HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0004230_Monitoring - 03-2020_20200511SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Ty pe Facility Name: kk 9 Ak Permit Name (if different): Facility Address: F OC7�V W\r,.t .-r, ?'elephone #I: Well LocaticN Site Name: _ 1 No. of Wells to be Sampled: Well Identification Nuniber (from Permit): For Groundwater Treatment Systems Well Depth: 1 ft. Well Diameter: -k-- in. Check Onc: ❑ Influent (98) Screened Interval: ft. to ft. ❑ Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level: y.q,. ft. below measuring point. Measuring Point (M.P.) is: ft. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation in ft.: Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling: L ► 15 _ Date sample collected: al ZC 12 Field analysis: pH r1� V Specific Conductance _ uMhos Temp. _°C, Odor ADDearance DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT S NATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER PERMIT #: EXPIRATION GATE: Non -Discharge NPDES TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED __ Lagoon _ Rernediation: Infiltration Gallery ___ Spray Field _ Remedialiion: _ :: Rotary Distributor __ Land Application of Sludge _---_ Other. NOT, : Values should reflect dissolved and . colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name:�iYaat_�rv�. Certification No. _�Q PARAMETERS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES NO and field acidified COD mg/I Nitrite (NOZ) amg/I Coliform: MF Fecal L /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N I�EZ`� — mg/I Coliform: MF Total /I00m1 Phnsnhnn tc- Tntni ne P --A (Note: Use MPN method for highly tug ---id samples) Dissolved Solids: Total grits mg/I pH (when analyzed) units TOC W - ��— m mg/I Chloride _ S 4 mg/I Arsenic _ mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Phenol _ mg/I Sulfate _ mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Total Amrrionia mg/I TKN as N mg/I Orthophosphato ... _ _ mg/I Al - Aluminum _ mg/I Ba - Barium _ mg/I Ca - Calcium— _ mg/I Cd - Cadmium_ mg/I Chromium: Total _ mg/I Cu - Copper _ _ mg/I Fe - Iron _ _ mg/I Hg - Mercury w _ mg/I K - Potassium_ mg/I Mg - Magnesium _ mg/I Mn - Manganese — ma/I YES . _ _ NQ1 Ni - Nickel mg/I Pb - Lead mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Ammonia "�;:-- �n _�,(� t� mg/I Other (sr Mds<aMconcentration Units) bfta'EC90N ORGANICS: (GC,GC/MS,HPLC) (Specify test and method #. Attach lab report.) Report Attached? Yes (1) No �,� (0) VOC : method # = method # = method # = GW-59 Signature of Permittee (or Authorized Agent) _ _ (Date) Rev. 0312-000 - ._ - __. _ _. .-. - - SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type Facility Name: CkL 1>=Ak INP r c Permit Name (if different): Well Location/ Site Name: �, No. of Wells to be Sampled: Weil Identification Number (from Permit): _J�,_ For Groundwater Treatment systems Well Depth: _ I Y ft. Well Diameter: _k__ in. Check 0ne: ❑ Influent (98) Screened Interval: ft. to ft. ❑ Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level: 'S:70 ft. below measuring point. Measuring Point (M.P.) is: ft. above land surface. Relative M.P_ Elevation in ft.: Gallons of of water purn ed/bailed before sampling: j. S Date sample collected3l dl 1.Crl Field analysis: pH �l�_ , Specific Conductance _ Temp. A�__°C, Odor Appearance uMhos DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH. NC 27699-1636 Phone: (9191733-32: PERMIT #: EXPIRATION DATE: Non -Discharge Z1T=)�4'j 1 ____. UIC_`-_ NPDES TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon Remediation: Infiltration Gallery Spray Field Remediation: t''_Flotary Distributor Land Application of Sludge __ Other. _ NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and . colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed: _ Laboratory Name: Certification No. L PARAMETERS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES NO and field acidified COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) �►s _ mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal _�_ /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N --S ).n (0 mg/l Coliform: MF Total /100ml Phosphorus- Tnta1 ac P rnrill (Note: Use MPN method for highly tug � -id samples) Dissolved Solids: Total S l (0 mg/I pH (when analyzed) units TOC "::z , t . � mg/1 Chloride-- u 9 mg/I Arsenic _ mg/l Grease and Oils mg/I Phenol _ mg/I Sulfate _ mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia mg/I TKN as N mg/I Orthophospha*n mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium_ mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I Fe - lron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I Mn - Manganese mq/I YES _ _ NQl Ni - Nickel mg/I Pb - Lead mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Ammonia ��.__ _ 0119 mg/I . �,.. _ , ten Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) ORGANICS: (GC,GC/MS,HPLC) (Specify test and method #. Attach lab report.) Report Attached? Yes (1) No ki_ (0) VOC ; method # = method # = method # = GW-59 Signature of Pemrittee (or Authorized Agent) (Date) Rev. 03/2-000 , _ � __ .__ _ ._ _ SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type Facility Name:P�� \CKt_ f 1�w c Permit Name (if different): Facility. Address: tCounty e(-Ar_ fun Slate) G-- (Zi Contact Pero Telephone #!: 3 S q - Well Location/ Site Name: No. of Wells to be Sampled: Well Identification Nwr)ber (from Permit): 3 For Groundwater Treatment Systems Well Depth: r � ft. Well Diameter: �_- in. Check One: ❑ Influent (98) Screened Interval: ft. to ft. Depth to Water Level: L ft. below measuring point. El Effluent (99) Measuring Point (M.P.) is: ft, above land surface. Relative M.P_ Elevation in ft.: Gallons of water pumped/bailed before sampling: j,,L)� Date sample coltected3_2s Field analysis: pH n, S: , Specific Conductance _ uMhos Temp. _Lo _°C, Odor Appearance DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER PERMIT #: EXPIRATION DATE: Non -Discharge NPDES TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon Remediation: Infiltration Gallery Spray Field Rotary Distributor __ Other: Remediation: Land Application of Sludge NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and . colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: E: ' C:' k t` Certification No. in PARAMETERS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES NO and field acidified COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as _ __ mg/I Coliform: PAF Fecal i /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N n C) � mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100ml PhosDhorus: TntAl ac P mnll (Note: Use MPN method for highly tu+ -id samples) Dissolved Solids: Total '3 0 ice_ mg/I pH (when analyzed) units TOC (�(e mg/I Chloride I mg/I Arsenic _ mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos Total Ammonia mg/I TKN as N mg/I Orthophospi ;atA .,. _ _ mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium _ mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium_, mg/I Chromium: Total _ mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium_ mg/I Mg - Magnesium _ mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/l YES . — _ N01 Ni - Nickel mg/I Pb - Lead mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Ammonia O tQ-2 mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) ORGANICS: (GC,GC/MS,HPLC) (Specify test and method #. Attach lab report.) Report Attached? Yes (1) No _1&2— (0) VOC method # = method # = method # = SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type � Facility Name:� \CkL CSC 1�w r c Permit Name (if different): Facility Address: Eni--"V X n►t y r. 1?,nK %­ J County ' ,Q)r_ ( by) slate) (L Contact PersO57 ���9Nr C- Telephone #l: _ Well Location/ Site Name: �� No. of Wells to be Sampled: , Well Identification Number (from Permit): _ i n For Groundwater Treatment Systems Well Depth: ft. Well Diameter: -"L—. in. Check One: ❑ Influent (98) Screened Interval: ft. to it. ❑ Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level: in t.�t ft. below measuring point. Measuring Point (M.P.) is: ft. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation in ft.: Gallons of water punt ailed before samplingko Date sample collected: 3127, u Field analysis: pH Specific Conductance _ uMhos Temp._°C, Odor Appearance DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES WATER QUALITY DIVISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER PERMIT #: EXPIRATION DATE: Non -Discharge NPDES TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon Remediation: Infiltration Gallery Spray Field _ Remediation: t'_Rotary Distributor __ Land Application of Sludge — Other: NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and . colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: Certification No. PARAMETERS (Samples for metals were collected unfiltered YES NO and field acidified COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) ds ' _ mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100m1 Nitrate (NO3) as N l I k .? mg/I Coliform: MF Total /100m1 Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I (Note: Use MPN method for highly tw -id samples) Orthophospha+A .„_. . _ mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/I pH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium _, mg/I TOC 3 1 -23 mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Chloride I W mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/1 Arsenic mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I Phenol mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Sulfate mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I Specific Conductance uMhos K - Potassium mg/I Total Ammonia mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I TKN as N mg/I Mn - Manganese mg/I Rev. 0312-000 YES I _ _ NCt1 Ni - Nickel mg/I Pb - Lead mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I Ammonia �_, _ , d �, mg/I . ��:. _ n , Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) ORGANICS: (GC,GC/MS,HPLC) (Specify test and method #. Attach lab report.) Report Attached? Yes (1) No - (0) VOC : method # = method # = method # =