HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1 - Onslow 2018WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: Lawrence D. Opper RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR Well Contractor Name NC3322-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Regional Probing Services Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i. e. County, Slate, Variance, etc.) DEC 31 2018 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) 0 industrial/Commercial ❑irrigation ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: 17JMon itoring injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Retum) ❑Recovery ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 11/26/2018 MW-11 5. Well Location: Pantry 3126 Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 2865 Piney Green Rd., Jacksonville Physical Address, City. and Zip Onslow County Parcel identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/Iong is sufficient) 34.716215 N 77.319806 6. Is (are) the well(s): ©Permanent or ❑Temporary w 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or ❑No //this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under ii2 / remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For nultiple injection or non-waler.supply welts ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one farm. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 12 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths ifdii ferent (example- 3@a 200' and 2@100) 10. Static water level below top of casing: approx 5 (ft.) !f water level is above casing, use ". " 11. Borehole diameter: 4.25 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Geoprobe (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 13. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: I3a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: For Internal Use ONLY: 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO ' DESCRIPTION ft. ft. f<. ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for mull -cased welts) OR LINER (if applicable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed-loopZ FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft. 2 ft. 2 1°• sch 40 PVC ft, ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL, 2 ft. 12 ft. 2 in. .010 sch40 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 ft. 1 ft. cement grout pour 1 ft• ft. 1.5 ft• ft. bentonite pour 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAI. EMPLACEMENT METHOD 1.5 ft• 12 It. #2 sand Prepack/pour ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessaryI FROM TO DESCRIPTION (calor, hardness, soillrock type, grain size, etc.) 0 ft. 12 ft. tan-brn silty Sand ft. ft. ft, ft. ft. ft. a r ft, ft. . .n ft. ft. c'cl/ '' eOl a ft. ft. 21. REMARKS fr� V P1 22. Certification: 9J rot§' y signed by Lawrence Opp. ON: _.-lawrenceOpper.o-Regional Lawrence Opper PmangSeMre,,aa, ema I=larry@regionalprobingsom, c=US Pot 2018.1202 11118.51 05'00' Signature of Certified Well Contractor 12/2/2018 Date By signing this form, I hereby cert fy that the trell(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or i5A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. 24, Submittal Instructions: 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617-Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Welts: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Geothermal Wells: in addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 Noah Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised Jan. 2013 For Internal Use Only: 455747 lV _ Print Form 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (if a licable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft' 33 ft• 4 in' SCH40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 33 it 53 ft• 4 in• .010 SCH40 PVC ft. ft. hi. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 ft• 28 ft• Bentonite Poured ft. ft. ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 28 ft• 53 ft. Coarse Poured ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain size, etc.) 0 ft. 50 t't. Sand 50 ft, 105 ft. Clay nos ft. 125 ft. Alternating clay and limestone 125 ft. 145 ft• Limestone with clya lenses (very silty) 145 ft 160 ft' Alternating clay and limestone ft. ft. ft. ft. 21. REMARKS 10/24/18 Si:na ure ofCenifie, i' l ontractor I'�� Date By signing this form, 1 hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR I. Well Contractor Information: Donald Cummings Well Contractor Name 2412-A Lit 0 3 2018 NC Well Contractor Certification Number Water Qualit Regional Applied Resource Manag I llgn 1O I irl. nn Raq;ODaj Offico Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, County, State, Variance, etc) EHWP-2018-0001 9 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Industrial/Commercial Irrigation Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring Recovery Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Retum) !Groundwater Remediation !Salinity Barrier DStonnwater Drainage !Subsidence Control !Tracer !Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed:) 0/24/18 5a. Well Location: Doug Thomas Well ID# N/A N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 101 Courtney Pines Road, Maple Hill, NC 28454 Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow 302A-77-19 County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one Iatlong is sufficient) 34 41 57.76 N 77 39 10.79 W 6. Is(are) the well(s)jx Permanent or !Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: QYes orNo If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under i'21 remarks section or on the hack of this form. • 23c t �diagranaradditionalwelLdetails: 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells havingY use the back the: same Y of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells , t,',,; 'onstruction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled:1. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 53 For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- S(r 200' and 2;u,100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: If water level is above casing, use "- " 10 11. Borehole diameter: 8 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (ft.) (ft.) (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) 6t7 Method of test: Air lift 13b. Disinfection type: HTH Amount: 3%@10 g SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For Alt Wells: Submit this fonn within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Font G W- I North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD /e` qi7� pfSp� y This form can be used for single or multiple wellsg� �,I,; : F iq n/N CD q N R/9iWrt 1. Well Contractor Information: George Bridger Well Contractor Name 2393A NiIV 1 9 2018 Water Quality Regional NC Well Contractor Certification Number Operations Section Bridger Drilling Enterprisesvri'eirlbgf6art'fiiia'acI 13Aing Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit H: List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, Injection, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: DAgricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: OMonitoring ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑Recovery Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 11/4/18 5a. Well Location: Pluris ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) Well ID# PZ-1 Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 468 SR 1501, Hubert Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 51). Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (dwell field one lat/long is sufficient) 34.4134.22 N 77.1316.71 6. Is (are) the well(s): ❑Permanent or ❑Temporary 0 V 1 4 Z111 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or E. . - _ : • r 1f this is a repair, fill out known well construction information anti /plain the nature of the - repair under i<21 remarks section or on the back of this form. S. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 28' S (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths ifdifferent (example- 3@a 200' and 2 a@100) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 5 If water level is above casing, use "* " 11. Borehole diameter: 4 (in.) (ft.) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method vilest: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: For internal Use ONLY: 4 55 5 r) 9• 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. R. ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (if a ca G ble ) FROM 0 ft. TO 8.5 ft. DIAMETER 2 hi. THICKNESS M1SATERIAL sch40 pvc 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 8.5 fr. 28.5 e. 2 in. .010 sch40 pvc ft. 18. GROUT FROM ft. in. TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 ft. ft. 4.5 ft. neat ft. ft. ft. in place 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 6.5 ft. 28.5 ft. sand in place ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM 0 ft. ft. TO 28.5 ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. 21. REMARKS ft. DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soiltrock type, grain she, ete.) Gray, Brown and dark gray sand ..2.certification: 11 /07/18 ertified Well Contract. Date rg this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance f _LXA NCAC 02C .0100 or 1 5A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well constmction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resources -Division of Water Resources Revised August 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. %Nell Contractor Information: Lawrence D. Opper Well Contractor Name NC3322-A RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR OCT 292018 NC Well Contractor Certification Number Regional Probing Services Water Quality Regional Company Name Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office 2. Well Construction Permit #: List u!l applicable well constntcviau permits (i.e. County, Sian, ntriance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply %Veil: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: °Monitoring • Injection Well: °Aquifer Recharge °Aquifer Storage and Recovery °Aquifer Test °Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Coolin• Return) ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑Recovery ❑Groundwater Remediation °Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage °Subsidence Control °•tracer ❑Other (ex lain under 1121 Remarks) 4. Date Wells) Completed: 8/2/2018 MW 4,MW-5,MW-6 5. Well Location: Caliber Collision FacilityfOwner Name Facility ID11(itapplicable) 616 BeII Fork Road, Jacksonville Physical Address, City. and Zip Onslow County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) Sb. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: lit well field, one 1at11ong is sufficient) 34.751991 N 77.389548 1v 6. Is (arc) the well(s): DPermanent or - °Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or I?JNo /f this is a repair. Jill au known well cons rnennn iIJiwounion and explain the nature cJ7he repair under - 21 remarks section or an the hack 'tithe:Arne. 8. Number of wells constructed: 3 !•ire multiple :Meehan or non -water supply wells ONLY with the snore conslractiem, you emu .submit one firm. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 12 lire multiple wells list all depths iJ'rli/Ji'renl (example- 30201) • and 40,100.) 10. Static water level below lop of casing: approX 3 I/•water keel is above casing, new• "- " II. Borehole diameter: 4 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Geoprobe- DPT (i.d. auger, rotary, cable, direct push. etc.) 13. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: I3b. Disinfection type: Amount: Form OW -I (ft.) (ft.) North Carolina Department of Environment and For Internal Use ONLY: 14. WATER ZON S FROM 15, OIYTFR CASING tor multi -cased wells OR LINER if a liable FROM TO DIAMETER MATERIAL (G INNERCASINO OR TIMING ,1 tl 17. SCREEN FROM TO 19. Gkotrr FROM TO MATERIAL cement grout bentonite sch 40 THICKNESS sch40 MATERIAL EMPLACE - ENT METHOD & AMOUNT rL ® Nuur 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessa ®® DESCRIPTION (rotor, hardness soil/ruck t e, _rain size. etc. 0 ft 12 Black loamy topsoil over Tan clayey Sand ft. 22. Certificalio ft. ft. U ak• signed M Lawrence OWonL, awrence Opperggnaeen-ravow Opper. eagey 4 s•wsaeymAroy„g.can. us Signature ofCend Well C'ontracior 8/21/2018 Date Hy .signing this hem, / Ient'/m eert/fi' that the well(s) was (were) constructed M accordance with /5.•1 N(>I (' I12(' .0100 or 15,4 N('Al • 1/1(' .0200 Well Construction Sum:lardc and that a cape q/7Iris record has been prurided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: L.- You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. 24, Submittal Instructions: 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Inks loll 1Vells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form rvithin 30 days of completion of well construction to the I011owing: Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Alai! Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Sunnly _othenn�l Wells: In addition to sending the form to the addless(cs) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county 'efiere constructed. Natural Resources — Division of Water Quality Revised Jan- 21)13 WELL CONSTRUCTION RUMMELR/REOENRJDWR This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: Justin Radford OCT 0 2 2018 Well Contractor Name 3270 Water Quality Regional NC Well Contractor Certification Number Operations Section Geological Resources, Inc. Wilmington Regional Office Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, Injection, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ lndustrial/Commercial ❑Irrigation ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: @Monitoring ❑ Recovery Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 08/01/1 5a. Well Location: Speedway #8182 ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑ Sal inity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage DSubsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 8 WeII ID# M W-1 N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility IDN (if applicable) 6995 Western Blvd, Jacksonville, NC Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow 436802858414 County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34.798934 N 77.438422 6. Is (are) the well(s): ©Permanent or ❑Temporary W 7. is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or EINo If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 12 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths tfdifferent (example- 3@200' and 2@l00') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 0.76 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "+ " 11. Borehole diameter: 3,5 (in.) / 12. Well construction method. f rl<. CI, IS (/1 (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO I ft. ft. t.ft. ft. DESCRIPTION (,tutu' ,A 15.OUTER CASING (for inultl-cased wells) OR LINER (if ap licable) THICKNESS MATERIAL FROM ft. TO ft. DIAMETER in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop). FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft. 2 ft. 2 in. sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in. IT. SCREEN }ROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 2 ft. 12 fL 2 in. 0.010 sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM ft. TO MATERIAL grout EM PLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT pour ft. } bentonite pour ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT 111 ETIIOD ft. ft. 12 fr. ft. #2 sand pour 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM 0 f, 0.5 D. TO 0.5 2 ft. ft. 2 ft. 6 ft. 6 ft. 12 ft. DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, son/rock type, grain size, etc.) Concrete Pea gravel Gray med sand Direct push; no recovery ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. - 21: REMARKS 22. Certification: Si we ofCertified Well R Tr:1-.. SE1P?,t2018 information Proceavrig J,.:t Dtd1lC�/BOG Date By signing this form, I hereby certf that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 1 SA NCAC 02C .0100 or I SA NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. RE.Csi: RIED/RDi`NR/}?1+VR RESIDENTIAL c 2 'DY3' RESIDENTIAL WELL C©NBrIRUC.TIONcRE�C'ORD U-)✓?rttions o Cttion North Carolina Department of Environment and MOO p rcfinliijy:Mip)jl feWater Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 4119-A 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Sage Drilling and Pump Services LLC. Well Contractor (Individual) Name Michael C. Sage Well Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS 204 Tom Ave Castle Hayne NC 28429 City or Town State ( 910 )_ 231-6669 Zip Code Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID #(if applicable) WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(If applicable) 3. WELL USE (Check pli able Residential DATE DRILLED — Water Supply 0 PM 0 O , 0 TIME COMPLETED AMU 4. WELt. LOCATION: r CITY: "Te COUNTY i(Stre u ers, Co r munity, Subdivision, of No., Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: I1 Slope 0 Valley 0 Flat 0 Ridge 0 Other (check appropriate box) LATITUDE May be in degrees, minutes, seconds or in a decimal format LONGITUDE Latitude/longitude source: 0 GPS 0 Topographic (location of well must be shown on a USGS attached to this form if not ing GPS) 5. WELL OWNER ` OWNER'S NAME map topo map and E ADDRESS I or Town State O Zip o e YESO NO FT. Area code - PPh�@ rt�mber 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: ( 0 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing:— (Use "+" if Abov T of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS FT. Above Land Surface' surface may require 2C .011 . TEST )r ` 11 *Top of casing terminated at/or below land a variance in dance with 15A NCAC e. YIELD (gpm): _1 METHOD OF 54Ae8 t. DISINFECTION: g. m___ From ' Type Amount - I h ZONES (� jWATER I / i To From To From To From To From To From To 7. CASING: Thickness/ From Toth 1 ,,, A t Di9ter WQJgNt 9�, MalgrJ7(� �� j/�v( From. To Ft. From To Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth terial eth.. From To Ft. 1110 .. From To Ft. From 3 To Ft. 9. SCREEN From De th Dia er Slot Size r r• r D Ft. in. I b in. _ From o Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL De From PACK: Si a Material ToFt, 011 From To Ft. From To Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Fr10 3 Fo ation Description 0 O V ' J M1 3- a` lid 114 'c C9LJdi iv r � ryry �7''2.017EMARKS: 41 ltioM`A„ • :.. C 1 DO HEREBY 15A NCAC 2C, RECORD HAS i' CERTIFY J7iDE THAT THIS L WAS CONSTRUCT ACCORDANCE WITH LL CO TRU N STANDARDS, AN T A COPY OF THIS THE WE i SIGNATUF . Michael OF CERTIF WELL CONTRACTOR DA C. Sage PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt., 1617 Mail Service Center— Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7015 ext 568. Form GW-la Rev. 3/07 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) 1. Well Contractor Information: lPrint Form For Internal Use Only: 453 William J. Miller RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR Well Contractor Name 2927A NC Well Contractor Certification Number AUG 062018 CATLIN Engineers and facektra#iiStlfegional ONeraliuns Seeliurl Wilmington Regional Office 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A List all applicable well construction permits (Le. III('. County. State. furrunce. etc ) Company Name 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural DGeothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) • Industrial/Commercial 1lrrigation Non -Water Supply Well: xDMonitoring Injection Well: DAquifer Recharge �Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aqui fer Test 13 Experimental Technology DGeothermal (Closed Loop) DGeothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) DMunicipal/Public DResidential Water Supply (single) DResidential Water Supply (shared) 0 Recovery DGroundwater Remediation DSalinity Barrier EJStormAvater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer Other (explain under 121 Remarks) 4. Date 1VeIl(s) Completed: 3/20/2018 5a. Well Location: MCB Camp Lejeune Well ID€! USTBLOGBB350-MW03 Facility/Owner Name Facility IN (if applicable) BLDG BB-350, Camp Lejeune, NC Physical .Address. City, and Zip Onslow County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field. one tat Long is sufficient) 6. Is(are) the w•ell(s)0Permanent or OTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: lYes or FNo l/7his rs a repair, fill out known well consvrrnvion ,nf rnration and explain the nature oldie repair under .,2/ remarks .section or on the back gjthis /iirm. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal %Veiis having the same construction, only 1 GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 9. Total well depth below land surface: 7•0 (ft.) For multiple wells h.st all depths if different (example- 3 i^r,200 • and No l00' ) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 6'2 (ft.) If miler level is above casing. use " " 11. Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Direct Push f i.e. auger. rotary. cable. direct push. etc ) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: I3a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: 14. WATER ZONES FROSI TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (if ap Iicable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 it 2.0ft• 1 in. Sch 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in, 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.0 ft. 7.0 ft. 1 t"• 0.01 Sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACESI ENT MIETHOD & AMOUNT Oft• 1 ft. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour ft. • ft. ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 1.0 ft' 7.0 ft. #2 Medium Sand Surface Pour ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soilrock type, grain size, etc.) ft. e. SEE ATTACHED ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. „ c * S ` r. ft. ft. y "_o . S Il"� y 11 r.. • +. ft. ft. 611 2SN ft. ft. 1UL ) trii 21. REMARKS Pf> %' rS �41Yio 22. Certification: 7/18/2018 Signature of Certified LV ntractor Date Rs .signing thr.s firm. / hereby cerlifi' that the srel/(s) was Areal constructer/ in accordance it oh 15,1 Ai( 02C .0,00 or IS,r NI'.a(' 02('.0200 Well ('onsrrncnon Standards and that 0 copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this torm within 30 days of completion of well constriction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 stail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Fonn GW-1 North Carolina Departrnent of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 0 S A E OF V1 Kc1N IA PROJECT UST BLDG BB350 BORING NUMBER 3 USTBLDGBB350-T1V03 SHEET 1 OF I SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT UST BLDG BB350i 6002-009 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Catlin Engmners LOCATION Camp Lejeune. NC ELEVATION NA Latitude NA Longitude NA DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED OPT DRILLER Bill Miller DATE 31Mr2018 LOGGER Jonathon Robinette DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) CORE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS INTERVAL (FT) SOIL NAME USCS GROUP SYMBOL. COLOR. MOISTURE CONTENT. RELATIVE DENSITY. OR CONSISTENCY. SOIL STRUCTURE. MINERALOGY DEPTH OF CASING. DRILLING RATE. DRILLING FLUID LOSS. TESTS. AND INSTRUMENTATION Photoionizauon Device (PID) Depth (ft bes) PID RECOVERY (FT) k/TYPE 0 000 - 400 340 SC SC (000-030) Topsoil. dry (0 30-3 00) Clayey sand(SC). dark. dry RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR AUG 0 6 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office - (3 00-3 40) Clayey sand (SC(. gray. saturated (4 00-5 00) Sandy clay (SC). dark brown. saturated (5 00.7 70) Clayey sand (SC). brown. moist Boring terminated at 8 00' below ground surface 0 00-0 30 NA 0 30-3 00 1 3 3 00-3 40 1.1 4 00-5 00 0 2 5 00-7 70 0 8 8 4 00 - 8 00 3 70 _ SC SC _ 12 ® SA.c E f \/ 1 FL I T-! 1 A PROJECT: 6002-009 WELL IDENTIFICATION: USTB LDG B B350-M W 03 WELL COMPLETION DIAGRAM PROJECT : UST BLDG BB350 DRILLING CONTRACTOR : Catlin Engineers Latitude: NA Longitude: NA DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED : Direct Push Technology WATER LEVELS : 0 hr: 5.90' bgs 24 hr: 5.82' bgs Installation Date: 3/20/2018 3b 7.00 8 7 4 5.00' 0.75' 5 6 1.25' 2.00' I- Ground elevation at well: 2- Top of casing elevation: 3- Wellhead protection cover type a) drain tube? b) Not Surveyed Not Surveyed 8" Dia Vault NA NA 4- Dia./type of well casing: I" Sch 40 PVC 5- Type/slot size of screen: 1" Sch 40 PVC .010 slot 6- Type screen filter: a) Quantity used: 7- Type of Seal: a) Quantity used: 8- Grout: a) Grout mix used: b) Method of placement: c) Vol. of well casing grout: 82 filler sand Approximately 10 Ibs Hole Plug 0.16 chips Approximately 1 Ibs NA NA NA Development method: Low Flow Development time: 25 minutes Estimated purge volume: Approximately 3.3 gallons Comments: RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR AUG 06 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section a, Regional Office WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-I) I For Internal Use() RECEIVED/NCDENR/DW 1. Well Contractor Information: 104.4 Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: Lim all applicable well cnnstrumran permits (i e. ('I('. ('ninny. State. I ilrrtnlee. etc.) William J. Miller Well Contractor Naine 2927A AUG 06 2018 NC Well Contractor Certification Number Waxer Quality Regiona CATLIN Engineers and Scienti SiDnssection Wil:nington Regional Off N/A 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Industrial/Commercial Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring DMunicipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) DResidential Water Supply (shared) Recovery Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Retum) Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier DStormwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 5/21/20 18 Well ID# USTBLDGBB350-MWO1 5a. Well Location: MCB Camp Lejeune Facility/Owner Name Facility IDa (if applicable) BLDG BB-350, Camp Lejeune, NC Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field. one lat/long is sufficient) N 6. Is(are) the well(s)iPermanent or OTemporary 7. is this a repair to an existing well: Dyes or xON° !/this IS a repair, fill OM known web construction a{lurmation and explain die,iattac of the repair under .21 remarks .section or on the hack cif this /orm. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 9. Total well depth below land surface: 12,0 For multiple wells list ult depths ,f'different (example- 3e200. and 2(100') W (ft.) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 3.12 (ft.) l% water level is above ccrsrng. use " " l 1. Borehole diameter: 8 (in,) 12. Well construction method: Auger (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Jlethod of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. rt. I 15.OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (if ap licable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ice 0 ft. 2.0 ft. 2 in' Sch 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERL4L ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS DIATERLAL 2.0 ft. 12.0ft. 2 1"• 0.01 Sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACE;aIENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0.0ft• 0.5 ft. Concrete Surface Pour 0.5 f'- 1.0 ft. Bentonite Surface Pour ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 1.0 ft' 12.o ft• #2 Medium Sand Surface Pour ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain size, elc.) ft. ft. SEE ATTACHED 4. ft. ft. p- t'" p ti ft. ft. � ti....1, ft. ft. 11°1 ft. ft. `O- •t ..-'.-� ft. ft. ttve0".. `,01 ir 21. REMARKS 22. Certification: Si- tureofCertifiet ontractor 7/18/2018 Date By signing this forut. 1 hereby ecru/i that the we'll's) was (were) cvnstn,cied in accordance with 15,4 N('.-1(' 02(' .0100 or 15.4 rVC,4(' 02(' .0200 Well Construction Standards and thin a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUB. IITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Sunplv & Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-I North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 ro _ ® S c OF VI KcIN IA PROJLCF E3H-350 BORING NUMBER I USTBLDGBB350-TSV01 SHEET I OF 1 SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT . BB-35016002.009 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Catlin Engrnners LOCATION Camp Le)eune, NC ELEVATION Latidude 34 589191 Longitude-77.360009 DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED DPT DRILLER . Tommy Chalmers DATE . 12/20/2017 LOGGER . Taylor Moore DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) CORE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS INTERVAL IFT) SOIL NAME. USCS GROUP SYMBOL. COLOR. MOISTURE CONTENT. RELATIVE DENSITY. OR CONSISTENCY. SOIL STRUCTURE. MINERALOGY. DEPTH OF CASING. DRILLING RATE. DRILLING FLUID LOSS. TESTS, AND INSTRUMENTATION Photoionization Device (ND) Depth (ft bgs) P1D RECOVERY (FT) 0 TYPE 0 _ 0 00 - 0 00 3 10 SC SDI (0 00-2 10) Clayey sand(SC). tan. dry (1.10-3.40) Silty sand(SM), black, dry, slight odor (4 00-5 60) Silty sand (SM). black. moot 1560.765) Silty sand (SM).brown. trace clay, moist ENRIPIR REGENEDINGD AUG06ZO8 Water Quality Regional Operations ona+l Office Wilmington Reg - (8 00.9 60) Sand(SW), trace clay. tan/brown. saturated (960-1140)Sand (SW).tan. saturated 8oring terminated at 12.00' below ground surface 0 00.1 00 0 100.2 00 0 22 00-3 00 48 7 3 00-4 00 2 5 4 00-5 00 0 3 5 00-6 00 0 1 6 00-7 00 01 7 00.8 00 0 2 _ 8 00-9 00 NO DATA 900.1000 NO DATA 1000-1100 NO DATA 1) 00.12 00 NO DATA _ _ s _ _ 12 4 00 - 8 00 3 65 SM SM 8 00 - 12 D0 3 40 SW SW <:—.) S ) G € IA. PROJECT: 0318-005 WELL IDENTIFICATION: UST-BLDGBB350-MW01 I'� O F \'l It,4 WELL COMPLETION DIAGRAM PROJECT UST BLDG BB350 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Catlin Engineers Latidude 34.589187 Longitude -77.36004 DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED Hollow Stem Auger WATER LEVELS 0 hr 2 96' bus 48hr 3.12bus Installation Date 5/21/2018 3 3b \ 2 1 I- Ground elevation at well 22 45' 22.13' 7 2- Top ofcasing elevation 3- Wellhead protection cover type a) drain tube' b) 4- Dia itype of well casing 8' Dia Vault . a NA NA ' 2" Sch 40 PVC 0 5 1' J 2" Sch 40 PVC .010 slot +EY Ei� 100 5- Type/slot size of screen 6- Type screen filter al Quantity used . 7- Type of Seal a} Quantity used 3- Grout at Grout mix used bl i<lethod of placement c) Vol of well casing grout Development method Development time Estimated purge volume Comments 02 filler sand 12 0r ' Approximately 275 lbs 5 6 J Hole Plug 0 16 chips Approximately 5 lbs Portland Cement Hand Pour NA Tornado Pump 1000 25 minutes Approximately 40 eallons RECEIVED/NGDENR/DWR AUG 0 6 2018 Water Quality Regional flnnre#inns Cnnfinn 0 67' Wilmington Regional Office WELL CONSTRUCTION REcoklusviru.LutriuDENR/DWR 1. Well Contractor Information: Print Form For Internal Use Only: William J. Miller Well Contractor Name 2927A AUG 06 2018 NC Well Contractor Certification Number Water Quality Regional Oper4tions Section CATLIN Engineers and mbs�ional Office Company Name N/A 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. (!!('. ('minty.State. Variance. etc.) 3, Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural DGeothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Industrial/Commercial I1Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: X0Monitoring Injection Well: JAgttifer Recharge DAquifer Storage and Recovery Test Experimental Technology DGeothermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ▪ Municipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) DResidential Water Supply (shared) Recovery )JGroundwater Reined iation DSalinity Barrier 1Stormwater Drainage Subsidence Control ▪ Tracer ▪ Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 3/20/2018 5a. Well Location: MCB Camp Lejeune Well 1D# USTBLDGB6350-MWO4 Facility/Owner Name Facility IN (if applicable) BLDG BB-350, Camp Lejeune, NC Physical Address. City. and Zip Onslow County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifwell field. one lat'long is sufficient) N 1!' 6. Is(are) the well(s)JX Permanent • or DTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: DYes or EINo !f this is a repair. fill out known well con.sultctton infer»orlon and espla» the nature of the repair under =21 remarks section or on the hack of this firm. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction. only I GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 9. Total well depth below land surface: 7' 0 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths tf thfferent (example- MOO' 20t1' and 2 rc low) ) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 6'2 (ft.) If water level fs above casing. use " " 11. Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Direct Push (i.eauger. rotary, cable, direct push. etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: 14. WATERZONES`=+ •ice FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (if ap Iicable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft' 2.0 ft. 1 in. Sch 40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. rt. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.0 ft. 7.0 ft. 1 in' 0.01 Sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 ft' 1 ft• Bent. Pellets Surface Pour ft. ft. ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO 11ATERLAL EMPLACEMENT. IETHOD 1.0 ft' 7.0 ft• #2 Medium Sand Surface Pour ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, sod/rock type, grain size, etc.) ft. ft, SEE ATTACHED rt. fL rt, rI r'. tin. ft. ft. P 11 a ft, fr. J ft. - ft. �4i4y4A QfG` rJa"1 t') ,. 21. REMARKS I(1� r�(f(:Zi15_"" 22. Certification: Signature ofCertif + - ontractor 7/18/2018 Date Rs. signnrg this for». I hereby certifi that the we/I(v) was (were) constrrrded in accordance with 1.5.a ,V( :4(• 02(' .0100 or 15.4 MA(' 02(' .0200 Well (-misinform Standards and that a copy alibis record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of \1'ater Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For lniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above. also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Nlail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & lniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-I North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 0 OE S ih‘ C IA PROJECT UST BLDG BB350 BORING NUMBER 4 USTBLDGBB350-TWO4 SHEET I OF ) VI KcIN SOIL BORING LOG , PROJECT UST BLDG BB350/ 6002-009 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Catlin Enumners LOCATION Camp Leieune, NC ELEVATION NA Latitude. NA Longitude. NA DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED DPT , DRILLER. Bill Miller DATE 3/20)2018 LOGGER Jonathon Robinette DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) CORE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS INTERVAL(FT) SOIL NAME. USCS GROUP SYMBOL. COLOR. MOISTURE CONTENT. RELATIVE DENSITY. OR CONSISTENCY. SOIL STRUCTURE. MINERALOGY. DEPTH OF CASING. DRILLING RATE. DRILLING FLUID LOSS. TESTS. AND INSTRUMENTATION Phutoromzation Deice (PID) Depth (ft bgs) PID RECOVERY IFT) *TYPE 0 _ 3 000 - 9 00 3 10 SC SC SC (0 00.1 60) Clayey sand (SC), browmgray. dry 11 60-2 00) Clayey sand(SC). dark, dry (22 00-3 10) Clayey sand (SC). gray, moist 14 00-5 80) Clayey Sand (SC). dark brown. some organics. saturated ( 5 80-7 00) Clayey sand (SC). brown. saturated (7 00-7 80) Clayey sand (SC). tan. saturated Boring terminated at 8 00' below ground surface RECEIVEDlNCDENRIDWR - AUG 0 6 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office 0 00-1 60 1 60-2 00 2 00" 3 10 4 00-5 80 5 80-7 00 7 00.7 80 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 3 o (i 1 6 _ 8 4 00 - 8 00 3 80 S(' SC SC E 1 (Z C; I 1V 1 ) PROJECT: 6002-009 WELL IDENTIFICATION: USTBLDGBB350-MWO4 WELL COMPLETION DIAGRAM PROJECT: UST BLDG BB350 DRILLING CONTRACTOR : Catlin Engineers DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED : Direct Push Technology WATER LEVELS : 0 hr: 5.90' bgs 24 hr: 5.47' bgs Latitude: NA Longitude: NA Installation Date: 3/20/2018 0 17' I- Ground elevation at well: 2- Top of casing elevation: 3- Wellhead protection cover type a) drain tube? b) Not Surveyed Not Surveyed 8" Dia Vault NA NA 4- Dia./type of well casing: I" Sch 40 PVC 5- Type/slot size of screen: I" Sch 40 PVC .010 slot 6- Type screen filter: a) Quantity used: 7- Type of Seal: a) Quantity used: #2 filler sand Approximately IO lbs Hole Plug 0.16 chips Approximately I lbs 8- Grout: a) Grout mix used: NA b) Method of placement: NA c) Vol. of well casing grout: NA Development method: Development time: Estimated purge volume: Comments: Low Flow 25 minutes Approximately 3.3 gallons RECEIVED/HCDENR/DWR AUG 062018 Water Quality Regional Operations Regional Office WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR Well Contractor Name JUL 1 E 2018 4146A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Water Quality Regional Operations Section CATLIN Engineers and Scientisteilrnington Regional Office Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, Injection, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural DGeothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) O Industrial/Commercial ❑Irrigation ❑Municipal/Public ❑ Residential Water Supply (single) ❑ Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: III]Monitoring ❑Recovery Injection Well: DAquifer Recharge DAquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 05/08/18 Well ID#: UST820-MW45 5a. Well Location: Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) SITE 820, JACKSONVILLE, NC Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 77.3543229285 N 34.69962653 w 6. Is (are) the well(s): ®Permanent or OTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: OYes or No If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this forth. 8. Number of wells constructed: For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 15 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths in dijjerent (example- 3 a(200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 10.06 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 8 (in.) 12. Well construction method: HSA (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 1 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: For Internal Use ONLY: 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION n. ft. n. n. 1S. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -bop) FROM 0n. TO 5 n. DIAMETER 2 in. THICKNESS Sch. 40 MATERIAL PVC 16. OUTER CASING (for multi -cued wells) OR LINER (Hanoticablee FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL n. n. in. n. n. in. 17. SCREEN FROM 5 ft. TO 15 ft. DIAMETER 2 in. SLOT SIZE Slot .010 THICKNESS Sch. 40 MATERIAI. PVC ft. ft. in. 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT ft. n. 1 ft. 3 n. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour ft. n. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 3 ft. 15 n. Torpedo Sand ft. n. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheds If necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soi /rock type, grain size, etc.) n. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. 21. REMARKS n. ft Set E EO ft pSC PG` r. 22. Certification: Signature of Certified Well Contractor c °� 6/27/2018 Date By signing this form, 1 hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this forth within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water SvpDIY & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed LOG CATLIN Engineers and Scientists 216058 30ELL 78058SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NO.: 218058 STATE: NC COUNTY: ONSLOW LOCATION: JACKSONVILLE PROJECT NAME: SITE 820 GROUNDWATER WELL LOGGED BY: KLP WELL ID: INSTALL DRILLER: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. NORTHING: 349768 EASTING: 2494671 CREW: CATLIN UST820-MW45 SYSTEM: NCSP NAD 83 (USft) BORING LOCATION: T.O.C. ELEV.: 30.10 DRILL MACHINE: D-50 METHOD: HSA 0 HOUR DTW: 10.1 TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 START DATE: 5/8/18 END DATE: 5/8/18 24 HOUR DTW: N/A WELL DEPTH: 15.0 DEPTH BLOW 0.5ft 0.5ft COUNT 0.5ft 0.5ft OVA (PPm) LAB o S o G SOIL AND ROCK DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEVATION WELL DETAIL 0.0 LAND SURFACE 30.1 o.o 0.0 - 2 2 2 2 0.9 M (SP) - Tan, v.f. SAND. 0.0 - - 04 A: 1.0 ••• RECEIVED/IyCOR/MR JUL 1. 6 2018 a _ t r n (V _ % •a • 3.0 4.0 — 4 6 8 8 14.2 W Regional Water Quality g. pperationSection e Wilington Regional 0tic _ _ 5.0 _ 10.0 20.1 - o?=::: 0=-.. 10.0 — _ co co 3 4 s e 1607 Sat (SC) -Gray, Clayey SAND. Strong HCO. �—::: - L - rv�—:.. —::: -_ - in 15.0 . .4 15.0 15.1 15.0 �':. 15.0 a - 03 u — v N - 0, n C - c — :i z Err c z F - Q BORING TERMINATED AT ELEVATION 15.1 ft in Clayey SAND. - — - — - e." Concrete Bentonite Pellets rT :l #2 Medium Sand WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. Well Contractor Name 4146A NC Well Contractor Certification Number RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUL 1 6 /018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section . CATLIN Engineers and Scientistjiimineton Regional Office Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, Injection, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): 452470 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. n. ft. ft. 15. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal dosed-Ioo FROM 0 rt. TO 5 R. DIAMETER 2 in. p) THICKNESS Sch. 40 MATERIAL PVC 16. UULER LASING (for multi -cased wilts) OR LINER (if ilondkable FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft. a. in. 17. SCREEN Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial O Irrigation O Municipal/Public ❑ Residential Water Supply (single) ❑ Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: I81Monitoring 0 Recovery Injection Well: OAquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology OGeothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Groundwater Remediation OSalinity Barrier OStormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑ Tracer ❑ Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 05/08/18 Well ID#: UST820-MW43 5a. Well Location: Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) SITE 820, JACKSONVILLE, NC Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 77.3543229285 N 34.69962653 6. Is (are) the well(s): ®Permanent or OTemporary W 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: OYes or No If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #2I remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 15 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths in different (example- 3@200' and 2@/00) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 8.69 (ft.) Ifwater level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 8 (in.) 12. Well construction method: HSA (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: FROM 5t1. TO 15 n. DIAMETER 2 in. SLOT SIZE Slot .010 THICKNESS Sch. 40 MATERIAL PVC ft. n. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT ft. n. 3ft. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK Of applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 3n. 15 n. Torpedo Sand n. n. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheer !lamasery) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soi /rock type, grain size, etc.) n. ft. ft. ft. n. n. R. 21. REMARKS 22. Certification: a. SEA EO is,11 PGA 7 Signature of Certified Well Contractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with I5A NCAC 02C .0100 or /5A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. 6/27/2018 SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program. 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Svpply & Infection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. ELL LOG ,, CATLINtists -----,- Engineersand Scien 2180s8 SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NO.: 218058 STATE: NC COUNTY: ONSLOW LOCATION: JACKSONVILLE PROJECT NAME: SITE 820 GROUNDWATER WELL LOGGED BY: KLP WELL ID: INSTALL DRILLER: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. NORTHING: 349753 EASTING: 2494109 CREW: CATLIN UST820-MW43 SYSTEM: NCSP NAD 83 (USft) BORING LOCATION: T.O.C. ELEV.: 29.69 DRILL MACHINE: D-50 METHOD: HSA 0 HOUR DTW: 8.7 TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 START DATE: 5/8/18 END DATE: 5/8/18 24 HOUR DTW: N/A WELL DEPTH: 15.0 DEPTH BLOW 0.5ft 0.5ft COUNT 0.5ft 0.5ft OVA (PPm) LAB o S o G SOIL AND ROCK DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEVATION WELL DETAIL 0.0 LAND SURFACE 29.7 0.0 0.0 2 a 2 3.0 M (SP) - Dark brown grading to tan v.f. SAND. 0.0 - - "q 1.0 RECEIVED/NCDENRIDWR Q. o _ I N •• •i• '- 3.0 4.0— — - — 4 s 7 a 2.4 M JUL 1 6 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Regional Office - - _ 5.0 - :: Wilmington 10.0 19.7 _ o>—. -o-'•:.:. 10.0 — — 5 4.3 W // f (SC) -Tan, Clayey f. SAND. gq - N J —: —: L 15.0 � .4 15.0 14.7 15.0 = 15.0 0 R v: n h a T u: C; C — C: 2 ce C cc F- c BORING TERMINATED AT ELEVATION 14.7 ft in Clayey f. SAND. _ _ — 65753 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. Well Contractor Name 4146A NC Well Contractor Certification Number RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUL 1 6 2018 Water Quality Regional CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Operations Section Company Name Wilmington Regional Offlt.e 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, Injection, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): For internal Use ONLY: 452469 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. rt. n. 15. INNER CASING OR TUBING (tteothermal closed -loop) FROM 2.8n. TO 7 ft. DIAMETER 2 in. THICKNESS Sch. 40 MATERIAL PVC 16. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER Of applicable) THICKNESS MATERIAL FROM TO , DIAMETER ft. n. in. n. n. in. 17. SCREEN Water Supply Well: ❑ Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ° Industrial/Commercial ❑Irrigation ❑Municipal/Public DResidential Water Supply (single) D Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: ® Monitoring ❑ Recovery Injection Well: ❑ Aquifer Recharge ° Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) o Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) DGroundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer D Other (explain under #2I Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed. 05/03/18 Well ID#: UST820-MW42 5a. Well Location: Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) SITE 820, JACKSONVILLE, NC Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 77.3543229285 N 34.69962653 6. Is (are) the well(s): ®Permanent or DTemporary W 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: Dyes or ®No If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under ##21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form. 1 9. Total well depth below land surface. 17 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths in dijerent (example- 3@200' and 2@I00) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 11.83 (ft.) lfwater level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 8 12. Well construction method: HSA (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: FROM 7 n. TO 17 ft. DIAMETER 2 in. SLOT SIZE Slot .010 THICKNESS Sch. 40 MATERIAL PVC rt. rt. in. I8. GROUT FROM n. TO rt. MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 1 rt. 2.3 ft. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour rt. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (If applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 2.3 rt. 17 n. Torpedo Sand rt. rt. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets If necesaary) FROM rt. n. TO ft. n. n. rt. rt. DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, sot /rock type, grain size, etc.) ft. see NCO coesog „A0M0 V�\leo 1=•* „„_ oro‘ �BO6 21.REMARKS 22. Certification: ft. n. rt. 2Q1� 6/27/2018 Signature of Certified Well Contractor - Date By signing ihisform, I hereby certify that the well(c) was (were) constructed in accordance with I5A NCAC 02C .0100 or I5A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Subrnit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program. 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Svpply & In iection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. ELI_ LOG LIN and Scientists 8LINEngineers 07CAT 2180s8 SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NO.: 218058 STATE: NC COUNTY: ONSLOW LOCATION: JACKSONVILLE PROJECT NAME: SITE 820 GROUNDWATER WELL LOGGED BY: KLP WELL ID: INSTALL DRILLER: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. NORTHING: 349728 EASTING: 2494686 CREW: CATLIN UST820-MW42 SYSTEM: NCSP NAD 83 (USft) BORING LOCATION: T.O.C. ELEV.: 27.90 DRILL MACHINE: D-50 METHOD: HSA 0 HOUR DTW: 11.8 TOTAL DEPTH: 17.0 START DATE: 5/3/18 END DATE: 5/3/18 24 HOUR DTW: N/A WELL DEPTH: 17.0 DEPTH BLOW 0.5ft 0.5ft COUNT 0.5ft 0.5ft OVA (PPm) LAB m S L G SOIL AND ROCK DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEVATION WELL DETAIL 0.0 LAND SURFACE 30.7 o.o 0.0 1 - o 1 2 4.1 M (SP) - Gray grading to tan/brown wlorange mottling,- v.f. to med. SAND. - - aq; ° 1.0 4.0 — - 2.8 •'• 2.3 4 6 8 t0 1.0 M •'•' RECEIVED/IyCDENR/DWR — a. — a — a -co 10.0 — JUL. 1 6 2018 Water Quality Regional_ Operations Section l Office Regional Wilmington Re, 70 — _ ca 2 a 7 6 0.2 W — o n. _ — P. a 14.0 — — v J c cc — 3 6 10 13 0.0 Sat. : — - _ — �.., U. h 17.0 17.0 13.7 — _ 17.0 — :' 17.0 ,A - c — c z - cc c cc z la- BORING TERMINATED AT ELEVATION 13.7 ft in v.f. SAND. - _ - WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. Well Contractor Name 4146A NC Well Contractor Certification Number RECE1VED/NCDEN /DWR JUL. 1 6 2018 Water Quality Regional CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Qpprations Section Company Name Wilmington Regional uttice 2. Well Construction Permit # N/A List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, Injection, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): For Internal Use ONLY: 14. WATER ZONES • ' .� - FROM TO DESCRIPTION n. ft. a. n. 15. INNER CASING OR TUBING (Reothetmel closed -tom) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0n. 5 a. 2 in. Sch. 40 PVC 16. OUTER CASING (for mold -cued wells) OR LINER,Of applicable, FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. a. in. ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN Water Supply Well: DAgricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) D Industrial/Commercial D Irrigation ❑Municipal/Public DResidential Water Supply (single) DResidential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: ® Monitoring ❑ Recovery Injection Well: ❑ Aquifer Recharge ❑ Aquifer Storage and Recovery D Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) OGroundwater Remediation DSalinity Barrier OStormwater Drainage 0 Subsidence Control D Tracer DOther (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 05/08/18 Well ID#: UST820-MW44 5a. Well Location: Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) SITE 820, JACKSONVILLE, NC Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 77.3543229285 N 34.69962653 w 6. Is (are) the well(s): ®Permanent or OTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: DYes or No If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #2l remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 15 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths in different (example- 3@200' and 2@100J 10. Static water level below top of casing: NM (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 8 (in.) 12. Well construction method: HSA (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc) 1 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 5 ft. 15 n. 2 Slot .010 Sch. 40 PVC n. n. in. 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT o. n. 1n. 3n. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour ft. a. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 3 n. 15 n. Torpedo Sand ft. n, 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets If necessary) FROM ft. TO ft. n. n. ft. ft. n. DESCRIPTIONTcolor, hardness, soi /rock type, grain size, etc.) n. SEA P*G4c)�� 21. REMARKS 22. Certification: 0004 pt� 1 Signature of Certified Well Contractor 6/27/2018 Date By signing this form, 1 hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with I5A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Svpnly & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. ELL LOG CATLIN and Scientists 218078Englneers 218058 SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NO.: 218058 STATE: NC COUNTY: ONSLOW LOCATION: JACKSONVILLE PROJECT NAME: SITE 820 GROUNDWATER WELL LOGGED BY: KLP WELL ID: INSTALL DRILLER: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. NORTHING: 349779 EASTING: 2494709 CREW: CATLIN UST820-MW44 SYSTEM: NCSP NAD 83 (USft) BORING LOCATION: T.O.C. ELEV.: 29.62 DRILL MACHINE: D-50 METHOD: HSA 0 HOUR DTW: NM TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 START DATE: 5/8/18 END DATE: 5/8/18 24 HOUR DTW: N/A WELL DEPTH: 15.0 DEPTH BLOW 0.5ft 0.5ft COUNT 0.5ft 0.5ft OVA (PPm) LAB o s o G SOIL AND ROCK DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEVATION WELL DETAIL 0.0 LAND SURFACE 29.6 0.o 0.0 - - 2 2 1 1 0.5 M (SP) - Tan to brown, v.f. SAND. 0.0 - - U 9. .a. 1.0 ,;. :• .. - RECEIVED/NCQENRIDWR . in V c ,' 3.0 40^ - 10 9 11 s 2.4 M JUL 16 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Regional Office — _ _ 5.0 - _ - - - 10.0— Wilmington 10.0 19.6 — _ - pU— �a 3 5 65.4 Sat. (CL) - Tan, Sandy CLAY. Highly plastic. 11.0 18.6 � 0n d � 03 co on 5 6 (SC) Tan, Clayey SAND. Mod. HCO. — = a - a U0. t15.0 ...A:15.0 y/ 14.6 _ 15.0 15.0 c o _ a h - n O fO u a — z a c z c• BORING TERMINATED AT ELEVATION 14.6 ft in Clayey SAND. _:. _ WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. Well Contractor Name 4146A NC Well Contractor Certification Number CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUL 16 2018 Water Quality Regional Operafinns Section Wilmington Regional Office List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, Injection, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑Irrigation For Internal Use ONLY: 14, WATER ZONES FROM TO 45►246'7 DESCRIPTION n n. ft. a. . ainu.v teeomermu coma -tom FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 R. 5 ft. 2 in. Sch. 40 r PVC 16. OUTER CASING (for mutd-cased wells) OR LINER Of applicable FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL h. ft in. n. n. in. OMunicipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) D Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: I Monitoring Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑ Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) D Recovery FROM 5 R. n. ro DIAMETER SLOT SIZE 15 ft.2 in. Slot .010 f. in. THICKNESS MATERIAL Sch. 40 PVC 18. GROUT FROM n. TO n. MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 1 n. 3 ft. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour ❑Groundwater Remediation OSalinity Barrier D Stormwater Drainage OSubsidence Control D Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 05/07/18 Well ID#: UST820-MW41 5a. Well Location: Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) SITE 820, JACKSONVILLE, NC Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 77.3543229285 N 34.69962653 �t 6. Is (are) the well(s): ®Permanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: OYes or ®No If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -wager supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 15 For multiple wells list all depths in different (example- 3@200' and 2@l002 (ft.) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 9.41 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "+" 1I. Borehole diameter: 8 (in.) 12. Well construction method: HSA (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: n. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK Of applicable) FROM 3 ft. TO 15 ft. MATERIAL Torpedo Sand EMPLACEMENT METHOD n. rt. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets If necessary) DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain size, etc.) FROM n. TO a. n. n. ft. ft. n. ft. 21. REMARKS 22. Certification: ft n, sft P1/4°41) 1t�S��O'G 6/27/2018 Signature of Certified Well Contractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with .15A NCA(' 02C .0200 or ISA NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Iniection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. CATLIN Engineers and Scientists 218058 SHEET 1 OF 1 ELI_ LOG PROJECT NO.: 218058 STATE: NC COUNTY: ONSLOW LOCATION: JACKSONVILLE PROJECT NAME: SITE 820 GROUNDWATER WELL INSTALL LOGGED BY: KLP WELL ID: UST820-MW41 DRILLER: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. NORTHING: 349707 EASTING: 2494668 CREW: CATLIN SYSTEM: NCSP NAD 83 (USft) BORING LOCATION: T.O.C. ELEV.: 33.3/ DRILL MACHINE: D-50 METHOD: HSA 0 HOUR DTW: 9.4 TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 START DATE: 5/7/18 END DATE: 5/7/18 24 HOUR DTW: N/A WELL DEPTH: 15.0 DEPTH% BLOW 0.5ft 0.5ft COUNT 0.5ft 0.5ft OVA (ppm) LAB. o S I- o G SOIL AND ROCK DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEVATION WELL DETAIL 0.0 LAND SURFACE 33.4 nr 0.0 4.0 - — 10.0 — _ 15.0 - , - 5 2 1 ' a , s 8 " 8 3.1 M " ; (SP) - Brown to tan v.f. SAND. RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUL 1 6 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office 10.0 23.4 1.5 M 0.8 Sat. - '�i; (SC) - Tan, v.f. to med. SAND w/clay. Slightly plastic. 15.0 18.4 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIII1IIIIIJ O BORING TERMINATED AT ELEVATION 18.4 ft in v.f. to med. SAND wlclay. - WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR D.T. Chalmers, Jr. Well Contractor Name 4146A NC Well Contractor Certification Number JUL 16 2018 Water Quality Regional CATLIN Engineers and Scientl it t�Jperations Section Company Name mngton Regional nffir•.e. 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, Injection, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) D Industrial/Commercial Olrrigation For Internal Use ONLY: 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION 45 a. a. ft. a. 13. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal close I-Ipop) FROM TO DIAMETER 1 THICKNESS 1 MATERIAL FROM 0 a. 5 a. 2 in. Sch. 40 PVC 16. OUTER CASING (for mufti -cased wells) OR LINER (if applicable TO rt. a. DIAMETER in. THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. a. in. 17. SCREEN ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: ID Monitoring Injection Well: ❑ Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery DAquifer Test OExperimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Recovery FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 5 a. 15 rt. 2 in. Slot .010 Sch. 40 PVC a. a. in. IS. GROUT FROM a. TO a. MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 1 n. 3 a. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control DTracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 05/07/18 Well ID#: UST820-MW40 5a. Well Location: Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) SITE 820, JACKSONVILLE, NC Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 77.3543229285 N 34.69962653 w 6. Is (are) the well(s): ®Permanent or °Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: °Yes or No If this is a repair, fill ow known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 15 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths in different (example- 3@200' and 2@1002 10. Static water level below top of casing: 8.46 (ft.) Jfwater level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 8 (in.) 12. Well construction method: HSA (f. e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: a. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (i applicable) FROM 3n. TO 15 a. MATERIAL Torpedo Sand EMPLACEMENT METHOD a. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) TO FROM ft. a. DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soi /rock type, grain size, etc.) n. a. a. a. ft. a. 21. REMARKS ft ft f� p9Z ors 22. Certification: 6/27/2018 Signature of Certified Well Contractor r Date By signing this form,I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 1 SA NCAC 02C .0100 or 1 SA NCAC 02C .0200 Well Constntetion Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Svnnly & Iniection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. -I r CATLIN Engineers and Scientists 218058 SHEET 1 OF 1 ELL LOG"A PROJECT NO.: 218058 STATE: NC COUNTY: ONSLOW LOCATION: JACKSONVILLE PROJECT NAME: SITE 820 GROUNDWATER WELL INSTALL LOGGED BY: KLP WELL ID: UST820-MW40 DRILLER: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. NORTHING: 349714 EASTING: 2494642 CREW: CATLIN SYSTEM: NCSP NAD 83 (USft) BORING LOCATION: T.O.C. ELEV.: 32.91 DRILL MACHINE: D-50 METHOD: HSA 0 HOUR DTW: 8.5 TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 START DATE: 5/7/18 END DATE: 5/7/18 24 HOUR DTW: N/A WELL DEPTH: 15.0 DEPTH BLOW 0.5ft 0.5ft COUNT 0.5ft 0.5ft OVA (PPm) LAB. 0 i S L 0 G SOIL AND ROCK DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEVATION WELL DETAIL 0.0 LAND SURFACE 32.9 0.0 0.0 - 4.0— - _ - H = _ 1 4 2 ' 8 4 2 8 g 2 9 5 1.8 M ': (SP) - Dark brown to tan organic v.f. SAND. RECEL EDINCDENRIDWR JUL. 16 2018 WQlRegional Opeeraateratual0flSity o` ail Office Wilmingt 10.0 22.9 'lilt t 1 1 r 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 T -I r 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 to I ol o o c o 2" Slot .010 2" Sch. 40 PVC Sch. 40 PVC Ill 111 1111 I I LLI 1 I 111W I 11.1 1 I I U Ill. LL I i I 1111 I, Ll_ 111,1111 1111 I I 111 11 11 1 1 L I 1 N W O O O 8.1 M Sat. /':' ,c � /f/.. (SC) - Tan, f. to cse. SAND w/clay. Slightly plastic. 15.0 17.9 1 5.0 BORING TERMINATED AT ELEVATION 17.9 ft in cse. SAND wlclay. WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD phis fnrmcanh rtvsd f f 5111.34. rt rmthirt-urilkECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR I. Weil Contractor Information: Will Keyes Wt111'urxmrurr N,anc 4220A NC Well (utaractur (coif lit n Nnut7cr SAEDACCO Inc JUL 1 G 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office (•oil, ,tl) Nam( 2. Weil Construction Permit 0: bit nil uynbr,xf•!r urll/•e•rnrlN el r (burry, .\r.Ce 1;iri,nr e. /rp'ttcoCrt n, I 3. Well l'sc (ehcck aril nse): Hater Supply 'Well: 17Agr►.ultuntl ClGetttbennal ttitatfnpCooling Suppl} tihtctustria1Co,u,, rci:rl ❑Imgatton Far hecnet Um' ON 1. 452465 14. WATERLIfNLS 1 ra(1N 10 nri(ltlrlun\ fi. ft. h. [ is. OUTER CASING (for Iticased st$1) OR LINER (Wap lit FROsl 70 IRRMIVTER nncUNrss Mi FNR\r 0 fl. 25 O. I 6 is. 1 schd 40 PVC fa. INNER 'iRQN CASiN4 Olt chord' @1... inicKAK3 its fircifir-- TO D[sV[TER ft. f1. hi t'1 hh ut lc l ps l �T ►uts l lc ClResideruial Water Supirh (single) tlResidctui:rl Wale, Suppth (shales') Non -Water Supply Well: Ohlonnonnt; injection Well: CI Aquifer Recharge flArpufer Storage and Recovers ❑Aquifer rest ❑Eppcnnttntnt l'p:ltnok g ❑Gettherinal (C'ioscd Loopi ❑Grothenital leatingCuoling Retuni1 4. Date Well(sl Completed: 6-8-18 5a. Well Location: USMC Camp Lejune Fidler Chrrrr'Ianac 203 Piney Green, Jacksonville, United States i/141 ('(tgate BlRecmrn• rlGntindn;ter Retnc:diatiou I iSabmt< Rtmct ❑Siormrater lrntn.i ❑Subsukn:e ('orerol ❑7rw ❑Uttar (explain utaler 021 Rereads) wen ID IR06-SRW-07 Feclbic 11A irf:.ppli abk, NC, 28593 Flnt.rrl lrkfret_ ('ti and Zip ►ar.ct Itk:ratttiIN•ee No tPP41 5h. Latitude and longitude in demeslminuteshavouds or decimal detry s: of Nett ftekl om. lialrov P. static ii 34.739591 N-77.388144 h. is fare) the weil(sl: TOPermancnt ur '3Tcmpon r% 7. Ls this a repair to an tatting seen: ❑lies or X No i, et /rlxth' lilt ,aa/ L7, •utt aril ., un7,r. 1N,;r ltl ii,r tM dr m .Ix.l, t1 /.N,1 IN' tt, (MCI.' tell) V uu.lr, i2! ,i-v. rL) 1,. st v rN LYt rib• Ih1i'.t ,1 rho menu. 8. Number of aelb tvftstructed: 1 V1' hat ,n7rbrplt,,,rngnu, aun.s1rrv,upjd,urileU;1I1 aarhrirrarwrronsru/Yreno tunuo, rxh�nn .•ter forTZ h. Total (►tit depth belem land surface: 40 l'r'r nurlrllrl, ,.rir IIN i,(I depth' trdifir r.,t7 !,'.I:idpk-• 741•?rkr' .114:''61 /Ikl i 11). State oilier level nether' top of Casing: 18 Irtrl,, „b,•,• ,.1nod oar 1 I. Borehole diameter. 6 (pit.) 12. W'd' construHion method: sonic ((i.1 ((c ntis r. )mare, ciisle, direct (with er: I FOR WATER SUPPLY WELTS ONLY: 13s. Yield (gpno) lib. Disinfection type: *duo' of tru: Amount: FN(OM 25 (1. 10 40 rr. DIA\irTrIt 6 fa, 11(11 �17i tlif(l.�ct:4 .20 schd 40 1 stainless fl. ill. GROUT TRosi TO 0 it. fL i4 J 18 R. fl. fr. ft. IL \1A11Rttl. t.MPLACT.in\7 N11711011 A A510V 1 Portland jttremie 19, A1VD'GNAS kR PACK iN sAptieabk) rims, MA7rNtA1 23 h. T(1 41 fl. 11. ft, EMrt•A( IA D •1 *wino,' tit. DRILLING LOG frlluh addhit}aatsheets i1artivairsl To nrsrairnox .bier.lanIiri,.ua'mn1n}K.r7du. .r(r.t see geologist's logs P1W'4 11. 1L It. f. (L ft. • 1t. ft. ft. R. 21. RCMA b. JUG -9 9 2°12+- _n„ntiOc, NfOvm.061511(} t 22. ('ertilleatinn: Sltrttttuc'atCen7n :WellCoon:w,or 6/22/2018 Doe it, rrt ing rho forth 1 flro•h, r held?" direr Ih! well,y7 ,• 11 h, r,r1 . v.rttanhJrd err uietzglao,[ u rote ! f,t 4C.1C 17?C .r7!00 ur 1 frl 4C 1( (17(' •R;ryO 11 ell C.',•ateu. turn ,l'rorkha.h un,i dew.' . •pti n(thn a•. un7 lr,n I'.•, pt.. rnk,l r.r r/x nt 11 .•a ten. 23. Site diagram ur additional still details: You nun use; Ills ha.* of din, page (0 provide ()shintoist' ►sell situ details or !tell constnrciion details. You may also attach udthtioni;l pages if necessnn M .L MAiI ijAL. LISTuct1Otns Zap. For Ail Wells: Submit this form anion in tires of completion of %se►l consinlrhon to the folloairtg I)i\ khan of VI'ater Rtwrurrea, Information Prutessing Unit, 1417 Mall Service Center, Raleigh!. N(' 27699-1617 24b. Far ht t' tif►n Web ONI.V: in addiitnn to sending the fool( to Ilse address 111 14i3abuse. also submit :t cup, of Ibis form Is idiot 10 days of completion of well construction to the following Rh'It1on of Water Resources. Underground Injection Control Program. 1636 Mall Service Center. Raleigh. NC 27109.1630 24e, For Water Sunph & Infection Welk: Also sub,'ol one cops, of 'his fume tsiiltin tit das s of comptettun of act' construction to the counts hcohh depantmnt of lie county inhere cottons red H t( torni(iW1 .`.nth ('ajotuw ann>llIl of En, trouu3111 br1d !tatuf.el kciotux. - Lvu nhir. 01 Wali:( Resotree Re%acd rl 11 r WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Bent e;nt I1 rrs-4 fil sktgae or nm1lipt; ttrllsRECEIVEO/NCDENR/DWR 'AVM Contraenrr Information: Will Reyes Wctl 1'Irofroc rt Norm 4220A NC Well Curnmcun Certifi anon Minim SAEDACCO Inc JUL 16 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office (•enyraa) Nam. 2. Writ Construction Permit 0: Lott ,,l/ap(rh,,ahh• t.rlprsmai (ir Conn, •SI.R: l;tri.tnr'r, 40001 3. Well Cote (check Hell use): Water Suppty Weil: CIt\gn. i Must t 1Gcothcnnal (Floating Cooling Sltppls 1:1 hutusni;IUCommen:ial O hitnition Clhlumt:opal 'Public f'lResidcnnnl Whiter Suppl► (single) CiRcsidclmal Water Supph l hJIcd) Non -Water Supply Well: C1Moniionnl; h ject&m Well: f7Aquifer Recharge OAqutfcr Storage awl Reopen DAquifer rest OErpenntemnl Tcchnolag1 OCxothennul (Closed Loop ❑Geottk n al (Ilenuug'Cuollog Rclufo; 4. Date Well(%) Complete!: 6-7-18 5a. Well Location: USMC Camp Lejune FactlNt,fhtrect 'Nast 203 Piney Green, Jacksonville, tillRamrn• r7Gr011r(lu;ttcr Runteili: titul OSalinin R:tmct ❑S1ortmuntcr Ihnitlagc ❑.Siubsidence Comm! D'1 cocci [Other (espluin nutlet 021 Reututls) Writ 1Dp IR06-DRW-05 FrcahN 11), lot apple :11110 NC, 28543 United States ,(A) Plrt s1 t1 \Adrrst Cth. nerd Zip bade! I,1erinf. ,Iivtt No IPIN I Sh. l .atftudc and Longitude in degreesiminutrs/seronds or decimal degrees; tut Nc1t ft;W. t.a. 1.1.11141112 11 Ulf ricrrul 34.739591 i-77.388144 O. is hart) the *stilts): EPcrmancnt or 'J Ttttiprrran 7. L.1 this R repair too an misting nit: DYmo or iSNu /folio, n (11.7.trr, (.11.t1( Ir.,.nr, nvn.,w,rrt..II/0 infn,r!a rurtot. r./el. r.lcnr urclr r .1:1 rt r.,.:rlla 1r.1ra1 a1 n till' tile./ r,( rvit 6.rin. 8. ? utuber of %ells constructed: 1 f err na<bgxrf irate rt at •.1 nrm•r.nrrt imj.ph .. en, (mi.) xvth too; toms tv,atrrgrhtrn urhenrr e.nr form 9. Total oval depth behm land sutiacc 100 1ornivllitd, xell, hula:0.1,01rt114:frrrev(r,n,nlrlr e0?Ikt';u41<`€111i'1 lu. Static ulster Mel btlo s top of casing: 23 itW011rh•r1nhh,•.rrdung u.o 1 I. Barrhok diametcr. 6 (in.) t2. Well construction method: sonic W 4n•< < !di (ft) (Ic utsxr. men,vatic. ditto Lush et: 1 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 131L Yield (guntl !Method of WM: Ob. Disinfection hpc: .Amount: Fut hiernal Use ONI.\• 4 ,?464 14. WA1E R Za7NZS PROM I0 f1. fl. f1. It. nFSfaIr110% Is.OUT l. CASING It.'molikasedsells OR K mom TO 0 h. 180 ft 11 L11 LR f .A licsIdr DISNITTTR TOIt'K4•FSS 3UTTRIII 6 le schd 40 PVC t to IINN [/{CANN{:11R 111BINtifrrtlrr(r tit e) PROM TO DI%SI'TER T111CK.NEsS ft. f1, 17. SCREEN FROM 80 ft. ft. 10. GROUT 11) 100 ft. PIINBTrK 6 la. stiff! s171 .20 T111() SIX. 11.ITERl11. schd 40 I stainless ft FROM TO 0 It. ERISSI 78 ft, 73 ft. ft, t1. YdtP*VLL oA( I( TO 101 n. NIATTRIII. ! UAIPl_ICi:Mt\T METHOD A AMO INT Portland Itremie Of rpplkahty) IIITr8l11. ft. ft ►MPt_111:1►i1t METF1011 2n. DRILLING LOG Wallah addldaaal sheet, if .etrasart) FROM ft. TO n. DESCRIPTION (toter. ),I Isr,s, tt,R.'n,t 1. ft yr. irtf4n Arc. tft,1 see geologist's logs ft. ft. ft. h. n. n. h. 21. RI MAR LS fr, RECEIVED JUL 0 9._201 - OW OC 22. Certification: Sigeolmi afCtnrf, , WdI Comnctnr Dme 6/22/2018 111 I1)011.,1V Hat (Hans I herckt fen* I..:1 the Prtl,ta tut I.a'H'I r'rnri(rYi'MJ nr errs xnh.7e4C win', ) r,t ,NCAC Il?C 01/01 u, l TA NC tf fl'(' .0;00 Weil (7.u;Hnt. (ii.n Stnndni.h .t/nl ik., • 11,1 ..; M1hi. Iry r,.l ha, fq•r s 1•r. 11•4•d to nor ..r11MOW ,. 23. Slut diagram or additional nen dui thi You utas tot the boa of this pnN Ice plehidc Adtlioual ntlt situ get s no dell earntnuyivn details. You may oho attach additional pays if Iret essun . SUBNII 11ALMTLI 11QNS Este. 24a. For All tl'dlt: Subtnil this lima union 111 ILIys of completion of nell construction to the fniknnng Oh blon of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit. 1617 Mau Smite Center. Raleigh. N(' 27699-1617 24h. For Injection Heat ONLY: in addition to sending ttk fort to floc sddrers to 2..4a abuse. else, eubtntl a cup} of obis farm uithm 1n duns of com it:tom of snti l corolruclnlI to the lotioning Dh!,ion of Wrier Re/strew. Underground Injeetlun Control Program. UJ6 Mall Smite Center, Raleigh. NC 27699.1636 24c, Fnt• Water Sunnis 6 Injection Wells: Also mitlllnl col cal) ul Ibis fount ,slthm In days of complrlloI of nett construction ro Du county heahh depantocnl nt the cmuus n'hcre corlstmctcd Futon t1W•1 Numb ('.aruhOtl ❑tp:nndm n(Ert. uotnnr-rtt .na Natusil Rceijn, - Un nx•n 01 Walla Resources Itct sea Attgtat its I I WELL CONSTRUCTION ION RECORD / s Port Tkinrtvan I ns�l frl sin* nrirliipk htclls f 1. Well Contractor Information: DECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR Will Keyes cacti r"1+rane.N+r Timm 4220A NC Welt (mamma Cenif tuion Nutter SAEDACCO Inc O ii,p ni) Nara. JUL Y 6 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmiiiaton Region21 Office 2. Well Construction Permit ri: tat,.+11 lylir,J+h•++rfll,rrmih fi f'++u.nrc. Sher ruri.nua.. /greet[rtft, r 3. Whit Coe (cheek nrll use1: MOO Fat Inenmi OK. ONt.\" t4. WATER ZONES 0100 10 f1. (I, ft, IS. OUTER CRMNG tfor emit( ored wens) OR t•1NE of a�limbic iD 111i114FT711 7n1(i0TSS mnntrit41 0 h. 80 tt. 6 ta. schd 40 PVC , to. tNNERCAMN(:CURTI IN6'gewl rradtlgscd7ltl rl__ _�?0 �� 1 iRmfi 1 Tlltf'KNESS MAITRIAl.--� N. 0 is ' 19.MR UN Water Suppl) Well: taAgti:olntnd IGcotf► urwl (ikealing?Cooling Supply) LI hrdusnialiConnitcrcial ❑irriptu In Clhtuoicspal!T uhlic [:IResitietuull Water Stlpph (single) flRtsitkturat Water Supph +%aired) Non -Witter Supp1) Well: ClMomtonne 18fRtto%+en• Injection Well: I:I A(lufer Recharge DAnuifcr Stomp:and Reco n ❑Arpnfer Test Cl k npc n nu: nta l 12c hno Iotii ❑Geutlrctnwl (C'lacti Loop l Geediwtnull (Ileannit:Cuutl lg ketunrl ClGrotintinntar Rcnhnitiation CrSalinm Hama f]titommater fhntngc ❑tiuh>:idcncc ('oraml ❑7rar:er ❑Othor (e' plain under a21 Renudsi fitOnt 10 80 ft. 100 ft. DI411KTrit 6 Ire. slot stir 1iIl(1' IX. j 114THNr4i. .20 schd 40 stainless ft. It. IP. GRO1rT FROM t 70 MAUFRPO ( t-RIPI.ACF%IRYT1tF.TnODA.4Mot'NT 73 n. 0 Il. Portland °tremie 0. to. 0, 19. MMI f.RA�'E4 PACK^N gyllka ieJ eprOM 78 It. It. ft, 114TFn14I TRIP .4(r.1IF s'1 h11711p11 DRii.tJJN( LOG taJtacb addhiamt,rberit if *m s so t I'R0M f1. T1) rl. ar•intipioriltelon,lanhome, soWnak 0 pt. R^e 1rue,Ht,r see geologist's logs 4. Dale W'rIf1N CunspItied: 6-6-18 Sa., WcH Location: USMC Camp Lejune FFciltt. O itir "(note 203 Piney Green, Jacksonville, Well Mop IRO 6-DRW-06 FaCi111h IDA ill trplo:ahlci NC, 28543 United States !'anon Pits mil Ashlr+s'; Cut. and hp PB reel lilinntl Calm( NO IPltil ih. Latitude and Longitude in tlegrectimlmitenisermids or decimal ammo: (If tat ll ti:td 004 (ankle IS kiiilic,:ral 34.739591 N-77.388144 tr. IsInrelthe nrlllrt: MIPcunspent or ❑Temporrr) 7. Is this a repair to an existing nett: .lilies or EN() if Mir it a Irp.rnP. (di lgif iq.'101. aril .w+tf.. #Ill. furet„r,..n.ued t t/.plan Ihe,u,raer nfrlo- trlsui watt P:i rr:!l.:rl+ 1. II of ,NI rhr h..•rA of fort pun. 8. Number of netts temttucted: 1 1' '1 %alt+pi. 1,14.I0.'4 'II 1011• I+.IIi', 111/•JT .171+1 d.r uYmt CUA%naftJin [1rlra%11 tote I,111 9. Tiptop( sell depth helps land surface 100 I.•f n,rdntp/i rlt! flatull./r"Uhl If+l(1/rrrn:l.•1.,uq,tr. 70,?tk1'.i, IZH'Nk1'l Wag ::.f' (ft.) Ili. Static sister level below top of caring: 23 (ft.) Ilmllrflniltt,.hrr.1.1!u.„ 11. Borehole diameter:6 On.) 12. Will cnnstntctinn method: sonic it r uu,ixr, than ,tit It , dimct }soh +,F: FOR WATER St'PPLV WELLS ONL1•': 13a. field (gpm) Method of tent: lib. Disinfection t)pe: Amount: It. t1. et, ft, n. rt. i 21. REMARKS h. r1. ft. n. RECE" k1foV 22. Certification: 6/22/2018 Stt.ruhiI • aI Cen;f •1; W'stI ("12111Elile1i N, titnr'u' 7fai (will 1:rill trruj) rh.lr OW II1Ihsr 1' ft•rtr1 nu!s!/u.rtd 1.1 c+t,•,dmvr WWI I to .4('AC r1'(: pion ,s. / i•t Ne.ir 11?( .o i o Well (',m+tiu, :On 9,44,1n4 .,rid don a rr..a,1/t.n Iwo: f.!.-.rode./n.t& ..tN.+%girl. 23. She diagram or additional writ details: Y(_'u ni;n o e nth balk of this ptgc to punid+ l.kbutttial twit site details or cell constnution details. You nu) nlul attach additiuiuil pages if tiozesutn stet St!I18111'TAt,I STU("1IONS 24a. For Alt Wells: Submit this loon aitlun Ui tLns of completion of ncll cootlmction to ibc folk)aing Division of Water Rrsaurccii, information Processing Unit. 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh. NC 27699-1617 24tt. For lniecdnn Wejh ONLY: fu addition to sending lb: furni to tire oddness in 243.tbu%c, also submit a cop} ul ibis form it Won a0 dl)s of complotlun of t+'.:Il cmusirrlcli0n to the follcaing Dhitlun of Water Resources. Underground Injection Central Program. 1636 Mail Service Center. Raleigh. NC 27699.1636 24t. For Water Suptttr K Inliril►n Wellc: Also submit ono calyx of this Mann +%hint ,ti dins of contpIctinn of %sell r:0u.UliCtinn In the coon) bcatrh depanmrtu of the county idiom constructed Farm (i\V.1 !.,mh t'arulnu at Ern v.•t)1i.:ur oriel Natural keiour St - Lhn hmt. el \\'stir 1ieoitc 1 Itch i&cd Atgust Ill I t WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used Tor single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor information: Lawrence D. Opper RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR Well Contractor Name NC3322-A NC Weil Contractor Certification Number Regional Probing Services Company Name J U N 1 8 �,i 8 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wttrnington Regional- Orrice - 2. Well Construction Permit#: list all applicable well cnnsiruc•llwt permits (i.e. Calmly, Vale, 1 uricacc. etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): For Internal Use ONLY: 451211 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO (DESCRIPTION ft. ft. a. rt. I5. OUTER C ASiNG{for niiiliCcased wells) OR LiNER (if ap lieable) FROM TT-O - UTAINFTER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. i ft.: in. 16.1NNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft. 2 ft. ft. 2 ft, in. sch 40 PVC 11. SCREEN Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑ irrigation ❑Municipai/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: iaaMonitoring ❑Recovcry Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Groundwater Runediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Slormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) j 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 5/11/2018 MW-1,MW-2,MW-3 5. Well Location: Calliber Collision Facility/Owner Name Facility IDl! (if applicable) 616 & 700 Bell Fork Road, Jacksonville Physical Address, City. and Zip Onslow County Parcel identification No (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field one lat/long is sufficient) 34.751871 N 77.388533 6. is (are) the well(s): ©Permanent or ❑Temporary w FROM TO DIA11tETF.R SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 2 ft. 12 ft. 2 010 sch40 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM 0 ft. 1'O 1 ft. MATERIAL cement grout EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT pour rt. 1.5 ft. bentonite pour fr. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (ifappIIcable) FROM TO MATERIAL. EMPLACEMENT METHOD 1.5 ft. 12 rt. #2 sand pour ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) PROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soiUrock type, grain size, etc.) 0 7 ft. 7 ft. 12 rt. MW-1 Black loamy topsoil over Tan clayey S ft. Tan clayey Sand 0 1.5 0 5 ft. 1.5 rt. MW-2 Black wet loam over gray/red mottled ft. ft. ft. 12 5 6 ft, ft. ff. Black organic silt over gray silty sand MW-3 Dark brown loam over tan sandy clay tan clayey Sand 6 ft. 12 ft. Gray/red mottled Clay over tan Sand 21. REMARK'S MW-1 34.751871, -77.388533, MW-2 34.752003, -77.389531 MW-3 34.751553,-77.388999 22. Certification: ap gtysivned a, D,..lawe `� °-r`gi°Lawrence Opper 6/3/2018 1 Signature of Certified Well Contractor Date Hy signing this form 1 hereby cerni[F rha( the we/I(s) was. (mere) constructed in accordance with 15A N(',4(02(' .n1(10 or 154 N('AC 02(' .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a cups a/'dris record has been provided la the well owner. re oldie 2.,$itr.'dtagram or additional well details: rz to provide �..e' . ' ,co t'si v�c n detaile the s. You may also ack of this Latta h additional tional well site pages if necessaryails or well For / nrhiple injection arrlan-water.supplt' wells ONLY with the sane conslruelunr pm can submit oneJornm. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 12 (ft.) Far multiple wells list a/I depths iidi(jerenl (e.raulple-.i 10' and 2({tlllU' a i f•q't t� i.: yrtrfl t! / .., approx 2-7 ;; '` 10. Static water level below top of casing: (ft.) inverter level is above casing. use " " 1I.Borehole diameter: 4 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Geoprobe- DPT 7. is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or E0No // skits is a repair, fill out known well canurrrclion inJims:raton card ctplai,, the Dan repair under 02/ remarks .section or an the back of thistarn. R. Number of wells constructed: 3 juN 1 3 (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 13. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gptn) Method of test: I3b. Disinfection type: Amount: ,,o 3ahmiltal Instructions: 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniec ion Wells: in addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Underground injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Geothermal Wells: in addition to sending the form to the addresses) above, also subunit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. From GW-1 North Cat olina Department ol'Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality Revised Jan. 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: Jeffery A. Stewart Well Contractor Name (NCWC) 2540-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Mid -Atlantic Drilling, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, 3. Well Use (check well use): RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUN 11 2018 ramayittviegokb5Reglonai Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office For Internal Use ONLY: 14. WAITER ZONES FROM TO - .DESCRIPTION 1.42 ft• 6.40 ft. Water level collected at 24 hrs. ft ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (if al7D ic>ible) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL NA ft. NA ft. NA in. NA NA - 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft. 6.40 ft. 1 in. Sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural DGeothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑Irrigation ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: 21Monitoring ❑ Recovery Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology DGeothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage DSubsidence Control ❑Tracer DGeothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) OOther (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 8/9/2017 Well ID# UST-FC39-MW14 5a. Well Location: Commanding General USMC NA Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) Sneads Ferry Rd. Camp Lejeune, NC, 28547 Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow County NA County Parcel identification No. (PiN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34.658159 N-77.315449 6. Is (are) the well(s): ©Permanent or DTemporary w 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or ONo 1f this is a repair, fill ow known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under ;721 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 6.40 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths ifdifferent (example- 3@200' and 2 a 100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 1.42 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "i-" 11. Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Direct Push Technology (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 1.40 ft. 6.40 ft. 1 in. .010 Sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 1S. GROUT FROM 0.00 ft- TO 0.35 ft' MATERIAL QuikRete ft. ft. rt. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT Hand Pour EMPLACEMENT METHOD 0.35 ft. 0.70 fL Hole Plug 3/8" Chips 0.70 ft. 6.40 ft. # Filter Sand Hand Pour Hand Pour 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM 0.0 ft. TO 8.0 ft. DESCRIPTION (color, hardness_, soil/rock type, grain alze, etc.) Clayey sand,SC, tan, dry to saturated ft. ft ft. rt. ft. ft. rt. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. iG P 1 2017 21. REMARKS hrfortviet(ivli Prot.t-stsi y Uis D V % C)%urlrs 22. Certification: /Zil7 Sign ire o C e`ified i1 1 Contractor Date By signing this form, 1 hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed Ai accordance with 1 SA NCAC 02C .0100 or 1 SA NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well constntction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells ONLY: Li addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this fortn within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environment ai id Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised August 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: Jeffery A. Stewart 450758 Well Contractor Name (NCWC) 2540-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Mid -Atlantic Drilling, INC RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUN 11 2018 Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit#: Water Quality Regional 0�p,eratkans Section List all applicable well permits (l e. County, Slate, IrarMffrllri ' qbional Office 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑Irrigation ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: 21Monitoring Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 8/9/201 5a. Well Location: Commanding General USMC Facility/Owner Name ❑Recovery ❑Groundwater Remediation DSalinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 7 Well iD# UST-FC39-MW12 Facility ID# (if applicable) Sneads Ferry Rd. Camp Lejeune, NC, 28547 Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow County NA County Parcel Identification No. (PiN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (dwell field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34.65812 N-77.315488 6. Is (are) the well(s): IZIPermanent or ❑Temporary W 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or BNo If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the sante construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 11'23 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths different (example- 3@200' and 2 a 100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 1.51 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "+" 1 1. Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Direct push technology (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: For Internal Use ONLY: 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION 1.51 ft. 11.23 ft. Water level collected at 24 hrs. ft. ft. 15, OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells OR LINER (if a livable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL NA fi. NA ft. NA in. NA NA 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft. 11.23 tt• 1 in' Sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 1.23 ft' 11.23 ft• 1 in. .010 Sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0,00 it• 0.30 ft. QuikRete Hand Pour ft. ft. ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 0.30 ft• 0.62 ft• Hole Plug 3/8" Chips Hand pour 0.62 ft. 11,23 ft. # Filter Sand Hand pour 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil rock type,gain size, etc.) 0.00 ft. 9.00 ft. Clayey sand, SC, tan/gray, dry to moist 9.00 ft. 12.00 ft. Sandy, gray. saturated ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft g� R 6.,:.. L CI 1- ft. ft. � q7� 21. REMARKS S'igU 0 1 2 Ui PreCoe.%911015nat 41hfurf4 tior: OWQ/BOG 22. Certification: Sign re f ertifie ell Contractor ceiztfil Date By signing this form, i hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with ISA NCAC 02C .0100 or I SA NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environment an d Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised August 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: Jeffery A. Stewart 450154 Well Contractor Name (NCWC) 2540-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Mid -Atlantic Drilling, INC RECEIVED/NCDENR/DW JUN 11 2018 2. Well Construction Permit #: 0 crett List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, Varian e egqos Section ��� ion Regional Office 3. Well Use (check well use): For Internal Use ONLY: 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION R Company Name Water Quality Regional Water Supply Welk ❑Agricultural DGeothennal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑industrial/Commercial ❑Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: zMonitoring ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑Recovery injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology OGeothermal (Closed Loop) OGeothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 8/9/2017 5a. Well Location: Commanding General USMC ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) Well ID# UST-FC39-MW11 NA 3 f * Facility/Owner Name Facility IDIi (if applicable) Sneads Ferry Rd. Camp Lejeune, NC, 28547 Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow County NA County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34.658178 N-77.315493 6. Is (are) the well(s): t2lPermanent or ❑Temporary W 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: OYes or 0No 1f this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under 421 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 11 .10 (ft.) For multiple wells lisi all depths if different (example- 3@200' and 2@l00') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 1 ' 18 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "+ 11. Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Direct Push Technology (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: 1.18 ft. 11.10 fr, Depth of water level collected at 24 hrs. ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells OR LINER (if app icable) FROM TO DIAMETER 1 THICKNESS MATERtAL NA fr. NA ft. in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft. 11.10 ft. 1 in. Sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 1.10 f`• 11.10 fL 1 in. .010 Sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0.00 ft. 0.28 ft. QuikRete Hand Pour ft. ft. ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 0.28 ft. 0.55 ft. Hole Plug 3/8" Chips Hand Pour 0,55 ft 11.10 ft. # 2 Filter Sand Hand Pour 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. TO 8.00 ft. 12.00 ft, DESCRIPTION teolor hardness, aoillrock type,grahs size etc.) Clayey Sand,SC dark, trace fines, moist Fine silty sand, dark, saturated ft. ft. ft. fL ft. ft. ft. ft. RELF�.._.�.� ft 21. REMARKS ft. AUG 0 9 2017 kiforKt tic`3it 22. Certification: Sign ,-'f'ertific ell Contractor Date By .signing this form, 1 hereby cert/ that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0/00 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Injection Wells ONLY: in addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environment an d Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised August 20I3 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: Jeffery A. Stewart Well Contractor Name (NCWC) 2540-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Mid -Atlantic Drilling, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well permits (i.e. County. State, 3. Well Use (check well use): 45015 RICtIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUN 11 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section uar;xY, nl mn40gionalOffice r Internal Use ONLY: 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION 1.83 It. 11.20 ft• Water level collected at 24 hrs. ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for m FROM NA ft. TO NA ff. ulti cased wells OR LINER (if e MI'a ble ) DIAMETER THICKNESS NA in. MATERIAL NA NA 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0,0 ft. 11.20 ft' 1 in. Sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑IndustriaVCommercial ❑Irrigation ❑Municipal/Public ❑ Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: tZ Monitoring ❑ Recovery Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 819/2017 ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑ Salinity Barrier ❑Stonnwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) Well ID# UST-FC39-MW10 5a. Well Location: Commanding General USMC NA Facility/Owner Name Facility IDtl (if applicable) Sneads Ferry Rd. Camp Lejeune, NC, 28547 Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow County NA County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34.658159 N-77.315514 W 6. Is (are) the well(s): ©Permanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or RINo If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under i21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 11.20 For multiple wells list all depths Ifdierent (example- 3@200' and 2@1001 10. Static water level below top of casing: 1.83 1%water level is above casing, use "- " 11. Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Direct Push Technology (ft.) (ft.) (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: I3a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: FROM 1.20 ft. TO 11.20 ft• DIAMETER in. SLOT SIZE .010 THICKNESS Sch 40 MATERIAL PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM 0.0 ft. TO 0.30 it. MATERIAL QuikRete ft. ft. ft. ft. EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT Hand Pour 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 0.30 ft. 0.60 ft. Hole Plug 3/8" Chips Hand Pour 0.60 ft' 11.20 ft• # 2 Filter Sand Hand Pour 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary)_ FROM 0.00 ft. TO 7.00 ft. DESCRtPTIONAeoIor, hardness, soil/rock type,gratn size, etc.) Clayey Sand ,SC, Tan to Brown, Dry to Moist, few 7.00 ft. 8.00 ft. Course Sand,SW, Trace Fines, light tan, saturated 8.00 ft. 12.00 ft. Sand,SW, Tan, Saturated ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. RFC,FiVt:D ft. fe. >kU G 0 1 2017 21. REMARKS tntorrataon Prod 22. Certification: Signa .ftigthAmr,JtA, It1 rafted t ell Contractor Date By signing this form, 1 hereby cenify that the well(%) was (were) constructed in accordance with 114 NCAC 02C .0100 or ISA NCAC 02C .0200 Well Constntction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environment an d Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised August 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells For Internal Use ONLY: 1. Well Contractor Information: Jeffery A. Stewart Well Contractor Name (NCWC) 2540-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Mid -Atlantic Drilling, INC 450755 H1 CE1VE7%NCDENR/DWR JUN 1 1 2018 Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit 4: List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothertal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑Irrigation Water Quality Regional Operations Section fart Wittnt tin oionaI Office ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: I Monitoring Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothennal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 8/9/2017 5a. Well Location: Commanding General USMC ❑Recovery ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage DSubsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) Well ID# UST-FC39-MWO8 NA 7 Facility/Owner Name Facility IDI (if applicable) Sneads Ferry Rd. Camp Lejeune, NC, 28547 Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow County NA County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (dwell field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34.658134 N-77.315423 W 6. Is (are) the well(s): ©Permanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or R No 1f this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under ;:21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 11.(ft.) For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3@200' and 2 n l00) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 1.94 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "a " 11. Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Direct Push Technology (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -eased wells) OR LINER (if a livable) FROM NA ft. NA ft- NA in. THICKNESS MATERIAL NA NA 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft. 11.51 ft. 1 in. Sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 1.51 n. 11.51 ft' 1 in. .010 Sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM 0.0 ft. TO 0.37 ft. MATERLAL QuikRete EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT Hand Pour ft. ft. ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 0.37 ft- 0.75 ft• Hole Plug 3/8" Chips Hand Pour 0.75 ft. •41'Cei'9"' 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION 1.94 ft. 11,51 ft- Water level collected at 24 hrs. ft. ft. TO 11.51 ft. # 2 Filter Sand Hand Pour 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM 0.00 ft. TO 8.00 ft. DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, aoiLrock type,graln shy etc.) Clayey sand, SC, gray, dry to saturated, backfil 8.00 ft. 12.00 ft. Clayey sand, SC, gray, trace silt, saturated ft. rt. ft. ft. ft. rt. ft. ft. ft. ft. PPP ) S, f 21. REMARKS 22. Certification: Si AUG 0 1 7O17 Ingo tu.Ition t-rest. ,stiasy ur+it flWC)/l Crs -A- Ati,i,u6tAt tur ertifi Well Contractor Date By signing this form, 1 hereby certifii that the weeks) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or /5A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record hos been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Welts: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 161711Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Injection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health departrnent of the county where constructed. DIAMETER Form OW-1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised August 2013 For Internal Use ONLY! WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: Jeffery A. Stewart Well Contractor Name (NCWC) 2540-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Mid -Atlantic Drilling, INC 450754 REGEIWED/NCUENR/DWR JUN 1 1 2018 Company Name Water Quality Regional 2. Well Construction Permit #: Operations Section List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, UitldVARit;..v11JJ1 al Office 3. Well Use (check well use): 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION 1.63 ft. 11.4 ft Depth of water collected at 24hrs ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for FROM NA ft. TO NA ft multi -cased weUs) OR LINER (If a Ica ble ) DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL NA NA 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL o,o ft. 11.4 ft 1 in. Sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: EiMonitoring ❑Municipal/Public DResidential Water Supply (single) DResidential Water Supply (shared) ❑Recovery Injection Well: DAquifer Recharge ❑ Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑ Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Retum) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 8/9/201 5a. Well Location: Commanding General USMC Facility/Owner Name OGroundwater Remediation DSalinity Barrier OStormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control OTracer ❑Other (explain under 421 Remarks) 7 Well ID# UST-FC39-MWO4 it c NA Facility ID# (if applicable) Sneads Ferry Rd. Camp Lejeune, NC, 28547 Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow County NA County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 56. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34.658156 N-77.315485 6. Is (are) the well(s): 11Permanent or DTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or ONo If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under ir21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form 9. Total well depth below land surface: 11.4 For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3@200' 200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 1 '63 If water level is above casing, use "r" It. Borehole diameter: 8.25 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Hollow Stem Auger (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) (ft.) (ft.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 1.4 ft 11.4 ft. 2 in. .010 Sch 40 PVC It. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0.00 ft. 0.35 ft. Quikrete Handpour ft. ft. ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 0.35 ft 0,70 ft. Hole Plug 3l8" Chips Hand Pour 0.70 ft. 11.40 ft. # 2 Filter Sand Hand Pour 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM 0.00 ft. 8.00 ft. TO 8,00 ft. 12.00 ft DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soiVrock type, grain size, eta.) Clayey Sand, SC, tan/gray, trace silt, moist at 5'. Sand, SW, gray, trace silt, saturated ft ft. ft. ft. ft. ft ft. ft. trz r ,U-C a 2D1 / ft 21. REMARKS ft. information_ tiion Prco+ '.r,t, Unit 22. Certification: Sigrtttfitrebf @ertifieVell Contractor Date l'2‘ l 1-t By signing this form, 1 hereby certifi, that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or I5A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a, For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of' completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environment an d Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised August 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: Jeffery A. Stewart Well Contractor Name (NCWC) 2540-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Mid -Atlantic Drilling, INC '150,31 RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUN 1 1 2018 Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit#: Water QualityyrRegional List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State tit iilgoe a�&, tiOn Wilmington Regional Office 3. Well Use (check well use): For Internal Use ONLY: 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION 1.76 ft. ft. 11.56 ft. ft. Water level collectd at 24 hrs. 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (if ppl(cable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL NA ft. NA ft- NA In. NA 1 NA 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER I THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft' 11.56 ft. 1 in' 1 Sch 40 PVC ft. ft. in, 17. SCREEN Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Irrigation ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: IDMonitoring DRecovery Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test OExperimental Technology OGeothennal(Closed Loop) OGeothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 8/9/201 5a. Well Location: Commanding General USMC Facility/Owner Name ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 7 Well 1D# UST-FC39-MWO3 'J Facility 1D# (if applicable) NA Sneads Ferry Rd. Camp Lejeune, NC, 28547 Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow County NA County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifwell field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34.658134 N-77.315468 6. Is (are) the well(s): ©Permanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or IDNo If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 11.56 For multiple wells list all depths (different (example- 3@200' and 2@l00) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 1 .76 If water level is above casing, use "4-" 11. Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Direct push technology (ft.) (ft.) (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 1.56 ft. 11.56 ft. 1 in. .010 Sch 40 PVC ft. fe. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0.00 ft. ft. 0.39 ft. ft. QuikRete Handpour/ Approximately 61131 ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 0.39 ft. 0.78 ft. Hole Plug 3/8" Chips Hand Pour 0.78 ft. 11.56 ft. # Filter Sand Hand Pour 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM 0.0 ft. TO 5.0 ft. DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, aoiVrock type, grain size, etc.) Clayey sand, SC, dry, fill sand 5.0 ft. 6.0 ft. Silty day, tan/gray, moist 6.0 ft. 12.0 ft. Clayey sand, SC. taNgray, trace silt, moist -saturated. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. 'E. ft. 21. REMARKS ft. AUG 0 i 20-9 22. Certification: Signaified W 1 ontractor Wor t.Uo; I Pi ticr f- " it min/F3CG Date By signing this form, / hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised August 2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. 450121 Well Contractor Name 4146A NC Well Contractor Certification Number CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Company Name �I•.CkIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUN 11 20)8 Water Quality Regional 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A Operations Section Listall applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, VirF)Uili%mcnt enal Office 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑ Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Irrigation ❑Municipal/Public ❑ Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: 0 Monitoring ® Recovery Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑ Aquifer Test ❑ Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 5a. Well Location: 06/22/17 Facility/Owner Name Wen ID#: USTCGI-MW28 `1 01' Facility ID# (if applicable) MSAC New River, JACKSONVILLE Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PiN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is (are) the well(s): ®Permanent or °Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: CI Yes or ®No If this is a repair, fill Ural known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one firm. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 26 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths in different (example- 3@200'and 2@100) 10. Static water level below top of casing: If water level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 8 (in.) 12. Well construction method: 6.25" H.S.A. (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) (ft.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. rt. ft. ft. 15. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal dosed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 rt. 6 rt. 4 in. Sch.-40 PVC 16. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (if applicable FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL n. ft. in. ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 6 ft. 26 ft. 4 in. Slot .010 Sch. 40 PVC n. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT rt. a. 2 ft. 4 rt. ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 4 n. 26 rt. #2 Medium Sand ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness. soil/rock type. grain size. etc.) ft. R. ft ft. e. a. ste,_ n. ft. n. 11‘C‘I.Nielli ft. P5.1 21. REMARKS JAN 0 3 201; 22. Certification: fi Ytssraertcatt ►r F-fC^+.Lessmg UPit DWQ/>3,OG 12/19/2017 Signature of Certified Well Contractor r Date 8r signing this form. 1 hereby certify that the wells) carts (were) constructed in accordance pith l5A NCAC 02C.0100 or 1SA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Injection Wells ONLY: in addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Sypply & Iniection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Adapted from Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 a Z a ELL LOG CATLIN Engineers and Scientists 210073 Wdmmgton. NC SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NO.: 210073 STATE: NC COUNTY: Onslow LOCATION: Jacksonville PROJECT NAME: MCAS New River PPV Site CSA LOGGED BY: Justin Heter _ WELL ID: - DRILLER: John E. Wood, III NORTHING: 3845334 EASTING: 273632 CREW: Tom Stetler USTCG1- MW28 SYSTEM: UTM NAD83 (m) BORING LOCATION: Next to MWO4 T.O.C. ELEV.: 24.30 DRILL MACHINE: CME 45B ATV METHOD: H.S. Augers 0 HOUR DTW: N/A TOTAL DEPTH: 11.5 START DATE: 04/29/11 END DATE: 04/29/11 24 HOUR DTW: N/A WELL DEPTH: 11.5 DEPTH BLOW 0.5ft 0.5ft COUNT 0.5ft 0.5ft OVA (Ppm) LAB Mo S o c SOIL AND ROCK DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEVATION WELL DETAIL 0.0 LAND SURFACE 24.5 o.o _ — (SC) - Clayey SAND FILL. 2.0 22.5 II I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t, i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1• 1 1 0 • 2" Slot .010 2" Sch. 40 PVC Sch. 40 PVC It,IIRIIL11MIKIIIIIIIIMIWIII,11.111II1I1IIIIII11111L,tIKI 0 En. 0 U1 4.0 20.5 No return on sample. 6.0 18.5 4.0 - 1 1 0 NM 9.0 15.5 (SC) - Grayish -brown f. SAND to Clayey SAND. Uniform. Tr. HCO. Moderate plasticity. Soft/loose. 11.0 13.5 9.0 — 1 1 1 74.4 Sat. 11.5 BORING TERMINATED AT ELEVATION 13.0 ft RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUN 11 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office — _ — - a LL 1- U a a c c Z c z - U aPortland Cement Bentonite Pellets Li #2 Medium Sand WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor information: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. Well Contractor Name 4146A NC Well Contractor Certification Number 45072 RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUN 11 2018 CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Water Oliality Regional Company Name Operations Section 2. Well Construction Permit#• N/A Wilmington Regional Office List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, Slate, Variance. Injection. etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Is For Internal Use ONLY: 46A 14. WATER ZONES I ROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. 15. „INNER C SING OR TUBING (geothermaltmal FROM A 0ft. f TO 5 ft. DIAMETER c loop) THICKNESS n. Sch. 2 i40 MATERIAL PVC 16. V MIA K LASING (for multi -rased wells) OR LINER Of amicable), THICKNESS NIATFRIAL FROM TO DIAMETER ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN Water Supply Well: ❑ Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Irrigation ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Residential Water Supply (single) O Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: IS) Monitoring 0 Recovery Injection Well: ❑ Aquifer Recharge ❑ Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑ Aquifer Test ❑ Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑ Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Groundwater Rernediation ❑ Salinity Barrier ❑ Stormwater Drainage ❑ Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 06/20/17 5a. Well Location: Facility/Owner Name Well ID# USTCGI-MW35 40 All MCAS New River Facility ID# (if applicable) MCAS New River-PPV Site, JACKSONVILLE Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34.72488 N-77.46226 W 6. Is (are) the well(s): ElPermanent or OTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: DYes or 1111No If this is a repair. fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under i121 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: I For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction. you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 15 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths in different (example- 3@200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 3.0 (ft.) if water level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 8 (in.) 12. Well construction method: HSA (i.e. auger. rotary. cable, direct push. etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: FROM 5n. TO 15 ft. DIAMETER 2 in. SLOT SIZE Slot .010 THICKNESS Sch. 40 MATERIAL PVC ft. ft. in. 18i GROUT FROM TO MATERLML EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT ft. ft. 0.5 ft. 3 rt. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour ft. n. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (lf applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 3fr. 15 ft. #2 Medium Sand Surface Pour ft. ft. 20. DRILLING: LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM ft. TO ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. DESCRIPTION (color. hardens. soil lock ttpc. gain size cic.) ft. �� ft. eD ft 11.‘C‘A rtkl 21 REMARKS SEP 1 8 2017 2. CcYtification: Wel ontractor i-nformation Pro^ m.O. 'tli�lt U Q/L3CX3 9/8/2017 Sigtifiph� of Ceniiied Date By signing this form, f hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with ISA NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well (Amer. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Svpaly & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Adapted from Fonn GW- I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 LOG ..„..„, ,,,,,. %._,ATILIN Engineers and Scientists z",,,.at SHEET 1 OF 1 WELL PROJECTNO.: 211111.31 STATE: NC COUNTY: ONSLOW LOCATION: JACKSONVILLE PROJECT NAME: MCAS New River LOGGED BY: WELL ID: USTCGI-MW35 DRILLER: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. NORTHING: 35839 EASTING: 2462033 CREW: RHEA/CATLIN SYSTEM: NCSP NAD 83 (USft}_ BORING LOCATION: MCAS New River T.O.C. ELEV.: 27.43 DRILL MACHINE: CME-45B METHOD: HSA 0 HOUR DTW: 3.0 TOTAL DEPTH: 15.0 START DATE: 6/20/17 FINISH DATE: 6/20/17 24 HOUR DTW: N/A WELL DEPTH: 15.0 DEPTH BLOW 0.5ft 0.5ft COUNT 0.5ft 0.5ft OVA (PPm) LAB o S L G SOIL AND ROCK DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEVATION WELL DETAIL 0.0 LAND SURFACE 27.4 nn - — — _ - — _•r• — — 15.0 - ' ;r r. fir;;,' ' ' ,' ,';'... ''::• °' 7 ' ..' ` t•.7.. �, , . s .1 �'— r. re•. v: .f';: ` RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUN 11 2018 Water Quality Regional ' Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office (SM) - Light to dark brown, f. SAND to SILT with some trace gravels and little clay -based on drill ' cuttings r • • 15.0 12.4 . I ' I i i i I i i I I I I I 1 I I 1 ► 1 1 1 ► I 1 I ► I 1 I ► 1 1 I fl ci. o 0 0 0 2' Slot .010 2" Sch. 40 PVC Sch. 40 PVC IM11!.1!1►M L.►10lll ll!!.1!.1 l lull! lull l li ll►ll!ll ll I ►I!.1►►►►! I!!!.l ll l l!!..1...................... .•............. N ca 0 0 0 N 5 - BORING TERMINATED AT ELEVATION 12.4 ft in f. SAND to SILT wl some trace gravel and little clay - R4 Concrete Bentonite Pellets El#2 Medium Sand WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells I. Well Contractor Information: William J. Miller Well Contractor Name 2927A NC Well Contractor Certification Number 4507 REGE!VED/NCDENR/DWR CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Company Name. 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A SUN 1 1 2018 List all applicable well pennilr (i.e. County, Slate, vaWu terlr •talttlyeRegional 3. Well Use (check well use): Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office Water Supply Well: ❑ Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Irrigation ❑ Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑ Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: 2/Monitoring Injection Well: ❑ Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑ Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑ Recovery ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier OStormwater Drainage ❑ Subsidence Control ❑ Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 07/24/17 5a. Well Location: MCB, Camp Lejeune Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) Knox Landing, Jacksonville Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW Well ED#: UST-CCC2-MWO2 County Knox Landing Parcel Identification No. (PiN) 14. WATERZONFS . FROM TO [FSCRII'I ION ft. ft. ft. ft. Is. INNER c . " - d tDR tBRING fgeathmtuti iwip1 FROM TO 0.23 rt. 8 rt. DIAMETER THICKNESS 2 in. Sch.40 MAI FILIAL Ufa 4t111 R CASING (for aaoltt-t fsed weld OR rdNERfit fnptteiwblet DIAMETER FROM n. TO ft. THICK\'I;SS Sch.40 MATERIAL rt. ;if'`sea#itir. FROM ft. TO I IAMETFR SLO r SIZE TI IICKVESS MATERIAL. 8 rt. 18 rt. 2 in. Slot .010 Sch. 40 PVC ft, -1'.b: G)'tout e FROM 0.5 rL TO 2 rt. M:ATERIAI. Portland Cement EMPLACEMENT ML.TIIOD& AMOUNT Surface Pour 2 n. ft. 6 ft. ft. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour . Pour AGFAY.Ct, at* tf/'ooticablel FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 6 rt. 18 tits Medium Torpedo Sar dSurface Pour rt. ft. 20, D1W LINO LOG (attach iitditiopal itnecioiuw) FROM TO ft. ft. ft. f i. ft. ft. DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain size, etc I ft. rl. �� S evo ft. bi&C‘k ft. ft. 21. REMARK • 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22. Certification: (if well field, one lat/Iong is sufficient) N w 6. Is (are) the well(s): ®Permanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or Callo if this is a repair, fill out known well construction MO -motion and explain the nctnfre of the repair under 11 remarks .section or on the hack of this Arm. 8. Number dwells constructed: For multiple mlecnon or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 18 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths in different (example- 3 200' and 1 a 1002 10. Static water level below top of casing: (ft.) ff water level is above casing, use " 1l. Borehole diameter: 8 (in.) 12. Well construction method: HSA;Split Spoon 1 (le. auger, many, cable, direct push, eta) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: I3a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: trl+QrtYleattort P;. 13�i'Jf�,f 8/21/2017 Signature of Certified Well Cont r Date By signing this, form, I hereby certify that the 11.el((s4 was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A N(AC 02C.0100 or I5A N('A(' 02C'.0200 Well Construction S'landarcir and that a copy of this. record has heen provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Injection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Synply & Injection Wells: Also subunit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Adapted from Form GW- I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 I N I A PROJECT Knox Landing CC BORING NUMBER B2 (31W01) CCC2-B2 SHEET 1 OF I O F V 1 1. C, SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT : Knox Landing CC / 7720-010 DRILLING CONTRACTOR : Catlin Engineers LOCATION: Camp Lejeune, NC ELEVATION . 19.74 Northing: 3846276.179 - • Easting: 281154.333 DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED : HSA; Split -spoon DRILLER : Bill Miller DATE : 7/24/2017 LOGGER : Jonathon Robinette DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) CORE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS INTERVAL (FT) SOB. NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY, OR CONSISTENCY. SOIL STRUCTURE, MINERALOGY DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE, DRILLING FLUID LOSS, TESTS, AND INSTRUMENTATION NOTES : Blow Count RECOVERY (FT) 6/TYPE 0_ _ 5 _ 10 (Change of Scale) (0 - 0.25') Asphalt (025 - 1 00') ABC stone/sand mix (3 50 - 5 50') Sandy clay (CL), orange/tan. moderate plasticity, dry, medium soft (8.50- 9.00') Sandy clay (CL),orange/tan, moderate plasticity, dry (9.00 - 10.50') Poorly -graded sand (SP), some gravel, tan/white. dry. dense (13 50 - 15.00') Poorly -graded sand (SP). some gravels, tan/white, saturated, medium dense Boring terminated at 18 00' REWED/NCDENR/DWR 2-1-2-3 7-13.13.14 4-5-5-6 - 3 50-5 50 2.00 CL 8.50-10.50 2.00 CL SP 13 5-15 5' 150 SP 70 JUN 1 1 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office CATLIN Post Office Box 10279 Wilmington, North Carolina 28404-0279 Engineers and Scientists Telephone: (910) 452-5861 Fax: (910) 452-7563 www.catlinusa.com September 4, 2017 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Re: NC Well Construction and/or Abandonment Record(s) Install Two Monitoring Wells at Knox Landing Jacksonville, North Carolina CATLIN Project No.: 217083 To Whom It May Concern: CATLIN Engineers and Scientists (CATLIN) recently constructed and/or abandoned well(s) at the above referenced site. Attached to this letter are completed North Carolina Well Construction Records and/or North Carolina Well Abandonment Records with associated Attachment(s) for the above referenced site located at Knox Landing in Jacksonville, North Carolina. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please feel free to contact us at (910) 452-5861. Sincerely, LZ'./2"? Michael E. Mason, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures S\GINT\PROJECTS\217083 KNOXLANDING.GPJ,«DrawingFileSpec» RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUN 1 1 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY' This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: William J. Miller 4so7z� Well Contractor Name 2927A NC Well Contractor Certification Number CATLIN Engineers and Scientists RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUN 1 1 2018 Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A Water Quality Regional 0 crations Section I st all applicable well permits (i.e. ('ortnty, Slane, t'cr r� l tVRWonal Office 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural °Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) O industrial/Commercial ❑ irrigation ❑ Mun ici pal/Publ is ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑ Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: ® Monitoring ❑ Recovery Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge °Aquifer Storage and Recovery °Aquifer Test °Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Groundwater Relnediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑ Tracer ❑Other(explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 07/24/17 5a. Well Location: MCB. Camo Lejeune Facility/Owner Name WeU ID#: UST-CCC2-MW01 Knox Landing Facility 1D# (if applicable) Knox Landing, Jacksonville Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel identification No. (PiN) la watt Zt3N1;S FROM TO DFSC'RIPIION D. It. n. ft. FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.24 rt. 8 rt. 2 in. Sch. 40 Sch. 40 16. OUTER CASING (tor m ' ed Wells) ) atI. ABijiiiilkaiblet FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS \I:\I I RIAI. ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in. : t1' SCtttEN FROM TO DIA\IEI FR SLOT SIZE 1111( KNESS .\t:\'IFRIAI. 8 rt. 18 ft. 2 in. Slot .010 Sch. 40 PVC ft. ft. in. Its. CROW --: FROM TO FIATERL\L FMPLACEME NT METH OD & AMOLV I' 0.5 ft. 2 rt. Portland Cement Surface Pour 2 n. 6 rt. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour ft. rt. 19. SAND/ : r ` tirppplicn6}Iet. FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 6 rt. 181 2 Medium Torpedo Sar)dSurface Pour n. ft. i),00 .0101 OG ui 'i iJ 1i ) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color. hardness sod rexk t\pe, eram size. etc ) ft. ft. rt. ft. ee ft. ft. s e° ft.ft. Hft-C'(NC 211„ REMARKS S -r.-..Zatt,:-t PPDC:. 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22. Certification: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is (are) the well(s): ®Permanent or OTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: lJYes or No 1/ ihis IS a repair, Jill out known well construction inhumation and explain the nature of the repair- under -21 remarks section or on the hack of this_/brm. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple in/ecrron or non -wafer supply wells ONLY wuh the same construction, you can submit one Juror. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 18 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths in different (example- 3@200' and 2(ar)100) 10. Static water level below top of casing: (ft.) If water level is crhove casing, use "- 11. Borehole diameter: 8 (in.) 12. Well construction method: HSA;SpIit Spoon (Le. auger, rotary, cable. direct push. etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: 0/0 8/21/2017 Signature of Certified Well Contract 6r Date By signing this./orm, 1lrereby cerlrfy that the well(t) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NC AC' 02C' .0100 or /5A M A(' 02(' .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well miner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 NIaiI Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells ONLY: in addition to sending the fomn to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Nlail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Svpnly & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Adapted from Form GW- 1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 L-1 r- �/ 1 ,C PROJECT Knox Landing CC BORING NUMBER BI (MW02) CCC2-BI SHEET i OF 1 SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT : Knox Landing CC / 7720-010 ELEVATION : 19 78 DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED HSA, Split -spoon DRILLER : Bill Miller DRILLING CONTRACTOR : Catlin Engineers LOCATION: Camp Lejeune, NC Northing. 3846274.668 Easting: 281 158.578 DATE : 7/24/2017 DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) 5 10 (Change of Scale) 20 CORE DESCRIPTION LOGGER . Jonathon Robinette INTERVAL (FT) RECOVERY (FT) ti/TYPE 3.00 -5.00 2 00 CL 800-1000 2.00 CL SP SW 1300-15.00 1 50 SC SC 0 - 0 25') Asphalt (0.25' - 1 00') ABC stone/sand mix SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY, OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, MINERALOGY (3.00 - 5.00') Sandy clays(CL), orange/tan, low plasticity, dry, stiff 8 00 - 9.00') Sandy clay(CL), orange/tan, low plasticity, dry 9 00 - 9.67') Poorly -graded sand (SP), some gravel, tan, dry 9.67 - 10 00') Fine to coarse sand (SW), white orange, moist, dense 13.00 - 14.00') Clayey sand (SC), tan. moist 14 00. 14 50') Clayey sand (SC), tan, saturated, medium dense Boring terminated at 18 00' COMMENTS DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE, DRILLING FLUID LOSS, TESTS, AND INSTRUMENTATION. DECEIVED/N( DENR/DWR NOTES : Blow Count 1-17., JUN 1-1 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: Jeffery A. Stewart RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR Well Contractor Name (NCWC) 2540-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Mid -Atlantic Drilling, INC Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit#: List all applicable well permits (i.e. Couniy, State, Variance, Injection, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): JUN 1 1 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Set.tioii Wilmington Regional Office For Internal Use ONLY: 446Q73 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION 1.68 ft. 11.41 ft Water level collected at 24 hrs. ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (f app. icable) FROM DIAMETER NA ft. TO NA ft. NA in. THICKNESS NA MATERIAL NA 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed4oap) FROTO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0.0 ft 11.41 ft 1 in, Sch 40 PVC ft. f1. in. 17. SCREEN Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Irrigation ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: @Monitoring Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Wells) Completed: 8/8/2017 5a. Well Location: Commanding General USMC Facility/Owner Name ❑Recovery ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) Well ID# UST-FC39-MW13 NA Facility iD# (if applicable) Sneads Ferry Rd. Camp Lejeune, NC, 28547 Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow County NA County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) Sb. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (dwell field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34.658108 N-77.315456 W 6. Is (are) the well(s): ©Permanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or E INo If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the sarne construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 11.41 For multiple wells list all depths ((different (example- 3@200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 1.68 (ft) If water level is above casing, use "; " 11. Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Direct Push Technology (ft.) (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: FROM 1.68 ft. TO 11.41 fr. DIAMETER 1 in. SLOT SIZE .010 THICKNESS Sch 40 MATERIAL PVC ft. in. I8. GROUT FROM 0.00 ft• TO 0.35 ft MATERIAL QuikRete EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT Hand Pur ft. ft. ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 0.35 ft• 0.71 et. Hole Plug 3/8" Chips Hand Pour 0.71 ft. 11.41 ft. # 2 Filter Sand Hand Pour 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM 0.00 ft. TO 8,00 ft DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soiVrock type, grain size, etc.) Clayey sand, SC, trace organics. gray, dry to saturated. 8.00 e. 12.00 et. Silty sand,trace silt,trace clay,dark,saturated ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. fa ft. ft. ECEJ I:s ft 21. REMARKS ft. AUG 6 v 2017 } tfortvl�?i~l ro (. 3irt9 Ur DWO/t3CG 22. Certification: iz(/l/ ell Contractor Date By signing this form, 1 hereby certf that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised August2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) 1. Well Contractor Information: Donald Cummings Well Contractor Name 2412-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number (RACEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JUN 0 2 2018 Applied Resource Management, P.C. Company Name Water Quality Regional N/A Operations Section 2. Well Construction Permit #: Wilm{p stop Rcv�iona�l Office Lixi all applicable well construchon permits (i.e. U!(', County, . h e, tartan , etc. 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Industrial/Commercial X irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer'fest Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed .00p) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 5/3/18 5a. Well Location: NIA Leigh Batten Facility/Owner Name Facility ID!! (if applicable) 717 Chadwick Shore Drive, Sneads Ferry, NC 28460 jjMunicipat/Public EjResidential Water Supply (single) c3Rcsidential Water Supply (shared) DRecovery Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier VjStormwater t)rainage DSubsidence Control DTmcer Other (explain under #21 Remarks) Wen ID# N/A IFor Internal Use Only: 150 runt rorrn 1 14. WATER7.QN£S FROM TO DESCRIPTION It. ft. rt. rt 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (if ap Iicable) FROM TO DIAMETER TtUICKNESS MATERIAL. 0 rl. 35 ft- 4 in. SCH40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER 'THICKNESS MATERIAL. ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN .. 1 •rr, 1 meter -twit 1 SLOTS=ZE T1it('KIVESS MATERIAt�_- Physical Address, City, and Zip 030260 Onslow County 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if watt tictd, one tat/long is sufficient) N 77 22 57.7 34 31 59.7 6. Is(are) the well(s)fPermancnt or DTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ©Yes or ONO !f this is a repair, fill out known well construction Iuformatian and explain the nature of the repair under !l21 remarks .section or on the back of this.f uxn. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction. only 1 GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled:l Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 35 rc j 55 ft. i 4 in. 1 .010 SCH40 IPVC ft. h. in. 18. c ROU'r FROM 0 ft. TO 30 ft. MATERIAL. Bentonite EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT Poured ft. rt. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) EMPLACEMENT MEI1tOn FROM 1 TO 30 ft 55 0. MATERIAL EMPLAC Coarse Poured ft.I ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) DESCRIPTION (rotor, hardness, sotErork IJpe, grain s'ne, a4c.) FROM 0 rt. 7'O 13 ft. Sand 9. Total well depth below land surface: 55 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths iJdijfereut (example- 3 a.20(1' and 2f i_/100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 4 (ft.) if water level is above casing. Irse " 1I. Borehole diameter: Q-55/8n (in.) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 13 ft 30 rt. ft. ft. ft. ft. 30 ft• 55 ft. 21. REM ARKS 22. Ccrt' call 1 n: ft. ft. ft. ft. Clay/clay with shell hash Weathered limestone/coral Sip, atun:ofCertified Well Contractor By wrgning this foral. / hereby cer4J6' that the trell(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15,4 N('A(' 02C .0100 or 154 N('AC 02C .0200 iVell Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SIII3MITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this term within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells: in addition to sending the forts to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Sunnly & Iniection Wells: in addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. z#�/F'+ RE - WV 3 1 2 WW infortnationo Q�f g trot 5/8/18 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) 60 Method of test: Airlift 3/o ° @ 10g 13b. Disinfection type: HTH Amount: Dale Forst OW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental [duality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: Donald Cummings For Internal Use ONLY: RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR Well Contractor Name 2412-A JUN 02 2018 NC Well Contractor Certification Number Water Quality Regional Applied Resource Management, P.Coperations Section Company Name Wilmington Regional 0ffic 14. WATER ZONES FROM 441847 TO DESCRIPTION D. ft. ft. 2. Well Construction Permit it: EWP2016-00325 List al! applicable well construction permits (i.e. County, State. Variance. etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑.Agricultural ❑Geothermal (I-seating/Cooling Supply) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Irrigation 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (if app icable) DIAMETER THICKNESS 4 in' SCH40 e16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL in. FROM TO 0 fit. 80 FROM ft. TO ft. ft. MATERIAL PVC ft. ft. in 17. SCREEN ❑Municipal/Public BResidential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: ❑Monitoring Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Recovery FROM 80 fit. ft. TO 100 rt. ft DIAMETER 4 in. in. SLOT SIZE .020 THICKNESS SCH40 PVC MATERIAL 18. GROUT FROM 0 ft. TO 30 ft. MATERIAL Bentonite EMPLACEMENT AIET1 OD & AMOUNT Poured 70 fit• 75 ft. Bentonite Poured ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Geothennal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 2/2/17 5a. Well Location: Steven Swedber Well ID# N/A N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility 1D4 (if applicable) 179 Angel's Haven Lane, Richlands, NC Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow 160917 County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34 54 19.6 >`r 77 37 34.6 6. Is (are) the weB(s): OPermanent or ❑Temporal;v 7. Ts this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or EINo copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. lfthis is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the ngrya of to7 ono repair under ,-,21 remarks section or on the hack of this form. J U L e3JSIte diagram or additional well details: 1 You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well S. Number of wells constructed: ihtnrrn tiDn Proce>a8rEguhibig details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the sante construction , /eJ J7 c submit one form. ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRA\'EL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL 75 ft. 100 fit. Coarse EMPLACEMENT METHOD Poured ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain size. etc.) FROM 0 ft. TO 10 ft. Sands 10 45 ft. ft. 45 50 ft. ft, Sandy clay to clay with shells Hard limestone 50 ft. 80 ft, Clay with shell some limestone 80 fit ft. 100 ft. ft. Limestone (sand 90-95') RECEIVEDINCDENRIDWR ft. ft. 21. REMARKS 22. Certification: MOORESVI WOROS LC REGIONAL OFF 9. Total well depth below land surface: 100 (ft.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this forum within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 30200' and 2 cnyc 100') construction to the following: Signfiture of Certified Well Contractor Date R EC E' 1 �IsE'iF 's form, 1 hereby eery rlrat the srel!(s) was (were) consn ucred in accordance Jr C 02C .0100 or l5A NC4C 02C . 0200 (( ell Construction Standards arut that a 10. Static water level below top of casing: 37 (ft.) If water level is above casing. use "-" 11. Borehole diameter: 8 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) 40 \method of test: Airlift 13b. Disinfection type: HTH Amount: 3%A10g SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS EC, f . _j? Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well constriction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. ICE Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Eiwironment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Revised Ian. 2013 Print Form I WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) 1. Well Contractor Information: Jason P Morton Well Contractor Name 2953-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Morton Drilling RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR MAY 2 8 2018 Company Name Water Quality Region ion 2. Well Construction Permit #: /" ` List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. 111C, County, Stare, Vart4 ce, 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Industrial/Commercial Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring unicipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) DResidential Water Supply (shared) 0 Recovery Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) DGroundwater Remediation DSalinity Barrier DStormwater Drainage (Subsidence Control DTracer DOther (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: /'"3d y t 4 Well iD# 5a. Well Location: WAt.Trr-P nfAZ-1710.5 Facility/Olvcyerjdatnef„/n-R ib �/� Facility ID11(if applicable) rt f 88 I:r�kb8.-�-- 66, w s e..o it) L Physical Address, City, and Zip tiNSLo County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lal/long is sufficient) .34'gat A.1,a N.77°De 6,416 tl W 6. Is(are) the well(s)ux Permanent or )Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: DYes or coNn If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information co explain the nature of the repair under 1121 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: ©N / 9. Total well depth below land surface: i (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3 00' and 22@I001 10. Static water level below top of casing: / e (ft.) if sealer level is above casing, use ' 1 11. Borehole diameter: 7 - (in.) 12. Well construction method: g O')2/ (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13n. Yield (gpm) 5.0 Method of test: >/ l� 13h. Disinfection typcc r ( 0 R \ e- Amount: J • S �z For Internal Use Only: 14. WATER ZONES PROM TO DESCRIPTION 1Z0 ft. I M D ft• ROCA-, ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (if a licable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL i ft. S to ft. f-f in. Sell l o F. V C- ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 12.0 ft, 1 1../'jft. 4 in. 7.0 S(.11 LID f v (-- ft. f1. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT O ft. Z 0 ft. te d.S.i._te!.-5Let, try 7Ili m m 1k- ft. ft. ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENTMETHOD I 2..0 ft. 'Oft. 5tkr, 2 it. v p0.1r rt. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheers if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain size, etc.) O ft. 3b ft. S -,.I d_ 30 ft. 60 ft. fir/ CI./G L f_ �? / QL 60 ft. (vo ft. / c_v ,..-- r 2....0 rt. ) `f r' ft. ZAP G. IC__ n, ft. ft. ft. ;... t 1L. C s.- V L ft. ft. i 21. REMARKS 23 20i` t�vl tytE kifortmatifXt Ptu`%a ,,,, a Atrit".. ,--: 22. Certification: Str�mT /17 o ��� ure ofCertified WeIlContracto S' y18 Dale y signing this form, 1 hereby certi that the well(s) Wits (were) constructed in accordance with 1 SA NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy t f this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well constntction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24h. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy or this torn within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, (inderground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & lttiection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(cs) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality -Division of Water Resources Revised 2.22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) 111111.1 VIM For internal Use Only: 1. Well Contractor Information: Donald Cummings Well Contractor Name 2412-A RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR MAY 2 8 2018 NC Well Contractor Certification Number �/ t r al' tonal Applied Resource Manager;AtSron Wilmington Regional Uttice EHWP-2018-00006 Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. WC, County, .Stale. J ariance. etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Industrial/Commercial Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: }Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) DMunicipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) DRecovery Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier QStormwater Drainage Subsidence Control DTracer Other (explain under #2I Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 5/8/18 5a. \fell Location: David Touvel Well ID# NIA N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 104 inlet Creek Lot 2, Sneads Ferry, NC 28460 Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow 762-110.16 County 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (dwell field, one lationg is sufficient) 34 29 86 N 77 27 54.05 Parcel identification No. (PJN) W 6. Is(are) the we1(s) JPermanent or DTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: E fives or ONo If this is a repair, fill out brown well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under s21 remarks section or on the hack of this form. 8. For GeoprobefDPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 9. Total weal depth hc, *'.and surface: 90 For multiple wells itt all depths if different (example- 30)200' and 2@100') 10. Static water 9evel below top of casing: 30 If water level is ahore casing, use "- " 11. Borehole diameter: 3-n 90/8(in.) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (i.e. auger, rotary, ckle, direct push, etc.) (ft.) (ft.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) 80 Method of test: Airlift 13b. Disinfection type: HTH Amount: 3% @ 10g 450 79 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased weltsLOR LINER (if applicable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft. 70 ft. 4 i"• SCH40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) ' FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSI2E THICKNESS MATERIAL 70 ft• 90 ft• 4 'n' .020 SCH40 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FRO?ii TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT_ 0 ft. 23 ft Grout Poured 60 ft- 65 ft• Bentonite Poured rt. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 65 ft• 90 ft• Coarse Poured ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessarj FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain size, etc.) 0 ft' 12 ft• Sand 12 it. 62 ft. Clays/clay with shells 62 ft• 90 ft. Limestone ft. ft. rt. rt. V((��® ft. ft. R EC E' ft. ft. ulky 2 1 2i110 21. REMARKS tr#orFi1Sitarl Pro:;. 0M10(. t<..-, 22. CertiTtcation: Signature of Certified Well Contractor 5/8/18 Date By signing this fornt. / hereby certifythat the wells) was (were) couln,cted in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 hlail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Fonn GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 1VELL CONS'1KUC"I'ION ulko ) 110 forin:::nlle' .!sail G-r siura. a ulll[in[' n:•!k ('unfrlclor inGu'uiadnu: Will Keyes 1V, 11 r'..tararlr•r Y.inv. 9220 P. N. Well tun[ricra[ t:.ni:r..1 , r •inu'.,ar SAEDACCO Inc ttMI.`i 4492" hM.W:AH RZON v _ .. -..,_.. ......� _. FIMAI 1 111 I nF4rtflFrY IS RECEIIVED/NCDENR/DWR rI.I !t. MAY 0 6 2018 !t. 1 !t, 13.:OUTER CASING liar omit I .rd nctisi OR LINER ,Nap Rcahlet runs, 1 Tn I nllsfiTr,R TIntliNrsit N:%1Tr4! l 0 It, 30' t't, 2" in. schd 90 PVC ►%a, INNER C'A-'•INI: slit 114�n�•iiirrr1.if1G iReeghcnnairlp#0-lihm . �w.. _ ,u iriii;K;e.s 2. �Yelf Construction Permit it: Water Quality Regional � pi " ft- fii n. r.i.l .rf,'.{ryAi, aide r, elf mitt ir.: r""'ia..rlre..iln:e IL; idi;r.•: Ir A&tation5 section- 3. Well Cm: fehrcl: well owl: W'rter Supply Well: IAgn,arimi:d 1 I4"tCotlumrtitl6il110riJna0001Ill.: Snppl)1 I' 11trt1U5tri(11(Ct3u1n1Crcial ❑irrigolmtl i 1 hrnutctrrd, Rani; LIRtiitti;uual W., SunpI. (single) f JRt5ktrotial Water Supplt islcucli) Non -Water Supply Well: 711vienUflnng Injection Well: CI Ailniftr Recharge ClAgtnfcr noel'& and ,terns _'n CJAgtufcr rest ❑I?ypentnenta Technology ❑(ieutlreiuxd 1C'lusctl Loup 06c0the.nmd (ileunirv_1Cuulbu Rcuuu} 4. Date VPell(st Completed: 4-3-18 5a. Well Loeatiun: Camp Lejeune :Ictld.- f ;,seer `!nn•c CIIt,:cowry rlkimufxtllatcr Rt itlelti:itinli r'Salinin. F:wncr ❑titormnorcr rintini�c CJS1thsjd ucc Comm! ErIricer ❑Otherdtoy loan tinder021 Rennet) Vi'l41 I tip SWMU-350-MW-60 I�cIhJ IDeili pptkaltk1 1-29 Iwo Jima Blvd Jacksonville, Jacksonville, NC, 26546 Onslow 1',Hu a 'In;tta: 1sWr:. Ciu. arid Yip Parcel hkaullc:nitn+No 511. 1.0111ude and Longitude In ilegreesiminlurs/sccmols ill' 4e ;nod JtYI L . : ill. 'Ad' It_I,I. utu: laurel_ r, 'adiic�;al1 34.741521 N-77.372583 tt. Iv lure; the trcHt!ll: X*'rnnuueru ur _1"Prattutrar. 7. Ls thin, i repair to au existing. well: JYo. or KM', teuti:5 Off.a't•n'nn,•.Fit. rr: n; ",.;i+,:, Jnrrrr: r.n:. ,i ,rnJrt'f 1:n rhr:ul[:'r-r t rdo ureh• • ,t. r' ri-r!!erd:. 1.. !ha: e,nr rl.'I die 1•,at( „t 1.$: •, (..r:n. ' B. lutnhcr of netts a Itlatntctet: 1 for.i.a/n.csi levrr,.•q ., ,..,•n-,,!i.•r ,.ri'mh urflr t70'!. g',. iia OW urmr to.tlrrirPfi!gt :... ,. safr•!nf :•+IP Frl�r.•!. '►. 1+n:1t Well depth helots hand ..+tlrface:.._ 40 F.lr.100.1.l:' r: ,'li, li+r ,elll,ifilirra ru r.•t..,nl:1,• "iiN: � ..• ._ lie. Static y1a(er level lidua' tap of easing,: 4 1(.wtlr: 1..yr7 •.41,.141.1• :• 1,:..,- 11. i3rn:hole diameter: 6.5" tin, t 12, %Vt•ll f+lnsrlurdrot slrtllnll: sonic Ie u'iin' Ill,•. irises; rush aF-II-.....d.-.4...._.,._...,.,a.-,.m ..tlt.1 Wilmington Regional Office iti n. • 17. SCREEN MOM I m 30' O. .! 40' It, 011,tfrT1:R 1 .i. rbrYY.: Ig Toff 1olI . 0, 2., ++t• .010 j schd 40 1'• ALATIMIAL PVC Iti. GROUT PROM ' Tr) 0 iL ; 27' JL1'Tr.RIM. R. portland 1L ft. IL 19. SANd+GIt,�ttCL PACk jlf a�ry�l(erArr7' I T1.tCENE T%rfmaleAA MOl'a1 tremie ►•Hutt u> 11L1 rrRt4t. 29 ft. i 40 ff. sand II. ft. 10. DRILLING LOG Ian,; had:tiNanpl41wetl if r+rcea.atsl ruf4M 1 to, 411,417RIrJ1O',t4.r. h,inrnna,.i,itYmk opt: FAitl .uq•.,k., ta1PL'tf.FMi'V'h I4T 11111i 2a rL tt. see geologist's log It. It. RE 4EI -APR ..3.' 0.2018. DvioitoG 22. (kr•tilientian: 4/6/2018 �ra[tiIU,, ;Veil C:tutrtl!rnr ring Nr r{yr,ric flu how ( IllItt!. rcrv,Ir• dun ihr ,rril!rr ".,:: 1' r:rl a.m.%UM mr en,hrlrc n•Ir,i ! i,i ..y -,tr•,).?C ?1101 or 114 Nt'.tc 0'1:.9'00 li'?II i:'nn l7ne. ;ion cp.ltdnr di :,. ,, duel ..i , refoi r, •,n,lit,r, In•,v'i';..,w•.1u,!La ,r.11'011410. 23, Stir diagram or additional well details: Vt: o 1114 i ,.0 11>4 bad: Or'1tis ll:Ig. I[Y plul',tle AWltli(liNath Well sire 1iet.Hls ur tit oatfc[wwcu.nil details. You cony also .attack addltlt'•tnd pares: if tsteessim . 1113111 i"I'AL IN Th LLO1N 243. For :111 Wells; Sub mil stirs 101111 Wilton 3(i dap. trI ;orupletitnl c'1 15c11 zonstmetiolt to the f[lUnssiilg tf1.i Uhisinn of W'ater Resources, Information Prrwessing Unit. 16171G1II Service Center. Raleigh. NC 27(99-16I7 LIh, For lithe t((jn ¶ (l I1 ONf.Y: Cu ;ldditi[ul at 5eiklin ! tl'' !biui k1 I he iddt.s it% !liIAbove. Also bt[bnttl J ;Alps of 1116 rn11,l nill1tilt ;(1 (Lays Il! completion .I ,1NII witar1iLlion to Iio: following Division of Water Resource.. lltulergraonti injection Cuotml Pntgritn, 1436 Mail Scnice Center. Raleigh. NC 27t+99.16.1e lie. For Water iuppf,t .0 lu rctiun Welk: Also subiuil ant:..spy 111. this fuiln 111111111 if'' 1IlVSW.001llpkrlouuf ',[cal et/min :ties act the county health dcpaumeilt or rite canal!, when: a 1 T,ik rlid FOR WATER SI-PPLY WELLS: ONLY: 13a. Yield (mint ‘irllitnt or test: I3li. Disinfection type.; Amu11IH: Form (AC.1 '. 1111 C.rtdl tut DZILnr;IIC lit':( Lor annur:Iii .tna Mil tl,tl R.rau,cre •- P i rilo+: al' 11'.nct '10o1.rct5 Ile is 1 ugusx 241? WELL. CONSTIRUC i ION ItECOltll Tk: far"I c;nr IV ,ts.�it Rif ;IFClc ar nn411111. els I. Well Contractor tar Information: Will Keyes it 4'.,I7r11:1,r N.Irur 4220 P. Well i ati:tourC'eni)ir:nton Nnp•bct SAEDACCO Inc Pet !Kermit Lox tnhll.'," RECEB1Ir/NCrtFNR �n'`,R14.WAILRZ 41:!; IIWHOM ! Itl ( upitiortIU!I fr. f1, MAY 062018 f ',,4IfJCUH ii.lax: Water Quality Regional Operations Section 2. Wail Ctotovnnethnl Permit It: t1. i It. 11 OUTER CANING!for rnuhi•wred nail OR I.INLR3if aludier1lcl Imml a 70 int,)ITTRp TIIICRi•F:45 )1.11Tr1I.1I 0 ft. 20' ft. 2" In. schd 40 PVC l*. iNN_ER 4'�,1.MN 11►1'Ii81Nle iRPON?..u14.ctost:d-iuoRl FROM 10 1.01.iMETRIt 71iRIVI'.45 tr. 0. A liar dl! ,r!.trlrrai'4.4 ell ;rr'nrrur iir il,ralr.. Stu:r I',rr6n lljl 4KieY1.`:,i.)te/4iUlld) OIrlC •• .. rt. .3. Will Use feheeli well use): f7.StRtI:EN NIA7E111.4: Water Supply We11: f"I rlltrIG ntruntt r,IGeoIiL Itl4al {I1e.uinsproolinu Sappho I:IhlttusflI1L C4)nnuefci:d ❑ltnpnnon r lMww,:IiHdrPltlillc r.IRt s.itletataI Wafer Sulgd} isatglci I:IRtitkutial Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Stlppl' Weil: 21Monrttonng injection Well: ClAquifer Recharge El Amulet Stomp and Recovers. El Agalfcr T. i CII7x'pitnruemnl Technology ❑C, utir<rnui (Closed I_uup► DGeotllemnd {Deanne/Cooling Room) 4. Date %frills) Completed: 4-3-18 SM. Weil Locatilon: Camp Lejeune hteololv.007rtr `JliiI ORcco wn' Dtamtnwlnuter Rensedi:ltiun i Salinity Ramer Cl/Imm o/atct 1)nrinage Rtiuhsttleucc Control OOthct li.°!tpIuut under A:t 1 Remarks) FROM ! 10 ! ut.4'VNTER 1 NIA If f4177. 1 71103011:444 • 20' ft. 30' ft, J 2" tn, .010 I schd 40 ft, In. GROUT PROM TO 11. rn. 11,tTP.R1.11. I -PVC 0 11. j 17' ft. 1 d rt. 1 rt. rt. it . 1 19. NAND t .ttIL PACK. Of aliplka raci ? WRO\1 ! in V.t•r'ER111- 19' ft. j 30' ft. sand 41.\TCRtrtl. - iMrPLAt EVENT NC7nOhi k.►.M0V.Yr ortlan tremie ESU'l,. ( 4\IP 11 \II:'►NOIh 2a 11. j ft, i 10. DRIL,LINC. LOG ostlaik 4d tlnenat therf it mercury 1 FR(I41 1 nJ i 0ISCRIPT10' tutor. Axldnwt, ,"I&'mrh 4)p. 'Mn akrc.rtr. r n. I it. see geologist's log woo onoSWMU-350-MW-59-30 • Facility ID.' irf;a tpll:ahtct 1-29 Iwo Jima Blvd Jacksonville, Jacksonville, NC, 28546 4. 1 ff. O. I'10 i,c:tt 'Wdresa eiu. utsi Zip t 21. REIIAitKS United Statesf :!anal) {':rn:Cl lrkt1111iCaI,i I'ill'1.111Si$ SG. !attitude atoll l,ongimdt+ in drgietri llinutrs/sc4Iltuis ur iffvfmai dei ,i. i •141 t•Ii 5clet nah: 1"iilutv,; as •;IdIic K:III 34.741521 r-77.372583 h. Is 44Irtl 1!.,! wI1l(!4: XPcrnlattent or ❑'i'erttporart Is this a repair In an existing well: J Vet or KNo li:�it a, is tr!�afr, fN ,nil hh'uw ', (I „-,r9rrm !inr' 1h.f„p,7u ar, •'r dRd r5;.1,' i rHr' A'fCu, rd:li� t. raj,' remirr.V_ l ,, :m,:aka ', • ti.xr ar .:•r 1)1, ! a vti ,rf the. ',.r: n. 11. Number of sells constructed: 1 Farr "(',/I ,-nnrrr,•'1 :r dc; I•u.,n•r u,t;fJ, ..,'l)i 1 ','IA' "'!i4 fJ,' Irpnr t,n.grue1OR ...., srefr.,nff .'nr rr 9. Total well depth helm land surface: Far ..odo/,fr I,rll>lisr ,i!,l.'.alhr•r- tw^10I0.rrul �-jaw•tM ......_ in. Static enter fel'e, below top for casinl r 4 (IV.) if "vrarr l.,vl n .,l'N, r life,;, ran' .- 11. borehole diamder: 6. 5" 12. Well trinstr rr'titnt niethtol: sonic Dn.) :Lc t•u_cr. n'm1•,c:alsic,;line, i.j k a. I FOR WATER SEEM' WELLS ONL V: lain.. Yield (gp111! I3h. 1lisinti'ctirin type Mahood of fast: Amount: I':Irrrr fii4-I t1. ft. f1. yt►t*nsat'0G 22. Certification: +I+xasn.:,!r C:nifi .; Plea Gamete 4/6/2018 Dale lh xgr,an' ..cur Prrarr f nrnh,•rcrrrft• den r!'r n.Sirlr racy i'.r lr1 rneo'rr:rrrr.l x•Rh 1fd NOW $14-.')i00 or lea .VL'LC rl•(',N!!HJ WWI C. LJrrp ii ii .lrrur,lnr,is .pr,i r!„q,I ••.ir.,•l?hit rr•.rut,J b,:r tqv ar l.a..ry.1•r f+' •,.. 158, ry rr. 22. Site diagram or additional wed! details: Vol may 0.0 ilt hold of this palm In p1Uv'Idc dddilitut l well site tlidat l, Itt uetl cutictnn:tiun dctn►ls• Yvu rnuy alatl attach :Ldtllh4tuil pages if necessary . i.LUi ll'1"1'rLL fNs1';JC'1'IONS 241i. Poor All 11'ellr: Sutural l this IOni) within .3U days Ail Conrylkti4n of oell -eiu;t ruction to the fn11°10tk. I)h'Lsrn of Water Resources. Intnrnt.ltinn Processing Unit. 1617 Mail Service Center. Raleigh. Nt' 27699-1617 '-Itt For. tttjt'rtturt Wells ONLY: :n addition to moiling ilk loan to the :idthcsi ilr 14;1 above. also who'll a cup} t!I' ilds Inn twtrun its du):v tot cumplcttnn tit' Ipill ;t 1Istntl:li,u hi the following Division of Water Resources. tfndcrgrwmtl Injection Cmntml Program. 0.16 Mall Service Center. Raleigh. NC :71:99-tA:k: 2dc. F'nr Water sunlit) rY Infection Wells: r�I5L sl.11)flltl title 'copy or Ill, firn t1'itlinL iri a;i i, i f Ctillllrhltill ttf welt L OU1tnIetinit to the count)' Width iCpatttnlctu )1 Ilic ,amity where CO3l(t11tItTd `+pall 12:ac!il Ibt r..,4tnflctt,11 i-..i0 IIT1r1[+I1,,r,d iiitnrlt ItC47Ll4 t-- Lttt. 4iII al'VT:114i Resumes Itcr. Is4A August III I 1 WELL CUNS't•i,UCI'ION RECORD rl ;. oulrl . G 7: 1111Y11 hilt^ 1. Well Contractor farrnntatirt►c Will Keyes Well I.1.1:an: ptr ti. IJu� 9220 A N? 's4eil(erllinit It limber SAEDACCO Inc :I51;111) i:d:111: 2. ti'4,91 ('inctructk)m Permit ft: MAY 0 6 2018 Water Quality Regional Q ee{ralions Section Liu nir..)x,hi.Jir4 n rfrprrgrrrl I; i i giona ice 3, Well 1 sc ie1H•el: troll use): Water Supply Well: 11,Apth.littoral I.1G tttil,:toed 4f lexinyrcoalinu Sitpph;i (• 1futlustriabCuttioicrei:li O itri ' Mon Non -Water Supply Well: C1141ontior : [tttcct on Well: CI Aquifer Rcch;rttc C°Aqu►fer:6tnt4L arri Rccniet} r=lAgtnrer rest CIE pentneratil rachnolo4V °Geo/hen a, 4C:luud Loup) C)Geotiktntld 4fI futtL'C'uulhr Renton 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 4-3-18 54. Well Location: Cam Le'eune recddt Dauer `)or. Onslow f':Ia11,IY f:1 p�inruapa NlbdYlit I rRcsidestrr,rl t4 ttct Su)lrhv (single) l I14.3idrutial W:Iter Supply t*h;ucdi 1:1(iroilielirucrRsrluet halloo 1.lSalinih- Fkimer ❑Stgrinn':Iter li'nrltptt',C CiSohcidemc 'annul ul D'Itaco NUther (tti loot tinder 021 Remarks) WenIDgSWMU-350-IW-70 F:cllIi • int'ill .eyrli,-;Ihlct 1-29 Iwo Jima Blvd Jacksonville, Jacksonville, NC, 28546 Pllt ;' al 11dn•s__ rim. and 'fp t=11Ri1 hi iIui Iir.,,?lu (3'I11I 3b. h.atinldr sad i..Iniiinlrle in ticgmesfullIste+/.(.:ands Ile di:vimrd tic#I'l c. : {tl'uan IikI r'l4 I101.11Thu e. altficra11 34.741521 n-77.372583 1.. Is tnret the rcegfsl: XPe►hutment or 2:1'rensporan' 7, I. this a repair to an routing welt: ._1New or AC No ''.fl1i,t,r6.9000 0. Ili, .,:nrrx. 21 n:r1.: a4'.,.!isr. dl ,.Yl ,)u,. „r•+. �',i.n7ran!, "r err,), ery,rrn 1!x, nrlun' fr.4. S. Number of ticlh Constructed: 1 Fur 1.7)001 in :•1•u nv(.:1' "err, i) ' s:vrnuN•. ,. i rrrn. �f 1- n"rn rbr ,u,nr r•o,rArriu rnar •.., ..,� '), "Fowl rrell depth beton land surface: 45 For "101,1 4' ', rfi• f1!,,(, r7.•rrl/rl ,iilti�r<'n,-ta•:� r •..>. lu. Static water level helms' top of easing: 4 11. forchok distorter: 6.5" 12, Well construction method: sonic l ' :mgr. 11•ifp:. a':Ibte. ,)iseel )welt :r_ I ,_"- Fp)l K' I TF..R Sl'PItL\' 1YNLI.S rt:VL.Y: 13a. 7'illd (upon 13h. Uisilnietiun type: I',It111 (IW-1 I'm Incrllnt f.5s; ON( V. 9264 WICON1 oft r1, 1 it. or n-H1P11te% f1. ' If. fi.OUTEKC•t-MG doratullfyy.glnellrtORLINER Ofut ikoliki FR03t , it) nr %METER 0 rl. - 43' ft.2"H:17TR111. in. schd 40 PVC I. iN kft CryllVl; tl[t1,11[NC 4 euCGerwrf .1,(ps t-k,ulr) --- -., ii ili.iiir.TFB• i�C9 TiIN:(4.. ' ten. I ft, j NA77 Ri1L ' ; n, ( ri. _..__�- J......_ _... vuaMf + ell : °r 4,1110111 +oft/t PY.r 43' 4. ' 45' n, 1 2" oft, ft. (1, IN. GRotrT 1•147,1in t3-- 0 (1. 190' ft, p rtland rentie _trtiieyTtrertrou ►allo-� ° temi rt. j n, _ . rt. I f1 -, - - -_ O.tiAFiti'aLtvk7L PACk Jf u- itiejMej -... ,. )14os' ell ft ATERt11. _.. 42' it. 145' F:S1NLti Llli'VI' I1r'1 {Ir)II rt, sand la ft, i f r, 10. BRiCIING LOG t *Rub Addi irmai s ws if aetrstarcl PROM TO 0F_r•CRt rT7mY I+t.Ltr, trMnt+ft, v„4`I.Ittr It Y:•. Ain wt., riC.I to. 1 ft, see geologist's log 11. i II. [t. i it. It. j R. rt. 1 it, nft. n._ . :%eer►[-tl�trc`s fitorr ticx+• ktcLowmng Ia. 'n11Ck\his LOAM:HhU. .06 Ischd 40 PVC 22, t cnilirarinn: �laanesr rrt C':11.fi :r ly,'I 0111r7M1f}r APR 3 0 201B 4/6/2018 Oat: ft: NL, •1!.'ll' gay Ngrrr IJIrn11r.•rnn r•Y'I:/Ii,l`ll''�'•ir1 •,116'(gf mitq,Jr )r;l ,4(' I( rr'f'..-i'r)jl 11 -,'1 'i,".;nx:inu ,, ,.,,, , her rl r,r•.c.d+d (...,6 ,r �' ,. ra:W'nr.k .✓ui 1)01!., 23. Site rlhgtram or midttitmo! well Retails: Vim luitt' use Ilse balk of lids page to pto,.. rlddfii+oaf »•rl) sits Aiii is Ile ucli vltetrucliuu de)aij,. You nun• atw altaeh i ldthunlsl lilies if nu;e+slln_ . SiltIsnijauanicnolskt 24a. 1'ur 10 lI f1'ejI_. Submit skis limo uifhtn 311 days ref,tnipteli,u of ocll .unstmclinn to the fulklnin' Dh'isinn of K'stcr Resources, In(orntatnn Processing Unit. t817 iltatl 5en'ice ['enter. Ralciell. NC 27699-16t7 24h. Far loltrtio ty ONI.y: t11 addition to 5e11di1►L' lio-:• (ono to Ibc :lddims to .'.a.l1o4'r. also submit .1 Cup of rich. lotto Ytithm ire •int's tit culnpletton of Yn1/2:11 :Un%,011110,i llt tin! (olittt{-1141I. Dh'lsilln of Water Rtwtnntea.1.in lergruutoi Injection Coons)! Program. 16d6 atoll ScniceC'cnter. Rnldelt. NC' ;7ri, J9-l4 6JG 4c. For «'utcr Su tic Ji; In-tAilaa Nell.: Aiwa, 4iditi,,i ulh .•opY of lhk, (Dieu nithnl :If ducat! ,:oinpklitrouf WO cnrlssruc)iuu it, die county health dep:fitment of the imatih• where :,. Ill) i -:1011 Mt i.',yigllllr•CI11 rf Er1111"a114:at _Ilid N:011:::I tit:i+}t,ICGh - UI,:niLn f•i Vf.rtU 'I+SOLr(i5 - I1lr111JIt: 11:•t Isrd August ; q I? /2O6149 3. iVi41 i rc (Orel: +31.11 nut: 13t'atcr 5igq►{�' Well: C1:\Sot n{nuul 1. ccoti4)Ikill ITlc.!ing+Cuolim_ 51.1i>plc) I • I iudusui:il+Cbraterciu{ ElInpunuts Non -Water Supply %! .Ii: CIMonuonnl; t: I tvh inlc ipair Polii.c r:iRrsidcnnl►I Water Ston'iti (single) I'IRtsidi:ntial Water Supply istrtnd, CJRaaoicry Inlet: in 1Vcli: riAquifer Recharge CIAlptiflerStorage: :toil Recovers. CI Aquder Tell ❑El;peni unto) Technology ❑Gk_adamtltl {Closed Luup► ❑Georitcitwd {Ile:aine'Cmulln> Reboot 4. hale %W)I(s) Completed: 4-3-18 54. Lue:Ilion: Camp Lejeune 1r:1oiI tr (Iwo r Taint 1-29 Iwo Jima Blvd f fl muI dal;IterRmrlcttiotion CIS711nity Hamer LI Stonnniitcr Omitrrg c ❑tiltbnd m c Control atl#Jtt►ut it Spluin motor ✓♦'21 Renuaksl welt i1» SWMU-350-IW-70 F,,rnrt} IPJlfir af{.+IiiahIci Jacksonville, Jacksonville, NC, 28596 Onslow t'Iii, o) bAtrcx_ fin, turd 1'ip Race] hell rtieadiun iV' 11'l? i ....,. ih. Latitude and Limp:inule in Ilrptt'tsiminurembotrauh,ir decimal dettrees: f,fucll Irad. n,t: II1dltnc i'''•,dlin.clll 34.741521 N-77.372583 u. Is f4rei the wcllti#: 7['Pern►aucnt or :)'Pcuq►i.rary. 7, Ls Ih{.r a repair to an existing well: J''t i or Xtio 1.040. „ 1 eq:�dl, iilt,ar:l,:inn Isar 100 Jn)irn1ria .' NA) I't;!i,!:n r1v, ourM.:'r' I, I. path '.vrdir d:l r, Vmark: ,,,Mill i t , .'l ,!o• S.;Somber of rtelia cututn:etcd: 1 Fur nrr,fivpti- r'nr,•r/':n -:r ,n;;I-nnn•I nlvttill „, 4 ),Vl:1' n•1rh tea• Itnnrean.trnn'p'!n ':•rn �:,., .trltoom' :.nr 9. 'Total -well depUl behnt land :Warfare: 45 ..� m_� _.,..._.... tli.i roc .t.shi)4'.' I. I'11. li,1 ,ril detoh l i r,J, fli'relf! l.':I::hate - tat'?i''' .ra:r ?rm ft4Y5 in, Static haler level hcluw tole of Saxon:: 4 01 .,.'I'. 1 ,•i:l .d.e. ,.flee;, : I••' - 11. Borehole di/Hider: 6.5" ift.l 12. Well matt• es:Bun method: Sonic _A ___ - •- - -. t c sro r. reels,, c:lhtr, ltitca rude er_.I WELL CONSTI4UC'1'EON IH.EC:ORD Tile G,,,>" I c:n11c ,r n ll i;.( ,iolat n tn,rll ild-r'a I.1'i'd1 ("mitt -actor Information: Will Keyes I 6,1sn1.0ri{•r.,1c 4220 A Jt wen t tnntna'n Cinih lIIoIM,'1Huller SAEDACCO Inc RFCELVFD./NCCFNR/DWR MAY 0 6 2018 t•.,,,v;n,, NA:nr. Water Quality Regional Fa• B'rcn1,il l•itc (ii'lIv _.... Y_..- FROM 111i 1 ars(etrntri ft.l ft. ft. 1 (1, IS.OI!'1 Eat C LSIYG Iformutlt'caud salt OK LiNN Of ruroahtol FROM i 41) I Itl14M,TER TIIT4.t lES14 MATTRIU 0 0. j 43' ft. 2" Is. schd 40 PVC ftt. INNf 1 CASINt: I)it f Jt11Nt:.geulhrrrnrt iM tl.:0-lwgt_.._..__. _ _ _.._._.-- Operations Section iRl»t -tl) uliytF.TRR Tflr('I(.RS14 NATCRt.11_ 1. will dine luctinu Permit O: ft •I• ft In Lin .,1144'1trtGh'..r1r;,nnarr.1: CUn:,• 111y.S:"r.Iriair:•!'Ii 1C:3'r.1`rJ' ndl Vllll-Fd ; ... _ .. -.._. - .. ._ _.. ..., r1. i it. i 17. tit:KEEN : IrS(►M 1 fa u14mIR'r[CR 1 %14 I4tf: I t1ATKR111. 43' It. j 45' ft. 12" 'n' 1 .06 IL t ff. I In, I I lit GROUT ER0)1 ] If) MATERIAL I -hNVf ACESTEVT 1lF.T1101I AAMOUNT 1 0 ft. 1 40' ft. FOR WATER St, PPI.N WGLiS ONLY: 13:._ Vivid (Hone _ _ Ntrthn4l of trot: I.IU. tlisiufiYtiun n pc; Aminmt: MR K'4IYA schd 40 I PVC portland Itremie ft. ft. f It, 119.' ANDI ;It•1YkL lr lCK tie nlgr#ir [tl) ? mom ! rn • 42' ft. 145' t1. sand r.MPI.n( r1Irti•r 14Il UI0m la tt. N. j aft. DRILLING LOG oihlaell ldditiniod Ideal it nrcnrar v, YR/IM I ft) UF=4(-RIPr1OE'lltmlr. hmidlu,a, v,id'nwk opt. Arain'.rr. , Ir.1 r4. rt. ft. see geologist's log IL ft. If. i ff. ft. I it. n_ ft. n. I t 21. REMARKS 22. t"ertifrcatton: 4/6/2018 sir:m:6i,if CZTO I; 44'0l C1llim,utar Ilai,: ft, :;v;vnr lhrr to fir? . I ,write• r•rf l/I Olin 41.1. Irrl,'Irl ,1I:41"rlr I come/mid :n •se-:+.ntcnrr :V( 'Al." ON- '7(r?14 „r t f;1 ,Vr' l(' /l!C :1)21/0 It'4jI f'nn:Jnr, lima Stom.((t oti r1n11.1 ::,1?i'4, nv'rn4 J1,n 'nVA ;'r'•rtrL .1 rr,1J1r al ,'"•11,•1, 23. Site diagram Or additional well Malls: Vol now Hsu Mitt buck of this rue id pK 14lrk additional n;II site +kfatl:l o heat cunt merlon details. You vlap tdxl.tillllb additional pages if necessary. tlH Ili"f,•L.INS'l'UC"iIONS 3•Ia. I"iir AR %Veils: SIbtuil this 1'onu schism JD days of completion at isctl ;oast nrcttna to the t 4Ihininh- Dic-bwiun urwater Resrntrcet, In(lrmubif PrnCc114ing Unit. 1617 NIA Service (`enter. Raleigh. NC 27699-1617 ?.tb. For hljtrtlniti Weill ONI'4': al addition to sending the Rom to the addtv.s to !su abort:. also sabntil i1 top} or this hum nilhlti tot days u1 completion or lull :onstmclitttl le Ila: failuccitly tH14ixion of Water Resources. lintkrgrfulmd rnjertlon Control Progra4i, 1636 Mail Service Center. Robe. ih. NC 27699-1 fi.i6 24 . FOE %Voter Sutiph & hlJrrtltln W'elh: Also :uhnml tort copy ut' this funs within tit days of t:uiopkuau of s efI calico nictiull to the comity health department at the county n'liere 1'nnu {i iS• t am ('araiutu it p annwtit or Ei l' aon.o.:in .1,L1 }Jt11114,1.1 ](VE4)L1I1'C - 011:lio n Jl'II':,rel 1t4otrcm !Iowa :august sot 1 , e WELL.. CONSTRUCTION 1?.ECOltD ,i1/1* nobly k: oor',N 1. Well C'enttractor Informatitio: Will Keyes V.iI Ci.rerawilor 4220 A lt Wel) aolimceur C'e re Number SAEDACCO Inc r ',Iowa ti.etea, 2, Well Construction Ninth # 111•7110:, OI•11 9247 491 RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR 14.Ve.S.ILR 1.0NES rt. if. MAY 0 6 2018 water Otality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office Ulf Owen: Shr., 3. Well Use (Orel: well awl: 'Water Supply Well: 1.1 rft.30011101111111 alearing,rooling SuppiS) PI Koinitock till .plriogatto to Non -Water Supply Well; 011Mcinitcring 'e' radar; iftifFetiff* 1.111,411noo;ipithPuhh 1.1Rtieleiinal WakeSAVO% hangle) I Winer Senn& it:lettrel), CIR.:cowry n Aquifer Recharge Ii Alittir Storage and It woven. 0 At -pilfer fg5.t CIrsinerunentill foz.lincoloNY EIGeotheitnal Chncil ( Igt:1111111..,'CLICIIIIit.: RI:4111111 4. Date Well00 Celettpleted: 4-3-18 5a. Will Location: Camp Lejeune Riellitv.Owirr Name. 1-1(ir)inothsitter R,jmooliation flailflth Ramer ElStormnoter Drainage fignbPiclettee m I al ravel DOui,?.emilteni iindet .0•2 I Reetiorto) loaSWMU-350-2441-60 Fmtlelo: Irv.' ref -opplor.ibleo 1-29 Iwo Jima Blvd Jacksonville, Jacksonville, NC, 28546 Onslow oho oval NqIelreoo... tied :lip - . f "4,1111) Rired IiInitiftcil it .1 I No I .51t. latitude and I, negIntele iu, elegives4 ll i ll 141' 4130110 elettreen Di .4.. 11 11.1ei. 1.1W 1111111V i% rit.K::111 34.741521 N -77.372583 NV Is Itire'l the well(s I: Xi P1M11:111v111 ur 7. Ls this a repair to 411 esisting well: :Nes or E No ko; ....hp.. prom,'i.•ii, (,..•ir r, mar& oe the vi S. Number itt stens constructed: 1 he ,eetbepie .•1.,;44•Al.tre.r lity.th rth WWI Or timer eviturere'eherr lete q. Total well tlepth helots hind Airfare: , Foe mood,... 41. if:: Jot oh if • ?4e.''13., .ioef PI. Static water lever below top or easing.. 4 ir IN' d ' 1 I. 13(ifehOle, ilianicter: 6 • 5" 12. Well cowman', methyl]: sonic 14.0. It: I FOR M'ATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield Ow/ Method rof test: 1311. Disintioetion one: Amount: 111-"ScHirtIllS 1 II OUTER CASING !tor sitilliova.ectlistllo OR LIDER lIcahlet "mom L'• strriot I1(hMs 1izArrutte 0 it. 30' p. 2" i,i. schd 40 PVC • I i .9:5411v!7.1. Al,d0,-14,1,11i19 it:EVAN:1M TIFICKNESS MATTRIAL i ft, hi. ft. I it, 4?. tilitteg- 40 nismorrrit 1sLor sizr 1 Tint tom:As 30' ff, I 40' ft. i 2" en. I .010 jschd 40 II. A ta. GROUT ft, i [ . VLIONI ' F stairrust. ; C.'41PLACESti.s4f N11.111011 ,i,.%M0tINT 0 h. 1 27 ' ft. Portland 1 tremie ft. 1 ft. ' - - fi.-1 ft. F t .1i.K.itTIfitiiit.WEI: iF.Aifkliin WIcable; pi PROM n) NlATFRIVel Pfelkl,4f PAIENVI' 14;71110ft . 29 ft, i 40 h, sand 2a tt. ft, ; 241. DRILLING LOG ettich adelltleatal +hero if aseesters1 ft) (4. ft. _TairrioNicootse. tionelivo, .11 it. see geologistls %),\I RECL1 PR 3 ° 2018 11_44, tr. ft. 8. rt. vetionnimonctircf0013.11114-Aillit 22. (ertification: Cearrocbar 4/6/2018 Wig •,;.,..wiv fr rr, ,crerir •1/4. WV21, eiv I • • I if .If toe' ;A Nell' ii!C,..)?flel Wea. • leilf , erot • ,ewstet. 23. Site 111111011111 ilr Aftlilftientel wdl details; Vela may ow the bock 91.1116 v,ige111 Neve& Atlifitottal th4iI41!i tiLdi consunctiuse &link. You min. ith,o attach additional pageLs if recces§iu . sl IBM 111.A.L.INS'alONS._ 7.441. FIN AU Veils: Sideline ;116 ftettle 44 kiwi 311 ;lay of ,:ointekt ion of o ;AI s01.14 neriinti in the folinwi rig Division tor W'ater Resources, Information Processing Unit. ltel7 r.t1uNeff let Centel'. Raleigh. NC 27(499-1617 24ft, fat Inkriun Wells ON 1.1it 7.4 IC. he :tdtire5s I I% 1.-41,theive, a1s.0 &Minkel .1 elettN of Oils hum within 3111 days let cupeeitluttoti eve.:11 :otigniciiteee tie Mt or water ktmottium... ihrttkrp,histati tejertion Control Prgrwite, Semite Creme. Ruirldie. NC 27699.1636 1.1r, roe' Wgter Soott4 & Injecting Welk: Also slitting coae. ur this rum „710.,iiipiciloki rf well common:in re the ernero Health ticpeeninent a the atone,. wlsere .cniseinceed Ki Ms eok' 'owe r.'..doinhe 1":"..:peueliee: Efik 11. 11119:111 -Ilia Niailltd 14.101.114)4)6 - Dle i.41 WAIL! Resocrcm Ito leot umorst.:,11 WELL CONS'L KUCI•ION iREC:URD Ttlki fttnn:an I ' •�lsaf fer 5iurl::r nualipt.• r:;.-1.. F'!* trrcrn,i5 449244 1, Well Cntdr itctor• Tofiu•I ,rtime. Will Keyes .',`cII ['trier.+ci:;rN,,rnw 4220 A ... NC I IJ' t, hies( d <erti:o,tdI i' 'lua'Inr SAEDACCO Inc RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR MAY 06 2018 2. %%'r1I ('renal uctims Permit #: anlicoiffe . ell ia:nrri:1 i:: iecoin:.i:,,. 3. %rill Cse (ehrcl: nwll user: Water Quality Regional von., Rgeofions Section Wilmington Regional Office %t'.ttcr Supply Welt: F 1:11 rtt:Irit)1f1 r.itJt ol)Ir>ttnul tileariiag:Cuolint, Snpph 1:11ud uinialr'Conittien;isd El irriglrllu n Ntrn•Wmer Supply Well: W Mom lonng : I141now. mid . P ihhc r If(rsiJa:nit:il tt`rFter Stlttlltl (stngi+:) rIl#aidt:uual WiitrrSltoo f*Iunt'd) Gltecovcrr ilticcdon ►','ill: f:I Agnifer Ilei:b irg;e Aquifer Sri -wage aod Itecovery El Aquifer fcsl CIE-glen/moral Te_lumlot:)' OCr..sltire.nn111 tC'Iuxtt Loup' ❑Geodl<nle;tl {ileanit +C•uolh)c fretting 4. Dale 1�•clt(vl Completed.; 4-3-18 54. Well Locution: Camp Lejeune Iriclhi Cnrutrr`hm: 17f::iroiwizlater Kt uladi:alnn DSalinity Ramer CINlorm-water Maim-lec CI.tilncsidence f'w:1ml i7'1 rletI 1.11)tlter iocpluut ritlder:l21 kcunnksj Vii II Ii1iYSWMU-350-MW-59-30 1-29 Iwo Jima Blvd Jacksonville, F:.'cth1+' In:' irt':,fnlr ;lhle'' Jacksonville, NC, 28546 411\anl' Sidri:ss. CiltAna :lip United States f;acud\ P_m:clIiLnul'rc;diunN„ IJ'INi SI►.1,;I utluleand Longitude in det!ttcslminuteliseenoils nr decimal degrees: {frond: i:.:W. nu hnilung r..¢fIiciL:dl 34.741521 N -77.372583 -.._NV o. IN tw•ei the WORM; XI'crm anent ur _i•Ceuttiorar 7. Ls this a repair to an ethane well: .JYa'r or 76No if!:fi!1!, •yst.a.(il✓,':.. a,rr !,r i1,rNs!!!r,:i, :. ,'nji"i+,.+f:.•4 .!c.J rt�,r,Yn 11n 'rra!n•rigo' !, t .ri!' iaxb.r .01 rr:!u:r.'.':. , . -!i,n: or on j ,!u' ;wok r .1 dlr.. 6 a!u. $. Number or n ells west ntetcd: 1. . F„r .uhl!1rr+r,.:jrrill .1 .;r r:rNr-,.,in•r :WWI, u r l7. lhVf.f ...Hip rhr,rrmre'+•,rarr,rrnu,i '.... r dnfwh snr jar,:a, '1.'Prn.rt l)Nll d{rptil hcbtll land altr(ncc: i4!rnul:!ij+Jr r:f• 1i,rr.i ,),par'1.j.i(;?rr4l++'t•,,!yn'r.at.$•�ri!•'.I:' `�J'jra•i•,, .. in. Static water level \Idols top or cu!trnl;: 4 11. Borehole diameter: 6. 5" (in.) 12• Well ertietfllydun method: sonic ._._. I blots, ,:.d!tv, •flrect rush :r: I r ft. I FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS' ONLY: lilt. Yid', (prig 13h. Disinfevtiun n per ------•-�-- Method nTtlst: --_-_. Amount: is.WAICKLtihk.4-P FROM lt1 1 nirst-mFr1411 ft. I ft, 11. I It. t3 OUTER CA\ING floe en 11.-wed nctlt) OR LINER iif I eIkuhkl rRl>}I ' Tr) I HIV'.1r:Tr.R Tltit'1t1FSS Vl.•11TR1:U 0 1t. l 20' (t. 2" in. schd 40 PVC In. INNtiII t'.t INt. tJR 11:MIYti *prtliurival cktked-la t pY li614E-T it _TIC1S'nti�a tl. i - fl. In. R. i rt. 11.tiCREp1Y.._...._...._._._.._.,.. kn. most I. In lfl% t7{Tt.0 ( +IOI'SE%S 20' ft, f 30' ft. ] 2" 'n• .010 I schd 40 TM( F;\ix4 \I.\ I'1.141•11. PVC tl, 1 ft, I. CNoIT FROM T Tn 0 1t. j 17' tr. ?L1TF:Rt41. I 02KrL.1Cf_11r:YT \ir.niOn-.l_L io11Nr portland itremie n. n. 1 II. I It, 1 • l9. tiANDCiItAVI L PACK tlt utitllleabk :'. rR1111 II) itn'Ci?Rt11. l ,III.n( 111U'll WINO' 19' (1. 1 30' ft, sand 2a 11. f r. 1 )0. DRILLING LOG e'rit(ach artrNfl unl +Inver i( nrceswtO t room I to il'MC}[tt'TTO\rtVLPr..hararI4M..,IA'nRknf!r.p.140 ,rC.iler it, see geologist's log ti. 11 Ir, It. it. 0. fir, 0.. L:. „ ... re.. 21. REMARKS APR302018 tniotrrieti0n Proces$ll►p Unit 22. ("vilification: 4/6/201B I!!'tn!I,d'.I I('d'Ini;: ; W' I C:!Inrn;kir R, n•!tr.•n' :L!r OUR I n,•n'1.,': ri{fir rhra ';'r 1114'. „ v I••••'rl r.c'•n:nar I av •.r+-:nh:a'r n•ri. f 5,1 1'F'ai' ,!'1. .')� or r!r : is S'r'.U- il'j' !7?r)r7 1{`r:1 fn4•.r,.r.:..ii Smo.l e,A ,obi th,a ., ., Il:.,i'i:': r ,.".:.,7 ihA 6.0 A i ..e/gf ,:0' tr., 'IY: i 4 •n JL 2J. Site diagram or additional well details: Yeti Imre Use the bad: ,)f !his. gage in tJtn)'ulc. rtdittftit)t4d ;sell Site .fetal\% ut Licli .vrmuutaiun d i.ut.' . Von In.n aLcl .:ut:rr!) nJditu-ntil 2un:5 of neeCSatlt\ . t.LLlfkll LGaI, INtiT(1C"'ftt),NS 1.1u. Far All 1Prll%: 5116mil 11413 form within 111 day-:, tit Conip1eutlm dti licit :onstniction to the following 1/is iKittn n Water Hewn ,te 1, Information I'm m:siting Unit. I(17 Malt Scri'ice C'cntcr. R:ilcittt. NC' 27699-16t7 , r1 (tf1L'olnnt Iyy iJ ON.1': :u Atkin it to .ef1,Iilldt 11!•: tornn la tilt; :Iddre.s to above. also nbu!iI rl ,a: t+1 this Ibfn1 1si1hul .+I+ diivs 1.11 Cuulplettum pI n lI .:onstnrctiLrl tit the folh!\sing. Dlvir{nn id Water Kc%dinreir. Underground fnjaxilun Guertin\ Progrlln, 1634 Mall Service Center. R4icidb. !iC' 27(:99•Ir,36 24c. For Wulcr Seriph & Injection %i'clLi: Also subnol one ;spy or Ibis lute+ isilhui i'1 LL'1vsofcuulpleliettof well construction to the coutltt he:llth depnninent or the caunn' ,oILi1111red RowIr.1-I V{IR:1T11,[11t'•1 .mn,r,:di .a») v:nulal It._ndces .. tit‘ uu:1:. 1 1V.der A.:R a{r_, Itd'. e:ed •%UULlst ?! I1 WELL CONstRUC"I•ION RECURi) Thf firm;!atr l+,• .I.41;7r ;furl: 'II WWIi:l?' r'IS 1. 'Well C'i iitt ietior Information: Will Keyes 1,w:11 I',wain:for i'i.rnk 4220 A VC wen t(sill TX, lilt C'cniln:ulLI< fl rlu'twer SAEDACCO Inc r ;cJI I:I11) l' .ttln: 2. Weil t'llnctrue'timi Permit th t.iu,.i:.:;.yrticai•i•"rll;v'Irri;+trr .'S.',, 3. t►'r1117ir fehreh V 'll uui: Water Simply Well; is iAgi►61ItIll0 I.IC_ co io iiniiI {IIQi1110er,I'C'oolini_ Slfppl{'I I..I',utostrial:Cl mmercial El brit utiuil RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR MAY 06 2018 Water fuality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office 1}mb": r. IF t itren r Mahn. paliRulthe r:lRt„�i+iemill Water Sunlph isnrgte) iResidoxiietWate.r5upph:rshatetiS Non -Water Stippty W 11: lv:pnnonne Injection Well: D A-flitifcr Rechlirge ElAIlnrl';r..St'nu u:ii i Rceoven• El Aquifer r sl C117-,7xmiu:mnt rechnology IJC,s~itirrntnd (['lased I_uupi ❑(3eothermal iFle:atiu. Cuollrn Return) 4. Date Waist Completed; 4-3-18 5i. Well Location: Camp Lejeune LiCiroandnater Remedial lot Il'rdirrit} Harrier IJNiomnslater Drainage CIS1Ibsideme C'nrltml Crl'truxt' ElOthet !ocptuu1 uo ilM 021 Renuitkkl WriI10Jl1SWMU-350-MW-59-15 1-29 Iwo Jima Blvd Jacksonville, 1 '?rllis 1114 rrt appIi ahIc Jacksonville, NC, 28596 United States �bti;> nt ti+Idr.'sr fl . :hilt 7tp i'.m:c1 Irktddicuiiori i$1 ii'I91 S11. i.atitude and L.liitjiniddr sri dl`L'tt''ls?u►inuhs?sccnn+la or decimal degr`'i 11i'•.+cdl held. nth: ImilulL r.:alllicrc:il 34.741521 pi-77.372583 tr. 1i lure. the adUrl: X1Perniuttcllt ur :.7`rengnrran .._.�: ._. ►►r 7. L► thin i repair lu an c.tistinb well: =1 Veil or lKNo i.r!i; i'. •, ,,.'isur: fill 14.11urun'.nl,.:q;',u.fl:':',IIJ,t.V.rr."•n,If;.J .-•,i1i.!;n 1!a n,rRrn r�i r'd F. ,rir ua:h:r N: t rre4,sd::... 1.11 the : •.n:S. „r ;,ir.s.,i,r.•n. 8. lunthcr ur %elli cnnslnteled: 1 hrr nlvl,rrsrr nnrrr;r+y rr ,ri:n•.,riR•r . io.ph I• ell, !kN'f.5' ,' .'ii rl.r'iuurru,nrr,ra'pwr y„'. •,... S:,t"11rr: `rli !i,rr." '1, font N 'lt depth beliM land .Airfare:. ,1S„ .. - _•..-._.Ift.l ; .or nrnt,Qrlr I. r4L. ti!J „il ,:r,,rl' ir.i tti'ra ur,>'I-r,:•lr,t:. i t 'Url'.Iru; `@' Iq.?". III. Static water level below Cup of easing; 4 11. Borehole iII ii, Ccr: 6.5" 11. Well rnn.!•tnr'tiuo method' sonic •a r pus-11 a:.! tit.) FOR WATER SUPPLY 1 FLLS ONLY) ! f11 1`ielrl (L111111 lib. Ohelnrctiluo t. pc: ►frilliest of tut: Aoutwit: , mom10 f1.1 it. 1 17. S('R1 EN nKomu 1 In 5' rt. 15' rt. Ir.r, lr+2 rode 449246 U. WA !Elf LONFie rlI 1 nywnirrn1' ft, r1. It, j rt. IS. OUTER CASING tfru muul•crt`stl Hefts. OR LINER Of Ncahkl • VKOM 7l1 ! n111tElrft I niteworss M.1ITNtM 0 tt. 1 5' rr. 2" in. schd 40 PVC ttr. (N felt C' 1.1!41: gif. f'Ur ING t terahe ti al dined -Ion DIAMETER I 1tllCii�E715 i SE.17i:Ell..L lit. 1 I rt. rI. it, ( tr. 18. GROUT FROM : rn 0 it. 3' it. 41.1//'SIZE I rtltfk'4 t' .010 Ischd 40 1.TiPRIm. 1 PVC MATr.RL11. i EMP't►CEMENT;1E11100 A.► tiotrNt• portland Itremie ft. 1 ft. (t..1 It. 19. SANbtGILt 'tEL PACK id ota ticJNte room r ra I 7114,0341\I. ' 4' It. i 15' rt. 1 sand ft. j ft. VhrPl.at, K51EV r Milnu11 2a 3u: DRILLING TOG l Muth ad4tlllrmul ekes* it ntYX!roNr'P I Vied,. 1 1') :K$CIllyTIO rs•.,br. hardliiote..nf;•rock rem. • Yatn •i,C. sa.l It. i ti, see geologist's log I. 11. tl. 1 ft. rt. r1. I"' ? 1\1E t1. I tt. ��-"� fl. j ft. ft. ' R. I. RF.M1L1 ttKS 4i� ''. (:crtilicattnn: tilsttuln,i,Irt i'firt: t4'.'1I C,ritirnikir Dam 4/6/2018 ttr i(!'!rCl: rbbtr r,.rrfr i Ilrn'lrr ,'truly r4,.i ,Jq' ll'r'S'11'! •'.1', 1'• 171'I ::ri'Y!^L'1r,1 :rr .r00'•'1111:Irl' u•Ui, J+.rt • ' ',lr o),V . 91L4) .n• 1 S:t AP(' li it?.; :A,r)0 t1$:1 f_', •',:tart rims +a:: r;tnf di .u,i rlarl •r ,,ir,.,t'rt1!-.N••',: n! 4.o. 14•r!,;0•.0d..,i7.",..' Ali r"p,t.r,. 23. Site diagram Of additional well details: Volt Itlr11' tee the buck ot'ttii, 1.tt u to piovtrk %trldlltlH1t11 t►.:li ,4IV imills nt +tell iC I0/ 4lU1 Lllltt dr:ritil4. V4)41 rik14' IIIKr attach additional pilots if neeessun . SUII1'117.7' 11..ifiSitle K)NS 24a. For All Welk: Sabin, ltlis I'ann within ill day; i!I :ampktitm o(n l -.bnt:m,Ctifitl la the (ol1010141. i►iv'iriun le Water Keio,rcei. Information Prnccising (init. 1tit7 M1fail Service C:entcr. Raleigh. NC 27699-1617 4-111. Ear hi rt(lin Wept ONI.1': :n addition to sending the turn, to the 'adtirms r11 '.1tt.Jhr!►'r.also salmi)) .1 ':up,', or this ('urn oilluu tt) days of t:uolpll:bun or well :LoIl1tructioil to tlk; following. Oh'isiou ur1►%Our Resa.si e*. Underground Injection Control Program. Itiitr Mall Service Center. Raleigh. NC 2709.16J6 Ile. For Water tinnlib & lnjr4tton Wclk: Also :utuull tine ,+)pr of 1h6 rntul within ;ir tl:tt', t!f 4trntplel1ou of well construction to the colony hcnllh depoiniu nt or the county n'berc 4arlsrnielyd I:rtruii'dr-I •.ic101 C'.solii1[t (.'i)};Fnntc In of Erii+tallrliill wile, )t:nural L,1n .011,1s ill WJOCI 1t otrcts lir% Ned :Augustloll WELL COINS'("ItuC-1'1OtN IRECORD CIF, farm •.;;tit l dw:d fci '•11 %I=_ I. Well Contractor Information: Will Keyes 1Nc n t'i .1•A1i:1ot 4220 A Wel)(omen totC..'nl:r:.li ,tiuirt)cr SAEDACCO Inc 2. %Veil C'outtlafctino Permit #: 1.6t mi . ^ .'li: e. I is i ii : r'r!mvr. 3.1V1 li 1"u felttcl: mti'ii u .rI: RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR MAY 062018 Water Quality Regional OperatioaseCtion- '7idi' ►`'ri'Wilrifi ri'Regional Office Water Sitpply Well: f-1:iglr,:ufnnnl t IGcoi I.:mitl {rleatintrlC'?olinr : iipolf'1 I.Iright6laa VCOtnowtvi:11 L11m1:ltttun Non -Water Supply Well: tItIvr,ontionng r Ih11u1u:1tJal; robin I.1Rcsid.:urial Wilier Sup -ph (singlet CIR;Sidt;Iltl:tl Wove Snook tstr:urd+ CIR.:cov n' injection Well: CIAgiiiferRecharge ❑rtllttrfcr (tonic :ttxl Recovers. El Aquifer rc5t CIE'vermuniutt re_L•tolc-gy ❑Cieutisen ull ?limed Loops ❑i3 utfteniutl Remind a. Dale Wefl(•l Completed; 4-3-18 5n. Well I -ovation: Camp Lejettne 1 !QI I'iv.C' lt:r 11I(in111tobv.s lr Remedial Intl Et flmcr C1Stt,rr i ater Drainage C°Subsidence l'mato! ❑'1 Meer 00ilk:t {I:tptuln under k'_' I fterti rkai Well towSWMU-350-MW-59-15 I :erlrlc II?:' i,f ::44)1tiahlcj 1-29 Iwo Jima Blvd Jacksonville, Jacksonville, NC, _ 28546 'I'm;' i? 1+1dr.'x.f'itt.anit'ip United States I'.'n:.1 lilt: itdretlilnti'le (21%1 .it►. Latitude and Longitude in del'reetfininisiviiScr UulI . sir decimal degrees: of ..11 held. s uit It'sdrnw c.'.tdlit:i;t:11 34.741521 ri -77.372583 b. Is Iarel the watt!'►; S'I'erloattent ar _:I'fclufurrrn 7 11 this a repair to an ssiitinl( well: .JYes or EN* if ,l:l.l fl i'rk.%t Ail �.SJi tr:l.l.,l �. 'il ..i1•,.. , 1(, .. 1.1�•. ;:.1,1:.'•1 I,:,i .....I„•t 14u,;wow t:pair Meth ,A'.ir.PMark ,..1010 111I •iarr,r,u. 8. fiurnber of welly wnatnrchd: 1 Fire..+1 f,ft.:'i ,Irv. rl rr1 :, rlrYa•a.irr. uu•Jx1, a ell. UI'f,F r!!. flee .Ins. •'u,rNr',u'urur •, .:r 'rNtf•rl,r •, .• . r.'.• It. Total null Il plh helmland .ttrfatr::.,,, lb jG,r 04 ,•.il.Ili•tl:. if.i.•j,'1•rl tit i.tl..o,tpir - i‘11:'11n. 17•.i.. (•1.}..' i13. Si. tii water level below top of CAsing: 4 tit.) 11. Borehole dianrcicr: 6.5" 12, Well outtfrurN m method: sonic •I c :ais^t: frilly'. •:a1,1e, direct NJsic FOIL WATER SUPPLY '11'fLt S ONI Y: tin. Vivid (glum Aiello id of tett: ____• IJh. Disinfection type: amount: • mom 1n 1 zonctirtr,st fIlICKNYS5 0 ft. i, 5' ft. 12" in. schd 40 a to..INNE:it1',tSINtito; rtSHlN(;.r*e r,hyrmpl.cktv3ldt>yil0 ;_FR(i+)_ _ it} r DL�?FETei _njw,I<\F5t__.. . ft. - ft. 1--- fir. ft. 1 ft. 17. %(°REI N • Yl.UIM ! r(1 5' iI. t 15' Mutton fY RO7.I ': rn OI. t TER I .I.1 rNIWT ft. 12" In. I .010 In, 1 f:' hrrrnai! !r 12I'111' _._..4492 45 t'I. WAFER Lt1YI4 14411N 1 111 1 PPF111 RtMr1(1% p. i ft. 1t. 1 f1. i Ii OUTER f AhING Ilertet 11.cafcd nrtl (itt 1,friEft Ii gpokahkrl OA1Tn1 tt PVC r►IK(I 1I:41ti jschd 40 11ATIENI 11. PVC 0 il. 3' ft. MATFIU I 1 E!tPLACEHENT 'Vsaroof'AA1401I .T portland 'tremie . ft. j tt. 0. i It. 19. +AN UIGR.3YRL PACT, iil ulipllcrhtel t rri)m r1I lacy►:Rrti 4' ft. ! 15' ft. sand It. i ff. EMPLAII',11t "r'I' Mr111011 2a i 30. Dltll:i_tt'iC. LOG usages additionrt ♦befit N tteee tsitrtt PRtr>t } 1st(1g'trRJrt101rrv.kr.h'(slues.«.iA'nrtkftfrr:,5rAin...v. IV, it. ft. see geologist's log ti, 11. I 1 n. tr. ; ft, ft. 1ft. i 2t.REMAItKS- REC 22. Ccltitication: tiI .I11t11,' 'l(' it li:• . tGt'i C IIrrIiI1ir It. :isnc'e Ho 0.,144 I nrn t.. .r, un• 1!w' 11M u'{•,IIr! •,.ev 1'•'.7el sari'.:,:Hi( .1 .•ir .....+.',luau n9J11 1S4 .4(',tr"iI' • ''!11r..r 7'!I .Yf'Ir't!'C !?`IHJ nrrli i'.mtrn,.:;nu cs..0.1,,,.1s.,n.i1110 1 .,.pr.$?1'.i., f..•....J;!„'. 14'i 0,i/ .^.2.411.1111, .Y71 . nrn,•I. 23, Site diagram or addltinaal well detuds: Yoa may IISU 111:: bait of !his it.iv 1 1 plewittc ,Irddilitulal :m 11 5111; AIM!: ill 'tell •,:ILLtwt:tion Joints. YOU frilly sti:a. .utas:h addiiic'•tuif page's if bccessi t3. b_wlbIux. L ESNII1s:ILOIl _ 2-1a. Pow all Welts: Submit this I'rnin unlink .111 days'rl rulurtletisnl of -mill :onsrnfrlinn la iltw ft+trilstial; Lihi..inn o1' W.Iler Ite%nurRex, information Proemin i l rnit, 1617 Mall Service (:enter. Raleigh. NC 276999-1617 2.111. For Injection WelL1 ONLY: 7.1i ;iddninn to lending ti'.i: faun to the :(sides ut !s:1.I1.34.4le. also f.011lltfl .1 ,:110 .11 IIIiS I'olnl 11rith111 ttl days ut completion of 1+t:11 (MFll:lan: i tt la III. following (lh'itiritt of Water Ke:I.rur'vca. tlnricr1riulml Injection C111111311 Prograu1. host( Mall Service Ccnlet. Raleigh. NC 27699-l(.J6 Jdc. Fir Water Supnh & Injection Welt: :ti:,u 5111111111 nun <•4):1 ut illis IUIII1 1►1111111 If' dill.• di l:('ntplOi a of well construction to the comp; health depnttment 01 the team• where „tinatnic'cd 4/6/2018 [)rill. F',mit till -I C .d shl1t 1: 'p Irtuscllr r.( E:11 II uu%Ia'..und MAMA It .ot.n'_'c_ P1114,11111 JI U'.ilcl 'I•3nlr(ES Ito l( .1,tU]U9t Tr, I i WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY Tins form can be used for smele or multiple cells 1. Well Contractor Information: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. Well Contractor Name 4146A NC Well Contractor Certification Number REcuuVtU/NCUENK/UINk APR 14 2018 CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Company Name Water Quality Regional 2. %Veil Construction Permit #: N/A Operations Section list all applicable well permits (i.e. ('nuntt, Milmivigton Rtegiionai3Office 3. %fell t'se (check well use): Water Supply 11'ell: ❑ Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating Cooling Supply) ❑Industrial Commercial ❑ Irrigation ❑Municipal Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑ Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply 1VeIl: ® Monitoring Injection %fell: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recover ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating" Cooling Return) 0 Recovery ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑ Stormwater Drainage ❑ Subsidence Control ❑ Tracer DOther (explain under'421 Remarks) 4. Date 11'ell(s) Completed: 11/09/17 1\'ell ID#: USTRF-MW51 5a. Well Location: Facility Owner Name Facility ID' tit -applicable) MCAS New River, JACKSONVILLE, NC Phcsical Address, City. and Zip ONSLOW Count Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat'lone is sufficient) 34.710869764 N-77.445887809 w 6. Is (are) the well(s): ®Permanent or OTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: 01'es or No /f'tln.s rs a repair, lilt out known well canslrla non rnlirrmanan and explain the nature of the repair under •21 remarks secnOn or on the hack of dv.s limn. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 l•or multiple in/Ccfron or non -water srtppfv wells OjVLY;,uh the sane construction. j ou can submit one pron. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 13 (ft.) For wells fist all depths in d(llirent (example- 3-i(200' and 24i l(/0' 10. Static water level below top of casing: 6.8 (ft.) !/water level as above casing, use „ „ II. Borehole diameter: 8 (in.) 12.11'ell construction method: HSA (Le. auger, rotary. cable. dsree! push. etc.) FOR %PATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) sIethod of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: ,A.A.17.04N1gy3g/ 14. WATER ZONES FRO:\I TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. rt. rt. 15. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS \LATERIAL 0 ft. 3 rt. 2 in. Sch. 40 PVC 16. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR L NER Lf applicable' THICKNESS _ • MATERIAL FROM TO DIAMETER ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in. I1. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 3 rt. 13 rt. 2 in. Slot .010 Sch. 40 PVC ft. rt. in. 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACIEME.I METHOD&AMOUNT 0 rt. 1 rt. Portland Cement Surface Pour 1 rt. 2 rt. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour rt. rt. 19, SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL ErIPLACEMENT METHOD 2 ft. 13 ft. #2 Medium Sand Surface Pour ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color. hardness. satrock type. erain sae. etc I n. ft. rt. ft. ft. ft. ft. s�� ft. fr. pgrkk N. 1.1 ft. P Ft. _ fi. triTC f- iE< 21. REMARKS -' 2 �y @ FEB 2 2018 i IL 22. Certification: Sipmalure ofCertified Well Contractor )$than Pr(>';,t5,- : •. vr'rrl' 2/19/2018 Date fly swung rhrs, farm. l hereby cernfi that the vel114 was (were) constructed or accordance unit 15.4 V( :4(' 0 ( .0/00 or 15;1:\i '. ((' 02( 0200 Well f 'amp- tenon Standards and Mar a cop; of this record hos been provided to the nett miner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For MI %Veils: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the foml to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of' completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For %Toter Svpply & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this fomi within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Adapted from Form GW-I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22--2016 LL LOG CATLIN 1-7-- Engineers and Scientists 2"01W W.Iminglon. NC SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NO.: 217011 STATE: NC COUNTY: ONSLOW LOCATION: JACKSONVILLE PROJECT NAME: MCAS New River LOGGED BY: Chris Alexander WELL ID: DRILLER: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. NORTHING: 353361 EASTING: 2467032 CREW: Eddie Swain USTRF-MW51 SYSTEM: NCSP NAD 83 (USft) BORING LOCATION: MCAS NEW RIVER T.O.C. ELEV.: 21.00 DRILL MACHINE: D50 METHOD: HSA 0 HOUR DTW: N/A TOTAL DEPTH:13.0 START DATE: 11/9/17 END DATE: 11/9/17 24 HOUR DTW: 6.8_ WELL DEPTH: 13.0_ DEPTH BLOW 0.5ft 0.5ft COUNT 0.5ft 0.5ft OVA (PPm) LAB. o t S L o G SOIL AND ROCK DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEVATION WELL DETAIL 0.0 LAND SURFACE 21.0 0.0 0.0 - 2 ° 6 0.0 M (ML) - Brown to black, sandy, SILT RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR APR 14 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office 4.2 16.8 I I- I 1 T T� t 1 1 1 I l I t t I l l G O O 2" Slot .010 2" Sch. 40 PVC Sch. 40 PVC (J011.11[lI1),ILIILIILIIIILIIJIIJ[Ill1[III Il,111111 1111 IIIii[ 11LJ ll11[1111IIll I, II 1I1111111111111. W N O O O 2.0 - 8 s , , 28.5 4.0 - - 1 ' 1 2 12.7 .X, j (4 (CL) - Gray, CLAY moderate plasticity with orange mottling 5.2 15.8 •:. (SP-SC) - Tan to orange, clayey to silty, f. SAND 11.5 9.5 6.0 - ° 1 9.2 W 8.0 - 2 1 15.0 Sat..:;:/ 10.0 - 0 , j. , / .. (CL-SW) - Dk. gray, sandy, CLAY moderate plasticity 12.3 8.7 12.0 13.0 1 1 % (SC) - Dk. gray, clayey, f. SAND 130 8.0 - BORING TERMINATED AT ELEVATION 8.0 ft in clayey, f. SAND Portland Cement Bentonite Pellets #2 Medium Sand WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-I) 1. Well Contractor Information: Sanford Sweeting Well Contractor Name 2082-A RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR APR 14 2018 Applied Resource Management, P.C. Company Name Water Quality Regional EHWP ;20 on Regional Office a00020)n NC Well Contractor Certification Number ta7 2. Well Construction Permit #: S List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, Coun ty e Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) �Industrial/Commercial Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 2/21 /18 5a. Well Location: Donald Ball Municipal/Public xDResidential Water Supply (single) DResidential Water Supply (shared) DRecovery ®Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier DStormwater Drainage DSubsidence Control Tracer Other (explain under #21 Remarks) Well ID# N/A N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility Hi (if applicable) 139 Turner Lane, Jacksonville, NC 28540 Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow 753-61.5 County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34 40 32.69 N 77 26 57.33 6. Is(are) the well(s)X Permanent or EjTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: DYes or %MNo If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under $121 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 9. Total well depth below land surface: 180 For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3@200' and 2@100') (ft.) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 17 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use ••+" 11. Borehole diameter: See Remark (in.) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) 80 Method of test: Airlift 13b. Disinfection type: HTH Amount: 3% 10g. Print Form For Internal Ule4t8.3 V• i I4.WATER ZONES -Y� FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (if ap licable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft. 157 ft• 4 in. SCH40 PVC 16..INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL • ft. ft. in. ft. ff. in. 17:SCREEN. FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in. 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT MErROD & AMOUNT 0 ft• 22 ft- Bentonite Poured ft. ft. ft. ' ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT ME IIOD ft. ft. ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain size, etc.) 0 ft. 10 ft• Sand some silt 10 ft, 45 ft• Silty some sand 45 ft. 55 ft• Shells 55 ft• 145 ft. Sandy silt 145 ft• 180 ft. Limestone ft. ft. ft. ft. y,r}�a21 a . 'k.�. r 21. REMARKS 2 ��++ O'to25'=8" 25'to180'=6" MAR�7 6 2018 ,niYrtrt ?i:rtr, :.riiC . .. .. - . 22. Certification: 2/26/18 gnat l(fe of rtified Well Contractor Date By signing this form, 1 hereby cer05, that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15,4 NCAC 02C .0100 or ISA NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the fol lowing: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Sunnlv & Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form OW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) 1. Well Contractor Information: Justin Radford Well Contractor Name 3270-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Geological Resources, Inc. RECEIVED/NCDENR/ APR 14 2018 Company Name Water Quality Regional 2. Well Construction Permit #: NA Operations Section �/�dtr gi (Moral Office List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC.'Cor' ihls', ate. a ante. etc. 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: QAgricultural EDGeothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) IJ Industria1ICommercial 1711 Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: �x Monitoring ORecovery Injection Well: 0Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test DExperimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) IDGeothermal (Heating/Cooling Retum) DMunicipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) OGroundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier QStormwater Drainage Subsidence Control Tracer Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 1/11/18 Well ID# TW-1 5a. Well Location: Speedway 8289 35920 Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 1495 Burgaw Highway, Jacksonville 28540 Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow 435611555926 County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one latllong is sufficient) 34.7460480 N 77.4835650 W, 6. Is(are) the well(s)Dx Permanent or 0Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: DYes or xDNo If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form. For Internal Use Only: 14. WATEWATES FROM TO DESCRIPTION 5 ft. 75 ft. seiWazymmestuna ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for multi•cased wells) OR LINER (if applivable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS I MATERIAL 0 ft. 48 ft. 6 in. sch 40 1 pvc 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft. 70, ft. 2„ in. sch 40 ,,. ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 70 ft' 75 ft' 2 in. 0.010 sch 40 pvc ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METI OD & AMOUNT 0 ft. 48 ft. cement grout tremmielpump 0 ft. 65 ft. cement grout tremmielpump 65 ft' 67 ft' bentonite pour 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (If applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 67 ft. 75 ft, #2 sand pour ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain size, etc.) 0 ft. 14 ft. Tan fine sand and silt 14 ft. 32 ft' Grey sandy silt wl wood 32 ft. 40 ft. ran silt 40 ft. 46 ft. Orange coarse sand 46 ft. w ft. Limestone fragments 50 ft. 68 ft. Grey silt/clay wlshells 68 ft. 75 ft. Grey coarse sand w/ shells 21. REMARKS nor itJ "� 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells hFrhedaige 2018 construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 9. Total well depth below land surface: 751 rlu� (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths if different (exaa/u(e- 3@200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 10.54' If water level is above casing. use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 6.5" (in.) 12. Well construction method: mud rotary (ft.) (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: 22. Cer ficatio Si. QI re .f7Tr died Wel ontra 01/12/18 Date B0'igning this form, I hereby ' that the wells) was (were) constructed in accordance 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a ptlofthis record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-I Notch Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. Well Contractor Name 4146A RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR APR 0 8 2018 NC Well Contractor Certification Number Water Quality Regional CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Operations Section Company Name Wilmington Regional Office 2. Well Construction Permit #• N/A List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, injection, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Irrigation ❑ Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑ Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: 50Monitoring injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑ Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑ Recovery ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑ Subsidence Control ❑ Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 12/20/17 5a. Well Location: MCB Camp Lejeune Facility/Owner Name USTBLDGBB350- Well iD#: TW01 Facility IDlt (if applicable) USTBLDG 1658, CAMP LEJEUNE, NC Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34.589191 N-77.360009 W 6. Is (are) the well(s): OPermanent or ®Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: Oyes or ®No If this is a repair, fill out known well construction inlornation and explain the nature of the repair under ;21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the sante construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 12.2 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths in different (example- 3 200'and 2 cat 100) 10. Static water level below top of casing: 3.4 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "- " II. Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 12. Well construction method: DPT (I.e. auger, minty, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: 448006 14. WATFRZONEs FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. J 15, INNER CAS1.I1tG OR TGBAY,G (8eotlikimat Hosed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL, 0 rt. 2.2 rt. 1 in. Sch. 40 PVC _ '-1G CA OUTER SING (for mutt cased wells) OR L1NEttltf appllttble FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAI. ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in. 11. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.2 n. 12.2 n. 1 in. Slot .010 Sch. 40 PVC ft. ft. in. r- is GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT ft. ft. 0 rt. ft. 0.9 rt. ft. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour 19, SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicabte) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 0.9 n. 12.2 rt. #2 Medium Sand Surface Pour n. rt. 24. DRILLING LOG (attach additional h[ieets if necessary) .. FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, sod rock Noe, gram size, etc.) ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. - VC) ft. ft. 0� P ft. C t\/E n. P.:11 MAR9 2018 ft. ft. 21.REMARKS-16.40,.tatiOri tuiv+,i: tk"+(j us,1. I Q/L3CJG 22. Certification: Signature of Certified Well Contractor 03/15/2018 Date By signing this form, 1 hereby certt& that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with /5A NC AC' 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Svpply & Infection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Adapted from Form GW- I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL COMPLETION DIAGRAM PROJECT. UST BLDG BB-350 WELL IDENTIFICATION: USTBLDGBB350-TWOI DRILLING CONTRACTOR : Catlin Engineers DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED : Direct Push Technology WATER LEVELS 0 hr 3.65' bgs 48hr: 3.4' bgs Latidude:34.589191 Longitude:-77.360009 Installation Date: 12/20/2017 3 3b 0 17' 2 1 6 2 22' 1- Ground elevation at well: Not Surveyed 2- Top of casing elevation: Not Surveyed 3- Wellhead protection cover type: NA a) drain tube? NA b) NA 4- Dia/type of well casing: 1" Sch 40 PVC 5- Type/slot size of screen. 1" Sch 40 PVC .010 slot 6- Type screen filter. a) Quantity used. 7- Type of Seal a) Quantity used. 8- Grout: a) Grout mix used b) Method of placement: c) Vol of well casing grout: 62 filter sand Approximately 10 lbs Hole Plug 0.16 chips Approximately I lbs NA NA NA Development method: Low Flow Development time: 25 minutes Estimated purge volume: Approximately 3.3 gallons Comments. RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR APR 0 8 2018 Water Quality Regional WilrOnerations Section gton Regional Once PROJECT: 1cD SA� IE 6002-009 PROJECT : UST BLDG BB-350 DRILLING CONTRACTOR . Catlin Engineers DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED : Direct Push Technology WATER LEVELS 0 hr: 3.65' bgs 48hr: 3.4' bgs act at o 3 AD 7::.CI RI RI —o ZD ITTI 017' J 2 WELL COMPLETION DIAGRAM Latidude: 34.589191 Longitude -77.360009 Installation Date: 12/20/2017 \VELL IDENTIFICATION: UST BLDGBB350-TWOI 1- Ground elevation at well Not Surveyed 2- Top of casing elevation Not Surveyed 3- Wellhead protection cover type: NA a) drain tube? NA b) NA 4- Dia./type of well casing I" Sch 40 PVC 5- Type/slot size of screen: I" Sch 40 PVC .010 slot 6- Type screen filter: a) Quantity used: 7- Type of Seal. a) Quantity used. 62 filter sand Approximately 10 Ibs Hole Plug 0.16 chips Approximately 1 1bs 8- Grout: a) Grout mix used. NA b) Method of placement: NA c) Vol. of well casing grout: NA Development method: Low Flow Development time. 25 minutes Estimated purge volume Approximately 3.3 gallons Comments CD rrIl WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. Well Contractor Name 4146A NC Well Contractor Certification Number RECEJVED/NCDENR/DWR APR 08 2018 CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Water (1114,4 Regional Company Name Operations Section 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A Wilmington Regional Office List all applicable well pennies (i.e. County, State, Variance, Injection, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) O Industrial/Commercial ❑ Irrigation ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply 1VelI: ® Monitoring 0 Recovery Injection Well: OAquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑ Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 12/20/17 5a. Well Location: MCB Camp Lejeune Facility/Owner Name ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑ Sal inity Barrier ❑ Storm water Drainage ❑ Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) USTBLDG1658- WellID#: TW01 Facility ID# (if applicable) USTBLDG 1658, CAMP LEJEUNE, NC Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one Iat/long is sufficient) 34.61454 N-77.348737 w 6. Is (are) the well(s): °Permanent or I>OTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: °Yes or ®No If this is a repair, fill out known well construction in/ormarion and explain the nature of the repair under =21 remarks section or on the back o/this _form. 8. Number of wells constructed: For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one Jorm. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 7.5 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths in different (example- 3@200' and 2@100J 10. Static water level below top of casing: 1.2 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use 11. Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 12. Well construction method: DPT (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc) 1 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: For Internal Use ONLY .148005. 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. n. 15. INNER CASING OR TOEING (geetheimat dosed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 rt. 2.5 rt. 1 in. Sch. 40 PVC 16, OUTSL? CASING (for multi -used welts) OR -LINER (ita, plkabte FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL II. ft. in. ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN _ FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.5 rt. 7.5 rt. 1 tn. Slot .010 Sch. 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROI]T FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT n. ft. 0 ft. ft. 1 n. ft. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour 19. $AND/GRAVEL PACK (if aptslicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 1 ft. 7.5 rt. #2 Medium Sand Surface Pour ft. ft. 20. URII.LINGILOG (attach additiotiAlnoietslf nete9saey)' FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness. soil rock type, gram size, etc.) n. ft. rt. ft.G� ft. ft, SeVD ft. ft. n. pgplikA rt. P C 1• ,rF LT'; ft. ft, MAR i� {� 21. REMARKS , A R 9 201 8 i'>'! l; ae'It't riviatiort Precs.'.s3rtt',J unit' 22. Certification: 03/15/2018 Signature of Certified Well Contiac or r Date By signing this form, I hereby cert fy that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with I5A NC A(' 02C'.0100 or 15A NCAC' OK.0200 Well C onstnrcnon Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBNIITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC.27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Adapted from Form GW- I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 PROJECT: .ak� N/ 1 I IV I E 6002-009 WELL COMPLETION DIAGRAM WELL IDENTIFICATION: USTBLDG1658-TV01 PROJECT : UST BLDG 1658 DRILLING CONTRACTOR : Catlin Engineers DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED : Direct Push Technology Latitude 34.614540 Longitude: -77.348737 WATER LEVELS 0 hr 18' bgs 48hr: 1.2' bgs Installation Date 12/20/2017 3 3b 2 1 7.50' 1 8 7 4 5 00' 0 00 1 0' 5 RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR APR 0 8 2018 I Water Quality Regional Operations Section 017 Wilmington Regional Office I- Ground elevation at well Not Surveyed 2- Top of casing elevation: Not Surveyed 3- Wellhead protection cover type: NA a) drain tube? NA b) NA 4- Dia./type of well casing. 1" Sch 40 PVC 5- Type/slot size of screen. 1" Sch 40 PVC .010 slot 6- Type screen filter. a) Quantity used 7- Type of Seal. a) Quantity used. 8- Grout a) Grout mix used: b) Method of placement. c) Vol. of well casing grout 82 filter sand Approximately 10 lbs Hole Plug 0.16 chips Approximately 1 lbs NA NA NA Development method: Low Flow Development time- 22 minutes Estimated purge volume: Approximately 2.9 gallons Comments: o S AC 11 O�►OF VLK IN1A PROJECT CT S BLDG 1658 BORING NUMBER 1 USTBLDC16SS-TR'01 SHEET I I OF 1 SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT : UST 1658/ 6002-009 DRILLING CONTRACTOR : Catlin Enginners LOCATION: Camp Lejeune, NC ELEVATION : Latitude: 34.614540 Longitude.-77.348737 DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED : DPT DRILLER . Tommy Chalmers DATE : 12/20/2017 LOGGER : Taylor Moore DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) CORE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS INTERVAL FT) SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY, OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, MINERALOGY. DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE, DRILLING FLUID LOSS, TESTS, AND INSTRUMENTATION. Photoionization Device (PID) Depth (R. bgs) PID RECOVERY (FT) if/TYPE 0 _ 4 000.400 2.50 GP SC CL (0.00-0 5) Gravel(GP) (0.50-1.80) Clayey sand(SC),gray/black, dry _ (1.80-2 50) Sandy clay (CL), gray, dry RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR APR 0 8 2018 (4.00-6.80) Sandy clay(CL), gray/tan, dry Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office _ _ ( Clayey sand (SC), tan, moist (8.00-10.80) Sand (SW),white/tan, saturated _ _ 80-11.80) Sand(S W ),tan, saturated Boring terminated at 12.00' below ground surface 0.00-1.00: 0 1 00-2.00: 0.1 2.00-3.00. 0 4 00-5.00. - NO DATA 5.00-6 00. NO DATA 6.00-7.00. NO DATA 7.00-8.00: NO DATA 8.00-900: NO DATA 9.00-10.00. NO DATA 10.00-11.00: NO DATA 11.00-12.00. NO DATA — 8 4.00 - 8.00 ' 3 20 CL SC — — 12 8.00-1200 3.80 SW SW (10 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: D,T. Chalmers, Jr. Well Contractor Name 4146A RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR NC Well Contractor Certification Number CATLIN Engineers and Scientists APR 0 8 2018 Watcr Quality Regional Company Name Operations Section 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A Wilmington Regional Office List all applicahle well pennies (i.e. County, State, Variance, injection, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑ Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Irrigation ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: ® Monitoring Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery OAquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 12/20/17 5a. Well Location: MCB Camp Lejeune Facility/Owner Name ORecovery ❑Groundwater Remediation OSalinity Barrier OStormwater Drainage O Subsidence Control O Tracer OOther (explain under #21 Remarks) USTBLDG1340- Well ID#: TW01 Facility ID# (if applicable) USTBLDG 1658, CAMP LEJEUNE, NC Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34.667542 N-77.332702 W 6. Is (are) the well(s): OPermanent or Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: Yes or 113No 1/7hrs is a reperir, fil! out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under r21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONL Y with the same construction, you can submit one JOrm. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 15.4 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths in different (example- 3@200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 11.8 (ft.) If water level is above casing. use "- r' 11. Borehole diameter: 2 (in.) 12. Well construction method: DPT (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, eta) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: For Internal Use ONLY 14..WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPI ION ft. ft. ft. ft. 15.1NN)E;R CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed-160P) TO FROM 0n. 5.4 rt. OUTER CASING (for trul FROM ft. TO ft. 1 in. Sch. 40 MATERIAL. PVC .1-caved wells) OR LINER (if applkableli TIIICKNESS MATERIAL DIAMETER in. ft. ft. in. .17. SCREEN FROM TO 5.4 ft. 15.4 n. DIAMETER 1 in. SLO1 SIZE Slot .010 11 tICKNESS Sch. 40 MATERIAL PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT' FROM ft. TO ft. MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT MET1{OD & AMOUNT 0 rt. ft. 3.4 ft. ft. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if aulrticatlte) FROM TO 3.4 rt. 15.4 rt. MATERIAL #2 Medium Sand EMPLACEMENT METHOD Surface Pour ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) TO FROM ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. n. ft. rt. ft. ft. ft. ft. DIAMETER THICKNESS DESCRIPTION (color. hnrdn.ss sell rock INpe, urom size, etc ) 21. REMARKS KfiAR292018 1t14Cr5ts1 UOft 22. Certification: Signature of Certified Well Contractor 03/15/2018 Date By signing this_ form, i hereby certii5/ that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NC'AC 02C' .0/00 or ISA NC'AC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of Nos record has heen provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL ITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Welis: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Injection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Svpnly & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this fonn within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Adapted from Form GW- I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 PROJECT: MEADOWS CONSULTING MANAGEMENT PLANNING 0318-007 WELL COMPLETION DIAGRAM WELL IDENTIFICATION: USTRLDG I340•TW01 PROJECT: USTBLDG 1340 DRILLING CONTRACTOR : Catlin Engineers DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED : Direct Push Technology WATER LEVELS : 0 hr: 1 I.8' bgs 48hr. I I.8' bgs 3 3b Latitude: 34.667542 Longitude: -77.332702 2 Installation Date 12/20/2017 15 40' 8 7 4 10.00' I 0 17' 000 340' I 5 40' 5 RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR APR 0 8 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office I- Ground elevation at well: Not Surveyed 2- Top of casing elevation: Not Surveyed 3- Wellhead protection cover type NA a) drain tube? NA b) NA 4- Dia /type of well casing. I" Sch 40 PVC 5- Type/slot size of screen I" Sch 40 PVC .010 slot 6- Type screen filter: a) Quantity used: 7- Type of Seal: a) Quantity used. 8- Grout a) Grout mix used b) Method of placement. c) Vol. of well easing grout 2 filter sand Approximately 10Ibs Hole Plug 0.16 chips Approximately 1 Ibs NA NA NA Development method: Low Flow Development time. 30 minutes Estimated purge volume: Approximately 3.9 gallons Comments. PROJECT: MEADOWS CONSULTING MANAGEMENT PLANNING 0318-007 WELL COMPLETION DIAGRAM WELL IDENTIFICATION: USTBLDG1340-TWOI PROJECT. UST BLDG 1340 DRILLING CONTRACTOR . Catlin Engineers DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED : Direct Push Technology WATER LEVELS : 0 hr: 11.8' bgs 48hr: I 1-8' bgs 3 36 017' Latitude 34.667542 Longitude. -77.332702 2 6 Installation Date. 12/20/2017 I- Ground elevation at well: Not SurveYed 2- Top of casing elevation. _ Not Surveyed 3- Wellhead protection cover type: a) drain tube? b) NA NA NA 4- Dia./type of well casing 1" Sch 40 PVC 5.40 I 5- Type/slot size of screen. 1" Sch 40 PVC .010 slot 6- Type screen filter: a) Quantity used 7- Type of Seal a) Quantity used: 8- Grout: a) Grout mix used b) Method of placement: c) Vol. of well casing grout: 112 filter sand Approximately 10 Ibs Hole Plug 0 16 chips Approximately 1 lbs NA NA NA Development method Low Flow Development time. 30 minutes Estimated purge volume: Approximately 3-9 gallons Comments. RECEIWED/NCDENR/DWR APR 0 8 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1, Well Contractor Information: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. Well Contractor Name 4146A NC Well Contractor Certification Number CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Water Quality Regional Company Name Operations Section 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A Wilmington Regional Office List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, Injection, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): For internal Use ONLY: RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR 14.)WATF,RZONES 10 Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Irrigation APR 0 8 2018 ❑ Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑ Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: M Monitoring Injection Well: ❑ Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑ Recovery ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑ Sal inity Barrier ❑ Storm water Drainage ❑ Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #2l Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 12/18/17 1VeII iD#: UST FC-39 B17 5a. Well Location: MCB Camp Lejeune Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) USTBLDG 1658, CAMP LEJEUNE, NC Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 77.3152778 N 34.65813791 W 6. Is (are) the well(s): ®Permanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: Yes or No If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the ncrtiire of the repair under 'i21 remarks section or on the back of (his jonn, 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the satire construction, you can submit onejorm. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 34.2 For multiple wells list all depths in different (example- 3@200'and 2@i009 10. Static water level below top of casing: 3.24 l/ water level is above casing, use "- " 11. Borehole diameter: 8.25 (in.) 12. Well construction method: DPT (ft.) (ft.) (Le. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: rl. a. ft. ft. DESCRIPTION 15. INNER CASING OR TUBING (tieothermal dosed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 n. 27.52 rt. 2 oil Sch. 40 PVC 16. OUTER CASING (for multi-tafed ems) Olt, LINER (tf applicable FROM TO DIAMETER 771ICKNESS MATERIA[ ft. fi. in. ft. ft. in. '19. SCREEN FROM ro 27.52 rt. 37.52 n. ft. ft. 1&'GROUT FROM 1 IA: METER SLOT SIZE 2 in. SIOt .010 in. THICKNESS MA 'TRIAL, Sch. 40 PVC ft. 2 ft. ft. TO ft. 22 n. ft. MATERIAL Bent. Pellets 19. SAND/GRAVEL, PACK fif apvtisabIe) FROM TO 22 rt. 34.2 ft. MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT Surface Pour #2 Medium Sand EMPLACEMENT METHOD Surface Pour ft. ft. 20. DR LLING LOG (attach additional sheets iteeceasary) DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, sod/rock type, grain size, etc ) FROM ft. TO ft. rr. ft. ft. ft. ft. 21. REMARKS rt. See - ‘ke° ft. PG RECEIVED n.1 MAR 29Z018 22. Certification: )(t$C4151SSior1 DWG)/Rrww; �, 02/28/2018 Signature of Certified Well Contractor Date if By signing this form. I hereby certr that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15.4 NC AC OK'.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Consmictian Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For 1Vater Supply & Iniection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Adapted from Form GW- I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natura Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised 2- 22-2016 PROJECT UST FC-39 BORING NUMBER UST FC-39 B17 SHEET 1 OFI SOIL BORING LOG PROJECT : UST FC-39/6002.009 ELEVATION: 14.90' DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USE HSA; Split spoon DRILLER : Tommy Chalmers DEPTH BE 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 25 27 29 *33 35 37 LOW SURFACE (FT) INTERVAL 0.00 - 2.00 (FT) DRILLING CONTRACTOR : Catlin Engineers Latitude: 34.658138 DATE : 12/19/2017 LOCATION : Camp Lejeune Longitude: -77.315556 CORE DESCRIPTION LOGGER: Taylor Moore RECOVERY (FT) 0.10 #/TYPE GP GP 2.00-4.00 SC 4.00-6.00 1.40 sc 6.00- 8.00 150 sc 8.00- 10.00 1.10 CL CL 10.00-12.00 1.30 SW 12.00-14.00 1.10 SW 14.00-16.00 1.00 SP 16.00-18.00 1.20 SP 18.00-20.00 1.60 SP CL 23.00-25.00 1.70 CL 25.00-27.00 1.80 CL 27.00-29.00 1.90 SC 29.00-31.00 1.10 SW 33.00-35.00 1.10 SW 35.00-37.00 1.20 SW SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY, OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, MINERALOGY. ( Gravel (0.07- 0.10) Gravel Sand (GP), tan, dry, dense sand COMMENTS DEPTII OF CASING, DRILLING RATE. DRILLING FLUID LOSS, TESTS, AND INSTRUMENTATION. (2.00-3.70) Clayey sand (SC), gray, moist, med. dense RECEIVED/NCDEN ( Clayey sand (SC), gray, moist, loose APR 0 8 L U Water Quality (6.00-7.50)Clayey Sand (SC), black/gray, trace silt, moist, very loose Operations Sec' Wilmington Regioni- (8.00-8.20) Silty clay (CL), black, moist ( Sandy clay (CL). gray, saturated, very. soft (10.00-11.30) Sand (SW), tan/white. saturated, very loose (12.00- 13.10) Sand (SW), tan/white, saturated, loose (14.00-15.00) Sand (SP), tan, saturated, redox Q 14.40-I5.00, med. dense (16.00- 17.20) Sand (SP), tan/orange, redox, saturated, med. dense (18.00-18.04) Sand (SP),tan/orange, redox, saturated (18.04-19.60) Sandy clay (CL),tan, saturated, soft *Auger advanced to 23.00' bgs due to soft material* (23.00-24.70) Sandy clay (CL), gray, saturated, soft (25.00-26.80) Sandy clay (CL), gray, very soft (27.00- 28.90) Clayey sand (SC), tan -orange, saturated. vet) loose (29.00-30.10) Sand (SW), orange -tan, saturated, med. dense *Auger advance to 33.00' bgs* (33.00-34.10) Sand (SW), orange -tan. saturated, med. dense (35.00-36.20) Sand (SW), orange -tan, saturated, med. dense * Boring terminated at 37.00' bgs.* R/DWR 18 Regional ion I Office NOTES : Blow Count 13-28-18-9 8-6-5-6 4-3-3-4 2-2-2-2 WH-WH-I.1 WH-WH-WH-I 1-2-2-3 2-4-7-6 3-7-10-1 1 2-3-2-1 WH-I-1-2 2- I-WH-WH WH-I-1-3 1-3-5-8 -5-5-7 5-5-8-8 11-�? SG ,E PROJECT: UST FC-39 WELL COMPLETION DIAGRAM WELL IDENTIFICATION: UST FC-39 M W-17 PROJECT: UST FC-39 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Catlin Engineers DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED. HSA: Split spoon Latitude: 34.658138 Longitude:-77315556 WATER LEVELS 0 hr: 3.24' below top of casmg 24 hr. 3.24' below top of casing Installation Dare. 12/18l2017 3 I 8.23' 2 1 RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR APR 0 8 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office 1- Ground elevation at well 14.90' 2- Top of cuing elevation 18 22' 3- Wellhead protection cover t pe: a) dram tube'! b) 4"x4" Stick Up NA 2'X2'pad 4- Dia.lgpe of well casing: 2 Sch 40 PVC .010 slot 5- Tmp&slot size of screen: 2" Sch 40 PVC .010 slot 6- Twpc screen filler a) Quantity used: 7- Type of Seal: a) Quantity used. a) Grout mix used. b) Method of placement: c) Vol. of well casing grout Development method. Development time: Estimated purge volume. Comments 8 2 filler sand approximately 2.375 Cu. Ft. Bentonite approximately 250 lbs. Quickrete Concrete Handpour Approximately 30 lbs Tornado Pump 20 minutes 20 gallons Energy. Mineral and Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary WILLIAM E. VINSON Acting Director March 20, 2018 NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS OF THE SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT AND GENERAL PERMIT - NCG 010000 TO DISCHARGE STORMWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES CERTIFED MAIL 7017 0190 0000 9526 8546 RETURN RECIEPT REQUESTED Mr. Larry M. Bragg Natural Land Alliance, INC. 1036 Peninsula Drive Belmont, NC 28012 RECEIVED APR 0 9 2018 NCDEQ WILMINGTON RO RE: Project Name: Topsail Bluff Project ID: ONSLO-2013-103 County: Onslow Compliance Deadlines: 15 days from receipt for SPCA violations 15 days from receipt by certified mail for Construction Stormwater Permit NCG 010000 violations Dear Mr. Bragg: On March 6, 2018 and March 19, 2018, personnel of this office inspected a project located off Gus Horne Road, near the Town of Holly Ridge, Onslow County, North Carolina. This inspection was performed to determine compliance with the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (SPCA) of 1973 and General Permit - NCG 010000 to Discharge Stormwater Under The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System for Construction Activities (Construction Stormwater Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Energy Section • Geological Survey Section • Land Quality Section 127 Cardinal Dr Extension Wilmington, NC 28405• Phone: 910-796-7215 • FAX: 910-350-2004 Internet: http://portal.ncdenr.orq/web/Ir/ An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Notice of Violations Lany M. Bragg March 20, 2018 Page 3 of 6 activity, except that which is necessary to bring the site into compliance, will constitute additional violations of the SPCA and G.S. 143-215.1(a) and 15A N.C.A.C. 021-1 .0126 . Following our review of the plan within 30 days of receipt, this office will notify you that the plan has been approved, approved with modifications or disapproved. Following approval of the plan, all land -disturbing activity on the site must be conducted in accordance with the terms of the approved plan, the SPCA and the implementing rules and Construction Stonnwater Permit NCG 010000. 1. Submit an adequate sedimentation and erosion control plan for approval, covering all areas disturbed or to be disturbed. 2. Maintain all existing erosion and sediment control measures so that they function as intended and provide the necessary environmental protection. 3. Agree upon a course of action to install and maintain erosion control measures that address the loss of soil off -site. Including a plan for restoration of the impacted wetlands including the following: a) Please explain why these impacts occurred and the actions you took following notification of the impacts to prevent additional sedimentation to the impacted resource (stream, wetlands, waters, buffer). b) Please immediately stabilize the area that is contributing sediment loss. c) Sediment Removal Plan: You are encouraged to secure an environmental consultant to assist with your plan development and authorization necessary to achieve compliance and obtaining any necessary approvals. It is recommended that your consultant contact Robb Mairs (DWR 910-796-7303) for additional guidance during plan development. d) Sediment impacts to streams onsite and downstream of the site must be removed. As a part of this plan, you should provide the amount (depth) of material that has been deposited in the floodplain, stream and any wetlands. This information should be depicted on a site map you provide. e) Please provide details on the method you plan to use to remove the sediment. It is recommended that you use hand labor (buckets, shovels and wheelbarrows) to remove deposited sediment from the affected areas. f) The sediment should be removed from the impacted area, taken to high ground away from the stream channel and stabilized. g) Also, the plan must address the measures that will be used for temporary stabilization/sediment control while this work is underway. Notice of Violations Larry M. Bragg March 20, 2018 Page 5 of 6 Reasons why a civil penalty should not be assessed. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, these violations and any future violations are subject to a civil penalty assessment of up to a maximum of S25,000.00 per day for each violation. Your above -mentioned response to this correspondence, the degree and extent of harm to the environment and the duration and gravity of the violation(s) will be considered in any civil penalty assessment process that may occur. Please be advised that any new land -disturbing activity associated with this project should not begin until the area presently disturbed is brought into compliance with the SPCA and Construction Stormwater Permit NCG 010000. When corrective actions are complete, you should notify this office so that work can be inspected. You should not assume that the project is in compliance with the SPCA and Construction Stormwater Pemmit NCG 010000 until we have notified you. After installation, all erosion control measures must be maintained in proper working order until the site is completely stabilized. We solicit your cooperation, and would like to avoid taking further enforcement action. At the same time, it is your responsibility to understand and comply with the requirements of the SPCA and Construction Stormwater Permit NCG 010000. Copies of the relevant statute and administrative rules may be examined at this office or will be sent to you upon request. Should you have questions concerning this notice or the requirements of the SPCA and Construction Stormwater Permit NCG 010000 please contact either Holley Snider or me at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your attention to this mater. Please note that DEMLR is forwarding this information to the Division of Water Resources (DWR) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and they may follow up with you regarding these impacts as well. Sincerely, Daniel Sams, Land Quality Section Enclosures: Sedimentation Inspection Report Construction Stormwater Permit NCG 010000 Financial Responsibility Form Erosion Control Plan Checklist North Carolina Department of Enviromnent and Natural Resources Land Quality Section: 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 910.796.7215 County.&fr1 161/4 Project 0 ja, 4 & (L6Cttvk€AGE g„) basin: iI q-�„"bf1e. { {{y� 9 bb t^ River Personfinanciallyresponsible: �ipe.(,�pdit yid4,ICN(i0C ",/ R�Adtfl h��IGA a. Project N Lo -2>3�Q,a�, -103 Address: IA-6(9 Pal r n50104, F�tfsuV - pgel rvion-1- MC/ aSOM, Cass*e# 1. project location: dI`_J5 j'% d ei US 40te )e tieet.r Pro `I5 �I aac- ()MIWO g,wn& Pictures:No: ❑ Yes: Video: 0 Digital. ❑ J t/ 2. Weather and soil conditions: Svnntq 5 ar _ 01 3. Is site currently under notice of violation? �'es. ❑ No X° 4. Is the site in compliance with S.P.C.A- and rules? Yes: 0 No: ifno. ch ,_Violations: ., a No approved plan, G.S. 113A-57 (4) and I5A N.C.A.0 4B. 0107(c) ❑ ❑ b. Failure to follow approved plan. G.S. 113A-57(5) ❑ c. Failure to submit revised plan, G.S 1 i3A-54. 1(b) and 15A N-C A.C. 4B.0118(a) ❑ ❑ d. Failure to provide adequate groundcover, O.S. 113A-57(3) and ❑ 15A N-C.A.C. 48.0107(6) or 15A N. CA. C. 4B. 0124(e)lVt ❑ e- Insufficient measures to retain sediment on site, G.S. 113-A-57(3) xf. Failure to take all reasonable measures, I5AN.C.A.0 418.0105 ❑ 'X1.P ❑ q. permit on site, NCG 010000 Sec. III, 3(d) ❑ 5. Failure to install and maintain BMP's, NOG 010000 Sec. III, 4 ❑ t. Failure to operate and maintain control measures,-NCG 010000 Sec. IV, 1 Failure to dewater sediment basin from surface, NCG 010000 Sec. II. B.4 ❑ u Bypass of stonnwater control facilities, NCG 010000, Sec- IV, 3 ❑ v. Other (describe) 7. Aas sedimentation damage occurred since last inspection or at I" inspection? Yes. 0 If yes, where? (check all that apply) No. ❑ Lake/natural Katercourse on the tract: X Lake/natural watercourse offthe tract: .0 other property: ❑ Description-�(AAIUifY64asuvis 1<eSulted Iviseutivne)AI- diavvnoE. -k adj. INe;-1anngS Stonnwater Discharge Outfall with sediment loss: Ink INe41 a fat s otn c *am. Degree of damage: slight:A moderate : ❑ severe : ❑ - 8. Contact made with (name): L ±Pa['gi)5 P(jtrMane) Title: Inspection report given:❑ or sent to person financially responsible. Date given/sent: 9.- Corrective actions needed: (t t4f0 t D 3/Zz/ v eryaI np, 6. Is the site in compliance with NPDES Permit NCG 010000? ❑ m. Failure to manage construction site pollutants, NCG 010000 ❑ n. Failure to provide ground stabilization, NCG 010000 Sec. II, .70. Failure to maintain rain gauge or record daily rainfall, NOG 010000 Sec II; B. i (a,b) Failure to meet self -inspection and reporting requirements. NCG 010000 Sec. II, B-1(c-i) NoV Gi&.lre4 5 f 0/ . Li 5/2.nlit NOV. See ed Noes•. P;teavou,n --11., nsltn„\ G CI1s 4143 ko,.. (awn Sotd 10 Nodniv,l UA)Aa{ Pits a>s.�ri nc. e to net( ee( 6t nI,tr ITIG-S fit did JN fik yolcoann--eliln--atria Wilk, f,✓�-irvi p1 1-a&r �Ovi�eGA-. G 2 �C v)nectstm WtY7e ien&`rt,t!-erf fir ^ e orev" vs Own/v. . )%rc'L Onit.;n- --t-CIMun a avnd A. •-rh, lvvt tI_,La.ltz a.i l 1rgtSsn U wie aSuves VIks t/m�s_u l t 4. i n s���f(4'nntvi4- Gt&WIav{. -fir-0 -HA/ airy/U(0r 1nf(i-1aAri s Nita 6 tGvrvs �ylsk-VIR;nov, Uk (It- ('(A4r o&4'h Ja,npt {nfeirIMAA er6SSGno. VPtve OCCwec (Mcc1.t er-41f lofvova, ttrnt-I-S4fr d st 1 W (,) Report by: III Snt G/..ulr cc: Page I of 1.. Date of inspection: First inspection. Yes. ❑ eck violations below: No: g. Inadequate buffer zone, G. S. 113A-57(1) ❑ h. Graded slopes and fills too steep, G.S. 113A-57(2) or 15A N.C.A C. 4B.0124(d) I. Unprotected exposed slopes, G.S. 113A-57(2) j. Failure to maintain measures, 15A N.C.A. C. 4B.0113 k Failure to self -inspect G.S. 113A-54.1(e) and 15A N.C. A . 4B. 0131 1 other (describe) Yes: D. No: X If no, check violations below: Sec. 11, B.1 $r. Failure to have approved plan and NPDES B2 rig 0 RnG� S3/4-recv Others present:- bowl/Avg 0,,t WIz) JJJ Time leaving site: Time arriving on site: 14013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RD/NUWI/DWR 1. Well Contractor Information: Sanford Sweeting Well Contractor Name MAR 3 0 2018 2082-A Water Quality Regional NC Well Contractor Certification Number Operations Sectl n Applied Resource MiIiinagermegritamfee Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: EHWP-201 7-00029 List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. U1C, County, State, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Industrial/Commercial Irrigation Non -Water Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring DMunicipal/Public DResidential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Recovery Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Retum) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 2/21 /18 5a. Well Location: Donald Ball Groundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier DStormwater Drainage DSubsidence Control Tracer Other (explain under #21 Remarks) Well ID# N/A N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility IDit (if applicable) 139 Turner Lane, Jacksonville, NC 28540 Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow 753-61.5 County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one Iat/long is sufficient) 34 40 32.69 N 77 26 57.33 W 6. Is(are) the well(s)J Permanent or OTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: QYes or xjNo If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under it21 remarks section or on the hack of this fornt. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction; only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 9. Total well depth below land surface: 180 For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3@200' and 20100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 17 If water level is above casing, use "+'• 11. Borehole diameter: See Remark(in.) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (ft.) (ft.) (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) 80 Method or test: Airlift HTH 0 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: 3 /o @ 10g. Form GW-I Print Form For Internal Use Only: 94702n 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. rt. ft. 15. OUTER CASING' for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (ifaprlicable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft 157 ft• 4 in' SCH40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft 17.SCREEN rt. , in. FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL ft ft in. ft. ft in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 ft. 22 ft. Bentonite Poured ft It. ft ' ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD ft. ft. rt. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soiVrock type, grain sae, etc.) 0 ft• 10 ft Sand some silt 10 ft• 45 ft. Sii some sand 45 ft' 55 ft Shells 55 f- 145 f<• Sandy silt 145 ft. 180 It Limestone ft. ft. , m L:• 21. REMARKS O'to25'=8" 25'to180'=6" MAR 2 6 2018 i4'ir]t's4,.,;,nt'. ?.u.: • ..ti 22. Certification: 2/26/18 edified Well Contractor Date By signing this form, 1 hereby certfy that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 03C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wellg: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water SuOph, & Iniection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form For Internal Use Only: WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR 1. Well Contractor Information: Donald Cummings Well Contractor Name 2412-A MAR 1 9 2018 NC Well Contractor Certification Number Water Quality Regional Applied Resource Mari , 1 V e o!i�r;e Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. UIC, County, State, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural DMunicipal/Public Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) DResidential Water Supply (single) �Industrial/Commercial DResidential Water Supply (shared) Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring DRccovery injection Well: Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) ajGeothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 2/16/18 5a. Well Location: John Petteway DGroundwatcr Remediation DSalinity Barrier DStormwater Drainage Subsidence Control DTracer Other (explain under #21 Remarks) Well ID# N/A N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility Mil (if applicable) 104 Coventry Court, Jacksonville, NC 28540 Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow 536410452785 County Parcel Identification No. (PiN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34 29 54.9 N 77 36 01.1 6. Is(are) the well(s)x Permanent or DTentporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: DYes or XDNo If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under i121 remarks section or on the back of this'Orin. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 9. Total well depth below land surface: 185 For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3 a,200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 57 if water level is above casing, use "+ 11. Borehole diameter: See Remark(in ) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) (ft.) (ft.) .147502 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (if a licable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft. 155 ft. 4 in. SCH40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 145 ff. 165 ft. 2 in. SCH40 PVC ft. ft in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 165 ft. 185 ft. 2 i"- .010 SCH40 PVC ft, ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 ft. 25 ft. Grout Poured 145 ft. 155 ff• Bentonite Tremmie ft ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD ft. ft. ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soiVrock type, grain size, etc.) 0 ft' 48 ft- Fine to med. sands (18-20 Hard packed sand) 48 ft. 150 ft. Clay (Small rock lenses) with green powder sands 150 ft• 165 ft. Limestone with sands and clays 165 ft. 170 ft• Clay 170 ft• 185 ft• Sandstone RE CE!VED ft ft ft. ft. MAR 1 2 2018 2l, REMARKS 0' to 25'=8", 25' to 85'=6", 155' t 'k-roc,;'y ;h' FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpnu) 25 Method of test: Airlift 3% @ 9 13b. Disinfection type: HTH Amount: 22. Certi.fkation: Signature of Certified Well Contractor 2/26/18 Date By signing this form, 1 hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance wish 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well constniction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also subunit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c, For Water Sunoly & Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-I North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2.22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 1116 form ;Rl th' 1is- l (Pc 5i'ttl; 417 1111ttr1A}i ric'I L Well Contractor Inforntatiun: Michael Wilson 1)/NCDENR/DWR WO1 rottrnimr fi.inN_ 3351 A Nt` 'S',1i ( u111.1;1C1. LanircaUto tt'Helm SAEDACCO Inc 4 impale! i,.L IN' 2. Well ('His —traction Penult #: h'f'122018 ' !uality Regional • itions Section J,,11<I '•n Regional Office Li,1 ,l if „7Y'ih,lhrr al �i;rrraieI fur Co 'NAr'. .Sh,.'r i'irtN,::r fEtErPflt:a, 3. WM Esc ):check well usei: ►►'ater Supple- Hitt: raAglr; ttnnnl IGeoit4nr11 r,fleCititn 'C uclin.t Supply) 1.1 itrdustria{r Ct»lmuerc i:tl 0Itrigation } F. l,`1Qrih1i !:X ONI. FRtl1 O f1. 1 fl, tIF4t lurch )g rt. h. 1 i. OFFER ER CASING Ito, rtukl'crte4 riellt) OR LINER II( rnom 71) ittsm .rrit TRt'Kmr-ss 0 W. 12' rr.] 1" Ir. sch 40 rtsWIER CASING OR, I'tiiilkitivattsernitclm.p1471,p)— rRC►H ip ' h111IF7ER _�j'IIICk\SSS A ^fi. _ ft. belittler 5I.113.FiLit. PVC H 1i7`RLtL��T�� r'iMimic if.+,11rPy)htu- I IRcsit}tnri;tl R',itrl Suj pk fslnl;let r Jk.t,itliatiiul WNW, C&•IRPtt Ithi i d) Nun -Water Supply Well: ONIonilonne, injection Well: riAquifer Reehatite f'l Aglitter Storage itd Reeoven DM -infer kit CiEvoetiu ianl rcelinology OGatlin:metl (Closed Lop 0G otlh 11Ii l (Ileatilr C fioliru: (town) 4. Date WrI11' CutlII)k d: 2/6/2018 50. Well Lire:101in: Lejeune Honda Ftc,hi flu r r sltlaa: 616 Bell Fork Rd., Oltticoiv Et(i1I)nn:lttt tier Rcnti:d i:it Inn t IStlllirirt H.trner CJStorm:voter IYnitiGi;+e CISithsjtl:riCc. Comm' 0' 1 racer Dt ltett ie plu!n under 02. 1 itrtuutfio) WcmI1b%TMW 4 P.' iI'i Ifrmi,F 1ppl,.ahk• Jacksonville, NC , 28540 Onslow oh+sxnf .1rpir•s,, 4:•in. ,Init .•'lp r`.,t.1:i 1it; tulttea liuu No IS' I- 1 SIr. 1.atitade and Longitude In tlegr es imimilrfSeentills lly dccimui rlrltE{:es: ill vital ra=ltt r-nt:: Ic tune o.,,nitirK:11: h. Is 4arel the „cllisr: _1Pe'r1tIM.v!I1 ur 01'ettrpl,rrt} 7. Ls this a repair to .tu rxiiItinU 1re11: -l'cs nr X110 ff7.;i,t d'liy�IP fi�i ,.19 i,Jllut!r,r'fi...Pl•',,}I:'•,.:10'i041,e.•.1 .Ir:,f r k,V009 I'V';hiry(l rf ti4 r p.:11 lvttrlr -, d_ f ,A't rhr I'd, .t 1.1 Liu', ,;:,I l .. `►. S. Number tit r eIh curtntnecfed: 4 1�1?r,rl.ltJrjbtr A:I1 or. ",'•t..L9-..ri(rr vied!. ul'ft: I'1 I' ,i'lll p,l' I,rnr t7"Mlfta1'1JtM t'arrl v.pd•Itur -me ;limo 9. Total it depth 111.41M !And .tt i..'i 12 +�,Ji IK'IflfJ.Ir Lil(: fl ,1i1;t1!r,. 1!r. •I•�'+(I,fr' •"Ii4',1; IU. Static %Ater level helnw lap ofeasina: (11.) 11, Borehole diameter: 2.25" tire,) 11-, Well Cetn51ltetiott method: BORED 'i. L'11_SCr. ri•rlti•.i:IF rl', rilt ci rIJ:.F..�.' .n.......,'..- �.w,...,��e�..a....�...a. FOR W'1TER SU'PPI. WELLS OwLYI tin;. Vivid (wail lib. bitllntettirin tyre: 4fcltuni of test: Amount: MOM t rn etlAmr'Tr.14 2' ft. 12' ft. J 1" tn. fl. ` CL IN. GROUT uo.t • rrr 0 It. 12' ft. Tlalf Si73: not 14m(x'r ; 11A1-11IiIA1. .010 sch 40 PVC 11.sTE11I47. E.lIPLAC.F ENT yrf:111011S AS,ot NT portland itrimmie tr. - it, It. , fi 1 9:.;AND (.RAV& L PACK"i!r"wl»NcrMtei 1 R1111 Grp ?'1.11rRr41. 1' ft. I 12' rt, Sand rr. ft, 1 lo. DRILLING LOG WW1 rdrtitioert Meets 41 trrcestar s t FROM TO DEYCRIPt1O\ Itnke.luNntueq, NJ?:'msk 3%it. arem'IAN CM 0 h. 12' ft. gray and black slity sand rt. f1. it. lt. I!\IPI..t 1-Mak%t Mr; htln #2 • ft. ft. (3. s ft, I ..._ . ff.1 . rl, fI„ n. r 21. 1 .. 1tE llfAlihits._ t: KS ...... _.. Set temporary well to get water tss� e� E. Serf sample Mti t(, L' c,-,:.,i pull a 22. ('rrtirwatian: Ci0!. ri f : n11 2/6/2018 [ka° ''1 Se" :lr'lJ',' of Ix:,•, 1`1 4J.'Le- 1t`i•:'?!JO 11r7 f.,.n'.Jrlr, (.,nl rfrn.r r (ilia r.^• �.II5 f'r'I 111 ;,r ; Jed i., r.Yr 11•1f ,,,.,u',. 23. Site diagram or Adi11t1nnJ&I well detaike; Von rum rise tin back of this Ixtgc to plr.,ti•iit' :ul&l i tad r)t:11 ,lct,itlx or tt.lt wnstructtt,rt details, You mos. at.w attach addilit;rut pates if rtecessurt. st�BMIrr1NS LICriiNS 24a Fur All ►►'elb: 4ubna1 tins form stithrn 'II tl:na ‘,1 corrtltkti<tn of melt ;:anstmettan to the fr}Ik)is1ni Dhksinn or Water Resell rem Information Pruer' infi ).nit. 1617 Iliaii Semler: (:enter. Raleigh. N(` 2"699-16I7 lab. 1"9S.lI,Ieefton t�" EIIt ON1'ti': {u addilinn to sending tiro loin' to the •iddt Ia .111,10 submit ti 4vpy •.I this )oral ttillnn ."kti doss tit completion ulI WWII :UIIstruLlitnl to the cottoning t)Ivhinn of Water Resources. Ilnrlcrltround injection Control Program. 16.16 NUB Senit'r Center. Ruteigh. NC 27699•163G 24c. For Witter Sop ills $ i Jretkrn H'rlls: Also submit one ropy u1' ltit., (tam within! ;4' J;rs:,itft:rniplcttoitttr well construction to the catnip. health tiepin molt of the caurin where nnstnli:veil Kiln! tld'-I `.i I,Jl l:-.,Icuul,l lit .if Ent Iri'•ItNN:ll1 .tfal N:nllt'dI k. y}uh'"CIi - Lin tuuns nr 14;,ICI Fleiotra:. I1v* 1:.C.1 Aqust ' I 1 WELL CONS'I-RUCI'ION RECORD no!, ns;l: ,it nm1Ii111, work I. Well Contractor toronoath m: Michael Wilson Weil rote-Hi:tor ti.lrlk; 3351 A �._...-. N. lintCuinmtwrC ni3irdlcn:•I11Iii+cr SAEDACCO Inc RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR MAR 1 2 2018 (.un}I mn iti.e4111. Water Quality Regional Z, Well Construction Permit NI, c /,t' Operations Section WAmin toil Rcional Office 1_i 11 .1!' „(y.1rr.:r �. �� . I' pr mattmatt(t r r'n..nrl .i.'„ry iq:nil.rJ..! 3: Well I• sr tl'Iteck aril n u 1: Water Suppt) Well: rl Arn,:llltrlltll r Klein's; nc:.rl Ilcatine, C'i_,clinit Snpphi I'tliiusn iul: C 0/114lterc0 Irrigation iyf C i hlaule ip 1I/Pribltr I IRi,sidcifital 'irrcr Supph (SIngti i L.IRviidcnnid Watch Stipp* vitiated) stun -Water Supply Well: tRMantionng inject(tin 1YR II: riARni(erRechar> e. CJAiittrlrr Storage and Recovers C.l Arpnfcr'fi51 CIE? sentnmuul Tielum/0g OCkudrtrnurl (Closed Ltwp► 0t.,eatlwm,st ( I leatttig'uolliv Rentm) 4, Dale Wellts► C'uniplrted: 2/6/2018 5u, Well Location: Lejeune Honda F.ieiltiy Owner !Cm:: EtItecovcn Cltirourltit+;ltcr Rernedi:ninti (-itialimn flamer 0 Stormii titer fhnitklgC D.tirlhsicknee Control ❑'I rjt it DCH1et r1:xpiuiri under #21 Retiiwk%) Well WOW 3 FzFtliis Ifl.e i it 1N+1lr3hle 616 Bell Fork Rd., Jacksonville, NC , 28540 Phiise:0 irl+trss ('m. ana hip Onslow '.moo r.rh:cl Ilkmlil'redir,h NO ih. Latitude and Idtngitudr in dl reestminute s:stcnnits or decimal degrees; atfmii° tr,:kt. r.0 lil hnr I'''ittl i iCt111 n. is (urei the Nell(ri: DPcrn►aucmt ur a G'f'citipttrar} 7, Is this a repair tr..an ertitttng well: _r Ve. ur No rr lrri s 1, 7l l,•l\,r. r,i, t,r• •.r•,I I.1'(I : • :,'.i+r,l r.h" 1r �Ur rr rr,, h : 1Y.: t'.0,04,r rl„' !WINE, 00)r. piur war.. Aa r.:a.. r ..... , lilrr.• llr .vl % Ir :'r: •I,, , •i 0.1r5 S. Number of n eRt t'orutntcted: 3 file rrrntt;F•S ,r:r.rr,, •q „4 .tipple uea, rEVE 1 nidi Ow omit room11E'rliot a•.,. nn Na NUM .'lit' ors;. 4. 1'1N:tt well depth helot* kind surface: 12 t ••r•,irarve,, cif• If; nr7 r/. lJ1.i.t.jalpr-o. .... . ..} ra('„ .i, .l `, iii,lr5.. to. Static it Ater ktel helms top of easel:,,: tt ..Met ie+•r/ . •!t•nr - . ,nl.. l ....' . - 1 I. Burehnk diameter; 2.25" fr= It, R. 1 rt. 1-17. !(CREtN root I Tis I nr4s/r;Trri 2' ft. i 12' ft. 1 1" U. r ft. I ft, i or, I i cROH T To 0 tp i 12' tt• 11.4r Inetn.ti I.: (?TII 447199 ►N(i\t fo Prst-oiFT11r!t ft. a. ft. 1 ft, tS..OUfRR CASING Ito, m iNIKatad ecflsr OR LINER Of atttpllcahlei most i Tr) 1 inisir T.R THICKNESS M.4TERIA1 0 ft. i 2' ft. 11" Is. sch 40 PVC • ttr. INNPR �„ASINt (iit .1.11,Nta , 1{bernlatciut,4rtgpl _ _ FR011 „._!- LIFTER [McR� .NFSi_T MATERIAt�� -1 soot sea I IUK K 4Fria 11.4TKfJl.1r. .010 Isch 40 PVC rt. t MATER[ai. - E)114,ACr%wFiT METHOD l..k.MOlNT portland trimmie 1'). KANII�Y:R.AVEL PAt`1C ti% ntl►illerlM J ►'gnsi to 1' ft. , 12' u. 1R rk'Rt11. Sand ►;H#1:4( 1'.\IF'i I Mr"t 11ni1 #2 ft. Jtn. D ILi.AriGLOG timed'additiantlt sheen Ii fletxcsilrr PROM Ti) n/l'C7RIFTTOV tt+uiar. han7ur,•w .awrn k l}pv. rXaln +lrr..fe.l 0 It. 12' It, gray and black slity sand It. it. ft. 1 1 21. IttMA >lK5 tt. rt. it. it. . REM- r it. iL it ft. ±,. t(}tormatr):t Set temporary well to get water sample then , pull a 22. Certifkathtn: 2/6/2018 [M1.: tf;i 1t PH.•I.'./rig; Prt,rr i 1Ir•r,14•..rr:71i- Ihi:, Or 1,1411, •• a', .'. r...1 r:I:!, g1:11,1 ire d:Tv r,j -, 11•lr8 F 5,1 -l('•t(`U'r' •llivi... ! i•t .Ve-Ir ii'i- n;!kl It'ea (.4..„1.nel, .11'::&i,4.ir•1i .it..‘ duo .1 , lipl ..1 ail, ri.,.,,,I,. :,•.;i het J1 0, •r ,.4..t r/, ri!, rr'if i,11'440. 23. Site diagram nr Additional well details: Volt Iluli It.e ill: hack of this pa4 lc pet' "ik• additititinl bell site details or old! 5:ortiitnR.tiuu detail Y..iu nick' also JAILICh additional patx:i of Irn:essun . alDMI rtr,iL: Ilysltlt'TioNS ._.._JR.) 241i. For All Wells: luhntli thus form %salon 1u days of ;:oinpletion of ;tell zonstmctian to the fptkininp. Dh %inn of Water Routines, lnformattnn Processing Unit. 1617 Mail Service Center. Raleigh. VC` 27699-1617 24tt, fa Itiketjitg Welly ONLY: [a additisit! to 5endimg i1:!5 fiiml to the :sddr s to .!•tiiabilie, also sltbvtil :t c:up} trt this [urns liilluli 3() dills of completion 01 well :uttstntcti0n to the fbllowhot Division of Witter Resources. Underground injection Control Program. 1 1636 Mail Scr-ie'e Center. Raleigh. NC' 27699=1636 24e, Par Water Supple & i ijectba8 Welk: Also submit one t:op} of Ines form tiithnt in days of completion of nett commie:Mot to the county hcuhh department of the enmity where ;:on.stnhited (iu,1 (n.) 12, Well rnHMtroctia, method: BORED nth ,tidl'IC. i1iti_ i reek('.:I: , •.••_ f.,•-•�•••,•�-••._.- ...,,� FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY ilx. Yield (glint _ Method of rest: lib. Disinfection hpc: Amount: Rung ,tonic C'srulul.I L':Iktnn1.111 .5f tin ti tali iti i(i1 !tatnr d 1t:axtrcCS - Uu hIi1Ii;tt W:11u Resottas t(et cud :ttrhUst Mil' WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD TALI Rim :.;ul h' ti d fit ;i orle ,n nn!1N1fL^ x01s 1, Well C'onfractur Information: Michael Wilson WO! Contrti:tur sinus 3351 A 4t Well tutnnctut Ccriia+.•;IIkl,titiii j:r SAEDACCO Inc RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR MAR 12 2018 (1:.2i p.i ii) N.111k- 2. Writ (•Ilrstrnct{nll PerIIt11t (r: f_i+t .,ff ,rf.y'fL,i;•++• brae prtnekt r.bwuv..Ii.r 3. Well Ise felted: well uses: VYY Water Supph Well: LlAgmenttond I`IGeothennuf tHeating;'C.'oaliog iipnly) I.11tidustrial:Comw r ial 0 Irrigation Water Quality Regional if r Iiigr'6 i ` Pg fiat Office IFn+ Iri.eri $ t.et ONI'l' Nia.N. '1Cl IitNl�ri_. .. _.. R..o._ 4! 1 98 FnON to 1- Di'titxlFrin\ ft. ft. ft. n. 13..DUTE CANING far mulikated wells) OR LINER Of anzNcahkl' retro Trt nI NIFTKR T11ft'k QF55 311Tfntu1. 0 rt< 2' ft. 7 1" la. sch 40 PVC te. INMItR C'h!:INt; Uk.TNgrNt I h .,#. t elo l-tw_p1 f 7; si'acritt 1.IMime axilIP ehlie I:10rsiilt:IIrtalMitt rSuntrh (single) f tRosidsanal Water Supph rshlrrd) Nun -Water Supply Well: BlMonnonnt; Injection Well: ciAt mrcrRechnrgt: 1:0141tlkf tSrarlige:I14Rctnrvn i.Ikinkier Fest CIE...remncras' Teclitiolcan OCiestdamuif iC'loscd Loope DGeothermal{Nrsrtnl 'Cuuhnzketumr 4. Dale WeIHtt Completed: 2/6/2018 ia. Well Location: Lejeune Honda F;icrlrlt .Ott rYr dunk 616 Bell Fork Rd., 0. Rc4mr:n• CI(Inti Iitn.tier Rwaadiatton I=1S1liritt' Ramat ❑Storrrmater rhatringe °Subsidence r'nn nil O'I'ricei ❑Otlj;rrc±cpluntundid- .2I keuuul.i wi1I tI)#T 1W 2 F;'c'I+I} IriMiif:rQplt;ahlc Jacksonville, NC , 28540 PIn sizes ;+!diet` C IR. and Zip Onslow f':im+ly Ravell+ktu4iuliialNl+ Mt, latitude and t,irngkullr in drgree+fminutrr:secontla or dtx'ime' degree*: ofucIt fis1+1 nik: hs 111114l..idbek:fi11 it. Is tare' the welllrl: _Permanent t+r SI'r'ettiporarti ". Is thin a repair to au esiating t•ek or &NM {f!fri: n. 0.1. ,01'1', •, I•,'i •ail. VNi 1..f rf:.•n•rr!b. "+.•:,;hfi.rNer':, .11 .(u.Jr fi.Ifi1 ifti m, rnl i e•% •ih` p,;irurr:L.r•t_1 remark.. ,'u.!f!M.',1rori die.4.n•1 ✓r+•iin dnni. 8. Number et melts cttdstnlctcd: 2 _ 1 ler 0004 t/i, AV.' 111.,11 •K n,h•i •.•rii+'r tP(t.'h6 i,T/)t rtA 1001 rh• titter ettoittru,Tir'n n.:t.,u• vatwrr rev Tare, 9. Total Well depth below land .Adam: 12 (f61 galib/,!r t,rfittail117defn;rt,l:iiQ,'i,-'uL•,s<!i!fr U ,04 ru. Static water level below top of rasinlf: 11. Borehole diameter: 2.25" (its.) I2, Well rnnstnlrtiun method: BORED I c :tlrxr. rrtjn'. •::ihlr, 'Lnx, pal: a;.,,.e,_,......,_-._......_... FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: IJil. Yield rupolt lib. Disinfection hpe: Meihn{I of test: Amount; /444 ( Ttl 1 Ie14r1KTF.N 2' ft. t 12' R. 1" is. ft. tl, is, Ifl. GROUT FROM " T TO 0 11. 1 12' R. H.1I1tRI.�L Malt 17Y r'tlttffCYF!i+t ' st.ntKRlsl. .010 }sch 40 ; PVC �taT[Rltt. f11PLACIVEiT \ff mo4t dAN101ixi portland trimmie ft, IL t9 gA1Vi te,Rt(VCi. pxisic upttlicahte) _.,,..._ vgn�t. Ytf ►I1tKn1%1 KMPl.nt }stt Itifttl 1' fr. 12ft. Sand #2 ft. i • :a. DRILI TIwEt: LOG fallsci additional IAcd 41f oreasuarto F•RrbMM TO IIE:)ICRI►TIOY ttnItr.ltaNliwtt, +n(A'mi•I 0IN. z tin 0 ft. 12' fl gray and black slaty sand tic tt. ft, ft. It. n. rt. n. n, ftft. ,�-. Rrtr- ls:D '''a_✓ t. Set temporary well to get water sample then pull a 22. Certification: { L� 2/6/2018 Sig (Iirf2S.•r��i�.girl, .'[ rM,f',r'!'•`"i"=r, l.:r ��{. ��1�/ tl.•,,,., lr, %corm. rla, i.n"r 1 n,•n l•. ; «n p ':, r Or r !p• I .AC'e :,• 2. J nr .xr • ., i Pies !Sri 1 'rk'-(- "five,:. !^a ;v' 11 u'1' '�I:, Ip: ii i �.2.'lr d:;i,m , ,,.-„.ft;,!k1til,4+ 1 . of (/i , won) f!tt+ Ihv;+ i,! .rnl yf fa !ir 11hrh. ,. 23. Site rltul;rate or addlf ettai Well details: Vim win use the Mick of this to {,tc,s'tde ,Idtlitiottul r, ell WI; jecol5 nt stilt onstrue-tiutt details. You may alai ;1itncr( additional pages if Ik'.es,un. b.IJBIHrrraLrlcdIjp 2la. For .411 Wells; %buul utos lams within MI day. t.l completion of acts congruence to the ((dro►4ing Dh-iiiien of Water Resnura% Information Processing EMI. 1617 Malt Service Center. Raleigh. NC 27699-1617 2-tt. Fur jit,hfliyt )lltp,ay ONLY: ili additintt to Sending lite form le tlx: liddie ut villa abate;. ;also Srri111111 it sup+ of ibis !tilts! niifutt +0 dirks of completion Of pull :'IIS(ucliun to du: following Dlr'Ixintt its Writer Resource*. Underground Injection Cutltrtil Program. 1636 Niel' Service Center, Ruleftilt, NC 27699.1636 24e. For LrVeterSotitis & lnjrcttan Welts: Also aubutit ottt cote 'i' Isis sham tvhtn 3(r discs of cutnpluu'n of well t;ontlnlrtlan to the count; health dcpnrtni nt of the cation when: .orastnictcd t.uiit, v•t 's+-aitll t,in ItiuL �•+:pdnn`lit .}fL:n+nt'uicm .+ro]!!utu95.1 k,•roitr ,i21- Uu aka of W,,Ic.1 tlesoti'c f 1tiw19Cd.ht{,trA 14+I1 WELL COINS'CRUCTION ItECOIWU Thri l irrmaaii L •Is rl rt'•r sin*;n Ilniltink I. Weil Contractor Information: Michael Wilson iv 1I t'oranirior r3.tlyw 3351 A }u. tV I;tt'JninctutCot iie.dkI'Nna+t,er SAEDACCO Inc ['swalruH r. Jrnr 2. W'til (.1111.trncthin Permit N_ Lill nrlappfit.36ft• lirffi':Jrairl ifr rim -ow!. Sho 1. /4'141 I'W (dwd rvl•II Water Supph %tit: r. i rrly'7K UttY111Y1 [ eC,rnrhJ Anal (ilcarifI 'C:ooliIg Snppl4 ) rJ lndustriat•Ct:unncrcin! 0 irrigation RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR MAR 12 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office .' l',irLirr. ,', free:0ra es, .1 t Ihlnntcitittlr7�tthltc [.IR+ i(tetuiat \4`,Iter Stipple (single) CJResida:n(ial SoppI4 rshart:d) Non -Wafter Supply Weil: Blisionilonng injecthon\1'eh: 0Agnil'crRecharge CI Aquifer Clori c aid Recor:n 0Aguifor fest CIVNisen,ni; ntaI 7tchnnlai,i ❑Gooriternwi <Closed Lnupt ❑freutlie,iiw( (llranrr>riC-u.liui Return) 4. Date ►1'tOn Completed: 2/6/2018 54, Well Location: Lejeune Honda ORNnt+eiv f e f;irtltin,'i14:eter Row:di:a heft Ctsallnitt Flamer ❑$tpnln nthr )ntinrii 0.5.09dcncc f'nntmI ❑'lRico ❑Othot iesplain wniet 021 Retrinrks) Wtdl11>pTMW 1 F,Icthrt,Olrrer 4a115: 616 Bell Fork Rd., Jacksonville, Factllh- I tat i Jf il .,-able 1 NC , 28590 Onslow tomb Pir.04.10 NtkihneE. CiuAra Zip frtZil ttktitlrt4iii01i No li'I:`+I 517. I.atitutdrand I.tingitudeIn ilegrt'csimhtvrr+,rsieundknr &cloal (Ic4t'a .; {if %en Jaatl , it I low: is sant':IOW a. Ls (urea the ndnsi; riPeMl7laent ut }p'TetnlN7rirrl. 7. Is this 11 repair to an existing well Yes or IENo ljh?'i• !, ,. !rf41lr: ffi ,rr, t,,, n.t grrf r. ig?", hew 001."..u.'0 .tu.J r!an,!r,I lit' IJ.rMr,'r,i r4, r.-JhJi ..a,7, F' 2I .rra.r):. ,.. !i•,fJ itf ,NI IJI,' i'ac (r'f tors I;.rin. it. %umber of wells constructed: 1 but rr.-y',J,J. Jrr:J f'r)i•n 4 rvNbr'.17rf i i ,pJ, ,r tit, O 1.I ux1i ;hi wl'rltr fUJttlrpi'71iM .t,Jbmt, "Jrr fowl W VIM , v.n 'P. Total it ell depth lithos land .uWuem 12' 01.) ,itAt50:4. i, i'i! hi r,i iJ dog, iLil 'r'r n!r,•i:,rnj!ir_r44•^P'77:1,r.f `'•1 a!UJ'1 '•.�- 1n. Static outer level below lop of easint,'.: 11. Barehok dkunet r; 2.25" I2 Weil rttnst;uctinn trtrthnd: BORED (in., u°uo;,.;.arlr. direct rL I Ch:.l FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY ',hi. Yield 1111fm lib. Disinfection ()per M -herd of test: Amount: irmIrrternn: I;,( i}h1I..'. fJ : AI ; 4�471S. FROM to Pitt turthiS ft. ft, 1 h. It. t5. oti eR Clb1NG lrar roost " 70 0 ft. 2' ft. to. INNER C'A51N(; FJl1 VR0(( ''�•10 ft. i all. 17. SCRF EN rn(Ytl : 1t1 2' n.12' ft. ft J L In. GROUT FROM It) 0 ft Ilkared wenn OR LINER (if a n t1f 4hkl I'P,'4 iTr,R Tt11C1ivrS5 N7.ATENI11 sch 40 PVC 1 IIBING t .Meted (4:44.471u9.171Cart illikAISSI . _. ..__.- nissiltTEn slat'`ei%J' I innkYh�tti IF.;TItNNYI. ft i" IA. .010 Isch 40 1 PVC i In. 1 12' ft. MiTEktsi_ F 11PL%CEMENT !ff.i1iOD A AMOUNT portland trimmie ft. (t, l'. ;Xri` g i1ZItAYL 1 ,ttK rif htlicaAlei 040►l - rU I MA rFRtAI 1' ft. 12' ft. Sand I4141MAt:FAICS1'htr?linll lit ft.. ft. IS. DRILLING LOG (iiHi h adlNlional+hlYtt if Iwt'tSrxrti) FROM1 fl) PF..4(RIET7oYi nibr.furdaviA,',4'rn4a wit. rr7rdi ' 0 ft.. 12' n, gray and black slity sand ft. r1. tt ft. ft. ft. ft. n. MAR 0 1 2016 -� ,....., ILA �• ...�...., .>,.. .rrr ,�Si:','I �r::�.a'A"✓'.:., I.. r 21. ttChtAltity Set temporary well to get water sample then pull a 22. Certification: 2/6/2018 wymr,Ir':,:'.. i','Rr 1 ri °r•-)n nr, Rr, iJq" ,.. at if•y„=. ;. .y,'.....Pb'Si'ir j -d ,If •,1 :'llUAf r' loth r 1 .,.C.+lt' ti'i; ''110, or )r,l 4r ' if.'rri :.J;I0)li','ii(,•'Mot. ;ion Sr, 444,,4%:d1d,/,r1 . `ft • .rr (fiir re:•1.14 Ihtt ta'r 1J r,J TAW t, JiH tl li ,,li'JIr•t. 2J. Site d&ARrlltrl fir additional well details: ti'tra Piny nse ib bock u1 <lus Lilt' I„ pi'titfe ikill1140re111 144J1 it dtt lls tit ttelI .ulistrvt lion delrtits ' Olt niur I14J atl;lCI, ltdtii(rc tilt pages if necessary.. �L@ML L ri"1101.‘61 ita. Fur An Wellst Stibtitil tins lnnn ;intnn .IU days't rinrptbiitni of hilt .onsimcnan to ihk follnning Division of Water Remit nres. Information Pruer_ssing Unit. 1617 hind Service ('enter. Raleigh. NC- 27699-1617 24b. for tfijE'(tittj ) oll Osii.Y: in addition to sending lilt f ni to the ;lddrtss tit .lboso. Also submit .i t:upt trt this lotto nithtm to days of eun,plutltrtt of well tiiitstnittiou to theEt.'I Ion ing Division of Water Resources. Underground injection Control Pnikram. i6J6 Mail Ser4iee Center. R1Ficleil. NC 27699-1636 2ft. For Water Snppt12. & fnjcetkrn Welk: Also submit irk; ..)pc tit' Illis form WIIh111 +1 Jots olcoinplettntn of uctl cuI1.5triu;tinn to the county health department of the eounn• where .ort!tnictcd 1- 11n, (1'it -1 `vurth C.,nrhtia 1?: t nnlillt of ire+ani:in and Natural?:'sourcch - 11I. aI1)11 Tf Nr.tur Rcsotrce Iteswed..sugust tie I CATLIN Engineers and Scientists February 14, 2018 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Re: NC Well Construction and/or Abandonment Record(s) Rapid Refueler JACKSONVILLE, North Carolina CATLIN Project No.: 217011 To Whom It May Concern: Post Office Box 10279 Wilmington, North Carolina 28404-0279 Telephone: (910) 452-5861 Fax: (910) 452-7563 www.catlinusa.com RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR FEB 6 018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office CATLIN Engineers and Scientists (CATLIN) recently constructed and/or abandoned well(s) at the above referenced site. Attached to this letter are completed North Carolina Well Construction Records and/or North Carolina Well Abandonment Records with associated Attachment(s) for the above referenced site located at MCAS New River in JACKSONVILLE, North Carolina, If you have any questions or require any additional information, please feel free to contact us at (910) 452-5861. Sincerely, Michael E. Mason, PE Project Manager Enclosures S \GINT\PROJECTS1211111.30_RAPID REFUELER.GPJ.«DrawingFileSpec> WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 447100 For Internal Use ONLY' This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR Well Contractor Name 4146A FLIJ 2 6 2018 NC Well Contractor Certification Number Water Quality Regional CATLIN Engineers and Scientis �l4?'ilOperations Section minenn Resift, ral OfYU'e Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A List all applicable well permits (r.e. County, State, Variance, Infection, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: CI Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) O Industrial/Commercial O Irrigation ❑Municipal/Public ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑ Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: ®Monitoring 0 Recovery Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑ Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) °Groundwater Remediation °Salinity Barrier O Stormwater Drainage O Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 11/09/17 Well ID#: USTRF-MW50 5a. Well Location: Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) MCAS New River, JACKSONVILLE, NC Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 14, WATER ZONE, FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. rt. rt. ft. lg. kOat.LOING ORTURTIGYit Ott iniuit WO FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft. 3 ri. 2 in. Sch. 40 PVC •t6Ot1TERCASING frormakl-eaied*s)OR LINER rifrs' itablet FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in. FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 3 rt. 13 n. 2 in. Slot .010 Sch. 40 PVC ft. ft. in. tti okOur FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 rt. 1 rt. Portland Cement Surface Pour 1 ft. ft. 2 rt. ft. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour ik SAND/GRAM PACK frf spoil able) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 2 rt. 13 rt. #2 Medium Sand Surface Pour ft. ft. 20.1ARE11:I1i6 LUG (shack Additional sheets if eeces j FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness. soil rock type, grain size, etc ) ft. ft. ft. _ r tie' rt 2-( C� F � P4. - apt r,LYJ sit .f 21. REMARKS 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22. Certification: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34.711038288 N-77.445941687 w 6. Is (are) the well(s): ®Permanent or OTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: I7Yes or ®No !)this is a rbpair, Jill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under remarks section or on the back of this Jorm. 8. Number of wells constructed: For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one Jorm. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 13 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths in different (example- 3 u 200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 8.6 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "-" 11. Borehole diameter: (in.) 12. Well construction method: HSA 1 (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: Signature of Certified Well Contractor �= 7 2/14/2018 Date By signing this fonn, 1 hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) cons tntcied in accordance with ISA NCAC 02C .0100 or I SA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Injection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Svpaly & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Adapted from Form GW- I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 W LL LOG CATLIN Engineers and Scientists 2101 . WilmmgronNC SHEET1 OF 1 PROJECT NO.: 217011 STATE: NC COUNTY: ONSLOW LOCATION: JACKSONVILLE PROJECT NAME: MCAS New River LOGGED BY: Chris Alexander WELL ID: DRILLER: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. NORTHING: 353422 EASTING: 2467015 CREW: Eddie Swain USTRF-MW50 SYSTEM: NCSP NAD 83 (USft) BORING LOCATION: MCAS NEW RIVER T.O.C. ELEV.: 21.42 DRILL MACHINE: D50 METHOD: HSA 0 HOUR DTW: N/A TOTAL DEPTH:13.0 START DATE: 11/9/17 END DATE: 11 /9/17 24 HOUR DTW: 8.6 WELL DEPTH: 13.0_, DEPTH BLOW 0.5ft 0.5ft COUNT 0.5ft 0.5ft OVA% (ppm) LAB o s o G SOIL AND ROCK DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEVATION WELL DETAIL 0.0 LAND SURFACE 21.4 0.0 0.0 2 3 4 M • • (SM) - Gray to brown, silty, f. SAND 2.0 19.4 0.0 - a Q . = = 1.0 2.0 9 (ML) - Gray, sandy, SILT with orange mottling • 3.0 18.4 3.0 2.0 s (SC) - Gray to tan, clayey, f. SAND with orange mottling - 4.0 4.3 17.1 — = 1 1 1 i W j (CH) - Tan, CLAY, high plasticity with orange mottling and HCO 5.6 15.8 - — .. ' `''^ (SM) - Gray to black to tan, silty, f. SAND with strong i I I I I I I I I I I w 2" Slot .010 Sch. 40 PVC IllllIIIIU Illlillllllll1l]I1,I.IIIJI1WMEHIIIJ.LIII.1IIW 011.tIIIlI1 6.0 0 2 Sat. `'` `�.'. .. .`' to moderate HCO 8.0 m 3 I 2 fi'; ° RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR FEB 2 6 2018 Water Quality Regional 10.0 t= a t; uu.. _ LL L. - re 2 3 2 2 ;. ..�.'. :. ,✓,. / Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office 12.0 F - 13.0 1 3 :� . .�..: . 13.0 8.4 e c - c z c cL f a BORING TERMINATED AT ELEVATION 8.4 ft in silty, f. SAND Portland Cement Bentonite Pellets r #2 Medium Sand CATLIN Engineers and Scientists January 31, 2018 riSeSOUrcos FEB 1 2 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Re: NC Well Construction and/or Abandonment Record(s) ATLANTIC FIELD -SPRAY FIELD ATLANTIC, North Carolina CATLIN Project No.: 217085 To Whom It May Concern: Post Office Box 10279 Wilmington, North Carolina 28404-0279 Telephone: (910) 452-5861 Fax: (910) 452-7563 www.catlinusa.com CATLIN Engineers and Scientists (CATLIN) recently constructed and/or abandoned well(s) at the above referenced site. Attached to this letter are completed North Carolina Well Construction Records and/or North Carolina Well Abandonment Records with associated Attachment(s) for the above referenced site located at in ATLANTIC, North Carolina. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please feel free to contact us at (910) 452-5861. Sincerely, Shane Chasteen, P.G. Project Manager Enclosures S:IGINT\PROJECTS \217085_ATALNTIC FIELD -SPRAY FIELD.GPJ,«DrawingFileSpec» RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR FEB 2 6 ?018 Water Quality Regional Oerations Section Wilmington Regional Office This form can be used for single or multiple «ells 1. Well Contractor Information: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. Well Contractor Name 4146A NC Well Contractor Certification Number WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR FEB 2 6 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section CATLIN Engineers and ScientistVilmington Regional Office Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A List ail upphcuhlr: well permits (r. e. ('otavr, Store, I iuironre•, intechon, etc.) 3. Well I'se (check well use): 1Vater Supply %Veil: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating.' Cooling Supply) ❑Industrial 'Commercial ❑ Irrigation ❑ Municipal Puhlic ❑Residential Water Supply (single) ❑ Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Yell: ® Monitoring ❑Recovery Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test OExperimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating tooling Return) O Groundwater Remediation ❑Salinity Barrier ❑ Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under 421 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 11/09/17 11'eIl ID#: USTRF-MW51 5a. Yell Location: Facility'Owner Name Facility (D! (if applicable) MCAS New River, JACKSONVILLE, NC • Physical Address, City. and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: if wel l field, one !along is sufficient) 34.710869764 N-77.445887809 6. Is (are) the well(s): ®Permanent or OTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: Ol'es or No I/'lhrs is a re)uur, hill our known well construction affirmation and explain rite nature of the repot. under 21 remarks section or on the hack ol'rhrs titter. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For mulrrple infection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the sante construction, you can submit one firm. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 13 (ft.) 1-7u' mtrlrrple wells list all depths to dttkrcnt (example- 3 u 200' and 2 cr /OO l 10. Static water level below top of casing: 6.8 (ft.) li'wuler• level is above casing, use 1 I. Borehole diameter: 8 (in.) 12. (Veil construction method: HSA (r.e. auger. rotun, cable, clover push. eta) FOR (PATER SUPPLY' WELLS ONLY': 13a. field (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: For Internal L'se ONLY r4 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. IS. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothernal dosed -loop) . -. FRONI TO DLAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft. 3 n. 2 in. Sch. 40 PVC 16. OUTER CASING (for motti-cased ivdlslOR LINER (if applicable FRONI TO DLA.METER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in, 17. SCREEN . FRONI TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 3 rt. 13 ft. 2 in. Slot .010 Sch. 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 1S. GROUT . FRO\I TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT NIETHOD & AMOUNT 0 rt. 1 rt. Portland Cement _ Surface Pour 1 rt. n. 2 n. rt. Bent. Pellets Surface Pour 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK () applicable) FRO\I TO MATERIAL ENIPLACE\1ENT METHOD 2 n. 13 rt. #2 Medium Sand Surface Pour ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color. hardness. sorb rock type. grain size. etc I ft. ft. n. n. �� n. ft. - fool rt. ft. G� ft. -�'( P ft. ft. EC VE ai 21. REMARKS FE 9, 2 2018 22. Certification: (1Q/t;:... Signature of Certified well Contractor :;) 2/19/2018 Date He srgnnlg tins./firm. 1 herchy cerrrfi' that the trell(.e1 was !were) crul.:rrucIec/rn uccmr:mncx' uuh 13.4 ,V( :a(' 02('.0100 or ISA AY :4(02('.02(1(1 [I'd/ ('om7nrcfunVon:lardr and that a copy thrs record has here provided to the Hell muter. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Svpplv & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Adapted from Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) 1. Well Contractor Information: For Internal Use Only: 446648 Justin Radford Well Contractor Name 3270-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Geological Resources, Inc. Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: NA RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR FEB 13 2018 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office List all applicable well construction permits (Le. UIC, County, State, Variance, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: OAgricultural DGeothennal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Olndustrial/Commercial I"Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test OExperimental Technology OGeothermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) OMunicipal/Public Residential Water Supply (single) DResidential Water Supply (shared) ORecovery OGroundwater Remediation ED Salinity Barrier [3Stormwater Drainage Subsidence Control OTracer Other (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 1/11/18 Well no TW-1 5a. Well Location: Speedway 8289 Facility/Owner Name 35920 Facility ID# (if applicable) 1495 Burgaw Highway, Jacksonville 28540 Physical Address, City. and Zip Onslow 435611555926 County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one laVlong is sufficient) 34.7460480 N 77.4835650 u, 6. Is(are) the well(s)Ox Permanent or EllTemporary 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION 5 ft' 75 ft.sanNUay4 mestom ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER if a licable FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft. 48 ft. 6 in. sch 40 pvc 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 H. 70' ft. 2„ in, sch 40 P. ft. ft. In. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 70 ft. 75 ft. 2 in. 0.010 sch 40 pvc ft. ft. in. IS. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 ft. 48 ft* cement grout tremmie/pump 0 ft. 65 ft. cement grout tremmie/pump 65 ft. 67 ft' bentonite pour 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (If applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 67 ft. 75 ft. #2 sand pour ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain size, otc.) 0 ft• 14 ft• Tan fine sand and silt 14 ft• 32 ft' Grey sandy silt w/ wood 32 ft. 40 ft. Tan silt 40 IL 46 ft• Orange coarse sand 46 ft. so ft' Limestone fragments 50 ft, 68 ft. Grey silt/clay w/ shells 68 ft• 75 ft• Grey coarse sand wi shells 21. REMARKS - 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: OYes or ONo g V.".Ifthis is a repair, fill out known well construction information and tape Hate if q '" repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells hfrhe9atbe 2018 construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 9. Total well depth below land surface: 75' CGI/t't (t,) For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3@200' and 2@I00') 10. Static water level below top of casing: 10.54' If water level is above casing. use "+ " 11. Borehole diameter: 6•511 (in.) 12. Well construction method: mud rotary (ft.) (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: 22. Cerlificano Sig re LtfelJ'ontra i.r ified W 01/12/18 Date B igning this form, 1 hereby ctify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance lilt 15,4 NCAC 02C .0100 or 15,4 NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a py.of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Fonn GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) 1. Well Contractor Information: John Salmon Well Contractor Name 3497-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Applied Resource Management, P.C. Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. 111C, County, State, Variance. etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: Agricultural Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) industriaUCommercial X Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: Monitoring DMunicipal/Public DResidential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (shared) Recovery Injection Well: Aquifer Recharge Aquifer Storage and Recovery Aquifer Test Experimental Technology Geothermal (Closed Loop) Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 7/24/17 5a. Well Location: Wayne Morton DGroundwater Remediation Salinity Barrier EJStormwater Drainage ®ISubsidence Control Tracer Other (explain under if21 Remarks) Well ID# N/A N/A Facility/Owner Name Facility IDil (if applicable) 326 Creedmoor Road, Jacksonville, NC Physical Address, City, and Zip Onslow County 053257 Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 34 45 40.8128 N 77 21 21.3102 W 6. Is(are) the well(s)JX Permanent or DTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ©Yes or XDNo 1 f this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair sunder 4'21 remarks section or on the hack of this form. 8. For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed -Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction, only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 9. Total well depth below land surface: 80 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3@200 • and 2@l001 10. Static water level below top of casing: 14 (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 7 7/8 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Mud Rotary (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) 80 Method of test: Airlift 13b. Disinfection type: HTH Amount: 3% @ 10 gallons For Internal Use Only: 445863 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. - 15. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (if ap livable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft• 60 ft• 4 1n. SCH40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal closed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. is ft, ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 60 ft• 80 ft• 4 in. .010 SCH40 PVC ft. ft. in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METI OD & AMOUNT 0 ft. 60 ft• Bentonite Poured ft, ft. ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 60 tt• 80 ft• Coarse Poured ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soil/rock type, grain size, etc) 0 ft• 20 ft. White clay and sand 20 ft• 45 rt• Yellow clay sand ir CEIVEIWNCDENRIDW- Gray clay layered limestone 45 ft. 55 ft. 55 ft. 65 ft• Limestone and shelf 65 ft• 80 ft. Limestone ft. ft. WQROS `CC fr. ft. Fkiti V 11V1- Uri 21. REMARKS AUG `, i 2017 22. Certification: loforrnatiof rocessing DWC»OG 07/24/17 ature of Certified Well Contractor Date By .signing this form, 1 herehy certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with I5A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15,4 NCAC 02C .0200 Well Canstn,ction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additiell details: r You may use the back of t ��''66KI t . + <tr vyg11 site details or well constmction details. You may also attach ad. t non • . necessary. SUI3MiTTAL INSTRUCTION p Q nn 24a. For All Wells: Submit this Form s''thlh'b'QQ days of completion of well construction to the following:: }Q, Division of Water K ttt(r , Ot11Irocessing Unit, 1617 Mail p�NC 27699-1617 In on PegicnaI Office 24b. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the onn to the address in 24a above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Iniection Welts: In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. ICE Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. Well Contractor Name 4146A NC Well Contractor Certification Number CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, Injection, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑ Agricultural ❑ Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Irrigation ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Residential Water Supply (single) ❑ Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water Supply Well: 0 Monitoring (8)Recovery Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑ Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑ Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Groundwater Remediation OSalinity Barrier ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑ Subsidence Control O Tracer ❑Other (explain under #2I Remarks) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 06/22/17 Well no: USTCGI-MW28 5a. Well Location: Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) MSAC New River, JACKSONVILLE Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is (are) the well(s): ®Permanent or ['Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or No If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this brim 8. Number of welts constructed: For nttdtiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, your can submit one fornr. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 26 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths in different (example- 3@200' and 2@ 100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: (ft.) If water level is above casing. use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 8 (in.) 12. Well construction method: 6.25" H.S.A. (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 1 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: 14. WATER ZONES PROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. rt. rt. ft. 15. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal dosed -loop) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 et. 6 ft. 4 in. Sch. 40 PVC 16. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wens) OR LINER (if applicable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in, ft. ft. in, 17. SCREEN PROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZF. THICKNESS MATERAAI. 6 ft. 26 ft. 4 in. Slot .010 Sch. 40 PVC . ft. ft. in. 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT M1111OD & AMOUNT ft. ft. 2 rt. 4 rt. ft. rt. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 4 rt. 26 rt. #2 Medium Sand ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DISCRIMON (color. hardness. soil/rock type. Brain size. etc../ ft. Ft. n. ft. rt. ft. ceG see. VVV O ft. ft. ft. 01 NGNNI ft. jft. i. ,..I B `.. 21. REMARKS JAN 0 ' 20% 22. Certification: Signature of Certified Well Contrac or : neur!Yti3ttpfl Nrot.-p.mwng U i( 0W Q/BCy( 12/19/2017 Date By signing this fora, I hereby certify that the uelt(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with ISA NCAC 02C .0100 or ISA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the %etl owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details, You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the followinRE`+�ruE�/NCDEN(p� ppi�pp Division of Water Resources, Informatfotf IWcessing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Injection Wells ONL"L41 Ocfri nding the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this fnfrm within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Water Quasi Division of Water Repk;pg R e,- '' ction Control Program, 1636 Mail r3 rF ' n C 27699-1636 a1VPe�j� •- • ice 24c. For Water SvPply & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed, Adapted from Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 LOG CATLIN Engineers and Scientists 21ELL 0073 Wilmington, NC SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NO.: 210073 STATE: NC COUNTY: Onslow LOCATION: Jacksonville PROJECT NAME: MCAS New River PPV Site - CSA LOGGED BY: Justin Heter WELL ID: USTCG1- MW28 DRILLER: John E. Wood, III NORTHING: 3845334 EASTING: 273632 CREW: Tom Stetier SYSTEM: UTM NAD83 (m) BORING LOCATION: Next to MWO4 T.O.C. ELEV.: 24.30 DRILL MACHINE: CME 45B ATV METHOD: H.S. Augers 0 HOUR DTW: N/A TOTAL DEPTH: 11.5 START DATE: 04/29/11 END DATE: 04/29/11 24 HOUR DTW: N/A WELL DEPTH: 11.5 DEPTH BLOW 0.5ft COUNT 0.5ft 0.5ft 0.5ft OVA (ppm) LAB o S o G SOIL AND ROCK DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEVATION WELL DETAIL 0.0 LAND SURFACE 24,5 nn — 4.0 f (SC) - Clayey SAND FILL. 2.0 22.5 , , , I i III III I I 1 1 , t 1 Ili II t i N C 2" Slot .010 2" Sch. 40 PVC Sch. 40 PVC fIIIIIIII U IJIIIIIILJIIIIILIILIIJI1IIIIIJIIIIIIILIJIJIII�II U �111111 1_ 01 0 O N 4.0 20.5 No return on sample. 6.0 18.5 _ 1 0 NM 9.0 9.0 15.5 (SC) - Grayish -brown f. SAND to Clayey SAND. Uniform. Tr. HCO. Moderate plasticity. Soft/loose. 11.0 13.5 — 1 1 74.4 Sat. f�% : -` /% 11.5 BORING TERMINATED AT ELEVATION 13.0 ft RECEIVED/NCDENR/DWR JAND82018 Water Quality Regional - Wfl Operations Section - gton Regional Office - — - _ Portland Cement VOW Vett Bentonite Pellets #2 Medium Sand WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information: D.T. Chalmers, Jr. Well Contractor Name 4146A NC Well Contractor Certification Number CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: N/A List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, Injection, etc.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑ Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: 0 Monitoring ❑Municipal/Public D Residential Water Supply (single) ❑ Residential Water Supply (shared) ® Recovery Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑ Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Groundwater Remediation ❑ Salinity Barrier ❑ Stormwater Drainage ❑ Subsidence Control DTracer DOther (explain under #21 Remarks) For internal Use ONLY: .146603. 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 06/22J17 Well ID#: USTCGI-MW32 5a. Well Location: Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) MSAC New River, JACKSONVILLE Physical Address, City, and Zip ONSLOW County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field. one lat/long is sufficient) N W 6. Is (are) the well(s): ®Permanent or OTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: OYes or No If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this foram. 8. Number of wells constructed: For,nuitiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the sane construction, you can subunit one fitrm. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 26 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths in different (example- 3@200' and 2@ 100) 10. Static water level below top of casing: If water level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 8 (in.) 12. Well construction method: 6.25" H.S.A. (i.e. auger, rotav, cable, direct push, etc.) 1 (ft.) 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. ft. ft. 15. INNER CASING OR TUBING (geothermal dosed•Ioop) — FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 rt. 6 ft. 4 in. Sch. 40 PVC 16. OUTER CASING (for multi -cased wells) OR LINER (if applicable) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 6 rt. 26 rt. 4 in. Slot .010 Sch. 40 PVC ft. ft. in. 1& GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT ft. ft. 2 ft. 4 ft. ft. ft. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL 1:S11'EACEMENTMETHOD 4 ft. 26 ft. #2 Medium Sand ft. rt. 20. DRILLING LOG (attach additional sheets if necessary) IROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness. soil/rock type. grain size, etc.) ft. ft. ft. ft. rt. set._ O ft. rt. 11.‘GIrW rt. - n..l 21. REMArRKS I� I V 34_ E) JAN 0 9 2O FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: 22. Certification: Signature of Certified Well Contractor 11101 06 ion Proc int9 Uti►s5 12/19/2017 Date By signing thisfornr, ! hereby certify that the well(s) was (here) constructed in accordance with !SA NCAC 02C.0100 or ISA NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additingERSINGDENNWR You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTION 0 $ 2018 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following:Water Quality Regional Operatio Section Division of Watel/11> A4Hoh r rr1 cessing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, • elgf, 699-1617 24b. For Infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. For Water Supply & Infection Wells: Also submit one copy of this foml within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Adapted from Form GW-I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL LOG r..CATLIN Engineers and Scientists 00'3 SHEET 1 OF 1 Wilmington. NC PROJECTNO.: 210073 STATE: NC COUNTY: Onslow LOCATION: Jacksonville LOGGED BY: WELL ID: PROJECT NAME: MCAS New River PPV Site - CSA DRILLER: William J. Miller • USTCGI- MW32 NORTHING: 38453361 EASTING: 273629 CREW: SYSTEM: UTM NAD83 (m) BORING LOCATION: T.O.C. ELEV.: 24.25 DRILL MACHINE: Diedrich D-50 METHOD: HSA 0 HOUR DTW: N/A TOTAL DEPTH: 17.0 START DATE: 02/28/12 END DATE: 02/28/12 24 HOUR DTW: 2.0 WELL DEPTH: 17.0 DEPTH 0.5ft BLOW 0.sn COUNT 0.5ft 0.6ft OVA IPPm) LAB o a L ° G SOIL AND ROCK DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEVATION WELL DETAIL 0.0 LAND SURFACE 24.4 0.0 (SP/SM) - Dark brown, vf. SAND to SILT. Tr. organics. Tr. clay. Loose/soft. No odor. ' 2.0 22.4 - 0.10 d co 2.0 te z 0.8 • 1.6 - - . : �‘ (SP/SM) - S.A.A. w/ tr. sub -rounded qiz. gravels. Tr. - day w/ mod. plasticity. Tr. wood/roots. Gap -graded. No odor. 4.0 20.4 - .: 2 h. �..... a.. li ::,. -% _ .,/ '�' 1;418.412 (SP/SC) - Dk brown, f. SAND w/ some mod. plasticity _ Clay. Tr. rounded qtz. gravels. Loose/soft. Gap -graded. No odor. 6.0 - =" =y}' 2,; �(:`. _ : 2 e, (SP/SC) - Brown to dk brown, f. SAND to SILT w/ some Clay w/ mod. plasticity. Uniform. Slight to moderate fuel odor. 8.0 164 - • C 2 2'L mism -:; - / ... (SP/SC) - S.A.A. Dk brown to grayish -brown color. Moderate fuel odor. 10.0 14.4 _ 2aa t"w C:>:; E(.. �:!,.. - - _ .. ...V A (SP/SC) - Grayish -brown, f. SAND w/ some Clay. Mod. plasticity. Loose/Soft. Uniform. Strong HCO odor. 12.0 12.4 - 2.j--.: 25_, �..i.- c.H*/ c - z(SP) P - _ Z. c - . - Light brown to light grayish -brown, f. SAND. Tr. wood frags. Uniform. Loose to med. dense. Mod. to strong fuel odor. 14.0 10.4 _ 2.._. �::, E:::5 - u. `a - c 3 lel ec ... (SP) - S.A.A. No odor. : 16.0 8.4 _ - 2':' =-`i a:. (-. c z - ..:: (SP) - S.A.A. No odor. 17.0 7.4 _ 16.5 17.0 ..,. p `. 117.0 f a 17.0 c c c z c c z_ - BORING TERMINATED AT ELEVATION 7.4 ft _ entonite Pellets _� Portland Cement