HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081263 Ver 1_Mitigation Plans_20090709Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary Mitigation Plan • Union County North Carolina NC EEP Project Number: D06054-F -1 3 /" - ')Y-) , Prepared for: 1 NCDENR -EEP RECEIVED 2728 Capital Blvd, Suite 1 H 1 i U i ?l •? Y11 S 009 Raleigh NC 27604 0- w hlC ECOS EWN NCEMENT PROGRAM Illb- '% 1 idol a. •J L Si ? 1±j? .ii IrA%10AUTY wh- !??ao rr?ns ot-ATERBRANCH Submitted: June 23, 2009 • Prepared by: Wetlands Resource Center 3970 Bowen Road Canal Winchester, Ohio 43110 Project Manager: Cal Miller P: (614) 864-7511 F: (614) 866-3691 And EMH&T, Inc. 5500 New Albany Road Columbus, Ohio 43054 Project Manager: Miles F. Hebert, PE P: (614) 775-4205 F: (614) 775-4802 Main: (614) 775-4500 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists 0 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................1 1.0 Project Background .................................................................................................................. 6 1.1 Project Site Location and Details 1.2 Pre-restoration Existing Conditions 2.0 Restoration Summary ............................................................................................................ 33 2.1 Mitigation Goals and Objectives 2.2 Restoration Approach 2.3 Bankfull Verification 2.4 As-Built Channel Stability Assessment 3.0 Monitoring Plan ..................................................................................................................... 51 3.1 Stream Channel Monitoring 3.2 Planted Woody Vegetation Monitoring 3.3 Performance Standards 4.0 Maintenance and Contingency Plans ................................................................................... 54 • 5.0 References ...............................................................................................................................55 6.0 Figures Figure 1 - Davis Branch & Unnamed Tributary Site Vicinity Map Figure 2 - Davis Branch & Unnamed Tributary Targeted Local Watershed Subbasin Map Figure 3 - Davis Branch & Unnamed Tributary Project Stream Reaches Figure 4 - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary Reference Reach & Site Watershed Map Figure 5 - Davis Branch Reference Reach Pattern Summary Map 7.0 As-Built Plan Sheets Tables Table 1 - Summary of Drainage Areas ........ :.................................................................................... 16 Table 2a through 2c - Baseline Geomorphologic and Hydraulic Summary Data ............................ 39 Table 3a - As-Built Predicted Streambank Erosion Rates for Davis Branch Mainstem Table 3b - As-Built Predicted Streambank Erosion Rates for Davis Branch UTl Table 3c - As-Built Predicted Streambank Erosion Rates for Davis Branch (Project Summary) Table 4 - Restoration Summary Table .............................................................................................. 49 Appendices Appendix A - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary As-Built Photographic Documentation Appendix B - As-Built Long-Term Monitoring Profiles • Appendix C - As-Built Long-Term Monitoring Cross-Section & Substrate Summary Templates Appendix D - Supporting Documentation Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As discussed in the Restoration Plan for Davis Branch and an associated unnamed tributary (UT1), the mitigation goals and objectives for the project involved restoring stable physical and biological function of the project streams beyond pre-restoration (impaired) conditions. Impaired conditions consisted of channelized, eroding, incised and entrenched stream channels. Nutrient and sediment loading from agricultural land use and runoff, together with vegetative denuding and destabilized streambanks associated with hoof shear resulting from uncontrolled cattle access was evident. The specific mitigation goals and objectives proposed and achieved for the project are listed below. • Stable stream channels with features inherent of ecologically diverse environments, with appropriate streambed features including appropriately spaced pool and riffle sequences, and riparian corridors planted with a diversity of indigenous vegetation. • Superimposed reference reach boundary conditions on the impaired project reaches in the restoration design and construction of improvements. • Constructed stream channels with the appropriate geometry and gradient to convey bankfull flows while entraining suspended sediment (wash load) and bedload materials readily available to the streams. • Created an improved connection between the bankfull channels and their floodprone • areas, with stable channel geometries, protective vegetation and jute coir fabric to prevent erosion. • Minimized future land use impacts to project stream reaches by conveying a perpetual, restrictive conservation easement to the State of North Carolina, including stream corridor protection via livestock exclusion fencing at the surveyed and recorded conservation easement boundaries, with gates at the edge of the riparian corridor on river right and left at reserved conservation easement crossings adjacent to active pasture land. The restoration of Davis Branch mainstem and UT1 met the project goals and objectives set forth in the restoration plan, by providing desired habitat and stability features required to enhance and provide long-term ecologic health for the project reaches. More specifically, the completed restoration project has accomplished the enhancements listed below. Davis Branch Mainstem: • Reversed the effects of channelization using a Priority Level VLevel R (PW and Enhancement Level I (EI) restoration approaches; restoration increased the average width/depth ratio from 9.13 to 19.34 on the PIM reach and from 6.91 to 27.02 on the El reach. • Restored natural pattern to the channel alignment, increasing sinuosity from 1.12 to 1.29 on the PI/II reach, while maintaining a stable relationship between the valley slope and bankfull slope (the bankfull slope was steeper than the valley slope prior to • restoration and is now less than the valley slope post-restoration). Stable pattern, profile and dimension were restored based on extrapolation from reference reach Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 1 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • boundary conditions. On the mainstem El reach, profile and dimension were restored based upon reference reach boundary conditions. • Stabilized eroding streambanks by constructing appropriately sized channels with stable streambank slopes, built using a combination of embedded stone, grade control structures, topsoil, herbaceous seeding, mulch, natural fabrics and hearty vegetative live branch (3-foot spacings), bareroot (4-foot spacings) and 1-gallon tree (100-foot spacings) plantings. • The average Bank Height Ratio was decreased from 1.41 to 1.00 on the PFH reach and 1.86 to 1.00 on the El reach, respectively (i.e., extremely incised to stable). • Restored connection between the bankfull channel and the adjacent floodprone area by raising the bankfull channel to the elevation of the adjacent floodplain. The restored mainstem PLM and El reach entrenchment ratios range from 3.75 to 12.30 (stable). • Created instream aquatic habitat features, including appropriately spaced pool and riffle sequences, and a stable transition of the mainstem reach El thalweg to the invert of the existing channel at the bottom of the mainstem project reach. • Revegetated the riparian corridor with indigenous canopy, mid-story, shrub and herbaceous ground cover species, and preserved existing forested riparian corridors where present. • Protected the riparian corridor by placing livestock exclusion fencing at the edge of • the perpetual, recorded conservation easement boundary. Unnamed Tributary I (UTI): • Reversed the effects of channelization through a combination of Enhancement Level H (EH) and Priority Level I (PI) restoration techniques. The average width/depth ratio of the restored UT1 project reach is 29.13. Stable dimension and grade control was restored on the EH reach (as-built profile station 0+00 to 3+96). Stable pattern, profile and dimension were restored on the PI reach (as-built profile station 3+96 to 8+54) based on extrapolation from reference reach boundary conditions. • Restored stable channel pattern on the PI reach, increasing sinuosity from 1.09 to 1.37. • Stabilized eroding streambanks by providing appropriately sized channels with stable streambank slopes. The average Bank Height Ratio has been reduced from 2.82 to 1.00 (extremely incised to stable). • Improved the connection between the restored stream channel and the adjacent floodprone area by raising the bankfull channel to the elevation of the adjacent floodplain. The completed restoration increased the average entrenchment ratio from 3.63 to 4.38. • Created stable channel dimensions, substrate and grade control structures (rock sills) on the El reach; Created stable pattern, profile and dimension, including appropriately spaced riffle, run, pool and glide sequences, together with a stable • transition of the UT1 PI reach thalweg at its confluence with the Davis Branch Mainstem. Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 2 • • U ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • Revegetated the riparian corridor with indigenous canopy, mid-story, shrub and herbaceous ground cover, preserved existing forested riparian corridors where present. • Protected the riparian corridor by placing livestock exclusion fencing at the edge of the perpetual, recorded conservation easement boundary. The following table summarizes pre-existing and post-restoration stream lengths, mitigation approach and identification of the reaches restored as presented throughout this Mitigation Plan. The original Restoration Plan includes mitigation specific to the Davis Branch mainstem and an unnamed tributary (UT 1). The stream segments and reach identifications used in this table are shown on the As-Built Plan Sheets in Section 7.0 and on Figure 3. Pre-Existing Conditions/Post-Construction Summary Project Number D06054-F (Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary 1) Project Pre-existing Restored Restoration Credit Ratio SMUs** Reach ID length Length* Level Davis Branch 781 l.f. 7661.f.* 5 153 Mainstem Preservation Davis Branch 1,5621.f. 1,7991.f. Priority Level 1 1,799 Mainstem IM Restoration Davis Branch 1,2891.f. 1,2291.f.* Enhancement 1.5 819 Mainstem Level I Restoration UT1 3961.f. 3961.f. Enhancement 2.5 158 Level H Restoration UT1 3341.f. 4591.f. Priority Level I 1 459 Restoration Totals IT 1 i 4,649 11 3,388 x.. a "JL%,U u416L11 cxL;iuueS permanent conservation easement crossings. **Restored Length divided by SMU Credit Ratio To demonstrate the success of the project, three forms of monitoring will be performed: (1) photo documentation; (2) ecological function assessment; and (3) channel stability measurements. Demonstration of long-term success of channel features will be tested in terms of a minimum exposure to two (2) bankfull events occurring in separate monitoring years. The monitoring shall be performed each year for the 5-year monitoring period. Long-term success will be evaluated by monitoring and documenting the criteria listed below. 1. Channel aggradation or degradation. 2. Streambank erosion. 3. Presence of in-stream bar deposits. Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 3 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F 4. Health and survival of indigenous, non-invasive vegetation (80% survival of planted species after 5 years). 5. Changes in as-built channel pattern, profile and dimension (should be minimal in comparison to as-built conditions, noting minor changes may represent increases in stability). Maintenance of floodplain connectivity, with respect to dimension, is a key success criteria. The annual long-term monitoring of the constructed project reaches includes 3,547 11. longitudinal profile surveys (i.e., 1,799 l.f. Davis Branch mainstem restoration reach + 1,289 l.f. Davis Branch Enhancement Level I reach + 4591.f. UTI restoration reach = 3,5471.f. total); nine monumented cross-sections, collection and analysis of particle distributions at each of the monumented cross-sections; and ten vegetation monitoring plots with live branches, herbaceous ground cover, shrub, mid-story and canopy plantings representative of indigenous streamside, meanders bends, floodplain and riparian zone plant communities. Two galvanized steel, USGS Type A, 4-foot crest gages have been installed on the project reaches; one crest gage is installed on the right bank at profile station 19+16 on the mainstem restoration reach, and the second is installed near the confluence of UTl with Davis Branch mainstem on the left bank at profile station 6+59, as shown on the As-Built plan sheets in Section 7.0, to document bankfull and greater flows. . Stream monitoring will be in accordance with the multi-agency, North Carolina Stream Mitigation Guidelines (April 2003) applicable to Priority Level IM Restoration projects, following the template for Content, Format and Data Requirements for EEP Monitoring Reports, Version 1.2 (November 16, 2006). Vegetation monitoring will be conducted in accordance with CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.0 (Lee, M.T., Peet, RK., Roberts, S.R., Wentworth, T.R. 2006) for Levels 1 and 2 Plot Sampling. Throughout the monitoring period, remedial action will be performed based on agency review of monitoring documents, and decision making between EEP and the provider to ensure the long-term success of the Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary Mitigation Project. Differences Between Design and As-Built Conditions The "As-Built" geomorphologic parameters in this report show some notable differences in comparison to design parameters for the project stream reaches. The detailed Rosgen Level III reference reach study conducted downstream from the project reaches on Davis Branch shows stable E-type channel geomorphologic relationships were indicated for both the Davis Branch mainstem and UT I. In each case the "As-built" reaches have C-type channel geomorphologic and hydraulic relationships with approximately the same cross-sectional areas proposed in the design. The detailed assessment of the "As-Built" conditions presented in this mitigation plan show the restored streams are stable, properly sized and well connected to their floodplains. Additionally, the "As-Built" project stream reaches meet the mitigation goals and objectives acknowledged as set forth in the project Restoration Plan. i Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 4 • ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F Davis Branch Mainstem Restoration Reach The most notable differences when comparing the "As-Built" geomorphologic conditions to the proposed design conditions in the Restoration Plan are listed below. 1. The median bankfull width is 25 percent greater than proposed (9.0 ft to 11.3 ft) 2. The median bankfull mean depth is 32 percent less than proposed (0.88 ft to 0.60 ft) 3. The median floodprone width is 25 percent less than proposed (117 ft to 88 ft) 4. The median entrenchment ratio is 35 percent less than proposed (13.1 to 8.5) 5. The median width/depth ratio 47 percent greater than proposed (10.2 to 19.3) Despite the differences between design and "As-Built" channel morphology, the bankfull cross- sectional area under design and "As-Built" conditions is similar ' (7.9 ft2 vs. 7.0 ft2). The entrenchment ratio is very stable (8.5). The transition from the designed E-type channel to the "As-Built" C-type channel remains stable and functional from an ecologic enhancement perspective. Additionally, "As-Built" pattern and profile slope, from the top to the bottom of the 1,799 l.f. mainstem restoration reach, is consistent with proposed conditions in the site Restoration Plan. UT I Restoration Reach • The most notable differences when comparing the "As-Built" geomorphologic data to the proposed design conditions in the Restoration Plan are listed below. 1. The median bankfull width is 50 percent greater than proposed (6.2 ft to 12.4ft) 2. The median bankfull mean depth is 40 percent less than proposed (0.72 ft to 0.43 ft) 3. The median entrenchment ratio is 43 percent less than proposed (7.7 to 4.4) 4. The median width/depth ratio is 70 percent greater than proposed (8.6 to 29.1) ?J Despite these changes between design and "As-Built" conditions, the bankfull cross-sectional area under design and "As-Built" conditions is similar (4.5 ft2 vs. 5.3 ft2). The entrenchment ratio is stable (4.4). The median floodprone width is 12 percent greater than proposed (54.1 ft vs. 47.4 ft). The transition from the designed E-type channel to the "As-Built" C-type channel remains stable and functional from an ecologic enhancement perspective. "As-Built" pattern and profile slope, from the top to the bottom of the 459 l.f. UT I restoration reach, is consistent with proposed conditions in the site Restoration Plan. Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 5 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • 1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 1.1 Protect Site Location and Details The project is located southeast of Olive Branch Road and west of Marshville-Olive Branch Road, 7.8 miles north-northeast of the town of Marshville, Union County, North Carolina. The site location and vicinity map is presented on Figure 1. The project is located on properties owned by Edward Bruce Staton and wife Deborah H. Staton, and Keith Bunyan Griffin and wife Phyllis Griffin. The project includes restoration activities along Davis Branch mainstem and one unnamed tributary stream, designated as UT1 throughout this document. To travel to the site from U.S. Route 74 in Marshville, North Carolina, turn onto North Elm Street (SR 205) and travel 5.3 miles to Olive Branch Road (SR 1006). Turn right onto Olive Branch Road and travel 3.9 miles to 9406 Olive Branch Road (Edward and Deborah Staton Residence). Turn right onto the Staton's driveway, the dedicated egress/ingress access to the recorded EEP Conservation Easement Areas on the Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary, Stream Restoration Project. USGS Hydrologic Unit Code and NCDWQ River Basin Designations The Davis Branch watershed is located within the USGS 14-digit HUC watershed 03040105070080. Davis Branch is a tributary to Gourdvine Creek, to Richardson Creek to the Rocky River in the Lower Yadkin-Pee Dee River Subbasin 03-07-14, as shown on Figure 2. The project is not located within a North Carolina Wetland Restoration Program (WRP) targeted watershed; however, it is located immediately north of Beaverdam Creek WRP Targeted Watershed 81030. The project stream reaches are mapped on North Carolina Department of Transportation, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) March 2005 coverage for Union County, North Carolina as shown on Figure 3. Physiography The Davis Branch watershed is located in the Piedmont Physiographic Province of south central North Carolina in the Carolina Slate Belt Ecoregion (Draft Level III and Level IV Ecoregions of North Carolina, USEPA, USDA-NRCS & NCDENR, August 17, 2000). Valley Type VIII (Rosgen, 1996) is the most readily identified landform along the lower 2,100 l.f. mainstem reach corridor, with subtle terraces positioned laterally along the broad valley. Floodprone widths vary from 120 to 150 feet with moderate, down-valley elevation relief. Alluvial terraces and floodplains are the predominant depositional features in this fluvial geomorphologic system and produce a high sediment supply. On UT I and the upstream east-west trending reach on the mainstem, the valley narrows and transitions to a moderately steep, gentle sloping side slopes Type II colluvial valley. As shown on Figure 2 • and Figure 3 the first and second order Davis Branch stream reaches are headwater streams to Gourdvine Creek to Richardson Creek in the Rocky River Basin. Existing valley slopes for the project reaches range from 0.0170 ft/ft to 0.0249 ft/ft with elevations from the upstream Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 6 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • watershed divide to the mouth of Davis Branch ranging from 526 feet to 390 feet (NAVD 88), with a total local elevation relief of 136 feet. Geology In the project vicinity, bedrock consists of heated and deformed (metamorphosed) sedimentary and volcanic rock. Bedrock is exposed at outcrops in the streambeds along the mainstem and the lower segment of UT 1. Exposed bedrock is dense, crystalline on a microscopic scale (i.e., grains not visible to the naked eye), slate. The Carolina Slate Belt was the site of a series of oceanic volcanic islands about 550 - 650 million years ago (Pre- Cambrian and Cambrian Systems). Metamorphic rocks that occur in this region include meta- mudstone and meta-argillite (slate), thin to thick bedded, bedding planes and axial-planar cleavage common, interbedded with meta-sandstone, meta-conglomerate and meta-volcanic rock. Four formations are recognized in the Union County, North Carolina portion of the Carolina Slate Belt section - from oldest to youngest, the Uwharrie Formation, Tillery Formation, McManus Formation and Yadkin Formation, that together comprise over 16,500 feet of the Lower Paleozoic Section in south-central North Carolina. The Uwharrie Formation represents a period of extensive volcanism with the formation of crystal lithic and devitrified tuffs, a • rock formed from compacted volcanic fragments, generally smaller than four millimeters in diameter, incorporated in a micro-crystalline groundmass. The Tillery Formation consists of thin bedded, laminated argillite with some interbedded non-laminated argillite and sandstone. Thick bedded, tuffaceous argillite characterizes the McManus Formation which also contains an appreciable amount of crystal tuff and very fine-grained sandstone. The youngest unit is the is the Yadkin Graywacke which consists of thick bedded graywacke and laminated argillite. Quartz and igneous intrusions are found in all of the units. The age of the rocks studied is Early Paleozoic, probably Cambrian or Ordovician. 17_? Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 7 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • • The Davis Branch mainstem and UT1 project reaches are located on the northwest limb of the northeast-southwest trending Troy Anticlinorium near the axial plane of a small unnamed syncline. The axial plane (i.e., fold crest orientation) strikes N49°E, with a regional bedding plane dip angle of 37° to the northwest. Across the fold axis to the southeast, the regional bedding plane dip angle is somewhat less steep, 29° to the southeast. The Troy Anticlinorium represents a series of local anticlines (upward folded arches) and synclines (downward folded troughs) that regionally form a large anticline. The local folds are open and predominantly asymmetric, mimicking the asymmetric geometry of the parent fold. Axial plane cleavage (rock splitting planes essentially parallel to the axial plane of the fold) is best developed where argillites (i.e., slate - metamorphosed, fine-grained mudstone and clay) are involved in the folding. Locally, the site is underlain by the McManus Formation which comprises approximately 11,600 feet, or approximately 70 percent of the Carolina Slate Belt section in Union County, North Carolina. On the project stream reaches, large, blocky cobble deposited on the streambed is a secondary substrate, resulting from physical weathering of the highly fractured, steeply dipping, thick-bedded slate bedrock. On site, the dominant bedding plane orientation strikes N65°E and dips 55° to the northwest. The average stream bedrock protrusion height is 0.57 feet (or 174 mm) based on Rosgen Level III field measurements. Bedrock outcrops along the restored Davis Branch mainstem restoration reach, the mainstem Enhancement Level I reach, and the UT 1 restoration reach. The Davis Branch reference reach, located downstream from the mainstem project reach on the north side of Olive Branch Road, has strong bedrock control as well. Bedrock exposed in the streambeds is dense, crystalline on a microscopic scale (grains not visible to the naked Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 8 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F eye), moderately to steeply dipping, fractured, medium to thick bedded slate. The following photograph shows typical bedrock streambed conditions on the upper section of the mainstem Enhancement Level I reach. The following photograph shows the onsite quarry (now reclaimed, seeded and stabilized) utilized as a source for instream structure stone during construction of the project stream reaches. Note the steeply dipping bedding planes and rock cleavage in the thick bedded slate bedrock of the McManus Formation. • • ? S ' { t r t .' ' T`? ;? w.,.. ": ?'? '• a aoT _ .. ? ..? _ ?` $ Utzf sl Aft f,da" fff«?4 ii''1 IOU ? ,. f ,{r },? . h.A41R f f `?$ Y r, ,.? IT! t #! ?yz v Detailed local geologic structure and stratigraphy are from Randazzo, A.F., Petrography and Stratigraphy of the Carolina Slate Belt Union County, North Carolina, Ph.D. Thesis (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1968). The structural geologic map on the following page is published in the cited thesis. Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 9 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists w O Ca 4k U Q V W .7 Se S O C C W? Q ? 2 W? 4 r Cr ? a W 1 E c? 1 1.° ,? a o ? __ op o _ ?a 1? ? /\ „- n E E?II E E Ic N 51. c? n l l ? m 2 1 P f' fV f- ly _ _ rU U O H Q N Y Q ? ? ? J 3 ?- as a .- Z ? o° ? 3 09 uasuy No 0 6i ` 1 0 o? u a; U E cll Z A Z O Z J J J \a III ?, III III I ? 00/?J IIIIIII II II IIII J??P j 7? III II IIIIII? ? 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I m c, Q A v O N b!? a ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • Soils Mapped soil units within the project site and vicinity and taxonomic descriptions are from the USDA NRCS, Soil Survey of Union County, North Carolina (USDA - NRCS, January 1996). The soils along Davis Branch mainstem and UT 1 have been derived from and developed over crystalline on a microscopic scale (grains not visible to the naked eye), dense metamorphic rock formations (i.e., meta-mudstone and meta-argillite, geologic nomenclatures synonymous with slate). The predominant soil type mapped on the Davis Branch mainstem is the Cid channery silt loam, 1 to 5 percent slopes. This map unit consists mainly of moderately deep, moderately well drained and somewhat poorly drained, nearly level and gently sloping Cid and similar soils on flats, on ridges in the uplands, in depressions and in headwater drainageways. Typically, the surface layer is light brownish gray channery silt loam 4 inches thick. The subsurface layer is a pale yellow channery silt loam 5 inches thick. The subsoil is 18 inches thick. In the upper part, it is light olive brown silty clay that has light brownish gray mottles. In the lower part, it is mottled grayish brown and light olive brown channery silty clay. Weathered, fractured slate bedrock is encountered at a depth of about 27 inches. Hard, fractured slate bedrock is encountered at a depth of about 32 inches. Permeability is slow in the Cid soil. Average water capacity is low or moderate. The shrink-swell potential is • moderate. A seasonal high water table is perched between 1.5 to 2.5 feet below ground surface from December through May. The depth to hard bedrock ranges from 20 to 40 inches. The hazard of erosion is moderate on construction sites if the ground cover is removed. This map unit is used mainly as cropland, hay, pasture or woodland. The following photograph shows the entire Cid pedon section, exposed to erosion along the east (river right) bank of Davis Branch, taken on April 15, 2008, facing upstream. • i Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page I I ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F E • The next photograph, taken at the bottom of the mainstem reach on March 9, 2006, shows the Cid pedon section, with nutrient laden water, as evidenced by prolific algae bloom, attributed to agricultural runoff exacerbated by livestock intrusion, and hoof-shear streambank destabilization leading to streambank failure and erosion. R Nit ._ t ?i ) t F .4 "1A-Te? Y.K. ;lei J . M 3 I _ Y r t ?_ +^ ?.i`D 1? 7 +V ? ? • A per` - ' Included with the Cid soils on site are areas of Badin channery silt loam (map symbol - BaB), 2 to 8 percent slopes, mapped on river left along the mainstem Priority Level I/H restoration reach on the Staton property and along the mainstem preservation reach on the Griffin property. The Badin map unit consists mainly of moderately deep, well drained undulating soils on convex upland ridges that are highly dissected by intermittent drainageways. Individual areas are irregular in shape and range from 5 to more than 100 acres in size. Typically, the surface layer is brown Channery silt loam 7 inches thick. The subsoil is 21 inches thick. In the upper part, it is red silty clay. In the lower part, it is red Channery silty clay loam that has yellow and strong brown mottles. Weathered, fractured slate bedrock is encountered at a depth of about 28 inches. Hard, fractured slate bedrock is at a depth of about 41 inches. In some eroded areas where the upper part of the subsoil has been mixed with the surface soil by plowing, the surface layer is reddish brown Channery silty clay loam. Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 12 Engineers, Survevors, Planners, Scientists • • C7 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F Permeability is moderate in the Badin soil. Available water capacity is low or moderate. The shrink-swell potential is moderate. The hazard of erosion is moderate in bare or unprotected areas. Flat slate fragments on the surface helps to control erosion. The depth to weathered bedrock ranges from 20 to 40 inches. The depth to hard, fractured slate bedrock is greater than 40 inches. This map unit is used mainly for cropland, pasture and woodland. An area of Badin channery silty clay loam, 2 to 8 percent, eroded (map symbol - BdC2) is present along the lower Enhancement Level 1 mainstem reach on Davis Branch. The soil taxonomy is essentially identical to the BaB map unit described in the preceding paragraph. Some primary differences are the BdC2 map unit is poorly suited to cultivated crops because of slope constraints and the eroded surface layer. The hazard of further erosion is very severe. Weathered, fractured slate bedrock is encountered at a depth of about 29 inches. Hard, fractured slate bedrock is encountered at a depth of about 41 inches. The following photograph, taken on April 15, 2008 looking upstream on Davis Branch mainstem Enhancement Level 1 reach, shows the erodible nature of the Badin, BdC2 soil pedon on site, with streambank sloughing in the foreground and vertical, denuded streambanks upstream attributed to cattle intrusion. ijr g, }" 1 i lit, .1 it -`1 11 It [P '. ?', hr ,i ^ . ? ? . } , i `?.?.1.•^. -1 , } _ ay,/+r'`?,.. S l.' N- ': k f ( ' y 3 { x - ^a t 1 r k '' f s • S. Xv s . ?„o,. _ A .. a d?K?' 7.. Goldston-Badin complex soils (map symbols - GsB and GsQ, 2 to 8 and 8 to 15 percent slopes, respectively, are the mapped units on UT-1. GsB soils are mapped along the upper third of the project reach. GsC soils are mapped to the confluence of UT-1 with Davis Branch mainstem. The GsB component of the mapped unit consists mainly of shallow and moderately deep, well drained to excessively drained, undulating Goldston and Badin soils on ridges in the uplands. The topography is highly dissected by intermittent drainageways. The unit is about 45 percent Goldston soil and about 40 percent Badin soil. The two soils occur as areas so intricately mixed that mapping them separately at the selected scale in not practical. Individual areas are irregular in shape and range from 5 to more than 100 acres in size. Typically, the surface layer of the Goldston soil is brown very channery silt loam 5 inches thick. The subsoil is light yellow brown very channery silt loam 11 inches thick. Weathered, fractured slate bedrock is typically encountered at a depth of 27 inches. In some places Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 13 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F bedrock is exposed at ground surface, resulting in narrow, scattered bands of weathered slate outcrops. In other areas, flagstones (flat slabs of slate) are in and on the surface layer. Permeability is moderately rapid in the Goldston soil. Available water capacity is low. The hazard of erosion is moderate in bare or unprotected areas. Flat slate fragments on the surface create a "mulch effect" that helps to hold water in the soil and helps to control erosion. The depth to weathered bedrock ranges from 10 to 20 inches. The depth to hard, fractured slate bedrock ranges from 20 to 40 inches. The Badin soil is well drained. Typically, the surface layer is brown channery silt loam 7 inches thick. The subsoil is 21 inches thick. In the upper part, it is red silty clay. In the lower part, it is red channery silty clay loam that has yellow and strong brown mottles. Weathered, fractured slate bedrock is encountered at a depth of about 28 inches. Hard, fractured slate bedrock is at a depth of about 41 inches. In some eroded areas where the upper part of the subsoil has been mixed with the surface soil by plowing, the surface layer is reddish brown channery silty clay loam. Permeability is moderate in the Badin soil. Available water capacity is low or moderate. The shrink-swell potential is moderate. The hazard of erosion is moderate in bare or unprotected areas. Flat slate fragments on the surface helps to control erosion. The depth to weathered bedrock ranges from 20 to 40 inches. The depth to hard, fractured slate bedrock is greater than 40 inches. This map unit is used mainly for cropland, pasture and woodland. • The GsB component of Goldston-Badin complex, 8 to 15 percent slopes is mapped along the lower two-thirds of the UT-1 project reach to its confluence with Davis Branch. The GsB mapped soil unit consists mainly of shallow and moderately deep, well drained to excessively drained, undulating Goldston and Badin soils on hillside valley slopes, as opposed to the GsC (2 to 8 percent slopes) soils mapped on ridges in upland areas. The topography is highly dissected by intermittent drainageways. The unit is about 55 percent Goldston soil and about 30 percent Badin soil. The two soils occur as areas so intricately mixed that mapping them separately at the selected scale in not practical. Individual areas are irregular in shape and range from 4 to more than 25 acres in size. The Goldston soil is well drained to excessively drained and is shallow over bedrock. Typically, the surface layer of the Goldston soil is brown very channery silt loam 5 inches thick. The subsoil is light yellow brown very channery silt loam 11 inches thick. Weathered, fractured slate bedrock is typically encountered at a depth of 16 inches. Hard, fractured slate bedrock is encountered at approximately 27 inches below ground surface In some places bedrock is exposed at ground surface, resulting in narrow, scattered bands of weathered slate outcrops. In other areas, flagstones are in and on the surface layer. Other than shallower accumulated soil thickness attributed to hill slope landform geomorphologic processes associated with steeper land surface slope, as described above, with the GsB component containing a proportionately higher composition of Goldston soil based on slope position, the • GsB pedon is otherwise identical to the GsC pedon. The following photograph shows soil conditions near the mouth of UT-1, partially obscured to vegetation on April 15, 2008, characteristic of the onsite GsB soil pedon section. Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 14 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tribzrtarv EEP Contract # D06054-F ,_ x ? 4 Wnli ' Y 4. y 6_,710 ' .; t F tit, 4 • • The following block diagram, from the cited Soil Survey of Union County, is representative of the occurrence of mapped Goldston-Badin-Cid soils on site. Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 15 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F The drainage area tributary to the downstream limits of the project on Davis Branch mainstem is 0.3352 square miles or 214.5 acres. UT1 has a contribution drainage area of 0.0721 square miles (46.1 acres). The project contribution drainage areas watershed map is presented on Figure 4. Drainage areas for the project reaches are summarized in Table 1. TABLE 1 Drainage Areas Project Number D06054-F (Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary) Reach Drainage Area (Acres) Davis Branch Mainstem (downstream project limit) 214.5 UT1 to Davis Branch* 46.1 Total 214.5 *UT1 drainage areas is included in the total contribution drainage area for the Davis Branch stream restoration project. Refer to Figure 4 for delineation of project sub-watershed drainage areas. 1.2 Pre-Restoration Existiniz Conditions • Davis Branch Impaired Mainstem - Priority Level VII Restoration Reach The stable, natural channel form for the Davis Branch mainstem restoration reach is Rosgen E4/1 stream type, based on a detailed Rosgen Level III quantitative and qualitative analysis of stable reference reach conditions on August 8-9, 2006. The reference reach is located downstream from the site, beginning at the outlet end of the culvert carrying Davis Branch under Olive Branch Road in a northwesterly direction to the confluence of Davis Branch with Gourdvine Creek as shown on Figure 5. Detailed geomorphologic surveys were conducted along representative segments of each of the impaired project reaches on July 17, 2007. A number of anthropogenic factors impacted the stream channel and riparian corridor along the impaired upper mainstem restoration reach, resulting in its pre-restoration unstable, moderately incised and braided condition. Bank height ratios (BHR) calculated at impaired pool cross-section 14+87.29 and impaired riffle cross-section 16+50.79, located 706 feet and 870 feet downstream from the top of the mainstem preservation reach on the Griffin property, are 1.38 and 1.41, respectively (BHR = Low Bank HeightBankfull Maximum Depth). Deep channel incision was attributed to uncontrolled cattle intrusion (herbaceous groundcover grazing, shrub vegetation browsing and streambank hoof shear) resulting in a denuded riparian landscape and destabilized, eroding streambanks. Multiple thread channels, created by breaches that rerouted the mainstem channel around woody debris jams (avulsions) were present at a number of locations throughout the reach. (Degree of Channel Incision, River • Stability Field Guide, David L. Rosgen, Ph.D., P.H. and Hilton Lee Silvey, 2008). Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 16 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists • U ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F a A - Impaired Pool Goss-Section - 14+87.29, facing upstream, taken K - during the drought of 2007 r,; ?. ?l,It 1 1? J ,77 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 17 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F C? • In its pre-existing impaired state, upper Davis Branch was transitioning from E4/1 channel dimensions (i.e., width/depth ratio < 12; entrenchment ratio > 2.2) to a multiple thread Rosgen DA4/1 (i.e., width/depth ratio > 40; entrenchment ratio > 2.2) stream type albeit Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 18 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • under incised conditions along the reach. In addition to cattle intrusion, channelization (impaired conditions sinuosity = 1.12), and an average channel slope of 1.58 percent increased critical shear stress acting on the streambed and banks during bankfull flows (Qbkf = 24.8 cfs with a mean velocity of 5.26 ft/sec under impaired conditions) and greater flows. The following impaired conditions cross-section 18+42.50 graphically shows the multi- thread, braided stream channels characteristic of Davis Branch prior to restoration. Braided XS 18+42.50 - Impaired Restoration Reach - Mainstem o Ground Points ® Bankfull Indicators V Water Surface Points Nbkf = 11.6 Dbkf = .91 Nbkf - 10.5 • E Table 2a provides baseline morphologic and hydraulic summaries for regional curve, reference reach, existing, proposed and As-Built channel dimension, pattern, profile and substrate, along with additional reach parameters for upper Davis Branch. The following screenshot from RiverMorph v. 4.1.1, shows impaired project reach Rosgen stream channel classification, dominant substrate materials readily available to the stream, geomorphologic and hydraulic conditions on the Davis Branch mainstem restoration reach. The impaired mainstem restoration reach longitudinal profile is presented following the Rosgen Classification screen capture. Supporting impaired conditions documentation is included with the information in Appendix 3 of the Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary Restoration Plan (EMH&T, June 2008). Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 19 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists • E • ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F O a) ? }, (6 W U O c (n O ZZ W (U o U q) 0 0 E ? U to 4- U) Q m E o c? a. Q k--- N W ID N F L k-2 i I Ul lV ? Cj N A N (D O N ICJ n CA Q L L L L O N' N :3 U I _ I d: ?_ o Z S c ? m W i O¢ a t 9 0 0 ? a? 0¢: W L 6 Q L y 3 a` _ q LAI L i r- p y I a - A V V '? N J V V S O '. s x N ? O VJ ?. ? _ " ? W 3 L ? uJ LL m ? - ME- 1 o 3 m ` U U m L' W - d J m N p J ? ' O O .? y V ? p of T• t: L: O m T p q ? i m ¢ ? V p ? L O N L U ? O a. n 4 7 E & ® '? _ U V i - v m E m mm : E3 03 Yp? ® r y i , p IU cd oQ 0 L' a ` - - y w¢ 3CC L L - - - a ® m .? CE .A r!] m ? c y m L m m ? a u¢ o d .q L L e o uJ aJ .? `? u ? E c .' O 3 U m T M' lri U [b d ` V? '? d U CL d m > CC d O N N u7 al= p Z L p ¢ 0 W p Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 20 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists • • • ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F m I- L O C T J ? d O O ? O _ ° m O O G rn - a o U7 W U ?S m i . ° II ~ . m Y H U] 0U3 II V) (In m II It it C0 co O cn H O H m X / OOVZ .do 9 uoile7olsad LZ £t•+EZ SX alp a / ODEZ / 0SZZ / -- ---- ---?7 - ----- - 90Z6+LZSXPIF,15 -- ' - - .-,- ? OSLZ 00LZ tr - - - - - - OSOZ e ° 176 6£+OZ SX Paple?8 - t ODDZ o / -------- 096L H o c , n n > 0061 d v v / - -- _ - 0981 ----m---- / le j 8 osZV-+9 1sX -Pa p 0081 DSLL danjng olyd-1owoaS d 0 8 6C00+L L -T - 00L1 ------ L-- --- 099t S-10 6L 09*9L e1JJId / 009L O991 0091 SAO 6Z L9+ t, L SX lood 09Pi - - - - - - - - 001•L danjng oiydiouaoas d 07 61'00+111 09E1 In Pu8J1 S-N Ju0O EB Yt•+E L SX lood OSZL - - - - - - - OOZI lf1 Puail MN Juo0 90 b6+ L L SX lood - - / -- 09LL DOLL OSOL / - - - 17 68+6 SX aIJJ!d / 096 / - 006 - - -? ?-; ?-.? -?.- - • - - -- - ?: -..; .. ? ?,.; -?; -? 098 +B X Z' S aIJJ! L LV d . --?-- -- 008 £ELS+L lsad d0 1 - J OSL V 6 001 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 ]1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O O M O O 6 1? O V sS V V @ < V Q V < - V V 'V < of < - V V C' C Q R O O 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1=rT111 - ? O @ - < < V V C < Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 21 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F 0 Davis Branch Enhancement Level I Reach The stable, natural channel form for the Davis Branch mainstem El reach is a Rosgen E3/lb stream type based on a detailed Rosgen Level III, quantitative analysis of stable reference reach boundary conditions on August 8-9, 2006. A detailed geomorphologic survey on the impaired project reach was conducted on July 17, 2007. A number of anthropogenic factors impacted the stream channel and riparian corridor along the impaired lower mainstem El reach, resulting in its pre-restoration channelized, deeply incised, and eroding, unstable streambanks. Bank height ratios calculated at impaired riffle cross-section 32+45.24 and impaired pool cross-section 33+49.25, located 85.3 and 187.5 feet downstream from the former confluence of UT I with the mainstem, were 1.58 and 1.86, respectively. Deep channel incision resulted from steep channel gradient (2.16 percent or 0.0216 ft/ft), linear channel alignment (channel sinuosity = 1.06) mean bankfull flow velocity approaching 5.5 ft/sec, high shear velocity (u* = 0.93 ft/sec), where u* _ (gdS) 0.5 [g = gravitational acceleration = 31.74 ft/sect, d = mean depth (ft) and S = channel slope (ft/ft)], extremely high nearbank critical shear stress (ic = 1.48 Ibs/ft2 ), where ic = 7RS [y = specific weight of water = 62.4 lbs/ft3, R = hydraulic radius (ft) and S = channel slope (ft/ft)]. In addition to unstable channel hydraulics and morphology, uncontrolled cattle intrusion (hoof shear streambank destabilization and vegetative denuding) exacerbated bank and streambed • erosion. The cumulative effect of these factors resulted in nearly 5 feet high, vertical eroding streambanks on the El Davis Branch mainstem reach. Priority Level IM restoration approach was initially proposed as the preferred mitigation approach to restore stable boundary conditions on the lower mainstem reach. Based on a field meeting held on April 15, 2008 between EEP and EMH&T, during the design phase of the project, the mitigation approach was modified from full-scale restoration Enhancement Level I restoration along the final 1,289 l.f. Davis Branch mainstem reach, under which only profile and channel dimension would be restored. The design approach included sizing the channel based on reference reach boundary conditions and the construction of riffles and step-pools to dissipate energy and reduce bankfull flow velocities. EEP approved Priority Level IM offline restoration approach for the 1,562 l.f. impaired mainstem reach located in a wooded corridor immediately upstream from the El 1,289 l.f. mainstem reach located in an open meadow. Differential level survey cross-sections plots and impaired conditions photographs taken at the line of section that follow, were taken during the impaired conditions geomorphologic survey on August 17, 2007. • Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 22 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists • C? • ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F Davis Branch Impaired Riffle XS 32+45.24 DLS & TSS - 07/1712007 O G-nd Points 4 Ba Wulf Ind-ton V W.i'Surface Paint YDkF 9.78 DDNF - 1.27 9DkF - 11.2 450 449 448 .. :.. ... .. 447 - 446 :. __.;...: .:...:. .:. _. : ___...._. ..:..._:. 415 444 - t 442 - m ut _ .. _... _ - y 440 W 439 ...... 1. .J. --------.- .:.. 438 437 43fi 435 134- : 33 32 431 430 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1t0 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 Horizontal Distance (ft) Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 23 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F E Davis Branch Impaired Pool XS 33+49.25 DLS & TSS - 07117/2007 O Ground Points ® BanKull Wd,cators ? water surface P-t, Dhkf - 1D.tl DDkf - 1.4 Dbkf - 15.7 • • Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 24 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F is With a linear channel sinuosity of 1.06, an average profile slope of 2.16 percent, verified bankfull discharge of 45.5 cubic feet per second, and mean bankfull velocity approaching 5.5 feet per second, the channel had incised (degraded) to bedrock. Without stable pattern to decrease velocity head, near-bank shear stress, or shear velocity, the impaired channel compensated by eroding its vertically and laterally confined streambanks, resulting in an over-widened, over-deepened channel with unstable width/depth relationships and high streambank erosion rates. Under reference reach boundary conditions downstream on Davis Branch, where Rosgen stream type, width/depth, pool to pool spacings, riffle lengths, riffle slopes, average profile slope, channel dimensions and pattern relationships are within normal ranges for the Carolina Slate Belt ecologic, geologic and physiographic region, the streambed and banks are inherently stable. Table 2b presents baseline geomorphologic and hydraulic summary data from the North Carolina Rural Piedmont Regional Curve dataset, stratified by Rosgen E stream type regression analysis, the Davis Branch Reference Reach, existing, proposed and As-Built channel dimension, profile and substrate, and hydraulic parameters for mainstem El project reach. The following longitudinal profile, analyzed using RiverMorph v. 4.1.1, shows the impaired El mainstem project reach, with locations of impaired conditions cross-sections shown on the profile. Following the impaired conditions longitudinal profile, the impaired conditions Rosgen stream channel classification, dominant substrate materials, geomorphologic parameters and hydraulic geometries from representative impaired riffle cross-section 32+45.24, surveyed in the field on July 17, 2007 are presented. Supporting impaired conditions geomorphologic and hydraulic assessment documentation is included with the information in Appendix 3 of the Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary Restoration Plan (EMH&T, June 2008) incorporated herein by reference. • Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 25 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary • EEP Contract # D06054-F o C Z .C Z 0 Q] L.? l6 ^O O 0 L U U R 3 gy GO V^ Z W = U m C m - U) >, C ?. iU ?- ( 6 O p, U) N O N O l.7 L F w m al "i F- al m a >, d? O O J ~ HU! Om II II a, o b 1- II II m co U) d. Y V co O co N y 1 co 0 1--: m x --- ------- ------------ ------- VL OO+V£ SX 100d - rAaAJn of dlowoa 9 - 9E L9+V£: SSl S0(3 SZ 6V+££ SX 7 od - - £V ZL+Z£ Sx 8108 ------------------ SSl 8 5lO VZ Str+ZE Sx alllla r 8AjnS 3f4d)owoaE) 2i - - T T-'-'---- -- 0 1 -.;uoo llfl-9Z'L9+1£ ' V l B I+ IC SX 810s - - --------- -- F c- sx 10 0 d -- -------------- - 6£ 911+6Z Sx 8W!8 - - - - - - OVVl+8ZSXa1J1! - -- --- --y--- -- a - 0£'6L+LZ SX 81JIFd - - - 8091+9Z SX 100d - - , - - - - To 6T-V e SX aim,d - - - - - - 2i O 1f9L'£0*VZ SX all Jla - - -- 77 LE £V+£ZSXa108 ---- - - - - 09V£ OOV£ 09££ ONE 09Z£ OOZ£ 09t£ OOLE 008E 09LE OOZE 099E 09VZ OOVZ 09£Z 00£Z m r? c m v m v v v v o w ?° m M M o 6, v ? a < n v a v v v < v a v v ? v v v c v e v a v v e ? < v i Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 26 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F is -1 V ca W C O > R J 1A V C ;? = O 1/1 o U 4) U U M V a? L L W V) V E w L 0 M W ?N I.L is • 11 t S N °- N IL i x a I ? ? ? - } C w? N O m? 0 L? M m N v??LL--?? L¢ N 1w o i `m v r o _. N N N t O O N = U O ? m = .q LIM _ p J + U t ' O V J p N fM?] 3? E <°v r'Oj i O A ? ~ O Q O V - 4; 0 Q? U N m L C ;? r 7 m E3 03 vw $ U ?< ovu « mo ao o'- Y' y w¢ 3¢ L L a - N ?- O O M V eb N CV O i? r fM (V (V C m 4' 4 J O N Om V °y rc Q Cc a- V? L N N U Q O ? N ? N N N V m? M N OMD M^ N? N^ N ?_ M N 0 m M m¢ C J d eye o°mxxX 2xx Xv XOX°JXX X2 m _ L m+ 7 E+ y n d 4 N++ y+ + o+ y+ y+ y 4 Q, N a Q y N m .2 6 J f'?') ID N N f N N 0 .` N M M p [?'l M N ?,.? fV M °° C t¢ V]yNL7 ul?fn¢ as Q NU1¢ a,,, t11 ¢In?V1 c, a?¢aa 2QN rn L ?, ?N w u v t q,o ??v, °1 0 C? d.rn yX rn .v?.oiy v-O1X mX dX. my. Q'm. Q'm. m.m.m . P. .2 V v c> = o m m m° D/ c °° O 0= a= Qt = N N N N N N v y N p r- U`- Y a a q m `m C> Q a m '¢ p¢ p d D O O¢ ¢ o a 0¢ (L ¢ a 0¢ O ac O¢ o CD 0 0 0 0 f*1 C 'o J w W.. = Q a m m` > ?L6U `u w7m u o ,n V m ma aL)Ma- ?nCc oz r O ? a K m Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Survevors, Planners, Scientists Page 27 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • Davis Branch UT1 The stable, natural channel form for the Davis Branch UT1 restoration reach is a Rosgen E4/lb stream type, based on a detailed Rosgen Level III, quantitative analysis of a stable reference reach conditions on August 8-9, 2006 combined with a detailed geomorphologic survey along the final 240 linear feet of the impaired project reach, conducted on July 17, 2007. A number of anthropogenic factors impacted the stream channel and riparian corridor along the impaired UT 1 reach (existing conditions profile station 0+00.00 to 7+29.60) resulting in its pre-restoration channelized, entrenched and deeply incised condition. Bank height ratios were calculated at impaired profile stations 5+62.69, 6+13.69 and 7+24.30 corresponding to representative existing conditions riffle cross-section locations. Low bank heights ranged from 1.78 to 3.45 feet, with a mean of 2.50 feet. Corresponding bank height ratios were 2.47, 3.67 and 2.32, respectively, with a mean BHR of 2.82. The extreme degree of channel incision leading to entrenchment was attributed to steep profile gradient (2.3 percent or 0.023 ft/ft), linear channel alignment (sinuosity = 1.09), high bankfull mean velocity (6.58 ft/sec), high shear velocity (u* = 0.68 ft/sec), high near-bank critical shear stress (ic = 0.85 lbs/ft2) and uncontrolled cattle intrusion (hoof shear streambank destabilization, vegetative denuding resulting in streambank failure, erosion and degradation). The cumulative effects of these impacts resulted in nearly 4 feet high, vertical, eroding streambanks on the impaired UT I reach. Impaired pool cross-section 6+55.69 and riffle cross-section 5+62.69, located 71 and 164 feet upstream from the pre-restoration confluence of UT1 and the Davis Branch El mainstem reach, respectively, are presented below. Photographs at the line of section were taken during the impaired conditions geomorphologic survey on July 17, 2007 under severe drought conditions. The degree of channel incision increased from the top to the bottom of the reach as shown by the best fit trendlines through thalweg, bankfull and low bank elevation points plotted on the impaired conditions longitudinal profile, presented following the impaired conditions riffle and pool cross-section plots and photographs. A screenshot from RiverMorph v. 4.1.1, showing impaired UT I project reach Rosgen stream type classification, valley type, dominant substrate materials, together with geomorphologic and hydraulic parameters is presented following the impaired conditions longitudinal profile. In its pre-existing impaired state, UT1 was transitioning from E4/lb to C4/lb channel morphology, based on dimensions measured at impaired reach riffle cross-sections, albeit under incised conditions. The transition from E to C channel morphology occurs at below impaired profile station 3+16. Table 2c provides baseline geomorphologic and hydraulic summary data for regional curve, reference reach, impaired, proposed and As-Built channel dimensions, pattern and profile, along with addition reach parameters. • Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 28 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists • ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F Davis Branch UT1 - Impaired Riffle XS 5+62.69 - 07/17/2007 ? 0 • Horizontal Distance (ft) -fsl UT1 Impaired Riffle Coss- Section 5+62.69, looking downstream. Hoof shear streambank destabilization and herbaceous and shrub vegetative denuding are evident (July 17, 2007). v Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 29 • • • ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F Davis Branch UT1 - Impaired Pool XS 6+55.69 O Ground Points ? DanMull Indicators ? water surface Points Mbkf 5.79 Dbkf - .96 Rbkf - 5.54 447- 446- 445- 444- 443- 442- 441- > 440 W 439 438- 437- -- 436- 435 424- 411 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 iiD 110 730 160 750 160 170 180 190 200 Horizontal Distance (ft) Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 30 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • Y }= 4" m N ? Y m? M 0 N C 3 m = 2 m ^ ID 3? O m N O N N O O N O m J ? iy U m J= ? O p (D • , ? L II a y N II II W II ,^ - J S Y m u L m J y N N N • • 1 to no- damnof d iowoa + - -- -~ - OE VZ+L SX aIJJIH J i - - - -- S106999+9SXI00d 696119SXalIJld;- - ----,---- -r? - - +- , - Sl0 - 69 Z9+S SX alJJ?a --- 69.11+5SXIood; ----? --/--- -----'-- L01LlIL0 anjngoiydjowoa `J 2i 0 L - Off 68+17 . X / -- -- - _ -:- ?--:-T - _ .-- - - -.- - - ---- 60 09+17 SX 81JJIa ! - LB OO+Y SX aIJJ!Li ' " ! J LOLS*ESXaIJJ!2i' - - -..--•',=} / - ? - -------- 9Z 91+E SX alJJla; - - *? - --------------- - - 9L 91+Zs-X-8W18 -- --. "------- ---- ------- - - ?? 0909+1SXIood. ! - !--+--T - T --T- -----? 80SV+lSXaIJJ!2i i -'- --- - - - -- 91 L1+lSX100d:74*- - - -.- ----- - - -- --- % 886L+0SX 810 J ---- ---- ------- f . " - ZY EE+0s x lood - 00 00+0 S X a1JJI J + ? o rn m ['n u; v c v v st e v ?n ?r, a m rv o v a v v v v v v v a .a v v o; m c v ?n u? .r m rv a v e < v e 0 u? m N c°o N O N O O 4] M 0 N 0 m n rv N N O O Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 31 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • • Xi r ? C O O :~ I L L ?..r O O O' o m L O L ?N O O_, ID I V ?. W ¢i N o w, n p # q '. O UI V C O L O s ?' L 10'J U h q q q U L C c o c o m IS i OZ 2 v no c _a`+ u 3 ,yam' c p n L U : iJ a c yy m E o- ? N in u -O CU m 81 JU C 75 2 m O U O 7 VJ C y¢ a - o a o cn LL q m o ? - - ,- -mC -- - -U 3 ------u- - L ?I o fli u o o I qc U 6 N U p 1 cn E i.i t. t_ q T• U .d m ¢ m vo m c s K_ o u $ c E n£ U m c m 01 ® o it N w¢ ¢ LL m r? n ? ? ? q O 'U J C ¢ L Q U¢ G?+ U p 9Uj m ?' N S V N .. N '? N y _Qy1 N H ? .V J C '° y °` m .y 9° q `q !o Mm g w 7 m a+ o m m c q ¢ o S O w o q y d Q (D N C LL?9 m ? ? fl1 t° N O umi f0 ?i C6 a ? -? CJ g o a N ? T PJ R N >>, U o E cn V C ? j p ° ? J A £ ? y V Q N E " 0 r. R N y C U G C U I o U s ; ? V ¢ ? .m ? cp a m ? q ? ? r y I I L CV c q °c ? ? a = ? m u' p U o v` O C Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 32 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F is 2.0 RESTORATION SUMMARY 2.1 Mitigation Goals and Objectives As discussed in the Restoration Plan for Davis Branch and an associated unnamed tributary (UT1), the mitigation goals and objectives for the project involved restoring stable physical and biological function of the project streams beyond pre-restoration (impaired) conditions. Impaired conditions consisted of channelized, eroding, incised and entrenched stream channels. Nutrient and sediment loading from agricultural runoff, together with vegetative denuding and destabilized streambanks associated with hoof shear resulting from uncontrolled cattle access was evident. The specific mitigation goals and objectives proposed and achieved for the project are listed below. • Stable stream channels with features inherent of ecologically diverse environments, with appropriate streambed features including appropriately spaced pool and riffle sequences, and riparian corridors planted with a diversity of indigenous vegetation. • Superimposed reference reach boundary conditions on the impaired project reaches in the restoration design and construction of improvements. • Constructed stream channels with the appropriate geometry and gradient to convey bankfull flows while entraining suspended sediment (wash load) and bedload materials . readily available to the streams. • Created an improved connection between the bankfull channels and their floodprone areas, with stable channel geometries, protective vegetation and jute coir fabric to prevent erosion. • Minimized future land use impacts to project stream reaches by conveying a perpetual, restrictive conservation easement to the State of North Carolina, including stream corridor protection via livestock exclusion fencing at the surveyed and recorded conservation easement boundaries, with gates at the edge of the riparian corridor on river right and left at reserved conservation easement crossings adjacent to active pasture land. The restoration of Davis Branch mainstem and UT1 met the project goals and objectives set forth in the restoration plan, by providing desired habitat and stability features required to enhance and provide long-term ecologic health for the project reaches. More specifically, the completed restoration project has accomplished the enhancements listed below. Davis Branch Mainstem: • Reversed the effects of channelization using a Priority Level ULevel R (PIM) and Enhancement Level I (EI) restoration approaches; restoration increased the average width/depth ratio from 9.13 to 19.34 on the PIM reach and from 6.91 to 27.02 on the EI reach. • Restored natural pattern to the channel alignment, increasing sinuosity from 1.12 to 1.29 on the PI/H reach, while maintaining a stable relationship between the valley slope and bankfull slope (the bankfull slope was steeper than the valley slope prior to restoration and is now less than the valley slope post-restoration). Stable pattern, Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 33 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F profile and dimension were restored based on extrapolation from reference reach boundary conditions. On the mainstem El reach, profile and dimension were restored based upon reference reach boundary conditions. • Stabilized eroding streambanks by constructing appropriately sized channels with stable streambank slopes, built using a combination of embedded stone, grade control structures, topsoil, herbaceous seeding, mulch, natural fabrics and hearty vegetative live branch (3-foot spacings), bareroot (4-foot spacings) and 1-gallon tree (100-foot spacings) plantings. • The average Bank Height Ratio was decreased from 1.41 to 1.00 on the PIM reach and 1.86 to 1.00 on the El reach, respectively (i.e., extremely incised to stable). • Restored connection between the bankfull channel and the adjacent floodprone area by raising the bankfull channel to the elevation of the adjacent floodplain. The restored mainstem PIM and El reach entrenchment ratios range from 3.75 to 12.30 (stable). • Created instream aquatic habitat features, including appropriately spaced pool and riffle sequences, and a stable transition of the mainstem reach El thalweg to the invert of the existing channel at the bottom of the mainstem project reach. • Revegetated the riparian corridor with indigenous canopy, mid-story, shrub and herbaceous ground cover species, and preserved existing forested riparian corridors where present. • • Protected the riparian corridor by placing livestock exclusion fencing at the edge of the perpetual, recorded conservation easement boundary. Unnamed Tributary 1(UTl): • Reversed the effects of channelization through a combination of Enhancement Level 11 (Elf) and Priority Level I (PI) restoration techniques. The average width/depth ratio of the restored UT1 project reach is 29.13. Stable dimension and grade control was restored on the EH reach (as-built profile station 0+00 to 3+96). Stable pattern, profile and dimension were restored on the PI reach (as-built profile station 3+96 to 8+54) based on extrapolation from reference reach boundary conditions. • Restored stable channel pattern on the PI reach, increasing sinuosity from 1.09 to 1.37. • Stabilized eroding streambanks by providing appropriately sized channels with stable streambank slopes. The average Bank Height Ratio has been reduced from 2.82 to 1.00 (extremely incised to stable). • Improved the connection between the restored stream channel and the adjacent floodprone area by raising the bankfull channel to the elevation of the adjacent floodplain. The completed restoration increased the average entrenchment ratio from 3.63 to 4.38. • Created stable channel dimensions, substrate and grade control structures (rock sills) on the El reach; Created stable pattern, profile and dimension, including appropriately spaced riffle, run, pool and glide sequences, together with a stable Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 34 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • • • transition of the UT1 PI reach thalweg at its confluence with the Davis Branch Mainstem. • Revegetated the riparian corridor with indigenous canopy, mid-story, shrub and herbaceous ground cover, preserved existing forested riparian corridors where present. • Protected the riparian corridor by placing livestock exclusion fencing at the edge of the perpetual, recorded conservation easement boundary. 2.2 Restoration Approach Engineering Field Reconnaissance EMH&T scientists and engineers mobilized to the site on July 17, 2007 to assess the impaired project reaches. The following sections describe the results of the impaired conditions field assessment. Representative stream profiles >_ 20 bankfull widths were surveyed using differential leveling techniques on each of the project reaches. Representative riffle and pool cross-sections were surveyed on each reach and riffle and pool streambed particle distributions were collected following standard NC EEP protocols. The following sections discuss, in detail, the results from engineering field reconnaissance, by project stream reach. Project Mitigation Approaches The restoration approaches for the project were implemented to return the impaired streams to a more natural condition that it is ecologically productive, aesthetically appealing, physically stable, and valuable from a conservation perspective. Project restoration goals and objectives were achieved utilizing an off-line, Priority Level I/Level 11 mitigation approach, restoring stable pattern, profile and dimension along the upper 1,799 linear feet (profile stations 7+81.31 to 25+79.02) on the Davis Branch mainstem and the final 459 linear feet (profile stations 3+95.76 to 8+54.91) on UT L The mitigation approach restored connection of the vertically and laterally confined incised and entrenched stream reaches with their floodplains. Channel profile and dimension was restored on the mainstem EI reach (profile stations 25+79.02 to 38+67.53) to stabilize existing over-widened and incised channel conditions. Dimension was restored on the upper 396 linear feet (profile stations 0+00.00 to 3+95.76) Ell reach on UT I, with three grade control structures (rock sills) constructed approximately at profile stations 0+00, 2+00 and 3+00, together with placement of appropriately sized substrate material in the channel to reduce critical shear stress (0.56 lbs/ft2) in the near-bank region while maintaining bankfull flow velocity (2.74 ft/sec) and critical depth (0.95 ft) required to entrain coarse gravel (D50 particle size = 28.8 mm), based on analysis of channel hydraulics (entrainable particle size = 32.8 mm) and analysis of a particle distribution sample (n = 71) collected from the streambed at monumented riffle cross-section 8 (Riffle XS-8) at UT1 As-Built profile station 2+00.10. Channel reinforcement materials were used in high near-bank shear stress regions (i.e., along outside meander bends). Reinforcement materials consist of a combination of rock toe channel Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 35 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F protection, temporary seeding and mulching, application of coconut fiber geotextile fabric, live branch plantings and revetment of streambanks and the riparian corridor. • C7 Existing forested riparian corridors were preserved along the realigned Davis Branch mainstem and UT I to enhance streambank stability, provide sediment and nutrient storage, and enhance terrestrial and aquatic habitat. Portions of the existing corridor that was disturbed during project- related construction was planted on April 6, 2009. Denuded areas within the limits of the project conservation easement have been fully planted to reestablish a native riparian corridor. The stream corridors are protected by livestock exclusion fencing placed at the edge of the conservation easement boundary. 2.3 Bankfull Verification For the project stream reaches, bankfull discharge was evaluated through quantitative analysis of stable reference reach boundary conditions and comparison of predicted bankfull discharge through a stable, surveyed riffle cross-section, located 43 feet upstream from the confluence of Davis Branch with Gourdvine Creek, as shown on Figure 4. The contribution drainage area for the Davis Branch Reference Reach is 365.55 acres or 0.5712 square mile. Discharge versus drainage area relationships for the reference reach riffle cross-section were compared to published Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for North Carolina Streams (Rural Piedmont) regional curve dataset. Through this analysis, it was determined the rural Piedmont regional curves underestimates bankfull discharge and geometric relationships for project stream reaches. The Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for North Carolina Streams (Rural Piedmont) power function regression equation for bankfull discharge is: Qbkf = 66.57 x Aµ,089 (R2 = 0.97) where Qbkf = bankfull discharge (cfs) and AW = watershed drainage area (mi2). Inputting the Davis Branch Reference Reach drainage area (0.5712 mi) into the power function regression equation yields the following result: Qbkf = 66.57 x 0.5712089 = 40.4 cfs To validate bankfull discharge for the project reaches, the Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for North Carolina Streams (Rural Piedmont) dataset was stratified by E stream type using the regional curve data editor in RiverMorph® v.4.3. The resulting Log-Pearson Type III distributions and regression analysis from the stratified regional curve dataset yielded the following power function regression equations for bankfull discharge, bankfull cross-sectional area, mean depth and width is shown on the following page. The empirical relationships (predicted values) and the quantified relationships (measured values) from the Level III Davis Branch Reference Reach field study are presented in bold, where AW = 0.5712 mil. Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 36 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • Qbkf = 111.28 x A,, 0.5878 (R 2 _ - 0.94) Qbld = 80.0 cfs (predicted) 77.6 cfs (quantified) Abkf = 22.57 x A,,,0.6317 (RZ = 0.88) Abkf =15.85 sq ft (predicted) 15.65 sq ft (quantified) Dbkf = 1.53 x A,,,0.3206 (R2 = 0.90) Dbkf =1.35 ft (predicted) 1.21 ft (quantified) Wbkf = 14.02 x Aw0.3188 (R2 = 0.94) Wbkf =11.77 ft (predicted) 12.91 ft (quantified) The calculated discharge, using carefully delineated reference reach drainage area, quantified reference bankfull riffle geometry, profile slope, and bed roughness yielded a bankfull discharge of 77.6 cubic feet per second (cfs). The following Discharge versus Drainage Area, Rural Piedmont Regional Curve, stratified by Rosgen E stream type analysis predicts Qbkf = 80.0 cfs and validates quantified bankfull discharge calculations for the Davis Branch Reference Reach. Davis Discharge low 1000 ? ' • NC Pied E Type Rey CIIMB 100 Davis Branch Reference Reach ? Drainage 0,5712 Discharge :11 cfs 10 0.1 1 10 100 ? 1 1 Since the quantitatively derived bankfull discharge of 77.6 cfs, based on carefully measured field parameters, closely matches the empirical relationships between drainage area and bankfull discharge estimates from the stratified Rosgen E stream type Rural Piedmont Regional Curve dataset, the quantitatively derived bankfull discharge was carried forward into the design, proportionally adjusted for individual project reach drainage areas. Refer to Table 2a through Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 37 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • Table 2c for reach specific estimates of bankfull discharge and hydraulic geometries from the stratified Rural Piedmont regional curve dataset, reference reach, pre-existing, design and as-built conditions. Channel Morphology Landform morphology along the Davis Branch mainstem and UT1 is Rosgen Valley Type VIII and Valley Type II, respectively. The pre-restoration Davis Branch mainstem restoration reach, mainstem EI reach and UT1 restoration reach were a deeply incised E4/lb -+ D4/lb, E3/lb and E4/lb --> C4/lb Rosgen stream types, respectively. The restoration goal to reconnect project stream reaches with their adjacent floodplains and re-establish stable pattern, profile and dimension consistent with reference reach boundary conditions was achieved. The as-built Davis Branch mainstem restoration reach, mainstem El reach and the UT 1 restoration reach are Rosgen C4/1, C3/lb and C4/1 stream types, respectively, with areas of bedrock control. Summary geomorphologic and hydraulic summary data from the Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for North Carolina Streams (Rural Piedmont) regional curves, stratified by Rosgen E stream types, Davis Branch Reference Reach, Pre-Existing, Design and As-Built conditions for the Davis Branch mainstem and UTl stream reaches are presented in Table 2a through Table 2c. is • Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 38 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists w O ?O O A w v U W W .a O ? W ? w? ?q w I w4 00 w ^ M 00 00 O ' C-% O W) I?t - O [- 00 O O M ?O N V) M 00 N r- a1 q, 't rn M C 00 d N ; C , 17, `O N . m W) O V? V? O l- [l ? d CA N N O [- N r. t` `o o 00 N M y r r-. 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W W ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F 2.4 As-Built Channel Stability Assessment Davis Branch Mainstem PUII Reach Prior to restoration, the stream's high degree of channel incision (BHR range 1.38 - 1.41), low sinuosity (K = 1.12), denuded and destabilized streambanks, relatively steep average profile slope (0.0158 ft/ft) had resulted in a deeply incised, unstable channel with a high sediment supply. The incised vertical to undercut streambanks, accelerated streambank erosion. Utilizing the near bank stress bank erosion hazard index (BEHI) algorithm in RiverMorph® v.4.1.1, it is estimated 31 cubic yards per year (or 40 tons per year) of sediment was being eroded from the unstable, vertical to undercut streambanks along the upper mainstem impaired reach. Post restoration bank erosion rates are presented in Table 3a. Individual BEHI study streambank input data, assumptions and output data are presented in Appendix D. Davis Branch El Reach Prior to restoration, the stream's high degree of channel incision (BHR range 1.58 - 1.86), low sinuosity (K = 1.06), denuded and destabilized streambanks, relatively steep average profile slope (0.0216 ft/ft) had resulted in a deeply incised, unstable channel with a high sediment supply. The incised vertical to undercut streambanks, accelerated streambank erosion. Utilizing • the near bank stress bank erosion hazard index (BEHI) algorithm in RiverMorph0 v.4.1.1, it is estimated 46 cubic yards per year (or 56 tons per year) of sediment was being eroded from the unstable, vertical to undercut streambanks along the lower mainstem impaired reach. Post restoration bank erosion rates are presented in Table 3a. Individual BEHI study streambank input data, assumptions and output data are presented in Appendix D. • Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 43 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributarv EEP Contract # D06054-F • Table 3a: Davis Branch Mainstem "As-Built" Predicted Bank Erosion Rates is • Davis Branch Mainstem Reach Bank Identification Summary Bank Name 1 XS7 Riffle El BEHI 2 XS6 Pool El BEHI 3 XS5 Riffle El BEHI 4 XS 1 Riffle PlJU BEHI 5 XS2 Pool PIM BEHI 6 XS3 Riffle PUII BEHI 7 XS4 Pool PLO BEHI Davis Branch Mainstem El & P UII Restoration Reach: Pred icted Annual B ank Erosion Rates Bank BEHI Numeric Rating BEHI Adjective Rating NBS Adjective Ratin Length ft Loss ;cu ds/yr Loss tons/ r 1 18.1 Low Very Low 451 0.37 0.48 2 27.1 Moderate Very Low 387 2.05 2.67 3 16.7 Low Very Low 451 0.35 0.45 4 15.2 Low Very Low 450 0.25 0.33 5 19.7 Low Very Low 449 0.6 0.78 6 18.4 Low Very Low 450 0.46 0.6 7 20.3 Moderate Very Low 450 1.57 2.04 Totals 3,088 5.65 7.35 Total Reac h Length = 3,088 l.f. Total Loss per foot of Reach = 0.0024 tons/yr Note: PI/11 estimated total sediment loss per foot of reach = 0.0021 tons/yr/ft = 0.03 ft bank loss/year. El predicted total sediment loss per foot of reach = 0.0029 tons/yr/ft = 0.04 ft bank loss/year. Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists Page 44 ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • UT 1 Restoration Reach Prior to, restoration, the stream's extreme degree of channel incision along the final 300 linear feet (BHR range 2.32 - 3.67), low sinuosity (K = 1.09), denuded and destabilized streambanks, steep profile slope (0.0230 ft/ft) resulted in a deeply incised, unstable channel with a high sediment supply. The incised vertical to undercut denuded streambanks, accelerate erosion rates. Utilizing the near bank stress bank erosion hazard index (BEHI) algorithm in RiverMorph® v.4.1.1, it is estimated I l cubic yards per year (or 14 tons per year) of sediment was being eroded from the unstable, vertical to undercut streambanks along the final 300 linear feet of the UTl impaired reach. Post restoration bank erosion rates are presented in Table 3c through Table 3e. Individual BEHI study streambank input assumptions and output data are presented in Appendix D. Table 3b: Davis Branch UT1 Reach "As-Built" Predicted Bank Erosion Rates • Davis Branch UT1 Bank Identification Summary Bank Name 1 XS8 Riffle ER Reach BEHI 2 XS9 Riffle P1 Reach BEHI 16- Davis Branch UT1 Enhancement II & Restorat ion Reaches: Predicted Annua l Bank Erosion Rates BEHI BEHI NBS Bank Numeric Adjective Adjective Length Loss Loss Rating Rating Rating ft cu ds/ r tons/ r 1 15.6 Low Very Low 396 0.37 0.48 2 16.0 Low Very Low 459 1.57 2.04 855 0.53 0.69 Totals Total Loss per foot of Reach = 0.0008 tons/yr Total Reach Length = 8551.f. _ i_._ir. - n m Fr l.?nU lnce/vaar Note: Estimated total secalmem loss PCt 1VUL V1 ica?n - -.,,.,-•-- -- - Channel Stability Summary Summing the predicted annual streambank erosion rates for each of the project reaches under impaired conditions, it was estimated the impaired streambanks had the potential to contribute approximately 88 cubic yards (or 114 tons) of nutrient laden sediment off site into the larger Davis Branch, Gourdvine Creek and Richardson Creek catchments on an annual basis. Post- restoration predicted annual streambank erosion rate estimates for the restored project reaches is 7.6 cubic yards (or 9.9 tons) - an estimated net 91.4 percent reduction from pre-restoration conditions. Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 45 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tribcttan, EEP Contract # D06054-F Table 3c: Davis Branch & UTI "As-Built" Predicted Bank Erosion Rates (Project Summary) Davis Branch Project Summary Bank Identification Summary Bank Name 1 XS7 Riffle MS El BEHI 2 XS6 Pool MS El BEHI 3 XS5 Riffle MS El BEHI 4 XS 1 Riffle MS PUII BEHI 5 XS2 Pool MS PUII BEHI 6 XS3 Riffle MS PUII BEHI 7 XS4 Pool MS PUII BEHI 8 XS8 Riffle UT1 Ell BEHI 9 XS9 Riffle UTI PI BEHI Davis Branch & UTI Project Summary: Predicted Annu al Bank Erosion Rates Bank BEHI Numeric Rating BEHI Adjective Rating NBS Adjective Rating Length ft Loss cu yds/yr Loss tons/yr 1 18.1 Low Very Low 451 0.37 0.48 2 27.1 Moderate Very Low 387 2.05 2.67 3 16.7 Low Very Low 451 0.35 0.45 4 15.2 Low Very Low 450 0.25 0.33 5 19.7 Low Very Low 449 0.6 0.78 6 18.4 Low Very Low 450 0.46 0.6 7 20.3 Moderate Very Low 450 1.57 2.04 8 15.6 Low Very Low 396 0.37 0.48 9 16 Low Very Low 459 1.57 2.04 Totals 3,943 7.59 9.87 Total Reach Length = 3,9431.f. Total Loss per foo t of Reach = 0.0025 tons/yr Note: Estimated total sediment loss per toot of reach = U.0024 tonstyrttt e u.u.i it oanx toss/year. The consequence of channelization, cattle intrusion, confinement (lateral containment), incision (vertical containment) major floods, changes in sediment regime, and loss of riparian vegetation are attributed causes and effects for impaired conditions along the project reaches prior to restoration. The effects of these anthropogenic changes were accelerated streambank erosion, channel incision, land loss, aquatic habitat loss, lowering of the water table, land productivity is reduction and in-stream and downstream sedimentation and nutrient loading. Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 46 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F As the revegetated riparian corridors canopy, mid-story, shrub, herbaceous and streamside vegetation matures, intuitively, annual streambank erosion rates should decrease as root mass and density along the restored stream reaches become more pervasive over time. Reference Reach Data Collection For Davis Branch, bankfull discharge was determined through a quantitative assessment and analysis of reference reach boundary conditions and comparison of predicted bankfull discharge through a stable riffle cross-section located on the Davis Branch mainstem, 43 feet upstream from its confluence with Gourdvine Creek. The reference reach is located along the same geologic structural feature, the Troy Anticlinorium (northwest limb near the axial plane of an unnamed, northeast-southwest trending syncline), in the same geologic setting, the McManus Formation (see Geologic Map of the Carolina Slate Belt, Union County, North Carolina presented on page 9 in Section 1.0), is mapped on the same soil series (Chewacla silt loam, Goldston soils and Cid channery silt loam), and is located in the same local watershed as the Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary restored stream reaches. The reference reach is shown at watershed scale on Figure 4. A complete Rosgen Level III watershed assessment and analysis of the reference reach conditions was conducted during August 8 and 9, 2006. Due to extremely thick riparian vegetation during . August 2006, it was possible to collect profile and cross-section data only along a relatively short length of the stable reach. Approximately 118 linear feet of profile, capturing three pool and four riffle sequences, with one representative riffle and pool cross-section, were surveyed in the field. Geologic structural controls and lithology, fluvial geomorphologic processes, depositional materials, climatic influence, riparian vegetation, deposition pattern, debris occurrence, meander pattern, channel stability rating, sediment supply, streambed stability and width/depth ratio state were evaluated following Rosgen Level III stream assessment protocols. Visibility was limited in the field to dense vegetative cover along the Davis Branch Reference Reach; therefore, Union County orthoimagery (February 2004) was used to verify stream pattern. A total of 1,129 linear feet of the reach was assessed for each Level III stream state and condition parameter consistent with a Rosgen Level III methodologies. The assessment included GPS data spatial analysis to evaluate channel pattern upstream from the surveyed reach, beyond the point where additional differential level surveying was impracticable and channel pattern could not be discerned using either standard field measurement techniques or recent aerial imagery. Calculated bankfull discharge for the surveyed reference reach riffle cross-section, was computed using hydraulic radius, wetted perimeter, channel slope and a relative roughness (u/u*) method based on the average protrusion height of the steeply dipping bedrock (Rosgen, 1998). Additionally, a particle distribution was collected from the large angular cobble deposited along the reference reach riffle bed. 0 Reference reach survey data, analysis, classification and geomorphologic summary reports for the Davis Branch Reference Reach are presented in Appendix 3, Davis Branch and Unnamed Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 47 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F Tributary Restoration Plan, NC EEP Project Number: D06054-F (EMH&T, January 16, 2008). The Davis Branch Reference Reach morphologic and hydraulic data are summarized in Table 2. Reference Reach Classification The reference reach is a Rosgen Valley Type VIII, E3/lb stream type (i.e., E channel morphology, large cobble substrate with strong bedrock control, profile gradient greater than 2 percent). The reference reach is located within a healthy, deciduous hardwood forested riparian corridor. The D84 particle size from the stable riffle particle distribution is 140.1 mm and is consistent with the observed bed thickness and axial splitting planes and observed joint sets in the folded and deformed slate bedrock. Reference Reach Discharge See Section 3.5 for a comprehensive analysis and of bankfull discharge for the Davis Branch Reference Reach and the Davis Branch and UT1 project reaches. Regional curve, reference reach, pre-existing, design and as-built bankfull discharge are presented in tabular format in Table 2. Channel Morphology Stream channel morphology data for the Davis Branch reference reach, the Davis Branch mainstem and UT1 is presented in tabular format on Table 2. The Davis Branch reference reach is a Rosgen Valley Type VIII, E3/lb stream type. Channel Stability Assessment Reference reach channel stability was analyzed using the vertical velocity near-bank stress method algorithm in RiverMorpho v.4.1.1 and reach streambank observations and channel morphology from reference reach Pool Cross-Section 1+83, located on Davis Branch 117 feet upstream from its confluence with Gourdvine Creek. The predicted annual erosion rate estimate was calculated for the entire 1,129 linear feet of stream evaluated as part of the Rosgen Level III reference reach study. Based on reference reach conditions, the predicted sediment loss is 3.23 cubic yards or 4.2 tons per year. This equates to 0.0043 tons/year per foot of reach, or two one hundredths of a foot (0.02 ft) streambank erosion on an annual basis. The near-bank adjective rating (0.35) is very low for the reference reach, indicating extremely stable channel conditions. Vegetation The Davis Branch reference reach flows through a deciduous hardwood forest area, which provides a wide riparian corridor. The canopy layer is dominated by native tree species including Plantanus occidentalis (American sycamore), Carya species (hickory), and Acer negundo (boxelder). The shrub/ sapling and herbaceous understory is extremely thick and provides Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 48 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributarv EEP Contract # D06054-F protection against bank erosion. Species such as Rosa multiflora (multiflora rose), significant Alnus serrulata (hazel alder), Bignonia capreolata (crossvine), Viola sp. (violet), and Convolvulus species (bindweed) are present within the understory. This healthy, robust vegetation and associated root mass along the reference reach riparian corridor, extending overbank into the channel, is extremely stable and resistant to streambank erosion. • 2.5 Restoration Summary A summary of the restored stream lengths, restoration approach and associated SMU credits are presented in Table 4 below. Table 4: Pre-Existing Conditions/Post-Construction Summary Protect Number D06054-F (Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary 1) Project Pre-existing Restored Restoration Level Credit Ratio SMUs** Reach ID length Length* Davis Branch 781 l.f. 766 IS.* Preservation 5 153 Mainstem Davis Branch 1,5621.f. 1,799 U. Priority Level UII 1 1,799 Mainstem Restoration Davis Branch 1,289 l.f. 1,229 IS.* Enhancement 1.5 819 Mainstem Level I Restoration UT1 396 IS. 396 IS. Enhancement 2.5 158 Level II Restoration UTl 334 l.f. 459 IS. Priority Level I 1 459 Restoration Totals 4,649 l.f. 3,388 *Restored lengths exclude permanent conservation eascincin %AU"111r,3. **Restored Length divided by SMU Credit Ratio Differences Between Design and As-Built Conditions The "As-Built" geomorphologic parameters in this report show some notable differences in comparison to design parameters for the project stream reaches. The detailed Rosgen Level III reference reach study conducted downstream from the project reaches on Davis Branch shows stable E-type channel geomorphologic relationships were indicated for both the Davis Branch mainstem and UT I. In each case the "As-built" reaches have C-type channel geomorphologic and hydraulic relationships with approximately the same cross-sectional areas proposed in the design. The detailed assessment of the "As-Built" conditions presented in this mitigation plan show the restored streams are stable, properly sized and well connected to their floodplains. Additionally, the "As-Built" project stream reaches meet the mitigation goals and objectives acknowledged as set forth in the project Restoration Plan. Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 49 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F Davis Branch Mainstem Restoration Reach The most notable differences when comparing the "As-Built" geomorphologic conditions to the proposed design conditions in the Restoration Plan are listed below. 1. The median bankfull width is 25 percent greater than proposed (9.0 ft to 11.3 ft) 2. The median bankfull mean depth is 32 percent less than proposed (0.88 ft to 0.60 ft) 3. The median floodprone width is 25 percent less than proposed (117 ft to 88 ft) 4. The median entrenchment ratio is 35 percent less than proposed (13.1 to 8.5) 5. The median width/depth ratio 47 percent greater than proposed (10.2 to 19.3) Despite the differences between design and "As-Built" channel morphology, the bankfull cross- sectional area under design and "As-Built" conditions is similar (7.9 ft2 vs. 7.0 ft2). The entrenchment ratio is very stable (8.5). The transition from the designed E-type channel to the "As-Built" C-type channel remains stable and functional from an ecologic enhancement perspective. Additionally, "As-Built" pattern and profile slope, from the top to the bottom of the 1,799 l.f. mainstem restoration reach, is consistent with proposed conditions in the site Restoration Plan. UT 1 Restoration Reach The most notable differences when comparing the "As-Built" geomorphologic data to the proposed design conditions in the Restoration Plan are listed below. 1. The median bankfull width is 50 percent greater than proposed (6.2 ft to 12.4ft) 2. The median bankfull mean depth is 40 percent less than proposed (0.72 ft to 0.43 ft) 3. The median entrenchment ratio is 43 percent less than proposed (7.7 to 4.4) 4. The median width/depth ratio is 70 percent greater than proposed (8.6 to 29.1) Despite these changes between design and "As-Built" conditions, the bankfull cross-sectional area under design and "As-Built" conditions is similar (4.5 ft2 vs. 5.3 ft2). The entrenchment ratio is stable (4.4). The median floodprone width is 12 percent greater than proposed (54.1 ft vs. 47.4 ft). The transition from the designed E-type channel to the "As-Built" C-type channel remains stable and functional from an ecologic enhancement perspective. "As-Built" pattern and profile slope, from the top to the bottom of the 459 l.f. UT1 restoration reach, is consistent with proposed conditions in the site Restoration Plan. r? ?J Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 50 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributarw EEP Contract # D06054-F • 3.0 MONITORING PLAN To demonstrate the success of the project, three forms of monitoring will be performed: (1) photo documentation; (2) ecological function assessment; and (3) channel stability measurements. Long-term success criteria will be evaluated by monitoring and documenting the following: • Channel aggradation or degradation, • streambank erosion, • effectiveness of erosion control measures, • presence of instream bar deposits, • health and survival of indigenous, non-invasive vegetation, and • changes in as-built channel pattern, profile and dimension. Parameters included in the annual stream monitoring to ensure the success of the restoration activities will include stream channel surveys along longitudinal profiles and monumented cross sections, pebble counts across representative riffle and pool cross-sections, photographs, and vegetation surveys. The restoration site will be monitored for five consecutive years or until the required success criteria have been met as determined by North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) and • the Wilmington District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Channel stability monitoring field surveys, including measurements and photographs, will be performed during June 2009. Planting was completed on April 6, 2009. The planted vegetation will first be monitored during the growing season, in September-October 2009. Monitoring will be conducted in accordance with the multi-agency, North Carolina Stream Mitigation Guidelines (April 2003) applicable to Restoration and Enhancement Level I projects and the template Content, Format and Data Requirements for EEP Monitoring Reports, Version 1.2 (11/16/06). Vegetation monitoring will be conducting in accordance with CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 (Lee, M.T., Peet, RK., Roberts, S.R., Wentworth, T.R. 2008) for Levels 1 and 2 Plot Sampling. Monitoring reports and discussions of remedial actions will take place with EEP. EEP will review the monitoring documents and make them available to the agencies after the review period. Decision making regarding remediation will be between EEP and WRC and its agents or representatives. Agency interaction will take place through permit requests for maintenance should they become necessary. Agency interaction will take place at the end of the monitoring period. 3.1 Stream Channel Monitoring Stream channel stability will be physically monitored at eight permanent, monumented cross- sections annually. This includes seven cross-sections (4 riffles, 3 pools) on Davis Branch mainstem, and two cross-sections (2 riffles) on UT1. Stream stability and pattern will also be Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 51 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnatned Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F evaluated, with annual longitudinal profiles surveyed along the entire length of each restored reach during the five year monitoring period. Photographs will be taken upstream, downstream and across channel at each monumented cross- section at the time of survey. The monumented cross-section locations and longitudinal profiles were surveyed immediately following construction as part of the "As-Built" survey and are shown on the As-Built Plan sheets in Section 7.0. The As-Built Plan sheets include the dimension, pattern, and profiles of the constructed stream channels. The As-Built condition (Year 0) will be utilized as baseline to compare future monitoring surveys and subsequently to determine channel stability and transition. Year 0 "As-Built" Long-Term Monitoring Profiles are included in Appendix B. Year 0 "As-Built" Long-Term Monitoring Cross-Section summary templates and particle distribution summary templates are included in Appendix C. Yearly monitoring will also include pebble counts to evaluate streambed particle distributions. Pebble count data will be collected at each of the nine monumented cross-sections. The number of particles in standard size classes will be reported each year to assess sediment transport capacity and competency, streambed particle sorting and depositional trends, and channel stability over time. Annual inspection of in-stream structures, which for this project includes rock sills, step-pools and constructed riffles, will also occur to verify proper function and stability. Stream channel visual assessment surveys will be completed annually for five consecutive years, beginning in September 2009 (Year 1), greater than six months post-construction completion. Annual stream profile and cross-section surveys will be compared to the as-built conditions stream corridor survey (Year 0, December 2008). A minimum of two bankfull flow events will be documented during the five year monitoring period, occurring separate monitoring years. Bankfull flow events will be documented utilizing two galvanized steel 4-feet, USGS Type A crest-stage stream gages installed on the project reaches; one crest-gage set at bankfull stage near the confluence of Davis Branch and UTI, and one crest-gage set at bankfull stage on the right bank at Davis Branch mainstem profile station 19+18. Photo-documentation after bankfull flows will be presented in the monitoring reports. The locations of the crest-stage stream gages are shown on the As-Built Plan Sheets in Section 7.0. In the event two bankfull events do not occur during the five-year monitoring period, consultations with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Division of Water Quality and the resource agencies will be coordinated to determine if further monitoring is necessary to demonstrate success criteria have been achieved. 3.2 Planted Woody Vegetation Monitoring Woody vegetation planted along the streams on April 6, 2009 will be monitored for five consecutive years. Per the required plots calculation from EEP, a total of ten (10) ten by ten meter square plots (eight along Davis Branch mainstem, and two along UTI) have been permanently established. Corner markers were permanently installed and one corner surveyed for future reference. The species, density of living stems, and the cause of mortality, if identifiable, will be recorded for all planted woody species within each plot. Vegetation will be Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 52 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnained Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F sampled annually and reported each year along with the data collected during the physical monitoring of the project stream reaches. The focus of the vegetative monitoring will be a stem count of planted individuals in the tree and shrub stratum. Data on height and diameter will also be recorded according to the CVS-EEP protocol. Percent cover of the plot will be documented via photographic documentation at each vegetative plot. Vegetative problem areas along the project area will be identified, mapped, and documented via photographs. Vegetation monitoring will occur between the months of September and October. 3.3 Performance Standards The performance standards for the restoration project are those mandated in the multi-agency Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USACE Wilmington District, et al., April 2003). Performance goals for the site are: • Minimal or negligible development of instream bar deposits. • Minimal or negligible change in channel pattern, profile and dimension in comparison to As-Built conditions. Adjustments may occur and some may be indicative of increasing stability, such as moderate reductions in width/depth ratios as a result of slight channel narrowing and natural substrate sorting and shaping of bedform and features • Maintenance of floodplain connectivity (only reductions or very small increases will be considered acceptable). • Target density of 320 stems per acre after 3 years and 260 stems per acre after 5 years for planted woody vegetation (represents 80% survival after 5 years). Subsequent monitoring reports will address the attainment of performance goals. If goals are not being attained, then the monitoring reports will document any remedial actions taken during the monitoring period and the success of those actions. • Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 53 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F 4.0 MAINTENANCE AND CONTINGENCY PLANS Adaptive management is a systematic process for developing knowledge and continually improving project development by learning from previous projects and their performance outcomes (River Institute, 2004). This project is large in scope and entails many new applications of natural stream channel design methodologies, making an adaptive management approach essential to the success of the project. Rather than following the conventional approach to construction projects where a plan is developed and closely constructed in a rigid and structured format, we will employ a adaptive management strategy in the truest sense. Essentially, we have initiated the initial restoration of the Davis Branch Mainstem and UTl in the context of the data, methodologies and technology currently available. As the project is monitored, we will collect data to verify the streams are evolving in the direction of increased stability and biological diversity. As the data are collected and evaluated, the knowledge gained will be directly integrated into the management and maintenance of the project throughout the monitoring period. • Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 54 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F i 5.0 REFERENCES Andrews, E.D. 1984. Bed-material Entrainment and Hydraulic Geometry of Gravel-Bed Rivers in Colorado, Geological Society of America, Bulletin 95, 371-378. Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc., January 16, 2008, Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary Restoration Plan, Union County, North Carolina NC EEP Project Number D06054-F. Fullagar, P.D., and Odom, A.L. 1973. Geochronology of Precambrian Gneisses in the Blue Ridge Province of Northwestern North Carolina and Adjacent Parts of Virginia and Tennessee, Geological Society America Bulletin, v. 84, p. 3065-3079. Lee, Michael T. et al. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4 2 Level 1-2 Plot Sampling Only, NC EEP Website: http://www.nceep.net/business/monitoring/veg/cvs-eep- manual-v4_lev 1-2.pdf. NCDENR, 2006. Content, Format and Data Requirements for EEP Monitoring Reports Version 1.2 (11/16/06). NC EEP Website: http://www.nceep.net/business/monitoring/Monitoring_report_web/pdfs/NCEEP_Monitoring_Re port_Template_Ver_ I- 1 %20_09_ 16_05.pdf 0 Leopold, L.B., 1994. A View of the River, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Leopold, L.B., Wolman, M.G., and Miller, J.B. 1964. Fluvial Processes in GeomorFholog W.H. Freeman, San Francisco, CA. Pfankuch, D.J., 1975. Stream Reach Inventory and Channel Stability Evaluation, USDA Forest Service, R1-75-002. Government Printing Office #696-260/200, Washington, D.C., 26 pp. River Institute, Center for Applied River Science, 2004. Rosgen, D.L. and Silvey, H.L., 2008, River Stability Field Guide, Wildland Hydrology, Inc., Fort Collins, CO. Rosgen, D.L. and Silvey, H.L., 2008, River Stability Forms & Worksheets, Wildland Hydrology, Inc., Fort Collins, CO. Rosgen, D.L., 2006, Watershed Assessment of River Stability and Sediment Supply, Wildland Hydrology, Inc., Fort Collins, CO. Rosgen, D.L., 2006, River Restoration and Natural Channel Design Course Field Manual, Wildland Hydrology, Inc., Fort Collins, CO. 9 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page SS Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plati - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F Rosgen, D.L. and Silvey, H.L. 2005. The Reference Reach Field Book, Second Edition, Wildland Hydrology, Inc., Fort Collins, CO. Rosgen, D.L. 1998. The Reference Reach - A Blueprint for Natural Channel Design, ASCE Conference on River Restoration in Denver Colorado - March 1988, Reston, VA. Rosgen, D.L. and Silvey, H.L. 1998. Field Guide for Stream Classification, Second Edition, Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO. Rosgen, D.L. 1997. A Geomorpholo ig cpproach to Restoration of Incised Rivers, Proceedings of the Conference on Management of Landscapes Disturbed by Channel Incision, Denver CO. Rosgen, D.L., 1996. Applied River Morphology, Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, CO. Schafale, Michael P. and Weakley, Alan S. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina Third Approximation, North Carolina Department of the Environment, Health and Natural Resource Schumm, S.A., Harvey, M.D., and Watson, C.C. 1984. Incised Channels: Morphology, Dynamics and Control, Water Resource Publication, Littleton, CO. is Shields, A. 1936. Application of Similarity- Principles and Turbulence Research to Bedload Movement, Mitt. Preuss. Verschsanst., Berlin. Wasserbau Schiffbau. In W.P. Ott and J.C. Uchelen (translators), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. Report No. 167; 43 p. USACE, et al. April 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Wilmington District, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Raleigh, NC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 1994. Stream Channel Reference Sites: An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique, General Technical Report RM-245, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO. U.S. Geological Survey. 2001. National Land Cover Dataset. Available for download at: http://www.mrlc.gov/mrlc2k-nlcd.asp . Williams, G.P. and Rosgen, D.L., 1989. Measured Total Sediment Loads (Suspended Loads and Bedloads) for 93 United States Streams, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 89-67, Denver, CO, 128 pp. Wolman, M.G., 1954. A Method of Sampling Course River-Bed Material, Transactions of American Geophysical Union 35: 951-956. Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton, Inc. Page 56 Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, Scientists ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • 6.0 FIGURES t is 0 A , a? l co a? JS OLp .'a- L Ap O K v in 1bp'S oa Peoa alelS r? ye l Peo21 ale ? ? r U e o ?[A d1735 o m a Scat Roa 0 6 ? a N 0 v ry N L m CO l LZL L o r L POO& aJp S Becky Branc SZ[L peoa IS Crib k oad l e ? U I CO J 1 fe 1f ? 3 4 a l e ate Road 1723 a boa,/ /11 ui I? U) 90 ?? oa \1 d 1? ?/0 aid e St?i `? 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Lr L9v (90-8 V 3004S ODS) 00'0 0+OZ 'D3S nuLw51 DW a o $ ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • Appendix A Davis Branch Mainstem and Unnamed Tributary 1 Fixed Station As-Built Photographic Documentation • 0 PHOTOGRAPH DOCUMENTATION ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributaries EEP Contract # D06054-F E is Photograph 2 Fixed Station 2. Overview of Davis Branch, looking downstream near Sta. 14+75 Photograph 1 Fixed Station 1. Overview of Davis Branch, looking downstream at Sta. 7+80 Photograph 4 Fixed Station 4. Overview of Davis Branch, looking upstream near Sta. 25+75 Photograph 3 Fixed Station 3. Overview of Davis Branch, looking downstream near Sta. 15+50 PHOTOGRAPH DOCUMENTATION ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributaries EEP Contract # D06054-F • • • ? a i? r b ? : °'- -? A lull r i 5+ r Photograph 6 Fixed Station 6. Overview of Davis Branch, looking upstream near Sta. 38+75 Photograph 8 Fixed Station 8. Overview of UT1, looking downstream near Sta. 4+50 2 Photograph 5 Fixed Station 5. Overview of Davis Branch, looking upstream near Sta. 27+25 Photograph 7 Fixed Station 7. Overview of UT1, looking upstream near Sta. 6+50 PHOTOGRAPH DOCUMENTATION ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributaries EEP Contract # D06054-F • In j a? h^J ? A 3 : RY Photograph 11 Example Structure. Riffle near Station 6+00 on UT1, looking upstream. • ?1?t? ?1ti wtr??l ``•??i a 1 IL J=1 IV- 3 Photograph 9 Example Structure. Riffle near Sta. 22+00 on Davis Branch, looking downstream. Photograph 10 Example Structure. Riffle near Sta. 36+75 on Davis Branch, looking upstream. Photograph 12 Example Structure. Rock Sill near Station 0+00 on UT1, looking upstream. VEGETATION PHOTO DOCUMENTATION ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributaries EEP Contract # D06054-F • Vegetation Plot No. 1 10m x 10 m. Davis Branch Mainstem Station 11+00, looking downstream. 9? M per ? ,'fin Vegetation Plot No. 3 10m x 10 m. Davis Branch Mainstem Station 15+50, looking downstream. GAT is Vegetation Plot No. 2 10m x 10 m. Davis Branch Mainstem Station 13+00, looking downstream. Vegetation Plot No. 4 10m x 10 m. Davis Branch Mainstem Station 24+50, looking downstream. VEGETATION PHOTO DOCUMENTATION ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributaries EEP Contract # D06054-F • • • a A r -_p y p M +R^ tw' Vegetation Plot No. 7 10m x 10 m. Davis Branch Mainstem Station 35+50, looking downstream. Q Vegetation Plot No. 9 10mx10m.UT1 Station 2+00, looking downstream. err. aaatpiai ,ow- 4 Vegetation Plot No. 8 10m x 10 m. Davis Branch Mainstem Station 37+50, looking downstream. y: Vegetation Plot No. 10 10mx10m.UT1 Station 6+00, looking downstream. 2 Vegetation Plot No. 5 10m x 10 m. Davis Branch Mainstem Station 31+50, looking downstream. ?sci?w.?rr..w Vegetation Plot No. 6 10m x 10 m. Davis Branch Mainstem Station 34+50, looking downstream. ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F 0 Appendix B As-Built Long-Term Monitoring Profiles f? 0 66. Y m a r2 V _-- , 1 I r I r I I f ' ' ,- ,- - ,- ,- ?- - r - -; ; 1 1 -l e1S z?a o?d Jo pu3J- - - -•° - £f 8Z+L£ • ? , , ? J ? - - -- - -?- ?r M I I 1 ! 1 -------------------- --- ---- -------- ------- oa A Jia sW Lsx - --,= ;= --- ---- - ------------ -- --- ----i - - vun IVVU )Wl JJx -- -- --------- ll. UN O. CN P, r% T T ? - ' - - a?uanljuo:) 61(1T ° ° - I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 u u W ;. , ' I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 - 1 I 1 I , o a a ; - 1q ? 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R d C >, c. as }' LJ C fJ. a> ?" G7 C Gzl > C b CJ > ' ? b Y > U? CA s. R U > U s. R U L y O U LR. (A CuC O U 6> C U Rt ? u p O U Cd ? Oi O U t, a a? L O U s. `j ai O ?a r ? S O FO .? GCtl E b C C ? ai O GG ? R x O ?+ d pa O N Wue*u[ OL- p C. 0 Ll o? O N A O z :J °? u o a ? y W W L Cd 7 s ? E„+ C N ? o c A 0 c CC A s. OA y oc 0 N M? V lot a oc N 0 N 0 0 0 O O 0 0 a ? E c N MINIM N O 'L ca a 0 O o O o O C 0 o O o O O o, oo r .10 ?, It m N aui3 ol, aniaulnuinD i . O G OO+ O O O O O m V oo ? ? N ? M; O v', ? `p ? 00 M O? O D, ? O O O O O O O O ? o U ? u s ?o A ? E ? E 0 0 0 0 0 M, M, o ^ ^ r o c o 0 0 0 °o as C .- ao N S I O U) A ? o ? U O O O O O N ?-+ M N ? l? OC rMy' 60 ? V) ? O ?--i O O O O O ? N CC 00 C C ? N V1 y p C O V v; N C N O v; O N O O N O ^ O O N O O C N [? V'; O d O 00 r v, M O - M, N N O rv M N v N m O v, V O O? ?D ? (V oC0 -- oo N N O o0 M v; N N V'; N 'o M N O N O N N O o0 V A ? O O a C O ? •=? u :. ) . V a C. C,' J d ? ; ^p ? COC 4 c y C i, om, C7 ? U' j L ? a > L V b l CC V L R > O CJ h 6 cC 1.. C7 vii 6 O V es, CJ vii 1. O V ) .a O U cC E > O O U cQ E ? z O . m > L O ?+ s, m d = O d E d O C a ? E = I O OOA 6 ca O 6 a? pa S O F O oo -- N ?U& j f v?? N O • • s I'D w v c ? °O O A 0 z u " z W C a F E ? ? O O r? C L U w ?a A E CO L to O x oc, 0 v-, N E ON M` V A. CL 00 V N N O O O 0 0 - - o °o 0 .O ? O V r ? N WAR, ftWM A ? u N .. a C O O O O O O O O O O O O O, oo l- 'o v-, V (*1 N alm 0/. 3Apgnwn3 i E =° a oc r v r v Lrv, t rO o? , ?a O O C O O O O O o O C O C O o O a II S 00 A ? E '?? 00 x c o 0 0 o N ?, o - o o c-, oo C - oo - o c o 0 0 0 °o II 0 A 'n c e o 0 0 0 0 .. r o r v rv to ?c en r o 0 0 0 0 0 r4 + U R c w E N • O O V N O N O C N --- O O N O - '?' O C N O O ?t O N r v O C oo t? v', ?: _ , N N O N v^, 'T N M O v; O O rV' oc, N .r C) 000 - oc N vim', N c W ?p M ?c v'; N N v N ?D r; N O N v. O N N O or, ?t n C. O y 'a L CD a h RJ A `J L a O •7J ca O U ' V] C rz d _ c GS, ? a E O i U ? i c V V L. 6? C w L > ?" V a, (? i C. d LL L E a Lro. E a 6? cC (? w 6 O R7 Lj w ; O = C: y o L ) U y 0 C.) ,L O U L O U E ,L O U 0o ca O O U a CO •fl O ?q .. E ^C O p? E ? E .p 'O O Cq C ,, W N ON A&M `e,/v V ,, O ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Mitigation Plan - Davis Branch and Unnamed Tributary EEP Contract # D06054-F • • Appendix D Supporting Documentation 0 Worksheet 5-3. Field form for Level II stream classification (Rosgen, 1996; Rosgen and Silvey, 2005). • t Stream: Davis Branch Mainstem Restoration Reach - "As-Built" Basin: Yadkin - PeeDee River Drainage Area: 116.67 acres 0.1823 mil Location: Eddie Staton Property, 7.8 mi. NNE from Marshville, NC Twp.&Rge: ; Sec.&Qtr.: ; Cross-Section Monuments (Lat./Long.): 35.08722 Lat / 80.32286 Long Date: 05/05/09 Observers: M. Hebert, PE, J. Hines, PE & W. Knotts, PG Valley Type: VIII Bankfull WIDTH (Wbkf) WIDTH of the stream channel at bankfull stage elevation, in a riffle section. 13,3$ Bankfull DEPTH (dbkf) l Mean DEPTH of the stream channel cross-section, at bankfull stage elevation, in a riffle section (dbkf = A / Wbkf). 0.75 f Bankfull X-Section AREA (Abkf) AREA of the stream channel cross-section, at bankfull stage elevation, in a riffle section. 9.98 Width/Depth Ratio (Wbkf/ dbkf) Bankfull WIDTH divided by bankfull mean DEPTH, in a riffle section. 17.84 Maximum DEPTH (dmbkf) Maximum depth of the bankfull channel cross-section, or distance between the bankfull stage and Thalweg elevations, in a riffle section. 1.62 f ft2 ft/ft WIDTH of Flood-Prone Area (Wfpa) Twice maximum DEPTH, or (2 x dmbkf) = the stage/elevation at which flood-prone area WIDTH is determined in a riffle section. 63.06 f Entrenchment Ratio (ER) The ratio of flood-prone area WIDTH divided by bankfull channel WIDTH (Wfpa/ Wbkf) (riffle section). 4.71 ft/ft Channel Materials (Particle Size Index ) Dso The D50 particle size index represents the mean diameter of channel materials, as sampled from the channel surface, between the bankfull stage and Thalweg elevations. 33.3 mm Water Surface SLOPE (S) Channel slope = "rise over run" for a reach approximately 20-30 bankfull channel widths in length, with the "riffle-to-riffle" water surface slope representing the gradient at bankfull stage. 0.01304 Channel SINUOSITY (k) Sinuosity is an index of channel pattern, determined from a ratio of stream length divided by valley length (SL / VL); or estimated from a ratio of valley slope divided by channel slope (VS / S). 1.29 Stream C 4/1 Type (See Figure 2-14) ft/ft Copyright © 2006 Wildland Hydrology WARSSS page 5-29 Worksheet 5-4. Morphological relations, including dimensionless ratios of river reach sites (Rosgen and Silvey, 2005). 1? • • Stream: Davis Branch Mainstem Restoration Reach "As-Built" Location: Staton Property, 7.8 mi. NNE from Marshville, NC Observers: M. Hebert, PE, J. Hines, PE & W. Knotts, PG Date: 5/5/2009 Valley Type: VIII Stream Type: C 4/1 River Reach Summary Data Mean Riffle Depth (dbkr) 0.6 :ft Riffle Width (Wbkf) 11.28 Ift Riffle Area (Abkf) 0 :ft2 c 0 Mean Pool Depth (dbkfp) Pool Width (;7V,,,,) 16.36 ift Pool Area (AbkfP) 0.97 ift 15.31 1ftz E_ E Mean Pool Depth Mean Riffle Depth 1.62 dbk,P/ dbkr Pool Width/Riffle Width 1.45 jWbkfd 'WbI Pool Area / Riffle Area 2.19 iAbk' A Ibk, m Max Riffle Depth (dmax,) 1.25 :ft Max Pool Depth (d,,,) 2.22 Ift Max Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 2.08 Max Pool Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 3.70 Point Bar Slope 0,1 ft ft Inner Berm Width (WO 0 :ft L U Inner Berm Depth (d;b) 0 ift Inner Berm Width/Depth Ratio 0 W;b d;b Inner Berm Area (A I ,b) 0 ;ft2 _j I Streamflow: Estimated Mean Velocity at Bankfull Stage (ubkf) 3.74 Ift/s Estimation Method Manning'S Eq. Streamflow: Estimated Discharge at Bankfull Stage ((Dbkf) 24.8 :cfs Drainage Area 0.3352 Imi2 Geometry Mean Min Max Dimensionless Geometry Ratios Mean Min Max c Meander Wavelength (Lm) 77.76 49.94 101.80 ift Meander Length Ratio (L,? Wbkt) 6.89i 4.43 9.02 li Radius of Curvature (Rj I 19.70 10.65 35.00 Ift Radius of Curvature/Riffle Width (Rc/Wbkr) ; 1.75 :0.94 ; 3.10 C Belt Width (Wb„) 50.00 50.00 50.00 !ft Meander Width Ratio (Wbi,/Wbkf) 4.43 4.43 4.43 v individual Pool Length ! 24.47 11.47 i 42.63 Ift Pool Length/Riffle Width j 2.17 1.02 1 3.78 Pool to Pool Spacing i 40.33 i 16.80 i 79.78 ift Pool to Pool Spacing/Riffle Width 3.58 i 1.49 i 7.07 Riffle Length ! 12.55 i 7.05 i 34.47 ift Riffle Length/Riffle Width i 1.11 1 0.63: 3.06 Valley Slope (VS) 0.01680 ift/ft Average Water Surface Slope (S) 0.01304 ift/ft Sinuosity (VS/S) j 1.29 Stream Length (SL) 1799 Ift Valley Length (VL) 1397 :ft Sinuosity (SUVL) i 1.29 Low Bank Height (LBH) start` 0.92 :ft endl 1.63 Ift Max Riffle start: 0.92 :ft Depth end! 1.63 Ift Bank-Height Ratio BHR start (LBH/Max Riffle Depth) end: 1 2 Facet Slopes Mean Min Max Dimensionless Slope Ratios Mean Min Max o a` Riffle Slope (S,,) I 0.0482 I 0.0281 : 0.0747 Ift/ft Riffle Slope/Average Water Surface Slope (S,e / S) :3.698:2.152:5.727 d c Run Slope (S,") ift/ft Run Slope/Average Water Surface Slope (S,,„ / S) Pool Slope (Sp) i 0.0021 i 0.0000 i 0.0052 ift/ft Pool Slope/Average Water Surface Slope (Sp / S) 10.16310.00010.401 U Glide Slope (S9) Ift/ft Glide Slope/Average Water Surface Slope (S. / S) Feature Midpoint a Mean Min Max Dimensionless Depth Ratios Mean Min Max Max Riffle Depth (dma n) 1.25 0.92 1.63 Ift Max Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth (dP,a,"rf/ dbkr) j 2.081 1.531 2.72 Max Run Depth (d,"a-) :ft Max Run Depth/Mean Riffle Depth (d_ / dbkf) Max Pool Depth (d,,,a,) 2.22 1.74 3.11 :11 Max Pool Depth/Mean Riffle Depth (dmav /dbkf) : 3.7 1 2.9 i 5.18 Max Glide Depth (dma.y) Ift Max Glide Depth/Mean Riffle Depth (d",ax9 / dbkf) m Reach b Riffle' Bar Reach b Riffle` Bar _ r tr i n ei htd ! % Silt/Clay 0 0 7 F D,6 : 19.28 22.07 0 :mm is % Sand 0 1.67 D3, I 27.34 29.49 0 mm d c c t U % Gravel % Cobble 96.23 85 Dso 33.3 36.33 3.77 13.33 D. ? 52.81 61.46 0 Imm Imm Boulder 0 0 D9s : 62.87 85.66 0 Imm Bedrock 0 0 D100 i 128 128 0 :mm •• • •w, •• ?u • ?GP.al= a??. ?????-Puun vwuas -K Pf pools: caKen ar oeepesi pan or poor ` Active bed of a riffle, b Composite sample of riffles and pools within the designated reach. a Height of roughness feature above bed. Copyright © 2006 Wildland Hydrology WARSSS page 5-31 D c M W i N N i all n ?I m l•1 O p I tr M X U 3 d a n ?o C _O co 3 iv N LO Co in COO, Q c 05 c,,j LO O t ff CD M p O 1 A 2 M Cp0 O O v A y N U m c p J J J 00 N ?o o, 0 __, s ev L=S,-- I'm ? (O Ln Lm-- L"-)) r 00 T N 3 m N r~- 0 U E C j G ... L 1? CD (D N t -C v o V v, a CC OC M 10 fu (0 r4 a) OL 0 C N U C to E N d c o t o, a s v I q 4T 4? . E cc y v U c O 4i U rn cr x O D> Sn 41 t o in ° Q 3 LL o w 0 L ?m .? o _ Q 3 L t :5 ou a? u?i t oC m ? 2 'o s -0 U L) cn 0 sa ?' 1 J A a ® d m o c o Q Cf gg m w o? 3 s L L U c + T O d' ? ,? m ? ? r N N OO y r iY lL J r O N CAD m VS Cc: -C U_ 6 O C] ?' O m 5L } L r r N y J m J U F- N m T rn p 'S U J ats .6 025 Ct ? M r N N O OZ CL tZ x r r S S C Lr ?D U 7 J _J w W (L E?riL £O O CL m m m m m m m m C E o cao ?JQQw QCaIm 'u ?o : 6} T N y `?' Ql Cfi Il'i cn cn cn Co CR V5 U7 Lo V v, c omm c om` o c'a o =a 2 0 o > L i., '> LO (.i m ?o T w j m al o t fu ou r W u CE a- m V7 w d Z r O O W tr O y K K d r K ti .? ?... , -Itl IN.. Itl M7.. Ill _. .C U /? cu N o p cu cu L_ o 0 ? N •- o a? ? cn o N N R CV ?j CL m > c m J i ? +? U ?Q L ? = 0 0 l Cl) L CL o t+ CD a 7 • • 0 0 Q 0 4) l7 v .?Qp C ?r A Worksheet 5-3. Field form for Level II stream classification (Rosgen, 1996; Rosgen and Silvey, 2005). • • Stream: Davis Branch Mainstem - Enhancement Level 1 Reach "As-Built" Basin: Yadkin - PeeDee R. Drainage Area: 214.53 acres 0.3352 mil Location: Eddie Staton Property, 7.8 mi. NNE from Marshville, NC Twp.&Rge: ; Sec.&Qtr.: ; Cross-Section Monuments (Lat./Long.): 35.08931 Lat / 80.32697 Long Date: 05/05/09 Observers: M. Hebert, PE, J. Hines, PE & W. Knotts, PG Valley Type: VI I I Bankfull WIDTH (Wbkf) WIDTH of the stream channel at bankfull stage elevation, in a riffle section. 15.97 Bankfull DEPTH (dbkf) Mean DEPTH of the stream channel cross-section, at bankfull stage elevation, in a riffle section (dbkf = A / Wbkf). 0.65 f Bankfull X-Section AREA (Abkf) AREA of the stream channel cross-section, at bankfull stage elevation, in a riffle section. 10.38 Width/Depth Ratio (Wbkf / dbkf) Bankfull WIDTH divided by bankfull mean DEPTH, in a riffle section. 24.57 Maximum DEPTH (d,,,bkf) Maximum depth of the bankfull channel cross-section, or distance between the bankfull stage and Thalweg elevations, in a riffle section. 1.31 WIDTH of Flood-Prone Area (Wt a) Twice maximum DEPTH, or (2 x dmbkf) = the stage/elevation at which flood-prone area WIDTH is determined in a riffle section. 59.88 f ft2 ft/ft Entrenchment Ratio (ER) The ratio of flood-prone area WIDTH divided by bankfull channel WIDTH (Wfp./ Wbkf) (riffle section). 3.75 mm Channel Materials (Particle Size Index ) Dso The D50 particle size index represents the mean diameter of channel materials, as sampled from the channel surface, between the bankfull stage and Thalweg elevations. 63.1 Water Surface SLOPE (S) Channel slope = "rise over run" for a reach approximately 20-30 bankfull channel widths in length, with the "riffle-to-riffle" water surface slope representing the gradient at bankfull stage. 0.02122 Channel SINUOSITY (k) Sinuosity is an index of channel pattern, determined from a ratio of stream length divided by valley length (SL / VL); or estimated from a ratio of valley slope divided by channel slope (VS / S). 1.06 Stream C 4/1 b (See Figure 2-14) Type ft/ft Copyright © 2006 Wildland Hydrology WARSSS page 5-29 Worksheet 5-4. Morphological relations, including dimensionless ratios of river reach sites (Rosgen and Silvey, 2005). • • • Stream: Davis Branch Mainstem "As-Built" Enhancement 1 Reach Location: Staton Property, 7.8 mi. NNE from Marshville, NC Observers: M. Hebert, PE, J. Hines, PE & W. Knotts, PG Date: 5/5/2009 Valley Type: VIII Stream Type C 4/1b River Reach Summary Data Mean Riffle Depth (dbkf) 0.62 jft Riffle Width (Wbkf) 16.68 "ft Riffle Area (Abkf) 10.3 IT c o Mean Pool Depth (dbkp) 1.42 :ft Pool Width (Wbkfp) 11.81 ft Pool Area (AbkP) 16.75 ftZ _ a y E Mean Pool Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 2.29 jdbkfp dbkf Pool Width/Riffle Width ) 0.71 IWbkfp I W bkf Pool Area /Riffle Area 1.62 IAbkf A I bkf d Max Riffle Depth (dmax,,) 1.56 ;ft Max Pool Depth (d",.) 2.65 ;ft Max Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 2.52 C Max Pool Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 4.27 Point Bar Slope 0,1 ft/ft Inner Berm Width RIO ; 0 ;ft t U Inner Berm Depth (d;b) 0 ift Inner Berm Width/Depth Ratio 0 Nb/d;b Inner Berm Area (Ab) ; 0 ftZ Streamflow: Estimated Mean Velocity at Bankfull Stage (ubkf) 3.74 ;ft/s Estimation Method i Manning's Eq. Streamflow: Estimated Discharge at Bankfull Stage (Qbkf) 24.8 cfs Drainage Area 0.3352 miz Geometry Mean Min Max Dimensionless Geometry Ratios Mean Min Max m Meander Wavelength (Lm) :ft Meander Length Ratio (Lm/Wbkf) a Radius of Curvature (R) ;ft Radius of Curvature/Riffle Width (Rc/Wbk,) c Belt Width (Wbn) 50 50 50 ;ft Meander Width Ratio (Wbn/Wbkf) ; 3.00 ; 3.00 ; 3.00 L U Individual Pool Length 29.52 9.5 50.09 ift Pool Length/Riffle Width i 1,77,70-5-7 3.00 Pool to Pool Spacing 63.42 28.32 109.07 ft Pool to Pool Spacing/Riffle Width 3.80 i 1.70 6.54 Riffle Length 62.32 18.72 109.88 !ft Riffle Length/Riffle Width 3.74 1.12 6.59 Valley Slope (VS) 0.01680 ;ft ft Average Water Surface Slope (S) 0.02122 ;ft/ft Sinuosity (VSlS) ! 1.06 Stream Length (SL) 1289 Ift Valley Length (VL) 1213 )ft Sinuosity (SL/VL) 1.06 Low Bank Height start 1.4 ft --------------? (LBH) end; 1.87 ;ft Max Riffle start:- 1.4 ft I ----- 11 Depth end; 1.87 ;ft Bank-Height Ratio (BHR) start! 1 r (LBH/Max Riffle Depth) end; 1 d o a` Facet Slopes Mean Min Max Dimensionless Slope Ratios Mean Min Max Riffle Slope (S,n) i 0.05911 ; 0.03157 ; 0.121671 ft ft Riffle Slope/Average Water Surface Slope (S,n / S) ; 2.79 ; 1.49 ; 5.73 c Run Slope (S,"") ;ft/ft Run Slope/Average Water Surface Slope (S,"" / S) t L) Pool Slope (SP) I 0.00278 i 0.00041 ; 0.00721 ;ft/ft Pool Slope/Average Water Surface Slope (SP / S) ; 0.13 ; 0.02 ; 0.34 Glide Slope (S9) ;ft/ft Glide Slope/Average Water Surface Slope (S9 / S) Feature Midpoint a Mean Min Max Dimensionless Depth Ratios Mean Min Max Max Riffle Depth (dm, m) 1.56 1.4 1.87 ;ft Max Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth (dm-rn/ dbkf) ; 2.52 ; 2.26 ; 3.02 Max Run Depth (dmaxr"") ;ft Max Run Depth/Mean Riffle Depth (dm,xr"" / dbk ) _j Imax Pool Depth (dmw) 2.65 2.08 3.33 ;ft Max Pool Depth/Mean Riffle Depth (d.-p / dbkf) 4.27 ) 3.35 ) 5.37 Max Glide Depth (dmax9) ;ft Max Glide Depth/Mean Riffle Depth (d",ax9 / dbkf) y Reachb Riffle` Bar Reachb Riffle` Bar Protrusion Height d %Silt/ClaY 0 0 D,e -,:13.75 16.18 0 ;mm Sand 2.9 0 Day 42.24 35.42 0 ;mm c c % Gravel 47.82 41.27 Dso 63.06 97.12 0 imm r U % Cobble 36.24 46.03 D80. 179.28 216.5 0 !mm Boulder 0 4.76 D95 Bedrock Bedrock 0 'mm Bedrock 13.04 7.94 D,oo , Bedrock Bedrock 0 Imm r• u,? N? r a ??? -upr pugs. rdnen of aeepes[ pan or pool. ` Active bed of a riffle. b Composite sample of riffles and pools within the designated reach. d Height of roughness feature above bed. Copyright © 2006 Wildland Hydrology WARSSS page 5-31 p?p F- ? `$ tL - m o a R3 ? - m _ 2 co ry o J = M C ? ~ E IM i O .. r) w 6 c H i0 w i 1.. all s 0 ?f I? d T CC C9 ' m cm iMD II UJ p O } LL E-C I!7 O u 1 ? __._........ __.------ 1 a o 0 Co cn N w m m ti o O M ° D O L 3 z {?'' co °0 UR_ u- o ?py ;p .tC u7 ? O J J J ° } 0 } J W Le) TC a a cc 7z S1 o ? N X a a. ? 1 5 Lo N LIL) re) O O N Lo ?$ j J? ? C } p N G C C-C O v k m u-r ? 7 OD r N T N O t7 6 L? L7 U 0 a w a r 0 r ti? L6 O ?- u i d' C. r Cl v N a i cz U ? u s o a 7' Q o a i a v j y =,+ S? ti a Q OC a CC i0 d a1 ~ O E C 2 L' 7 al ?6 U -?, . v m S a r O ° io ?o E ? - 3 cn 6 v c U C X Xo 0 p 4 r1, N p > U7 N w ? Ir 4L (n c L IV ? (0 U F-- ? m u I -- t L I8 I2 l •A U E 41 O p ? b U O U ! U O N ' s v U L) ?/ E E 3 E`- p 3 ? N t cc: Ua ° a ? 4vo r ?j•o r. o Wr c 3Cc L L t m d. + r N N .5 C) C aY vi m o EL ° N cD m m m Qi y O Lm Q m d J° Ir O N co c; co E L, + + + Cc CL 0) m ]L -0 a- rti a U U '4 r °N O ° p t p J m cO J 0: C: U O Q) 0 cc -C c cl: .6 o r_1 J NJ IN NN N C"i M >_ cl: } c >_ CE d N o ° "' T cr ?p _O CC CL (L ?c .- } J } J } J >. ? u, J } CL lr t c !)C t )_ J J w w 11 IL LL LL O LL Q L L 0O ?p p aN2s J o2S }} U Q. m m r m m m m m m X CL M Q_ Q_ LL LL m r N N LL- LL_ 4 E o ?a,n ?,-I<CQwQQQQQQ ?rcucr,Intpr. U °p 0 dww pCpC iv s LO LO LO Qo LO LO LO U-) 10, , ?mm mm w 0 LOU) g? cnsncnu;c,;tr,cn,v, p-?:1 CL C4 (4 0 Lo arooc,.L- H as ? ?, sc ULi A, P y v_, c `o 3 0 a -XXXXXXx 0 Q_<w•?, as » ? n ?-C v 5LoUma U 'o '0w m a, o?C 3 a o ? x X 6 mLU IM aD o v fu m c a, to UDCd mcr,OCDz (Ium0- tL Ucc ?mLo cz 0Z o 0 w Ir D ?- .w . w .....m . W .......... .. .._... ..... ..., ........ m.. w 9 9 0 M O ID . le Worksheet 5-3. Field form for Level II stream classification (Rosgen, 1996; Rosgen and Silvey, 2005). • • P_.? Stream: Davis Branch, UT1 Restoration Reach "As-Built" Basin: Yadkin - Pee Dee River Drainage Area: 46.144 acres 0.0721 mil Location: Eddie Staton Property, 7.8 Miles N-NE of Marshville, Union Co., NC Twp.&Rge: ; Sec.&Qtr.: ; Cross-Section Monuments (Lat./Long.): 35.09175 Lat / 80.32553 Long Date: 05/05/09 Observers: M. Hebert, PE, J. Hines, PE, W. Knotts, PC Valley Type: II Bankfull WIDTH (Wbkf) WIDTH of the stream channel at bankfull stage elevation, in a riffle section. 12.18 Bankfull DEPTH (dbkf) Mean DEPTH of the stream channel cross-section, at bankfull stage elevation, in a riffle section (dbkf = A / Wbkf). 0.42 Bankfull X-Section AREA (Abkf) AREA of the stream channel cross-section, at bankfull stage elevation, in a riffle section. 5.14 Width/Depth Ratio (Wbkf / dbkf) Bankfull WIDTH divided by bankfull mean DEPTH, in a riffle section. 29 Maximum DEPTH (dmbkf) Maximum depth of the bankfull channel cross-section, or distance between the bankfull stage and Thalweg elevations, in a riffle section. 1.02 WIDTH of Flood-Prone Area (Wfpa) Twice maximum DEPTH, or (2 x dmba) = the stage/elevation at which flood-prone area WIDTH is determined in a riffle section. 57.74 ft2 ft/ft Entrenchment Ratio (ER) The ratio of flood-prone area WIDTH divided by bankfull channel WIDTH (Wfpa/ Wbkf) (riffle section). 4.74 mm Channel Materials (Particle Size Index) D50 The D50 particle size index represents the mean diameter of channel materials, as sampled from the channel surface, between the bankfull stage and Thalweg elevations. 38.5 Water Surface SLOPE (S) Channel slope = "rise over run" for a reach approximately 20-30 bankfull channel widths in length, with the "riffle-to-riffle" water surface slope representing the gradient at bankfull stage. 0.02021 Channel SINUOSITY (k) Sinuosity is an index of channel pattern, determined from a ratio of stream length divided by valley length (SL / VL); or estimated from a ratio of valley slope divided by channel slope (VS / S). 1.37 Stream C 4/1 b (See Figure 2-14) Type ft/ft Copyright © 2006 W ildland Hydrology WARSSS page 5-29 Worksheet 5-4. Morphological relations, including dimensionless ratios of river reach sites (Rosgen and Silvey, 2005). • • • Stream: Davis Branch UT-1 Restoration Reach "As-Built" Location: 7.8 Miles N-NE of Marshville, Union Co., NC Observers: M. Hebert PE, J. Hines, PE, W, Knotts, PG Date: 5/5/2009 Valley Type: 11 Stream Type: C 4/1b River Reach Summary Data Mean Riffle Depth (dba) 0.43 !ft Riffle Width (Wbk,) 12.38 !ft Riffle Area (A,,,) 5.14 i ft2 e Mean Pool Depth (dbk,,) 0.79 ift Pool Width (Wbk,P) 7 ift Pool Area (AbkP) 5.51 jft2 y E Mean Pool Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 1 1.83721 1dbkf,/ dba Pool Width/Riffle Width ! 0.57 1 Wbad I W ba Pool Area / Riffle Area 1.04 Abkrp A bkf ? Max Riffle Depth (dmax,,) 0.99 :ft Max Pool Depth (dm axp) 1.78 i"ft Max Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 2.30 C Max Pool Depth/Mean Riffle Depth 4.14 Point Bar Slope 0,1 ft/ft inner Berm Width (W;b) 0 jft U Inner Berm Depth (db) 0 :ft Inner Berm Width/Depth Ratio 0 i W;b/d,b Inner Berm Area (A,b) I 0 ft2 Streamflow: Estimated Mean Velocity at Bankfull Stage (ubkf) 2.14 lft/s Estimation Method 1 Manning's Eq. Streamflow: Estimated Discharge at Bankfull Stage (Qbkf) 11.0 lcfs Drainage Area 0.0721 lmiZ Geometry Mean Min Max Dimensionless Geometry Ratios Mean Min Max E m Meander Wavelength (Lm) 52.60 50.53 58.82 ift meander Length Ratio (L",/W,k,) j 4.25 1 4.08 4.75 a Radius of Curvature (Rj ! 12.00 1 11.10 ! 18.00 ift Radius of Curvature/Riffle Width (Rc/Wbk,) i 0.97 1 0.90 i 1.45 c c Belt Width (Won) 50.00 50.00 50.00 ift Meander Width Ratio (Wbn/Wbkf) ! 4.04 1 4.041 4.04 U Individual Pool Length 1 17.19 ! 11.86 i 28.40 ift Pool Length/Riffle Width 1.39 i 0.96 1 2.29 Pool to Pool Spacing 28.68 1 12.82 1 50.32 ift Pool to Pool Spacing/Riffle Width i 2.32 ! 1.04 i 4.06 Riffle Length ! 16.95 i 8.72 42.99 !ft Riffle Length/Riffle Width 1.37 ; 0.70 ; 3.47 Valley Slope (VS) 0.02704 !ft ft Average Water Surface Slope (S) 0.02021 ifUft Sinuosity (VS/S) 1.37 Stream Length (SL) 459 ift Valley Length (VL) 334 lft Sinuosity (SL/VL) ! 1,37 Low Bank Height (LBH) start! 0.88 !ft ------------ end! 1.33 ift Max Riffle Depth start: 0.88 ift F I endj 1.33 jft Bank-Height Ratio (BHR) start! 1 1 - (LBH/Max Riffle Depth) end: 1 ------ m Facet Slopes Mean Min Max Dimensionless Slope Ratios Mean Min Max o a` Riffle Slope (S,k) 10.049591 0.03718 1 0.06820 lft/ft Riffle Slope/Average Water Surface Slope (S, / S) ! 2.45 ! 1.84 ! 3.37 Z Run Slope (S,,") ift/ft Run Slope/Average Water Surface Slope (S,"" / S) L Pool Slope (SP) 1 0.00267: 0.00170 ! 0.00475 ift/ft Pool Slope/Average Water Surface Slope (SP / S) ! 0.13 i 0.08 ; 0.24 V Glide Sloe (S P 9) jft/ft Glide Slope/Average Water Surface Slope (S9 / S) Feature Midpoint s Mean Min Max Dimensionless Depth Ratios Mean Min Max Max Riffle Depth (dmaxra) 0.99 0.95 1.02 lft Max Riffle Depth/Mean Riffle Depth (dmax,a/ dba) 2.3 1 2.21 j 2.37 Max Run Depth (dma„ ") ift Max Run Depth/Mean Riffle Depth (d",ax,u" / dbk,) Max Pool Depth (d,,,) 1.78 1.28 2.56 !ft Max Pool Depth/Mean Riffle Depth (d- /dba) ! 4.14 ! 2.98 ! 5.95 Max Glide Depth (d",ax9) jft Max Glide Depth/Mean Riffle Depth (dman / dba) v Reachb Riffle` Bar Reachb Riffle` Bar Protrusion Might d m °% Silt/Clay % Sand 0 0 1.61 2.82 D,6 1 7.65 10.77 D35 18.31 20.83 0 imm 0 imm 6 c c % Gravel 74.2 83.1 Dso ! 38.5 28.75 0 17- t 1 U % Cobble 24.19 14.08 D84 91.02 62.01 0 :mm Boulder 0 0 D95 ! 156.97 103.77 0 !mm Bedrock 0 0 D , 180 255.99 F 0 imm -- -- ?-N, - a r aye. u-punu vawes except pools: raKen at oeepest part of pool. Active bed of a riffle. b Composite sample of riffles and pools within the designated reach. " Height of roughness feature above bed. Copyright © 2006 Wildland Hydrology WARSSS page 5-31 XI 1 1 S U- x1 - a 'a U a6 i N N O O It c i O 6 r? I? E• 4 0 O Oi X a a r r- FL a A c E v c c 0 -) V 41 s OY 3 O m QI C C m v Q] _? loll ? O O 3 m N t! O M O r O l!'1 N ? [V r T O T T• Cl? m m ru r y v 4 a a p y 0 O W U O L) (v t N I I LO -6 O U y ?1 ?1 2 s CID LL L---? v Q U N N P- O M O r r r CV Lt i ? N? 6 E = c U E ItZ v o at ~ v ? s lf5 41 y ,? ?O ? a1 Q ?_ C] ?? U Q t O 0 U U C Q A2 N V Ci .`t N p a N 0> ?n v fl ra N LL- M 90 ryn W i' -C 2 ? U ? L !gym L U r ? O N 0 LL 1 C >% L or Ln O ooooo' (a Z loom V ? ? N I O °C V L` 4w CL W ¦¦ L m LU m O ? z Q . 4w M 1 ? ? ? +0 •? 0 M C) y? 16 L In f-_ a) O co li) N M O r"I U) 41 - 1O5 o d1 J Ci7 J J O ? 111 CV CL O O O i ~ O O I sc- CID o o y } D } p 1 U Q I v a? E ( c s v aE v V U v N E :3 -C u:R c In o Qv " ? O I r>) t I wC 8 o 3 r L L v W W Ir LO asp o}O°. + . Q oo.c _m ` ma a?Ei m?,4 O X30- .z U S y X ?l (1 L1 N N N N N l(D .LYi . 0.6 06 .6 z -b _i- [m J) m U r _o li T 9J _ } J J W W W EL W W M N O if i CV LO ?N s c O s v o CL m m m m m m m m g ?- ° i d 0 CO to .? c v o cm v ?QQwQQQQQQ , 16 css °o aUi=Omm s -14 CL C4 0 v i Q 2 Q CL ?' m U fO M ? y U) LO (n W W LO LO U7 U U"] U . H O QI [n 0}) +n SFi '?O. 0 O O O 14 ? 7 r- Z; T ,? to i0 W m v o ti o ti o o ? o wjm a o? oXXrnv,oM? ?.o ?= r_ - fdUO?mcnOdz'? w}m a+ IV c (' 10 LO U m a_ U O D- m cn CC D z T cn U m M U M C- m cn M D W EC ..... _: _... _._:. M' kh It ......................................................... 0 0 0 • C C H ? O ? a r Qi C V r t N d } H µ O L O V m M1 r a i Y n ? 3 1 O I-D r T O T- r M> ..r T O K T Ln M T O M r 47 N O N T t{7 r r O L O r O O dY T O 7 n x co co n 7 A O O n n r t 14 J J 7 p 0 • N T N ? Y 'o a a d V r V r T I O Y ? a v ° z r m C7 T T I Y N a O a O 6J O r T O ?l T to r T ?t 1 M T O M r LO N r 0 N r T 0 T T u'7 0 T O T Le) Q1 0 1i l co O co Lo r~ 0 h LO CO O (D LO 4) O LO In O lA M O M LO N 0 N Ln r O 4 D 0 • a 0 a H .. O ? a r d Q V t N d lop, Lf5 ti o a o V m M T 1 Y O CL 0 7 0 0 kft 0 0 cs ull a 0 0 lL7 ti O ti <A try O tD LL's 4O dY lr "F !f CJ n n V V 7 0 • 0 *o T N N ? 4. 'Q Y a ? m V l: d 3 I N µ Y C V T N I µ. Y N L O a 0 0 C) 0 o co O LC/ O O O 0 L7 O LA M O LO N O N 1f i r 0 r LO O 0 0 T N u 'o s a ? m V N d } C. UN N µ ? Y O O D V m ar r• r I Y N a O a 0 0 r 4> 0 r 0 0 0 O O L6 w O O k, ti O f` LA 0 O ?D [i tr 17 A T Y A n n A V D V CJ r, 0 • W b T y O Y a a m V r t m 3 llp? N r I µ O Y ? a V ? m O T T I Y y a O a O (7 N r LfY r r O r r W5 O r O O r LL CA 0 C) 0 0 a O P, ki to O eo LC) LL! O LC) LO K O Ln O M LO N O N r O r 1 0 • T N ? 4. 'p Y a a m ? V N d Ln -O `o a o v m ?1 b r I Y a H ? O a 0 c? N r O N T T T 0 T T Lo O T 0 T to O O C+ to co O co LO ti O ti Lo t8 O to Lo Ln 0 4i Lo K 0 -r Le) M O M Lo N O N 0 4 c 0 0 • 0 Id y O ? a t d 4 V y d M N I'I' ? Y o a o V r m b N r I Y 0 i 0 0 M T L6 N T O N T LO T T O T T 4I O T O O T to C'. O G+ IA co O co 47 t~ A o a A A A n 7 n 14 V z V r) R r) 0 • • r Ln p Y a a m V d 7 s N ? Y ? a 0 V CO rl u N N r I µ Y O a 0 7 0 0 LO 0 0 c+ LM O O co l4I) h O h 41> 0 0 n !! 0 n n 0 h n V 14 V fi • C. • XS1 RIF YRO.tXt RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built Cross Section Name: XS1 MS RIF YRO Survey Date: 05/05/2009 --------------------------------------------------------------- Cross section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE FS ELEV NOTE 0 0 472.3 left mon 1 13.45 0 471.9 FP 34.68 0 470.85 FP 46.13 0 471.26 FP 66.56 0 470.6 FP 81.21 0 470.37 LB 86.94 0 469.3 Tw0.00 r 91.45 0 470.17 BKF RB 103.51 0 469.88 FP 111.75 0 469.96 right mon 2 122.12 0 469.55 FP 137.21 0 469.58 FP 149.82 0 469.42 FP 156.53 0 469.5 FP --------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry --------------------------------------------------------------- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 471.04 471.04 471.04 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 470.17 470.17 470.17 Floodprone width (ft) 112.74 ----- ----- Bankfull width (ft) 9.17 4.59 4.58 Entrenchment Ratio 12.3 ----- ----- Mean Depth (ft) 0.44 0.43 0.44 Maximum De th (ft) 0.87 0.86 0.87 width/Depth Ratio 20.84 10.67 10.41 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 3.99 1.97 2.02 wetted Perimeter (ft) 9.33 5.53 5.52 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.43 0.36 0.37 Page 1 • • XS1 RIF YRO.txt Begin BKF Station 82.28 82.28 86.87 EnBKF Station 91.45 86.87 91.45 Entrainment calculations --------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve Channel Left side Right side Slope 0.00828 0 0 shear stress (lb/sq ft) 0.22 Movable Particle (mm) 50.3 Page 2 XS2 POOL YRO.txt RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY • C? 11 River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built cross section Name: XS2 MS POOL YRO Survey Date: 05/05/2009 Cross section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE ---------- FS ------------- ELEV ----------------- NOTE ---------------- 0 0 470.9 left mon 1 20.05 0 470.45 FP 35.62 0 469.93 FP 54.17 0 469.95 BKF LB 60.06 0 467.84 TWO.00 p 65.9 0 470.1 RB 78.97 0 469.94 FP 87.38 0 469.64 FP 91.34 0 469.96 right mon 2 122.12 0 469.55 FP 137.21 0 469.58 FP 149.82 0 469.42 FP 156.53 0 469.5 FP Cross sectional Geometry --------------------------------------------------------------- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 472.06 472.06 472.06 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 469.95 469.95 469.95 Floodprone width (ft) 156.53 ----- ----- Bankfull width (ft) 11.34 5.67 5.67 Entrenchment Ratio 13.8 ----- ----- Mean Depth (ft) 1.06 1.02 1.09 Maximum Depth (ft) 2.11 2.03 2.11 width/Depth Ratio 10.7 5.56 5.2 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 11.97 5.76 6.21 wetted Perimeter (ft) 12.1 8.05 8.11 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.99 0.71 0.77 Begin BKF Station 54.17 54.17 59.84 Page 1 XS2 POOL YRO.tXt End BKF Station 65.51 59.84 65.51 40 --------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment calculations --------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve channel Left Side Right side slope 0.00828 0 0 Shear stress (lb/sq ft) 0.51 Movable Particle (mm) 92.8 U • Page 2 xS3 RIF YRO.txt RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY • • C7 River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built Cross Section Name: xS3 MS RIF YRO Survey Date: 05/05/2009 Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE ---------- FS -------------- ELEV ---------------- NOTE ---------------- 0 0 462.49 left mon 1 19.15 0 461.18 FP 31.16 0 460.16 FP 40.24 0 459.63 FP 46.8 0 458.89 BKF LB 53.15 0 457.37 Tw0.00 r 58.97 0 459.08 BKF RB 72.67 0 459.37 FP 82.7 0 458.97 CL FP CH 85.86 0 459.46 FP 90.47 0 461.19 FP 93.54 0 462.17 right mon 2 Cross Sectional Geometry --------------------------------------------------------------- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 460.61 460.61 460.61 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 458.99 458.99 458.99 Floodprone width (ft) 63.06 ----- ----- Bankfull width (ft) 13.38 6.98 29.94 Entrenchment Ratio 4.71 ----- ----- Mean Depth (ft) 0.75 0.73 0.76 Maximum Depth (ft) 1.62 1.56 1.62 width/Depth Ratio 17.84 9.56 39.39 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 9.98 5.09 4.89 wetted Perimeter (ft) 13.8 8.71 8.2 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.72 0.58 0.6 Begin BKF Station 45.91 45.91 52.89 End BKF Station 82.83 52.89 82.83 Page 1 Xs3 RIF YRO.txt --------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment calculations --------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields Curve channel Left side Right side slope 0.01917 0 0 shear stress (lb/sq ft) 0.86 Movable Particle (mm) 136.2 • Page 2 XS4 POOL YRO.txt RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY • • C River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built Cross Section Name: XS4 MS POOL YRO Survey Date: 05/05/2009 Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE ---------- FS ------------- ELEV ----------------- NOTE ---------------- 0 0 462.25 left mon 1 16.6 0 461.15 FP 28.75 0 459.82 FP 40.36 0 459.04 LB 46.81 0 456.44 TWO.00 p 51.68 0 457.8 RB 62.63 0 458.68 BKF 77.21 0 458.83 FP 86.13 0 460.94 FP 88.97 0 462.17 right mon 2 Cross Sectional Geometry --------------------------------------------------------------- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 460.92 460.92 460.92 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 458.68 458.68 458.68 Floodprone width (ft) 67.34 ----- ----- Bankfull width (ft) 21.38 10.69 10.69 Entrenchment Ratio 3.15 ----- ----- Mean Depth (ft) 0.87 1.31 0.43 Maximum Depth (ft) 2.24 2.24 0.86 width/Depth Ratio 24.57 8.16 24.86 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 18.64 14.05 4.59 wetted Perimeter (ft) 22.03 12.17 11.58 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.85 1.15 0.4 Begin BKF Station 41.25 41.25 51.94 End BKF station 62.63 51.94 62.63 --------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 XS4 POOL YRO.txt • Entrainment calculations --------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve channel Left Side Right Side Slope 0.01917 0 0 Shear stress (lb/sq ft) 1.02 Movable Particle (mm) 153.9 • • Page 2 X55 RIF YRO.tXt RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built cross section Name: XS5 MS RIF YRO Survey Date: 05/05/2009 ------------- Cross section -------------- Data Entry ------------- ----------------------- BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE -------------- FS ------------- ELEV -------------- NOTE ---------------------- 0 0 447.11 left mon 1 5.72 0 445.06 FP 20.8 0 443.92 FP 33.64 0 442.28 FP 40.92 0 441.92 CL 49.82 0 442.43 FP 63.64 0 442.25 BKF LB 69.91 0 441.59 SB 74.95 0 441.03 TWO.00 r 78.38 0 441.79 SB 81.02 0 442.25 RB 93.02 0 444.34 FP 105.71 0 447.91 right mon 2 Cross sectional Geometry --------------------------------------------------------------- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 443.47 443.47 443.47 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 442.25 442.25 442.25 Floodprone width (ft) 63.7 ----- ----- Bankfull width (ft) 17.38 10.05 7.33 Entrenchment Ratio 3.67 ----- ----- Mean Depth (ft) 0.59 0.53 0.67 Maximum Depth (ft) 1.22 1.08 1.22 width/Depth Ratio 29.46 18.96 10.94 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 10.3 5.36 4.94 wetted Perimeter (ft) 17.57 11.19 8.54 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.59 0.48 0.58 Begin BKF Station 63.64 63.64 73.69 Page 1 XS5 RIF YRO.tXt End BKF Station 81.02 73.69 81.02 --------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment calculations --------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve channel Left side Right side Slope 0.02122 0 0 shear Stress (lb/sq ft) 0.78 Movable Particle (mm) 126.8 • • Page 2 X56 POOL YRO.tXt RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY • 11 River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built cross section Name: XS6 MS POOL YRO Survey Date: 05/05/2009 Cross section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE ---------- FS ------------- ELEV ----------------- NOTE ---------------- 0 0 434.42 left mon 1 8.14 0 433.79 FP 18.69 0 432.43 FP 49.18 0 431.6 FP 66.82 0 431.46 FP 78.86 0 430.33 BKF LB 82.21 0 428.58 LEw 84.61 0 428.05 TWO.59 p 88.02 0 428.6 REw 90.35 0 430.23 RB 94.33 0 431.47 FP 105.28 0 433.13 FP 115.44 0 435.01 right mon 2 Cross Sectional Geometry --------------------------------------------------------------- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 432.61 432.61 432.61 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 430.33 430.33 430.33 Floodprone width (ft) 84.56 ----- ----- Bankfull width (ft) 11.81 5.84 5.97 Entrenchment Ratio 7.16 ----- ----- Mean Depth (ft) 1.42 1.37 1.47 Maximum Depth (ft) 2.28 2.28 2.27 width/Depth Ratio 8.32 4.26 4.06 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 16.75 7.97 8.78 wetted Perimeter (ft) 12.87 8.59 8.81 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.3 0.93 1 Begin BKF station 78.86 78.86 84.7 Page 1 XS6 POOL YRO.tXt End BKF Station 90.67 84.7 90.67 --------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment calculations --------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve channel Left Side Right side slope 0.02122 0 0 shear stress (lb/sq ft) 1.72 Movable Particle (mm) 226.7 is Page 2 XS7 RIF YRO.txt RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY C? River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built cross section Name: XS7 MS RIF YRO Survey Date: 05/05/2009 Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE ---------- FS -------------- ELEV ---------------- NOTE ----------------------- 0 0 434.42 left mon 1 7.3 0 433.88 FP 17.55 0 432.82 FP 51.03 0 431.29 FP 72.96 0 430.25 FP 80.98 90.13 0 0 430.25 428.94 BKF LB Tw0.00 r 96.21 0 430.13 RB 105.25 0 431.6 FP 124.06 0 433.75 right mon 2 Cross sectional Geometry --------------------------------------------------------------- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 431.56 431.56 431.56 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 430.25 430.25 430.25 Floodprone width (ft) 59.88 ----- ----- Bankfull width (ft) 15.97 7.98 7.99 Entrenchment Ratio 3.75 ----- ----- Mean Depth (ft) 0.65 0.57 0.73 Maximum Depth (ft) 1.31 1.14 1.31 width/Depth Ratio 24.57 14 10.95 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 10.38 4.56 5.83 wetted Perimeter (ft) 16.19 9.2 9.27 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.64 0.5 0.63 Be in BKF Station 80.98 80.98 88.96 g 40 EnBKF Station 96.95 88.96 96.95 --------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 XS7 RIF YRO.txt Entrainment calculations --------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified Shields Curve Channel Left Side Right side Slope 0.02122 0. 0 shear stress (lb/sq ft) 0.85 Movable Particle (mm) 134.6 • • Page 2 X58 RIF YRO.tXt RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY • • • River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: UT1 Restoration Reach As-Built cross section Name: XS8 UT1 RIF YRO - ROCK SILL Survey Date: 05/05/2009 ------------- Cross section -------------- Data Entry ------------- ----------------------- BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE -------------- FS ------------- ELEV ------------- NOTE ----------------------- 0 0 453.09 left mon 1 10.96 0 450.44 FP 22.47 0 448.9 FP 33.14 0 447.76 FP 45.58 0 448.16 FP 65.8 0 446.65 LB 70.84 0 445.93 TWO.00 rs 75.3 0 446.88 BKF RB 81.82 0 447.21 FP 87.37 0 446.45 FP 101.9 0 448.4 FP 128.24 0 452.64 right mon 2 Cross sectional Geometry --------------------------------------------------------------- Floodprone Elevation (ft) Bankfull Elevation (ft) Floodprone width (ft) Bankfull width (ft) Entrenchment Ratio Mean Depth (ft) Maximum Depth (ft) width/Depth Ratio Bankful1 Area (sq ft) wetted Perimeter (ft) Hydraulic Radius (ft) Begin BKF Station En BKF Station channel 447.83 446.88 50.49 12.58 4.01 0.43 0.95 29.26 5.45 12.74 0.43 62.72 75.3 Page 1 Left 447.83 446.88 9.46 0.47 0.95 20.13 4.41 10.21 0.43 62.72 72.18 Right 447.83 446.88 3.12 0.33 0.66 9.45 1.04 3.85 0.27 72.18 75.3 X58 RIF YRO.tXt --------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment calculations --------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve Channel Left side Right side slope 0.0207 0 0 shear stress (lb/sq ft) 0.56 Movable Particle (mm) 98.6 i Page 2 XS9 RIF YRO.txt RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY • • River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: UT1 Restoration Reach As-Built cross section Name: XS9 UT1 RIF YRO Survey Date: 05/05/2009 ------------- Cross section -------------- Data Entry ------------- ----------------------- BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE -------------- FS ------------- ELEV ------------- NOTE ----------------------- 0 0 442.65 left mon 1 15.31 0 440.55 FP 33.7 0 439.29 FP 42.02 0 439.08 BKF LB 46.26 0 438.06 TWO.00 r 49.69 0 438.77 RB 57.25 0 439.29 FP 79 0 439.99 FP 94.72 0 442.78 right mon 2 Cross Sectional Geometry --------------------------------------------------------------- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 440.1 440.1 440.1 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 439.08 439.08 439.08 Floodprone width (ft) 57.74 ----- ----- Bankfull width (ft) 12.18 4.48 7.7 Entrenchment Ratio 4.74 ----- ----- Mean Depth (ft) 0.42 0.54 0.36 Maximum Depth (ft) 1.02 1.02 0.97 width/Depth Ratio 29 8.3 21.39 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 5.14 2.4 2.74 wetted Perimeter (ft) 12.38 5.58 8.75 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.42 0.43 0.31 Begin BKF Station 42.02 42.02 46.5 End BKF Station 54.2 46.5 54.2 Page 1 XS9 RIF YRO.tXt Entrainment calculations --------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve channel Left side Right side slope 0.02021 0 0 shear stress (lb/sq ft) 0.53 Movable Particle (mm) 95.3 • U Page 2 Davis Branch Mainstem Enhancement I and Restoration Reach Table 3a: "As-Built" Predicted Annual Bank Erosion Rates 0 • • Davis Branch Enhancement I Reach Bank Identification Summa Bank Name I XS7 Riffle MS BEHI 2 XS6 Pool MS BEHI 3 XS5 Riffle MS BEHI Davis Branch Mainstem Enhancement Level 1 Reach: Predi cted Annual Bank Erosion Rates Bank BEHI Numeric Rating BEHI Adjective Rating NBS Adjective Rating Length ft Loss cu ds/ r Loss tons/ r 1 18.1 Low Very Low 451 0.37 0.48 2 27.1 Moderate Very Low 387 2.05 2.67 3 16.7 Low Very Low 451 0.41 0.53 Totals 1,289 2.83 3.68 Total Reac h Length = 1,289 I.f. Total Loss per foot of Reach = 0.0029 tons/yr Davis Branch Restoration Reach Bank Identification Summary Bank Name I XS 1 Riffle MS BEHI 2 XS2 Pool MS BEHI 3 XS3 Riffle MS BEHI 4 XS4 Pool MS BEHI Davis Branch Mainstem Priority Level I/II Restoration Reach: Predicted Annual Bank Erosion Rates Bank BEHI Numeric Ratin R Adec Length ft Loss cu ds/ r Loss tons/ r 1 15.2 j E 450 0.25 0.33 2 19.7 449 0.6 0.78 3 18.4 450 0.46 0.6 4 20.3 450 1.57 2.04 Totals 1799 2.88 3.75 Total Reac h Length = 1,7991.f. Total Loss per foot of Reach = 0.0021 tons/ r Davis Branch Mainstem Reach Bank Identification Summa Bank Name 1 XS7 Riffle El BEHI 2 XS6 Pool El BEHI 3 XS5 Riffle El BEHI 4 XSI Riffle PMI BEHI 5 XS2 Pool PUII BEHI 6 XS3 Riffle PUB BEHI 7 XS4 Pool PUII BEHI Davis Branch Mainstem El & P UII Restoration Reach: Pred icted Annual Bank Erosion Rates Bank BEHI Numeric Rating BEHI Adjective Ratin NBS Adjective Rating Length ft Loss cu ds/ r Loss tons/ r 1 18.1 Low Very Low 451 0.37 0.48 2 27.1 Moderate Very Low 387 2.05 2.67 3 16.7 Low Very Low 451 0.35 0.45 4 15.2 Low -Very Low 450 0.25 0.33 5 19.7 Low Very Low 449 0.6 0.78 6 18.4 Low Very Low 450 0.46 0.6 7 20.3 Moderate Very Low 450 1.57 2.04 Totals 3,088 5.65 7.35 Total Reach Length = 3,0881.f. Total Loss per foot of Reach = 0.0024 tons/ r Davis Branch Restoration Reach Table 3b: "As-Built" Predicted Annual Bank Erosion Rates • • UTI Enhancement Level II Reach Bank Identification Summary Bank Name 1 XS8 Riffle Ell Reach BEHI Davis Branch Mainstem Enhancement Leve l 1 Reach: Pred icted Annual Bank Erosion Rates Bank BEHI Numeric Rating BEHI Adjective Rating NBS Adjective Rating Length ft Loss cu ds/ r Loss tons/ r 1 15.6 Low Very Low 396 0.24 0.31 Totals 396 0.24 0.31 Total Reach Length = 396 l.f. Total Loss per f oot of Reach = 0.0008 tons/yr UTl Restoration Reach Bank Identification Summary Bank Name 2 XS9 Riffle P1 Reach BEHI Davis Branch UTI Priority Level I Restoration Reach: Pred icted Annual Bank Erosion R ates Bank BEHI Numeric Rating BEHI Adjective Rating NBS Adjective Rating Length ft Loss cu ds/ r Loss tons/ r 2 16.0 Low Very Low 459 0.29 0.38 Totals 459 0.29 0.38 Total Reach Length = 459 11. Total Loss per f oot of Reach = 0.0008 tons/yr Davis Branch UTI Bank Identification Summa Bank Name 1 XS8 Riffle Ell Reach BEHI 2 XS9 Riffle Pl Reach BEHI Davis Branch UT1 Enhancement II & Restoration Reaches: Predicted Annual Bank Erosion Rates Bank BEHI Numeric Rating BEHI Adjective Rating NBS Adjective Rating Length ft Loss cu ds/ r Loss tons/ r 1 15.6 Low Very Low 396 0.37 0.48 2 16.0 Low Ve Low 459 1.57 2.04 b! als 855 0.53 0.69 0 tal Reach Length = 855 l.f. Total Loss per f oot of Reach = 0.0008 tons/ r 0 Davis Branch and UTl Project Summary Table 3c: "As-Built" Predicted Annual Bank Erosion Rates • • Davis Branch Project Summary Bank Identification Summary Bank Name 1 XS7 Riffle MS El BEHI 2 XS6 Pool MS El BEHI 3 XS5 Riffle MS El BEHI 4 XS 1 Riffle MS PUII BEHI 5 XS2 Pool MS PUII BEHI 6 XS3 Riffle MS PUII BEHI 7 XS4 Pool MS PUII BEHI 8 XS8 Riffle UT1 EII BEHI 9 XS9 Riffle UT1 PI BEHI Davis Branch & UTl Project Summary: Predicted Annual Bank Erosion Rates Bank BEHI Numeric Rating BEHI Adjective Rating NBS Adjective Rating Length ft Loss cu ds/ r Loss tons/ r 1 18.1 Low Very Low 451 0.37 0.48 2 27.1 Moderate Very Low 387 2.05 2.67 3 16.7 Low Very Low 451 0.35 0.45 4 15.2 Low Very Low 450 0.25 0.33 5 19.7 Low Very Low 449 0.6 0.78 6 18.4 Low Very Low 450 0.46 0.6 7 20.3 Moderate Very Low 450 1.57 2.04 8 15.6 Low Very Low 396 0.37 0.48 9 16 Low Very Low 459 1.57 2.04 Totals 3,943 7.59 9.87 Total Reach Length = 3,943 l.f. Total Loss per foot of Reach = 0.0025 tons/yr 0 MS P1&2 + E1 Reach BEHI Summary.txt RIVERMORPH BEHI SUMMARY REPORT • • • River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built --------------------------------------------------------------- Table 1. Bank Identification Summary Bank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name XS7 Riffle MS BEHI XS6 Pool MS BEHI XS5 Riffle MS BEHI XS1 Riffle MS BEHI XS2 Pool MS BEHI XS3 Riffle MS BEHI XS4 Pool MS BEHI --------------------------------------------------------------- Table 2. Predicted Annual Bank Erosion Rates BEHI BEHI NBS Numeric Adjective Adjective Bank Rating Rating Rating 1 18.1 Low Very LOW 2 27.1 Moderate very LOW 3 16.7 LOW very LOW 4 15.2 LOW very LOW 5 19.7 LOW very LOW 6 18.4 LOW Very LOW 7 20.3 Moderate very LOW Totals Total Reach Ln: 3088 0.0024 Length Loss Loss ft cu yds/yr tons/yr 451 0.37 0.48 387 2.05 2.67 451 0.35 0.45 450 0.25 0.33 449 0.6 0.78 450 0.46 0.6 450 1.57 2.04 3088 5.65 7.35 Total Loss (tons/yr) per ft of Reach: Page 1 • 0 u XS1 Riffle MS BEHI Summary Report.txt RIVERMORPH BANK EROSION HARZARD INDEX (BEHI) River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built BEHI Name: XS1 Riffle MS BEHI Survey Date: 05/05/2009 Bankfull Height: 0.87 ft Bank Height: 0.87 ft Root Depth: 0.5 ft Root Density: 25 % Bank Angle: 10.9 Degrees Surface Protection: 95 % Bank Material Adjustment: Silt/Clay 0 Bank Stratification Adjustment: None 0 Erosion Loss Curve: Colorado NBS Method #7: vertical velocity Near-Bank shear stress method velocity at Surface: 3.74 fps Depth: 0.87 ft Bankfull slope: 0.01304 lb/sq/ft NB Shear stress: 0.15 lb/sq/ft velocity at Bed: 3.5 fps Hydraulic Radius: 0.43 ft shear stress: 0.35 Shear Ratio: 0.42 BEHI Numerical Rating: 15.2 BEHI Adjective Rating: Low NBS Numerical Rating: 0.42 NBS Adjective Rating: Very Low Total Bank Length: 450 ft Estimated Sediment Loss: 0.25 Cu Yds per Year Estimated Sediment Loss: 0.33 Tons per Year Page 1 • • • XS2 Pool MS BEHI Summary Report.txt RIVERMORPH BANK EROSION HARZARD INDEX (BEHI) River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built BEHI Name: XS2 Pool MS BEHI Survey Date: 05/05/2009 Bankfull Height: 2.11 ft Bank Height: 2.11 ft Root Depth: 0.5 ft Root Density: 25 % Bank Angle: 19.7 Degrees Surface Protection: 95 % Bank Material Adjustment: Silt/Clay 0 Bank Stratification Adjustment: None 0 Erosion Loss Curve: Colorado NBS Method #7: vertical velocity Near-Bank Shear Stress method velocity at surface: 3.74 fps Depth: 2.11 ft Bankfull slope: 0.01304 lb/sq/ft NB Shear Stress: 0.67 lb/sq/ft velocity at Bed: 2.5 fps Hydraulic Radius: 0.99 ft Shear Stress: 0.81 Shear Ratio: 0.83 BEHI Numerical Rating: 19.7 BEHI Adjective Rating: Low NBS Numerical Rating: 0.83 NBS Adjective Rating: very Low Total Bank Length: 449 ft Estimated sediment Loss: 0.6 Cu Yds per Year Estimated Sediment Loss: 0.78 Tons per Year Page 1 XS3 Riffle MS BEHI Summary Report.txt RIVERMORPH BANK EROSION HARZARD INDEX (BEHI) • • • River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built BEHI Name: XS3 Riffle MS BEHI Survey Date: 05/05/2009 Bankfull Height: 1.62 ft Bank Height: 1.62 ft Root Depth: 0.5 ft Root Density: 25 % Bank Angle: 15.6 Degrees Surface Protection: 95 % Bank Material Adjustment: Silt/Clay 0 Bank Stratification Adjustment: None 0 Erosion Loss Curve: Colorado NBS Method #7: vertical velocity Near-Bank Shear Stress method velocity at Surface: 3.74 fps Depth: 1.62 ft Bankfull slope: 0.01304 lb/sq/ft NB Shear Stress: 0.04 lb/sq/ft velocity at Bed: 3.5 fps Hydraulic Radius: 0.72 ft Shear Stress: 0.59 Shear Ratio: 0.07 BEHI Numerical Rating: 18.4 BEHI Adjective Rating: Low NBS Numerical Rating: 0.07 NBS Adjective Rating: Very Low Total Bank Length: 450 ft Estimated sediment Loss: 0.46 Cu Yds per Year Estimated sediment Loss: 0.6 Tons per Year Page 1 X54 Pool MS BEHI Summary Report.txt RIVERMORPH BANK EROSION HARZARD INDEX (BEHI) • u • River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built BEHI Name: XS4 Pool MS BEHI Survey Date: 05/05/2009 Bankfull Height: 2.24 ft Bank Height: 2.24 ft Root Depth: 0.5 ft Root Density: 25 % Bank Angle: 24.7 Degrees Surface Protection: 95 % Bank Material Adjustment: Silt/Clay 0 Bank stratification Adjustment: None 0 Erosion Loss Curve: Colorado NBS Method #7: vertical velocity Near-Bank Shear Stress method velocity at Surface: 3.74 fps Depth: 2.24 ft Bankfull slope: 0.01304 lb/sq/ft NB Shear Stress: 0.59 lb/sq/ft velocity at Bed: 2.5 fps H draulic Radius: 0.85 ft Shear Stress: 0.69 Shear Ratio: 0.86 BEHI Numerical Rating: 20.3 BEHI Adjective Rating: Moderate NBS Numerical Rating: 0.86 NBS Adjective Rating: very Low Total Bank Length: 450 ft Estimated Sediment Loss: 1.57 Cu Yds per Year Estimated Sediment Loss: 2.04 Tons per Year Page 1 E1 Reach Erosion Rate Summary.txt RIVERMORPH BEHI SUMMARY REPORT • River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built --------------------------------------------------------------- Table 1. Bank identification summary Bank Name 1 XS7 Riffle MS BEHI 2 xS6 POOL MS BEHI 3 x55 Riffle MS BEHI --------------------------------------------------------------- Table 2. Predicted Annual Bank Erosion Rates BEHI BEHI NBS Numeric Adjective Adjective Bank Rating Rating Rating 1 18.1 Low Very Low 2 27.1 Moderate very Low 3 16.7 Low very Low Totals Total Reach Ln: 1289 0.0029 Length LOSS LOSS ft cu yds/yr tons/yr 451 0.37 0.48 387 2.05 2.67 451 0.41 0.53 1289 2.83 3.68 Total Loss (tons/yr) per ft of Reach: Page 1 XS5 BEHI Summary Report.txt RIVERMORPH BANK EROSION HARZARD INDEX (BEHI) u • River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built BEHI Name: Xs5 Riffle MS BEHI survey Date: 05/05/2009 Bankfull Height: 1.22 ft Bank Height: 1.22 ft Root Depth: 0.5 ft Root Density: 25 % Bank Angle: 6.2 Degrees surface Protection: 95 % Bank Material Adjustment: silt/Clay 0 Bank Stratification Adjustment: None 0 Erosion Loss Curve: Colorado NBS Method #7: vertical velocity Near-Bank shear Stress method velocity at surface: 4.38 fps Depth: 1.22 ft Bankfull slope: 0.02122 lb/sq/ft NB Shear stress: 0.10 lb/sq/ft velocity at Bed: 4.1 fps Hydraulic Radius: 0.59 ft Shear Stress: 0.78 Shear Ratio: 0.13 BEHI Numerical Rating: 16.7 BEHI Adjective Rating: Low NBS Numerical Rating: 0.13 NBS Adjective Rating: very Low Total Bank Length: 451 ft Estimated sediment Loss: 0.35 Cu Yds per Year Estimated sediment Loss: 0.45 Tons per Year Page 1 XS6 BEHI Summary Report.txt RIVERMORPH BANK EROSION HARZARD INDEX (BEHI) C7 • E River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built BEHI Name: XS6 Pool MS BEHI Survey Date: 05/05/2009 Bankfull Height: 2.28 ft Bank Height: 3.41 ft Root Depth: 0.5 ft Root Density: 25 % Bank Angle: 21.6 Degrees Surface Protection: 95 % Bank Material Adjustment: Silt/Clay 0 Bank Stratification Adjustment: None 0 Erosion Loss Curve: Colorado NBS Method #7: vertical velocity Near-Bank Shear Stress method velocity at surface: 4.38 fps Depth: 2.28 ft Bankfull slope: 0.02122 1 b/sq/ft NB shear Stress: 0.03 lb/sq/ft velocity at Bed: 4.1 fps Hydraulic Radius: 1.3 ft Shear Stress: 1.72 Shear Ratio: 0.02 BEHI Numerical Rating: 27.1 BEHI Adjective Rating: Moderate NBS Numerical Rating: 0.02 NBS Adjective Rating: Very Low Total Bank Length: 387 ft Estimated Sediment Loss: 2.05 Cu Yds per Year Estimated Sediment Loss: 2.67 Tons per Year Page 1 • • C, XS-7 BEHI Summary Report.txt RIVERMORPH BANK EROSION HARZARD INDEX (BEHI) River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: Davis Branch Mainstem As-Built BEHI Name: XS7 Riffle MS BEHI Survey Date: 06/18/2009 Bankfull Height: 1.31 ft Bank Height: 1.31 ft Root Depth: 0.5 ft Root Density: 25 % Bank Angle: 26.6 Degrees Surface Protection: 95 % Bank Material Adjustment: silt/Clay 0 Bank Stratification Adjustment: None 0 Erosion Loss Curve: Colorado NBS Method #7: vertical velocity Near-Bank Shear Stress method velocity at surface: 4.38 fps Depth: 1.31 ft Bankfull slope: 0.02122 lb/sq/ft NB Shear Stress: 0.09 lb/sq/ft velocity at Bed: 4.1 fps Hydraulic Radius: 0.64 ft Shear Stress: 0.85 Shear Ratio: 0.10 BEHI Numerical Rating: 18.1 BEHI Adjective Rating: Low NBS Numerical Rating: 0.10 NBS Adjective Rating: very Low Total Bank Length: 451 ft Estimated Sediment Loss: 0.37 Cu Yds per Year Estimated Sediment Loss: 0.48 Tons per Year Page 1 EII Reach BEHI Summary Report.txt RIVERMORPH BEHI SUMMARY REPORT • River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: UT1 Restoration Reach As-Built --------------------------------------------------------------- Table 1. Bank Identification Summary Bank Name 1 XS-8 UT1 EII Reach BEHI --------------------------------------------------------------- Table 2. Predicted Annual Bank Erosion Rates BEHI BEHI NBS Numeric Adjective Adjective Length Loss Loss Bank Rating Rating Rating ft cu yds/yr tons/yr 1 15.6 Low Very Low 396 0.24 0.31 Totals 396 0.24 0.31 Total Reach Ln: 396 Total Loss (tons/yr) per ft of Reach: 0.0008 • Page 1 XS8 BEHI Summary Report.txt RIVERMORPH BANK EROSION HARZARD INDEX (BEHI) • C7 River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: UT1 Restoration Reach As-Built BEHI Name: XS-8 UT1 EII Reach BEHI Survey Date: 05/05/2009 Bankfull Height: 0.95 ft Bank Height: 0.95 ft Root Depth: 0.5 ft Root Density: 25 % Bank Angle: 12 Degrees Surface Protection: 95 % Bank Material Adjustment: Silt/Clay 0 Bank Stratification Adjustment: None 0 Erosion Loss Curve: Colorado NBS Method #7: vertical velocity Near-Bank shear stress method velocity at Surface: 2.73 fps Depth: 0.95 ft Bankfull slope: 0.0207 lb/sq/ft NB shear Stress: 0.11 lb/sq/ft velocity at Bed: 2.5 fps Hydraulic Radius: 0.43 ft Shear Stress: 0.56 Shear Ratio: 0.20 BEHI Numerical Rating: 15.6 BEHI Adjective Rating: Low NBS Numerical Rating: 0.20 NBS Adjective Rating: very Low Total Bank Length: 396 ft Estimated Sediment Loss: 0.24 Cu Yds per Year Estimated Sediment Loss: 0.31 Tons per Year Page 1 UT1 EII & PI Reach BEHI Summary.txt RIVERMORPH BEHI SUMMARY REPORT 0 • • River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: UT1 Restoration Reach As-Built --------------------------------------------------------------- Table 1. Bank Identification Summary Bank Name 1 XS-8 UT1 EII Reach BEHI 2 XS9 UT1 PI Reach BEHI --------------------------------------------------------------- Table 2. Predicted Annual Bank Erosion Rates BEHI BEHI NBS Numeric Adjective Adjective Bank Rating Rating Rating 1 15.6 Low Very Low 2 16 Low Very Low Length Loss Loss ft cu yds/yr tons/yr 396 0.24 0.31 459 0.29 0.38 Totals 855 0.53 0.69 Total Reach Ln: 855 Total Loss (tons/yr) per ft of Reach: 0.0008 Page 1 XS9 UT1 PI BEHI Summary Report.txt RIVERMORPH BANK EROSION HARZARD INDEX (BEHI) • • River Name: Davis Branch Reach Name: UT1 Restoration Reach As-Built BEHI Name: XS9 UT1 PI Reach BEHI Survey Date: 05/05/2009 Bankful l Height: 1.02 ft Bank Height: 1.02 ft Root Depth: 0.5 ft Root Density: 25 % Bank Angle: 13.5 Degrees Surface Protection: 95 % Bank Material Adjustment: Silt/Clay 0 Bank Stratification Adjustment: None 0 Erosion Loss Curve: Colorado NBS Method #7: vertical velocity Near-Bank Shear Stress method velocity at Surface: 2.14 fps Depth: 1.02 ft Bankfull Slope: 0.02021 lb/sq/ft NB Shear Stress: 0.04 lb/sq/ft velocity at Bed: 2 fps Hydraulic Radius: 0.42 ft Shear Stress: 0.53 Shear Ratio: 0.07 BEHI Numerical Rating: 16.0 BEHI Adjective Rating: Low NBS Numerical Rating: 0.07 NBS Adjective Rating: Very Low Total Bank Length: 459 ft Estimated Sediment Loss: 0.29 Cu Yds per Year Estimated Sediment Loss: 0.38 Tons per Year Page 1 01 O 0 N to T 16 2 v . ca o' ,. I O ? s' u Frl ? •' f Q f CLO O 0 L fZ cO C O O, l7 v v c 00 c Ur W a u vi i O O c ? Y ? W c M 16 to ? a e ? L r h l ?l al ? „+? 9y ? i 0. u q v? R c v" W f' N 5?' V E C E C E E m '° W a m a 3 3 Q cc N ~ 0. d d a c W m 0 N N O M M 01 N 00 cl O N t0 N O1 N q a M 00 N O^0 ti 00 O .-1 tG ?''y O N O C M cn P u1 L O u m of M M n rq 0 00 n 0 M Ln ` ? .N-1 ? -1 bo g ry 0 1 ci .m-1 o o 0 0 o l0 ? m c O M '~ O N d c 0 - ti n 00 Oq 01 M Ii 00 00 N M M 00 l 01 v O O Pr1 01 O CD O O ci Ln Pi M Nn O N ` x m m E m a M I o: ' a x 3 ? 3 ?c a = r a LA p p c a a ~ c oc a: f ` ' 1 Ir ? 1f ? S M A ? M t < 4 i t • • ? . C it J ? ?. Mg { C W > £ E E E E E c W ? ? ? a a r t9i o? E ? a 3 ? 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