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20201004 Ver 1_13-NC SHPO Review Request_20200804
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE - CONSERVATION PLANNING – LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 8013 - Asheville, NC 28804 – PH. 828-243-6604 www.fuscola.com 1 August 4, 2020 Renee Gledhill-Earley State Historic Preservation Office 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-4617 ph: (919) 807-6579 email: renee.gledhill-earley@ncdcr.gov submittal email: Environmental.Review@ncdcr.gov RE: Sapphire Farm Dear Ms. Gledhill-Earley, Please find attached our review request for the Sapphire Farm near Sapphire, NC. We are submitting Nationwide Permits for wildlife habitat and lake improvements to the US Army Corps of Engineers and can provide you a copy of that permit application if necessary. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Thank you, /s/ Matthew J Fusco 8/4/2020 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE - CONSERVATION PLANNING – LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 8013 - Asheville, NC 28804 – PH. 828-243-6604 www.fuscola.com 2 Project Name Sapphire Farm Lake Improvements Project Location 4730 Upper Whitewater Road Sapphire, NC 28774 Transylvania County Project Contact Information Shannon P Slusher 3 Stansbury Drive Asheville, NC 28803 ph: (215) 888-0994 email: spslusher@gmail.com Authorized Agent: Matthew J. Fusco Fusco Land Planning & Design, PLLC P.O. Box 8013 Asheville, NC 28814 ph: (828) 243-6604 email: matt@fuscola.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE - CONSERVATION PLANNING – LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 8013 - Asheville, NC 28804 – PH. 828-243-6604 www.fuscola.com 3 Project Description The property is located southwest of Lake Toxaway at 4730 Upper Whitewater Road Sapphire, NC 28774 and is on the left after you cross the bridge over the Thompson River coming from the south on Upper Whitewater Road. The purpose of this project is to repair existing stream crossings along tributaries on the property, to enhance the lake edge of Lake Pickens & associated tributaries including the Thompson River, and to provide an alternate access to an existing cabin site which will be improved. The proposed enhancements will not only allow the owner better access to different areas of the property but, more importantly, it will offer an opportunity for habitat improvement on a variety of levels within the watershed. Lake Pickens itself is a waterbody created by damming up an unnamed tributary to the Thompson River. Based on our records, we understand the lake has been in place with its current dam since before 1971. The 450 Ac property was operated as Camp Buc, a Presbyterian Camp, until sometime around 2015 and was left unoccupied until Shannon Slusher & his family purchased the property in early 2019. Future plans include construction of a new barn and maintenance area, the construction of a new main house and supporting accessory structures. Areas surrounding the new structures will be graded to smooth out the contours and create a better connection between facilities. The total disturbance, including the lake area improvements, will be approximately 19.50 Ac. As stated above, the Sapphire Farm occupies the former Camp Buc site which had an old cabin that was surveyed by NCSHPO in 1991. The cabin, known as Dan Houck House , has a survey ID #TV0120 (see Survey Attached). Outside of this structure, there are no known structures on the National Register of Historic Sites for this property or any additional structures older than 50 years. The cabin has been has unoccupied since the camp closed around 2015 and has fallen into disrepair. Prior to this effort, the cabin was removed and any salvageable material has been retained. Equipment to be used will be traditional construction equipment, including bulldozers, track hoes and excavators for the sitework and traditional construction equipment for erecting the structure. See below for maps and site photos. The National Map Advanced Viewer Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed 1/16/2020, 4:06:54 PM 0 0.25 0.50.13 mi 0 0.4 0.80.2 km 1:18,056 USGS USGS The National Map: Orthoimagery | Garrity, C.P., Soller, D.R. | USGS National Map 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) | USGS TNM - 3D Elevation Program (3DEP). Data refreshed weekly. | USGS The National Map: 3D Elevation Program. Data Refreshed January, Matthew Fusco <matt@fuscolandscapearchitecture.com> TV0120 McDonald, Annie <Annie.McDonald@ncdcr.gov>Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 3:59 PM To: "matt@fuscola.com" <matt@fuscola.com> Matt, It was good to talk with you this afternoon about the Dan Houck Cabin (TV0120), for which you will be preparing an Environmental Review submittal. Attached are the limited contents of the architectural survey file for the property (the photos are dated February 1991). It does not appear to ever have been evaluated for National Register eligibility, though a few factors suggest to me that it is unlikely to be considered National Register-eligible. First, the property was only surveyed in 1991 by Deborah Thompson during her comprehensive survey of Transylvania County. That survey resulted in a slate of Study List candidates identified as potentially eligible for listing in the National Register. That the Dan Houck Cabin was not included in that group of properties suggests to me that, in the early 1990s, our staff did not believe that it would be a good candidate for the National Register and, thus, the Study List. When the building was surveyed, it was the only resource on the property that was documented. One of the photos depicts a metal trailer in the background in close proximity to the cabin. In the mid-twentieth century, the house was part of a Presbyterian church camp. That the Dan Houck Cabin was the only building surveyed on the property, when historic camps (including those associated with religious denominations) were an important part of Transylvania County’s history and a significant component of the 1991 survey, suggests that the consultant did not believe that the camp, generally, was worthy of note (and far less worthy of National Register evaluation). Based on your verbal report of the building’s condition, it sounds as though the log structure has deteriorated since the 1991 survey. While condition is not a primary factor in assessing a property’s National Register eligibility, when considered in conjunction with the two additional points above, it compounds the likelihood that the resource is not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Please let me know if you have any questions about the information above, or if you need any additional information about historic resources in Transylvania County for this project. Regards, Annie. Annie Laurie McDonald Preservation Specialist, State Historic Preservation Office Western Office Division of Historical Resources, Office of Archives & History 176 Riceville Road Dan Houck Cabin E side SR 1152, 1.8 mi N of jct w/ SR 1151 Bohaynee/Whitewater vic. Built circa 1900. This typical half dovetail -notched log house is located in a sparsely populated section of the county. It was probably saved from decay by the establishment of a Presbyterian Church Camp here on the property and its subsequent use as a camp building. Two board -and -batten additions, a rear gable ell and front gable ell, increase the floor space considerably without overwhelming the original single -pen structure. The house is set on locust posts, and its wide fieldstone chimney has unusual tapered shoulders. The front shed porch has exposed rafters; its unpeeled log supports still have some branches attached. Although the mud chinking is still visible, portland cement has also been added between the logs. Unfinished slab siding covers the gable ends. Dan Houck was the original owner and builder. a I y a -- yy�y� L-_ryly i t I County7 Oct i I z NORTH CAROLINA HISTORIC STRUCTURES SHORT DATA SHEET READ and USE the instruction manual to complete this form. FIII it out as completely and consistently as possible. PLEASE NOTE: not all variables are provided for each question and reference to the Instruction manual will be necessary. In all cases: 0 or 00 denotes an undetermined or not applicable response 9 or 99 denotes a variable other than those provided. SURVEY SITE NUMBER I V 1 O7 tJ (Consult S & P Branch) 1. SITE NAME: I 'IA"IA%I 191 of Ul c1 & 1 I I I `101 I� I� �1 3. ABBREVIATED LOCATION DESCRIPTION OR STREET ADDRESS: 4. 5. 7. NEAREST TOWN/COMMUNITY: COUNTY: I-M r;;;1���......,,,� 6. DATE RECORDED IN FIELD: MONTH FIELD RECORDER: ! !Y ��'�% �� �� .—__- YEAR 10. OWNER NAME: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I EaLa 11. OWNER ADDRESS: TELE: I511116'll I 1! 1 r.1 161(1 IJI` III J I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I 1 11 1 1 13. USE: Original Primary L¢L/ l�J_IJ Other: Present Primary I Other: Resid: Farm Resid: Non -Farm ( Farm Bldg: Inde{i of Resid School Office Bank Gen'I Retail Store Industrial Courthse 0101 0102 0201 0301 0401 0402 0501 0601-0614 0901 Post Office Church ClubhselLodge Museum Cemetery Site Aban: Unocc Mobile Home Adjac FHA Home Adjac Other Occ SUL Adjac 0902 1001 1501 1701 1802 2001 2002 2003. 2004 15. CONDITION: LL� Excellent Good Fair Deteriorated Ruin Unexposed 1 2 3 4 5 6 18. THREATS TO STRUCTURE: W Other: None/Prop Stable Abusive Alterations NeglectlDeteriorationlVandalism Road Construction Impoundments Private Dev't Urban Dev't Gov't Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ARCHITECTURAL DATA 21. STYLE DEVELOPMENT: Exterior Interior HlghlAcademic National/Popular Regional/Vernac Vig Vernacular T 1 1 2 3 4 23. GENERAL STYLE GROUPS: Exterior: First Oil Second IJJ Third Interior: First Second I II�� Third ly Goo GeolFed Fed Fed/Gk Rev Gk Rev Itallanate Goth Rev 19.20c Trad/Vern Q Anne 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 09 11 Neo-Class Rev Col Rev Mae Viet Std Commercial/Industrial Beaux-Arts Tudor Rev Bungalow Art Deco Coastal Plain Cottage 12 13 15 16 21 22 25 26 33 24. PLAN (Primary Domestic Buildings): Other: One Rm Hall & Parlor Other 2 Rm "Quaker" 3 Rm Side Hall Cntr Hall Cntr Hall/Quaker Var Irregular T-Hall 01 02 03 04 06 07 08 14 15 ( 25. PLAN (Non -Domestic Buildings): L`CI Typical Notable TTT 1 2 26, HEIGHT: W Other: 1 Story 1 Story/Habitable Attic 1+h Story 2 Story 2 Story/Habitable Attic 2V2 Story 3 Story 3 Story/Habitable Attic 3+h Story 1 A 2 3 B 4 5 C 6 4 or more, Not a Skyscraper Skyscraper 7 8 27. FACADE WIDTH (Main Block): L3 1 Bay 2 Bay 3 Bay 4 Bay 5 Bay 6 or More Bay 1 2 3 4 5 6 1I/I I' L_I 28. DEPTH: L.1 Room/Single Pile 2 RoomlDouble Pile 3 or More Rooms 2 3 29. WINGS AND ADDITIONS: Primary L;4 Secondary Other: Rear Shed Rear Ell Sides Front Addlt Stories Orig Strt Incbrp Into New Rear Other Front Ell Front Shed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 8189 30. CONSTRUCTION: Primary Lt4i Secondary IJ IKI Other Mortise &Tenon Platform FramelCu Nails Load -Searing Masonry Steel Frame Reinforced Concrete 03 05 07 08 11 Frame Cnst, Type Unknown Masonry Walls, Type Cnst Unknown Log 12 13 14.21 31. ROOF CONFIGURATION: Primary Lhw Secondary `on Other: Gable Sides Gable Front Ped Gable Triple A "X" Gable Parapet Gable High Hip Low Hip Flat Front Ell 01 02 03 04 05 07 - 09 10 19 30 IF THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS ARE PRESENT, CODE AS SECONDARY: Belfry Steeple Cupola/Lantern Belvedere Clock Tower Widow's Walk TowerlTurret 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 33. EXTERIOR WALL MATERIALS (Original): Primary L" Secondary I.l IS] Other: Plain W'bd Molded/beaded W'bd Brick/Common Bond Brick/Flemish Bond Brick Veneer Stuccoed Board & Batten Brick/Stretcher Bond 01 02 06 07 10 13-16 33 35 34, EXTERIOR WALL MATERIALS (Replacement): I �I Other: Aluminum Asphalt Asbestos Vinyl Brick Veneer W'bd Get Siding Similar/in Kind Material Stone Veneer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 35. PRINCIPAL PORCH INTEGRITY: ui OTHER Original Altered Not Original Reconstruction RemovedlFallen 1 2 3 5 6 ', 36. PORCH TYPE: (y Other: Engaged Attached Recessed Stoop 1 2 3 4 40. PORCH DETAILS: A. L:I B. LJ C. LJ Other: 00 - Chamfered Posts Turned Posts Sawn Work/Turned Ornament Classical Flush She§§thing on Fa ad Enclosed End Bay(s) Porte Cochere 1 21 3 4 5 6 7 UJ �I 42. CHIMNEY INTEGRITY: A. B.I Other: Original Partially Rebuilt Replaced Removed/Fallen i 2 3 4 � 43. CHIMNEY PLACEMENT: A. I--l.t B. Ii I Other: Interior Interior End Interior End/Exposed Face Exterior End Exterior Front/Rear Interior Rear 1 2 3 4 5 6 HISTORICAL DATA 51. DATE OF CONSTRUCTION: Estimated: I�QI Actual: I I I I I I I I I I Date: Pre-1780 1781.1800 1801.1825 1826.1865 1866.1885 1886.1915 1916-1930 1931-1945 Post 1945 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 55, PERSONS OR EVENTS OF SIGNIFICANCE ASSOCIATED WITH THE BUILDING: (CODE LAST NAME FIRST) A. Type: uJ Date: LJ NamelEvent: B. Type: LJJ Date: LJ Name/Event: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Type: Trad Builder/Craftsman Architect Contractor Attributed Builder Orlg Owner Significant Later Owner O1 02 - 03 04 05 06 Historically 07 Signif Person Hist Signif Event Author of Pattern Book Landscape Design Developer Architect for Later Major RemodlRenov/Over-Building 08 09 10 11 12 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA I 60. SETTING: I I Rural, U�ndi�s�t� Rural, Bit uupp Urban, Pop. Over 12,500 Small Town 61. QUAD MAP USED: r r vi QUAD NAME rC II 1�-L l I V A I / �eI7 TVA 62. UTM DATA: Zone: LEI Northing: �I I I I 1 I I Easting: I 1 I I I I I Zone: 16 17 18 1 2 3 63. ��1 DIRECTION BUILDING FACES: L� N S E W NE NW BE SW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 65. FREE COMMENTS: icAi6II 1�1 Ail —If I r0iCll<It-1 �p Ek7iFIDyf1 r-17OIMIPI I( I 'Il1 >I i5r AI riAeIbi 1f-I�IGIkLI 1�`If' VA1 4ASI IAA i I� AUL-1 t iffi0II�li l It L I`" I�Aih IAJ021� 10A,I L I' = 1` I I I' I I I�16 011I IT101 IF[P-101Nl%1,1 1 1 r 1 iC-JbLj I IDUJI IOl�lh�l It l I I °If�l ,l I I:)IQI I I IP If�l�lf I I I I\/11151 UAIk'_It)It1lM61 1 IPI�11j�:.1� II �IAI.D1 I(I1 ., t&I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REQUIRED SKETCH MAP OF PROPERTY. Indicate any roadways by name and show other major topographic features. C'�-t V4e. a r41- _p r TRA NSn,,AM eel, Histork Survey ----- -- — j ---- � dill - 1- - -- -- i ,TS I, -- -- -- ---- ---- Sapphire Farm (Slusher) Site & Dan Houck House Photos 1) Overall view of lake area 2) View across lake toward Dan Houck House site. House sits on knoll behind the pines in the middle of the photo 3) View from existing barn to Dan Houck House on right with carport improvement 4) Dan Houck House Exterior 5) Dan Houck House Interior