HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140762 Ver 5_R-2915 Modification and Extension 12-27-19_20200721 Wanucha, Dave From:Hining, Kevin J Sent:Thursday, July 16, 2020 10:24 AM To:Beckwith, Loretta A CIV USARMY CESAW (USA); Wanucha, Dave Subject:R-2915E, HWY 221 E section, Ashe County Attachments:R-2915 Modification and Extension Ashe_Watauga 12-27-19.pdf Lori and Dave, I recently worked with NCWRC to review and waive the trout moratorium requests for our upcoming R-2915E project. In short, they agreed that the trout resources within and downstream of the stream reaches in the project had few to no wild trout resources. This should be a big help to us, since the project has already been delayed. I’ve attached the 404 and 401 above, and an email from Marla Chambers below, stating their agreement to drop the moratorium. Marla mentions three streams in her email. A fourth stream within the project, UT of Naked Creek, did not have a moratorium request. Please let me know if you need anything else regarding the moratorium voidance for this project. Thanks! Kevin Kevin Hining Division 11 Environmental Officer North Carolina Department of Transportation 828-386-7202 cell kjhining@ncdot.gov 801 Statesville Rd. PO Box 250 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. _____________________________________________________________ From: Chambers, Marla J <marla.chambers@ncwildlife.org> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 2:00 PM To: Hining, Kevin J <kjhining@ncdot.gov> 1 Cc: Johnson, Thomas C <thomas.johnson@ncwildlife.org>; Hodges, Kinnon B <kin.hodges@ncwildlife.org> Subject: RE: R-2915E - 221 E section between West Jefferson and Jefferson NCWRC agrees to waive the trout moratorium for Beaver Creek, Cole Branch, and Little Buffalo Creek in the E section of R-2915, Ashe Co. Marla Marla Chambers // NCDOT Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program NC Wildlife Resources Commission c/o NCDOT 206 Charter Street Albemarle, North Carolina 28001 Direct Office Line: 704-244-8907 mobile: 704-984-1070 Marla.chambers@ncwildlife.org ncwildlife.org Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER JAMES H. TROGDON, III GOVERNOR SECRETARY December 27, 2019 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Michael Pettyjohn, P.E. Division 11 Engineer FROM: /ryl Philip S. Harris, III, P.E., Manager ° Environmental Analysis Unit SUBJECT: 404 and 401 Permit Renewal and Modification for the improvements to US 221 in Ashe and Watauga Counties, Division 11; WBS No 34518.1.1, TIP: R-2915 and R-2915 E. Enclosed is the US Army Corps of Engineers Permit, NC Division of Water Resources Water Quality Certification, and Project Commitments ("greensheet") for the above -referenced project. All environmental permits have been received for the construction of this project. The permit package has been posted on the NCDOT website at: https://xfer.services.ncdot.gov/pdea/PermIssued/ ec: Mr. Ron Davenport, P.E. Contracts Management Mr. Kevin Hining, Division Environmental Officer Dr. Majed Al-Ghandour, P.E., Programming and TIP Mr. Stephen Morgan, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. Brian Hanks, P.E., Structure Design Mr. Mark Staley, Roadside Environmental Mr. Lamar Sylvester, P.E., State Roadway Construction Engineer Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS UNIT 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 Telephone: (919) 707-6000 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www.ncdot.gov Location: 1000 BIRCH RIDGE DRIVE RALEIGH NC 27610 PROJECT COMMITMENTS T.I.P Project No. R-2915 Widening of US 221 Business/ NC 88 in Jefferson Watauga and Ashe Counties Federal Aid Project No. STP-0221(10) WBS Element 34518.1.1 COMMITMENTS FROM PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN Division 11 Construction Unit NCDOT will coordinate with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to determine the status of the potential WRC public access project at South Fork New River. The coordination for developing public access to a river on a road project begins before project design. No plans were submitted from WRC for incorporation ofpublic access to the River. This particular project has been designed with controlled access and very minimal access points. In particular, this is a four lane divided facility and access to the River at the crossing is dangerous. NCDOT will comply with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission's moratorium prohibiting in -stream work and land disturbance within the 25-foot trout buffer from October 15 to April 15 for all streams supporting wild trout, including, but not limited to, Beaver Creek, Call Creek, Cole Branch, Gap Creek, Little Gap Creek, and Old Field Creek. Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds will be adhered to during project construction (15A NCAC 4B.0124). NCDOT will re -survey the South Fork New River within the footprint of the existing and proposed bridge at that crossing prior to permitting to ensure no individuals of Virginia spiraea have inhabited the area. The crossing of the South Fork New River was re -surveyed in July 2014 by NCDOT biologists. The Hydraulics Unit will coordinate with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program (FMP) to determine the status of the project with regard to applicability of NCDOT's Memorandum of Agreement or approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). NCDOT will provide an individual Section 404 permit for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and a Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. NCDOT will design the roadway alignment and profile in front of the Fleetwood Community Center to not impact the underground storage tanks. No permanent right of way will be purchased from the Fleetwood Community Center. Temporary construction easement may be necessary to properly tie the proposed to the existing. R-2915 Permit Greensheet December 2019 Page 1 of 3 COMMITMENTS FROM PERMITTING Division 11 Construction Unit 401 Condition 1: When final design plans are completed for R-2915 Sections C and E, a modification to the 401 Water Quality Certification shall be submitted with five copies and fees to the NC Division of Water resources. Final designs shall reflect all appropriate avoidance, minimization, and mitigation for impacts to wetlands, streams, and other surface waters, and buffers. No construction activities that impact any wetlands, streams or surface waters located in R-2915 Sections C and E shall begin until after the permittee applies for, and receives a written modification of the 401 Water Quality Certification from the NC Division of Water Resources. 401 Condition 4: Streams with Trout classifications require that in -stream work and land disturbance within the 25-foot buffer zone are prohibited during the trout -spawning season of October 15 through April 15 to protect the egg and fry stages of trout. 401 Condition 5: Where possible, hand clearing in wetlands should be used in Section R-2915A rather than mechanized clearing. 401 Condition 6: The relocated portion of a wetland at Permit Site 7 for Section R-2915B should be a grassed swale that has been designed to match the grade and shape of the existing wetland as much as possible. 401 Condition 7: Ensure that the planned installation of a cross vane structure at the downstream end of Old Field Creek at Permit Site 6 for Section R-2915D is constructed in such manner that alleviates scour and erosion to the maximum extent practical. 401 Condition 8: Channel relocations shall be completed and stabilized, and approved on site by NCDWR staff, prior to diverting water into the new channel. Stream banks shall be matted with coir-fiber matting. Vegetation used for bank stabilization shall be limited to native riparian vegetation, and should include establishment of a vegetated buffer on both sides of the relocated channel to the maximum extent practical. Also, additional rip -rap, above which was approved in final approved design drawings, may be allowed if it is necessary to maintain the physical integrity of the stream, but the applicant must provide written justification and any calculations used to determine the extent of rip -rap coverage requested. Once the stream has been turned into the new channel, it may be necessary to relocate stranded fish to the new channel to prevent fish kills. 401 Condition 19: Due to site conditions at Permit Site 9 for Section R-2915B, NCDWR will not require the burial of the culvert inlet in this location. However, design and placement of the culvert and other structures shall be installed in such a manner that the original stream profiles are not altered (i.e., the depth of the channel must not be reduced by a widening of the streambed). Existing stream dimensions (including pattern and profile) are to be maintained above and below locations of each culvert. The structures shall be designed and installed to allow for fish and other wildlife movement as well as prevent headcutting of the stream. The applicant may be required to provide evidence that the equilibrium has been maintained if requested in writing by the NCDWR. R-2915 Permit Greensheet December 2019 Page 2 of 3 Roadside Environmental Unit 401 Condition 3: Where streams within the project area carry supplemental classifications as Trout (Tr), High Quality Waters (HQW) or Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), stormwater shall be directed to vegetated buffer areas, grasslined ditches or other means appropriate to the site for the purpose of pre - treating storm water runoff prior to discharging directly into streams. Mowing of existing vegetated buffers is strongly discouraged. Grassed swales should also be utilized throughout the project to reduce water velocity, promote infiltration and provide treatment for discharge before runoff enters streams. The permittee shall use Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds per 15A NCAC 4B.0124(a)-(e) in areas draining to ORW, HQW waters. However, due to the size of the project, the NCDOT shall not be required to meet 15A NCAC 4B.0124(a) regarding the maximum amount of uncovered acres. Temporary cover (wheat, millet, or similar annual grain) or permanent herbaceous cover shall be planted on all bare soil within IS business days of ground disturbing activities to provide erosion control. R-2915 Permit Greensheet December 2019 Page 3 of 3 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 151 PATTON AVENUE ROOM 208 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801-5006 December 27, 2019 Regulatory Division Action ID: SAW-2012-00882 North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways Mr. Philip S. Harris III, P.E., C.P.M. Natural Environment Section Head 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 Dear Mr. Harris: I refer to your Department of the Army (DA) Individual Permit dated January 7, 2015, in which we authorized the placement of fill material into 3.04 acre of wetlands and 7,886 linear feet (If) of stream, and temporary placement of fill material into 0.31 acres of Waters of the US, associated with the widening of US Highway 221 from US 421 to US 221 Business/NC 88 in Jefferson, in Watauga and Ashe Counties, North Carolina (TIP Numbers R-2519 A-E). This was a phased permit and only authorized work on Sections A, B and D. Sections C and E were not authorized to commence until final design was completed, impacts to waters and wetlands were minimized to the extent practicable, and all modified plans including, but not limited to, a compensatory mitigation plan were submitted and approved by the US Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps). Also refer to the modifications issued August 31, 2016 authorizing the final design of Section C and the modification December 7, 2017 authorizing impact modifications under the old bridge crossing the South Fork New River in Section B. By letter dated April 7, 2017, you requested a modification for final impacts associated with changes to two permit sites in Section B as a result of a driveway modification and new temporary wetland fill. The requested changes involve an additional 0.15 acre of temporary wetland impact at Section B Site 4. It also includes the relocation of the stream impact at Site 3 for a total of 71 linear feet of permanent stream impact, a reduction of 40 linear feet compared to the previously authorized impact. This modification request would bring the overall projected impacts (Sections A-E) associated with this modification request for the project to 3.11 acres of permanent wetland impacts, 0.15 acre of temporary wetland impacts, 8,156 linear feet of permanent stream impacts (6,983 linear feet of fill and 1,173 linear feet of bank stabilization), and 0.34 acre of temporary stream impacts. -2- By letter dated June 15, 2018, we received another modification request for changes to Site 1 B on Section B. This request would result in an additional 20 linear feet of bank stabilization along Gap Creek. This modification request would bring the overall projected impacts (Sections A-E) associated with this modification request for the project to 3.11 acres of permanent wetland impacts, 0.15 acre of temporary wetland impacts, 8,176 linear feet of permanent stream impacts (6,983 linear feet of fill and 1,193 linear feet of bank stabilization), and 0.34 acre of temporary stream impacts. By letter dated April 5, 2019, we received a request to modify and extend this permit to include the final impacts for R-2915E. This final design of Section E proposes impacts to 0.46 acre of permanent wetland impacts, 0.01 acre of temporary impact, 1,366 linear feet of permanent stream impacts (907 linear feet of channel fill and 459 linear feet of bank stabilization) and 576 linear feet (0.07 acre) of temporary stream impacts. The total stream impacts for R-2915E have increased since the preliminary impacts presented in 2014 as a few streams have been delineated since then, the slopes have changed in a few locations, bank stabilization impacts have been added, and drainage design at the time was very preliminary. The overall projected impacts (Sections A-E) associated with this modification request for the project changed to 3.05 acres of permanent wetland impacts, 0.15 acre of temporary wetland impacts, 0.05 acre of hand clearing in wetlands, 9,137 linear feet of permanent stream impacts (7,485 linear feet of fill and 1,652 linear feet of bank stabilization), and 0.41 acre of temporary stream impacts After review of the information you submitted and the inclusion of the following special conditions, we have determined that your existing DA authorization is modified to include the work detailed in your submittals dated April 7, 2017, June 15, 2018 and April 5, 2019. 1. All work authorized by this permit must be performed in strict compliance with the originally approved application and plans for R-2915, which were received on July 22, 2014 and the updated modification request and plans dated July 28, 2016, April 7, 2017, November 20, 2017, June 15, 2018 except where superseded by this authorization. 2. In order to compensate for impacts associated with this permit, mitigation shall be provided in accordance with the provisions outlined on the most recent version of the enclosed Compensatory Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form. The requirements of this form, including any special conditions listed on this form, are hereby incorporated as special conditions of this permit authorization. Mitigation for R-2915 Sections A, B, C and D were already required by permit issued January 7, 2015 and subsequent modifications detailed above. A Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form is enclosed requiring the offset of final design impacts to Section E of R-2915. -3- In addition to special conditions stated above, all conditions of the original permit and its modifications apply except those superseded by this authorization. The expiration date has been extended to December 31, 2024. If you have questions, please contact Steve Kichefski at (828) 271-7980, extension 4234. FOR THE COMMANDER *,\-7 k------- Monte Matthews Lead Project Manager Regulatory Division Enclosure cc (without enclosure): Michael Turchy — NCDOT Dave Wanucha - NCDWR Marla Chambers — NCWRC Amanetta Somerville — USEPA Claire Ellwanger — USFWS Felix Davila - FHWA Monte Matthews — USACE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Wilmington District Compensatory Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form Permittee: NCDOT/ Attn: Mr. Philip Harris Action ID: SAW-2012-00882 Project Name: NCDOT / R 2915 / US 221 / DIV 11 / EEP County: Ashe Instructions to Permittee: The Permittee must provide a copy of this form to the Mitigation Sponsor, either an approved Mitigation Bank or the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS), who will then sign the form to verify the transfer of the mitigation responsibility. Once the Sponsor has signed this form, it is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Project Manager identified on page two is in receipt of a signed copy of this form before conducting authorized impacts, unless otherwise specified below. If more than one mitigation Sponsor will be used to provide the mitigation associated with the permit, or if the impacts and/or the mitigation will occur in more than one 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC), multiple forms will be attached to the permit, and the separate forms for each Sponsor and/or HUC must be provided to the appropriate mitigation Sponsors. Instructions to Sponsor: The Sponsor must verify that the mitigation requirements (credits) shown below are available at the identified site. By signing below, the Sponsor is accepting full responsibility for the identified mitigation, regardless of whether or not they have received payment from the Permittee. Once the form is signed, the Sponsor must update the bank ledger and provide a copy of the signed form and the updated bank ledger to the Permittee, the USACE Project Manager, and the Wilmington District Mitigation Office (see contact information on page 2). The Sponsor must also comply with all reporting requirements established in their authorizing instrument. Permitted Impacts and Compensatory Mitigation Requirements Permitted Impacts Requiring Mitigation*: 8-digit HUC and Basin: 05050001, New River Basin Stream Impacts (linear feet) Wetland Impacts (acres) Warm Cool Cold Riparian Riverine Riparian Non-Riverine Non -Riparian Coastal 907 0.3 0.16 *If more than one mitigation sponsor will be used for the permit, only include impacts to be mitigated by this sponsor. Compensatory Mitigation Requirements: 8-digit HUC and Basin: 05050001, New River Basin Stream Mitigation (credits) Warm Cool Cold Riparian Riverine Riparian Non-Riverine Non -Riparian Coastal 1814 0.6 0.32 Wetland Mitigation (credits) Mitigation Site Debited: NCDMS (List the name of the bank to be debited. For umbrella banks, also list the specific site. For NCDMS, list NCDMS. If the NCDMS acceptance letter identifies a specific site, also list the specific site to be debited). Section to be completed by the Mitigation Sponsor Statement of Mitigation Liability Acceptance: I, the undersigned, verify that I am authorized to approve mitigation transactions for the Mitigation Sponsor shown below, and I certify that the Sponsor agrees to accept full responsibility for providing the mitigation identified in this document (see the table above), associated with the USACE Permittee and Action ID number shown. I also verify that released credits (and/or advance credits for NCDMS), as approved by the USACE, are currently available at the mitigation site identified above. Further, I understand that if the Sponsor fails to provide the required compensatory mitigation, the USACE Wilmington District Engineer may pursue measures against the Sponsor to ensure compliance associated with the mitigation requirements. Mitigation Sponsor Name: Name of Sponsor's Authorized Representative: Signature of Sponsor's Authorized Representative Date of Signature Page 1 of 2 Form Updated 14 September, 2017 USACE Wilmington District Compensatory Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form, Page 2 Conditions for Transfer of Compensatory Mitigation Credit: • Once this document has been signed by the Mitigation Sponsor and the USACE is in receipt of the signed form, the Permittee is no longer responsible for providing the mitigation identified in this form, though the Permittee remains responsible for any other mitigation requirements stated in the permit conditions. • Construction within jurisdictional areas authorized by the permit identified on page one of this form can begin only after the USACE is in receipt of a copy of this document signed by the Sponsor, confirming that the Sponsor has accepted responsibility for providing the mitigation requirements listed herein. For authorized impacts conducted by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), construction within jurisdictional areas may proceed upon permit issuance; however, a copy of this form signed by the Sponsor must be provided to the USACE within 30 days of permit issuance. NCDOT remains fully responsible for the mitigation until the USACE has received this form, confirming that the Sponsor has accepted responsibility for providing the mitigation requirements listed herein. • Signed copies of this document must be retained by the Permittee, Mitigation Sponsor, and in the USACE administrative records for both the permit and the Bank/ILF Instrument. It is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that the USACE Project Manager (address below) is provided with a signed copy of this form. • If changes are proposed to the type, amount, or location of mitigation after this form has been signed and returned to the USACE, the Sponsor must obtain case -by -case approval from the USACE Project Manager and/or North Carolina Interagency Review Team (NCIRT). If approved, higher mitigation ratios may be applied, as per current District guidance and a new version of this form must be completed and included in the USACE administrative records for both the permit and the Bank/ILF Instrument. Comments/Additional Conditions: Mitigation for R-2915 Sections A/B/C/D were already required by the permit issued January 7, 2015 and the August 31, 2016 modification, this additional compensatory mitigation is required to offset final design impacts to R-2915 Section E. This form is not valid unless signed below by the USACE Project Manager and by the Mitigation Sponsor on Page 1. Once signed, the Sponsor should provide copies of this form along with an updated bank ledger to: 1) the Permittee, 2) the USACE Project Manager at the address below, and 3) the Wilmington District Mitigation Office, Attn: Todd Tugwell, 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105, Wake Forest, NC 27587 (email: todd.tugwell@usace.army.mil). Questions regarding this form or any of the permit conditions may be directed to the USACE Project Manager below. USACE Project Manager: USACE Field Office: Email: Steve Kichefski Asheville Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 steven.l.kichefski@usace.army.mil KICHEFSKI.STEVEN.L.13869085 Digitally signed by KICHEFSKI.STEVEN.L.1386908539 39 Date: 2019.12.20 13:40:12-05'00' December 20, 2019 USACE Project Manager Signature Date of Signature Current Wilmington District mitigation guidance, including information on mitigation ratios, functional assessments, and mitigation bank location and availability, and credit classifications (including stream temperature and wetland groupings) is available at http://ribits.usace.army.mil. Page 2 of 2 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our website at http://regulatory.usacesurvey.com/ to complete the survey online. Environmental Quality April 28, 2017 Mr. Philip S. Harris, III, P.E., CPM Natural Environment Section Head Project Development and Environmental Analysis North Carolina Department of Transportation 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699-1598 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director Subject: Modification to the 401 Water Quality Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS for US 221 Widening from US 421 to US 221 Business/NC88 in Jefferson located in Watauga and Ashe Counties. Federal Aid Project No. STP-0221(13); TIP No. R- 2915. WBS 34518.1.1. NCDWR Project No. 20140762v.3 Dear Mr. Harris: Attached hereto is a modification of Certification No. 004001 issued to The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) originally dated September 8, 2014 and subsequently modified on August 23, 2016. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. S. Jay Zimmerman, Director Division of Water Resources Attachments Electronic copy only distribution: Steve Kichefski, US Army Corps of Engineers, Asheville Field Office Heath Slaughter, Division 11 Environmental Officer Colin Mellor, NC Department of Transportation Carla Dagnino, NC Department of Transportation Dr. Cynthia Van Der Wiele, US Environmental Protection Agency Marella Buncick, US Fish and Wildlife Service Marla Chambers, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Beth Harmon, Division of Mitigation Services Dave Wanucha, NC Division of Water Resources Winston Salem Regional Office File Copy --Nothing Compares State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Modification to the 401 Water Quality Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H .0500. This certification authorizes the NCDOT to temporarily impact an additional 0.15 acres of jurisdictional wetlands, 71 linear feet (40 linear feet less than originally approved) of jurisdictional streams in Ashe County. The project shall be constructed pursuant to the modification dated received April 7, 2017. The authorized impacts are as described below: Stream Impacts in the New River Basin Site Permanent Fill in Intermittent Stream (linear ft) Temporary Fill in Intermittent Stream (linear ft) Permanent Fill in Perennial Stream (linear ft) Temporary Fill in Perennial Stream (linear ft) Total Stream Impact (linear ft) Stream Impacts Requiring Mitigation (linear ft) Original approved impacts at Site 3 _ - 111 - 111 New impacts with this approval at Site 3 - - (40) - (40) (40) Totals - - 71 71 (40) Total Stream Impact for (Site/Modification): 71 linear feet (40 linear feet less) Wetland Impacts in the New River Basin (riverine Site Fill (ac) Fill (temporary) (ac) Excavation (ac) Mechanized Clearing (ac) Hand Clearing (ac) Total Wetland Impact (ac) Original approved impacts at Site 3 <0.01 - - <0.01 - <0.02 New additional impacts with this approval at Site 3 _ 0.15 - 0.15 Totals <0.01 0.15 - <0.01 - 0.17 Total Wetland Impact for Site: 0.17 acres. The application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of the New River Basin in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your modified application dated received April 7, 2017. All the authorized activities and conditions of certification associated with the original Water Quality Certification dated September 8, 2017 and subsequently modified on August 23, 2016 still apply except where superseded by this certification. Should your project change, you are required to notify the NCDWR and submit a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter, and is thereby responsible for complying with all the conditions. If any additional wetland impacts, or stream impacts, for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre or 150 linear feet, respectively, additional compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to remain valid, you are required to comply with all the conditions listed below. In addition, you should obtain all other federal, state or local permits before proceeding with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non -discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. This Certification shall expire on the same day as the expiration date of the corresponding Corps of Engineers Permit. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. Following completion of the project, the temporary sediment basin installed in the wetland at Site 4 will be removed along with any captured sediment. Original wetland dimensions and natural grade or better will be reestablished. The wetland will be seeded with a native wetland seed mix and coir fiber matted. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3) and (c)(3)] Violations of any condition herein set forth may result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or Coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon the expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If you wish to contest any statement in the attached Certification you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the office of Administrative hearings. You must file the petition with the office of Administrative Hearings within sixty (60) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm, except for official state holidays. The original and one (1) copy of the petition must be filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings. The petition may be faxed -provided the original and one copy of the document is received by the Office of Administrative Hearings within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. The mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings is: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Telephone: (919) 431-3000, Facsimile: (919) 431-3100 A copy of the petition must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Sam M. Hayes, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center This the 28th day of April 2017 DIVISI,O 1 OF WATER RESOURCES S. Jay Zimmerman, Director WQC No. 004001 ligc,% . Environmental Quality June 26, 2018 Mr. Philip S. Harris, III, P.E., CPM Natural Environment Section Head Project Development and Environmental Analysis North Carolina Department of Transportation 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699-1598 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Interim Director Subject: Modification to the 401 Water Quality Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS for US 221 Widening from US 421 to US 221 Business/NC88 in Jefferson located in Watauga and Ashe Counties. Federal Aid Project No. STP-0221(13); TIP No. R- 2915. WBS 34518.1.1. NCDWR Project No. 20140762v4 Dear Mr. Harris: Attached hereto is a modification of Certification No. 004001 issued to The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) originally dated September 8, 2014, subsequently modified on August 23, 2016 and again on April 28, 2017. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, ( jks".0.-- Linda Culpepper, Int rim Director Division of Water Resources Attachments Electronic copy only distribution: Steve Kichefski, US Army Corps of Engineers, Asheville Field Office Heath Slaughter, Division 11 Environmental Officer Colin Mellor, NC Department of Transportation Carla Dagnino, NC Department of Transportation Marella Buncick, US Fish and Wildlife Service Marla Chambers, NC Wildlife Resources Commission File Copy Nothing Compares=--__ State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Modification to the 401 Water Quality Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H .0500. This certification authorizes the NCDOT to impact an additional 20.0 linear feet of permanent impacts for stream bank stabilization purposes in Ashe County. The project shall be constructed pursuant to the modification dated received June 15, 2018. The authorized impacts are as described below: -2915 B-Section Site Permanent Fill in Perennial Stream (linear ft) Temporary Fill in Perennial Stream (linear ft) Total Stream Impact (linear ft) Stream Impacts Requiring Mitigation (linear ft) Bank Stabilization Culvert Original approved impacts at Site 1B 35 15 6 56 15 New impacts with this approval at Site 1B 20 - 20 - Totals 55 15 6 76 15 Total Stream Impact for Site: 76 linear feet The application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of the New River Basin in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your modified application dated June 15, 2018. All the authorized activities and conditions associated with the original Water Quality Certification dated September 8, 2017, subsequently modified on August 23, 2016 and again on April 28, 2017 still apply except where superseded by this certification. Should your project change, you are required to notify the NCDWR and submit a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter, and is thereby responsible for complying with all the conditions. If any additional wetland impacts, or stream impacts, for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre or 300 linear feet, respectively, additional compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to remain valid, you are required to comply with all the conditions listed below. In addition, you should obtain all other federal, state or local permits before proceeding with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non -discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. This Certification shall expire on the same day as the expiration date of the corresponding Corps of Engineers Permit. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. All the authorized activities and conditions associated with the original Water Quality Certification dated September 8, 2017, subsequently modified on August 23, 2016 and again on April 28, 2017 still apply except where superseded by this certification. Violations of any condition herein set forth may result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or Coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon the expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If you wish to contest any statement in the attached Certification you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the office of Administrative hearings. You must file the petition with the office of Administrative Hearings within sixty (60) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:OOam and 5:OOpm, except for official state holidays. The original and one (1) copy of the petition must be filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings. The petition may be faxed -provided the original and one copy of the document is received by the Office of Administrative Hearings within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. The mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings is: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Telephone: (919) 431-3000, Facsimile: (919) 431-3100 A copy of the petition must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Bill F. Lane, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center This the 26th day of June 2018 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES G Lht'da Culpepper. interim Director WQC No. 004001 DocuSign Envelope ID: 953B19B4-669B-4444-ADAC-54C7DB001E63 ROY COOPER. Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality May 22, 2019 Mr. Philip S. Harris, III, P.E., CPM Natural Environment Section Head Project Development and Environmental Analysis North Carolina Department of Transportation 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699-1598 Subject: Modification to the 401 Water Quality Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS for US 221 Widening from US 421 to US 221 Business/NC88 in Jefferson located in Watauga and Ashe Counties. Federal Aid Project No. STP-0221(13); TIP No. R- 2915. WBS 34518.1.FR6. NCDWR Project No. 20140762v5 Dear Mr. Harris: Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. 004001 issued to The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) dated May 22, 2019. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, DocuSigned by: gggg e��1P33 C.�IM.lUf�. Lm a 1 u1e C er, Director pp Division of Water Resources Attachments Electronic copy only distribution: Steve Kichefsky, US Army Corps of Engineers, Asheville Field Office Kevin Hining, Division 11 Environmental Officer Erin Cheely, NC Department of Transportation Chris Militscher, US Environmental Protection Agency Claire Ellwanger, US Fish and Wildlife Service Marla Chambers, NC Wildlife Resources Commission File Copy NORTH CAROLINA oaparonem of Environmental Gmbh, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 DocuSign Envelope ID: 953B19B4-669B-4444-ADAC-54C7DB001E63 401 Water Quality Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H .0500. This certification authorizes the NCDOT to impact an additional 907 linear feet of permanent fill impacts, 576 linear feet for temporary impacts, 459 linear feet for bank stabilization and 0.46 acres of wetland impacts in Ashe County for R-2915 Section E. The project shall be constructed pursuant to the modification dated received April 24, 2019. The authorized impacts are as described below: Stream Impacts in the New River Basin for R-2915E Site Permanent Fill in Perennial Stream (linear ft) Temporary Fill in Perennial Stream (linear ft) Fill in Intermittent Stream Total Stream Impact (linear ft) Stream Impacts Requiring Mitigation (linear ft) Fill Bank Stabilization Fill Bank Stabilization 2A - 14 17 - - 31 - 2B 57 21 78 - 4B - 10* 11 21 - 6A 52 - 10 - - 62 - 6B - 27 10 - - 37 - 7 - - 24 - - 24 - 8A - - 32 - - 32 - 8B 20 - - 20 - 9A - - 33, 7* 10 50 - 9B - - 19 - - 19 - 11A - - 22 - - 22 - 11B - - 10 - - 10 - 11C - - 11 - - 11 - 11D 27 - 10 - - 37 - 12 - 17 10 - - 27 - 13A 31 11 10 - - 52 - 13B 60 - - - - 60 - 13C - 25, 23* - 48 - 14A 23 23 10 - - 56 - DocuSign Envelope ID: 953B19B4-669B-4444-ADAC-54C7DB001E63 Stream Impacts in the New River Basin for R-2915E Site Permanent Fill in Perennial Stream (linear ft) Temporary Fill in Perennial Stream (linear ft) Fill in Intermittent Stream Total Stream Impact (linear ft) Stream Impacts Requiring Mitigation (linear ft) Fill Bank Stabilization Fill Bank Stabilization 14B 63 - - - - 63 - 15A 31 15 10 - - 56 - 15B - - 23 - - 23 - 17A 115 - - - - 115 - 17B - - - 146 - 146 - 18 39 - 12 - - 51 - 19 22 8 10 - - 40 - 20 - - 25 - - 25 - 22A - - 22 - - 22 - 22B 61 31 10 - - 102 - 23 55 - - - - 55 - 24A 30 - 22 - - 52 - 24B - 18 - - - 18 - 24C - 20 20 - - 40 - 25A 13 - 12 - - 25 - 25B - 17 20 - - 37 - 26A 19 - 8 - - 27 - 26B - 8 - - - 8 - 26C - 32 20 - - 52 - 27A - 15 - - - 15 - 27B - 18 30 - - 48 - 28A - 88 10 - - 98 - 28B - 59 10 - - 69 - 29 5 - 15 - - 20 - 30 - 17 21 - - 38 - DocuSign Envelope ID: 953B19B4-669B-4444-ADAC-54C7DB001E63 Stream Impacts in the New River Basin for R-2915E Site Permanent Fill in Perennial Stream (linear ft) Temporary Fill in Perennial Stream (linear ft) Fill in Intermittent Stream Total Stream Impact (linear ft) Stream Impacts Requiring Mitigation (linear ft) Fill Bank Stabilization Fill Bank Stabilization Totals 703 438 536 204, 40* 21 1,942 - *Temporary Fill Total Stream Impacts for Project: 1,942 linear feet Wetland Impacts in the New River Basin for R-2915E Site Fill (ac) Excavation (ac) Mechanized Clearing Total Wetland Impact (ac) 1 - - <0.01 <0.01 2B 0.02 - <0.01 0.03 3 <0.01 - 0.03 0.03 4A <0.01 - - <0.01 4B <0.01 - 0.03 0.03 5 <0.01 - 0.01 0.01 6A 0.04 - 0.02 0.07 8B <0.01* - - 9A 0.09 - - 0.09 10 <0.01 - <0.01 <0.01 13B 0.01 - - 0.01 15A 0.01 - <0.01 0.02 15B - - 0.01 0.01 16 0.03 - - 0.03 21 0.03 0.01 <0.01 0.04 26A 0.01 0.04 - 0.05 31 0.02 - - 0.02 Total 0.28, <0.01* 0.05 0.13 0.46 * Temporary Fill Total Preliminary Wetland Impact for Project: 0.46 acres. DocuSign Envelope ID: 953B19B4-669B-4444-ADAC-54C7DB001E63 The application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of the New River Basin in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your modified application dated receive April 24, 2019. All the authorized activities and conditions associated with the original Water Quality Certification dated September 8, 2014, subsequently modified on August 23, 2016, April 28, 2017, November 27, 2017 by email and again on June 26, 2018, still apply except where superseded by this certification. Should your project change, you are required to notify the NCDWR and submit a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all the Conditions. Compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7) for any additional wetland impacts or stream impacts that exceed 300 linear feet for this project (now or in the future). For this approval to remain valid, you are required to comply with all the conditions listed below. In addition, you should obtain all other federal, state or local permits before proceeding with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non -discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. This Certification shall expire on the same day as the expiration date of the corresponding Corps of Engineers Permit. Condition(s) of Certification: Specific Conditions 1. Compensatory mitigation for 0.46 acres of impact to wetlands is required. We understand that you have chosen to perform compensatory mitigation for impacts to streams through the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Service (DMS) (formerly NCEEP), and that the DMS has agreed to implement the mitigation for the project. The DMS has indicated in a letter dated March 29, 2019 that they will assume responsibility for satisfying the federal Clean Water Act compensatory mitigation requirements for the above -referenced project, in accordance with the DMS Mitigation Banking Instrument signed July 28, 2010. 2. All the authorized activities and conditions associated with the original Water Quality Certification dated September 8, 2014, subsequently modified on August 23, 2016, April 28, 2017, November 27, 2017 by email and June 26, 2018 still apply except where superseded by this certification. Violations of any condition herein set forth may result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or Coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon the expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If you wish to contest any statement in the attached Certification you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the office of Administrative hearings. You must file the petition with the office of Administrative Hearings within sixty (60) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm, except for official state holidays. The original and one (1) copy of the petition must be filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings. The petition may be faxed -providing the original and one copy of the document is received by the Office of Administrative Hearings within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. The mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings is: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 DocuSign Envelope ID: 953B19B4-669B-4444-ADAC-54C7DB001 E63 Telephone: (919) 431-3000, Facsimile: (919) 431-3100 A copy of the petition must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Bill F. Lane, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center This the 22nd day of May 2019 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ,—DocuSigned by: "-9C9886312DCD474... Linda Culpepper, Interim Director WQC No. 004001 DocuSign Envelope ID: 953B19B4-669B-4444-ADAC-54C7DB001E63 ROY COOPER. Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality NCDWR Project No.: County: Applicant: Project Name: Date of Issuance of 401 Water Quality Certification: Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return this certificate to the 401 Transportation Permitting Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Resources, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1617. This form may be returned to NCDWR by the applicant, the applicant's authorized agent, or the project engineer. It is not necessary to send certificates from all of these. Applicant's Certification I, hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: Agent's Certification I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: Engineer's Certification Partial Final I, , as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature Registration No. Date NORTH CAROLINA oaparonem of Environmental Gmbh, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 09/08/99 7 w 0 0 N / U 5 L O / 0 0 0 E 0 0 i 0 IIi 0, EL 6 7) U 0 0,0 5La) N7 =L \!0 nit 0 PROJECT: R-2915E r See Sheet 1-A For Index of Sheets, General Notes, and List of Standards See Sheet FB For Conventional Symbols See Sheet IC-1- IC-4 For Survey Control Sheets VICINITY MAP (NTS) 1 7 / / I CV ,' \\ \// Jy --- 0% 1 pF G w...e.noo _Citys�;� —\ \� SITE 2 T 0 DEEP GAP SITE 1 BEGIN TIP PROJECT R-2915E —L— Sta.668+25.00 SITE 5 SITE 4 ATE OF NOR H CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ASHE COUNTY LOCATION: US 221 FROM US 221 BYPASS TO US 221 B USINESS/NC 88 IN JEFFERSON TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING, WIDENING, RESURFACING, CULVERTS, AND SIGNALS STATE STATE PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. TOTAL SHEETS N.C. R-2915E 1 SPATE PROJ.NO. F. A. PROD. NO. DESCRIPTION 34518.1.FR6 STP-0221(45) PE 34518.2.6 STP-0221(45) RAN 34518.2.7 STP-0221(45) UTIL. 34518.3.8 STP-0221(45) CONST. WETLAND AND STREAM IMPACTS SITE 9 SITE 120, SITE 11 / SITE 8 SITE 7 7 // THIS IS A PARTIAL CONTROLLED —ACCESS PROJECT WITH ACCESS BEING LIMITED TO POINTS AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 7 / a / SITE 17 SITE 16 0÷ (r �\ C.4". y33. SITE 14 C.S. SITE 15 SITE 10 SITE 13 * PROPOSED TRAFFIC SIGNAL SITE 21 SITE 18 SITE 23 SITE 24 SITE 25 SITE 22 .` s,P 616. SITE 26 SITE 27 SITE 28 SITE 29 \ END TIP PROJECT R-2915E —L— Sta.855+00.00 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 46 SITE 31 SITE 30 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED GRAPHIC SCALES 50 25 0 50 100 PLANS 50 25 0 50 1 0 `1111��� PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 10 5 0 10 20 PROFILE (VERTICAL) DESIGN DATA ADT 2019 = 15,900 ADT 2039 = 19,400 K = 8% D = 55% T = 6%* V = 60 MPH FUNC. CLASSIFICATION RURAL ARTERIAL * TTST=3% + DUALS=3%D PROJECT LENGTH LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT R-2915E 3.533 mi LENGTH CULVERT TIP PROJECT R-2915E 0.004 mi TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT R-2915E 3.537 mi PLANS PREPARED BY: RAC RUMMEL, KLEPPER 8 KAHL, LLP 900 RIDGEFIELD DRIVE, SUITE 350 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27609 NC LICENSE NO. F-0112 FOR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NCDOT CONTACT Joe Laws, P.E. PROJECT ENGINEER - DIVISION II 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS RIGHT OF WAY DATE: MAY 8, 2018 LETTING DATE: SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 Scott D. Blevins, P.E. PROJECT ENGINEER RK&K, LLP Cathy S. Houser, P.E. PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER RK&K, LLP HYDRAULICS ENGINEER P.E. SIGNATURE, ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER SIGNATURE, P.E. PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-2915E 2D-/ DETAIL A SPECIAL CUT DITCH ( Not to Scale) D of FXo Min. D=1.0 Ft. Front Ditch Slope - L- STA. 669+50 TO STA. 670+00 LT - L- STA. 675+25 TO STA. 676+00 RT - L- STA. 677+00 TO STA. 691+50 LT - L- STA. 767+50 TO STA. 772+00 RT DETAIL F SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Fill Slope - L- STA. 729+50 TO STA. 732+15 RT - L- STA. 741+50 TO STA. 743+00 LT - L- STA. 757+00 TO STA. 758+00 RT - Y34- STA.11+00 TO STA.12+30 RT DETAIL K LATERAL 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Type of Liner= SEE BELOW Slope Min. D=1.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. b=5.0 Ft. - L- STA. 670+50 TO STA. 671+50 RT, PSRM - L- STA. 802+00 TO STA. 805+05 LT, CL I - L- STA. 804+00 TO STA. 806+00 RT, CL B DETAIL 0 BERM BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural Ground d Min. D=1.5 Ft. Max. d=1.5 Ft. B=4.0 Ft. b=5.0 Ft. Type of Liner= CL B Rip -Rap rb7 -L- STA. 721+25 TO STA. 732+00 LT DETAIL S SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Type of Liner= PSRM Min. D=1.5 Ft. Max. d=1.5 Ft. Fill Slope -SR1- STA.11+70 TO STA.15+16 LT DETAIL B LATERAL 'V' DITCH Min. D=1.5 Ft. b=5.0 Ft. - L- STA. 670+25 TO STA. 670+50 RT - L- STA. 676+00 TO STA. 677+03 RT - L- STA. 677+21 TO STA. 677+50 RT - L- STA. 693+00 TO STA. 694+50 LT - L- STA. 707+50 TO STA. 708+25 LT - L- STA. 805+05 TO STA. 805+19 LT - L- STA. 816+50 TO STA. 817+75 RT - L- STA. 826+80 TO STA. 827+50 LT - Y36- STA. 15+24 TO STA. 16+43 RT DETAIL G LATERAL BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) b Fill Slope Min. D=1.5 Ft. B=4.0 Ft. b=5.0 Ft. - L- STA. 694+50 TO STA. 704+50 LT - L- STA. 705+32 TO STA. 707+50 LT - L- STA. 708+25 TO STA. 711+00 LT - L- STA. 796+00 TO STA. 797+50 LT - L- STA. 810+50 TO STA. 816+50 RT - L- STA. 820+00 TO STA. 826+80 LT Natural Ground d DETAIL L LATERAL BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) D GEOTEXTILE B *When B is < 6.0' Type of Liner= SEE BELOW b J 1 Rt. Min. D=1.5 Ft. Max. d=1.5 Ft. B=4 Ft. b=5 Ft. Fill Slope - L- STA. 704+50 TO STA. 705+32 LT, CL B - L- STA. 797+50 TO STA. 799+13 LT, CL B - L- STA. 809+73 TO STA. 810+50 RT, CL I - L- STA. 838+00 TO STA. 838+92 LT, CL B DETAIL P LATERAL BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) 'When B is < 6.0' Type of Liner= CL B RIP -RAP Min. D=2.75 Ft. Max. d=2.75 Ft. B=4 Ft. b=5 Ft. Slope Outside Ditch Traffic Flow S- DETAIL FALSE SUMP ( Not to Scale) 20,1 GI etc. -L- STA. 711 + 34 TO STA. 714 + 75 RT DETAIL T STANDARD BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) 'When B is < 6.0' Type of Liner= CL B RIPRAP Min. D=Varies Max. d=Varies B=4.0' Ft. DETAIL C STANDARD 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Min. D=1.5 Ft. -L- STA. 734+90 RT, L=55', BEG. ELEV=3116.00, END ELEV=3114.99, S=1.84% DETAIL H STANDARD 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Type of Liner= CL B Rip -Rap Min. D=2.0 Ft. Mao. d=2.0 Ft. -L- STA. 740+00 TO STA. 740+37 RT, L=37' BEG. ELEV=3101.0, END ELEV=3100.0, S=2.7% -L- STA. 836+82 TO STA. 837+14 RT, L=43' BEG. ELEV=2872.0, END ELEV= 2870.28,5 = 4.0% Natural Ground 2 DETAIL M LATERAL BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) b J 1"if1. Min. D=1.0 Ft. B=2.0 Ft. b=5.0 Ft. Fill Slope - L- STA. 788+50 TO STA. 793+00 LT DETAIL D STANDARD BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Ground 2.1 d Geoteztile *When B is < 6.0' Type of Liner= CL I Rip -Rap Min. D=1.0' Mao. d=1.0' B=VARIES -L- STA. 771+06 LT, B=1.5', L=44', BEG. ELEV=3080.32, END ELEV=3085.00, S=10.8% - L- STA. 780+92 LT, B=4', L=34', BEG. ELEV=3087.26, END ELEV=3090.0, S=8.1% - L- STA. 793+00 RT, B=4', L=48', BEG. ELEV=3035.50, END ELEV=3025.26, S=21.3% -L- STA. 812+65 LT, B=4', L=24', BEG. ELEV=2907.0, END ELEV=2904.96, S=8.5% Shoulder Point DETAIL I MEDIAN V DITCH ( Not to Scale) Shoulder Point DETAIL Q SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) Type of Liner= CL B Rip -Rap Min. D=1.5 Ft. Max. d=1.5 Ft. Fill Slope - SR1- STA. 10+00 TO STA. 10+53 LT DETAIL U STANDARD BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural Ground 7.1 d) Geoteztile *When B is < 6.0' Type of Liner= CL II Rip -Rap Min. D=Varies Max. d=Varies B=See below - L- STA. 844+69 LT, S=0.43% L=35' -L- STA. 763+26 RT, B=4.0', L=25', BEG. ELEV=3107 59, BEG. ELEV=2862.50, END ELEV=2862.35, D & d=2.0' END ELEV.=3104.72, S=11.5%, D=1.0', d=1.0' -L- STA. 765+60 RT, B=5', L=15', BEG. ELEV=3109.0, END ELEV=3108.5, S=3.3%, D=2.5', d=2.5' DETAIL FALSE SUMP ( Not to Scale) Median Ditch 20' ►I GI S - etc. S=Ditch Slope CL Proposed Ditch Ditch Grade Ditch Grade - L- STA. 754+50 TO STA. 756+72 LT DETAIL N BERM BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural Ground 77 Min. D=1.0 Ft. B=4.0 Ft. b=5.0 Ft. r b I RDWY - - L- STA. 714+50 TO STA. 721+25 LT - L- STA. 738+50 TO STA. 741+00 LT - SR1- STA. 15+16 TO STA. 17+38 LT DETAIL R BERM BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Nohirol Ground d Min. D=1.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. B=4.0 Ft. b=5.0 Ft. Type of Liner= CL I Rip -Rap GEOTEXTILE RDWY -L- STA.741+00 TO STA. 743+00 LT DETAIL V TOE PROTECTION 1 Not to Scale) NATURAL GROUND GEOTEXTILE d=1.0 Ft. Type of Liner= CL B Rip -Rap FILL SLOPE -L- STA. 711+15 TO STA. 714+00 LT - L- STA. 768+50 TO STA. 770+30 LT - L- STA. 793+50 TO STA. 795+42 LT Outside Ditch Traffic Flow DETAIL FALSE SUMP ( Not to Scale) GI etc. t Proposed Ditch DETAIL E SPECIAL CUT BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Front Slope Ditch Min. D=1.5 Ft. Max. d=1.5 Ft. B=4.0 Ft. Type of Liner= CL B Rip -Rap -L- STA. 839+00 TO STA. 841+77 RT DETAIL J STANDARD 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Min. D=2.0 Ft. -L- STA. 700+00 TO STA. 701+29 RT BEG. ELEV=3068.15, END ELEV=3067.75, S=0.3% DETAIL W SPECIAL CUT DITCH vwl-TINGE ( Not to Scale) Front Ditch Slope - L- STA. 720+15 TO STA. 723+50 RT - L- STA. 726+00 TO STA. 727+50 RT - L- STA. 761+50 TO STA. 767+50 RT - L- STA. 774+00 TO STA. 783+50 RT - L- STA. 841+77 TO STA. 849+50 RT ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER PAVEMENT DESIGN ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 2 OF 46 RK!! ( P: (919) 878-9560 900 Ridgefield Drive Suite 350 1 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-3960 NC License No. F-0112 S=Ditch Slope fL Proposed Ditch 0.0% To 2.0% 20' Over 4.0% To 6.0% 40' Over 2.0% To 4.0% 30' Over 6.0% 50' S S=Ditch Slope Engineers I Construction Manaoe Www.rkk.com Responsive People Creative Solutions PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-29/5E 2D-2 Shoulder Point DETAIL X 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Ot et Shoulder Point -L- STA. 743+00 TO STA.751+50 MEDLT DETAIL AA SPECIAL CUT DITCH ( Not to Scole) Type of Liner= PSRM Front Ditch Slope Min. D=1.5 Ft. Max d=1.5 Ft. -L- STA. 783+50 TO STA. 787+00 RT CULVERT @ -L- STA. 838 + 56 DETAIL Y STANDARD BASE DITCH B=4.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class B Rip-Rop PROPOSED CULVERTS EXISTING CULVERTS RIP RAP CLASS I W,GEOTEXTILE FABRIC ea (TYP.) a t\ RIP RAP KEYED -IN 1' BELOW STREAMBED (TYP.) FLOODPLAIN BENCH DIRT W/COIR FIBER MATTING (TYP.) EXCAVATE TO EL. 2869.6' 1 NATURAL -GROUND RIP RAP KEYED -IN 1' BELOW BENCH (TYP.) PROPOSED 2' CONCRETE SILL INSET 1' INTO EXISTING BASE 10' EASTERN BARREL OUTLET CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT LOOKING DOWNSTREAM (NTS) LENGTH = 58' PROPOSED CULVERTS EXISTING CULVERTS RIP RAP CLASS I W/GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (TYP.) RIP RAP KEYED -IN 1' BELOW STREAMBED (TYP.) FLOODPLAIN BENCH DIRT W/COIR FIBER MATTING (TYP.) EXCAVATE TO EL. 2871.7' BASE 0' GROUND RIP RAP KEYED -IN 1' BELOW BENCH (TYP.) PROPOSED 2' CONCRETE SILL INSET 1' INTO EXISTING EASTERN BARREL INLET CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT LOOKING DOWNSTREAM (NTS) LENGTH = 75' PERMANENT CHANNEL EXCAVATION -L- STA. 776+71 LT, L=50', S=0.3% BEG. ELEV=3093.65, END ELEV=3093.50 DETAIL AB RIP RAP AT EMBANKMENT ( Not to Scale) Outlet Structure Type of Liner= 15 TONS, CL I Rip -Rap Geotextile= 37sy -Y36- STA. 16+94 LT -L/US 221 BUS- STA. 849+62 LT 4:1 DETAIL Z 10' WIDE BERM ( Not to Scale) 10' 4:1 i Na LrowestmmPointlGroand from Top of Berm to \— lowest control point 1 Distance Varies Depending Upon Specified Elevation —I D D=Varies; Distance ---- - L- STA. 693+00 LT, TOP ELEV=3079.5, D=2.5' - L- STA. 697+87 LT, TOP ELEV=3088.0', D=2.0' - L- STA. 704+50 LT, TOP ELEV=3087.0', D=2.0' - L- STA. 711+00 LT, TOP ELEV=3102.5', D=3.1' - L- STA. 802+90 RT, TOP ELEV=2964.0', D=8.3' - L- STA. 812+30 RT, TOP ELEV=2928.0', D=2.5' - L- STA. 816+50 RT, TOP ELEV=2914.0', D=3.1' - L- STA. 827+50 LT, TOP ELEV=2887.0', D=1.6' DETAIL AC 10' WIDE BERM ( Not to Scale) 10' q:l 4:1 1 ----Distance Varies Depending Upon Specified Elevation D=Varies; Distance from Top of Berm to lowest control point D Lowest Point n Proposed Cut Ditch (ISP.) DETAIL AD BERM DITCH ( Not to Scole) -L- STA. 734+00 TO STA. 735+00 LT - L- STA. 675+25 RT, TOP ELEV=3031.0', D=2.1' - L- STA. 767+00 RT, TOP ELEV=3117.0', D=1.8' - L- STA. 761+50 RT, TOP ELEV=3108.0', D=2.5' - L- STA. 765+00 RT, TOP ELEV=3114.5', D=2.4' - L- STA. 844+00 RT, TOP ELEV=2870.5', D=2.5' DETAIL AE BERM DITCH ( Not to Scale) Type of Liner= CL B RIP -RAP Min. D=1.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. - L- STA. 732+00 TO STA. 734+00 LT - L- STA. 735+00 TO STA. 736+00 LT DETAIL AF PIPE OUTLET CHANNEL ( Not to Scale) - Geotextile CHANNEL BED (Variable) Class I Rip Rap Geotextile - L- STA. 675+55 LT, L=14' - L- STA. 702+52 RT, L=11' - L- STA. 704+71 RT, L=10' - L- STA. 711+37 RT, L=20' - L- STA. 742+12 RT, L=10' -Y35- STA. 9+49 LT, L=22' - L- STA. 762+56 LT, L=10' - L- STA. 763+56 LT, L=20' - L- STA. 768+48 LT, L=14' - L- STA. 788+24 RT, L=8' - L- STA. 804+92 LT, L=30' - L- STA. 816+26 LT, L=18' - L- STA. 827+06 RT, L=10' - L- STA. 832+60 RT, L=10' ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER PAVEMENT DESIGN ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 3 OF 46 RK!! ( P: (919) 878-9560 900 Ridgefield Drive Suite 350 I Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-3960 NC License No. F-0112 TOTAL CHANNEL EXCAVATION = 485 CY TOTAL CL II RIP RAP = 255 TONS TOTAL GEOTEXTILE FAB. = 270 SY Engineers I Construction Maneoe www.rkk.com Responsive People I Creative Solutions OD WET_psh04.dgn w to 0 0 0 J w 7 51 LL p QS _ COL Iom2 -L- POC Sta. 668 + 25.00 INSET B INSET A LNG4 "4 1111111 NG R �/ram � \\111111111.1. 4B^lyWx\ • RETAI PROPOSED `OSY�S�M'X, c Ri —2915D.ND T TO BO T IEEEEE,,,,,,,,,, - '•-�. ROPOSED �� H A ' -L— STA. 66' - 0 LT PERMIT PACTS FROM R-2915D SITE 1 k • Q10=4.44 cf V10=1.42 Ws SPE L DITCH SEE D LATERA W/94 SEF FIRST COMMUNITY BANK R-2915D TO BE V DITCH Y PSRM :TAIL K • 2 TONS W/7 SY G' CONST. BY OTHERS REMOVE 2GI y;InND PIPE FROM PPOSED DRAINAGE c ?\ IN R-2915D 8 RIPRAM' EXTILE C BEGIN TIP PROJECT R-2915E _ __:= k X X LARRY D. BOOTH PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 4 OF 46 SCALE FOR INSET 50 25 0 50 100 X GR SCALE SEE OUTFALL ANALYSIS PACKAGE BRADLEY W. JORDAN SEE INSET B �5y A -A B-B C-C D-D 12.0' E-E F-F 0.5' 0.0' 3.0 7.0' 1.0' 8.0' Z1166..0� i�\o 0.5'17r j�\o 1.0' 0.0' ROADSIDE I�\0 0.5 0.0' ROADSIDE NFALL OUTFALL NFALL 0.0' ROADSIDE R-2915D PROPOSED DRAINAGE EXISTING R SITE 2A V10=9.3 Ws' 20 Ov ' 'IPP '3 i • Y GEOTEXT LE P ON BANKS ONLY SEE DETAIL A, DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER up EXISTING R/W 42" RCP —III (BURIED 0.7') 30" RCP-1/1 'a..='- l� - REMOVE IX. 2GI—A REMOVE 24" CMP SYSTEM REMOVE JB AND PIPE SP. CUT DITC . ----- SEE DETAIL A A C LATE SEE L V DITCH DETAIL B SEE INSE SITE 2B RISER T0-3049.34' IT REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS. LLC PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-29/5E RAN SHEET NO ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER NPO WILEY AUSTIN BAKER KENNETH TIMOTHY PARSONS HUSBAND, AND WIFE BETTY WADDELL PARSONS WOODS LATERAL V DITCH SEE DETAIL 8 /= P \ +\\NN \. 2 TON W/7 SY 010=1.72 cF V10=1.06 TWs WANDY KAU T�I�_BAKER END TIP PROJECT R-2915D -L- POT Sta. 679 + 90.00 2GI CL B RIPRAP GEOTEXTILE POND 24' RCP —III SPECIAL CUT DITCH SEE DETAIL A 48 REMOVE C \� BW _ ILOWE'S +Z+ +/ EXISTING R/W_ oc ILL W/FF HOME CENTERS. INC. 2GI SHEET NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER RK C F.:(919)878-9560 900 Ridgefield Drive Suite 3501 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-3960 NC License No. F-0112 Engineers n s ru Ion angers 1 Planners I Scientists wWW.rkk.com Responsive People I Creative Solutions PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. WET_p hBE.dg 1\ Drawings\4C MITS_Env,onmen 25 A -A 15.0' l.oL0 4.0' ROADSIDE 0.2' I 0.5' 1.0' OUTFALL 0 25 B-B d16.0' os' 2oL� 4.0' OUTFALL F-F 16.0' 5.0' OUTFALL 50 SCALE FOR INSET 50 25 0 50 100 SCALE LATERAL BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL GBEGIN FENCE DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER JAMES E. DUVALL AND WIFE, THELMA W. DUVAL DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER C-C 4.0' 10.2'- °5L 1.0' OUTFALL G-G 3.0' 0.5 \ 14� 0.0' OUTFALL PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 8 OF 46 //) //' WOODS MIDWAY BAPTIST CHURCH x-x-X-X --- CC))O 0 WOODS // // // // o 0 o X w/ B j' -30"RCP JSJS Mfl51 q=M `• PROP. 47" VIW FENCE X LATERAL BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL G DARD V SEE DETAIL J 2 TONS CL RI W/7 SY GE V10=1.4 MIDWAY BAPTIST CHURCH 0 SR 4 INSET A SITE 3 JAMES E. DUVALL AND WIFE.THEL MA W. DUVALL 6 DIP JB W/ SLAB LID O SEE I N_S_ET_ B 11 TONS CL I RIPRAP W22 SY GEOTEXTILE ON BANKS ONLY SEE DETAIL AF 30" IRCP 11 NS GEOTOCL I W22f5Y ON BANKS - SEE ! TAIL 48" W JB w/MH INSET B 8'551____- LATERAL BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL G 24" CSP 48' WW & ISBW 2 ELBOWS SPRING BOX ISB WILKES NATIONAL BANK Eip I V10=5.1 firs JB W/ SLAB LID SITE 4A X�J 0 \. d LATERAL TON BASE DRI H RAP Wit TONS E B R 134 SY F GE AIL t 4E SEE DETAIL L NN NAD 83/N*SRS 2007 R-29/5E 6 RN SHEET NO ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED KIM PHUONG THI MAI UNMARRIED LATERAL BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL G � PDE — _ _ vy •. ������� LATERAL V DITCH PROP 4 NCE iNk 5S8 GARY AND JUDY BARE 6� SITE 4B 8*DIP SPRING BOX 4 EXISTING 0/ R. E. WOODIE AND WIFE NANCY LANE D. WOODIL 24" CSP 2 ELBOWS LATEL V D CH W/46 TO.. , .. RIPRAP, 11:. - r"r •TEXTILE EE DETAIL AA 5 TONS CL B RIPRAP W/14 SY GEOTEXTILE Q10-12.28 cfs CB V10=1.42 Bps 24'CgG BST p4 HIGH COUNTRY BANK /r� CB II / i/EFFERSON, LL' WO Q ISBLK FOR DRN. DETAILS SEE SHTS. 2D-1 OR 2D-2 FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHT. 19 1) f P:(919)878-9560 900 Ridgefield Drive Suite 350I Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-3960 NC License No. F-0112 Engineers I Construction Managers I Planners I Scientist www.rkk.com Responsive People Creative Solutions Ing5\4C\R-2915E_PRM_WET_psh07.dgn onmental\Dr 8 TONS CL B RIPRAP W/21 SY GEOTEXTILE LATERAL BASE DITCH W293 TONS CL B RIPRAP 727 SY GEO SEE DETAIL I_• 111,1111110.111, $/////////11 cs—m�+orix/ 1 �.If JPMENT, LLC 140%), �LES8_COE 120%). MY MILLER (2OJ)Oft Rik. -• sTivats_Uozi - FENC / 72„ CONC INSET A THE TOWN OF WEST JEFFERSOM BERM BASE DITCH / I BERM ITC:1 SEE DETAIL N / SEE PROP 47" , " CHL & 3SBW WW FENCE - -- • raih;/w _ _= Q� PL & FIL W/ FLOWABL FILL TEXTILE CL \ , p� V P 15 TONS B RIPRAP\ \ A W/37 SY GEOTEXTILE \\ \ \A • 8" DIP 0 ss-2D-7--E \ c \\ 6 'i PE .. �VWW & ISBW,-� A_ cY \ — c —XX \ � C DI \ \ \ Qom, :IT' CMFFC Llfr♦ITED PARTNERSHIP III '-'•�A\\\A\\\\\IIIII\�AUTOZONE, INC. f I N \ \��r� /ISBLK BUS � \\ \W crl II I i'//\z I —\\\\\�\\\\\� LLT CCCesT Pa I-BSTPA11 vpp\VA\\fTREVOR D. HERSPOON DNC !\�LTI0clll BST PA I�\1\r\ML\\�\\\\I \N,\-� \ \ \\\DIoc mw II\8' DIP INFALL 0.0' ROADSIDE E—E j�\D—D 0.3' J_\0 1 _� �0 3.0' 1 _' 0.5' j-\F—F 1 \0 _� ROADSIDE 5.0' ROADSIDE 0.0' OUTFALL JAMES R. POWERS ANSHIRLEY POWERS S 23'56'4l" W LATERAL BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL G SITE 6B SITE 6A SEE INSET A PROP. 47" wW FENCE PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 13 OF 46 DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER SCALE FOR INSET 50 25 0 50 100 SCALE GARY AND JUDY BARE SPRING �� TOE PROTECTION Wi92 TONS CL B RIPRAP, 268 SY GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL V O 'F LC) �� wr `sans w ' I' .. E:1llll�l 111:rrwrr ll f C:ig. r rGNl�i�lw�rr�Irrrlrrrrl r REMOVE 39' JB EX. 42" CMP w,44H 42" RCP -III (NOT BURIED) —_ '''ii•••wi.:; V10=7.1 Tt/s SEE INSET B 20 TONS CL I RIPRAP W/39 SY GEOTEXTILE ON BANKS ONLY SEE DETAIL 6F ^, PE US 221 72. CUNC EXISTING 6rvi IDRY DETENTION BASIN _JSEE 2D-3 THRU 2D-5 09J.338% RISER 3097.▪ 7' EE EXIS R/W MTL CANOP ISBLK BUS 098.0' BST PA EXISTING SKYLINE TELEPHONE MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION S 70° 02' 47.9" —L— REMO 36" CSP 2 ELBOWS INSET B S 70'02'47.9"E /2 \ / S 17° 40' 41.2" E /3 S 70' 02' 47.9" E /�\ S 37'25'l0.6°E PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-29/5E RAY SHEET NO ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER SHEET NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED BDO BERM BASE DITCH W/421 TONS CL B RIPRAP so 1055 SY GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL 0 EXISTING R 48" WW & ISBW / � K X X� �_ :� r_r_�luiw� e•.�a��o �uuw _•rdppn 3• p , .v towcrs it VE 42 I -A 30" RCP -III _---- i SPECIAL CUT DITCH C W/HINGE SEE DETAIL W DROP STRUCT. (DROLDEPTH=?9 1ww 86 ISBW _ _ _ _ _ — — EXISTIN RAY Pi(919)878-9560 900 Ridgefield Drive Suite 350I Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-3950 NC License No. F-0112 Engineers I Construction Managers I Planners I Scientist www.rkk.com Responsive People 1 Creative Solution CuBC PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 25 0 25 50 SCALE FOR INSET 50 25 0 50 100 EXISTING R/W -FERSON RE q'BST SCALE 2 TONS CL B RIPRAP W/7 SY GEOTEXTILE CUT/FILL TRANSITION A —A 8.0' 0.50.0 0.0' ROADSIDE D—D 5.0' I 0.0' / INFALL BERM BASE DITCH W/421 TONS CL B RIPRAP 1055 SY GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL 0 PROP. 47" / WW FENCE B—B lo.o8.0' 0.51 0.0' ROADSIDE E—E 2.0)) \ 1 � 3.0' / INFALL C-C 5.0' 0.5T\ 0.0' ROADSIDE JEMSITE DEVELOPMENT. LLC (40%), CHARLES R. COPE (207.), JIMMY MILLER (20'/.) AND PHIL G. STEVENS ('LO%) INSET A DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER BERM V DITCH W/65 TONS CL B RIPRAP 188 SY GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL AE BEGIN /eOt �(_A FENCE 48" WV( & ISBWNee QDE � �.n///►• ��' EE DETAIL'ia "- _ __ -- --._-._.lm^■■IImpa!♦!♦■-trl■■■trlt•t•rm...a■t•t•mIlt•t•■I■■�■■��. it♦mmamI __� PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 16 OF 46 PDE BERM V DITCH SEE DETAIL AD POE END FENCE X X X_X Xs mc-F7n—X - _ 4cg` WW & ISBW _G— _ _ _ TING R/W X�X�XL"1 — G— _ -X�X�X c 6 ", PE 48. WW & ISBW X�X�X� _/ Ex15iING R/w SKYLINE TELEPHONEION MBERSHIP CORT SS EXISTING R/ EMY D. HANDAL 8'AUPE — 77,14 N 0 q0 WOODLAND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES, LLC SS EXITING R/W VEL H. PIERCE AND WIFE, CATHY H. PIERCE GR PA \ I\\FxISTI Ta 'SR //4,qI y�MT �W.�FFERSON BD - NAG / exBGBG Z/ 0S CATACORNER \ \„ INVESTMENTS. INC. / % f /�R EXISTING R / 0A4 Q. / /.,///m / �:/ `1 BST PA j// •a L� �J S? e ,Olp' 5 6p0 PR q8 S R ---GREU TL-3 -- i PLUG & FILL W/FLOWABLE FILL L(// RCP il IF5 TONS CL B RIPRAP W/l4 SY GEOTEXTILE -PLUG & FILL W/FLOWABLE FILL 7 CO ST -18 NA�y SRS 200' BERM V DITCH W/32 TONS CL B RIPRAP 94 5Y GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL AE SEE INSET A� SITE 7 R-29/5E 8 RMI SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED BERM BASE DITCH W/773 TONS CL 8 RIPRAP 1937 SY GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL O . DE PDE�� PDE-it41 6 PE V10=2.9 fI8I �JS ISTI COUNTY OF ASHE BST PA 6 5 /9,. loom 6 �O ❑!T/ / Oj i 5 //o,- "o.-' //G,ao / O O 00 Q tN J Z LITTLE 3F� BST PA RKC Ii( W P:(919)878-9560 S�Nc al 900 Ridgefield Drive Suite 350I Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-3950 NC License No. F-0112 STING R/W Engineers I Contra www.rkk.com on Managers I Planners I Scientists Responsive Peoples Creative Solutions m Ltj LLE 25 0 25 50 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 18 OF 46 SCALE FOR INSET JEMSICHARLESLR. COPE (20%)(40%), MLR (0 50 250 50 100 ANDJIMMY PHIL G I STEVENS/(4 20%) SCALE //)/ DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY FILL IN WETLAND SP. CAT. V DITCH .} W/85 TONS CL B RIPRAP, O� 237 SY ti GEOTEXTILE SEE BERM BASE DITCH DETAIL Q W081 TONS CL 1 RIPRAP, 371 SY GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL R W/773 TONS CL BASE DITCH PRAP BERM BASE DITCH /O— POE '- PpE 1937 SY GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL N 'Apt SEE DETAIL 0 Boo DES' `����� --- ,/�y—wAm �— = SITE 9A �iGi1lE. * POE 111 TB 2GI — -- _—__-- —"F—STDAECT W/TO B GEOTEXTILERIF SY T H SEE DETAIL H TONS CL 1 RIPRAP,,, W/15 SY GEOTEXTILvy :UFFALO CREEK NG R/WW tt 0, CIS COUNTY OF ASHE II 20 1\AN WOODS SEE INSET A 9`rT, SITE 8A1 INSET A V10=3.6 Wsl 2SBW — 0SPRING x ‘gl SIA 4OTCB CAT-1 TL 30" CMP - Sd7r.R.�71li1 ^ /l DROP STRUCTURE / (DROP DEPTH=1.4') / 30" RCP —III 11 TONS CL I RIPRASEE INSET B W22 SY GEOTEXTILE ON BANKS ONLY SEE DETAIL AF IV10=8.3i W EX! IN INSET B / INSET C 72. CHL p / Wp \VC \\ A —A 3.10' 1.071—\2 V9� INFALL O -H \ 1"V FENCE _. BST PA 'V' DITCH SEE DETAIL X B—B 13.0' 2.00 I 8.0' OUTFALL JOHNNY J. SULLIVAN BST DA W \\ /\�NC CV o / OST PA \ \ C—C 8.0' 0.2 3.0'1 Sr_ 5.0' OUTFALL T. V DIT W/595.5 CONC.PAD EXISPINGA CONC PLUG & FILL SYSTEM W/ FLOWABLE FILL SITE 8B BDO REMOVE RISER & 9' EX. 24" CMP ':BI4SE DITC E ETAIL N 30" RCP —III PROJECT REFERENCE SHEET NO. R-29/5E 9 RAY SHEET NO ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED co Sf �S� U � Q G 72' CHL & 3SBW — E 7,NG R/W ORNER OF Yi7 exisri BUILDING cor✓c I CS PROPERTIES OF ASHE. INC. AT CONTROL URV.= 309061 ---- (SURVEYED 1006R6) EXISTING R/WR/w BST PA 50 PR CS PROPERTIES OF ASHE, INC. • M930 EXISTING R/W BST PA DI FOR DRN. DETAILS SEE SHTS. 2D-1 OR 2D-2 FOR —L— PROFILE SEE SHT. 20 FOR -SR1- PROFILE SEE SHT. 26 W O O 1- RK 'i( Pi (919)878-9560 900 Ridgefield Drive Suite 350 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-3960 NC License No. F-0112 Engineers I Construction Managers I Planners I Scientists www.rkk.ccm Responsive People I Creative Solutions 00 WET_p h1B.d LE 1\ Drawings\4C MITS_En,ronmen 25 50 SCALE FOR INSET 50 25 0 50 100 SCALE /// DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER A —A 0 B—B C—C 0 2' 101' 77----- I D 2' I 0.51 1.0E 2.00 1 2.0' INFALL / 4.0' \ OUTFALL 3.0' OUTFALL ROBERT CLAYTON LONG AND WIFE, SARAH DEAN LONG 'V' DITCH U 20+00 EXISTING R PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 21 OF 46 30' INSET A A INSET B INSET G D—D 11.0' E—E 8.0' F—F 15.5' G—G 1 19.0' \ 02' IO2 ������07' I p9' �I 2.51 1/ 0.51 1� 5.ojY 8.0TE l/ \ 5.0' OUTFALL 2.0' INFALL 6.Sy OUTFALL /I 10.0' OU.TFALL ROBERT CLAYTON LONG AND WIFE, SARAH DEAN LONG SITE 11D V10=5.0 Ws 64 TONS CL II RIPRAP W/119 SY GEOTEXTILE EMBEDDED IN CHANNEL SEE STD. 876.01 (RIP RAP IN CHANNELS( PIPES DO NOT INTERSECT SEE INSET A RCP -III OP S RUCT. (DROP DEPTH 8 5 ( eta = MED. V DITCH DA L I ( . RCP y.1► 24 S:b _ 8' Val & 2513W - ELBOWS OVE65E'1PL� DI 42" RCP -III POSSIBLEANJ)B PER PL GR PLUG & FILL W/PLOWABLE FILL STONE QUARRY xPOSSS. Y/ftg • SP. CATDE. V TAIL F DITCH F 11C ^ EE // � SMOOTH LINING )I' SITE WETLANDS SET/ / ,1J�// // a a (RIP€RAP P : / 2k G) / a a� v, .. .. 1AV11 B _ / / �� �_ X ,�, X= F • ' MCAA �X y� vo- EXISTING R/W Il ,Az O - _ — l\] - a +� �� a pl‘E\ lapNE/ a/ �5G\\m\a I� Da y/a cT`R0BERT CLAYTN111 NG AND //� `��a +A/��YVlD RAILX X� WD RA� G WIFE. SARAH �� LONG ��ON/+ 0 CS PROPERTIES OF ASHE, INC. EXISTING R/w INSET F 0.15 ft/ KATHY H. HOWELL AND LINDA H. BELGER 2 TON B RIPRAP W/7 SY GEOTEXTILE ? RETAIN INSTALL C�\ JAMES P.G. MURRAY, A 99% UNDIVIDED INTEREST AND STANLY DWAYNE ELLIOTT A I% UNDIVIDED INTEREST PA PLU & FII.L W/FLF• BLUl1E� JOHNIN ISWIFEVAN ISMTL BUS LII S LLIVAN 15�/ /// / SITE 12 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-29/5E RAN SHEET NO ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER SHEET NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL x p.0 x�x RAIL IT' RUBY R. ABSHER LIVING TRUST REED REAL ESTATE? \ �� II \ 'a GR PA \� / I al a ▪ E%IST u'Y - FWD RAIL L J E%STINGRY $ ��� E ! - EI — — — —G —fj _ —y ZE" —ASP& a a 15" CSPP a a a a a 2 ELBOWS 48 . I RI " ,- / DI �� WB9„ w'�`' OTEpXITILE 7 SE DETAIL Q`FL�/. / UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED v / 0// �- \\ a�� / / / i SEE II /�/� ) y, � ooe INSET G i — �000� Q gR5 ZpOI 2I I �'�EIP� \ la BST — N 6 PR wD SEE \ INSET C 8 TONS CL B RIPRAP W21 SY GEOTEXTILE ON BANKS ONLY SEE D TAIL AF SITE 13A LV10=7.6 WsI MA MX /al II -- Id -2f 30`d1.6'- 50 PR T-- HDPE MICHAEL ALOIAAND WIFE, CINDEE EE L. L. ALOIA CANDLELIGHT DR. SITE 13C '30„ P-III OT RIE. SPECIAL CUT DITCH SEE DETAIL W SE OUTFALL A SIS PACKAGE SEE • I S ETAD PLUG & FILL W/FLOWABLE FILL JURISDICTIONAL STREAM BETWEEN EXISTING PIPES I'/p SFD 40 TONS CL IRIP',-P W/75 SY EOTEXTIIE ON Ada.. ONL ��L AF SITE 14A 60" RCP -III (NOT BURIED( S = 0.5% • DROP STRUCT. (DROP DEPTH =2.6') ECIAL CUT DITCH E DETAIL W t SITE 13B STD. BASE DITCH W23 TONS CL II RIPRAP, 46 SY GEOTEXTILE .. .S -D A o, _ 50 V. ICI / I GI- 1 0' WIDE BERM - TOP ELEV. 3114.5' SEE DETAIL AC INSET C INSET D INSET E Mid( EAR -I -HEN P: (919(878-9560 900 Ridgefeld Drive Suite 3501 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-3960 NC License No. F-0112 Engineers Construction Managers I Planners I Scientists www.rkk.com / LAL Responsive People l Creative Solutions PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-29/5E SHEET NO. 01 -0 J LL 0 d cc LD LII 0 N 0_ U V 0 O 0 0 C N 0 C W 1n w U 010 Q=� 0101 MAR MEM .N. ONO ONO ONO iii ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO iii iii ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO iii iii iii iii iii iii iii ONO ONO 1 AV AI AEON IMf .�• •I... -MOO CM; mmmmm mmAMOR 76 4 9� 1 �.I .IICN=aee ONO ONO 1MO 1lSry II i1.Y!•JGrINNN. EMMEN 1NNN1 MM ,MI 1•u R Ir■1.'i.d.I.rIII......I!11 •1M-Irl =iI .ice NONGLIL7.N1 iri ___C= 1111 ___11 N I7N,11/G r111:71G\ 211f1C1' II 1 •lad • G.I V I •I kU.I II:I 111'yI 1 11J�JI\�[JL'L':URIILIL' J E L VA1 O N 3 1 0 8 5 0 ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO ONO III 1 IIJC 11 ILA i.J1 1 :rI• D 1 MNN/ �1 1.J1 ■ 1NEMI A A MOW MI 11 !•/ MI IL VW E/ IN INNEN/ :T I1 IJ" 1 I N.0 A••O1 M/ IF 1 I Ill IN/ l/ IYI' NI 1 I. 11/, \ \l WO IOL I r E/ /NMI RIMC iNN►�JN__I_�_6_ rrr _M_M►_J_ _6i_JMMIILiI JC -VI •7^^C 9 'I.0E. MC iu.. �Ir dr.I.. n 1.1 INN IN. •,•iii U S _•J� • E•• J_IME • um MOIR OSIWOOLI IMMEN IMEN 0 I C. MIME= MOO 'EMMEN,. 1111=1. '• 37Jr LWE. Ok/INN■11NNMNNI OOP' 11 mom aru mom11rr1 -11 i.\ Ir.ri MI MOO maw: -. -room 11r�1 '- \ I:iiINM 11 \ Pi �100111f1.i IU1R•11\'.11 al ��%llilI0I PROP( SE ELEVATION = O. 1P PIA OE OE .OE MI_ ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER INCOMPLE DO NOT USE FOR HYDRAULICS ENGINEER E PLANS / W ACOUISFI•ION ERELIMIN DO NOT USE FO RY PLANS CONSTRUCTION DOCU ENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLES ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PERMIT D SHEET MOON MOON MOON MOON 3120 3115 3110 1 3070 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 coco 25 0 25 50 SCALE FOR INSET 50 25 0 50 100 0 r 1— LLI LLJ 2 N LLJ LLI V) O O F- J SCALE R/ D. BASE DITCH TONS CL II RIPRAP, SY GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL U 60" RCP -III \,w44H I tf SEECUTTDIT , SEE INSE . T70' WIRREE BERM Sp,. TOP LEN. 3114.5' �EE_IJk1AIL AC Q DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 25 OF 46 ON5 CL I RIPRAP W/3.0 SY GEOTEXTILE ON BANKS ONLY SEE DETAIL A DROP STRUCT. (DROP DEPTH =6.5')// WOODS J 10' WIDE BERM TOP ELEV. 3117.0' SEE DETAIL AC SITE 14B DROP STRUCT. DROP DEPTH =5.6') x SITE 15A EIP SEE INSET A RCP -III JB H PLUG & FILL W/FLOWABLE FILL SPECIAL CUT DITCH SEE DETAIL W UNDER cIANDLELIGHT DR. IS yNDERSIZED & PERCHED, INSTALL A JB WITH A DROP IN THE 'BOX TO TIE THE EXISTING 36" TO A NEW PROPOSED 60" RCP OUTLET EXISTING R/W MICHAEL ALOIA AAAND WIFE, CINDEE C � / SPECIAL CUT DITCH SEE DETAIL A INSET A INSET B \ MILLARD B. DANCY AND WIFE, GEORGIA L. DANCY 36" CSP 2 ELBOWS STD. BASE DITCH W/31 TONS CL I RIPRAP, 69 SY GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL D SITE 16 INSET C JERRY AND ROBIN BROWN' NCDOT EXISTING R/W PLUG & FILL W/FLOWABLE �11 L 4 TONS CL I RIPRAP W/1O SY GEOTEXTILE N 19`2/'1IJ"E l -L- —T Fo-- T SO — — EXISTING SITE 15B A -A B-B 5.0' C-C 5.0' D-D E-E F-F 6.0' \ G-G .0' , O IO , ,0, 0,7.0' -/ 06 'W j,I \08.0' 1.0'J 1 / 1.0' 1 \ 1 / 1.0711 1.5'J—\ V j-I\012.0' 4.SJ—\ 1 j�\0 1.5'J 1 2.5' I I , I I I I , I 5.0' OUTFALL 1.5' OUTFALL 3.0' OUTFALL 2.0' ROADSIDE 4.0' INFALL 1.5' INFALL 1.5 INFALL CONY. DI TO JB W/MH X XX dA' WW R 20Busi CAI SR 1251 CANDELIGHT DR "ad' BST X EXISTING R/W \ D. NEWTON CAVIN%S Ca Cc THOMAS JARMEN AND WIFE. LINDA JARMEN WILLIAM H. WILKINSON HUSBAND. AND WIFE KAREN WILKINSON H-H 1-I J-J 6.0'7 5.0' / 6.0' 1.0' �.U' TT 0.5' 1.5' INFALL 2.0' NFALL 3.0' INFALL IAN BORELLE AND Y CORDELLA MILLER SEE OUTF LL ALYS)S PAS KAGE STD. BASE DITCH 169 SY GE• R IL P SEE DETAIL Y SEE INSET D US 221 P 53 [V10=9.1 R/s SITE 17B THOMAS JARMEN AND WIFE, LINDA JARMEN EXISTING R/ 12' CMP,/ RISER! stT. ,c3L. FkST/ C �' RK 0 JERRY L. BROWN PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-29/5E RW SHEET NO ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER SHEET NO. // HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 42 CSP 2 ELBOWS \\a l� P � � 4 s RODNEY TE B L' iRRGANQUSBAND, AND WIF I1 I F ORGAN o 11/2 SFD FS 2G1,64 RNA, SITE 17A DROP STRUCT. pMH_� (DROP DEPTH =7.4') T T T GREU TL-3 SPECIAL CUT DITCH SEE DETAIL W CHRIS DORISE LE ZPELEZO WIFE. RK'4t ( N 1— LLJ LLJ 2 V) P:(919)878-9560 900 Ridgefield Drive Suite 350I Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-3960 NC License No. F-0112 FOR DRN. DETAILS SEE SHTS. 2D-1 OR 2D-2 FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHT. 21 Engineers I Construction Managers I Planners I Scientists www.rkk.com Responsive People I Creative Solution 0 0J 25 50 SCALE FOR INSET 50 25 0 50 100 SCALE R KI BST CO DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DEREK MCCL ANTHONY GLE HUSBAND,/ SARAH FARM DN TERREL MORGAN HUSBA WIFE CAMILLE MORGAN /, '.H LLJ LLJ ---- V) STA. 779 + 00 EXISTING R SITE 18 STD. BASE DITCH W/31 TONS CL I RIPRAP 63 SY GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL D II V10=4.0 Ws 2GI FS El GOODMAN D WIFE GOODMAN SEE INSET A PLUG & FILL W/4LOWABLE FILL 60" CO C REMOVE 25' EX. 24" CMP SPECIAL CUT- CAR SEE DETAIL W AND EXTEND 24" CSP (2 ELBOWS) EIP EXISTING R/ 2GI 2GI EXISTING R JAMES C. LITTLEFIELD AND WIFE, B. ANN B. LITTLEFIELD 2 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 29 OF 46 ING /2'GR INSET A I � � I ' I -- Iz 48' WW & ISE C 60" CONE 15" RCP -III 2GI ► BST C SPECEI�CUTIL- WCn DONNA J H WEAVER 6�CONC EXISTING R INSET B TRI COUNTY PAVING, INC BST PA J EXISTING R/ 48'WW & ISBW/C� X X X-0 288 STEPHEN J. BLEVINS & SANDRA E. BLEVINS US 221 SPECIAL CUT DITCH W/602 SY PSRM SEE DETAIL AA a�Z S/T�' REMOVE SYSTEM q� 2GI IFS 2GI-A REMOVE SYSTEM JER AD WI ELM. WILLAAND RD WIFE, L / WALN ND WF� DONNATEROLSERUTHAND /Im / y EXISTING V10=6.2 Ws DROP STRUCT. (DROP DEPTH=3.4') 15' 24" RCP -III SITE 19 SS BW A -A B-B CAC 0 D-D 0 EI-E F-F �I p18.0' ---7,p 0.18.0' �I .0 �I 0.0 IpI LO' 1.5 L\ 1 4.0' OUTFACE 2.0J_\ r- 2.0' ROADSIDE 1.0'J_\ 1 0.0' ROADSIDE 1.5 L\ 1 0.0' OUTFACE 3.0' 3.0' 1 1 OUTFACE j�I \0.04.0' 1.0- \ 1 7- I I 0.0' ROADSIDE 9/4 0N18S1X3 PACK FAN INVESTMENTS, LLC .IS 7 TONS CL I RIPRAP W/15 SY GEOTEXTILE ON BANKS ONLY SEE DETAIL AF SEE INSET B EXITING S CINJO, INC • JOHN C. JONES EIP JERRY F. WHITLEY AND WIFE, IMOJEAN M. WHITLEY PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-29/5E /2 RN SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED LATERAL BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL M LEOBARDO REYES CRESCENDO Q <23 <23 53 554 �4s EXIST, W RK 1 P:(919)878-9560 900 Ridgefield Drive Suite 3501 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-3960 NC License No. F-0112 FOR DRN. DETAILS SEE SHTS. 2D-1 OR 2D-2 FOR —L— PROFILE SEE SHT. 22 Engineers I Construction Managers 1 Planners I Scientists www.rkk.com Responsive People) Creative Solutions 25 0 25 50 SCALE FOR INSET 50 25 0 50 100 LEOBARDO REYES CRESCENCIO0 Q 1• 5.91% SCALE PLUG 8 FILL W/FLOWABLE FILL Q SEE INSET A z//)/ TOE PROTECTION W/62 TONS CL B RIPRA 181 SY GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL V tK, STD. BASE W/43 TONS C 89 SY GEO' SEE DETAI ITC XT D V10=4.4 fv 1 SITE 20 EIP XISTING R JERKY IMOJEA FWHNITLEY AND LEYW\ M. WHIT PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 31 OF 46 DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING EXISTING R/W m I LATERAL BASE DITC11 SEE DETAIL G `^ E NG R INSET A INSET B SITE 21 Q10=5.9 cfs - V10=1.9 8 E WERAL BASE DITCHE W/85,TONS CL B RIPRAP, 226 SY GEOTEXTILE, DETAIL L R MATTHEW FRAMPTON AND CHRISTOPHER FRAMPTON A -A T1.o' 3.0 \ 1� 2.5' INFALL EgiSTING R A EIP B-B 4.0' 0. 1.5'1—\ \2 2.0' ". OUTFACE EXISTING R/ INSET C TRACIE JORDAN EXISTING R TRACIE JORDAN �Rw PROP. 47' SITE 22A BEGINF LATERAL VC DITCH FENCE W�79 TONS CL I RIPRAP, 431 SY 1'AIL K ICE SEE DETAIL K SEE INSET B EIP EIP (Ai EXISTING R/ \ eClu 0TOY I RIPRAP •Y GEOTEXTILE d- O BANKS ONLY +//OWIGHT E DETAIL AF rpaC. R y �, 46 ASV JOHN F. BARE G�i�O �'°�^RtwS'iA�lti �v&■ a.AVAw t ��.ti�7 DETAIL . - 15" RCP -III 30" R P-IV DROP STRUCT. (DROP DEPTH=4.6') RCP -III LATERAL V DITCH W/118 TONS CL B RIPRAP, 282 SY GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL K BENNY B. HURLEY AND VICKEY S. HURLEY / 8 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-29/5E /3 RNV SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DREW C. .NiCKSON, JI' SITE 22B 01 01 2 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED SEE OUTFALL ANALYSIS PACKAGE WAYNE F. STANLEY 2 TONS CL B RIPRAP W SY GECXTILE e s� CONC BERT STEVEN FREEMAN REGORY DENNIS FREEMAN, YMLO NDROGAN FREEMAN 1 W W h 0 0 co 5.910 H F J J RKd( P:(919)878-9560 900 Ridgefield Drive Suite 350I Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-3960 NC License No. F-0112 FOR DRN. DETAILS SEE SHTS. 2D-1 OR 2D-2 FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHT. 23 Engineers I Construction Managers 1 Planners I Scientists www.rkk.com Responsive People Creative Solutions PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-29/5E SHEET NO. -o 3 o_ w 0) N CC U 0 0) 0 0 0 E 0 cc cc U C0 Oho Q=� MCC 2,995 2,990 2,985 2,980 2,975 2,970 2,965 2,960 2,955 2,950 ,945 2,940 2,935 SITE 22 U 803+5 6 ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER INCOMPLE DO NOT USE FOR HYDRAULICS ENGINEER TE PLANS 7i W ACQUISITION ERELIMINA DO NOT USE FOA RY PLANS CONSTRUCTION DOCIAIENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED W 95S2 T T 2 EXISTING INLET ELEVATION = 2952.12 / i / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 48„ CMP S A. 8QQ_a� + 5_6 -=EW=45 \ \ \ O6 ♦ V. • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ♦ \ PERMIT Q ING SHEET ip -\ RCP III EXISTING - GROUND 2,930 2,925 2,920 PR OPOSED 66 C JUNCTION --- BOX RCP -III (VOT BURIED) A. length = 380') S - 0.4% \--DROP 0 S ELEVATI E 0 D N 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 2 UTL 9 3 ET 4 1 2,995 I 2,990 2,985 2,980 2,975 2,970 2,965 2,960 2,955 2,950 2,945 2,940 - 2,935 2,930 2,925 2,920 00op WET_p h14.d w 1\ Drawings\4C MITS_En,ronmen SCALE FOR INSET 50 25 0 50 100 SCALE CHARLOTTE 'arc BLAKE ' 14S ERTHA WOODIE yF° INSET A DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 34 OF 46 JOSEPH RONALD GRAYBEAL, HUSBAND AND WIFE PATRICIA BARKER GRAYBEAL 8 TONS -GEAR RIPRAP W21 SY GEOTEXTILE 48. i PLACE SPRING BOX AND 12" CSP OUTLET PIPE AT -L- 812+00 +/- LT. SPRINGp/ --- IF SPRING IS IMPACTED BY 30" RCP -III GRADING OPERATIONS PLUG 8 FILL W/FLOWABLE DROP STRUCT. i FILL (L1JtOP DEPTH=6.2'I STD. BASE D-'- W22 TONS CL I RIPRAP, 45 SY GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL D TMTL 2GI LATERAL BASE DITCH W/83 TONS CL I RIPRAP, 172 SY GEOTEXTILE SEE DETAIL L INSET B 15" CSP 2 ELBOWS SITE 23 2 TONS s LATERAL BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL G JB w'MH 1osc2Nc O #8TO RIPRA\�\� O 5 SY G TEXTILE H' ON BANKS ONLY U) SEE DETAIL AF 0.,-P,pf" 9 OD Pi SITE 4B I OUTFACE TFALL 2.0' INFALL WANDRONALDWALKER GIRTMAN, HUSBAND SITE 24C 60" RCP -III V10-9.6 f14 L. F. ANDERSON, JR. AND WIFE INA C. ANDERSON 105DIP \ SEE DETAIL G ya•wA E TERBASE DITCFS 7,..- , r� `AL ^�L PLOWABLE WOODS—_= --gal .� � 2 Te S .p --�-- �r: W 'SY GEOTEXTILE 7�` p \\ LATERAL DITCH\ p i!) SEE DE IL V GEOBTE)RI�LE SEE INSET B ,* � SEE INSET C \ BENNY B. HURLEY AND VICKEY S. HURLEY NSET C INSET D LATERAL BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL G SITE 24A WOODS /v/ DONALLDANDPROUEDFOOT GLORIA PRWOUDFOOT GURNEY G. MYERS AND WIFE JOANNE S. MYERS PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-29/5E RN SHEET NO ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER SHEET NO. /4 HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED /UNCLE JOE'S LLC vy v DOUGLAS TAYLOR 0 0 03 W vSEEI ET D N 0 EDWARD ARRIOL AND WIF EMILY JOHNSrON ARRIOLA N CALLOWAY PROPERTIES, LLC V10=18.6 ,SITE 25B RK 1 W P:(919)878-9560 900 Ridgefield Drive Suite 350I Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-3960 NC License No. F-0112 Engineers I Construction Managers 1 Planners I Scientists www.rkk.com Responsive People Creative Solutions 7 Ln PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-29/5E SHEET NO. CD J LL w Lu ce Ln N 01 U V CD .C. N 0 0 LLI Lu 0 MC 2,930 2 925 2.920 2,915 2 910 2 905 2,900 2,895 2,890 2,885 2,880 2,875 fAMMX E 1�G LI ■ENE ■ ... ■■NE ■■M IEEE AEI ■' I1 ■■ IN — INN 1\ ■I IIP V/ I MN MN MEM MEM ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER INC •MPLEIIE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR ' / W ACQUISITION PRELIMIN A RY PLANS DO NOT USE PO CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 1 PERMIT: DRAWING : SHEET :36: OF: 46: 2,930 PROPO SED 2 WS 9L 8 5 "I STA 816 07.05 SKEW=77 • • •. 6)" RCP— MIMMIIIIMEr GROUND PROPOSED OUTL ELEVATION = 2896 ET 7' 2 995 292,0 2,915 2 910 2,905 2,900 2,895 2,890 2,885 2,880 2,875 2,870 PROPO s • •1' ' 'III (NOT BURIED) (length =162') 2,870 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 0J -0 5- 3 CC 0_ 5- N li v C 0 O 0 ro E 0 5 w 01 F CC 6T'p �l //)/ 25 0 25 50 SCALE FOR INSET 50 25 0 50 100 `IIII SCALE TOWN OF JEFF EXISTING ASHE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION E ISBK Bus E%ISTING R/W EI DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 37 OF 46 DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER BST BA E Er) co HE BOARD OFEDUCATION Lu/ i o OF ASHE COUNTY a/ t CR RA E%ISTING R/ /HAROLD H. HUGHES AND WIFE, DIANNE B. HUGHES lY II __ I! /1 BST PA ' E%'STING R/ EAIS—RiW BST PA 2 PVC THE BOARD OFEDUCATION OF ASHE COUNTY EXISTING IT —r -uv ERALB' i r _ - - - SEE DETAIL G • 48" WW & IS EIF INSET B INSET C INSET A -EIYE7-371 BST PA JERRY W. ABSHER AND WIFE SUSAN R. ABSHER M9YE_16 Wig MP I7 ABSHER ENTERPRISE LLC RECON E r LINE WH lg Tp RAP� W/544DITSYD GEOTEXTILE R/�� _ WILLAR0 £ IURCH AND WIFE,/ / CONNIE-EHURCH__\_ Rib lS i11.71�'t.Y 11,11 _ G T - • ar *WaMOW szl9 2WT/7ONSYS GCLEOBTERXIPTRILAEP � _ _ _—'?/1tJA�_'l� :e V�1rAIPA� (/) LU Z CALLOWAY PROPERTIES, LLC SY GEOTE ON BANKS 0 SEE DETAIL A XST R/yly W8g I gW /w _ 48. WW 9, W5§i NG a/w / EXISTNG .7•TAMIllgr RRELL GAM ISBKD ISBKD EXISTING R ROBERT L. ELLIOT AND WIFE, REDA S. ELLIOTT Cave HOUSING CORPORAT ON GEORGE SANTUCCI. JR. ANE D BENOSKY /JAMES M.MCCLURE HUSBAND, AND WIFE DEBORAH L. MCCLURE 84, GREGOR ANE M. FIITCHLEE D WIFE CHARLES ANDREW CAUDILL JAM EARL PENNINGTON, JR. HUSBAND, AND WIFE CH PENNINGTSTINA OO- EN k\� C—C ISTING R LATERAL V DITCH SEE DETAIL B EXISTING R WILLARD CHURCH AND WIF CONNIE CHURCH JOE RAY BLEVINS AND WIFE. MARGARET S. BLEVINS D-D 16.0' 7.0 1 3.0' �INFALL Se0 ROLD MILLER IFE, C LOUIS LDRET HUSBAND AND WIF SANDR ELDR !STD BST ETH DA. R��4 "KB TRICK O'ROURKE MILLER PROPERTIES OS ASHE, LLC ISBKD EORGE EUGE AND WI MA GRE SITE 27A JS NAKED CREEK 8' CON* re 48. WW ISBW GLADYS S. KESTER SITE 27B PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-29/5E RAY SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER SHEET NO. /5 HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED JOEL W. YATES, JR. 24" CSP / 2 ELBOWS / E 2 A H = S CL B RIPRAP \ RAYMOND LEE BELCHER AND WIFE, WENDY LEE BELCHER \\ T BREMICHELLET C. ANDI WIFE, • NORTH CAROLINA AND CAROLINA FARM CREDIT, ACA 22 4a c`2 24" RCP -III 12. VCP LARRY E. NEAVES AND JUDY B. NEAVES EIP RK IlC 1- LIJ LLJ Ln LJJ u-I L/) 0 0 co J LU Z 2 P:(919)878-9560 900 Ridgefield Drive Suite 350I Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-3960 NC License No. F-0112 FOR DRN. DETAILS SEE SHTS. 2D-1 OR 2D-2 FOR —L— PROFILE SEE SHT. 24 Engineers I Construction Managers 1 Planners I Scientists www.rkk.com Responsive People) Creative Solutions 7 Ln PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-29/5E SHEET NO. 2,900 2,895 2,890 2 885 2,880 2,875 2,870 2,865 2,860 2,855 2,850 2,845 SITE26 85.4 ,E0Guot 826+-W f.I - STA 326 * 91.1. SKEW=101 ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER INC•MPLE`Il'E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR 5/ W ACQUISITION PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE PO R CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED:FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED: PERMIT: DRAWING : SHEET 39 OF: 46 60" RCP II PROPOSED CHANNEL CHANGE PROPOSED INLET ELEVATION =2880.8' s-0 5% - PROPOSED OUTLET ELEVATION - 2880.1' PROPOSED 60" RCP -III (BURIED 1.0) (length =139') 2, 900 2,895 2,890 2,885 2,880 2,875 2,870 2,865 2,860 2,855 2,50 2,845 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 0— c op grijp 25 0 25 50 SCALE FOR INSET 50 25 0 50 100 SCALE PROP. NOISE WALL END NOISE WA AND BARRIER Sso.836+85.0_ 0nJ0 1074 TONSDC 15 2 ELBO A —A 12.0' 5.0� 1- I 5.0' INFALL B—B 12.5' 2.5L5 1� 7.5' ROADSIDE DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 41 OF 46 0 Li DITCH 51 E EXISTN CULVERT INLET DETAIL -L- SITEAM --ras""" INSET A SITE 28A ; 'NSET B aMEPriir �) p//� 1.14.itiTi ,i•1 r 1 X 00 Q � B ----- -- SO.,„ T o 12" CONC is� INSET B XX�X tag in a X CB sl •LT � S� EXISTING Rc4 CN TWO R/WW CULVERT OUTLET 20 TONS CL I RIPRAP DETAIL -L- =i- W/39 SY GEOTEXTILE STA. 838+56 —�— F —--- — AZ•rt =M, Win-=a'P�� .o.�. .036W�1. ria ►ter_ A 4tt`k a r a ;'�al SP. CUT BASE DITCH — W/159 TONS CL B RIPRAP, 4095 SY GEOTEXTILE -� * * *it* * eti GR PROP. 2' CONCRETE SILL - INSET 1' INTO EXISTING EASTERN BARREL (INLET 8, OUTLET), EIP REMOVE -.--- WI 7 TON CL B RIPRAP, C • 4 SY GEOTEXTILE . SEE DETAIL E LX X \ED \0 x 0 INSET C X 36" WWWW X XISX,SN TING CB W� NC BB / US 22/8US ._ R-29/5E /6 RAY SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED •L �\�_ �_��48•RST� AA \\ •i _ \ ilr JS •LT 48'BST L7 � •Lr • ,n,�'� \\L7 IRETAIN n �' \\ _OF EX G SEE INSET C X X�J REMOVE 163'. X. 24" CMP ..„, I ¢ ' .,, : e0 \ \0 2 �� �, >.,„_. -- • `IP „\ \� .„,„. .„,_.. � ,„,__. ▪ \*O0),,„,,, ,,,...„.5i.., ,..,„_. ,.....„0, ,„ \,esT\\„„,„ ,.,_. ,• , ==--- ____ )) �� iS=ss •LT JS\ CON, STD. BASE DITCH y v� _ >a\� W/46 TONS CL B RIPRAP, _-- .e 35\a\ ss 117 SY DETAIL �re �u \` SEE DETAIL T o JSn _ — — _ i EECDETAIL W CHERRY pR� \ \ i 1.4 RK IlC P:(919)878-9560 900 Ridgefield Drive Suite 350I Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-3960 NC License No. F-0112 FOR DRN. DETAILS SEE SHTS. 2D-1 OR 2D-2 FOR —L— PROFILE SEE SHT. 25 Engineers I Construction Managers I Planners I Scientists www.rkk.com Responsive People) Creative Solutions 7 Ln PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-29/5E SHEET NO. 0 o_ L 0) N CC U V CD al O 7 E 0 w CC w 0 o-0 Mm S -L TE 28 ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER INC• MPLE DO NOT USE FOR E PLANS / W ACQUISITION PRELIMINARY PLANS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED ::PERMIT: DRAWING ::SHEET :43: OF 46: 2,900 2 895 2,890 2 885 2.880 7,875 2,870 2,865 l00 -Y -6. 2875.6 VISE 1- 1 ■ f 4.5, L) - ,TY P ) EXISTING ROADWAY-\ i..ERVL VV.L 2870.6_ __ SClMV-Y`L .■h:-■ - �1114 �� - 10. 0CI r .. 111111111! STA 838+56 -L- G.P. _LEV. = 2,87 .20' S2KEW 142°CQC (NO Q • URIED PROPOS ROAD ED 2. :1 NORMAL) .I ... ... .. .. .. IME&M 2,900 2,895 2,890 2,885 2,880 ... ... .. • .. .. 1 J; d1 BENCH 1 P) • 4 2,860 2,855 2,850 2,845 2' TA_L SILLS, 1' INSIDE FACE OF EXIST Np CULVE AT -EACH -END Off-EASTERN-BARRE C N Y RT NV = 28 S=11BV 0 S5 RETAIN EXIS- t` (2)-10'x6' RCBC EXIS- N G PROPOSE BENCH S1 REAMfB ED ROODPLAIN friT _- - (knth =178') g RC BC 875 870 2,865 2,860 2,855 2,50 2,845 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 00 os WET_p hl .d 1\ Drawings\4C MITS_En,ronmen LLI W N 0 oo co 4 W z J U ASHE COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. INC. / Q7/ V10=7.4 fVs1 18" RCP -IV II O• < fists. EIP YADKIN VALLY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY /I \530 \9 CDNC CU RIP RAP o ll� J�\BA EMBANKMENT C09 7S CCAp \ < \SF`DETAIL AB R\� �� \\ 9S� \\S \G TO DRAIN EIP 9•C0N CURB • \�� GRADE TO DRAIN \ i *******`..,....---STING CB \ \ ' \\OTO 2GICB `�I \\ ty CB 301 C&G \ I V \\ BST PA �. T \ 73, \ I STARWOOD INVESTMENTS, L.P. \ • UT THE COUNTY OF ASHE II BP DI 6° CENG CURB I11 KAJAN, L.L.C. IIOU I 111h .ilQo Is d IIBST PA CT• 25 0 25 //// 50 SCALE FOR INSET 50 25 0 50 100 SCALE ISM BUS BST PA ( COUNTY OF ASHE SS 112 75' CMAP DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER co 1212�ONC ss �Dl REMOVE EXISTING CB COLLAR & EXTEND 18" CSP (2 ELBOWS TO TIE TO NEW PROPOSED CB 1705 IE TO EXISTING CURB & GUTTER '" (DESTINATION LINK. 18" CSP 2 ELBOWS 6"PVC PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 44 OF 46 JOHNSTON PROPERTIES, INC. EXISTING R/w INSET A cam•oo PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-29/5E 17 RAN SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED RK 1 P:(919)878-9560 900 Ridgefield Drive Suite 350I Raleigh, North Carolina 27609-3960 NC License No. F-0112 COUNTY OF ASHE Engineers I Construction Managers I Planners I Scientists www.rkk.com Responsive People Creative Solutions WETLAND AND SURACE WATER IMPACTS SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Site No. Station (From/To) Structure Size / Type Permanent Fill In Wetlands (ac) Temp. Fill In Wetlands (ac) Excavation in Wetlands (ac) Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Hand Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Permanent SW impacts (ac) Temp. SW impacts (ac) Existing Channel Impacts Permanent (ft) Existing Channel Impacts Temp. (ft) Natural Stream Design (ft) 1 -L- 670+03 to 670+45 RT DITCH < 0.01 2A -L- 675+33 to 675+66 LT BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 < 0.01 14 17 2B -L- 676+43 to 677+27 RT 42" RCP -III 0.02 < 0.01 0.01 < 0.01 57 21 3 -L- 701+14 to 702+66 RT DITCH 0.01 30" RCP -III < 0.01 0.02 4A -L- 705+04 to 705+37 LT FILL < 0.01 4B -L- 704+66 to 704+84 RT 30" RCP -III < 0.01 0.03 BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 < 0.01 11 10 5 -L- 706+60 to 707+07 RT DITCH & EXIST. 18" CMP < 0.01 0.01 6A -L- 711+85 to 713+30 LT 42" RCP -III 0.04 0.02 < 0.01 < 0.01 52 10 6B -L- 711+15 to 711+42 RT BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 < 0.01 27 10 7 -L- 735+40 to 735+61 RT DITCH < 0.01 24 8A -L- 740+22 to 740+56 RT DITCH < 0.01 32 8B -L- 747+64 to 747+86 RT PLUG/FILL & HEADCUT < 0.01 < 0.01 20 9A -L- 742+35 to 743+21 LT 24" CSP, 30" RCP -III 0.09 < 0.01 33 -L- 742+06 to 742+11 RT BANK STABILIZATION-TRIB < 0.01 < 0.01 10 7 9B -L- 741+98 to 742+15 RT BANK STABILIZATION- LITTLE BUFFALO CREEK < 0.01 19 10 -L- 754+26 to 754+54 RT 15" RCP -III < 0.01 < 0.01 11A L- 750+89 to 751+24 RT Existing 66" CMP < 0.01 22 116 < 0.01 10 11C <0.01 11 11D <0.01 <0.01 27 10 12 -Y35- 9+25 to 9+50 LT BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 < 0.01 17 10 13A -L- 762+53 to 762+76 LT 30" RCP -Ill < 0.01 31 BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 < 0.01 11 10 13B -L- 763+07 to 763+40 RT 30" RCP -III 0.01 < 0.01 60 13C -L- 762+53 to 762+38 LT SPRING BOX < 0.01 < 0.01 25 23 14A -L- 763+31 to 763+73 LT 60" RCP -Ill < 0.01 23 BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 < 0.01 23 10 14B -L- 765+28 to 765+72 RT 60" RCP -III < 0.01 63 15A -L- 768+02 to 768+66 LT 36" RCP -Ill 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 31 BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 < 0.01 15 10 15B -L- 770+68 to 770+93 RT EXIST. 36" CMP 0.01 < 0.01 23 16 -L- 769+54 to 770+29 RT EXIST. 36" CMP 0.03 17A -L- 776+79 to 777+26 LT 42" RCP -III 0.01 115 17B -L- 775+45 to 776+91 RT DITCH < 0.01 146 18 -L- 780+80 to 781+00 LT 24" RCP -III & DITCH < 0.01 < 0.01 39 12 19 -L- 788+03 to 788+42 RT 24" RCP -Ill < 0.01 22 BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 < 0.01 8 10 20 -L- 793+05 to 793+30 RT DITCH < 0.01 25 21 -L- 797+03 to 799+22 LT FILL & DITCH 0.03 0.01 < 0.01 22A -L- 802+05 to 802+32 RT EXIST. 48" CMP < 0.01 22 22B -L- 804+49 to 805+11 LT 66" RCP -Ill < 0.01 61 BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 < 0.01 31 10 23 -L- 810+70 to 811+24 RT FILL < 0.01 55 24A -L- 815+76 to 815+87 RT 60" RCP -III < 0.01 < 0.01 30 22 24B -L- 816+22 to 816+61 LT BANK STABILIZATION- TRIB < 0.01 18 24C BANK STABILIZATION- NAKED < 0.01 < 0.01 20 20 CREEK 25A -Y36- 16+29 to 16+46 RT EXIST. 24" CMP < 0.01 < 0.01 13 12 25B -Y36- 16+72 to 17+17 LT BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 < 0.01 17 20 26A -L- 823+43 to 826+83 LT DITCH & 60" RCP -III 0.01 0.04 < 0.01 < 0.01 19 8 26B -L- 826+80 to 827+32 RT BANK STABILIZATION-TRIB < 0.01 8 26C BANK STABILIZATION- NAKED < 0.01 < 0.01 32 20 CREEK 27A -L- 832+48 to 832+87 RT BANK STABILIZATION-TRIB < 0.01 15 27B BANK STABILIZATION- NAKED CREEK < 0.01 < 0.01 18 30 28A -L- 838+81 to 839+70 LT BANK STABILIZATION 0.01 < 0.01 88 10 28B -L- 837+00 to 837+71 RT BANK STABILIZATION 0.02 < 0.01 59 10 29 -L- 844+25 to 844+38 RT 42" RCP -IV < 0.01 < 0.01 5 15 30 -L- 849+47 to 849+82 LT BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 < 0.01 17 21 31 -L- 848+81 to 848+99 LT PLUG/FILL 0.02 TOTALS": 0.28 < 0.01 0.05 0.13 0.14 0.07 1366 576 0 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: 1. Temporary Surface Water Impacts are expected during installation of the existing pipes that require a smooth liner Remus 2013 03n NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MARCH 2019 ASHE R-2915E SHEET 46 OF 46