HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002648_Permit Issuance_19680821STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND AIR RESOURCES DAN K. MOORE J, VIVIAN wNITPI GEORGE 6. PICKETT. DIRECTOR E. C. HUBBARD. ABST. DIRECTOR P. Q. BOX OJY! RALEIGH. N. C. 1 Alan T«ErNOK9 •so -moos August 21, 19W, G. %LMi.tb, i vel ident LuCk l e Incorporated "Ossrovep Forth Carolina ubgecti f erIsit No. 1477 ve,a rove, With Carolina TUCKER BLD GOVtRNOR .CHAIRMAN S. VERNON BTEYENB. JR. P. D. DAVI6 VICFCH AIRMAN H. GRADY FARTHING WALTER M. FRANKLIN J. AARON PRgVpBT J. NgLSON OIBOON, JR. - DR. ROBBRT'A, RO89 J. M. JARRETT P. OREER JOHNBON W. 6RADY STEVENS CiLHNN M. l In aecordanco with. your a-..F.11catlon dated ,duly 29, 14V t3,. we are forvarrAnq haawith Permit 4;- 1477, dated Zoust 21f, 19G69 too luck's inconorated, .,eagiove, 14orth Cosrolino$ for the conatruction and operation. of a 0.3 N-G.i). Waste titer treatment facility, to treat the combined sevage andInduatriol wastes, consist- Inj of aexobic dgettion and chlcxlnotlun facilities to vrertroat the d�Qatic wa*t:et screenInji of the ash wotorg gems* removal and aerobic 619ostion faci.l- it'ies , o f,retre..&t other =.-rccost, waste; a 0.3 ba.�ir holding basin to colloct the total vasto .flow; on outojaatsd erray irrigation system incorporating er, rowimetely 40 aczee of resod and grassland, and the dischargs of the tseatod waataa into near Greek$ s trlbittry in the Qa-we ��ear river Usain. 1'h..s- ,,emit *hall be effective from the e"tte of its is.e�aric& tintil'111.1g pt. 31# li34r�, a,,,' 6aell t:e oubject to the cranditfon* and Limitations as a •ecifted thpxein* i:�n th,% Usuanes of ! ermi,t T'o. 1477. i ei.mit No. 54tli i&rutl to ),ucl.' incol- porstedpsty this office an 1-,vquct k1, 19C-Cs becomes vol � and chould be. destroyad. Cn cm laticn of .the wmsto treatment (scilities, or& (li met of "as drift" y s� er, Sian anlflcatlanc ehi v,' be atiWi.ttc64 fax our office files. !,ncloued is a oi, 'y u o t; �:ozm N-, 15; , 11;ygc st of ;4aati teY Treatment : orkc,," Trhic Sux� is to 1� c: '}atcti all ratw4n to the office within thirty (31) deye after the rojvct is =4,leted. NORTH . CAROLINA BOARD OF WATER AND AIR RESOURCES RALMiGH r PERM IT' For the Discharge of Sewage, Industrial Wastes, or Other Wastes In accordance with the provisions of Article 21, of Chapter 143, General;"Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Luck•$ IncorpXated ' ;�eagxcve0, north, Carolina FOR THE construction sad oFt riltion of -a 0,3 JNi.G::J• waete"atrx treatment facility% to treat the rOwbined sewage And indusisid W80,08, consisting of delVbio digestion and chlorination fatcilitiOs to pretreat the dornatlo arastel- stropning of the wash V4101s garad6e rewval arVA aerobI4 ciigeotian facilities to pretreat other process waste# a 0.3 M.G.,;. holding basin to collect the toter r4sts flows an autmated spray irri- gation wy$tem, Incorro rartingg srproriamatoly 40 sale#$ of =)d any graaaland, W the, discharge of the trest#d w&rtas Into Meer Crooks a tributary in the Ca, a t'eeEr idvo.ar F*91&dance with the application dated ------- l]! ----- ity the plans, specifications, and other supporting data, all of which are filed -with theand inc onDepaaforr anent log Water and Air Resources and are considered a part of this Permit. This Permit shall be effective from the date of its issuance until __ august 3l 11t7 shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: __ -- - ---► and 1. .Tc r.ormit sheik become void unless the facilities are ,gnstrueted -In accor6ence, rdth the approveda �plans, specifications anti other sui;•rrattima data end are caanleted and placed in orerotion on of tego ,L421g; r ,S& or to this date may be awni*d. 2. This I�@=It is effective only with roepact to the nature and vo]uMe ©f wait#a doiwribed in the application and otter sul porting data. 3. In the event that odors become a pxoblemV tho industry will tape any necesie' ry messuree, Including relocation of the focilittea, to Alleviate or, ollminato the rrobleme a. parbvi,sicns for the effective bacterial treatment of the wastewater effluent must be rrovided so as to adequately I'zotect the do4mctream I* Il hater quality. In the event that the wotek quality cannot be maintained at A-11 stan0ard$,.then the industry will be required to discharge the effluent Into a diff*rent water Coure# having a lower clasefficaticn. �s. The ,caste treatment facilities Shall bo off -actively maintained and. Qt +aaseted in reach a manner at to obtain overall ro&ctlens .in eollutlon substantially in kieaping with thcte inc lcated can the ari' licationr any othexwlse to 1•xoduce an offlwnt of such, quality ac to ric ect he' recelving watexe6 lie,,!orts on the ol:eratione of the waste treatment facilities shall be submitted to the a eff bf the 12orth Gar:;iin&•.repa►rtment of tister and hir IiosourcaS at re,ular Intervals nd ain such foam atx detail as away be required by tho 20ard oar It$ administrative staff. t4 Theo Industry shall 'coneduct such grecial •stu,41eso in conjunction with the staff" of 70 Evaxd of .'a"17 4rel 4r Fesourcevo as detemained to be 110cessery to the establish. aent of 4devate des to r emit an evaluation of T. lant -sr jomatnce 69.4 basis for doter- rAidnrl T the merit sic be extoade3 of if ad4itional treatment Shall be r'rovided. The r art cry Ouch studies hail, be suLr4tteto this office on or befol;) the e)(T raetivn 'data of i:.�4c re `mitt. ,40 Permit issued this the day off ----------, 19-- By -d �4ssts ant Director Permit No. ___�__ Department of Water and Aar Resources iMIT p ACV , Unc4 unly ono (i) cot of the F 1m anti iyocificatians was rectived • for WIC ON OP11001r ire are retaining save Saar our Men If you desire an approves Lot for your Enos, plew have your $njineer fortara us an Witicnel set. �Ancerely YzUrst rd iaC1�1��W�4'�#3 eon �'ourev Cot nor ix f3r,?t-ocieter, y 49