HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1200502_31-3799 NC Arboretum Report_20200713�r ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP Setting the Standard for Service' Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental • Facilities NC Registed Engineering Firm F4078 NC Registered Geologists Firm C-496 SC Registered Engineering Firm 3239 May 21, 2019 Mr. Joshua Karrick, PLA, ASLA, AICP Bell Engineering 1278 Hendersonville Road, Suite D Asheville, North Carolina 28803 Reference: Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation NC Arboretum Parking Expansion 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina ECS Project Number 31-3799 Mr. Karrick: ECS Southeast, LLP (ECS) has completed the subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering services for the above referenced project. This project was authorized and performed in general accordance with ECS Proposal No. 31-5748-P dated January 21, 2019. PKUJEC I INFORMA I IUN Our understanding of the project is based on recent email and telephone correspondence between you and ECS' Scott Sawyer, PE. Based on our correspondence, we understand that the NC Arboretum is planning to rehabilitate their existing parking lot as well as construct a new expansion to their existing parking lot. The project site is located on the NC Arboretum campus at 100 Fredrick Law Olmstead Way in Asheville, North Carolina. We understand that the rehabilitation of the existing parking lot will likely consist of either a mill and overlay repair or localized full depth asphalt replacement. We anticipate that the existing parking lot grades will essential stay the same. Also as part of the existing parking lot redesign, 58 additional spaces will be added as well as pervious pavement areas. The planned new parking lot expansion is located just northwest of the existing parking lot. This area is heavily wooded and moderately sloped. Based on the existing grades, we anticipate that up to about 10 feet of cut and fill will be required to create a level parking pad. The new parking lot will allow for 78 car spaces and 13 bus spaces. EXPLUKATIUN Hand Auger Borings Our services included obtaining twelve cores (C-1 through C-12) of the asphaltic concrete pavement as indicated on the attached Exploration Location Diagram. The thickness of the asphalt cores were measured at each location. The thickness of the underlying aggregate base course was also measured and samples of the near -surface subgrade soils were obtained. Photographs of each of the core location as well as the cores themselves are attached. 1900 Hendersonville Road, Suite 10, Asheville, NC 28803 • T: 828,665,2307 • F: 828-665,8128 • ec0rnited.com ECS Capitol Services, PLLC • ECS Florida, LLC 9 ECS Mid -Atlantic, LLC • ECS Midwest, LLC 9 ECS Southeast, LLP • ECS Southwest, LLP Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation NCArboretum Parking Expansion Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina ECS Project Number 31-3799 Page 2 The hand auger borings were performed by turning a three-inch diameter hollow bucket auger with sharpened blades into the soil. Samples of the cuttings were collected in approximate 6-inch increments and visually classified. The borings were advanced to a maximum depth of approximately 3 feet below the existing grade in order to visually classify the subgrade soil conditions. The boreholes were backfilled with the auger cuttings and patched with asphalt cold -patch upon completion. In addition, Kessler Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (KDCP) tests were performed in the boreholes in general accordance with the procedures of ASTM D 6951 (Standard Test Method For Use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer in Shallow Pavement Applications, 2009). This test consists of continuously driving a conical point into the soil using a 17.6 pound cylinder weight, free -falling a height of 22.6 inches. The depth of cone penetration is measured at selected hammer drop intervals and the soil shear strength is reported in terms of DCP index. The DCP index is used to correlate the in -place California Bearing Ratio value. Individual Kessler DCP Test Data sheets are attached. Based on the results of our coring fieldwork, a summary of the existing asphalt sections encountered during testing are shown in Table 1. Pavement Evaluation A visual reconnaissance was performed to provide a qualitative assessment of the existing pavement conditions at the NC Arboretum. The pavement conditions were visually observed and characterized into three categories: Good, Fair and Poor. Conditions labeled as "Good" displayed minimal evidence of cracking, rutting or surface distress. In these areas, it is unlikely that remedial repairs will be required prior to placement of the asphalt overlay. Conditions labeled as "Fair" displayed light to moderate cracking and minor rutting, where the distress is likely located in the asphalt and stone base course layers. In these areas, some remedial repairs may be required. This should be evaluated in the field, on a case -by -case basis. Conditions labeled as "Poor" displayed moderate to severe cracking and heavy rutting where it appears that the distress has migrated down into the subgrade soils. In these areas, remedial repairs consisting of subgrade undercut and replacement with Aggregate Base Course (ABC) stone or full -depth asphalt may likely be required. Pavements in the vicinity of C-3 and C-12 were observed to be in "Good" condition with little evidence of distress. Pavements in the vicinity of locations C-1, C-2, C-4, C-5, C-6, C-7 and C-8 were observed to be "Fair" with alligator cracking and minor rutting. Pavements in the vicinity of locations C-9, C-10, and C-11 were observed to be in "Poor" condition. Major cracking and rutting was observed within these areas. Existing Pavement Conditions at each core location are identified on the Summary of Pavement Section Measurements in the attachments. Typical photographs of each condition are included in the Site Photographs attachment of this report as well. Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation NCArboretum Parking Expansion Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina ECS Project Number 31-3799 Page 3 Test Pit Excavations Eight test pit excavations (TP-1 through TP-8) were performed at the approximate locations shown on the Exploration Location Diagram in the Appendix. The test pits were performed within planned parking lot expansion area. The test pit excavations were extended to depths ranging from about 8% to 11 feet below the existing ground surface. The excavations were performed with a John Deere 60G excavator, having a maximum reach of about 10 feet. The relative difficulty of test pit excavation within the different soil strata and descriptions of the subsurface materials encountered were observed and recorded by ECS staff. Individual Test Pit Logs and representative photographs of the conditions encountered in the excavations are attached to this report. ECS field personnel obtained several representative grab samples from each test pit excavation. The samples were returned to our laboratory for visual classification and testing. Laboratory Testing Representative soil samples obtained during our field exploration were selected and tested in our laboratory to check field classifications and to help estimate pertinent index and engineering properties of the site soils. The geotechnical laboratory testing included: • Visual classification of soil samples in general conformance with ASTM D 2487, • Index property testing of select soils samples including: o Natural moisture content determinations (ASTM D 2216), o Atterberg limits testing (ASTM D 4318), o Percent passing the No. 200 sieve (ASTM D 1140), and The laboratory test results are included on the Laboratory Testing Summary provided in the Appendix. The moisture content and Atterberg limit test results are also presented on the individual Hand Auger Boring and Test Pit Logs. EXPLORATORY RESULTS Hand Auger Borings In summary, the existing asphalt measured at the core locations ranged from approximately 1 to 3 inches in thickness. The aggregate base course thickness ranged between approximately 6 and 14 inches. Below is a summary table with asphalt and aggregate base course thicknesses and our opinion of the observed pavement condition. Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation NCArboretum Parking Expansion Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina ECS Project Number 31-3799 Page 4 Table 1: Existing Asphalt Pavement Section Core Location Asphalt Thickness (inches) Aggregate Base Course Thickness (inches) Existing Pavement Condition C-1 3 12 Fair C-2 2% 12 Fair C-3 2 12 Good C-4 2% 12 Fa i r C-5 3 10 Fair C-6 2% 12 Fair C-7 2 8 Fa i t C-8 2% 14 Fair C-9 1% 10 Poor C-10 2 6 Poor C-11 1 12 Poor C-12 2% 12 Good Underlying the surficial pavement and aggregate base layers, manual hand auger borings encountered fill and residual soils. In general, the soils typically consisted of silty fine to medium sand (SM / A-2-4). Kessler DCP testing of the stone base indicated in -place CBR values ranging from 10 to 100+, with typical values between 30 and 50. Kessler DCP testing of the pavement subgrade soils indicated in - place CBR values ranging between 5 and 100+ with typical CBR values ranging from 10 to 30, with an average CBR of 15. Groundwater was not encountered within the hand auger borings at the time of our exploration. For safety reasons, the borings were backfilled immediately after drilling, making stabilized (24-hour) readings unobtainable. Groundwater elevations should be expected to vary depending on seasonal fluctuations in precipitation, surface water absorption characteristics, and other factors. Test Pit Excavations The test pits encountered a surficial layer of topsoil approximately 4 to 6 inches thick. Underlying the topsoil, natural residual soils were encountered to the termination depth of each test pit (8% to 11 feet below existing ground surface). The residual soils generally consisted of sandy silt (ML) transitioning with depth to silty fine to medium sand (SM). Varying amounts of rock fragments were sampled throughout the residuum. Groundwater was not encountered in the test pits at the time of this exploration. Groundwater elevations should be expected to vary depending on seasonal fluctuations in precipitation, surface Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation NCArboretum Parking Expansion Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina ECS Project Number 31-3799 Page 5 water absorption characteristics, and other factors. Please note that pockets of water may still be present within localized zones in the subsurface matrix that may not have been encountered in our test pit excavations. The above paragraphs provide a general summary of the subsurface conditions encountered at specific exploration locations at the time of our exploration. Subsurface conditions intermediate of the actual exploration locations may vary. The Test Pit Logs attached to this report contain more detailed information regarding the subsurface conditions encountered at each exploration location. These logs represent our visual classification of the samples retrieved during the field exploration. The stratification lines on the logs designate approximate boundaries between various subsurface strata. The actual in -situ transitions are expected to be more gradual. EXISING PARKING LOT ASPHALT OVERLAY DESIGN As previously mentioned, we cored the existing pavement structure at twelve (12) locations to determine the thickness of the existing pavement system in order to provide an analysis for an overlay that will be necessary to achieve the proper thickness (i.e. Structural Number) for the provided traffic conditions. Please note that "Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures" (ASTM D-2726) and "Extraction of Bitumen From Bituminous Paving" (ASTM D-2172) were not performed on the asphalt cores for this study. ECS has utilized the AASHTO Pavement Design Method, 1993. The recommendations presented herein assume that the production and placement of the asphalt meet the requirements of current AASHTO standards. As with any pavement, the thickness of the pavement section is determined by many factors. Possibly the most important factor is the volume and type of traffic that the proposed pavement will experience. Should the loading conditions be different than what we have assumed, we should be given the opportunity to review our design and provide you with a revised pavement design, if necessary. For our analysis, we assumed traffic conditions consisting of 35,000 18-kip ESAL's which includes passenger vehicles as well as heavy duty buses, delivery trucks, and garbage trucks. We have not assumed an annual growth rate. An average in -place California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of 15 was used based on our Kessler DCP testing. The following overlay design is based on a 10-year design life. Based on the Structural Number (SN) of 1.47 required for a 10-year overlay design, it is our opinion that the existing pavement section provides an average SN of 2.00, before rehabilitation. Therefore, we recommend milling the upper 2 inches of pavement prior to placement of the overlay. Please note that in some areas, the asphalt may be removed in its entirety. We recommend the overlay consist of 2 inches of S9.513 surface course. The three areas identified as "Poor" consists of 2 inches of asphalt or less. Because the asphalt will be fully removed in these areas, we recommend the ABC stone base be thoroughly proofrolled prior to placement of new pavement. Provided the subgrade performs satisfactorily under the weight of the proofroll vehicle, new pavement may then be placed. If the proofroll does not perform satisfactory, the unsuitable sub -base and subgrade materials may require undercutting and replacement with ABC stone Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation NCArboretum Parking Expansion Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina ECS Project Number 31-3799 Page 6 or full depth asphalt. The most appropriate remedial activity to repair unstable or unsuitable subgrades should be determined by ECS in the field at the time of proofrolling. Additionally, cracks and joints should be filled with a lean mixture of sand and liquid bituminous material. This mixture should be well tamped in -place, leveled with the pavement surface and any excess removed. Depressions should be leveled using bituminous patch mixtures. After repairs have been completed and prior to placement of the overlay, the surface should be swept clean of all dirt, dust and foreign material that may tend to break the bond between the overlay and the existing pavement. In addition, to minimize the potential for and to delay the appearance of reflective cracking, we recommend the contractor install a layer of Tensar Glasgrid (or approved equivalent) after sealing the cracks and prior to placement of the overlay. PARKING LOi EXPANSION CONSIDERATIONS Based on the subsurface conditions encountered within the test pit excavations and our experience with similar site conditions and construction, the soils at the site appear generally suitable for support of the proposed parking lot expansion using conventional construction techniques. The on -site soils should be able to be excavated using conventional earthmoving equipment and are generally suitable for re -use as structural fill. Site and Subgrade Preparation The first step should be to remove the surficial topsoil, vegetation, and rootmat from the planned parking expansion limits. Soft, unsuitable, or deleterious material should be removed from the existing ground surface as well. After removal of the surficial materials, the exposed subgrade soils within the areas to receive fill should be carefully examined by the Geotechnical Engineer, or their representative, to help identify any localized loose, yielding, or otherwise unsuitable materials. Unsuitable subgrade materials may require undercutting or stabilization in -place with geosynthetics prior to the placement of new structural fill materials. The most appropriate remedial activity to repair unstable or unsuitable subgrades should be determined in the field during construction. Additional, existing areas that are at grade or excavated to grade should also be examined by the Geotechnical Engineer. Areas that perform satisfactory under the weight of a proofroll may be prepared for the pavement section. Areas that are identified as unstable should be repaired. The most appropriate remedial activity to repair unstable or unsuitable subgrades should be determined in the field during construction. Structural Fill Materials Product Submittals: Prior to placement of Structural Fill, representative bulk samples (about 50 pounds) of proposed on -site and off -site borrow material should be submitted to ECS for laboratory testing, which will include Atterberg limits, natural moisture content, grain -size distribution, and moisture -density relationships for compaction. Import materials should be tested prior to being hauled to the site to determine if they meet project specifications. Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation NCArboretum Parking Expansion Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina ECS Project Number 31-3799 Page 7 Satisfactory Structural Fill Materials: Materials satisfactory for use as Structural Fill should consist of inorganic soils classified as GW, SW, SM or a combination of these group symbols. The materials should be free of organic matter, debris, and should contain no particle sizes greater than 4 inches in the largest dimension. Open graded materials, such as Gravels (GP), which contain void space in their mass should not be used in structural fills unless properly encapsulated with filter fabric. Suitable Structural Fill material should have the index properties with a maximum Liquid Limit of 50 and a maximum Plasticity Index of 30. Additionally, the re -use of ML or CL soil types as fill materials may be suitable provided they meet the Liquid Limit and Plasticity Index requirements. Unsatisfactory Materials: Unsatisfactory fill materials include materials which to not satisfy the requirements for suitable materials, as well as topsoil and organic materials. Structural Fill Requirements We anticipate that up to about 10 feet of fill will be required in order to achieve the finished grades. The fill materials should have a plasticity index less than 30 and a liquid limit less than 50. We also recommend that all fills within structural areas have a standard Proctor (ASTM D 698) maximum dry density of at least 95 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). The soils encountered in our test pits are generally considered suitable for re -use as engineered fill. Engineered fill placed within the pavement areas should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose lift thickness, moisture conditioned to within their working range of optimum moisture content, and compacted to a minimum of 98 percent of their standard Proctor maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM D 698. Similarly, isolated areas of engineered fill, such as trench backfill, should be placed in lifts not exceeding 4 to 6 inches and meet the same compaction criteria. The moisture content of the fill should be maintained in the soil's working range of optimum, which is typically plus or minus 3 percent. The pavement areas should be well defined during fill placement. Grade controls should also be maintained throughout the filling operations. Filling operations should be observed on a full-time basis by an experienced soils engineering technician to document that the required degrees of compaction are being achieved. We recommend that a minimum of one compaction test per 2,500 square feet per lift of fill be performed. The elevation and location of the tests should be accurately identified at the time of fill placement. Areas which fail to achieve the required degree of compaction should be re - compacted and re -tested until the required compaction is achieved. Failing test areas may require moisture adjustments or other suitable remedial activities in order to achieve the required compaction. Fill materials should not be placed on frozen soils or frost -heaved soils and/or soils which have been recently subjected to precipitation. Borrow fill materials should not contain wet or frozen materials at the time of placement. Wet or frost -heaved soils should be removed prior to placement of engineered fill, granular sub -base materials, and asphalt pavement materials. If problems are encountered during the site grading operations, or if the actual site conditions differ from those encountered during our subsurface exploration, the geotechnical engineer should be notified immediately. Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation NCArboretum Parking Expansion Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina ECS Project Number 31-3799 Page 8 Earth Slope Requirements Final engineered slopes should be inclined no steeper than 2H:1V (Horizontal: Vertical) for cut and/or fill slopes in order to maintain a suitable long-term factor of safety. Fill slopes shall not be constructed using organic strippings, topsoil or other deleterious materials, and should be over -built slightly steeper and cut back to the required inclination in order to expose properly compacted soil at the slope face and to help enhance their long-term stability. Slopes should be properly vegetated to prevent erosion and shallow surficial sloughing which could lead to other instabilities. In addition to proper vegetation, permanent turf reinforcement matting (TRIM) or flexible growth medium (FGM) should be applied to all slopes, cut or fill, exceeding a 2H:1V inclination in order to reduce erosion and shallow surficial sloughing. We recommend EnkaMat 703, Tensar Vmax SC250 TRIM, Tensar HydraCX hydraulic mulch FGM, or approved equivalent be used for permanent surficial stabilization on steep slopes. Slopes with inclinations of 2H:1V or flatter should receive temporary matting, such as Tensar EroNet S75 or approved equivalent. Slope matting should be installed per the manufacture's specifications. New Pavement Requirements New pavements may be supported on approved residual soils or newly placed structural fill, provided that the recommendations provided herein are strictly followed. The pavement subgrades should be prepared in strict accordance with the recommendations in the Site and Subgrade Preparation and Structural Fill sections of this report. For our analysis, we assumed traffic conditions consisting of 65,000 18-kip ESAL's which includes passenger vehicles as well as heavy duty buses, delivery trucks, and garbage trucks. We have not assumed an annual growth rate. An average in -place California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of 10 was used based on our laboratory index testing. Should the actual traffic conditions be different than those stated, ECS should be allowed to carefully review these recommendations and make appropriate revisions based upon the new traffic design criteria and/or determination of the engineering properties of the actual pavement subgrade soils. It is important to understand the recommended sections do not take into account construction traffic. Minimum Material Designation Thickness Asphalt Surface Course (S 9.513) 2.0 inches Graded Aggregate Base Course 8.0 inches The asphalt concrete surface course materials, asphalt concrete binder course materials, and underlying aggregate base course materials should conform to the latest edition of the North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. Careful selection of the asphalt mixes should be made based upon the anticipated traffic conditions. Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation NC Arboretum Parking Expansion Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina ECS Project Number 31-3799 Page 9 An important consideration with the design, construction and performance of pavements is surface and subsurface drainage. Where standing water develops, either on the pavement surface or within the base course layer, softening of the subgrades and other problems related to the deterioration of the pavement can be expected. Furthermore, good drainage should help reduce the possibility of the subgrade materials becoming saturated during the normal service period of the pavement. CLOSING ECS Southeast, LLP appreciates the opportunity to assist you during this phase of the project. If you have questions concerning this report, please contact our office at 828-665-2307. Respectfully, ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP C A R pl O .•��SSIp '• y �� )q 0 a SEA ;f 3 — �' ENGINE. s ya. �077 I IWI 1IgP��\\\ Scott W. Sawyer, P.E. Project Engineer NC License No. 043873 ATTACHMENTS: Site Location Diagram Exploration Location Diagram Hand Auger Logs (C-1 through C-12) DCP Test Data (C-1 through C-12) Core Photographs (12 sheets) Test Pit Logs (TP-1 through TP-8) Test Pit Photographs (9 Sheets) Laboratory Testing Summary �//6 C. zc J . Cady Michael J. Walko, P.E. Principal Engineer Service Layer Credits: Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors pa 0� 006 .. awfto S Au!-7n R a� Fh:giy r pl r F.v t oA t� 1 0 1,000 2,000 Feet i Site Location Diagram NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION SC1 " ALE = 1000 ' PROJECT NO. 31:3799 100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY, ASHEVILLE, NC SHEET 1 OF 1 ATE BELL ENGINEERING D4/25/2019 ti CL N a 0 0 cc co Z C) g c� a Q(C,-) �:cz H LO cz -0 c a)a Z X O r, ' w - a O E (Z C? O C) c� C U i 4t a N 0 a- a N J U O _ (0Z — .:ram Y r a V O °'_0 �� Q0�Qw Y �,It• 0 Q C)OUo (D J Z T ca a LU l�� a.� '� r •ai W J, J i (0 m Q _ 0 Lq I T T ��r a 2 v N s — co u? t _- 0 0 •0 CLU = 2 ;.. J E o E_ Q X 0- O Q Q PROJECT NAME: HAND AUGER # - I US C NC Arboretum Parking Expansion C-1 CLIENT. Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION Bell En ineerin 31:3799 L DEPTH (FT.) ELEV. (FT.) LOCATION: 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way,Asheville NCIEFFOR ARCH./ENG: Excay. DCP 4P (TSF) SAMPLE NO. MOIST. CONT. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 —Asphalt Thickness 3" ABC Stone Thickness [12"] M (SM FILL) FILL, SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, contains slight mica, brown, moist S-1 2 S-2 END OF HAND AUGER @ 3' 4 6 8 10 12 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAYBE GRADUAL. GROUNDWATER While Drilling = After Drilling 1 EXCAVATION EFFORT. E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT ECS REP.: DATE: UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater While Drilling: Groundwater: SL/AH 1 04/22/19 PROJECT NAME: HAND AUGER # - I Q7 NC Arboretum Parking Expansion C-2 CLIENT. Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION Bell En ineerin 31:3799 DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION: ARCH./ENG: Excay. 4P SAMPLE MOIST. (FT.) (FT.) 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way,Asheville NCIEFFOR DCP (TSF) NO. CONT. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 —Asphalt Thickness 2.5" ABC Stone Thickness [12"] .� .� (SM FILL) FILL, SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, contains slight mica, brown, moist M S-1 2 S-2 22.8 END OF HAND AUGER @ 3' 4 6 8 10 12 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. = 1 GROUNDWATER While Drilling After Drilling EXCAVATION EFFORT. E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT ECS REP.: DATE: UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater While Drilling: Groundwater: SL/AH 1 04/22/19 PROJECT NAME: HAND AUGER # - I Q7 NC Arboretum Parking Expansion C-3 CLIENT. Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION Bell En ineerin 31:3799 DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION: ARCH./ENG: Excay. 4P SAMPLE MOIST. (FT.) (FT.) 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way,Asheville NCIEFFOR DCP (TSF) NO. CONT. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 As halt Thickness 2" ABC Stone Thickness [12"] i .� ;. (SM FILL) FILL, SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, contains slight mica, brown, moist M S-1 2 S-2 END OF HAND AUGER @ 3' 4 6 8 10 12 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. = 1 GROUNDWATER While Drilling After Drilling EXCAVATION EFFORT. E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT ECS REP.: DATE: UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater While Drilling: Groundwater: SL/AH 1 04/22/19 PROJECT NAME: HAND AUGER # - I Q7 NC Arboretum Parking Expansion C-4 CLIENT. Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION Bell En ineerin 31:3799 DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION: ARCH./ENG: Excay. 4P SAMPLE MOIST. (FT.) (FT.) 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way,Asheville NCIEFFOR DCP (TSF) NO. CONT. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 —Asphalt Thickness 2.5" ABC Stone Thickness [12"] .� .� (SM) Residuum, SILTY FINE SAND, contains slight mica, reddish brown and brown, moist M S-1 2 S-2 21.7 END OF HAND AUGER @ 3' 4 6 8 10 12 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. = 1 GROUNDWATER While Drilling After Drilling EXCAVATION EFFORT. E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT ECS REP.: DATE: UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater While Drilling: Groundwater: SL/AH 1 04/22/19 PROJECT NAME: HAND AUGER # - I US C NC Arboretum Parking Expansion C-5 CLIENT. Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION Bell En ineerin 31:3799 L DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION: ARCH./ENG: Excay. 4P SAMPLE MOIST. (FT.) (FT.) 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way,Asheville NCIEFFOR DCP (TSF) NO. CONT. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 —Asphalt Thickness 3" ABC Stone Thickness [10"] (SM FILL) FILL, SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, contains slight mica, brown, moist M S-1 2 S-2 END OF HAND AUGER @ 3' 4 6 8 10 12 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAYBE GRADUAL. = 1 GROUNDWATER While Drilling After Drilling EXCAVATION EFFORT. E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT ECS REP.: DATE: UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater While Drilling: Groundwater: SL/AH 1 04/22/19 I PROJECT NAME: HAND AUGER # - I Q7 NC Arboretum Parking Expansion C-6 CLIENT. Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION Bell En ineerin 31:3799 DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION: ARCH./ENG: Excay. 4P SAMPLE MOIST. (FT.) (FT.) 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way,Asheville NCIEFFOR DCP (TSF) NO. CONT. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 —Asphalt Thickness 2.75" ABC Stone Thickness [12"] .� (SM FILL) FILL, SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, contains slight mica, brown, moist M S-1 2 S-2 14.1 END OF HAND AUGER @ 3' 4 6 8 10 12 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. = 1 GROUNDWATER While Drilling After Drilling EXCAVATION EFFORT. E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT ECS REP.: DATE: UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater While Drilling: Groundwater: SL/AH 1 04/22/19 PROJECT NAME: HAND AUGER # - I Q7 NC Arboretum Parking Expansion C-7 CLIENT. Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION Bell En ineerin 31:3799 DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION: ARCH./ENG: Excay. 4P SAMPLE MOIST. (FT.) (FT.) 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way,Asheville NCIEFFOR DCP (TSF) NO. CONT. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 As halt Thickness 2" ABC Stone Thickness [8"] i (SM FILL) FILL, SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, contains slight mica, brown, moist M S-1 2 S-2 END OF HAND AUGER @ 3' 4 6 8 10 12 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. = 1 GROUNDWATER While Drilling After Drilling EXCAVATION EFFORT. E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT ECS REP.: DATE: UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater While Drilling: Groundwater: SL/AH 1 04/22/19 I PROJECT NAME: HAND AUGER # - I Q7 NC Arboretum Parking Expansion C-8 CLIENT. Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION Bell En ineerin 31:3799 DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION: ARCH./ENG: Excay. 4P SAMPLE MOIST. (FT.) (FT.) 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way,Asheville NCIEFFOR DCP (TSF) NO. CONT. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 —Asphalt Thickness 2.5" ABC Stone Thickness [14"] ►� (SM FILL) FILL, SILTY FINE SAND, contains slight mica, reddish brown M and dark brown, moist S-1 2 S-2 END OF HAND AUGER @ 3' 4 6 8 10 12 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. = 1 GROUNDWATER While Drilling After Drilling EXCAVATION EFFORT. E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT ECS REP.: DATE: UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater While Drilling: Groundwater: SL/AH 1 04/22/19 PROJECT NAME: HAND AUGER # - I Q7 NC Arboretum Parking Expansion C-9 CLIENT. Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION Bell En ineerin 31:3799 DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION: ARCH./ENG: Excay. 4P SAMPLE MOIST. (FT.) (FT.) 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way,Asheville NCIEFFOR DCP (TSF) NO. CONT. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 As halt Thickness 1.5" �. ABC Stone Thickness [10"] �. .� (SM FILL) FILL, SILTY FINE SAND, contains slight mica, dark gray and reddish brown, moist M S-1 2 S-2 21.1 END OF HAND AUGER @ 3' 4 6 8 10 12 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. = 1 GROUNDWATER While Drilling After Drilling EXCAVATION EFFORT. E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT ECS REP.: DATE: UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater While Drilling: Groundwater: SL/AH 1 04/22/19 I PROJECT NAME: HAND AUGER # - I Q7 NC Arboretum Parking Expansion C-10 CLIENT. Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION Bell En ineerin 31:3799 DEPTH (FT.) ELEV. (FT.) LOCATION: 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way,Asheville NCIEFFOR ARCH./ENG: Excay. DCP 4P (TSF) SAMPLE NO. MOIST. C(/T. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 As halt Thickness 2" ABC Stone Thickness [6"] (SM FILL) FILL, SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, contains slight mica, brown, moist S-1 M S-2 2 (SM) SILTY FINE SAND, contains mica, light brown, moist, very loose S-3 S-4 END OF HAND AUGER @ 3' 4 6 8 10 12 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. GROUNDWATER While Drilling = After Drilling 1 EXCAVATION EFFORT. E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT ECS REP.: DATE: UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater While Drilling: Groundwater: SL/AH 04/22/19 PROJECT NAME: HAND AUGER # - I Q7 NC Arboretum Parking Expansion C-11 CLIENT. Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION Bell En ineerin 31:3799 DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION: ARCH./ENG: Excay. 4P SAMPLE MOIST. (FT.) (FT.) 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way,Asheville NCIEFFOR DCP (TSF) NO. CONT. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 As halt Thickness 1" ABC Stone Thickness [12"] v • (SM FILL) FILL, SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, contains slight mica, brown, moist M S-1 2 S-2 21.5 END OF HAND AUGER @ 3' 4 6 8 10 12 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. = 1 GROUNDWATER While Drilling After Drilling EXCAVATION EFFORT. E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT ECS REP.: DATE: UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater While Drilling: Groundwater: SL/AH 1 04/22/19 I PROJECT NAME_ HAND AUGER # NC Arboretum Parking Expansion C-12 CLIENT: Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION Bell En ineerin 31:3799 - ry DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION: ARCH./ENG: Excav 4P SAMPLE MOIST. AFT/ (FT) 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way,Asheville NC EFFOR OCP TSF) NO. c(/r. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 —Asphalt Thickness 2.5" ABC Stone Thickness [12"] (SM FILL) FILL, SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, contains slight mica, brown, moist M S-1 2 (CL) Residuum, SANDY LEAN CLAY, light brown, moist S-2 END OF HAND AUGER @ 3' 4 6 8 10 12 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAYBE GRADUAL. = 1 GROUND WATER: While Drilling ABer Drilling EXCAVATION EFFORT E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT ECS REP.: DATE_ UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater While Drilling: Groundwater SL/AH 1 04/22/19 DCP TEST DATA File Name: Project: NC Arboretum Date: 22-Apr-19 Location: C-1 Soil Type(s): SM VM.'1 lbs. SoiO C:H OO 17.6 lbs. O CL O Both hammers used ® All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 1 5 35 1 5 50 1 5 10 127 254 10 78 1 5 107 1 15 381 5 156 1 5 184 1 5 205 1 c H E 5 232 1 5 272 1 20 M p 25 508 3 a W 635 5 310 1 5 340 1 30 762 5 378 1 5 435 1 5 485 1 5 540 1 5 589 1 35 889 40 L 1016 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 5 635 1 5 664 1 5 693 1 5 727 1 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 5 5 769 1 5 803 1 5 830 1 5 860 1 5 894 1 5 933 1 10 5 973 1 5 1014 1 5 1046 1 5 1079 1 15 5 1110 1 5 1133 1 M 20 M W 0 5 1152 1 5 1180 1 25 30 5 1220 1 1 Based on approximate interrelationships 35 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 DCP TEST DATA File Name: Project: NC Arboretum Date: 22-Apr-19 Location: C-2 Soil Type(s): SM VM.'1 lbs. SoiO C:H OO 17.6 lbs. O CL O Both hammers used ® All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 1 5 42 1 5 71 1 5 10 127 254 5 91 1 5 106 1 15 381 5 131 1 5 163 1 5 204 1 c H E 5 253 1 5 283 1 20 M p 25 508 3 a Lu 0 635 5 359 1 5 417 1 30 762 5 526 1 5 666 1 5 753 1 5 795 1 5 841 1 35 889 40 L 1016 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 5 866 1 5 931 1 5 1041 1 5 1070 1 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 5 5 1146 1 5 1166 1 5 1236 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 15 H 1 1 20 a Lu 0 1 1 25 30 1 1 Based on approximate interrelationships 35 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 DCP TEST DATA File Name: Project: NC Arboretum Date: 22-Apr-19 Location: C-3 Soil Type(s): SM VM.'1 lbs. SoiO C:H OO 17.6 lbs. O CL O Both hammers used ® All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 1 5 36 1 5 69 1 5 10 127 254 5 93 1 5 109 1 15 381 5 130 1 5 149 1 5 173 1 c E 5 197 1 5 227 1 20 M p 25 508 F a W 635 5 265 1 5 305 1 30 762 5 356 1 5 485 1 5 660 1 5 787 1 5 960 1 35 889 40 L 1016 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 5 1065 1 5 1135 1 5 1195 1 5 1265 1 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 15 � H 1 1 20 a W 0 1 1 25 30 1 1 F' Based on approximate interrelationships 35 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 DCP TEST DATA File Name: Project: NC Arboretum Date: 22-Apr-19 Location: C-4 Soil Type(s): SM VM.'1 lbs. SoiO C:H OO 17.6 lbs. O CL O Both hammers used ® All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 1 5 44 1 5 69 1 5 10 127 254 10 107 1 5 134 1 15 381 5 168 1 5 206 1 5 239 1 c H E 5 266 1 5 292 1 20 M p 25 508 3 a W 635 5 315 1 10 335 1 30 762 5 369 1 5 406 1 5 433 1 5 455 1 5 518 1 35 889 40 1016 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 5 551 1 5 581 1 5 618 1 5 656 1 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 5 5 689 1 5 718 1 10 1 744 1 10 771 1 5 811 1 5 840 1 10 5 874 1 5 904 1 5 928 1 5 953 1 15 s 10 968 1 10 1014 1 M 20 M W 0 5 1056 1 5 1081 1 25 30 5 1109 1 5 1132 1 Based on approximate interrelationships 35 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) 40 5 1 1156 1 5 1178 1 5 1199 1 5 1224 1 5 1253 1 1 DCP TEST DATA File Name: Project: NC Arboretum Date: 22-Apr-19 Location: C-5 Soil Type(s): SM VM.'1 lbs. SoiO C:H OO 17.6 lbs. O CL O Bath hammers used ® All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 1 5 42 1 10 68 1 5 10 127 254 10 99 1 10 132 1 15 381 5 151 1 5 174 1 5 227 1 c H 5 273 1 5 341 1 20 0. p 25 508 F a W 635 5 398 1 5 450 1 30 762 5 490 1 5 510 1 5 537 1 1 5 568 1 5 597 1 35 889 40 1016 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 5 617 1 5 638 1 5 661 1 5 693 1 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 5 5 717 1 5 741 1 5 765 1 5 795 1 5 824 1 5 853 1 10 5 874 1 5 903 1 5 922 1 5 943 1 15 s 5 965 1 5 984 1 20 a (L W 0 5 1005 1 5 1026 1 25 30 5 1047 1 5 1066 1 Based on approximate interrelationships 35 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) 40 10 1081 1 10 1093 1 10 1120 1 10 1153 1 10 1186 1 10 1204 1 1 DCP TEST DATA File Name: Project: NC Arboretum Date: 22-Apr-19 Location: C-6 Soil Type(s): SM VM.'1 lbs. SoiO C:H OO 17.6 lbs. O CL O Both hammers used ® All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 1 5 34 1 5 56 1 5 10 127 254 5 73 1 5 97 1 15 381 5 114 1 5 133 1 5 158 1 c E 5 203 1 5 315 1 20 M p 25 771635 508 3 a W 5 377 1 5 438 1 30 762 5 469 1 5 519 1 5 568 1 5 613 1 5 643 1 35 889 40 1016 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 5 669 1 5 688 1 5 713 1 5 728 1 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 5 10 767 1 10 801 1 10 833 1 10 858 1 10 891 1 10 915 1 10 10 936 1 10 955 1 10 976 1 10 993 1 15 C 10 1010 1 10 1026 1 M 20 M W 0 10 1047 1 10 1063 1 25 30 10 1081 1 10 1102 1 Based on approximate interrelationships 35 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) 40 10 1117 1 10 1129 1 10 1168 1 10 1187 1 10 1209 1 1 DCP TEST DATA File Name: Project: NC Arboretum Date: 22-Apr-19 Location: C-7 Soil Type(s): SM VM.'1 lbs. SoiO C:H OO 17.6 lbs. O CL O Bath hammers used ® All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 1 5 41 1 10 83 1 5 10 127 254 5 110 1 5 164 1 15 381 5 229 1 5 334 1 5 444 1 c E 5 511 1 5 600 1 20 li p 25 508 F a W 635 5 690 1 5 745 1 30 762 5 803 1 5 814 1 5 957 1 5 1041 1 5 1099 1 35 889 40 1016 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 5 1125 1 5 1161 1 5 1201 1 5 1269 1 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 15 H 1 1 20 a W 0 1 1 25 30 1 1 Based on approximate interrelationships 35 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 DCP TEST DATA File Name: Project: NC Arboretum Date: 22-Apr-19 Location: C-8 Soil Type(s): SM VM.'1 lbs. SoiO C:H OO 17.6 lbs. O CL O Bath hammers used ® All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 1 5 40 1 5 71 1 5 10 127 254 5 99 1 5 134 1 15 381 5 152 1 5 210 1 5 286 1 c E 5 385 1 5 490 1 20 li p 25 508 F a Lu 0 635 5 603 1 5 706 1 30 762 5 800 1 5 865 1 5 898 1 5 918 1 5 937 1 35 889 40 1016 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 5 960 1 10 1011 1 5 1040 1 5 1062 1 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 5 5 1087 1 5 1120 1 5 1143 1 5 1171 1 5 1197 1 10 5 1224 1 5 1249 1 1 1 1 15 H 1 1 20 a Lu 0 1 1 25 30 1 1 Based on approximate interrelationships 35 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 DCP TEST DATA File Name: Project: Location: NC Arboretum C-9 VM.'1 lbs. OO 17.6 lbs. O Bath hammers used Date: 22-Apr-19 Soil Type(s): SM SoiO C:H O CL ® All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer 0.1 0 CBR 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 0 1 5 34 1 10 63 1 5 10 127 254 10 90 1 10 115 1 15 381 10 150 1 10 195 1 10 276 1 c H L E 5 339 1 5 400 1 M p 20 25 508 635 F a W 5 446 1 5 491 1 30 762 5 535 1 5 588 1 5 647 1 5 712 1 5 745 1 35 40 L 0.1 1.0 10.0 889 1016 100.0 5 809 1 10 880 1 5 968 1 5 1 1056 1 -15000 BEARING CAPACITY, psf -10000 -5000 0 5000 10000 15000 5 1195 1 5 1275 1 5 1280 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � = 1 1 ~ a Lu 20 1 1 25 30 1 1 Based on approximate interrelationships of CBR and Bearing values (Design of Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) 1 1 1 1 1 1 DCP TEST DATA File Name: Project: NC Arboretum Date: 22-Apr-19 Location: C-10 Soil Type(s): SM VM.'1 lbs. SoiO C:H OO 17.6 lbs. O CL O Both hammers used ® All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 1 10 28 1 5 54 1 5 10 127 254 5 79 1 5 106 1 15 381 5 142 1 5 201 1 5 244 1 c H E 5 333 1 5 382 1 20 M p 25 508 F a W 635 5 442 1 5 504 1 30 762 5 582 1 5 665 1 5 761 1 5 849 1 5 921 1 35 889 40 1016 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 5 1002 1 5 1079 1 5 1151 1 5 1239 1 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 15 H 1 1 20 a W 0 1 1 25 30 1 1 Based on approximate interrelationships 35 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 DCP TEST DATA File Name: Project: NC Arboretum Date: 22-Apr-19 Location: C-11 Soil Type(s): SM VM.'1 lbs. SoiO C:H OO 17.6 lbs. O CL O Bath hammers used ® All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 1 5 56 1 10 81 1 5 10 127 254 10 107 1 10 131 1 15 381 10 163 1 10 192 1 5 227 1 c E E 5 253 1 5 274 1 20 li p 25 508 3 a W 635 5 328 1 5 1 367 1 30 762 5 403 1 5 439 1 5 474 1 5 531 1 5 594 1 35 889 40 L 1016 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 5 681 1 5 754 1 5 820 1 5 888 1 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 5 5 947 1 5 1001 1 5 1044 1 5 1078 1 5 1107 1 5 1145 1 10 5 1182 1 5 1222 1 5 1260 1 5 1295 1 15 H 5 1324 1 1 20 a W 0 1 1 25 30 LL 1 Based on approximate interrelationships 35 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 DCP TEST DATA File Name: Project: NC Arboretum Date: 22-Apr-19 Location: C-12 Soil Type(s): SM VM.'1 lbs. SoiO C:H OO 17.6 lbs. O CL O Both hammers used ® All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 0 0 1 5 68 1 5 99 1 5 10 127 254 5 126 1 5 153 1 15 381 5 193 1 5 232 1 5 264 1 c H E 5 293 1 5 329 1 20 M p 25 508 F a W 635 5 385 1 5 466 1 30 762 5 549 1 5 656 1 5 750 1 5 842 1 5 900 1 35 889 40 1016 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 5 944 1 5 978 1 5 1007 1 5 1038 1 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 0 5 5 1070 1 5 1095 1 5 1 1122 1 5 1149 1 5 1171 1 5 1196 1 10 5 1219 1 5 1239 1 5 1266 1 1 15 s H 1 1 20 a W 0 1 1 25 30 1 1 Based on approximate interrelationships 35 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 '4 n�'J•-` -Y - •S -lL C-2 General surficial conditions w . W v .. � m N P a [n w C-2 Core Sample NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION CORE PHOTOGRAPHS 100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY 4/22/19 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 31-3799 2 CORE PHOTOGRAPHS 4/22/19 C-3 General surficial conditions C-3 Core Sample NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION 100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 31-3799 3 12 CORE PHOTOGRAPHS 4/22/19 C-6 General surficial conditions C-6 Core Sample NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION 100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 31-3799 A CORE PHOTOGRAPHS 4/22/19 C-7 General surficial conditions + Sy_ `- • 4 J * +�'- hf �, �� - •• jam. -. �� C-7 Core Sample NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION 100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 31-3799 7 C-8 General surficial conditions 1-- C-8 Core Sample NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION CORE PHOTOGRAPHS 100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY 4/22/19 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 31-3799 C-9 General surficial conditions C-9 Core Sample CORE PHOTOGRAPHS 4/22/19 NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION 100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 31-3799 CORE PHOTOGRAPHS 4/22/19 C-10 General surficial conditions C-10 Core Sample f NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION 100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 31-3799 10 CORE PHOTOGRAPHS 4/22/19 C-12 General surficial conditions C-12 Core Sample NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION 100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 31-3799 12 PROJECT NAME: TEST PIT #: NC Arboretum Parking Expansion TP-1 CLIENT: Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION (FT) Bell En ineerin 31:3799 DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION: 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, Asheville, ARCH/ENG: EXCAV DCP QP SAMPLE Mo/ST. CONT. (FT.) (FT.) NC EFFOR (TSF) NO. (1) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 Topsoil Thickness [4"] (ML) Residuum, SANDY SILT, reddish brown, moist S-1 2 (SM) Residuum, SILTY FINE SAND, contains slight mica and rock fragments, light gray and white, moist 4 M S-2 6 8 END OF TEST PIT @ 9' 10 12 14 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAYBE GRADUAL. GROUND WATER: ENCOUNTERED = PRIOR TO BACKFILL-V EXCAVATION EFFORT. E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT CONTRACTOR: OPERATOR: MAKE/MODEL: REACH: Excavation Specialist Inc. I Stephen Deere 60G/Test Pits ECS REP.: DATE: UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater Encountered: Groundwater Prior to Backfill: AB B 04/22/19 PROJECT NAME: TEST PIT #: 0 NC Arboretum Parking Expansion TP-2 CLIENT: Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION (FT) Bell En ineerin 31:3799 ��.. DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, Asheville, ARCH/ENG: EXCAV. DCP QP SAMPLE MoiST. CONT. (FT.) (FT) NC EFFOR (TSF) NO. (1) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 Topsoil Thickness [5"] (ML) Residuum, SANDY SILT, reddish brown, moist 2 (ML) Residuum, SANDY SILT, contains slight mica and rock fragments, light brown and white, moist M 4 6 S-1 D 8 END OF TEST PIT @ 9' 10 12 14 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAYBE GRADUAL. GROUND WATER: ENCOUNTERED = PRIOR TO BACKFILL-V EXCAVATION EFFORT E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT CONTRACTOR: OPERATOR: MAKE/MODEL: REACH: Excavation Specialist Inc. I Stephen Deere 60G/Test Pits ECSREP. : DATE: UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater Encountered: Groundwater Prior toBackfill. AB B 04/22/19 PROJECT NAME: TEST PIT #: 0 NC Arboretum Parking Expansion TP-3 CLIENT: Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION (FT) Bell En ineerin 31:3799 ��.. DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, Asheville, ARCH/ENG: EXCAV. DCP QP SAMPLE MoiST. CONT. (FT.) (FT) NC EFFOR (TSF) NO. (1) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 Topsoil Thickness [5"] (ML) Residuum, SANDY SILT, reddish brown, moist 2 S-1 (SM) Residuum, SILTY FINE SAND, contains slight mica and rock fragments, 4 light brown, moist M 6 S-2 21.8 8 10 END OF TEST PIT @ 11' 12 14 REMARKS THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAYBE GRADUAL. GROUND WATER: ENCOUNTERED = PRIOR TO BACKFILL-V EXCAVATION EFFORT E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT CONTRACTOR: OPERATOR: MAKE/MODEL: REACH: Excavation Specialist Inc. I Stephen Deere 60G/Test Pits ECSREP. : DATE: UNITS Cave-in Depth: Groundwater Encountered: Groundwater Prior toBackfill. AB B 04/22/19 PROJECT NAME: TEST PIT #: 0 NC Arboretum Parking Expansion TP-4 CLIENT: Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION (FT) Bell En ineerin 31:3799 ��.. DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, Asheville, ARCH/ENG: EXCAV. DCP QP SAMPLE MoiST. CONT. (FT.) (FT) NC EFFOR (TSF) NO. (1) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 Topsoil Thickness [6"] (ML) Residuum, SANDY SILT, reddish brown, moist S-1 26.2 2 (SM) Residuum, SILTY FINE SAND, contains slight mica and rock fragments, light brown, moist 4 M 6 S-2 8 END OF TEST PIT @ 9.5' 10 12 14 REMARKS THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAYBE GRADUAL. GROUND WATER: ENCOUNTERED = PRIOR TO BACKFILL-V EXCAVATION EFFORT E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT CONTRACTOR: OPERATOR: MAKE/MODEL: REACH: Excavation Specialist Inc. I Stephen Deere 60G/Test Pits ECSREP. : DATE: UNITS Cave-in Depth: Groundwater Encountered: Groundwater Prior toBackfill. AB B 04/22/19 PROJECT NAME: TEST PIT #: 0 NC Arboretum Parking Expansion TP-5 CLIENT: Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION (FT) Bell En ineerin 31:3799 ��.. DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, Asheville, ARCH/ENG: EXCAV. DCP QP SAMPLE MoiST. CONT. (FT.) (FT) NC EFFOR (TSF) NO. (1) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 Topsoil Thickness [5"] (ML) Residuum, SANDY SILT, reddish brown, moist 2 (SM) Residuum, SILTY FINE SAND, contains slight mica and rock fragments, light brown, moist 4 M 6 S-1 8 D 10 END OF TEST PIT @ 10' 12 14 REMARKS THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAYBE GRADUAL. GROUND WATER: ENCOUNTERED = PRIOR TO BACKFILL-V EXCAVATION EFFORT E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT CONTRACTOR: OPERATOR: MAKE/MODEL: REACH: Excavation Specialist Inc. I Stephen Deere 60G/Test Pits ECSREP. : DATE: UNITS Cave-in Depth: Groundwater Encountered: Groundwater Prior toBackfill. AB B 04/22/19 PROJECT NAME: TEST PIT #: NC Arboretum Parking Expansion TP-6 CLIENT. Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION (FT) Bell En ineerin 31:3799 DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION: 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, Asheville, ARCH/ENG: EXCAV DCP QP SAMPLE Mo/ST. CONT. (FT.) (FT.) NC EFFOR (TSF) NO. (1) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 Topsoil Thickness [5"] (ML) Residuum, SANDY SILT, reddish brown, moist S-1 28.3 2 (SM) Residuum, SILTY FINE SAND, contains slight mica and rock fragments, light brown, moist 4 M 6- 8— END OF TEST PIT @ 9.5' 10 12 14 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAYBE GRADUAL. GROUND WATER: ENCOUNTERED = PRIOR TO BACKFILL-V EXCAVATION EFFORT. E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT CONTRACTOR: OPERATOR: MAKE/MODEL: REACH: Excavation Specialist Inc. I Stephen Deere 60G/Test Pits ECS REP.: DATE: UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater Encountered: Groundwater Prior to Backfill: AB B 04/22/19 PROJECT NAME: TEST PIT #: 0 NC Arboretum Parking Expansion TP-7 CLIENT: Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION (FT) Bell En ineerin 31:3799 ��.. DEPTH (FT.) ELEV. (FT) LOCATION, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, Asheville, NC ARCH/ENG: EXCAV. EFFOR DCP QP (TSF) SAMPLE NO. MoiST. CONT. (1) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 Topsoil Thickness [6"] (ML) Residuum, SANDY SILT, reddish brown, moist (SM) Residuum, SILTY FINE SAND, contains slight mica and contains rock 2 fragments, light brown and dark brown, moist M 4 S-1 6 D 8 END OF TEST PIT @ 8.5' 10 12 14 REMARKS THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAYBE GRADUAL. GROUND WATER: ENCOUNTERED = PRIOR TO BACKFILL-V EXCAVATION EFFORT E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT CONTRACTOR: OPERATOR: MAKE/MODEL: REACH: Excavation Specialist Inc. I Stephen Deere 60G/Test Pits ECSREP. : DATE: UNITS Cave-in Depth: Groundwater Encountered: Groundwater Prior toBackfill. AB B 04/22/19 PROJECT NAME: TEST PIT #: NC Arboretum Parking Expansion TP-8 CLIENT. Job #: SURFACE ELEVATION (FT) Bell En ineerin 31:3799 DEPTH ELEV. LOCATION: 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, Asheville, ARCH/ENG: EXCAV DCP QP SAMPLE Mo/ST. CONT. (FT.) (FT.) NC EFFOR (TSF) NO. (1) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 0 Topsoil Thickness [4"] (ML) Residuum, SANDY SILT, brown and reddish brown, moist 2 S-1 26.2 4 (SM) Residuum, SILTY FINE SAND, contains slight mica, light brown, moist M 6 S-2 8 10 END OF TEST PIT @ 10' 12 14 REMARKS: THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAYBE GRADUAL. GROUND WATER: ENCOUNTERED = PRIOR TO BACKFILL-V EXCAVATION EFFORT. E - EASY M - MEDIUM D - DIFFICULT VD -VERY DIFFICULT CONTRACTOR: OPERATOR: MAKE/MODEL: REACH: Excavation Specialist Inc. I Stephen Deere 60G/Test Pits ECS REP.: DATE: UNITS: Cave-in Depth: Groundwater Encountered: Groundwater Prior to Backfill: AB B 04/22/19 Test Pit TP-1 Excavation Residual soils and rock fragments excavated from TP-1 NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION TEST PITS PHOTOGRAPHS Ef Q100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY 4/22/19 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CS ECS PROJECT No. 31-3799 1 1 I ,��• r yam•_ .1 C. - .. ly �- arY•.:� .� . , .� 7,8i a of Test Pit TP-2 Excavation Residual soils and rock fragments excavated from TP-2 NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION TEST PITS PHOTOGRAPHSF3 100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY 4/22/19 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Mp- ECS PROJECT NO. 31-3799 2 •' .ems+,. ��t, � �� �: � � .' ; ��+"' - . . Test Pit TP-3 Excavation Residual soils and rock fragments excavated from TP-3 NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION TEST PITS PHOTOGRAPHSF3 100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY 4/22/19 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Mp- ECS PROJECT NO. 31-3799 3 t Test Pit TP-4 Excavation Residual soils and rock fragments excavated from TP-4 NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION TEST PITS PHOTOGRAPHS 100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY 4/22/19 Fri ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CS ECS PROJECT NO. 31-3799 12 Test Pit TP-5 Excavation Residual soils and rock fragments excavated from TP-5 NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION TEST PITS PHOTOGRAPHS Ef Q100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY 4/22/19 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA C S ECS PROJECT No. 31-3799 5 LL- Test Pit TP-6 Excavation Y Residual soils and rock fragments excavated from TP-6 NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION TEST PITS PHOTOGRAPHS Ef Q100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY 4/22/19 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA C S ECS PROJECT No. 31-3799 0 Or MAW MN -!4 1 "1-0 L Test Pit TP-7 Excavation Residual soils and rock fragments excavated from TP-7 NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION TEST PITS PHOTOGRAPHS 100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY 4/22/19 Fri ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CS ECS PROJECT NO. 31-3799 7 c r .. f Test Pit TP-8 Excavation 71 Ile 17 IV .17 Residual soils and rock fragments excavated from TP-8 NC ARBORETUM PARKING EXPANSION TEST PITS PHOTOGRAPHS 100 FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED WAY 4/22/19 CS ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 31-3799 F mogs 0 a.�§ \ O ° � \ \ @a ® LU eIto=co 2 )\��§ o«z/s > _ 7 @}fs\ �E� 0 \ 3 § >1 =tea CL 2 2 C \ : o E | k § .E / J ■o �( § .§ �> L9) Cl) L9) 0 co 0 to 7 e & w co\ C6 C6 0;.4 w C 2 2 z © © \ \ ECl) C a %\ co co ® - � � \ \ 7 e to ) 2 £ U \ o � % s s s % % % % % % a z _ co q q q co _ Lo u)/ N N N N N N N N \\ Lc^ J \\ q q q q q 2) E$ ci / ) CO � _ _ r CL q o o Lo 0 0 0 0 0 / T - w w 0 . ci w ci ci ci ci � \\ I ® 5 < _ w 0 � 't n o 0 0 0 0 §\ toco ; d o d w w w w w \\ ( E \ ° 2to 0 m u- C.0 2 2 2 2 2 2 o a [\ k k M 3 m m m m m m /\ k 0 z)] \ g w , E k ) ` 0 ) tod mm 9 17 f 9 �/ 22 2 f ■ _ ) 7 7 � 2 0 a a a a a