HomeMy WebLinkAbout20001424 Ver 1_Complete File_2000101810 , 4 STATE of No N DEPARTMENT OF JAMFS 13. I IUNT JR. P.0.13OX 25201, RALF ( i0VFRNOR r ck"- l ATION 1I-5201 DAVID MCCOY SECRETARY June 28, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: Eric Alsmeyer, USACOF. Raleigh Regulatory Field Oil-ice FROM: Eric Black, Natural Systems Specialist CA Project Development and Environmental Analysis St 113.II:Cf: Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 over Terrible Creek. Federal Aid Project BR%-1401(2); State project 8.2404501; TIP B-3055. Cc: John I lenessy, NCDENR, Division of Water Quality Tom McCartney, US Fish & Wildlife Service David Cox, 14C Wildlife Resources Commission I would like to schedule a field visit so that we may discuss any issues that the Corps of Engineers and other a-encies might have regarding project TIP 13-3055. The proposed project will include the draining or partial draining of Johnson's Pond a Class "B-NSW" water of the State. The recommended alternative has changed since the original Categorical FACILISion (CE) document was signed. Therefore, I have enclosed for your review a copy of the original ('I; document and its corresponding addendurn. I would appreciate any comments that you may have regarding the project. I can be reached by telephone at (919) 733-1 176 or hN, c-mail at eblack(ri?maiLdot.statc.nc.us. Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Aid Project BRZ - 1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 TIP Project B-3055 CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION and PROGRAMMATIC 4(f) EVALUATION U. S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION AND N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS APPROVED: 10-24-96 ? U. Date _?v, H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch Date „?Vicho WL. Graf, P. E. /`Division Administrator, FHWA Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Aid Project BRZ - 1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 TIP Project B-3055 CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION and PROGRAMMATIC 4(f) EVALUATION October 1996 Documentation Prepared in Planning and Environmental Branch By: - // 1 William T. Goodwin, Jr., P. E. Project Planning Engineer /0 - Z'/- 96 WayndElliott Bridge Project Planning Engineer, Unit Head Lubin V. Prevatt, P. E., Assistant Manager Planning and Environmental Branch `,,%%M III fiti/it., .?` ,?N GARp4 '?. •••••••..•.y ILL / ?•.••OFESS/py.••q Q? 9? S s SEAL = 21077 s it s>; Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Aid Project BRZ - 1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 TIP Project B-3055 1. SUMMARY OF PROJECT The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace Bridge No. 299, Wake County. This bridge carries SR 1404 over Terrible Creek (see Figure 1). NCDOT includes this bridge in the 1997-2003 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as a bridge replacement project. NCDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) classify this project as a federal Categorical Exclusion. These agencies expect no notable environmental impacts. NCDOT will replace Bridge No. 299 on new location as shown in Alternate 1, Figure 2. NCDOT recommends replacing the bridge with a culvert, on new location approximately 65 meters (215 feet) east of the existing bridge. The new culvert will be a three barrel reinforced concrete culvert, with each barrel measuring 3.0 meters (10 feet) by 2.4 meters (8 feet). The new roadway will be constructed at a slightly higher roadway elevation than the existing roadway and bridge. The new roadway will have a 7.2 meter (24 foot) wide travelway plus 2.4 meter (8 foot) shoulders. The completed project will provide a design speed of approximately 65 km/h (40 mph). The estimated cost is $ 985,000 including $ 35,000 for right of way acquisition and $ 950,000 for construction. The estimated cost included in the 1997-2003 TIP is $ 480,000. H. ANTICIPATED DESIGN EXCEPTIONS NCDOT may be required to seek a design exception due to the low design speed for this project. The design speed for the project is affected by the poor existing horizontal alignment. The recommended alternate will improve the design speed of the roadway, but it may not reach the desired design speed. III. SUMMARY OF PROJECT COMMITMENTS All standard procedures and measures will be implemented to avoid or minimize environmental impacts. All applicable Best Management Practices will be installed and properly maintained during project construction. In accordance with the provisions of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344), a permit will be required from the Corps of Engineers for the discharge of dredged or fill material into "Waters of the United States." A Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit # 23 will likely be applicable for this project. A North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) Section 401 Water Quality General Certification will be obtained prior to issue of the Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit # 23. Clearing activities will be kept to a minimum within the boundaries of the J. Beale Johnson House which is a National Register Listed residence located just southeast of Bridge No. 299. The removal of trees on the property will be limited to those trees absolutely necessary to construct the project. IV. EXISTING CONDITIONS NCDOT classifies SR 1404 as a rural local route in the Statewide Functional Classification System. The surrounding area is primarily rural-residential in nature, with few scattered residences among wooded lots and farm fields. However, the area is experiencing significant growth with several subdivisions being developed north and west of the bridge site. Near Bridge No. 299, SR 1404 is a two lane paved road, 5.4 meters (18 feet) wide with minimal grassed shoulders. Both the vertical and horizontal alignment of the south approach to the bridge are poor. The alignment of the north approach is much better. NCDOT built Bridge No. 299 in 1955. The bridge has an asphalt overlay surface on a timber deck with steel I-beam girders (see Figure 3). The southern abutment and two of the bents of the bridge are made of timber. The northernmost bent and end bent are solid reinforced concrete piers. These two piers are part of the buttressing for the dam that forms Johnson's pond. The spillway for the dam is directly adjacent to Bridge No. 299. The deck of Bridge No. 299 is 6.4 meters (21 feet) above the streambed. Water depth is approximately 0.3 meters (1.0 foot) in the project area. The bridge is 39.3 meters (129 feet) long with a 5.5 meter (18 foot) roadway width. It carries two lanes of traffic and the posted load limits are 9 tons for single vehicles and 12 tons for Truck-tractor Semi-trailer (TTST). According to Bridge Maintenance Unit records, the sufficiency rating of Bridge No. 299 is 2.0 of a possible 100.0. The current traffic volume is 1400 vehicles per day (VPD), projected to 3700 VPD by the design year (2020). The speed limit is posted at 35 mph on SR 1404 in the area of Bridge No. 299. Traffic Engineering accident records indicate four accidents occurred in the vicinity of Bridge No. 299 between October 1, 1992 and September 30, 1994. The Transportation Director for Wake County Schools indicated there are 10 school buses crossing the bridge twice each per day. 2 V. ALTERNATES Two methods of replacing Bridge No. 299 were studied. The alternates studied are as follows: Alternate One (Recommended) - replace the bridge on new alignment approximately 65 meters (215 feet) east of the existing bridge with a culvert. Traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge during construction. Alternate Two - replace the bridge on new alignment approximately 50 meters (164 feet) west of the existing bridge with a new 225 meter (740 feet) long bridge, over Johnson's Pond. Traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge during construction. The "do-nothing" alternate is not practical. The existing bridge would continue deteriorating until it was unusable. This would require closing the road, or continued intensive maintenance. Replacing Bridge No. 299 in-place with traffic detoured off-site was also considered and found not to be feasible due to the likelihood that the dam for Johnson's Pond would have to be replaced as well as the bridge, adding considerable cost to the project. VI. COST ESTIMATE Estimated costs of the alternates studied are as follows: Alternate One Alternate Two Recommended Structure Roadway Approaches Structure Removal i Misc. and Mobilization Engineering & Contingencies Total Construction Right of Way & Utilities TOTAL PROJECT COST 195,000 1,225,000 420,000 230,000 18,000 18,000 190,000 442,000 127,000 285,000 950,000 2,200,000 35,000 42,000 985,000 2,242,000 i The existing bridge will be removed down to the buttresses of the dam. The bridge abutments may be left in-place if the integrity of the dam would be affected by their removal. VII. RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS NCDOT will replace Bridge No. 299 on new location, as shown in Alternate 1, Figure 2. Traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge and roadway during construction. NCDOT will replace Bridge No. 299 with a culvert, on new location approximately 65 meters (215 feet) east of the existing bridge. The new culvert will be a three barrel reinforced concrete culvert, with each barrel measuring 3.0 meters (10 feet) by 2.4 meters (8 feet). The new roadway will be constructed at a slightly higher roadway elevation than the existing roadway and bridge. The new roadway will have a 7.2 meter (24 foot) wide travelway plus 2.4 meter (8 foot) shoulders. The project will require approximately 440 meters (1450 feet) of new approach roadway. Where the design requires guardrail, the shoulder will be at least 3.3 meters (11 feet) wide. The completed project will provide a design speed of approximately 65 km/h (40 mph). NCDOT recommends Alternate 1 in order to replace existing Bridge No. 299 in the most economical fashion. Alternate 2 has a significantly higher cost than Alternate 1. Alternate 2 would reduce direct wetland impacts, but might require the partial draining of Johnson's Pond to complete construction. All architectural and archaeological issues raised by Alternate 1 have been resolved to the satisfaction of the SHPO, FHWA and NCDOT. Alternate 2 would have avoided direct impacts to the J. Beale Johnson House, but may have had a more substantial visual effect on the historic setting of the house. Alternate 2 would have avoided the former Alford's Mill site, but an archaeological survey recovered all information of historic significance at the site. NCDOT expects utility conflicts to be low for a project of this type and magnitude. The division engineer concurs with the selection of Alternate 1. He states that traffic should be maintained on-site due to the number of vehicles involved. The recommended alternate will allow traffic to use the existing road and bridge during project construction. VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS A. General Environmental Effects The project is considered to be a "categorical exclusion" due to its limited scope and insignificant environmental consequences. The bridge replacement will not have a substantial adverse effect on the quality of the human or natural environment with the use of current NCDOT standards and specifications. The project is not in conflict with any plan, existing land use, or zoning regulation. No change in land use is expected to result from construction of the project. 4 No adverse effect on families or communities is anticipated. Right-of-way acquisition will be limited. No adverse effect on public facilities or services is expected. The project is not expected to adversely affect social, economic, or religious opportunities in the area. There are no publicly owned parks, recreational facilities, or wildlife and waterfowl refuges of national, state, or local significance in the vicinity of the project. There are no known hazardous waste sites in the project area and no unknown sites are likely to be found. Construction of the recommended alternate will not have a significant adverse impact on the floodplain or associated flood hazard. The elevation of the 100-year flood will not be increased by more than 30 centimeters (12 inches). B. Architectural and Archaeological Resources Architectural Resources The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has indicated that in terms of historic architectural resources, there are two sites of interest in the project vicinity. The J. Beale Johnson House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and is located within the project's area of potential effect. The Atkinson-Whitted House and Tower is on the state study list, and is located north of the project area on SR 1407. No additional historic architectural survey is required for this project. The Atkinson-Whitted House and Tower are not within the area of potential effect (APE) for the project and will not be effected by project construction. The J. Beale Johnson House is within the APE for the project but, as shown by the concurrence form in the appendix, the project has been determined to have "No Effect" on this National Register Listed property. Archaeological Resources The SHPO has indicated that there are the remains of a historic period mill site located east of the existing bridge. This site will be affected by the recommended alternate, and was evaluated and recorded during the archaeological survey. The SHPO has stated, by letter dated May 9, 1996, that the mill site is eligible for listing on the National Register. However, all significant information has been adequately retrieved so that the project will have No Adverse Effect upon the site. C. Natural Systems Southwestern Wake County lies in the Piedmont physiographic province. The topography of the project region is characterized by rolling hills. Soil types and availability of water directly influence the composition and distribution of flora and fauna in any biotic community. The elevation at the project site is approximately 88 meters (290 feet) above mean sea level. Soils Soils of the immediate project study area are dominated by the Appling, Herndon and Wehadkee Series. Soils of the Appling series vary in slope from 2-10 percent. Of the soil series present in the project area, only Wehadkee and Bibb soils are considered hydric. Table 1 summarizes characteristics of the soils mapped in the project study area. Table 1. Summary of the soils of the project site. Unit Soil Phase % Slope Hydric Class AgC Appling gravelly sandy loam 6-10 - ApB Appling sandy loam 2-6 - HrE Herndon silt loam 15-25 - Hydric Class 1 - Hydric soils, only because of saturation for a significant period during the growing season. For each soil series, site indices for several forest tree species that are commercially important are included. The site index is the average total height, in feet, of the dominant and codominant trees in a well-stocked, even-aged stand at 50 years of age and is a means of expressing the potential productivity of a soil for a given kind of tree. Soils of the Appling and Herndon series have a site index of 75-85 for loblolly pine, yellow poplar and sweetgum and 65- 75 for shortleaf pine and southern red oak. Wehadkee and Bibb soils have a site index of 85-95 for loblolly pine, sweetgum and water oak and 85-100 for yellow poplar (USDA Soil Conservation Service 1970). Overall, the soils in the project vicinity have a high potential productivity for forest resources. However, much of the area is currently maintained as cultivated fields and residential areas. Water resource information encompasses the resource's relationship to major water systems, physical aspects, Best Usage Classification, and water quality. Impacts to water resources are discussed, along with suggestions to minimize impacts. Characteristics of Water Resources Water resources located within the project study area lie in the Neuse River Drainage Basin. Terrible Creek [DEM Index No. 27- 43-15-8-(2)] originates approximately 3.2 kilometers (2.0 miles) west of the project site and flows into Middle Creek approximately 6.4 kilometers (4.0 miles) downstream from the project site. Middle Creek eventually flows into the Neuse River near Smithfield, central Johnston County. Currently SR 1404 crosses Terrible Creek on the dam that forms Johnson's Pond. The pond is a 6.9 hectares (17 acres) lake located on the west side of SR 1404 at the subject bridge. 6 Alternative 1 will cross Terrible Creek which is approximately 3 meters (10 feet) wide and 30.5 centimeters (12.0 inches) deep at the project site. This creek has fast flow, clear water, and a sand/silt-gravel bottom. Various unnamed tributaries of Terrible Creek transverse the east side of the project vicinity. The NWI map classifies this area as a PFO1 A (Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous, temporarily flooded) wetland. Johnson's Pond [DEM Index No. 27-43-15-8-(1)] is located on the west side of SR 1404 and will be bridged if Alternative 2 is chosen. The pond has shallow edges but quickly grades off into water greater than 4.5 meters (15.0 feet) deep. The NWI map classifies Johnson's pond as L 1 UBHh (Lacustrine, Limnetic, Unconsolidated Bottomland, Permanently flooded impoundment). Best Usage Classification Streams have been assigned a Best Usage Classification by the Division of Environmental Management (DEM). The best usage classification for Terrible Creek from the dam to Middle Creek is Class C NSW. Class C refers to waters suitable for aquatic life propagation and survival, fishing, wildlife, secondary recreation and agriculture. The supplemental NSW (Nutrient Sensitive Waters) classification refers to waters which require limitations on nutrient inputs. Johnson's Pond is classified as Class B NSW. Class B waters are considered primarily for recreation and any other usage specified by the "C" classification. NSW waters require limitations on nutrient inputs. Neither High Quality Waters (HQW), Water Supplies (WS-I or WS-II) nor Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) occur within 1.6 kilometers (1.0 miles) of the project study area. Water Quality The Benthic Macroinvertebrate Ambient Network (BMAN) is managed by the DEM and is part of an ongoing ambient water quality monitoring program which addresses long term trends in water quality. The program assesses water quality by sampling for selected benthic macroinvertebrate organisms at fixed monitoring sites. Macroinvertebrates are sensitive to very subtle changes in water quality; thus, the species richness and overall biomass of these organisms are reflections of water quality. BMAN information is not available for Terrible Creek (NC DEHNR 1991). Point source dischargers located throughout North Carolina are permitted through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. Any discharger is required to register for a permit. One permitted discharger is located in the project vicinity. The Fuquay Varina/Terrible Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant is located approximately 0.5 kilometers (0.3 miles) northeast of the project site on a tributary of Terrible Creek. This tributary enters Terrible Creek downstream from the project site. Summary of Anticipated Impacts to Water Resources Project construction could involve either the installation of a culvert through which Terrible Creek will flow (Alternative 1) or bridging the lower end of Johnson's Pond (Alternative 2). Crossing Terrible Creek at a new location downstream from the current crossing at the dam will result in temporary impacts to the water quality of the stream. Project construction from either alternative may result in the following impacts to surface waters: - Increased sedimentation and siltation from erosion; 7 - Changes in light incidence and water clarity due to increased sedimentation and vegetation removal; - Alteration of water levels and flows due to interruptions and/or additions to surface and ground water flow from construction; - Changes in water temperature due to vegetation removal, and; - Increased concentration of toxic compounds from highway construction and toxic spills. Precautions should be taken to minimize these and other impacts to water resources in the study area. This can be accomplished by protecting stream bank vegetation, installing silt fences as well as other erosion and sedimentation controls. NCDOT's Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters and Sedimentation Control guidelines should be strictly enforced during the construction stage of the project. Provisions to preclude unnecessary contamination by toxic substances during the construction interval should also be strictly enforced. Biotic resources include aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. This section describes those ecosystems encountered in the study area, as well as the relationships between fauna and flora within these ecosystems. Composition and distribution of biotic communities throughout the project area are reflective of topography, hydrologic influences and past and present land uses. Descriptions of the terrestrial systems are presented in the context of plant community classifications. Natural plant community titles follow Schafale and Weakley (1990) where possible. Dominant flora and fauna likely to occur in each community are described and discussed. Identifications and nomenclature of vascular plants were made primarily with Radford gI al. (1968). Fauna observed during field investigations are designated with an asterisk (*). Terrestrial Communities A variety of disturbed biotic communities dominate the project study area. The roadside shoulder, newly installed sewer line and hay field are maintained at an early successional stage. A Piedmont Bottomland Forest is present along Terrible Creek on the east side of the existing bridge. Disturbed Communities The roadside shoulder, sewer line ROW and hay field are dominated mostly by herbaceous and shrubby, early successional species. Herbaceous plants include meadow fescue, broomsedge, black nightshade, dog fennel, various species of goldenrods and elephant's foot. Pokeweed, greenbrier, poison ivy and Florida blue lettuce were also common within the disturbed portions of the project study area. Shrubby species common to these disturbed sites include blackberry, green ash, loblolly pine and red maple. Disturbed areas such as these are used by a variety of animals for foraging and nesting. Avian species such as rufous sided towhee*, northern cardinal*, brown thrasher*, Carolina chickadee* and red tailed hawk* were observed in both the disturbed and forested portion of the project study area. Mourning dove, ruby throated hummingbird, American goldfinch and various other songbirds are also likely to be found in the project study area. Scavenging birds such as the American crow* and turkey vulture are probably present during most of the year. 8 Other faunal species likely to inhabit or use these disturbed areas include white-tailed deer, raccoon*, Virginia opossum, white-footed mouse and the southeastern shrew. Upland chorus frog, spring peeper and northern cricket frog are likely amphibians. Black rat snakes and rough green snakes may be found throughout the disturbed areas. Piedmont Bottomland Forest The forested area lying within the project study area is primarily Piedmont Bottomland Forest. Based on the presence of hydrophytic vegetation, hydrology and hydric soils, much of this area meets the necessary criteria to be classified as a jurisdictional wetland. Herbaceous species common to the wetland areas of the Bottomland Forest include common rush, Japanese grass, false nettle, spotted touch-me-not, privet, Japanese honeysuckle and meadow fescue. Other herbaceous species include meadow garlic, wild strawberry and mouse-ear chickweed. Canopy species common to this forest include sycamore, red maple, river birch, water oak, loblolly pine, sweetgum and dogwood. Great blue herons and green backed herons are likely residents of the Bottomland Forest and spend a considerable amount of time feeding in Johnson's Pond and Terrible Creek. Many of the animals that inhabit or use the disturbed areas are probably also found in the adjacent Bottomland Forest including birds such as northern cardinal, Carolina chickadee, red-tailed hawk and American crow. White-tailed deer, raccoon, Virginia opossum, upland chorus frogs, eastern newt, slimy salamander, eastern box turtle and black snakes are all likely inhabitants. Aquatic Communities Two types of aquatic communities are present in the project study area. Johnson's Pond dominates the western half of the project study area while Terrible Creek and one of its unnamed tributaries is to the east of the current bridge. Johnson's Pond Johnson's Pond was created as a result of a dam on Terrible Creek at the current bridge. Aquatic vegetation such as cattails, smartweeds and submerged pondweeds are likely to be found in the pond. Great blue herons and green-backed herons feed on various species of fish, reptiles and amphibians as well as crustaceans associated with the pond. Fish species likely to inhabit Johnson's Pond include eastern mosquito fish, largemouth bass, bluegill, red-breasted sunfish and catfish. Snapping turtle and stinkpot are common turtles in aquatic habitats of the Piedmont. Bullfrog, southern leopard frog and pickerel frog are all common in lakes and ponds in the project region. Crayfish species are commonly found in or near aquatic habitats in the Piedmont. Piedmont Perennial Stream Terrible Creek and its unnamed tributary are both considered Piedmont perennial streams. Fish species common to Piedmont streams include creek chub, green sunfish, pumpkinseed, bluegill and rosyside dace. These fish species feed on a variety of aquatic insects including caddisflies and mayflies. Anticipated Impacts to Biotic Communities Construction of the subject project will have various impacts on the biotic resources described. Any construction related activities in or near these resources has the potential to 9 impact biological functions. This section quantifies and qualifies impacts to the natural resources in terms of the ecosystems affected. Both temporary and permanent impacts are considered. Calculated impacts to terrestrial communities reflect the relative abundance of each community at the project site. Project construction will result in the clearing and degradation of portions of these communities. Table 2 summarizes potential quantitative losses of these biotic communities resulting from project construction. Estimated terrestrial impacts are derived using a ROW width of 18.3 meters (60.0 feet) on the northern end of Alternative I and 40 meters (130 feet) in the portion of Alternative 1 where Terrible Creek will be culverted. Usually, project construction does not require the entire ROW width; therefore, actual impacts may be considerably less. Impacts to Johnson's Pond (Alternative 2) are based on the surface area of the bridge and a 18.3 meter (60.0 foot) ROW width. Terrestrial communities found in the study area serve as nesting, feeding and sheltering habitat for various wildlife. Alternative 1 will impact approximately 1.1 hectares (2.7 acres) of land. Approximately 0.6 hectares (1.5 acres) of this area is Bottomland Forest while the other 0.1 hectares (0.2 acres) constitutes disturbed areas including an agricultural field and existing roadside shoulder. Approximately 0.4 hectares (1.0 acres) of the Bottomland Hardwood Forest in the vicinity of the proposed culvert is jurisdictional wetland. Habitat reduction concentrates wildlife into smaller areas of refuge, thus causing some species to become more susceptible to disease, predation and starvation. Impacts to the aquatic community include degradation of water quality, thus negatively impacting the aquatic organisms living in the stream. The surface area impacts to Terrible Creek will be extensive where the stream will be culverted. The culvert will require stream widening upstream and downstream from the crossing. The channelization of 40 meters (130 feet) of the stream is required for the culvert and will disrupt the aquatic community in Terrible Creek. Culverting such a long section of Terrible Creek will most likely displace all of the fish and most of the aquatic invertebrates that are currently inhabiting this portion of the stream. Alternative 2 (bridging Johnson's Pond) will have the least impact on the terrestrial communities within the project area. Only 0.2 hectares (0.5 acres) of Bottomland Forest and 0.1 hectares (0.2 acres) of disturbed habitat will be impacted by Alternative 2. This alternative will also impact a narrow fringing wetland along the northeastern edge of Johnson's Pond. This wetland is less than 0.03 hectares (0.07 acres) in size. The initial impacts to the aquatic community of Johnson's Pond resulting from bridge construction could be great. The substrate of the pond will be impacted as pilings are inserted during bridge construction. If the water level must be lowered for construction activities, large numbers of fish will likely be killed. If the pond is completely drained and the substrate dries out, aquatic invertebrates will also be lost. Permanent impacts to Johnson's Pond include shading 0.14 hectares (0.35 acres) of surface waters. Shading will negatively impact the lake community by reducing the amount of phytoplankton as well as reducing water temperatures in this portion of the lake. Normal traffic as well as maintenance activities (salt, paint, etc.) will contribute toxic compounds into the pond. Table 2 Anticipated impacts to biotic communities wetlands and surface waters. Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Disturbed 0.1 ha (0.2 ac) 0.1 ha (0.2 ac) Bottomland Forest 0.6 ha (1.5 ac) 0.2 ha (0.5 ac) Wetland 0.4 ha (1.0 ac) 0.03 ha (0.07 ac) Surface Water 0 01 ha (0 02 ac) 0.14 ha (0.35 ac) 10 Jurisdictional Tom Waters of the United States Surface waters and jurisdictional wetlands fall under the broad category of Waters of the United States, as defined Section 33 of the Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Part 328.3. Wetlands are defined in 33 CFR 328.3 as those areas inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted to life in saturated conditions. Any action that proposes to place fill material into these areas falls under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 U.S.C. 1344). Characteristics of Wetlands and Surface Waters Criteria to determine the presence of jurisdictional wetlands includes evidence of hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation and hydrology. Wetlands and surface waters will be impacted by the proposed project. One large wetland is located to the east of the dam creating Johnson's Pond. Approximately 0.6 hectares (1.5 acres) of this wetland will be impacted by Alternative 1. A second wetland located in the project study area fringes Johnson's Pond. Alternative 2 will only impact less than 0.03 hectares (0.07 acres) of jurisdictional wetland near the northeastern corner of the pond. Both wetlands contained hydrophytic plants such as red maple, sweet gum, river birch, sycamore, spotted touch-me-not and false nettle. Hydric soils with a color of l OYR 4/1 and 3/1 were present with mottles of 10 YR 4/6. Terrible Creek will be impacted by Alternative 1 while Alternative 2 will impact Johnson's Pond. Permits As mentioned above, impacts to surface waters and jurisdictional wetlands are anticipated from project construction. In accordance with provisions of Section 404 of the CWA, a permit will be required from the COE for the discharge of dredge or fill material into "Waters of the United States." A Section 404 Nationwide Permit 33 CFR 330.5 (A) (23) is likely to be applicable for all impacts to Waters of the United States from the proposed project. This permit authorizes activities undertaken, assisted, authorized, regulated, funded or financed in whole, or part, by another Federal agency or department where that agency or department has determined that pursuant to the council on environmental quality regulation for implementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act; (1) that the activity, work, or discharge is categorically excluded from environmental documentation because it is included within a category of actions which neither individually nor cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment, and; (2) that the office of the Chief of Engineers has been furnished notice of the agency's or department's application for the categorical exclusion and concurs with the determination. This project will also require a 401 Water Quality General Certification from the DEM prior to the issuance of a Nationwide Permit. Section 401 of the CWA requires that the state issue or deny water certification for any federally permitted or licensed activity that may result in a discharge to Waters of the United States. Final decisions concerning applicable permits rest with the COE. Mitigation The COE has adopted, through the Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ), a wetland mitigation policy which embraces the concept of "no net loss of wetlands." The purpose of this policy is to maintain and restore the chemical, biological and physical integrity of Waters of the United States, specifically wetlands. Mitigation of wetland impacts has been defined by the CEQ to include: avoiding impacts (to wetlands), minimizing impacts, rectifying impacts, reducing impacts over time and compensating for impacts (40 CFR) 1508.20. Each of these three aspects (avoidance, minimization and compensatory mitigation) must be considered sequentially. Avoidance Avoidance alternatives examine all appropriate and practicable possibilities of averting impacts to Waters of the United States. According to a 1990 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Environmental Protection Agency and the COE, in determining "appropriate and practicable" measures to offset unavoidable impacts, such measure should be appropriate to the scope and degree of those impacts and practicable in terms of cost, existing technology and logistics. Alternative 1 involves crossing Terrible Creek downstream from the current crossing (on the dam). This alternative would have the greatest impact to jurisdictional wetlands which could only be avoided by bridging the wetland or moving this section of new location further east. Alternative 2 would have only minor impacts to wetlands that fringe the edge of Johnson's Pond but would have the greatest impact to surface waters as it crosses Johnson's Pond. Minimization Minimization includes the examination of appropriate and practical steps to reduce the adverse impacts to Waters of the United States. Implementation of these steps will be required through project modifications and permit conditions. Minimization typically focuses on decreasing the footprint of the proposed project through the reduction of median widths, ROW widths, fill slopes and/or road shoulder widths. Since much of the bottomland area east of the dam is jurisdictional wetland, shifting the relocated section of Alternative 1 either west or slightly east of its proposed location would still have significant wetland impacts. Shifting the new location section several hundred meters to the east would minimize impacts to wetlands. Alternative 2, involving bridging Johnson's Pond would only impact a small wetland along the edge of the pond. Impacts to this wetland could be lessened by extending the bridge over the fringing wetland. Impacts to surface waters would be great. Additional means to minimize impacts to the waters and wetlands crossed by the proposed project include: strict enforcement of sedimentation control using Best Management Practices for the protection of surface waters during the entire construction life of the project; reduction of clearing and grubbing activity, particularly in riparian areas and reduction or elimination of direct discharge into streams; reduction of runoff velocity; re-establishment of vegetation on exposed areas, with prudent pesticide and herbicide management; minimization of in-stream activity and litter and debris control. The use of any number of these methods will be effective in reducing the degradation of water quality resulting from project construction. Compensatory Mitigation Compensatory mitigation is not normally considered until anticipated impacts to Waters of the United States have been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent possible. It is recognized that "no net loss of wetlands" functions and values may not be achieved in each and every permit action. Appropriate and practicable compensatory mitigation is required for 12 unavoidable, adverse impacts which remain after all appropriate and practicable minimization has been done. Compensatory actions often include restoration, creation and enhancement of Waters of the United States. Such actions should be undertaken in areas adjacent to or contiguous the project site, when possible. Projects authorized under Nationwide Permits usually do not require compensatory mitigation according to the 1989 Memorandum Agreement between the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Army. The final decision regarding mitigation rests with the Corps of Engineers. Rare and Protected Species Some populations of fauna and flora have been in the process of decline either due to natural forces or their inability to coexist with human activities. Federal law (under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act [ESA] of 1973, as amended) requires that any action, likely to adversely affect a species classified as federally-protected, be subject to review by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). Other species may receive additional protection under separate state laws. Federally-Protected Species Plants and animals with federal classifications of Endangered, Threatened, Proposed Endangered and Proposed Threatened are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the ESA. Four federally-protected species are known from Wake County as of April 1, 1996 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1995). An endangered species is a species that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. Alismodonta heterodon (dwarf wedge mussel) The dwarf wedge mussel is a small mussel having a distinguishable shell noted by two lateral teeth on the right half and one on the left half. The periostracum (outer shell) is olive green to dark brown in color and the nacre (inner shell) is bluish to silvery white. Known populations of the dwarf wedge mussel in North Carolina are in portions of the Neuse and Tar River systems. This mussel is sensitive to agricultural, domestic, and industrial pollutants and requires a stable silt free streambed with well oxygenated water to survive. Biological Conclusion: No Effect NCDOT biologist Tim Savidge surveyed Terrible Creek at the project site for dwarf wedge mussels on September 5, 1995 and found no specimens of this species. Further, the NC Natural Heritage Program database of rare species and unique habitats currently does not indicate any populations of dwarf wedge mussel in the project vicinity. This project will not affect the dwarf wedge mussel. Haliaeetus leucoce hp alus (bald eagle) Adult bald eagles can be identified by their large white head and short white tail. The body plumage is dark brown to chocolate brown in color. In flight bald eagles can be identified by their flat wing soar. Eagle nests are found in close proximity to water (within a half mile), in the largest living tree in an area, and having an open view of the surrounding land. Human disturbance can cause an eagle to abandon otherwise suitable habitat. The breeding season for the bald eagle begins in 13 December or January. Fish are a major food source for bald eagles. Other sources include coots, herons, and wounded ducks. Food may be either live or carrion. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Johnson's Pond, the only body of water in the project site, is not likely to support bald eagle foraging because of its size. No bald eagles or their nests were observed during either site visit. The NC Natural Heritage Program database of rare species and unique habitats does not indicate any populations of bald eagles in the vicinity of the project. This project will not affect the bald eagle. (red-cockaded woodpecker) The adult red-cockaded woodpecker has a plumage that is entirely black and white except for small red streaks on the sides of the nape in the male. The back of the red cockaded woodpecker is black and white with horizontal stripes. The breast and underside of this woodpecker are white with streaked flanks. The red cockaded woodpecker has a large white cheek patch surrounded by the black cap, nape, and throat. Red cockaded woodpeckers use open old growth stands of southern pines, particularly longleaf pine, for foraging and nesting habitat. A forested stand must contain at least 50% pine, lack a thick understory, and be contiguous with other stands to be appropriate habitat for the RCW. These birds nest exclusively in trees that are >60 years old and are contiguous with pine stands at least 30 years of age. The foraging range of this species is up to 200 hectares (500 acres). This acreage must be contiguous with suitable nesting sites. These woodpeckers nest exclusively in living pine trees and usually in trees that are infected with the fungus that causes red-heart disease. Cavities are located in colonies from 3.6- 30.3 meters (12.0-100.0 feet) above the ground and average 9.1-15.7 meters (30.0-50.0 feet) high. Cavity trees can be identified by a large incrustation of running sap that surrounds the tree. The red cockaded woodpecker lays its eggs in April, May, and June; the eggs hatch approximately 38 days later. Biological Conclusion: No Effect The project vicinity is mainly composed of a bottomland hardwood forest. No mature pine stands are present at or near the project site. Thus, suitable habitat for this species does not exist. The NC Natural Heritage Program database of rare species and unique habitats does not indicate any populations of red-cockaded woodpeckers in the project vicinity. Therefore, this project will not affect the red-cockaded woodpecker. Rhus michauxii (Michaux's sumac) Michaux's sumac is a densely pubescent rhizomatous shrub. The bases of the leaves are rounded and their edges are simply or doubly serrate. The flowers of Michaux's sumac are greenish to white in color. Fruits, which develop from August to September on female plants, are a red densely short-pubescent drupe. This plant occurs in rocky or sandy open woods. Michaux's sumac is dependent on some sort of disturbance to maintain the openness of its habitat. It usually grows in association with basic soils and occurs on sand or sandy loams. Michaux's sumac grows only in open habitat where it can get full sunlight. Michaux's sumac does not compete well with other species, such as Japanese honeysuckle, with which it is often associated. 14 Biological Conclusion: No Effect Very little habitat exists for this species at the project site. Most of the disturbed areas are mowed on a regular basis. A plant by plant survey for BIlj,? michauxii was conducted by walking the disturbed habitats during the site visits and no specimens were found. The NC Natural Heritage Program database of rare species and unique habitats does not indicate any populations Michaux's sumac in the project vicinity. This project will not affect Michaux's sumac. D. Air Quality and Traffic Noise The project is located in Wake County, which is within the Raleigh-Durham nonattainment area for ozone (03) as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) designated these areas as a "moderate" nonattainment area for 03. and CO. However, due to improved monitoring data, these areas were redesignated as "maintenance" for 03 on June 17, 1994, and "maintenance" for CO on September 18, 1995. Section 176(c) of the CAAA requires that transportation plans, programs, and projects conform to the intent of the state air quality implementation plan (SIP). The current SIP does not contain any transportation control measures for Wake County. The Capital Area 1995 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) has been determined to conform to the intent of the SIP. The MPO approval date for the TIP is August 9, 1995. The USDOT approval date of the TIP is November 1, 1995. The current conformity determination is consistent with the final conformity rules found in 40 CFR Part 51. There have been no significant changes in the project design concept or scope, as used in the conformity analysis. The impact on air quality will be insignificant. This project is an air quality neutral project, therefore a project level CO analysis is not required. If the project disposes of vegetation by burning, all burning shall be done in accordance with applicable local laws and regulations of the North Carolina SIP for air quality in compliance with 15 NCAC 2D.0520. This evaluation completes the assessment requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments and the National Environmental Policy Act. The project requires no additional reports. The project will not significantly increase traffic volumes. Therefore, it will have no substantial impact on noise levels. Temporary noise increases may occur during construction. E. Farmland The Farmland Protection Policy Act of 1981 requires all federal agencies or their representatives to consider the impact of land acquisition and construction projects on prime and important farmland soils. These soils are determined by the US Soil Conservation Service (SCS) based on criteria such as potential crop yield and possible level of input of economic resources. The SCS was consulted to determine whether the proposed realignment and replacement of Bridge No. 299 will impact farmland soils. The SCS completed Form AD-1006, Farmland Conversion Impact Rating, indicating approximately 0.50 acres of prime farmland soils would be affected in the proposed realignment alternate [Alternate One]. The relative value of the farmland to be converted by Alternate One was 13.4 on a scale of 100 points. The total farmland conversion impact rating is 46.4 on a scale of 260. An impact rating of 160 or above would have constituted the rejection of an alternate as a possible project location. There is no active farmland in the project area, therefore the impact of the project to prime farmland soils will not be mitigated. 15 IX. CONCLUSIONS Based on the above discussion, NCDOT and FHWA conclude that the project will cause no significant environmental impacts. Therefore, the project may be processed as a Categorical Exclusion. WTG/ 16 H-a LIE im M17 POND L 7 Y ' ?,rvh NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL N?n7IBRANCH WAKE COUNTY REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 299 ON SR 1404 OVER TERRIBLE CREEK B - 3055 0 mile 1 FIG. 1 Y a 'k, , 41 "i f yy? 4 I y ,' , ' ?:. ty Pl p? 1 y ??'tc fir; • v i r v , ° r Y off r aA?rla?. hk k?? ? ` 4? ?t. a ,y JI li r `µ h 6 1 ? i ^dµ a?j?qq v i - - 'ter-- ,?`Y 'r r+MaEt? #.'? nNt +>:P+?•'t ?,-r., )PX [ f 1: ;? 0 klj- ilk 1 g4T1??,ky , f'7 1 Mt p11F' yy y+ ??++^^r7 K ?r?''dr?r'.. .wF lal'Mat + n ¦ c I O 1. 1 !Ir l O p fD a???aSl Match Eli...-, - % »1;71, . d ~ 88 a w U c an x ? ? 4 ? H A W ? v o , QJ ? \3rr._ .n? v? • '' F ? 1 ? l 14 r Rt2RV;? J 1: ?,1 ?(+? ?2 NX gajtl i b b O a y b IW47:?tt ,:., -i LOOKING NORTH ACROSS BRIDGE North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways Planning & Environmental Branch Wake County Replace Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION FINAL NATIONWIDE SECTION 4(f) EVALUATION AND APPROVAL FOR FEDERALLY-AIDED HIGHWAY PROJECTS WITH MINOR INVOLVEMENTS WITH HISTORIC SITES TIP Project No.: B-3055 State Project No. 8,2404501 Federal-Aid Project No.: BRZ-1404(2) DESCRIPTION: Replacement of Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 over Terrible Creek in Wake County. The historic resource involved in the project is the J. Beale Johnson House, a National Register Listed house located just southeast of the existing bridge. 1'S NO 1. Is the proposed project designed to improve the operational characteristics, safety, and/or physical condition of the existing highway facility on essentially X a the same alignment? X 2. Is the project on new location ? X 3. Is the historic site adjacent to the existing highway? 4. Does the project require the removal or alteration X of historic buildings, structures, or objects? 5. Does the project disturb or remove archaeological resources which are important to preserve in place a X rather than to recover for archaeological research? 6. a. Is the impact on the Section 4(f) site considered X ? minor (i.e. no effect, no adverse effect) ? b. If the project is determined to have "no adverse effect" on the historic site, does the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation object to the determination N/A of "no adverse effect"? 7. Has the SHPO agreed, in writing, with the assessment X a of impacts and the proposed mitigation? EIS? f F] X 8. an Does the project require the preparation o ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED AND FOUND NOT TO BE FEASI BLE AND P RUDENT The following alternatives were evaluated and found not to be feasible and prudent: NO 1. Do nothine Does the "do nothing" alternative: X (a) correct capacity deficiencies? d ? f h i i X azar s ety ng sa st or (b) correct ex di i ? d X con t ons or (c) correct deteriorate X and (d) create a cost or impact of extraordinary measure ? 2. Improve the highway without using the adjacent historic site. (a) Have minor alignment shifts, changes in standards, use of retaining walls, etc., or traffic management measures been evaluated? X (b) The items in 2(a) would result in: (circle, as appropriate) (i) substantial adverse environmental impacts or (ii) substantial increased costs or (iii) unique engineering, transportation, maintenance, or safety problems or (iv) substantial social, environmental, or economic impacts or (v) a project which does not meet the need or (vi) impacts, costs, or problems which are of extraordinary magnitude -U ?i? 3. Build an improved facility on new location without X using the historic site. (a) An alternate on new location would result in: (circle, as appropriate) (i) a project which does not solve the existing problems or (ii) substantial social, environmental, or economic impacts or (iii a substantial increase in project cost or engineering difficulties and (iv) such impacts, costs, or difficulties of truly unusual or unique or extraordinary magnitude MINIMIZATION OF HARM YU N2 1. The project includes all possible planning to minimize X harm necessary to preserve the historic integrity of the site. 2. Measures to minimize harm have been agreed to, in X ? accordance with 36 CFR Part 800, by the FHWA, the SHPO, and as appropriate, the ACHP. 3. Specific measures to minimize harm are described as follows: The clearing and removal of trees within the boundary of the National Register Listed property will be kept to the minimum necessary for project construction. Note: Any response in a box requires additional information prior to approval. Consult Nationwide 4(f) evaluation. The proposed project has been coordinated with the following (attach correspondence): a. State Historic Preservation Officer x b. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation N/A c. Property owner N/A d. Local/State/Federal Agencies x e. US Coast Guard N/A (for bridges requiring bridge permits) SUMMARY AND APPROVAL The project meets all criteria included in the programmatic 4(f) evaluation approved on December 23, 1986. All required alternatives have been evaluated and the findings made are clearly applicable to this project. There are no feasible and prudent alternatives to the use of the historic site. The project includes all possible planning to minimize harm, and the measures to minimize harm will be incorporated in the project. All appropriate coordination has been successfully completed with local and state agencies. Approved: lo.z4..9S Date 4st Manager, Planning & Environmental Branch NCDOT Date /-y,Divisic67Admimstrator, FHWA Federal Aid m r-7- 1404 (Z? TIP ir P,-', C,5 CONCURRENCE FORM FOR ASSESSi1IENT OF EFFECTS County W XK.F- Brief Project Description rto- 211,1 •N ' ?z 14o4 ovF.R. TER-2te-LE, 69L69IL On Ju411 representatives of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Other reviewed the subject project and agreed ? there are no e5ects on the National Resister-listed property within the project's area of potential a ect and listed on the reverse. there are no effects on the National Register-eligible properties located within the project's area of potential elect and listed on the reverse. there is an effect on the National Register-listed property/properties within the project's area of potential effect. The property-prope:-zies and the effect(s) are listed on the reverse. there is an effect on the National Register-eligible proper ty/properties within the project's area of potential effect. The property/properties and effect(s) are listed on the reverse. Siened: Represe OT, Historic Architectural Resources Section FH VA/tor the ivisi& Administrator, or other r ederal Agency Representative, SHPO is 1& Dat Date Da tate Historic Preservation Officer ' (over) ederal Aid m 1?,a-? • t4o¢ (2l TIP >r`°5S County 1•.IAK-E rope:-ties within area of potential effect for which there is no effect. Indicate if property is ational Register-listed (NR) or determined eligible (DE). .-_1. So?.1 (AouSE ( NRJ DG,r-W.tc- 1- Nill i,,e4KJe. {tilt' e?tJif.Kwter•Fal cows il+?tiwl- f? wbiKi•Kiz? c.{sariv?? r)ilitiiN 1t4G pror.,a ?1? 1.1-• ??• r? v??lkiH ?h?i c1i?y?li(Ti Lj.Kno?w.?? a(? 11+v p?vprr? . 'roperties within area of potential effect for which there is an effect. Indicate property status (1IR )r DE) and describe effect. season(s) why effect is not adverse (if applicable). Initialed: ;`iCDOT FMVA SHPO G , 6011", 5r- rF v ?a North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James B. Hunt Jr., Governor Betty Ray McCain, Secretary May 9, 1996 Nicholas L. Graf Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration Department of Transportation 310 New Bern Avenue Raleigh, N.C. 27601-1442 Division of Archives and History Jeffrey J. Crow, Director U A 1 A lb Re: Archaeological report for replacement of Bridge q \G"\ 4` \ No. 299 on SR 1404, Federal Aid Project BRZ- i 1404(2) ; State Project 8.2404501, TIP B-3055, N\;0 IN4 Wake County, ER 95-8113, ER 96-8761 & Et+1V1A Dear Mr. Graf: Thank you for your letters of March 18, 1996, and April 11, 1996, and the accompanying archaeological report and site form by John Mintz and Thomas Beaman of the North Carolina Department of Transportation for the above project. For purposes of compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, it is our opinion that the following property is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion D: 31WAl255** The Johnson's Mill (Alford's Mill) Site (31 WA1255 * *) is eligible because it is a good example of early twentieth century water powered technology in the North Carolina Piedmont and has yielded important information about that technology. The archaeological report is excellent. The research and recordation already accomplished is comprehensive. The significant information concerning water powered technology has been adequately retrieved so that the proposed bridge replacement will have No Adverse Effect upon archaeological site 31 WA1255 * * Mr. Mintz and Mr. Beaman are to be commended for the quality of their report which meets our office's guidelines and those of the Secretary of the Interior. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. .=j 109 East Jones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2807 Q3 Nicholas L. Graf May 9, 1996, Page 2 Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. Since ely, avid Brook Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:slw / cc: H. F. Vick T. Padgett J. Mintz T. Beaman ;w. 51Nj FEB 2 2 1995 ..'r A North Carolina Department of Cultural Resour 2 0?v?s?cti ?, , NIGHV???N . , James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Division Betty Ray McCain, Secretary William S. rector February 17, 1995 Nicholas L. Graf Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration Department of Transportation 310 New Bern Avenue Raleigh, N.C. 27601-1442 Re: Replace Bridge 299 on SR 1404 over Terrible Creek, Wake County, B-3055, Federal Aid Project BRZ-1404(2), State Project 8.2404501, ER 95- 8113 Dear Mr. Graf: On February 7, 1995, Debbie Bevin of our staff met with North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) staff for a meeting of the minds concerning the above project. We reported our available information on historic architectural and archaeological surveys and resources along with our recommendations. NCDOT provided project area photographs and aerial photographs at the meeting and for our use afterwards. Based upon our review of the photographs and the information discussed at the meeting, we offer our preliminary comments regarding this project. In terms of historic architectural resources, the J. Beale Johnson House, which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places, is located within the project's area of potential effect. The Atkinson-Whitted House and Tower, which is included on the state study list, is located north of the project area on SR 1407. We recommend that no historic architectural survey be conducted for this project. The remains of a historic period mill site are located east of the existing bridge. If this site will be affected by the proposed replacement, archaeological investigations to record and evaluate the site are recommended prior to construction activities. Having provided this information, we look forward to receipt of either a Categorical Exclusion or Environmental Assessment which indicates how NCDOT addressed our comments. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance With Section 106, codified at 36 CFR Part 800. 109 East Jones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2807 ??? Nicholas L. Graf February 17, 1995, Page 2 Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. Sincerely, GDavid Brook Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:slw cc: vii. F. Vick B. Church T. Padgett J . % Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Aid Project BRZ - 1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 TIP Project B-3055 ADDENDUM TO CATEGORICAL EXCLUSIOI- U. S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION AND APPROVED: N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Date ?,- William D. Gilmore, P. E., Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch 03123//y,K( Date Xicholas L. Graf, P. E. Division Administrator, FHWA Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Aid Project BRZ - 1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 TIP Project B-3055 ADDENDUM TO CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION March 1991 Documentation Prepared in Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch By: N 94 , O ??FESS/p?9 ?.. William T. Goodw n, Jr., P. E. _ SEAL 21077 ? z ; Project Planning Engineer = ? •? \\\ ? ?` G 0 Way de Elliott Bridge Project Planning Engineer, Unit Head Lubin V. Prevatt, P. E., Assistant Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Aid Project BRZ - 1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 TIP Project B-3055 I. BACKGROUND A Categorical Exclusion and Programmatic 4(f) Evaluation for the subject project were approved on October 24, 1996. The document recommended Alternate 1 (the replacement of Bridge No. 299 with a culvert on new alignment to the east of the existing bridge). Traffic was to be maintained on the existing bridge during construction. A Public Hearing for the project was held on July 2, 1997. There was significant opposition to the recommended alternate at the Public Hearing. Alternate 2 consisted of providing a new bridge just west of the existing bridge in the lower edge of Johnson's Pond. A structure length of 740 feet was proposed. Alternate 2 wL rejected due to excessive cost. Alternate 2-A, a modification to Alternate 2, was developed and also presented at the Hearing. This modification follows the same alignment as Alternate 2 and involves a much shorter bridge (150 feet) and causeways out into the pond to facilitate the crossing of the pond. This modification made Alternate 2-A cost competitive with the previousl,, recommended Alternate 1. II. DISCUSSION Alternate 2-A has essentially the same environmental effects as Alternate 2 which was evaluated in the original document. This alignment provides a better design speed (60 mph), reduces wetland impacts over Alternate 1, avoids impacts to a National Register of Historic Places listed house (J. Beale Johnson House), and avoids impacts to an archaeological site located just southeast of the existing bridge. The architectural and archaeological issues had been resolved for Alternate 1, but avoidance is preferable to minimization or mitigation where these types of resources are involved. Since the cost estimate for Alternate 2-A is much closer to the cost estimate for Alternate 1 and Alternate 2-A addresses all of these environmental issues it seems to be a better alternative for replacing Bridge No. 299. A drawback to Alternate 2-A is the fact that the pond will probably have to be drained, at least partially, to allow the fill for the causeways to be placed. This drawback can be turned to an advantage if the owner of the dam, American Legion Post 116, will take advantage of the situation and repair the dam while the pond is drained for construction activities to take place. The Legion Post is the main property owner involved in right-of-way acquisition, so the funds they receive in compensation for right-of-way purchased could be applied to the cost of having the dam repaired. Another alternate that was discussed briefly in the original document and which was presented to the public at the Hearing, identified as Alternate 3 would replace Bridge No. 299 in- place and replaces the dam for Johnson's Pond. As the cost estimates in the following section show, this alternate is significantly more expensive than any of the other alternatives. Due to the cost of the alternate and the fact that NCDOT does not own the Johnson's Pond dam Alternate 3 is not considered a reasonable and feasible alternative. III. COST ESTIMATE Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate One Two Two-A Three Recommended Structure 195,000 1,225,000 297,000 1,173,000 Roadway Approaches 420,000 230,000 284,000 202,000 Dam Replacement 0 0 0 1,000,000 Structure Removal' 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 Misc. and Mobilization 190,000 442,000 178,000 717,000 Engineering & Contingencies 127,000 285,000 123,000 490,000 Total Construction 950,000 2,200,000 900,000 3,600,000 Right of Way & Utilities 35,000 42,000 218,500 254.000 TOTAL PROJECT COST 985,000 2,242,000 1,118,500 3,854.000 'The existing bridge will be removed down to the buttresses of the dam. The bridge abutments may be left in-place if the integrity of the dam would be affected by their removal. VI. RECOMMENDATIONS NCDOT will replace Bridge No. 299 on new alignment, to the west of the existing bridge, as recommended in Alternate 2-A described above. The new roadway and bridge will be at a slightly higher elevation than the existing bridge. Traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge during as much of the construction period as is possible; otherwise traffic will be detoured along existing area roads during construction. V. CONCLUSIONS Alternate 2-A is the most reasonable, feasible, and cost effective method for replacing Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 over Terrible Creek in Wake County. Environmental effects are less than those outlined for Alternate 1, and project cost is only slightly higher than Alternate 1. Roadway alignment is better than Alternate 1, which was the recommended alternative in the original Categorical Exclusion. WTG/ -, nti atu ?tv o _m 31 ?•0 #,A 'Nk Liu 1 POND 1.°. 'o a eA i.w ?z t .Lb + m 1}71 9 IX ?a „u, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH WAKE COUNTY REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 299 ON SR 1404 OVER TERRIBLE CREEK B - 3055 0 mile - -- 1 F • ceder_l A!d T '?' I 'j Cz TL° T "? Ccu:tt? ?yA CONCURRENCE FORM FOR ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS Brief Project Description ace. r ' S? 1`IC T, 2 ?1 r??? On I Z IC(CIC, representatives of the ? North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Federal Fvzhway Administration (FrEtiVA) North Carolina State Historic Preser,/ation OF-cc (SHPO) Othe- reviewed the subject project and aQreec Vdt there are no e,-re--.s on the rational Register-listed proce tv within the proiect - --ea of potential e:.ec; and liste^ on the revert. there are no e:ie? s on the National Re?iste--e!iaioie oret:ert;es located -vithin the proie='s area of potential eae^, and listed on the reverse. t there is an effect on u e Naronal Register-listed prooe.^v/orope-ies within the projer:'s area of potential efiec:. The property-pro per ties and the effe- (s) art- listed on the reverse. Siuned there is an e:=er on the National Reiser-e!i- pie prone-;?/proce:-ties within the proje::'s area of potential ever:. The proper-;/'proper:., es and a ffec;(s) are listed on zhe reverse. MV2 h. 1 2-1 1 ?Gc1c, Re;.resentati e, N DOT, Historic Architectural Resources Secnon ate 1 ?• FHWA, r the Division Administrator, or other Federal Agency /Date I Z i I g G Representative, SHPO Dace i o: rl Federal Aid .T FIZ-? - H04 (Z TT T 6 ?0 5 - County U` E Properties within area of potential elect for which there is no effect. Indicate if prooer;y is National Re_ister-listed (NR) or determined e!igiole (DE). . y -,j, ?6?unscn O",Z) - Properties wimun area of potential efer ?or whica there is an e sec.. indicate prope^ty status (YR or DE) and desc::oe erred. Reason(s) w .,! er=ect is not adverse (if aeplicaoie). Initialed: NCDOT ??p4 Fh5V:?. ?I.p ?/( / ? ?' J OF W a TF? \O.? pG Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary r Department of Environment and Natural Resources p Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality February 9, 2001 Mr. John Hennessy 0, DENR - Division of Water Quality Wetland/401 Unit FEB 1 3 2001 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Dear Mr. Hennessy: Subject: Bridge Repldcement Over Terrible Creek; T.I.P. No. B-3055; Wake County The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is willing to accept payment from the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) for buffer impacts associated with the replacement of Bridge No. 299 over Terrible Creek in Wake County. Based on information supplied by the NCDOT in a letter dated January 5, 2001, 0.785 acre of buffer is required to satisfy compensatory mitigation requirements for this project. As requested by the NCDOT, the NCWRP will provide the required restoration within the Neuse River Basin. As a point of clarification, the payment required for this impact was incorrectly calculated by the NCDOT. Payment is always calculated based on square footage of impact. The following calculations reflect the accurate payment: Impact Area Zone 1: 0.663 acre X 43,560 ft2 = 28,880.28 ft2 Zone 2: 0.122 acre X 43,560 ft2 = 5,314.32 ft2 Total 34,194.60 ft2 Payment 34,194.60 ft2 X $0.96/ft2 = $32,826.82 If you have any questions or need additional information, I can be reached at 919-715- 5219. S' erely, Ronald E. Ferrell Program Manager Wetlands Restoration Program cc: tOA W!"DEPR Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 William Gilmore, NCDOT Rob Ridings, Wetland/401 Unit Wetlands Restoration Program 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1619 (919) 733-5208 Fax: (919) 733-5321 d,.a STATF qAA STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MIC I IAEL F. EASLEY GOVERNOR January 5, 2001 Mr. Ronald E. Ferrell, Program Manager North Carolina Wetland Restoration Program NCDENR-DWQ P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Dear Sir: LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY Subject: REQUEST FOR ACCEPTANCE OF BUFFER MITIGATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF REPLACING BRIDGE NO. 299 OVER TERRIBLE CREEK AND APPROACHES ON SR 1404; WAKE COUNTY; FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. BRZ-1404(2); STATE PROJECT NO. 8.2404501; T.I.P NO. B-3055. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace Bridge No. 299 with a new bridge just west of the existing bridge in the lower edge of Johnson's Pond. The purpose of this letter is to request that the North Carolina Wetland Restoration Progaram (NCWRP) provide confirmation that you are willing to accept payment for the compensatory mitigation requirements for impacts to the Neuse River Riparian Buffer associated with the proposed project. Following are the particulars of the impact area: • Wake County • Neuse River Basin, Piedmont Province • Cataloguing Unit: 03020201 • 0.221 acres of Zone I riparian buffer • 0.081 acres of Zone 2 riparian buffer We propose to mitigate for 0.302 acres of Neuse River Riparian Buffer impacts at a ratio of 3:1 for Zone 1 impacts and a ratio of 112: l for Zone 2 impacts. Mitigation required for Zone 1 impacts is 0.663 and 0.122 acres for Zone 2 impacts, for a total of 0.785 acres. Acreage requirements proposed to be mitigated through the NCWRP must be rounded to one-quarter increments. Therefore, NCDOT must mitigate for 0.75 acres of buffer impacts. At a cost of 41,625.00 per acre, NCDOT is proposing to provide payment in the amount of $32,219.00 to offset the impacts incurred for this project. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.DOH. DOT. STATE. NC.US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 If you are willing to accept responsibility for this mitigation, please send a letter of confirmation to: John Hennessy at NCDWQ Division of Water Quality/Wetlands 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Mr. Hennessy's FAX number is 919-733-9959. The 401 Water Quality Cerification for the project has been approved. To stay in compliance with the Special Conditions of the certification, we will need the confirmation letter from you by February 20, 2001. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this short turn-around request may cause you. If you have any questions or need additional information please call Mrs. Montague at (919) 733-1175. Sincerely, - William D. Gilmore, P.E., Manager Project Development & Environmental Analysis Branch cc: w/attachment Mr. Eric Alsmeyer, USACE, Raleigh Field Office Mr. John Hennessy, USACE, Raliegh Field Office Mr. David Franklin, Corps of Engineers, Wilmington Field Office Mr. N. L. Graf, P.E., FHWA Mr. John Dorney, NCDENR, Division of Water Quality Mr. Tracy Parrott, P.E., Division 5 Engineer ?dMA? 6 i?'. op1424 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR October 9, 2000 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27609 ATTENTION: Mr. Eric Alsmeyer NCDOT Coordinator DAVID MCCOY SECRETARY SUBJECT: Wake County, Proposed Replacement of Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 over Terrible Creek. Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1404(2), State Project No. 8.2404501, TIP No. B-3055. Dear Sir: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace Bridge No. 299 with a new bridge just west of the existing bridge in the lower edge of Johnson's Pond. The proposed project involves the construction of a new structure 150 feet long and approximately 28 feet wide with causeways out into Johnson's Pond to facilitate crossing this surface water. Traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge during as much of the construction period as is possible; otherwise traffic will be detoured along existing area roads. Impacts to Waters of the United States No jurisdictional wetlands will be impacted by the construction of the proposed project. However, construction will result in 1.66 acres of surface water impacts to Terrible Creek/Johnson's Pond. Surface water impacts include 1.56 acres of permanent fill to facilitate the placement of the permanent causeway and 0.10 acres of temporary fill from the installation of the temporary causeways. Surface water impacts associated with the placement of the permanent and temporary causeways are depicted on sheets 3 and 4 of the attached permit drawings. The existing bridge will not be demolished. Components of the bridge's substructure are part of the buttressing for the dam of Johnson's Pond and shall remain in place. Due to the poor condition of the bridge deck and its substructure, any removal or demolition activities would likely lead to the collapse of the dam, which the NCDOT does not own. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.DOH.DOT.STATE. NC.US RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 I Impacts to Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer Two sites involving Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer impacts are proposed with this project and include 0.300 acres to the buffer surrounding Terrible Creek/Johnson's Pond (Site 1) and 0.002 acres to the buffer surrounding an unnamed tributary to Terrible Creek (Site 2). Sediment and erosion is possible from the cleared areas of both proposed buffer impact sites. Therefore, control basins (temporary silt ditches and rock silt checks) must be placed in the most effective locations to adequately control any sediment or erosion. These locations have been determined for the proposed project and include locations within Zone 1 of the riparian buffers. The locations were selected as the most reasonable locations with no other practical alternatives available. The control basins proposed for this project represent the least invasive method of control. Impacts to riparian buffers, locations of the control basins, and a summary of buffer impacts by zone are depicted on sheets 5, 6, and 8 of the attached permit drawings. "total buffer impacts are less than 0.333 acres for each site, therefore requiring no mitigation. Federally-Protected Species Plants and animals with federal classifications of Endangered, Threatened, Proposed Endangered, and Proposed Threatened are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. As of 16 June 2000, the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) lists four federally protected species for Wake County (Table 1). The CE (dated October 1996) rendered Biological Conclusions of "No Effect" for each of these species due to lack of habitat in the project study area. To date, habitat conditions have not changed within the study area. Additionally, a review of the NC Natural Heritage Program database of Rare and Unique Habitats on 3 March 2000 revealed that no known occurrences of bald eagle, red-cockaded woodpecker, dwarf wedgemussel, or Michaux's sumac occur within one mile of the project area. 'T'herefore, the Biological Conclusions of "No Effect" remain valid for each of these species. Tnhle 1 _ Federally-Protected Species for Wake Countv Common Name Scientific Name Federal Status Biological Conclusion bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus T No Effect red-cockaded woodpecker Picoides borealis E No Effect dwarf wedgemussel Alasmidonta heterodon E No Effect Michaux's sumac Rhus michauxii E No Effect "E" denotes Endangered (a species that is in danger of extinction tnrougnout an or a significant portion of its range). "T" denotes Threatened (a species that is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range). r Avoidance / Minimization Johnson's Pond will have to be partially drained to facilitate placement of fill for causeways. The water level in the pond will be lowered to approximately one half of its original level, from near 10 feet to approximately 5 feet. The pond will be drained gradually using a pumping and/or a siphoning mechanism. Lower water levels will facilitate construction and will also reduce the potential construction related stresses on the pond's dam. The water level of the pond will be maintained by additional pumping and siphoning, until construction progresses to point were the pond's water level is no longer a limiting factor, at which time the pond will be allowed to refill. Construction of the permanent causeway (rock embankment) out into the pond will be accomplished by starting at the upland edge and back-dumping clean stone material into the pond. This method will be used from both sides of the pond. Under law, the NCDOT is required to follow avoidance and minimization policies pertaining to impacts to Waters of the United States. In accordance to those policies and the additional recommendations set forth by the NC Wildlife Resource Commission (NCWRC) to avoid and minimize adverse affects to the surface waters and ecosystems of Terrible Creek/Johnson's Pond, the NCDOT is committed to implementation of the following: Project Commitments • Johnson's Pond will be partially drained during the winter months while the water temperature levels are low. Water levels will be lowered slowly to avoid flushing fish out of the pond and some water will be maintained in the pond during construction. • Clearing activities will be kept to a minimum within the boundaries of the J. Beale Johnson House, which is a National Register Listed residence located just southeast of Bridge No. 299. The removal of trees on the property will be limited to those trees absolutely necessary to construct the project. • In an effort to restore additional riparian buffer around Terrible Creek/Johnson's Pond, paved portions of existing roadbed which will no longer be used, will be removed and the resulting areas will be reestablished using native vegetation. Summary Proposed project activities are being processed by the Federal Highway Administration as a programmatic "Categorical Exclusion" in accordance with 23 CFR 771 115(b). The NCDOT requests that these activities be authorized by a Nationwide Permit 23 [33 CFR 330.5(a) (23)J. Additionally, we anticipate a 401 "Major" Water Quality Certification will apply to this project, and are providing seven copies of the application to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. In compliance with Section 143-215.3D(e) NCAA we have enclosed a check for $475.00 to act as payment for the processing of the Section 401 Water Quality Certification. Thank you for your assistance with this project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mrs. Heather Montague at (919) 715-0248. Sincerely, 41 C 4-ZL William D. Gilmore, P.E., Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch V CB/hwm cc: w/attachment Mr. David Franklin, USACE, Wilmington Field Office Mr. John Hennessy, DWQ Mr. David Cox, NCWRC Mr. John Alford, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Calvin Leggett, P.E., Program Development Mr. Debbie Barbour, P.E., Design Services Mr. D.R. Henderson, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Tim Roundtree, P.E., Structure Design Mr. Tracey N. Parrott, P.E., 5 Division Engineer 1 1 301 Creek ,J 1404 _ L END 1 21 r PROJECT -? - ?? 7errfble Creek JOHNSON'S - 401 POND - I 1404 _ PRBEGIN \y _ I - OJECT 1 J Fuqua I Willow ( 0 r 4 1 _ / ` Springs' _ 42 I__ j r 12 ?,r 55 1.? 42 ?FUQUAY(I-F-__ VARI I . _ - ? cn 55 t 42 I - f I f Hol nd 401 VICINITY MAP N. C. llEP T'. OF TRANSPORTA'I'ION Di ISION OF HIGHWAYS «'AKI, C0 UN T'Y PROJECT : 8.2 404501 B-3050 MUDGI? N O. ` 99 ON SR 14V 0\'I:I1 'T'EI?I;II3I,E CREI;I (JOHNSON POND) 5HI?7? ]" OF 9 I-EGEND -WLB--- - WETLAND BOUNDARY PROPOSED BRIDGE ?--W B-' WETLAND L ? PROPOSED BOX CULVERT L?L/?LLLLJ DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND f PROPOSED PIPE CULVERT DENOTES FILL IN (DASHED LINES DENOTE SURFACE WATER EXISTN G STRUCTURES) DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER (POND) SINGLE TREE T T DENOTES TEMPORARY F I L L IN WETLAND r ! r ^ L _ ? ` , _ r r L WOODS L I N E E E DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND DRAINAGE INLET DENOTES TEMPORARY TS !TS FILL IN SURFACE WATERS ROOTWAD • DENOTES MECHANIZED • CLEARING 0000 0 VORTEX ROCK WEIR <r-- FLOW DIRECTION T t RIP RAP - om TOP OF BANK WE EDGE OF WATER RIP RAP ENERGY C DISSIPATOR BASIN PROP. LIMIT OF CUT F PROP. LIMIT OF FILL PROP. RIGHT OF WAY VANE NG NATURAL GROUND PL PROPERTY LINE --TDE- TEMP. DRAINAGE EASEMENT - PDE - PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT -EAB- EXIST. ENDANGERED ANIMAL BOUNDARY -EPB- EXIST. ENDANGERED PLANT BOUNDARY ?. WATER SURFACE __- X X X LIVE STAKES C N OF TRANSPORTATION DEPT X X . . . BOULDER DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS \V.=\RE COUNTY ----- CORE FIBER ROLLS PROJECT: 8.2404iOl B-5055 B RIDGE NO. 299 ON SR I404 ?? ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER M-ER TERRIBLE, CRFFK OR PARCEL NUMBLR (JOHNSON POND) I SHE 1;!" Z DI? ?a / / ' r h19'22'?B E 19 O Z z. O Z Z 0 Q O ? N aM w NW N ao u ? o 0 \ o o W o, z?z o zwll? 0 0 0 HAW , P40 ® W 06 \ @ U Z F x \\ \\ \\ W 3 W W p R S N \ G \ \ \ to (, \ \ s N ? \ N \ ?\ a \\ \ \ \? ? 1, a- r? M w W x 0 0 .a II W W U ? N \ f NN O ?JO _ o ?J'1 ` f p? 0 uN ? Im ?,?12G <V M it I t N f t ? N ?? g N a z O ? ? 0 0 H ? o W c cn C7 Fr ..? z U z M 7 . Q OWQ F'' ® 0 ? ? w W ? a H ? ?,, zwz CTS Ca ? ? w w H O ? A ?' ca00 Q F+ U W w x r. pr m V J Y O W d' O 4 tV Y 6j N7I J F i m R 2 R R N N ? a . u IQ IQ 0 0 n F W` U H li r In a? R O (L 2 W W J F- LL1 Li. >- O Q S CL W U ?n <1 CJ -a a ? w k 4 o w 3 4 - w iC \ N k-1 d NIT21-?B'E Iq P? F-4 Ulf 0 z 0 9c n a?? O "? / M N clO i w vi i 8 i i I /d ' ?ffi1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I i I I 1 f I I I? I I I I I I I Y r? 1 \ ? 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U cu l9 U d ? N V N 2 ? p U) m ° O t o J , ? ?9 O f U) ` O r O Ln t t ? N J O (n z O H C) 0 0 M M N $ LL O Z O f cA 0 Q O LO 0- LO U) = O M m < _ i- u' O o U- O U O Z w 0 0 N Q p ~ p U W I- Z o w a ? elf 0 U) U) p U) ? o co Cl) C 0 O 2 o O O ' LO r r l.L U W L1.. LL m W W W Z N ? Z U v ° ° °0 o 0 0 O W U N N N Z Qca O O 0- " ° O O N ? N U N W d U ?, •-- In In LL- t t N ? o N J H ? Z O F- NAME'S .-\Nl) .\I)I?R[:?;S1;S DWNER'S NAME TOWN OF FU.QU,-\Y V,\RIN.-\ FUQUAY Z .-\RINA AMERIC.=\N LEGION POST 116 WHITT S..NIINCEY, JR. - 17,11N - IV?DOD- E. ,-\NI D ERMA T. TURNER VIRGINIA YANCEY TINGEN WAYNE B.-\KER, D. W. BAKER AND W. G. M,=xNGUM CARL R. HELTON ADDRESSES FU,QUAY S'.-\RIN.\, NC P.O. BOX 1.62 FUOUA-V V.\RINA, NC 27526 6212 JOHNSON POND ROAD FUQU_\Y V_ARIN.\ NC 2752,6 6321 J'OHNS'ON POND RG-=\D FUOUAY VARIN.\, NC 27.526 P. 0. BOX 27-6 FUQUAY A'.-kRINA, NC 2752f, - - -- 433 HOLLY OAK COURT - ---- FUQUAY V.'\RIN.\, NC 27526 -- -- ---- P. D. BOX 645 APEX, NC 27502 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DI-VISION OF HIGHWAYS WAKE COUNTY PROJECT: 8.2404501 B-3055 BRIDGE NO.299 ON SR 1404 OVER TERRIBLE CREEK (JOHNSON POND) SHEET 9 OF 9 y Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Aid Project BRZ - 1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 TIP Project B-3055 REVISED ADDENDUM TO CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION U. S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION AND APPROVED: q- 2/-do Date 7-a?-ce, Date N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS i ? . ? `C cam;=..nd William D. Gilmore, P. E., Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Nicholas L. Graf, P. E. Division Administrator, FHWA Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Aid Project BRZ - 1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 TIP Project B-3055 REVISED ADDENDUM TO CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION September 2000 Documentation Prepared in Project Development and Environmental ,IA,r fte,?i By: o? .......... iti % ?r.•?F?SS/pN.?-9 SEAL J ? 0l, s 022552 . Johr( L. Williams, P. E. %:,HGINE..e'' Project Planning Engineer 2-1 -00 Wayn Elliott Bridge Project Planning Engineer, Unit Head Lubin V. Prevatt, P. E., Assistant Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch PROJECT COMMITMENTS: B-3055, Wake County Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Project BRZ-1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 Resident Engineer Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition & Removal are still in place to prevent debris from falling into the stream. Proper application of Best Management Practices should address the concerns of all concerned agencies. Clearing activities will be kept to a minimum within the boundaries of the J. Beale Johnson House which is a National Register Listed residence located just southeast of Bridge No. 299. The removal of trees on the property will be limited to those trees absolutely necessary to construct the project. Recommendations from the NCWRC include draining the pond during the winter months when water temperature levels are lower, allowing the water level to be lowered slowly; thus not forcing fish out of the pond, and keeping some water in the pond during construction. NCDOT is committed to the implementation of these recommendations along with the standard NCDOT procedures for avoiding and minimizing environmental impacts. Structure Design Best Management Practices for Bridge Demolition & Removal are still in place to prevent debris from falling into the stream. Proper application of Best Management Practices should address the concerns of all concerned agencies. Roadway Design Clearing activities will be kept to a minimum within the boundaries of the J. Beale Johnson House which is a National Register Listed residence located just southeast of Bridge No. 299., The removal of trees on the property will be limited to those trees absolutely necessary to construct the project. Revised Addendum to Categorical Exclusion Page 1 of 1 Green Sheet Seotember 21, 2000 Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Aid Project BRZ - 1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 TIP Project B-3055 I. BACKGROUND An Addendum To Categorical Exclusion was approved on March 23, 1999. Final Designs have indicated that the environmental impacts need to be updated. II. DISCUSSION Surface Water and Wetland Impacts This project proposes to permanently fill 1.56 acres of surface water and proposes to temporarily fill 0.10 acres of surface water for installation of the causeways. The major disadvantage of selecting Alternate 2-A is that the installation of causeways will require the partial draining of Johnson's Pond. Impacts associated with draining the pond involve the degradation of a large aquatic ecosystem and therefore can not be easily measured. Coordination between the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) is essential to assure issues concerning avoidance, minimization, and mitigation for impacts to Johnson's Pond are adequately addressed. The US Army Corps of Engineers will not require mitigation for impacts to Johnson's Pond as long as the DOT satisfies the NCWRC's concerns about a massive fish kill associated with draining the pond. The NCWRC has no mechanism to require mitigation for fish kill in a private pond, but they have offered recommendations for some construction practices that may minimize the impacts to this ecosystem. Recommendations from the NCWRC include draining the pond during the winter months when water temperature levels are lower, allowing the water level to be lowered slowly; thus not forcing fish out of the pond, and keeping some water in the pond during construction. NCDOT is committed to the implementation of these recommendations along with the standard NCDOT procedures for avoiding and minimizing environmental impacts. Neuse River Basin Buffer Impacts Johnson's Pond and Terrible Creek are both water resources subject to the Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules and impacts to their riparian buffers are regulated by the Division of Water Quality. Alternate 2-A proposes to permanently impact riparian buffer areas to the north and to the south of Johnson's Pond's lower edge. The rules divide riparian buffers into zone 1 and zone 2, for regulation and mitigation purposes. Zone 1, for Ponds, begins at the most landward limit of the normal water level or the rooted herbaceous vegetation and extends landward a distance of 30 feet, measured horizontally on a line perpendicular to the surface water. Zone 2 shall begin at the outer edge of Zone 1 and extend landward 20 feet as measured horizontally on a line perpendicular to the surface water. The combined width of Zones 1 and 2 shall be 50 feet oil all sides of the surface water. This project proposes to impact 0.221 acres ofZone 1 and 0.081 acres of Zone 2. Therefore, Alternate 2-A will impact a total of 0.302 acres of Neuse River Basin Buffer. Breakdown of Environmental Impacts for Alternate 2-A Impacts III. Alternate 2-A Surface Waters Permanent 1.56 acres Temporary 0.10 acres . Wetlands 0.00 acres Neuse River Basin Buffer Zone 1 0.221 acres Zone 2 0.081 acres III. CONCLUSIONS Alternate 2-A is still the most reasonable, feasible, and cost effective method for replacing Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 over "terrible Creek in Wake County. 2 Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Aid Project BRZ - 1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 TIP Project B-3055 ADDENDUM TO CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION U. S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION AND N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS APPROVED: 2-?-q9l C? J/, f,'2,e Date r William D. Gilmore, P. E., Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch a3/a,3//?q? Date icholas L. Graf, P. E. Division Administrator, FHWA Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Aid Project BRZ - 1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 TIP Project B-3055 ADDENDUM TO CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION March 1999 Documentation Prepared in Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch By: CAaO?j c t 3 Za3l'- William T. Goodw n, Jr., P. E. - SEAL _ z ; 21077 - Project Planning Engineer %cNGINE?:Q'x •,,???T ?G 00O'??• Way de Elliott Bridge Project Planning Engineer, Unit Head 4X Vox2e? Lubin V. Prevatt, P. E., Assistant Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Aid Project BRZ - 1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 TIP Project B-3055 I. BACKGROUND A Categorica? Exclusion and Programmatic 4(f) Evaluation for the subject project were approved on October 24, 1996. The document recommended Alternate 1 (the replacement of Bridge No. 299 with a culvert on new alignment to the east of the existing bridge). Traffic was to be maintained on the existing bridge during construction. A Public Hearing for the project was held on July 2, 1997. There was significant opposition to the recommended alternate at the Public Hearing. Alternate 2 consisted of providing a new bridge just west of the existing bridge in the lower edge of Johnson's Pond. A structure length of 740 feet was proposed. Alternate 2 was rejected due to excessive cost. Alternate 2-A, a modification to Alternate 2, was developed and also presented at the Hearing. This modification follows the same alignment as Alternate 2 and involves a much shorter bridge (150 feet) and causeways out into the pond to facilitate the crossing of the pond. This modification made Alternate 2-A cost competitive with the previously recommended Alternate 1. II. DISCUSSION Alternate 2-A has essentially the same environmental effects as Alternate 2 which was evaluated in the original document. This alignment provides a better design speed (60 mph), reduces wetland impacts over Alternate 1, avoids impacts to a National Register of Historic Places listed house (J. Beale Johnson House), and avoids impacts to an archaeological site located just southeast of the existing bridge. The architectural and archaeological issues had been resolved for Alternate 1, but avoidance is preferable to minimization or mitigation where these types of resources are involved. Since the cost estimate for Alternate 2-A is much closer to the cost estimate for Alternate 1 and Alternate 2-A addresses all of these environmental issues it seems to be a better alternative for replacing Bridge No. 299. A drawback to Alternate 2-A is the fact that the pond will probably have to be drained, at least partially, to allow the fill for the causeways to be placed. This drawback can be turned to an advantage if the owner of the dam, American Legion Post 116, will take advantage of the situation and repair the dam while the pond is drained for construction activities to take place. The Legion Post is the main property owner involved in right-of-way acquisition, so the funds they receive in compensation for right-of-way purchased could be applied to the cost of having the dam repaired. Another alternate that was discussed briefly in the original document and which was presented to the public at the Hearing, identified as Alternate 3 would replace Bridge No. 299 in- place and replaces the dam for Johnson's Pond. As the cost estimates in the following section show, this alternate is significantly more expensive than any of the other alternatives. Due to the cost of the alternate and the fact that NCDOT does not own the Johnson's Pond dam Alternate 3 is not considered a reasonable and feasible alternative. Structure Roadway Approaches Dam Replacement Structure Removal' Misc. and Mobilization Engineering & Contingencies Total Construction Right of Way & Utilities TOTAL PROJECT COST III. COST ESTIMATE Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate One Two Two-A Three Recommended 195,000 1,225,000 297,000 1,173,000 420,000 230,000 284,000 202,000 0 0 0 1,000,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 190,000 442,000 178,000 717,000 127,000 285,000 123,000 490,000 950,000 2,200,000 900,000 3,600,000 35,000 42,000 218,500 254,000 985,000 2,242,000 1,118,500 3,854,000 'The existing bridge will be removed down to the buttresses of the dam. The bridge abutments may be left in-place if the integrity of the dam would be affected by their removal. VI. RECOMMENDATIONS NCDOT will replace Bridge No. 299 on new alignment, to the west of the existing bridge, as recommended in Alternate 2-A described above. The new roadway and bridge will be at a slightly higher elevation than the existing bridge. Traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge during as much of the construction period as is possible; otherwise traffic will be detoured along existing area roads during construction. V. CONCLUSIONS Alternate 2-A is the most reasonable, feasible, and cost effective method for replacing Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 over Terrible Creek in Wake County. Environmental effects are less than those outlined for Alternate 1, and project cost is only slightly higher than Alternate 1. Roadway alignment is better than Alternate 1, which was the recommended alternative in the original Categorical Exclusion. WTG/ 2 .e e s? 1 .17 .. 17}3 Im ? Hu $ >? ? 1 1597 1471 h I 77 107 V , 79 ,3L1 O 1111 Lin 144E / -1.1 ]777 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANNING AND ENVIRONMLN'IAL BRANCH WAKE COUNTY REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 299 ON SR 1404 OVER TERRIBLE CREEK B - 3055 0 mile 1 FIG. 1 ederal Aid s-- I Lit) 'j ?Z Ccunt? WA -& CONCURRENCE FOR.ti1 FOR ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS Brief Project Description I?e CG. r 2Ci"t - . C Alter Y h ?e-'l -Z?;,V) On 1 Z IC(CICi representatives of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Federal TFighway Administration (FHWA) tl? North Carolina State Historic Preservation OF.= (SHPO) Other reviewed the subject project and agreed V/ there are no e--re--Is on the National Register-listed oroee. v within the project's - -es of potential e::ect and listed on the revers:.. there are no effects on the National Register-eligibie orcue.ties located within the prone- 's area of potential elect and listed on the reverse. there is an erect on the National Register-listed prone.^.f/propenies within the proiect's area of potential etiecz. The property-propenies and the efec;(s) are listed on the reverse. there is an et:ec-, on the National Register-eii-.bie proper-ndpropenies within the project's area of potential The prepe^riproc_ enies and a -Lea(s) are listed on the reverse. Sittred: Inc P, /IqC(C' Reoresentaui e, N DOT, Historic Architectural Resources Section FH VA, r the Division Administrator, or other Federal Agency Date Representative, SHPO Date i Srar!- Qi*iCe, r Dact? (0?• r) Federal Aid T - jg0q iz TIP T B 30155 County u-)q-v-e Properties within area of potential of ect for which there is no et7ec,,. Indicate if property is National Register-listed (NR) or deter mined eligible (DE). Properties within area of potential effem for which there is an effect. indicate prope.-y status (tip or DE) and desc:toe et:ect. Reson(s) wc•% er:ect is not adverse (if aeplicabie). Initialed: NCDOT PE FHWA SHPO ? Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Aid Project BRZ - 1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 TIP Project B-3055 CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION and PROGRAMMATIC 4(>f) EVALUATION U. S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION AND N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS APPROVED: I o -24-96 4 Date ?r H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch /<??z4lf? ,? -dam Date ` nNicho L. Graf, P. E. Division Administrator, FHWA :? ?`fA Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Aid Project BRZ - 1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 TIP Project B-3055 CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION and PROGRAMMATIC 4(f) EVALUATION October 1996 Documentation Prepared in Planning and Environmental Branch By: ii, William T. Goodwin, Jr., P. E. Project Planning Engineer /a -ZY-96 Ala "e n1, :7# Wayn Elliott ` Bridge Project Planning Engineer, Unit Head Lubin V. Prevatt, P. E., Assistant Manager Planning and Environmental Branch ..t % %%J11111111111 %%%% N CA %* *SSS SEAL 21077 s ? in-4-000 Gm a 18111111 % Wake County, Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek Federal Aid Project BRZ - 1404(2) State Project 8.2404501 TIP Project B-3055 1. SUMMARY OF PROJECT The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace Bridge No. 299, Wake County. This bridge carries SR 1404 over Terrible Creek (see Figure 1). NCDOT includes this bridge in the 1997-2003 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as a bridge replacement project. NCDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) classify this project as a federal Categorical Exclusion. These agencies expect no notable environmental impacts. NCDOT will replace Bridge No. 299 on new location as shown in Alternate 1, Figure 2. NCDOT recommends replacing the bridge with a culvert, on new location approximately 65 meters (215 feet) east of the existing bridge. The new culvert will be a three barrel reinforced concrete culvert, with each barrel measuring 3.0 meters (10 feet) by 2.4 meters (8 feet). The new roadway will be constructed at a slightly higher roadway elevation than the existing roadway and bridge. The new roadway will have a 7.2 meter (24 foot) wide travelway plus 2.4 meter (8 foot) shoulders. The completed project will provide a design speed of approximately 65 km/h (40 mph). The estimated cost is $ 985,000 including $ 35,000 for right of way acquisition and $ 950,000 for construction. The estimated cost included in the 1997-2003 TIP is $ 480,000. II. ANTICIPATED DESIGN EXCEPTIONS NCDOT may be required to seek a design exception due to the low design speed for this project. The design speed for the project is affected by the poor existing horizontal alignment. The recommended alternate will improve the design speed of the roadway, but it may not reach the desired design speed. III. SUMMARY OF PROJECT COMMITMENTS All standard procedures and measures will be implemented to avoid or minimize environmental impacts. All applicable Best Management Practices will be installed and properly maintained during project construction. In accordance with the provisions of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344), a permit will be required from the Corps of Engineers for the discharge of dredged or fill material into "Waters of the United States." A Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit # 23 will likely be applicable for this project. A North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) Section 401 Water Quality General Certification will be obtained prior to issue of the Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit # 23. Clearing activities will be kept to a minimum within the boundaries of the J. Beale Johnson House which is a National Register Listed residence located just southeast of Bridge No. 299. The removal of trees on the property will be limited to those trees absolutely necessary to construct the project. IV, EXISTING CONDITIONS NCDOT classifies SR 1404 as a rural local route in the Statewide Functional Classification System. The surrounding area is primarily rural-residential in nature, with few scattered residences among wooded lots and farm fields. However, the area is experiencing significant growth with several subdivisions being developed north and west of the bridge site. Near Bridge No. 299, SR 1404 is a two lane paved road, 5.4 meters (18 feet) wide with minimal grassed shoulders. Both the vertical and horizontal alignment of the south approach to the bridge are poor. The alignment of the north approach is much better. NCDOT built Bridge No. 299 in 1955. The bridge has an asphalt overlay surface on a timber deck with steel I-beam girders (see Figure 3). The southern abutment and two of the bents of the bridge are made of timber. The northernmost bent and end bent are solid reinforced concrete piers. These two piers are part of the buttressing for the dam that forms Johnson's pond. The spillway for the dam is directly adjacent to Bridge No. 299. The deck of Bridge No. 299 is 6.4 meters (21 feet) above the streambed. Water depth is approximately 0.3 meters (1.0 foot) in the project area. The bridge is 39.3 meters (129 feet) long with a 5.5 meter (18 foot) roadway width. It carries two lanes of traffic and the posted load limits are 9 tons for single vehicles and 12 tons for Truck-tractor Semi-trailer (TTST). According to Bridge Maintenance Unit records, the sufficiency rating of Bridge No. 299 is 2.0 of a possible 100.0. The current traffic volume is 1400 vehicles per day (VPD), projected to 3700 VPD by the design year (2020). The speed limit is posted at 35 mph on SR 1404 in the area of Bridge No. 299. Traffic Engineering accident records indicate four accidents occurred in the vicinity of Bridge No. 299 between October 1, 1992 and September 30, 1994. The Transportation Director for Wake County Schools indicated there are 10 school buses crossing the bridge twice each per day. 2 V. ALTERNATES Two methods of replacing Bridge No. 299 were studied. The alternates studied are as follows: Alternate One (Recommended) - replace the bridge on new alignment approximately 65 meters (215 feet) east of the existing bridge with a culvert. Traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge during construction. Alternate Two - replace the bridge on new alignment approximately 50 meters (164 feet) west of the existing bridge with a new 225 meter (740 feet) long bridge, over Johnson's Pond. Traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge during construction. The "do-nothing" alternate is not practical. The existing bridge would continue deteriorating until it was unusable. This would require closing the road, or continued intensive maintenance. Replacing Bridge No. 299 in-place with traffic detoured off-site was also considered and found not to be feasible due to the likelihood that the dam for Johnson's Pond would have to be replaced as well as the bridge, adding considerable cost to the project. VI. COST ESTIMATE Estimated costs of the alternates studied are as follows: Alternate One Alternate Two Recommended Structure Roadway Approaches Structure Removal I Misc. and Mobilization Engineering & Contingencies Total Construction Right of Way & Utilities TOTAL PROJECT COST 195,000 1,225,000 420,000 230,000 18,000 18,000 190,000 442,000 127,000 285,000 950,000 2,200,000 35,000 42,000 985,000 2,242,000 i The existing bridge will be removed down to the buttresses of the dam. The bridge abutments may be left in-place if the integrity of the dam would be affected by their removal. 3 VII. RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS NCDOT will replace Bridge No. 299 on new location, as shown in Alternate 1, Figure 2. Traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge and roadway during construction. NCDOT will replace Bridge No. 299 with a culvert, on new location approximately 65 meters (215 feet) east of the existing bridge. The new culvert will be a three barrel reinforced concrete culvert, with each barrel measuring 3.0 meters (10 feet) by 2.4 meters (8 feet). The new roadway will be constructed at a slightly higher roadway elevation than the existing roadway and bridge. The new roadway will have a 7.2 meter (24 foot) wide travelway plus 2.4 meter (8 foot) shoulders. The project will require approximately 440 meters (1450 feet) of new approach roadway. Where the design requires guardrail, the shoulder will be at least 3.3 meters (11 feet) wide. The completed project will provide a design speed of approximately 65 km/h (40 mph). NCDOT recommends Alternate 1 in order to replace existing Bridge No. 299 in the most economical fashion. Alternate 2 has a significantly higher cost than Alternate 1. Alternate 2 would reduce direct wetland impacts, but might require the partial draining of Johnson's Pond to complete construction. All architectural and archaeological issues raised by Alternate 1 have been resolved to the satisfaction of the SHPO, FHWA and NCDOT. Alternate 2 would have avoided direct impacts to the J. Beale Johnson House, but may have had a more substantial visual effect on the historic setting of the house. Alternate 2 would have avoided the former Alford's Mill site, but an archaeological survey recovered all information of historic significance at the site. NCDOT expects utility conflicts to be low for a project of this type and magnitude. The division engineer concurs with the selection of Alternate 1. He states that traffic should be maintained on-site due to the number of vehicles involved. The recommended alternate will allow traffic to use the existing road and bridge during project construction. VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS A. General Environmental Effects The project is considered to be a "categorical exclusion" due to its limited scope and insignificant environmental consequences. The bridge replacement will not have a substantial adverse effect on the quality of the human or natural environment with the use of current NCDOT standards and specifications. The project is not in conflict with any plan, existing land use, or zoning regulation. No change in land use is expected to result from construction of the project. 4 No adverse effect on families or communities is anticipated. Right-of-way acquisition will be limited. No adverse effect on public facilities or services is expected. The project is not expected to adversely affect social, economic, or religious opportunities in the area. There are no publicly owned parks, recreational facilities, or wildlife and waterfowl refuges of national, state, or local significance in the vicinity of the project. There are no known hazardous waste sites in the project area and no unknown sites are likely to be found. Construction of the recommended alternate will not have a significant adverse impact on the floodplain or associated flood hazard. The elevation of the 100-year flood will not be increased by more than 30 centimeters (12 inches). B. Architectural and Archaeological Resources Architectural Resources The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has indicated that in terms of historic architectural resources, there are two sites of interest in the project vicinity. The J. Beale Johnson House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and is located within the project's area of potential effect. The Atkinson-Whitted House and Tower is on the state study list, and is located north of the project area on SR 1407. No additional historic architectural survey is required for this project. The Atkinson-Whitted House and Tower are not within the area of potential effect (APE) for the project and will not be effected by project construction. The J. Beale Johnson House is within the APE for the project but, as shown by the concurrence form in the appendix, the project has been determined to have "No Effect" on this National Register Listed property. Archaeological Resources The SHPO has indicated that there are the remains of a historic period mill site located east of the existing bridge. This site will be affected by the recommended alternate, and was evaluated and recorded during the archaeological survey. The SHPO has stated, by letter dated May 9, 1996, that the mill site is eligible for listing on the National Register. However, all significant information has been adequately retrieved so that the project will have No Adverse Effect upon the site. C. Natural Systems Southwestern Wake County lies in the Piedmont physiographic province. The topography of the project region is characterized by rolling hills. Soil types and availability of water directly influence the composition and distribution of flora and fauna in any biotic community. The elevation at the project site is approximately 88 meters (290 feet) above mean sea level. Soils Soils of the immediate project study area are dominated by the Appling, Herndon and Wehadkee Series. Soils of the Appling series vary in slope from 2-10 percent. Of the soil series present in the project area, only Wehadkee and Bibb soils are considered hydric. Table 1 summarizes characteristics of the soils mapped in the project study area. Table 1. Summary of the soils of the project site. Unit Soil Phase % Slope Hydric Class AgC Appling gravelly sandy loam 6-10 - ApB Appling sandy loam 2-6 - HrE Herndon silt loam 15-25 - Hydric Class 1 - Hydric soils, only because of saturation for a significant period during the growing season. For each soil series, site indices for several forest tree species that are commercially important are included. The site index is the average total height, in feet, of the dominant and codominant trees in a well-stocked, even-aged stand at 50 years of age and is a means of expressing the potential productivity of a soil for a given kind of tree. Soils of the Appling and Herndon series have a site index of 75-85 for loblolly pine, yellow poplar and sweetgum and 65- 75 for shortleaf pine and southern red oak. Wehadkee and Bibb soils have a site index of 85-95 for loblolly pine, sweetgum and water oak and 85-100 for yellow poplar (USDA Soil Conservation Service 1970). Overall, the soils in the project vicinity have a high potential productivity for forest resources. However, much of the area is currently maintained as cultivated fields and residential areas. Water resource information encompasses the resource's relationship to major water systems, physical aspects, Best Usage Classification, and water quality. Impacts to water resources are discussed, along with suggestions to minimize impacts. Characteristics of Water Resources Water resources located within the project study area lie in the Neuse River Drainage Basin. Terrible Creek [DEM Index No. 27- 43-15-8-(2)] originates approximately 3.2 kilometers (2.0 miles) west of the project site and flows into Middle Creek approximately 6.4 kilometers (4.0 miles) downstream from the project site. Middle Creek eventually flows into the Neuse River near Smithfield, central Johnston County. Currently SR 1404 crosses Terrible Creek on the dam that forms Johnson's Pond. The pond is a 6.9 hectares (17 acres) lake located on the west side of SR 1404 at the subject bridge. 6 Alternative 1 will cross Terrible Creek which is approximately 3 meters (10 feet) wide and 30.5 centimeters (12.0 inches) deep at the project site. This creek has fast flow, clear water, and a sand/silt-gravel bottom. Various unnamed tributaries of Terrible Creek transverse the east side of the project vicinity. The NWI map classifies this area as a PFO1 A (Palustrine Forested Broad-leaved Deciduous, temporarily flooded) wetland. Johnson's Pond [DEM Index No. 27-43-15-8-(1)] is located on the west side of SR 1404 and will be bridged if Alternative 2 is chosen. The pond has shallow edges but quickly grades off into water greater than 4.5 meters (15.0 feet) deep. The NWI map classifies Johnson's pond as L 1 UBHh (Lacustrine, Limnetic, Unconsolidated Bottomland, Permanently flooded impoundment). Best Usage Classification Streams have been assigned a Best Usage Classification by the Division of Environmental Management (DEM). The best usage classification for Terrible Creek from the dam to Middle Creek is Class C NSW. Class C refers to waters suitable for aquatic life propagation and survival, fishing, wildlife, secondary recreation and agriculture. The supplemental NSW (Nutrient Sensitive Waters) classification refers to waters which require limitations on nutrient inputs. Johnson's Pond is classified as Class B NSW. Class B waters are considered primarily for recreation and any other usage specified by the "C" classification. NSW waters require limitations on nutrient inputs. Neither High Quality Waters (HQW), Water Supplies (WS-I or WS-II) nor Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) occur within 1.6 kilometers (1.0 miles) of the project study area. Water Quality The Benthic Macroinvertebrate Ambient Network (BMAN) is managed by the DEM and is part of an ongoing ambient water quality monitoring program which addresses long term trends in water quality. The program assesses water quality by sampling for selected benthic macroinvertebrate organisms at fixed monitoring sites. Macroinvertebrates are sensitive to very subtle changes in water quality; thus, the species richness and overall biomass of these organisms are reflections of water quality. BMAN information is not available for Terrible Creek (NC DEHNR 1991). Point source dischargers located throughout North Carolina are permitted through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. Any discharger is required to register for a permit. One permitted discharger is located in the project vicinity. The Fuquay Varina/Terrible Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant is located approximately 0.5 kilometers (0.3 miles) northeast of the project site on a tributary of Terrible Creek. This tributary enters Terrible Creek downstream from the project site. Summary of Anticipated Impacts to Water Resources Project construction could involve either the installation of a culvert through which Terrible Creek will flow (Alternative 1) or bridging the lower end of Johnson's Pond (Alternative 2). Crossing Terrible Creek at a new location downstream from the current crossing at the dam will result in temporary impacts to the water quality of the stream. Project construction from either alternative may result in the following impacts to surface waters: - Increased sedimentation and siltation from erosion; - Changes in light incidence and water clarity due to increased sedimentation and vegetation removal; - Alteration of water levels and flows due to interruptions and/or additions to surface and ground water flow from construction; - Changes in water temperature due to vegetation removal, and; - Increased concentration of toxic compounds from highway construction and toxic spills. Precautions should be taken to minimize these and other impacts to water resources in the study area. This can be accomplished by protecting stream bank vegetation, installing silt fences as well as other erosion and sedimentation controls. NCDOT's Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters and Sedimentation Control guidelines should be strictly enforced during the construction stage of the project. Provisions to preclude unnecessary contamination by toxic substances during the construction interval should also be strictly enforced. Biotic resources include aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. This section describes those ecosystems encountered in the study area, as well as the relationships between fauna and flora within these ecosystems. Composition and distribution of biotic communities throughout the project area are reflective of topography, hydrologic influences and past and present land uses. Descriptions of the terrestrial systems are presented in the context of plant community classifications. Natural plant community titles follow Schafale and Weakley (1990) where possible. Dominant flora and fauna likely to occur in each community are described and discussed. Identifications and nomenclature of vascular plants were made primarily with Radford rd &j. (1968). Fauna observed during field investigations are designated with an asterisk (*). Terrestrial Communities A variety of disturbed biotic communities dominate the project study area. The roadside shoulder, newly installed sewer line and hay field are maintained at an early successional stage. A Piedmont Bottomland Forest is present along Terrible Creek on the east side of the existing bridge. Disturbed Communities The roadside shoulder, sewer line ROW and hay field are dominated mostly by herbaceous and shrubby, early successional species. Herbaceous plants include meadow fescue, broomsedge, black nightshade, dog fennel, various species of goldenrods and elephant's foot. Pokeweed, greenbrier, poison ivy and Florida blue lettuce were also common within the disturbed portions of the project study area. Shrubby species common to these disturbed sites include blackberry, green ash, loblolly pine and red maple. Disturbed areas such as these are used by a variety of animals for foraging and nesting. Avian species such as rufous sided towhee*, northern cardinal*, brown thrasher*, Carolina chickadee* and red tailed hawk* were observed in both the disturbed and forested portion of the project study area. Mourning dove, ruby throated hummingbird, American goldfinch and various other songbirds are also likely to be found in the project study area. Scavenging birds such as the American crow* and turkey vulture are probably present during most of the year. Other faunal species likely to inhabit or use these disturbed areas include white-tailed deer, raccoon*, Virginia opossum, white-footed mouse and the southeastern shrew. Upland chorus frog, spring peeper and northern cricket frog are likely amphibians. Black rat snakes and rough green snakes may be found throughout the disturbed areas. Piedmont Bottomland Forest The forested area lying within the project study area is primarily Piedmont Bottomland Forest. Based on the presence of hydrophytic vegetation, hydrology and hydric soils, much of this area meets the necessary criteria to be classified as a jurisdictional wetland. Herbaceous species common to the wetland areas of the Bottomland Forest include common rush, Japanese grass, false nettle, spotted touch-me-not, privet, Japanese honeysuckle and meadow fescue. Other herbaceous species include meadow garlic, wild strawberry and mouse-ear chickweed. Canopy species common to this forest include sycamore, red maple, river birch, water oak, loblolly pine, sweetgum and dogwood. Great blue herons and green backed herons are likely residents of the Bottomland Forest and spend a considerable amount of time feeding in Johnson's Pond and Terrible Creek. Many of the animals that inhabit or use the disturbed areas are probably also found in the adjacent Bottomland Forest including birds such as northern cardinal, Carolina chickadee, red-tailed hawk and American crow. White-tailed deer, raccoon, Virginia opossum, upland chorus frogs, eastern newt, slimy salamander, eastern box turtle and black snakes are all likely inhabitants. Aquatic Communities Two types of aquatic communities are present in the project study area. Johnson's Pond dominates the western half of the project study area while Terrible Creek and one of its unnamed tributaries is to the east of the current bridge. Johnson's Pond Johnson's Pond was created as a result of a dam on Terrible Creek at the current bridge. Aquatic vegetation such as cattails, smartweeds and submerged pondweeds are likely to be found in the pond. Great blue herons and green-backed herons feed on various species of fish, reptiles and amphibians as well as crustaceans associated with the pond. Fish species likely to inhabit Johnson's Pond include eastern mosquito fish, largemouth bass, bluegill, red-breasted sunfish and catfish. Snapping turtle and stinkpot are common turtles in aquatic habitats of the Piedmont. Bullfrog, southern leopard frog and pickerel frog are all common in lakes and ponds in the project region. Crayfish species are commonly found in or near aquatic habitats in the Piedmont. Piedmont Perennial Stream Terrible Creek and its unnamed tributary are both considered Piedmont perennial streams. Fish species common to Piedmont streams include creek chub, green sunfish, pumpkinseed, bluegill and rosyside dace. These fish species feed on a variety of aquatic insects including caddisflies and mayflies. Anticipated Impacts to Biotic Communities Construction of the subject project will have various impacts on the biotic resources described. Any construction related activities in or near these resources has the potential to 9 impact biological functions. This section quantifies and qualifies impacts to the natural resources in terms of the ecosystems affected. Both temporary and permanent impacts are considered. Calculated impacts to terrestrial communities reflect the relative abundance of each community at the project site. Project construction will result in the clearing and degradation of portions of these communities. Table 2 summarizes potential quantitative losses of these biotic communities resulting from project construction. Estimated terrestrial impacts are derived using a ROW width of 18.3 meters (60.0 feet) on the northern end of Alternative 1 and 40 meters (130 feet) in the portion of Alternative 1 where Terrible Creek will be culverted. Usually, project construction does not require the entire ROW width; therefore, actual impacts may be considerably less. Impacts to Johnson's Pond (Alternative 2) are based on the surface area of the bridge and a 18.3 meter (60.0 foot) ROW width. Terrestrial communities found in the study area serve as nesting, feeding and sheltering habitat for various wildlife. Alternative 1 will impact approximately 1.1 hectares (2.7 acres) of land. Approximately 0.6 hectares (1.5 acres) of this area is Bottomland Forest while the other 0.1 hectares (0.2 acres) constitutes disturbed areas including an agricultural field and existing roadside shoulder. Approximately 0.4 hectares (1.0 acres) of the Bottomland Hardwood Forest in the vicinity of the proposed culvert is jurisdictional wetland. Habitat reduction concentrates wildlife into smaller areas of refuge, thus causing some species to become more susceptible to disease, predation and starvation. Impacts to the aquatic community include degradation of water quality, thus negatively impacting the aquatic organisms living in the stream. The surface area impacts to Terrible Creek will be extensive where the stream will be culverted. The culvert will require stream widening upstream and downstream from the crossing. The channelization of 40 meters (130 feet) of the stream is required for the culvert and will disrupt the aquatic community in Terrible Creek. Culverting such a long section of Terrible Creek will most likely displace all of the fish and most of the aquatic invertebrates that are currently inhabiting this portion of the stream. Alternative 2 (bridging Johnson's Pond) will have the least impact on the terrestrial communities within the project area. Only 0.2 hectares (0.5 acres) of Bottomland Forest and 0.1 hectares (0.2 acres) of disturbed habitat will be impacted by Alternative 2. This alternative will also impact a narrow fringing wetland along the northeastern edge of Johnson's Pond. This wetland is less than 0.03 hectares (0.07 acres) in size. The initial impacts to the aquatic community of Johnson's Pond resulting from bridge construction could be great. The substrate of the pond will be impacted as pilings are inserted during bridge construction. If the water level must be lowered for construction activities, large numbers of fish will likely be killed. If the pond is completely drained and the substrate dries out, aquatic invertebrates will also be lost. Permanent impacts to Johnson's Pond include shading 0.14 hectares (0.35 acres) of surface waters. Shading will negatively impact the lake community by reducing the amount of phytoplankton as well as reducing water temperatures in this portion of the lake. Normal traffic as well as maintenance activities (salt, paint, etc.) will contribute toxic compounds into the pond. Table 2 Anticipated impacts to biotic communities, wetlands and surface waters. Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Disturbed 0.1 ha (0.2 ac) 0.1 ha (0.2 ac) Bottomland Forest 0.6 ha (1.5 ac) 0.2 ha (0.5 ac) Wetland 0.4 ha (1.0 ac) 0.03 ha (0.07 ac) 10 Waters of the United States Surface waters and jurisdictional wetlands fall under the broad category of Waters of the United States, as defined Section 33 of the Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Part 328.3. Wetlands are defined in 33 CFR 328.3 as those areas inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted to life in saturated conditions. Any action that proposes to place fill material into these areas falls under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 U.S.C. 1344). Characteristics of Wetlands and Surface Waters Criteria to determine the presence of jurisdictional wetlands includes evidence of hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation and hydrology. Wetlands and surface waters will be impacted by the proposed project. One large wetland is located to the east of the dam creating Johnson's Pond. Approximately 0.6 hectares (1.5 acres) of this wetland will be impacted by Alternative 1. A second wetland located in the project study area fringes Johnson's Pond. Alternative 2 will only impact less than 0.03 hectares (0.07 acres) of jurisdictional wetland near the northeastern corner of the pond. Both wetlands contained hydrophytic plants such as red maple, sweet gum, river birch, sycamore, spotted touch-me-not and false nettle. Hydric soils with a color of IOYR 4/1 and 3/1 were present with mottles of 10 YR 4/6. Terrible Creek will be impacted by Alternative 1 while Alternative 2 will impact Johnson's Pond. Permits As mentioned above, impacts to surface waters and jurisdictional wetlands are anticipated from project construction. In accordance with provisions of Section 404 of the CWA, a permit will be required from the COE for the discharge of dredge or fill material into "Waters of the United States." A Section 404 Nationwide Permit 33 CFR 330.5 (A) (23) is likely to be applicable for all impacts to Waters of the United States from the proposed project. This permit authorizes activities undertaken, assisted, authorized, regulated, funded or financed in whole, or part, by another Federal agency or department where that agency or department has determined that pursuant to the council on environmental quality regulation for implementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act; (1) that the activity, work, or discharge is categorically excluded from environmental documentation because it is included within a category of actions which neither individually nor cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment, and; (2) that the office of the Chief of Engineers has been furnished notice of the agency's or department's application for the categorical exclusion and concurs with the determination. This project will also require a 401 Water Quality General Certification from the DEM prior to the issuance of a Nationwide Permit. Section 401 of the CWA requires that the state issue or deny water certification for any federally permitted or licensed activity that may result in a discharge to Waters of the United States. Final decisions concerning applicable permits rest with the COE. Mitigation The COE has adopted, through the Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ), a wetland mitigation policy which embraces the concept of "no net loss of wetlands." The purpose of this policy is to maintain and restore the chemical, biological and physical integrity of Waters of the United States, specifically wetlands. Mitigation of wetland impacts has been defined by the CEQ to include: avoiding impacts (to wetlands), minimizing impacts, rectifying impacts, reducing impacts over time and compensating for impacts (40 CFR) 1508.20. Each of these three aspects (avoidance, minimization and compensatory mitigation) must be considered sequentially. Avoidance Avoidance alternatives examine all appropriate and practicable possibilities of averting impacts to Waters of the United States. According to a 1990 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Environmental Protection Agency and the COE, in determining "appropriate and practicable" measures to offset unavoidable impacts, such measure should be appropriate to the scope and degree of those impacts and practicable in terms of cost, existing technology and logistics. Alternative 1 involves crossing Terrible Creek downstream from the current crossing (on the dam). This alternative would have the greatest impact to jurisdictional wetlands which could only be avoided by bridging the wetland or moving this section of new location further east. Alternative 2 would have only minor impacts to wetlands that fringe the edge of Johnson's Pond but would have the greatest impact to surface waters as it crosses Johnson's Pond. Minimization Minimization includes the examination of appropriate and practical steps to reduce the adverse impacts to Waters of the United States. Implementation of these steps will be required through project modifications and permit conditions. Minimization typically focuses on decreasing the footprint of the proposed project through the reduction of median widths, ROW widths, fill slopes and/or road shoulder widths. Since much of the bottomland area east of the dam is jurisdictional wetland, shifting the relocated section of Alternative 1 either west or slightly east of its proposed location would still have significant wetland impacts. Shifting the new location section several hundred meters to the east would minimize impacts to wetlands. Alternative 2, involving bridging Johnson's Pond would only impact a small wetland along the edge of the pond. Impacts to this wetland could be lessened by extending the bridge over the fringing wetland. Impacts to surface waters would be great. Additional means to minimize impacts to the waters and wetlands crossed by the proposed project include: strict enforcement of sedimentation control using Best Management Practices for the protection of surface waters during the entire construction life of the project; reduction of clearing and grubbing activity, particularly in riparian areas and reduction or elimination of direct discharge into streams; reduction of runoff velocity; re-establishment of vegetation on exposed areas, with prudent pesticide and herbicide management; minimization of in-stream activity and litter and debris control. The use of any number of these methods will be effective in reducing the degradation of water quality resulting from project construction. Compensatory Mitigation Compensatory mitigation is not normally considered until anticipated impacts to Waters of the United States have been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent possible. It is recognized that "no net loss of wetlands" functions and values may not be achieved in each and every permit action. Appropriate and practicable compensatory mitigation is required for 12 unavoidable, adverse impacts which remain after all appropriate and practicable minimization has been done. Compensatory actions often include restoration, creation and enhancement of Waters of the United States. Such actions should be undertaken in areas adjacent to or contiguous the project site, when possible. Projects authorized under Nationwide Permits usually do not require compensatory mitigation according to the 1989 Memorandum Agreement between the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Army. The final decision regarding mitigation rests with the Corps of Engineers. Rare and Protected Species Some populations of fauna and flora have been in the process of decline either due to natural forces or their inability to coexist with human activities. Federal law (under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act [ESA] of 1973, as amended) requires that any action, likely to adversely affect a species classified as federally-protected, be subject to review by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). Other species may receive additional protection under separate state laws. Federally-Protected Species Plants and animals with federal classifications of Endangered, Threatened, Proposed Endangered and Proposed Threatened are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the ESA. Four federally-protected species are known from Wake County as of April 1, 1996 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1995). An endangered species is a species that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. Alismodonta heterodon (dwarf wedge mussel) The dwarf wedge mussel is a small mussel having a distinguishable shell noted by two lateral teeth on the right half and one on the left half. The periostracum (outer shell) is olive green to dark brown in color and the nacre (inner shell) is bluish to silvery white. Known populations of the dwarf wedge mussel in North Carolina are in portions of the Neuse and Tar River systems. This mussel is sensitive to agricultural, domestic, and industrial pollutants and requires a stable silt free streambed with well oxygenated water to survive. Biological Conclusion: No Effect NCDOT biologist Tim Savidge surveyed Terrible Creek at the project site for dwarf wedge mussels on September 5, 1995 and found no specimens of this species. Further, the NC Natural Heritage Program database of rare species and unique habitats currently does not indicate any populations of dwarf wedge mussel in the project vicinity. This project will not affect the dwarf wedge mussel. Haliaeetus leucoce halus (bald eagle) Adult bald eagles can be identified by their large white head and short white tail. The body plumage is dark brown to chocolate brown in color. In flight bald eagles can be identified by their flat wing soar. Eagle nests are found in close proximity to water (within a half mile), in the largest living tree in an area, and having an open view of the surrounding land. Human disturbance can cause an eagle to abandon otherwise suitable habitat. The breeding season for the bald eagle begins in 13 December or January. Fish are a major food source for bald eagles. other sources include coots, herons, and wounded ducks. Food may be either live or carrion. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Johnson's Pond, the only body of water in the project site, is not likely to support bald eagle foraging because of its size. No bald eagles or their nests were observed during either site visit. The NC Natural Heritage Program database of rare species and unique habitats does not indicate any populations of bald eagles in the vicinity of the project. This project will not affect the bald eagle. Picoides borealis (red-cockaded woodpecker) The adult red-cockaded woodpecker has a plumage that is entirely black and white except for small red streaks on the sides of the nape in the male. The back of the red cockaded woodpecker is black and white with horizontal stripes. The breast and underside of this woodpecker are white with streaked flanks. The red cockaded woodpecker has a large white cheek patch surrounded by the black cap, nape, and throat. Red cockaded woodpeckers use open old growth stands of southern pines, particularly longleaf pine, for foraging and nesting habitat. A forested stand must contain at least 50% pine, lack a thick understory, and be contiguous with other stands to be appropriate habitat for the RCW. These birds nest exclusively in trees that are 260 years old and are contiguous with pine stands at least 30 years of age. The foraging range of this species is up to 200 hectares (500 acres). This acreage must be contiguous with suitable nesting sites. These woodpeckers nest exclusively in living pine trees and usually in trees that are infected with the fungus that causes red-heart disease. Cavities are located in colonies from 3.6- 30.3 meters (12.0-100.0 feet) above the ground and average 9.1-15.7 meters (30.0-50.0 feet) high. Cavity trees can be identified by a large incrustation of running sap that surrounds the tree. The red cockaded woodpecker lays its eggs in April, May, and June; the eggs hatch approximately 38 days later. Biological Conclusion: No Effect The project vicinity is mainly composed of a bottomland hardwood forest. No mature pine stands are present at or near the project site. Thus, suitable habitat for this species does not exist. The NC Natural Heritage Program database of rare species and unique habitats does not indicate any populations of red-cockaded woodpeckers in the project vicinity. Therefore, this project will not affect the red-cockaded woodpecker. $h= michauxii (Michaux's sumac) Michaux's sumac is a densely pubescent rhizomatous shrub. The bases of the leaves are rounded and their edges are simply or doubly serrate. The flowers of Michaux's sumac are greenish to white in color. Fruits, which develop from August to September on female plants, are a red densely short-pubescent drupe. This plant occurs in rocky or sandy open woods. Michaux's sumac is dependent on some sort of disturbance to maintain the openness of its habitat. It usually grows in association with basic soils and occurs on sand or sandy loams. Michaux's sumac grows only in open habitat where it can get full sunlight. Michaux's sumac does not compete well with other species, such as Japanese honeysuckle, with which it is often associated. 14 Biological Conclusion: No Effect Very little habitat exists for this species at the project site. Most of the disturbed areas are mowed on a regular basis. A plant by plant survey for Ehu michauxii was conducted by walking the disturbed habitats during the site visits and no specimens were found. The NC Natural Heritage Program database of rare species and unique habitats does not indicate any populations Michaux's sumac in the project vicinity. This project will not affect Michaux's sumac. D. Air Quality and Traffic Noise The project is located in Wake County, which is within the Raleigh-Durham nonattainment area for ozone (03) as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) designated these areas as a "moderate" nonattainment area for 03. and CO. However, due to improved monitoring data, these areas were redesignated as "maintenance" for 03 on June 17, 1994, and "maintenance" for CO on September 18, 1995. Section 176(c) of the CAAA requires that transportation plans, programs, and projects conform to the intent of the state air quality implementation plan (SIP). The current SIP does not contain any transportation control measures for Wake County. The Capital Area 1995 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) has been determined to conform to the intent of the SIP. The MPO approval date for the TIP is August 9, 1995. The USDOT approval date of the TIP is November 1, 1995. The current conformity determination is consistent with the final conformity rules found in 40 CFR Part 51. There have been no significant changes in the project design concept or scope, as used in the conformity analysis. The impact on air quality will be insignificant. This project is an air quality neutral project, therefore a project level CO analysis is not required. If the project disposes of vegetation by burning, all burning shall be done in accordance with applicable local laws and regulations of the North Carolina SIP for air quality in compliance with 15 NCAC 2D.0520. This evaluation completes the assessment requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments and the National Environmental Policy Act. The project requires no additional reports. The project will not significantly increase traffic volumes. Therefore, it will have no substantial impact on noise levels. Temporary noise increases may occur during construction. E. Farmland The Farmland Protection Policy Act of 1981 requires all federal agencies or their representatives to consider the impact of land acquisition and construction projects on prime and important farmland soils. These soils are determined by the US Soil Conservation Service (SCS) based on criteria such as potential crop yield and possible level of input of economic resources. The SCS was consulted to determine whether the proposed realignment and replacement of Bridge No. 299 will impact farmland soils. The SCS completed Form AD-1006, Farmland Conversion Impact Rating, indicating approximately 0.50 acres of prime farmland soils would be affected in the proposed realignment alternate [Alternate One]. The relative value of the farmland to be converted by Alternate One was 13.4 on a scale of 100 points. The total farmland conversion impact rating is 46.4 on a scale of 260. An impact rating of 160 or above would have constituted the rejection of an alternate as a possible project location. There is no active farmland in the project area, therefore the impact of the project to prime farmland soils will not be mitigated. 15 IX. CONCLUSIONS Based on the above discussion, NCDOT and FHWA conclude that the project will cause no significant environmental impacts. Therefore, the project may be processed as a Categorical Exclusion. WTG/ 16 nal- lutgk J ME I 4OF 12a Im POND yc%\ i> 3!u NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH WAKE COUNTY REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 299 ON SR 1404 OVER TERRIBLE CREEK B - 3055 0 mile 1 FIG. 1 F ?? A . r I n I f , 11 I I i!'?' F _ 1, { f . ?1 , ? ?I9T .e L.:?5•? r ? r ? ? ? ? pi h ? e f 'aFr r t M 4 1 All, 1 ' r N? 1 ?0 S 1? d I Al 1 ! ) ,l T { so f Ff1 1 w r t.r TQ b O 'C J CL Match Lilac r- as Match Lin, l 1 1 i ? O?'r: i ,?.?? 'Yid q? •, r• r ?i ,- y, '7 f ??r 1 1 , ? .., 1 ,11 , P6 trl, (,n f. 1' J,., ,?f;4 ! ?? .14Y Y N L? 1 ItSi i f ? I ? 4b v If?lt "k? ? l , 1 tiyi ,, t''1' "?' ? 5 ' i?:: , t r ,•!,; ,,r ' ` j? } n a' 40 1; • t ?Z ?r LDOKffNG NORTH ACROSS BRIDGE LOOKING EAS'E' TOWARD BRIDGE ??oa °'" ?4AO, North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways 7%, o.,. Planning & Environmental Branch Wake County Replace Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 Over Terrible Creek B-3055 NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION FINAL NATIONWIDE SECTION 4(f) EVALUATION AND APPROVAL FOR FEDERALLY-AIDED HIGHWAY PROJECTS WITH MINOR INVOLVEMENTS WITH HISTORIC SITES TIP Project No.: B-3055 State Project No. 8,2404501 Federal-Aid Project No.: BRZ-1404(2) DESCRIPTION: Replacement of Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404 over Terrible Creek in Wake County. The historic resource involved in the project is the J. Beale Johnson House, a National Register Listed house located just southeast of the existing bridge. YES NQ 1. Is the proposed project designed to improve the operational characteristics, safety, and/or physical condition of the existing highway facility on essentially X the same alignment? 2. Is the project on new location ? F? X 3. Is the historic site adjacent to the existing highway? X D 4. Does the project require the removal or alteration X of historic buildings, structures, or objects? 5. Does the project disturb or remove archaeological resources which are important to preserve in place X rather than to recover for archaeological research? 6. a. Is the impact on the Section 4(f) site considered X minor (i.e. no effect, no adverse effect) ? b. If the project is determined to have "no adverse effect" on the historic site, does the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation object to the determination N/A of "no adverse effect"? 7. Has the SHPO agreed, in writing, with the assessment X 1:1 of impacts and the proposed mitigation? - S? El X 8. Does the project require the preparation of an EI ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED AND FOUND NOT TO BE FEASIBLE AND PRUDENT The following alternatives were evaluated and found not to be feasible and prudent: YES NQ 1. Do nothing Does the "do nothing" alternative: F1 X (a) correct capacity deficiencies? d ? h i f i F? X azar s ety st ng sa or (b) correct ex i ? di d F? X ons con t or (c) correct deteriorate ? 1:1 X and (d) create a cost or impact of extraordinary measure 2. Improve the highway without using the adjacent historic site. (a) Have minor alignment shifts, changes in standards, use of retaining walls, etc., or traffic management - F? measures been evaluated? X (b) The items in 2(a) would result in: (circle, as appropriate) (i) substantial adverse environmental impacts or (ii substantial increased costs or (iii) unique engineering, transportation, maintenance, or safety problems or (iv) substantial social, environmental, or economic impacts or (v) a project which does not meet the need or (vi) impacts, costs, or problems which are of extraordinary magnitude Y-U 3. Build an improved facility on new location without X using the historic site. (a) An alternate on new location would result in: (circle, as appropriate) (i) a project which does not solve the existing problems or (ii) substantial social, environmental, or economic impacts or a substantial increase in project cost or engineering difficulties and (iv) such impacts, costs, or difficulties of truly unusual or unique or extraordinary magnitude MINIMIZATION OF HARM Y-0 NQ 1. The project includes all possible planning to minimize X harm necessary to preserve the historic integrity of the site. 2. Measures to minimize harm have been agreed to, in X a accordance with 36 CFR Part 800, by the FHWA, the SHPO, and as appropriate, the ACHP. 3. Specific measures to minimize harm are described as follows: The clearing and removal of trees within the boundary of the National Register Listed property will be kept to the minimum necessary for project construction. Note: Any response in a box requires additional information prior to approval. Consult Nationwide 4(f) evaluation. The proposed project has been coordinated with the following (attach correspondence): a. State Historic Preservation Officer x_ b. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation N/A c. Property owner N/A d. Local/State/Federal Agencies x_ e. US Coast Guard N/A (for bridges requiring bridge permits) SUMMARY AND APPROVAL The project meets all criteria included in the programmatic 4(f) evaluation approved on December 23, 1986. All required alternatives have been evaluated and the findings made are clearly applicable to this project. There are no feasible and prudent alternatives to the use of the historic site. The project includes all possible planning to minimize harm, and the measures to minimize harm will be incorporated in the project. All appropriate coordination has been successfully completed with local and state agencies. Approved: Date As; Manager, Planning & Environmental Branch NCDOT ??I24/?6 AAZ e-- Z kcZn223 Date /,0;rVivisi Admimstrator, FHWA Federal Aid R t?r-2- 1404 TIP T la:,County CONCURRENCE FORM FOR ASSESSIIENT OF EFFECTS W?VLa Brief Project Description [~Er?.?cE eW,DC F 1,40• 211,1 •w '->f. 1404 ova. TF-R-2tP?t ? ? iL On representatives of the -r North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Other reviewed the subject project and agreed ? there are no eti'ects on the National Resister-listed property within the project's area of potential effect and listed on the reverse. there are no e-Fr"ects on the National Register-eligible properties located within the project's area of potential effect and listed on the reverse. there is an effect on the National Resister-listed property/ properties within the project's area of potentiai effect. The property-prope:ies and the et;ect(s) are listed on the reverse. there is an effect on the National Register-eligible property/properties within the project's area of potential effect. The property/properties and effect(s) are listed on the reverse. Sinned: Represe • , . 'POT, Historic Architectural Resources Section Dat r Oawf l.fW or the Divisi Administrator, or other Federal Agency Date Representative, HPO Da e A ?. `State Historic Prese--vation Officer Dac (over) ederal Aid T 1?, • ?40¢ (21 . TIP 9 ?> 3oC? S County W A ILF- operties within area of potential effect for which there is no effect. Indicate if property is rational Register-listed (NR) or determined eligible (DE). ._?. ?Et.l-E??oN?lSowl ?ouy? ChIR-J Dp .Kw?l- Nill ihe4t4t, 141v Ga?ir.Kwtew?l uw?wai?ww?}- ?+ wtiKi ate. a{s?riN? w4kir Vk& raro"a vi9 kV- ?? 1^? Ir?l ry{IN t14 'roperies within area of potential effect for which there is an effect. Indicate property status (NR ,r DE) and describe effect. R.eason(s) why effect is not adverse (if applicable). Initialed: NCDOT FHWA SHPO ?G J e,. ST Art J r 1 ?? North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James B. Hunt Jr., Governor Betty Ray McCain, Secretary May 9, 1996 Nicholas L. Graf Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration Department of Transportation 310 New Bern Avenue Raleigh, N.C. 27601-1442 Re: Archaeological report for replacement of Bridge No. 299 on SR 1404, Federal Aid Project BRZ- 1404(2). State Project 8.2404501, TIP B-3055, Wake County, ER 95-8113, ER 96-8761 Dear Mr. Graf: Division of Archives and History Jeffrey J. Crow, Director `l 1 A ?q96 M?a a< <. ;to \AN Thank you for your letters of March 18, 1996, and April 11, 1996, and the accompanying archaeological report and site form by John Mintz and Thomas Beaman of the North Carolina Department of Transportation for the above project. For purposes of compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, it is our opinion that the following property is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion D: 31 WA1255 * * The Johnson's Mill (Alford's Mill) Site (31 WA1255 * *) is eligible because it is a good example of early twentieth century water powered technology in the North Carolina Piedmont and has yielded important information about that technology. The archaeological report is excellent. The research and recordation already accomplished is comprehensive. The significant information concerning water powered technology has been adequately retrieved so that the proposed bridge replacement will have No Adverse Effect upon archaeological site 31 WA1255**. Mr. Mintz and Mr. Beaman are to be commended for the quality of their report which meets our office's guidelines and those of the Secretary of the Interior. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. 109 East Jones Street - Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2807 g? Nicholas L. Graf May 9, 1996, Page 2 Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. Si?fee ely, avid Brook Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:slw / cc: H. F. Vick T. Padgett J. Mintz T. Beaman /s FEB 2 2 1995 North Carolina Department of Cultural Resour olvisicti r, . CP H?GHVVA\':, James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Division Betty Ray McCain, Secretary William S. rector February 17, 1995 Nicholas L. Graf Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration Department of Transportation 310 New Bern Avenue Raleigh, N.C. 27601-1442 Re: Replace Bridge 299 on SR 1404 over Terrible Creek, Wake County, B-3055, Federal Aid Project BRZ-1404(2), State Project 8.2404501, ER 95- 8113 Dear Mr. Graf: On February 7, 1995, Debbie Bevin of our staff met with North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) staff for a meeting of the minds concerning the above project. We reported our available information on historic architectural and archaeological surveys and resources along with our recommendations. NCDOT provided project area photographs and aerial photographs at the meeting and for our use afterwards. Based upon our review of the photographs and the information discussed at the meeting, we offer our preliminary comments regarding this project. In terms of historic architectural resources, the J.-Beale Johnson House, which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places, is located within the project's area of potential effect. The Atkinson-Whitted House and Tower, which is included on the state study list, is located north of the project area on SR 1407. We recommend that no historic architectural survey be conducted for this project. The remains of a historic period mill site are located east of the existing bridge. If this site will be affected by the proposed replacement, archaeological investigations to record and evaluate the site are recommended prior to construction activities. Having provided this information, we look forward to receipt of either a Categorical Exclusion or Environmental Assessment which indicates how NCDOT addressed our comments. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the Advisory council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance With Section 106, codified at 36 CFR Part 800. 109 East Jones Street • Raleigb, North Carolina 27601-2807 ??P Nicholas L. Graf February 17, 1995, Page 2 Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. Sincerely, GDavid Brook Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:slw/ cc: tai. F. Vick B. Church T. Padgett