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HomeMy WebLinkAbout19981148 Ver 1_Complete File_19981124State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director 1 ? • NC ENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES November 30, 1998 Surry County WQC 401 Project # 981148 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. W.O. Atkins NC DOT PO Box 558 Elkin, NC 28621 Dear Mr. Atkins: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to place fill material in 0.007 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of road maintenance, as you described in your application dated November 24, 1998. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3127. This Certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 3 when the Corps of Engineers issues it. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. Also this approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 276 1 1-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. c el , re n Howard, r. P.E. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Winston-Salem DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files 981148.1tr Division of Water Quality - Environmental Sciences Branch Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX 919-733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer - 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper Y T OF NORTH CAROLINA 1 OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. He R. E. NoRRIs TOLSON GOVERNOR SECRETARY NOVEMBER 18,1998 Mr. Ken Jolly, Office Manager U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Branch 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Re: Project No. 6.742589 - Grade, Drain, Base and Pave SR1429, (Old McKinney Rd.), 0.66 Mile, in Surry County, North Carolina. Dear Mr. Jolly: The North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division 11, District I Maintenance plans to Grade, Drain, Base and Pave SR1429 (Old McKinney Rd.) in Surry County, to improve safety for the traveling public. (1) Sta 25+00 there is an existing 36' of 30" CMP which we plan to replace with 50' of 36" BCCS Pipe. This stream is a perpendicular crossings of unnamed streams which are tributaries to Stewarts Creek. This work does not involve designated Trout Water. We are requesting a 404 Nationwide Permit (# 3) Maintenance from your Agency. P. O. Box 558, ELKIN, NC 28621 PHONE (336) 835-4241 FAx (336) 835-1615 Page 2 Ken Jolly " November 18, 1998 am sending a sketch with the proposed erosion control plan along with a marked county map. Also by copy of this letter, I am requesting authorization to proceed under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act from the Division of Environmental Management. If further information is required, please let me know. Your early review and consideration will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, W. O. Atkins, PE District Engineer Enclosures cc: W. E. Hoke, PE, Division Engineer R. M. Freeman, PE, County Maintenance Engineer Matt Gant, PE, Regional Engineer DEHNR Neil Trivette, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer Joe Mickey, Mtn. Regional Coordinator Eric Galamb, Water Quality Certification Unit DEM (7) ?( 1 DEM ID: CORPS ACTION ID: NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQUESTED (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE PERMIT #): 3 PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE: 1) NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS 2) APPLICATION FOR SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION 3) COORDINATION WITH THE NC DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT SEND THE ORIGINAL AND (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED FORM TO THE APPROPRIATE FIELD OFFICE OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAME: NC, d e eae m e it of %i24H , al enz 'or/-p;a a ^,o 2 . MAILING ADDRESS : P, a, Bo y= SS8 ; C/fo2o A. 1',411 SUBDIVISION NAME: CITY: le?l/r'N STATE: M! ZIP CODE: ZR <a 2 PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS, INCLUDING SUBDIVISION NAME (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS ABOVE): 3. TELEPHONE NUMBER (HOME): (WORK) . .3.3(.'835'924/ 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: Z,0.0, /4 IrOW-5 , R,' F' ,d *S7T C ly"- a 1?lo 2Tf/ e,4 2 o 4 tvt4,,j 1) Ge,gR.Trn c N i o777 72,41,SpdR ZA7`t't3 N 62, doxSSB 5. LOCATION OF WORK (PROVIDE A MAP, PREFERABLY A COPY OF USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WITH SCALE): COUNTY : J ?-l R12 ?/ NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: AlDUNT A I'Q I/ ?r SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.) : S/e /¢ 29 0/d Me K • 3-j-9 zoop,,Ha 44c A- 7.o 57A 6. IMPACTED OR NEAREST STREAM/RIVER: STC u,,4 2 Is C?2 Fe RIVER BASIN: I/ .D ft'/ "/J 7a. IS PROJECT LOCATED NEAR WATER CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, TIDAL SALTWATER (SA), HIGH QUALITY WATERS (HQW), OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS (ORW), WATER SUPPLY (WS-I OR WS-II)? YES [ ] NO p(] IF YES, EXPLAIN: 7b. IS THE PROjZCT LOCATED WITHIN A NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAG-M-MENT AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) ? YES [ ] NO W 7c. IF THE PROJECT IS-IOCATSD WITHIN A COASTAL COUNTY (SEE PAGE 7 FOR LIST OF COASTAL COUNTIES) , WHAT IS = :,AZZ USE PLAN (L-u-?) DES?INAT=ON? P- ml R- uP-A I 8a. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES [ ]' NO [X] IF YES, PROVIDE ACTION I.D. NUMBER OF PREVIOUS PERMIT AND ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (INCLUDE PHOTOCOPY OF 4.01 CERTIFICATION) : 8b. ARE ADDITIONAL PERMIT REQUESTS EXPECTED FOR THIS PROPERTY IN THE FUTURE? YES [ ] NO [I] IF YES, DESCRIBE ANTICIPATED WORK: 2 9a. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES IN TRACT OF LAND: D, OD 7Ac ?',,/ 9b. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: 10a. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS IMPACTED BY TI PROPOSED PROJECT BY: FILLING: -D - -- ExcAVaTION: F TLOOD ING : - - DRAINAGT-: " - D - OTI-1--R: LisS %NAti/ D1/1) Ackt TOTAL ACRES TO BE 12 ACTED : 1), O D 7AC . 10b. (1) STREAM C.v.ANN"nL TO BE IMPACTED BY 7 PROPOSED PROJECT (I= RrLOCAT=- , PROVIDE DISTANCE BOTH BEFORE AND AFT R.. 0CATION) : LENGTH BEFORE : FT A_^ TER : ;:"r WIDTH BEFORE (based on normal hich water corcou=s) FT WIDTH AFTER: c•r AVERAGE DEPTH BEFORE: 711 AFTER: =T (2) S-_-. gF M GANNET, ry. ? AC'rS WT-,,T, ?F5;7 7-T , anM . (CRECK ALL THAT A_p PLY) OPEN CHANNEL RELOCATION: PLACEMENT OF PIPE IN CHANNEL: ClRANNEL EXCAVATION: ? CONSTRUCTION OF A DAM/FT.,OODING: OTHER: 11. I: CONSTRUCTION OF A POND IS PROPOSED, WHAT IS T-,M- SIZE OF THE WATERSHED DRAINING TO THE POND? /NIA WHAT IS =-%. MDECTED POND SURFACE AREA? N?,Q 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK INCLUDING DISCUSSION OF TYPE OF 3 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE USED (ATTACH PLANS: S 1/2" X 11" DRAWINGS n1JLY 1 tG/T /7oC I D t? C i4 ,V/47' e5:- RAS 0= nr?nnc? nF PROPOSED WORK: II 6-1-1Q 14. STATE REASONS WHY IT IS 3ELIEVE.DRJS ACTIVITY OUT IN WETLANDS % (INCLUDE ANY Mks -T IMPACTS) : ? i G 14 4n 15. YOU ARE REQ=R= TO CONTACT TTY Q.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING TLPORS?? ? ?S?IES OR CRITICAL HABITAT PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGER-M THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY T'nr. PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE COTIC PERMIT AREA T 00 jo r- (ATTACH RESPONSES CONTACTED : ? ° - FROM THESE AGENCIES.) 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER OF HISTO (S'r_PO) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSEE S? ? ?Y?I?FE ECTED BY?THE PROPOSEDRIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA C= o N TC7- DATE CONTACTED : ND PROJECT. 17. DOES THE PROJECT INVOLVE AN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR THE USE OF PUBLIC (STATE) LAND' 4 %fl S 3 YES (I NO N (IF NO, GO TO 18) a. IF YES, DOES THE PROJECT REQUIRE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIROQ-4ENTAL DOCUMENT PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREME;lTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT? N1j4 YES (I NO (I b. IF YES, HAS THE DOCUMENT BEEN R.7VIEWED THROUGH THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE CLEARINGHOUSE? YES ( I NO ( I IF ANSWER TO 17b IS YES, THEN SUBMIT APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION FROM THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE TO DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH TP? NORTH. CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT. QUESTIONS REGARDING TT.--.E STATE CLEARINGHOUSE R.tVIEW PROCESS SFIOULD BE DIRECT---D TO MS. C_:----ZYS BAGGETT, DIRECTOR STATE CLEARINGHOUSE, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, 116 WEST JONES STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH' CAROLINA 27603-8003, TELEPHONE (919) 733-6369. 18. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IF PROPOSED ACTIVITY INVOLVES THEE DISCHARGE OF EXCAVATED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WETLANDS: a. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, LAFCS AND PONDS ON THE PROPERTY (FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBERS 14, 18, 21, 26, 29, AND 38). ALL STREAMS (INTERMIT= AND PERMANENT) ON THE PROPERTY MUST BE SHOWN ON THE MAP. MAP SCALES S'r_OULD BE 1 INCH: EQUALS 50 FEET OR 1 INCH? EQUALS 100 FEET OR THEIR EQUIVALENT. b. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRARK OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. d. ATTACH? A COPY OF T'r.' STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IF REQUIRED. e. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? 'Z 40 ,eAl l 0972LRI?1 E. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? 5 f r ? g. SIGNED AND DATED AGENT AUTHORIZATION LETTER, IF APPLICABLE. NOTE: WETLANDS OR WATERS OF THE U.S. MAY NOT BE IMPACTED PRIOR TO: 1) ISSUANCE OF A SECTION 404 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT, 2) EITHER THE ISSUANCE OR WAIVER OF A 401 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (WATER QUALITY) CERTIFICATION, AND 3) (IN = TWENTY COASTAL CODNTIES ONLY) , A LETTER FROM THE NORTH. CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT STATING THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGE PROGRAM. OWNER'S/AGENT'S SIGNATURE fir- ?8 - 98 DATE (AGENT'S SIGNATURE VALID ONLY IF AUTHORIZATION LETTER FROM THE OWNER IS PROVIDED (18g.)) T 6 SPECIFICATIONS su4 Q/ N . Std. # Description Syrribol 1630.03 1630.05 1605.01 1622.01 1630.01 1630.02 1633.01 1633.02 1634.01 1634.02 1635.01 1635.02 1636.01 1630.04 1632.01 1632.02 1632.03 Temporary Silt Fence Temporary Silt Ditch Temporary Diversion Temporary Slope Drain Silt Basin Type-A Silt Basin Type-B Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-A Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-B Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-A Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-B Rock Pipe Inlet Sediment Trap Type-A - Rock Pipe Inlet Sediment Trap Type-B- Rock Silt Screen Stilling Basin Rock Inlet Sediment Trap: uqj Type-A A M-- OR --A Type-B. B fE-7-1--OR -- B Type-C C f[]-- OR -- C TSD TD A? B 111-3 ??-? 9 ' 1\ ? Y 16"94 / 1671 , ?° 1671 . n ' ? 1 / . 162 1 01 1 2410 l 1697 i ,645 j . 14 07. CM 4 ? \ • J 1698 .37 i 1390 • 10 1 t 1 1631 f7 1 07 ' 05 • 10 163!' 6 1 ; 3 0 , f • 4 1 `IXi \ 0,y a, i ? , • ` '\ 09 .01 •73 1' fw 1391 .2021) - ?.' - - il' .10 ?' ' 33 1387 fA •\ • r3 ,389 \ .10 a 1343 / °15=1 1 138 '? lye \-a 1380 = F4U 1 1376 •05 1386 • /0 (V ..4, /• 1 /•• ,)"'? p t$4 138 .10 1 O .OI . 06 1448 30 n I 3a 1436.10 4.15 os 1 15-10, 1457 131\O )01 ' 1502 1503 ' 1 / O / O ' i 1377 .a /' / y? .11 14618 t,1462 N 1376 •25 .10 \ // ( 1454 `? \M 1392 1463 1 FF// 11 1i1 - N •y . - 'y 1, ,75 1375 s / `t 2 q ?' ft? M - ? , c 0 nn 145 1344 .33 1380 1 ,p /? 1 S t4 r r y Co. - I?r`N• ` F 617?zsld*; _-'---- - ' 1-`01 1,•?- % 1 71 1370 \ 3 1 N ? i/ 13.79 , •I 1 .24 14 1380 1 ' . ? _ .. 1447 or 10 •, 14 .10 R /p !P O \ _ _ J! Za 1464 1497 •21 1363 . .35 1437 .19 1142 .40, 1359 \F4P- 1 / 1453 1451 • /S . - 1 - V? 1446 1445 .17 1 ? _ q _ 1451 $•14 ? `? • -, ?- ? 1511 151 ??-? / 1365 •• \ 148 N ? 1 ? ? p 1 ? _ ? 156 ' /' .'? •,p g 1483 . 30 n .0 .60 1429 1430 ' 1362 •v0, °p \-_ ?? 1359 • •8b 1361 --,/ 1••fi 6 • • + / ' \ , / 2268 / .36 / 2269 1486 1485 1360 2270 / -- ' . 1358 `p 'O? \ /• .07 / 1357 1487 •'? ; p ?4S ' .20 •21 • - 15 WNW 1478 - .31 f 1477'. 1359 Ph" 9 1357 O .64 .32 ' 1476 .11 ` - 0 FMS 27 ,003 e? s Silt Basin Type B's will be constructed to the dimension of six feet by three feet by three feet unless otherwise noted on the plans. Generally, the order of installation of the erosion control measures will be as follows: Temporary silt basins shall be installed before clearing and grubbing begins. Silt fences and temporary silt ditches shall be installed after clearing and before grading. Temporary stone ditch checks shall be installed as soon as ditchline is established. Pipe outlet and inlet protection will be done as soon as the pipe is installed. Seeding and other permanent erosion control measures are to be implemented as soon as practical. \\V- 'RS Always SUPER toward ditch line as a temporary measure in this situation! *DITCH LINER REQUIREMENTS* ROAD NAME : SR 1429 OLD McEMEY ROAD STATION STATION RT. / LT. 16+00 19+00 RT. ! LT. 25 20+21 21+75 RT. / LT. 24+50 34+50 RT. / LT. 34+50 36+50 RT. / LT. 39+00 42+00 LT. 43+00 43+75 RT. / LT. TYPE LINER REQUMM MAT RIP RAP RIP RAP MAT MAT RIP RAP s TTVV n' N x M x 1 +Go w. w l g +00 17 +00 T s 6 M I ?0-f- 0Q ? 1 ?r s I5+00 H+00 LINE N Ax. A N ? a r.:? o IL d;?O Q? N N Ofd' I 25, v L 0 0 ? M i 6 N 47 N M rZ 0 ? CL ZLn ?+ a a a rN, A TCH LINE 2`I+00 MATCH` - LINE Lo s ? ?? . ic o g.U3 rn 23+00 ?. c c? ? +/ ? M oa_ ? M Rlw ,T N S 1362 Branch A 22-+0() ? a Ro?c? a 0 y st R/W A J ? ? w ? 2S 25, ~ -a ? -6 QZ LU ct 20.t y ,? ? ??? 20+20 f ti 20 + 0 0 20-f06 19 f q,01 kil y B eg. Br;J9e ' a _ M TM a 0° 19fSS M 2' 9 ?s cr rN ? 9-f-DO MATCH LINE MATCH LINE t n? ti ? T LLJ 012 0 VC x w rr^^ vl 29+00 a (.Y r1i ? N J ? 1 M Q ? N s K K Z 7 +oo 5 °- 2(o-H5 R ?6 fy,, " ' 25 25 ?N K 2 1.L00r= r x S M h s ? I?S? 4-e x r Q r O K N Z f D + 2'-t2-6 z zo Lr) a is) t3 , x O 0 CO ' a Q Ln LLL 2 y +o o MATCH LINE 3y+00 MATCH LIN, • N K ? M p x N ? Cl-O 3 +00 p? N +` s Lr) t N x N 32+10 32+0 ?hd 0' a- Beg. Z5' R/W BNB Id in9 - 31+55 -Z g /g I Bey, 20 4- End 2S'R/W s s yo om 31 + oo Leo v __ ul-I S J m n) 30+00 r Lu • r1l u Zq+-O0 MATCH r r LINE 3 +00 MATCH v INE UX; ? c L 4-V r +00 ? N L OK a cr 1 0 3 S 31+0 Cl- s OJ S 0 •pp S>C go'st. R /W o- N 3 + 00 x sR 13G.1 cr- O ?? C sQhj Xist. /WC3 `N N 74v? M a- 3.9+00 MATCH LINE q -goo IZ+oo +00 4?+00 TEL rv) .? a s CP . 00 ? v l? ?M N? 93+12 Bey . 2 0' PVMT n ;--? MATCH L INE QL: N k Q- N 25' ro a ? i L 6 v ?- 0 s a- 4- 1 d S -b a?-- 3 +00 MCI TCH lA 1 Al LINE d0 r S 2q,' c Mp C F- 4 E N qo° 55 a' T• 55.0 to `? Exist. 30'R Wgx3x2 ?\•o xisrt• 301R/W -?-0 MCI TCH 4 0