HomeMy WebLinkAbout19970277 Ver 1_Complete File_19970401d.Qea-m.U- e??tO 9 7 027 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR Haywood County SR 1512 Mr. Bob Johnson 215 Army Corps of Engineer Reg. Field Office Room 75, Grove Park Ave. Asheville, NC 28801-2714 Dear Mr. Johnson: GANAND B. GAruzM JR. SECRETARY RECEiVED APR 01 1997 ENVIRONMENTALCH CIENCC?S The North Carolina Department of Transportation is proposing to grade, drain, base and pave primarily along the existing roadway of SR 1512, Big Branch Road, in Haywood County. In order to construct this project in accordance with our current secondary road standards and due to the replacement of three (3) pipe culverts and the extension of four (4) pipe culverts in several unnamed tributaries of Big Branch (DEM Class C) we are requesting authorization under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. I am sending a straight-line diagram with our proposed erosion control and construction limits at various sites along this project. In addition, a typical section of the road, drawings for the pipe extensions and the pipe replacements of the unnamed tributaries of Big Branch, general notes and standards on erosion control measures, and a marked County Map are enclosed. We propose to install the new culverts slightly below the existing streambed elevation where bedrock is not encountered to minimize impact to Wildlife habitat and allow the existing stream gradients to remain as unchanged as physically possible. The best management practices will be used to minimize and control sedimentation and erosion on this project-The construction foreman will review all erosion control measures daily to ensure sedimentation and erosion controls are being effectively controlled. If the planned devices are not functioning as intended, they will immediately be replaced with better devices. The silt fences and other erosion control devices will be in place prior to pipe construction and will remain in place until the project is stabilized. By copy of this letter I am asking Mr. David Yow, North Carolina Resources Commission, District Fisheries Biologist to comment directly to you concerning the 404 Nationwide permit request. P. O. Box 250 Bryson City, NC 28713 March 13, 1997 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Ank Mr. Bob Johnson Page 2 March 13, 1997 Also by copy of this letter, I am requesting authorization to proceed under Section 401 of the Clear Water Act from Division of Environmental Management. In addition, I am asking Mr. Yow and Mr. Ed Ingle, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer (NCDOT), and Mr. Richard Phillips (DEHNR), to commend directly to me concerning this permit request. We would like to begin construction as soon as possible. If further information is required, please advise. Your early review and consideration will be appreciated. i Yours trul?, C. R. S Ies;)P. E. District Engineer CRS:sd atta. cc: Mr. Richard Phillips, P. E., Regional Engineer DEHNR Mr. F. D. Martin, P. E., Division Engineer Mr. E. L. Ingle, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer ? Mr. Eric Galamb, Water Quality Certification Unit, DEM Mr. David Yow, District Fisheries Biologist, NCWRC DbM ID: A?CT1Oi-.D: Nfitionwide Permit Requotaad (Providu Nutionwidu Permit 03 JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that required notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P. O. box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402.1890 ATTN.: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 2$2.4:11 WATFR QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRCONMRNTAL, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES P. O. Box 295:5 Raleigh, NC 27626-05:15 ATTTN: Mr. John Durutsy Telephone (919)733.50V ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLE'1`21) APPLICMION. SHOULD lab SENT" TO ',"HE CUI178 OF PN(-,INI?rRS SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD HE SENT '113 THE NC DIVISION ON ENVIRONMENTAL MANAOrMrNT. PIXAI iPRINT, 1. Owners Nome: North Ctttolina r3c•rrk rtt,leni of Tnimpuru4tiLift 2. Owners Address: F 0, Box 250, Bryson Ci(y. NC 28713 3 Owners I'Mne Number (Home): (Work) (7(4) 4RR•21,3 1 4, lr applicable Agunl's nomr or responsible cor;,orntc ollitard, address, phune nursbcr. C. R. Styles, P. E., District Enrlneer 5. Location of work (MUST A'1'1'ACH MAP). Couaty. Haywood Nearest Town or City! Crabuee Spceific LM41 ion (Itw;lude read numinih, laudomrl:s, etc): SR 1512 - ni)B rouuli 6. Name of Closest Stream/River: 8:g Br;nch 7. River Basin: Frenult Broad River PaAm 8, 1s thit: project incased in watershed classified as Tro,i(. SA HQW, ORW, WSI, or WSI17 Ycs ( ) No ( X) 9• Have any Sei(iim 404 permits been previously rcqucstcd for use on this property:' Ycs l ) No IX! Ifyes, explain: 10. Estimate tutal number ul tlo vs N woteis of the U S , including woland5, lucxtccl on pro,ico >iic: 11. Number of acres of waters: of the t) S., including wetlands, intpacicd by the proposed projcct. Filled: 0,02 Ac Drained: Flooded: Lxcavitted: ? .» Total Impacted: 0.02 Ac, 12. Dcsuripuon of proposed work (Attach PLANS-81/2" x 1 t'• drawingR only): To nave and widen SR 1512 to inset current Nardi C:urolina Department of Trnn,?)orltttior stundarils 13. Pttry+nr,e of Proposed wvr . Sams: 14. State rrf*oils why the applicant Wieves 111111 Iltis ,icirtity mast be carried out in wedands. Also, note n,ell"kKe tnkrn to ntintnitze wetland impauls. See Attachments 15, You are required to conibul the 11,8, Fist and Wildlite Service (USFWS) anOOT Nalion Marine Pitherie% Service (NMFS) rugmli tg the preRence or any Fcdcrally lusted or ltrahnsed for listing enda,tkercd or thrcht--nctl sprcics or cr;lit.nl habitat in the pcrrnit. Oren that may he affected by the piupesed prujeet. ! lave yoJ done so'? YES [X] NO ( ] With applicaLon RFSPONSL.S FROM THE tISFWS ANDIOR NMFti SHOULD IdE VORWARDED TO CORPS. 16, You are required to contact the State historic Preseivarion Utttce.r (SHl'O) rcghrding the prescncc of hisluriv propcr(ivs in the pcnnit a,ea which may he affcc:cd by thr , rt+postd 1,rniec.t'? )lave you dons sn? YES [ ] NO (X? With application 17 Additional information required by Uh_'M', A. B. C. D. F, F. Wetland delincation map showing all wctluncl., streams, ;end lakes on the propeaty if available, representative photograph of Nvet om6 tt+ tx i'111*1cted i'y ;?n jest if delincation was per orn,ed by a cons':Itaw. ineiude all dau+ sheers relt 1'11• piacenttatt ul Ili,! ildint'aliuu tint.- If a storntwater nianagcntcnt plan is ruauired Go' :his 1>10jeet, attach a cop? Whiii is land use of surrounding prupcity" Roml Wnadland - Aesidentad If applict+ble, what iB proposed thcthed of scv ?1? rlannJ.^ r;? 1s11 l /- 1?,1 J ..Y 1 INTtIf KIKy"' '? 'e 1' _ ?UO IIN•?/ N A T L 1 O N A i.: yr 1 1 I 1 1 I Dour Kw11/ lift 11lt. ?l2lf .' T1J.' ) ?f01 - 4 `M• AL1 >?. t 11?+,f +Lf' ( fr "?, 1lTJlrS 4Ar 'V;:.C 1 e: :, .s J ^ 1)711 rv. Cr?•11 NvI? NYO r1M.[1JV. f.11S?,/ Los- 33,40, ti .A.` Z M•sa ?? r i 12n4 uo 1ffJJ Y. '114 1 1 Is - 1104 1737 flAa M/N. til t •? L 14.1 .7 - !.?' LTwnu 1AIn euv '.610 1 O LOA NW. i .., l1[.YU• ''?a. ti? /dMvr :»N ?:p1 j l -V . h ? 'I 120L cowJJ 0. E ',a T tL7 1f d 117 T 1 1 p„? LIU r 17N 1171, uN IL1.1 ! not ?r C:.1 MM+i=+. 1-71 ` ,t; I•r f wl •' 0 ?i Cr••6 nn ij) •?, ql?/} (, u/: +° A y ?,-i•1i 1 1)f• 6 , ,,•, 111A 143 ,,, ?j?T} ,• .1 f q/S .,•. rA. 107., ,,' '1 \?. y 1 x '/!7)I,p,' V utf „ ? ^L'4 '? 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VALLt 1110 Lk. rpr, 1.6.19 Kilt. `907 ILL. is ?. ?L { I, - . i ` / - • .7 D•ll•../ ? \ flw•Ar1yo ? ., `I d • ?? . ? ? ,\ I J , i1 `. ` ral + r 2f- rAt l 1 \ 11'10 .. J7 ? ry P {\ I .?tl • uo??Ly7uesT 61fia v Qr/ 1) pot. Ail C. woo... c: ggyyJJ ,?y \ 1, <)? •?` ?'', ; _ ?I I ' 1171 ?70Y?R I •\ 1WIN1 ?„? ? •:. ` ? I Mon BAW.&A r 1.111 ?'A? ,I I1) II .. a t7 go," 6700 1711 f • 1 ?' \ T r•1 - .` \ ppM•wr _ I /iW[•. C ,)GAS. Tor ? Ja ) iS C A N f f,, '4 t lof ,! I'll 1911 T 1111 \ "F' '1i?. Wl7a 1171 TN _.. % / 1 ( "rJy, INullo 0 II)) IT -4 I6 f 1 1121 Il>) 1 1.! ,n 1111 1W :? I'll ? 'S m, ` 11y j / '+ )Ill vw ,,r" ?'y" 1.11 t^ I `;.nwj •?'. afv 11 III/ ' ] :)11 IY L•) 1 1' 11 (? ?• i 41 .i /N r ?ur•? J N A T I O N A 'flf f • GfVI><Ji aNf// 1112.1 IIf2[ IA.D` ? •-? I}fs so? ' 1 1tV 1 ? W.?I'1r711 L1'r. ;,.+? l'1''' r 9 ?. / : .. Ctv.• ;y ,ny_..,.. _ -•u^'T.c?a?E'o.a-----'",.-w??-,rs _ __ _ ;:.:?^r--?.. _.?.??+,.?w+ 'tati[Af'WO.K'Sw!.1. ,ih " ,:?Wap'1'R.•.:.?rN.. "7t;iwiYr]" _ _ _ EROSION- CONTROL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS 11 ,S,td. A 245.03 245.05 893.01 890.05 245.01 245.02 892.04 895.10 892.01 892.02 897.01 897.02 894.01 245.04 896.01 896.02 896.03 nescri gym bof Temporary Silt Ditch _. Temporary Diversion .......................... Temporary Silt Fence! ______________________ -- ---? -- Temporary Slope Drain with Earth Berm .......... 4-- Silt Basin Type A ___.__. .-_.__.. -0 1: Silt Basin Type B ........................................... 7zm Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-A .......... Temporary Rock Silt Check .Type--8 ......_..._..y Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-A ___.____.__ Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-B .__ Rock Pipe Inlet Protection Type-4 , U A A Rock Pipe Inlet Protection Type-B Rock Silt Screen ................:............................ Stilling Basin .......................................... Rock Inlet Protection: Type A • .........:.................... A U- OR " A Type B ... ................... :..:....: B r[':]l -OR •- B Type C ..... C --OR •- C) 12 March, 1992 • ''?r r'.A•.:-""_ ".?'{tl'P'????:n? *%`x ?e•3..'T? L r- ~?._ ? rt'y '?+....?'yr?.' •?.??Y?Ji??".M,??•T(,r!???!."!L'?1 ??4?y erb?Y?. r '•.. ..'Cy '.w??• y?,?`?'r•?.et't •?, ,. _??.r?.+? 1r?in:1'S,?'?'?L•`?'.'t'.•i?1?:+r'?!i?.:Uj???s'S'??!!? •... -??? f?:? .•?» _. _ ?a'+l:.S++?M'??':??':?ar't•. ^`ha7i +?? "i.• t L???Y"B:?F i i . =• ..t. _ .. y1 .Y1•??y?i• j?r4 ZZ ? -T•TGr ?.•• • •N ' Sx,.::? Q .. iT-f1 tT??'}L-?11 is - cn cam= ?a . rm .s • ? o ICU Lo Z .? ?I mss r) ? N L ~ a. C9 I a • `Z1 Q' 14 March,1992' ' Kw.wr%^ U ?i a? ?Yn R'?`tC jy,,,??i?Yyr"_..y } «T f ` ? . ?. _ T j ? r r?S\tuP*?T ' 4? +y r?•?i •i-.. m Z ? ?"?i?Ah• _ ? ??^?"WM,}: ?.! t .nit tinr ,-R ?• TEumoRARY Snx FENCE: A temporary silt fence is commonly used at the toe of a fill section to prevent off- site sedimentation. It is made of permeable filter fabric buried at the bottom,. stretched and supported by steel posts. used to divert water flow to prootected while retaining the sediment. They may also be outlets. Silt fences need to be checked after each significant rainfall to ensure there effectiveness. They must be maintained on a regular basis. Silt fences shall D be installed across streams, ditches, or waterways. AREAs OF USE: • At toe of fill sections where sediment runoff can be stored and contained inside the project limits. DESIGN CRrrm A: Material With Wire Without Wire Fabric Type 3 Class A Type 3 Class B Steel posts length 5 ft 5 ft. Post spacing 10 ft. 6 ft. maximum r 17 March, 1992 .?? ayp+f x,. _ ? fu. -•? 1s'4.?: ?*RtC?1Sii' ,d} wyLA?^-T ?M4P4^'. +1L?.vztle"1'?'Y',I,Mr '? Ms+bll3?'Y •' - a;x"c*j^.' "D x .K..? x«-.-ter- ...ia?aw .?? :;7r 9' ', ?sur •? .'!r- "'".-w:F• .F7 :Y% ..-,T ?+e. 1 T .:l.+d?. _ 7 L. r t;.w " ?, fi .aL ?t?? 'f.._ ?.?a'•.. 14` ?"GY'i •h s.ry v?C" xz W w z -- ----------; o? w ?? --' --- --- ----' of LL a_ x wa m 3 w3 Ur t ?- < `` z ?. I }} 7 xt? WE- 4. I V I? `C=z CL 05 Q< s Ov- c ?Z_ 5 Ln m = .`. w C O ? 4I .3 a ? w 5ce^ m+?w?v? ? • zy z t- t' x ? .s I- °C3 m?tyi7 ?1?0'^mw?' 7 a t- E- ¢I nx mnw Em 3 Zv ?e3 «smanw o_t¢ o< ... ? aZw V w Z Q < ? us ?) E" N=x a..m° w oq o? wa-azEW..= xFCaMw mw wa3?o?-?i°?c-riFV? ? Co. cn cm a. W nip af s. ? ? < z ova oo•.o xs k, ? 1.8 March,1992 r.-?,.r...??.,,? ... ,. -777 N 1 ttN .L . r A,f w 7 .'i ^.i:^ + .s J Y ?a YJ. _? H h. r a j ra .dP r -+Y .. ar .?+c:yy. Y µ'v .i3'L. ROL TEMPORARY ROCK SELT CHECK TYPE-B: )III- -, A temporary rock silt check type-B (also called check dam) is a small dam with a weir used to reduce gullying in drainage ditches that are to be filled or permanently stabilized at a later date. These type-B rock silt checks help reduce the flow velocity and are generally made of class-B stone. They are used in ditches during construction where the grade meets and/or exceeds 3%. AREAS of USE: • In channels, roadside ditch outlets, temporary silt ditches, and temporary diversions. • In conjunction with type-B silt basins. DESIGN C=RIA: • Center of rock silt check shall be at least 1 foot lower than the outer edges (top of channel sides) • The spacing (fL) _ (3 / % of ditch grade) X 100 ft 27 March, 1992 U ~ W 0 J J N 2 O ?- N W I: G W W > O 0 0 a ? 1.1 1.. ~ W h- W /Vy Z J CG J !- O ' 3 r 1 W I= m ' OZ==c O JU¢?-Way. _ CLW LL 1 r. ¢ UOm Wrm W W N• mrtL• N 1 J Z= m 1 W Wwa.wo 1 OWN Zcn ? WF-• cm?-OQ - ' I- N O J ?-• •-?- J 1 ' ' O OU<=WU Z LL.-(L=e -- 1 I _ m q N a W¢ CL m r? N z O n. _ O U Z ~ > W i N o N W - N o CL (n W CD > (n P4 No w Cr CL Cr_ U 'T UCr !-- S U Q 1. Q? us W W F- Y U W U 4.1 J ?..zr (n Cy v U =^Z C) E-tL rz a?cu ? t`oc O? C:: C tG a. E- ?in W 0 Q H-• C17 o E; n yyrM?• ?LwO' tE ? 28 1 March, 1992 _ ?"'L.? `?.:i'• T?. . _` w - ice. _? ? - ?ie w y.•M .jti aa? qi;. ' ""?Yrr'0.14?9•` .: in????...wc.. ? ';=i+. ? 4 ?iti ?'? _ v W-7 •_ - • ' '? _ IS ? ..r •. _ ._ ••! J`rv.. ?a.?a??".'a?. t«. r"3 ? -ti.dp?w..•... d' Rocx PIPE INLET p$OTEcnom TYPE-B: A rock pipe inlet protection type-B is a small horseshoe shaped structure. The type-B rock pipe inlet protection.shall be used at pipe inlets which are 24 inches and less in diameter where there is, insufficient space for a type-A rock pipe inlet protection with storage area. The type-B Fock pipe inlet protection utilizes class A stone lined with 45 or #57 stone to protect drainage pipe structures by impounding the sediment laden water before it enter the pipe to trap sediment This device can also be used around the inlet of temporary slope drains where space is limited at the outlet end of slope drain such that a basin or other device can not be used. AREAS OF USE: • At inlets to pies no larger than 24 inches in diameter where it receives flow from several directions. • In low flow areas where right of way is limited. DESIGN • Structural stone - class A • Erosion control stone - # 5 or # 57 stone. • Dam height - 1.5 ft minimum. March, 1992' C LLA C. CL 3 ;. Q 2: !fit.. L t ?-t t I r I r t t I ?L z<°'m, mo tom:. z ? Frjj rn- Z -ramOC Qi ca.?,s ? ? @-G OtnoiO<LO.?aZ<OC.m < CL. ca F Z Cal F ?., Z 41 4i °Zmy01in- -2 -C <mVC]O?m<FC O?;yF3Z r• Cal T Cal O ?V ?C: FLni-1? VF?al4l? O < Cal OOOy ?Oa:O Ut.- LL Z mwuU -U C11m"E-U <OF wa J 0 o`w uz F- w s c w N Z J CL ' L/'LI ? I I Q C X T I L 1 ?'- w C. t ? ?1 • T W I N ? I • t t t I O I L ? O t? Q Z 36 P. ?. Q Q Z O F- U LL.I cn m L LI C- E"- O v V..1 F- -e O Z_ CC _= CL o? r- x LI Z c?_ ? Cv- v E. O Q Q Z Q ct? a l Marca,1992 ?nR bra. ` d `` it„ +t1 i• F.i'^ .m J eYS :L...,`x. a.. n'?i.K .i".y°? -r,.-t^'t.' ----1; M 4' .. ?, - /. ? Y S0.?t?R.t h. Grp ?? '?Gh. 7..'#?' iPA'1 •.-artw. Roca SILT SCREEN: t A rock silt screen is a low-level dam structure to be used in streams below way sites. Rock silt screens shall be used to trap sediment transported by running and shall be placed in the stream below the construction site within the right-of- way or easement boundary. The rock silt screen utilizes class B hone lined with #5 or #57 stone to produce a ripple-effect in the stream to settle the larger sediment particles transported in the stream from the construction site. The trapped sediment shall be cleaned out before the device is removed from the stream. AREAS OF USE: In live streams below construction sites where construction occurs in or adjacent to the stream. • In live streams below a culvert construction site. Where it can be cleaned before it is removed from stream. DESIGN CRMRIA: • Structural stone - class B 'stone • Sediment control stone # 5 or # 57 stone Dam height - 1.5 fL minimum and 3 ft. maximum ( shall not be higher than 1 fL above normal flow of stream) . :a 37 March, 1992 V. 41) r. } n.NLiif:A aNW {S. T ??' rtMi "`1a p. '= ,lJ, i,Nw ... jl? Rzw ,-, ? • ? Iii 1 Q r t i t .W. ? CL $ O ti-- I% _ h7 2 ? Gam 2 aZf `?? nE..Wy O,?p<OZ R...O p1 ZE,,0.O f 0. W f? W p<<W O y Z W Cfi? C m0. zamcra? c ?a°m a-? ?w: 4°.az Fo3y?i ws mnE-o o,oeczo??no ..=nom--w v c?pza z s o < z o v? ?,,, 0 0 a?.-saoW.:E,.z W rn zr,, oz j=..W? Wfpm?G?72f? W? UZ.3mU J-: ?m< 0. m m?O?...Z.3mymp.3W<WC?Q.]<? w C62-2m 51-4.4 1- 1-0 o Z m U p1 U f V cn Vl 4. o.•U m - n • 1 LL? O Die W 2 ? 2 H is z 0 O 4. z N O F- =T ? N 1T N 0 O U N z W U cr- U F- ? Zz? rr, r.oc ° v. Q F O Q V J t E r a° n 38 March,1992 .. r. i'k? R ^:u .. r .??n rr •. _ .. s ??'??n' lajN??'tE's+. M ?,s -- ?r - &W:IP..ST - yA?ic?/oo d CO- ROAD NAME 81e ??,z.?,?c l - S_R W_0 4rip. gS 2144 FROM ADD ITION IMPROVEMENT TO BE PAVED ?r P POLES TO BE MOVED = - T. POLES TO EE MOVED ° R /W WIDTH I" =50, SCALE ,J7RT? I' 3 .? •' . j s? ., ?z? h??l*taiu ti,,K.r, ?..Ap,+?i'v t+?.?5kr?+rr Y,: - ?`+??R'a•ra''?i'Mq?`a i?^••?xkw.a : w _ w•aa•+.=twh'eryntac"iu'?. nee k'Js. r cr ti A.x9rA.?a•M?,ua. *.s+, - d1 F' Y'?M?S? Ara .:N+vk i at• a t 17?." .4?':? .. ? , .ey_... ?3?. vn ., - ? 1 ? ?.; ,'r rl LµERO SION CC NT111 DETAILS -AND. SPECIFICATIONS Std_ # D _s .ri try inn Symb°i 245.03 Temporary Silt Ditch .................. _........... 245.05 Temporary Diversion .... 893.01 Temporary Silt Fence 890.05 Temporary Slope Drain with Earth Berm ......... +- •- 245.01 Silt Basin Type A 245.02 Silt Basin Type B _ 892.04 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-A..- 895.10 Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-B •.._...... 892.01 Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-A ............ 892.02 Temporary Rock • Sediment Dam Type-B ;-, 897.01 Rock Pipe Inlet Protection Type-7A 897.02 Rock Pipe Inlet Protection Type-8 894.01 Rock Silt Screen _ 245.04 Stilling Basin ........................ ----.----..-.•.•-.--•.._••-.."'-_._.._ .................. I/Lad Rock. Inlet Protection: 896.01 Type A .-• ............................. A L3.. OR ..A .. 896.02 Type B ................ ........ ....... B ..OR B 896.03 Type C • ............................-• 'C. E2--OR •- C) 12 • Marsh, 1992 ?••_ ?.? It A, .Rttjjjff6,Kd ........................ C .. 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Silt Check Dam Type.B • .'..... • • . .. . Silt Basin 'I?•pe.....:.. ..:......... . Si1c 13-asiri Type • • ............:... - Rock Silt Check Dam. arlh I3cI•n1 ....'......:: .•......... . Temp, Stone Ditch Check • • • • • ,• Fa- r? n .' n no 7? 7. G /y a Z,. Nc 9 70 I? I 4 I I I I I . ?co I Saoo C. Y ?? W 4 AA `0 I I t fox 7z9 0 C ?yde? ,V ? O O i IT 411-e Zr iz 4-a,5 I ?j 5' _ I i? I! i cMP T f 00 it TI /O.?oo O ??yl L •-' -4< ? ?'wl'+nh r' e1-MIX 1 •Zo f-uo IT i © AA/? // boy ?'?? o'er NC O ?I t t ?St ? l I Is 4-.30 llsl4ao WIMIW? 'M'.<• ?',?"?'s ldac?t rTI?? ^!?A q tl •. ir..d?.?!;-rv? }?YeW.a r ? t. ,?gr .. , ..n: ?,.Ja.u411Fti" ?.. [:r.?:ti.ay .. - a.?v s;)a - .be at :r•.y?-. .. .? '•?SfoG. .. i c,,,. yq'ik?1 I f? 48 1 - C, ? 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SMF 4 ,!L??1Rx't ?h Sf '1''.i;1?iPdY ?".'t,^?? ?Y*'l?i?`'1 ?+'F??r .-^n. •F` ,01. Z41, 30 w•- .vna-7r ' to Ile °30"( ?w All q3t? t r?? 4e State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. C.R. Styles P.O. Box 250 Bryson City, NC 28713 Dear Mr. Styles: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to fill in 0.005 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of paving SR 1512 at Haywood Co., as you described in your application dated 17 June 1997. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3103. This Certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 14 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. Also this approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Sin erely, oward, Jr. P.E. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Asheville DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files AITX?VFAI [D EHNF=? July 15, 1997 Haywood County WQC 401 Project #970575 %j;i-',A 970575.1tr Division of Water Quality • Environmental Sciences Branch Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. C. R. Styles N.C. Dept. of Transportation P.O. Box 250 Bryson City, NC 28713 Dear Mr. Styles: A LT5VA E5 F_= 1=1 April 10, 1997 Haywood County WQC 401 Project #970277 D ?I You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to place fill material i ^acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of conducting road maintenance at SR 1512, as you described in your application dated 13 March 1997. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3127. This Certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 3 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. Also this approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Si erely, L eston Howar '?. rP. Attachment cc: Wihnington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Asheville DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Dorsey Central Files 970277.1tr Division of Water Quality - Environmental Sciences Branch Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper r ib STAIr x ' Imo.. n STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR Haywood County SR 1512 Mr. Bob Johnson 215 Army Corps of Engineer Reg. Field Office Room 75, Grove Park Ave. Asheville, NC 28801-2714 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. SECRETARY P. O. Box 250 Bryson City, NC 28713 June 17, 1997 ,1 p5175 9 , rq .Dj ? c?Fti ?Fs Dear Mr. Johnson: The North Carolina Department of Transportation is proposing to grade, drain, base abd pave primarily along the existing roadway of SR 1512, Big Branch Road, in Haywood County. In order to construct this project in accordance with our current secondary road standards, we are resubmitting this permit application for the re-channelization" of Big Branch (DEM Class C) for approximately 50 feet. We are requesting authorization under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. I am sending a straight-line diagram with our proposed erosion control and construction limits at various sites along this project. In addition, a typical section of the road, drawings for the re-channelization of Big Branch, general notes and standards on erosion control measures, and a marked County Map are enclosed. We propose to build the new channel in the dry, using rip-rap to stabilize the banks only. Natural substrate will be left on the bottom of the channel to minimize impact to Wildlife habitat and allow the existing stream gradients to remain as unchanged as physically possible. The best management practices will be used to minimize and control sedimentation and erosion on this project. The construction foreman will review all erosion control measures daily to ensure sedimentation and erosion controls are being effectively controlled. If the planned devices are not functioning as intended, they will immediately be replaced with better devices. The silt fences and other erosion control devices will be in place prior to pipe construction and will remain in place until the project is stabilized. By copy of this letter I am asking Mr. Mark Davis, Habitat Cooridinator Western Mountain District, of the NCWRC to comment directly to you concerning the 404 Nationwide permit request. Mr. Bob Johnson Page 2 June 17, 1997 Also by copy of this letter, I am requesting authorization to proceed under Section 401 of the Clear Water Act from Division of Environmental Management. In addition, I am asking Mr. Davis and Mr. Ed Ingle, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer (NCDOT), and Mr. Richard Phillips (DEHNR), to commend directly to me concerning this permit request. We would like to begin construction as soon as possible. If further information is required, please advise. Your early review and consideration will be appreciated. Yours truly, C.'e.'I:," C. R. Styles, P. E. District Engineer I PC. 11077r 'Note: This channel change was unintentionally left out when the road was originally surveyed. CRS:sd atta. cc: Mr. Richard Phillips, P. E., Regional Engineer DEHNR Mr. F. D. Martin, P. E., Division Engineer Mr. E. L. Ingle, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer Mr. Eric Galamb, Water Quality Certification Unit, DEM Mr. Mark Davis, Habitat Cooridinator W. Mtn. Dist., NCWRC DEM ID: ACTION ID: „Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #:): 03 JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that required notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P. O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATTN.: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 252-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES P. O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 ATTN: Mr. John Dorney Telephone (919)733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE NC DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: North Carolina Department of Transportation 2. Owners Address: P. O. Box 250, Bryson City, NC 28713 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): (Work) (704) 488-2131 4. If applicable Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: C. R. Styles, P. E., District Engineer 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Havwood Nearest Town or City: Crabtree Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc): SR 1512 - Big Branch Road 6. Name o[Closest Stream/River: Big Branch 7. River Basin: French Broad River Basin 8. Is this project located in watershed classified as Trout, SA HQW, ORW, WSI, or WSII? Yes [ ] No [ X] 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? Yes [ X] No [ J If yes, explain: For pipe replacements and extensions on SR 1512 dated March 13, 1997 10. Estimate total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: 11. Number of acres of waters of the U. S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project. Filled: 0.005 Ac Drained: Flooded: Excavated: Total Impacted: 0.005 Ac. 12. Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS-81/2" x 11" drawings only): To pave and widen SR 1512 to meet current North Carolina Department of Transportation standards. 13. Purpose of Proposed work: Same 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note measure taken to minimize wetland impacts. See Attachments 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or Nation Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed or proposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES( X ] NO [ ] With Application RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES[ ] NO [ X ] With Application 17 Additional information required by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project, attach a copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? Rural Woodland - Residential F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? 06-17-97 Owner's Signatur 'i Date r ll N A T ?1 O N A l 1 ^ l:J 27 )j 1 ` 1 v 1 \ ? Dour craD6/ . I k \ T 1_, J ? I ? ,Lf I r. ,0' \ pi." caaa, I Vie 4+r"'.''. 7 ^ um 136! ISM ! ' • 'r,ll y • ?SrTSfYS (iA1 .:.?• ` .J J ti71. ?M Crook N6RIS Lul MM .lw.f(A74,S?? (lv; I wIre:'Y ?:•' ? •/ if- 111 t. ?•u ?' ` R f,1Ae MTN. t L falls `.•11•a / n'•. Itaa A - •??? ti t C46RK WD w 1uv JH IaA 41 / l Z "" `a ' . W1 9 M • ? (?? •" ?'rT Iod'. ?1. •\117, ;: /• - 1 ») \ O ? Vie. a` 0,0~ C"" O c ?v? R E S T fuf ?,1f6 ??? M N. '• qAl •M,tr' l .. KAvM1,aA , G y .UTAi11,1, loot "ov! Ins 1-6 ).J__i 17M • =?+Lr c`; Cm" Lai, ?• Ulf X111! ?•?? 1f."lam ?6? , 1 I,N` I? ut1 ?p \.. °' air IYGII r171 17Y Ifq 1•s7. Y f'`\ n°. { .11, IJIe/ ,y - ?, ?•? lIIl .W ISO 1 &ALM ?I/KCON uer LU; lU, fI IJJ(INI T .? ,J /Qr•1 (IIj/^ ''?" 1161 '?.t' 1 y IW r:. 1f ? Q1r0? ' ` •. , ul/ ^ taw [too 1 / et Nl? ??r ,?? 1 • 1? ?..1•, WRT,71A16 l7N)? ,aef , IoM .y 1113 t?v J T % ? 1 \ 1161 IMI S ).. C"•'iC C,7Z?+,?r XX ...? jig Iota !4M Y ,e, . in7 ` 7. •ea l•e r r r.a 1 w. 'I 1 , 1 _yyc .fu ul ,u. 31 !JY J/QI Jll? 9 .r JawR1M.. .q ? II,J m1Q? ) , •? ,13.13 .? Ilq 111! 1111 L .?'? • CNUUfp 'I11 ism •,.• 11,17 .? , .• , , c J 16 •' . ., • I l l l t ? t)U. r r ,a, ??.?.• ULAN I1Mf ?' S,U rA, ,e• Mewrdow / UY6 v,IILL SSL? .1111 ,rl i11A LATNIRW170t0 NIN lil• r I ) 7f, cC?•' to rc• NI . y .H i ? ? . 1719 JAPP 1 . ii•r.., ..er ' r O*\VAlilr K?ON ?• N, ,70) LML 'law tld , ror. r,r17 luZ ^.',. .7 DJ.../ 11w.ANie It ?,?y'41 1 l t I 1,10 P4 "t _ bOW1lST A h ,.WA ia rA r.Kb I boa 04CA 1177 00 A Vi? II/11 N1 •? ? '17 Lai," 1.011 M. 6.700 a .. 17 r• ' ;.,.•, • % S',GAR TOf f Wort \ ,`\ n•1 •/ •1\ •., ,_.•r' ,.Ir?,• ozy 4,140 1 71,11» '••t'•,7' 'L•%WdI•, IRM M _.. ;. ?.-??..,'1 ( .•J?) LAU 1117 , •? I Is? '71 ty' ieN,.aa6 ? / ,;:t': K wAYK RlL Itn•• 'Y „?.. Is ` 'f6 1 f UJ! Itq 1 t.1 .?, nu 1,,. ! trfl .?.`,..a ?? > ? /..,•:. ,;Ilt.l ,.•. tn7 N)r {7V7,016 i :IJe tw L•7 •., tR)' . lii 'In (/ `Z /N • ?`..? "`?:, Nfl;? J N A T 1 O N A L GR,1{Sr V•C71?.c'? i?1,: I 1, ...,.-/• 1 . ? Iola LKX ? nJV.1l ?14 IY!r"J 13'!? .17 c, / .I I . •? - U... r- _ ro o? I rK? r ?I ooy Cove ?? ?? _ w oo I ??o ?? Reeves---t o t? ILL ??? ?,I ? boo I ;? ?•,%1?" -=-- ?/' '1I1?.,' 'mil- ?,-?o ?°ll ?' 1 ?°; ? `_' r / ,?; off, ?. ;, ?o ? - ?? oe i ?J?\ o?0 0 ooJ im?oo / / fo_ o??o\o, ' a1 000 0 ?o ? • 71 •_,°? yl _I-co ! ? ` ` ? ? - ?? ? ? \ I`l?? l?-?' I I'I ? '?'" \ ?~ ? ? ) ?o?ooor?J( ?^I ` 1\ Q ?\ ?• ? i I?. IN xl\ it 40 doge -_j 11,1 E RoAp . 0 \\ , --? r? _ ??<_ - o ??• ??.aT I !' i 11?/i??; ?. a ?? ? I _f/7 ,? ooh ? ??J II o \an?i / vv 26 it <.?? _ o ?!Vi o 111 - C oof N- o y N - f?-_ I -- _ "L \ 1 g---h V ? ? _ °??0?• _ 1_. dl, l OO9P ? ?[ ? i1 '_ Ze •??Q Og ROAD . -" - /l? __?"p , \• _?„ _ -? _- n ?-? it / It ub, o ?1- ?' ?•???,? s??o;??,r,=- ?+L.itt?j?,wiaa°`K-.,;a,•,,?`^. ?"i*" r..?.?ya4'?v?etv,..?M1' EROSION- CONTROL ' DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS J Std_ -4 245.03 245.05 893.01 890.05 245.01 245.02 892.04 895.10 892.01 892.02 897.01 897.02 894.01 245.04 896.01 Temporary Silt Ditch Temporary Diversion _ ............................ ,.o , Temporary Silt Fence .:_____............... Temporary Slope Drain with Earth Berm •________, Silt Basin Type A .-------------••-------•--------- -? Silt Basin Type B ....... ................................... Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-A .......... Temporary Rock Silt Check .Type--B .,_________..? Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-A •__________. Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type--B ; Rack Pipe Inlet Protection Type-AU A A Rock Pipe Inlet Protection Type-8 ,____-_•___ Rock Silt Screen ............... .:...... ................ ------ Stilling Basin .......................................... Rock Inlet Protection: Type A .......... :................. ... A rol OR .. A l 896.02 Type. B ..OR •• B 8 .- .. ....:.............. ....: 896.03 Type C ............................... C --OR •- C) 3 12 March, 1992 ?.r• / ?t I• ?r.?T?Tlyi•y+!?• ?- :. :..... -...- ????{T •.?... - _. ?-_ w? Tom. • r „^y.. .. ? ?i .. .1. :.1`?•Y+ftC? . •? •r'1Gi.?,-vZ .e??..yC .. . I - ry 11•t r X4 Q ?+C' ? •••? ? r ? 'I • TS•lL r ? r CD W O -- O E_- ? J n C ?. T^ L .sue ? ? •r_ 'r 42 ? N O (?Y is . ^ o ? t ? . • I I • ? l mo/ a ? . rua cl= Z! CI =:2 ••: ?} WO ca W Guy! C o C.: N ?L ~ 14 Mh.? 992 ' TEmPoRARY Sins FENCE: :S?J.w..Yi *3 .; : e 'si . r rz- Trx •,.wer+?-.¢-ms _ .ar??t'Ir . i'?'?1 __ }:?+-,.a ? (T?+?.'- -•rt.u•Ir 1 e ? .+++-.+A'? ? ?pri?N?!.i'}i r ?ia'T?i, ,R ?.?. ? w wt?+.?? A temporary silt fence is commonly used at the toe of a fill section to prevent off- site sedimentation- It is made of permeable filter fabric buried at the bottom, stretched and, supported by steel posts. The silt fence reduces the water flow while retaining the sediment. They may also be used to divert water flaw to protected outlets. Silt fences need to be checked after each significant rainfall to ensure there effectiveness. They must be maintained on a regular basis. Silt fences shall not be installed across s=eams, ditches, or waterways. AREAs of USE: • At toe of fill sections where sediment runoff can be stored and contained inside the project limits. DESIGN CRTIM A: Material With Wire Without Wire Fabric Type 3 Class A Type 3 Class B Steri posts length 5 ft 5 ft. Post spacing 10 ft 6 L maximum 17 Mare, 1992 r m a? W I a? U -- -- -- ' LLJ - - I i zo U- _? f do U j W 3 t v F Z 40% ??„ m V < W ? ? ?. or `? U I -T- • Q -. m < Q? V F I I y C- X)ll < W m V = -_ o O ??? EE ?ZTt I ? ? Cl __ , Q= ?W3 z ?- e m m - ?• v; _ = fit "'? ? ' fal s _ m=°r? t'oy ? s a W f= x ?16.. ?Z Z "F G t a7 Q QS Vt t F 3 yW ta W g. C g. F .sza mac E.m . ¢1 ? ?V ?e3 ?a<??Gty zW Ot o< E.. G7 .. yt a WIZ 42=?G ?(? y?C O? WG .iZFt [??EW ? ?? I O mW _ ? i rO W ?tOt?'=c7FwI... ? Gs <-W4tZ MIMI L uU ?C c . = =< o - I ?? w oat c Z f ? V y l 1.8 March,1992 ? * a,<YWM ,"%%. 1. V- rs?i1!'•.iSWt; Y,i it.•1s%1'?: . ?I.. y i`:HC .,1?'a ++-s.r ai3k' i. -j °A:.+ra1.1C3+..'tt^? S•1•??.Ie Hh1,i"tir^ilk Tr+n.r".?n$r`p'?'`'Y?. t??'k'wt?'n e?'n'a??..s'?rx+?r' r.+e.? Y.+?W??. Y,S9{vi``?rt!'w. C , ..? ..y?y=, ,. ? ..?r.?:eR?.tl.7+SCG1Mtihl c, d.? ,4•at? _ . _.. ? ., _ w ? •:. . TEMPORARY ROCX SMT. CHECx TYPE-B: . A temporary rock silt check type-B (also called check dam) is a small dam with a weir used to reduce gullying in drainage ditches that are to'be filled or permanently stabilized at a later date. These type-B rock silt checks help reduce the flow velocity and are generally made of class-B stone. They are used in ditches during construction where the grade meets and/or exceeds 3°'o. AREAS of UsE: r • In channels, roadside ditch outlets, temporary silt ditches, and temporary diversions. • In conjunction with type-B silt basins. DESIGN CprrmuA: • Center of rock silt check shall be at least 1 foot lower than the outer edges (top of channel sides) • The spacing (ft.) = (3 / To of ditch grade) X 100 ft. 1 27 March, 1992 • 'f - .^Y. rt.'?d,71N' t- ?' .. Sa . i'yn.. 4 rNu?r. _ • m-'y ( :. ?-? _.: ? .. , 1 .... .. _ a.i a 1 Ca 1 mu O J? G 3 I-J42 CDC=OZ2 O I 1 W mtA000 W z f > m OZ==o r O L1j JUQ!-WO• CL ¢ " aW 1 1 Q 2 t- O c!)Om¢UOCO W 1 1 W ~ ... N ¦ O W tJ) J = m ? W V tl?WCLWW Z « ___ • i U ~ W c o J W N G ' U 2 C ? U W C C w U. m w a F- > C D O) ` S i 3 W Z Q CL ' o m w Q CL m LLU _ l C H CL ^- O c.7 O OC F- U U W UJ2 (n z to C n P4 N W - (U) (n uj O > CL O Q U V / cr. W T U ?r Y C..XZ O E.?_ ? =5t ?- Z' t ovc C Cl- = E N W Q oll a a a. a 2f ¢? OWN ZN WF- ?G1-O? F- N O J 1•r?. ?•- J O OUQ2tffU 2 8 March,1992 ?.:?? _ .R ,.. ? ?'ii -i- xr?'.+M_r? s :? ,, ?s r,?y ??._. : r. _?- ,'?'?'?? *i?+? ? wl. ? ,-;? ^F?•!a[.-• ?_r ? ?,.'i ? - =a ?? ~?iT?+? 8„ CM. f ? t ;4 t? -7w+yy,+re.?_a:..%: v u'. ?? ...?ti ?1'Z..G??? ?t . S _ JP4 +....+'Y .___ ?•t _ :??1?Jtdt?...- -' ?.' ?-!K: r'•'S. +tL1;•lw?u:yM+.'. Rocx Pum h= PxOTEcnoN.TYPE-$' s A rock pipe inlet protection type-B is a small horseshoe shaped structure. The type-B rock pipe inlet protec-don.shall be used at pipe inlets which are 24 inches and less in diamx ` where there is. insufficient space for a type-A rock pipe inlet protection with storage area. The type-B:Fock pipe inlet protection utilizes class A stone lined with 45 or #57 stone to protect drainage pipe strncmres by impounding the sediment laden water before it enters the pipe to trap sediment. This device can also be used around'the inlet of temporary slope drains where space is limited at the outlet end of slope drain such that a basin or other device can not be used. AREAS OF USE: At inlets to P" no larger than 24 inches in diameter wh= it re=ives flow from several directions. • In low flow areas where right of way is limited. DESIGY Stmcmral stone - class A Erosion control stone - 5 or ' 57 stone. Dam height - 1S ft. i nimum. 35 Mare., 1992 . ... ??. ?°'r 'O! ?•?• ? M S':1 r ?f =w ?'id?_?? •'??ai?1,.? i:w:..?i?- M.+??J•??? -•1?"' ,? '' u` ?.. `?' ^. - .51.. y'1 - ???. ! .. k .J?'.1!P?71`!C". y •'.?'??urrl?a(. J??.?•G.`, ti . " % ' ? ' .y^•.?",...' . ` ?r .'.'C r-? _ . Y F:.?. , . ", i= •'.r??".MS.::?:i..^'x,..^".,',:.t?,r?j-7:?4 -ws.•?1tr."•:+r,.? Q E Li C_ , f G. ?_ - Q Zta"V7. y0 E° 4i< d2??J`CStG O(lf43 :? CULlmOC ?Li (? V3 Q cnOQC6 U3 a04-0=c+ici J Q. C ?.en -fc..<U O Q7? C<.42?rE09) Nca . Z ? .?JZ?CE??OO?? UCI]CE.•.aC?J?3< ?J.??.<?C7 • O ??000 e-OZC UFO v7 U F C3 tip u? 4. B. U < C F LL • to CL I , Lit x CL 4r C I w V ? Li. 1 cc Z 1- a. C ?" I N C17 I,/ 1 I , 1 1 1 ? 1 r I I L I ^ 1 1 L i Q L •- C ui CJ Z = cn W C Lu (n Q O U cn m L.L.I Imo. Q L3 U-1 1— .0 ?•.C?.+ Z C. C+ w G LLI Z i^ F v F U O C Ja j I o I ? I 2? n 36 Marra,1992 L6TeT`r?..fMI+ryM•- t Roca SILT SCREEN:' A rock silt screen is a low-level dam structure to be used in streams below culvert sites. Rock silt screens shall be used to trap sediment transported by running water and shall be placed in the stream below the construction site within the right-of- way or easement boundary. The rock silt screen utilizes class B stone lined with #5 or #57 stone to produce a ripple-effect in the stream to settle the larger sediment particles transported in the stream from the construction site. The trapped sediment shall be cleaned out before the device is removed from the stream. AREAS OF USE: • In live streams below construction sites where construction occurs in or adjacent to the stream. • In live streams below a culvert construction site. • Where it can be cleaned before it is removed from stream. DESIGN CRITERIA: Structural stone - class B stone • Sediment control stone # 5 or # 57 stone • Dam height - 1.5 ft. minimum and 3 ft. maximum (shall not be higher than 1 ft. above normal flow of stream) 37 March, 1992 ax a?' Csr v? ? ? r??^4tE? ».PY.G i -WA . f3;: 1 r,e ?,?+ 3".u'?$r lyf?`'•f"in s4,].+e Y4,y t?..n?4 X10 ! yr sT Oi Z, ?i Z LLI W U C1') ? e• -1 z C11 ems, CUB v -- U ?= - ? tcc o? Q Q 0 x y OI? 12 r . _ z '® ®1 T L??3 3 A? ? Zi I I WV •• Wi ' WW f tW W o ? ~ Z z 3 W F s p « WC Q?43. 3ZWGj a ZW m< W rI]: yV CC Om W N Z O =O'ZF? F v.a. F F a fA 47 C» '? z C . r wOF O Otp-O=Wfai?O S ? N r <O<<= C7Od] OZGOZ a F ?c E Z..U0.Oca W ,, ns s Wfpm?WZF=WOdl> crn m =OOC3<y 3m<Fy0-m02 V ?FZ?2LC: ?Q3fa7 07 V2 ca 21- -4 1-- OyWOS00'3&n0 0 2 WVfAVNV yyC..4.C.? m-c a N y? 38 M=h,1992 .-.•14 h.J.FTft`,y!'1igS+?slW,!M'f0'?'?`!??i!''-??ry,?rMbyS'•?9'%.s. ' . .. Ix» ?N-t,??•7...I?_ ..bYi.:7d?„CidiJ?i"',?1f•M?w.+!<x.?_ ROAD NAME .2/ p,z.4,.1c .Z S-R- W_ 0 - FROM .2 A(Z/ /Oe ?o ?' -Z)??c/ ADDITION IMPROVEMENT TO BE PAVED P. POLES TO 8E MOVED 1` ?=„•?? T. POLES TO EE MOVED o R /W WIDTH ?S SCALE ,D,4T,: 5 - / I" =50, 9' -1- 5' 3. CO- ...,.: •w.?v-v c r...•..ee?+-vim ?,...n•, - y-ysr,?"` e.,,..y .:.? ? .- ',?• ` _ e `3- yJa!ri"' rvu.r r n: ?? c5 ?.A,... „*} ..* n?.+^.•rt .x- ,ry. *ftlj 'Zt + ti- J• ; . •. EROSION CO"_ L DETAILS AND . SPECIFICATIONS 245.03 245.05 893.01 890.05 245.01 245.02 892.04 895.10 892.01 892.02 897.01 897.02 894.01 245.04 896.01 896.02 896.03 Temporary Slit Ditch Temporary Diversion _______________ •ro Temporary Silt Fence Temporary Slope Drain with Earth Berm +- ..... Silt Basin Type A ....... ........ '................. Slit Basin Type B ............... ........:......... ......... Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-A ,_________ Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-B ..... _...... )0- Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-A ,____...... Temporary Rock, Sediment Dam . Type-8 ;_. ? Rock Pipe Inlet Protection Type7A ......... a_ :D _ Rock Pipe Inlet Protection Type-8 Rock Silt Screen .....--•-----•------------------------------- Stilling Basin .... ........ -..................... -------- Rock. Inlet Protection: Type A ................... ....... _.._ A OR ••A) 12 March, 1992 - ?. ? . : ? •,?.? Mir _ u' ` y Nr _.••- Lille ........ ? . ` a . .... trol o Access Con ?? • • . .... ,..:: • Line S1ope Stzlcc ......... , • e- ?•' •• :B rid ?_. d Q Culvert= ' L . () .. .............. ali Pole ......... a lc,r T ? ' ' tt:\ta'? --o- c ?t?trot? •a- t r T e cie nr. cle?li I -? - ? Tower Pole and Line... • • • • • ••• • • f • • x15'a o? l tt'ttC7t' .b a1:- .............. . .. Pole w ..... . Po er . . . • • • • . . • . • • • . . : • BSSeLI1Ln Line. r • 1 • : : . 1 1?fowin? .:•...............:... 1 t-J . Guard Rail ..' ....:................•... ? ~-== -'x"55 ... , .. Sa nitary.. Sewer'Line.... . .... .. • ? t---- Water Ling: •? ..:...`• ..... ............ Gas Line. .'.. : .............. • t?icot•a5t:n r:xts't•t?'c * ence .................. . Chain Linl•: Fence- .......... . Woven Wire Fence.. s .... . •. o a • s •'• • • n • • e • • o e s • r jlt:jo1+ei•aC1011 • • • .• . / k, • :• ReI'oc•est:ticiott ':.... •..... e .....:......:. : ' ? ?-• ' Ten1porai-v Silc Ditch ................. - --- ash ---- TSU ?---' , , . ' I I-----i I?--- Tenlpcrarv SUc Fe*nc:t= .............: _ ? ....:....:. •Draitl ...:. 'Ternporary.Slope • -- i . -* h Barrier: B . . . rus SUcCheclcDamType A•...:...•••••••••• " SUc Checlc Dam'Ipe B e ...... a .. ?.... Silc Basin Type'A' ...:.:?....: ......... ' ? . ...?. ......... ... ........ Silc 13ssiri Type B ,. Rcclc Silc Checlc Darn ................... Irarlll Dcc•m .......... ::.;............ Temp,' Stone Ditch Check • . • • • • • . ?, h-, 2 ? `'? r..?FS/G? ?a2 SILK .?/?S/i? .?/1C.t.A_ v!- ci • arm .. - L'r :. Ly?C?G ?1? EVFRY ST"D.F1?? EI/?cvT ?iV17 ' GfL??N6-v d417? 7 iVd r T'-a s C,4 E ,rel. 13/?.SA IV AREA ?s. t.3.7) (.5 ? FRO?10 N kaSEF OWN 3' (S. ©, 2 z6 1? 1 • y\ LE:rGr// v.? v?s?'U.?BED /?RE.Q 3a0 J /i : ' ?--= .s/? -l• L ENG/ %? ate' ??sr?/,ABED i9R?.Q yba LU 't . JV3k TJ ryp _+ Lei ? rT C?Yde, N.G' v f ?1 . ,_{ • c'/y deg Al d O 4 L C ? CrJ _ ?V?,4? SCAT! o N .. 'iid;?.j: ? "1?i.-r •h?v:*i.,friti??ii?x +...? !'r... '7 +e-iirt. 3.?v?ilf,",+?a.R.t?. T•"'?.cZNa-;J ?-?.h... .- 0.100 G /y ?e ,?c 9 70 4_' l' i ? i ( 41 ' ? I _Tral n -. Y t t? ? 44. t '?'.('}?Qf0'{?°J. ?"i 7 ? t'ry K ? _ ,S ,s..? 1 atr r_. Y, ! ^ n •? a = x r Ova w : ... .. %C0,r 74 9 wlve-tp IT' I? ?Jir•? 7?.4??Neh%? ? I ? ?77 /'/?S•?.' X14 .:. : / I i mo crop I 4 "r I I T 1/0 40C O ?H4k?'? Yt ^7. T-. at% w ,.xd. •. Irr alk" IT /?tc0 ZO f-GtP ' ,z,1. l ooh 199- 1 IS 4--.30 `ao M air+ _ r wt .. ? 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