HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201042 Ver 1_10_Stormwater Impact Analysis_20200813Stormwater Impact Analysis & Preliminary Design of Stormwater Management Facilities Genesis / May, 2019 GENESIS DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA STORMWATER I M PACT ANALYSIS PROJECT NUMBER: DESIGNED BY: DATE: REVISED DATE: SITE PLAN KTH-17000 JOSH SHINN, PE KELLI GARCIA) PE HEATHER DEW, El MARCH 2O19 MAY 2019 iJ MCADAMS 2905 MERIDIAN PARKWAY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27713 NC Llc. # C-0293 J MCADAMS GENESIS Storm water Impact Analysis GENERAL DESCRIPTION NARRATIVE > KTH-17000 Located north of the intersection of E Cornwallis Road and NC-147 in Durham County, NC is the project site for the proposed Genesis development. The site is currently vacant but was originally developed as an office facility with ancillary uses, along with associated drives and parking. On this approximately 104.61-acre site, the proposed development will consist of light industrial uses and ultimately consist of buildings and parking and associated utility infrastructure, landscaping, and stormwater control measures. This SIA accounts for the current phase of development treated by four SCMs and a future phase to be treated by one SCM. The future phase will be submitted as a separate project at a later date but will use this SIA. An overall project boundary of 104.61 acres was set to include all existing and proposed development. The peak flow and nutrient export analysis were performed using the overall project boundary. The proposed development is in the Jordan Lake Basin, with portions of the stormwater runoff draining into Burdens Creek and Northeast Creek. The site is not located within a Watershed Protection Overlay. According to the N.C. Division of Water Quality Basin Wide Information Management System (BIMS), Burdens Creek [Stream Index # 16-41- 1-17-1-(0.3)] and Northeast Creek [Stream Index # 16-41-1-17-1-(0.3)] are classified as WS-V; NSW at this location. Per Durham County regulations, stormwater management on this site shall meet the stormwater management performance standards for development set forth in the Durham County Code of Ordinances. These are as follows: Sec. 14-1S3. Design and performance standards. Durham County has been included in the Falls Lake Nutrient Management Strategy, Neuse River Sensitive Waters Management Strategy, and the Jordan Lake Nutrient Management Strategy. Accordingly, all development6. and redevelopment to which this ordinance applies shall comply with the standards of this section and of the official North Carolina Division of Water Quality Best Management Practice Manuals. The approval of the stormwater permit shall require an enforceable restriction on property usage that runs with the land, such as a recorded deed restriction or protective covenants, to ensure that future development and redevelopment maintains the site consistent with the approved project plans: (a) The following requirements shall apply to developments within the Neuse River Basin and within Falls Lake Drainage Basin (Subject to the Falls Lake Nutrient Strategy): (1) Developments shall plan for, and implement, stormwater management controls which will limit the runoff generated from all surfaces by one inch of rainfall. The treatment volume shall be drawn down pursuant to standards specific to each practice as provided in the most recent Best Management Practice Manual approved by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources/Division of Water Quality. To ensure that the integrity and nutrient processing functions of receiving waters and associated riparian buffers are not compromised by erosive flows, stormwater flows from the development shall not contribute to degradation of waters of the State. At a minimum, the development shall not result in a net increase in peak flow leaving the site from pre -development conditions for the one-year, 24-hourstorm event. creating experiences through experience 2905 Meridian Parkway, Durham, NC 27713 / 919. 361. 5000 J MCADAMS NARRATIVE > COM-18010 (2) Developments shall plan for and implement stormwater management controls which will limit the unit -area mass nitrogen load of runoff to 2.2 pounds/acre/year and limit the unit -area mass phosphorus load of runoff to 0.33 pounds/acre. year. (3) The developer shall determine the need for engineered storm water controls to meet these loading rate targets by using the most recent Nutrient Accounting Tool approved by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. (4) Notwithstanding 15A NCAC28.104(q), redevelopment subject to this ordinance that would replace or expand existing structures or improvements and would result in a net increase in built -upon area shall have the option of either meeting a loading standards identified in subsection (a) or meeting a loading rate that achieves the following nutrient loads compared to the existing development: 40 percent and 77 percent reduction for nitrogen and phosphorous, respectively. (5) Developers who desire to pursue offsite reduction measures for developments subject to this ordinance shall attain nitrogen and phosphorus loading rate reductions on -site that meet the following criteria prior to using an offset measure: (a) 30 percent or more reduction in both nitrogen and phosphorus loading from the untreated conditions for any single family, detached and duplex residential development disturbing one half acre but less than one acre. (b) 50 percent or more reduction in both nitrogen and phosphorus loading from the untreated conditions for any single family, detached and duplex residential development disturbing more than one acre. (c) 30 percent or more reduction in both nitrogen and phosphorus loading from the untreated condition for other development, including multi family residential, commercial and industrial development disturbing 12,000 square feet but less than one acre. (d) 50 percent or more reduction in both nitrogen and phosphorus loading from the untreated condition for other development, including multi family residential, commercial and industrial development disturbing more than one acre. (e) 30 percent or more reduction in both nitrogen and phosphorus loading from the untreated condition for proposed redevelopment activities in a designated downtown area that would replace or expand structures or improvements that existed as of December 2006. A developer subject to this ordinance may achieve the additional reductions in nitrogen and phosphorus loading required by this ordinance by making offset payments to the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program contingent upon acceptance of payments by that Program. A developer may propose other offset measures to Durham County, including providing his or her own offsite or utilizing a private seller. All offset measures permitted by this ordinance shall meet the requirements of 15 A NAC 028.0282 and 15A NCAC 028. 0240. creating experiences through experience 2 of 6 J MCADAMS NARRATIVE > COM-18010 (6) Plans for developments shall protect and maintain existing riparian areas in accordance with 15A N.C.A.C. 2B.0233 which is hereby incorporated by reference, as well as the requirements of the Durham City -County Unified Development Ordinance. Consistent with the requirements of 15A N.CA. C2B.02333, no developments shall be approved which are proposed within the first 50 feet adjacent to a waterbody that is shown on the most recent version of either the U.S. G.S. 7 % minute quadrangle topographic map or the U.S.D.A Soil Survey Of Durham County, North Carolina, unless the development can demonstrate to the stormwater administrator's satisfaction that the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources/Division of Water Quality has approved the development. (b) The following requirements shall apply to developments within the Neuse River Basin and outside Falls Lake Drainage Basin (Subject to Neuse River Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy): (1) Developments shall plan for and implement storm water management controls which will limit the nitrogen load of runoff to 3.6 pounds/acre/year. Developers who have obtained an offset by participation in the North Carolina Wetland Restoration Fund established by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, shall plan for and implement management controls which will limit the nitrogen load of runoff from the site to six pounds /acre/year for single family, detached and duplex residential development and ten pounds per acre year for other development. Nitrogen export calculations shall be made using a formula approved by the County Engineer, or designee. (2) Developments shall plan for, and implement stormwater management controls which will ensure that there is no net increase in peak flow leaving the site from the predevelopment conditions for the one-year 24- hourstorm, of more than ten percent. If the development results in an increase of greater than ten percent, the developer will be responsible for installing measures which will result in no net increase. The some methodology must be used for calculating both the pre- and post -development flow rates. (3) Plans for developments shall protect and maintain existing riparian areas in accordance with 15A N.C.A.C. 2B.0233 which is hereby incorporated by reference as well as the requirements of the Durham City -County Unified Development Ordinance. Consistent with the requirements of 15A N.C.A.C2B 0233, no developments shall be approved which are proposed within the first 50 feet adjacent to a waterbody that is shown on the most recent version of either the U.S. G.S. 71/2-minute quadrangle topographic map or the U.S.D.A. Soil Survey of Durham County, North Carolina, unless the developer can demonstrate to the County Engineer, or designee's satisfaction that the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources/Division of Water Quality has approved the development. (c) The following requirements shall apply to developments outside the Neuse River Basin: (1) Developments shall plan for and implement storm water management controls which shall be designed to control and treat the runoff generated from all surfaces by one inch of rainfall. The treatment volume shall be drawn down pursuant to standards specific to each practice as provided in the most recent Best Management Practice Manual approved by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources/Division of Water Quality. To ensure that the integrity and nutrient processing functions of receiving waters and associated riparian buffers are not compromised by erosive creating experiences through experience 3 of 6 J MCADAMS NARRATIVE > COM-18010 flows, storm water flows from the development shall not contribute to degradation of waters of the State. At a minimum, the development shall not result in a net increase in peak flow leaving the site from pre - development conditions for the one-year, 24-hour storm event. (2) Developments shall plan for, and implement, stormwater management controls shall be designed to have a minimum of 85% average annual removal for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) (3) Developments shall plan for, and implement, stormwater management controls which will limit the unit -area mass nitrogen load of runoff to 2.2 pounds/acre/year and limit the unit -area mass phosphorus load of runoff to 0.82 pounds/acre/year. (4) The developer shall determine the need for engineered storm water controls to meet these loading rate targets by using the most recent Nutrient Accounting Tool approved by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. (5) Notwithstanding 15A NCAC 28.104 (q), redevelopment subject to this ordinance that would replace or expand existing structures or improvements and would result in a net increase in built -upon area shall have the option of either meeting the loading standards identified in subsection (a) or meeting a loading rate that achieves the following nutrient loads compared to the existing development: 35 percent and 5 percent reduction for nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively. (6) Plans for developments shall protect and maintain existing riparian areas. No developments shall be approved which are proposed within the first 50 feet adjacent to a waterbody that is shown on the most recent version of either the U.S.G.S. 7112 —minute quadrangle topographic map or the U.S. D.A. Soil Survey of the Durham County, North Carolina. (7) Notwithstanding the foregoing, developments may be approved within the first 50 feet adjacent to a waterbody that is shown on the most recent version of either the U.S.G.S 7112 —minute quadrangle topographic map or the version U.S. D.A Soil Survey of Durham County, North Carolina provided: (a) For streams, a stream delineation is performed by a person selected by the county engineer from an approved list, which is to be compiled by the county engineer, to do stream delineations and presented to the county engineer which, to the county engineer's satisfaction, shows that the stream shown on the most recent version of either the U.S. G.S. 7 % -minute quadrangle topographic map or the U.S. D.A. Soil Survey of Durham County, North Carolina does not exist. Any person requesting such a stream delineation to be performed as provided in this subsection shall make application to the county engineer for the stream delineation to be done and shall pay a fee to cover the cost of said delineation in an amount as determined by the board of commissioners. (b) For ponds and lakes, that the ponds or lakes are manmade and are located outside natural drainage ways. (8) Developers who desire to pursue offsite offset reduction measures for developments subject to this ordinance shall attain a maximum nitrogen loading rate on -site of six pounds per acre per year for single - creating experiences through experience 4 of 6 J MCADAMS NARRATIVE > COM-18010 family, detached and duplex residential development and ten pounds per acre year for other development, including multi family residential, commercial, and industrial and shall meet any requirements for engineered stormwater controls otherwise imposed by this ordinance. A developer subject to this ordinance may achieve the additional reductions in nitrogen and phosphorus loading required by this ordinance by making offset payments to the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program contingent upon acceptance of payments by that Program. A developer may propose other offset measures to Durham County, including providing his or her own offsite or utilizing a private seller. All offset measures permitted by this ordinance shall meet the requirements of 15A NCAC 028.0273 (2) through 4) and 15A NCAC 028.0240. (9) Plans for developments shall protect and maintain existing riparian areas in accordance with 15A N.C.A.C. 28.0233 which is hereby incorporated by reference, as well as the requirements of the Durham City -County Unified Development Ordinance. Consistent with the requirements of 15A N.C.A.C. 28.02671..02681..0269, no developments shall be approved which are proposed within the first 50 feet adjacent too waterbody that is shown on the most recent version of either the U.S. G.S. 7 % -minute quadrangle topographic map or the U.S. D.A. Soil Survey of Durham County, North Carolina, unless the developer can demonstrate to the County Engineer, or designee's satisfaction that the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources/Division of Water Quality has approved the development. (Ord. of 2-26-01, § 1; Ord. of 4-12-04, § 1; Ord. of 6-11-12, § 1) To meet the above Durham County standards, four stormwater wet ponds are proposed at this time. A fifth wet pond is analyzed in this report for a future phase of development not part of the current site plan. Please refer to the appropriate sections of this report for additional information. CALCULATION METHODOLOGY ■ Rainfall data for the Durham County, NC region is from NOAA Atlas 14. This data describes a depth -duration - frequency (DDF) table describing rainfall depth versus time for varying return periods in the Durham County, NC area. These rainfall depths are input into the meteorological model within PondPack for peak flow rate calculations. Please reference the rainfall data section within this report for additional information. ■ Using latest soils data found from NRCS Web Soil Survey, the on -site soils were determined to be from hydrologic soil group (HSG) 'D' soils. Since the method chosen to compute both pre- and post -development peak flow rates and runoff volumes is dependent upon the soil type, care was taken when selecting the appropriate Soil Conservation Number (SCS CN). ■ A composite SCS Curve Number was calculated for both the pre- and post -development condition for each subbasin using SCS curve numbers and land cover conditions. Land cover conditions for the on -site pre - development conditions were taken from field survey by McAdams. Land cover conditions for the onsite post - development condition were taken from the proposed site plan. ■ The time of concentration was calculated using SCS TR-55 (Segmental Approach, 1986). The Tc flow path was divided into three segments: overland flow, concentrated flow, and channel flow. The travel time was then computed for each segment, from which the overall time of concentration was determined by taking the sum of each segmental time. The post -development times of concentration to the proposed stormwater management facility is assumed to be 5 minutes. This provides a conservative estimate of facility size for design purposes. creating experiences through experience 5 of 6 J MCADAMS NARRATIVE > COM-18010 ■ Both the existing topography located within the property boundary and the remainder of the topography is from Durham County GIS data. The remainder of the topography is from Durham County GIS data. Please refer to the pre- and post -development watershed maps for more information. ■ PondPack Version V8i, by Bentley Systems, Inc., was used in determining the pre- & post -development peak flow rates for the 1- and 100-year storm events, as well as routing calculations for the proposed stormwater management facilities. For 100-year storm routing calculations, a "worst -case" condition was modeled in order to insure the proposed facility would safely pass the 100-year storm event. The assumptions used in this scenario are as follows: o The starting water surface elevation in the facility, just prior to the 100-year storm event, is at the top of riser. This scenario could occur as a result of a clogged primary orifice or a rainfall event that lingers for several days. This could also occur as a result of several rainfall events in a series, before the low -flow orifice has an opportunity to draw down the storage pool. o Freeboard is provided between the peak elevation during the "worst -case" scenario and the top of the dam for the proposed facility, which is consistent with the previously approved as -built certification package. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS PEAK RUNOFF CONTROL REQUIREMENTS The peak flow for the 1-year storm meets peak flow requirements at all points of analysis on site. Please refer to the Summary of Results for the reduction or preservation of flows from the pre- to post- development condition. POLLUTANT AND NUTRIENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS All proposed SCMs are designed to the Minimum Design Criteria of the NC Stormwater Design Manual. Additionally, the amount of added impervious to the site will receive water quality treatment from a primary SCM. The proposed development is treated for 85% TSS removal per the Durham County Code of Ordinances using the proposed primary SCMs to capture runoff from the impervious areas of the site. Because this project is a redevelopment, only the increase in impervious is subject to TSS removal requirements. Nutrient calculations are provided for reference only. CONCLUSION If the development on this tract is built as proposed within this report, then the requirements set forth in Durham County regulations will be met without additional stormwater management facilities. However, modifications to the proposed development may require that this analysis be revised. Some modifications that would require this analysis to be revised include: 1. The proposed site impervious surface exceeds the amount accounted for in this report. 2. The post -development watershed breaks change significantly from those used to prepare this report. The above modifications may result in the assumptions within this report becoming invalid. The computations within this report will need to be revisited if any of the above conditions become apparent as development of the proposed site moves forward. creating experiences through experience 6 of 6 NUTRIENT AND TSS CALCULATIONS GENESIS KTH-17000 GENSIS TSS SUMMARY KTH-17000 TOTAL SUSPENED SOLIDS REMOVAL sq. ft. ac. Existing Impervious 886,435 20.35 Total Post -Development Impervious 1,760,309 40.41 Increase in Impervious (subject to TSS removal) 873,874 20.06 Impervious Area Treated by SCMs 1,744,234 40.04 SCM SUMMARY sq. ft. 395,933 I ac. 9.09 SCM 'A' SCM 'B' 323,216 7.42 SCM 'C' 359,708 8.26 SCM 'D' 333,283 7.65 SCM 'E' 332,094 7.62 TOTAL 1,744,234 40.04 K. GARCIA, PE 5/9/2019 Proiect Information Yellow cells require data for PROJECT AREA RUNOFF and NUTRIENT TREATMENT calculations Green cells require data for NUTRIENT TARGETS, BUYDOWN, & CREDIT/DE81 calculations Project Name: Genesis Submission Date: 03/25/2019 Project Area (ft): 4,556,597 ftz Disturbed Area (ft): 4,556,597 ft2 Development Land Use Type: Industrial Development Activity Type: Redevelopment Designated Downtown Area? no Project Location/Address: 3029 East Cornwallis Road County: Durham Local Jurisdiction: Durham County Project Latitude Coordinates: 35.916600 N Project Longitude Coordinates: -78.865600 W Precipitation Station: Durham Physiographic Region: Triassic Basin Nutrient Management Watershed: Jordan Lake Subwatershed: Jordan - Upper New Hope Phosphorus Delivery Zone: Jordan - 060140 lKelli Nitrogen Delivery Zone: Jordan - 060140 Project Designer and Contact Phone Number / Email: Garcia / garcia@mcadamsco.com Part of Common Development Plan? no Project Owner Type: Private Project Description: PROJECT AREA LAND COVERS TN EMC (mg/L) 1.18 TP EMC (mg/L) 0.11 Pre- Project Area (ft) 220,381 Post - Project Area (ft) 688,975 Roof Roadway 1.64 0.34 145,648 Parking/Driveway/Sidewalk 1.42 0.18 520,406 1,071,334 Protected Forest 0.97 0.03 2,435,034 1,078,497 Other Pervious/Landscaping 2.48 1.07 1,235,128 1,618,905 CUSTOM LAND COVER 1 CUSTOM LAND COVER 2 CUSTOM LAND COVER 3 LAND TAKEN UP BY SCM 1.18 0.11 98,886 LAND COVER AREA CHECK Net Change of Land Covers (ft): 1,502,185 Total Project Area Entered (ft): 4,556,597 Total Pre -Project Calculated Area (ft): 4,556,597 Total Post -Project Calculated Area (ft): 4,556,597 Equations Used and Project Area Calculations SIMPLE METHOD Stormwater Runoff Volume Generated, V Runoff Coefficient R v V = Pi * Rv * (P/12) * A R = 0.05 + (0.009 *1) where A = drainage area (ft) where I = percent impervious (%) Pi = fraction of rain events with runoff Average Annual Pollutant Load, L P = average annual rainfall depth (in) L= (Pi*R *(P/12))*(C*A*2.72) where C = event mean concentration (mg/L) Pre -Project: Post -Project: A = 104.6051 ac A = 104.6051 ac P= 47.81 in. P= 47.81 in. V = 3677622 ft3 V = 6834618 ft3 1 = 19% 1 = 41% R =0.23 R =0.42 Pi = 0.9 Pi = 0.9 CTN = 1.41 mg/L CTN = 1.36 mg/L CTP = 0.22 mg/L CTP = 0.19 mg/L LTN = 324.04 Ib/yr LTN = 579.31 Ib/yr LTP= 51.23 Ib/yr LTP= 79.33 Ib/yr Catchment ID SCM ID Type of SCM Predominant hydrologic soil group at SCM location SCM Description Design Storm Size (inches/24hrsj Percent of Full Size Hydrologic Value - Percent Annual Effluent Hydrologic Value - Percent Annual Overflow Hydrologic Value - Percent Annual ET/Infiltrated SCM Effluent TP EMC (mg/L) SCM Effluent TN EMC (mg/L) SCM Land Cover TP EMC (mg/L) SCM Land Cover TN EMC (mg/L) Drains to SCM ID Catchment Routing (Source Catchment) Catchment 1 Catchment 2 Catchment 3 Catchment 4 Catchment 5 Catchment 6 1 101 Wet Pond per MDC D 1 102 1 103 2 201 Wet Pond per MDC D 2 202 2 203 3 301 3 302 Wet Pond per MDC D SCM A SCM B SCM C 1.00 1.00 1.00 100% 100% 100% 76% 76% 76% 16% 16% 16% 8% 8% 8% 0.15 0.15 0.15 1.22 1.22 1.22 0.11 1.18 0 W" Catchments Draining to SCM 101 Catchments Draining to SCM 102 Catchments Draining to SCM 103 0.11 1.18 0 Catchments Draining to SCM 201 Catchments Draining to SCM 202 Catchments Draining to SCM 203 0.11 1.18 0 Catchments Draining to SCM 301 Catchments Draining to SCM 302 _ SCM ID: ML 102 103 202 Draining 301 302 SCM Drainage Area Land Covers Area Draining Directly to Area Draining Directly to Area Draining Directly to Area Draining Directly to Area Draining Directly to Area Draining Directly to Area Draining Directly to Area Draining Directly to SCM 101 (ft2) SCM 102 (ft2) SCM 103 (ft2) SCM 201 (ft2) SCM 202 (ft2) SCM 203 (ft2) _ SCM 301 (ft2) - SCM 302 (ft2) CUSTOM LAND COVER 2 CUSTOM LAND COVER 3 LAN D TAKEN UP BY SCM TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO SCM (Rel. CATCHMENT AREA (ft): 20,825 623,666 623,666 0 0 534,932 0 0 533,018 0 534,932 533,018 Catchment ID SCM ID Type of SCM Predominant hydrologic soil group at SCM location SCM Description Design Storm Size (inches/24hrs) Percent of Full Size Hydrologic Value - Percent Annual Effluent Hydrologic Value - Percent Annual Overflow Hydrologic Value - Percent Annual ET/Infiltrated SCM Effluent TP EMC (mg/L) SCM Effluent TN EMC (mg/L) SCM Land Cover TP EMC (mg/L) SCM Land Cover TN EMC (mg/L) Drains to SCM ID Catchment Routing (Source Catchment) Catchment 1 Catchment 2 Catchment 3 Catchment 4 Catchment 5 Catchment 6 SCM Drainage Area Land Covers CUSTOM LAND COVER 2 CUSTOM LAND COVER 3 LAND TAKEN UP BY SCM TOTAL AREA DRAINING TOSCM (fel: CATCHMENT AREA (ft): 3 303 4 4 4 401 402 403 Wet Pond per MDC D SCM D 1.00 100% 76% 16% 8% 0.15 1.22 Catchments Draining to SCM 303 0.11 1.18 0 Catchments Draining to Catchments Draining to Catchments Draining to SCM 401 SCM 402 SCM 403 303 401 403 Area Draining Directly to Area Draining Directly to Area Draining Directly to Area Draininging Directly to SCM 303 (ft2) SCM 401 (ft2) SCM 402 (ft2) SCM 403 (ft2) Catchment ID 5 5 5 SCM ID 501 502 503 Type of SCM Wet Pond per MDC Predominant hydrologic soil D group at SCM location SCM Description SCM E Design Storm Size (inches/24hrs) Percent of Full Size Hydrologic Value - Percent Annual Effluent Hydrologic Value - Percent Annual Overflow Hydrologic Value - Percent Annual ET/Infiltrated SCM Effluent TP EMC (mg/L) SCM Effluent TN EMC (mg/L) SCM Land Cover TP EMC (mg/L) SCM Land Cover TN EMC (mg/L) Drains to SCM ID Catchment Routing (Source Catchment) Catchment 1 Catchment 2 Catchment 3 Catchment 4 Catchment 5 I Catchment 6 1.00 100% 76% 16% 8% 0.15 1.22 0.11 Catchments Draining to Catchments Draining to Catchments Draining to SCM 501 SCM 502 SCM 503 SCM ID: 502 503 - Allowable Total land Use Area Draining Directly to Area Draining Directly to Area Draining Directly to Total Land Use Area Post -Project Untreated SCM Drainage Area Land Covers SCM 501(ft2) SCM 502 (ft2) SCM 503 (ft2) Treated By All SCMs (ftz) Area to be Treated Based Land Area (ftz) toof 90,400 688,975 688,975 0 toadwav 0 0 0 CUSTOM LAND COVER 2 0 0 0 CUSTOM LAND COVER 3 0 0 0 LAND TAKEN UP BY SCM TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO SCM (Rel. CATCHMENT AREA (ft): 15,544 98,886 98,886 0 527,433 0 0 527,433 2,724,701 4,556,597 1,831,896 Project Summary Project Name: Genesis 4,556,597 ft104.6051 acres Submission Date: 4,556,597 ft2 104.6051 acres March 25, 2019 Project Area (ft): Disturbed Area (ft): County: Durham Local Jurisdiction: Durham County Development Land Use Type: Industrial Owner Type: Private Development Activity Type: Redevelopment Designated Downtown Area? no Nutrient Management Watershed: Jordan Lake Subwatershed: Jordan - Upper New Hope Phosphorus Delivery Zone: Jordan - 060140 Nitrogen Delivery Zone: Jordan - 060140 Phosphorus Delivery Factor (%): 89% Nitrogen Delivery Factor (%): 85% Phosphorus Loading Rate Target (Ib/ac/yr): Nitrogen Loading Rate Target (Ib/ac/yr): Phosphorus Load Target at Site (lb/yr): Nitrogen Load Target at Site (lb/yr): Phosphorus Load Leaving Site w/SCMs (lb/yr): 67.50 Nitrogen Load Leaving Site w/SCMs (lb/yr): 495.57 P Offsite Buy -Down Threshold Loading Rate (lb/ac/yr): N Offsite Buy -Down Threshold Loading Rate Total P Load Reduction Needed (lb/yr): Total N Load Reduction Needed (lb/yr): P Load Treatment Balance at Site (lb/yr): N Load Treatment Balance at Site (lb/yr): P Load Treatment Balance at Lake (lb/yr): N Load Treatment Balance at Lake (lb/yr): Nutrient Export Summary Percent Impervious (for runoff calculation) (%) Pre -Project Whole Site Conditions Post -Project Whole Site without SCMs Post -Project Post -Project Post Project Whole Site with SCM-Treated Untreated Area SCMs Area 19.5% 40.8% 40.8% 67.6% 0.9% Percent Built -Upon Area (BUA) (%) 19.5% 38.6% 38.6% 64.0% 0.9% Annual Runoff Volume ft3/ r 3,677,622 6,834,618 6,289,745 5,909,433 380,313 Annual Runoff % Change (relative to pre-D) 0% 86% 71% Total Nitrogen EMC (mg/L) 1.41 1.36 1.26 1.24 1.64 Total Nitrogen Load Leaving Site (lb/yr) 324.04 579.31 495.57 456.71 38.86 Total Nitrogen Loading Rate (Ib/ac/yr) 3.10 5.54 4.74 7.30 0.92 Total Nitrogen % Change (relative to pre-D) 0% 79% 53% Total Phosphorus EMC (mg/L) 0.22 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.47 Total Phosphorus Load Leaving Site (lb/yr) 51.23 79.33 67.50 56.43 11.07 Total Phosphorus Loading Rate (Ib/ac/yr) a49 a76 a65 0.90 a26 Total Phosphorus % Change (relative to pre-D) 0% 55% 32% SCM/Catchment Summary SCM ID and Type Volume TN Out (mg/L) TP Out (mg/L) Reduction (%) Catchment 1 8.44% 1.24 0.15 TN Out TP Out TN Reduction TP Reduction (%) (lbs/ac/yr) (lbs/ac/yr) M 7.22 0.90 15.74% 18.79% 101: Wet Pond per MDC 8.44% 1.24 0.15 7.22 0.90 15.74% 18.79% 102: NA 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 103: NA 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% Catchment 2 8.44% 1.24 0.15 6.99 0.87 15.60% 19.08% 201: Wet Pond per MDC 8.44% 1.24 0.15 6.99 0.87 15.60% 19.08% 202: NA 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 203: NA 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% Catchment 3 8.44% 1.23 0.15 7.65 0.93 13.59% 8.46% 301: Wet Pond per MDC 8.44% 1.23 0.15 7.65 0.93 13.59% 8.46% 302: NA 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 303: NA 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% Catchment 4 8.44% 1.24 0.15 7.51 0.93 15.21% 16.91% 401: NA 8.44% 1.24 0.15 7.51 0.93 15.21% 16.91% 402: NA 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 403: NA 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% Catchment 5 8.44% 1.25 0.16 7.16 0.89 17.25% 22.19% 501: NA 8.44% 1.25 0.16 7.16 0.89 17.25% 22.19% 502: NA 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 503: NA 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% Catchment 6 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 601: NA 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 602: NA 0.00% 603: NA 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00 SCM rows in red have a data entry error for the SCM that makes an error in the calculation.