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SW8041119_Historical File_20050127
State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 041119 January 27, 2005 Mr. Michael P. Wyatt, Division President Centex Homes 2050 Corporate Centre Drive, Suite 200 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Subject: Stormwater Permit No. SW8 041119 Meadowlands Phase I High Density Subdivision Project Brunswick County Dear Mr. Wyatt: YY\' 1 b \ � ow- '2P*rfir . The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete Stormwater Management Permit Application for Meadowlands Phase I on January 26, 2005. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SW8 041119, dated January 27, 2005, for the construction of the project, Meadowlands Phase I. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until January 27, 2015, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Linda Lewis, or me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Ed Beck Acting Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section ENB/arl: S:IWQSISTORMWATIPERMIT1041119.jan05 cc: Edward Guinn, P.E., Thomas & Hutton Delaney Aycock, Brunswick County Inspections Linda Lewis Wilmington Regional Office Central Files Page 1 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 041119 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Michael P. Wyatt & Centex Homes Meadowlands Phase I Brunswick County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of six wet detention ponds in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stonnwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until January 27, 2015 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described in Section 1.5 on page 3 of this permit. The subdivision is permitted for 92 lots, each allowed 4,000 square feet of built -upon area. 3. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 4. All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in either dedicated common areas or recorded access and drainage easements. The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the approved plans. Page 2of9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 041119 5. The following design elements have been permitted for this wet detention pond stormwater facility, and must be provided in the system at all times. Pond #1 2 3 3A 5 6 a. Drainage Area, acres: 8.58 2.33 18.33 9.04 7.0 11.12 Onsite, ft2: 373,745 101,495 798,455 393,782 304,920 484,387 Offsite, ft2: 0 0 0 0 b. Total Built -upon Area, ft2: 145,719 23,405 166,333 126,075 106,075 72,909 Lots, ft2: 110,000 16,000 128,000 86,000 66,000 52,000 Roads/Parking, ft2: 35,719 7,405 38,333 40,075 40,075 20,909 Other, ft2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Offsite, ft2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. Pond Depth, feet: 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 3.0 3.0 d. TSS removal efficiency: 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% e. Design Storm: 1" 1" 1" 1" V 1" f. Permanent Pool, FMSL: 25.0 25.0 25.0 29.0 25.0 29.0 g. Surface Area @PP, ft2: 20,216 23,659 30,662 5,060 32,998 35,400 h. Storage Volume, fit': 12,512 2,232 15,895 11,100 9,396 7,601 i. Storage Elevation, FMSL: 25.59 25.09 25.5 30.86 25.26 29.19 j. Flow Control Weir, H x L: 7.1" x 2" 1.1" x 3" 6" x 3" 12" x 2.4" 3.1" x 3" 2.2" x 4" k. Permanent Pool Vol., ft': 49,073 69,537 35,973 12,538 48,557 54,698 I. Forebay Volume, ft'. 9,828 14,000 9,809 8,276 1,139 234 m. Max. Fountain Horsepower: 1 /6 1 /4 1 /8 1 /8 1 /6 1 /6 n. Receiving Stream/River Basin: Shingletree Swamp / Lumber o. Stream Index Number: LBR57 15-23-2 p. Classification of Water Body: "C Sw" II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. No homeowner/lot owner/developer shall fill in, alter, or pipe any drainage feature (such as swales) as shown on the approved plans as part of the stormwater management system without submitting a revision to the permit and receiving approval from the Division. 2. The permittee is responsible for verifying that the proposed built -upon area for the entire lot, including driveways and sidewalks, does not exceed the allowable built - upon area. Once the lot transfer is complete, the built -upon area may not be revised without approval from the Division of Water Quality, and responsibility for meeting the built -upon area limit is transferred to the individual property owner. Page 3of9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 041119 3. If an Architectural Review Board or Committee is required to review plans for compliance with the BUA limit, the plans reviewed must include all proposed built - upon area. Any approvals given by the Board do not relieve the homeowner of the responsibility to maintain compliance with the permitted BUA limit. 4. The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those listed below: a. Any revision to the approved plans, regardless of size. b. Project name change. C. Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area. e. Further subdivision, acquisition, or sale of all or part of the project area. The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major permit was sought. f. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. 5. The Director may determine that other revisions to the project should require a modification to the permit. 6. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. 7 The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surface. 8. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. 9. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. 10. If the stormwater system was used as an Erosion Control device, it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility. 11 Permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. Page 4 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 041119 12. Prior to the sale of any lot, the following deed restrictions must be recorded: a. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with State Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 041119, as issued by the Division of Water Quality under NCAC 2H.1000. b. The State of North Carolina is made a beneficiary of these covenants to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the Stormwater Management Permit. C. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all persons and parties claiming under them. d. The covenants pertaining to stormwater may not be altered or rescinded without the express written consent of the State of North Carolina, Division of Water Quality. e. Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plans may not take place without the concurrence of the Division of Water Quality. The maximum built -upon area per lot is 4,000 square feet. This allotted amount includes any built -upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. g. Lots within CAMA's Area of Environmental Concern may be subject to a reduction in their allowable built -upon area due to CAMA regulations. h. All runoff on the lot must drain into the permitted system. This may be accomplished through providing roof drain gutters which drain to the street, grading the lot to drain toward the street, or grading perimeter swales and directing them into the pond or street. Lots that will naturally drain into the system are not required to provide these measures. Built -upon area in excess of the permitted amount will require a permit modification. 13. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions must be submitted to the Division within 30 days of the date of recording the plat, and prior to selling lots. The recorded copy must contain all of the statements above, the signature of the Permittee, the deed book number and page, and the stamp/signature of the Register of Deeds. 14. Decorative spray fountains will be allowed in the stormwater treatment system, subject to the following criteria: a. The fountain must draw its water from less than 2' below the permanent pool surface. b. Separated units, where the nozzle, pump and intake are connected by tubing, may be used only if they draw water from the surface in the deepest part of the pond. c. The falling water from the fountain must be centered in the pond, away from the shoreline. d. The maximum horsepower for the fountain's pump is based on the permanent pool volume. The maximum pump power for a fountain in this pond is 1/6 horsepower. Page 5of9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 041119 15. Prior to transfer of the permit, the stormwater facilities will be inspected by DWQ personnel. The facility must be in compliance with all permit conditions. Any items not in compliance must be repaired or replaced to design condition prior to the transfer. Records of maintenance activities performed to date will be required. 16. The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure that all components of the permitted stormwater system function at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to: a. Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months). b. Sediment removal. c. Mowing and revegetation of side slopes. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of side slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. f. Debris removal and unclogging of structures, orifice, catch basins and piping. g. Access to all components of the system must be available at all times. 17. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWQ. The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. 18. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 19. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. III. GENERAL CONDITIONS This permit is not transferable to any person or entity except after notice to and approval by the Director. In the event there is either a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a "Name/Ownership Change Form" must be submitted to the Division of Water Quality accompanied by appropriate documentation from the parties involved. This may include, but is not limited to, a deed of trust, recorded deed restrictions, Designer's Certification and a signed Operation and Maintenance plan. The project must be in good standing with DWQ. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 2. The permittee is responsible for compliance with all of the terms and conditions of this permit until such time as the Director annroves the transfer request. 3. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. 4. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 5. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. Page 6 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 041119 6. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition. 7. Permittee grants permission to staff of the DWQ to access the property for the purposes of inspecting the stormwater facilities during normal business hours. 8. The permittee shall notify the Division of any name, ownership or mailing address changes within 30 days. 9. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction. Permit issued this the 27th day of January 2005. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number SW8 041119 Page 7 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 041119 Meadowlands Phase I Page 1 of 2 Stormwater Permit No. SW8 041119 Nrunswick County Designer's Certification I, , as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of the project, (Project) for Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. The checklist of items on page 2 of this form are a part of this Certification. Noted deviations from approved plans and specifications: Signature Registration Number Date SEAL Page 8 of 9 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 041119 Certification Requirements: Page 2 of 2 1. The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage. 2. The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built -upon area. 3. All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system. 4. All roof drains are located such that the runoff is directed into the system. 5. The outlet/bypass structure elevations are per the approved plan. 6. The outlet structure is located per the approved plans. 7. Trash rack is provided on the outlet/bypass structure. 8. All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation. 9. Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1. 10. The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short- circuiting of the system. 11. The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided. 12. Required drawdown devices are correctly sized per the approved plans. 13. All required design depths are provided. 14. All required parts of the system are provided, such as a vegetated shelf, a forebay, and the vegetated filter. 15. The required dimensions of the system are provided, per the approved plan. cc: NCDENR-DWQ Regional Office Delaney Aycock, Brunswick County Building Inspections Page 9 of 9 PROJECT NARRITIVE FOR MEADOWLANDS PHASE 1 Meadowlands Phase 1 is a proposed planned unit development adjacent to the Meadowlands Golf Club in southern Brunswick County. The proposed residential development will ultimately consist of 275 combined lots for phases 1 through 3. Phase 1 consists of 92 residential lots, water system, sewer system, drainage system, and roads Sediment and erosion control devices will consist of temporary silt fencing, grassing and sodding, stone check dams, rip -rap stabilization at drainage outlets and ditch intersections, curb inlet protection, and grate inlet protection. All drainage from this project will flow into the Shingletree Canal. The drainage system and detention facilities will be privately owned and maintained. The drainage outfalls to the wet detention ponds have been provided with rip rap stabilization. All sediment and erosion control devices will be in -place prior to construction or constructed as necessary. The project engineer and designated agents for the owner will monitor all sediment and erosion control devices during construction. The sediment and erosion devices will be removed after permanent stabilization of the site has been accomplished. The wet detention basins will be utilized for sediment and erosion control during construction and will be cleaned out and returned to original conditions prior to use as a wet detention basin. These basins will have a forebay at each pipe inlet that has been sized based on the amount of runoff entering the basin from each drainage area. Maintenance for each detention basin will be provided by the Meadowlands Home Owners Association as required by the NCDENR. Temporary pumping equipment will be utilized to drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. SILT FENCE AND CONSTUCTION EXIT 2. CLEARING AND GRUBBING 3. ROUGH GRADING 4. SEWER SYSTEM 5. STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM 6. OTHER EROSION CONTROL 7. WATER SYSTEM 8. ROADS 9. FINAL GRASSING NA161TMocs\16177 ApplicationsOENR Stormwater\Project Nanutive.doc CURB AND GUTTER MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Project Name: Meadowland Golf Club,. Inc. Repponsibie Party: W.J. McLamb Address: P.O. Box 38, Shallotte, N.C. 28459 Project No. Phone No. (910) 7 54-717 7 1. Mowing will be accomplished as needed according to the season. Grass height will not exceed 6" at any time. 2. Swales will be inspected monthly or after every runoff producing rainfall event for sediment build-up, erosion, and trash accumulation. 3. Accumulated sediment and trash will be removed as necessary. Swales will be reseeded or sodded following sediment removal. 4. Eroded areas of the swales will be repaired and reseeded. Swales will be revegetated as needed based on the monthly inspections. 5. Catch basins, curb cuts, velocity reduction devices, and piping will be inspected monthly or after every runoff producing rainfall event. Trash and debris will be cleared away from grates, curb cuts, velocity reduction devices, and piping. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the above maintenance procedures. Signature . ��%' Date: "f'"��`-� t I, a , a Notary Public for the State of �L� County of v , do certify that C personally appeared before me this / 0 day of �� , 19-1911 and acknowledge the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, My commission expires / 0 .. �- _ 0 3 DA/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\FORMS\O&M-C&G.FOR Stormwater Management Report FOR Meadowlands Phase 1 Brunswick County, North Carolina Prepared For Centex Homes Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Prepared By GAR 0:.••�Ss s/, • QO e f.�.. 5 4 ' Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. 1144 Shine Ave. / Myrtle Beach / SC / 29577 50 Park of Commerce Way / Savannah / GA / 31405 935 Houston Northcutt Blvd. / Mt. Pleasant / SC / 29464 J-161 77.402 Date: November 10, 2004 Revision Date: RECEIVRD JAN 13 2W5 DWQ PROD# SW'9O4 1116� TABLE OF CONTENTS LOCATIONMAP............................................................................................................Quad Man SUMMARYOF RESULTS...................................................................................................Page 1 PROJECTNARRATIVE........................................................................................................ Page 1 PURPOSE...............................................................................................................................Page 1 PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM.....................................................................................Page 2 STORMWATER QUANTITY METHODOLOGY...............................................................Page 2 Appendices: Times of Concentration and Curve Number Calculations ............................................. Appendix A PreDevelopment ICPR Model...................................................................................... Appendix B Post Development ICPR Model..................................................................................... Appendix C Phase 1 Design Calculations.......................................................................................... Appendix D Wet Detention Basins and Supporting Calculations Storm Sewer and Culverts Drainage Computation Table Ditch Flow Calculations RipRap Calulations Drainage Areas and Sediment Storage Capacity Calculations The following can be found in pockets at the end of this report: Predevel_opment Drainage Plan..................................................................................24" x 36" Plan Postdevelopment Drainage Plan ................................................................................ 24" x 36" Plan Phase 1 Drainage Design ........................................................................................... 24" x 36" Plan Phase1 Ditch Design.................................................................................................24" x 36" Plan Meadowlands Wet Detention Basin #1 Design Design for Water Quality Control Determine percent impervious cover of the drainage area. Is a Vegetated Filter Required (Yes or No)? No Drainage Area = 8.58 ac. Impervious area = 3.35 ac. % Impervious 30% 0.8 39.0% 1.1 40% 1.1 Determine average permanent pool depth (or select depth for comparison purposes). Permanent Pool Elev: 25:0 ft. Bottom of Pond Elev: 17.5 ft. Design Permanent Pool Depth: 7.5 ft. Permanent pool surface to drainage area ratio (SA/DA): Determine the required surface area of the permanent pool. Permanent pool surface area (Required): (SA/DA ratio/100)*drainage area Permanent pool surface area (Provided): Determine the design runoff volume to be controlled from the 1" storm. 0.09 ac. 4,004 sq. ft. 20,216 sq. ft. Rv=0.05+0.009(I) Rv = runoff coefficient = storm runoff (inches) / storm rainfall (inches) I = Percent Impervious = Drainage area (acres) / Impervious portion of the drainage area (acres) Runoff Volume (Rv): 0.40 in./in. Volume=(Design rainfall) (Rv) (Drainage Area) Volume to be controlled from the 1" storm: Temporary Pool Volume (Required): Determine Temporary Pool Elevation. Pond Stage Area Relationship: Stage (ft) Area (sf) 25 20,216 26 22,199 0.29 ac. ft. 12,502 cu. ft. Temporary Pool Elevation=Permanent Pool Elevation + (Temporary Pool Volume)/(Surface Area of Pond) Average Surface Area of Pond: 21,208 sf Temporary Pool Elevation: 25.59 ft NAII6177\dsgn\Drainage Study\Stormwater quality 1-inch rev 11-29-04.xis Thomas and Hutton Engineering SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS POND #1 1. REQUIRED 3:1 RATIO POND INFORMATION TABLE ELEV. AREA (It') INCR. VOLUME (fts) CUM. VOLUME (Its) 17.5 3,400 0 0 18.0 3,718 1780 1,780 19.0 4,394 4056 5,836 20.0 5,128 4761 -10,597 21.0 5,917 5523 16,119 22.0 6,764 6341 22,460 23.0 7,667 7216 29,675 24.0 9,642 8655 38,330 25.0 11,844 10743 49,073 1. PROVIDED POND INFORMATION TABLE (INCLUDING FOREBAY) ELEV. AREA (ft°) INCR. VOLUME (Its) CUM. VOLUME (fts) 17.5 1,982 0 0 18.0 2,856 1210 1,210 19.0 4,321 3589 4,798 20.0 5,982 5152 9,950 21.0 7,798 6890 16,840 22.0 9,786 8767 25,607 23.0 11,792 10764 36,371 24.0 15,068 13430 49,801 25.0 20,216 17642 67,443 26.0 22,199 21208 88,650 27.0 24,239 23219 111,869 Required Temporary Pool Volume to Control the First 1" = 7,953 fts Provided Temporary Pool Volume to Control the First I. = 44,427Its Additional Storage Volume Provided = 36,474 fP Required Surface Area of the Permanent Pool = 2,461 fts Provided Surface Area of the Permanet Pool = 20,216 ft., Additional Surface Area Provided = 17,755 fts 2. FOREBAY INFORMATION TABLE ELEV. AREA (ftf) INCR. VOLUME (fts) CUM. VOLUME (fts) 17.5 389 0 0 18.0 507 224 224 19.0 785 646 870 20.0 1,120 953 1,823 21.0 1,511 1316 3,138 22.0 1,959 1735 4,873 23.0 2,483 2211 7,084 24.0 3,024 2744 9,828 Required Design Forebay Volume = 9,815 fts Provided Forebay Volume = 9,828 fts N:1161771dsgn\Drainage Study\Stormwater quality supporting calcs.xis Meadowlands Wet Detention Basin #1 Design Weir required to drawdown the 1" storm Temporary Pool Volume Minimum Drawdown time Maximum Drawdown time Q Max 12,502 cu. ft. 2 days 5 days 0.0723 cfs 0=3.27+0.04(H/P)(L -0.2H)H1.5 Weir Length (in.) Weir Height (in.) H (ft.) Qo(efs) Drawdown (days) Remark 1.0 7.1 0.295 0.0128 11.3 Too Slow 10 T l 0.295 0.0564 2.6 OK 3,0 7.1 0.295 0.1000 1.4 Too Fast N:\16177\dsgn\Drainage Study\Stormwater quality 1-inch rev 11-29-04.xis Thomas and Hutton Engineering Meadowlands Wet Detention Basin #2 Design Design for Water Quality Control Determine Dercent impervious cover of the drainage area. Is a Vegetated Filter Required (Yes or No)? No Drainage Area = 2.33 ac. Impervious area = 0,54 ac. % Impervious 20% 0.6 23.2% 0.7 30% 0.8 Determine average permanent pool depth (or select depth for comparison purposes). Permanent Pool Elev: 25.0 ft. Bottom of Pond Elev: 17.5 ft. Design Permanent Pool Depth: 7.5 ft. Permanent pool surface to drainage area ratio (SAIDA): Determine the required surface area of the permanent pool. Permanent pool surface area (Required): (SAIDA ratio/100)*drainage area Permanent pool surface area (Provided): Determine the design runoff volume to be controlled from the 1" storm. 0.7 % 0.02 ac. 673 sq. ft. 23,659 sq. ft. Rv=0.05+0.009(I) Rv = runoff coefficient = storm runoff (inches) / storm rainfall (inches) I = Percent Impervious = Drainage area (acres) / Impervious portion of the drainage area (acres) Runoff Volume (Rv): 0.26 in./in. Volume=(Design rainfall) (Rv) (Drainage Area) Volume to be controlled from the 1" storm: Temporary Pool Volume (Required): Determine Temporary Pool Elevation. Pond Stage Area Relationship: Stage (ft) Area (sf) 25 23,659 26 25,933 0.05 ac. ft. 2,187 cu. ft. Temporary Pool Elevation=Permanent Pool Elevation + (Temporary Pool Volume)/(Surface Area of Pond) Average Surface Area of Pond: 24,796 sf Temporary Pool Elevation: 25.09 ft N:\16177\dsgn\Drainage Study\Stormwater quality 1-inch rev 11-29-04.xis Thomas and Hutton Engineering SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS POND #2 1. REQUIRED 3:1 RATIO POND INFORMATION TABLE ELEV. AREA (ftz) INCR. VOLUME (ft-) CUM. VOLUME (ft3) 17.5 6,463 u 0 18.0 5,863 2832 2,832 19.0 6,706 6285 9,116 20.0 7,604 7155 16,271 21.0 8,560 8082 24,353 22.0 9,573 9067 33,420 23.0 10,641 10107 43,527 24.0 12,949 11795 55,322 25.0 15,482 14216 69,537 1. PROVIDED POND INFORMATION TABLE (INCLUDING FOREBAY) ELEV. AREA r) INCR. VOLUME UP) CUM. VOLUME (W) 17.5 4,130 0 0 18.0 4,822 223E 2,238 19.0 6,378 5600 7,838 20.0 8,091 7235 16,073 21.0 9,951 9021 24,094 22.0 11,960 10966 35,049 23.0 14,110 13035 48,084 24.0 17,469 15790 63,874 25.0 23,659 20564 84,438 26.0 25,933 24798 109,234 27.0 28,264 27099 136,332 Required Temporary Pool Volume to Control the First 1' = 5,539 ft9 Provided Temporary Pool Volume to Control the First 1" = 51,895 tr Additional Storage Volume Provided = 46,356 ft9 Required Surface Area of the Permanent Pool = 1,702 fte Provided Surface Area of the Permanet Pool = 23,659 fts Additional Surface Area Provided = 21,957 ft., 2. FOREBAY INFORMATION TABLE ELEV. AREA (fts) INCR. VOLUME (f?) CUM VOLUME (ft°) 17.5 536 0 0 18.0 716 313 313 19.0 1,151 934 1,247 20.0 1,643 1397 2,644 21.0 2,191 1917 4,561 22.0 2,797 2494 7,055 23.0 3,458 3128 10,182 24.0 4,177 3818 14,000 Required Design Forebay Volume = 13,907 W Provided Forebay Volume = 14,000 fN N:\16177\dsgn\Drainage Study\Stormwater quality supporting calcs.xis Meadowlands Wet Detention Basin #2 Design Weir required to drawdown the 1" storm Temporary Pool Volume 2,187 cu. ft. Minimum Drawdown time 2 days Maximum Drawdown time 5 days Q Max 0.0127 cfs 0=3.27+0.04(WP)(L 0.2H)Hts Weir Length (in.) Weir Height (in.) H (ft.) Qo(cfs) Drawdown (days) Remark 20 1.1 0.044 0.0048 5.3 Too Slow 30 1.1 0.044 0.0073 3.5 OK 40 1.1 0.044 0.0098 2.6 OK NA16177\dsgnlDrainage StudylStormwater quality 1-inch rev 11-29-04.x1s Thomas and Hutton Engineering Meadowlands Wet Detention Basin #3 Design Design for Water Quality Control Determine percent impervious cover of the drainage area. Is a Vegetated Filter Required (Yes or No)? No Drainage Area = 18.33 ac. Impervious area = 3.82 ac. % Impervious 20% 0.6 20.8% 0.6 30% 0.8 Determine average permanent pool depth (or select depth for comparison purposes). Permanent Pool Elev: 25.0 ft. Bottom of Pond Elev: 17.5 ft. Design Permanent Pool Depth: 7.5 ft. Permanent pool surface to drainage area ratio (SA/DA): Determine the required surface area of the permanent pool. Permanent pool surface area (Required): (SA/DA ratio/100)*drainage area Permanent pool surface area (Provided): Determine the design runoff volume to be controlled from the 1" storm. 0.6 % 0.11 ac. 4,925 sq. ft. 30,662 sq. ft. Rv=0.05+0.009(I) Rv = runoff coefficient = storm runoff (inches) / storm rainfall (inches) I = Percent Impervious = Drainage area (acres) / Impervious portion of the drainage area (acres) Runoff Volume (Rv): 0.24 inJin. Volume=(Design rainfall) (Rv) (Drainage Area) Volume to be controlled from the 1" storm: Temporary Pool Volume (Required): Determine Temporary Pool Elevation. Pond Stage Area Relationship: Stage (ft) Area (sf) 25 30,662 26 32,917 0.36 ac. ft. 15,807 cu. ft. Temporary Pool Elevation=Permanent Pool Elevation + (Temporary Pool Volume)/(Surface Area of Pond) Average Surface Area of Pond: 31,790 sf Temporary Pool Elevation: 25.50 ft N:\16177\dsgn\Drainage Study\Stormwater quality 1-inch rev 11-29-04.xls Thomas and Hutton Engineering SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS POND #3 1. REQUIRED 3:1 RATIO POND INFORMATION TABLE ELEV. AREA (ft2) INCR. VOLUME UP) CUM. VOLUME 2,103v 0 0 18.0 2,414 1144 1,144 19.0 2,965 2690 3,833 20.0 3,572 3269 7,102 21.0 4,236 3904 11,006 22.0 4,956 4596 15,602 23.0 5,733 5345 20,946 24.0 7,457 6595 27,541 25.0 9,407 8432 35,973 1. PROVIDED POND INFORMATION TABLE (INCLUDING FOREBAY) ELEV. AREA (ft2) INCR. VOLUME (ft°) CUM. VOLUME (fM 17.5 10,493 0 0 18.0 11,316 5452 5,452 19.0 13,065 12191 17,643 20.0 14,938 14002 31,644 21.0 16,926 15932 47,576 -22.0 -19,028 77977 -"65,553 23.0 21,242 20135 85,688 24.0 24,777 23010 108,698 25.0 3r,6`k 2772L f ] : �3fi,417 `' 26.0 32,917 31790 1 168,207 27.0 35,229, 34073 202,280 28.0 37,597 36413 238,693 29.0 40,021 38809 277,502 30.0 42,503 41262 318,764 31.0 45,041 43772 362,538 Required Temporary Pool Volume to Control the First 1" = 17,074 fta Provided Temporary Pool Volume to Control the First 1" = 226,119 fl° Additional Storage Volume Provided = 209,045 ft0 Required Surface Area of the Permanent Pool = 5,317 ft9 Provided Surface Area of the Permanet Pool = 30,662 W Additional Surface Area Provided 25,345 fts 2. FOREBAY INFORMATION TABLE ELEV. AREA W) INCR. VOLUME (its) CUM. VOLUME (W) 17.5 384 0 0 18.0 501 221 221 19.0 778 640 861 20.0 1,114 946 1,807 21.0 1,508 1311 3,118 22.0 1,958 1733 4,851 23.0 2,465 2212 7,062 24.0 3,029 2747 9,809 Required Design Forebay Volume = 7,195 ft9 Provided Forebay Volume = 9,809 ft° N:\16177\dsgn\Drainage Study\Stormwater quality supporting calcs.xis Meadowlands Wet Detention Basin #3 Design Weir required to drawdown the 1" storm Temporary Pool Volume 15,807 cu. ft. Nfimmum Drawdown time 2 days Maximum Drawdown time 5 days Q Max 0.0915 cfs 0=3.27+0.04(H/P)(Ir0.2H1H1.5 Weir Length (in.) Weir Height (in.) H (ft.) Qo(cfs) Drawdown (days) Remark 2.0 6.0 0 249 0.0474 3.9 OK 3.0 6.0 0.249 0.0812 2.3 OK 4.0 1 6.0 0.249 0.1150 1.6 Too Fast N:\16177\dsgn\Drainage Study\Stormwater quality 1-inch rev 11-29-04.xls Thomas and Hutton Engineering Meadowlands Wet Detention Basin #3A Design Design for Water Quality Control Determine percent impervious cover of the drainage are_-. Is a Vegetated Filter Required (Yes or No)? No Drainage Area = 9.04 ac. Impervious area = 2.89 ac. % Impervious 30% 0.8 32.0% 0.9 40% 1.1 Determine average permanent pool depth (or select depth for comparison purposes). Permanent Pool Elev: 29.0 ft. Bottom of Pond Elev: 21.5 ft. Design Permanent Pool Depth: 7.5 ft. Permanent pool surface to drainage area ratio (SA/DA): Determine the required surface area of the permanent pool. Permanent pool surface area (Required): (SA/DA ratio/100)*drainage area Permanent pool surface area (Provided): Determine the design runoff volume to be controlled from the 1" storm 0.9 % 0.08 ac. 3,383 sq. ft. 5,060 sq. ft. Rv=0.05+0.009(I) Rv = runoff coefficient = storm runoff (inches) / storm rainfall (inches) I = Percent Impervious = Drainage area (acres) / Impervious portion of the drainage area (acres) Runoff Volume (Rv): 0.34 in./in. Volume=(Design rainfall) (Rv) (Drainage Area) Volume to be controlled from the 1" storm: Temporary Pool Volume (Required): Determine Temporary Pool Elevation. Pond Stage Area Relationship: Stage (ft) Area (sf) 29 5,060 31 6,875 0.25 ac. ft. 11,082 cu. ft. Temporary Pool Elevation --Permanent Pool Elevation + (Temporary Pool Volume)/(Surface Area of Pond) Average Surface Area of Pond: 5,968 sf Temporary Pool Elevation: 30.86 ft NA16177\dsgn\Drainage Study\Stormwater quality 1-inch rev 11-29-04.xis Thomas and Hutton Engineering Meadowlands Wet Detention Basin #3A Design Weir required to drawdown the 1" storm Temporary Pool Volume 11,082 cu. ft. Minimum Drawdown time 2 days Maximum Drawdown time 5 days Q Max 0.0641 cfs 0=3.27+0.04(H/P)(ir0.2MT4 s Weir Length (in.) Weir Height (in.) H (ft.) Qo(cfs) Drawdown (days) Remark 23 110 0 929 0.0174 7.4 Too Slow 2.4 12.0 0.929 0.0419 3.1 ' OK 25 12.0 0.929 0.0663 1.9 Too Fast N:\16177\dsgn\Drainage Study\Stormwater quality 1-inch rev 11-29-04.xis Thomas and Hutton Engineering Meadowlands Wet Detention Basin #5 Design Design for Water Quality Control Determine percent impervious cover of the drainage area. Is a Vegetated Filter Required (Yes or No)? No Drainage Area = 7.00 ac. Impervious area = 2.44 ac. % Impervious 30% 3.5 34.9°% 4.0 40% 4.5 Determine average permanent pool depth (or select depth for comparison purposes). Permanent Pool Elev: 25.0 ft. Bottom of Pond Elev: 22.0 ft. Design Permanent Pool Depth: 3.0 ft. Permanent pool surface to drainage area ratio (SA/DA): Determine the required surface area of the permanent pool. Permanent pool surface area (Required): (SA/DA ratio/100)*drainage area Permanent pool surface area (Provided): Determine the design runoff volume to be controlled from the 1" storm. 4.0 0.28 ac. 12,153 sq. ft. 32,998 sq. ft. Rv=0.05+0.009(l) Rv = runoff coefficient = storm runoff (inches) / storm rainfall (inches) I = Percent Impervious = Drainage area (acres) / Impervious portion of the drainage area (acres) Runoff Volume (Rv): 0.36 in./in. Volume=(Design rainfall) (Rv) (Drainage Area) Volume to be controlled from the 1" storm: Temporary Pool Volume (Required): Determine Temporary Pool Elevation. Pond Stage Area Relationship: Stage (ft) Area (sf) 25 32,998 26 39,279 0.21 ac. ft. 9,242 cu. ft. Temporary Pool Elevation --Permanent Pool Elevation + (Temporary Pool Volume)/(Surface Area of Pond) Average Surface Area of Pond: 36,139 sf Temporary Pool Elevation: 25.26 ft N:\16177\dsgn\Drainage Study\Stormwater quality 1-inch rev 11-2.9-04.xis Thomas and Hutton Engineering Meadowlands Wet Detention Basin #5 Design Weir required to drawdown the 1" storm Temporary Pool Volume Minimum Drawdown time Maximum Drawdown time Q Max 9,242 cu. ft. 2 days 5 days 0.0535 cfs Q=3.27+0.04(H/P)(Ir0.2H)Hl.5 Weir Length (in.) Weir Height (in.) H (ft.) Qo(cfs) Drawdown (days) Remark 2.0 3.1 0.128 0.0211 5.1 Too Slow 3.0 3..1 0,128 0.0336 3.2 OK 40 31 0128 0.0460 2.3 OK NA161771dsgnlDrainage Study\Stormwater quality 1-inch rev 11-29-04.xis Thomas and Hutton Engineering Meadowlands Wet Detention Basin #6 Design Design for Water Quality Control Determine percent impervious cover of the drainage area. Is a Vegetated Filter Required (Yes or No)? No Drainage Area = 11.12 ac. Impervious area = 1.67 ac. % Impervious 10% 1.3 15.0% 1.9 20% 2.4 Determine average permanent pool depth (or select depth for comparison purposes). Permanent Pool Elev: 29.0 ft. Bottom of Pond Elev: 26.0 ft. Design Permanent Pool Depth: 3.0 ft. Permanent pool surface to drainage area ratio (SA/DA): Determine the required surface area of the permanent pool. Permanent pool surface area (Required): (SA/DA ratio/100)*drainage area Permanent pool surface area (Provided): Determine the design runoff volume to be controlled from the 1" storm. 1.9 % 0.21 ac. 8,971 sq. ft. 35,400 sq. ft. Rv=0.05+0.009(I) Rv = runoff coefficient = storm runoff (inches) / storm rainfall (inches) I = Percent Impervious = Drainage area (acres) / hmpervious portion of the drainage area (acres) Runoff Volume (Rv): 0.19 in./in. Volume=(Design rainfall) (Rv) (Drainage Area) Volume to be controlled from the 1" storm: Temporary Pool Volume (Required): Determine Temporary Pool Elevation. Pond Stage Area Relationship: Stage (ft) Area (sf) 29 35,400 30 44,611 0.17 ac. ft. 7,474 cu. ft. Temporary Pool Elevation --Permanent Pool Elevation + (Temporary Pool Volume)/(Surface Area of Pond) Average Surface Area of Pond: 40,006 sf Temporary Pool Elevation: 29.19 ft N:\16177\dsgn\Dminage Study\Stormwater quality 1-inch rev 11-28-04.xls Thomas and Hutton Engineering Meadowlands Wet Detention Basin #6 Design Weir required to drawdown the P storm Temporary Pool Volume 7,474 cu. ft. Minimum Drawdown time 2 days Maximum Drawdown time 5 days Q Max 0.0433 cfs 0=3.27+0.04(H/P)(Lr0.2H)H15 Weir Length (in.) Weir Height (in.) H (ft.) Qo(cfs) Drawdown (days) Remark 3.0 22 0.093 0.0216 4.0 OK 4.0 2.2 0,093 0.0294 2.9 OK 5.0 2e2 0,093 0.0372 2.3 OK N:\16177\dsgn\Drainage Study\Stormwater quality 1-inch rev 11-29-04.xis Thomas and Hutton Engineering LUMBER RIVER BASIN Name of Stream Subbasin Stream Index Number Map Number Class Richland Swamp LBR52 14-10-8-(0.5) H22SW4 C;Sw Richland Swamp LBR52 14-10-8-(2.5) I22NW3 WS-IV;Sw Richlands Branch LBR56 15-2-6-4-4 J24NE9 C;Sw:+ River Swamp LBR51 15-25-1-6 K26SE7 C;Sw River Swamp LBR59 15-25-1-6 K26SE7 C;Sw Rocky Branch LBR51 14-12-1 I22NE2 C;Sw Rocky Ford Branch LER50 14-2-6-1 G20NWB WS-II;ORW Rough Horn Branch LBR51 14-25 J23NW5 C;Sw Royal Oak Swamp LBR59 15-25-1-12 K25SE7 C;Sw Ruddy Branch LBR58 15-4-8-4-1-1 J23SE9 C;Sw Saddletree Swamp LBR51 14-12 I22NE2 C;Sw Salt Boiler Creek LBR59 15-25-11-2 L24SE3 SA;HQW Sams Branch LBR59 15-25-2-12-(1) L25NE4 B;Sw,HQW Sams Branch LBR59 15-25-2-12-(2) L25NE4 SA;HQW Sand Island Slough LBR51 14-23-1 J23NW1 C;Sw Sand Pit Branch LBR57 15-13-1-2 K24NW9 C;Sw Sandy Branch (Lennons Creek) LBR59 15-25-1-14 L26NW1 C;Sw,HQW Sandy Run LBR50 14-2-10-1-3 G20NE6 WS-II;HQW Sarah Hole LBR59 15-25-1-6--2 K26SW9 C;Sw Sassfrass Branch LBR53 14-22-1-3-0.5 H22NES C;Sw Sasspan Branch LBR56 15-2-6-3-3 J25SW2 C;Sw:+ Saucepan Creek LBR59 15-25-2-16 L25NW9 SA;HQW Saw Pit Swamp LBR59 15-25-2-2 L25NW4 C;Sw Scippio Creek LBR57 15-20 K24SEB C;Sw Scotts Branch LBR59 15-25-1-10 L26NW1 C;Sw Scotts Mill Branch LBR54 14-30-1 I22SW4 C;SW Second Creek LBR56 15-2-4 J25SW4 C;Sw:+ Second Cross Swamp LBR57 15-7-5-3 K25NW9 C;Sw Sellers Branch LBR57 15-17-1-12-1-3-1 J23SE8 C;Sw Seven Creeks (Joe Lake) LBR57 15-17 K24SW6 C;Sw Shallotte Creek LBR59 15-25-2-15-(1) L25NE2 C;Sw,HQW Shallotte Creek LBR59 15-25-2-15-(3) L25NE5 SA;HQW Shallotte River LBR59 15-25-2-(1) L25NW4 C;Sw,HQW Shallotte River LBR59 15-25-2-(5) L25NW3 SC Shallotte River LBR59 15-25-2-(7.5) L25NW3 SC;HQW Shallotte River LBR59 15-25-2-(10) L25NE4 SA;HQW Sharron Creek (Grissett Swamp) LBR59 15-25-2-9-(1) L25NE1 C;Sw,HQW Sharron Creek (Grissett Swamp) LBR59 15-25-2-9-(2) L25NE1 SC;HQW Shingletree Swamp LBR57 15-23-2 L24NE4 C;Sw Shipman Branch (Shimman Branch) LBR58 15-4-1-1-2-2-3-2 J24NE2 C;Sw Shoe Heel Creek (Big Shoe Heel Creek)(Maxton LBR55 14-34 H21NW9 C;Sw Pond) Short Swamp LBR55 14-34-11-4 I21SE2 C;Sw Simmons Bay Creek LBR57 15-13-1 K24NW9 C;Sw Simmons Branch LBR57 15-17-1-4 K23NW9 B;Sw Singletary Swamp LBR53 14-22-11-2 I24SW1 C;Sw Skeebo Branch (Schewbough Branch) LBR57 15-17-1-7 K23NW9 C;Sw Slab Run (Slat Run) LBR56 15-3-8 J24SE7 C;Sw Slades Swamp LBR58 15-4-1-2 J24NWG C;Sw Slap Branch LBR56 15-2-6-4-1 J24NES C;Sw:+ Slap Swamp LBR56 15-2-6-4 J24NE9 C;Sw:+ Slender Branch LBR53 14-22-16-2-1 J23NE2 C;Sw Smith Branch LBR52 14-10-3 H22SE4 C;Sw Smith Pond LBR55 14-34-2 H21NW9 C;Sw Page 10 of 12 STORAG,K FACILITIES Chapter Table of Contents 6.1 Introduction......................................................................................... 6-2 6.2 Symbols and Definitions...................................................................... 6-2 6.3 Design Criteria.................................................................................... 6-3 6.3.1 General Criteria.......................................................................... 6-3 6.3.2 Release Rate.............................................................................. 6-3 6.3.3 Storage.......................................................................................6-3 6.3.4 Grading and Depth..................................................................... 6-3 6.3.5 Outlet Works.............................................................................. 6-4 6.3.6 Location.....................................................................................6-5 6.3.7 Safe Dams Act........................................................................... 6-5 6.4 General Procedure.............................................................................. 6-5 6.4.1 Data Needs................................................................................. 6-5 6.4.2 Stage -Storage Curve.................................................................. 6-6 6.4.3 Stage -Discharge Curve............................................................... 6-7 6.4.4 Procedure...................................................................................6-7 6.5 Outlet Hydraulics................................................................................ 6-8 6.5.1 Outlets....................................................................................... 6-8 6.5.2 Sharp -Crested Weirs.................................................................. 6-8 6.5.3 Broad -Crested Weirs.................................................................. 6-9 6.5.4 V-Notch Weirs........................................................................... 6-9 6.5.5 Proportional Weirs..................................................................... 640 6.5.6 Orifices...................................................................................... 6-10 6.5.7 Combination Outlets.................................................................. 6-12 6.6 Preliminary Detention Calculations................................................... 6-12 6.6.1 Storage Volume......................................................................... 6-12 6.6.2 Alternative Method................................................................... 6-12 6.6.3 Peak Flow Reduction................................................................. 6-14 6.7 Routing Calculations........................................................................... 6-15 6.8 Trash Racks and Safety Grates.......................................................... 6-15 References..................................................................................................6-18 6.1 introduction RECEIVED DWQ nROJ # RECEIVED :AN 13 2005 DWQ 13ROJ # DeKalb County Manual 6-1 The traditional design of storm drainage systems has been to collect and convey storm runoff as rapidly as possible to a suitable location where it can be discharged. As areas urbanize this type of design may result in major drainage and flooding problems downstream. Under favorable condition—O., the temporary storage cf som—c of the storm runoff can decrease downstream flows and often the cost of the downstream conveyance system. This chapter provides general design criteria for detention/retention storage basins. Detention facilities are those storage facilities that are designed to reduce the peak discharge and only detain runoff for some short period of time. These facilities are designed to completely drain after the design storm has passed. Retention facilities are designed to contain a permanent pool of water. Since most of the design procedures are the same for detention and retention facilities, the term storage facilities will be used in this chapter to include detention and retention facilities. For information on infiltration systems, which also provide for runoff storage and control, the reader if referred to Chapter 8 of this manual on Water Quality Best Management Practices. It should be noted that the location of storage facilities is very important as it relates to the effec- tiveness of these facilities to control downstream flooding. Small facilities will only have minimal flood control benefits and these benefits will quickly diminish as the flood wave travels downstream. Multiple storage facilities located in the same drainage basin will affect the timing of the runoff through the conveyance system which could decrease or increase flood peaks in different downstream locations. 6.2 Symbols And Definitions To provide consistency within this chapter as well as throughout this manual, the following symbols will be used. These symbols were selected because of their wide use in technical publications. In some cases the same symbol is used in existing publications for more than one definition. Where this occurs in this chapter, the symbol will be defined where it occurs in the text or equations. Table 6-1 Symbols And Definitions Symbol Definition Units A Cross sectional or surface area ft2 C Weir coefficient - d Change in elevation ft D Depth of basin or diameter of pipe ft t Routing time period sec g Acceleration due to gravity fVs2 H Head on structure ft He Height of weir crest above channel bottom ft I Inflow rate cis L Length ft Q Flow or outflow rate cfs S, Vs Storage volume ft, tbb Time base on hydrograph hrs Ti Duration of basin inflow hrs Time to peak hrs 5, VS Storage volume ft3 W Width of basin ft Z Side slope factor - 6.3 Design Criteria 6-2 DeKalb County Manual 6.3.1 General Criteria An analysis of storage facilities should consist of comparing the design flow at a point or points downstream of the proposed storage site with and without storage. In addition to the design flow, other flows in excess of the design flow that might be. expected to pass through the storage facility should be included in the analysis (i.e., 100-year flood). The design criteria for storage facilities should include: • release rate, • storage volume, • grading and depth requirements, • safety considerations and landscaping, • outlet works, and location. Note: The same hydrologic procedure shall be used to determine existing- and post -development hydrology. 6.3.2 Release Rate A combination of storage and controlled release of stormwater runoff shall be required for all development and construction which will increase the peak rate of runoff from the site by more than one cubic foot per second for a 10-year frequency storm event. The peak release rate of stormwater from all developments where detention is required shall not exceed ninety (90) percent of the peak stormwater runoff rate from the area in its natural undeveloped state for all intensities from the 2-year up to and including the 100-year frequency. Note: If runoff is controlled through a water quality BMP then it can be excluded from the storage control requirements. 6.3.3 Storage Storage volume shall be adequate to attenuate the post -development peak discharge rates to existing -developed discharge rates for all intensities up to and including the 100-year frequency Routing calculations must be used to demonstrate that the storage volume is adequate. If sedimentation during construction causes loss of detention volume, design dimensions shall be restored before completion of the project. For detention basins, all detention flood control volume shall be drained within 48 hours. 6.3.4 Grading And Depth Following is a discussion of the general grading and depth criteria for storage facilities followed by criteria related to detention and retention facilities. General The construction of storage facilities usually require excavation or placement of earthen em- bankments to obtain sufficient storage volume. Vegetated embankments shall be less than 20 feet in height and shall have side slopes no steeper than 3:1 (horizontal to vertical). Riprap-protected embankments shall be no steeper than 2:1. Steeper slopes may be approved by the County in some locations. Geotechnical slope stability analysis is recommended for embankments greater than 10 feet in height and is mandatory for embankment slopes steeper than those given above. Procedures for slope stability evaluations can be found in most soil engineering textbooks, including those by Spangler and Bandy (1982) and Sowers (1970). DeKalb County Manual 6-3 A minimum freeboard of 1.5 feet above the 100-year design storm high water elevation shall be provided for dam heights of less than 20 feet. Impoundment depths greater than 25 feet or a storage volume greater than 100 acre-feet are subject to the requirements of the Safe Dams Act unless the facility is excavated to this depth. Other considerations when setting depths include flood elevationis ,. I .., a , �. lily, , _ value,t a req',::re.:.enL,, pu„Iic MICE Iand availaui,iLy, iand Lucpresent ariu future land use, water table fluctuations, soil characteristics, maintenance requirements, and required freeboard. Aesthetically pleasing features are also important in urbanizing areas. Detention Areas above the normal high water elevations of storage facilities should be sloped toward the facilities to allow drainage and to prevent standing water. Careful finish grading is required to avoid creation of upland surface depressions that may retain runoff. The bottom area of storage facilities should be graded toward the outlet to prevent standing water conditions. A low flow or pilot channel constructed across the facility bottom from the inlet to the outlet is recommended to convey low flows, and prevent standing water conditions. Often a sediment collection forebay is provided with easy maintenance access. Detention The maximum depth of permanent storage facilities will be determined by site conditions, ground water elevation, design constraints, and environmental needs. In general, if the facility provides a permanent pool of water, a depth sufficicnt to discourage growth of weeds (without creating undue potential for anaerobic bottom conditions) should be considered. A depth of 4 to 8 feet is generally reasonable unless fishery requirements dictate otherwise. Aeration may be required in permanent pools to prevent anaerobic conditions. Where aquatic habitat is required, wildlife experts should be contacted for site specific criteria relating to such things as depth, habitat, and bottom and shore geometry. In some cases a shallow bench along the perimeter is constructed to encourage emergent vegetation growth to enhance the pollution reduction capabilities or aesthetics of the pond. 6.3.5 Outlet Works Outlet works selected for storage facilities typically include a principal spillway and an emer- gency overflow, and must be able to accomplish the design functions of the facility. Outlet works can take the form of combinations of drop inlets, pipes, weirs, and orifices. Slotted riser pipes are discouraged because of clogging problems, but curb openings may be used for parking lot storage. It should be noted that small outlets that will be subject to clogging or be difficult to maintain may not be acceptable to DeKalb County. The principal spillway is intended to convey the design storm without allowing flow to enter an emergency outlet. For large storage facilities, selecting a flood magnitude for sizing the emergency outlet should be consistent with the potential threat to downstream life and property if the basin embankment were to fail. The mini- mum flood to be used to size the emergency outlet is the 100-year flood, using fully developed land use conditions, with the outlet located at or above the 25-year ponding elevation. The sizing of the outlet works shall be based on results of hydrologic routing calculations. 6.3.6 Location In addition to controlling the peak discharge from the outlet works, storage facilities will change the timing of the entire hydrograph. If several storage facilities are located within a particular basin it is important to determine what effects a particular facility may have on combined hy- drographs in downstream 'locations. The following procedure is recommended to determine downstream effects. For all storage facilities, channel routing calculations shall proceed 6-4 DeKalb County Manual downstream to a confluence point where the drainage area being analyzed represents ten percent of the total drainage area. At this point the effect of the hydrograph routed through the proposed storage facility on the downstream hydrograph can be assessed and shown not to have detrimental effects on downstream hydrographs so as to increase peak flows or flooding conditions. 6.3.7 Safe Dams Act Under the dam safety act regulations a dam is an artificial barrier that does or may impound water and that is 25 feet or greater in height or has a maximum storage volume of 100 acre-feet or more. A number of exemptions are allowed from the Safe Dams Act and any questions concerning a specific design or application should be addressed to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. 6.4 General Procedure 6.4.1 Data Needs The following data will be needed to complete storage design and routing calculations. Inflow hydrograph for all selected design storms. Stage -storage curve for proposed storage facility (see Figure 6-1 below for an example). Stage -discharge curve for all outlet control structures (see Figure 6-2 below for an example). Using these data a design procedure is used to route the inflow hydrograph through the storage facility with different basin and outlet geometry until the desired outflow hydrograph is achieved. Although hand calculation procedures are available for routing hydrographs through storage facilities, they are very time consuming especially when several different designs are evaluated. Standard textbooks on Hydrology and Hydraulics give examples of hand -routing techniques (See Debo & Reese, 1995). For this Manual, it assumed that designers will be using one of the many computer programs available for storage routing and thus other procedures and example applications will not be given in this chapter. Procedures for preliminary detention calculations will be given in this chapter since they provide simple procedures that can be used to estimate storage needs and also provide a quick check on the results of using different computer programs. 300.0 10.0 250.0 8.0 � '� 200.0 m a 6.0 �' 150.0 m E a.0 b 100.0 y 2.0 50.0 0.j 0 p 00 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 Stage (ft) Figure 6-1 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 Stage (M Figure 6-2 DeKalb county manual 6-5 Example Stage -Storage Curve 6.4.2 Stage -Storage Curve Example Stage -Discharge Curve A stage -storage curve defines the relationship between the depth of water and storage volume in a reservoir. The data for this type of curve are usually developed using a topographic map and the double -end area frustum of a pyramid, prismoidal formulas or circular conic section. The double - end area formula is expressed as: V1,2= [(A, + A2)/2]d (6.1) Where: V1 2 = storage volume,ft3, between elevations 1 and 2 Al = surface area at elevation 1, ft2 A2 = surface area at elevation 2, ft2 d = change in elevation between points 1 and 2, ft The frustum of a pyramid is expressed as: V = d/3 [Al + (Al x A2)0.5 + A2]/3 (6.2) Where: V = volume of fiustum of a pyramid, 0 d = change in elevation between points 1 and 2, ft Al = surface area at elevation 1, ft2 A2 = surface area at elevation 2, ft2 The prismoidal formula for trapezoidal basins is expressed as: V = LWD + (L + W)ZD2 + 4/3 2 Z D3 (6.3) Where: V = volume of trapezoidal basin, 0 L = length of basin at base, ft W = width of basin at base, ft D = depth of basin, ft Z = side slope factor, ratio of horizontal to vertical The circular conic section formula is: V =1.047 D (R12+ R22 + R1R) (6.4) V =1.047 D (3R12 +3ZDR1 + Z2D2) (6,5) Where: RI and R2 = bottom and surface radii of the conic section, ft D = depth of basin, ft Z = side slope factor, ratio of horizontal to vertical 6.4.3 Stage -Discharge Curve A stage -discharge curve defines the relationship between the depth of water and the discharge or 6-6 DeKalb County Manual outflow from a storage facility. A typical storage facility has two spillways: principal and emerg- ency. The principal spillway is usually designed with a capacity sufficient to convey the design floods without allowing flow to enter the emergency spillway. A pipe culvert, weir, or other appropriate outlet can be used for the principal spillway or outlet. The emergency spillway is sized to provide a bypass for floodwater during a flood that exceeds the design capacity of the principal spillway. This spillway should be designed taking into account the potential threat to downstream life and property if the storage facility were to fail. The stage -discharge curve should take into account the discharge characteristics of both the principal spillway and the emergency spillway. 6.4.4 Procedure A general procedure for using the above data in the design of storage facilities is presented below. Step 1 - Compute inflow hydrograph for runoff from the 2- through the 100-year design storms using the procedures outlined in the Hydrology Chapter of this manual. Both existing - and post -development hydrographs are required. Step 2 - Perform preliminary calculations to evaluate detention storage requirements for the hydrographs from Step 1 (see Section 6.6). Step 3 - Determine the physical dimensions necessary to hold the estimated volume from Step 2, including freeboard. The maximum storage requirement calculated from Step 2 should be used. From the selected shape determine the maximum depth in the pond. Step 4 - Select the type of outlet and size the outlet structure. The estimated peak stage will occur for the estimated volume from Step I The outlet structure should be sized to convey the allowable discharge at this stage. Step 5 - Perform routing calculations using inflow hydrographs from Step 1 to check the preliminary design using a storage routing computer model. If the routed post - development peak discharges from the 2- through the 100-year design storms exceed 90% of the existing -development peak discharges, then revise the available storage volume, outlet device, etc., and return to step 3. Step 6 - Evaluate the downstream effects of detention outflows for the design storms to ensure that the routed hydrograph does not cause downstream flooding problems. The exit hydrograph from the storage facility should be routed though the downstream channel system until a confluence point is reached where the drainage area being analyzed represents 10 percent of the total drainage area. Step 7 - Evaluate the control structure outlet velocity and provide channel and bank stabilization if the velocity will cause erosion problems downstream. 6.5 Outlet Hydraulics 6.5.1 Outlets Sharp -crested weir flow equations for no end contractions, two end contractions, and submerged discharge conditions are presented below, followed by equations for broad -crested weirs, v-notch weirs, proportional weirs, and orifices, or combinations of these facilities. If culverts are used as outlets works, procedures presented in the Culvert Chapter should be used to develop stage-dis- DeKalb County Manual 6-7 charge data. 6:5.2 Sharp -Crested Weirs A sharp -crested weir v. th no end contractions is illustrawd below. The discharge equation for this configuration is (Chow, 1959): Q = [(3.27 + 0. MMd] LHI.s (6.6) Where: Q = discharge, cfs H = head above weir crest excluding velocity head, ft He = height of weir crest above channel bottom, ft L = horizontal weir length, ft Figure 6-3 Sharp -Crested Weir No End Contractions �L I Figure 6-4 Sharp -Crested Weir And Head A sharp -crested weir with two end contractions is illustrated below. The discharge equation for this configuration is (Chow, 1959): Q = [(3.27 + .04(H/Hc)] (L - 0.2H) H1.5 Where: Variables are the same as equation 6.4. Figure 6-5 Sharp -Crested Weir, Two End Contractions (6.7) A sharp -crested weir will be affected by submergence when the tailwater rises above the weir crest elevation. The result will be that the discharge over the weir will be reduced. The discharge equation for a sharp -crested submerged weir is (Brater and King, 1976): 6-8 DeKalb County Manual Qs = Qf(1- (H281)1 5 0385 ) (6.8) Where: Qs = submergence flow, cfs Qf = free flow, cfs Hl = upstream head above crest, ft H2 = downstream head above crest, ft 6.5.3 Broad -Crested Weirs The equation for the broad -crested weir is (Brater and King, 1976): Q = CLH1.5 (6.9) Where: Q = discharge, cfs C = broad -crested weir coefficient L = broad -crested weir length, ft H head above weir crest, ft If the upstream edge of a broad -crested weir is so rounded as to prevent contraction and if the slope of the crest is as great as the loss of head due to friction, flow will pass through critical depth at the weir crest; this gives the maximum C value of 3.087. For sharp corners on the broad - crested weir, a minimum C value of 2.6 should be used. Information on C values as a function of weir crest breadth and head is given in Table 6-2. 6.5.4 V-Notch Weirs The discharge through a v-notch weir can be calculated from the following equation (Brater and King, 1976). Q = 2.5 tan(0/2)H2.5 (6.10) Where: Q = discharge, cfs 0 = angle of v-notch, degrees H = head on apex of notch, ft 6.5.5 Proportional Weirs Although more complex to design and construct, a proportional weir may significantly reduce the required storage volume for a given site. The proportional weir is distinguished from other control devices by having a linear head -discharge relationship achieved by allowing the discharge area to vary nonlinearly with head. Design equations for proportional weirs are (Sandvik, 1985): Q=4.97a.5b(H-a/3) x1b = 1 - (1/3.17) (arctan (y/a)0) Where: Q = discharge, cfs Dimensions a, b, h, x, and y are shown in Figure 6-6 (6.11) (6.12) DeKalb County Manual 6-9 b-- Figure 6-6 Proportional Weir Dimensions 6.5.6 Orifices Pipes smaller than 12" may be analyzed as a submerged orifice if H/D is greater than 1.5. For square -edged entrance conditions, Q = 0.6A(29H)' .5 = 3.78D2H .s Where: Q = discharge, cfs A = cross-section area of pipe, ft2 g = acceleration due to gravity, 32.2 ft/s2 D = diameter of pipe, ft H = head on pipe, from the center of pipe to the water surface (6.13) 6-10 Drib county Manual Table 6-2 Broad -Crested weir Coefficient C values As A Function Of Weir Crest Breadth (b) And Head (H) _IP /l1/777 a Measured Head, HI weir Crect Breadth (ii) M = 4.71 IM IJ4 2 44 ZM 3M 4M 5A A 0.2 2.80 2.75 2.69 2.62 2.54 2.48 2.44 2.39 2.34 2.49 2.68 0.4 2.92 2.80 2.72 2.64 2.61 2.60 2.58 2.54 2.50 2.56 2.70 0.6 3.08 2.89 2.75 2.64 2.61 2.60 2.68 2.69 2.70 2.70 2.70 0.9 3.30 3.04 2.95 2.68 2.60 2.60 2.67 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.64 1.0 3.32 3.14 2.98 2.75 2.66 2.64 2.65 2.67 2.68 2.68 2.63 1.2 3.32 3.20 3.09 2.96 2.70 2.65 2.64 2.67 2.66 2.69 2.64 1.4 3.32 3.26 3.20 2.92 2.77 2.68 2.64 2.65 2.65 2.67 2.64 1.6 3.32 3.29 3.28 3.07 2.89 2.75 2.68 2.66 2.65 2.64 2.63 1.8 3.32 3.32 3.31 3.07 2.88 2.74 2.68 2.66 2.65 2.64 2.63 2.0 3.32 3.31 3.30 3.03 2.95 2.76 2.27 2.68 2.65 2,64 2.63 2.5 3.32 3.32 3.31 3.29 3.07 2.89 2.81 2.72 2.67 2.64 2.63 3.0 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.20 3.05 2.92 2.73 2.66 2.64 2.63 3.5 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.19 2.97 2.76 2.68 2.64 2.63 4.0 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.07 2.79 2.70 2.64 2.63 4.5 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 2.88 2.74 2.64 2.63 5.0 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.07 2.79 2.64 2.63 5.5 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 2.88 2.64 2.63 'Measured at least 2.511 upstream of the weir. Reference: Beater and King (1976). BeKalb County manual 6-11 6.5.7 Combination Outlets Combinations of weirs, pipes and orifices can be put together to provide a variable control stage - discharge curve suitable for control of multiple storm flows. They are generally of two types: shared outlet control and separate outlet controls. Shared outlet control is typically a rica fiber of individual outlet openings, weirs or drops at different elevations on a riser pipe or box which all flow to a common larger conduit or pipe. Separate outlet controls are less common and normally consist of a single opening through the dam of a detention facility in combination with an overflow spillway for emergency use. For a complete discussion of outlets and combination outlets see Municipal Storm Water Management by Debo and Reese. 6.6 Preliminary Detention Calculations 6.6.1 Storage Volume For small drainage areas, a preliminary estimate of the storage volume required for peak flow attenuation may be obtained from a simplified design procedure that replaces the actual inflow and outflow hydrographs with the standard triangular shapes shown in Figure 6-7 on the next page. The required storage volume may be estimated from the area above the outflow hydrograph and inside the inflow hydrograph, expressed as: Vs = 0.5tb(Qi - Qo) (6.14) Where: Vs = storage volume estimate, ft3 Qi = peak inflow rate, cfs Qo = peak outflow rate, cfs tb = duration of basin inflow, sec Any consistent units may be used for Equation 6.14. 6.6.2 Alternative Method An alternative preliminary estimate of the storage volume required for a specified peak flow reduction can be obtained by the following regression equation procedure (Wycoff & Singh, 1986). 1. Determine input data, including the allowable peak outflow rate, Qo, the peak flow rate of the inflow hydrograph, Qi, the time base of the inflow hydrograph, tb, and the time to peak of the inflow hydrograph, tp. 2. Calculate a preliminary estimate of the ratio VsNr using the input data from Step 1 and the following equation: 6-I2 DeKalb County Manual W C3 !z ii3 n Q; --- I --�-- w--- I1...,.,...._._ Preliminary Estimate of Required Storage Volume, V g Inflow Hydrograph Vr Outflow Hydrograph Figure 6-7 Triangular Shaped Hydrographs (For Preliminary Estimate Of Required Storage Volume) DeKalb County Manual 6-13 Vs/Vr = [1.291(1-Qp/Qi) .7531/[(tb/tp)°.411I Where: Vs = volume of storage, in V = volume of runoff. in r Qo = outflow peak flow, cfs Qi = inflow peak flow, cfs tb = time base of the inflow hydrograph, hr (Determined as the time from the beginning of rise to a point on the recession limb where the flow is 5 percent of the peak.) tp = time to peak of the inflow hydrograph, hr (6.15) 3. Multiply the volume of runoff, Vr, times the ratio VsNe calculated in Step 2 to obtain the estimated storage volume Vs. 6.6.3 Peak Flow Reduction A preliminary estimate of the potential peak flow reduction for a selected storage volume can be obtained by the following procedure. 1. 2 3. Determine volume of runoff, Vr, peak flow rate of the inflow hydrograph, Qi, time base of the inflow hydrograph, tb, time to peak of the inflow hydrograph, tp, and storage vol- ume, Vs. Calculate a preliminary estimate of the potential peak flow reduction for the selected storage volume using the following equation (Singh, 1976): QO/Qi = 1 - 0.712(Vs� /V 1.328(tb/tp)0.546 Where: Qo = outflow peak flow_ cfs Qi = inflow peak flow, cfs Vs = volume of storage, in Vr = volume of runoff, in tb = time base of the inflow hydrograph, hr (Determined as the time from the beginning of rise to a point on the recession limb where the flow is 5 percent of the peak.) tp = time to peak of the inflow hydrograph, in hours (6.16) Multiply the peak flow rate of the inflow hydrograph, Qi, times the potential peak flow reduction calculated from step 2 to obtain the estimated peak outflow rate, Qo, for the se- lected storage volume (see example 6.8.3). 6-14 DeKalb County Manual 6.7 Routing Calculations Routing of hydrographs through storage facilities is critical to the proper design of these facilities. Although storage design procedures using inflow/outflow analysis without routing have been developed, their use in designing detention facilities has not produced acceptable results in many areas of the country including the southeast. Thus the methods like the Modified Rational Formula for storage design is not recommended for design calculations in DeKalb County. Using the procedures given in the Hydrology Chapter of this manual and this chapter, the designer should develop an inflow hydrograph for the design storms, stage -discharge curve, and stage -storage curve for the proposed storage facility. Then using a storage routing computer program, proceed with the design of the storage facility to determine the required storage volume and characteristics of the outlet device(s) that will be needed to control the 2- through the 100- year storms. 6.8 Trash Racks And Safety Grates Trash racks and safety grates serve several functions: • they trap larger debris well away from the entrance to the outlet works where they will not clog the critical portions of the works; • they trap debris in such a way that relatively easy removal is possible; • they keep people and large animals out of confined conveyance and outlet areas; • they provide a safety system whereby persons caught in them will be stopped prior to the very high velocity flows immediately at the entrance to outlet works and persons will be carried up and onto the outlet works allowing for them to climb to safety; and • well designed trash racks can have an aesthetically pleasing appearance. When designed well trash racks serve these purposes without interfering significantly with the hydraulic capacity of the outlet (or inlet in the case of conveyance structures) (ASCE, 1985, Allred-Coonrod, 1991). The location and size of the trash rack depends on a number of factors including: head losses through the rack, structural convenience, safety, and size of outlet. Trash racks at entrances to pipes and conduits should be sloped at about 3H:1V to 5H:1V to allow trash to slide up the rack with flow pressure and rising water level, the slower the approach flow the flatter the angle. Rack opening rules -of -thumb abound in the literature. Figure 6-8 gives opening estimates based on outlet diameter (UDFCD, 1992). Judgment should be used in that an area with higher debris (e.g. a wooded area) may require more opening space. The bar opening space for small pipes should be less than the pipe diameter. For larger diameter pipes openings should be 6 inches or less. Collapsible racks have been used in some places if clogging becomes excessive or a person becomes pinned to the rack. Alternately debris for culvert openings can be caught upstream from the opening by using pipes placed in the ground or a chain safety net (USBR, 1978, UDFCD, 1991). Racks can be hinged on top to allow for easy opening and cleaning. The control for the outlet should not shift to the grate. Nor should the grate cause the headwater to rise above planned levels. Therefore headlosses through the grate should be calculated. A number of empirical loss equations exist though many have difficult to estimate variables. Two will be given to allow for comparison. Metcalf & Eddy (1972) give the following equation (based on German experiments) for losses. DeKarD county Manual 6-15 Grate openings should be calculated assuming a certain percentage blockage as a worst case to determine losses and upstream head. Often 40 to 50 percent is chosen as a working assumption. Hg = Kgl (w/z)ar3 (Vu2/2g) Sin 09 Where: Hg =head loss through grate, ft Kgl=bar shape factor: 2.42 - sharp edged rectangular 1.83 - rectangular bars with semicircular upstream faces 1.79 - circular bars 1.67 - rectangular bars with semicircular up- and downstream faces w =maximum cross sectional bar width facing the flow, in. x =minimum clear spacing between bars, in. Vu =approach velocity, ft/s 0 =angle of the grate with respect to the horizontal, degrees (6.17) The Corps of Engineers (HDC, 1988) has developed curves for trash racks based on similar and additional tests. These curves are for vertical racks but presumably they can be adjusted, in a manner similar to the previous equation, through multiplication by the sine of the angle of the grate with respect to the horizontal. Hg = Kg2 Vu2/2g Where Kg2 is defined from a series of fit curves as: -sharp edged rectangular (length/thickness = 10) Kg2 = 0.00158 - 0.03217 Ar 17.1786 Are -sharp edged rectangular (length/thickness = 5) Kg2-0.00731 + 0.69453 Ar + 7.0856 Ar' -round edged rectangular (length/thickness = 10.9) Kg2 =-0.00101 + 0.02520 Ar + 6.0000 Are -circular cross section Kg2 = 0.00866 + 0.13589 Ar + 6.0357 Ar- and Ar is the ratio of the area of the bars to the area of the grate section. (6.18) 6-16 DeKalb County Manual Wj to rr cc d a� 5 O m Cd L N 100 10 N:2 f f _. f 0 { i 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Outlet Diameter in Ireches Figure 6-8 Minimum Rack Size vs. Outlet Diameter (UDCFD,1992) References Brater, E. F. and H. W. King. 1976. Handbook of Hydraulics. 6th ed. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company. DeKalb County Manual 6-17 Chow, C. N. 1959. Open Channel Hydraulics. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company. Debo, Thomas N and Andrew J. Reese. 1995. Municipal Storm Water Mana eu ent. Lewis Publishers: CRC Press, Inc., Bcca Raton, Florida. Sandvik, A. March 1985. Proportional Weirs for Stormwater Pond Outlets. Civil En ing eerieg_ASCE pp. 54-56. Sowers, G. B. and G. F. Sowers. 1970. Introductory Soil Mechanics and Foundations. 3rd ed. New :York: MacMillan Publishing Company. Spangler, M. G. and R. L. Handy. 1982. Soil Engineering. 4th ed. New York: Harper & Row. Stormwater Management Manual - Volume 2 Procedures. July 1988. Metropoli- tan Government of Nashville and Davidson County. The EDGe Group, Inc. and CH2M Hill. Wycuff, R. L. and U. P. Singh. 1976. "Preliminary Hydrologic Design of Small Flood Detention Reservoirs. Water Resources Bulletin. Vol. 12, No. 2, pp 337- 49. 6-18 DeKalb County Manual (CALABASH QUAD MAP MEADOWLANDS SHEET I OF I 1 INCH = 5000 FEET PROPOSED ACTIVITY: 92 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS COUNTY: BRUNSWICK APPLICANT: CENTEX HOMES DATE: DECEMBER 16, 2004 INDEX TO SECTION 02902 - GRASSING Paragraph Title PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Section Includes 1.2 Related Work 1.3 Delivery, Storage & Handling 1.4 Planting Dates 1.5 Measurement and Payment PART 2 - PRODUCTS Page 02902-1 02902-1 02902-1 02902-1 02902-2 2.1 Seed 02902-2 2.2 Fertilizer 02902-2 2.3 Seeding Schedule 02902-3 2.4 Lime 02902-3 2.5 Sod 02902-3 2.6 Wetland Plants 02902-3 2.7 Accessories 02902-3 2.8 Product Review 02902-3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Preparation 02902-4 3.2 Stand of Grass 02902-4 3.3 Seeding Dates 02902-4 3.4 Applying Lime and Fertilizer 02902-4 3.5 Seeding 02902-5 3.6 Seed Protection (Straw Mulch) 02902-5 3.7 Seed Protection (Excelsior Mulch) 02902-5 3.8 Seed Protection (Wood Cellulose Fiber Mulch) 02902-5 3.9 Sodding 02902-6 3.10 Maintenance 02902-6 3.11 Acceptance 02902-6 SECTION 02902 GRASSING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Seeding, planting grass and fertilizing graded areas behind the structures, pipeline rights -of -way, roadway shoulders and other disturbed areas. B. Seed protection. C. Maintaining seeded areas until final acceptance. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Section 02204 - Earthwork: Grading. 1.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver grass seed in original containers showing analysis of seed mixture, percentage of pure seed, yrmr of production, net .','it, data of packa jr location of packaging. DaM. � j-d packages are not B. Deliver fertilizer in waterproof bags showing weight, chemical analysis, and name of manufacturer. Damaged bags are not acceptable. C. Deliver sod on pallets. D. All material shall be acceptable to Engineer prior to use. 1.4 PLANTING DATES A. This specification provides for the establishment of a permanent grass cover beh een the dates of {March 1 and September 30. if finished earth grades are not completed in time to permit planting and establishment of the permanent grass during the favorable season between the dates specified above unless otherwise accepted, the Contractor will be required to plant a temporary cover to protect the new graded areas from erosion and to keep windborne dust to a minimum. The temporary cover shall be planted between October 1 and February 28 unless otherwise permitted. B. If project grassing occurs during the temporary grassing season, the Contractor is still required to provide a stand of permanent grass cover as prescribed in Section 2.3 — Seeding Schedule, at the Contractor's expense. Page 1 of 6 NA16177\docs\Specs\02902.doc\J R\dmf\07-04 1.5 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. When the season or stage of the project is such that the results of the grassing work cannot be determined, conditional acceptance will be made on the work done. When conditional acceptance is made for the items of work covered, the Contractor shall be entitled to 50% of his bid price for the actual work placed and shall receive the remaining 50% of his bid price when final acceptance is made. Conditional acceptance shall not apply to the remaining items of work, and full bid price payment shall be made when the work is acceptably placed and completed in accordance with the specifications. B. Payment for grassing will be made at the contract unit price for the item "Grassing" and such payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing and placing seed and fertilizer or sod where directed and protecting and maintaining seed and sod in all graded and disturbed areas. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SEED A. Permanent Grass Seed Mixture: 33 percent centipede grass (commercial brand, testing 98% purity and 85% germination) and 67 percent carpet grass (testing. 99% purity and 85% gerr inatk-n). B. Temporary Grass Seed Mixture: Domestic Italian rye grass (testing 9 -10 purity and 90% germination). C. All seed shall conform to all State Laws and to all requirements and regulations of the State Department of Agriculture. D. The several varieties of seed shall be individually packaged or bagged, and tagged to show name of seed, net weight, origin, germination, lot number, and other information required by the State Department of Agriculture. E. The Engineer reserves the right to test, reject, or accept all seed before seeding. 2.2 FERTILIZER A. 4-12-12, commercial fertilizer of approved type, conforming to state fertilizer laws. 2.3 SEEDING SCHEDULE A. SEED Centipede Carpet Rye RATE 25 Ibs/acre 30 Ibs/acre 120 lbs/acre PLANTING DATES March 1 - September 30 March 1 - September 30 October 1 - February 28 Page 2 of 6 N A16177\docs\Specs\02902.doc\J R\dmfl07-04 B. In areas where existing grass is to be matched, Contractor shall sow seed at the rate and dates recommended by seed distributor. 2.4 LIME 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 A. Agricultural grade, ground limestone. E* A. Sod shall be densely rooted, good quality centipede grass, free from noxious weeds. The sod shall be obtained from areas where the soil is reasonably fertile. The sod shall be raked free of all debris and the grass mowed to two inches before cutting. The sod shall contain practically all of the dense root system and not be less than one (1) inch thick. Sod shall be cut in uniform strips not less than twelve (12) inches in width and not less than twenty-four (24) inches in length. WETLAND PLANTS A. Wetland plants shall be planted along the perimeter of the vegetative shelf for each pond. Vegetative cover shall be any combination of the following wetland plants: Andropogon virginicus (Broomsedge), Typha spp. (Cattail), Saururus cernuus (Lizard's Tail). ACCESSORIES A. Straw Mulch: Oat or wheat straw, reasonably fi- c from weeds, foreign detrimental to plant life, and in dry condition. B. Excelsior Mulch: Excelsior mulch shall consist of wood fibers cut from sound, green timber. The average length of the fibers shall be 4 to 6 inches. The cut shall be made in such a manner as to provide maximum strength of fiber, but at a slight angle to the natural grain of the wood so as to cause splintering of the fibers when weathering in order to provide adherence to each other and to the soil. C. Wood cellulose fiber shall be made from wood chip particles manufactured Particularly for discharging uniformly on the ground surface when dispersed by a hydraulic water sprayer. It shall remain in uniform suspension in water under agitation and blend with grass seed and fertilizer to form a homogenous slurry. The mulch fibers shall intertwine physically to form a strong moisture holding mat on the ground surface and allow rainfall to percolate into the underlying soil. The mulch shall be heat processed so as to contain no germination or growth -inhibiting factors. It shall be dyed (non -toxic) an appropriate color to facilitate metering of material. PRODUCT REVIEW A. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a complete description of all products before ordering. The Engineer will review all products before they are ordered. Page 3of6 N A16177\docs\Specs\02902.docW R\d mf\07-04 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. The areas to be seeded shall be made smooth and uniform and shall conform to the finished grade indicated on the plans. B. Remove foreign materials, plants, roots, stones, and debris from surfaces to be seeded. C. Grassing areas, if not loose, shall be loosened to a minimum depth of 3-inch before fertilizer, seed or sod is applied. 3.2 STAND OF GRASS A. Before acceptance of the seeding performed for the establishment of permanent vegetation, the Contractor will be required to produce a satisfactory stand of perennial grass whose root system shall be developed sufficiently to survive dry periods and the winterweathcC and lea c-pablo t ,e spring. B. Before acceptance of the seoding performed for the -t blishment of temporar, vegetation, the Contractor will be regUired to produce a :stand of grass sufficioi-t 4.1 control erosion for a given area IAnrjth of time he`o"n `h-? r -3`-t ? c-` construction or tho establish men' of :)c. ' _:. iLA vag-Aa,tion i tJ ,o; k ., 01. C 3.3 7---'—=DIN A DATES A. Seeding shall be performed durinj the periods and at the rat s p-nifod irr the seeding schedules. Seeding work may, at the discretion of tho Contract. K, be performed throughout the year using the schedule prescribed f:�r the given p::riod. Seeding work shall not be conducted when the ground is frozen or excessively wet. The Contractor will be required to produce a satisfactory stand of grass regardless of the period of the year the work is performed. 3.4 APPLYING LIME AND FERTILIZER A. Following advance preparation and placing selected material for shoulders and slopes, lime, if called for based on soil tests and fertilizer, shall be spread uniformly over the designated areas and shall be thoroughly mixed with the soil to a depth of approximately 2-inches. Fertilizer shall be applied at the rate of 800 pounds per acre for the initial application unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Lime shall be applied at the rate determined by the soil test. Unless otherwise provided, lime will not be applied for temporary seeding. In all cases where practicable, acceptable mechanical spreaders shall be used for spreading fertilizer. On steep slopes subject to slides and inaccessible to power equipment, the slopes shall be adequately scarified. Fertilizer may be applied on steep slopes by hydraulic methods as a mixture of fertilizer and seed. When fertilizer is applied with combination seed and fertilizer drills, no further incorporation will be necessary. The fertilizer and seed shall be applied together when Wood Cellulose Fiber Mulch Page 4 of 6 N:\16177\docs\Specs\02902.docV R\dmt\07-04 is used. Any stones larger than 2-1/2 inches in any dimension, larger clods, roots, or other debris brought to the surface shall be removed. 3.5 SEEDING A. Seed shall be sown within 24 hours following the application of fertilizer and lime and preparation of the seedbed as specified in Section 3.4. Seed shall be uniformly sown at the rate specified by the use of acceptable mechanical seed drills. Rotary hand seeders, power sprayers or other satisfactory equipment may be used on steep slopes or on other areas that are inaccessible to seed drills. B. The seeds shall be covered and lightly compacted by means of cultipacker or light roller if the drill does not perform this operation. On slopes inaccessible to compaction equipment, the seed shall be covered by dragging spiked chains, by light harrowing or by other satisfactory methods. C. Apply water with fine spray immediately after each area has been sown. D.o not sow seed when0 iry, 3r i-,„�,.-.,__ .'._ ._,,, following a rain. If permitted by the special provicions, wood f;h^r m11ch cr rnu!rh may be usod. 3.6 SEED PROTECTION (STRAW A. All seeded areas seeded with permanent grasses shall be u-1 i:f jlMly mulCI!Cd in a continuous bl.:3nket immedi y,.-0,L seeding aj—,-I operatic, ), a, using at least 2 tons of stra:v per acra. 3.7 SEED PROTECTION (EXCELSIOR MULL, i.) A. Seed shall be sown as specified in Section 3.5. Within 24 hours after the covering of seed, excelsior mulch shall be uniformly applied at the rate of 2 tons per acre. The mulch may be applied hydraulically or by other acceptable methods. Should the mulch be placed in a dry condition; it shall be thoroughly wetted immediately after placing. The Engineer may require light rolling of the mulch to form a tight mat. 3.8 SEED PROTECTION (WOOD CELLULOSE FIBER MULCH) A. After the lime has been applied and ground prepared as specified in Section 3.4, wood cellulose fiber mulch shall be applied at the rate of 1,500 pounds per acre in a mixture of seed and fertilizer. Hydraulic equipment shall be used for the application of fertilizer, seed and slurry of the prepared wood pulp. This equipment shall have a built-in agitation system with an operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend, and homogeneously mix a slurry of the specified amount of fiber, fertilizer, seed and water. The slurry distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage. The discharge line shall be equipped with a set of hydraulic spray nozzles which will provide an even distribution of the slurry on the various Page 5 of 6 N A1617Tdocs\Specs\02902.doc\JR\dmf\07-04 areas to be seeded. The slurry tank shall have a minimum capacity of 1,000 gallons. The seed, fertilizer, wood pulp mulch, and water shall all be combined into the slurry tank for distribution of all ingredients in one operation by the hydraulic seeding method specified herein. The materials shall be combined in a manner recommended by the manufacturer. The slurry mixture shall be so regulated that the amounts and rates of application shall result in a uniform application of all materials at rates not less than the amount specified. Using the color of the wood pulp as a guide, the equipment operator shall spray the prepared seedbed with a uniform visible coat. The slurry shall be applied in a sweeping motion, in an arched stream so as to fall like rain, allowing the wood fibers to build upon each other until an even coat is achieved. 3.9 SODDING A. Sod shall be placed between March 1 st and December 1st Sod shall he i l^'�' _ "vlii'il he-d;-0 C. Sod shall be moist when laid and placed on moist ground.. The sod shall be carefully planed by hand, beginning at the toe of s!o;nes and working upwards. The length a t?at.ri:ps s p,;I r: ;lht t°e +inn n _. cr, surface water. All by ti htly iDuti_ staggered at 12 incites. The sod -I t l Uo ii m, ; diately presu .O' i;• , ,,i; into the ground by tamping or rolling. Fill all join` ; strips with fine screenod soil. Sod c<,i slopes s;,all be pegc�-.- i %'i':l So -Jr to pre.,, movement. Th-- sod sh?'! be wa±e, `, i v„-.ceded, r• c: otherwise maintained, to insure the establishment of a unifo`'r; i healthq stand of grass until acceptance. 3.10 MAINTENANCE A. Maintain seeded surfaces until final acceptance. B. Maintenance shall consist of providing protection against traffic, watering to ensure uniform seed germination and to keep surface of soil damp, mowing and repairing any areas damaged as a result of construction operations or erosion. 3.11 ACCEPTANCE A. Before acceptance of the seeding performed for the establishment of permanent vegetation, the Contractor will be required to produce a satisfactory stand of perennial grass whose root system shall be developed sufficiently to survive dry periods and the winter weather and be capable of reestablishment in the spring. END OF SECTION Page 6 of 6 N:\16177\does\Specs\02902.doc\J R\dmt\07-04 a WETLANDS CERTIFICATION FOR LINE BEARING DISTANCE LINE BEARING DISTANCE LINE BEARING DISTANCE REFERENCE MAP ENTITLED" . PLAT OF A PORTION OF _ ' " y� ~ L285 5 8503'22" E 91.03 L301 N 06'S3' 11 " W 45.51 L329 S 12'24'36" W STAN U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS MEADOWLANDS GOLF CLUB FOR CENTEX HOMES" - _ _ - -~ " ,�58.76 Z DATED MAY 5, 2004; BY THIS OFFICE. _ _ - - L2$6 S 86 29 27 E 8fi.fi9 L302 N 73'48'27 E 7,94 L330 S 00°08'30" W 59.40 t THIS CERTIFIES THAT THIS COPY OF THIS PLAT ACCURATELY - L287 S 75'22'21" E 21.09 L303 N 17'09'22" W 47.87 L331 S 05*39'37" W 44.56 ---- "" L288 S 5637 42 E 10.87 L304 N fl _36.21 3 "' ' DEPICTS THE BOUNDARY OF THE JURISDICTIONAL OF SECTION 21 P.F. w •,•:•�.� � 5 4339 W L 32 S 28 52 27 63.97 b 404 OF THE CLEAN -WATER ACT UNDER THE PRESENT _LAW 6 ":i +„ .. ----"' � W �- L289 S 11'2$'S0" E 2.98 L305 N 21'05'13", W 9.25 L333 , >.` AND REGULATIONS AS DETERMINED BY THE UNDERSIGNED ON �' y2 N -64 26 57 W 19.57 y - --'- L290 S 29'18'09" W 5.02 L306 N 48.86 L3 4 a LES H. BODKIN III P.L.S. # L-3595 THIS DATE. UNLESS THERE IS A CHANGE IN THE LAW OR OUR U3 ti� x : - ''W - - - 89 57 55 W 3 N 28 26 02 E 65.43 " "" " ........ -^""`. - SEE INSET A" - L291 f " PUBLISHED REGULATIONS, THIS DETERMINATION OF SECTION' Ix ti 1 ... • .. - - S 45 0$ 18 W 15.25 L307 21_61 ��ttrrrlrrrl,�404 JURISDICTION MAY BE RELIED UPON FOR A PERIOD �' L�02 L -"'` /REDELL NCGS 1975 - ,� N 85 21 14 W L335 N 16 55 37 E 45.03 JOB �. NOT TO EXCEED FIVE 5 YEARS FROM T txQ " �i0° "''- N 66,807.29 . L292 N' 02'54 01 49.19 SITE - a___ L88 S 59 26 10 E 20.65 L308 N 03'40 14 E 4.95 L336 " W (} HIS DATE. THIS Lt z3 E 2,123,196.47 L293 " X2 - S 81'38 59 E 68,11 L309 S 88'08'01" E 21.63 L337 DETERMINATION WAS MADE UTILIZING THE 1987 ARMY CORPS !.3 , ..... • ' ' , ya - N 10 53.39 E 44.36 T OF ENGINEERING WETLANDS DELINEATION MANUAL. - -- - - fr L294 N__7 30,51 - �j 3 U2 9 25 36 E L310 N $$ 49 25 E 57.36 L338 N 16 35 45 E 50.87 AL. 2 /.P.F. O 100 R� ^- - oa „ L295_ N 76*57'15" E 90.09 L311 S 01'5239" W 15.44 L339 „ w HUTT4N ° :ENGINEERING ' U" • U 4 SR 13 _ _ �� _ _ U 1 { 1f2 S.R.F. `� \ Lz96 S 66' 12'55" E 4$.7$ L312 S 02'28'40" E _ 36.9a L340 N 68' 118'09" £ 69.2fl7 8 rt , j S 1 T26 51 E 46.60 L341 Ei. _ �� % > 110 L297 N 32`33'36" E 44.89 L313 ' NO. F 1 ,. A►`ti. SEE INSET "Q" 1d 58 53 16 6 40.97 VICINITY MAP' _� „ ," y - L70S <,s �. L298 N 83'19'04" W 2$.84 L314 N 73'48'27' E 7.94 L342 " • AV INSET C INSET D -- ts3 LS12 N 30'50 38 W 62.99 NOT TO SCALE 'i��i® '• ,.. ENGINEERS REPRESENTATIVE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE " N fF 4 L�rf L299 N 17'21'36" E 16,94 L315 S 85'27'19" E 24.55 L343 N 35'06'30" W 91.12 L300 N 34'13*35" W 107.4fl OF ��` 06' y�1 N 7T04'27" E 29.fi7 L316 , " � WEND 2250003005NNETT `� � 'a }�'� � . L317 N 80 32 05 E 38.g4 L345 tfn►ttttt)� D.B. 967, PG. 519 1'34 �5 � L318 N 30 14 57 W 147.85 LINE BEARING DISTANCE LINE BARING DISTANCE LINE BEAR#h3 DISTANCE L#NE BEARING DISTANCE 23 L1 S N 41'46'07" W 33.30 L346 N 37`52'22" W 42.30 MC Y, PG. -139 6 s(i• L319 N 49'58'43" W 96.79 L347 179.00 L1 N 76 54 53 E 241.70 L79 N 26` 15'01 " E 42.53 L166 S 03'13'4?," W 191.29 L235 S 35'32' 11 " W 53,23 73, N 40 09 02 W .„ �a 53. �` L320 N 36'41'58," W 96.86 L348 N 42'49'32" W 104.62 o L3 N 76:54f53„ E 148.866 L80 N 41°34'59" E 32.64 L167 S 38 42 5+ W 106.76 L236 S 59 32 52 W 115.29 �� F L321 N 38'13'f4" W 97.22 L349 " N 76 54 53 E 0 L81 N 63,31'38i E 32.29 L168 S 07'28'1S" W 92.97 L237 S 14'12'46" W 60.10 `394 S� 7 L321 N 24'13'14 W 97,22 L349 N 45 19 29 W 114.94' L4A N 48'01'48" E 4.24 L82 N 59 12 14 E 68.08 L169 S 16'18'30" W 126.26 L238 S 25*48'14" W 74.41 ,� �,�� 22 .3p N 49'00'54" W 103.41 L4 N 48*01 *48" E 15.59 L83 N 60'22'51 " E 38.22 L170 S 35`49' 19" W __ 84.88 L239 S 30*54`07" W 87.54 v � X 1 f t ? \ L323 N >40-35'56" W 112.94 L351 N 56'02'52" W 62.59 L5 N 48'01'48" E 18.91 L84 N 53'50'22" E 22.74 L171 S 42'05'45" <W 33.77 L240 S 3'1 " 114.96 27P.F. U4 60, � \ L324 N 61'5957" W 21.51 L352 5 51'53'19" E 92.60 3 2 44 W v� \ L325 S 58'41'27" W 25.34 L353 S 37'35'02" E 130.83 L6 N 48'01'48" E 10.69 L85 N 82'16'54" W 100.74 L172 S 4640'4?" W 35.46 L241 S 52'00'52" E 74.93 L326 '" 51.44 ,. S 54 35 08 W L354 S 39 11 47 E 102.74 L7 N 33`58'28" E 54.00 L86 N 7fl'20'24" W 40.16 L173 N 79`59'C1" W 36.99 L242 S 74'10'S8" W 24.05 , L8 N 30'50'32" W 15.77 L87 S 37'13'52" E 71.63 L174 N 09°03'62" E 32.17 L243 S 79'01'05" W 143.96 L327 S 66'15 03 W 51.51 L355 S 32'54 34' E 176.20 L9 N 30'50'32" W 63.18 L$8 S 48°1726" W 56.11 L175 N 43`16'38" E 13$.28 L244 N 49'3633" W 78.10 . L328 S 31'45'40" W 42.66 L356 S 37'08'20" E 43.63 ," "" ," , "> cart co L357 S 34 37'56" E 145,84 L10 N 79'27 19 E 2.fl3 L89 S 11'15 23 W 99.$6 L176 N 23'35 3� E 121.05 L245 S 74'S8 20 W 9$.18 +. Q1 ` ` L358 S 34'06'49" E 107.38 L11 N 79'27'19" E 2.59 L90 N 62'46'08" W 47.00 L177 N 11*22'00" E 114.65 L246 ! S 76'37'39" W 17.77 L12 N 79*27'19" E 10.70 L91 N 10*27*29" E 39.50 L178 N 66'16'55" W 44.03 L247 N 12'24'47" W 117.43 N L359 S 36'28'36" E 85.05 : p M. F. ' L13 S 51'25'40" E 79.33 L92 N 21'31'47" W 122.07 L179 N 03'23'44" E 52.71 L248 N 16'2651" W 93.82 ,, L360 S 37`47' 11 " E89.90 L14 S 60'13'53" E 71.87 L93 N 18*16*22" W 110,00 L180 N 01'38,24," W 70.06 L249 , "> 28.49 N/F L361 S :38'01'58" E 118.37 L15 S 60'13'53" E 13.37 L94 N 09'40'S2'' W 126.89 L181 S 89'35'2�!" W 21.14 L25O N 25,06"25"" W 81.99 WENDELL E. BENNETT N ~'. `. L362 S 33'40'36" E 89.66 N . " ", ," N o9 3s � 7 W � � , " ", L16 S 19 37 23 W 82.69 L95 N 71 36 12 W 60.08 _ L182 °•" ' " 2250003005 co L363 S 39 51 59 E 97.02 N 81 17 57. W_ 49.52 L251 S 12 27 39 E 79.47- \ D.B. 967, PG. 519 CO L364 S 38'05'22" E 100.66 L17 S 02'40'05" E 37.17 L96 S 73'27'37" W 21.04 L183 S 41'04'4r1�' W 77.96 L257 N 03'27'02" W 16.63 w ?p " " MC Y, PG. 139 vs L365 S 3$ 40 32 E 56,12 � L18 S 02'40'05" l^ 12.83 L97 S 76'29'33`" W 77.83 L184 S 22°49'43" W 99.21 L258 N 77'2324" W 30.23 � ", ki L366 S 81 37 15 E 4.62 L19 S 82'15'42" E 38.00 L98 S 75'58'22" W 109.39 L185 S 22`39'31" W 132.26 L259 N 79'32'14" W 75.37 U3 L367 ' ", L20 5 19'39'36" W 10.27 L99 N 04'17'20" E 1.79 L186 N 64'27'2�" W 4.00 L260 S 34'14'13" W 45.61 ra S 41 33 32 E 26,28 0 L21 S 19*39*36" W 69.73 L100 S 75'02'04" W 58.84 L187 N 22'59`4il" E 134.02 L261 L22 S 75'15'00" W 10.00 L101 N 30*45*39" E 11.17 L188 6" N 72'Q1'29" W 57.62 o bt ,' �, z N 22`29 3, E 99.06 X � L23 N 07*38*58" E 33.00 L102 N 69*57'14" E 8.88 L189 L24 N 10*27'29" E 65.96 L103 N:25'41'17" E 1.49 L190 N 33'S8'01," E 61.77 N '07'06'2f" W 31.77 � 4.24e7 �`g6 SEE INSET •c" � L25 N 53'41'37" W 43.35 L104 N 26'52'27" W 37.12 L191 N 24`51'2" E 97.03 ---- 196 N 1$'20'07" W 122.33 L105 N 35'16'35" W 24.70 L192 N 22'23'0'° E 109.41 � 1r1 �'ge X2 L27 S 11'00'38" E 161.41 L106 S 34'10'54" E 26.01 L193 N 23'45'11" E 135.96 L28 S 11`00'38" E 37.36 L107 5 28'12'22" E 37.12 L194 N 21'4T4."' E 55.56 L29 N 69'0329" E 2.50 L108 S 16'27'20" E 23.05 L195 ": 5 B'RF. SEE INSET "D° N 12'S2'0 W 36.56 % � L30 N 69'03'29" E 11.50 L109 S 87'52'21" E 74.47 L196 N 21'27'3t" W 10.96 L31 N 02'55'44" W 37.36 L110 S 79'24'05" E 22.20 L197 N 32'03'2(" E 13.26 L32 N 02'55'44" W 13.74 L111 N 81'40'05" W 36.66 L198 N _1011'21" W _ 26.72 N/F N/F L33 N 0255'44" W 57.18 L112 N 87'43'43" W 70.94 L199 N 49°16'34 W 21.88 MEADOWLANDS 4i 01 EL#ZABETN LONG WILLIS UPLANDS L34 5 03*03'25" E 49.31 L113 S 81'46'59" W 22.05 L200 N 88'00'44'' W 115.91 GOLF CLUB, (NC, g�• U4 ? 2250003t203 L35 S 09 08'02r" E 103.08 L114 S 64'38'24" W 94.35 L201 S 85'08'22' W 93.98 2250009811 �`�sr D.B. MC 23 OP ..v. 403 L36 N 70'41 51 W 149.36 L115 S 61'34'52" W 73.84 L202 S 87'12'07" W 111.23 D,B. 1061, PG. _460 sy G 352 U 1 0.004 AG. f L37 5 04'36'S3'' W 129.47 1116 S 63'51'33" W 87.83 L203 S $1'30'2$" W 27.03 MC 17, PG. -106 U2 0.075 AG.± L38 S_04'36'53" W 42.86 L117 S `50`19'31" W 50.43 L204 N 82'1348' E 25.86 "'� g L42 S 80'26'46" W 70.63 L118 S 22'36'39" W 24.70 L205 N 8V07'4f E 117.45 ?�9 w U3 0.001 AC.� L43 N 70'49'35" W 84.59 L119 S 01`24'20" W 57.47 L206 N 86'01'26 E 88.96 17.P.F Ul�, U4 59.31 % A{✓° L44 N 85`13'40" W 72.93 L120 S 05*20*33" E 102.77 L207 S 89*43*22' E 118.33 LINE BEARING DISTANCE ■.,.+►°"""' U5 15.759 AC.± L45 S 75'06'09" W 113.51 L121 S 01'24'09" E 79.78 L208 S 72*40'13' E 36.79 L262 S 78'50'14" W 89.17 ,42" W 205.04 Ci U �, L46 S 87'49'19" W 96.51 L122 S 19'41'28" W 23.60 L209 S 14'26'15' E 117.24 L263 S 81'01'52" W 30.35 S 79 13 6 108 L47 S 15*09'17" E 151.51 L123 S 73`01'23" W 27.12 L210 S 07'35'40" E 79.78 L264 N 88'05'04" W 70.32 3/8"P, F. S U7 0.004 AG.± L48 S 15`09'17" E 71.24 L124 S 61'23'25" E 8.82 L211 S 24`26'07'4E 30.44 L265 N 36'03'33" W 34.42 '` � 4' - TOTAL AREA {� .2fig A�.. L49 S 15*09'17" E 42.35 L125 S 56*26*12" E 129.65 L212 N 73°46*11' E 32.09 L266 N 14'37'29" E 14.56 L50 N 11°41'02" W 127.54 L126 S 62'46'17" E 107.4$ 1213 S 86'41'44' .t 52.75 L267 N 53'24'30" E 6.40 ., Dp to " > ," ,.� pap /,P.F. 1RI.,1 PIPE FOUND _ L51 N 1 109.68 __ L149__ . i O .0 2 30 37 W S 57'00 45 _. 87,42 L214 S 80 25 24 £ 78.13 L268 N 78 51 3T W 20.63 �•2S• •. �' 2 I.P.F. SR.F. Si;..>_L ROD FOUND L52 N 36 39 13 W 57.00 L150 S 59 52 34 E 94.81 L215 N 10 13 40 = W 28.36 L269 N 87'16 36 W 86.87 s'8 `© 5 R.F. RONC FOUND , "" ° " "> " " ?p• C.M.F. CONCRETE �� L53 S 53 20 47 W 24.41 L151 S 70 59 10 E 51.03 L216 N 46 06 47_ E 45.27 L270 N 85 06 38 W 91.20 -.,�?5 BETE ..MONUMENT FOUND �T�.A�s< �J' L54 S- 60*20'11 " W 39.98 L152 N 81' 17'45" E 21.33 L217 N 25`21'42' W 35.84 L271 N 87'34'38" W 100.49 14 `F C.I.F. CF'lMPE[3 IRON FOUND ., 27. P.F. 1/2 REBAR FOUND ", , " """ L55 S 59' 10 11 W 67.90 L153 5 13'43 35 £ 25.83 L21$ N 52'02 35 W 119,20 L272 N 88'42 57 W 124.55 �-.� 4 5/8 REBAR SET UNLESS ," " "> ," -_ S W1 5.053 AG.± L56 S 58'13 09 W 53.74 L154 S 10°01 Q5 E 10.80 L219 N 25 29 37 E 51.68 L273 N 83 25 16 W 118.99 n �1. OTHERWISE NOTED L57 S 39'O0'38" W 17.21 L155 S 28.04'43" W 12.52 L220 N 4Y48'47' E 60.68 L274 5 88.49'47" W 93.59 zoo$'36` TOTAL AREA 5.053 AG. 2 03 L59 S 74`29 53 E 109.07 L156 S 16'00 22 E 36.55 L221 N 04'4$ 12 W 89.05 L275 S 75'34 09 W 40.47 L59 N 54'17'37" E 171.63 L157 S 17*43'15" W 52.16 L222 N 37'29'58' E 27.70 L276 5 4246'39" W 17.71 L60 N 29°55'31" E 128.71 L158 S 23'1249" W 155.88 L223_ N 84'39'1�6l E 91.18 _ L277 N 70'57'50" W 13,26 L61 N 48*53'10" E 71.79 L159 S 1639'26" E 12.32 1224 S 64'38'59" E 58.98 L278 N 10*03'16" E 12.81 S WATERS L62 N 87*13*39" E 43.30 L160 S 80'0334" E 41.15 L225 S 81`24'19" E 67.60 L279 N 89`41'23" E 20.04 tU' • 10.36, OF THE UNITED STATES L63 N 87'1339" E 101.24 L161 N 71`07'58" E 35,84 L226 N 73'68'17" E 30.10 L280 N 74'35'53" E 45.76 MEADOWLANDS s,. LANDS 4c� ,1 X 1 0.070 AG. f L64 N 87'13'39" E 70,78 L162 N 79'34'14" E 1$.53 L227 N .31'46'00" E 25.66 L2$1 S 88'53'50" £ 91.81 GOLF CLUB" INC. L65 N 86'19'48" E 128.04 L163 N 76'3527" E 26.31- L228 N 15'5449" ,E 56.13 L282 S 85'52'52" E 120.39 2250009811 " "" , "" "" X2 0.009 AG. L66 N 79'49 13 E 3$,31 L164 S 74'41 32 E 54.61 L229 S 71'28 42 'E 64,76 L283 S 87'S8 43 E 123.22 D.B. 1061, PG. 460 L67 N 61`04'54" E 40.67 L165 S 24°44'47" W 105.72 L230 N 77°07'53" E 100.45 L284 " "" 100.88 MC 17, PG. 106 r XJ s $$ 0$ 1fl E N C.M.F 1.503 AG.± L68 N 36.43'28" E 45.37 L231 5 15'2448" E 39.60 X4 0.471 AG.± L69 N 14'00'30" E 37.51 NSF L232_ S 05'00'56" W 37.95 �yry r^a L70 N 55'22'44 W 63.02 �\ MEADOWLANDS L233 5 32'07'40" E 34.43 X5 0.229 AG. GOLF CLUB, INC. " ", Cali 1.673 AG. L71 N 71'46'09" W 75.05 \ L234 S 05`2fl 04 £ 64.61 ", \ 210 fl009$11 O TOTAL AREA L72 N 15'49 59 W 83.58 S,y� \ D.B. 1061, PG. 460 ...• (> C36 L73 N 07'29`29" E 70.05 �G'� \ MG 17, PG. 106 U tj ':.'.'.'." o� EA 3.55 AG. f L74 N 23'35'03" E 126.70 \ f W L75 N 39'49'46" E 132.80 �� \ 1303 100 �� '.'.....'. rn U�' 0 L76 N 71'34'15" W 137,36 C �` SR <� v.'.'.'.'..'.'' ` cv r L77 N 88'22'21 " W 11.89 \ \ �y9� \ \� L85 -1 L 0 i_11 1 �l3 X 1... ro Ut U2 L78 N 21'20'20" E 43.41 64 L65 ""-- ....'.. {� �� :.`.'. \ -L62 L63 L C.,,.,, os rf2 ' U2 � \ 56 EXISTING /,`�777 ..... <�S2 \ 03 . , . ��tp .. 1 • SRF, . LiO9 UPLANDS 1 ........... �/ q.. 1� Lit Lf t \ X1.. 3 053 A, U I �1��y ♦ o 2 WATERSF Thy U.S. 3 U4 NOT SCALE NOT SCALE • . TOTAL TRACT 110.277 G N/F MEADOWLANDS \ GOLF CLUB, INC. a� \ \ �s \ S 88'51'15 E 636.88 �1 2250009811 r� s L66 A x D.B. 1061, PG. 460 '� 3 MC 17, PG. 106 >i ExlSTING---- ,.. U 5 N/F }g PONDOIL ELIZABETH LONG WILLISIt 11 \ \ a s 2250003203 �Q D.B. 1530, PG. 403 l r t`ii U4 n MC 23, PG. 352 t4 LA �p WETLANDS DELINEATION NOTES: \ X3 \ 110. 77 AC. \ , . SURVEY OF A PORTION OF 1) DATE OF FIELD SURVEY: MARCH, 2004. € N ass 2} TAX MAP NO.: 22500098, 2250003007 & 2250008801.1 \ MEADOWLANDS GOLF CLUB 3 ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES SHOWN ARE BASED �s�' m \\ ON THE NORTH CAROLINA GRID SYSTEM NAD 83(1986),f \ s THE COORDINATE VALUES SHOWN WERE ESTABLISHED j \ �y2 \\ FOR BY STATIC GPS OBSERVATIONS WHICH ORIGINATED ON GENTEX HOI1�iE5 NCGS "CRAZY 1998" AND NCGS ' WILSON 1998", \ \ �, 4) ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE GROUND LEVEL DISTANCES, / ss, \ X4 N/F cs SHALLOTTE TOWNSHIP NOT GRID DISTANCES. TO CONVERT DISTANCES TO I / I� \ ��, �� MEADOWLANDS GOLF CLUB, INC. � BRUNSWICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA MULTIPLY BY COMBINED FACTOR / \ F oL3a9 L3S0 2250009812 y SCALE 1'= 100 FEET NOVEMBER 18, 2004 GRID DISTANCES, I 2007 L306 PG. 460 1.00013493, o % Sri / `� `.'.'. L� \ D.B. 1061, 5) WETLANDS DELINEATED BY LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, "r / Q \ 92 \ 5 MC 17 PG. 312 Q / 6) THIS PROPERTY IS PART OF THE PROPERTY CLAIMED rt" // �t�Q / \ 4� \ U4 ' co 100 50 0 100 200 IN D.B. 1342, PG. 1429 AND D.B. 1791, PG. 557. cv <c' �SURVEYED AND MAPPED BY 7) NO TITLE SEARCH WAS PERFORMED BY THIS OFFICE ON THIS DATE. ?� / \` ''''' s \ 1a2 �31k L3,6 L3t7 -,.k U 4 THO AS 6 _HUTTON ENC IN ER! C 8) THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS AND / RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. Z 4v1j� \ ' .... \ \ X4 '.'.'.'.'.:...'..'.'.'..;... EPONDG N 1144 SHINE AVENUE, MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. 29577 (843) 839•-3545 9) AREA COMPUTED BY CROSS COORDINATE MULTIPLICATION. E \ ao L28t , .......... Copyright �. Survey Technology. !no.. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of f �� �rjQ L279 t2 L282 50 PAR v "• / �� \ � ... 7y L274 L27 • • • . L283 L284 + 285 0, L3p0. K of COMMfRCE WAY, SAVANNAH, 0A. 3td02 (972) 234-534Q the contents of this document, or additions or deletions to this document, in " ro 2 3 X4 l / / S ' L272 L286 . • ... • .. • , .. " 935 NOUSTgN NCR11tCUiT BOULEVARD, Mt, PLEASANT, S.C. 28484 (843) 884-1111 whote or in part, without written consent of the land surveyor, is prohibited. Only \ - L27t Lz7Q L287 L296 f copies from the original of this document, marked with on original signature and <p .'•'. , \ 29 { embossed seat of the surveyor shall be considered `.a be valid, true copies. /v / ! • • • • • • L269 Q68 ., 8 y� ...... \ �� 95 `}°y:.' 1259.': , ....:. , ..': ; SHEET 1 OF 2 DRAWN BY: D. THOMAS KNIGHT MATCHLINE SHEET 2 MATCHLINE SHEET 2 MATCHLINE SHEET 2 0:\LP2004\16966-Meadowlands\dwg\ MEADOWLANDS -WET F.B. MAP NO. 24-1-29 RECEIVED CENTEX REAL ESTATE CORPORATION , and DEC 16 2004 CENTEX HONES DW / p PROD �# Sy M 1 CERTIFIED CORPORATE RESOLUTION W2 I, the undersigned, Rebecca L. Arredondo, Assistant Secretary of Centex Real Estate Corporation, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nevada (the "Corporation") and the sole Managing General Partner of Centex Homes, a Nevada general partnership (the "Partnership"), do hereby certify that I have access to the records and minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Directors of the Corporation and of the management of the Partnership; that the resolutions set forth in the Exhibit A attached hereto, and hereby made a part hereof, were duly adopted by the Unanimous Written Consent of the Board of Directors of the Corporation as of July 17, 2003; that the resolutions and the adoption thereof are consistent with the laws of the State of Nevada, and with the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws of the Corporation; and that such resolutions have not been revoked or amended and are now in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the Corporation this 13th day of December 2004. a••"""s+a go"!" i�STAiF Cps'•• CENTEX REAL ESTATE CORPORATION Sole Managing General Partner of Centex Homes, 10. q P0 R,'g' p = a Nevada general partnership 8 # o - .9 41 NEy A,pP��••• Rebecca L. Arredondo Assistant Secretary 28091v1 EDIT A These amended and restated General Power, Division Specific Power and Project Specific Power resolutions are effective as of July 17, 2003. A. As used in this resolution, "General Power" means the authority to act relating to the ordinary course of business of Centex Real Estate Corporation (the "Corporation") generally, without restriction to a particular Division or project, both in the Corporation's own capacity and as managing general partner of Centex Homes, a Nevada general partnership (the "Partnership"). As used in this resolution, "Division Spec Power" means the authority to act relating only to the ordinary course of business of a Division over which the officer or manager in question has management responsibility, both in the Corporation's own capacity and as managing general partner of the Partnership; provided, however, that when used with respect to any Regional Division of the Partnership operating in the on -your -lot market segment, "Division Specific Power" means the authority to act relating only to the ordinary course of business of such Regional Division, or any Division within such Regional Division, over which the officer or manager in question has management responsibility, both in the Corporation's own capacity and as managing general partner of the Partnership. As used in this resolution, "Project Specific Power" means the authority to act relating only to the ordinary course of business for specific projects within a Division over which the officer or manager in question has management responsibility, both in the Corporation's own capacity and as managing general partner of the Partnership. B. RESOLUTIONS. RESOLVF,D, that the following officers and managers of the Corporation shall have the General Power, the Division Specific Power or the Project Specific Power, as indicated in the charts below, and authority to execute and deliver on behalf of the Corporation, both in the Corporation's own capacity and as managing general partner of the Partnership, with or without a corporate seal, the following: I. Other than the documentation relating to storm water management described in Section IX. below, applications, tentative and final subdivision plats and maps, development agreements and all other documents that are relevant or incident to the development of real property in which the Corporation or the Partnership has any interest: General Power Division Spec&* Power Project Specok Power Chaimian of the Board Division President Development Manager President Division Manager Land Development Manager Executive Vice President Division Vice President Project Manager Senior Vice President Division Controller or Division Chief Financial Officer Area Manager Vice President Regional Chief Financial Officer or Regional Controller* Land Acquisition Manager 28091v1 * ]Zegional Financial Officer and Regional Controller have the same power as the Division Controller and Division Chief Financial Officer in each Division within the Region. II. Contracts for the sale of homes to consumers: General Power Division Speck Power Project SpecUlc Power Chairman of the Board Division President Project Manager President Division Manager Area Manager Executive Vice President Division Vice President Senior Vice President Division Controller or Division Chief Financial Officer Vice President Division Assistant Controller Person designated in writing by the Division President Regional Chief Financial Officer or Regional Controller* * Regional Financial Officer and Regional Controller have the same power as the Division Controller and Division Chief Financial Officer in each Division within the Region. III. Deeds of conveyance and all other documents that are relevant or incident to the sale and closing of homes to consumers: General Power Division Spee tc Power Project Speck Power Chairman of the Board Division President President Division Manager Executive Vice President Division Vice President Senior Vice President Division Controller or Division Chief Financial Officer Vice President Division Assistant Controller Assistant Secretary Person designated in writing by the Division President Regional Chief Financial Officer or Regional Controller* * Regional Chief Financial Officer and Regional Controller have the same power as the Division Controller and Division Chief Financial Officer in each Division within the Region. 28091v1 IV. Contracts, deeds and all other documents that are relevant or incident to the lease, purchase or sale of real property (other than the sale and closing of homes to consumers): V VI. 28091v1 Loan agreements, security agreements, promissory notes, deeds of trust and all other documents (but specifically excluding guaranties) that are relevant or incident to the financing of the purchase and/or development of real property: Documents necessary to obtain Department of Real Estate Public Reports or similar documents in California and other states (such as, without limitation, Arizona and Nevada): General Power Divislon Specy1c Power Project Spec fic Power Chairman of the Board Division President Development Manager President Division Manager Land Development Manager Executive Vice President Division Vice President Project Manager Senior Vice President Division Controller or Division Chief Financial Officer Area Manager Vice President Division Assistant Controller Land Acquisition Manager Regional Chief Financial Officer or Re ional Controller* * Regional Chief Financial Officer and Regional Controller have the same power as the Division Controller and Division Chief Financial Officer in each Division within the Region. VII. Contracts for purchasing or leasing goods and services, including, but not limited to, construction agreements and land development agreements: General Power Divislon Specific Power Project Sped#* Power Chairman of the Board Division President Land Development Manager President Division Manager Development Manager Executive Vice President Division Vice President Project Manager Senior Vice President Division Controller or Area Manager Division Chief Financial Officer Vice President Assistant Controller Land Acquisition Manager Purchasing Manager Purchasing and Manager i0fficer Construction Services Chief Financial r Regional Controller* * Regional Chief Financial Officer and Regional Controller have the same power as the Division Controller and Division Chief Financial Officer in each Division within the Region. VIII. Guaranties of indebtedness: 28o91v1 DX. Notices of Intent, Notices of Termination, storm water pollution prevention plans, reports, certifications or other documentation that is relevant or incident to storm water management in the development of real property and/or construction of homes in which the Corporation or the Partnership has any interest, and which will be submitted to a governmental authority; General Power Division Spec fc Power Project Spect lc Power Chairman of the Board Division President Land Development Manager President Division Manager Project Manager Executive Vice President Division Vice President Area Manager Senior Vice President Division Controller or Division Chief Financial Officer Vice President Regional Chief ]Financial Officer or Regional Controller* * Regional Financial Officer and Regional Controller have the same power as the Division Controller and Division Chief Financial Officer in each Division within the Region. ; and further RESOLVED, that all lawful acts specifically described in the immediately preceding resolution, undertaken prior to the adoption of such resolution by any Assistant Secretary of the Corporation, either in the Corporation's own capacity or as managing general partner of the Partnership, are hereby ratified, confirmed and adopted by the Corporation. 28091vl CENTEX REAL ESTATE CORPORATION CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY The undersigned, Rebecca L. Arredondo, hereby certifies that she is duly elected and presently serving as Assistant Secretary of Centex Real Estate Corporation, a Nevada corporation (the "Corporation") and the sole Managing General Partner of Centex Homes, a Nevada general partnership, and that on this date the following individual is cunvntly serving as an acting officer of the Corporation, such individual holding the office set forth opposite such individual's name: Name Offcc Michael P. Wyatt President (SC - Myrtle Beach Division) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature and the corporate seal of the Corporation this 13th day of December, 2004. CENTEX REAL ESTATE CORPORATION, Sole Managing general partner of Centex Homes, a Nevada general partnership Rebecca L. Aaredondo Assistant Secretary M31786v1Q.ega> 4*ff t of lncwnbency (20041213) CENTER REAL E THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. 1144 SHINE AVENUE POST OFFICE BOX 8000 (29578) MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA 29577 TELEPHONE (843) 839-3645 FAX (843) 839-3565 Letter Of Transmittal TO: Linda Lewis Division of Water Quality Stormwater Unit 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 FROM: Ida Hussey DATE: January 25, 2005 RE: Meadowlands Phase 1 JOB #: 1,6177.300 RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2005 DWQ PROD # 56V 80 We are sending you X Attached _ Under Separate Cover Via- FedEx the following items: Copies Date Description 1 Original Signed Application For Approval X For Your Use _As Requested _ For Review and Comment Remarks: Please find the attached per your comments. If everything is in order please fax or email the approval as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and attention with this matter. Signed: N:\16177\flocs\correspondence\Storinwater-Lewis-T-signed application.doc T HOMAS & H UTTON ENGINEERING CO. 935 HOUSTON NORTHCUTT BOULEVARD POST OFFICE BOX 1522 MOUNT PLEASANT, SOUTH CAROLINA 29465-1522 TELEPHONE (843)849-0200 FAX (843) 849-0203 January 20, 2005 Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NORTH CAROLINA DENR 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re: Meadowlands Phase 1 Stormwater Project No. SW8 041119 J-16177.300 Dear Ms. Lewis: JAN 2 1 2np5 BY: I am enclosing two copies of a revised sheet 19 containing the correct temporary pool elevations per your email comment dated 1/19/05. We respectfully request that you review this package and, when you are satisfied, issue a Stormwater Management Permit for the project. Give me a call at (843) 849-0200 or email me at roach.m@thomas-hutton.com if you have any questions. Sincerely, THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. Michael C. Roach cc: Jim Green / Centex Homes nA16177\dots\16177 applications\denr stormwater\lewis001doc 50 PARK OF COMMERCE WAY • P.O. BOX 2727 • SAVANNAH, GA 31402-2727 • TELEPHONE (912) 234-5300 • FAX (912) 234-2950 1144 SHINE AVENUE • P.O. BOX 8000 • MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA 29578 • TELEPHONE (843) 839-3545 • FAX (843) 839-3565 SW8 041119 Meadowlands Phase I Subject: SW8 041119 Meadowlands Phase I From: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 16:43:40 -0500 To: "Guinn, Eddie" <guinn.e@thomas-hutton.com> Eddie: In addition to my previous email, I notice that the Temporary Pool Elevations listed in the Pond Elevation Table on sheet 19 are incorrect. Please revise those elevations to correspond to the Temporary Pool elevations used in the calculations and reported on the supplements. Thanks, Linda 1 of 1 1/19/2005 4:56 PM [Fwd: Meadowlands] Subject: [Fwd: Meadowlands] From: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 16:44:18 -0500 To: "Guinn, Eddie" <guinn.e@thomas-hutton.com> EQdle: Just making sure you got my previous email. Linda Subject: Meadowlands From: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 12:49:40 -0500 To: guinn.e@thomas-hutton.com Eddie. The weir situation has at long last, been resolved. My only remaining problem is that I sent you the original signature page 4 of the application for you to initial, but you sent me back a photocopy. I cannot accept a photocopied signature. Please return the original signature page to me with the initials, as requested. The permit has been drafted and upon receipt of the original signature page, I am prepared to issue the permit. Thanks, Linda Meadowlands Content -Type: message/rfc822 Content -Encoding: 7bit 1 of 1 1/19/2005 4:56 PM Meadowlands Subject: Meadowlands From: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> Bate: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 12:49:40 -0500 To: guinn.e@thomas-hutton.com Eddie: The weir situation has at long last, been resolved. My only remaining problem is that I sent you the original signature page 4 of the application for you to initial, but you sent me back a photocopy. I cannot accept a photocopied signature. Please return the original signature page to me with the initials, as requested. The permit has been drafted and upon receipt of the original signature page, I am prepared to issue the permit. Thanks, Linda 1 of 1 1/19/2005 12:49 PM THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. 935 HOUSTON NORTHCUTT BOULEVARD POST OFFICE BOX 1522 MOUNT PLEASANT, SOUTH CAROLINA 29465-1522 January 12, 2005 TELEPHONE (843) 849-0200 FAX (843)849-0203 Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NORTH CAROLINA DENR 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re: Meadowlands Phase 1 Stormwater Project No. SW8 041119 J-16177.300 Dear Ms. Lewis: I am enclosing three sets of construction plans and supporting documents revised per the comments in your letter of 1/6/05. In response to your comments, we offer the following: 1. The revised design calculations have been sealed. 2. Original initials have been added to Page 4 of the application. 3. Ponds 5 & 6 have been adjusted in order to allow for sediment storage while keeping a minimum depth at 3feet. 4. The weir equation used in our calculations assumes the weir has 2 end contractions. See our response to comment 5 below for further information. 5. We have used Equation 6.7 from the DeKalb County Georgia Public Works Stormwater Management Manual to calculate discharge from the water quality weirs in each pond. The expression within the first set of brackets, 3.27 + .04(H/Hc), functions as the weir coefficient C normally would in the weir equation. I am enclosing chapter 6 of this document for your reference. Equation 6.7 is given and illustrated on page 8. The values of L and H are identified in our design calculations. Where Equation 6.7 uses Hc, we use a variable called P. We respectfully request that you review this package and, when you are satisfied, issue a Stormwater Management Permit for the project. Give me a call at (843) 849-0200 or email. mP at guinn.e@thomas-hutton.com if you have any questions. Sincerely, THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. j� Edward R. Guinn, Jr., P.E. cc: Jim Green / Centex Homes nA16177Wocs\16177 applicationsWenr stormwaterVewis002.doc -x '�,TED JAN 1 3 LUU5 SY: 50 PARK OF COMMERCE WAY • P.O. BOX 2727 • SAVANNAH, GA 31402-2727 • TELEPHONE (912)234-5300 • FAX (9121234-2950 1144 SHINE AVENUE • P.O. BOX 8000 • MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA 29578 • TELEPHONE (8431839-3545 • FAX 1843) 639-3565 o�0F W A-rA- Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary r? r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources a Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality January 6, 2005 Mr. Michael P. Wyatt, Division President Centex Homes 2050 Corporate Centre Drive, Suite 200 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwafer Project No. SW8 041119 Meadowlands Phase I Brunswick County Dear Mr. Wyatt: The Wilmington Regional Office received previously requested information regarding the Express Stormwater Management Permit Application for Meadowlands Phase I on December 21, 2004. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Please seal the revised design calculations. 2. Please initial page 4 of the application, in the spaces at the top of the page and return the original to me. Photocopied signatures are not acceptable. 3. Please specify a sediment removal elevation in Ponds 5 & 6 that is not less than 3'. All ponds must be a minimum of 3' deep at all times. Page 2 of the supplement for these ponds is attached. 4. The weir length, L, used in the weir flow equation is supposed to be corrected for the fact that this weir has 2 end contractions. The equation to use to determine the corrected weir length, L, is: L' + (.1)(N)(H), where L' is the specified weir length, N is the number of end contractions, and H is the average head. ;. Please identify the values of C, L, and H you have substituted into the weir equation for each pond and check the weir sizes for Ponds 1, 2, 3A, and 6. Based on the results of my spreadsheet calculations, using the sharp -crested weir equation and correcting for the length, each of these weirs either provides too much or too little flow to meet the 2-5 day drawdown. C L H Q Pond 1 3.29 .19 .30 .101 Pond 2 3.27 .07 .04 .002 Pond 3 3.28 .20 .25 .082 Pond 3A 3.32 .06 .93 .191 Pond 5 3.29 .14 .13 .022 Pond 6 3.28 .15 .10 .014 North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1-7 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone (910) 395-3900 customer servicel-877-623-6748 Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, :RC 28405-3845 FAX (919) 733-2496 Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc,us ne erthCarohna An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer- 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper Na'&M4 Mr. Wyatt January 6, 2005 Stormwater Application No. SW8 041119 Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to January 13, 2005, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a proiect will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, 47�ku " Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:IWQSISTORMWAT\ADDINF0120051041119.jan05 cc: Ed Guinn, P.E., Thomas and Hutton Linda Lewis Page 2 of 2 THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. 935 HOUSTON NORTHCUTT BOULEVARD POST OFFICE BOX 1522 MOUNT PLEASANT, SOUTH CAROLINA 29465-1522 TELEPHONE (843)849-0200 FAX (843)849-0203 EC 9 12004 kiY: December 17.2004 Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NORTH CAROLINA DENR 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re: Meadowlands Phase 1 Stormwater Project No. SW8 d-16177.300 Dear Ms. Lewis: I am enclosing three sets of construction plans and supporting documents revised per the comments in your letter of 11/22/04. In response to your comments, we offer the following: 1. All wetlands on site have been labeled. There are no wetland impacts. 2. Signed and notarized wet pond supplements for ponds 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 are attached. 3. We are attaching documents from Centex affirming that Michael P. Wyatt has sufficient authority to sign the application and related documents. 4. The calculations now match the application form. 5. We have added wet detention basins 5 and 6 to treat stormwater runoff from the areas described in this comment. See sheets 9, 10, and 14A. 6. We are enclosing a new vicinity map showing the project in relation to the intersection of two major roads. 7. The proposed deed restrictions are included in this package. 8. Cameron Weaver and I resolved this comment on 11/23/04. 9. We have revised the weir calculations to use the orifice equation I described in my recent email. The plans and calculations include the revised weirs. 10.Our calculations indicate that the temporary storage volume provided for all ponds is sufficient. 11. All of our forebays are the same depth as their corresponding pond. Therefore, the 20% volume requirement in the forebay is of no consequence. nA16177\docs\16177 applications\denr stormwater\1ewis001.doc 50 PARK OF COMMERCE WAY • P.O. BOX 2727 • SAVANNAH, GA 31402-2727 • TELEPHONE (912)234-5300 • FAX 19121234-2950 1144 SHINE AVENUE • P.O. BOX 8000 • MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA 29578 • TELEPHONE 1843) 839-3545 • FAX (843) 839-3565 12. Ponds 1, 2, and 3 are designed to treat runoff from their drainage basins at buildout. Pond 3A has its own water quality control structure and is designed to treat runoff from its drainage basin at buildout. For this reason, the drainage areas of ponds 3 and 3A are drawn separately. Only the forebay for pond 3A will be constructed in Phase 1. The pond will be expanded in a future phase. Ponds 5 and 6 are temporary. They are designed to treat runoff from Phase 1 only. In future phases, ponds 5 and 6 will be replaced with permanent wet detention basins. The attached Pond Drainage Basins exhibit shows only the ponds and their respective drainage basins. 13. The pond section detail has been added to sheet 19. The enclosed grassing specification has been revised to include pond vegetation. 14. The permanent pool contour for each pond has been dimensioned on sheet 6. 15. Per our email correspondence, all phases of this development will be high density. For this reason, a Master Plan is not needed. We respectfully request that you review this package and, when you are satisfied, issue a Stormwater Management Permit for the project. Give me a call at (843) 849-0200 or email me at guinn.e@thomas-hutton.com if you have any questions. Sincerely, THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. Edward R. Guinn, Jr., P.E. cc: Jim Green / Centex Homes nA16177\docs\16177 applications\denr stormwater\lewis001.doc The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with State Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 , as issued by the Division of Water Quality under NCAC 2H.1000. 1. The State of North Carolina is made a beneficiary of these covenants to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the stormwater management permit. 2. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all persons and parties claiming under them. 3. The covenants pertaining to stormwater may not be altered or rescinded without the express written consent of the State of North Carolina, Division of Water Quality. 4. Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plan may not take place without the concurrence of the Division of Water Quality. 5. The maximum allowable built -upon area per lot is 4000 square feet. This allotted amount includes any built -upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. 6. All runoff from the built -upon areas on the lot must drain into the permitted system. This may be accomplished through providing roof drain gutters which drain to the street, grading the lot to drain toward the street, or grading perimeter swales to collect lot runoff and directing them into the stormwater system or into the street. Lots that will naturally drain into the system are not required to provide these additional measures. The preceding provisions will be included in the Covenants and Restrictions for all parcels sold at the Meadowlands Phase 1 development by Centex Homes. CENTEX HOMES By: Michal P. Wyatt Its: Division President Date Re: Meadowlands Phase 1 Subject: Re: Meadowlands Phase 1 From: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 08:58:22 -0500 To: "Guinn, Eddie" <guinn.e@thomas-hutton.com> Mr. Guinn: According to my Standard Handbook for Civil Engineers (Merritt, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1983) , the equation you cited is the correct equation for use with a sharp -crested .rectangular weir. The temporary pool volumes in ponds 2 and 3 are deficient. The temporary pool volume is measured beginning at the permanent pool elevation and ending at the temporary storage elevation. Straight line interpolation is used to determine the height of the 111 runoff volume sitting on top of the permanent pool area. In Pond 2, the volume at elevation 25 is zero, and the volume at elevation 26 is 24,796. The required 1" volume is 5,539. By interpolation, the minimum height of the 111 runoff volume is 25.22, whereas you have specified only 25.2, which will be deficient by about 500 cubic feet. The same situation exists in Pond 3, but the volume there is deficient by over 7000 cubic feet. Perhaps the differences are due to the method you use to interpolate the volume? The entity that sold Centex Homes the property should have developed and permitted a Master Plan. Is Centex Homes really the current owner of Phase I, or only the builder? If they are only the builder, how will they place covenants and restrictions on the properties? Perhaps Centex should get with the land owner to discuss master planning. A Master Plan is a fairly generalized map of how things will develop within a low density subdivision in order to maintain the density level. However, since you have indicated that the project will be overall high density, a Master Plan is not needed. Everything within the boundary of the entire Meadowlands project now and in the future, will need to propose high density treatment in order to get a permit. In order to get a low density permit, the entire Meadowlands development must demonstrate overall low density with treatment for the pockets of high density and collected areas. Linda Guinn, Eddie wrote: RE: Stormwater Project No. SW8 Ms. Lewis. Please answer some questions about the comments in. yol)r. _letter dated 11/22/04. The question numbers below correspond to your comment numbers: 9. I spoke with John Richards in my Myrtle Beach office about this comment. He told me to use the following equation to calculate flow through a weir: Q=3.27+0.4 (H/P) L*H1 .5 Is this the ecrsation you would like us to use? 10. What volume is deficient? We checked our calculations for the temporary pool volume and did not find any errors. Is there a minimum permanent pool volume? If so, where would I find the procedure to calculate it? 15. What information do you need in order to approve a Master Plan concept for this development? We have a drainage master plan for the buildout condition, but Centex Homes does not yet own any of the future phase areas. It is probable that the land plan in future phases will change between now and when the phases are submitted for permits. *Edward R. Guinn, Jr.* Project Manager 1 of 2 12/10/2004 9:47 AM Re: Meadowlands Phase 1 *Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co.* 935 Houston Northcutt Boulevard - P.O. Box 1522 Mount Pleasant, South Carolina 29465-1522 guinn.e@thomas-hutton.com <mailto:guinn.e@thomas-hutton.com> (P) 843-849-0200 ext.241 (F) 843-849-0203 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL: This electronic message and any attachments are confidential property of Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. The information is intended only for the use of the person to whom it is addressed. Any other interception, copying, accessing, or disclosure of this message is prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. and purge the message received. Do not forward this message without permission. 2 of 2 12/10/2004 9:47 AM State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary RECEIVED DEC 1 0 2004 BY:_ December 9, 2004 F:WA NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF EROSION & SEDIMENTATION_ CONTROL PLAN Centex Homes Mr. Mike Wyatt, Div.President 2050 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 200 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Dear Mr. Wyatt: This office has received a soil erosion and sedimentation control plan for the project listed below which was submitted as required by the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (NCGS 113A-57(4)). Please be advised that this Act requires that all persons disturbing an area of one or more acres of land must obtain approval of a soil erosion control plan prior to the commencement of said land -disturbing activity (NCGS 113A-54(d)(4)). The Act further states that this plan must be filed a minimum of 30 days prior to the activity and the approving authority must approve or disapprove the submitted plan within 30 days of receipt. Failure of the approving authority to approve or disapprove the submitted plan within the 30 day period will be deemed approval of the plan if the submitted plan is complete. Commencement or continuation of a land -disturbing activity under the jurisdiction of this Act prior to the approval of an erosion & sediment control plan is a violation of the Act. A copy of any erosion and sediment control plan which could involve the utilization of ditches for the purpose of dewatering or lowering the water table is forwarded by this office to the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). It is suggested that you contact the Division of Water Quality at (910) 395-3900 if any ditches shown on your plan will lower the water table. We have performed a preliminary review of your submitted plan and have determined that additional information will be necessary before a final review can be completed. Enclosed is a checklist of items that must be submitted before we can complete the review process. Failure to provide the additional information may result in disapproval of your plan. The approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is conditional on the applicant's compliance with Federal and State water quality laws, regulations and rules. If you have questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated and we look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, , Carol N. Miller, CPESC Assistant Regional Engineer CNM/asb WiRO-LQS; WiRO-WQS-SW cc: Edward R. Guinn, Jr., PE; Thomas If Hutton PROJECT NAME: Meadowlands, Phase 1 PROJECT NO.: Bruns-2005-159 - EXPRESS OPTION LOCATION: SR 1302 B 1303 - Brunswick County RIVER BASIN: Lumber SUBMITTED BY: Thomas & Hutton DATE RECEIVED BY L.Q.S.: December 9, 2004 127 North Cardinal Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT of ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION WILMINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE PROJECT NAME: Meadowlands, Phase 1 DATE: December 7, 2004 PROJECT NUMBER: Bruns-2005-159 - EXPRESS OPTION COUNTY: Brunswick EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN PRELIMINARY REVIEW CHECKLIST To expedite the approval process, a cursory review of your submitted Erosion and Sediment Control Plan application has been made and has shown the need for additional information as specified below. To meet our review schedule, any additional information should be received by this Regional Office no later titan December13, 2004. Failure to meet this schedule may result in disapproval of your plan. LOCATION INFORMATION Project location (roads, streets, landmarks) North arrow and scale GENERAL SITE FEATURES (Plan elements) Legend: North arrow, scale, etc. Property lines Existing contours (topographic lines) Proposed contours Limits of disturbed area (provide acreage total, delineate limits, and label) Planned and existing building locations and elevations Planned & existing road locations & elevations Lot and/or building numbers Geologic features: rock outcrops, seeps, springs, wetland and their limits, streams, lakes, ponds, dams, etc Easements and drainageways Profiles of streets, utilities, ditchlines. etc. Stockpiled topsoil or subsoil locations If the same person conducts the land -disturbing activity & any related borrow or waste activity, the related borrow or waste activity shall constitute part of the land - disturbing activity unless the borrow or waste activity is regulated under the Mining Act of 1971, or is a landfill regulated by the Division of Solid Waste Management. If the land -disturbing activity and any related borrow or waste activity are not conducted by the same person, they shall be considered separate land -disturbing activities and must be permitted either through the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act as a one -use borrow site or through the Mining Act. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES (on plan) Legend Location of temporary measures Location of permanent measures Construction drawings and details for temporary and permanent measures Maintenance requirements of measures Contact person responsible for maintenance SITE DRAINAGE FEATURES Existing and planned drainage patterns (Include off -site areas that drain through project) Method of determination and calculations for Acreage of land being disturbed Size and location of culverts and sewers Soil information: type, special characteristics Soil information below culvert storm outlets Name and classification of receiving water course or name of municipal operator (only where stormwater discharges are to occur) OTHER INFORMATION: Please see attached sheet. STORMWATER CALCULA'NONS Preconstruction runoff calculations for each outletfrom the site (at peak discharge points) Design calculations for peak discharges of runoff (including the construction phase & the final runoff coefficients of the site) Design talcs of culverts and storm sewers Discharge and velocity calculations for open channel and ditch flows(easement & right-of-ways) Design talcs of cross sections and method of stabilization of existing and planned channels (include temporary linings) Design talcs and construction details of energy dissipators below culvert and storm sewer outlets (diameters & apron dimensions) VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION Area & acreage to be vegetatively stabilized Method of soil preparation Seed type & rates (temporary & permanent) Fertilizer type and rates Mulch type and rates NOTE: Plan should include provisions for groundcover on exposed slopes within 15 working days or 30 calendar days (whichever is shorter), following completion of any phase of grading; permanent groundcover for all disturbed areas within 15 working days or 90 calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction or development. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/OWNERSHIP FORM Completed, signed & notarized FR/O Form Accurate application fee ($50.00 per acre rounded up the next acre with no ceiling amount) Certificate of assumed name, if the owner is a partnership Name of Registered Agent (if applicable) Copy of the most current Deed for the site NOTE: The Express Permitting Option Is available, but theyp is a supplemental fee charge of $250.00 per acre (rounded up to the next acre) up to eight (8) acres, after which the Express Permitting supplement is a fixed $2,000.00 (the normal fee continues to increase). NARRATIVE AND CONSTRUCTJON SEQUENCE Narrative describing the nature & purpose of the construction activity Construction sequence related to erosion and sediment control (including installation of critical measures prior to the initiation of the land -disturbing activity & removal of measures after areas they serve are permanently stabilized) Bid specifications related only to erosion control 12.7 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 a Telephone 910-395-3900 o Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Meadowlands Phase 1 Bruns-2005-159 12/9/04 Review Comments: 1. We offer the following comments regarding the proposed sediment basins on lots 19- 40. While the purpose of the basins is to divert runoff from the fill slope, the basin outfalls are directed to the fill slope in a concentrated flow that could severely erode the slope. As an alternative, you may install a slope drain within the sediment basin outfall to the base of the fill slope (detail enclosed). Another possibility would be to divert the runoff to the proposed ponds by creating a diversion berm near the top of the fill slope. This would also require that the lots be graded to drain the runoff towards the fronts of the lots. 2. Provide sediment basin dimensions. 3. Provide velocities for the drainage ditch between lots 33 &34. A rip rap apron or rock check dam is needed at the outfall. Silt fence should not be used in an area of concentrated flow. 4. Drainage ditch calculations should be based on bare earth velocities (2.0 cubic ft/sec.) instead of grassed lined to address the conditions during the initial construction phase of the project. Because the velocities in most of the ditches are relatively high even with the grass lining, some type of geo-textile lining will probably be necessary to ensure permanent stabilization. 5. The 54 LF of HDPE on page 9 is shown outside of the clearing limits. A?',c Michael F. Easley, Governor r�J �pG William G. Ross. Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources � y ' t. .;, Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality November 22, 2004 Mr. Mike Wyatt, Division President Centex Homes 2050 Corporate Centre Drive, Suite 200 Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 unassigned Meadowlands Phase I Brunswick County Dear Mr. Wyatt: The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for Meadowlands Phase I on November 19, 2004. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Please either delineate all wetlands on site, disturbed or undisturbed, or note on the plans that none exist. 2. Please sign and notarize each wet pond supplement. 3. Only a person of at least the level of vice president in Centex Homes may sign the application. The signature of the consultant or other agent can be accepted only if accompanied by a signed letter of authorization from the president or vice president allowing the agent sign on their behalf. This letter is required for each new project. 4. The calculations do not match up to the application. Please complete one column on the application for each proposed pond. 5. There are at least two other drainage areas, 5 and 6, in Phase I where the runoff is being collected, but is not being treated in any of the proposed wet detention ponds. Please be advised that collection systems constitute high density development, therefore, only wet detention, dry detention with swales, infiltration, sand filters, bio-retention or some other engineered control that provides at least 85% TSS removal may be used. Sediment basins are not sufficient to meet this requirement. 6. Please provide a vicinity map that shows the nearest intersection of two major roads. A major road is any 1, 2, or 3 digit NC, US or interstate highway. 7. Please provide a copy of the proposed deed restrictions to include all required conditions and limitations as found in Sections I and VII of the attached document. North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone (910) 395-3900 Customer Servicel-877-623-6748 Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 FAX (919) 733-2496 Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper None Carolina y,4711rY Mr. Wyatt November 22, 2004 Stormwater Application No. SW8 unassigned 8. The express fee for a high density project is $4,000.00. You have submitted only $2,000.00. There is a complicated formula that is used to arrive at the fee split, based on acreage, number of permits, etc. For the stormwater and erosion control permits, the fee is $4000.00 plus $50.00 per disturbed acre, and any fraction thereof. A permit cannot be issued until the appropriate fee is paid. 9. How was the equation used to size the orifices derived? I don't recognize it as a standard orifice or weir equation. The orifice for Pond 1 is too large. Base on the standard orifice equation, a discharge coefficient of 0.6, and using the average head, the pond draws down in 1.7 days. 10. For Ponds 2 and 3, the volume provided is deficient. 11. If the forebay is as deep as the pond, then the 20% volume requirement in the forebay is of no consequence. However, if the forebay will be shallower than the main pond, please keep the forebay volume between 18%-22% of the permanent pool volume. Any less than 18% will not remove sufficient sediment, and any more than 22% will reduce the amount of pond that is available at the design depth. 12. The phasing of a permitted development is not as important an issue as the ultimate build out and drainage area for each pond. Please delineate the single drainage area to each proposed pond. If there will be future development, please go ahead and account for it now as a lump sum of built -upon area. Individual pipe and catch basin drainage areas are not necessary. I just need to see the one overall drainage area for each pond. If Pond 3A drains to Pond 3, then include the drainage area of Pond 3A in. the drainage area of Pond 3. 13. Please provide a detail of the pond in section view, to include the elevations of the bottom, permanent pool and temporary pool; a 10' wide vegetated shelf area sloped at 6:1 beginning at the permanent pool and extending down below permanent pool; the 3:1 slope requirement above the permanent pool; the forebay; specify the permanent grass cover to be used on the slopes and the wetlands species plants to be planted on the vegetated shelf. 14. Please dimension the length of every line and provide the radius of every arc that forms the permanent pool contour for each pond. 15. It is a requirement to approve a Master Plan concept with the first phase of a large project. This will set the development options for the current phase, and provide the guidelines for future phases. It will also make it easier to approve future phases. For example, you have the option to maintain the entire development at low density levels. This means that you will only have to collect and treat the runoff from those designated pockets of high density and those areas that have collection piping. If you exceed overall low density levels, everything within the Meadowlands must be treated via engineered controls. Page 2 of 3 Mr. Wyatt November 22, 2004 Stormwater Application No. SW8 unassigned Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to November 29, 2004, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, GccU Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:IWQSISTORMWATIADDINFO120041meadowlands.nov04 cc: Jim Green, P.E., Thomas & Hutton Linda Lewis Page 3 of 3 PROJECT NARRITIVE FOR MEADOWLANDS PHASE 1 Meadowlands Phase 1 is a proposed planned unit development adjacent to the Meadowlands Golf Club in southern Brunswick County. The proposed residential development will ultimately consist of 275 combined lots for phases 1 through 3. Phase 1 consists of 92 residential lots, water system, sewer system, drainage system, and roads. Sediment and erosion control devices will consist of temporary silt fencing, grassing and sodding, stone check dams, rip -rap stabilization at drainage outlets and ditch intersections, curb inlet protection, and grate inlet protection. All drainage from this project will flow into the Shingletree Canal. The drainage system and detention facilities will be privately owned and maintained. The drainage outfalls to the wet detention ponds have been provided with rip rap stabilization. All sediment and erosion control devices will be in -place prior to construction or constructed as necessary. The project engineer and designated agents for the owner will monitor all sediment and erosion control devices during construction. The sediment and erosion devices will be removed after permanent stabilization of the site has been accomplished. The wet detention basins will be utilized for sediment and erosion control during construction and will be cleaned out and returned to original conditions prior to use as a wct detention basin. These basins will have a forebay at each pipe inlet that has been sized based on the amount of runoff entering the basin from each drainage area. Maintenance for each detention basin will be provided by the Meadowlands Home Owners Association as required by the NCDENR. Temporary pumping equipment will be utilized to drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. SILT FENCE AND CONSTUCTION EXIT 2. CLEARING AND GRUBBING 3. ROUGH GRADING 4. SEWER SYSTEM 5. STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM 6. OTHER EROSION CONTROL 7. WATER SYSTEM 8. ROADS 9. FINAL GRASSING RECEIVED NOV 2 3 2004 DWQ PROD # CADocuments and Settings\iah_myr\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK53ATroject Narrative (3).doc Re: Meadowlands Phase 1 Subject: Re: Meadowlands Phase 1 From: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 08:54:06 -0500 To: "Guinn, Eddie" <guinn.e@thomas-hutton.com> Mr. Guinn: I believe that I had received this via email a few days ago, and indicated that the document would be acceptable. Linda Guinn, Eddie wrote: RE: Stormwater Project No. SW8 Ms. Lewis, This is a follow up to the email I sent you on 12/13/04. Centex Homes has determined that Jim Green does not have authority to sign, but that Michael P. Wyatt does have this authority. Please answer some questions about the comments in your letter dated 11/22/04. The question numbers below correspond to your comment numbers: 3. The attached document is a certified copy of the General Powers Resolution adopted by Centex Homes, a Nevada general partnership. Section B., IX. explicitly grants Division Specific Power to the Division President to sign documents relevant to the storm water management of any specific project untaken by his or her Division. The attached Certificate of Incumbency affirms that Michael P. Wyatt is the current Division President. Do you require any further demonstration that Mr. Wyatt has authority to sign the Stormwater Management Permit Application and related forms for Meadowlands Phase 1? *Edward R. Guinn, Jr.* Project Manager *Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co.* 935 Houston Northcutt Boulevard - P.O. Box 1522 Mount Pleasant, South Carolina 29465-1522 guinn.e@thomas-hutton.com <mailto:guinn.e@thomas-hutton.com> (P) 843-849-0200 ext.241 (F) 843-849-0203 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL: This electronic message and any attachments are confidential property of Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. The information is intended only for the use of the person to whom it is addressed. Any other interception, copying, accessing, or disclosure of this message is prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. and purge the message received. Do not forward this message without permission. 1 of 1 1/3/2005 6:06 PM Re: Meadowlands Phase 1 Subject: Re: Meadowlands Phase 1 From: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 17:33:30 -0500 To: "Guinn, Eddie" <guinn.e@thomas-hutton.com> Mr. Guinn: Yes, a Power of Attorney certainly qualifies as authority to sign. Thank you. Linda Guinn, Eddie wrote: RE: Stormwater Project No. SW8 Ms. Lewis, Please answer some questions about the comments in your letter dated 11/22/04, The question numbers below correspond to your comment numbers: 3. The attached document is a General Powers Resolution that has been adopted by Centex Homes, a Nevada general partnership. Section B., IX. explicitly grants Project Specific Power to the Land Development Manager to sign documents relevant to the storm water management of a specific project. The Land Development Manager in charge of the Meadowlands Phase 1 project is James Green. Is this document sufficient demonstration that Mr. Green has authority to sign the Stormwater Management Permit Application and related forms for Meadowlands Phase 1? *Edward R. Guinn, Jr.* Project Manager *Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co.* 935 Houston Northcutt Boulevard - P.O. Box 1522 Mount Pleasant, South Carolina 29465-1522 guinn.e@thomas-hutton.com <mailto:guinn.e@thomas-hutton.com> (P) 843-849-0200 ext.241 (F) 843-849-0203 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL: This electronic message and any attachments are confidential property of Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. The information is intended only for the use of the person to whom it is addressed. Any other interception, copying, accessing, or disclosure of this message is prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. and purge the message received. Do not forward this message without permission. 1 of 1 1/3/2005 6:05 PM THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. 935 HOUSTON NORTHCUTT BOULEVARD POST OFFICE BOX 1522 J MOUNT PLEASANT, SOUTH CAROLINA 29465-1522 / TELEPHONE (843) 849-0200 /. FAX (843) 849-0203 i VIA FEDEX V' November 19, 2004 Ms. Linda Lewis NCDENR — Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 RE: Meadowlands Phase 1 Stormwater Management Application 3-15177.300 Dear Ms. Lewis: On behalf of Centex Homes, we are pleased to submit the Stormwater Management Application for the referenced project. The following items are attached for your review: • One (1) copy and one (1) original Permit Application •Two (2) sets Construction Plans •Two (2) copies of Construction Specifications *One (1) copy of the Design Calculations • Check in the amount of $2,000.00 for fee •Two (2) copies of Project Narrative with Construction Sequence . One (1) copy of the Wet Detention Basin Supplement for each lake. Please review the application, and if everything is in order, we respectfully request NCDENR approval of the application. We appreciate your assistance with this project. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEER G CO. Edward R. Guinn, Jr., P.E. Enclosures: As listed above cc: James Green, P.E. / Centex Homes Y�ECEIVED NOV 1 9 2004 BY: 5AA N' 5�1°AIlR ��irfMERL"� W7AYOr� Q."BU)( 27 �SXMkKPo�C�i, 6 T402-2727 • TELEPHONE (9121234-5300 • FAX (912)234-2950 1144 SHINE AVENUE • P.O. BOX 8000 • MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA 2957E • TELEPHONE (843) 839-3545 • FAX (843) 839-3565 THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. To: Cornpany: Fax No.: cc: IaWInc �1)MW ErAffim,ity'- j/ ❑ Urgent ❑ Please Comment Message: FACSDAME COVER SHEET From: .f Date: "I No. of Pages Including This: ❑ For Your Use ❑ Please Review INA ❑ As Requested 1144 Shine Avenue, j,64yrtle Beach, South Carolina 29678 843-839-3546 M 843-839-3565 ( ) LO 'd L0 :8 tr00Z 6 noN 8Z89 LS9Str8: xe3 03 '9N3 NOMIA 2 SdWOHl 0 R 04111" North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington. NC 28405 (910)395.3900 FAX (910)350-2004 Request for Express Permit Review FILL-IN all information below and CHECK required Permks). FAX to Cameron Weaver along with o¢ ¢fie rev ew date, unless prior rrave and li!Z Ins Ofarrangements are made. Projects must be submifted by 9 00 A.M. APPLICANT Name Mike W aft Company Centex Home Address 2050 Corporate Centre Drive. Ste. 266 CityfStaie M rtle BeachfSC Zip 29577 County Hoy ► — Phone 843 839-2200 Fax 843 839-2208 Email PROJECT Name Meadowlands Phase 1 ENGINEER/CONSULTANT Eddie Guinn P.E. Company Thomas -Hutton Engineering Address 1144 Shine Avenue City/State II F rtl a B8a3h s39.3565 Email 295� County_ Horny Phone_ (1143) 839-3545 ElSTREAM.ORIGINATION CERTIFICATION o_.e__ ___eesa__vooa__ : _..._._- ---- --- __�---- --- -----------_._ . ❑ STORM WATER - ❑ Low Density ® High Density -Detention Pond ❑ High Density -Other ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter ❑ High Density -Infiltration ❑ Off Site ---------.... ... COASTAL ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information MANAGEMENT ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ......... ----_... ....... —...... --- --- _3 0 LAND QUALITY Z Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with _.__. 7___-._acres to be disturbedN------ .----------- ----------- -- -- -- ❑ WETLANDS (401) ❑ No Wetlands on Site (letter from COE) []Wetlands Delineated/No JD ❑ Greater than 0.1 AC Wetlands Impacted ZJurisdictional Determination has been done ❑ Less than 0.1 AC Wetlands Impacted []Greater than 0.5 AC Wetlands Impacted .......... ...... __ --------- _..................... The legislation allows additional fees, not to exceed 50% of the original Express Review permit application fee, to be charged for subsequent reviews due to the insufficiency of the permit applications. SUBMITTAL DATES: SW LAMA LOS 401 For DENR use only Fee Split for multiple permits: Total Fee, Amount $ ZO 'd L9:9 b00Z 6 ^ON 9Z89L992V9:Xe3 03'9N3 NoiinH '9 Sb' E Meadowlands r asc x is a proposed planned unit development adjacent to the AC Meadowlands Golf Club in southern Brunswick County.s for ph eslroposed throug 3 SPhase� development will ultimately consist of 27combined 1 consists of 92 residential lots, water system, sewer systeri, drainage system, and roads. Sediment and erosion control devices will consist of temporary silt fencing, grassing and sodding, stone check dams, rip rap stabilization at drainage outlets and ditch intersections, curb inlet protection, and grate inlet protection. All drainage from this project will flow into the Shingletree Canal. The drainage system and detention facilities will be privately owned and maintained. The drainage outfalls to the wet detention ponds have been provided with rip rap stabilization. All sediment and erosion control devices will be in -place prior to construction or constructed as necessary. The project engineer and designated agents for the owner will monitor all sediment and erosion control devices during construction. The sediment and erosion devices will be removed after permanent stabilization of the site has been accomplished. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. SILT I?ENCE AND CONSTUCTION EXIT 2. CLEARING AND GRUBBING 3. ROUGH GRADING 4. SEWER SYSTEM 5. STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM 6. OTT ER EROSION CONTROL 7. WATER SYSTEM 8. ROADS 9. NNAL GRASSING C_UDocumeats anal SemapVaiLmyllt.ocal Sete-90Ta POWY In== F9"\0LK53A\13toject Naaauve.doc £0'd L£:9 VOOZ 6 AON AZR9L99RtR:Xe4 03'ON3 N011PH 11 SVOON! ►` -0 All• THC)11 AS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. 10, Company: Fax No.: cc: ❑ Urgent ❑. Please Comment FACSDlELE COVER SHEEN' From: i] Date: 8 No. of Pages including This: ❑ For Your Use ❑ Please Review Message: S ❑ As Requested 1144 Shine Avenue, fdiyrtie Beach, South Carolina 29573 843 839-3545 M 843-839-3555 (F) 19'd L£:9 tr00Z 6 AON 9Z99199£tr9:Xe3 03'9N3 N011nH 2 SVWOHl ALVX_ RI A North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 (910)395-3900 FAX (910)350-2004 Request for Express Permit Review FILL-IN all information below and CHECK required Permit(B)- FAX to Cameron Weaver along with a narrative and vicini ma-0 of the project location. protects must be submitted by 9:00 A.M. of the review date, unless prior arrangements are made. .APPLICANT Name Mike W att Company Centex Home Address 2050 Corporate Centre Drive. Ste. 200 City/State_Myrtle Ilea SC Zia 29571 County Horcy — Phone 843 839-220) Fax 843 839-2208 Email PROJECT Name Meadowlands Phase 1 ENGINEER/CONSULTANT Eddie Guinn P.E. Company Thomas -Hutton En ineerin Address 1144 Shine Avenue __C'ity/State FaXe B8A3� 39-3555 Email i 295T1 County_Horry Phone 843 839-3545 -----.---------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- .. ❑ STREAl ORIGINATION CERTIFICATION -_ ------------- STORMWATER ❑ Low Density�--.w--0000 oX High Density -Detention Pond ❑ High Density -Other ❑ h Density -Infiltration ❑ Off Site Low Density -Curb &Gutter ❑ High —.__.---..w.----------_----....._..._ COASTAL ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information MANAGEMENT ❑ Upland Development Q Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ................ ------- ------------ ---------- ❑ LAND QUALITY Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with 17 acres to be disturbed. ----------------- _._.---.....—--- —--- --- WETLANDS (401) ❑ No Wetlands on Site (letter from COE) ❑Wetlands Delineated/No JD ❑ Greater than 0.1 AC Wetlands Impacted RIJurisdictional Determination has been done ❑ Less than 0.'1 AC Wetlands Impacted ❑Greater than 0.5 AC Wetlands Impacted -------------------- -------- ---------------- - —---- ----...... --------------------.__.----------r... — The legislation allows additional fees, not to exceed 50% of the original Express Review permit application fee, to be charged for subsequent reviews due to the insufficiency of the permit applications. SUBMITTAL DATES: SW CAMA LQS 401 For DENR use only Fee Split for multiple permits: Total Fee Amount $ ZO'd LC:9 b00Z 6 hoN OZ89LS.90V9:Xe3 03.ON3 N01inH 2 SVWOHl Meadowlands ra e 1 , a proposed planned unit development adjacent to the Meadowlands Golf Club in southern Brunswick County. The proposed residential development will ultimately consist of 275 combined lots for phases 1 through 3. Phase 1 consists of 92 residential lots, water system, sewer system, drainage system, and roads. Sediment and erosion control devices will consist of temporary silt fencing, grassing and sodding, stone check dams, rip-raP stabilization at drainage outlets and ditch intersections, curb inlet protection, and grate inlet protection. All drainage from this project will flow into the Shingletree Canal. The drainage system and detention facilities will be privately owned and maintained. The drainage outfalls to the wet detention ponds have been provided with rip rap stabilization. All sediment and erosion control devices will be in -place prior to construction or constructed as necessary. The project engineer and designated agents for the owner will monitor all sediment and erosion control devices during construction. The sediment and erosion devices will be removed after permanent stabilization of the site has been accomplished. CONSTRUCTION SE UENCE 1. SILT ]FENCE AND CONSTUCTION EDIT 2. CLEARING AND GRUBBING 3. ROUGH GRADING 4. SEWER SYSTEM 5. STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM 6. OTHER EROSION CONTROL 7. WATER SYSTEM 8. ROADS 9. MNAL GRASSING C_M0ctt== and SemnPV1itmyaA)cg SQL\T=VCT2q Lnc=et Fiirs\OLK53A\t'ro] ect Na=tLve.doe 90"d LE:8 VOOZ 6 AON OZ99L996VO:XeA 09',qaa NO i_nw 'R SNwnui A AIRM 0 ,1. X. :•:ti: tir'i - •V... , IWAPDIAN O BAFFfY '��OC9wYe Amnkmi JL .O • 330>1. gai D O..\ r 1� �' z��1�:i �� _ m m ru nJ o00 it- v < jy 0 N, cc 0 V:n m I i `` �1 Ni\' ✓ � t f c r7 cn co RV �r'h THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. To: tvilWA III-"v FACSEgME COVER SHEEN' From: -JAA 61 Date: -UA O `l No. of Pages Including This: �'% Company: Fax No.. vl V U Re: cc: ❑ Urgent ❑ Please Comment Message: ❑ For Your Use ❑ Please Review ❑ As Requested 1 U4 Shine Avenue, MyrNe Beach, South Caroline 29578 84M39.3545 M 843-8394555 (F) l0'd LC:8 b00Z 6 ADN 9Z99199CV9:Xe3 00'9N3 NOiin[l IS SVWOHI A North Carolina Department of EnviroNC 28405 (910)395-3ent and ral 900gsources FAX (910)350-2004 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, Request for Express Permit Review F1LL4N all information below and CHECK requires' Petmit(s). FAX to Cameron Weaver along with a narrative runless prioft attangemenlocation ts are made. projects must be submitted by 9:00 A.M. of the review date, APPLICANT Name Mike W aft Company Centex Homes Address 2050 Co rate Centre Drive Ste. 200 City/State, tie O8 Email Zi 29577 County Horr� Phone 843 839-2200 Fax 843 839 22 PROJECT Name Meadowlands Phase 1 ENGINEER/CpNSULTANT Eddie Guinn P.E. Company Thomas-Huton En ineerin L.... - Qe.nh/4zr. Zlo 29577 County_H0rry ..._....�--------------... _—............. ❑ STREAM ORIGIAIA7ION CERTIFICATION _ .-----........ ------------ - Low Dens High Density -Detention Pond ❑ High Density -Other ❑ STORMWATER ❑ Density ff Site ❑ low Density -Curb & Gutter ❑ High Density -Infiltration Cl❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information COASTAL ❑Excavation &Fill ❑ 9 ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront MANAGEMENT _---------------------__--- --.. edirnentatian Control Plan with �- acres to be disturbed. ❑ LAND QUALITY 10 Erosion and S _...... ❑ WETLANDS (401) ❑ No Wetlands on Site (letter from COE) ❑Wetlands Delineated/No JD ❑ Greater than 0.1 AC Wetlands Impacted RI�reate than 0.5termination has been AC Wetlands Impacted done E1 Less than 0.1 AC Wetlands Impacted ❑ ..___etla _s Imp -`ss Review permit application The legislation allows additional fees, not to exceed 50% of the original Expre rt applications. per fop t� ee charded for subsequent revlew$ due to the insufficiency: of the perm SUBMITTAL DATES: SW CAMA LOS 401 For DENR use only Fee Split for multiple permits Total Fee Amount $ ZO 'd L13:8 VOOZ 6 AON 8Z89L9kV9:Xe3 03'9N3 NoiinH 2 SVWOHl Meadowlands Phase Y is a proposed planned unit development adjacent to the Meadowlands Golf Club in southern Brunswick County The proposed residential development will ultimately consist of 275 combined sdlots sten�f drainage sysor phases 1 tem, and and roads. 1 consists of 92 residential lots, water system, Y Sediment and erosion control devices will consist of temporary silt fencing, grassing and sodding, stone check dams, riP-raP stabilization at drainage outlets and ditch intersections, curb inlet protection, and grate inlet protection. All drainage from this project will flow into the Shingle -tree Canal. The drainage system and detention facilities will be privately owned and maintained. The drainage outfalls to the wet detention ponds n have been provided with zip rap stabilization. All sediment and erosion control devices will be in -place prior to construction or constructed as necessary. The project engineer and designated agents for the owner will monitor all sediment and erosion control devices during construction. The sediment and erosion devices will be removed after permanent stabilization of the site has been accomplished. CONSTRYICTION SE UEN(:E 1. S1LT FENCE AND CONSTUCTION E= 2. CLEARING AND GRUBBING 3. ROUGH GRADING 4. SEWER SYSTEM 5. STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM 6. OTHER EROSION CONTROL 7. WATER SYSTEM S. ROADS 9. EINAL GRASSING r-%D.1='! is wd Seib ish_=�al Settings\Temporary ln=_,n Fa-\0LK53A1Aroject Numd"Aw EO 'd LS :8 VOOZ 6 ^ON 8Z89 L996V8:Xed 00 '9N3 NOiin 2 SVWNi A916 LA .4 MATCHLINE SHEET 1 I /v EXISTING f POND j �.00 ' 9 AR U5 U5 110.277 AC.± i N/F MEADOWLANDS 4 GOLF CLUB, INC. 2250009811 Q.B. 1061, PG. 460 wti Mc 17, PG. 106 , AMENITIES AREA U5 133s. 0.798 AC,t J ,4.9. v4 252.93 t L77 / N 88'2 N/F MEADOWLANDS GOLF CLUB, INC. 2250009812 D.B. 1061, PG. 460 MC 17, PG. 312 MATCHLINE SHEET 1 MATCHLINE SHEET 1 S L283 � 294 ti2g5 • • �28 ti�'6 �2S8 '� L264 L263 L296 L257 .... .. , \ p0 Z tlt X400 tA N 9 U `� PoI�iG SOB I 9y \ �.00 \ ...... ...\\ U4 EBF ty . BOBBI WHITE • .... , . , ra �'22500089 VICINITY MAP D.B. 813, PG. 065 NOT TO SCALE 45 L44 Z U L46 N/F a I ......... MEADOWLANDS GOLF CLUB, INC. ti.4 �� 2250009812 \ .., \ 24 p4 D.B. 1061 PG, 460 °� r X� \ ..': �A � \ /, �.\ 27p.�� MC 17, PG. 312 g ....., • Zr .. • , � \ i U6 1 U6 \ \ \ EXISTING EXISTING POND POND U5 u % INSET „E" INSET' ,,F's L20b w t 20a X 7. L205 2 • t207 NOT TO SCALE TO SCALE .. 2 21 W 940.88 � \..,� ... ... • .. .. .40 . . \. -." 2 trii L201 L.19 \ \ E CANAL -._ . -._. _N 1203° _ _ X� \ SHINGL - SEE INSET 'I' g \ \ N/F v ^,�� �rS ~ \, �� � -•- - -- _._.� � _,...- ..� ...... _N $5'36'34" E X6 \ BOBBIE B. WHITE -- 22500089 D.B. 813, PG. 065 LES H. BODKIN €€€ P.L.S. # L-3595 U6 �22g �34. • .:.' ;. �, U6 \ A \ MEADOWLANDS GOLF CLUB, INC. s� `�1111tttll Jt��, .. ...... .. 'jig f LINE BEARING DISTANCE LINE BEARING DISTANCE LINE BEARING DISTANCE LINE BEARING DISTANCE 2250009812 s L223 <2 ' ' ' ' : M ( .. , ,G /R�f �� ♦,• •' `.��'�. • , » . , rr . � » , n D.B. 1 61 +C tL ... .. .. .... .... .. 24 ti .... , .... {V "J U6 \ � r26 • \ 4�..4Q•. L1 N 76 54t53� E 241.70 L95 N 71 36 12 W 60.0$ L209 S 14 26 15 E 117,24 L306 N 89'S7 55 W 48.86 0 PG. 460 3 ... ... .. ...... . ...'... , tzz 2fi� .. .. 'r S Y' � „ L2 N 76'54 53 E 148.86 L96 S 73'27'37" W 21.04 L210 S 07'35'40" E 79.78 L307 � " Mt 17, PG, 312 s tie �, \ 13 N 8521 14 W 21.61 I`' ..........., ....... ........... \ & HUTTON N 76'54'53" E 30,00 L97 S 76'29'33 W 77.83 L211 S 24'26'07" E 30.44 L308 N 03*40'14" E 4.95 � ..... -VI..........., ........ .. ��`� ! `� \ {'2S X \ \ EIaIGId ER ! I L4A N 48'fl1'48" E 4.24 L98 , n 109.39 rn:...`... '...... .'...'..'.'. ............. .............. i � CO. S 75 58 22" W L212 N 73'46 11 E 32.09 L309 S 88 08 01 E 21.63 fu ':... :.'.'. \ L4 N 48'01'48" E 15,59 L99 N 04'17 20E 1.79 L213 S 86'41'44" E 52..75 L310 N 88'49'25" E 57.36 r ...'..'.'. Edo• F-fl$?! -AZ -S ra L5 N 48'01'48" £ 18.91 L100 S 75'02'04" W 58.84 L214 S 80'25'24" E 78.13 L311 S 01`52'39" W 15.44 _ :, . ' L6 N 48'01'48" E 10.69 L101 N 30'45'39" E 11.17 L215 N •1 '40" 28,36 L312 „ 36.90 ,2g tiso Gt 10 3 W S 02`28 4Q E 1 g pis • .. ... .. , .. .. i �r 1�L7 3.5 » 54.00 L102 , „ , " r » 6 31 .. . , .. .. ..'....'..'..'.'...'.... .. . , .. N .. i OF t�,� N 3 $ 28 E N 69'57 14 E 8.88 L216 N 46'06 42 E 45.27 L313 S 17'26 51 E 46.60 is 23• no rn ....... U6 111i11k1111 L8 " . r » :.`:.'.`.... t !1 1 N 30 50'32" W 15.77 L103 N 25 41 17 E 1.49 L217 35.84 L314 • , " 7.94 ��:.. .....::..` "' , .'.': . < :, i t \ r n N 25.21 42 W N 73 4$ 27 E ..: ' .. .. .. .".'.:.'.'.'.'.' .':.'.'::.' ... .. \ �`\ L9 63.18 • n , „ , " ............... .. ... ' 4> r N 30 50 32 W L1 O4 N 26 52 27 W 37.12 L218 119.20 L315 24.55 • * ' ' ' ' ', .....'.. , ...... .. i WETLANDS CERTIFICATION FOR N 52 02 35 W S 85 27 19- E sEE INSET E ..... • ............... ..... , .... , . , , .... ..... ...... . ' � » t „ , y , n :..... ; ABANDONED \ \ L10 N 79 27 19 E 2.03 L105 N 35 16 35 W 24.70 L219 N 25 29 37 E 51.68 L316 N 44.95 03 ...... I • ........ • . , .. , ...........'.'.'.' ' ... , ....... • X6 i� U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS 8s 32 25 E • ...... .. .. \ L11 N 79'27'19" E 2.59 L106 S 34'10, " 26.01 L220 " 6 , n ................. . ..........'.. , .....' .... ...... ........... , , ....... 54 E N 40 48 47 E 0.68 L317 N 80 32 O5 E 38.14 r.............•...................,...'<.. ......... .... '36 ........................... ...... it ' v THIS CERTIFIES THAT THIS COPY OF THIS PLAT ACCURATELY L12 N 79 27 19 10,70 L107 , " » r� v E 5 28 12 22 E 37,12 L221 8 L.................................... .. ............ t N 04 48 12 W 9.05 318 N 41 46 07 W 33,30 0 • ... .. ... . ......' ' � .'.'.. , .. , ........... •'•' BORROW PIT DEPICTS THE BOUNDARY OF THE JURISDICTIONAL OF SECTION L13 n , ,c " ' n ::.'•':.'.' .. ' ' ' ` ' ' ..... .. t J. \ S 51 25 40 E 79.33 l.108 S 16 27 20 E 23.05 L222 N 37 29 58 E 27.70 L319 N 49 58 43 W 96.79 U 7 W 1 . . ... . . .. . .......'.. , ................. , .... , ..`.'.': ' '�' os N F , 404 OF THE CLEAN WATER ACT UNDER THE PRESENT LAW L14 , » 71,$7 " r n , n .'. :` t J ;� AND REGULATIONS AS DETERMINED BY THE UNDERSIGN S 60'13 53 E L109 S 87'52 21 E 74.47 L223 N 84'39 16 E 91.18 L320 N 36'41 58 W 96.86 . • .. • ....',. i i � BETTY BOYKIN Lam• C .. , .. L, UNDERSIGNED ON • , n « , n • s n . t n �2�'•'.'..'........'..•. • .- , .:• .....................•...... .. M .. ... ... - , *.. THIS DATE. UNLESS THERE IS A CHANGE IN THE LAW OR OUR L15 S 60 13 53 E 13.37 L110 S 79 24 05 E 22.20 L224 S 64 38 59 E 58.98 L321 N 3813 14 W 97.22 U6 a ......................'....... ... .. .. '. i 2250QG9464 PUBLISHED REGULATIONS, THIS DETERMINATION OF SECTION L16 S 19 37 23 W 82.69 L111 N 81 4005 W 36.66 L225 S 81'24 19 E 67.60 L322 N " 90.67 SEE INSET F a .......... • ...... 07 D.B. 1102, PG. 908 24 13 14 W » f » , ..........'...'.'.'.... , .. r '.... . , ... , . , :.. ! i MCP PG. 352 4Q4 JURISDICTION MAY BE RELIED UPON FOR A PERIOD L17 S 0 05 E 37.17 1112 70.9 » .. .. 7 ...... ... ... . 2 40 N 87 43 43 W 4 L226 N 73 08 17 £ 30. ? 0 L323 N 40 35 56 W 142.94 F �, . i i' . / NOT TO EXCEED FIVE (5) YEARS FROM THIS DATE. THIS L18 S 02 4Q 05 E 12.83 L113 S 81'46 22.05 L227 DETERMINATION WAS MADE U 1 ARMY 59 W N 31 4600 E 25.66 L324 N 6i 5957 W 21,51 EDWARD MILLER JR etal Q -.. :.'.','.'.'•'.'.'.. A I~ UTILIZING THE 987 CORPS 6 L19 S 82' 15'42" E 38.Q0 L1-14 f n 94.35 , , „ . ...... . . . ........... .... , ....... .. ' N L182 • L161 OF ENGINEERING WETLANDS DELINEATION MANUAL. S 64 38 24 W L228 N 15 54 49 E 56.13 L325 S 58 41 27 W 25.34 22500088 ,6 ..'.'.. , v �� • G I .. - L2Q. , , "_ -.10.27 'i' • , » . , » e ' n 557 .... . :.................'.., ... ... , \ •� S 19 39- 36 WL, ? 5 S ' 61 34 52 W 73.84 L229 S 71 28 42 E 64.76 L326 S 5 51.44 D.B. . L21` S 19 39 36 W 69.73 L _16 S 63 1 87.83 L230 , » f " MC 6 a, PG. 049 .... . ...................... . .... . .. . rn 5 33 W N 77 07 53 E 100.45 L327 S 66 15 03 W 51.51 12. L213 .................... . ....... . ...... o �.! s » f_ » , » " * �. .......... L21 "' ...... Q v? L22 S 75 15 QO W 10.00 Ll 17 _50.43 L2 , sl<E INSET G 4 ....'... . S 50 1s 31 w 3i S 15 24 48 E 39a0' L328 5 31 45 4O w 42.66 N <v .. r L23 N 07 38 58 E 33.00 L,18 S 22 36 39 W 24.70 L232 S 37.95 L329 58 6 ............ . .. ^o ks A O5 00 56 W S 12 24 36 W 7.............................•.....•...,....�%� ry I . n , , n..................................,..... .,�i l.'...... .. '" cb �/ L24 N 10 27 29 E 65.96 L 19 S 01 57.47 L233 ENGINEERS REPRESENTATIVE 24 20 W S 32 07 40 E 34.43 L330 S , 0 08 0 W 59.40 :.'.... . .. . ............. ry fl 3 X6 L25 N 53*41'37" W 43.35 L120 S 05'20'33" E 102,77 L234 S 05'20'04" 64.61 L331 , " 44.56 �, K, ....................... . ...' .'.'... .' ' .'.'.'..'....... �'� .......'.... dry � "� " E S fly 39 37 W Z N 18 20 07 W 22 33 L12 S 01 24 09 E 79,78 L235 53.23 L332 6 ....... . ................ • , ......... , ...', .. ... � � oa .z�' UPLANDS s 35 32 11 W S 28 52 27 W 3 97 .. .. '.. ' ' L27 S 11*00'38" E 161.41 L122 S 19'41'28" W 23.60 L236 S 59'32'52" W 115.29 L333 N 64'26'57" W 19.57 :.'.'.'.'.','...`.'.'...'.'.'. ......'..'.' ' ..'.....'.'....': tz�8 v�1 'v i4v�-- L28 S 11:0038E 37.36 Lt 23 S 73'0123 W 27.12 L237 S 14 12 46 W 60,10 L334 N 28'26 02 E 65.43 SEE INSET '1. H rx° U 1 0,004• AC.± L29 N 69 03'29" E 2.50 L124 S 61'23'25" E 8.82 L238 S 25*48'14" W 74,41 L335 N 16'55'37" E 45.03 ^ U L30 N 69'03'29" E 11.50 L125 • , " 129.65 L239 87.5-4 L336 , „ 49.19 .. , .. :.'.'........ . . 2 0076 AC. " s 56 26 12 E S 30'S4 Q7 w N Q2'S4 Q1 W U6 L31 N 02'55 44" W 37.36 Li26 , „ , n r n p;..:.'...........:.'.`:.,.•.._...'....'......;.,.'....'..:.:.' S 62'4617 E 107.48 L240 S 33'1244 W 114.96 L337 N 10'S339 E 44,36 '. `. .. : • . .. U 0.001 AC. ± L32 N 02`5544' W 13.74 L149 S 57'00'45" E 87.42 L241 S 52"00'52" E 74.93 L338 N 16'35'45" E 50.87 {? C.I.F U �• 59.3 7 AC. L33 N 02'55'44" W 57.18 L15fl s 59'52'34" E 94.81 L242 s 74' 1 Q'S8" W 24.05 L339 N 52`07'26" £ 41,20 : : :::. .... . .......' ....'.' :... .'.'.'.. '...... .... L34 S 03'03'25" E 49.31 L151 S 70'59'10" E 51.03 L243 S 79'01'05" W 143;96 L340 N 68'18'O9" E 69.17 ----- ---- �5 U6 �N U5 5.75 AC. L35 1 Q3.Qa I_I sz " » _._ --- -- "k� �; '......:.............. �4z r�gg��++ pC� S 09'08 02 E N 81'17'45" E 21.33 L244 N 49'36'33 W 78.10 L341 N 58'53 16 E 40.97 12 # ` U6 .GV. A6✓. L36 N 70'41'51 W 149.36 L'53 S 13*43*35" E 25.83 L245 S 74'S8'2O" W 98.18 L342 N 3O'SO'38" W 62.99 N/F y .........42y3 tr$s 6`.----�_--- L37 S 0436'53" W 129.47 LI54 S 1O'01'05" E 10.80 L246 S 76'37'39" W 17.77 L343 N 35'06'30" W 91.12 BRUNSWICK COUNTY 1 ^� n^� W C2' !/ U7 0.004• AC.± L38 S 04'36'53" W 42.86 L155 S 28'04'43" W 12.52 L247 N 12`24'47" W 117.43 L344 N 34'13'35 W 107,40 NORTH CAROLINA c;, v :Q J L42 S 80' 6" W 70.63 Ll56 • , " 36.55 L " e 2250008802 c•7 TOTAL AREA 101.269 AC. � 26 4 S 16 flfl 22 E 248 N 16 26 51 W 93,s2 L345 N 3fl 14 57 W 147.85 L43 N 70'49'35" W 84.59 L 57 S 17*43'15" W 52.16 L249 N 25'06'25" W 28.49 L346 N 37'52'22" W 42.30 D.B. 1416, PG. 986 t o MC M, PG. 300 s .`.' ;� ....... L44 N 85` 13'40" W 72.93 L158 S 23' 12'49" W 155.88 L250 N 09'36' 17" W 81.99 L347 N 40'09'02" W 179.00 41, S tt L45 S 75'06 O9 W 113.51 L159 S 18'39 26 E 12.32 L251 S ? Z"27 39 E 79.47 L348 N 42'49 32 W 104,62 ,. ___._ -- ..! � {k./g , . . WETLANDS L46 S 87'49 19 W 96.51 L160 S 80'03 34 E 41.15 L257 N 03'27 02 W 16.63 L349 N 45'19 29 W 114.94 --� t o L47 S 15*09'17" E 151,51 L161 N 71`0758" E 35.84 L258 N 77'23'24" W 30.23 L350 N 49'00'54" W 103.41 t ��1`' ; ' o +na L48 ` S 15*09'17" E 71.24 L162 N 79*34'14" E 18.53 L259 N 79'32'14" W 75.37 L351 N 56"02'52" W 62.59 5.053 AC. L49 S 15*09'17" E 42.35 L163 N 76'35'27" I 26.31 L260 S 34'14'13" W 45.61 L352 S 51'53'19" E 92.60 _--- " " ---"7 U6 ��A L50 N 11'41'02" W 127.54 L164 S 74'41'32" E 54.61 L261 N 72'01'29" W 57.62 L353 S 37'35'02" E 130.$3 t ....... , • TOTAL AREA 5.053 AC. L51 N 21'30'37" W 109.6$ L165 s 24'44'47" W 105.72 L262 s 78'50'14" W 89.17 L354 S 39'11'47" £ 102.74 t 2�5Dp098 --~'-. t a� X6 1 n » n 225dti088t%f JJ _� - :� L52 N 36 39 13 W 57.00 L166 S 03 13 42 W 191.29 L263 S 81 01 52 W 30.35 L355 S 32 54 34 E 176.20 t2 _ _ -" ` r _ t -� ' �.� L53 S 53'20 47 W 24.41 L1fi7 S 3$'42 54 W 106.76 L264 N 88`05 04 W 70.32 L356 S 37 p8 2O E 43.63 tlrs ,,.. � �R ............. WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES L54 S 60*20'11" W 39.98 L168 S 07'28'19" W 92.97 L265 N 36'03'33" W 34.42 L357 S 34'37'56" E 145.84 tt o L55 S 59'1Oil 1" W 67.90 L169 S 16'18'30" W 126.26 L266 N 14'37'29" E 14.56 L358 S 34'06'49" E 107,38 _ Z j r U6 P. L56 S 58'13'09" W 53.74 L170 S 35*49'19" W 84.88 L267 N 53'24'30" E 6.40 L359 S 3628'36" E 85.05 " ,, X 1 0.070 AC. f L57 S 39'00'38" W 17.21 L171 S 42'O5'45" W 33.77 L268 N 78`51'37" W 20.63 L360 S 37'47'11 " E 89.90 w �'cs tt r3 �` NOT TO SCALE X2 0.009 AC.f , " > " , " , " ' aw �pt� U5 `� L58 S 74'29 53 E 1O9A7 Li72 S 45'40 42 W 35.46 L269 N 87'16 36 W 86.$7 L361 S 38'01 58 E 118.37 ; 0) �• L59 N 54'17'37" E 171.63 L173 N 79'59`51" W 36.99 L270 N $5'06'3$" W 91.20 L362 S 33'40'36" £ 89.66 `� � pit p� . X3 1.0.3 AC.± L60 N 29'55'31" E 128.71 L174 N 09'03'52" E 32.17 L271 N 87'34'38" W 100.49 L363 S 39'51'59" E 97.02 X4 0.47 AC.± L61 N 48'53'10" E 71.79 L175 N 43'16'38 E 138.28 L272 N 88'42'57" W 124.55 L364 S 38'05'22" E 100.66 N/F ���r � L62 N 87'13 39 E 43.30 L176 N 23'35 34 E 121.05 L273 N 8Y25 16 W 118.99 L365 S 38'40 32 E 56.12 { .. . . s9.,.. . .. X 0.229 A{1.± , n r „ , » DEUTSCHE SANK>"� j .. .. L63 N 87'13 39 E 101.24 L177 N 11'22 00 E 114.65 L274 S 88'49 47 W 93.59 L366 S 81'37 15 E 4.62 NATIONAL TRUST rn X6 1.673 AC.± L64 N 87'13'39" E 70.78 L178 N 66'16'55" W 44.03 L275 S 75*34*09" W 40.47 L367 S 41'33'32" E 26.28 \ .J 2250008803 r� ! � ,• 1152 TOTAL AREA 3.955 AC.± L65 N 86'19 48 E 128.04 L179 N 03 23 49 E 52.71 L276 S 42 46 39 W 17.71 D.B. 1236, PG. 614 Lc�p J l L66 N 79'49'13" E 38.31 L180 N 01'3824 W 70.06 L277 N 70'57'50" W 13.26 MC 20, PG. 054 t! r cAj�` :: q L67 N 61'04'54" E 40.67 L181 S 89«35'20 W 21.14 L278 N 10*03'16" E 12.81 , , , U6 1-1 U UPLANDS # 1 .2 69 C. L68 N 364328" E 45.37 L182 N 81'17'57" W 49.52 L279 N 89'41'23" E 20.04 r tt 72 C.J.F. �..X6 L69 N 14'OO'3O" E 37.51 L183 S 4?'04'40" W 77.96 L280 N 74`35'S3" E 45.76 WETLANDS • • L70 N 55`22'44" W 63.02 L184 S 22`49'43" W 99.21 L281 S 88'53`50" E 91,81Ziff / tt 3.25 35 � 1 • ... . "i L71 N 71'46'09" W 75.05 L185 S 22'39'31" W 132.26 L282 S 85'52'52" E 120.39 t 5 s� t rw \ INSET „I„Y WATERS OF THE J U.S. • • L72 N 15'49'59" W 83.58 L186 N 64'27'29" W 4.00 L283 S 87'58'43" E 123.22 ( NOT. TO SCALE TOTAL TRACT 110.277 . L73 N 07`29'29" E 70,05 L187 N 22'59'43" E 134.02 L284 S 88*08'10" E 100.88 ..:.....:.:.. ;� t N F �, N c '...'.'..... 21P.F. I :., t CARRIE BELL GRIFFIN f M ' WETLANDS DELINEATION `} c~,t°�', L74 N 23`35b3" E 126,70 L188 N 22'29'35" E 99A6 L2$5 S 85'03'22" E 91.03 f } / O i `° <u C9' SURVEY OF�.f , L75 N 39'49'46" E 132.80 L189 N 33`58'05" E 67.05 L286 S 86'29'27" E 86.69 �" -- 22500090 NOTES- L76 N 71'34' 15" W 137.36 L190 N 07'06'28" W 31.77 L287 S 75'22'21 " E 21.09 � t N F D.B. 202, PG. 496 1 DATE OF FIELD SURVEY: MARCH, 2004. L77 N 88'22'21" W 11.89 L191 N 24.51'21" E 97.03 L28$ S 56'37'42" E 10.87''•'• / 67 t t , r A PORTION ' OF ELSIE MILLER 32�' �-. , 2 TAX MAP NO.: S 22500098, DOR COORDINATES S 07 & RE BASED L78 N 21'20'20" E 43.41 L192 N 22'23'01 E 109.41 L289 S 11*28'50" E 2.98 U6 � ,ao" w v Q1 t r- MEADOWLANDS GOLF CL.0 3 ALL BEARINGS AND COORDINATES SHOWN ARE BASED i n » , ,t ......... 2250008803 ,,� �9 '�. ON THE NORTH CAROLINA GRID SYSTEM NAD 83(1986). L79 N 26'15 01 E 42.53 L193 N 2345 18 E 135.96 L290 S 29'18 09 W 5.02 D.B. 1236 PG. 614 S FOR THE COORDINATE VALUES SHOWN WERE ESTABLISHED L80 N 41'34'59" E 32.64 L194 N 21'47'41" E 55.56 L291 '` » t r f CENTEX HOMES S 45'08 18 W 15.25 �,, .� ...... MC 2D, PG. O54 1 `'`�••. 4 NCSTATIC GPS OBSERVATIONS WHICH ORIGINATED ON L81 N 63'31'38" E 32.29 L195 N 12'52'03" W 36.56 L292 S 59'26'10" E 20.65 � -w_ � i��� V22 NCGS "CRAZY 199$".AND NCGS "WlLSON 199$". 4) ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE GROUND LEVEL DISTANCES, L82 N 59'12'14" E 68.08 L196 N 21'27'3s" W 10.96 L293 S 81'38'59" E 68.11 '� SHALLOTTE TOWNSHIP NOT GRID DISTANCES. TO CONVERT DISTANCES TO L83 N 60'22'51" E 38.22 1-197 N 32'03'26" E 13.26 L294 N 79'25'36" E 30.51 ` �� / BRUNSWICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA GRID DISTANCES, MULTIPLY BY COMBINED FACTOR L84 N 53'50'22" E 22.74 L198 N 1911'21" W 26.72 L295 N 76*57'15" E 90.09 „ „ t t , 1.00013493• L85 N 82'1654" W 100.74 L199 N 49'1633" W 21.88 L296 S 66'12'55" E 48.78 INSET H ` tt } �,, .�yl t SCALE { = 100 FEET NOVEMBER 1$, 2Q04 5) WETLANDS DELINEATED BY LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, " NOT TO SCALE \\ INC. L86 N 70'20 24 W 40.16 L200 N 88'00 44 W 115.91 L297 N 32'33 36 E 44.89 STANLEY TRAIL 100 50 0 100 200 6) THIS PROPERTY IS PART OF THE PROPERTY CLAIMED L87 S 37'13'52" E 71.63 L201 S 85'0822" W 93.98 L298 N 83'19'04" W 28.84 30' R/W , t IN D.B. 1342, PG. 1429 AND D.B. 1791, PG. 557. L88 S 4$'17'26" W 56.11 L202 5 87'12'07" W 111.23 L299 N 17`21'36" E 16.94 MC 22, PG: 142 \ / 1 t � � t 1 L.EGEN© -..� r SURVEYED AND MAPPED BY t 7) NO TITLE SEARCH WAS PERFORMED BY THIS OFFICE L89 S 11' 15'23" W 99.86 L203 S 81'30'26" W 27.03 L300 N 77'04'27" E 29.67 t ON THIS DATE. � I.P.F. IRON PIPE FOUND �'`. 8) THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS AND L90 N 62'46'08" W 47.00 L204 N 82'13'48" E 25.86 L301 N 06*53'110 W 45.51 S,R.F. STEEL ROD FOUND / RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. L91 N 10'27'29" E 39.50 L205 N 86'07'41 " E 117.45 L302 N 73'48'27" E 7.94 ` r `� ti o t R.F• REBAR FOUND 1144 SHINE AVENUE, MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. 29577 (843) 839-3545 9) AREA COMPUTED BY CROSS COORDINATE MULTIPLICATION. L92 N 21'31'47" W 122,07 L206 N 86'01'25" E 88.96 L303 N 17'09'22" W 47.87 s t t C.M.F, CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND 1 Copyright ©, Survey Technology, Inc., All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of 193 . , „ , „ , " n \ t the contents of this document, or additions or deletions to this document in N 1$ 16 22 W 110.00 L207 S 89 43 22 E 118.33 L304 N 0543 39 W 36.21 REFERENCE MAP ENTITLED PLAT OF A PORTION CF r G.4F. CRIMPED IRON FOUND so PARK OF ca,MMCE WAY, SAVANNAH, CA. 31402 (912) 234-SM S 72*40'13" £ 36.79 L3p5 N 21*05'13" W 9.25 MEADOWLANDS GOLF CLUB FOR CENTEX HOMES" �s�, '� 1 /2" KEBAB FOUND 835 HOUSTON NORTHCUTT BOULEVARD, Mt, PLEASANT, S.O. 29464 (843) 884-1111 whole or in port, without written consent of the fond surveyor, is prohibited. Only L94 N 09`40'S2" W 126.$9 L208 � 5 copies from the eriginai of this document, morked with 0, originot signoture and MAM embossed seat of the surveyor shoii be considered to be valid, true copies, DRAWN BY: D. THOMAS KNIGHT DATED MAY 5, 2004; BY THIS OFFICE. O /$ Rr- SET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED _ SHEET '2 OF 2' O:\LP2004\i 6966 Meaciowtgnds\tiw \ MEADOWLANDS-n WET F B t ii�t3 lO. 24 1--29