HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070453 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070322. .. ~ ~ Date 3~ Z Z ~~ `? Who ltaviewed: ,_'/4~''~' . ~. ~ ' Plan Defail7ncomplet® ~ - ^ Pibaso provide a location map for the projoct. • • ~ Please show all stroam impacts including all fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the siteplaa ~'. Please show ail wetland impacts including fill slopes on the site plan. Please indicate a1I buffer impacts on the site plan. Please indiaate proposed lot layout as overlays on the site plea. • ,~ . Please indicate tho locatign of the pi; otactad buffrxs as mvarlays on the site plgn. ^ Ploase Locate a1I isolated arnoa-isolated wetlands, •strearns and other wators of the State as ovaleys on the site plan. ^ Please provIda cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passage. ~~ ~ ~~ ^ Please locate any planned•aeara lines an the site plea. • • j ~ °~' 1~ Pleaso provide fhe location of any proposed stormwater management practices . ^ Please provIda detail for the stormwata managernont practices as required by (3C . ^ Flease specify tho paceat of project iinparviousness area based on the estimated buil~out conditions: • (~ Pleese~indicato all stormwatca„o~}tfulle on the sitagla~}. ~ ~ . ^ Ploase'indicato the difli~se flow provision measures do the site plan. ^ Ploase iadicate,whothar' or not the liropoaed impaats already bears conductod. ' Atroidance,and/or Minimlzatbn irlot Provided ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' • • 7be Iabeled ae _T,_ on the plans does not appear to be necessary. Please olia~inate the . or provide additional infonnation~as to ~y it is necessary for this~project , ~^ This Office balioves that the labeled on the pleas as eaa be moved. or reconfigured to avoid the impacts to the . ' . Ploaae revise iiio plena to avoid thq iinpaote. . . • . > ^. • lbis'Ofi3ce beliovos• that the . .labeled on tho plans as~ can be moved or roceriflgurod to ;minimize the impacts tp tho ' . Please reviso the plaits to minimize the impacts. . , '. . Tho atormwata discharges at the location on the plans labeiad wlll.not provide di$ltse flow through tho buffdr because ~ . ' ~ ~ . Please xevise the pleas end provlclp calculations to ~ahow that dii~tse how w111 be.acliievecl >+hrhroiigh the oc-tirebuifar: if it • - is not possible to achieve•difiiise flow through.the artire buffer'then it niay bm neoessaryto' provide stormwater inanagamtat • ~ pracdces that ranove nutrionts:bcforo the stormwater can be discharged through. tbs. buffer. ~ . . • Otlier ~ ~ • ~ .. ~ • . ... . . ^•. The application fns was insuf6eiont~becausa ova' 15`0 foot of stream and/or.ova 1 sae of wetlaad'impacta were roquestod. Please ~ ' . provide ~ . ~ ibis additional fee must bo receivo~ before your application can be reviewed. • ~ ~ ^ Plea'so compkto Section(s) on the appiicatloa. - ~ ~ .. • ~ ~ ^ Please provide a signed copy of the application.' ^ Ploaeo provide _. copies of the application, . copies of•the site pleas and other suppoiting iriforinatlon: . _ ^ • Plaaeasubmit electronic CAD files showing ;.vie: email to ian.mcmillaii®ncmeil,net~nd CI}' ~ • - . ~ Mitigation ~ . ' ~ ' • ^ of compensatory ~ mitigation is requirod for this piojECt,'Pleaso pmvide•a cpmpaisatoiy iaitigatiari plan. The plan must conform~to tharequiranents in 15 A NCAC 2A :OSOO~and mush be appropriate to the type•of impacts proposed. ~ . ' ^ Please indicate which~404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. ~ .