HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002005_Semi-annual report_202007204114 Laurel Ridge Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 rSoil Geology cience Hydrogeology Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. "Experts in Environmental Compliance" (919) 210-6547 July 20, 2020 Ms. Morella King Environmental Supervisor North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Groundwater Section Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Re: 2020 Semi -Annual Inspection Report I House of Raeford Farms, Inc. Permit Number WQ0002005 Rose Hill, Duplin County, North Carolina Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Job No. 99-040 Dear Ms. King: Protocolsampling@yahoo.com Environrnentalservicesnc.com This report will entail an overview of the wastewater effluent concentrations; trends associated with the weekly, monthly and yearly loading rates and plant available nitrogen (PAN) concentrations for the six months of 2020. Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. personnel visited the site on Monday, June 1, 2020. As of June 30, 2020, harvesting of the rye grass from the spray fields has been completed. Irrigation was taking place at the time of the June 1st inspection on Fields 5A, 513, 6A, L8 and L9. Even with an increase in rainfall grass production has fallen from 646 bales in 2019 to 549 bales in 2020 YTD. 126 bales were harvested in 2018, 957 bales of Rye grass were harvested in 2017, 1,000 bales were harvested in 2016, 2017 bales of rye grass were harvested in 2015 YTD. Duplin County usually receives about 51 inches of rain in an average year. The House of Raeford plant lagoons and land application areas received 96.55 inches of rainfall in 1999. The plant lagoons and spray fields received 43.04 in calendar year 2000, 39.3 inches in calendar year 2001, 40.33 inches in calendar year 2002, 66.40 inches in calendar year 2003, 52.45 inches in calendar year 2004, 52.30 inches in 2005, 73.40 inches in 2006, 41.30 inches in 2007, 58.0 inches in 2008, 50.15 inches in 2009, 52.08 inches in 2010, 42.11 inches in 2011, 50.15 inches in 2012, 54.80 inches in 2013, 48.98 inches in 2014, 67.35 inches in 2015, 71.05 inches in 2016, 52.60 inches in 2017, 84.95 in 2018 and 55.15 inches in 2019. The rainfall received through June 2020 has increased by 9.80 inches when compared to the rainfall received during the same time period in 2019 (20.55 vs. 30.35 inches). The secondary lagoon laboratory data had shown 1 % decrease in average TKN and a 2% decrease in NH3 concentrations when comparing the year to date 2011 to the 2012 data. The NO3-N concentrations averaged a low 0.15 mg/l. The secondary lagoon laboratory data had shown 22% increase in average TKN and a 15% increase in NH3 concentrations when comparing the year to date 2012 to the 2013 data. The NO3-N concentrations averaged a very low 0.08 mg/l. The secondary lagoon laboratory data had shown 44% increase in average TKN and a 22% increase in NH3 concentrations when comparing the year to date 2013 to the 2014 data. The NO3-N concentrations have averaged 0.17 mg/l, an increase from the 0.06 mg/1 year to date in 2013. The secondary lagoon laboratory data had shown 58% decrease in average TKN and a 48% decrease in NH3 concentrations when comparing the year to date 2015 to the 2014 data. The NO3-N concentrations have averaged 0.07 mg/l, a decrease from the 0.17 mg/1 year to date in 2014. The secondary lagoon laboratory data has shown a 6% decrease in average TKN and a 19% decrease in NH3 concentrations when comparing the year to date 2017 to the 2016 data. The NO3-N concentrations have averaged 0.03 mg/l, a slight increase from the 0.08 mg/1 year to date in 2016. The secondary lagoon laboratory data has shown a 3.8% decrease in average TKN and a 3.9% decrease in NH3 concentrations when comparing the year to date 2018 to the 2017 data. The NO3-N concentrations have averaged 0.23 mg/l, a slight increase from the 0.07 mg/1 year to date in 2017. The secondary lagoon laboratory data has shown a 12% decrease in average TKN and a 16% decrease in NH3 concentrations when comparing the year to date 2019 to the 2018 data. The NO3-N concentrations have averaged 0.05 mg/l, a decrease from the 0.23 mg/1 year to date in 2018. The secondary lagoon laboratory data has shown a 1% increase in average TKN and a 13% increase in NH3 concentrations when comparing the year to date 2020 to the 2019 data. The NO3-N concentrations have averaged 0.02 mg/l, a decrease from the 1.23 mg/I year to date in 2019. The primary and secondary lagoons are adequately treating the nitrate portion of the waste stream before it is applied to the spray fields. The yearly PAN loading which had fallen from 275 #/acre in 1999 to 205 #/acre in 2000, increased to 294 #/acre in 2001. The PAN loading decreased to 247 #/acre in 2002, to 228#/acre in 2003, increased to 250#/acre in 2004, increased to 321#/acre in 2005, decreased in 2006 to 244#/acre, increased in 2007 to 295#/acre, 255# in 2008, 246# in 2009, 216#/acre in 2010, 207#/acre in 2011, 199#/acre in 2012, 261#/acre in 2013, 292#/acre in 2014, 139#/acre in 2015, 125#/acre in 2016, 121#/acre in 2017, 67#/acre in 2018 and 102#/acre in 2019. The 2020 yearly PAN loading is on track to average 100#/acre if the existing 2020 data is extrapolated. At the time of the inspection, the secondary lagoon freeboard was observed to be three feet due to above average rainfall. The interior sidewalls were grassed and no erosion was evident. No algae build-up was evident on the lagoon water surface. Even though wastewater production has fluctuated recently, Mr. Teachey has been able to maintain the spray fields and equipment including the grassed waterways and buffers, which continue to be in excellent shape. The weed colonies, (broadleaf and small leaf weeds) that were treated with 2, 4 — D and MSMA in early spring have been virtually eliminated in all fields including the center pivot (4CP) allowing the coastal Bermuda grass cover crop and Abruzzi rye to regain a healthy volume due to below average rainfall amounts. Due to erratic rainfall events 549 bales of Rye grass have been harvested through June 30, 2020.957 bales of rye grass were harvested in 2019.616 bales of rye grass were harvested in 2018. 1,000 bales of rye grass were harvested in 2017. 1,350 bales of rye grass hay were harvested in 2015. 1,450 bales of rye grass hay were harvested in 2013. 1,000 bales of Rye grass were removed in 2012, 1,224 bales of Rye grass were removed in 2011, 1104 bales of Rye grass were removed in 2010, 803 bales of Rye grass were removed in 2009, 356 bales of rye grass were removed in 2009, 1,088 bales of rye grass were removed during the same period in 2007, 1,470 round bales were removed in 2006, 1,800 round bales were harvested in 2005 and 2,475 round bales of rye grass hay were harvested in 2004. 853 round bales of rye grass hay were removed from the fields in 2003 and 1,243 round bales of rye grass hay were removed from the fields in 2002. All of the hay bales are being picked -up by local farmers for cattle feed. Protocol recommends continuing to maintain the wastewater volume at less than 10 million gallons per month that will help to maintain a safe hydraulic loading of the 16 spray fields. The vegetative portion of the scum layer present on the primary lagoon that was removed in the summer of 2003 and again in 2010 that was removed mechanically from the lagoon surface has returned but is relegated to within a boom and is contained adjacent to the DAF end of the lagoon. The scum layer that has formed on the second primary lagoon is slowly being degraded by microbial action. The installation of the new DAF waste water pretreatment system has resulted in a balanced but low PAN value. It is evident that a decrease in grass production is direct result of a weaker waste water strength. PAN should not exceed 100#/acre with no exceedances of the 300#/acre limit if current PAN/acre concentrations are extrapolated. Application should be decreased on L4 and L10. Overall, an exceptional improvement in waste water treatment continues to be maintained by House of Raeford, Inc. plant personnel. Please call us at (919) 210-6547 if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. �o sou sc�ey JU 4 e f� 6 f�lJOpIHG David E. Meyer, N.C.L.S.S. President '" rSoil Geology Science Hydrogeology Protocol Sampling Service, Inc 4114 Laurel Ridge Drive "Experts in Environmental Compliance" Protocolsampling@yahoo.com Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 Environrnentalservicesnc.com (919) 210-6547 CC: Ms. Nicole Reynolds, Plant Environmental Manager, House of Raeford Farms, Inc. Mr. Joe Teachey, WWTP Operator, House of Raeford Farms, Inc. file Table 1 2020 Wastewater Quality Data Land Application System House of Raeford Farms, Inc. Rose Hill, Duplin County, North Carolina Month TKN NH3-N NO3-N PAN Rainfall* Rainfall # Rainfall ^ Rainfall - Kalman o Rainfall x ain a ain a Rainfall♦ Rainfall o Rainfall » Rainfall' Rainfall am a ain a am a Rainfall" Rainfallx ain a mg/I mg/I mg/I mgA Ib/1000 gal inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches January 49,40 50 <0.02 24.85 0.12 2.10 1.50 0.50 2.15 3.75 2.95 1.70 2.10 3.10 0.95 3.90 2.10 1.60 4.30 3.65 3.50 4.50 3.30 3.20 February 65,35 53.60 0.02 30.35 0.15 5.15 5.10 4,90 3.2 2.20 2.95 4.50 1.10 4.70 3.30 3.00 3.40 1.20 3.75 8.80 1.30 1.95 2.85 8.10 March* 53.50 57.10 0.02 27.55 0.14 0.68 5.35 0.55 3.4 1.20 1A5 3.30 4.20 1.95 3.11 7.55 Z003.50 4.80 1.85 2.95 4.50 2095 2.60 April 71.85 53.55 0.02 32.3 0.16 2.45 6A5 5.80 3A 4.00 3.05 7.25 3.20 0.60 5.30 3.10 3.60 4.40 3.40 3.35 9.40 6.30 5.70 2.80 May 56.70 45.85 0.02 26.2 0.13 3.10 5.40 6.25 4.35 3.80 2.95 6.55 5.85 3.70 2.50 4.30 3.20190 5.60 5A5 3.40 9.10 3.45 9.55 June 42.25 36.9 0.020 20.10 0.10 3.20 10.05 4.80 4.6 9.20 2.10 1.30 3.10 8.30 1.80 5.60 13.40 3.83 10.20 5A5 3.40 5.20 2.30 4.10 July 6.15 13.85 5.50 7.45 6.40 5A5 1.30 3.60 5.94 2.20 5.00 8.75 5.25 2A 6.8 2.10 8.05 6.20 August I 1 1 1.85 1 4.55 1 14.0 1 3.6 1 10.5 I 2.05 6.30 10.50 6.90 11.65 6.80 4.85 7.90 4.30 6.35 11.55 6.75 8.15 September 2.65 1 3.60 4.00 4.1 15.85 0.35 10.75 1.35 11.40 4.10 3.10 2A 7.70 1 6.90 9.35 7.45 26.10 7.70 October 2.50 5.45 0.40 8.8 4.00 12.55 8.70 1.75 2.30 2.50 2.60 1.90 3.40 6.20 9.75 2.30 1.00 3.00 November 3.90 1.50 4.10 2.5 8.70 0.50 3.30 5.95 1.80 3.90 1.30 3.50 3.10 8.30 0.50 0.70 4.30 4.75 December 6.60 3.60 1.65 4.75 3.85 4.95 3.05 7.45 2.11 0.80 3.90 5.70 3.20 7.20 9.75 4.55 7.20 4.80 Average 56.51 49.50 0.02 26.89 0.12 40.33 66.40 52.45 52.3 13.411 41.30 58.00 50.15 52.80 42.11 50.15 54.80 48.98 67.35 71.05 52.60 84.9, 55.15 30.35 * - 2002 rainfall data # - 2003 rainfall data "-2004 rainfall data - - 2005 rainfall data o - 2006 rainfall data x - 2007 rainfall data • - 2008 rainfall data -2009 rainfall data 4-2010 rainfall data o-2011 rainfall data » - 2012 rainfall data ** - 2013 rainfall data ## - 2014 rainfall data •RalMall o DRai- o •Rainfall # inches •PAN I1,11000 gal o NO3-N mgll •NH3-N mgA n - 2015 rainfall data 0.00 50.00 100.00 n-2016 rainfall data ¢-2017 rainfall data ** - 2018 rainfall data xx- 2019 rainfall data - 2020 rainfall data * - 30% mineralization rate used when TKN and ammonia nitrogen concentrations are out of balance FORM: NDMLR 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page of Permit No.: WQ0002005 Facility Name: House of Raeford Farms, Inc. County: Duplin Month: June Year: 2020 Field Name: 6B Field Name: Field Name: Field Name: Field Name: Area (acres): 6.7 Area (acres): Area (acres): Area (acres): Area (acres): Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Load Type: PAN Load Type: Load Type: Load Type: Load Type: Field Loaded? ❑� YES ❑ NO Field Loaded? ❑ YES ❑ NO Field Loaded? ❑ YES ❑ No Field Loaded? ❑ YES ❑ NO Field Loaded? ❑ YES ❑ NO m Z 0 0 Z Q d = 0 �, m = 0 ca m m = 0 m o a, Q a Q r a Q a� a �� Q a r a�� 0 > �� 0. a r �� 0 > �� Q a a�� C > �� 0. a r 0 > Q is >, cC Q is C >% M Q L = >, c0 Q is C >, p IC G> i V � 0 J �, o R O J d E y > V �+ 0 E J d E d y > V ++ O E J d E d y > v +� O E J d E d y > V ++ O E J 7= = O 7 Q = = 3 U Q= = 3 U Q= = 7 U Q= = 3 U 0 Q V U > U 0 U 2 > U 2 > U 2 Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac January 377,367 24.85 11.7 11.7 February 241,500 30.35 9.1 20.8 March 414,270 27.55 14.2 35.0 April 51,840 32.3 2.1 37.1 May 106,280 26.2 3.5 40.6 June 672,380 20.1 16.8 57.4 July 287,055 9.15 3.3 60.6 August 635,380 9.5 7.5 68.2 September 423,600 12.45 6.6 74.7 October 281,280 15.6 5.5 80.2 November 492,726 16.1 9.9 90.1 December 412,995 18.15 9.3 99.4 12 Month Floating PAN Load . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. . . .. .. .. (Ibs/ac/yr): 99.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual PAN Load Limit (Ibs/ac/yr): 300 FORM: NDMLR 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page of Permit No.: WQ0002005 Facility Name: House of Raeford Farms, Inc. County: Duplin Month: June Year: 2020 Field Name: L1 Field Name: L2 Field Name: L3 Field Name: L4 Field Name: L5 Area (acres): 12.04 Area (acres): 12.04 Area (acres): 12.04 Area (acres): 12.04 Area (acres): 10.52 Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? ❑� YES ❑ No Field Loaded? ❑✓ YES ❑ NO Field Loaded? ❑� YES ❑ NO Field Loaded? 0 YES ❑ NO Field Loaded? ❑� YES ❑ NO z c z a z c z a z c z a ° z = z a T z° z z Q Q a Y Q a Q Q° a a Q a Y Q a Q a° a a Q a Y Q a a a ca a a a a �, a a ca a �, a Q a ca m +_ a �, �, R° a Q a ca m rc a ° ° ° ° c 0 ° ° d t ° ° °:E J J E J J E J JE J J E J ' > ° ° ' > ° ° ° > ° ° ' > ° ° ° > ° ° Q V Q V Q V Q v 2 Q V 2 > �E♦ U > ♦E♦ V > �E♦ U > �E♦ V > �E♦ U Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac I gal j mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac I gal j mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac January 545,400 24.85 9.4 9.4 546,300 24.85 9.4 9.4 558,900 24.85 9.6 9.6 394,200 24.85 6.8 6.8 323,100 24.85 6.4 6.4 February 365,400 30.35 7.7 17.1 389,700 30.35 8.2 17.6 286,200 30.35 6.0 15.6 197,100 30.35 4.1 10.9 257,400 30.35 6.2 12.6 March 361,800 27.55 6.9 24.0 544,500 27.55 10.4 28.0 705,600 27.55 13.5 29.1 801,000 27.55 15.3 26.2 666,000 27.55 14.5 27.1 April 550,800 32.3 12.3 36.3 514,800 32.3 11.5 39.5 898,200 32.3 20.1 49.2 396,000 32.3 8.9 35.1 894,600 32.3 22.9 50.0 May 516,600 26.2 9.4 45.7 806,400 26.2 14.6 54.1 1,070,100 26.2 19.4 68.6 385,200 26.2 7.0 42.1 631,800 26.2 13.1 63.1 June 309,600 20.1 4.3 50.0 249,300 20.1 3.5 57.6 468,000 20.1 6.5 75.1 467,100 20.1 6.5 48.6 335,700 20.1 5.3 68.5 July 972,000 9.15 6.2 56.1 551,700 9.15 3.5 61.1 33,300 9.15 0.2 75.3 385,200 9.15 2.4 51.0 330,300 9.15 2.4 70.9 August 487,800 9.5 3.2 59.4 416,700 9.5 2.7 63.9 432,000 9.5 2.8 78.2 841,500 9.5 5.5 56.5 609,300 9.5 4.6 75.5 September 783,900 12.45 6.8 66.1 517,500 12.45 4.5 68.3 563,400 12.45 4.9 83.0 736,200 12.45 6.3 62.9 574,200 12.45 5.7 81.1 October 667,800 15.6 7.2 73.3 684,360 15.6 7.4 75.7 804,600 15.6 8.7 91.7 710,100 15.6 7.7 70.6 445,500 15.6 5.5 86.6 November 354,600 16.1 4.0 77.3 522,900 16.1 5.8 81.5 576,900 16.1 6.4 98.2 612,900 16.1 6.8 77.4 495,000 16.1 6.3 93.0 December 531,900 18.15 6.7 84.0 454,500 18.15 5.7 87.3 334,800 18.15 4.2 102.4 324,000 18.15 4.1 81.5 335,600 18.15 4.8 97.8 12 Month Floating PAN Load . ,. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. (Ibs/ac/yr): 84.0 87.3 102.4 81.5 97.8 Annual PAN Load Limit .. .. .. .. ., .. .. .. (Ibs/ac/yr): 300 7Foo-. 00 . .. . .. 300.00 300.00 .. .. . . .. t 300.00 FORM: NDMLR 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page of Permit No.: WQ0002005 Facility Name: House of Raeford Farms, Inc. County: Duplin Month: June Year: 2020 Field Name: CP4 Field Name: 5A Field Name: 5AA Field Name: 5B Field Name: 6A Area (acres): 23 Area (acres): 6.9 Area (acres): 5.5 Area (acres): 6.9 Area (acres): 16.02 Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? ❑� YES ❑ NO Field Loaded? ❑✓ YES ❑ NO Field Loaded? ❑ YES [2] No Field Loaded? 0 YES ❑ NO Field Loaded? ❑� YES ❑ NO z c z a z c z a z c z a ° z = z a T z° z z Q Q a Y Q a Q Q° a a Q a Y Q a Q a° a a Q a Y Q a a a ca a a a a �, a a ca a �, a Q a ca m +_ a �, �, R° a Q a ca m rc a ° ° ° ° c 0 ° ° d t ° ° °:E J J E J J E J JE J J E J ' > ° ° ' > ° ° ° > ° ° ' > ° ° ° > ° ° Q V Q V Q V Q v 2 Q V 2 > �E♦ U > �E♦ V > �E♦ U > �E♦ V > �E♦ U Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac January 2,791,800 24.85 25.2 25.2 698,129 24.85 21.0 21.0 0 24.85 0.0 0.0 547,182 24.85 16.4 16.4 358,498 24.85 4.6 4.6 February 1,975,500 30.35 21.7 46.9 446,775 30.35 16.4 37.4 0 30.35 0.0 0.0 350,175 30.35 12.8 29.3 229,425 30.35 3.6 8.3 March 3,520,800 27.55 35.2 82.1 766,401 27.55 25.5 62.9 0 27.55 0.0 0.0 600,692 27.55 20.0 49.3 393,557 27.55 5.6 13.9 April 3,497,400 32.3 41.0 123.0 95,904 32.3 3.7 66.6 0 32.3 0.0 0.0 75,168 32.3 2.9 52.2 49,248 32.3 0.8 14.7 May 3,789,000 26.2 36.0 159.0 196,618 26.2 6.2 72.8 0 26.2 0.0 0.0 154,106 26.2 4.9 57.1 100,966 26.2 1.4 16.1 June 3,784,500 20.1 27.6 186.6 1,243,903 20.1 30.2 103.1 0 20.1 0.0 0.0 974,951 20.1 23.7 80.8 638,761 20.1 6.7 22.8 July 3,004,200 9.15 10.0 196.6 531,052 9.15 5.9 108.9 0 9.15 0.0 0.0 416,230 9.15 4.6 85.4 47,652 9.15 0.2 23.0 August 1,523,700 9.5 5.2 201.8 1,175,453 9.5 13.5 122.4 0 9.5 0.0 0.0 921,301 9.5 10.6 96.0 0 9.5 0.0 23.0 September 1,571,400 12.45 7.1 208.9 783,660 12.45 11.8 134.2 0 12.45 0.0 0.0 614,220 12.45 9.2 105.2 285,931 12.45 1.9 24.9 October 3,973,500 15.6 22.5 231.4 520,368 15.6 9.8 144.0 0 15.6 0.0 0.0 407,856 15.6 7.7 112.9 267,216 15.6 2.2 27.0 November 2,703,700 16.1 15.8 247.2 911,544 16.1 17.7 161.8 0 16.1 0.0 0.0 714,452 16.1 13.9 126.8 420,078 16.1 3.5 30.6 December 2,285,200 18.15 15.0 262.2 764,039 18.15 16.8 178.5 0 18.15 0.0 0.0 598,842 18.15 13.1 139.9 392,344 18.15 3.7 34.3 12 Month Floating PAN Load .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. (Ibs/ac/yr): 262.2 I I 1.. 11 178.5 11 1 11 11 0.0 11 1 1 11 1 1.. 139.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. 34.3 Annual PAN Load Limit (Ibs/ac/yr): 300 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 FORM: NDMLR 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page of Permit No.: WQ0002005 Facility Name: House of Raeford Farms, Inc. County: Duplin Month: June Year: 2020 Field Name: L6 Field Name: L7 Field Name: L8 Field Name: L9 Field Name: L10 Area (acres): 8.66 Area (acres): 12.04 Area (acres): 12.04 Area (acres): 12.04 Area (acres): 10.52 Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? ❑� YES ❑ NO Field Loaded? ❑✓ YES ❑ NO Field Loaded? ❑� YES ❑ No Field Loaded? ❑✓ YES ❑ NO Field Loaded? ❑� YES ❑ NO z c z a z c z a z c z a ° z = z a T z° z z Q Q a Y Q a Q Q° a a Q a Y Q a Q a° a a Q a Y Q a a a ca a a a a �, a a ca a �, a Q a ca m +_ a �, �, R° a Q a ca m rc a ° ° ° ° c 0 ° ° d t ° ° °:E J J E J J E J JE J J E J ' > ° ° ' > ° ° ° > ° ° ' > ° ° ° > ° ° Q V Q V Q V Q v 2 Q V 2 > �E♦ U > ♦E♦ V > �E♦ U > ♦E� V > �E♦ U Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac I gal j mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac I gal j mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac January 246,600 24.85 5.9 5.9 389,700 24.85 6.7 6.7 379,800 24.85 6.5 6.5 341,100 24.85 5.9 5.9 540,900 24.85 10.7 10.7 February 258,300 30.35 7.5 13.5 378,000 30.35 7.9 14.7 387,900 30.35 8.2 14.7 370,800 30.35 7.8 13.7 182,700 30.35 4.4 15.1 March 572,400 27.55 15.2 28.6 447,300 27.55 8.5 23.2 590,400 27.55 11.3 26.0 726,300 27.55 13.9 27.5 532,800 27.55 11.6 26.7 April 489,600 32.3 15.2 43.9 750,600 32.3 16.8 40.0 730,800 32.3 16.4 42.3 637,200 32.3 14.3 41.8 563,400 32.3 14.4 41.1 May 700,200 26.2 17.7 61.5 786,600 26.2 14.3 54.3 912,600 26.2 16.6 58.9 747,900 26.2 13.6 55.4 539,100 26.2 11.2 52.3 June 571,500 20.1 11.1 72.6 789,300 20.1 11.0 65.2 777,600 20.1 10.8 69.7 781,200 20.1 10.9 66.2 423,000 20.1 6.7 59.1 July 254,700 9.15 2.2 74.8 383,400 9.15 2.4 67.7 300,600 9.15 1.9 71.6 323,100 9.15 2.0 68.3 196,200 9.15 1.4 60.5 August 501,300 9.5 4.6 79.4 761,400 9.5 5.0 72.7 552,600 9.5 3.6 75.2 459,900 9.5 3.0 71.3 297,900 9.5 2.2 62.7 September 471,600 12.45 5.7 85.1 569,700 12.45 4.9 77.6 741,600 12.45 6.4 81.6 812,700 12.45 7.0 78.3 196,200 12.45 1.9 64.7 October 503,100 15.6 7.6 92.6 769,500 15.6 8.3 85.9 655,200 15.6 7.1 88.7 813,600 15.6 8.8 87.1 671,400 15.6 8.3 73.0 November 273,600 16.1 4.2 96.9 391,500 16.1 4.4 90.3 327,600 16.1 3.7 92.4 378,000 16.1 4.2 91.3 287,100 16.1 3.7 76.6 December 282,700 18.15 4.9 101.8 406,800 18.15 5.1 95.4 441,900 18.15 5.6 97.9 544,500 18.15 6.8 98.2 362,700 18.15 5.2 81.8 12 Month Floating PAN Load . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. (Ibs/ac/yr): 101.8 95.4 1 11 1 11 11 97.9 11 1 11 1.. 98.2 .. .. I .. I .. 81.8 .. .. Annual PAN Load Limit .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. (Ibs/ac/yr): 300 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00