HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-5763_CP3 and 4A Merger Summary_FINALWilson Road Meeting Summary STIP Project No. R-5763 Concurrence Point 3 and 4A Meeting Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 1:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting Meeting Participants Name Agency Email address Phone Crystal Amschler USACE crystal.c.amschler@usace.army.mil 828-271-7980 ext. 4231 Amanetta Somerville USEPA somerville.amanetta@epa.gov 404-562-9644 Renee Gledhill-Earley NC HPO renee.gledhill-earley@ncdcr.gov 919-814-6579 Kevin Mitchell NCDWR kevin.mitchell@ncdenr.gov 828-296-4650 Robert Patterson NCDWR robert.patterson@ncdenr.gov 919-707-3880 Marla Chambers NCWRC marla.chambers@ncwildlife.org 704-984-1070 Vicki Eastland Land of Sky RPO vicki.eastland@landofsky.org 828-251-7450 Elizabeth Toombs Cherokee Nation Elizabeth-toombs@cherokee.org Garrett Higdon NCDOT – Division 14 gbhigdon@ncdot.gov 828-586-2141 Barry Mosteller NCDOT – Division 14 bdmosteller@ncdot.gov 828-586-2141 Wanda Austin NCDOT – Division 14 whaustin@ncdot.gov 828-631-1142 Josh Deyton NCDOT – Division 14 jbdeyton@ncdot.gov 828-586-2141 Dave McHenry NCDOT – Division 14 dgmchenry@ncdot.gov 828-586-2141 Kevin Barnett NCDOT – Division 14 kbarnett@ncdot.gov 828-586-2141 Mike Sanderson NCDOT – Environmental Policy Unit jmsanderson@ncdot.gov 919-707-6154 John Jamison NCDOT – Environmental Policy Unit johnjamison@ncdot.gov 919-707-6140 Jon Moore NCDOT – Hydraulics jlmoore6@ncdot.gov 919-707-6738 Mark Staley NCDOT – REU mstaley@ncdot.gov 919-707-2948 Kat Bukowy HNTB kbukowy@hntb.com 919-424-0441 James Byrd HNTB jabyrd@hntb.com 919-424-0437 Roy Tellier HNTB rtellier@hntb.com 919-424-0428 Joe Olson HNTB jsolson@hntb.com 919-424-0480 Ken Gilland HNTB kgilland@hntb.com 919-424-0486 Jim Mason Three Oaks Engineers james.mason@threeoaksengineers.com 919-732-1300 Nancy Oberle Three Oaks Engineers nancy.oberle@threeoaksengineers.com 919 732 1300 Meeting Summary This meeting was held for Concurrence Points 3 (CP3) – Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) – and CP 4A – Avoidance and Minimization Measures. The US Army Corps of Engineers, represented by Crystal Amschler, is the lead federal agency for the subject project. Garrett Higdon, NCDOT Division 14, is the NCDOT Project Manager. Kat Bukowy, HNTB, led the presentation and discussion. The following is a summary of the salient points of the meeting. The PowerPoint presentation reviewed the project; purpose and need as agreed to at CP 1; detailed study alternatives chosen at CP 2; and an update of the proposed bridge lengths of the bridges over the French Broad River and Williamson Creek agreed to at CP 2A. The project alignment was also revised following the CP 2A meeting. A 2D hydraulic analysis determined that the proposed design still overtopped in the 50-year storm event and therefore the vertical alignment was increased. In addition, 2 to improve constructability while maintaining access the alignment of Wilson Road was shifted to the west just north of Elm Bend Road. The USACE and Cherokee Nation asked if any archaeological sites would be affected by the alignment shift. HNTB confirmed that there are no known archaeological sites in this area to be affected. The potential impacts of the Build Alternative to the natural and human environment were reviewed. HNTB presented the two alternatives for consideration of the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA), noting that the Build Alternative meets the purpose and need of the project and is NCDOT’s Preferred Alternative. The USACE concurred with the recommendation of the Build Alternative as the LEDPA followed by the other signatories. HNTB moved to addressing the Avoidance and Minimization Measures, CP 4A. The avoidance and minimization measures have been documented through the life of the project. New avoidance and minimization measures predominantly center around commitments that NCDOT has made to minimize impacts to the Appalachian elktoe during construction (404 and 401 CWA measure numbers 6, 7, 9-23). To provide some amount of flexibility in contracting, measure #22 has been changed to the yellow highlighted text from $1,000. 22. In the event that the Contractor’s operations are suspended in violation of the above provisions or it is determined the Contractor is not deemed to be pursuing the work in a continuous manner in accordance with his submitted and approved schedule, an appropriate amount per day will be charged the Contractor for each and every calendar day that such suspension takes place. The said amount is hereby agreed upon as liquidated damaged due to extra engineering and maintenance costs and due to increased public hazard resulting from a suspension of the work. Liquidated damages chargeable due to suspension of the work will be additional to any liquidated damages that may become chargeable due to failure to complete the work on time. NCDWR, USACE, et al. asked if a commitment to 2:1 slopes at jurisdictional stream crossings could be made. HNTB explained that each crossing would need to be reviewed individually. In some locations these slopes would require additional guard rail, which may lead to safety conflicts. NCDOT agreed to the following commitment: 24. NCDOT will investigate opportunities to use 2:1 slopes at jurisdictional stream crossings as practicable. This investigation will be presented and discussed at CP 4B. With the aforementioned discussion and changes to the avoidance and minimization measures the USACE stated their concurrence with the avoidance and minimization measures, followed by the other Merger signatories. HNTB will reach out to USFWS to determine if they will provide concurrence for CP 3 and CP 4A. HNTB will send out the concurrence forms via DocuSign for signature. STIP Project R-5763 Milestone Targets Milestone Schedule* Concurrence Point 3/4A July 15, 2020 Biological Assessment July 2020 Biological Opinion Fall 2020 State EA/FONSI Fall 2020 Concurrence Point 4B September 2020 Begin ROW Acquisition FY 2021 3 STIP Project R-5763 Milestone Targets Milestone Schedule* Begin Construction FY 2023 *tentative, subject to change;