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HomeMy WebLinkAbout19970114 Ver 1_Complete File_19970220Y STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA " F --? MAY 5 lyyy ` ?' t WETLAAND 8Y6p --J l W"Upniie,-__ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. P.O.13OX 25201, RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 E. NORRIS TOLSON GOVERNOR SECRETARY April 30, 1999 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office (\ q Post Office Box 1000 Washington. North Carolina 27889-1000 ATTN: Mr. Michael Bell NCDOT Coordinator Dcar --,; SUBJECT: LENOIR COUNTY, WIDENING OF US 258 FROM US 70 TO SR 1575, TIP PROJECT U-25 On June 10, 1997 and Mav 28, 1997 respectively, the United States Army Corps of* Engineers (USACE) and North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) issued permits for the subject projcc (Action ID #199705681, WQC #970452). Part of the authorized work included a stream relocation along US 70. One of the commitments in the May 13, 1997 permit application was to revegetate the channel banks and the area adjacent to the banks. It was subsequently realized that revegetating the area adjacent to the channel banks with woody species would obstruct motorists sight distances at this intersection creating a potentially hazardous situation. Therefore, NCDOT is requesting the permits be modified to eliminate the plantings of sweetgum (Liguidambar sytraciflua), sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), black cherry (Prunes serotina) and river birch (Betula nigra) adjacent to the channel banks. All other plantings of the species listed in the May 13, 1997 permit application will be, or have been completed. If you require additional information, please contact Mr. Michael Wood at (919) 733-1 191. Sincerely, William D. Gilmore, P.E., Branch Manager Program Development & Environmental Analysis cc: Mr. David Lekson, COE Mr. John Dorney, DWQ Mr. David Cox, NCWRC Mr. Tom McCartney, USFWS Mr. Randy Wise, Roadside Environmental