HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0009772_Monitoring - 06-2020_20200805FORM: NDMR 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page Permit No.: WO0009772 Facility Name: MDnteray Shores WWTP ICounty: CuRltuck IMonth: June Year: 2020 PPI: 001 FIOW Measuring Point ❑Influent D+Eflluen[ ❑No flout gene2[^A Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent [i Effluent ❑Gm aler Lawring ❑SURaw Water Parameter Code fi0050 00310 00940 31616 OOh0 00625 00820 O06DD 00400 0a865 70300 00630 00078 e O w m im a r.'612 E O a z a C N P4-hr hra GPD mglL m81L #/100 mL myL mglL mmarf. au mglL m L mglL NTU - 1 06:00 10.5 191,000 2 04:00 11 100,000 0.177 3 06:00 8 113,000 2 <i <0.2 1.9 1.96 3.9 7.W 0.34 10] 0.177 .18 4 08:00 g 188,000 5 0600 9 209,000 0.456 6 08:00 9 261,000 O.d]1 7 14:O0 1 286,Wo 0.455 8 04:00 9 74,000 0.51 9 O9:OD 9 6,000 0.503 10 08:30 1 9 7,OOD 0.989 11 0B:OD 9 264,000 0.818 12 06.00 9 437,ODD <2 <1 <0.2 1.7 5.14 6.9 7.26 3.04 <2.5 0.651 0.661 528 13 05:0D 3 363,000 14 05:00 2 270,000. 035E 15 06:OD 9 338,000 0.318 18 04:00 8 283,000 0.209 17 02:00 11 268,000 0� 18 D2:00 11 373,000 0.288 19 05:00 11 33010W 12 <1 OJ 1.1 10.5 116 ].07 1.4 <2.5 0.221 20 01:00 11 162,000 21 01:W 11 174,ODp 0.256 22 00:00 11 244.000 023 . 23 DO:W 10 172,000 0 .221 24 00:00 10 178,000 .20 25 07:00 10 MUDD 12 <i <0.2 1 5.89 7.1 7.25 0.91 <2.5 D4 .20 0.208 28 OO:OO 10 172,000 Z7 W:W 10 165,000 0.2.205 28 00:00 10 iWAD0 0 29 00:00 10 266,000 0227 08 w DD:DD 10 38],000 0.2 31 0.87 A343 verage: 220133 0.50 1.00 0.18 1.43 5.87 7.38 1.42 2.68 0.36 Daily Maximum: 437,000 2.OD 1.00 0.70 1.90 10.50 ti6o 7.38 3.04 10.70 0.99 Daily Minimum: 6,0W 2.00 1.00 0.20 1.00 1.96 3.90 7.07 0.34 2.50 0.78 Sampling Type: Reox4 Composite Conpagne Grab Gomppaite Compeaila Composite Composite composite Compost. Composts Compea0e. Recwtler Momhly Avg -Limit: 6B0,320 ID 14 4 10 4 Daily Limit: 15 25 6 69 2 5 70 SemPle Frequency: Gominuwa Weekly 3xYear Weakly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly 3XYear Weekly 10 CbiNnuoua FORM: NDMR 10.13 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page of Sampling Pammi(s) Certified Laboratories Name: Gary Schwartz Name: Environmental Chemists, Ibc. #3779/DWQ Cert#94 Name: Travis Tucker Name: Carolina Water Service, Inc. of North Carolina/Eastern Rgn Cert# 5162 Tnea sir _a_ __. ____.,__ _ _- ----------a "-- —"— ^•••V.... e ""u—raawa Inge. SITU requiremerm; In AttaGnment A of your permit? ❑ omon m 7 ramtmnpum If the facility is noncompliant, please explain in the space below the feasm(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the dates) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective Imessesheedences shut down after Thanks Nln hrabnas, reo nln In MerGt- -' - "__....._..,.g'Po�' " " �G1O1'�""� n&81 -11 °ma ramaents. the majority of I full-fime property avmers (drivers license). When Corolla was abruptly in ManedoVli, at a,than the dared gra eWl ad VolComlla�wa�u<-off in mid -March to everyone except assantul personnel i erica uaetl excessive amounts of anti- mid -May p g9 70,0000 W > 225,000 GPD. Property Management P bacterial disiideclants. Food -Lion, previously put on notice, had again dumped floor wax chemicals down floor drains. This combination Upset the SNR and fouled membranes. The plant was out of compliance in June with a monthly TN Manage of 7.4 mglL. The plant was also out of wmpliMum on June 3m with a daily TSS of 10.7 mg/L. As soon as operations ced he upset, Operators has been monitoring he membrane fiters and began an immediate cleaning regiment. Ally membrane filters are being cleaned based upon the manufaclurero recommended ameters: increase in trans -membrane pressure of 1 7 psi, trans-mambrerre pressure exceeding 3.0 psi; off-line due to tmns.nembrece pressre exceeding 5 psi. The cleaning pro::edure is pemhanent, ever the frequency is a function of the 3 parameters fisted above. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Cedificafion Permihee Continuation rthe ravis Tucker Permittee: Carolina Water Service, Inc. of North Carolina o.: 1002180 Signing official: Dana Hill Phone Number: 252-258-1190 Signing Officar'a Title: Regional Manager hanged since the Prevroue NOMR7❑ yes [Ew Phone Number: 252-269-2540 Permit Expiration: 4/30/2021 onsdaao-us, oli �nu.ml�l u�mcwsrvc, cu=we. rvul. Dana Hill xM1... m "mrv„ �m nenona era IM1ewlOaralnua Wnme,tl hmtlx. yow ¢Ipting bollm M1en eab.RMe.M03e9:<t't6 95.0 Signature Date m' Signature Date my this elynalure, l selry awehs reWnlsaxurh9emN 0enpl9l¢ Ic fiNbWofmY FnoMmVe. `Uar UnUmPmefty oisf,themiseasom ex -a aaxhmama.. mamms, under mysisalun msupaMgonn aawtla cMM a sysmm Eesgnetlbaswre Nel all quealM persaW propelygWmed and emealeOge lnlam non bmand eewaem mYih9layoftlle manam mmmsmeano mang.ft ryakm. etlme personatliscpYrespmpbyror gammkVibe WbmU 0%Ne Iniwmewn wbmlped Is,. Me best amyknomo, am belts,WG scorn ,and ampkR, l am are The elan aresbhlifimhdpnalLL lamAmNYpfYee mumman.n,IncNdmm are roskany 11mmand 1ruismmMror kn"iklalbre. Marl Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699.1617 FORM: NDMR 1D-13 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (Nniuol _ FORM: NDMR 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page_ of_ Sampling peraoa(sl Certified Wboratorles Name: Gary Schwartz Name; Environmental Chemists, Ibc. #3779/DWQCert#94 Na: Travis Tucker Name: Carolina Name: Water Service, Inc. of North Carolina/Eastem Rgn Cert# 5162 Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? 0 a,n oen [IN mtnmraem If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Pmvide in your explanation the dc ate(s) of the non-compliance and describe Na m ctive aettoniel taken. ANaeh oMM-1 cemM a..e...... . Operetor in Responsible Charge (ORC) Cerafioedun Permid" Certtficaaon ORC: Travis Tucker Pennittee: Carolina Water Service, Inc. of North Carolina Certification No.: 1002180 Signing official: Dana Hill Grade: 4 Phone Number. 252-256-1190 Signing Official's Title: Regional Manager Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑ vee (] No Phone Number. 252-269-2540 Permit Fxpiragon: 4/30/2021 ___ _— l Z L c Stratum Date Signaturs .. Date er lhaehnaunv.ImNry memisrnwnisecoereia ev, mmsaero m.we, ormy m,w.eease. in Mall Original and Tvro Copies to: Division of Water Resources Infommtlon Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDAR-210.13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT NDAR- ( 2) POP -Of -I t No.: W(10009772 Didinfiltrationoccurat this facility? F-oul!Name: Monterey Shores WWTP Site Name: 1A SkeName: IS - - - County: Currituck Month: June Site Name: Site Name: Year. 2020 01� ❑ ND Area (acres): 1.23 Area (.Ores): i Area (acres): - Area (acres): Weather Freeboard a yas m„ n un jQ 'gyp 'II �m� 3� a ft ft Rate (GPDHt): Site InOltratedl i� E gal min 93, 00 7.42 L -ateLag D3'g`' of G1.7 /R' At Rate (OPDMe): Site trated? 2g g9 >$ I"s'€� of min 7.42 Elm ONO �3 E' n LL� GPI k Rat¢ (GPDW): Site Inflttmted? yy >°a. 9al min ❑ m ❑ NO. om $ �' LL GPD/R ft Rate (GPDMi): Site in iitrated? E� apg 8 c i< C 9ai min Elm No _ate gEy0 i @ � LLCC� GPD/Rr I N 1 C 81 0 2 C 64 0 35 93,000 92,000 1.74 1.72 a4 0 0 0.00 0.00 3 C 72 0 4 C ]4 p 91.000 162,000 205,000 162,000 7,70 3.02 3.83 3.02 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 C 76 0 S PC ]8 0.8 7 CL 72 0 8 C 75 0 108,000 108,000 2.02 0 0.00 9 C 72 0 2.02 0 0.00 10 C ]S 0 17 C 7b 0 12 CI. 78 0.5 13 CL 70 0 10 CL 66 0 20 25 109,000 iD8,000 161,OOD 114,00D 114,00D 203 - 3.00 2.13 2.74 >4 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 R 85 0.5 162,NO 3.02 0 0.00 18 R 86 5.5 77 CL 88 0 183,00D 226.000 228,000 3.42 4.22 4.26 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18 C 70 0 19 C 72 0 229.000 4.27 aq 0 0.00 20 CL 72 0.2 229,000 4.27 0 0.OD 21 CL ]0 0 20 228,000 214,000 208,ODD 4.26 3.99 3.88 3.15 >4 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22 CL 70 0.8 23 R 72 0 24 CL 79 0 189,000 zs a ]e o 161,000 159,000 150,000 138,000 181,000 165,000 s.op p p,pp 2fi CL 78 0 2.9] 0 O.OD 27 PC 79 0 28 PC 80 0 29 PC 87 0 30 PC ]8 0 31 15 2.8p 2.64 3.38 3.08 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 Mordhl Laadin9(GPOttt I: Year to Data Loading GPD/R': 2,95 15.09 0.00 13.27 9DIVA1! FON/01 FORM: NDAR-21043 NONAISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-2) Page _ of Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment 8 of your permit? ID cappgmd Ll xm.cmreMnt If not a basin, were the sites kept free of vegetation and raked? 21 cempeant ❑ Iaonconplbnt If not a basin, were there any instances of effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? p cemphant p If a basin, were there any instances of breakout from the berms? O oaf ❑ amcmndlmrc Was the onsite automatically activated standby power source tested and operational? O omma ar ❑ wenf4mdimd If the facility is non-compihld, please explain in the apace below the reasons) the facility was not in compliance. provide in your explanation Me date(s) of the non-mmpllance and describe the corrective edionlal laYnn Aae.A ennw.....a..u..W s _ Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification11 Permidee Certification IORC: Travis Tucker Certification No.: ID02190 4 Phone Number: 252-256-1190 Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-2? ❑ rec I] nu^7 y / C c Signature Date of M¢Cums , l"arn ma Ma reluar m xc n mM wolumm p lea hxl m my Irm dae. perm itee: Carolina Water Service, Inc. of NC Dana Hill Signing Official's Title: Regional Manager Phone Number: 252-269-2540 Pa Dana Hill 4130121 Signature Date Icer*-under PenmY d lax, llml Ws Exumenlantl 0 allemmeMs were preps, urdx my dgm%-ar mummam. in m., w ae'um-dnhred b a4wre awn a119uelAed Pommm!"" gahared and eueluwxd tie jrmmalin spmtrd. 6eemlm my In9wiy N'he persener(asxwwlw marepe the ayalem, xllwaa pxeons dins, mCrumm la Mr galnsur, me bdarmalbn th hRxnwHMaWmWetlb. b tM p¢y a my Me m%W me Wof, mm.- sale, od impale. l am awes Chat Mm w senfi 1 War"fm ammem"yce hImraan,ixMeg IM 1-IM111 Nflme am immxmxxmnl br Mdxnm v Shmx. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Ohnision of water Resources Information Protsesing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699.1617