to show a heavily vegetated floodplain along the Cape Fear River (Google Earth 1993, 1999, 2010, 2011). The 2006 aerial photograph clearly depicts the new outfall in an east/west cleared area from the Fayetteville Works to the Cape Fear River (Google Earth 2006). Limited archaeological investigations have been conducted in Bladen and southern Cumberland counties (Environmental Resources Management [ERM] 2018; Knick 1990). Historic archaeological sites recorded during these two investigations include late 19t" and early 20tn century historic debris scatters. Historic artifacts observed included architectural (brick, nails) and domestic debris (glass, whiteware, ceramics, animal bone) (e.g., sites 31 CD2097 and 31 CD2115: ERM 2018; 31 BL117: Knick 1990). These sites represent dispersed scatters with little research potential; none have been determined to be eligible for listing on the NRHP (ERM 2018; Knick 1990). During the site visit in February 2019, several types of historic features were observed or reported in the proposed project area: short segments of rusted and partially downed fence lines, an old road bed, irrigation ditches, and several isolated glass bottles. The fence line segments were constructed of woven wire on the lower portion with either two -strand two -prong or four -prong barbed wire lines above. An old road bed curved around the bluff slope from the Cape Fear River floodplain trending southwest toward the bluff top; several trees, about 6 inches in diameter were growing in the middle of the road bed, indicating it had not been used for decades. Several irrigation ditches, paralleling the Cape Fear River were noted on the floodplain. The glass bottles were recovered by onsite project personnel from the bluff edge near the top of several intermittent streams. The bottles were identified as a 6.5-ounce hobbleskirt Coke bottle (1962-1969), a b- ounce Dr. Pepper bottle (1954), and a paneled medicine bottle. Based on the archival research and archaeological observation, no historic buildings or structures were located in the proposed project area; however, the floodplain was used by local landowners as evidenced by the presence of the old road, the ditches, and fence lines. The presence of isolated glass bottles (dating from the 1950s/1960s) in the ravines near the bluff edge suggests incidental refuse disposal by the local landowners when they were working in the area. The probability for intact historic archaeological sites with research potential to address NRHP eligibility criteria in the proposed project area is considered low. Past Ground Disturbance Historic cartographic maps were limited in providing information on past ground disturbances in the proposed project area. In all aerial photographs reviewed (1951, 1993, 1999, 2010, and 2011), the floodplain and lower bluff edges along the Cape Fear River are covered in dense vegetation (Google Earth 1993, 1999, 2010, 2011; Nationwide Environmental Title Research [NETR] 1951), although the 2006 aerial photograph clearly depicts the new outfall in an east/west cleared area from the Fayetteville Works to the Cape Fear River (Google Earth 2006) which is located north of Seep C in the proposed project area. Observations made during the site visit in February 2019 provided better information on past ground disturbances. Based on the archaeological Sensitive observations, past ground disturbances in the proposed project area includes creation and use of a farm road on the bluff slope and excavations of linear ditches on the floodplain. Proposed Ground Disturbance Proposed ground disturbance will consist of removing trees and other vegetation, surface preparation and addition of one foot of gravel fill for access roads and laydown areas within previously cleared areas, installation of check dams and a culvert, installation of silt fences and tree protection fencing. Additional removal of vegetation will occur only at the location of Seep A only. A 24" reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) culvert will be installed under the new access roadway at the location of Seep B. Sensitive Project Area Maps -- Property Boundary USGS Topo Quad provided by NC DOT Miles 0 6.5 1 2 PARSONS site Location Map PE&I Old Outfall 002 Remedial Options Plan 4701 H"'emore Dr Chemours Fayetteville Works N Charlotte, C 20209 Fayetteville, North Carolina Drawn: Date. File Project Number. C. One el 1f29f2618 450768 Revision' 1 Figure Number: 1 Name: Fap_Fig_1_Site_Loc Site Location Map, Chemours Fayetteville Works, Fayetteville, North Carolina Sensitive w * _ �� � 0 � a� Project Location, Chennouns -Etneann Flow -through Cell Project /USGS [)uart{]uadnang|e. B|aden Countv, North Carolina) Sensitive Location Map, Seeps A, B, C, and D, Chemours- Stream Flow -through Cell Project Sensitive - T r E Y F j H rrrsw.0 Ne.ax� '. TFE 34515 CF COOMhA7ES FUR THIS SJRSEY IS'IG a3k 8h5E0 CN N+ DP3 2. THE 34515 3F ELEYAIMC4S FOR THS SLIRSEY IS 4.k%UW ON 4N OPUS SESNA PD+D(IYEh G1 KgYE6a E'r'K.' r'm 3 TFE TQPOCr�LPHY N TH5 -,WhEY H45 = GnwT4l.11 Fri kgAL'F'FT/M3 W N PRMLCED FROr 7xd LICaR St6KS _F TFE 4REb. TFE SWKS rtF.E PEAFORNE} CAI IIEnIXEwhur in.:rn} �P Dr 1. 7ps Ak - _ EASTW. M D ''--1 9r STE TR!'L OA7A COhSLLUIM I%t. 'Dar!. --- aROQECT 44. 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TFE OF THIS "I? BASED N S,liSf( as vc a�a a+�sED oF+ kxu3 EY n 7 THE 38SI5 'F EL.EJATMS FOR THE 5J=:Wf E 1A400 Ohl - OPUS SE59Ph - R+mwR} i] hmEwEI '.u. JII`R 1 3 TFE TOPOCRb HY OF THS ARxEY H65 A 1 ::Dhr.:IIH "TIX'AL iJ-' rr.w,'AWN '�3 LCED FROw Two MAR i:4h5 :F TFE BFEa. TFE ON E 5uLh5 HERE FH ONE} 4 A IFE36 IEV TO1R AM: 'ECEWIEN 1R, 3 R 3T SMTR!L DATA :U"LTAhT'3. M. '3D.. N 40. M&S, + CHEF DAHS AIOwM TO REw.Yw — BFTER IVST,YJ..O.ROFI OF LTE2S SEE F F ER � ER'4SION ECMROL FLMS F� 4}DITI0NAL TEwxIxf,HT Gfdl u,ws LE 3EN01 III I I C MIMED AREA s#1Et}s I:Iw 'sEE 1„SrE 1} I I I I , ry b I SS J — MfarEL LAYD M% AREA.�— 47dVEi alY1QWAY \l\ �sT1aa Ilj � R '* x CLEARED kRFk r I/1DGT'� 'I I I r T= H- L TTE rulI- CHEMOURS SEEPS INTERIM MEASURE {FLOW THROLIGH CELLS) .N. HICFM1Al'M N' FATErMYK LE; NO 2h3O & 3± SEEP U PLAN VIEW 4.,• I -� SEEP Id PLAN VIE' • Fi r-W _ I E F } H Seep D Plan View, Chemours- Stream Flow -through Cell Project Sensitive Site Photographs Seep A, Existing Flume in center, Looking East (Downstream). Source: Parsons Field Photographs 5/18/2020 Seep A, Proposed Laydown Area from Across the Seep A drainage, Looking Northwest. Source: Parsons Field Photographs 5/18/2020 Sensitive Seep B, Looking South (Downstream). Source: Parsons Field Photographs 5/18/2020 Seep B, Proposed Access Road Area Leading Toward Seep B, Proposed Culvert Location at Center Back, Looking Northwest. Source: Parsons Field Photographs 5/18/2020 Sensitive Seep B, Proposed Laydown Area, Looking Northwest. Source: Parsons Field Photographs 5/18/2020 Seep C, Looking South (Downstream.) Source: Parsons Field Photographs 5/18/2020 Sensitive r Seep C, Proposed Laydown Area, Looking West. Source: Parsons Field Photographs 5/18/2020 9 Vj y WOO �o Seep D, Existing Flume in Center, Looking Southeast (Downstream). Source: Parsons Field Photographs 5/18/2020 Seep C, Proposed Laydown Area, Looking West. Source: Parsons Field Photographs 5/18/2020 9 Vj y WOO �o Seep D, Existing Flume in Center, Looking Southeast (Downstream). Source: Parsons Field Photographs 5/18/2020 Sensitive wpt Seep D, Proposed Laydown Area, Looking West. Source: Parsons Field Photographs 5/18/2020 Sensitive References Cited Environmental Resources Management (ERM) 2018 Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Project: North Carolina Addendum Report 2. Prepared for Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Richmond, Virginia. Prepared by Environmental Resources Management, Duluth, Georgia. Google Earth 1993 Historic Aerial Photograph of the of the Chemours Fayetteville Works Area. February 18, 1993. Available on line at: https://www.google.com/earth. 1999 Historic Aerial Photograph of the of the Chemours Fayetteville Works Area. March 1, 1999. Available on line at: https://www.google.com/earth. 2006 Historic Aerial Photograph of the of the Chemours Fayetteville Works Area. June 30, 2006. Available on line at: https://www.google.com/earth. 2010 Historic Aerial Photograph of the of the Chemours Fayetteville Works Area. April 25, 2010. Available on line at: https://www.google.com/earth. 2011 Historic Aerial Photograph of the of the Chemours Fayetteville Works Area. December 7, 2011. Available on line at:.https://www.google.com/earth. Knick, Stanley 1990 Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Site of a Wastewater Treatment Plant for Smithfield Foods, Inc., Tar Heel Vicinity, Bladen County, North Carolina. State Clearinghouse Number Ch 90-C-0000-0855. Prepared for the Bladen County Industrial Development Commission, Elizabethtown, North Carolina. Nationwide Environmental Title Research (NETR) 1951 Historic Aerial Photograph of the Chemours Fayetteville Works Area. Available on line https://www.historicaerials.com. Accessed February 25, 2019. North Carolina State Highway and Public Works Commission 1938 Bladen County, North Carolina. Prepared by the North Carolina State Highway and Public Works Commission in Cooperation with the Federal Works Agency Public Roads Administration. Available on line at: https:Hdc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ncmaps/id/429. Accessed February 25, 2019. Reed, Mary Beth and Brad Botwick 2002 Phase I Archaeological Survey, Cape Fear Locks and Dams and Proposed New Fish Channel, Bladen County, North Carolina. Prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, North Carolina. Prepared by New South Associates, Stone Mountain, Georgia. Reed, Mary Beth, Jennifer B. Langdale, and Mark T. Swanson 2003 Documentation and Assessment: Cape Fear River Locks and Dams, Bladen County, North Carolina. Prepared for the U.S.. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, North Carolina. Prepared by New South Associates, Stone Mountain, Georgia. Sensitive United State Geological Survey (USGS) 1961 Duart, North Carolina. 7.5 minute quadrangle. Available on line at Nationwide Environmental Title Research (NETR): https://www.historicaerials.com. Accessed February 25, 2019.