HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0007103_Monitoring - 03-2020_20200428 (2)SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROU14DWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type Facility Name: Z -LLuN1 C)r�a-- Permit Name (if different): Well Locationl Site Name: - No. of Wells to be Sampled: Well Identification Number (from Permit): For Groundwater Treatment Systems Well Depth:. 5 ft. Well Diameter: __a--_ in. Check One: ❑ Influent (98) Screened Interval: ft. to ft. Depth to Water Level:�ft. below measuring point.. Effluent (99) Measuring Point (M.P.) is: ft. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation in ft.: Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling: I yLY - Date sample collected Field analysis: pH :) - W , Specific Conductance _ uMhos Temp. —4 0C, Odor Appearance DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES WATER OUkLITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER PERMIT #: EXPIRATION DATE:t a Imo eii Non -Discharge "�l 1-L UIC NPDE=S TYPE. OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED _ Lagoon _—Remedialion: Infiltral:ion Gallery _ Spray Field Remedialion, Y�Rotary Distributor __ Land Application of Sludge Other. NOTE, Values should reflect dissolved and . colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed: _ Laboratory Name:�1;��A�''� l Certification No. PARAMETERS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES NO and field acidified COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N _ mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N _ mg/1 Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P 1, i Le _ mg/I (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate _ _ mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total y Le mg/I , Al - Aluminum _ _ mg/I pH (when .analyzed)'"' units `Ba - Barium mg/I TOC < < mg/l Ca - Calcium _ mg/1 Chloride _ 0A ► mg/I Cd - Cadmium_ _ mg/I Arsenic _ mg/I Chromium: Total, _ mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper _ mg/I Phenol _ mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Sulfate _ mg/I Hg - Mercury _ mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos K - Potassium— — mg/I Total Ammonia mg/I Mg - Magnesium _ mg/I ,TKN as N mg/I Mn - Manganese — mg/l Rev. 03/200D YES NO) Ni - Nickel mg/I Pb - Lead mg/1 Zn - Zinc mg/I Ammonia Nitrogen 7) mg/1 Other {Specify Compounds entration Units) ORGANICS: (GC,GC/MS,HPLC) (Specify test and method #. Attach lab report.) Report: Attached? Yes _(1) N (0) VOC method # _ method # method # SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION . Please Print Clearly or Type Facility Name: Z��..t, d C o-- Permit Name (if different): Well Location/ Site Name: No. of Wells to be Sampled: Well Identification Number (from Permit): �A For Groundwater Treatment Systems Well Depth: no ft. Well Diameter:_ in. Check One: ❑ Influent (98) Screened Interval: ft. to ft. ❑ Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level: I I 'W ft. below measuring point.. Measuring Point (M.P.) is: ft. above land surfake.S Relative M.P. Elevation in ft.: Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling: Date sample coltected:31S Field analysis: pH ') Specific Conductance _ uMhos Temp. I -C, Odor Appearance DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER PERMIT C EXPIRATION DATE: Non -Discharge � `,L-1Ilc�'A UIC NPDFS TYPE: OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED _ Lagoon Remediation: Infiltrakion Gallery _ Spray Field Remediation; "Rotary Distributor --Land Application of Sludge Other: NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and . colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: Certification No. iC7 PARAMETERS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES - NO and field acidified COD mg/l Nitrite (NO2) as N _ mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal 1 /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as IV �n....ice _ mg/i Coliform: MF Total /100m1 Phosphorus: Total as P Q • / le _ mg/I (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate _ _ mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 7 4 mg/I Al - Aluminum _ _ mg/I pH (when analyzed)'"" units Ba - Barium — mg/I TOC y . L4 7 mg/l Ca - Calcium _ mg/I Chloride _ �',2o mg/I Cd - Cadmium_ _ mg/I Arsenic _ mg/I Chromium: Total. _ mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper _ mg/I Phenol _ mg/I Fe - Iron _ mg/1 Sulfate — mg/I Hg - Mercury ^ _ mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos K - Potassium_ _ mg/I Total Ammonia mg/I Mg - Magnesium _ mg/I ,TIN as N mg/I Mn - Manganese _ mg/I Rev. 0312000 _,_._YE.S NO) Ni - Nickel mg/l Pb - Lead mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Ammonia Nitrogen mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) ORGANICS: (GC,GC/MS,HPLC) (Specify test and method #. ,Attach lab report.) Repoli: Attached? Yes _(1) No VOC method # method # = method # = SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROU14DWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION �a Please Print Clearly or Type Facility Name: �N., f,YjCk vy�' "'�/`�- 4zn-- Permit Name (if different): Facility Address: "Kp ed 4 Contact Person' '00" Well Location/ Site Name: I-Lounty �2.0 E�& znk.: Telephone #:, 3S W 0 i No. of Wells to be Sampled: Well Identification Number (from Permit): f For Groundwater Treatment Systems Well Depth:. 2,0 ft. Well Diameter: __a __ in. Check One: ❑ Influent (98) Screened Interval: ft. to ft. ❑ Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level:li2,162ft. below measuring point.. Measuring Point (M.P.) is: ft. above land surface. 'Relative M.P. Elevation in ft.: Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling: r - S _ Date sample collected'.-. Field analysis: pH Specific Conductance uMhos Temp. Odor Appearance DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER PERMIT #: EXPIRATION DATE: Non -Discharge L��nyea UIC NPDE=S TYPE: OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED _ Lagoon —_Remediation: Infiltral.ion Gallery Spray Field Remediation: +'Rotary Distributor _ — Land Application of Sludge _ Other. NOTE; Values should reflect dissolved and . colloidal concentrations. Dates ample analyzed: _ Laboratory Name:ir��+�' 1 Certification No. 1� PARAMETERS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES - NO and field acidified COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N _ mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal _� �. /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as IV "rl�n _ mg/I. Coliform: MF Total /1 r)ftml Phnsnhnevs- Total as P ] . T 1Z- mn/I (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total �Ll ).Z mg/I pH (when analyzed) units TOC 1 '7 (o mg/I Chloride _ y 1 mg/I Arsenic mg/I _ Grease and Oils mg/I Phenol mg/I _ Sulfate mg/I _ Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia mg/I ,TKN as N mg/I Rev. 03/2000 Orthophosphate _ _ mg/I Al - Aluminum _ mg/I Ba - Barium — mg/I Ca - Calcium _ mg/I Cd - Cadmium— — mg/I Chromium: Total, — mg/I Cu - Copper _ mg/I Fe - Iron — mg/I Hg - Mercury — mg/I K - Potassium— _.._ mg/I Mg - Magnesium — mg/I Mn - Manganese — mg/I YES NO) Ni - Nickel mg/I Pb - Lead mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Ammonia Nitrogen r),i 1- mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) ORGANICS: (GC,GC/MS,HPLC) (Specify test and method #.Attach lab report.) Report Attached? Yes _(1) No (0) VOC method # = method # = method # = 01 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Facility Name:`, a Permit Name (if different): Please Print Clearly or Type Fact ity Address: t _ ----;ounty +� Contact Personr:S_ a nns Telephone #: ,IS W _S-( Well Location/ Site Name: —( Q No. of Wells to be Sampled: Well identification Number (from Permit): —(.�For Groundwater Treatment Systems 'Well Depth: ft. Well Diameter. --_1-_ in. Check one: ❑ Influent (98) Screened Interval: ft. to ft. ❑ Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level: V.':t - ft. below measuring point. Measuring Point (M.P.) is: ft, above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation in ft.: Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling: % ' 0 - Date sample collected: Field analysis: pH "7�5� , Specific Conductance uMhos Temp.1.2_-C, Odor Appearance DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER PERMIT #: EXPIRATION DATE:(n tom! Imo: Non-Dlscharge�i 11,,b3 UIC NPDES TYPE: OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED _ Lagoon __ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery Spray Field Remediation: "Rotary Distributor __ Land Application of Sludge Other. NOTE, Values should reflect dissolved and . colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed: _ Laboratory Name:� Certification No. 1 PARAMETERS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES NO and field acidified COD mg/l Nitrite (NO2) as N _ mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal - /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N 1, 3 mg/1 Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus: Total as P I 21-211 _ mg/l KNote: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate _ mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total S 4. mg/I Al - Aluminum _ _ mg/I pH (when ,analyzed) units Ba - Barium mg/I TOC mg/l Ca - Calcium _ mg/I (Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium— — mg/1 ,Arsenic _ mg/I Chromium: Total. , mg/I ,Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper — mg/I Phenol — mg/I Fe - Iron _ mg/I Sulfate _ mg/I Hg - Mercury — _ mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos K - Potassium— _ mg/I Total Ammonia mg/I Mg - Magnesium _ mg/I -TKN as N mg/I Mn - Manganese — mg/I —YES NO) Ni - Nickel mg/l Pb - Lead mg/l Zn - Zinc mg/l Ammonia Nitrogen mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) ORGANICS: (GC,GCIMS,HPLC) (Specify test and method #. Attach lab report.) Report: Attached? Yes__(1) No _�6_ (0) VOC method # = method # = method # _ _ [��doQo��c��� Flo D�c�oQpoQa�c�d 114 OAKMONT DRIVE GREENVILLE, N.C. 27858 SOUND OF THE SEA (HYDROTECH) ATTN: DON O'MARA HYDROTECH P.O. BOX 4602 EMERALD ISLE ,NC 28594 MW-2 MW-4 MW-5 PARAMETERS Drinking Water ID: 37715 Wastewater ID: 10 PHONE (252) 756-6208 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 561 A DATE COLLECTED: 03/05/20 DATE REPORTED : 03/16/20 REVIEWED BY: MW-6 Analysis Method Date Analyst Code PH (field measurement), Units 7.6 7.5 7.8 7.6 03/05/20 SEB 4500HB-11 Fecal Coliform (MF), /100 Mls < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 03/05/20 JMS 9222D-06 Ammonia Nitrogen as N, mg/l 0.07 0.07 0.12 <0.04 03/06/20 AKS 350.1 112-93 Nitrate Nitrogen as N, mg/l 10.15 0.20 8.50 2.08 03/06/20 BLD 353.2 112-93 Total Phosphorus as P, mg/l 1.16 0.16 2.55 1.29 03/11/20 BLD 365.4-74 Total Organic Carbon, mg/l 2.55 4.47 1.76 4.70 03/06/20 SEJ 531OC-11 Chloride, mg/l 91 52 91 44 03/09/20 KDS 4500CLB-11 Total Dissolved Residue, mg/l 426 374 422 284 03/12/20 HJO 2540C-11 Static Water Level, feet 5.60 11.80 10.89 14.20 03/05/20 SEB Water Bailed, Gals. 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 03/05/20 SEB