HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC203442_ESC Approval Submitted_20200812MECKLENBURG COUNTY Land Use & Environmental Services Agency Water & Land Resources August 7, 2020 Email: jstevenskdemetemc.com Joseph Stevens 19421 Liverpool Parkway Cornelius, NC 28031 Re: The Retreat At West Catawba 4402675 Approval of NCDENR Plan as noted Denuded Area: 8.6 acres Dear Joseph Stevens: Please be advised that the above referenced plan has been approved by this Office for both Stormwater Management Permit and for Erosion Control. This approval is required prior to applying for the Construction Stormwater General Permit (NCGO 10000). Application for this permit can be made at htt12s://ded.nc.gov/NCG01. This approval is also required prior to the initiation of land development activities and is good for 3 years from the approval date. Please contact Eugene Hudson (980-406-0000), Erosion Control Inspector to set up a pre -construction meeting. Also, this letter gives notice required by G.S. 113A-61.1(a) of our right of periodic inspection to ensure compliance with the approved plan. Acceptance and approval of this plan is conditioned upon your compliance with Federal and State water quality laws, regulations, and rules. In addition, local, city or county ordinances or rules may also apply to this land -disturbing activity. This approval does not supersede any other permit or approval. The Planning Department of the Town of Cornelius is being notified of this approval by copy of this letter. Plans that are stamped approved will be held within EPM's "approved package" for printing out as needed. Please always keep one set of stamped approved plans onsite. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 980-314-3232. Sincerely, ?&Wwa�n Adam Nowocin, PE Mecklenburg County Project Manager CC: Town of Cornelius Planning Department — Monterai Adams Project Manager — Michael Hubert — Landworks Design Group PA Erosion Control Inspector — Eugene Hudson Land Development Inspector — Heather Davis EPM Project File PEOPLE • PRIDE • PROGRESS • PARTNERSHIPS • 2145 Suttle Avenue • Charlotte, North Carolina 28208-5237 • www.meeklenburgeountyne.gov Storm Water Management Permit Mecklenburg County Land Use and Environmental Services Project Number: 402675 Name of Development: THE RETREAT AT WEST CATAWBA Street Number and Name: 17319WEST CATAWBA Original Tax Parcel #: Jurisdiction: CORNELIUS Zoning Designation: CZ Total Area of Project: 9.53 acres Total Disturbed Area: 8.60 acres % Built Upon: 41.00 Land Development Fees Paid: Yes [ ] Amendment to Permit # Type of Development: Small Subdivision Project < 10 acres denuded Owner Name: Mark Francis Address: 17201 West Catawba Ave, Cornelius, NC 28031 Phone: (704) 000-0000 Fax: Email: jstevens(i�demeternc.com Financial Responsible Party Name: Joseph Stevens Address: 19421 Liverpool Parkway, Cornelius, NC 28031 Phone: (704) 897-0855 Fax: Email: jstevens(i�demeternc.com Designer Name: MICHAEL HUBERT Address: 7621 LITTLE AVE, CHARLOTTE, NC 28226 Phone: (980) 505-3421 Fax: Email: MICHAEL.HUBERT�LANDWORKSPA.COM Watershed District Where Project is Located: Project Density Based on Drainage Area: High Density Pollutant Removal Efficiency Required: 85% TSS Buffers Required: No Acknowledgement that Volume Control Will Be Provided For The 1-year, 24 hour storm for post development: Yes Peak Control Provided: 10 Year, 6 Hour and 25 Year, 6 Hour Open Space Required: None Sewer: Charlotte -Mecklenburg Utilities Water: Charlotte -Mecklenburg Utilities Total Phosphorus Mitigation Approved: NA Development / Redevelopment Mitigation Approved: NA Open Space Mitigation Approved: NA Reviewed By: Date: 8-7-2020 Result: [ ] Approved [X] Approved As Noted [ ] Approved with Performance Reservation (Attached)