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CL < 0 c) S J I1 I N C) > Of Q0U)z J V0Qz = W ?000 w 0 aa..?? - l ?l CJ LJ?? ._) PROJECT COMMITMENTS Replacement of Bridge No. 9 on SR 1101 over the Tar River Vance/Franklin Counties State Project No. 8.2390501 Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1101(4) TIP Project No. B-3052 In addition to the standard Nationwide Permit 423 and #33 Conditions, the General Nationwide Permit Conditions, Section 404 Only Conditions, Regional Conditions, State Consistency Conditions, General Certification Conditions, and Section 401 Conditions of Certification, the following special commitments have been agreed to by NCDOT: Commitments Developed through Project Development and Design Division 5 Resident F,ngineer All standard procedures and measures, including Best Management Practices will be implemented to avoid or minimize environmental impacts. This is a standard NC'DOT Procechn•e. Division 5 Resident F.nginecr/Roadcicle Environmental I Iigh Quality Waters (HQW) - Soil and Erosion Control Measures will be installed and properly maintained throughout project construction. Where HQW measures do not supersede, all standard measures will be implemented to avoid or minimize environmental impacts. 11t'dratrlics Unit Every effort will be made during design to minimize drainage from the bridge deck directly into the stream channel under normal flow conditions. No deck cb•ains were placed directly over the stream from bank to bank. Division S Resident Ent=ineer/Rowhide Environmental The existing bride will be dismantled from the top down. Pilings from the existing bridge will be cut off at the streambed or natural ground elevation. Turbidity curtains or other appropriate means will be used to restrict the movement of any sediment disturbed during this process. Nattn•al Wsfems Grout A final survey for the Tar spiny ntussei will be conducted before construction begins. The NCWRC & USFWS will be notified of the survey results. If the surveyor discovers endangered mussels, the Federal Highway Administration will initiate formal consultation proceedings. Conchcctetl by cVCDOT biologist on December 3, 1999. Division 5 Resident Fngineer Ms. Candice Martino of USFWS (919) 856-4520, Mr. Tim Savidge ofNCDOT Project Development & Environmental Analysis (919) 733-3141, Mr. David Cox of NCWRC (919) 528- 9886, and Mr. John Alderman of NCWRC (919) 542-5331 will be invited by the Resident Engineer to attend a preconstruction meeting. Pa,-,e I of 2 July 17, 2000 Commitments Developed through Permitting Division 3 Resident F_ngineetlfly( rcmlics Unit Stormwater shall be directed to sheetflow at nonerosive velocities through the protected stream buffers. Division 3 Resident EnrfineenMi-th•aulics Unit New roadside ditches shall be constructed to provide a stormwater facility that controls nitrogen and attenuates flow before discharging to the riparian buffer. In reference to Permit Conclition 2 for project B-3052, it has come to my attention that the lroi•cling of the conclition was ambiguous and confusing. For pnahoses of clarification, ct storn li,ater facili!v to remove nitrogen and attenuate flow is only required tisrhen yott cannot provide sheet/low of stornnrater through a riparian buffer. 1f flow spreader locatecl at the encl of a clitch that prontotes shcetjImi, of starnrnrater prior to its entering the bt fifer does not require a stornnnrater manctgemtent facility. 1 trust this has clan'tftecl the confusion. Please let the know if I ccnn be of fnn'ther assistance. June 28, 2000 E-snail froth John Hennessy (DfVg) to Eric Black (NCD01). Division 5 Resident En.gineen TEMPORARY CAUSEWAY RESTORATION PLAN Restoration Plan: The materials used as temporary fill in the construction of the causeway will be removed. The temporary till areas will be graded back to the original contours. Elevations and contours in the vicinity of the proposed causeway are available from the field survey notes. 2. Restoration Schedule: The project schedule currently calls for a September 19, 2000 letting date with an availability date of October 30, 2000. It is expected that the contractor will begin the construction of the causeway at that time. Following the completion of the bridge substructure, the contractor will remove the temporary causeway. The estimated construction times indicate that the causeway will need to remain in place for approximately five months. 3. Disposal Plan: The contractor will use excavating equipment to remove the rip rap used for the temporary causeway. After the causeway is no longer required, all material placed in the creek will be removed and become the property of the contractor. The contractor will be required to submit a reclamation plan for removal of and the disposal of all unused materials off-site. Division 5 Resident Engineer/Roadside Euvimnmenttal Disturbed areas will be revegetated upon completion of the project. Contacts Eric Black, NCDOT (919) 733-1 176 Eric Alsmcycr, USACOE (919) 876-8441 ext 23 John Hennessy, NCDWQ (919) 733-5694 Page 2 of 2 July 17, 2000 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director 4 o NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES June 1, 2000 Vance & Franklin Counties DWQ Project No. 000433 APPROVAL OF 401Quality Certification and ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS and Tar-Patnlico River Buffer Rules Mr. William D. Gilmore, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, NC, 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Gilmore: You have our approval, as described in your application dated March 3, 2000, and in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to impact 0.028 acres of surface waters in the Tar River and 0.324 acres of Tar River Buffers to replace Bridge No. 9 on Sr 1101 over the Tar River in Vance and Franklin Counties. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this till is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3197. Certification 3197 corresponds to Nationwide Permit Number 23 issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is also valid for the Tar-Pamlico River buffer rules (15A NCAC 2B .0259). In addition, you should acquire any other federal, state or local permits before you proceed with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is valid solely for the purpose and design described in your application (unless modified below). Should your project change, you must notify the DWQ and submit a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter, and is thereby responsible for complying with all the conditions. If total wetland tills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, or of total impacts to streams (now or in the future) exceed 150 linear feet, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). ). This approval shall expire with the corresponding Nationwide Permit expires or as otherwise provided in the General Certification. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. 1. Stormwater shall be directed to sheetflow at nonerosive velocities through the protected' stream buffers. 2. New roadside ditches shall be constructed to provide a stormwater facility to that controls nitrogen and attenuates flow before discharging to the riparian buffer. Wetlands/301 Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Telephone 919-733-1756 FAX 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/1017c post consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF Kerr T. Stevens, Director ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 1508 of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 301 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-9616. Sincerely, Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Raleigh DWQ Regional Office Central Files c:\ncdot\TIP B-3052\wqc\000433wgc.doc PT Stevens Wetlands/401 Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 507o recycled/10'7o post consumer paper 1 GENERAL CERTIFICATION FOR PROJECTS ELIGIBLE FOR CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBER 23 (APPROVED CATEGORICAL EXCLUSIONS) This General Certification is issued in conformity with?the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality Regulations in 15A NCAC 2H, Section .0500 and 15A NCAC 2B .0200 for the discharge of fill material to waters and wetland areas as described in 33 CFR 330 Appendix A (B) (23). This Certification replaces Water Quality Certification Number 2670 issued on January 21, 1992 and Water Quality Certification Number 2734 issued on May 1 1993. This WQC is rescinded when the Corps of Engineers reauthorize Nationwide Permit 23 or when deemed appropriate by the Director of the DWQ. The State of North Carolina certifies that the specified category of activity will not violate applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the conditions hereinafter set forth. Conditions of Certification: 1. Proposed fill or substantial modification of waters or wetlands for this General Certification requires written notification to the Division of Water Quality regarding the extent of impact to waters and wetlands; 2. Two copies shall be submitted to DWQ at the time of notification in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0501(a); 3. Fill or alteration of more than one acre (0.45 ha) of wetlands will require compensatory mitigation in accordance with 15A NCAC .0506 (h). Written DWQ approval is required for this mitigation plan which may utilize the state's 43 06/01/2000 2:51 PN1 I?Ietland Restoration Program; 4. Fill or alteration of more than 150 linear feet (45.7 meters) or streams may require compensatory mitigation in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0506(h). Written DWQ approval is required for this mitigation plan which may utilize the state's Wetland Restoration Program; 5. That appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent edition of the "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual" or "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEHNR Regional or Central Offices) are utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in streams and rivers not designated as trout by DWQ; 25 NTUs in all saltwater classes, and all lakes and reservoirs; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); 6. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 7. If an environmental document is required, this Certification is not valid until a FONSI or ROD is issued by the State Clearinghouse; 3. That additional site-specific conditions may be added to projects proposed under this Certification in order to ensure compliance with all applicable water quality and effluent standards; 9. If the project is not completed within three years from the date of the first notification to DWQ, then the applicant will again need to notify DWQ. Non-compliance with or violation of the conditions herein set of 3 06/01/2000 2:51 PM forth by a specific fill project shall result in revocation of this Certification for the project and may also result in criminal and/or civil penalties. The Director of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality may require submission of a formal application for individual certification for any project in this category of activity, if it is determined that the project is likely to have a significant adverse effect upon water quality or degrade the waters so that existing uses of the wetland or downstream waters are precluded. Public hearings may be held for specific applications or group of applications prior to a Certification decision if deemed in the public's best interest by the Director of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. Effective date: 11 February 1997. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY By A. Preston Howard, Jr. P.E., Director gencert.23 WQC # 3107 )t'3 06/01/2000 2:51 PM B-3052 Subject: B-3052 Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 16:33:52 -0400 From: Eric Black <eblack@dot.state.nc.us> Organization: North Carolina Department of Transportation To: John Hennessy <john.hennessy@ncmail.net>, "A. T. (Andrew) Nottingham" <anottingham@dot.state.nc.us> John There are no other ditches draining to the Tar River on this project (all other flow is sheet flow away from the road). Additionally, the total Tar buffer impact that could occur within the Right-of-way is 0.324 acres (under 1/3 acre). The buffer impact under the bridge was an additional 0.064 acres. The hydraulics engineer also indicated that we could put a level spreader on the outlet of the drainage ditch to spread the flow. If you have any other questions, please contact me at (919) 733-1176. Thanks, Eric Black 1 of 1 06/01/2000 2:33 PM MAR.31'2000 16:28 #1279 P.031/044 X33 PRE-DISCHARGE NOTIFICATION PCN TO: US Fish & Wildlife Service Raleigh, NC PAX (919)856-4556 State Historic Preservation Office Raleigh, NC FAX (919)733-8653 NC Division of Water Quality Raleigh, NC fAX (919)733-9959 NC Wildlife Resources Commission Creedmoor, NC PAX (919) $28-9839 1. ACTION ID: 200020792 and 200020793 2. APPLICANT: NCDOT/TIP D-3052/SR 1101 Bridgo ROPI -/ vanc® a Sranklin Countioo 3. DATE OF TRANSMITTAL: April. 3, 2000 4. RESPONSE DEADLINE(5 days from transmittal): April 7, 2000 5. COMMENT DEADLINE(10 days from response deadline): April 17, 2000 6. SEND COMMENTS TO: RALEIGH REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE RALEIGH, NC ATTN: Eric Alssrloyor FAX: (919)876-5823 We are also forwarding the attached PCN to the Fish and Wildlife Service, for review and cornmment concerning any likely affect to any threatened or endangered species or their critical habitat within that agency's jurisdiction. 15 ?. MAR.31'2000 16:28 #1279 P.032/044 apO 07 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. P.O. Box 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611.5201 DAVID MCCOY GoviaNOR SECRETARY March. 3, 2000 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office P. O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: Mr. Eric Alsmeyer NCDOT Coordinator Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Vance/Franklin County. Replacement of bridge No. 9 on SR 1101 over the Tar River. Federal Aid Projcct No. BR7-1101(4). State Project No. 8.2390501. TIP Project No. B-3052. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace Bridge No. 9 over the Tar River (DWQ Index # 28-5.7) a Division of Water Quality "Class WS- V NSW" Waters of the State. The project consists of replacing the current bridge with a 300 ft long and 28 ft wide bridge at the existing location and approximately the same elevation. Approach construction will include resurfacing and widening the existing roadway to two 1 I ft. Janes with 9 ft. grass shoulders installing guardrails where appropriate. Shoulders will be tapered to 6 ft. where guardrails are not required. All traffic will be detoured along NC 56, US 1, and SR 1100 during construction. STREAM IMPACTS Stream impacts associated with the bridge replacement will occur from the construction of a temporary causeway. Construction. of the causeway will consist of plain Class I riprap topped with a layer of smaller washed stone and require a total of 300 yd3 (0.028 ac) of temporary fill in the Tar River. Bridge No. 9 is composed completely of timber and steel. Therefore, there will be no discharge from the demolition into Waters of the United States. Additional impacts include a total of 0.26 acres of Tar/Pamlico stream buffer impacts resulting from mechanical disturbance or fill. Disturbed areas will be revegetated upon completion of the project. MAR.31'2000 16:28 #1279 P.033/044 RESTORATION PLAN 1. Restoration Plan: The materials used as temporary fill in the construction of the causeway will be removed. The temporary fill areas will be graded back to the original contours. Elevations and contours in the vicinity of the proposed causeway are available from the field survey notes. 2. Restoration Schedule: The project schedule currently calls for a September 19, 2000 letting date with an availability date of October 30, 2000. It is expected that the contractor will begin the construction of the causeway at that time. Following the completion of the bridge substructure, the contractor will remove the temporary causeway. The estimated construction times indicate that the causeway will need to remain in place for approximately five months. 3. Dist)osal Plan: The contractor will use excavating equipment to remove the rip rap used for the temporary causeway. After the causeway is no longer required, all materi at placed in the creek will be removed and become the property of the contractor. The contractor will be required to submit a reclamation plan for removal of and the disposal of all unused materials off-site. THREATENED AND / OR ENDANGERED SPECIES There are four species that are listed as Endangered (E) or Threatened (T) for Vance and Franklin County, North Carolina. Relevant information for those species listed for Vance and Franklin Counties are included in Table t. Table 1. Federally Protected Species Listed for Franklin and Vance Counties. Scientific Name Common Name Status Biological Conclusion Survey Date Alasmidonta etcro on Dwarf wedge mussel E No effect July 10, 1997* Elliptio steinstansana Tar spiney mussel E of likely to adversely effect July 10, 1997* Haliaeetus leucocepha us Bald eagle T No effect Rhus michawril Michaux's sumac E No effect Jul 10, 1997 • Resurveyed on December 3, 1999. •*Sultable habitat•notpresent. NEPA DOCUMENT STATUS / REGULATORY APPROVALS Attached for your information is a copy of the Programmatic Categorical Exclusion Action Classification Form (PCE), Preeonstruetion Notification (PCN), Permit drawings, and Natural Resources Technical Report (NRTR) for the subject project. The project is being processed by the Federal Highway Administration as a "Categorical Exclusion" in accordance with 23 CFR 771.115(b). Therefore, we do not anticipate requesting an individual permit but propose to proceed under a Nationwide 23 and Nationwide 33 in accordance with the Federal Register of December 13, 1996, Part VII, Vol. 61, No. 241. Other approvals required for the project includes the issuance of a North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality (NCDENR DWQ) 401 General Certification. We anticipate a 401 General Certification will apply to this project and are providing one copy of the PCE, PCN, Permit drawings, and NRTR to the Division of Water Quality, for their review. MAR.31'2000 16:29 #1279 P.034/044 If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Mr. Eric Black at (919) 733-1176. Sincerely, ?/- C. h-'4 William Gilmore, P. E., Branch Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Cc: w/attachments Mr. David Franklin, COE Mr. John Domey, NCDWQ Mr. William J. Rogers, P.E., Structure Design w/o attachments Mr. John Alford, P. E., Roadway Design Mr. Calvin Leggett, P. E., Program Design Mr. Len Hill, P. E., Highway Design Mr. A. L. Hankins, P. E., Hydraulics Mr. Jon Nance, P. E., Division 5 Engineer Mr. John Williams, P. E., Project Development and Environmental Analysis MAR.31'2000 16:29 DEM ID: CORPS ACTION ID: NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQUESTED (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE PERMIT #):NWP 33 PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE: 1) NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS 2) APPLICATION FOR SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION 3) COORDINATION WITH THE NC DIVISION OF COASTAL HANAGEtZHT SEND THE ORIGINAL AND (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED FORM TO THE APPROPRIATE FIELD OFFICE OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). SEVE11 (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAME: NCDOT; Project Dovolopm©nt and Environmontal Analynim. 2. MAILING ADDRESS: Poet Office Box 25201 SUBDIVISION NAME: CITY: Raleigh STATE: NC ZIP CODE: 27611 PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS, INCLUDING SUBDIVISION NAME (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS ABOVE): 3. TELEPHONE NUMBER (HOME): (WORK): 919-733-3141 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGEN'T'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: Hillittm D. Gilmore P.E. Branch Mann or 5. LOCATION OF WORTS (PROVIDE A MAP, PREFERABLX A COPY OF USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WITH SCALE): COUNTY: vanco/Franklin NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: Franklinton NC 1 #1279 P.035/044 MAR.31'2000 16:29 SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.): Dri a No 9 is locatod over tho Tar Rivor on SR 1101 (Grissom Road). 6. IMPACTED OR NEAREST STREAM/RIVER: Tar Rivor (Class STS-V 119W) RIVER BASIN: 7a. IS PROJECT LOCATED NEAR WATER CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, TIDAL SALTWATER ($A), HIGH QUALITY WATERS (HQW), OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS (ORW), WATER SUPPLY (WS-I OR WS-II)? YES [ ] NO [x] IF YES, EXPLAIN: 7b. IS THE PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN A NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC)?YES[ ] NO[x] 7C- IF THE PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN A COASTAL COUNTY (SEE PAGE 7 FOR LIST OF COASTAL COUNTIES), WHAT IS THE LAND USE PLAN (LUP) DESIGNATION? N/A 8a. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS THIS PROPERTY? YES [ ] NO (x] PREVIOUS PERMIT AND ANY ADDITIONAL CERTIFICATION): 8b. ARE ADDITIONAL PERMIT REQUESTS EXPECTED FOR THIS PROPERTY IN THE FUTURE? YES [ ] NO [x) IF YES, DESCRIBE ANTICIPATED WORK: 9a. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES IN TRACT OF LAND: 9b. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: N/A 2 #1279 P.036/044 BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON IF YES, PROVIDE ACTION I.D. NUMBER OF INFORMATION (INCLUDE PHOTOCOPY OF 401 .. 0 ..". MAR.31'2000 16:29 #1279 P.037/044 10a. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT BY: FILLING: N/A FLOODING: DRAINAGE: EXCAVATION: OTHER: TOTAL ACRES TO BE IMPACTED: N/A 10b. (1) STREAM CHANNEL TO BE IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT (IF RELOCATED, PROVIDE DISTANCE BOTH BEFORE AND AFT.LR RELOCATION): LENGTH BEFORE: N/A FT ,AFTER: FT WIDTH BEFORE (based on normal high water contours): N/A FT WIDTH AFTER: FT AVERAGE DEPTH BEFORE: N/A _ FT AFTER: FT (2) STREAM CHANNEL IMPACTS WILL RESULT FROM: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) OPEN CHANNEL RELOCATION: PLACEMENT OF PIPE IN CHANNEL: CHANNEL EXCAVATION: CONSTRUCTION OF A DAM/FLOODING: OTHER: Tamorary placomcnt of rock into channol for construction of causeway (0.028 ac) 11. IF CONSTRUCTION OF A POND IS PROPOSED, WHAT IS THE SIZE OF THE WATERSHED DRAINING TO THE POND? N/A WHAT IS THE EXPECTED POND SURFACE AREA? 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK INCLUDING DISCUSSION OF TYPE OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE USED (ATTACH PLANS: 8 1/2" X 11" DRAWINGS ONLY): _Roplacemont of existing bridgo and approach ways. Existing bridgo will be roplacad with a 3001 x 28' bridgo. Approach work will consist of rosurfacincq and widening the roadway to two 11' lanos w/ 9' shouldorn 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: pridga Roplacem©nt _(Public Transportation) 3 MAR.31'2000 16:29 #1279 P.038/044 14. STATE REASONS WHY IT IS BELIEVED THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. (INCLUDE ANY MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS): N/A SF T9 GG NTAC T THE U W ISH 2i9 r.,rT nr -,-? G;RVIG I - . 15. YG c ARE M w /TTTTl?fi T]T?[`Tte1TiPGt T TLT [•T T[?"rf?j("TCl_• 1 1 L•r]f11?2 _ Z S=SC17D ?Z71J T. V4 JiT• BR T-5 GGNTAGSS ' T I P1 ? ?+ iz$ 111T S 4TT AREA WR+c-il-4iik-y?5C FFS GTE By THS nRoPe"SS9 ` f -ReP?ERT pRagseg. T 17. DOES THE PROJECT INVOLVE AN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR THE USE OF PUBLIC (STATE) LAND? YES [x] NO (I (IF NO, GO TO 18) d. IF YES, DOES THE PROJECT REQUIRE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT? YES [x) NO H b. IF YES, HAS THE DOCUMENT BEEN REVIEWED THROUGH THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE CLEARINGHOUSE? YES [x) NO H IF ANSWER TO 17b IS YES, THEN SUBMIT APPROPRIATE•DOCUMENTATION FROM THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE TO DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT. QUESTIONS REGARDING THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE REVIEW PROCESS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO MS. CHRYS BAGGETT, DIRECTOR STATE CLEARINGHOUSE, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, 116 WEST JONES STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603-8003, TELEPHONE (919) 733-6369. 4 MAR.31'2000 16:30 #1279 P.039/044 18. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IF PROPOSED ACTIVITY INVOLVES THE DISCHARGE OF EXCAVATED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WETLANDS: a. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, LAKES AND PONDS ON THE PROPERTY (FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBERS 14, 18, 21, 26, 29, AND 38). ALL STREAMS (INTERMITTENT AND PERMANENT) ON THE PROPERTY MUST BE SHOWN ON THE MAP. MAP SCALES SHOULD BE 1 INCH EQUALS 50 FEET OR 1 INCH EQUALS 100 FEET OR THEIR EQUIVALENT. b. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. d. ATTACH A COPY OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IF REQUIRED. e. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? Rasidontial and Forested proporty. f. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? N/A g. SIGNED AND DATED AGENT AUTHORIZATION LETTER, IF APPLICABLE. NOTE: 17ETLANDS OR WATERS OF THE U.S. MAY NOT 132 IMPACTED PRIOR TO: 1) ISSUANCE OF A SECTION 404 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT, 2) EITHER THE ISSUANCE OR WAIVER 03' A 401 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (WATER QUALITY) CERTIH'ICATION, AND 3) (IN TSE TWENTY COASTAL COUNTIES ONLY), A LETTER FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT STATING THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY 13 CONSISTENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. C .A:t & 4) .I -,z OWNER'S/AGEN" S SIGNATURE (AGENT'S SIGNATURE VALID ONLY IF AUTHORIZATION LETTER FROM THE OWNER IS PROVIDED (18g.)) 3 3 za20 DATE 5 MAR.31'2000 16:30 #1279 P.040/044 C Mo 1 Z ? O 0 z> ?? ! .. 7 w v , y A: ul 0 A W _ e N W J o C V \ w U, [4AR.31'2000 16:30 #1279 P.041/044 LEGEND IN W LINE WT --WLB WETLANO BOUNDARY 4-6 PROPOSED BRIDGE 6 C`17-t WETLAND 4.6 PROPOSED BOX CULVERT 6 DENOTES FILL IN 2 WETLAND ® PROPOSED PIPE CULVERT 12'-48' 15 DENOTES FILL IN 2 (DASHED LINES D ENOTE PIPES SURFACE WATER EXISTNG STRUCT URES) 54' PIPES 6 & ABOVE ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER 2 (POND) SINGLE TREE 2 DENOTES TEMPORARY 2 FILL IN WETLANO WOODS LINE 2 DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND 2 DRAINAGE INLET DENOTES TEMPORARY FILL IN SURFACE 2 K1d WATER. ROOTWAD 2 D DENOTES MECHANIZED ' ' 2 CLEARING • ?--- 4 FLOW DIRECTION 2 RIP RAP 2 TB 2•4 - TOP OF BANK •- W?• - EOCE OF WATER 2 f c 1 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER 2 OR PARCEL NUMBER ? 2 IF AVAILABLE - - ?. PROP.L1MtT OF CUT - -F -_ PROP-LIMIT OF FILL 2 -- PROP. RIGHT OF WAY 2 2 - - NG- - NATURAL GROUND - -PL - PROPERTY LINE 2 -TOE- TEMP.DRAINAGE 2 EASEMENT -POE- PERMANENT DRAINAGE 2 EASEMENT - EAB--• EXIST. ENDANGERED 2 ANIMAL BOUNDARY - EPB-- EXIST. ENDANGERED 2 PLANT BOUNDARY 0 WATER SURFACE 2 xxxxx LIVE STAKES 2 BOULDER 6 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ---- CORE FIBER ROLLS VANCE FRANKLIN COUNTY PROJECT:8.2390501 (13-3052) BRIDGE N0.9 SR1101 & SR1203 S AMP ? ? OVER TAR RIVER 9/00 T 2 OF G MAR.31'2000 16:31 1 .J? Q 1 Lam[ ?' ? o EE 0 cr-) t? r a J \ \ \ ba'y\ .r?e\ bb \ Z J J Q F- N ? a ? a o c w #1279 P.042/044 C' r r / rr__ L r <z w G Y U O > Z zU liJ .Ti Cd M N < L0? _ 0Fa I v; oow c? o w ?? \ G > Z Fn ?. z > A W N ? 0 ' / tI OPa, - i J / / COQ o? < i r Y ? Q W ? 0. ?r i Ay g a F-u LAI F S 4 W 4 ? ? C o 0? Y- N ? Z ? 'z c W Q c A f i a v .? N > z y w kN> > ? W ?u ..3 N MAR.31'2000 16:31 Cfl ti i O 1 I I ?? ? -' e II \' H I I ? ` ? G C L p ? I I II tn ?- u LI---_---- I I -~ - ? u ? II II ? • ?O II II I I -----_--? D' I I ?N I 1 I I• ? / I I OL rl----------- ----1--- I I I ?ooo II ? q ' U ' ' Z V f h_N Ir! I 41 1 N - NJ N I NI 41279 P.043/044 t? fr J {A ~ < Z U F O O > o c d r M r- o b ? YAA.31'2000 16:31 #1279 P.044/044 ROCK CAUSEWAY TYPICAL SECTION ROCK CAUSEWAY N.W.S... 1 2' ??' O OO 0 STREAM BED QUANTITY: TEMPORARY FILL IN SURFACE WATERS = 300 CY (VOLUME) 0.028-AC (AREA) ?',I° llA STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ? n x MAR 2 9 ZOtuI WETLANDS GROUP- "'ATER?UALITY SECTION DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 GOVERNOR March 3, 2000 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office P. O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: Mr. Eric Alsmeyer NCDOT Coordinator Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Vance/Franklin County. Replacement of bridge No Tar River. Federal Aid Project No. BRZ-1101(4). 8.2390501. TIP Project No. B-3052. DAVID MCCOY SECRETARY 0,0,0413S 9 on SR 1101 over the State Project No. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace Bridge No. 9 over the Tar River (DWQ Index # 28-5.7) a Division of Water Quality "Class WS- V NSW" Waters of the State. The project consists of replacing the current bridge with a 300 ft long and 28 ft wide bridge at the existing location and approximately the same elevation. Approach construction will include resurfacing and widening the existing roadway to two 11 ft. lanes with 9 ft. grass shoulders installing guardrails where appropriate. Shoulders will be tapered to 6 ft. where guardrails are not required. All traffic will be detoured along NC 56, US 1, and SR 1100 during construction. STREAM IMPACTS Stream impacts associated with the bridge replacement will occur from the construction of a temporary causeway. Construction of the causeway will consist of plain Class I riprap topped with a layer of smaller washed stone and require a total of 300 yd3 (0.028 ac) of temporary fill in the Tar River. Bridge No. 9 is composed completely of timber and steel. Therefore, there will be no discharge from the demolition into Waters of the United States. Additional impacts include a total of 0.26 acres of Tar/Pamlico stream buffer impacts resulting from mechanical disturbance or fill. Disturbed areas will be revegetated upon completion of the project. RESTORATION PLAN 1. Restoration Plait: The materials used as temporary fill in the construction of the causeway will be removed. The temporary fill areas will be graded back to the original contours. Elevations and contours in the vicinity of the proposed causeway are available from the field survey notes. 2. Restoration Schedule: The project schedule currently calls for a September 19, 2000 letting date with an availability date of October 30, 2000. It is expected that the contractor will begin the construction of the causeway at that time. Following the completion of the bridge substructure, the contractor will remove the temporary causeway. The estimated construction times indicate that the causeway will need to remain in place for approximately five months. 3. Disposal Plan: The contractor will use excavating equipment to remove the rip rap used for the temporary causeway. After the causeway is no longer required, all material placed in the creek will be removed and become the property of the contractor. The contractor will be required to submit a reclamation plan for removal of and the disposal of all unused materials off-site. THREATENED AND / OR ENDANGERED SPECIES There are four species that are listed as Endangered (E) or Threatened (T) for Vance and Franklin County, North Carolina. Relevant information for those species listed for Vance and Franklin Counties are included in Table 1. Table 1. Federally Protected Species Listed for Franklin and Vance Counties. Scientific Name Common Name Status Biological Conclusion Survey Date Alasmidonta heterodon Dwarf wedge mussel E No effect July 10, 1997* Elliptio steinstansana Tar spiney mussel E Not likely to adversely effect July 10, 1997* Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle T No effect ** Rhus michauxii Michaux's sumac E No effect July 10, 1997 * Resurveyed on December 3, 1999. **Suitable habitat not present. NEPA DOCUMENT STATUS / REGULATORY APPROVALS Attached for your information is a copy of the Programmatic Categorical Exclusion Action Classification Form (PCE), Preconstruction Notification (PCN), Permit drawings, and Natural Resources Technical Report (NRTR) for the subject project. The project is being processed by the Federal Highway Administration as a "Categorical Exclusion" in accordance with 23 CFR 771.115(b). Therefore, we do not anticipate requesting an individual permit but propose to proceed under a Nationwide 23 and Nationwide 33 in accordance with the Federal Register of December 13, 1996, Part VII, Vol. 61, No. 241. Other approvals required for the project includes the issuance of a North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality (NCDENR DWQ) 401 General Certification. We anticipate a 401 General Certification will apply to this project and are providing one copy of the PCE, PCN, Permit drawings, and NRTR to the Division of Water Quality, for their review. 'If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Mr. Eric Black at (919) 733-1176. Sincerely, ,?- C'. b?i., / William Gilmore, P. E., Branch Manager D Project Development and Environmental Analysis Cc: w/attachments Mr. David Franklin, COE Mr. John Dorney, NCDWQ Mr. William J. Rogers, P.E., Structure Design w/o attachments Mr. John Alford, P. E., Roadway Design Mr. Calvin Leggett, P. E., Program Design Mr. Len Hill, P. E., Highway Design Mr. A. L. Hankins, P. E., Hydraulics Mr. Jon Nance, P. E., Division 5 Engineer Mr. John Williams, P. E., Project Development and Environmental Analysis 000433 DEM ID: CORPS ACTION ID: NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQUESTED (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE PERMIT #):NWP 33 PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE: 1) NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS 2) APPLICATION FOR SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION 3) COORDINATION WITH THE NC DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT I SEND THE ORIGINAL AND (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED FORM TO THE APPROPRIATE FIELD OFFICE OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAME: NCDOT; Project Development and Environmental Analysis. 2. MAILING ADDRESS: Post Office Box 25201 SUBDIVISION NAME: CITY: Raleigh STATE: NC ZIP CODE: 27611 PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS, INCLUDING SUBDIVISION NAME (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS ABOVE): 3. TELEPHONE NUMBER (HOME): (WORK): 919-733-3141 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: William D. Gilmore, P.E., Branch Manager 5. LOCATION OF WORK (PROVIDE A MAP, PREFERABLY A COPY OF USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WITH SCALE): COUNTY: Vance/Franklin NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: Franklinton, NC Y 1 v SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.): Bridge No. 9 is located over the Tar River on SR 1101 (Grissom Road). 6. IMPACTED OR NEAREST STREAM/RIVER: Tar River (Class WS-V NSW) RIVER BASIN: 7a. IS PROJECT LOCATED NEAR WATER CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, TIDAL SALTWATER (SA), HIGH QUALITY WATERS (HQW), OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS (ORW), WATER SUPPLY (WS-I OR WS-II)? YES [ ] NO [x] IF YES, EXPLAIN: 7b. IS THE PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN A NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC)?YES[ ] NO[x] 7c. IF THE PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN A COASTAL COUNTY (SEE PAGE 7 FOR LIST OF COASTAL COUNTIES), WHAT IS THE LAND USE PLAN (LUP) DESIGNATION? N/A 8a. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES [ ] NO [x] IF YES, PROVIDE ACTION I.D. NUMBER OF PREVIOUS PERMIT AND ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (INCLUDE PHOTOCOPY OF 401 CERTIFICATION): 8b. ARE ADDITIONAL PERMIT REQUESTS EXPECTED FOR THIS PROPERTY IN THE FUTURE? YES [ ] NO [x] IF YES, DESCRIBE ANTICIPATED WORK: 9a. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES IN TRACT OF LAND: 9b. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: N/A 2 A I 10a. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT BY: FILLING: N/A FLOODING: DRAINAGE: EXCAVATION: OTHER: TOTAL ACRES TO BE IMPACTED: N/A 10b. (1) STREAM CHANNEL TO BE IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT (IF RELOCATED, PROVIDE DISTANCE BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER RELOCATION): LENGTH BEFORE: N/A FT AFTER: FT WIDTH BEFORE (based on normal high water contours) WIDTH AFTER: FT AVERAGE DEPTH BEFORE: N/A FT AFTER: N/A FT FT (2) STREAM CHANNEL IMPACTS WILL RESULT FROM: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) OPEN CHANNEL RELOCATION: PLACEMENT OF PIPE IN CHANNEL: CHANNEL EXCAVATION: CONSTRUCTION OF A DAM/FLOODING: OTHER: Temporary placement of rock into channel for construction of causeway (0.028 ac). 11. IF CONSTRUCTION OF A POND IS PROPOSED, WHAT IS THE SIZE OF THE WATERSHED DRAINING TO THE POND? N/A WHAT IS THE EXPECTED POND SURFACE AREA? 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK INCLUDING DISCUSSION OF TYPE OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE USED (ATTACH PLANS: 8 1/2" X 11" DRAWINGS ONLY): Replacement of existing bridge and approach ways. Existing bridge will be replaced with a 300' x 28' bridge. Approach work will consist of resurfacing and widening the roadway to two 11' lanes w/ 9' shoulders and installing guardrails where appropriate. Traffic will be detoured along NC 56, US 1, and SR 1100 during construction. Mechanical equipment will include heavy duty excavation equipment. 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: Bridge Replacement (Public Transportation) 3 14. STATE REASONS WHY IT IS BELIEVED THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. (INCLUDE ANY MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS): N/A 17. DOES THE PROJECT INVOLVE AN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR THE USE OF PUBLIC (STATE) LAND? YES [x] NO (I (IF NO, GO TO 18) a. IF YES, DOES THE PROJECT REQUIRE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT? YES [x] NO [I b. IF YES, HAS THE DOCUMENT BEEN REVIEWED THROUGH THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE CLEARINGHOUSE? YES [x] NO [] IF ANSWER TO 17b IS YES, THEN SUBMIT APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION FROM THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE TO DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT. QUESTIONS REGARDING THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE REVIEW PROCESS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO MS. CHRYS BAGGETT, DIRECTOR STATE CLEARINGHOUSE, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, 116 WEST JONES STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603-8003, TELEPHONE (919) 733-6369. 4 18. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IF PROPOSED ACTIVITY INVOLVES THE DISCHARGE OF EXCAVATED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WETLANDS: a. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, LAKES AND PONDS ON THE PROPERTY (FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBERS 14, 18, 21, 26, 29, AND 38). ALL STREAMS (INTERMITTENT AND PERMANENT) ON THE PROPERTY MUST BE SHOWN ON THE MAP. MAP SCALES SHOULD BE 1 INCH EQUALS 50 FEET OR 1 INCH EQUALS 100 FEET OR THEIR EQUIVALENT. b. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. d. ATTACH A COPY OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IF REQUIRED. e. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? Residential and Forested property. f. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? N/A g. SIGNED AND DATED AGENT AUTHORIZATION LETTER, IF APPLICABLE. NOTE: WETLANDS OR WATERS OF THE U.S. MAY NOT BE IMPACTED PRIOR TO: 1) ISSUANCE OF A SECTION 404 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT, 2) EITHER THE ISSUANCE OR WAIVER OF A 401 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (WATER QUALITY) CERTIFICATION, AND 3) (IN THE TWENTY COASTAL COUNTIES ONLY), A LETTER FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT STATING THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. /l// C -4e IX, ?) -'?' /A0W- OWNER'S/AGEN 'S SIGNATURE ,?1-34,00 DATE (AGENT'S SIGNATURE VALID ONLY IF AUTHORIZATION LETTER FROM THE OWNER IS PROVIDED (18g.)) 5 N H?-z?h pw m C? C Cc ;5 ., z > (, o -1 Q i? G1 Q z CF CLI o z V? F-r ' L IT o GRAML Y r N • J_ ? yQ v o C\ V) ? w r-- --WLB WETLAND BOUNDARY 4-6 L WETLAND ?-W L 4-6 DENOTES FILL IN 2 ® WETLAND ® DENOTES FILL IN 2 SURFACE WATER DENOTES FILL IN 2 ® SURFACE WATER (POND) ® DENOTES TEMPORARY 2 FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION 2 ® IN WETLAND DENOTES TEMPORARY ® FILL IN SURFACE 2 WATER. • ••• ` • DENOTES MECHANIZED 2 • • • CLEARING 2 ?- ?- FLOW DIRECTION TB 2-4 TOP OF BANK wE - EDGE OF WATER 2 - -C- - PROP. LIMIT OF CUT 2 - -F - PROP. LIMIT OF FILL 2 --?- PROP. RIGHT OF WAY 2 2 - - NG - - NATURAL GROUND - -PL - PROPERTY LINE 2 - TDE - TEMP. DRAINAGE 2 EASEMENT -POE- PERMANENT DRAINAGE 2 EASEMENT - EAB- EXIST. ENDANGERED 2 ANIMAL BOUNDARY - EPB - . EXIST. ENDANGERED 2 PLANT BOUNDARY 0 WATER SURFACE 2 XXX XX LIVE STAKES 2 C2D BOULDER 6 --- CORE FIBER ROLLS LEGEND PROPOSED BRIDGE PROPOSED BOX CULVERT PROPOSED PIPE CULVERT 12'-48- (DASHED LINES DENOTE PIPES EXISTNG STRUCTURES) 54' PIPES & ABOVE C. ? SINGLE TREE _ WOODS LINE @ DRAINAGE INLET ROOTWAO RIP RAP 5 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER OR PARCEL NUMBER IF AVAILABLE SAMPLE WT f r 6 6 15 6 2 2 2 2 2 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS VANCE FRANKLIN COUNTY PROJECT: 8.2390501 (B-3052) BRIDGE NO.9 SR1101 & SR1203 OVER TAR RIVER .loo SHEET 2 OF 6 I O Q 0 as r? r a J •? ti d \ .r 1 V) Z > i J J Q 0 C_ C \ a ? w i - c i ? ` ? Z c? c n / Q O M yy c{J w ? LLJ ZJ wE o z M `n C o .0 o ? U csl , U n C O U _ o Z u L`, o E" ? o6 > z n J N PQ' OF 0 ? ? SOP / , ? / U i i r O • roe / ? J clQ ? Q >1 115 44 a e 0 w N U LL VI L" V- a z o pC1 Q w F < w V) J F?.. Z) w C c a > J Lij wwa_ > :2 w c ?- -, n J o? 1 a 1 ?I N I \ Iz II `? I I ` ?1 II ? 'O v J 1 II 1 LI---------r II 1 II i II II O ?LU aw ? a w ? U Y Vl 0 ? ? V II ? ? o I I D ? _ _ I I ?N I I' / I I OW I / I-I----------- ---/--- II ? II II ? ? I ? I a? r Z U ' vl I ? I x W ' O O ?' M N N 0 ?- ?V I? tL J W Q J U U `n Ln J a U c Q ~ N 0 > O r 2 a o to o ° r M o b r I ROCK CAUSEWAY TYPICAL SECTION ROCK CAUSEWAY N.W.S. * 2' 0 0 STREAM BED QUANTITY: TEMPORARY FILL IN SURFACE WATERS = 300 CY (VOLUME) 0.028-AC (AREA) N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS VANCE/FRANKLIN COUNTY PROJECT: 8.2390501, B-3052 BRIDGE NO.9 ON SRIIOI & SR1203 OVER (TAR RIVER) /co SHEET 5 OF 6 PROPERTY OWNERS NAMES AND ADDRESSES PARCEL NO. NAMES AND ADDRESSES 1 H.E. & OMA P. STALLINGS 4730 OLD US 64 HIGHWAY ZEBULON, NC 27597 2 STEPHEN C. GOULD 813-A WAKE FOREST BUSINESS PARK WAKE FOREST, NC 27587 3 LARRY HOWARD P.O. BOX 3642 CHAPEL HILL, NC 27515 4 CHARLES L. FULLER 5385 CHARLIE GRISSOM RD. N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS COUNTY PROJECT: 8.2390501, B-3052 BRIDGE NO. 9 ON SR 1101 & SR 1203 OVER TAR RIVER SHEET OF (a r - If CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM TIP Project No. B-3052 State Project No. 8.2390501 Federal-Aid Project No. BRZ-1101(4) A. Proiect Description : The purpose of this project is to replace Bridge No. 9 on SR 1101 over the Tar River on the Vance-Franklin County line. The bridge will be replaced with a 91-meter (300-foot) long bridge at the existing location and approximately the same elevation. Traffic will be detoured along NC 56, US 1, and SR 1100 during construction (See Figure 1). The new bridge will have a 8.6-meter (28-foot) clear deck width which will provide two 3.3-meter (11-foot) lanes and 1.0-meter (3-foot) offsets. The approaches to the bridge will be widened and resurfaced to include two 3.3-meter (11-foot) lanes and 2.7-meter (9-foot) grass shoulders tapering to 1.8 meters (6 feet) where guardrail is not required. Approaches to both the north and the south will extend 46 meters (150 feet) from the bridge. B. Pumose and Need: Bridge No. 9 has a sufficiency rating of 25.7 out of 100. The structure is a two lane bridge with 7.4 meters (24.3 feet) of bridge roadway width which is below the standard for modern bridges. For these reasons, Bridge No. 9 needs to be replaced. C: Proposed Improvements: Circle one or more of the following Type II improvements which apply to the project: Type II Improvements Modernization of a highway by resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation, reconstruction, adding shoulders, or adding auxiliary lanes (e.g., parking weaving, turning, climbing). a. Restoring, Resurfacing, Rehabilitating, and Reconstructing pavement (3R and 4R improvements) b. Widening roadway and shoulders without adding through lanes c. Modernizing gore treatments d. Constructing lane improvements (merge, auxiliary, and turn lanes) e. Adding shoulder drains N f. Replacing and rehabilitating culverts, inlets, and drainage pipes, including safety treatments g. Providing driveways pipes h. Performing minor bridge widening ( less than one through lane) 2. Highway safety or traffic operations improvement projects including the installation of ramp metering control devices and lighting. a. Installing ramp metering devices b. Installing lights c. Adding or upgrading guardrail d. Installing safety barriers including Jersey type barriers and pier protection e. Installing or replacing impact attenuators f. Upgrading medians including adding or upgrading median barriers g. Improving intersections including relocation and/ or realignment h. Making minor roadway realignment i. Channelizing traffic j. Performing clear zone safety improvements including removing hazards and flattening slopes k. Implementing traffic aid systems, signals, and motorist aid 1. Installing bridge safety hardware including bridge rail retrofit O Bridge rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement or the construction of grade separation replace existing at-grade railroad crossings. a. Rehabilitating, reconstructing, or replacing bridge approach slabs b. Rehabilitating or replacing bridge decks c. Rehabilitating bridges including painting ( no red lead paint), scour repair, fender systems, and minor structural improvements O Replacing a bridge (structure and/ or fill) 4. Transportation corridor fringe parking facilities. 5. Construction of new truck weigh stations or rest areas. 6. Approvals for disposal of excess right-of-way or for joint or limited use of right-of-way, where the proposed use does not have significant adverse impacts. 7. Approvals for changes in access control. 8. Construction of new bus storage and maintenance facilities in areas used predominantly for industrial or transportation purposes where such construction is not inconsistent with existing zoning and located on or near a 2 street with adequate capacity to handle anticipated bus and support vehicle traffic. 9. Rehabilitation or reconstruction of existing rail and bus buildings and ancillary facilities where only minor amounts of additional land are required and there is not a substantial increase in the number of users. 10. Construction of bus transfer facilities (an open area consisting of passenger shelters, boarding areas, kiosks and related street improvements ) when located in a commercial area or other high activity center in which there is adequate street capacity for projected bus traffic. 11. Construction of rail storage and maintenance facilities in areas used predominantly for industrial or transportation purposes where such construction is not inconsistent with existing zoning and where there is no significant noise impact on the surrounding community. 12. Acquisition of land for hardship or protective purposes, advance land acquisition loans under section 3 (b) of the UMT Act. Hardship and protective buying will be permitted only for a particular parcel or a limited number of parcels. These types of land acquisition will not limit the evaluation of alternatives, including shifts in alignment for planned construction projects, which may be required in the NEPA process. No project development on such land may proceed until the NEPA process has been completed. D. Svecial Proiect Information Environmental Commitments: In accordance with the provisions of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344), a permit will be required from the Corps of Engineers for the discharge of dredged or fill material into "Waters of the United States." North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DEM) Section 401 Water Quality General Certification will be obtained prior to issue of the Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit # 23. High Quality Waters (HQW) - Soil and Erosion Control Measures will be installed and properly maintained throughout project construction. Where HQW measures do not supersede, all standard measures will be implemented to avoid or minimize environmental impacts. Every effort will be made during design to minimize drainage from the bridge deck directly into the stream channel under normal flow conditions. The existing bridge will be dismantled from the top down. 3 Pilings from the existing bridge will be cut off at the streambed or natural ground elevation. Turbidity curtains or other appropriate means will be used to restrict the movement of any sediment disturbed during this process. A final survey for the Tar spiny mussel will be conducted before construction begins. The NCWRC & USFWS will be notified of the survey results. If the surveyor discovers endangered mussels, the Federal Highway Administration will initiate formal consultation proceedings. Ms. Candice Martino of USFWS (919-8564520), Mr. Tim Savidge of NCDOT Planning & Environmental (919-733-3141), Mr. David Cox of NCWRC (919-528-9886), and Mr. John Alderman of NCWRC (919-542-5331) will be invited by the Resident Engineer to attend a preconstruction meeting. Estimated Costs: Construction $ 1,100,000 Right of Way $ 15,000 Total $ 1,115,000 Estimated Traffic: Current - 600 vpd, Design Speed: 100 km/h (60 mph) Functional Classification: Rural Local Division Office Comments: The division supports the proposed action. Year 2020 - 1100 vpd 4 E. Threshold Criteria The following evaluation of threshold criteria must be completed for Type II actions. ECOLOGICAL YES NO (1) Will the project have a substantial impact on any unique on any unique or important natural resource? X (2) Does the project involve any habitat where federally listed endangered or threatened species may occur? XX (3) Will the project affect anadromous fish? ? X (4) If the project involves wetlands, is the amount of permanent and/or temporary wetland taking less than x one-third (1/3) acre and have all practicable measures wetland to avoid and minimize takings been evaluated? (5) Will the project require use of U. S. Forest Service lands? ? x (6) Will the quality of adjacent water resources be adversely impacted by proposed construction activities? 17 X (7) Does the project involve waters classified as Outstanding Water Resources (OWR) and/or High Quality Waters X (HQW)? (8) Will the project require fill in waters of the United States in any of the designated mountain trout counties? El x (9) Does the project involve any known underground storage tanks (UST's) or hazardous materials sites? 1-1 X 5 PERMITS AND COORDINATION (10) If the project is located within a CAMA county, will the project significantly affect the coastal zone and/or any X "Area of Environmental Concern" (AEC)? (11) Does the project involve Coastal Barrier Resources Act ? resources? X (12) Will a U. S. Coast Guard permit be required? ? X (13) Will the project result in the modification of any existing regulatory floodway? ? X (14) Will the project require any stream relocations or channel X changes? 7 SOCIAL. ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL RESOURCES YES NO (15) Will the project induce substantial impacts to planned growth or land use for the area? 1 X (16) Will the project require the relocation of any family or ? business? X (17) Will the project have disproportionately high and adverse ? human health and environmental effect on any minority X or low income population? (18) If the project involves the acquisition of right of way, is the ? amount of right of way acquisition considered minor? X 6 (19) Will the project involve any changes in access control? ? X (20) Will the project substantially alter the usefulness and/ or land use of any adjacent property? F-1 X (21) Will the project have an adverse effect on permanent local traffic patterns or community cohesiveness? 0 X (22) Is the project included in an approved thoroughfare plan ? and/ or Transportation Improvement Program (and is, X therefore, in conformance with the Clean Air Act of 1990)? (23) Is the project anticipated to cause an increase in traffic - volumes? 7 X (24) Will traffic be maintained during construction using existing ? roads, staged construction, or on-site detours? X (25) If the project is a bridge replacement project, will the bridge X be replaced at its existing location (along the existing facility) and will all construction proposed in association with the bridge replacement project be contained on the existing facility? (26) Is there substantial controversy on social, economic, or environmental grounds concerning the project? 0 X (27) Is the project consistent with all Federal, State, and local a laws relating to the environmental aspects of the action? X (28) Will the project have an "effect" on properties eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places? El X 7 (29) Will the project affect any archaeological remains which x are important to history or pre-history? (30) Will the project require the use of Section 4(f) resources (public parks, recreation lands, wildlife and waterfowl 17 X refuges, historic sites or historic bridges, as defined in Section 4(f) of the U. S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966)? (31) Will the project result in any conversion of assisted public recreation sites or facilites to non-recreation uses, as defined 17 X by Section 6(f) of the Lnad and Water Conservation Act of 1965, as amended? (32) Will the project involve construction in, across, or adjacent to a river designated as a component of or proposed for x inclusion in the natural Wild and Scenic Rivers? F. Additional Documentation Required for Unfavorable Responses in Part E Response to question 2 on page 4 - Endangered Species Tar River, in the project area, is suitable habitat for the Tar spiny mussel. Special project commitments and coordination with the USFWS have resulted in a determination that this project is not likely to adversely affect the Tar spiny mussel. [See attached memo from USFWS.] G. CE Approval TIP Project No. B-3052 State Project No. 8.2390501 Federal-Aid Project No. BRZ-1101(4) Proiect Description : The purpose of this project is to replace Bridge No. 9 on SR 1101 over the Tar River on the Vance-Franklin County line. The bridge will be replaced with a 91-meter (300-foot) long bridge at the existing location and approximately the same elevation. Traffic will be detoured along NC 56, US 1, and SR 1100 during construction (See Figure 1). The new bridge will have a 8.6-meter (28-foot) clear deck width which will provide two 3.3-meter (11-foot) lanes and 1.0-meter (3-foot) offsets. The approaches to the bridge will be widened and resurfaced to include two 3.3-meter (11-foot) lanes and 2.7-meter (9-foot) grass shoulders tapering to 1.8 meters (6 feet) where guardrail is not required. Approaches to both the north and the south will extend 46 meters (150 feet) from the bridge. Categorical Approved: -Z 5-,n Date Exclusion Action Classification: TYPE II (A) X TYPE II (B) Assistant Manager Planning & Environmental Branch 8'- 2 S-9 7 714 IN C .n e- L?/ c ??,..OCAR pZ? , as's Date Project "Planning Unit Head : ?•.?pFESS?.•9 . c 1 ` VnD = 4 SEAL •. - - 022552 Date Proj ct Planning Engineer ?'stiF ?Z,f WCV For Type II (B) projects only: ® 41 7 7 Date vision Administrator Federal Highway Administration ,.000 'icy 000, ' iii - 0000 J 0000 0000. 1 r-N. Y C e ? ? ? ? N Y o z a rOl":il ? e °e W Z ci = z H __ B ' y ?G ?n ; ? • 3 U na 9 w Z !-+ a U J I 1- 01 NI CI NI 1.'1 ,/ \ NI v rNI ? 1 ? I ? 111 1 l 111 1 \ ? ?' \ ? .'1 I YY 2! /IL j? E f nl- 660 I r (?J I ?p ?'nm ? , 4 e N \.4? / .???}?,? ILy •? lVl ?. CI l my oW'PtMENT OF 9 N a ?,RCH , ??6s United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE /CZ- Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636.3726 August 19, 1997 H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation PO Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611-5201 ATTN: John L. Williams, Planning Engineer BUG 2 1 ??9i ?C 141 RE: Proposed Replacement of Bridge No. 9 on SR1101 over Tar River, Vance- Franklin County Line; TIP Project #B-3052 Dear Mr. Vick: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife (Service) has reviewed your July 25, 1997 letter regarding the above-referenced project in Vance and Franklin County in North Carolina. Our comments are provided in accordance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543) (Act). Based on the North Carolina Department of Transportation's agreement to implement the environmental commitments stated in your letter, the Service concurs that this project is not likely to adversely affect the federally-endangered Tar spiny mussel and any other federally-listed species. We believe that the requirements of Section 7 of the Act have been satisfied. We remind you that obligations under Section 7 consultation must be reconsidered if: (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered; (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner that was not considered in this review; (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by the identified action. Thank you for your cooperation with our agency. Sincerely, ActY?isuxrvisor Tom Augspurger FWS/R4:CMartino:cm:8-19-97/919-856-4520:WP51:NCDOT:Brg9-tar.NE / . • Ihffis l I .. AA(( v fast +' Z '? North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James B. Hunt Jr., Governor Betty Ray McCain, Secretary July 10, 1996 Nicholas L. Graf Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration Department of Transportation 310 New Bern Avenue Raleigh, N.C. 27601-1442 Re: Replace Bridge #9 on SR River, Vance and Franklin 96-9021 Dear Mr. Graf: 110 1 /1203 over Tar Counties, B-3052, ER Division of Archives and History Jeffrey J. Crow, Director Q?? C E 1 JUL 1 21996 DIVISION-OF HIOHWAyS On July 9, 1996, Debbie Bevin of our staff met with North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) staff for a meeting of the minds concerning the above project. We reported our available information on historic architectural and archaeological surveys and resources along with our recommendations. NCDOT provided project area photographs and aerial photographs at the meeting. Based upon our review of the photographs and the information discussed at the meeting, we offer our preliminary comments regarding this project. In terms of historic architectural resources, we are aware of no historic structures located within the area of potential effect. We recommend that no historic architectural survey be conducted for this project. There are no known archaeological sites within the proposed project area. Based on our present knowledge of the area, it is unlikely that any archaeological resources which may be eligible for inclusion in the National 'Register of Historic Places will be affected by the project construction. We, therefore, recommend that no archaeological investigation be conducted in connection with this project. , Having provided this information, we look forward to receipt of either a Categorical Exclusion or Environmental Assessment which indicates how NCDOT addressed our comments. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106, codified at 36 CFR Part 800. r 109 Fast Jones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-250', g?3 Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. Sincerely, k - . ?< ?Q4 David Brook Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:slw cc: 4-A F. Vick B. Church T. Padgett 4N STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 GovERNoR 3 April 1997 MEMORANDUM TO: Wayne Elliott, Unit Head Project Planning 5 FROM: Matt K. Smith, Environmental Biologist Environmental Unit GARLAND B. GAR.RETT J R. SECRETARY SUBJECT: Natural Resources Technical Report for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 9 on SR 1101 over Tar River. Franklin/Vance Counties; TIP No. B-3052, State Project No. 8.2390501; Federal Aid No. BRZ-1 101(4). ATTENTION: John Williams, P.E., Project Manager The attached Natural Resources Technical Report provides inventories and descriptions of the natural resources within the proposed project area, along with analyses of probable impacts likely to occur to these resources as a result of project construction. Pertinent information on wetlands and federally-protected species is also provided, with respect to regulatory concerns which must be considered. Please contact me if you have any questions, or need this report copied onto disk format. c: V. Charles Bruton, Ph.D., Unit Head, Environmental Unit Hal Bain, Environmental Supervisor File: B-3052 REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 9 ON SRI] 02 OVER TAR RIVER FRANKLIN/VANCE COUNTIES TIP NO. B-3052 STATE PROJECT NO. 8.2390501 FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. BRZ-1101(4) NATURAL RESOURCES TECHNICAL REPORT B-3052 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH ENVIRONMENTAL UNIT MATT K. SMITH, ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGIST 4 APRIL 1997 Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1 1. 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Mr•.TIIODOI.OGI .....................................................................................................................................2 1.3 TERMINOLO ;Y AND DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................... 3 1.4 QUALIFICATIONS OF PRINCIPAI.INVEST-IGATOR ....................................................................................... 3 2.0 PHYSICAL RESOURCES ................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 RF.GIONALCHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................3 2.2 Sows .................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 WATER RESOURCES ...............................................................................................................................4 1.3.1 Physical Characteristics of Surface Waters ................................................................................. 4 2.3.2 Best Usage Classification ............................................................................................................. 5 2.3.3 Water Qualityy ............................................................................................................................... 5 General Watershed Characteristics .................................................................................................... 5 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Ambient Network ...................................................................................6 Point Source Dischargers .................................................................................................................... 6 2.4 SUMMARY OF ANTICIPATED IMPACTS ..................................................................................................... 6 3.0 BIOTIC RESOURCES ...................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 TERRrsTRIAL. COMMLrN[TIES ................................................................................................................ . 7 3.I.1 Disturbed Community ................................................................................................................. . 7 3.1.2 Mesic Mixed Harwood Forest ..................................................................................................... . 8 3.1.2 Alluvial F7oodplain Forest ........................................................................................................... . 9 3.2 AQUATIC COMMLTNIT1ES ....................................................................................................................... . 9 3.3 SUMIv1ARY OI' ANTICIPATED IMPACTS .................................................................................................... 10 3.3.1 Impacts to Terrestrial Communities ........................................................................................... 10 3.3.2 Impacts to Aquatic Communities ................................................................................................ 11 4.0 JURISDICTIONAL TOPICS ......................... »..... ................ ................... ........................................ 11 4.1 WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES .......................................................................................................... 11 41.1 Characteristics of Wetlands and Surface Waters ........................................................................ 12 4.1.2 Summaq of Anticipated Impacts ................................................................................................ 12 4.1.3 Permits ........................................................................................................................................ 13 4.1.4 Avoidance, Minimization, Mitigation ......................................................................................... 14 4.2 RARE AND PROTECTED SPECIES ............................................................................................................ 15 4 .2.1 Federally-Proteded Species ........................................................................................................ 15 4.2.2 Federal Species of Concern and State Listed Species ................................................................. 18 5.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 20 Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map Figure 2. Water Resources and Physiography of the Region Table 1. Soils occurring in the project area ................................................................................................ 4 Table 2. Estimated area impacts to terrestrial communities .......................................................................10 Table 3. Anticipated impacts to wetlands and surface waters ....................................................................12 Table 4. Federally Protected Species for Franklin and Vance Counties .....................................................15 Table 5. Federal candidate species for Franklin and Vance County ...........................................................19 1.0 Introduction The following Natural Resources Technical Report is submitted to assist in the preparation of a Categorical Exclusion (CE) for the proposed project. The purpose of this document is to inventory and describe the natural resources which occur within the proposed right-of-way boundaries and which are likely to be impacted by the proposed action. Assessments of the nature and severity of probable impacts to these natural resources are provided, along with recommendations for measures which will minimize resource impacts. This report identifies areas of particular environmental concern which may affect the selection of a preferred alignment or may necessitate changes in design criteria. Such environmental concerns should be addressed during the preliminary planning stages of the proposed project in order to maintain environmental quality in the most efficient and effective manner. The analyses contained in this document are relevant only in the context of the existing preliminary project boundaries and design. If design parameters and criteria change, additional field investigations may be necessary. 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project crosses the Tar River where it forms the boundary between Franklin and Vance Counties (Figure 1). The project calls for the replacement of Bridge No. 9 on SR 1101 over the Tar River. The existing structure is 7.3 m (24 ft) wide and 84 m (275 ft) long. The current right-of-way for this project is ditchline to ditchline and the proposed right-of-way is 24 m (80 ft). Three alternatives are being considered for the project. • Alternative 1: Replace the existing bridge with a new bridge at existing location. Traffic would be maintained on secondary roads during construction. Project length is approximately 152 m (500 ft). • Alternative Replace the existing bridge with a new bridge on the existing location. Traffic could be maintained on a temporary alignment to the west of the existing bridge during construction. The temporary structure would be approximately 67 m (220 ft) long, placed 1 m (3 ft) below the elevation of the existing bridge. The length of the temporary alignment is approximately 366 m (1200 ft). • Alternative Replace the existing bridge with a new bridge on new location to the west of the existing bridge. Traffic would be maintained on the existing bridge during construction. The project length for this alternate is 488 m (1600 ft). 2 1.2 METHODOLOGY Research was conducted prior to field investigations. Published resource information pertaining to the project area was gathered and reviewed. Resources utilized in this preliminary investigation of the project area include: • Geological Survey (USGS) quadrangle maps (Kittrell). NCDOT aerial photographs of the project area (1:1200). • Soil Conservation Service (SCS), currently known as Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), Soil Survey of Vance County, North Carolina (1980). • NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Environmental Sensitivity Base Maps of Franklin and Vance Counties (1995). National Wetland Inventory Maps (Kittrell). Water resource information was obtained from publications of the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (DEHNR, 1993). Information concerning the occurrence of federal and state protected species in the study area was obtained from the FWS list of protected and candidate species (23 August 1996) and from the N.C. Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) database of rare species and unique habitats. NCNHP files were reviewed for documented occurences of state or federally listed species and locations of significant natural areas. General field surveys were conducted along the proposed alignment by NCDOT Environmental Biologists Matt Smith and Tim Savidge on 03 March 1997. Water resources were identified and their physical characteristics were recorded. Plant communities and their associated wildlife were also identified and described. Terrestrial community classifications generally follow Schafale and Weakley (1990) where possible, and plant taxonomy follows Radford, et al. (1968). Animal taxonomy follows Martof, e1 al. (1980), Menhenick (1991), . Potter, e1 al. (1980), and Webster, e1 al. (1985). Vegetative communities were mapped utilizing aerial photography of the project site. Predictions regarding wildlife community composition involved general qualitative habitat assessment based on existing vegetative communities. Wildlife identification involved using a variety of observation techniques: qualitative habitat assessment based on vegetative communities, active searching, identifying characteristic signs of wildlife (sounds, scat, tracks and burrows). Cursory surveys of aquatic organisms were conducted using a hand held dip net; tactile searches for benthic organisms were administered as well. Organisms captured during these searches were identified and then released. Jurisdictional wetlands, if present, were identified and evaluated based on criteria established in the "Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual" (Environment Laboratory, 1987) and "Guidance for Rating the Values of Wetlands in North Carolina" (Division of Environmental Management, 1995). Wetlands were classified based on the classification scheme of Cowardin, el al. (1979). 3 1.3 TERMINOLOGY AND DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document, the following terms are used concerning the limits of natural resources investigations. "Project area" denotes the area bounded by the proposed right-of-way limits along the full length of the project alignment. "Project vicinity" is defined as an area extending 1.0 km (0.6 mi) on all sides of the project area, and "project region" denotes an area equivalent in size to the area represented by a 7.5 minute USGS quadrangle map, i.e. 163.3 sq. km (61.8 sq. mi). 1.4 QUALIFICATIONS OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Investigator Matt K. Smith, Environmental Biologist Education: BS Marine Biology, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 12/94. Certification: N.C. Certified Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator. Experience: Laboratory Technician, Takeda Chemical Products. Lepidoptera researcher, USDA Forest Service. Expertise: Native Lepidoptera collection, field biological inventories, water quality testing. 2.0 Physical Resources Soil and water resources which occur in the project area are discussed below with respect to possible environmental concerns. Soil properties and site topography significantly influence the potential for soil erosion and compaction, along with other possible construction limitations or management concerns. Water resources within the project area present important management limitations due to the need to regulate water movement and the increased potential for water quality degradation. Excessive soil disturbance resulting from construction activities can potentially alter both the flow and j quality of water resources, limiting downstream uses. In addition, soil characteristics and the availability of water directly influence the composition and distribution of flora and fauna in biotic communities, thus affecting the characteristics of these resources. 2.1 REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Vance and Franklin Counties lie in the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina (Figure 2). The topography of the Counties is characterized by gently sloping and sloping wide, nearly level floodplains along streams. Topography in the vicinity of the study area is composed of steep slopes and wide floodplains along streams. Project elevations i average 69 m (225 ft) above mean sea level. Parent material for soils in the project region are residual materials derived from acid and base igneous rocks and alluvium. Alluvial material is composed both recent and old deposits. 4 2.2 SOILS Soils located in the project area are of the Wedowee-Louisburg-Pacolet Association. An inventory of the specific soil types which occur in the project area can be found in Table 1. A brief description of each soil type is also provided. Table 1. Soils occurring in the project area map, Unit specific Mapping Unit % Slope Site Index` Erosion Sy pb9l hazard' Cw Chewacla silt loam nearly level 96 slight HeB Helena sandy loam 2-8% slopes 2-8 80 slight Note: ' describes the potential for future erosion, inherent in the soil itself, in inadequately protected areas. Based on tons of soil lost/acre/year. 2 the expected average height (ft) of dominant trees in an even aged stand at 50 years of age (loblolly pine). • Chewacla silt loam consists of nearly level, somewhat poorly drained soil on long, narrow flood plains. This soil has low organic content and is commonly flooded for brief periods. Permeability is moderate and available water capacity is high. • Helena sandy loam 2 to 8 percent slopes is a moderately well drained soil on smooth ridges. This soil has slow permeability and medium water capacity. Both of the specific map units found in the project area are known to have inclusions of hydric soils. The hydric inclusions are of Wehadkee and Worsham soils. 2.3 WATER RESOURCES This section contains information concerning surface water resources likely to be impacted by the proposed project. Water resource assessments include the physical characteristics, best usage standards, and water quality aspects of the water resources, along with their relationship to major regional drainage systems. Probable impacts to surface water resources are also discussed, as are means to minimize impacts. 2.3.1 Physical Characteristics of Surface Waters Water resources within the study area are located in the Upper Tar River subbasin (03-03-01) of the Tar-Pamlico River Drainage Basin. SR 1101 crosses one perennial stream the Tar River (Figure 2). Construction of alternates 2 and 3 will necessitate the construction of new crossings of the Tar River. 5 The Tar River at SR 1101 is approximately 30 m (100 ft) wide and ranges in depth from 0.5-2 m (2-6 ft). The substrate at the existing crossing was undetectable at depth due to high turbidity. Shallows had a substrate composed of sand and gravel, silt was observed to have settled out on rocks and debris in shallow eddies. The stream banks are steep and show evidence of heavy erosion, still, a well developed riparian canopy is present. In the stream channel woody debris form drift piles, in bends and shallows, that slow water now and aid in the formation of sandbars. 2.3.2 Best Usage Classification Streams have been assigned a best usage classification by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ), formerly Division of Environmental Management (DEM), which reflects water quality conditions and potential resource usage. The Tar River [DEM Index No. 28- (5.7), 8/3/92] is classified as "WS-V NSW". WS-V (Water Supplies V) refers to those waters protected as water supplies which are generally upstream and draining to Class-IV waters and suitable for all Class C uses. Class C waters are defined as suitable for aquatic life propagation and survival, fishing, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture. The supplemental classification NSW (Nutrient Sensitive Waters) refers to waters which require limitations on nutrient inputs. No waters classified as High Quality Waters (HQW), Water Supplies (WS-I or WS-Ii) or Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) occur within 1.6 km (1.0 mi) of project study area. 2.3.3 Water Quality This section describes the water quality of the water resources within the project area. Potential sediment loads and toxin concentrations of these waters from both point sources and nonpoint sources are evaluated. Water quality assessments are made based on published resource information and existing general watershed characteristics. These data provide insight into the value of water resources within the project area to meet human needs and to provide habitat for aquatic organisms. General Watershed Characteristics Sedimentation and stormwater runoff from land clearing activities are likely to be the primary sources of water quality degradation to the Tar River in the project vicinity. Runoff from pasture land is also likely to be an important factor. Runoff from pastures is tT r known to contain oxygen depleting organic compounds and potentially harmful bacteria (E. coh, fecal coliforms). Runoff from land clearing activities is primarily composed of sediment but is also likely to include pesticide residue, fertilizer, and petroleum products. These types of runoff are classified as nonpoint source and are difficult to quantify and determine an exact source. 6 Benthic Macroinvertebrate Ambient Network The Benthic Macroinvertebrate Ambient Network (BMAN), managed by the DEM, is part of an ongoing ambient water quality monitoring program which addresses long term trends in water quality. The program monitors ambient water quality by sampling at fixed sites for selected benthic macroinvertebrates organisms, which are sensitive to water quality conditions. Samples are evaluated on the number of taxa present of intolerant groups [Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera (EPT)] and assigned a taxa richness value. Samples are also assigned a bioclassification that summarizes tolerance data for all species in each collection. The bioclassification and taxa richness values primarily reflect the effects of chemical pollution and are a poor measure of the effects of such physical pollutants as sediment. BMAN data is currently unavailable for the project vicinity. Point Source Dischargers Point source dischargers located throughout North Carolina are permitted through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program administered by the DEM. All dischargers are required to register for a permit. The DWQ NPDES report lists no permitted dischargers into the Tar River within 8 km (5 mi) of SR 1101. 2.4 SUMMARY OF ANTICIPATED IMPACTS Impacts to water resources in the project area are likely to result from activities associated with project construction. Activities likely to result in impacts are clearing and grubbing on streambanks, riparian canopy removal, instream construction, fertilizers and pesticides used in Revegetation, and pavement installation. The following impacts'to surface water resources are likely to result from the above mentioned construction activities. • Increased sedimentation and siltation downstream of the crossing and increased erosion in the project area. • Changes in light incidence and water clarity due to increased sedimentation and vegetation removal. • Alteration of water levels and flows due to interruptions and/or additions to surface and ground water flow from construction. • Changes in and destabilization of water temperature due to vegetation removal. • Increased nutrient loading during construction via runoff from exposed areas. • Increased concentrations of toxic compounds from highway runoff, construction, and toxic spills. • Increased potential for release of toxic compounds such as fuel and oil from construction equipment and other vehicles. • Alteration of stream discharge due to silt loading and changes in surface and groundwater drainage patterns. 7 In order to minimize potential impacts to water resources in the project area, NCDOT's Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters will be strictly enforced during the construction phase of the project. Impacts can be further reduced by limiting instream activities and revegetating stream banks immediately following the completion of grading. 3.0 Biotic Resources Biotic resources include terrestrial and aquatic communities. This section describes the biotic communities encountered in the project area, as well as the relationships between fauna and flora within these communities. The composition and distribution of biotic communities throughout the project area are reflective of topography, soils, hydrology, and past and present land uses. Descriptions of the terrestrial systems are presented in the context of plant community classifications. These classifications follow Schafale and Weakley (1990) where possible. Representative animal species which are likely to occur in these habitats (based on published range distributions) are also cited. Scientific nomenclature and common names (when applicable) are provided for each animal and plant species described. Subsequent references to the same organism refer to the common name only. Fauna observed during the site visit are denoted in the text with an asterisk (*). 3.1 TERRESTRIAL COMMUNITIES Three distinct terrestrial communities were identified within the project area: Disturbed Community, Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest, and Floodplain Alluvial Forest. Community boundaries are frequently ill-defined due to disturbance; contiguous communities often merge without distinct boundaries between them. Thus, some areas may contain characteristics of two communities. 3.1.1 Disturbed Community The disturbed community occurs on the roadside shoulders, waste areas, and pastures in the study area. Homesites and roadside shoulders are maintained in an early successional state through frequent mowing and herbicide application. These areas typically are dominated by cultivated grasses and invasive herbaceous species. Common species observed include: Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), fescue (Festuc:a sp.), bahai grass (Paspalum nvlatun?), henbit (Lamium amplexicaule), white clover (Trifolium repens), and dandelion (Taraxacun? (?rficinale). Pasture land located within the project right-of-way appeared to be used infrequently and is dominated by tall grasses and perennial forbs. Typical species observed in pastures are fescue, goldenrod (Solidagv spp.), wild carrot 8 (Daucus carota), dog fennel (Lupatoriwn sp.), broom sedge (Andropogou Orgitica), and foxtail grass (Alol;ecurus carohniatuts). The fauna found in this community are generally highly adaptive and extremely hardy. The greatest potential for diversity is found among the insects, many of which meet the previously mentioned requirements. Grasses and flowering herbs are an excellent food source for grasshoppers (Orthoptera), bees (Hymenoptera), and butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera). Specifically the pearl crescent (Phycoides tharos), silver-spotted skipper (LparKyreus clarus), golden northern bumble bee (Bomhtts ferridus), and striped blister beetle (hl)icawa vittata) are common in this community. Other animals that utilize this community include those that are residents of old fields such as, eastern garter snake (Thanmophis sirialis), six-lined racerunner (Cttentidophorus sexlineattts), Fowler's toad (Bt fo iroodhousei), eastern mole (Scalopus aquaticus), southern short-tailed shrew (Rhirina carolinensis), and eastern harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys hunntlis). Larger vertebrates will also forage in disturbed communities, often times seeking shelter in the adjacent forested communities. Typical species include: raccoon (Procyon ltor)*, turkey vulture (Catharses aura), Virginia opossum (Didelphis virgit iatms), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginiaiuts)*, and song sparrow (Melospiza melixha). 3.1.2 Mesic Mixed Harwood Forest The Mesic Slope Forest Community is found on rocky slopes along the Tar River floodplain that do not experience periodic flooding. This community has a mature canopy ,ptidamhar styracij%a), loblolly pine (Phis laeda), and American beech of sweet gum (I.i( (Fagrts grandifolia). The dense understory includes saplings of canopy species as well as, yellow buckeye (Aesculus sylnatica), sugar maple (Ater saccharum), and red cedar (Jimiperus Wrginiana). Groundcover in this community is dominated by chickweed (Stellaria sp.), but also includes putty root (Aplectrum hyemale), cranefly orchid (Dpularia discolor), heartleaf (Hexastylis arifolia), violet (Viola sp.), buttercup (Ratnntcuhts sp.), and Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides). Forested communities generally offer a wider range of opportunities for animals than do disturbed communities. The wide range of opportunities translates into a diverse assemblage of species. Species such as wood thrush (Hylocichla musteli»a), southeastern shrew (Sorex Iongirossri.s), ground skink (Scirtcella lateralis), and eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina) can be seen foraging on the forest floor for insect larvae and worms. Canopy trees provide shelter for upland chorus frog (Pseudacris triseriata)*, gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), Carolina chickadee (Pares caroli»ensis), yellow warbler (Dendroica pesechia), and Carolina wren (Thryothorus htdoviciamts). Burrows for larger mammals such as bobcat (Felis rufus), gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargentetts), and long-tailed weasel (Mustela fre»ata) are often observed in slope forests. 9 3.1.2 Alluvial Floodplain Forest The Alluvial Floodplain Forest Community is located on the banks of the Tar River in the study area and throughout the alluvial floodplain of the Tar River. The canopy in this community is dominated by sweet gum, sycamore (Plamanus occidenialis), and river birch (Betnla nigra). A sparse understory composed entirely of privet (Ligu.str1an .sinense) and saplings of canopy species is present at the forest edges and along the river banks. A variety of herbaceous species are present in this community, species include violets (P old sp.), wild onion (Allium canadenses), chickweed, avens (Genet sp.), greenbrier (smilax spp.), and elderberry (Sambucus canadensis). The faunal component of this community is anticipated to be highly diverse and includes a large number of semiaquatic organisms. Ephemeral pools are extremely important in amphibian reproduction. Eastern newt (Notophthalmus riridescens)*, and southern cricket frog (Acris gryllus)* lay eggs in these pools during the first warm rains of spring. Larvel salamanders and egg cases were observed in ephemeral pools, these most likely belong to the genus Ambystoma. Red shouldered hawk (Buteo linealus) and barred owl (Sirix varia) are commonly seen perching in canopy trees along the river bank. Song birds are also common in this community feeding on insects and seeds. Common species include: prothonotary warbler (Protonoiaria citrea), tufted titmouse (Pares bicolor), Louisiana waterthrush (Seiuras motacilla), and ovenbird (S. aurocapilhis). 3.2 AQUATIC COMMUNITIES Community composition of the aquatic communities is reflective of the physical characteristics of the water body and the condition of the water resource. Terrestrial communities adjacent to water resources also greatly influence aquatic community composition and structure. The Tar River is a large piedmont perennial stream. Large rivers generally offer a wide variety of habitats. Habitats found in the Tar River include: eddies formed around sandbars, drift piles, and undercut banks; shallow riffle zones; and deep moderately flowing channels. These areas provide habitat for a variety of piscine species including: American eel (Aguilla rostrata), redfin pickerel (Esox americana), chain pickerel (E. niger), bluehead chub (Nocomis leptocephalus), creek chub (Semotihis atromaculatus), Carolina madtom (Nolur cv lewisi), margined madtom (Notrmis insignis), redbreast sunfish (Lepomis auritus), bluegill (L. macrochirus), pumpkin seed (L. gibbomis), large mouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), and several species of shiners (Notropis spp.). Freshwater mussels are known to occur in the Tar River. The yellow lance (Elliptio lanceolata)*, yellow lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa), Atlantic pigtoe (Fusconia masoni), eastern elliptio (Elliptio complanata)*, and Asiatic clam (Corbicula fluminea)* are known to occur in the study area. Nonpiscine species likely to occur in the Tar River at SR 1101 are the Neuse River waterdog (Necturus lewisi), two-toed amphiuma (Amphiuma means), yellow bellied slider (Chrysenrys scripta), and northern watersnake (Nerodia sipedon). 10 3.3 SUMMARY OF ANTICIPATED IMPACTS Construction of the proposed project will have various impacts on the biotic resources described. Any construction related activities in or near these resources have the potential to impact biological functions. This section quantifies and qualifies potential impacts to the natural communities within the project area in terms of the area impacted and the organisms affected. Temporary and permanent impacts are considered here as well, along with recommendations to minimize or eliminate impacts. 3.3.1 Impacts to Terrestrial Communities Impacts to terrestrial communities will result from project construction due to the clearing and paving of portions of the project area, and thus the loss of community area. Table 2 summarizes potential losses to these communities, resulting from project construction. Calculated impacts to terrestrial communities reflect the relative abundance of each community present in the study area. Estimated impacts are derived based on the project lengths described in section 1. 1, and the entire proposed right-of-way width of 24 m (80 ft). However, project construction often does not require the entire right-of-way; therefore, actual impacts may be considerably less. Table 2. Estimated area impacts to terrestrial communities. Disturbed Community 0.06 (0.15) 0.12 (0.29) 0.07 (0.17) Mesic Slope Forest 0.04 (0.10) 0.14 (0.34) 0.33 (0.82) Alluvial Floodplain Forest 0.16 (0.39) 0.28 (0.68) 0.31 (0.77) Total Impacts 0.26 (0.64) 0.54(l.31) 0.71 (1.76) Alternative 1 is the preferred alternative in order to minimize impacts to natural communities (Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest, Alluvial Floodplain Forest). The projected loss of habitat resulting from construction of alternate 1 will have a minimal impact on populations of native fauna and flora. Although the impacted natural communities are valuable as wildlife habitat, only a small area of the forested community will be disturbed. Construction will primarily impact the disturbed community which is already highly altered from its natural state. Plants and animals found in this community are generally common throughout North Carolina and are well adapted to persisting in disturbed areas. Animals temporarily displaced by construction activities should repopulate areas of suitable habitat following project completion. Narrow zones along the edge of the forested community will be impacted by project construction. This reduces the amount of suitable habitat available for interior species and increasing opportunities for edge species. If forested tracts become to small in area interior species will not repopulate. 11 3.3.2 Impacts to Aquatic Communities Impacts to the aquatic community of the Tar River will result from the replacement of Bridge No. 9. Impacts are likely to result from the physical disturbance of aquatic habitats (i.e. substrate, water quality, stream banks). Disturbance of aquatic habitats has a detrimental effect on aquatic community composition by reducing species diversity and the overall quality of aquatic habitats. Physical alterations to aquatic habitats can result in the following impacts to aquatic communities. • Inhibition of plant growth. • Clogging of feeding structures of filter-feeding organisms, gills of fish, and the burial of benthic organisms. • Algal blooms resulting from increased nutrient concentrations. • Mortality among sensitive organisms resulting from introduction of toxic substances and decreases in dissolved oxygen. Impacts to aquatic communities can be minimized by minimizing riparian canopy removal, limiting instream construction, Revegetation immediately following the completion of grading activities, and strict adherence to BMP's. 4.0 Jurisdictional Tonics This section provides inventories and impact analyses pertinent to two significant regulatory issues: Waters of the United States and rare and protected species. These issues retain particular significance because of federal and state mandates which regulate their protection. This section deals specifically with the construction. impact analyses required to satisfy regulatory authority prior to project 4.1 WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES Surface waters and wetlands fall under the broad category of "Waters of the Unit States," as defined in Section 33 of the Code of Federal Register (CRF) Part 328.3. Any action that proposes to dredge or place fill material into surface waters or wetlands falls under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Surface waters include all standing or flowing waters which have commercial or recreational value to the public. Wetlands are identified based on the presence of hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation, and saturated or flooded conditions during all or part of the growing season. 12 4.1.1 Characteristics of Wetlands and Surface Waters Criteria to delineate jurisdictional wetlands include evidence of hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation and hydrology. Two wetland sites were identified in the study area (Figure 2). Wetland 1 is located on the west side of SR 1101, south of the existing bridge. The site is a small depression in the alluvial floodplain forest community. The flora at this site is similar to that described for the alluvial floodplain forest. Additionally the exotic aquatic herb alligator weed (Ahernanthera philoxoides) is found in the wetland. Hydrology was indicated at the site by the presence of soils saturated in the upper 30 cm (12 in). Soils at the site exhibited low chroma values (1 OYR 7/2)and mottling was present. Wetland 2 is located on the west side of SR 1101, north of the existing bridge. The site is a series of ephemeral pools that eventually flow out into the floodplain of the Tar River. The canopy is composed of loblolly pine, sycamore, and river birch. A thick understory of privet, sugar maple, and blackberry (Rubes augustus) is also present. The herbaceous layer is dominated by soft rush (.hinc??.v effus?is), Japanese honeysuckle, panic grass (Panicum sp.), and other grasses. Hydrology at this site is indicated by inundation, the presence of drainage patterns, and drift lines. Soils at the site exhibited low chroma values (1 OYR 7/2) and mottling was observed. Impacts to jurisdictional surface waters are calculated based on the linear feet of the stream that is located within the proposed right-of-way. Physical aspects of surface waters are described in section 2.3.1. The Tar river is the only jurisdictional surface water located in the study area. 4.1.2 Summary of Anticipated Impacts Highway construction impacts can severely affect the functions that wetlands perform in an ecosystem. Wetlands influence regional water flow regimes by intercepting and storing storm water runoff which ultimately reduces the danger of flooding and erosion in surrounding and downstream areas. Wetlands have been documented to remove organic and inorganic nutrients and toxic materials from water that flows across them. The presence of wetlands adjacent to roadways can act as filters to runoff pollutants and toxins. Approximate areas of jurisdictional wetlands and impacts to jurisdictional surface waters in each alignment are tabulated in Table 3. 13 Table 3. Anticipated impacts to wetlands and surface waters Wetland Site Alternate .:1 Alternate 2 Alternate 3 Site I None <0.010 (<O.010) 0.080 (0.20) Site 2 None 0.11 (0.28) 0.26 (0.64) Total: None 0.12 (0.29) 0.34 (0.84) Linear feet of Tar River 8 m (25 ft) 30 m (100 ft) 24 m (80 ft) Note: Values cited are in hectares (acres) Anticipated wetland impacts are derived based on the project lengths described in section 1. 1, and the entire proposed right-of-way width of 24 m (80 ft). However, project construction often does not require the entire right-of-way; therefore, actual wetland impacts may be considerably less. These impact estimates include only those areas of wetlands located within the proposed right-of-way, additional wetland areas might be indirectly affected due to changes in water levels and siltation from construction activities. In order to avoid impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and minimize impacts to jurisdictional surface waters Alternate 1 is the preferred alternative. 4.1.3 Permits Impacts to jurisdictional surface waters and wetlands are anticipated from the proposed project. As a result, construction activities will require permits and certifications from various regulatory agencies in charge of protecting the water quality of public water resources A Nationwide Permit 33 CFR 330.5(a) (23) is likely to be applicable for all impacts to Waters of the United States resulting from the proposed project. This permit authorizes activities undertaken, assisted, authorized, regulated, funded or financed in whole, or part, by another Federal agency or department where that agency or department has determined the pursuant to the council on environmental quality regulation for implementing the procedural provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act: • (1) that the activity, work, or discharge is categorically excluded from environmental documentation because it is included within a category of actions which neither individually nor cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment, and; • (2) that the office of the Chief of Engineers has been furnished notice of the agency or department's application for the categorical exclusion and concurs with that determination. This project will also require a 401 Water Quality Certification from the DEM prior to the issuance of the Nationwide Permit. Section 401 of the Clean Water Act requires that the state issue or deny water certification for any federally permitted or licensed activity that may result in a discharge to Waters of the United States. Section 401 Certification allows 14 surface waters to be temporarily impacted for the duration of the construction or other land manipulation. The issuance of a 401 permit from the DEM is a prerequisite to issuance of a Section 404 permit. 4.1.4 Avoidance, Minimization, Mitigation The COE has adopted through the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) a wetland mitigation policy which embraces the concept of "no net loss of wetlands" and sequencing. The purpose of this policy is to restore and maintain the chemical, biological and physical integrity of Waters of he United States, specifically wetlands. Mitigation of wetland impacts has been defined by the CEQ to include: avoiding impacts (to wetlands), minimizing impacts, rectifying impacts, reducing impacts over time and compensating for impacts (40 CFR 1508.20). Each of these three aspects (avoidance, minimization and compensatory mitigation) must be considered sequentially. Avoidance mitigation examines all appropriate and practicable possibilities of averting impacts to Waters of the United States. According to a 1990 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the COE, in determining "appropriate and practicable" measures to offset unavoidable impacts, such measures should be appropriate to the scope and degree of those impacts and practicable in terms of cost, existing technology and logistics in light of overall project purposes. Minimization includes the examination of appropriate and practicable steps to reduce the adverse impacts to Waters of the United States. Implementation of these steps will be required through project modifications and permit conditions. Minimization typically focuses on decreasing the footprint of the proposed project through the reduction to median widths, right-of-way widths, fill slopes and/or road shoulder widths. Compensatory mitigation in not normally considered until anticipated impacts to Waters of the United States have been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent possible. It is recognized that "no net loss of wetlands" functions and values may not be achieved in each and every permit action. Appropriate and practicable compensatory mitigation is required for unavoidable adverse impacts which remain after all appropriate and practicable minimization has been required. Compensatory actions often include restoration, creation and enhancement of Water of the United States, specifically wetlands. Such actions should be undertaken in areas adjacent to or contiguous to the discharge site. Projects authorized under Nationwide permits usually do not require compensatory mitigation according to the 1989 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the COE. However, final permit/mitigation decisions rest with the COE. 15 4.2 RARE AND PROTECTED SPECIES Some populations of fauna and flora have been in, or are in, the process of decline either due to natural forces or their inability to coexist with human development. Federal law (under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended) requires that any action, likely to adversely affect a species classified as federally-protected, be subject to review by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). Other species may receive additional protection under separate state laws. 4.2.1 Federally-Protected Species Plants and animals with federal classifications of Endangered (E), Threatened (T), Proposed Endangered (PE), and Proposed Threatened (PT) are protected under the provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. As of 23 August 1996, the FWS lists three federally protected species for Franklin County and two for Vance County. A brief description of the characteristics and habitat requirements for these species along with a conclusion regarding potential project impacts follows Table 4. Table 4. Federally Protected Species for Franklin and Vance Counties. dwarf wedge mussel Alasmidonta heterodon E Vance/ Franklin Tar spinymussel Elliptio steinstansana E Franklin bald eagle Haliaeetus lencocephalus T Vance Michaux's sumac Rlnm michauxii E Franklin Note: • "E" denotes Endangered (a species in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range). • "T" denotes Threatened (a species likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range). Alasmidonta heterodon (dwarf wedge mussel) Endangered Family: Unionidae Date Listed: 14 March 1990 ?` . Alasmidonta heterodon formerly ranged from the Petitcodiac River, Canada to the Neuse River, North Carolina. In North Carolina populations are found in Middle Creek and the Little River of the Neuse River Basin and in the upper Tar River and Cedar, Crooked, and Stony Creeks of the Tar River system. The dwarf wedge mussel is a small mussel ranging in size from 2.5 cm to 3.8 cm in length. It's shell is distinguishable by two lateral teeth on the right half and one on the left 16 half. The periostracum (outer shell) is olive green to dark brown in color and the nacre (inner shell) is bluish to silvery white. Successful reproduction is dependent on the attachment of larval mussels to a host fish. It is not known what the host fish is but evidence suggests that it is either an anadromous or catadromous species. This mussel is sensitive to agricultural, domestic, and industrial pollutants and requires a stable silt free streambed with well oxygenated water to survive. Biological Conclusion: Unresolved The Tar River provides suitable habitat for the dwarf wedge mussel. A search of the NHP database of rare species and unique habitats shows no records of this species in the vicinity of the proposed project. Surveys for this species will need to be conducted in order to determine if this species is present in the study area. El/iplio sleinslansana (Tar river spiny mussel) Endangered Family: Unionidae Date Listed: 29 July 1985 The Tar river spiny mussel has always been endemic to the Tar River drainage basin, from Falkland in Pitt County to Spring Hope in Nash County. Now it is limited to populations in Swift Creek and the Tar River in Edgecombe and Nash counties. This mussel requires a stream with fast flowing, well oxygenated, circumneutral pH water. The bottom is composed of uncompacted gravel and coarse sand. The water needs to be relatively silt-free. It is known to rely on a species of freshwater fish to act as an intermediate host for its larvae. The Tar river spiny mussel grows to an average length of 60 millimeters. Short spines are arranged in a radial row anterior to the posterior ridge on one valve and symmetrical to the other valve, others have two rows of spines on each valve. The nacre is pinkish (anterior) and bluish-white (posterior). Young specimens have an orange-brown peristracum with greenish rays and adults are darker with inconspicuous rays. The shell is generally smooth in texture with as many as 12 spines that project perpendicularly from the surface and curve slightly ventrally. Biological Conclusion: Unresolved The Tar River provides suitable habitat for the Tar spinymussel and the proposed project is located within the WRC Proposed Critical Habitat (PCH) for the species. A search of the NHP database of rare species and unique habitats shows no records of this species in the vicinity of the proposed project. Surveys for this species will need to be conducted in order to determine if this species is present in the study area. 17 Hahaeeliis leucvicel)liahts Family: Accipitridae (bald eagle) Endangered Date Listed: 1 I March 1967 Bald eagles are found in North America from Florida to Alaska. The only major nesting population in the southeast is in Florida, other nesting occurs in coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina. Migrants and rare nesting pairs do occur elsewhere in the southeast. Adult bald eagles can be identified by their large white head and short white tail. The body plumage is dark-brown to chocolate- brown in color. Immature eagles lack the white head plumage; the body plumage has a uniform brownish to blackish color with blotchy white on the underside of the wings, belly, and tail. In flight bald eagles can be identified by their flat wing soar. Adults range is length from 69-94 cm and have a wingspan ranging from 178-229 cm. There are several factors that affect an eagles selection of a nest site. Eagle nests are found in close proximity to water (within a half mile) with a clear flight path to the water, in the largest living tree in an area, and having an open view of the surrounding land Human disturbance can cause an eagle to abandon otherwise suitable habitat. Eagle nests are approximately 3 meters across. The breeding season for the bald eagle begins in December or January. Fish are the major food source for bald eagles. Other sources include coots, herons, and wounded ducks. Food may be live or carrion. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat in the form of large lakes and rivers is. not found in the study area. A search of the NHP database of rare species and unique habitats shows no records of this species nesting along the Tar River in the vicinity of the proposed project. Construction of the proposed project will not affect the bald eagle. Rhos michauxii (Michaux's sumac) Endangered Family: Anacardiaceae Federally Listed: 28 September 1989 Flowers Present: June •:; .`': Michaux's sumac was known historically from the inner coastal plain and lower piedmont of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. This species is believed to be extirpated in South Carolina. It is currently known from only 21 populations in North Carolina and Georgia. In North Carolina populations of Michaux's sumac still exist in Hoke, Richmond, Scotland, Franklin, Davie, Robeson, Moore, and Wake counties. 18 Michaux's sumac is a densely pubescent rhizomatous shrub that grows 0.2 to 1.0 meters in height. The narrowly winged or wingless rachis supports 9 to 13 sessile, oblong to oblong- lanceolate leaflets that are each 4 to 9 cm long, 2 to 5 cm wide, acute and acuminate. The bases of the leaves are rounded and their edges are simply or doubly serrate. It bears small flowers in a terminal, erect, dense cluster. The flowers are greenish to white in color. Fruits, which develop from August to September on female plants, are a red densely short-pubescent drupe, 5 to G mm across. This plant occurs in rocky or sandy open woods. It is dependent on some sort of disturbance to maintain the openness of its habitat. It usually grows in association with basic soils and occurs on sand or sandy loams. It grows only in open habitat where it can get full sunlight and it does not compete well with other species such as Japanese honeysuckle that it is often associated with. Biological Conclusion: Unresolved Suitable habitat for Michaux's sumac is found along the existing approaches to Bridge No. 9, roadsides, and pastures. A search of the NHP database of rare species and unique habitats shows no populations of this species occuring in the vicinity of the proposed project. A survey for this species will need to be conducted of all suitable habitat during the appropriate season. 4.2.2 Federal Species of Concern and State Listed Species There are four federal species of concern listed by the FWS for Franklin County and two federal species of concern for Vance County (Table 5). Federal species of concern are not afforded federal protection under the Endangered Species Act and are not subject to any of its provisions, including Section 7, until they are formally proposed or listed as Threatened or Endangered. However, the status of these species is subject to change, and so should be included for consideration. Federal Species of Concern (FSC) are defined as a species which is under consideration for listing for which there is insufficient information to support listing. In addition, organisms which are listed as Endangered (E), Threatened (T), or Special Concern (SC) by the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program list of Rare Plant and Animal Species are afforded state protection under the NC State Endangered Species Act and the NC Plant Protection and Conservation Act of 1979. Table 5 lists federal species of concern, the state status of these species (if afforded state protection), and the potential for suitable habitat in the project area for each species. This species list is provided for information purposes as the protection status of these species may be upgraded in the future. 19 r v Table 5. Federal candidate species for Franklin and Vance County Common Name Scientific Name - NC Status Habitat Franklin County yellow lance EllilWo lanceolata T Yes Atlantic pigtoe Fusconaia masoni T Yes yellow lampmussel Lamlasilis cariosa T Yes wayyleaf wild quinine Partheninm radfordii -- Yes Vance County yellow lance Elliptio lanceolala T Yes yellow lampmussel Lamhsili.s cariosa T Yes NOTE: NC Status • "T" (Threatened) any native or once-native species which is likely to become an endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range, or one that is designated as a threatened species pursuant to the Endangered Species Act. A review of the NCNHP data base of rare species and unique habitats shows occurrences of the yellow lance and the yellow lampmussel in the study area. The yellow lance was observed in the study area during cursory field surveys. Two additional state protected species are known to occur in the study area, the Carolina madtom (Nolurns fiiriomis) and the Neuse River waterdog (Necturus lem,isi). Surveys for FSC species were not conducted during the site visit. 20 5.0 REFERENCES American Ornithologists' Union. 1983. Check-list of North American birds (6th ed.). Lawrence, Kansas, Allen Press, Inc. Amoroso, J.L. and A.S. Weakley. 1993. Natural Heritage Program list of the rare plant species of North Carolina. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Technical report Y-87-1, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. Lee, D.S., J.B. Funderburg, Jr. and M.K. Clark. 1982. A distributional survey of North Carolina mammals. Raleigh, North Carolina Museum of Natural History. LeGrand, Jr., H.E. and S.P. Hall. 1995. Natural Heritage Program list of the rare animal species of North Carolina. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. Martof, B.S., W.M. Palmer, J.R. Bailey and J.R. Harrison 111. 1980. Amphibians and reptiles of the Carolinas and Virginia. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press. Menhenick, E.F. 1991. The freshwater fishes of North Carolina. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Raleigh. NCDEHNR-DEM. 1988. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Ambient Network (BMAN) Water Quality Review 1983-1986. NCDEHNR-DEM. 1991. Biological assessment of water quality in North Carolina streams: benthic macroinvertebrate data base and long term changes in water quality, 1983-1990. NCDEHNR-DEM. 1993. Classifications and water quality standards for North Carolina river basins. Raleigh, Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. NCWRC. 1990. Endangered wildlife of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Plant Conservation Program. 1991. List of North Carolina's endangered, threatened and candidate plant species. Raleigh, North Carolina Department of Agriculture. 21 Potter, E.F., J.F. Parnell and R.P. Teulings. 1980. Birds of the Carolinas. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press. Radford, A.E., H.E. Ahles and G.R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the vascular flora of the Carolinas. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the natural communities of North Carolina. Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, NCDEHNR. USDA. 1980. Soil survey of Vance County, North Carolina. US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service. 1979. Classifications of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States., U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. Webster, W.D., J.F. Parnell and W.C. Biggs. 1985. Mammals of the Carolinas, Virginia and Maryland. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press. Irv ?, • ? ? rte.. v Toy/ars r r1 ? C / _' a % yf/?f I ' 5 2 8 RR y? I. I XS _ I I V • t ? ? Z N ?? .`• - INC I '- > r 1 , ? t C.. P - 0100 • ?. \ r . Z ' .' 1 ?? E r 000 0000 60 000 .-,% is ,? ?,.?? ? . _I - _ .l--?,_ (` ? Jrl ._ ?• _ ? ? , ,. \ .., ??'• ;:_`_`?? Williuro Hill -Ch l /h oar •? - ?\.?--? / i i T Alt :M. v ! r vj . o •? ?.. -,! _ te=a 1 ,t, ` Wetland 2 ?z t. < k' I IN (7- v Wetland 1 HM .?`. __ `? . •?, -' ?,\ ,x;11 \,,,-?,, ' it YIN No. 9 ,'.a 'cam •`? _ -_ ; - . - Y ? ' j j .,' / 'y?if1 ,? mow, ?4? ,%?. .`>. .,?•.71 •?- ? ,'..i ', .??•. 0 U orit? NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIoHwAYS PLANNINo AND ENVIRONMENTAL BRA Franklin/Vance County Replace Bridge No. 9 on SR 1101 Over Tar River B-3062 SCALE 1:24000 FIGURE e.. S1AM STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF T P ANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR MEMORANDUM TO: ATTENTION: FROM: SUBJECT: REFERENCE: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 July 25, 1997 Wayne Elliot, Unit Head Bridge Unit John Williams, Project Manager GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. SECRETARY Tim Savidge, Protected Species Coordinator Environmental Unit Protected Species Survey Results Pertaining to TIP No. B-3052. 1) Natural Resources Technical Report for B-3052 by Matt Smith, April 03, 1997 2) July 25, 1997 letter from John Williams to John Hefner (US Fish and Wildlife Service) The referenced Natural Resources Technical Report (NRTR) gave Biological Conclusions of Unresolved for three species: dwarf-wedge mussel (dwm), Tar spinymussel (TSM) and Michaux's sumac, until surveys at the appropriate seasons could be conducted. The subject project was visited by NCDOT biologist Tim Savidge on July 10, 1997 to investigate the presence of these three species in the potential impact zones. Mussel surveys were conducted using a view bucket by wading in the Tar River for a distance of approximately 300 yards downstream and 50 yards upstream of the bridge crossing. An excessive amount of sediment was observed in the river in the vicinity of the bridge, and the habitat was generally unsuitable for both mussel species. Only one living mussel of the Elliptio complex was found. Biological Conclusion (Tar spinymussel): Not Likely to Adversely Affect The survey indicates that the Tar spiny mussel is not present in the immediate vicinity of the bridge. However, this species is known from the Tar River downstream of the project area. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) has identified this portion of the Tar River and its tributaries, as one of 25 areas in North Carolina that have formally been proposed as aquatic Critical Habitats (PCH). These habitats are considered essential for the continued survival of endangered or threatened aquatic wildlife species. Certain conservation procedures, such as high quality waters designation and protection, are then established by the state regulatory agencies (Alderman et al. 1993). Presently the WRC is not allowed to designate areas as Critical Habitat; however NCDOT uses the PCHs for guidance in determining if a project will impact a federally listed aquatic species. NCDOT implements HQW standards in the former PCHs that contain federally listed species. A list of Environmental Commitments proposed by NCDOT for the construction of this project is given in the referenced letter from John Williams (Ref. 2). If these provisions are strictly adhered to, it can be concluded that project construction is Not Likely to Adversely Affect the Tar spinymussel. Biological Conclusion (dwarf-wedge mussel): No Effect Given the survey results it is apparent that the dwm does not occur in the Tar River in the vicinity of the project. This species has not been documented in the Tar River downstream of the subject project. The dwm is known from the headwater areas of the Tar River, approximately 20 miles upstream of the project crossing. It can be concluded that construction of this project will not impact the dwarf-wedge mussel. Biological Conclusion (Michaux's sumac): No Effect Surveys for Michaux's sumac were conducted in roadside and woodland edge habitats described in the NRTR. These areas were visually examined to provide 100% coverage. Given the survey results it is apparent that Michaux's sumac is not present within the project area. It can be concluded that project construction will not impact Michaux's sumac. cc: V. Charles Bruton, Ph.D., Unit Head, Environmental Unit Hal Bain, Natural Resources Supervisor File: Section 7 Issues dw?5-Mo? STATE' or Nown-1 CAROLINA DEPARTMENT Or TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. P.O. BOX 25201, 1tALFAGi1, N.C. 27611-5201 DAVID McCOY GovIANOR December 8, 1999 SIU(II-AKY MEMORANDUM TO: Wayne Elliott, Unit Head Bridge Replaccment FROM: Eric Black, Natural Systems Specialist pa Natural Systems Unit SUBJECT: Water Resources/Protected Species Update: Replacement of Bridge No. 9 on SR 1 101 over the Tar River on the Vance-Franklin County line, Vance-Franklin Counties; TIP No. B-3052; State Project No. 8.2390501; Federal Aid project No. BRZ-1101(4). REFERENCE: (1) Natural Resources Technical Report for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 9 on SR 1 101 over Tar River, April 3, 1997. (2) Protected Species Survey Results Pertaining to TIP No. B-3052, July 25, 1997. ATTENTION: John Williams, P.E., Bridge Unit ' The following memorandum provides an update of the water resources and federally protected species potentially impacted by project B-3052 and serves to update the April 3, 1997 Natural Resources Technical Report, and July 25, 1997 Protected Species Survey Results with respect to these two issues. WAFER RESOURCES The best usage classification for the'Tar River has not changed since the Natural Resources Technical Report (Reference 1). Therefore, the DEM stream classification for the Tar River of "WS-V NSW" remains valid. FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES Plants and animals with federal classifications of Endangered (E) and Threatened (T) are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of' 1973, has amended. As of September 15, 1999, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) lists four federally protected species for Franklin and Vance Counties ("fable 1). 'T'able 1. Federally Protected Species for Franklin and Vance Counties Scientific Name Common Name Status Biological Conclusion Alasmidonta helei-oclon dwarf wedge mussel Endangered No Effect Llliptio steinstanscma Tar spiny mussel Endangered Not Likely to Adversely Effect Hciliaeetus leucocephalus bald eagle Threatened No Effect Rhus michauxii Michaux's sumac Endangered No Effect The species listed have not changed since the submittal of the Natural Resources Technical Report. Previous project area surveys indicated suitable habitat for the Tar spiny mussel, dwarf-wedge mussel, and Michaux's sumac, however, no populations were found during the surveys, or identified on the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NUIP) database (Reference 1, Reference 2). Based on these results, each species was assigned the biological conclusion listed in 't'able 1. Suitable habitat for the Bald Eagle was not identified in the project area. (Reference 1). Therefore, a biological conclusion of "No Effect" was assigned. An environmental commitment listed in the Categorical Exclusion Action Classification Form required a final survey for the 'T'ar spiny mussel before construction of the bridge. To fulfill this commitment, a survey for the Tar spiny mussel was conducted on December 3, 1999 by Eric Black and 'T'im Savidge of the NCDOT Natural Systems Unit. No mussels were observed in the project area. Additionally, an excessive amount of sediment was observed in the river in the bridge vicinity, and the habitat was generally unsuitable for the mussel species. A December 7, 1999 reevaluation of the NFIP's database for all four species also revealed no new populations in the project area. Based on the field survey for the Tar spiny mussel and NFIP review, the referenced Biological Conclusions for all four species remain valid. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 733-1176. cc: Bruce Ellis, Acting Natural System Unit Supervisor David Cox, WRC Tom Augspurger, Acting Field Supervisor USFWS ?RileB-3052