HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130743_Meeting Minutes_20100210Draft Minutes for Hydraulic Design Review Meeting R-2519B State Project 35609.1.1 US 19 east from NC 80 in Yancey County to multi-lane section West of Spruce Pines in Mitchell County Division 13 A Hydraulic Design Review Meeting was held on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 in the Hydraulics Conference Room at the NCDOT Century Center Complex, Raleigh. Team Members: Andrew Nottingham-Hydraulics (Present) David Baker-USACE (Present) Marella Buncick-USFWS (Present) Marla Chambers-NCWRC (Present) Brian Wrenn-NCDWQ (Present) Kathy Matthews-EPA (Present) Charles P. Nicholson-TVA (Absent) Donnie Brew- FHWA (Present) Brenda Moore-Roadway (Present) Quang Nguyen-Structures (Present) Steve Brown-PDEA (Present) Carla Dagnino - PDEA-NEU(Present) Ricky A. Tipton-Division 13 (Absent) Participants: Melanie Nguyen - Hydraulics Chris Militscher-EPA Linwood Stone-PDEA Karen Reynolds - PDEA Jeff Hemphill - NEU The meeting began at 1:00 p.m. with introductions initiated by Andrew Notthingl,am (NCDOT Hydraulics) and proceeded with the review of the project as follows: Sheet 4 Recommended to move the outlet at station 25+50 -L- Rt (end of bridge) to left side of-L- and ditch down to left side of-Y1- and along-Y1- from STA 13+00 -Y1-Lt to 15+40 -Y1-Lt for some treatment before enter the Unnamed Tributary(UT) to Little Crabtree Creek(LCC). C??O FFS 10 10 SNR-WA Fq?gt?p ?eR4ury • It was determined that the existing 54" CMP right of station 14+00 -Y1- Rt could not be removed and replaced with a open channel due limited room between -Y1- and the new bridge slope. Sheet 5 • No changes recommended. Sheet 6 The existing 4 @12' x 9' reinforced concrete box culvert (RCBC) at station 44+11 -L- will be extended up and downstream as a 4 @ 12' x 10' RCBC. The extension portions of the culvert will have baffles to retain bed material. Low flow floodplain benches will be used up and downstream of the culvert to maintain the natural channel width up and downstream of the culvert. Roadway drainage has been directed to grass swales for treatment prior to entering Little Crabtree Creek. Sheet 7 • 2GI at station 52+80 -L- LT will be change to a JB. Drainage that was flowing into this 2GI will be routed to grass swale on sheet 6. • Existing 48" CMP at station 58+27 -L- on UT to LCC is in poor condition and will be lined with a 36" CSP. It will be extended upstream as a 36" CSP and downstream as a 48" RCP. • Grass swale used from station 52+80 to 54+50 -L- U. Sheet 8 • No jurisdictional features impacted, no changes recommended. Sheet 9 Existing 54" RCP that changes to a 4'x 4' RCBC at station 79+15 -L- on UT to South Toe River (STR) will be retained and extended upstream with a 54" RCP. It will be extended downstream with a junction box and 60" RCP. The outlet channel banks will be stub;lizcd with Class II rip rap. Hazardous spill basin/detention basin will be used from station 83+00 Rt. to 84+50 Rt. -L-. Total capacity required is 8792 cubic ft and the total capacity provided is 11,505 cubic ft. Runoff from the project will be directed to this Hazardous spill basin prior to entering the South Toe River. Sheet 10 0 No jurisdictional features impacted, no changes recommended. Sheet II Grass swale/Hazardous spill basin/detention basin will be used from station 111+50 Rt. to 119+00 Rt. -L-. Total capacity required is 6377 cubic ft and the total capacity provided is 43500 cubic ft. Runoff from the South Toe River bridge will be directed to this Hazardous spill basin. There is also an Archeological site in this location and further coordination will be required with the NCDOT Human Environment Unit. Sheet 12 NCDOT presented two bridge alternatives for the South Toe River bridge crossing. Alternative #1 is a steel plate girder bridge with 3 spans of 85', 175' and 55'. This alternative spans the river from top of bank to top of bank with no bents located in the normal water surface. Alternative #2 is 72" bulb tee concrete girder bridge with 3 spans of 120', 120' and 75'. This alternative has bents located along the edge of the normal water surface but spans the majority of the main channel. Alternative 42 cost approximately $400,000 less than option #1. NCDOT noted that alternative #2 would still have less permanent surface water impacts than the existing structure. It was decided to set up a meeting in the field with the team members and NCDOT construction personnel to discuss constructability and the pros and cons of each structure to make a decision on which alternative to use. Grass swale/Hazardous spill basin/detention basin will be used from station 124+50 Rt. to 127+00 Rt. -L-. Total capacity required is 5947 cubic ft and the total capacity provided is 24550 cubic ft. Runoff from the project will be directed to this Hazardous spill basin prior to entering the South Toe River. The existing culvert on Long Branch Creek left of station 126+50 -L- will be removed. The stream will be restored in this area. Sheet 13 The existing 2 @ 6' x 6' RCBC on Long Branch Creek at station 134+80 -L- will be extended upstream 144ft and connected with the existing 2 @ 6' x 6' RCBC at station 10+51 -Y14- and then extended another 194 ft upstream. The existin- 54" CMP on UT to Lon- Branch Crack at station 139+18 -L.- is in poor condition and it will be replaced with a new 54" pipe. A grass swale is proposed from station 135+75 to 139+00 -L-Lt. Sheets 14 It was noted that some of the wetlands shown south of the project on this sheet have been filled in by recent construction. NCDOT and the USACOE will investigate. • The existing 30" CMP on UT to Long Branch Creek at station 150+90 -L- is in poor condition and it will be replaced with a new 36" RCP. • Recommended the grassed swale at station 155+50 -L- Rt. to station 156+50 -L- Rt. be expanded into a dry detention basin. • The existing 7' x 5' RCBC on UT to Long Branch Creek at station 155+45 -L- will be extended upstream and downstream. There is approximately a 211. drop at the outlet of the existing culvert. NCDOT will design the stream relocation at the outlet with step pools to bring the stream grade back up to the culvert outlet elevation. • The existing 10' x 5' RCBC on UT to Long Branch Creek at station 14+90 -Y17- is in poor condition and will be removed and replaced with an 8' x 6' RCBC with alternating low flow baffles. Sheet 15 • No changes recommended. Sheet 16 The existing 36" CMP on UT to Long Branch Creek left of station 179+75-L- will be removed. The stream bank adjacent to the road will need to be rip rapped in this area due to the close proximity of the creek. The existing 36" CMP on UT to Long Branch Creek at station 183+10-L- will be removed and replaced with a new 36" RCP. The stream beginsjust south of the project and all of the stream south of the project will be permanently impacted. Sheet 17 The existing 30" CMP on UT to Long Branch Creek at station 191+55-L- will be removed and will be replaced with a 42" RCP. The existing 36" CMP on UT to Long Branch Creek at station 195+61-L- will be removed. This tributary will be picked up in a 24" CSP south of the project and piped to the 42" RCP at station 191+55-L-. Sheet 18 UT's to Parsnip Branch at station 205-+60 and 206-1-50 -L- north of the project will be impacted due to roadway widening. A historic property is located right of station 215+00 -L-. It is recommended to eliminate pipe outlet and rip rap ditch from station 214+10 -L- Rt to station 214+70 -L- Rt in this location to avoid impacts to the historic property. The existing 54" CMP on Parnsip Branch at station 214+00 -L- is in poor condition and it will be replaced with anew 60" pipe. Further coordination will be required with the NCDOT Human Environment Unit to determine if this will have an adverse impact on the historic property. Sheet 19 • No changes recommended. Sheet 20A • Grass swale used from station 237+00 to 241+00 -L- Rt. • Preformed scour used left of station 246+30 -L- • Stream relocation of UT to Big Crabtree Creek from station 244+00 -L- Rt to station 248+00 -L- Rt. NCDOT will investigate if stream mitigation is possible at this location. It was noted that there is an archeological site in this location and that further coordination will be required with the NCDOT Human Environment Unit. Sheet 21A The existing 4 c@i 11' x 11' RCBC on Big Crabtree Creek at station 248+00 -L- will be replaced with a 3 span concrete girder bridge 216' in length. The center span will span the creek. NCDOT will restore Big Crabtree Creek where the culvert is removed. A dry detention Basin is proposed right of station 251+00 -L-. The existing 54" CMP on the UT to Big Crabtree Creek at station 15+05 -Y23A- is in poor condition and will be replaced with a 60" RCP. NCDOT will investigate if the rip rap bank protection upstream of the new 60" RCP in this location can be reduced. At this point in the meeting it was decided that another meeting would be required to finish the 4b review. NCDOT will try to combine the rest of the 4b meeting with the field meeting to review the South Toe River bridge crossing. The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 pm.