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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0037772_Monitoring - 03-2020_20200429FORM: NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 4 / of !r Permil No.: �WQ0037772 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms St. Pauls Facility County: Robeson Month: March Year: 2020 PPI: 001 Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent ❑' Effluent ❑No Flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface Water Parameter Code -11 50050 00310 00916 00940 31616 '' 00927 00610 00625 00620 00600 00400 00665 WQ09C - 00931 00929 1 70300 > 0 E - O Q LO O 0 3 M O E �O z ~ +' c �0 Z O .- CL y a ® C IM � oE E O H Q' nm D a E Ouj i0 �> =E F m N OP HN o 24-hr hrs GPD mg/L mg/L mg/L #1100 mL mg/L mg/L - mg/L mg/L mg/L su mg/L mg/L Ratio mg/L mg/L 1 1,069,537 21 06:00 1 10 1,082,928 7 3 06:00 10 1,239,593 15 15.3 110 1 9.04 6.74 9.5 21.2 30.8 6,96 ': 31 25.5 10.1 202 769 - 4 06:00 10 1,240,614 - 7 5 06:00 10 1,275,437' 8<- 5.05 12.4 173 29.7 6.98 30.9 22 6 06:00 10 1,284,961 :y " 7y 7 932,143 8 1,063,303 9 06:00 10 1,023,556 7,01 10 06:00 10 1,001,042 6 1 _ 0A 62 9.24 15.5 6:98 27.8 11.2 11 06:00 10 1,022,949 6.99 12 06:00 10 972,977 8 1 1.12 6,7 6.4 13.1 7 32.4 8.7 13 06:00 10 981,501`' 7.02 _ 14 1,207,336' 15 16 06:00 10 1,105,009 1,084,720 _.._.._._. 7.02 - 17 06:00 10 1,092,196 6 1 8,42 9 12.1 21.1 6.95 30.5 16.5 j 18 06:00 10 1,098,732 699 19 06:00 10 1,142,690 8 22 _ 2.81' 7.3 16.6 24 6.99 25.9 19.5 20 06:00 10 1,255,983 6.96 ': r 21 1,328,317 22 1,030,021 231 06:00 1 10 1,064,021 7.03 241 06:00 1 10 1,126,518 9 1 0,56 ` 6.2 13.6 19.9 6.93 25.9 15.7 25 06:00 10 1,106,570 6.99 26 06:00 10 1,064,073 10 T:,, 51 7.8 17.8 25.7 6.97 26.3 21.3 27 06:00 10 852,692 7.06 28 1,096,219 29 1,060,275 06:00 10 1,052,708 7.02 130 31106:00 1 10 992,105 9 1 0.1 5.5 9 14.6 6.95 0.07 10.7 Average: 1,095,185 8.78 15.30 110.00 1.41 9.04 3.33 7.84 13.69 ` 2160 25.64 16.79 10.10 202.00 769.00 Daily Maximum: 1,328,31`7 15.00 15.30 110.00 "' 22.00 '' 9.04 8.42 12.40 2120 30.80 7.06 32.40 25.50 10.10 202.00 769.00 Daily Minimum: 852,692 6.00 15.30 110.00 1_00 9.04 0.10 5.50 6.40 13.10 6.93 0.07 830 10.10 202,00 769.00 Sampling Type: Recorder, Composite Composite Composite `- Grab Composite Composite Composite Composite 1 Composite ' Grab Composite Calculated Calculated Composite Composite Monthly Avg. Limit: 1,400,000 Daily Limit: Sample Frequency: Continuous 2 x Week Monthly 3 x Year 2 x Week Monthly 2 x Week 2 x Week 2 x Week" 2 x Week 5 x Week 2 x Week 2 x 1di/eek Monthly Monthly 3 x Year FORM: NDMR 03 12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page of Permit No.:, W00037772 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms St. Pauls Facility County: Robeson Month: March Year: 2020 PPI: 001 Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent 2Effluent [:]No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface Water Parameter Code 0 00530 t Q E O c m s a O CL o 24-hr hrs mg/L 1 2 06:00 10 � - 3 06:00 10 11.7 4 06:00 10 5 06:00 10 8.8 6 06:00 10 7 8 9 06:00 10 10 06:00 10 $ 11 06:00 10 12 06:00 10 7 13 06:00 10 14 15 16 06:00 10 17 06:00 10 8.5 3 18 06:00 10 new ' 19 06:00 10 10 20 06:00 10 21 - 22 23 06:00 10 24 06:00 10 11.4 25 06:00 10 26 06:00 10 16. .. 27 06:00 10 28 29 30 06:00 10 31 06:00 10 13.4 Average: 10.53 Daily Maximum: 16.00 Daily Minimum: 7.00' Sampling Type: ! Composite Monthly Avg. Limit: Daily Limit: Sample Frequency: 2x Week FORM: NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page —3— of Permit No.: - W00037772 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms St. Pauls Facility County: Robeson Month: March Year: 2020 PPI: 002 Flow Measuring Point: ❑influent [:]Effluent❑No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: [:]Influent❑Effluent []Groundwater Lowering Surface Water Parameter Code P 31616 00610 00620" 00600 00400 , 00665 o > O c 0 ~(, E ° X 0 E ti a 0 E4 ° E Q m' 0c ° Z a w 2 aE o a 24-hr hrs #1100 mL mg/L mg/L ' mg/L su mg/L 1 2 06:00 10 3 06:00 10 4 06:00 10 5 06:00 10 6 06:00 10 7 8 9 06:00 10 10 06:00 10 11 06:00 10 12 06:00 10 13 06:00 10 ` 14 15 16 06:00 10 171 06:00 10 18 06:00 10 19 06:00 10 _ 20 06:00 10 21 --- 22 231 06:00 10 24 06:00 10 25 06:00 10 �~ 26 06:00 10 DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY 27 06:00 10 28- 29 30 06:00 10 31 06:00 10 Average: 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Daily Maximum: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Daily Minimum: 0.00 0.00 0.00: 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sampling Type: Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Monthly Avg. Limit: Daily Limit: Sample Frequency: 3 x Year 3 x Year 3 x Year 3 x Year 3 x Year 3 x Year FORM: NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page of Permit Q0037772 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms St. Pauls Facility County: Robeson Month: March 12 ST.M J1 IVE_4�rft &1 171 Parameter Monitoring Point: ElInfluent []Effluent ElGroundwater Lowering ElSurface Water IN 0 M 1• 71, N M W No= jrMy—maximum: Sam Type: Monthly Avg. Limit: Sample Frequency- �� 3xYear x Year x Year FORM: NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page —5— of 10— Permit No.: WQ0037772 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms St. Pauls Facility PPI: 004 Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent ❑No Flow generated Parameter Code 0 31616 00610 00620 00600 00400 00665 0 _ � Q E O F O C C! N ° E 0 2 it. 0 f6 •C ° E E Q =° o 0 I— :!� Z = a H 7 O w a ~ O a.O 24-hr hrs *100 mL mg/L mg/L mg/L su mg/L 1 2 06:00 10 3 06:00 10 4 06:00 10 5 06:00 10 6 06:00 10 7 8 9 06:00 10 10 06:00 10 11 06:00 10 12 06:00 10 13 06:00 10 14 15 16 06:00 10 171 06:00 10 181 06:00 10 191 06:00 10 201 06:00 10 21 22 23 06:00 10 24 06:00 10 25 06:00 10 26 06:00 10 410 0.2 3.34 3.3 6.48 0.25 27 06:00 10 28 T9 30 06:00 10 31 06:00 10 Average: 410.00 0.20 3.34 3.30 0.25 Daily Maximum: 410.00 0.20 334 3.30 6.48 0.25 Daily Minimum: 410.00 , 0.20 3.34 3.30 6.48 0.25 Sampling Type: Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Monthly Avg. Limit: Daily Limit: Sample Frequency: _ 3 x Year 3 x Year 3 x Year 3 x Year 3 x Year 3 x Year FORM: NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page —'('2 of —D Permit No.:' 111137772 Facility Name: Sanderson'••- • 1 1 Flow Measuring Point: E]Influent []Effluent E]No now generated oil - Parameter Code 1, IN • • monsoon WIT-11 Me 1-me 1 � �- I= m Erin. 1 1 -®-�--- FORM: NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page of fir Permit No.- wll •- • '••- • . 1 1 11.Flow Measuring '• ■ E]Effluent F7No flow. Parameter Monitoring •. ■ ■ [:]Groundwater Lowering ElSurface Water Parameter Code —o. • Daily Maximum:! Daily Minimum: Type. Monthly Avg� SampleSampling • • -®-®- FORM: NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page of Permit No.' Q1137772 Facility Name: Sanderson. '••- • . 1 1 Parameter Code • • . Sampling • • . • ® • ® • ® -®---®-®- Monthly • -®-®- FORM: NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page of Permit No.'. W00037772 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms St. Pauls Facility PPI: 008 Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent ❑No now generated Parameter Code 0 31.616 00610 00620 - 00600 00400 '- 00665 f0 > C O E f0 C 2 c N U) i O U~ ~N _!L- u- O E E Z 0 0 H" 0 O. ~ O p o U a Z 0 a 24-hr hrs #/100 mL mg/L mg/L '" mg/L su mg/L 1 2 06:00 10 3 06:00 10 4 06:00 10 5 06:00 10 6 06:00 10 7...' 9 06:00 10 10 0600 10 11 06:00 10 12 06:00 10 13 06:00 10 06:00 10 06:00 10 06:00 10 06:00 10 06 00 10 21 22 23 06:00 10 24 06:00 10 25 06:00 10 26 06:00 10 82 0.7 0 05 1.6 6.74 'u 0.14 27 06:00 10 28 29 30 06:00 10 31 0600 10 Average: 82.00 0.70 005 1.60 0.14 Daily Maximum: 82.00 0.70 005 1.60 6.74 0.14 Daily Minimum: 82.00 0.70 0.05 1,60 6.74 0.14 Sampling Type: Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab" Grab Monthly Avg. Limit: Daily Limit: Sample Frequency: -3 x Year 3 x Year 3 x Year 3 x Year 3 x Year 3 x Year County: Robeson Month: March Year: 2020 Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent []Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering Esurface water FORM: NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page of Sampling Person(s) Certified Laboratories Name: Randy D. Clark Name: Environmental Chemists Inc. Name: Name: Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? ❑� Compliant ❑Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Perm ittee Certification ORC: Randy D. Clark Permittee: Sanderson Farms Inc. St. Paul's Processing Certification No.: WW22332 Signing Official: Paul D. Smith Grade: IV Phone Number: 910-674-9546 Signing Official's Title: Division Manager Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑Yes ONO Phone Number: 10-274-0220 Permit Expiration: 9/30/2020 Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page / of & Permit No.: WQ0037772 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms St. Pauls Facility County: Robeson Month: March Year: 2020 Did irrigation Field Name: E1 Field Name: E2 Field Name: E3 ' Field Name: E4 occur Area (acres): , 20.8 Area (acres): 21.3 Area (acres): 21.1 Area (acres): 21.1 at this facility? Cover Crop:Oats Cover Crop: P� Oats, Pines Cover Crop: P� Cats, Pines Cover Crop: P: Oats, Pines DYES ❑NO Hourly Rate (in): 0,15 Hourly Rate (in): 0.15 Hourly Rate (in): _ 0.15 Hourly Rate (in): 0.15 Annual Rate (in): 54A Annual Rate (in): 54.4 Annual Rate (in): 54A Annual Rate (in): 54.4 Weather Freeboard Field Irrigated? ❑Y4S ❑NO Field Irrigated? DYES ONO Field Irrigated? ,!`fE5 [-;NO Field Irrigated? ❑� YES ❑NO N O ` r �4 a C 2 _ ° 3 N m `p N N a G R U > a a Q w a� B m E._ ® o° Q v d ate.. E a- !- m ?. a cC o J E m ` Epp x o ea ', m r o J m d 3- a o a Q a d w E w °� i= •` _ m �+ C _ co o o= J E rn 7` C E a o o J is E,® = o a Q a 45.. y,e E �- rn 7+ C O m ®o J E Qr e C E v .ei y o G1 G o a Q o d w E 1- T rn >. C_ a 0 m o E rn 3` C E m m= O °F in ft ft gal min in in gal min in in gal min in in gal min in in 1 C 27 0 5.5 2 C 40 0 5 464,941 525 0.82 "0,09 471,647 525 0.82 0.09 3 CL 59 0 5.6 4 CL 58 0.2 4.9 409,353 480 0.71 0.09 5 R 53 0.1 5.5 6 C 48 0.6 4.7 384,466 450 0.67 0.09 7 C 37 0 5.1 452,139 525 0.80 0.09 458,660 525 080 0,09 8 C 31 0 5.8 9 C 35 0 5.3 446,626 510 0.77 0.09 10 PC 56 0 5.9 509,259 525 0.90 0.10 516,605 525 0.90 0.10 11 C 55 0 6.5 424,51`8 420 0.74 0.11 12 C 60 0 6.9 13 PC 62 0 6.3 454,276 525 0.79 0.09 14 PC 61 0 6.9 15 CL 51 0.2 6.4 16 CL 51 0 5.8 421,904 510 0.75 0.09 ` 17 R 51 0 6.5 181 PC 50 0.3 5.9 452,780 510 0.79 0.09 19 CL 60 0 6.5 486,769 540 0.84 0.09 482,199 540 0,84 0.09 20 PC 56 0 7 425,606 510 0.75 0.09 21 PC 68 0 7.7 22 C 49 0 7 23 CL 47 0.2 6.5 j 24 CL 60 0 6 406,716 480 0.71 0.09 25 26 R CL 50 50 1.5 0 6.4 5.9 423,348 495 0.73 0.09 419,373 i 495 1 0.73 0.09 27 CL 58 0 6.4 28 PC 68 0 7 29 C 71 0 6.5 30 PC 71 0 6 433,499 510 0.77 0,09 439,751 510 0.77 0.09 31 CL 58 0 6.6 413,685 480 0.72 0.09 Monthly Loading: 2,707,348 4.79 2,220,372 3.84 2,198,435 3.84 2,671,965 4.66 12 Month Floating Total (in): 30.50 45.95 44.24 45.85 FORM: NDAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page _I:;_- of Permit No.: WQ0037772 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms St. Pauls Facility County: Robeson Month: March Year: 2020 Did irrigation occur Field Name: E5 Field Name: S1 Field Name. S2 Field Name: S3 facility? Area (acres): 22.1 Area (acres): 21.8 Area (acres)-` 20.9 Area (acres): 20.5 at this Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Cover Crop: Oats Cover Crop Oats, Pines Cover Crop: Oats, Pines ❑YES ❑NO Hourly Rate (in): 0,1`5 Hourly Rate (in): 0.15 Hourly Rate (in): _ 0,16 Hourly Rate (in): 0.16 Annual Rate (in): 54.4 Annual Rate (in): 54.4 Annual Rate (in):' mm 04.4 Annual Rate (in): 54.4 Weather Freeboard Field Irrigated? YEs ❑No Field Irrigated? EYES ❑rvo Field Irrigated? ES ;Y Field Irrigated? EYES ENO y o U'L° L L Md m 3 a E F c ° `._° a N L (L m R o y m w CL M Ta N w a E 2 0,a CL > Q o d E w0 tL. .� 0s �,c .7 R E 0) 0 c E as •tF5,..: m E 2 0 a � Q 0 CL~ a m;; E� _ 'c ,� J E a) 3 a_c E �� f0 2 J E2 ? i ca I F_ j i. .o. M � M dy s c _ 0 m c4 a� a E 2 0 Q Q m �; � 2) ~_ L > c �� O J= E 0 3 c X oM J °F in ft ft gal min in in gal min in in gal I min ; in in gal min in in 1 C 27 0 5.5 2 C 40 0 5 3 CL 59 0 5.6 4 CL 58 0.2 4.9 424,728 480 0.71 0.09 i ; 393,978 480 0.71 0.09 5 R 53 0.1 5.5 6 C 48 0.6 4.7 397,221 450 0.67 0.09 380,822 450 0,67 0.09 7 C 37 0 5.1 8 C 31 0 5.8 9 C 35 0 5.3 463,4p f 510 0-77 0.09 429,851 510 0.77 0.09 10 PC 1 56 0 5.9 11 C 55 0 6.5 438,601 420 0.74 0.11 420,494 420 034 0.11 12 C 60 0 6.9 13 PC 62 0 6.3 14 PC 61 0 6.9 15 CL 51 0.2 6.4 161 CL 51 0 5.8 448,272 51`0 0.75 0.09 415,818 510 0.75 0.09 17 R 51 0 6.5 18 PC 50 0.3 5.9 467,801 510 0.79 0.09 448,488 510 0.79 0.09 `. 19 CL 60 0 6.5 20 PC 56 0 7 452,206 510 0 75 0.09 419,467 510 0.75 0.09 21 PC 68 0 7.7 22 C 49 0 7 23 CL 47 0.2 6.5 241 CL 60 0 6 420,209 480 0.71 0.09 402,861 480 !� 0.71 0,09 25 R 50 t5 6.4 26 CL 50 0 5.9 j 27 CL 58 0 6.4 417,116- 480 0.70 0,09 ^�1 386,918 480 1 0.70 0.09 28 PC 68 0 7 29 C 71 0 6.5 30 PC 71 0 6 454,340 510 0.77 0.09 435,583 510 0,77 0,09 31 CL 58 0 6.6 Monthly Loading: 2,205,723 3.68 2,178,172 OM 3.68 2,08$,248 3.68 2,046,032 3.68 12 Month Floating Total (in): 45.67,_ 49.59 49.59 46.70 FORM: NDAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page .3 of Permit No.: W00037772 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms St. Pauls Facility County: Robeson Month: March Year: 2020 Did irrigation Field Name: S4 Field Name: S5 Field Name: -- S6 Field Name: W1 occur Area (acres): --- 22' �� Area (acres): 18.7 Area (acres): 23 Area (acres): 18.4 at this facility? Cover Crop: P� Oats, Pines Cover P� Oats, Pines Cover P� Oats, Pines Cover P� oats, Pines ❑YES 7N0 Hourly Rate (in): 0.15 Hourly Rate (in): 0.15 Hourly Rate (in): 0,15 Hourly Rate (in): 0.15 Annual Rate (in): 54.4 Annual Rate (in): 54.4 Annual Rate (in): 54A Annual Rate (in): 54.4 Weather Freeboard Field Irrigated? [jYEs ❑NO Field Irrigated? DYES []NO Field Irrigated? ;YES ❑No Field Irrigated? ❑� YES []NO p m 0 N m m .0 m a. E F- a :� a N a. y N y0 m N V G a w d'._ 0 a E 2 0 ,Ga ' B 'ZS � ,� E� h CSP �- OT ?+ C a tC o� J E 0i S A C Env is CS o [ J C7 'a E °' O a > Q 'a N y E@ H .� c rn T C a p o J E C7 3 T C E3v >t 0 ,�= o J m •0 E D a- Q a ? Q "� ffi ate+ E� i c !- OS T� v O �0 a J E m 0� C E3.a_ % 0 �v �= o g J y '0 E 0 0 G > Q '0 E F� = � m o J E m X p R „= o J °F in ft ft gal min in in gal min in in gal min in in gal min in in 1 C 27 0 5.5 2 C 40 0 5 418,000 525 0.82 0.09 514,118 525 0.82 0.09 411,294 525 0.82 0.09 3 CL 59 0 5.6 4 CL 58 0.2 4.9 422,806 480 0.71 0.09 5 R 53 0.1 5.5 6 C 48 0.6 4.7 7 C 37 0 5.1 406,490 525 0.80 0.09 499,961 525 0:80 0.09 8 C 31 0 5.8 9 C 35 0 5.3 461,304 510 0.77 049 385,818 510 0.77 0.09 10 PC 56 0 5.9 11 C 55 0 6.5 12 C 60 0 6.9 13 PC 62 0 6.3 398,825 525 0.79 0.09 490,533 525 0.79 0:09: 141 PC 1 61 0 6.9 15 CL 51 0.2 6.4 16 CL 51 0 5.8 446,244 510 0.75 0.09 17 R 51 0 6.5 18 PC 50 0.3 5.9 394,841 510 0.79 0.09 19 CL 60 0 6.5 427,352 540 0.84 0.09 525,620 540 0.84 0.09-, 201 PC 1 56 0 7 450,160 510 0.75 0.09 21 PC 68 0 7.7 22 C 49 0 7 23 CL 47 0.2 6.5 24 CL 60 0 6 354,672 480 0.71 0.09 25 R 50 1.5 6.4 26 CL 50 0 5.9 371,671 495 0.73 0.09 457,136 495 0.73 0.09 27 CL 58 0 6.4 415,229 1 480 0.70 0.09 ' 28 PC 68 0 7 29 C 71 0 6.5 30 PC 71 0 6 311 CL 1 58 1 0 1 6.6 1 366,631 480 0.72 0.09 450,936- 480 0.72 0.09 360,749 480 0.72 0.09 Monthly Loading: 12,195,743 3.68 2,388,969 4.71 2,938,3t34 4.71 1,907,374 3.82 12 Month Floating Total (in): 45.90 49.31 49.79 38.37 FORM: NDAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 4 of Permit No.: WQ0037772 Facility Name: County: Robeson Month: March Year: 2020 Did irrigation Field Name: W2 Field Name: W3 Field Name: W4 Field Name: W5 occur Area (acres): - 20 Area (acres): 20.3 Area (aces). 17.2, Area (acres): 20.7 at this facility? Cover Crop: p� Oats, Pines Cover P� oats, Pines Cover p� Oats, Pines Cover P� Oats, Pines ❑YES ❑NO Hourly Rate (in): 0.15 Hourly Rate (in): 0.15 Hourly Rate (in). 0.15 Hourly Rate (in): 0.15 Annual Rate (in): 54.4 Annual Rate (in): 54.4 Annual Rate (in): 54.4 Annual Rate (in): 54.4 Weather Freeboard Field Irrigated? [YES NO Field Irrigated? DYES ❑No Field Irrigated? ,-QYEs ONO Field Irrigated? DYES ❑No o m O U m 7 N a o N a a y o N a� m N ? , a m a w rs "+� 2 3 .Q 0 fl > 4 I '0 Qt ,��, E mm t- Q1 T C M M d Q_ J E 01 0 9+ C. .7 � ® � d 27 � a o a > a 'C N y E m F= rn >. C ca � 0 p= � E Q) 7 �` C o� p to 'a LD � a tS Q >¢ '0 py (D E F- Of T C �. � ®�� E 0 � �* C �� m N 'a 2 � a >Q 'a y d E m ~= � �+ �� �� E 0) 7�� �_� °F in ft ft gal min in in gal min in in gal min in in gal min in in 1 C 27 0 5.5 2 C 40 0 5 3 CL 59 0 5.6 4 58 0.2 4.9 `' 390,135 480 0.71 0.09 5 R R 53 0.1 5.5 61 C 1 48 0.6 4.7 I 377,178 450 0.67 0.09 7 C 37 0 5.1 434,749 525 .._ .BC) 0.09 8 C 31 0 5.8 9 C 35 0 5.3 10 PC 56 0 5.9 497,018 525 0.90 0.10 42-1,118 525' 0.90 0.10 11 C 55 0 6.5 402,397 420 0,74 0,11 121 C 1 60 0 6.9 13 PC 62 0 6.3 441,480 525 0.79 0.09 14 PC 61 0 6.9 15 CL 51 0.2 6.4 w 16 CL 51 0 5.8 411,762 510 0.75 0.09 17 R 51 0 6.5 181 PC 50 0.3 5.9 369,091 510 0.79 0,09 19 CL 60 0 6.5 457,061 540 0.84 0.09 20 PC 56 0 7 423,560 510 0.75 0.09 21 PC 68 0 7.7 22 C 49 0 7 23 CL 47 0.2 6.5 24 CL 60 0 6 331,541 480 0.71 0.09 25 R 50 1.5 6.4 26 CL 50 0 5.9 403,472 495 0.73 0.09 27 CL 58 0 6.4 390,693 480 0.70 0.09 28 PC 68 0 7 71 0 6.5 EC 71 0 6 416,826 510> 0.77 0.09 58 0 6.6 1 1 398,000 480 0.72 0.09 Monthly Loading: 1,711,023 3.15 2'100,387 3.81 1;121,750 2.40 1,632,911 2.91 12 Month Floating Total (in): 43 85 lAr 41.99 3125 46.51 FORM: NDAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page of Permit No.: WQ0037772 s Facility Name: Sanderson Farms St. Pauls Facility Count�f: Robeson Month: March irrigation • occur Area (acre�. at this facility? son 0. MR Rate (i n): • • . - . • ®Annual - - - Fieid Irrigated? YES I NO Field Irrigated? m mmo mm • • ���� �■�®���� FORM: NDAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page —&— of Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? ElCompliant ❑Non -Compliant Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? ❑� Compliant ❑Non -Compliant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? ❑� Compliant ❑Non -Compliant Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? ❑� Compliant []Non -Compliant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit? ECompliant []Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification 11 Permittee Certification I ORC: Randy D. Clark i Certification No.: WW22332 S1996273 Grade: IV SI Phone Number: 910-674-9546 IHas the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-1? ❑Yes ONO ►.y�i Imo` � .�.'� �� a�av Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Perm ittee: Sanderson Farms Inc. St. Paul's Processing Signing Official: Paul D. Smith Signing Official's Title: Division Manager Phone Number: 910- 4-0220 Permit Exp.: 9/30/20 Signature Date I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDMLR 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page / of _25 Permit No.: W00037772 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms St. Pauls Facility County: Robeson Month: March Year: 2020 Field Name: E1 Field Name: E2 Field Name: E3 Field Name: E4 Field Name: E5 Area acres (acres): 20.8 acre Area (acres): 21.3 Area (acres): 21.1 Area (acres): 21.1 Area (acres): 22.1 Cover Crop: Oats Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? ❑✓ YES []NO Field Loaded? ❑YES []NO Field Loaded? ❑YES ❑NO Field Loaded? ❑YES Field Loaded? ❑YES ❑NO (D a RN " as go° w°= c ° 2 ° E a a a a apQ CD CD � QV Q >4M ° ° M mQ Ja4) z ° 0 ao A N m a r ' M °' . C ° CD ao E a o VaCL a a E > o m CD a 'M 0 0 c Q � .° _ ° -ONO ! 0 ,a E a C l ' a W E 0 Za°a a0 d ` a M d mCU U z a aa °d 2> �=�o E ZE ' a U aQ Month gal 0 mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L lbs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L lbs/ac tbs/ac I gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac April 14.48 0.0 0.0 383,580 14.48 2.2 2.2_ 2,034,024 14.48 11.6 11.6 1,771,1361 14.48 10.1 i 10.1 1,810,119 14.48 9.9 9.9 May 0 9.54 0.0 0.0 2,758,847 9.54 10.3� 1'2'.5 2,700,532 9.54 10.2 21.8 2,271,410 9.54 8.6 18.7 2,748,741 9.54 9.9 19.8 June 0 20.64 0.0 0.0 602,030 20.64 4.9 17.3 3,013,134 20.64 24.6 46.4 2,088,409 20.64 17.0 35.7 3,014,966 20.64 23.5 43.3 July 0 12 0.0 0.0 2,813,214 12 13.2 ` 30,6 1,717,262 12 8.1 54.6 2,157,655 12 10:2 46.0 3,293,095 12 14.9 58.2 August 1,474,118 11.44 6.8 68 2241,821 11.44 10.0 i 40:6 1,691,813 11.44 7.7 622 2,969,877 11.44 13.4 59.4 2,069,269 11.44 8.9 67.1 September 3,137,645 5.43 6.8 13.6 3260,806 5.43 69 47.5 1,346,338 5.43 2.9 65.1 1,360,629 5.43-- 2.9 62,3- 826,641 5.43 1.7 68.8 October 3,325,131 5.15 6.9 20.5 2,575,349 5.15 5.2, 52.7 2,242,949 5.15 4.6 69.7 1,597,331 5.15 3.3 65.6 1,935,323 5.15 3.8 72.6 November 3,170,505 8.56 10.9 31.3 2`,632,826 8.56 &B 61.6 2,263,323 8.56 7.7 77.3 2,300,038 8.56 7.8 73.4 2,317,526 8.56 7.5 80.1 December 1,343,647 9.22 5.0 36.3 2,719,698 9.22 9A 71.4 2,439,105 9.22 8.9 86.2 2,222,718 9.22' 8.1; 81.5 1,815,494 9.22 6.3 86.4 January 1,598,778 5.54 3.6 39.9 12,725,535 5.54 5.9' 77.3 2,669,681 5.54 5.8 92.0 3,123,460 5.54' 6.8 58:3 3,196,897 5.54 6.7 93.1 February -112,707,3481 469,990 1 11.36 2.1 42.0 1, 4 3331 11.36 7.3' 84.6 1,024,770 11.36 4.6 96.7 1,741,422 .1 36 7:8 96.1 2,157,711 11.36 9.3 102.3 March 16.79 18.2 60.2 2,220,372 16.79 1 14.6 1 99.2 -112,198,4351 16.79 1 14.6 1 111.2 11 2,671,965 a 1639, ,: 1T7 lt1a,' 2,205,723 16.79 14.0 116.3 12 Month Floating PAN Load (Ibs/ac/yr): 60.2 99.2 111.2 113.8. 116.3 Annual PAN Load Limit (Ibs/ac/yr): VzzzzzzM FORM: NDMLR 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page of .5 Permit No.: W00037772 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms St. Pauls Facility County: Robeson Month: March Year: 2020 Field Name: S1 Field Name: S2 Field Name: S3 Field Name: S4 Field Name: S5 Area (acres): 21.8 Area (acres): 20.9 Area (acres): 20.5 Area (acres). 22 Area (acres): 18.7 Cover Crop: Oats Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Loadi4W LNO PAN Yid PAN YES L1128ad Type: P ' vEs NO Load Type: EIYESpO Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? Field Loaded? i Field Loaded? Field Loaded? Field Loaded? d_. {- o. Z c o < . Z Q a� ° � Z c < . a Z i � o Z c Q o Z Q d � Z c o a < Q m > � Z c o Q .2 Z Q a� > a 4. a ,� > '� o 0. L Q`,.-a > N::. o C. 4. D_ .o > 'R a n. i o c CL d ;a d .a � •� O p m R aci y 0 J Z .cY CD - CMa >. M 0 J �Z Q d G1 - A C T R 2 0 J 3Z Q (D "'° saa�Gci >�.. M j J. �Z Q Q R C T /4 rJ J �Z E j c c £ a - v c 7 d> E > c c £ d E ca 3 c # ,c p E Q �.� 3 > c c p Q > Q O x, _C < o 0 Q p Q v d > v v > > Month gal 2,928,174 mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L .lbs/ac tbs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L lbs/ac Ibslac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac April 14.48 16.2 16.2 2,807,286 14A8 16.2 16.2 2,500,192 14.48 14.7 14.7 "2,683,130 14A8 14.7 1 14.7 2,353,858 14.48 15.2 15.2 May 1,836,657 9.54 6.7 22.9 1,760,832 9.54 1 6.7 22.9 2,422,655 9.54 9.4 24.1 2,599,923 9.54 9.4 24A 2,242,518 9.54 9.5 24.7 June 3,128,532 20.64 24.7 47.6 2,999,371 20,64 24.7 476 2,332,317 20.64 19.6 43.7 2,502,974 20.64 19.6 43.7 1,415,378 20.64 13.0 37.8 July 1,687,015 12 7.7 55.4 1,617,368 12 7.7 55.4 1,665,103 12 8.1 51.8 1,786,940 12 8A 51.8 2,285,014 12 12.2 50.0 August 3,345,547 11.44 14.6 70.0 3,207;427 11.44 146 70.0 2,717,916 11.44 12.6 64.5 2,437,680 11,,44 10.6 62.4 2,238,185 11.44 11.4 61.4 September 2,783,762 5.43 5.8 75.8 2,668,835 5.43 5.8 75.8 2,506,130 5.43 5.5 70.0 2,689,504 5'A3 5.5 68.0 1,587,058 5.43 3.8 65.3 October 2,322,329 5.15 4.6 80.4 2,226,454 5.15 4.6 80.4 1,304,334 5.15 2.7 72.8 1,399,773 5.15 , 2.7 70.7 2,435,139 5.15 5.6 70.9 November 2,335,870 8.56 7.6 88.0 2,239,436 8 5u 7.6 88,0 2,181,997 8.56 7.6 80.4 2,341,656 8.56 7.6 78.3 1,616,901 8.56 6.2 77.0 December 2,084,024 9.22 7.4 95.4 1,997,985 9.22 74 05.4 2,104,570 9.22 7.9 88.3 2,258,565 9.22 7.9 86.2 1,979,007 9.22 8.1 85.2 January 3,233,347 5.54 6.9 102.2 3,099;861 5.54 r 9 1J2.2 12,593,766 1 5.54 5.8 94.1 2,783,554 5.64 5.8 92.0 2,975,913 5.54 7.4 92.5 February 1 1,491,975 1t36 6.5 108.7 1,430,379 ' -11.36 , 6,5 108.7 1` 1,622,848 11.36 7.5 101.6 1,741,51 11.36 7.5 99.5 1,509,944 11.36 7.7 100.2 March 2,178,172 16.79 14.0 122.7 2,088,248 7679 4==.0 ; 1227' 2,046,032 16.79 14.0 115.6 2,195,743 16,79 14.0 113.5 2,388,969 16.79 17.9 118.1 12 Month Floating PAN Load 122.7 1:' -' 115.E M100 1135 118.1 (Ibs/ac/yr): Annual PAN Load Limit (Ibs/ac/yr): F/� FORM: NDMLR 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 3 of-5- Permit No.: W00037772 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms St. Pauls Facility County: Robeson Month: March Year: 2020 Field Name: S6 Field Name: W1 Field Name: W2 Field Name: W3 '' Field Name: W4 Area (acres): 23 Area (acres): �18.4 Area (acres): 20 Area (acres): 20 3 Area (acres): 17.2 Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Loadj4W LNO PAN t8ad PAN YES LESad Type: P ' YES NO Load Type: ._11YeSp Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? Field Loaded? Field Loaded? Field Loaded? Field Loaded? a Q .o Q >'a Q Q o Q > a a o Q > a 4' rZ Q^� > a Q o Q > a o a o " 0 a n v " o a 0_ `� ° 0 0 a o :o ° a '' 0 t4 a a o a f0 0 n0. p Q Gl R >� fa J �Z '�( O +. R A J. EZ Q Gl .+ >� fa J �Z Q :. GD .w � >,, J.. =Z Q d R d T J �Z N �o 7 a O.. =. Q d �_ 7 a ai �_j 3 Q d C �� j Q C O O U O' C 0 TL.. U CL C > O 0 U (L �. � O O U 0- 3 > O a O U 0. O � Q O > d O � > U > U Month gal 2,895,120 mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mgtL ibs/ac lbsfac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac qai mg/L lbs/ac lbsfac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac April r14.48 15.2 15.2 2,316,096 14:48 15.2 15.2 2,517,495 14A8 15.2 15.2 2,475,79 14,48 14.7 14.7 ' 2,097,720 14.48 14.7 14.7 May 2,758,177 9.54 9.5 24.7 1,446,184 954 6.3 21.5 2,304,126 9.54 9.2 24.4 21059,249 9.54 8.1 22.8_ 1,724,635 9.54 8.0 22.7 June 1,740,840 20.64 13.0 37.8 1,877,179 20.64 17,6 39.0 2,044,220 20.64 17.6 42.0 2,500,568 20.64 21.2 44.0 1,770,207 20.64 17.7 40.4 July 3,299,112 12 14.4 52.1 2,062,272 12 11.2 50.2 2,379,642 12 11.9 53.9 2,823,641 12 13.9 57.9 2,223,366 12 12.9 53.4 August 2,752,849 11.44 11.4 63.5 2,246,067 11.44 11.6 61.9 2,401,048 11.44 11.5 65.3 1,472,833 11.44 6 9 64.8 1,768,690 11.44 9.8 63.2 September 1,951,997 5.43 3.8 67.4 1,548,029 5.43 3.8 65.7 1,697,190 5.43 3.8 69.2 2,202,685 5.43 -4:9 69.8 1,801,646 5.43 4.7 67.9 October 1,874,997 5.15 3.5 70.9 2,288,402 5.15 5.3 71.0 3,078,765 5.15 6.6 75.8 1,789,8871 5.15 3.8 73.5 ' 1,300,790 5.15 3.2 71.2 November 2,940,135 8.56 9.1 80.0 1,557,197 8.56 6.0 77'A 2,128,777 8.56 7.6 83.4 1,638,873 8.56 5.8 79.3 0 8.56 0.0 71.2 December 1,947,993 9.22 6.5 86.5 782,895 9.22 3.3 80.3 1,950,723 9.22 7.5 90.9 0 9,22 0.0 7U 0 9.22 0.0 71.2 January 3,660,215 5.54 7.4 93.9 0 5.54 0.0 80.3 1 414,138 5.54 1 1.0 918 2,485,273 5.54c 5.7 85.0 343,660 5.54 0.9 72.1 February 2,323,060 11.36 9.6 103.5 1,126,718 11.36 5.8 1 86.1 1,190,175 11.36 5.6 97.5 1,595,047 1U6 7.4 92.4 111,372,698 11.36 1 7.6 79.6 March 112,938,304 1 16.79 17.9 121.3 1,907,8V4 1679 14.E 1 100,7 111,711,0231 16.79 1 12.0 1 109.5 '2,100,387 16.79 145 106.9 111,121,7501 16.79 1 9.1 88.8 12 Month Floating PAN Load 121.3 10t1!7 109.5 106.9 SO 88.8 (Ibs/ac/yr): Annual PAN Load Limit (Ibs/ac/yr): rXIMIX11111111111111111MA 1,mW1111Eff1EA FORM: NDMLR 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) PageAZ_of� Permit No.: WQ0037772 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms St. Pauls Facility County: Robeson month: March Year: 2020 Field Name: W5 Field Name: W6 Field Name: Field Name:'; Field Name: Area (acres): 20.7 Area (acres): 19.5 Area (acres): Ama•(acres): Area (acres): Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Cover Crop: Oats, Pines Cover Crop: Cover Crop. Cover Crop: Load 14W 7TNO PAN Lly6id PAN YES ULGad Type: LYES NO Load Type. - Load Type: Field Loaded? FieldLoaded? Field Loaded? Field Loaded? Field Loaded? y Z O Z N 0 c 0 Z a y ° R 0 y °c M N a a a..CL � o s CL CD � = 0�¢ > a 14 ° m ° C m m ° ° eCD E me Z , a a sE > ¢ E > ¢o c EJ E > ym E e° :c Month gal 2,780,422 mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibstac lbslac' gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L lbs/ac lbs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac April 14.48 16.2 16.2 2,619,237 14,48 16.2 16 2 May 2,093,511 9.54 8.0 24.3 1,972,148 9.54 8.0 24.3- June 2,775,900 20.64 23.1 47.4 2,614,980 20,64 23.1 47.4 July 1 3,273,614 12 15.8 1 63.2 2,801,687 12 14.4 61.7 August 2,047,097 11A4 9.4 72.6 1,503,763 11,44 7.4 69,1 September 2,112,855 5.43 4.6 77.2 1,525250 5.43- 3.5 72.6 October 1,846,348 5.15 3.8 81.1 1,709,698 5,15 3.8 76A November 856,289 8.56 3.0 84.0 806,649 8.56 3.0 79.3 - �W December 2,471,423 9.22 9.2 93.2 2,328,152 9.22 9.2 88.5 j January 2,845,220 5.54 6.4 99.6 2,762,702 &54` 6.5 95.1 i February 1,403,345 11.36 6.4 106.0 1,321,992 11.36 6.4 101.5 March 1,632,911 16.79 11.0 117.0 1,139244: 16.79 82'- ,. 109.7 12 Month Floating PAN Load 117.0 109:7 0.0 - J.a ` �� 0.0 (Ibs/ac/yr): Annual PAN Load Limit (Ibs/ac/yr): F/EffEE" FORM: NDMLR 05-16 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page --f of Did the mass loading rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? Ocompliant ❑Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification ORC: Randy Clark Certification Number: WW22332 Grade: 4 Phone Number: 910-674-9546 Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMLR? ❑Yes [ZNo Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Permittee Certification Permittee: Sanderson Farms Inc. St. Pauls Processing Signing Official: Paul Smith Signing Officials Title: Division Manager Phone No.: 910-274-0220 Permit Exp.: 9/30/20 z1-2-7 L/ Signature Date I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617