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HomeMy WebLinkAbout19980349 Ver 1_Complete File_19980611\o?OY VV cR pG Michael F. Easley, Governor co William G. Ross Jr., Secretary r Department of Environment and Natural Resources p Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality February 21, 2001 Mr. Phil Harris, PE NC Department of Transportation P D and E A Branch 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Dear Mr. Gilmore: Subject: Project Name: Greensboro Bypass DWQ #: 980349 TIP #: I-2402 COE Permit #: 199502886 County: Guilford The purpose of this letter; is to notify you that the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP)'will accept payment for stream impacts associated with the subject project it accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the North Caroli?tla Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the U.S. Army Corps of fingineers dated November 4, 1998. Based on information supplied by you in a letter dated January 22, 2001, an application requesting authorization to impact an additional 620 linear feet of stream has been submitted for the subject project. The NCWRP will provide mitigation as specified in the 401 Water Quality Certification and/or Section 404 permit (up to 1,240 linear feet of stream restoration) for impacts associated with the subject project in Cataloging Unit 03030002 of the Cape Fear River basin. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Crystal Braswell at (919) 733-5208. Sincerely, Ronald E. Ferrell, Program Manager REF/cvb cc: Eric Alsmeyer, USACOE Rob Ridings file &A NCDENR Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 Wetlands Restoration Program 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1619 (919) 733.5208 Fax: (919) 733-5321 s ?.?«...J1. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director Mr. Bill Gilmore, P.E., Manager Planning & Environmental Branch N.C. Department of Transportation PO Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Gilmore A AT • • WAJ - - ;k ; ___ NC ENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES September 21, 1999 Re: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Modification to the Greensboro Bypass from I-85/I-85 Bypass interchange east of SR 3000 (McConnell Road) to 1-85/I-85 Bypass interchange south of SR 1117 (Holden Road), TIP I-2402, Federal Aid No. NHF-85-3(151) State Project No. 8.U492301, WQC Project No. 980349, COE No. 199502886 Guilford County Attached hereto is a modification to Certification No. 3213 issued to the North Carolina Department of Transportation dated December 16, 1998. The attached modification authorizes an additional fill to 0.05 acres of wetlands as well as temporary fill to 0.03 acres of Little Alamance Creek. Furthermore, this certificate authorizes the construction of a temporary diversion channel for Alamance Creek totally 147 linear feet. After completion of the project, the Alamance Creek shall be returned to its original placement. It should be noted the modification is applicable only to the additional proposed activities. All the authorized activities and conditions of certification associated with the original Water Quality Certification and any subsequent modifications still apply. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Attachments Modification to WQC No. 3213 cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Winston-Salem DWQ Regional Office Central Files Sincerely, kr . Stevens Division of Water Quality • 401 Wetlands Unit 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 9 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92- 500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500. This certificate authorizes the fill of 0.05 acres of wetlands and the construction of a temporary diversion channel in Guilford County pursuant to revised application filed on the 11" day of August 1999 to construct the Greensboro Bypass (TIP I-2402, DWQ No. 980349). The application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the proposed wetlands in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your application, as described in the Public Notice. Should your project change, you are required to notify the DWQ and submit a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter, and is thereby responsible for complying with all the conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to remain valid, you are required to comply with all the conditions listed below. In addition, you should obtain all other federal, state or local permits before proceeding with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. Condition(s) of Certification: Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent version of two manuals. Either the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEHNR Regional or Central Offices). The control practices shall be utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in all fresh water streams and rivers not designated as trout waters; 25 NTUs in all lakes and reservoirs, and all saltwater classes; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); 2. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 3. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 4. There shall be no excavation from or waste disposal into jurisdictional wetlands or waters associated with this permit without appropriate modification of this permit. Should waste or borrow sites be located in wetlands or stream, compensatory mitigation will be required since it is a direct impact from road construction activities. 5. All other conditions written into previous Water Quality Certifications for this project still apply. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. If modifications are made to an original Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the 21" day of September 1999 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY I e?r tevens Modification to WQC No. 3213 c:\ncdot\TIP 1-2402\wqc\980349wgc modification.doc ??.:.,? (031 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 DAVID MCCOY GOVERNOR SECRETARY August 11, 1999 10v,a 1 _ ci or U S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 120 mo,?' Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 PAYMENT Attention: Mr. Eric Alsmeyer RECEIVED NCDOT Coordinator Subject: Guilford County, I-85 Greensboro Bypass, from I-85/ I-85 Bypass interchange east of SR 3000 (McConnell Road) to 1-8511-85 Bypass interchange south of SR 1117 (Holden Road); State Project No. 8.U492301; Federal Aid No. NHF-85-3(151); TIP No. I-2402; USACE Action ID 199502886; DEM 998-0349. Dear Sir: The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has authorized the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to place fill in waters of the United States to construct the subject road project. This Section 404 Individual Permit authorizes the placement of fill material impacting 20.80 acres of waters of the United States, including 14.73 acres of wetlands and 20,801 linear feet of stream for construction of Sections A, B and C of the I-85 Greensboro Bypass, crossing Jenny Branch, Hickory Creek, Ryan Creek, Little Alamance Creek, unnamed tributaries and adjacent wetlands. The NCDOT sent a letter dated June 18, 1999 to the USACE. This letter involved forwarding final permit drawings for Section AA, as well as a request to modify the Section 404 Individual Permit for an additional 0.05 acre of impact to wetlands. The purpose of this letter is also to request modification of the Section 404 permit regarding a temporary impact to Little Alamance Creek (Station No. 192-+•40-L-), Site 15 in Section C, and the relocation of a utility line (Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-). Plan view and cross section drawings have been attached to this letter. This temporary impact at Station No. 192+40-L- is necessary because the NCDOT needs to construct bridge piles in Little Alamance Creek. In the original permit application, the NCDOT had proposed to relocate this entire stream section of Little Alamance Creek which did not require these temporary impacts to Little Alamance Creek. As a minimization method, the NCDOT determined that only the upper portion of Little Alamance Creek at this crossing needed to be relocated. To construct the bridge piles, the NCDOT must provide a temporary channel for Little Alamance Creek that is 45 meters (147 feet) in length and place temporary fill in Little Alamance Creek. This temporary fill totals 0.01 hectare (0.03 acre). The construction of the utility line, from Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-, will occur at two locations. The utility line will be placed under the stream at these two locations and construction will occur in the "dry." A temporary diversion channel will be used to construct the utility line. The NCDOT requests that the USACE modify the existing Section 404 Individual Permit for TIP No.. I-)402 (USACE Action ID 199502886). This modification includes the additio>Zal impact of 0.05 acre of wetlands that was requested in a letter dated June 18, 1999, the temV4 {tnpacts at Little Alamance Creek (Station No. 192+40-L-), and the placement of a utility line (Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-). Modification of the 401 Water Quality Certification is also requested for these impacts. Thank you for your attention to this project. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the I-85 Greensboro Bypass, please contact Mr. Phillip Todd at (919) 733-7844, Extension 314. Sincerely, W. D. Gilmore, P. E., Manager D Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch WDG/pct cc: Mr. David Franklin, USACE, Wilmington Mr. John Dorney, NCDWQ, Raleigh Mr. John Hefner, USFWS, Raleigh Mr. David Cox, NCWRC, Northside Mr. N. L. Graf, P. E., FHWA Mr. William Rogers, P. E., Structure Design Mr. Calvin Leggett, P. E., Program Development Branch Ms. Debbie Barbour, P. E., Highway Design Mr. A. L. Hankins, P. E., Hydraulics Unit Mr. Steve Godbold, Design Services Mr. J. W. Watkins, P. E., Division 7 Engineer u s l O C N a `U O P PROP. - ------SEWER T g M L__ x v a J Q W Q U J N Q a~ mo = t0W O W1 U O Q a' m 1 p . 52; 4 W m J N Q NF mNW a J O ? I O 3 N W ov) zz 200MM DI ?aW PIPE V, > ?? N Q m U . / / F a^?o 4 1-. J N Q N3x 3 ? W N r/ \. I ?? ?/ I ?_F?cR l VEIr F \ 300 z z CLA RIP APB z z Y 400 w^ rryE •g• - \tT ?+`,?"rcus z z •A, I x RIP v z i \ z I AP EXCAV. 1- 8 I YO R' RAP AV. I- I 95rP / / / I IN /" j? ?o iIt M = / X 11 11 / j %' 11 /o, ? :' / 11 ? II llr ' a/ / l 11 ? 11 II M ' "- 11 ? 11 11 I I U n ? N I -k: - - = e41 , -? -- - -- N ? 11 11 I / j ll? ? 0' lI 1/ 11 I ? ? -O 2 0 I / 1 Ir -19 ----8- ------ ---- t= - r ' TEMPORARY/' DIVERSION/; CHANNEL /La / I < 11 1 r / ax i /, < / 1 / ' i $ I r 11 r / I/ / o / ' r 11 / ' 11 l 1= ?, ^ry l, / lll? ll ll I I r 0 r ? r 0 ?'? l Q r ' N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION r DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ;r/ GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.U492301 (I-2402A) I-85 GREENSBORO BYPASS FROM I-85 SOUTH OF GREENSBORO TO WEST OF SR 3300 (ELM-EUGENE ST.) w . 0 O N N , Cf) r 1 r - ? r N r ? r t o -- N Q Z O ` W Z M Q ? W _ fA r U ? 0 r CL Z cr_ t O H a_ 1 ? o 1 0 a_ Z ' a. 1 c C r _l r Y Q W r tz Q r . Z ` r F- C0 o X IW ?I v i °^rn;CT 8.42301 (I-2402A) SHHET 2 OF 2 ? %x x/ / I T iii I W L I W I Cl- J I LO cr- 0 y± J O I Q- N CL? ?. COf x x s ;Ln U- 8 ?a " x ? W IIIJ 1, N r ? / r t i Z? Q I- w z J _J LL- 00 Z Q U N O - C6 ~ ? N W LL- ¢ Q 3 nn= Z O I In ^o? c zd= no ?Ll- 0 N dN LLI t 0 LLQ Q 3C "i LAJ o z c0 0 1 ~ LJ a L O ~ ? E - CL LLJ 1 d Q Li y I IRV) lye c-y a_ 0 ° / U LL. CL x? - --- - -Z -- __~ LAJ x LLl X F- = x U) x xv) x x x x x X E x Q x x : Ln Ln x ? x , w l(? x .- % x x Lo U ?w ? L ? o Q) w n ?QCL Q) WOWCA:* CZIL,-:? z_ L-Li c) LZ 0 kr o z 4 jc? J CL W J p J JA ?-iwU LLJ 0UI ° ? O WZwa- 17 :9 \265 61 so-7- I ?h A m +\ I z N o N p- p m La.J 1-- x x I: W :2 x x x {? Q W x x J x x O ? K M -- f I ii - - - - - P?l t 4. w r+ P ? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPART M'NT OF TRANSPORTATION JANIEs B. HUNT 1R. P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 DAVID i'V1000Y GOVERNOR SECRETARY August 11, 1999 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 120 At ? Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Attention: Mr. Eric Alsmeyer NCDOT Coordinator Subject: Guilford County, I-85 Greensboro Bypass, from 1-85/ I-85 Bypass interchange east of SR 3000 (McConnell Road) to 1-85/ I-85 Bypass interchange south of SR 1117 (Holden Road); State Project No. 8.U492301; Federal Aid No. NHF-85-3(151); TIP No. I-2402; USACE Action ID 199502886; DEM 998-0349. Dear Sir: The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has authorized the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to place fill in waters of the United States to construct the subject road project. This Section 404 Individual Permit authorizes the placement of fill material impacting 20.80 acres of waters of the United States, including 14.73 acres of wetlands and 20,801 linear feet of stream for construction of Sections A, B and C of the I-85 Greensboro Bypass, crossing Jenny Branch, Hickory Creek, Ryan Creek, Little Alamance Creek, unnamed tributaries and adjacent wetlands. The NCDOT sent a letter dated June 18, 1999 to the USACE. This letter involved forwarding final permit drawings for Section AA, as well as a request to modify the Section 404 Individual Permit for an additional 0.05 acre of impact to wetlands. The purpose of this letter is also to request modification of the Section 404 permit regarding a temporary impact to Little Alamance Creek (Station No. 192+40-L-), Site 15 in Section C, and the relocation of a utility line (Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-). Plan view and cross section drawings have been attached to this letter. r A' +w-A This temporary impact at Station No. 192+40-L- is necessary because the NCDOT needs to construct bridge piles in Little Alamance Creek. In the original permit application, the NCDOT had proposed to relocate this entire stream section of Little Alamance Creek which did not require these temporary impacts to Little Alamance Creek. As a minimization method, the NCDOT determined that only the upper portion of Little Alamance Creek at this crossing needed to be relocated. To construct the bridge piles, the NCDOT must provide a temporary channel for Little Alamance Creek that is 45 meters (147 feet) in length and place temporary fill in Little Alamance Creek. This temporary fill totals 0.01 hectare (0.03 acre). The construction of the utility line, from Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-, will occur at two locations. The utility line will be placed under the stream at these two locations and construction will occur in the "dry." A temporary diversion channel will be used to construct the utility line. The NCDOT requests that the USACE modify the existing Section 404 Individual Permit for TIP No. I-2402 (USACE Action ID 199502886). This modification includes the additional impact of 0.05 acre of wetlands that was requested in a letter dated June 18, 1999, the temporary impacts at Little Alamance Creek (Station No. 192+40-L-), and the placement of a utility line (Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-). Modification of the 401 Water Quality Certification is also requested for these impacts. Thank you for your attention to this project. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the I-85 Greensboro Bypass, please contact Mr. Phillip Todd at (919) 733-7844, Extension 314. Sincerely, ' ?,YV W. D. Gilmore, P. E., Manager D Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch WDG/pct cc: Mr. David Franklin, USACE, Wilmington Mr. John Dorney, NCDWQ, Raleigh Mr. John Hefner, USFWS, Raleigh Mr. David Cox, NCWRC, Northside Mr. N. L. Graf, P. E., FHWA Mr. William Rogers, P. E., Structure Design Mr. Calvin Leggett, P. E., Program Development Branch Ms. Debbie Barbour, P. E., Highway Design Mr. A. L. Hankins, P. E., Hydraulics Unit Mr. Steve Godbold, Design Services Mr. J. W. Watkins, P. E., Division 7 Engineer ,'?' I * 1 102 0 O N 4 O u ? b J y?Q ?, \ X W n Y N;3 W1n ? P PROP. 200MM 2 DI - z rL --- ----SEWER PIPE 'm WNQW - ? m°r u . , E a?° . / 4 ?W F-J N v i hWWti Tg i300 CtA_ a. x, Ri t- x x a J Q YV J ? a ?Q Q I- Ja Q o GW W J? 10.5 I. . W Z .... Ov i WaO? H o V) m?W a o J i x x 400 w/TY COA G •8. cua z x `•r x ? x x A •e• x\\-t • f s AP I 2Y,w0 Rr R30 AVES j_ 95rtN 'Y I ' 1? l? 6 III/ a I\\\ I N ? N 11 11 ? I VjI? 0- ; V La 11 l ;; -11 Xv u car: / --'1 a?_II 11',r M ? ? ? - 1 11 ? ?l 11 I N 11 .? 11 II 11 •' ? ? ? 11 ? ?l v X.? 9411 11 l 1?,s rv tM N? 11 11 11 ? 1 I I 11 ?' 11 11 11 l 2 0 , ?0 - -19 I I ------ ---1_---8- 1 f TEMPORARY/, 1 DIVERSION/," CHANNEL I; 1 ;'Il / 11 1 ? 1 ?.? ; l l ? 11 ll. l 11 l ; 11 ? ?l l Ir g r ? 11 I r l?r ?? h1 ^? ? 11 llr 1-? 11 l ?' Il5 ? ? 11 ? i? ;ll'll ,? ll??ll?? Ila _ • 1 N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION r.1 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT S.U492301 (I-2402A) Z-85 GREENSBORO BYPASS FROM I-85 SOUTH OF GREENSBORO TO WEST OF SR 3300 (ELY-EUGENE ST.) ?C[ L? ?_? ! // ^t\ ?.IRPaRAP I II }/ // I? HU? u? 0 n O N N r r U r r ? r N r } r 0 'I Z O J cr. W f Z o D r Q fA r U O ( Z c O CL ~ 1 ? > ° i H r 0 I n. L J , O Z O ? ? o C3 "' J ? Y Q - W W O Q r Z J . r F- Cn H b X 1 IW ?J V i P^r-ljECT 8 . 42301 (1-2402A) SHHET 2 OF 2 x f ? JA x x x x? I T ? I ? W l1Jl 1 I W I zq CL Ln 1 ? I J J ? I g ? y' WW ? I a a ? ? CV ?e I w -F ?J f XS x LL- $ x s? l O W u x J ll? i i 1, 1 V R I co rn CF) r p F- W z J J li Q U ? a7 Q LLJ N W Q 3 N Ln ap ?= Q U O r')p N LLJ p Q L.L- `- 0 U- O :? a "11 FF- a 1 uj U) O _ O z 00 O f- ? z I- CL i . 1 W 2 a_ O a_ W w O m N a_ p I -- --- ?g --- -- -- U x a_ - Z - - -L- x x xW W = x X~ N x x (n x x x x x X g x O ,' gO x x O Lr) O X O O x x s x x x Q W +/ X at ? V,) I-U o V Lo U-J u1 ' W p U o O om lV --- z V) Q zz U - Z Lu c) b r z e - p Lij - J aW W Q W i V) g, 21 A ?FJ-Wn oo z 0Q p wZi?CL O lti< ? 8N I UIwrW m + + I z N o (?; c - :2 p W x m i-- x x t? W x x x {?+ Q W x x J Q x x x 1 l x O Cl) M STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1AIVIEs B. HUNT 1R. P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 DAVID MCCOY GOVERNOR SECRETARY August 11, 1999 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 120 M ?Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Attention: Mr. Eric Alsmeyer NCDOT Coordinator Subject: Guilford County, I-85 Greensboro Bypass, from I-85/ I-85 Bypass interchange east of SR 3000 (McConnell Road) to I-85/ I-85 Bypass interchange south of SR 1117 (Holden Road); State Project No. 8.U492301; Federal Aid No. NHF-85-3(151); TIP No. I-2402; USACE Action ID 199502886; DEM 998-0349. Dear Sir: The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has authorized the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to place fill in waters of the United States to construct the subject road project. This Section 404 Individual Permit authorizes the placement of fill material impacting 20.80 acres of waters of the United States, including 14.73 acres of wetlands and 20,801 linear feet of stream for construction of Sections A, B and C of the I-85 Greensboro Bypass, crossing Jenny Branch, Hickory Creek, Ryan Creek, Little Alamance Creek, unnamed tributaries and adjacent wetlands. The NCDOT sent a letter dated June 18, 1999 to the USACE. This letter involved forwarding final permit drawings for Section AA, as well as a request to modify the Section 404 Individual Permit for an additional 0.05 acre of impact to wetlands. The purpose of this letter is also to request modification of the Section 404 permit regarding a temporary impact to Little Alamance Creek (Station No. 192+40-L-), Site 15 in Section C, and the relocation of a utility line (Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-). Plan view and cross section drawings have been attached to this letter. 1 1:, This temporary impact at Station No. 192+40-L- is necessary because the NCDOT needs to construct bridge piles in Little Alamance Creek. In the original permit application, the NCDOT had proposed to relocate this entire stream section of Little Alamance Creek which did not require these temporary impacts to Little Alamance Creek. As a minimizatiori method, the NCDOT determined that only the upper portion of Little Alamance Creek at this crossing needed to be relocated. To construct the bridge piles, the NCDOT must provide a temporary channel for Little Alamance Creek that is 45 meters (147 feet) in length and place temporary fill in Little Alamance Creek. This temporary fill totals 0.01 hectare (0.03 acre). The construction of the utility line, from Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-, will occur at two locations. The utility line will be placed under the stream at these two locations and construction will occur in the "dry." A temporary diversion channel will be used to construct the utility line. The NCDOT requests that the USACE modify the existing Section 404 Individual Permit for TIP No. I-2402 (USACE Action ID 199502886). This modification includes the additional impact of 0.05 acre of wetlands that was requested in a letter dated June 18, 1999, the temporary impacts at Little Alamance Creek (Station No. 192+40-L-), and the placement of a utility line (Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-). Modification of the 401 Water Quality Certification is also requested for these impacts. Thank you for your attention to this project. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the I-85 Greensboro Bypass, please contact Mr. Phillip Todd at (919) 733-7844, Extension 314. Sincerely, W. D. Gilmore, P. E., Manager D Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch WDG/pct cc: Mr. David Franklin, USACE, Wilmington Mr. John Dorney, NCDWQ, Raleigh Mr. John Hefner, USFWS, Raleigh Mr. David Cox, NCWRC, Northside Mr. N. L. Graf, P. E., FHWA Mr. William Rogers, P. E., Structure Design Mr. Calvin Leggett, P. E., Program Development Branch Ms. Debbie Barbour, P. E., Highway Design Mr. A. L. Hankins, P. E., Hydraulics Unit Mr. Steve Godbold, Design Services Mr. J. W. Watkins, P. E., Division 7 Engineer 1102 l O G N a O `U v r Q " PROP . ----FEWER Tg 200MM DI PIPE a J Q C W = 1- - ? U J u ~ Q a a? coww z w? -g- 10 'S2; ,ow J?z ••••••• ON Wm . In- W as J 0Q / W w O; v i =o • =z U 319. / Jp1 ? w co N N U. .. N Q 1 O T E a°o . NWWNQ - / -x 0 O 3\ X W r N 3; W N s I / r ENO ?- ?71E c x /a W BEvEtE RI t- x X IP AP9' Y x r 400 M/TY COA C CI x r x x x x RIP A B' N / vS YO Rr'NS AP AYES/_I9, S x y l? EXCA V. ' r? r? a IrrN 11'1 N /I // ? (? / O / /ll a ??ll ll'I «( l a / / / l ll ? ll ll I •N' ll ^? ll ll ll .::..• ? n ? 110 II v l? I t? N l I I J l 1 I 11 F ll;' ' ?- ll ll 11 I i?o 2 0 / ? / r -r9 1 TEMPORARY- / DIVERSION/,', CHANNEL/, / /? I I LAJ' / I l Il l ' ; / l r I x 8 ` l ll l ? I l? l ?? l ? gr ll / lI I ` h l ^ /; 0 l / lll? ? 1 I ill ? ? r 4 ' r N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION ,r DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS •vJl GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.U492301 (I-2402A) 1.85 GREENSBORO BYPASS FROM I-85 SOUTH OF GREENSBORO TO WEST OF SR 3300 (ELM-EUGENE ST.) 9-- V?/ PARAPB (?I ?I Il l I? lI I AUcqum- lCf? I O N N Cn ? M r r N r O C ^? 1 r\ Z O J w Z o W ? Z O U O ? r CL 1 Z ct 1 O a. ? O > o ? H v r ? r r I a. ? r O Z r cc CL O r oC J r Y Q r W r W O i cc: Q r Z ! ? H Cn o x 1 W ?l V r , .0 4 ?^r?; CT 8 . 42301 ( I - 2402A) SHHET 2 OF 2 x ? J ? x x x /x x I / T / I ? yW 1 I < ` I I LJ Vl w W LA / r - O I CL. F W I O z 2 ? ? _ _ -'--- V ' a ?1?ri I rp s --'-- - ---- -- w a. - -- -'. \ ? ? I ?? , ...• FLT 4 x- x s Ln s x 8Nf . l\ o ti W W S x i i .. r ? t S p Li! Z J _l Li 00 am rn Q U ON ?- m LLJ ~ `t (n a N LL i 00 a2 O U OMp ? Li- p N , N I U- O O? ?CO,- O ""11 LAJ O Z 000 V) Q? O ?- °' F-J5 CL 1 gw O 1 a_ C- 0 i Q LJ > w o I °N ? p p 0 ° CL U CL' ? - --- x?g - - - - -Z -- _.. - -LLI x LLJ X w = x L- UI xx(n x x x x x x •xx i ' c O O x ' O O x > C\l ? x x s x• r x . Q W x `? I x LL) Y ? tl? J--'. U V LIJ C-) a_ C) ?cnWpW Z alb p Z W a. W u /? J /2 ?owJ Q F- cn LJ F- ¢ 11` - ~ 0 U it z?z< o wzw° y r¢6S 6/ So -7- I °?a ?d \ I / Z + z N o (11 L.J m Lil I-- Nl? % x ? L+<-r G x x X .? x Q Lv X x -j x x x 0 U x Q, 0 T ` I ??Ir?llllll?'llll?llllll?l r ay. SWr°'? Q ? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JA-NIEs B. HUNT 1R. P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 DAVID MCCOY GOVERNOR SECRETARY August 11, 1999 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 120 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 MOd-4 Attention: Mr. Eric Alsmeyer NCDOT Coordinator Subject: Guilford County, I-85 Greensboro Bypass, from I-85/ I-85 Bypass interchange east of SR 3000 (McConnell Road) to I-85/ I-85 Bypass interchange south of SR 1117 (Holden Road); State Project No. 8.U492301; Federal Aid No. NHF-85-3(151); TIP No. I-2402; USACE Action ID 199502886; DEM 998-0349. Dear Sir: The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has authorized the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to place fill in waters of the United States to construct the subject road project. This Section 404 Individual Permit authorizes the placement of fill material impacting 20.80 acres of waters of the United States, including 14.73 acres of wetlands and 20,801 linear feet of stream for construction of Sections A, B and C of the I-85 Greensboro Bypass, crossing Jenny Branch, Hickory Creek, Ryan Creek, Little Alamance Creek, unnamed tributaries and adjacent wetlands. The NCDOT sent a letter dated June 18, 1999 to the USACE. This letter involved forwarding final permit drawings for Section AA, as well as a request to modify the Section 404 Individual Permit for an additional 0.05 acre of impact to wetlands. The purpose of this letter is also to request modification of the Section 404 permit regarding a temporary impact to Little Alamance Creek (Station No. 192+40-L-), Site 15 in Section C, and the relocation of a utility line (Station No. 16+40 to 1.7+80-Y2-). Plan view and cross section drawings have been attached to this letter. This temporary impact at Station No. 192+40-L- is necessary because the NCDOT needs to construct bridge piles in Little Alamance Creek. In the original permit application, the NCDOT had proposed to relocate this entire stream section of Little Alamance Creek which did not require these temporary impacts to Little Alamance Creek. As a minimizatiori method, the NCDOT determined that only the upper portion of Little Alamance Creek at this crossing needed to be relocated. To construct the bridge piles, the NCDOT must provide a temporary channel for Little Alamance Creek that is 45 meters (147 feet) in length and place temporary fill in Little Alamance Creek. This temporary fill totals 0.01 hectare (0.03 acre). The construction of the utility line, from Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-, will occur at two locations. The utility line will be placed under the stream at these two locations and construction will occur in the "dry." A temporary diversion channel will be used to construct the utility line. The NCDOT requests that the USACE modify the existing Section 404 Individual Permit for TIP No. I-2402 (USACE Action ID 199502886). This modification includes the additional impact of 0.05 acre of wetlands that was requested in a letter dated June 18, 1999, the temporary impacts at Little Alamance Creek (Station No. 192+40-L-), and the placement of a utility line (Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-). Modification of the 401 Water Quality Certification is also requested for these impacts. Thank you for your attention to this project. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the I-85 Greensboro Bypass, please contact Mr. Phillip Todd at (919) 733-7844, Extension 314. Sincerely, - G 61 ?n, W. D. Gilmore, P. E., Manager 0 Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch WDG/pct cc: Mr. David Franklin, USACE, Wilmington Mr. John Dorney, NCDWQ, Raleigh Mr. John Hefner, USFWS, Raleigh Mr. David Cox, NCWRC, Northside Mr. N. L. Graf, P. E., FHWA Mr. William Rogers, P. E., Structure Design Mr. Calvin Leggett, P. E., Program Development Branch Ms. Debbie Barbour, P. E., Highway Design Mr. A. L. Hankins, P. E., Hydraulics Unit Mr. Steve Godbold, Design Services Mr. J. W. Watkins, P. E., Division 7 Engineer 1102 N N 11 11 \ '?;y K 11 11 / ? ? I' C5 // '° 11 I Z" cl: LAJ mr IL 14, a- x %/ a s 1 o / '' II IIII Wd 3 " ? v,a <? / D w' Oi W <? 10, l / I 11 II 11 Z~ 5 M o? Wm? N I I II 11 N mV1W a+? oU ° lo t'j UO JW Il?ll 03vi • _ / U Ip - at H N - --- - - uj +? a411 11 1 In IS 0 vi .9 r- 3 Qo __ ,ll 11 11,111. 310. PROP. 200MM DI 0 r SEWER PIPE -W ._ / ' 11 11 II 111 y W ___. _____? • I /I C 2 ? Il I 1 W a r . ' -/9 S a¢ 1 ------ ---- 1--- - coo 'A IX ]' I I I I 1. 11 W - 3 / 1 F tQL" a TEMPO RARY?I 78 N33WN DIVERSION/,,. I? y i CHANNEL 1 .?•... - I s ?1 1 / 11 1 1 / w / I C r ?;:.: / Slp 26? r / / ? 11 11 ? 1 I f l `? ' / I W dll i ;/ 11 llr 11?g ` END FM c l r / 11 I ? I? l II ? l ? ? Ir gl 11 I I II .4m Rc ( w BE 9eA3 (Ln hr ti _ ^l I 10 ?is F YO >7r NS AP Ir'l??/ ^N I I F \ \ 300 rte CS ,ll I x AvEST. 130 1 I? I r Q R/PA B Y% 95m? . sm, AP I l/ I/ r I 11 11 J I Q 400 z wiry v 9F,' r 11 Il lI r` COA B c8 / Qua z N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION ;r 1 -t / f r DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS \ r ExcAV.: 26T; r GUILFORD COUNTY -X PROJECT S.U492301 (I-2402A) i RIPS AP BI l y r 1 + / I.85 GREENSBORO BYPASS FROM C-85 SOUTH OF 1 : I I GREENSBORO TO WEST OF SR 3300 (ELM-EUGENE ST.) ?' ?/ L / / l f /l? ^i\ f?1R PA RAP 8 I ? I ?I I! I I ? ?I I ?UGu? lC` L I I I? 0 O N N r (n r r 1 ?. o r -- ? r N r U-r - - -- - ----- - - ---- -- 0 -- r Q Z ? t O J /t w / Z LLI _ cf) r U 0' r O Z c t O 13- 1 ? LU o ` H v r 0 r r I o- ? , O z r r O r C3 "oo) J r Y Q i W i W O r U Q r Z ` r H ? H o Iw Pi'lrj -CT 8.42801 (I - 2402A) SHHET 2 OF 2 .x / x? 1 T / I W 1 I I W tq C? O Ln cc: W J r w I I a J Q 2 N Cl- ?q s ~ I a- O ? uj h? i i a It ?i a) ? r rn Q 04 m I z U LLJ J F- O Li If F_ <? N y W = }- ?- I 3 0 3 Z ? Ln z N= o ^°° C7 OUMO p- J ?= srs w J x p CN W LL. F- WCr d p LL_ O J O Q a W OZ m0 1 a w O F- o ?- CL - c? 1 w 0- a_ = O 'd > w o . I oLn cr_ p p '? ° a U 0 (? CL - -- - - - - ~ xr- -- - -Z - - W x W xxW m x t: (n lqx %(/) x x x x x x x O O xx: ?LnOLn C\j xxr O x > / w x r (? % xx Q W (n LIJ c.) QQ ? U_ g Q z O Z ? W "cr Q. w ? NQ // W ?. h? a ,?6 •„? - _ .„ i ?,agF 61 SO-7- ? yA? \ r U1.xrW 4- m \ I Wi + inn ? 4A r H W f- ~ 0 W ~ O z N (n z Q Z W o p _ co W X% x ? LLJ x x x x Q W x x J x x x 0 N x M .+r • e,,. shity? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 DAVID MCCOY GOVERNOR SECRETARY August 11, 1999 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 120 M U? Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Attention: Mr. Eric Alsmeyer NCDOT Coordinator Subject: Guilford County, I-85 Greensboro Bypass, from I-85/ I-85 Bypass interchange east of SR 3000 (McConnell Road) to I-85/ I-85 Bypass interchange south of SR 1117 (Holden Road); State Project No. 8.U492301; Federal Aid No. NHF-85-3(151); TIP No. I-2402; USACE Action ID 199502886; DEM #98-0349. Dear Sir: The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has authorized the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to place fill in waters of the United States to construct the subject road project. This Section 404 Individual Permit authorizes the placement of fill material impacting 20.80 acres of waters of the United States, including 14.73 acres of wetlands and 20,801 linear feet of stream for construction of Sections A, B and C of the I-85 Greensboro Bypass, crossing Jenny Branch, Hickory Creek, Ryan Creek, Little Alamance Creek, unnamed tributaries and adjacent wetlands. The NCDOT sent a letter dated June 18, 1999 to the USACE. This letter involved forwarding final permit drawings for Section AA, as well as a request to modify the Section 404 Individual Permit for an additional 0.05 acre of impact to wetlands. The purpose of this letter is also to request modification of the Section 404 permit regarding a temporary impact to Little Alamance Creek (Station No. 192+40-L-), Site 15 in Section C, and the relocation of a utility line (Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-). Plan view and cross section drawings have been attached to this letter. w i This temporary impact at Station No. 192+40-L- is necessary because the NCDOT needs to construct bridge piles in Little Alamance Creek. In the original permit application, the NCDOT had proposed to relocate this entire stream section of Little Alamance Creek which did not require these temporary impacts to Little Alamance Creek. As a minimization method, the NCDOT determined that only the upper portion of Little Alamance Creek at this crossing needed to be relocated. To construct the bridge piles, the NCDOT must provide a temporary channel for Little Alamance Creek that is 45 meters (147 feet) in length and place temporary fill in Little Alamance Creek. This temporary fill totals 0.01 hectare (0.03 acre). The construction of the utility line, from Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-, will occur at two locations. The utility line will be placed under the stream at these two locations and construction will occur in the "dry." A temporary diversion channel will be used to construct the utility line. The NCDOT requests that the USACE modify the existing Section 404 Individual Permit for TIP No. I-2402 (USACE Action ID 199502886). This modification includes the additional impact of 0.05 acre of wetlands that was requested in a letter dated June 18, 1999, the temporary impacts at Little Alamance Creek (Station No. 192+40-L-), and the placement of a utility line (Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-). Modification of the 401 Water Quality Certification is also requested for these impacts. Thank you for your attention to this project. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the I-85 Greensboro Bypass, please contact Mr. Phillip Todd at (919) 733-7844, Extension 314. Sincerely, - G. 4W. D. Gilmore, P. E., Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch WDG/pct cc: Mr. David Franklin, USACE, Wilmington Mr. John Dorney, NCDWQ, Raleigh Mr. John Hefner, USFWS, Raleigh Mr. David Cox, NCWRC, Northside Mr. N. L. Graf, P. E., FHWA Mr. William Rogers, P. E., Structure Design Mr. Calvin Leggett, P. E., Program Development Branch Ms. Debbie Barbour, P. E., Highway Design Mr. A. L. Hankins, P. E., Hydraulics Unit Mr. Steve Godbold, Design Services Mr. J. W. Watkins, P. E., Division 7 Engineer O P PROP. 200MM DI . -----SEWER PIPE 1p 4m W SEVELE F I Son ? 4 O X W/TY COA oua x X X X \ RP Ap S r U K v? J WQ aw m8 GW O N r u a J W?f J, Z W m s/ H m Q O J U W O 3 N / 3 / r u ? 10.525 M N 1+1 Ld 11 11 W / / a / /ll / / I Ir =?? m ?i ur // k /I 0 H _ • W ?- m f- L K?' . N _ d „ W I .__-•------- i L 0.0 U 4 UW • , X j ;W VI f . J Y '? 40 RI N$ AP AV E * j _ 195m.i V \ r 3 ? +.kLn 811 //' ?llN. "rlll ll?l?l O,'/I 11 11 I ; n - l9 - -// --- 1+----8- ------ // ----- TEMPORARY/l DIVERSION/1,, l CHANNEL l; ll. ?/r ? , 11 llr r ?? .??;/ l ? II 11 ` 11 r1; I I ? ?I ;? err / 11 ll; l?? II ,? l ? ? : ? Ilff I 4 lr // 11 ?l/,y I ?Q r / N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION r DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS r. GUILFORD COUNTY PROJECT 8.U492301 (I-2402A) I-85 GREENSBORO BYPASS FROM I-86 SOUTH OF GREENSBORO TO WEST OF SR 3300 (ELM-EUGENE ST.) i\RPARAPB I j I ')I II h ?I I /i??u? ` 1 I T- I O N N U I `. o ' i N 1 } UJ 0 - N a z O J W Z W cr) U 0. ' CL z O a ~ U ? cc W ? H 1 ? a p 1 O z 1 M 1 ? O oc CD ? J 1 Y Q W 1 M UJ OC Q Z ? cl) W N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS f? GUILFORD COUNTY PRr,JFCT 8.42801 (I-2402A) SHHET 2 OF 2 I ? x x? I x J x x x/ I T W W H J I ? O Z 9 I d z - r • - xy' x sit C9 N ell" x m s ? 00 tT I CT) I z U o m I J F- Q (/) * LL- N W 3 } z nom. 3 V ) Z LO o o Z ersw -j Of W U 04 LL, 0) N L W '- p ?w ? O Z O pa a0 O _LL- j 1rsw 1 a Q- U _° CL w U 5 F- C C) 0 a3= N cr- a p p W •? 0 I x? U Z Cif W x xW X x F - = x x (n x x x x x x .. x . h xx: x ?' O O i m N x , x x J. / xa xxx t ? I Q W r ` J x ? Jl 1--v ? V W W 000 W - 3 CIL- \ LLJ b z v X-- U LLJ 2 J a. W :2 V, Q Li ?W ?1-W w E W wN F- W F- Zi O Q Q. p z W N N p :2 ? a of `p ? W x rS o +, m F- x O~ g W U: ? xx x x / O W xx / J Q x x X O N x F M T I?z -71 ? I I a - i I I 1 14 7 I I I I __ II I 4 s.. STAT[ °? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMEs B. HUNT JR. P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 2761 1-5201 DAVID MCCOY GOVERNOR SECRETARY August 11, 1999 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 120 M Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 C Attention: Mr. Eric Alsmeyer NCDOT Coordinator Subject: Guilford County, I-85 Greensboro Bypass, from I-85/ I-85 Bypass interchange east of SR 3000 (McConnell Road) to 1-85/1-85 Bypass interchange south of SR 1117 (Holden Road); State Project No. 8.U492301; Federal Aid No. NHF-85-3(151); TIP No. I-2402; USACE Action ID 199502886; DEM #98-0349. Dear Sir: The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has authorized the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to place fill in waters of the United States to construct the subject road project. This Section 404 Individual Permit authorizes the placement of fill material impacting 20.80 acres of waters of the United States, including 14.73 acres of wetlands and 20,801 linear feet of stream for construction of Sections A, B and C of the I-85 Greensboro Bypass, crossing Jenny Branch, Hickory Creek, Ryan Creek, Little Alamance Creek, unnamed tributaries and adjacent wetlands. The NCDOT sent a letter dated June 18, 1999 to the USACE. This letter involved forwarding final permit drawings for Section AA, as well as a request to modify the Section 404 Individual Permit for an additional 0.05 acre of impact to wetlands. The purpose of this letter is also to request modification of the Section 404 permit regarding a temporary impact to Little Alamance Creek (Station No. 192+40-L-), Site 15 in Section C, and the relocation of a utility line (Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-). Plan view and cross section drawings have been attached to this letter. 414 This temporary impact at Station No. 192+40-L- is necessary because the NCDOT needs to construct bridge piles in Little Alamance Creek. In the original permit application, the NCDOT had proposed to relocate this entire stream section of Little Alamance Creek which did not require these temporary impacts to Little Alamance Creek. As a minimizatiori method, the NCDOT determined that only the upper portion of Little Alamance Creek at this crossing needed to be relocated. To construct the bridge piles, the NCDOT must provide a temporary channel for Little Alamance Creek that is 45 meters (147 feet) in length and place temporary fill in Little Alamance Creek. This temporary fill totals 0.01 hectare (0.03 acre). The construction of the utility line, from Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-, will occur at two locations. The utility line will be placed under the stream at these two locations and construction will occur in the "dry." A temporary diversion channel will be used to construct the utility line. The NCDOT requests that the USACE modify the existing Section 404 Individual Permit for TIP No. I-2402 (USACE Action ID 199502886). This modification includes the additional impact of 0.05 acre of wetlands that was requested in a letter dated June 18, 1999, the temporary impacts at Little Alamance Creek (Station No. 192+40-L-), and the placement of a utility line (Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-). Modification of the 401 Water Quality Certification is also requested for these impacts. Thank you for your attention to this project. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the I-85 Greensboro Bypass, please contact Mr. Phillip Todd at (919) 733-7844, Extension 314. Sincerely, - G A l?,v W. D. Gilmore, P. E., Manager U Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch WDG/pct cc: Mr. David Franklin, USACE, Wilmington Mr. John Dorney, NCDWQ, Raleigh Mr. John Hefner, USFWS, Raleigh Mr. David Cox, NCWRC, Northside Mr. N. L. Graf, P. E., FHWA Mr. William Rogers, P. E., Structure Design Mr. Calvin Leggett, P. E., Program Development Branch Ms. Debbie Barbour, P. E., Highway Design Mr. A. L. Hankins, P. E., Hydraulics Unit Mr. Steve Godbold, Design Services Mr. J. W. Watkins, P. E., Division 7 Engineer ? Y • N /U ' I N IIaZ \...?.. In In 11 11 ??-? / ? x 11 11 / j ? ?? a .e 11 1 ii '' ?j I .4 ct: W J a " ? . • - 11 ? 'I ?II N Q Q Q / 0 / 1 o, Qr ?g_ / p / / 1 11 a'I 'I ma a a ?W ? a z :.525 ?- ON WmQ • N' II ^ II 11 II in- tt U 0 4t 30 O 11 11 b 0W N a ell ?/ N . N; v l , 1 N 1' s ? PROP. 200MM DI 310. SEWER PIPE X N I I W l O',lI II 11 l ;' ,? U , y? • O 0 -?- _--- ------ -- t-_ - E a ° l t I e ,Wawa ?l 1/ i. 1 W ~ / 1 I " TEMPORAR "Ijw ";=Wv) , DIVERSIONI,?Q CHANNEL l g l ? I 11 r : - . /l l 11 Il; ? If c / . / 2s3 ? / / 11 11 ; 1 I t / I N /'l II 11- ?u g \ \ ?71E OFENC t / II III I+ I _? ? _; ? I 8Il N h / ?N / I l II I W BEVELE RC (9Q (L) 00 _ L CL SS I Rt?? l// III ^N l 1 I F \ 300 zz lYS AvE:T,/ ?30A t / pill 1 t Q RIPA APB Y % 95m3 C 1 z 400 W/Tr COA 0 B' C8 / cus z ? N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION •A, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS z ?J; t ` E+iA20 GUILFORD COUNTY X PROJECT S.U492301 (I-2402A) RIP Ap 8' / z + ` / 1.85 GREENSBORO BYPASS FROM I.85 SOUTH OF GREENSBORO TO WEST OF SR 3300 (ELM-EUGENE ST.) I?i!p A RAP B I 1 I ?/ // 1 /? ?? I f?UUU? l ` I -- J A 1?11 II O O N N r O r r .? o ? r N r 0 -- r Q Z O J W / Z o D r Q W C0 r U O Z CL r H 1 ? LLI °v 1 ? CL* p 1 O Z 1 O C'3 -j ? Y Q 1 W i W O 1 cc Q ' z F- U o l L SHHET 2 OF 2 i P W ECT 8.42301 (I-2402A) a ". STAit °? y r •n STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT 1R. P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 DAVID MCCOY GOVERNOR SECRETARY August 11, 1999 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 120 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Attention: Mr. Eric Alsmeyer NCDOT Coordinator Subject: Guilford County, I-85 Grdensboro Bypass, from I-85/ I-85 Bypass interchange east of SR 3000 (McConnell Road) to I-85/ I-85 Bypass interchange south of SR 1117 (Holden Road); State Project No. 8.U492301; Federal Aid No. NHF-85-3(151); TIP No. I-2402; USACE Action ID 199502886; DEM #98-0349. Dear Sir: The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has authorized the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to place fill in waters of the United.States to construct the subject road project. This Section 404 Individual Permit authorizes the placement of fill material impacting 20.80 acres of waters of the United States, including 14.73 acres of wetlands and 20,801 linear feet of stream for construction of Sections A, B and C of the I-85 Greensboro Bypass, crossing Jenny Branch, Hickory Creek, Ryan Creek, Little Alamance Creek, unnamed tributaries and adjacent wetlands. The NCDOT sent a letter dated June 18, 1999 to the USACE. This letter involved forwarding final permit drawings for Section AA, as well as a request to modify the Section 404 Individual Permit for an additional 0.05 acre of impact to wetlands. The purpose of this letter is also to request modification of the Section 404 permit regarding a temporary impact to Little Alamance Creek (Station No. 192+40-L-), Site 15 in Section C, and the relocation of a utility line (Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-). Plan view and cross section drawings have been attached to this letter. 4.1400 This temporary impact at Station No. 192+40-L- is necessary because the NCDOT needs to construct bridge piles in Little Alamance Creek. In the original permit application, the NCDOT had proposed to relocate this entire stream section of Little Alamance Creek which did not require these temporary impacts to Little Alamance Creek. As a minimization method, the NCDOT determined that only the upper portion of Little Alamance Creek at this crossing needed to be relocated. To construct the bridge piles, the NCDOT must provide a temporary channel for Little Alamance Creek that is 45 meters (147 feet) in length and place temporary fill in Little Alamance Creek. This temporary fill totals 0.01 hectare (0.03 acre). . The construction of the utility line, from Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-, will occur at two locations. The utility line will be placed under the stream at these two locations and construction will occur in the "dry." A temporary diversion channel will be used to construct the utility line. The NCDOT requests that the USACE modify the existing Section 404 Individual Permit for TIP No. I-2402 (USACE Action ID 199502886). This modification includes the additional impact of 0.05 acre of wetlands that was requested in a letter dated June 18, 1999, the temporary impacts at Little Alamance Creek (Station No. 192+40-L-), and the placement of a utility line (Station No. 16+40 to 17+80-Y2-). Modification of the 401 Water Quality Certification is also requested for these impacts. Thank you for your attention to this project. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the I-85 Greensboro Bypass, please contact Mr. Phillip Todd at (919) 733-7844, Extension 314. Sincerely, G W. D. Gilmore, P. E., Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch WDG/pct cc: Mr. David Franklin, USACE, Wilmington Mr. John Dorney, NCDWQ, Raleigh Mr. John Hefner, USFWS, Raleigh Mr. David Cox, NCWRC, Northside Mr. N. L. Graf, P. E., FHWA Mr. William Rogers, P. E., Structure Design Mr. Calvin Leggett, P. E., Program Development Branch Ms. Debbie Barbour, P. E., Highway Design Mr. A. L. Hankins, P. E., Hydraulics Unit Mr. Steve Godbold, Design Services Mr. J. W. Watkins, P. E., Division 7 Engineer AI l1 1110 ?O PROP. 200MM DI .--'SEWER PIPE x a QV J ?a C08~ .1 0 (soi 10.52 x u ti a? ax J?Z Nm? mH~ QL9 J " W 0 3 VV) ~ • V . L co . ' ?'' --- - ----- ---- ? T U 0) im O / < 0 . \ I \ ?nE T( /o w BEVELE R. _ l- F 300 s X / II II L'j / .6 l/ 3 u w ILI l N ? /I ^ II 11 ? I? i j 11 / ? 11 ll? 11 11 11 11 11 ? 11 U p / n 'VN ^ n 1 1 9? 11 I/ l , ?? lI 11 II 1'.' 1 - -- --- ?/ --- g- ------ --- - t-- TEMPORARY- / DIVERSION/ CHANNEL/; / I i '? u? R11 raves j it 4 y i ,? wooy COA B. 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