HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0004230_Monitoring - 03-2020_20200511 (2)Permit No.: W000004230 Non -Discharge Monitoring Report (NDMR) Facility PPI• Name: A Place At The Beach III Flow Measuring Point: Effluent County: Carteret Month: March Parameter Code 50050 00400 00310 Parameter Monitoring Point: 00610 00530 31616 00620 0m0L6200630 Effl uent m m E$ 00v9040 0060rnC 0 70?V2v9 50m060m 00076 Q E VI- ~ ` U C rDay E m C N m E m rncN5 m KO O ,_Qo U EO wa° o y5 ma c 24-hr hrs z z F w COF- 1 9:06 0.15 GPD 9250 U su m /L m /L m /L #/100 mL m /L m /L is .0 I > v ~ 2 7:48 0.15 0 m /L m /L m IL m /L 3 8:00 0.15 6974 4 7:48 0.2 7000 5 7:35 6 8:09 1.15 0.15 5500 10500 7.52 2.00 0.04 2.50 1.00 17.00 1.64 7 10:33 17.02 18.66 47.00 490.00 8750 8 7:47 0.15 8750 9 17:45 0.15 7500 0 6:51 0.15 6000 1 10:22 0.2 4500 2 10:36 0.2 6500 3 19:15 0,15 6500 4 10:37 0.1 7000 S 10:38 5750 i 15:40 0.15 5750 8:05 0.15 6500 1 8:34 0.15 1500 7:22 0.15 7500 10:39 0.1 8000 16:45 0.1 6000 10,41 5750 7:34 0.15 5750 12:30 0.15 3000 t, 18:30 0.15 6000 7:44 0.15 9000 12:02 0.15 4500 17:43 0.1 9500 7:27 0.15 12500 16:03 0.15 9500 6:44 0.15 9500 age: 6798 0.06 7.52 0.65 0.93 0.67 1.60 2.00 0.05 Maximum: 9250 2.50 1.00 8.83 1.29 7.52 2.00 0.04 2.50 8.85 10.13 47.00 490.00 Minimum: 0 7.52 1.00 17.00 1.64 17.02 18.66 2.00 0.04 2.50 1.00 47.00 490.00 0.00 ding Type: O.fiS 0.93 0.67 1.60 47.00 490.00 0.00 hly Limit: 55000 0.00 0.00 Limit: 10 4 20 14 le Frequencv* 10 Year: 665 o L o Q f W EL 2020 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 FORM: NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page of Sampling Person(s) Name: Stanley E. Buck III Name: Environment 1, Inc. Certified Laboratories Name: �{ Name: - s���t p�Q, �n-ComPf�ant Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? `� if the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. ( 1 } > �Q_C1-�� .. �c—Lj^-�\� � �S l.J UJW �� vLJSS� i Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Perrnittee Certification ORC: Stanley E. Buck III Pennittee: Certification No.: 993396 Signing Official: Grade: 3 Phone Number. 252-503-5307 Signing Official's Title: Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? El Yes E] No Phone Number: Permit Expiration: Date Signature Date Signature By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I terrify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction a supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that ail qualified personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the grformatlon, the Information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are signMlcant penalties for submitting false information, Including the possbTdy of fines and Imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-2) Permit No.: W000004230 Facility Name: A Place At The Beach III County: Carteret Month: March Year: 2020 Did infiltration occur at this facility? Site Name: Area (acres) Yes No Facility Name: Rate (GPDIft2): 1 Site Name: 2 Site Name: 3 Site Name: 0.064 Area (acres) 0.064 Area (acres) 0.064 Area (acres) High Rate Field 1 Facility Name: High Rate Field 2 Facility Name: High Rate Field 3 Facility Name: 6.5 Rate (GPD/ft2): 6.5 Rate (GPDIft2): 6.5 Rate (GPDIft2): Weather Freeboard Site Infiltrated? Site Infiltrated? Site Infiltrated? Site Infiltrated? VCL E u o to N u o_n Ma o _ rn Oa ? o 1 m C rn C m'a o Om_c 0 EW_ > E; m c mm i-c , maQd E > mE- i. �..aJa_ci a ac cy ❑F nLLa`m m F in ft ft gal min GPDIft2 ft gal min GPD/ft2 ft gal min GPD/ft2 ft gal min GPDIft2 ft 1 C 3083 1.11 3083 1 3085 1.11 2 C 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 PC 2465 0.88 2107 0.76 2402 0.86 4 CL 2334 0.84 2333 0.84 2333 0.84 5 R 1833 0.66 1834 0.66 1833 0.66 6 C 3500 1.26 3500 1.26 3500 1.26 7 2916 1.05 2916 1.05 2916 1.05 8 C 2916 1.05 2916 1.05 2917 1.05 9 C 2500 1 0.90 2500 0.90 2500 0.90 10 C 2000 0.72 2000 0.72 2000 0.72 11 PC 1500 0.54 1500 0.54 1500 0.54 12 PC 2166 0.78 2166 0.78 2166 0.78 13 C 3250 1.17 3250 1.17 3250 1.17 14 C 2333 0.84 2333 0.84 2333 0.84 15 C 1716 0.62 1716 0.62 1716 0.62 16 CL 1916 0.69 1916 0.69 1917 0.69 17 R 2166 0.78 2166 0.78 2167 0.78 18 C 500 0.18 500 0.18 500 0.18 19 PC 2500 0.90 2500 0.90 2500 0.90 20 C 2666 0.96 2666 0.96 2666 0.96 21 C 2o0o 0.72 2000 0.72 2000 0.72 22 1916 0.69 1914 0.69 1916 0.69 23 C 1916 0.69 1916 0.69 1 1967 0.71 24 C lobo 0.36 1000 0.36 1000 0.36 25 CL 2000 0.72 2000 0.72 2000 0.72 26 C 3000 1.08 3000 1.08 3000 1.08 27 C 1500 0.54 1500 0.54 1500 0.54 28 CL 3166 1.14 3166 1.14 3167 1.14 29 CL 4166 1.49 4166 1.49 4167 1.49 30 C 3166 1.14 3166 1.14 3167 1.14 31 PC Loading (GPDIft2): Year to Date Loading (GPDIft2): 3166 1.14 0.82 3166 1.14 0.82 3167 L1.Monthly 2 `fot& t4oAR-210-13 Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your pemnit? if not a basin, were the sites kept frt O of vegetation and raked? if not a basin, were there any instances of effluent Ponding in or runoff f=n the sites? qa ,ow ❑ft & owvftt PIQUOUt ate; Cl Clwwco� OWMANt a if a basin, were there any instances of breakout from the berms? Rjoanv"t Qft"bwfte Was the onsite automatically activated standby pow source bested and operational? ana If the Y is 1�� p� in the space below ft fig) ow fft vms not in • provde sr Your eu WnaWn the dMe(s) of the adWKS) taken Attach ad&io W sheets it necsssary- perrnittee Cerffwaftn OpwaW to Responses charge (OPQ Cho++ perr kbw ow.- Stanley Buck sw"oMclok r. gocatl m obm 903% Phom lhrartW. M-503M7 Cads: 3 Peewit eW Hss tM CpC changed since the previous MMR-2? Yes Oft phone N1rnIbN: s Dais 1 DaW Sbnawm sig�feh aoaadar�ce bu rtie test d 1ny lup++�9a Of nit doamst wd as almdrn� woes pm � Based an FM BY oft • 1 c,* ow tlis rep•n is ac=vft and d•+f�ied id asaw f W r 9m+dPaao.rtl P ad eral�Isd:b � to k*NM IM h1w" alto p� a POMMlAAro Ilr�pa tM �M _ �� � �ri•ra tla�t f�ers ava alAicsA Yianamwbmftd K io *&bW falree lnwmrenBon hdudinp � Poor cr 1°w•i�Y via pa Map Original and'hM Copies t - Di hftn Of Vfttm 140e0um" irdonraltlon Procemk* L" 161? fta Servlas Center RdqjgK f4OM Cardke 27699-1617