HomeMy WebLinkAbout19980483 Ver 1_Complete File_19980526State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director A4 NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL REsouRCEs May 29, 1998 Caldwell County DWQ Project 980483 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. Martin Bolick NC DOT PO Box 1460 Boone, NC 28607 Dear Mr. Bolick: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, for the purpose of installing culverts at SR 1328, as you described in your application dated May 26, 1998. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this impact is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3103. This Certification allows you to use Nation ide Permit Number 14 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. In addition, you should get any other ederal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment a d Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. his approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified ' the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you des ribed in your application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owne must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensato mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H.0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 276 1 1-7447. This certificatio and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Domey at 919-733-1786. Since ly 04 r n L Jr. P.E. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Asheville DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Domey Central Files 980483.Itr Division of Water Quality • Non-Discharge Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper e . STA7[ i ' 9 8 0 4 , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF 1P.,ANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. E. NORRIS TOLSON GOVERNOR SECRETARY BOONE DISTRICT OFFICE POST OFFICE BOX 1460 BOONE, NC 28607 May 20, 1998 Mr. Steve Chapin U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 143 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 { 4 CSC, `t 2 6 qq? Dear Mr. Chapin: The N. C. Department of Transportation is proposing to perform drainage improvements on SR 1328, Wilson Creek Road, in Caldwell County when the necessary permits are obtained. This project will require replacing a few crossline pipe, extending several pipe, and cleaning several out-fall ditches on this section of road. All pipe cant' unnamed tributaries to Wilson Creek. Wilson Creek has the DEM classification, B Tr ORW. Due to the proposed work, we are requesting a 404 Nationwide Permit. I am sending a joint application form, a list of work to be done with location, a general sketch showing proposed erosion control to be used, general notes on erosion control, notes on pipe installation, and a marked county map. By copy of this letter, I am requesting Mr. Joe Mickey, Western Piedmont Region Coordinator, to comment directly to you concerning the 404 Nationwide Permit request. Also, by copy of this letter, I am requesting a 401 Water Quality Certification from the Division of Environmental Management for this project. We would like to perform this work as soon as the necessary permits are obtained. If addition information is required, please let me know. Your early review and consideration will be greatly appreciated. Yours truly, Martin L. Bolick District Engineer Z? Page 2 Mr. Steve Chapin SR 1328, Wilson Creek Road May 20, 1998 MLB/MLM:mm Enclosures cc: Mr. Joe Mickey, Western Piedmont Region Coordinator, NCWRC Mr. Richard Phillips, P.E., Regional Engineer, DEHNR Mr. Eric Galamb, Water Quality Certification Unit, DEM Ms. Renee Gledhill-Earley, Environmental Review Coordinator, NCDCR Mr. W.E. Hoke, P.E., Division 11 Engineer Mr. Neil Trivette, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer Mr. Kelly Winkler, County Maintenance Engineer DEM ID: COn:'S F,CTIOt1 D: NATIONAIDE 2ER4Ii F.EQUrSTED (LROYID? NATIO:?wY6S PERMIT PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICA'T'ION MR NATI01 WIDE P4R`1ITS THAT REQUIRE: 1) NOT:FICAT ION TO THE CORPS Or ENGITMERS 2) ABPLIC.ATSON TCR SECTION 401 CLRTIFICATICN 3) COORDINATION WITH TS:E 14C DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGV-Mf,T SEND THE ORIGINAL. AND (1) COPY OF THIS COLLETED FORM TO THE APPROPRIAT2 FIELD OFFICE OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SH!=), SEMEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENIVIRONIAENTA-L MANAGEMENT (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). PLEAZ PRINT. 1. OWNERS N7,1ME : , (, DPIPn(Ar"4-A- D; -7y--- ZsR, A It MAILING ADDRE35: Q'()' 8O>( )gloD SUBDIVISION NAME: CITY: LIP CODE: I ? I PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS, INCLUDING SUBDIVIS=ON NAMZ (_IF D?nFFEREN-1 FROM MAILING ADDRESS ABOVE) xR )3Z8 LJ, )low (r-P, Kc?? 3. . TELEPHONE NUMBER (HCME) (WORK) : (B18) Z(o5-S3?y 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONS BLL CORPO ?AlS OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: JX)Ar47n/ Fna??nele+- U. 0 c :n r w In ~ W m E? (4 } r N v J f W W w ,n v ouou U VI O ? I ce L o• >' Cl- W - d U u N C. u>,O JW F tl F ' V u >+ u o _ O . ` _ a W r+ K •- 4F A ; I 1 J? rvl0r W F W W lL W " O U d ? J vl A a y d o . W O - I D cc L3 -J t? f- ,n O J w v1 rI L. r'C W i W .. c•r SUF -• O OX (; UP U i u , V O t J W J-1 l ?. W )O W l 0 Pl r cr > =• 4 -- n ti Gv104:.1 v I W H J r =1 OA _. d '. S ?W_ rv U O r O N 61 J V J ? ? n 14 W rt• O. 7 L V r } . - r.l - W ^ V v r 'z O m I - I V7 r1- rl In O vl T 1 .O tr. W u qq .- ? , o. u u 1 "W O W ?vlm Z c -6, , QS G r l w 'n l) 5 F m f m l7 Y .-. 1 - - I d m t -1 w .... MO 1041 co l.l-1w CAW O -r m . W N 0 0_ u u 2 uorv -N 4 lr 7 N. ' ;C .y W N y W + S W U K - J O _ ti, O _ . x O v f. ... _.-r 0 0 r1 a_ 1 t t. N>VC - - ' ' x vi :t ?••.. 4 A .-I N z U F W W W m .C ... r d d . .._ .. ,- G 1 Y C) tj a? W u o W W Q1 . L. a OG _ r . JJ J '. 4 N Y O d< EA . < .,, x. fald WW I-•.NW7w .' . to . ... .. .. JJ vl w H yJ W . i Li t- K o In w 10 O . O ` r y U N ,. . < W O O Ill O u W s .. .... U.. F W..-.. ev W3 .. m .- . , W_-n I -' WN7W 1 w CF; 4J 1 Q ' 4. .4. r?u. 1 . ?1 > LJ 1 %0 L• •O h •• N - ' h W n W .< Q ••? /1 U /. G M 4 O 6. 4 x ce n ?„1 1O } W r v1 r d' W 1. r1 b G K F- r? r > rY W W R r o }:U a V . pWZ o • ..? .a O p C o WNW O r- d - _ ?•? - W - W . FOf+ N m. - ro N m J ? V 01 r d. O W w O. d Y , . L 6 U Oar •-• C? J O !M l I•-r = W L' O ar ! R ?-• -• Y .••r C: or N O J rn b. -+ .l 6. O a• , N n .. W rJ n ;.; fJ O b k, •- , 5 p ?• •-1 u c7 ? - O Y li d vl V ? 0 v1ej W ° s+ -rn?w xl ???_,? u OO L Wr? ?a W JI ` M u? vJ U La ? :z L (Wj tr J:1O-_' z ? C3 t7 Ow ?..0 ce V u W Fl7 O W ur S W y 1 ?. JL N .-.Y ..?...d W J J F r H {- W W d lr or J H G r W W W ! w C ., 6 dG U .( N a W W -J -J In O vl d :J ..I h _ ry Y W 1- . . K O W .( b oC C _rd` -F x r vi N O. 0.F (J 5p-CIF--.C LOCATION (INCLUDE P-0'D NUMBERS, L;ldlDN?RKS r ETC -) ' nY1ArnPr? ?1;b, '?D 1.?; lsovy ?m? k 6. ?MPACTED OR NEAP.EaT STREAM/RIVER: RIVER BASIN: Jo 7a. IS PROJECT LOCATED tlUAR WATER CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, TIDAL SAL 'WATWATEP. (SA), HIGH QUA' IT Y WATERS (HQ"') , CUTSTA:IDT_i7G RESOURCE WATERS' (ORk) , NO ( ) IF-YE-17, EXPLAIN: SUPPLY (WS-I OR WS-I T) ? YES (74 D?YV? ??aSS ?3 Tr OW 'LOCATED WITHIN A NORTH CAROLI?r:, DI'vISIONOOOASTAL fib. IS THE. PROJECT l?S N'NAGEMENT AREA OF Et1V-.R0NMENTAL CONCERN (ASS) 7c. IF THD PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN A COAS'T'AL COUNTY (SEE PAGE 7 FOR LIST OF COASTAL COUNTIES), WHAT•7S THE LAND USE PLAN (LUP) DESIGtiAT.ION? IVM, Sa. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERHXTS BEEN ?REVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES ( ) NO IF YES, PROVIDE ACTION I.D. NUMBER OF PREVIOUS PERMIT AND MY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (INCLUDE PHOTOCOPY OF 401 CERTIFICATION) 8b. ARE ADDITIONAL ?EF4%!!T REQUESTS EXPECTED FOR THIS PROPERTY IN THE FUTURE? YES [ J NO >y IF YES,. DESCRIBE ANTICIPATED WORK: 9a .- . ESTIKkTED, TOTAL. NUMBER OF' ACRES " IN TRACT OF. LAND: 45 SITE:. 9b. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER 0 r ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON-PROJSCT ?? 10a, NUMBER OF P.C'?tES of NETLANCS i.NPACTLD BY THE PROFCSED PROJcO BY: FILLING: EXCAVAT'.ON : (.D. O CD FLOODING: DRAINAGE: OTHER: TOTAL XCR.ES TO 1;8 1HTACTED: 0•OLo 10b. (1) STREAM CHAkINEL TO BE IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT (IF RELOCATED, PROVIDE DISTANCE EOT11 BEFORE AND AFTER RELOCATION) LENGTH BEFORE: FT AFTER: N ` WIDTH BEFORE (based on normal high water contours): vu ;T WIDTH ,AFTER: A114 NIA- FT AFTER : ---Fi AVERAGE DEPTH BEFORE: (2) 5TPE?t? CS[A?7i4EL TMoACrS WILL ?ESC1L1 PROD: (CH-C:K ALL THAT APPLY) OPEN CHANNEL RELOCATION: PLACEMENT OF PIPE IN CHANNEL: CHANNEL EXCAVATION: ION RUCT. CONST OF R G: _ LOCDrN D.AM/ F * i ` ? '?GCr'??n I Clr c`e off} n c ov?'t?t I? f a 44d, an?(? p X n? OTHER: ? ? 11. IF CONSTRUCTION OF A POND IS PROP05ED,. W!LLAT I- THE SIZE OF THE WATERSHED DRAINING TC THE POND? _ N KHAT IS THE EXPECTcD POND SURFACE AaSA? IVIA 12, DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK INCLUDING DISCUSSION OF TYPE OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE USED .(ATTACH PLANS: 8.1/2" X 11". DRAWINGS ?x?Pr?OI L4 e Rtp6-Le' r7 ? e c1can Ov4,?l A'4r cl ors ? 40?pe-_ 13 ..:. PURPOSE OF-PROPOSED WORK:. T u/p l race ovrhd? rno r,4enanoe Cor mot .:. S:R ..i3 2f3 `''C.?:,•'?{"arv •:C k_ 2ou - 3 14. STATE REASONS WHY IT IS BELIEVED THAT THIS ACTIVI:'s MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLA19 D5_ (IC+CLUDE ANY MEASURES TAKEN TO MIuIHIZE WETLAND/ r IMPACTS): F :a. ?e of IM GP D 7 rn I &4,' , J_( cp 'I '-)t ?, r'14 l1tl'7'rrw 114e ') rrc?'? & if'' ?rt?.S?J?•J Ct?r?"1r? ? _ /'•?rgSvrrl .s?? ?Q M?ni? I i^e ?n1 C+ )n -e ?IA"lh 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE. (NMFS) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL FABITAT IN THE PER-MIT AREA TN.AT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE (ATTACH RESPONSES CONTACTED: _ Zy Cc OF Arr At 4n FROM THESE AGENCIES.) 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MA BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPCSED PROJECT. 'DATE CONTACTED, o ?l kr _4 es'd 17. DOES THE PROJECT INVOLVE AN EXPENDITURE Or PUBLIC FUNDS OR THE USE OF PUBLIC (STATE) T.AND? Y£5 ,t4, NO [I (IF NO, GO TO 18) 3. IF YES, DOES THE. PROJECT REQUIRE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT FORSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF TI{E NORTH CAROLINA E1IRONMENTAL .- POLICY ACT? C! ' r k???W nr??Pr Mfn?n,vw,. -- C t.\ atn A 45 YES { NO [ J b. IF YES, HAS THE DOCUMENT BEEN REVIEWED THROUGH THE NORTH CAROLINA i DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE CLEARINGHOUSE? YES NO .IF ANSWER TO 17b IS YES, THEN SUBMIT APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION FROM THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE TO DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGE:•1ENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL. POLICY ACT:= QUESTIONS. REGARDING THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE-REVIEW PROCESS SHOULD BE. .? DIRECTED TO MS. CHRYS BAGGETT, DIRECTOR STATE CLEARINGHOUSE, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, 116 WEST JONES STREET, RALEIGH,:: NORTH CAROLINA. 27603-8003, TELEPHONE (919)-733-6369: 4 18. THE FOLLOWING ITEX3 SHOULD. BE 'INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IE' PROPOSED ACTIVITY INVOLVES THE. DISCHARGE OF EXCAVATED OR FILL 1-'.ATERIAL INTO WETLANDS: ` a. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, LAKES AND PONDS ON THE PROPERTY (FOR NATIONW?DE PERMIT NUMEiERS 14, 18, 21, 26, 29, AND 38). ALL STREAMS (INTERMITTENT AND PERT---.NENT) ON THE PROPERTY MUST BE SHOWN ON THE KAP. HAP SCALES SHOULD BE 1 INCH EQUALS 50 FEET OR 1 INCH EQUALS 100 FEET OR THEIR EQUIVALENT. b. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROuECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTINT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. d. ATTACH A COPY OF THE STORMWATER MA_*1AGEMENT PL` I J- -SQUIRED. e . WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROdNDING PROPERT Y? rs? ?;gl i. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT I5 PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? y^ SIGNED AND DATED AGENT AUTHORIZATION LETTER, IF APPLICABLE. NOTE: WETL.ANOS OR WATERS OF THE U.S. KXY NOT BE IMPACTED PRIOR TO; 1) ISSUANCE. OF A SECTION 404 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT, 2) EITHER THE ISSUANCE OR WAIVER OF A 401 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY) CERTIFICATION, AND 3) (IN THE TWENTY COASTAL COUNTIES ON.LI") A LETTER FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT STATING THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. OWNER' SIAG NT' S SIGNATURE DATE `•r t (AGENT'S' SIGNATURE.. VALID ONLY - ' IF AUTHORIZATION LETTER FROM THE OWNER IS. PROVIDED (18g.) 5 J Work to be performed on SR 1328 Begin stations at Bridge # 272 6+25 - Extend outlet -5' 7+75 - Extend outlet -5' 12+75 - Extend outlet -5' 17+80 - Open outlet 19+50 - Replace 18" CMP 20+80 - Extend outlet -5' 41+50 - Replace 18" CMP 51+50 - Repair inlet end of pipe 53+70 - Open inlet and outlet 58+70 - Open outlet 60+60 - Open outlet 67+00 - Open inlet, Extend outlet -5' 68+00 - Extend outlet -5' 68+70 - Extend outlet -5' 73+20 - Extend outlet -5' 78+75 - Replace 24" CMP 84+15 - Open inlet, Extend outlet -5' 89+50 - Open inlet and outlet 95+75 - Open inlet and outlet 99+00 - Open outlet 103+00 - Extend outlet -5' 111+90 - Replace 18" CMP 119+25 - Extend outlet -5' 120+70 - stabilize outlet 122+00 - Extend outlet -5' 127+50 - Extend outlet -5' 128+95 - Replace 18" CMP 134+60 - Extend outlet -5' 136+05 - Open inlet and outlet 148+50 - Stabilize outlet 163+10 - Replace 18" CMP 186+60 - Open inlet and outlet 6er\er0, ?ros?o?J Congo` P1uV, (pipe RpplaceMevl+ A,a F-x4ensronl.S I) Xn I'E I /wfle+ pm?ec k'or) ( d ) k be v,S4 cv?er, ne(,essary, Z) Rr Si 1+ scrYen wt )l 441 ?, `\er s4vne- A de 1P 1UCQ4 A? enA o-r Wc)rk o,re& ?h?It- i S A I-S ur`oed =1 o???A?? D; -J\ rn ?4v)Cty,(.e 1) P,OCIK S i 1+ so e1-1 i s 40 be useA A-- ev4 of d;s+Urb-ecl Urea9, All OorK I) JYlinimize ?iS??be? areA, Z? SeeA W`' ivy Z days Gor,p???in? Work, 000. PIPE INSTALLATION NOTES l) Install erosion control devices. In streams, where necessary, rock silt screens will be used. 2) Remove material and existing pipe while limiting, as much as possible, material and sediment from entering the stream and/or escaping from project. 3) Prepare pipe foundation while again taking care to limit, as much as possible, material and sediment from entering the stream and/or escaping from project. Where possible, new grade will be below existing streambed. If needed, bedding material will be clean stone. 4) Place the new pipe and compact backfill. 5) Install slope protection on outlet and inlet ends of pipe. Also complete installation of erosion control measures and perform maintenance as needed on existing measures. 6) Establish permanent vegetation as soon as possible. GENERAL NOTES ON EROSION CONTROL Silt Basin Type B's will be constructed to the dimension of six feet by three feet by three feet unless otherwise noted on the plans. Generally, the order of installation of the erosion control measures will be as follows: Temporary Silt Basins shall be installed before clearing and grubbing begins. Silt Fences and Temporary Silt Ditches shall be installed as soon as ditchline is established. Temporary Stone Ditch Checks shall be installed as soon as soon as ditchline is established. Pipe Outlet and Inlet Protection will be done as soon as pipe is installed. Seeding and Other Permanent Erosion Control Measures are to be implemented as soon as practical. Temporary Rock Silt Checks (Type B) will be spaced as required by percent of grade as Described on page VI-16 in the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Guidelines. No. 5 Stone, or equivalent, will be used in conjunction with Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-B in location where water is leaving the project or entering pipe. Where the plan calls for a rip-rap lined ditch to be installed, temporary silt basins and rock check dams will be constructed and maintained until the final rip-rap lined ditch can be constructed. °---------- i 1 I, q Y x ' ?€ 1 F i ` 0 uz ?. J 'r n O \ T \ P@E m •\ N? '\ f.... ?-. x / W mm \ J / ? \ 11 ?• ?? A ? O Ie. I ?\ WII SON l /. ° /li% / J m II zm {yy I!• RIDGE ?p' s ? IN ; ? J l ? IU ? 1 I O ' / `I?•\.fi. g ?'? ,?• L?/-J/ I:;.'. ?'? v r+s I 125 IKi 4=_:t N i i ? / RYEq ti IP ti: I J R,ve D I ,_ +W#S ? <' ? \t ? ?., + `? Moo 00 Of W4 0 o / a i' A to _ , - r el I \ F i ! I 9 I _ . .? __ y `Ib Pr C IN ? to O ??' ?? \ \ Z` ?, LZ