HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190230 Ver 1_19-341-10 04222020 NOV Response_20200609THALLH A TULLY GROUP COMPANY June 9, 2020 NCDEQ Division of Water Resources c/o Ms. Amy Chapman 1617 MSC Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Letter ID# 19-341-10 RE: Contract — C204210 NC 46/ US158 from 1-95 to St John Church Rd Response to Notice of Violation-2020-0247 Dear Ms. Chapman, Thalle Construction Co., Inc. (Thalle) is in receipt of the Notice of Violation, dated May 22, 2020 and offers the following in response to the occurrences leading up to this event and to communicate the actions implemented to prevent said occurrences in the future. The events leading up to the incident noted in your correspondence took place as Thalle progressed with its NCDOT work on the US 158 route through Garysburg, NC. A brief summary follows: 1. Clearing within the L line of the NCDOT roadway began in February 2020. As clearing of the site allowed, perimeter silt fence was installed as well as a row of silt fence along an original wetland boundary, herein referred to as the "2.18.20 Silt Fence." This silt fence followed the line of an apparent old wetland and although not required in the project's erosion plans, provided protection for the downstream wetlands. Refer to the attached exhibit A. 2. During the succeeding weeks, Basin 16.1, coir fiber wattles and other remaining silt fence entities were installed up to the limits of standing water along the RT ROW from Station 187+00-191+80, RT. As the water subsided, coir fiber wattles were installed up to station 189+00, RT. The record drawings of this progress are provided with this letter as exhibit B. 3. Borrow placement began following the above, on March 27, 2020 at approximate station 177+00 and headed up -station toward the "2.18.20 Silt Fence." At this point, the borrow was to overtake the "2.18.20 Silt Fence" as borrow placement progressed toward the Y8 railroad and allow for timber truck mat placement to occur and the silt fence gap to complete, which task was scheduled for April 27, 2020. 4. Due to the standing water and limited access into this apparently old wetland area, an opening in the perimeter controls from station 188+50 to 189+75 remained. Plans were initiated to continue the placement of borrow easterly until timber truck mat placement operations could begin and allow access for completion of this perimeter gap in the erosion system. This was required to minimize disturbance and damage to the underlying soils and was planned to occur during the week of April 27, 2020. 5. Unfortunately, 0.5" of rainfall on April 27 and 3.5" of rainfall on April 30 severely impacted our ability to complete the E&S measures and led to the site saturation and silt loss referenced in the NCDEQ Notice of Violation. 900 NC Highway 86 North, Hillsborough, NC 27278 1 office: 919.245.1490 1 fax: 919.241.1659 1 www.thalle.com THALLH A TULLY GROUP COMPANY 6. It should be noted that the site E&S measures cooperatively inspected by project stakeholders withstood prior rain events in excess of 2" and had proven successful without exception. Admittedly and unfortunately, inspections of the site after the rain event of April 30 were not performed within the required timeframe following the event. Thalle acknowledges this to be a responsibility for which corrective measures have been implemented. Recovery efforts began as soon as weather and access constraints allowed on Tuesday, May 5, 2020. 7. The measures implemented immediately by Thalle include reconstructed berms and slopes to further prevent additional loss. This work commenced on May 5, 2020 and the project was in compliance the very next day, May 6, 2020. Immediately following this project compliance and completion of silt fence in this area, Thalle continued with the remediation efforts by expending a large amount of varying resources, including temporary laborers, subcontractors, overtime hours, vacuum truck equipment and relevant tools and supplies, as well as extended overhead to remedy the silt loss. This expeditious recovery was complete on May 13, 2020. Based on the documented compliance failure, an internal discussion occurred. As a result, Thalle's Level 3 Erosion Control Designer will be assisting with the conducting of weekly inspections of site documents and to improve and ensure continued compliance. Said personnel has also trained a new Level 2 Erosion Control Manager to replace the previous Level 2 Erosion Control Manager. The new Level 2 Erosion Control manager is Greg Taunton. Greg will be assuring all operations are in compliance with the Erosion and Sediment Control plans and is committed to preventing any further occurrence. Mr. Taunton, together with the Level 3 designer will be 100% responsible for assuring inspections are performed as required after a 1" rain event as well as every 7 days. A copy of the most recent inspection is attached for reference, Exhibit C. To further protect the erosion and sedimentation control operation, the Project Team, our Erosion & Sedimentation Subcontractor (Jones & Associates), our Seeding Subcontractor (Sadler Landscaping), and an improved Thalle Erosion Control Maintenance Crew is continually monitoring the list(s) for constant and continued corrective action, as the project progresses forward. With the addition of qualitied, dedicated personnel to provide thorough and detailed inspections, continued commitment to complete the implementation of all necessary measures, and a strengthened emphasis toward the prevention of erosion and sedimentation control through the actions of our personnel and our subcontractors, Thalle is confident that the project will be kept in compliance as we progress our work. It is our intent that with this response, we have effectively conveyed our plan to the satisfaction of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Project's stakeholders. Thalle understands that beyond this written response, our actions must and will demonstrate our commitment to the protection of environmental quality and portray our steadfast ideology toward continued compliance. 900 NC Highway 86 North, Hillsborough, NC 27278 1 office: 919.245.1490 1 fax: 919.241.1659 1 www.thalle.com THArLLH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY A TULLY GROUP COMPANY Please contact me should you have any questions or comments. THALLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. Paul DiMeo Senior Project Manager 919-928-6066 900 NC Highway 86 North, Hillsborough, NC 27278 1 office: 919.245.1490 1 fox; 919.241.1659 1 www.thalle.com h MATCHLINE SEE SHEET 35 —y9— STA. 18+50.00 r V UnLIZE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN OR PECIALL STILLING C - - -- -- - fQ BASINIS) AS STILLING BASIN WHERE AFPU ABLE. NOTE: HE PERIMETER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL INSTALLED DURING CLEARING AND GRUBBING PHASE. T QVN NOTE PTYPE - B AND TEMPORARY ROCK SILT CHLACE TEMPORARY ROCK SEDIMENT S DAMS ECK OTYPE -A AT DRAINAGE OLMETS. SE STANDARD DRAWINGS 1604.01 FOR RAILROAD E E04.01 F -W ; JI RosloN CONTROL MEASURES. t4l I va CLEARING BRING 120 x 60 x $ EROSION AND GRUBBING CONTROL R FO 2.5 inch Skimmer CONSTRUCTION SHEET is T SC, q, with 2.25 inch % Orifice Diameter So - VA LLIFORD 19 ft. weir 08 638 PG,(4 I D 15.1 8 rS Sfo.1 75f56A4 Alr 0.,6 t JOHN LdF[TiHuaff,-jR , Ln DB6313 ?6 22 /* ue .400 sl t6E F­ s j -,CHORD V W, CFW In — 1 1 - I Gi- LATERAL-A�-DITCHI DETAIL v 34 0 /* > > _j 4�:/ 6C,, 15 _2 Lu f 4 uj V) /> > Ts 2GI U.j _j Lu % r ULJ % j CF C A IE\� 4 r%V Wl t ? C 1 I �if� 4) lip TD. 4,Q) PROJECT REFERENCE �Sl­ NO. R-2582A JEC-151CONST-15 RAP/ SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER IS 0 CD Ul Co 0 0 -ERALV-DITCq, E DETAIL 34 00 V) 10 .U. /o Ln Ln L RAR'_C H SMET&IL 3',T. LATEW_�-DITCH sx V SEE DETAIL 34 R ILW& ta Z_ Or LIN 61 .4 4 5 % .01 L, 4JANE FjW BB P3 PG 14 JOHN L. FITZHUGH, JR .2 ol �LLIFORD 08 638 PG-22-- h A le J FN,L.(FITZHUqH, J�' i \sg ' l i r, I ` 1 , 1' / ' -36t Pp 22. 150 x 70 x 3 if Skimmer A % ' a = y0 % �' I 2.5 inch Ski with 2.25 inch ts, 0,10 Orifice Diameter v L38 ft. weir JF 7 y ID 16.1 CIS 7 f hoo.00 04/2019 SPPPFORM30 INSPECTION RECORD FOR ACTIVITIES UNDER STORMWATER GENERAL PERMIT NCG010000 SELF -INSPECTION RECORD FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES PER § 113A-54.1 RESPONSE FOR EROSION CONTROL FORM 1675 PROJECT LOCATION GARYSBURG, NC TIP/"S# R-2582A LEVEL II SUPERVISOR GREG TAUNTON COUNTY NORTHAMPTON CONTRACTOR THALLE CONSTRUCTION CO. All erosion and sedimentation control measures and stormwater discharge outfalls must be inspected once per seven calendar days AND within 24 hours of a rainfall of 1.0 inch or greater per 24-hour period. Permittee must keep a record of inspections. If using on site rain gage, complete daily rainfall measurement. If using Multi Precipitation Estimator (MPE), attach rainfall data for weekly period. Day Date Ram Amt (in)F— Notes IV''I 25 MAY 2020 0-01, MEMORIAL DAY. NO ACTIONS TAKEN �I ��I 'T 26 MAY 2020 0-0, INSPECT SITE 1-6, 12, SHEET 34; STA. 014 - 235 I W 127 128 MAY 2020 11 0-1 /2" INSPECT SITE 7 - 11, SHEET 18A; STA. 235 - 455 Th MAY 2020 0-34" INSPECT SITE 5; NEW BASIN INSTALL AT SITE 5 WICK DRAIN AREA, COORDINATED W/ NCDOT I H 129 �I MAY 2020 0-01, I INSPECT SITE 1-12, SHEET 18A & 34 Sat 30 MAY 2020 0-01, NO ACTION TAKEN Snn 31 MAY 2020 0-0" E I NO ACTION TAKEN Phase of Grading (Place a check in the box of the current projectphase) Installation of perimeter erosion and sediment control measures X f Clearing and grubbing of existing ground cover X Completion of any phase of grading of slopes or fills Installation of storm drainage facilities X Completion of construction or development Establishment of permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion f Has all land disturbing activity been completed? (Y/N) N Has the final permanent ground cover been completed and established? (Y/N) N By this signature, I certify (in accordance with Part IV, Section B, 6(d) of the NCG010000 permit) that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: Cert. Level NCDOT Cert. Level 11 Representative 11436 Cert. # Cert. 4 Exceptions to standard monitoring requirements Idle projects: Idle projects must be inspected once every 14 calendar days and after 1.0" of rain in a 24-hour period. Idle projects are projects that have not been completed but where no construction activity occurs for 21 calendar days or more AND the entire project has been adequately stabilized with temporary vegetation pursuant to DEMLR guidelines. Completed projects: Completed projects are those projects where work has been completed and you're waiting for the permanent vegetation to establish (i.e. waiting for the grass to grow). Completed projects must be inspected once every 30 calendar days AND within 24 hours of a rain event 1.0 inch or greater in 24 hours. The reduced monitoring can begin once construction has been completed, and erodible slopes have been sufficiently stabilized to restrain erosion by application of permanent ground cover varieties and installation of temporary ground cover to include appropriate erosion control matting and/or other approved mulch materials. Form should not be signed until the week is complete and ALL corrective actions have been completed in the 24 hour and/or 5 day time periods. 04/2019 SPPPFORM30 Stormwater Discharge Outfalls (SDO) (Required to list each SDO for each inspection) Visible Sedimentation and Stream Turbidity Inspection Date Station Number Corrective Actions Needed Priority" Date Corrected Other Pollutants** Sediment Deposited*** Stream Clarity**** 5126 & 5/29 SITE 1-STA. 38.75-LT (ROCKDAM BASIN) NO CORRECTIVE ACTIONS NEEDED N N N SITE 1-STA 38.95-LT (ROCK CHECK DAM) SITE 1-STA 37.95-LT (ROCK CHECK DAM) SITE 1-STA 38.95-RT (ROCK PIPE INLET) SITE 1-STA 37.95-RT (ROCK PIPE INLET) SITE 2-STA 85.17-RT (ROCK CHECK DAM) SITE 2-STA 85.32-RT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 2-STA 86.15 RT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 2-STA 86.45 RT (SKIMWEIR) SITE 2-STA 86.45 RT (SFO-STONE) SITE 2-STA86.23 LT (SKIMWEIR) SITE 2-STA 86.23 LT (SFO-STONE) SITE 3- STA 95.65 RT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 3- STA 95.55 RT (SFO-STONE) SITE 3-STA. 95.59 RT (SKIMWEIR) SITE 3-STA 95.49 RT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 3-STA 95.75 RT (ROCK CHECK) SITE 4-STA. 140.00 LT (SFO-STONE) SITE 4-STA. 140.63 LT (SFO-STONE) SITE 4-STA. 141.04 LT (SFO-STONE) SITE 4-STA. 141.85 LT (SFO-STONE) SITE 4-STA. 142.15 LT (SFO-STONE) SITE 4-STA. 142.55 LT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 4-STA. 142.65 LT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 4-.STA. 143.99 LT (SKIMWEIR) SITE 4-STA. 143.99 LT (SFO-STONE) SITE 4-STA. 13825 RT (SFO-WATTLE) 5/26, 5/28, 5/29 SITE 5-STA. 183.42 RT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 5-STA. 185.70 RT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 5-STA. 186.15 RT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 5-STA. 186.63 RT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 5-STA. 187.79 RT (SFO-WATTLE) SILT FENCE NEAR FAILURE DUE TO SEDIMENT, BASIN INSTALL IN THIS AREA. U 5//28 SITE 5-STA. 195.134 RT (SFO-STONE) NO CORRECTIVE ACTION NEEDED * R=Routine, needs attention within 5 days; U=Urgent, needs attention within 24 hrs. **Is there evidence of other pollutants discharging from site such as oil sheen, discoloration, cement wastes, sanitary waste, fertilizers, or fuel or chemical storage leakage? (Y/N) **If Other Pollutants is marked Yes, describe extent of discharge and list the corrective actions taken. Report potential illicit discharges to NCDOT for confirmation/reporting. ***Is there visible sediment deposited in a stream, wetland, buffer or adjacent property? (Y/N) Contact DWR within 24 hours if visible sediment greater than a 5 gallon bucket is deposited in surface waters or wetlands, and DEMLR if greater than 5 gallon bucket lost off site. ****Is there visible decrease in stream clarity (increase turbidity -cloudy) because of a discharge? (Y/N) NOTE: Any erosion control device that is damaged that has the potential to lose sediment and/or pollutants offsite and/or into surface waters should be treated as "URGENT". 04/2019 SPPPFORM30 Stormwater Discharge Outfalls (SDO) (Required to list each SDO for each inspection) Visible Sedimentation and Stream Turbidity Inspection Date Station Number Corrective Actions Needed Priority" Date Corrected Other Pollutants** Sediment Deposited*** Stream Clarity**** 5/27 & 5/29 SITE 6- STA. 203.38 LT (SFO-WATTLE) NO CORRECTIVE ACTION NEEDED N N N SITE 6- STA. 203.53 LT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 6- STA. 203.97 LT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 6- STA. 203.72 LT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 6- STA. 203.92 LT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 6- STA. 204.33 RT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 6- STA. 204.27 RT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 6- STA. 204.89 RT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 6- STA. 202.55 RT (SKIMWEIR) SITE 6- STA. 202.55 RT (SFO-STONE) SITE 6- STA. 202.54 RT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 6- STA. 202.38 RT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 6- STA. 202.44 RT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 6- STA. 203.18 RT (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 6- STA. 203.77 RT (SKIMWEIR) SITE 6- STA. 203.77 RT (SFO-STONE) SITE 6- STA. 203.90 RT (SFO-WATTLE) * R=Routine, needs attention within 5 days; U=Urgent, needs attention within 24 hrs. **Is there evidence of other pollutants discharging from site such as oil sheen, discoloration, cement wastes, sanitary waste, fertilizers, or fuel or chemical storage leakage? (Y/N) **If Other Pollutants is marked Yes, describe extent of discharge and list the corrective actions taken. Report potential illicit discharges to NCDOT for confirmation/reporting. ***Is there visible sediment deposited in a stream, wetland, buffer or adjacent property? (Y/N) Contact DWR within 24 hours if visible sediment greater than a 5 gallon bucket is deposited in surface waters or wetlands, and DEMLR if greater than 5 gallon bucket lost off site. ****Is there visible decrease in stream clarity (increase turbidity -cloudy) because of a discharge? (Y/N) NOTE: Any erosion control device that is damaged that has the potential to lose sediment and/or pollutants offsite and/or into surface waters should be treated as "URGENT". 19 JPPPrUKM.3U Stormwater Discharge Outfalls (SDO) I Visible Sedimentation and Stream (Reauired to list each SDO for each Inspection) Turbidity Inspection Station Number Corrective Actions Needed Priority"` Date Other Sediment Stream Date Corrected Pollutants** Deposited*** Clarity**** 5/26, 5/27, 5/29 SITE 7- STA 250.00 LAYOUT 84" PIPE EVERY 100' R 5/26 N N N * R=Routine, needs **Is there evidence of other pollutants discharging from attention within 5 site such as oil sheen, discoloration, cement wastes, days; U=Urgent, sanitary waste, fertilizers, or fuel or chemical storage needs attention leakage? (Y/N) **If Other Pollutants is marked Yes, within 24 hrs. describe extent of discharge and list the corrective actions taken. Report potential illicit discharges to NCDOT for confirmation/reporting. ***Is there visible sediment deposited in a stream, wetland, buffer or adjacent property? (Y/N) Contact DWR within 24 hours if visible sediment greater than a 5 gallon bucket is deposited in surface waters or wetlands, and DEMLR if greater than 5 gallon bucket lost off site. ****Is there visible decrease in stream clarity (increase turbidity -cloudy) because of a discharge? (Y/N) NOTE: Any erosion control device that is damaged that has the potential to lose sediment and/or pollutants offsite and/or into surface waters should be treated as "URGENT". 19 JPPPrUKM.3U Stormwater Discharge Outfalls (SDO) I Visible Sedimentation and Stream (Reauired to list each SDO for each Inspection) Turbidity Inspection Station Number Corrective Actions Needed Priority"` Date Other Sediment Stream Da I Corrected Pollutants** Deposited*** Clarity**** 5/27 & 5/29 SITE 8- STA. 289.10 RT (SFO- WATTLE) NO CORRECTIVE ACTION NEEDED N N N SITE 8- STA. 288.24 RT (SFO- WATTLE) SITE 8- STA. 287.61 RT (SFO- WATTLE) SITE 8- STA. 286.07 RT (SFO- WATTLE) SITE 8- STA. 286.30 RT (SFO- WATTLE) SITE 8- STA. 286.43 RT (SFO- WATTLE) * R=Routine, needs **Is there evidence of other pollutants discharging from attention within 5 site such as oil sheen, discoloration, cement wastes, days; U=Urgent, sanitary waste, fertilizers, or fuel or chemical storage needs attention leakage? (Y/N) **If Other Pollutants is marked Yes, within 24 hrs. describe extent of discharge and list the corrective actions taken. Report potential illicit discharges to NCDOT for confirmation/reporting. ***Is there visible sediment deposited in a stream, wetland, buffer or adjacent property? (Y/N) Contact DWR within 24 hours if visible sediment greater than a 5 gallon bucket is deposited in surface waters or wetlands, and DEMLR if greater than 5 gallon bucket lost off site. ****Is there visible decrease in stream clarity (increase turbidity -cloudy) because of a discharge? (Y/N) NOTE: Any erosion control device that is damaged that has the potential to lose sediment and/or pollutants offsite and/or into surface waters should be treated as "URGENT". 04/2019 SPPPFORM30 Stormwater Discharge Outfalls (SDO) (Required to list each SDO for each inspection) Visible Sedimentation and Stream Turbidity Inspection Date Station Number Corrective Actions Needed Priority* Date Corrected Other Pollutants** Sediment Deposited*** Stream Clarity**** 5/27 & 5/29 SITE 9- STA. 385.00 INSTALL ORANGE FENCE R 5/29 N N N 5/27/& 5/29 SITE 10- STA.410.00 SURVEY & INSTALL ORANGE FENCE, R 6/3 N N N 5/27 & 5/29 SITE 11- STA 420.00 SURVEY & INSTALL ORANGE FENCE R 6/3 N N N R=Routine, needs attention within 5 days; U=Urgent, needs attention within 24 hrs. **Is there evidence of other pollutants discharging from site such as oil sheen, discoloration, cement wastes, sanitary waste, fertilizers, or fuel or chemical storage leakage? (Y/N) **If Other Pollutants is marked Yes, describe extent of discharge and list the corrective actions taken. Report potential illicit discharges to NCDOT for confirmation/reporting. ***Is there visible sediment deposited in a stream, wetland, buffer or adjacent property? (Y/N) Contact DWR within 24 hours if visible sediment greater than a 5 gallon bucket is deposited in surface waters or wetlands, and DEMLR if greater than 5 gallon bucket lost off site. ****Is there visible decrease in stream clarity (increase turbidity -cloudy) because of a discharge? (Y/N) NOTE: Any erosion control device that is damaged that has the potential to lose sediment and/or pollutants offsite and/or into surface waters should be treated as "URGENT". 04/2019 SPPPFORM30 Stormwater Discharge Outfalls (SDO) (Required to list each SDO for each inspection) Visible Sedimentation and Stream Turbidity Inspection Date Station Number Corrective Actions Needed Priority* Date Corrected Other Pollutants** Sediment Deposited*** Stream Clarity**** 5/26 & 5/29 SITE 12- STA 150.20 (SKIMWEIR) NO CORRECTIVE ACTION NEEDED N N N SITE 12- STA 150.49 (SKIMWEIR) SITE 12- STA 151.24 (SFO-WATTLE) SITE 12- STA 150.89 (SFO-WATTLE) 1 5/26 & 5/29 1 SHEET 34 - STA. 457.00 I INSTALL ORNAGE FENCE TO ACoE LOCATION I R 1 5128 1 N I N I N 5/27 & 5/29 SHEET 18:A- STA 235.11 (SKIMWEIR) NO CORRECTIVE ACTION NEEDED N N N 5/27 & 5/29 SHEET 18:A- STA 235.11 (SFO-STONE) NO CORRECTIVE ACTION NEEDED N N N * R=Routine, needs **Is there evidence of other pollutants discharging from attention within 5 site such as oil sheen, discoloration, cement wastes, days; U=Urgent, sanitary waste, fertilizers, or fuel or chemical storage needs attention leakage? (Y/N) **If Other Pollutants is marked Yes, within 24 hrs. describe extent of discharge and list the corrective actions taken. Report potential illicit discharges to NCDOT for confirmation/reporting. ***Is there visible sediment deposited in a stream, wetland, buffer or adjacent property? (Y/N) Contact DWR within 24 hours if visible sediment greater than a 5 gallon bucket is deposited in surface waters or wetlands, and DEMLR if greater than 5 gallon bucket lost off site. ****Is there visible decrease in stream clarity (increase turbidity -cloudy) because of a discharge? (Y/N) NOTE: Any erosion control device that is damaged that has the potential to lose sediment and/or pollutants offsite and/or into surface waters should be treated as "URGENT". 04/2019 SPPPFORM30 Erosion & Sedimentation Control Devices (Required to list all devices that need maintenance) Inspection Date Station Number Corrective Actions Needed Priority* Date Corrected 5/29 BASIN ID 16.4 SEED AND MULCH BASIN BERMS R 5/29 STA 285.00 RT INSTALL ORANGE FENCE CORRECTLY. R 6//2 5/29 STA 85.00 LT REPAIR RIPPED ORANGE FENCE AT CREEK LINE R 5/29 SHEET 18A BASIN 18A.1 SKIMMER OUTLET CUT SKIMMER OUTLET INSIDE HARDWARE CLOTH R 5/29 SHEET 18A STA.235 RT INSTALL STONE ON HARDWARE CLOTH AT SKIMMER OUTLET R 5/29 STA 188.00 RT REPAIR FIRST SILT FENCE LAYER R 6/2 5/29 STA 189.00 RT INSTALL NEW SDO (SFO-STONE) (3X POSTS; DOUBLE HARDWARE CLOTH; XTRA STONE) (Add to next week SDO) R 6/2 5129 STA 190.00 RT INSTALL NEW SDO (SFO-STONE) (3X POSTS; DOUBLE HARDWARE CLOTH; XTRA STONE) (Add to next week SDO) R 612 5/29 STA 191.00 RT INSTALL NEW SDO (SFO-STONE) (3X POSTS; DOUBLE HARDWARE CLOTH; XTRA STONE) (Add to next week SDO) R 6/2 *R=Routine, needs attention within 5 days; U=Ur ent needs attention within 24 hours. NOTE: Any erosion control device that is damaged that has the potential to lose sediment and/or pollutants offsite and/or into surface waters should be treated as "URGENT". 04/2019 SPPPFORM30 RESPONSE FOR EROSION CONTROL - INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT SUBSTITUE FORM 1675 Pay Item Standard/Metric Unit Quantity Comments Temporary Silt Fence LF M Special Sediment Control Fence TN/MTN LF/M Temporary Mulching AC HA Seed - Temporary Seeding LB KG Fertilizer - Temporary Seeding TN MTN Matting for Erosion Control SY M'- Coir Fiber Mat SY Mz Coir Fiber Baffles LF M Perm. Soil Reinforcement Mat SY M'- Seeding and Mulching AC HA Seed - Repair Seeding LB KG Fertilizer - Repair Seeding TN MTN Seed for Supplemental Seeding LB KG Fertilizer Topdressing TN MTN Response for Erosion Control EA EA Safety/Highly Visible Fencing LF M We agree that this is the work to be performed. We agree that this work was performed. NCDOT Representative: NCDOT Representative: Prime Representative: Prime Representative: Date Date